#mayra wayne
wewerecore · 11 months
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 024 10/26/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay launched into his opening spiel but the attention of the audience quickly turned toward a side entrance as Homicide made his way inside the building. Homicide weaved through the crowd and into the ring where he motioned for a microphone. Homicide didn't want to wait until Jim Thorpe and called Titus Alexander to the ring right now. Sudu and Raven explained from the commentary booth that Alexander wasn't in the building tonight, and as they did Black Generation International member Bendito emerged through the curtain. Sudu sent us to the opening video package and promised to cut back to the action should things kick off during the intro.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Homicide vs. Bendito Homicide defeated Bendito with a Cop Killa. (5:02)
- After the match Homicide hit a second Cop Killa on Bendito and threatened more of the same for Titus Alexander at the anniversary show.
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Tetsuya Izuchi vs. The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex Tetsuya Izuchi defeated The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex via submission Izuchi countered a discus punch into a hammerlock. (3:05)
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- After the match we joined Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup as she previewed the card taking place tomorrow night at Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe. - Daphne Oz announced a match between Tromba and Tetsuya Izuchi to showcase CORE's strategic alliances. - Daphne then sent us to comments from the new tag team of Hyan and Kylie Paige, united by their dismissals from the TrustBusters Reserve and Kerry Morton's faction respectively. We then get comments from one of their opponents and her manager, Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose. Despite their recent winning streak, Athena decided that Aminata should team with the returning Minion In Training Billie Starkz instead of Rose. When we rejoin Oz, she mentions rumors of grumblings from Kerry Morton and his stablemates about Billie Starkz making her return to CORE after Starkz and Nick Wayne abandoned the group back in July at The Long Mirror Of Time in Wilkes-Barre.
- A promo video aired set to "Living On A Thin Line" by The Kinks. The video was made up of a montage of close up images - wrists being taped, boots being tied, left hands connecting with chins, sweat dripping down chests, gritted teeth, and a thumb being dragged across a throat. We pull out to reveal Brock Anderson and CW Anderson working together and hitting a pair of stereo spinebusters on their hapless training partners. The Andersons, coming soon to CORE.
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Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Mylo and Mighty Mayra Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina defeated Mylo and Mighty Mayra with a release German suplex from Catalina to Mayra. (4:30)
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Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor defeated TrustBusters Reserve with a 450 Splash from Mathers on Khash. (6:15)
- Sonny Kiss headed to the ring accompanied by Trench and JeeVeS Kay. Sonny Kiss said that Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop were able to beat Starboy and Mathers, but that as soon as you add Invictus Khash to the equation a loss will soon follow. Sonny informed Khash that he can now go back to where he belongs, losing without an entrance on Ring Of Honor because he has been kicked out of the TrustBusters Reserve. Trench made a move toward Khash, but Invictus struck first with a punch to Trench's liver which dropped Trench to his knees. Khash turned toward Big Dan and Bishop and claimed he told them that the reason Sonny interfered to help Trench beat Hyan is because Trench is here to be Sonny's muscle, to protect Sonny from them. Invictus turned back toward Sonny and called for Big Dan and Bishop to back him up. When Khash advanced but sensed no one at his side, he turned around into a Vader Attack from Big Dan. JeeVeS Kay set a table up outside of the ring and Bishop hoisted Khash up for a Bishop Bomb from the ring and to the floor through the table. The TrustBusters and the TrustBusters Reserve walked off together as CORE officials, Hyan, and Kylie Paige tended to Khash.
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Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby - These two young talents were very evenly matched and exchanged holds with neither gaining a serious advantage. Mason caught Bosby in a front facelock and pressed him against the mat, Bosby broke the hold by rolling them both out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the floor. On the outside of the ring Bosby went for a double leg takedown on Mason, this drove both men through the ring apron and under the ring. Bosby pulled Mason out from beneath the ring and tossed him back inside, where Mason appeared dazed. Mason used the ropes to get back on wobbly legs, but Bosby pressed the advantage and hit a rip cord lariat on Mason and got the pinfall. Tim Bosby defeated Shaw Mason with a rip cord lariat. (8:40)
- After the match, Bosby went to shake Mason's hand, but Shaw had his attention focused on looking under the ring apron. Raven made his way to ringside to find out what was going on, and Mason said that when they went under the ring he felt something strike the side of his head and he was trying to see what it was. Mason had a CORE official give him one of the pouches fans are required to put their cell phones in before the tapings and Shaw used the phone as a flashlight to continue his search under the ring. Hunter Holdcraft had made his way out at this point and he talked with Bosby who was clearly annoyed that Mason hadn't acknowledged his victory.
- We return from commercial and Shaw Mason is still looking under the ring. Raven talked with Bosby who theorized that Mason hit his head on the edge of the apron and maybe that's why he's acting so strange. Mason emerged from below the ring and said that he was hit in the side of the head, not the back of the head. Mason made his way to the commentary booth and wanted to watch the replay of the footage. Mason watched the monitors but the angles were inconclusive. Hunter Holdcraft got on the microphone and said that he thinks this series of matches has been good for folkstyle, but that Shaw is being a bit of a poor sport. Mason made his way back to ringside and conceded that Holdcraft was right, he shook hands with Bosby and said he'll do everything he can to make sure Bosby is ready for Filthy Tom Lawlor tomorrow night in Jim Thorpe.
- Sudu ran down the entire card for the 15th Anniversary show, including a new match that has just been signed. The Southern 6 of Kerry Morton, Thrillbilly Silas Mason, Alex Taylor, and Kenzie Paige will team with Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers to take on The TrustBusters of Sonny Kiss, Slim J, and JeeVeS Kay and The TrustBusters Reserve of Big Dan Champion, Joshua Bishop, and Trench.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Tromba vs. Tetsuya Izuchi 02. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Tim Bosby 03. Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz (with Raychell Rose) vs. Hyan and Kylie Paige 04. The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) and The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Trench) 05. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 06. Titus Alexander vs. Homicide 07. 2023 Trios Kingdom Winners - The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania for our FINAL Dorney Park taping of the season. 10/29/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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cezzysims · 5 years
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Birthday party! Wallace teen, perceptive Whitney teen, Lucky Horace Lucas died Rocio toddler Jonah Kyle & Candace Rodgers dating Johnpaul Gardner elder Chadd Macias teen Oswald Cobblepot [Penguin] died Keenan Timbley child Nicholas Tetch child Kanaya Maryam, YA Equius Zahhak, YA Sterling Wynn, YA Ben Wayne, teen Gabriella in labor Baby 15! (Isaac Grant, good & athletic) Mayra Wayne & Sterling Wynn broke up Isaiah Grayson shows up to look at his son Eridan Ampora & Felicity MacDuff dating Bailee Whitaker & Pip Goodfellow engaged Felipe Pok & Marigold Maldano engaged Shelly Crocker born to Jane Crocker and Tristan Van Gould Jake English and Emelie Van Gould break up Tristian Van Gould & Miranda Alston dating Whitney quick makeover Rosemarie (Wolff) & Branch Timbley expecting Jane Crocker & Lorenzo Whitaker dating Eileen Goodfellow toddler Leland Timbley toddler Terezi Pyrope, YA Aradia Megido, YA Jack Napier [Joker] died Juliet Durwood teen Justin Wolff born to Victoria (Swain) and Rudy Wolff
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ukrfeminism · 3 years
Forty-one women have been killed in cases where a male suspect has been charged since Sarah Everard’s killing.
Campaigners told The Independent the public has become “numb” to male violence against women and girls as they hit out the government for failing to implement proper measures to tackle the issue.
Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive, went missing after leaving a friend’s flat in Clapham in South London at about 9pm on 3 March. Her body was later found in woodland in Kent and Wayne Couzens, a serving Metropolitan Police officer, was charged with her kidnap and murder.
Couzens pleaded guilty on Tuesday to the kidnapping and rape of Everard - with the 48-year-old also admitting responsibility for her killing but not yet entering a plea to the charge he murdered her.
The figure of 41 women killed since 9 March - the date Mr Couzens was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping Everard - originates from a project started by Karen Ingala Smith called Counting Dead Women.
Ms Ingala Smith told The Independent all of the women had been killed in the UK other than two British citizens who died abroad. One of these was Mayra Zulfiqar, a Londoner who was shot and strangled in Pakistan, and the other was Caroline Crouch, a 20-year-old woman living in Athens who was strangled and tortured.
“So many people thought the disappearance and killing of Sarah Everard was a watershed moment,” Ms Ingala Smith said. “Even at the time, I didn’t share that optimism. There is no evidence of any real will to tackle men’s violence against women from the government.”
Ms Everard’s case triggered an outpouring of anger as women shared their own personal stories about being sexually harassed, assaulted, or abused by men in public spaces, with many blaming the government and authorities for failing to take violence against women sufficiently seriously.
Ms Ingala Smith said the problem of male violence would not be solved unless the “not fit for purpose” criminal justice system is majorly reformed.
She added: “If a woman is older, black, and has a foreign-sounding name and she is killed by a man who has been treating her badly for 40 years, her murder is accepted as normal. It is seen as inevitable not newsworthy as long as we think like that it will continue to be normal and inevitable.”
Rosa, a charity which funds grassroots women's organisations, told The Independent over half a million pounds has been raised in Ms Everard’s memory and they are now deciding where the money will be donated.
Rebecca Gill, executive director of Rosa, said the majority of the £545,000 had been raised by Reclaim These Streets activists but noted the aim is to raise one million pounds in total.
She said it is “profoundly upsetting” male violence is often overlooked by both society and the government as she warned there is a lack of funding at a national and local government level for specialist organisations tackling such issues.
Ms Gill added: “This is particularly an issue for organisations led by and for black and minoritised women and girls. We are so used to male violence that it is not considered absolutely shocking.
“Behind the murders of women, there are millions of women in the UK suffering domestic abuse in their lifetimes, and most women in the UK will have a story about horrific street harassment she has endured from a man.
“This shouldn’t be an acceptable way of living. We have to keep that alarm bell ringing. At the same time, we have to support women who are experiencing these issues. I worry we are numb. Male violence is seen as so normal we have stopped noticing it. But it is devastating for those women.”
Ms Gill noted Rosa will be using the money raised in Ms Everard’s memory to fund specialist grassroots organisations “led by and for women and girls” which are “rooted in their communities” across the UK.
“The funding is life-changing for women because it reaches organisations women trust,” she added.
A woman is killed by a current or ex-partner every four days in England and Wales, while one in four women will suffer domestic abuse at some point during their lives.
Meanwhile, a recent survey by UN Women found 97 per cent of young women in the UK said they had been sexually harassed, while 80 per cent reported experiencing sexual harassment in public spaces. Researchers polled more than 1,000 women aged between 18 to 24 and found the sexual harassment included being groped, followed and coerced into sexual activity.
While campaigners have long warned rape has been effectively decriminalised in the country, with prosecutions and convictions for sexual assault and rape reaching record lows last year. Government data shows in the year to March 2020 that just 1.4 per cent of 55,130 rape cases recorded by police resulted in prosecution.
“Men who are violent don’t wake up one day and commit atrocious acts,” Ms Gill said. “They have been doing it for years and they are doing it in plain sight. These things are patterns of behaviour which are overlooked, ignored and blind-eyed for too long.”
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srose-foxfire · 4 years
Damirae - Vet AU
A/N: Hi! Welcome to my page this is my first ever Damirae fanfic, so I hope you enjoy!
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“Thank you again for what you did for Titus, Dr. Roth.”
“It’s my job Mr. Wayne. Please stay safe. You be a good doggie, okay Titus? You were the best patient I ever had.” Raven knelt down to pat the great black Dane on his head, he barked at her happily before his owner Damian Wayne click his tongue to signal Titus to follow him. Raven looked up to the young man dressed in a fancy black suit as he gave her a small smile. Both dog and owner exited the clinic.
Not turning her back toward the two girls that worked the reception desk Raven crossed her arms over her chest, “can I ask why his paperwork was thicker than what our patients usually sign after discharge?” Earlier when Raven had come out of the examination room to say her farewell to Titus, she found that Damian was signing off the discharge papers, but he had a bigger stack than what was usually the norm. She eyed the two girls, with a stern look letting them both know she wouldn’t like whatever they were going to say.  
“Girl, we all just added some blank papers with a signature box in the bottom for him to sign!” Roxy exclaimed unashamed she cost the young man much valuable time.
“What for?”
Roxy only gave Raven a dumbfounded look, like she couldn’t understand why Raven would be surprised at her actions, “what for? What for? Girl, he is Damian Wayne! Like the hottest, most eligible bachelor in Gotham! His dad is Bruce Wayne, one of Gotham’s multi-millionaire and owns Wayne Enterprises. I can die happy having the chance to be in front of a god like Damian!”
The second receptionist, named Mayra only snickered before looking up to Raven, “don’t mind her Rae, she just one of those crazies calling themselves a member of the ‘Damian Fan Club,’ but seriously you never heard of the Wayne family?”
“I’m not much for social media or newspapers articles, besides the last nine years I have been focusing on completing my veterinary degree.”
“Well now’s a good time to get out then,” Mayra stated, really hinting on the idea that she should get out more.  
“Sounds fun, but I rather focus on my patients right now.” Raven said as she left them both to go back into the procedure room and look at the animals they were caring for. She had entered the room and looked through various folders they had on the counter, she found the one belonging to Titus. Raven opened the folder and reread his report for what felt like the hundredth time.
Damian had brought his three-year-old dog in an emergency, Titus was shot during a drive by. The poor young man was devastated that his animal friend had gotten hurt and didn’t know what to do. Raven who was on duty when Damian came in holding Titus in his arms, took Titus from him and reassured she would do everything in her power to care for his dog. Luckily the bullet only managed to graze over the dog’s shoulder. There wasn’t too much damage, all she needed to do was clean the wound to prevent any infection and help him get out of his state of shock. As a precaution Raven held Titus for two nights to observe him and make sure there wasn’t any other dangers. Now three days later Titus got to return home with his master. It warmed Raven’s heart that she was able to reunite them again.  
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It’s been over a month since Raven met the infamous Damian Wayne. Well Raven hadn’t really spoken to him personally since Titus was discharged. One of the main reasons she kept hearing the young man’s name so often was thanks to Roxy who couldn’t stop talking about him. She would speak of the countless rumors the media had written about him. The girl sounded she was under a love potion of sorts, speaking of her fantasies she had on Damian. Immediately, Raven would leave the lobby of the clinic whenever Roxy would start her fantasizing lectures. To make matters worse Roxy had the audacity to build a small little altar with Damian’s picture cut out from a magazine article with pink hearts doodled around him.Of course, this didn’t bode will with Raven, this was a pet clinic and if their patients ever saw Roxy’s little corner of honoring the young Wayne; let just say they would be losing some credibility that the staff took their job seriously.
Raven was in one of the examinations room, cleaning the counters and all the surfaces to have it ready for their next patient, when she heard Roxy literally scream. “Oh my god!” Raven dashed out of the room as quickly as she could wondering what the hay Roxy was screaming for this time. Thankfully when she reached the lobby room, the clinic was empty, today they didn’t have as many patients as other days. “He’s here!” Roxy squealed.
“What’s wrong with her?” Raven asked, she didn’t care that her voice sounded very irritated at the moment. She wanted to make her point across to her coworker that this behavior wasn’t acceptable at the clinic.
“Damian is back. He is just been standing there for over half an hour.”
Mayra who had her arms crossed over the reception desk shot Raven a look before motioning with her head towards the door. “Yeah, I thought he was going to come in and have us check his dog or something since he brought his pooch along. But they are just standing there. See for yourself.”
Raven cautiously moved behind the receptionist counter and shot a quick glance through the glass door to find Damian, leaning up against a light pole looking down at his phone, while his dog sat beside him. Damian was wearing a black turtleneck, paired with a dark grey jeans. God he was very handsome. Raven couldn’t help but continue to stare at the young man, as he glances away from his small screen to kneel before his dog and pet him lightly on his head. A smiled crept up her face when she saw Damian give his dog a most genuine smile, before Titus moved in to lick his master’s face. Raven could see how much the young man loved and cared for his dog. This is why she choice this career, she wanted to be someone to help and care for people’s animals’ companions because these beautiful creatures are part of a family. It brought Raven joy to see Titus was doing well, he will live many years to come along his benevolent master.
Raven sighed and looked back at Mayra and Roxy. “Well pay it no mind, we have work to do. For all we know he could be waiting for someone and that just happens to be the meeting spot.”
“You don’t think he is out on a date?!” Roxy practically yelled; thankfully the glass was thick enough to minimize her cry or else Damian could had heard her.
“Why should we care if he’s out on a date or not? Roxy go back to work and leave the poor man alone.” Raven added.
“As member of the ‘Damian Fan Club’ it’s my responsibility to make sure no harm comes to Damian and make sure whoever becomes his wife is right for him!”
Raven couldn’t believe this girl, she raised an eyebrow at her, “Seriously?”
“She’s serious.” Mayra who was keeping quiet during one of Roxy’s little fangirl phase. “It’s actually a thing. The club exists and all, bunch of crazies like Roxy here that want nothing more than to go to bed with Damian.”
“You witch! We take our role as Damian’s fans very seriously!”
Raven couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted at the little brunette, “Roxy, I have heard you speaking of the fantasies you have about him.”
“Well Raven, we are allowed to dream, aren’t we? Besides I know very well I am not meant for such a handsome prince like Damian Wayne.”
“Go back to work, I am gonna go finish up room 3 and 5. Then check on the animals we have staying overnight.” Raven said as she looked back out the door and found heat creep up to her cheeks when she noticed Damian catch her gaze towards him. Quickly she turned around and walked towards the door that led to the examination rooms.
-- -- --
It was now 6pm and everyone had already left for the day. Raven was busying herself making sure she jotted down any new appointments on her agenda. Afterwards the young vet made her rounds around the kennels. There were a few animals staying overnight at the clinic, she pulled out their files and adjusted them on a shelf organizing so the overnight staff knows which patients needed more attention depending on their case. There was a back door the overnight staff used to enter from. Soon enough Garfield Logan, the supervisor of the night shift had arrived; Raven went ahead and handed him the full reports on their overnight patients. After she discussed what they were monitoring in each of their patients, Raven went inside the staff’s locker room and changed from her work clothes to her civilian clothes. Raven finally called it a night and said her goodbye as she went for the front door with her shoulder bag.
Once exiting, Raven found Damian was still leaning up against the pole, she was grateful he hadn’t noticed her due to the fact he had his gaze pinned to his phone. Though Titus recognized her, as he stood up and started wagging his tail. Raven quickly turned around; locking the glass door, afterwards she then reached for the metal folding security gate and pulled it towards her to lock the clinic. Unfortunately for her, this gate was due for some maintenance and sometimes instead of smoothly sliding along, the bottom part of the gate would always get stuck. Today of all days the damn gate decided to mock her and really give her a hard time as Raven kept tugging the gate; mentally begging it to obey her. She cursed under her breath, giving in to her defeat. Raven pulled out her phone and was about to call Gar to come help her with the damn gate.
“Here allow me to help.”
Her finger was about to press the call option, when Damian stepped from behind her. She looked up to him and just realized how his eyes were a beautiful emerald color, they held so much warmth in them. Damian gave her a soft smile, before handling her Titus’ leash. Raven had to blink a few times to remember where she was before grabbing the leash, as the young man before her stepped up and gave a good hard tug onto the gate sliding all the way across the door. Needless to say, Raven was impressed how strong Damian was, she noticed how his black turtleneck was tight and his tight muscles were begging to be free from the cloth containing them. A light blush managed to creep onto her cheeks at the idea of a shirtless Damian. What was she thinking?! Raven shook her head a couple of times to get these wild thoughts far away from her mind, she then looked up to Damian gesturing with her head to allow passage towards the thick key lock. Damian side stepped, taking back Titus’ leash as he allowed her to open the lock and passing it through the slotted area to secure the gate.
When Raven finally locked the gate, she looked up to the man beside her and gave him a small smile, “thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“Please call me Damian, Dr. Roth.”
“Then you may call me Raven, what brings you here? Is Titus unwell?” Raven asked as she bend down and patted the dog’s head, he responded back her gesture by licking her hand. His tongue was very ticklish that Raven couldn’t help but giggle, she looked up to find Damian was smiling down at her. She looked away from him when she could feel heat worm it way towards her cheeks, she prayed her face wasn’t flushed that Damian would notice.
“No, he is doing well. Actually…” Raven looked up to find Damian was looking to the sides as he rubbed the back of his neck. It looked cute nevertheless to Raven, she couldn’t help but snicker very silently at the very nervous young man before her. Finally, Damian turned too face her and extended his hand towards her to help her stand up. “I was wondering if we could invite you out to dinner? As a thank you for what you did for Titus. There’s this restaurant down the street that offers outdoor dining… I mean if that’s all right with you and if you aren’t busy tonight?”
“Actually, I had nothing planned for the evening. I would love to join you both.”
- -   - -  - -
That was five years ago when Raven had gone out on her very first date with a guy. The sun was coming up over Gotham’s skyline as she looked out the window thanking the universe for the life she had received. Raven had gotten up just a few minutes before the sun was even up, she was wearing a light blue tank top, with a pair of cotton navy blue very short shorts. Just then she heard a stir come from the bed, Raven turned around to find her husband was moving in his sleep. The covers covering him had slipped down his body, exposing his sculpted chest and abdomen, gosh he was so handsome. He was even more beautiful under the sun’s morning light as it highlighted his perfect face. Even after all this time Raven couldn’t help but blush whenever she saw him naked. Her female coworkers -especially Roxy- at the clinic wouldn’t like to admit it but they were jealous that the fact Raven didn’t even try but manage to bag Gotham’s most eligible and hottestbachelor.
Closing her eyes, Raven turned around again to stare out the window as she continues to hear Damian stir in his sleep. Still keeping her back turned she could hear him groining and moving the sheets to the side as he steps closer to her. Damian walks behind her, placing his strong muscular arms around her waist, then pecks her on her cheek before resting his chin on her shoulder. “Good morning Mrs. Wayne,” he says into her ear as Damian begins to trail the tip of his tongue along her neck down her shoulder, just the way Raven liked it. She couldn’t help but blush at how he addressed her. They been married for over two years and she still felt like their relationship was still new to her, exactly like how she felt five years ago. “How long have you been up?”
“Mm…not too long,” Raven answered him as she turned to face her husband and wrap her arms around his neck. She looked him up and down seeing he was only wearing his black cotton boxers’ briefs. Raven then met his emerald gaze she was so entranced with. He gave her a warm smiled before leaning in and placing his lips softly onto hers. 
The kiss was soft much like their first kiss, when Damian had come to her apartment to pick up Titus after she dog-sat for him while he was away on a business trip. He was acting very nervous and after being decline of receiving the payment he was offering Raven for her service. He muttered something under his breath in another language and leaned forward to steal her first kiss. Afterwards Damian confessed to having feelings for her since the moment they met and asked if she would give him a chance. Raven answered him she started developing feelings for him as well, before she could say anything more Damian captured her lips once again. One thing led to another that they made love to each other that night. Since then Raven knew she wanted nothing more than to spend her life with Damian.
Now coming back to the present Raven pulled away from their kiss and lightly trail her fingertips over his bare chest; tracing a scar that was over his heart. Damian mentioned to her that as a child his grandfather would make him train day and night just to teach him self-defense. Some trainings were very brutal that most of his scars came from his own grandfather’s hand. It saddened Raven the least to know Damian has been hurt by members of his own family. All she could do for her husband now was kiss his healed scars and hope any painful memories could be covered by her love for him.
Raven wrapped her arms around his waist, then buried her face onto his hard chest; slowly pushing Damian towards their bed. When he was stopped by the foot of their bed, Raven let go and took a small step back before pushing Damian to fall on the mattress. Her husband sat up giving her a sly smirked she so loved. Raven then moved closer to him swaying her hips very seductively. She placed her hands on her hips before finding the waistband of her shorts, Raven never once let her amethyst gaze leave her partner’s emeralds. Keeping her movements very slowly Raven pulled down her shorts. Stepping out of them she walked over to Damian who reached for her waist and bringing his wife down onto his lap. Raven rested her knees on either side of his hips, she then gave him a devilish smile before she pulled her tank top off, now only wearing her cobalt blue lace undergarments before him. Raven could see Damian’s eyes were filled with hunger and desire, he started trailing hot messy kisses just beneath her collarbone. Lightly leaving bite marks to signify she belonged only to him, which Raven didn’t mind at all. Damian then lightly started kissing the top of her plump bosom, she knew she was playing with fire when she was seducing him a few seconds earlier now as punishment Damian was teasing her. Raven didn’t know how much longer she could last.
“I love you beloved,” Damian whispered as he continues to caress her skin with his lips. His hands were running circles on her bare back, before resting and gripping her hips.  
Raven let out a moan, before grabbing either side of her husband’s face having his emeralds looking into her amethysts. “I love you too, Damian.” She said softly as she pulled his face to have their lips meet once more. Raven felt an immense happiness consumed her as she shared these moments with her husband. She thanked whatever universe or destiny had made their paths crossed five years ago.
She couldn’t imagine her life differently.  
Hello!! If you reached this far first all… THANK YOU!!! I found many amazing completed fic and ongoing fics here on tumblr and wanted to try my hand with my own ideas to show my love for Raven and Damian. I am currently writing two other fics for a separate fandom but will probably start sharing one-shots of Damirae here on tumblr. I have a couple Damirae fics that are on the longer side, those will be posted on my Wattpad page under my user: s03Rose .Those fics are still in development because they will have a plot line to follow so when I get halfway the storyline I will post little snippets here.
On the side note, I started writing fics for my own enjoyment because I want to be a writer, I have original ideas already started but first things first I must practice my writing to see first if it makes sense and if it’s entertaining to read. Also this was my first ever writing a fic filled with some small ‘smut’, I read fics that were on the mature side and wanted to try my hand at writing these sort of scenes. Again I am no good but practice will aid me. I don’t know when I will upload another Damirae fic since I have work and other ongoing personal projects. Please bear with me but do know I will try to update every second week. Till next time!
--Simona R.
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The Maribat AU by @ozmav and @maribat-archive is all I can think about atm, so enjoy more of this
Summary- After Grayson posts a video on the wrong twitter, Damian feels like he should lose his social media privileges, and possibly his hand.
Part 1
Part 4
Part 5 (HERE)
This was a impusle write as I was trapped in a car for over 50 hours in three days. Please do not ask for another chapter. 
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Why is it weird that I’ve never met a Bat before? It’s not like Damian or the Waynes have ever seen Ladybug or Chat Noir or the Miraculous Team in Paris, and they’ve been in Paris a lot more than I’ve been in Gotham #confusion #AMERICAEXPLAIN
Jason Todd Lives @BestTodd
@FashionInGotham Whomst the Fuck is Ladybug and Chat Noir?? Also, Miraculous Team Sounds like some magical girl anime Cass watches
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd 🖕🏼
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve They’re the Paris superheroes, they showed up almost five years ago to fight the little bitch of a villain, Hawkmoth and his stupid peacock assistant, Mayra.
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve @ FashionInGotham WHAT?! Paris has heroes??
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BestTodd @CainYouBelieve @ FashionInGotham @AFlyingGrayson Oh yeah, I forgot that the mayor was trying to keep it a secret from the rest of the world #MyB But yeah Ladybug and Chat Noir have been there the longest but there’s also Abeille, Viperion, Ryuko, Pegasus, King Monkey, Bunnyx, and Badulf
Chloe raised an eyebrow at her friend as she saw the tweet thread that was quickly going viral, “You realize my dad is going to flip about this.”
“He deserves it,” Adrian pipped up from where he was painstakingly painting Kagami’s nails a deep burgundy.
The other teen heroes hummed in agreement as Chloe huffed.
“Well Yeah, but I was hoping to do it with a little extra flair than a twitter thread.”
Alix snorted as she finished up Kim’s banana yellow toes, drawing a crude smiley face on his big toe with bright blue, “She’s dating the youngest kid of the most influential family in the world and has like 100 million followers. Plus she called Hawkmoth a little bitch and it already has 90k likes. I call that flair.”
It was a surprise when Nathanial had had his freak out during his second battle,  against a Crimson Peacock event no less, and had called her Lady Marinette in front of the other temporary heroes, but had lead to many nights like the one they were having now. Onesies of each other’s heroes’ identities donned as they lounged around Chloe’s room, simply enjoying each other’s company after a long patrol. Chloe and Adrian had demanded they have a spa night, which is why everyone was either giving or receiving mani-pedis while they waited for their face masks to finish. It was nice, to have so much support outside of the masks, especially as they entered their final year in Lychee.  
Marinette rolled her eyes, “It’s only 98 million, Alix, and plus I figured four months after I made this account was long enough to make the slip up seem genuine. We need to catch Hawkmoth soon, or else this entire mess will get a lot more complex.”
They all frowned as they realized the truth behind her words. They were all facing hard decisions if they couldn’t pin the man down, not like they hadn’t already sacrificed so much to continue the battle. Max had already turned down graduating early and a full ride to MIT, citing his desire to graduate with his friends before moving across the globe. Luka had been invited to tour with Jagged, only to politely decline, telling the pouting rockstar that he wanted to do some soul finding first. Kim had given up a summer training camp with the French Olympic team. Alix had given up going on an expedition with her dad and brother, missing out on the chance to explore the dunes of Egypt. Marinette had turned down three internships at this point, one from Audrey Bourgeois, One from Raven Baxter, and lastly and most devastatingly, one from Edna Mode.
They needed to end this, before the overwhelming feeling of their futures slipping right between their fingers got them akumatized.
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
Seeing the demon spawn panic when he realized @FasionInGotham isn’t any safer from maniacs in Paris then she is in Gotham is strangely endearing and vaguely terrifying #whyismyfamilylikethis
Duke of Hazard @DoneWithTheRich
@TJDrake Like you and Barb aren’t frantically searching for anything you can find on the Miraculous Team and these weird-ass butterfly dude.
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich Bugout.com, It’s in French but informative.
Tim Drake Offical @TJDrake
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich @CainYouBelieve How did you find this before Barbs and me????
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@TJDrake @DoneWithTheRich @CainYouBelieve @TJDrake Alfred.
The news swept up the story in an instant and suddenly the whole world was demanding to know what the Parisian Mayor had been thinking and why the Justice League hadn’t been involved.
It wasn’t long until the entire Miraculous Team was seated in front of the Louvre. Countless new agencies from around the world were present, eager to hear the story of the sickeningly young-looking heroes, but the one video that received the most views was the shaky camera videos that were uploaded to Marinette’s Twitter, as they shortened the two-hour-long Press conference into manageable clips that highlighted the most important points.
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
Full Lineup, Damn. Haven’t seen that since the last time we had a Scarlet Moth incident. For those who need context, this is like seeing the entire founding Justice League together to us Parisians.
The clip attached showed A panning shot as they introduced all of the heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir sat in the center of the long table flanked by Vipirion, plucking his lyre absentmindedly, Abeille, glaring down her nose at the reporters, a beaming King Monkey waving excitedly, and an eerie serious Bunnyx sitting as still as a statue to their right, on their left was fierce-looking Ryuko looking ready to slice anyone who got too close, the calculating Pegasus, mumbling under his breath, and lastly the timid Badulf, struggling to keep his red bangs out of his eyes.
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
Don’t question Paris’ Heroes like that, they’re feisty.
The clip showed a British reporter demanding to know why the heroes hadn’t contacted the Justice League previously to gain their assistance in taking down the dangerous threat that was Hawkmoth.
You could Ladybug’s eye twitch at the condescending question, but before she could answer Ryuko leaned forward to the mic situated in front of her with a glint in her eyes.
“I apologize for my English,” She started, “I am not as versed in the language as some of my teammates. To answer your question on why we haven’t had the League’s help is because Green Lantern is a fuck.”
Silence filled the gathering before Chat, King Money and Bunnyx burst into giggles, the rest of the heroes struggling to keep a straight face. The media was staring at them dumbfounded until Ladybug finally leaned forward.
“I’m sorry for the outburst,” She started, lips still trying to twitch upwards, “But as Ryuko said we did ask for help. About five months into our heroship Chat and I received an answer from the League after trying for three months to contact them. The ‘help’ came in the form of Green Lantern coming and assessing the situation. Unfortunately for us, Hawkmoth is smart and when the neon green monstrosity of a hero flew in he laid low instead of attacking when a Leaguer was present. Without an attack and no physical damage present as one of my powers allows me to restore all damage done to Paris or its citizens, He decided we were powered children that were trying to get in the spotlight.”
“Getting lectured on wasting the League’s time and resources before he flew off really put a damper on us asking again,” Chat added in, toxic green eyes narrowed and laser-focused on the reporter, “So we handled it ourselves, gaining our own allies as we needed them. But please continue telling us how the League could have helped sooner if only we had asked for help.”
Clip after clip, ten of them total were uploaded into the thread. Explaining the worst battle the heroes had ever faced, the strength of their enemy, what the villain and his assistance could and would do, the worst attacks, the easiest wins, the ways that Ladybug and Chat chose their allies, but the last two clips seemed to get the largest reaction out of the audience, both at the press conference and the internet.
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Not gonna lie, seeing my tormentors get put on blast by all of the Heroes is very vindictive #IsthatMean? #MaybeSo
“You’ve seemed to have shifted your support away from one local blog, to another over any official news agency,” One of the nicer reporters at the events said, “Is there a particular reason? And why the sudden shift two years ago?”
Chat’s face was strangely pinched, “Oh you mean why we switched from giving exclusives to the LadyBlog to BugOut? It’s quite simple. We go to the news sources we trust to take the information we are willing to give without worrying about ratings as their top priority. We tried going to Nadja Chamack at first, the local news anchor that we all hold a great deal of respect for, but the producers threatened her to get a ‘highly-rated’ interview. It led to her asking questions Ladybug and I thought were counterproductive to the reason we were invited to the interview and was trying to turn us into celebrities instead of allowing us to do the jobs we needed to. It was a similar reason we stopped going to Alya Cesaire, the Ladyblog editor.”
Ladybug took over here, “Miss Cesaire has the ability to be a very good journalist, but as her blog grew in popularity, so did her need for highly viewed content, this caused her to not only start posting more rumors and speculation than anything we’ve ever said but also to stop fact-checking with us things she heard. Even after talking to her about removing the content that was blatantly untrue and was told no due to the high ratings it had received we realized that we simply couldn’t work with her anymore.”
Abeille piped up in a low regal voice that was dripping with venom, “It really didn’t help that when we started interviewing with Aurora Beaureal from BugOut, shortly after my introduction, Miss Cesaire began a smear campaign against her, claiming she was faking her sources and videos publicly on her blog. Luckily we were able to shut that down quickly enough but it didn’t stop Miss. Cesaire from running into battle to distract us, and frankly, harass us for answers even after we told her no. It’s lead to more than one incident where she, other civilians, and even ourselves have been hurt.”
“Either way,” Chat took over again, “We want to support local news sources but only when they are willing to listen to our boundaries and work with us instead of trying to push issues.”
“Does that mean that info we found on the Ladyblog is not to be believed?” Another reporter called out.
“I would take anything after the first post about Lila Rossi with a grain of salt,” Ladybug said, only for King Monkey to snort and lean towards the mic.
“Yeah and if Lila Rossi is mentioned at all in the post just assume everything in that post is fake. Miss. Rossi is a known liar and problem for us.”
“Can you give us an example?”
Ladybug sighed before explaining, “The first time I heard of Miss. Rossi was an interview on the Ladyblog of her claiming to be my best friend. Now I very much value the secrecy I and my team have created for ourselves because it protects our friends and families, but even a lie about knowing me in such a public setting is dangerous because Hawkmoth and Mayra have proven that they aren’t above underhanded tactics to try and get the upper hand in our fights. I went looking for the girl to explain why she can’t say such things for her own safety, only to find her telling a boy that she possessed the Fox Miraculous in a public park. I will admit I called her out in a way that wasn’t very nice but either claim was enough to put her in danger, but both were painting a target on her back and it scared me that someone would do something to impress a boy. After that, she was akumatized for the first time and since then it has gotten even worse despite me apologizing the second I cured the Akuma. Some of her lies are enough to count as Slander if any of the celebrities she lied about knowing saw the posts, but no amount of persuasion seems to get her to stop.”  
Wayne’s Angel @FasioninGotham
Watching their powers without the looming threat of an Akuma/Amok is a blessing. They look so cool! #Love #Miraculous
The clip started with the heroes standing in front of the table, grouped differently than before. Off to one side King Monkey, Viperion and Bunnyx stood, Viperion holding a microphone.
“While we would love to an demonstrate our powers as requested,” He explained, “Our powers are not really good for demonstrations. Mine is known as Second Chance.”
He raised his hand and pulled the slider across his bracelet as he named it, a flash of pale teal light admitting from it, “When activated like I just did, it allows me to return to the point of activation at any time before I detransform in fifteen minutes as many times as I wish with only myself remembering the previous changes I have made.”
Without even acknowledging the startled whispers from the crowd, he handed the microphone to King Monkey, who offered a cheeky smile.
“So my power is called Uproar. It allows me to create a toy-like object that when it comes into contact with someone causes all of their abilities to malfunction.”
He goes to pull his staff from where it was strapped to his back only for Vipirion to stop him. A silent exchange passed between the pair before the taller hero nodded and handed the microphone off to Bunnyx.
“Viperion and I have a similar reason for our powers being hard to show off, only his is a little more versatile,” She started in a voice devoid of any emotion, swinging her pocket watch slightly, “I have the power Burrow. It allows me, and anyone I chose to take with me, access to a pocket dimension where I can travel to any point in time or space that I chose, past, present, or future. While you might see me fight during any battle I can make it to, my power is a last-ditch effort, as I would have to travel back in time to change the past if I do this assume the future is unsavable.”
The hush that falls over the crowd was quickly broken by Ryuko tapping her group’s microphone to draw attention to the opposite side of the stage where she stood with Abeille, Badulf, Pegasus, Chat, and Ladybug.
“I believe it’s best to not dwell on any one of our powers,” She told them, “Our powers are scary and knowing that they can be taken from us at any time and used for nefarious purposes keep all of us up at night, but we ask you to trust us to use them only for good.”
She waited a moment for the crowd o calm down before giving her own explanation, “My ability is known as the Three Dragons, the Water Dragon, the Wind Dragon, and the Lightning Dragon.”
She handed off the microphone to Pegasus, before calling forth the Wind Dragon and bursting into a group of clouds that swiftly blew around the stage before traveling over to the Louvre Pyramid and watching as the heroine reformed at the top, offering a small wave before the call for Water Dragon could be heard and a large dome of water formed over the entire courtyard.
Before she could call for her last form the snake hero grabbed the microphone, “Lightning Dragon is a bad idea, Ryuko.”
The heroine didn’t even question him, instead, vaulting off of the pyramid, the crowed gasped only for her to effortlessly land next to Bunnyx in a crouch, brushing herself off as she rose and turned her gaze to the horse miraculous user, who quickly explained his power before calling forth Voyage.
His cry caused blue light to circle his arm and he sent it towards the top of the still-present water dome, with a controlled flick of his arm.
The heroes didn’t even blink as the crowd filled with cries as the Eiffel Tower fell through the portal, Ladybug’s yoyo whipping out to direct it’s decent, the entire courtyard shaking as the 10k ton structure landed.  
“I’m up next!” Chat called out with a large grin, while the reporters didn’t seem to know if they should pay attention to the moved monument or the hero. His explanation was short since they were many videos of him using it but that didn’t stop the international reporters from screaming as Cataclysm swirled around his hand eating away at the Eiffel Tower, leaving a pile of rust in the crater
“Is-Is this much property damage necessary?”
Abeille shrugged, “No, but once we get to Ladybug, it’ll make more sense. Either way my turn.”
An unpleasant chill went up the world’s spine as she demonstrated how she could freeze all voluntary movement of her target on Chat Noir, who was still as a statue the second her stinger touched him.
Ladybug quickly took the mic and began explaining her powers. The world watched in amazement at her pulling a red and black spotted camera from thin air before she launched it into the air with a cheer of “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Suddenly a glowing swarm of ladybugs formed and tore through the air, covering Chat Noir, releasing from Venom, before healing the crater and rust from nearby, dissolving the water dome in the same instance.
If there hadn’t been so many people present the world wouldn’t have believed that so much damage was just repaired in the span of ten seconds, but staring at the unimpressed Parisians around them the world finally seemed to grasp the reality of the situation.
These children were past what one would even expect from metas, from aliens and superhumans like they had seen around the world already. These were heroes that were harnessing the very forces that made up the universe and fighting them at the same time. Bunnyx wasn’t exaggerating when she mentioned that sometimes there would be apocalyptic endings to their fights.
Instead of letting the knowledge stew Badulf step forwarded, twisting the microphone as he explained his power of illusions for the reporters.
With a short tune on his flute suddenly the group of heroes was gone, All that remained was a Sign thanking them all for coming.  Even after the illusion faded the heroes were nowhere to be found, having used the final demonstration as the perfect cover to sneak away so that no one could follow them.  
Wayne’s Angel @FasionInGotham
I must say I was not expecting such an outpour of love for all of Our heroes but damn am I pleased by it. Ladybug is our big name but the others are honestly way underloved in Paris, especially Chat who’s been there since the beginning. #MiraculousTeam
Quick Poll Who’s your favorite, everyone? Mine’s Chat Noir
Ryuko (19%)
Abeille (12%)
Ladybug (14%)
Bunnyx (8%)
Viperion (12%)
Chat Noir (15%)
Pegasus (5%)
King Monkey (5%)
Badulf (10%)
Call me Cass @CainYouBelieve
@FashionInGotham I like Badulf, he’s the newest correct?
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @CainYouBelieve Yup! He’s only been around for four months, but he’s a pretty great fox!
Tim Drake Official @TJDrake
Fun Fact: I just heard Alfred swear for the first time while watching the press conference and it was to call Hawkmoth and Mayra an arsehole FLOB and his fucking Slag.
Never been more terrified,
Based on the faces around me neither has any of the other Waynes #AlfredisTerrifying
Wayne’s Angel @FashionInGotham
Why am I the go to person for everything Mircualous Team? BugOut.com is a great source if you want more info.
Still Queen Bee @BuzzBuzz
@FashionInGotham Probably cause you're most famous Parsian? Or cause you were a miraculous user once?
Jason Todd Lives@BestTodd
Wayne's Angel @FasionInGotham
@FashionInGotham @BuzzBuzz @BestTodd That didn't come up in the conference did it? A few of the old users of miraculous got outed as heros so LB doesn't call on them anymore, but keeps tabs on them since HM and Mayra will try and emotionally malipulate them into getting akumatized. A few of us bonded over it.
Still Queen Bee @BuzzBuzz
@FashionInGotham @BuzzBuzz @BestTodd @FashionInGotham Its common knowledge in Paris, Mari, me and our other friend @NotaModel all had miraculous at one point, but HawkBitch found out so we can't ever use a miraculous again sadly. I had the Bee, Mari had the Mouse and Ari had the Snake
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
Why is Damian staring at a wall and not responding? What broke him? #Help???
Dick Grayson @AFlyingGrayson
@AFlyingGrayson Nevermind #HecouldnthaveanormalGF? #HolyShitMari
Wayne's Angel @FasionInGotham
So I can no longer say I've never seen a Bat before, just saw Signal and Red Robin, I think???
Gonna be real tho, I was expecting to see them in Gotham, NOT PARIS #wtf #Whyaretheyhere????
Marinette had barely sent the tweet before her phone was ringing.
"Are you being serious?" Adrian asked, in lieu of a greeting, "At least two of the Batfam is here?"
"Yeah," She whispered a bit numbly, eyes still focused on the roof she had watched them disappear from mere moments ago. It was far enough away that if she had been a normal human she wouldn't have heard them, but she wasn't a normal human, "Hey Adrian, Don't tell the team what I'm about to say, okay?"
"Are you okay, bugaboo?"  
"Questionable," She didn't even bother rebuking the nickname, "I think I might be dating a Bat."
Taglist: @kceedraws @northernbluetongue @starry-bi-sky @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @lexysama @vincentvangoose @theatreandcomicfreak @vinerlover @calvin1394 @interobanginyourmom @imanerddealwith @aarushi-03 @rikku052 @fantasticfourintraining @clumsy-owl-4178 @two-faced-biatch @celestiacq @vgirl-10123 @peculiarlylostdreamer @tinybrie @treebrosha @sam-spectra @zalladane @teresarosiadeviluke2112 @7-sage-7 @blue-peach14 @nataladriana9 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @xxmadamjinxx @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @i-identify-as-a-mango @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @vixen-uchiha @face-of-lazyness @lunar-wolf-warrior @derpingrainbow @drama-queen-supreme @vivilakitty @mystery-5-5 @synnesstra @ijustwannabecanadian @sharksharkbb @lysslovsanime @zazzlejazzle @corabeth11 @ur-average-reader @virgil-is-a-cutie @paradoxal-occurance @dur55 @this-is-vander @cowardlygaydinosaur @phantomneow12 @numbuh-7-knd @slytherinhquinn @celerystick045 @silvergold-swirl @dzcile @lordsmeldingtonthethird @asabella1224 @miraculous-simmer7 @god-is-dead-and-so-am-i @kuhakuanon @st0rmy-w1th1n @littleredrobinhoodlum @todaylillypads @screechingflapbiscuitpeach @a-complete-fool @urbanpineapplefarmer @woodland-queer @miraculousl4dybug @teresarosiadeviluke2112 @imanerddealwith @seraphichana @literalfantrash @zebrabaker @captainmac6 
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eightmakar · 6 years
Taking Control | Six
(Hogwarts!Tom AU + Bestfriend!Tom AU)
Teaser || One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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You looked at Tom in panic. His face had gone pale. You both froze, trying to hear Mayra’s voice from the hallway.
“Oh thank goodness you’re here!” You heard from the hall. “There’s a busted pipe in here, and there’s water everywhere! I’ve been waiting for someone to come so I could tell them!”
“Get up,” Tom said hurriedly. He pushed himself up and ran to get your clothes. He threw them at you and you rushed to put them back on.
Tom yanked on only his briefs and grabbed his wand. “Aquamenti!” He casted the spell at the bottom of be door, where it would leak out. A stream of water released from the tip of his wand, heading straight where he planned.
“Oh my,” You heard another voice from the hall say. Your jaw dropped. Professor McGonagall. “May I take a look?”
You panicked. If she caught you guys, you’d be dead. Your heart began to beat and you locked up; you had no idea what to do.
Tom quickly glanced around. He located the pipes in the corner of the room. “My phone,” he hissed. You understood and grabbed everything that could get wet. You nodded at him, and he turned back to the pipes. “Diffindo!”
Long marks that were very reminiscent of claw marks appeared in the pipes, and water burst everywhere. You handed him his clothes and some of the blankets and just let the candles get swept away. He grabbed your arm and dragged you to the hallway where he just cast aquamenti. He hid you behind him, even though he was still clad only in his underwear.
“Why didn’t you fix the pipes yourself, Ms. James?” McGonagall was asking Mayra. “You’re a very talented witch, and it would be quite easy for you.”
“They’re far beyond my repair,” she said. “I didn’t want to do them on my own and risk them breaking again.”
“Well, I’ll send someone down to check on them,” McGonagall said, a strange tone in her voice. It was almost like she was amused. “And to whoever you’re hiding in there, if I catch Ms. James guarding this door again I won’t hesitate to let myself in.”
You and Tom looked at each other, terrified.
“Professor, I—“
“I certainly hope that whoever you’re covering for deserves it,” McGonagall interrupted Mayra.
“It won’t happen again,” she said. “I swear.”
“It better not. I expect you to be gone the next time I walk back around.”
“Yes ma’am.” Mayra paused for several moments, then the door opened. “Holy shit,” she whispered.
“Is she gone? Did she know it was us?” You demanded frantically.
“Nah, I think she thought I was protecting some fifth years or something. You look good, Tom,” she commented. Tom was still standing in just his boxer-briefs. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“Thanks for covering for us,” he said, pulling on his clothes. “We owe you one.”
“No problem. If you get caught going back to your dorm don’t tell them I was with you. See you tomorrow,” she said, then left you and Tom in the bathroom together.
You looked at Tom and suddenly bursted into laughter. You were so happy, nothing could ruin your mood, not even your favorite teacher almost catching you having sex with your best-friend-turned-boyfriend in a bathroom you weren’t supposed to be in.
“Who’s gonna fix the bathroom?” You said after several more rounds of laughter.
Tom shrugged. “Not us. Let’s go.”
He took your hand and led you to the common room to go to bed.
You had an awful dream. A dream of Tom and Harrison and your family being sucked up by a dark mist. No matter what spell you cast at it, it kept a tight hold on your loved ones. You see the terror in your little brother’s face as the mist surrounded him.
“(Y/N)!” He screamed. “Help!”
If you tried to run in after them, it moved away from you, always just out of reach. You collapsed on the ground near tears, desperate to save them, but unable to.
Then a dementor swooped in front of you, separating you from your family and Tom and Harrison. You felt no fear staring into the faceless hood; you felt only calmness as the dementor fed on you, your loved ones screaming at you. You heard Tom’s voice above them all.
“Fight, (Y/N). Fight.”
You awoke with a start. You still felt strangely calm from your dream, but you needed to see Tom or Harrison or both of them. You needed to see they were okay.
You quickly dressed for the day and raced down to the common room to find Tom enjoying a book by the fire.
“Tom?” You squeaked. You expected your voice to be stronger, but you were shaken up.
“Hey,” he said softly, standing up and looking at you with loving concern. He knew you so well; he knew something was wrong. “What’s up?”
“Nightmare,” you said. He opened his arms and you immediately settled into his hug.
Nightmares were a common occurrence for you. You’d had strange nightmares your whole life, never able to rid yourself of them or figure out why you’d had them. You wished they’d go away.
Tom held you tightly and stroked your hair. “It’s okay, you’re safe,” he whispered calmly. “I’ve got you.”
You sank deeply into his body, feeling the heat coming off him, smelling his cologne. You felt safe with Tom. And you were so glad to have him with you.
He led you to the couch and let you lay your head down in his lap. He continued to stroke your hair, whispering calming words to you until it was time for class.
He held tightly to your hand as you walked out to Care of Magical Creatures. The two of you met Harrison at the door, who was clutching a variety of breakfast foods.
“I tried to bring our whole table but they wouldn’t let me,” he joked. You assumed Tom told him to grab the two of you breakfast. “Help yourself.”
You took an apple and a muffin from him, grateful that he’d brought you food. You were starving. You bit into the apple as the three of you walked outside.
Today in COMC, you were grouping up and observing several of the native woodland creatures that resided in the forest behind school. You, Tom, and Harrison dropped your bags in a pile, and clad with pens and notebooks (Hogwarts had upgraded from quills and parchment), you all trekked into the woods to find a spot to sit and watch the Creatures.
You found a spot near the edge of the trees, not too far in, but not right at the end either. It was far enough you knew you’d be able to find some Creatures, but close enough to still see the edge of the woods.
You propped down at the base of a tree, with Harrison on one side and Tom on the other. You dropped your head onto Tom’s shoulder, exhausted from your nightmare.
“Great, I’m a third wheel now,” Harrison said. You laughed and moved your head to his shoulder instead.
“You’re the one who told me to take control and tell Tom how I felt,” you said pointedly. “I merely followed your advice.”
“I didn’t expect you to fuck in the locker room after quidditch,” he said, making a face. He said something else, but you didn’t hear, because something entered your vision that terrified you.
A dark mist, just like the one in your dream.
You froze in terror. The mist was coming toward you and Tom and Harrison, and you could see it sucking up small animals as it moved toward you. The animals floated as if they were in water, but you knew if you tried to help them what would happen.
“Do you see that too?” You breathed. Your hands were shaking around your pen.
Tom and Harrison both nodded.
“That’s what I dreamt about.”
The mist’s speed picked up, and Harrison and Tom bolted up.
“C’mon, (Y/N)!” Tom said, panicked. He tugged at your arm, but you were frozen in fear. The mist was coming for Tom and Harrison. And you knew you couldn’t stop it.
“(Y/N)!” Harrison called. “Come on! We have to go! We have to get out of here!”
But you could go anywhere. You couldn’t move. You were too terrified.
You felt a pair of arms encircle you, lifting you up off the ground, but you didn’t really register the motion. Tom had picked you up and began to run for the edge of the woods. All you could do was stare at the mist.
@upsidedownparker / @beautiful-holland / @ibtomholland / @tomhollandwritings / @tomsfireheart / @frecklesholland / @brokenuntilmay3rd2019 / @cutie1365 / @thebookwormslytherin / @bloodysleepy / @heavenly—holland / @uboe / @ali-ami-umi / @tom-hollands-hoe / @supernaturalpllfan1 / @bellagrayson-wayne / @infinityonfiction / @infamous-webhead / @trashqueenbitch / @banannie47-blog / @sunshineperriee
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's During the Opening Night Live ceremony for Gamescom in Germany, WB Games Montreal revealed a brand-new trailer for Gotham Knights Angelina Tamez Tx Mayra Flores shirt . The trailer gives a first look at Harley Quinn's role in the game, alongside Clayface, The Court of Owls, and Mr. Freeze. When she's spotted in the trailer, the iconic villain is seen behind bars in what one can assume is Arkham Asylum. Then there's Harley giving some sort of presentation, but it's hard to tell what it may be for. While the first thought may be that it's a flashback, especially given her more pulled-together look, it seems that Harley is still sporting her color scheme. But what led to this event and her new appearance? She even gets her classic hammer, which seems to have gotten an electric upgrade. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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wildflowerfiction77 · 5 years
The Scribe
The Scribe
By Daniel Vera
 The Dead
 I am five years old.  I am from a decimated people, living in a generation of incarceration.  I see my family living in alcoholic dreams and government given drug illusions.  I am ten years old.  I see my cousins running as fast as they can, being swallowed by metal machines and microwave t.v. dinners.  I watch cartoons of cowboys killing Indians and Ronald Reagan eating money.  The schools��tell me I do not exist.  I am fifteen years old.  My father overdoses on hate and my mother is bought by John Wayne.  I wave goodbye to the cemetery of stone crosses that house the dead and living dead that were people I once knew.  I am twenty years old.  I have been incarcerated by devils, red and white.  I watch the water drip from the ceiling cracks from broken cell walls.  It is a slow drip.  It echoes across the chambers of the forgotten and unloved.  I sit in the darkened square.  I write down the story in my mind, one day at a time.  I am the Scribe.
The white devils sailed their ships to the lands of my ancestors.  They brought the winter death with them.  From their pigs, cows, rats, goats, horses, chickens and black plague, we were sent to hibernate for 500 years.  In our slumber, they raped our women, enslaved our men and stole our children.  They told us that we were wrong, and they were right.  They told us they were strong and we were weak.  They told us that we did not exist and that they were God.  They changed our stories and then changed them again.  We believed them.  The fire has become cold.  The souls of the living have been isolated to the corners of nothing.  We all bleed in nothing and breath in the ashes of truth: a plastic and metal world.  
They asked me if I killed her.  My own cousin.  They found me in the field where she was lying dead.  I had the knife that pierced her bloodless body.  They did not believe me or did not want to believe me.  Either way, I sit in this cell waiting for death like many ancestors before me.  I once had a dream.  I once had a hope to change this world.  The ones that like the world the way it is, made sure I wouldn’t.  From small town to big city, they are the devils that walk the earth.  They consume everything in their path.  They feed upon the souls of the weak.  They separate the families of the chosen and strong.  The ones gifted with the destiny to bring in the new season are in danger from the trolls of the Golden Kingdom of TAR.  I have been given the gift of sight.  The ability to travel through realities.  To live in the future and the past at the same time.  I do not fear death.  I have already died.  I write this story down for others to understand.
   Vision Quests
 I find visions in the day.  I see the blurry lines of happiness.  Families running across open lands.  Fields of many bright colors under a shining sky.  The bright fluffy clouds float slowly above  as a reminder that we are a small part of mother earth.  The scent of Spring flowers that fill the air are carried by soft winds.  The rivers flow mightily and the animals roam the earth linking the circle of life as it was created to be.  In life and death we find meaning.  
I awake in a cement street.  The warmth of the sun still smolders in the tar filled ground.  The smell of metal garbage bins, empty bottles of booze and old fast food linger.  They mix and ferment in the stagnant evening skies of another city.  I hear people walking, cars driving, sirens howling.  The chatter of groups of people in rooms fade in and out.  A dog barks in the distance.  A woman yells in a drunken stupor.  A roaring of machine motorcycles criss cross.  Money exchanges hands.  
In the dirt, my people live in tin cans and rusted bowls.  The drug dealers scurry and feed.  They leave trails of blood and tears.  The eyes are sunken, the pupils are dilated.  The lips are dry and cracking.  The noses are dripping.  The bones are showing.  The diapers are unchanged.  The T.V. channels are stuck on static.  The sink is full of weeks of dishes.  The empty wallets and bank accounts are mixed with filled ashtrays and casinos.  We fight with each other.  We hit each other.  We scream as loud as we can.  We break glass and dry wall.  Most importantly, we break each other. 
There are the healers.  They try the best they can.  They try to make peace.  They give their time to listen.  They give their hearts to love the unloved.  They give their hands to lift the others from off the ground.  They can only give so much.  They are tired.  They have lost their voice from pleading to God every night and day to give mercy to his children.  To hear the prayers of the reservations.  For 500 years, God has let the snow fall.  It is a cold winter and fever has taken many lives before their time.  The healers still work feverishly.  The warriors are drunk and burdened.  The wise are sleepwalking and are speaking incoherently.  Only the thieves thrive.  Only the cowards survive.  They thrive and survive from the blood of their brothers and sisters.  It is winter.
I then see a light.  At first it is just a glow in a far distance of space.  A flicker.  As the light strengthens, it grows in brightness and size.  The light breaks through the dark clouds like the sun over mountains in sunrises, filling landscapes and eyes.  We can see each other and ourselves.  From the slumber we yawn and stretch.  Gathering consciousness and cleaning ourselves in daily rituals, we move into works for community and greet each other for first times.  Many eyes and feet cross the green earth.  Many mouths drink of pure water and breath fresh air.  Many hearts are opened and born or reborn.  
   Love and Hate
 Growing up in a small town next to the city, my siblings and I would play in the fields.  I had two brothers and two sisters.  I was the middle child.  I learned how to be tough and sensitive at the same time.  The town was a farming town in which life was relatively slow.  Fighting each other in the neighborhoods was a daily ritual.  My parents moved here to leave the reservation.  We would visit it often to see our relations and to hold ceremonies.  Most of that changed when drugs and alcohol became another family member.
The late nights were filled with brutal fighting after nights of drinking gatherings.  I would often find cut straws on small mirrors next to the dozens of beer bottles left on the table.  My younger brother and sister would eat cereal while us older three would clean up.  Our father would sometimes leave for weeks.  The change was gradual, but it became another tragic story of the red man.  No one could have believed that my older brother, Warren, would have met such a tragic death.  Our family was never the same after that. 
They said it was suicide, but some of us had our doubts.  Warren and I would play football every day.  His dream was to be the all star running back for the Red Skins.  He would always work at any odd job that would help him achieve this goal.  The neighborhood stores, paper routes, at the school, mowing lawns and walking dogs.  He was an inspiration.  He made enough extra cash every month to pay his way to the school functions to be part of the football teams.  When they finally gave him the starter position, he became the star of the town.  They called him the red lightning bolt.  By his senior year, scouts from colleges and even the NFL were coming around and talking to his teachers and our parents.  
Something went wrong though.  The better he did, the worse my father became.  As soon as Warren had gotten his first paper route, our father and him stopped talking to each other.  He never told me why, but we all new that they had gotten into an argument about something.  My mother tried her best to keep the family together, but that’s when the party was brought to our house nightly.  My parents were getting extra money, but it was something that we ignored.  Mayra, the oldest said this had something to do with Warrens death.  I wasn’t sure, but I noticed that he had started dating a girl, Julie.  Her ex was affiliated with one of the larger Mexican gangs.  I’m not sure how they were connected, but Warren wouldn’t snap under pressure.  He worked too hard to achieve his goals and his dreams were all coming true.  
That year was when he was offered a full scholarship to the State University along with a stipend for rent and food.  He was set.  The one thing that he did sacrifice was his education.  He had poor reading and math skills.  That’s how he and Julie met.  She was a blond girl from “The Hills”, where the rich people lived.  She must have been a trouble maker with her family, since she liked dark skinned guys.  Warren and I went to different High Schools since he was able to get into the one with the better football team.  Mayra and I were happy at the school we were at.  She was somewhat of a teachers pet, and I was fine just hanging out with my group of friends.  We were into cars and would spend most of our time between working on them and playing video games.  
   Into the Unknown
 I listened to the sirens as they got closer.  I was home alone watching some Twilight Zone marathon for Christmas.  My mother had taken the family to Granny’s for dinner.  Warren had went to his girlfriends house to meet her parents.  I don’t know where my father was, until the cops knocked on the door.  They asked if I had seen him.  I said no.  They wouldn’t tell me what it was about, but told me to have my mother call them when she got in.  They were staying the night to open presents in the morning.  I figured my Dad was in the drunk tank or did a robbery.  Either way, I was used to the dysfunction that has become my family.  This was a mild night.  I decided to play my guitar while the T.V. played reruns of the episodes I already watched from the year before.  
It was around 2am when I heard some rustling in the living room.  I heard my brother and father talking.  I didn’t feel like dealing with it, but listened just in case things started to escalate.  Before anything happened, the front door slammed and I heard Warren’s car drive off.  I didn’t hear anything else until the next morning.  Warren was at the dinner table eating some cereal.  He seemed like he was in a normal mood.  I asked him about Dad, and he said it was the same old thing.  He had just stopped by to get some stuff.  I told him that the cops were looking for him, and he looked surprised.  After that, his mood became pensive.  I could tell it was a good time to leave him alone and not push any buttons.  I went along my day and noticed that Warren used the last of the milk.  We had just bought some Coco Puffs and I wasn’t gonna eat them with water.  Since my bike had a flat, I made Warren drive me to the store before he took off to his girlfriends again.  On the way I decided to ask him about his new girl.  
He told me about how they met and how nice she was.  I guess she was a cheerleader and her Dad was the Mayor.  That was kind of weird, but he seemed to really like her.  I guess his football status had made him eligible to hang out with the elite.  I was glad that he and I had the opportunity to finally talk.  It seemed that so many things had been happening in our family that started getting in the way of actually spending time together.  I told him about a girl I met in class as well.  She was a Mexican girl that just transferred to the school.  She started hanging out with our group and we were hitting it off.  After he dropped me off at the house, that was the last time that I saw him. 
Mayra had told me that night about mom and dad splitting up, and dad had moved out to go live with a girl he was shacking up with on the Rez.  Truthfully it was better than having to hear them drunk fighting at night.  Maybe this way, life will get better in the long run and there might be some hope for the last two to have a somewhat normal life.  Jauna and Bennie were the rug rats.  They were the twins that couldn’t have been more different.  Jauna was passive, yet devious and Bennie was hyperactive, yet an honest and simple soul.  They gave my mom plenty of trouble to deal with.   Mayra helped her out when she could, but spent most of her time studying at the school library or hanging out at one of her after school clubs, like student government.  I didn’t understand her.  How are you going to work for free?  We got the call on Christmas day.  
   The Library of Dreams
 It was a hot summer night.  The trees were swaying with the mid west wind, taking the edge off the humidity.  Just right for some beers and lake night swimming as we passed the bottle of tequila around and a joint.  There were five girls and five guys in our group, most of us native or at least half native.  Maria was the Mexican girl that had moved to town and became my girl.  We had been seeing each other for about a year now.  My life had changed a lot.  I look at the stars and see faces. I used to look at the sky and see just opened air.  I kiss Maria and we all take turns singing as loud as we can.  We howl at the moon.  We sleep under the night sky and I have a dream.  
I have the same dream over and over.  I am running on the water, until I notice it and then begin to float in the air.  I am calling my brother to throw me the football, but he doesn’t answer.  I see my family gathering around a casket.  They are dressed in dark suits and black dresses.  They are crying.  I try to talk to them but I can’t speak.  I can’t focus on the faces nor who is in the casket.  Then we are in the graveyard and I am clawing at the dirt.  It is my brothers grave and no one is there but me.   The red and white flowers fill the floor, but I still claw until Maria touches my shoulder and guides me away.  She tells me to find the road.  I don’t understand what she means.  And usually I wake up about now, but tonight seems to be different.  We start to dance in wedding clothes.  At first it seems like family and friends are gathered around at our wedding.  Then I notice the faces of the people.  I do not recognize them.  Some of them look like police men and politicians.  Maria also changes.  She turns in to Julie and I seem to be Warren.  I see us dancing and eating cake.  We have children and a house on a farm.  
I am running.  This time it is a football game.  It seems so real.  I can feel my breath in the cold morning air.  I can hear the crowd in the stands cheering.  The collisions like thunder around me, as I break free over and over again.  I have the football in my arms as the sky throws down rain and lighting.  A red lightning bolt hits the field and I awake.  
   Talking in Receivers
 I have lived past Death Row.  Somebody wanted me dead.  Somebody set me up.  Somebody killed my brother.  Somebody has killed my cousin.  Somebody has left many dead bodies in their fight for power.  Somebody has let the dead travel to the world of the living.  I am the dead here to find that somebody.  I am the prayers of a million people that have died waiting for the scales of justice to balance itself.  I cannot sleep the long sleep.  I am only here for a short time.  My soul remembers all the pieces left for me.  Now my hands must put them together.  
The beginning of the hunt starts at the reservation.  This is where we were betrayed.  Someone here bloodied their hands, and tried to wash them clean with more blood.  Here is where I find my prey that has preyed upon my family.  His name is Marco.  He is the seller of Meth.   He is the white mans dog.  He is the stealer of souls.  I know him too well.  He lives at every gathering of lost souls.  He lives at every gathering of the weak and unloved.  He fattens his belly with the misery of the community he lives in.  He takes and takes, and even though his sins are small compared to the sins of his maker, I begin with him.
There was a trail that he has left.  It is still smoldering and burning.  I smell the blood and begin crawling through the dark souls that live in the night.  They are gathered at the tavern to share and take from each other.  The music fills the dirt and rusted metal and old wood surroundings.  The drunken laughter and loud callings of the people inside run and run to find each other.  Like always, the pack of vicious wolves on motor cycles claim their territory.  He is among them.  They all grow fat from the blood of the reservation.  Later I will find the corrupt Tribal leaders that allow these monsters to feed, but for now, death will be satisfied with ten more and hell will have its doors open.  I can feel the evil before I walk in.  
I am dressed in ancient regalia from a people long ago.  I am the prayers of my bloodline from over 500 years.  We call out.  These lost souls will find redemption when they are released from their earthly prison.  Two await for me at the door.  Their bodies burst sober and skin turn ice cold when they see the monster they created emerge from the shadows.  Silently the bodies fall to the floor as my ancestors blades drip crimson.  The rest of the party begins and we dance.  
Guns fire and bats and chains break upon my sun gold skin.  I travel from the after world and re emerge in shrouds and corners of shadows.  I use the power of the sky, water, fire and earth to make death rain.  Lightning and tidal waves leave these lifeless bodies at my feet.  I see Marco.  I ask him who gave the orders.  He sits in a state of shell shock and then reaches for his 9mm.  I let him shoot.  He does until it is empty.  He then begins to mumble something that sounds like prayers and repentance.  It is too late for repentance from me.  That is not my job.  I am only here to collect and tell this story.  The story of the loveless and heartless.  He gives me a name I recognize.  I take his heart.  The spirit of the wolf comes to me, and we leave to cross the plain of the living to find answers from the waters and leave alms for the receiving dead.  This is our duty for the balance must be met, even by us.  We are joined by the other venturing spirit animals as they surround me.  They give me their power as we meet in the place between life and death.  
 Braxton Mahohn Jr. was the Mayor of the small town.  The cattle ranches and farming industry were overcasted on this August night.  A young woman quietly whimpers and sniffles salty tears that have dried out from the weeks of grief and heart broken pain.  She has lost someone whom she didn’t mean to love, but couldn’t help fall for the proud, strong soul and energy that he gave to everyone that knew him.  She thinks upon his kind gestures when he was courting her.  She remembers their late night phone calls and how he would always promise to write her name in lights in the Hollywood night sky.  She loved movies and one day wanted to move to California to become an actress.   A foolish dream, she knew, but when around him, people felt that they could do anything, and their dreams were only steps away.
She lays her golden locks in her tear drenched pillows.  Uncaring, she lays for hours and days.  In her hands she clenches the locket that he gave her at their first anniversary.  A golden heart with the simple word inscribed; love.  They would go on long car drives to watch sunsets and night skies.  She was caught up in his magic, even though she wasn’t supposed to.  When he died, she couldn’t believe it.  Since then, she hasn’t been the same.  Her father has brought in doctors to oversee her mental health.  They give her a new drug to help with her anxiety attacks.  Little round blue pills... they look like pearls.  
Being the only child, she was used to being overprotected and living wiht strict rules.  This was part of the reason she rebelled in the first place.  She was attracted to the dangerous life when she started High School.  She would hang out with the troublemakers, often giving them access to places they wouldn’t normally have access to.  She learned their ways and adapted to the wild life.  When she met Warren, she was supposed to ruin his reputation and get in trouble with the law.  She never agreed to help kill him.
Her father looks through a slightly opened door into the room at the broken girl.  He lightly closes the door without making a sound.  As he walks down the hallway accompanied by his servants, he gives the order to double her medication dose for the remainder of the week.  He will have important business to attend to and doesn’t want her to get into any trouble while he is away.  The mother overhears this and in her pill induced haze, summons the strength to protest with a flying cocktail glass across the room.  It nearly connects to the mans head, but his military training has not failed him, even in his later years.  He orders the same for her, except they secretly supply her a daily dosage in her drinks.  Even with the current state of his family, he still loves her, although he finds his pleasure in other ways.
As he readies to leave, he enters the limousine and verifies his appointments.  One is to ensure his pleasure packets in Indonesia and Chicago.  His young Italian assistant, Stephano, shows his jealous disapproval, but restrains himself and verifies that all things are in order.  The phone rings from the President.  He does not pick it up and simply says that he will see him when he gets their to Indonesia, and proceeds to his flight and consumes a pill himself.  It is a new world, yet an old world.   The Scribe writes down a new dream while he dreams.  In it are many faces known and unknown, some friends and some foes.  He sees his brother and Maria.  He sees fire and water clashing.  He awaits in the clouds, in the night sky, in the rivers, in the blood of the earth.  He waits.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
HSBC Traders Conviction Will Echo in $5 Trillion FX Market
Global currency traders and compliance officers who monitor them were put on high alert after a New York jury convicted a former HSBC Holdings Plc executive of fraud for front-running a large client order.
The verdict is a victory for U.S. prosecutors in their first attempt to hold individuals accountable since a global currency-rigging probe that led to banks paying more than $10 billion in penalties. Mark Johnson faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, although he’s likely to get much less. 
Traders will almost certainly come under pressure to avoid conduct that could be seen as harming their clients and profiting unfairly at their expense, said Mayra Rodriguez Valladares, a former foreign-exchange analyst for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
"Front-running is a crime," she said. "This should be a lesson to senior executives that they should invest in more training of ethics for traders and more in systems to detect irregularities."
The verdict is likely to echo worldwide. Although Johnson, HSBC’s global head of foreign exchange in 2011, was in New York at the time of the transaction, the trade was executed primarily in London, where Johnson’s co-defendant, Stuart Scott, was overseeing it. Scott, the bank’s former head of currency trading in Europe, remains in the U.K. as he fights extradition to the U.S.
Ex-HSBC Currency Trader Is Convicted of Fraud for Front-Running
"This conviction will embolden the U.S. in other cases," said Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. "The U.S. authorities have shown they’re able to police global markets.”
"At its very essence,” he added, “this was a theft case.”
Market participants are bracing for the crackdown, said Daniel Mantini, a former currency trader at Salomon Smith Barney and Bear Stearns who left the industry in 2012. 
“Everybody I know is now scared of their own shadows,” said Mantini, who’s now a author based in Branchville, New Jersey. “He was just a guy doing his job, trying to make some money off of a big order. This travesty of justice makes me glad I am out of the game.”
Johnson, the first banker to go on trial following the investigation over foreign-exchange trading, was convicted of defrauding Cairn Energy Plc in what prosecutors said was a clear case of front-running the company’s $3.5 billion order. London-based HSBC wasn’t accused of wrongdoing, but the bank has been under investigation over currency trading and is in talks with the Justice Department and U.S. regulators to resolve the matters, according to a July 31 regulatory filing. Rob Sherman, a spokesman for HSBC, declined to comment.
A jury found Johnson guilty on Monday on nine of 10 fraud and conspiracy counts after a month-long trial in Brooklyn, New York. He plans to appeal.
‘I Think We Got Away With It:’ Listen to HSBC Trader Phone Calls
According to prosecutors, Johnson and Scott were among 11 currency traders feverishly buying pounds just before the Cairn transaction. The traders in New York and London jumped ahead, driving up the price of the pound to its highest in two days on Dec. 7, 2011, minutes before the 3 p.m. deal, according to the U.S. Prosecutors said the other traders were tipped by Johnson.
Johnson spent three days on the witness stand in his own defense, but it was his own words from six years ago that formed the most compelling parts of the prosecution’s case. The government played recordings of 29 phone calls, including one in which he said, “I think we got away with it." Jurors asked to re-hear several of these calls before delivering their verdict.
The only charge on which he wasn’t convicted was linked to a 50-second recording in which Johnson excitedly said, "Ohhhhh, f---ing Christmas,’’ after he learned the Cairn Energy order would go ahead as planned. A juror who declined to provide his name said the call was too brief to convict Johnson on that count.
Acting U.S. Attorney Bridget M. Rohde said currency traders and others in the financial markets should know they are being watched. The government will “vigorously investigate and prosecute those who would so abuse their client relationships,” Rohde said after the verdict.
In HSBC Currency Trade Charts, U.S. Offers Its Theory of a Crime
Rodriguez Valladares said that message is certain to reach those in the foreign-exchange market.
“When these cases get a conviction -- or even if they don’t end in conviction but they get a huge amount of airtime -- basically compliance tends to round people up into relevant meetings and say, ‘All right, what are our controls like,’ and ‘Let me remind you of the rules,”’ she said. "You’re going to see a lot more focus from the compliance professionals at these firms and higher up to really clamp down.”
Well before the verdict, industry participants and central bankers spent two years creating the FX Global Code, published in May, part of a cleanup effort that followed the rigging scandal. Simon Potter, head of the markets group at the New York Fed, said at an event last month in Chicago that while it isn’t possible to stop all bad behavior, government officials are watching markets closely to see whether the code is helping.
“What you’d like to see is the size of scandal, the stuff that’s hidden, is much smaller,’’ he said. “And that internally within the firm, people would start asking questions.’’
Ex-HSBC FX Trader Convicted for Front-Running (Audio)
Javier Paz, a senior analyst at consultancy Aite Group, said traders now have added reason not to unfairly profit at their clients’ expense in the lightly regulated market.
"It’s not a bad thing for foreign-exchange executions, even yard-sized trades, to become more boring and auditable," he said, referring to transactions worth $1 billion or more.
“The industry has moved to a better place since 2011,’’ added Guy Debelle, deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, who led policymakers’ work on the FX Global Code. ‘‘We’ve provided more clarity around what is or is not appropriate,” including guidance on pre-hedging, or the purchase or sale of currencies in advance of client transactions, he said by phone.
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(vía https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UTZX1NUbW8) "Salsa con causa" (II) x Jaime Del Castillo para Mambo Inn radio, Lima Perú lun 03/04/2017
"Salsa con causa", (parte II) para Mambo Inn radio, en Lima Perú. 'Salsa con Causa' es la producción, dirección, conducción del Dr. Jaime Del Castillo, emitido lunes 03/04/2017
“Fiesta en el barrio” interpreta Carlos Muñoz y su orquesta;     “Arawe” interpreta Daniel Ponce y su orquesta; “Mambo influenciado”  canta Mayra Caridad Valdes con Irakere, para su Lp 'Diosa del mar', del año 2002; “Descarga chihuahua” interpreta Chihuahua All Stars; “Ariñáñara” canta Willy García con Joe Cuba Sextet; “Hojas Muertas” canta Fernando Albuerne; “Me prendiste velas” canta Oscar D'León con su orquesta, para su Lp 'Llegó, actuó y triunfó'; “La Muchachita” canta Frankie Otero con la orquesta de Wayne Gorbea; “Todo el mundo tiene alguien a quien ama” canta Felo Barrio con la orquesta de Bobby Quesada; “Gózalo” interpreta Al Valdez y su orquesta; y mucho más, en nuestros comentarios, críticas y posiciones; y no te olvides que estás invitado a unirte a nuestro grupo salsero, entra a la siguiente dirección electrónica en Facebook,
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cezzysims · 5 years
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a. Percy has wanted to sculpt an ice version of Branch Timbley for forever, so we’re letting him b. Bri wants the lifestyle of the rich and famous c. Brantley fame leecher d. Waylon Jones & Pamela Isley break up and nemesis e. Whitney walk f. Pamela Isley died g. Bri fame leecher h. Branch sculture complete i. Lynne toddler j. Tosha child k. Dayvid Musgrave & Marjorie VG dating l. Mayra Wayne & Sterling Wynn dating m. Wallace walk n. Whitney xylo o. Grant notable figure p. Nicholas born to Wilhemina & Jervis Tetch q. Added several empty houses, and new townies based on some of the main characters in Homestuck, plus a man named Tobias Steele r. Amelia peg 1pm s. Marsha Diamond & Bob Goon died t. Frida Goth & Dean Grimm break up u. Santos child v. Nepeta Leijon & Dave Strider dating? w. Victor Fries dies x. Van teen y. Candace teen z. Consuelo teen aa. Amy and Johnpaul Gardner expecting ab. Jane Crocker & Tristan VG dating ac. Gator Wolff & Catwoman engaged ad. Amelia bday, acquires Diva, with artistic and excitable
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queen-khaleesi-ii · 8 years
Since no one ever asks me shit I'm just gonna answer these because why not? 😂
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? -oh hell no.. 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?- nothing at all 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?- yes 4. Is your last name longer than six letters?- yes (Salazar) 5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?-Painfully sober 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?- Always 7. What does your last received text say? - "thanks Mayra!" 8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?- probably thousands of times hahah 9. Where was your last kiss at?- In a bedroom 10. When is the last time you saw your sister?- Don't have a sister :/ 11. What do you drink in the morning?-Green tea :) 12. Where did you sleep last night?- in my bed 13. Do you think relationships are hard?- Sometimes they can be 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?- yes 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?- I don't think so 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?-RAINY 17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?- I don't have a middle name 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?- Sweatpants 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?-Probably not 20. Does anyone like you?- doubt it 😂 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?- nope 22. Is the last person you kissed gay?-no 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?- YES😒 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?- yes 25. In the past week have you cried?- almost every damn night 💩 26. What breed was the last dog you saw?- Golden retriever pupper:) 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?- Out of 28. Have you ever kissed a football player?- nope! 29. Do you think you’re old?- yes lol 30. Do you like text messaging?- I prefer talking in person, people always seem to misinterpret the tone of a txt message🤔lol 31. What type of day are you having?- chill day, kind of boring 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?- nah 33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?- Cold 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?- YES. 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?- Relationship 🌹 36. Are you a simple or complicated person?- I like to think I'm pretty simple 37. What song are you listening to?- no music is playing right now 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?- yes 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?- yes 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?- oh god where do I start.... his awkward shyness lol that's all I'll say about that 41. When did you last receive a text message?- This AM from my coworker 42. What is wrong with you right now?- 🙃 fucking everything 🙃 43. How well do you know the last female you texted?- not too well, just a coworker. 44. Does anyone disgust you?- YES. Donald Trump 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?- No, I'm not really ready to jump into anything right now 46. Are you in a good mood right now?- I am Neutral 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?- my mom lol 48. What color shirt are you wearing? -black 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?- Hmm can't remember 50. Anyone you’re giving up on?- I think so... I don't know if I can yet 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?- Never 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?- Always 53. Do you like rain?- I love it! 🌧 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?- Nah 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?- no 56. Do you like to cuddle?- YES 57. Are you shy?- Depends on who I'm around 58. Do you get along with girls?- usually yes. 59. Have you dated the person you texted last?- No 60. What do you carry with you at all times?- My phone 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?- I ain't 'fraid of no ghost 😤 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?- I think so 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?- Define relationship.... lol 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?- yes! 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?- No 66. How old are the last three people you kissed?- like in their 20's 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?- did them myself 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?- Leopard 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? - nope 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? - neither 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? -IPhone 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?- about 2 months ago 73. Do you like diet soda?- no 74. What color are the walls in your room?- Beige 75. Are you 16 or older?- yes, 23 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? -No 77. Do you have a job?-Yes 78. What are your initials?- MS 79. Did you ever have braces?-Nope 80. Are you from the south?-No 81. What does your last status on facebook say?- don't remember, haven't even posted in a awhile 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? - It's been awhile 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?- MOM 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?- no 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?- LA LA Land 86. Do you smoke?- nope 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?- Depends on the occasion 88. Is your phone touch screen?- yes 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?- Curls! 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?- no 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?- Pool 92. Have you ever made out in a car?-yes 93. …Had sex in a car? - yes 94. Are you single or in a relationship?- Single 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?- SLEP 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?- last year, 4th of July 97. Do you like the camera on your phone?- yea I guess 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?- yep 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?- yes 😂 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?- nope 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?- oh yea... 102. Name your favorite Kesha song: don't have one 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?- nope! 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?- no
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cezzysims · 5 years
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a. Fiona invited herself over and Alfred is talking to her b. Ask to be just friends i. You just used me for my sperm! But yeah I guess that’s cool call me when the baby is born c. Vomit d. Marsha Diamond & Ras al Ghul dating e. Tending the garden f. Tonia Jansen died g. Mom thinking of her daughter h. Faith (MacDuff) Musgrave died i. Talia al Ghul and Jules MacDuff had baby girl Consuelo j. Catwoman and Riddler nemesis & break up k. Mayra child l. Albert toddler
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cezzysims · 5 years
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a. Mayra teen b. Percy lights self on fire c. Sterling teen d. Tarik YA e. Waylon elder f. Juliet toddler g. Chadd toddler h. Janet Pok & Chase Singh dating i. Bailee & Tristan VG break up j. Frida Goth & Dean Grimm dating k. Bought some stuff l. Brielle talk m. Z & Norma Goodfellow dating n. Bri walk
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cezzysims · 6 years
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Percy, savvy sculptor himself finally reached level 10 sculpting, and in getting there he has accrued a lot of lifetime happiness points, and purchased the reward to change his lifetime wish to Decendant of daVinci. Jules Macduff & Talia al Ghul begin dating as Frida Goth & Omari Ivy broke up. Daydream Padilla & Branch Timbley announce that they are engaged, and Isaiah Grayson becomes a teen. Brittany Bertiger, one of Percy’s classmates when he was attending high school, invites Percy and his family to a party at her place. Mayra Wayne becomes a toddler, as Waylon Wolff and Janet Pok start dating and Chase Singh and Fiona split up. Marjorie Van Gould & Bailee Whitaker’s son Lorenzo start dating, and Feisal Wadsworth & Stacia Wynn end their relationship. Van Whitaker was born to Fiona Whitaker and Chase Singh, hours after their split, and Candace Rodgers was born to Sophie Rodgers and Wesley Caballero. Catwoman & Riddler are now dating, while Ada (Whitaker) & Dick Grayson are expecting yet again. Bill Misfit dies as Tonia Jansen & Zbigniew Whitaker start dating. Gabriel Grayson and Doug Goodfellow become a toddler and a child, respectively, as Joe MacDuff dies and Percy & Grant hunt as a pack.
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Tim’s Secret Weapon pt. 10
I’ve been slightly obsessed with @ozmav​ ‘s Damian Wayne/Marinette Dupain-Cheng pairing as of late, and just saw a post that has inspired me more than anything else has in months, so I felt the need to write it
Summary- Tim has always seen the numbers floating above people’s heads, been able to perceive their threat levels with a single glance. After being a hero for so long he thought he was desensitized to seeing high numbers above people’s heads until Damian brings a new friend home. Part 1 Part 9 Part 10(HERE) Part 11 This will probably be the last update for awhile, I start student teaching this coming week and I’m nervous as all hell right now ____________________________________________
“We have so much to do,” Marinette mumbled as she stood, stretching her shoulders out.
“Such as what angel?” 
Adrian raised his hand, “Letting Paris know that there’s more heroes here is probably near the top.” 
“Got it in one Kitty,”  
Kim snorted,  “They might flip out otherwise when they see so many new masks running around and think we have a Scarlet moth incident on our hand.” 
The team groaned out agreements from around Chloe’s room as the Bats looked over them with mild interest. It was closing in on midnight, each of the teens remaining having gotten permission from their parents to stay at the hotel for the night. The Kwamis had taken the plate of cookies, camembert, sugar cubes, sashimi, honey, bananas, and celery Chloe had ordered, and promptly ignored the strange look the room service personnel had given her,  for them to the closed bedroom, excited to have so many of them together and free to talk openly without hiding or disappearing into the hidden dimension of the miraculous box. 
“What’s a Scarlet moth?” Tim asked, trying to remember if he had seen the name anywhere in his research, “Hawkmoth’s apprentice?” 
“Nope,” Chloe groaned, rubbing her eyes with an exhausted air, “It’s when Hawkmoth akumatizes someone, Mayra probably so that their power is to power him up so that he can akumatized multiple people at once. The akumas turn scarlet when he does this so we nickname him Scarlet Moth when he pulls that crap.” 
“First time,” Marinette sighed, “He had someone make an illusion of me akumatized, killing Chat Noir in front of all of Paris. Most of the city was distraught enough to fall prey to the akumas and it took Chat, me and three other temporary heroes to take him out. Since then he’s pulled Scarlet Moth out eight times with various levels of success, and twice they’ve done something similar but with Mayra’s amoks, we call those Crimson Peacock events.”
“It’s a ridiculously long day every time,” Chloe groans, “Akumas usually take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour to fight, Amoks usually take an hour or two,  both will be three to four hours, but crimson Peacock and Scarletmoth? The quickest we’ve taken those out is six hours.” 
The Gotham heroes groaned in sympathy, images Joker, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow and the Court of Owls bigger plays flashing through their heads. Telling the citizens that there wasn’t a major issue to deal with would make their jobs easier. 
“What we’re just going to knock on that Ladyblog chick’s window then?”  Jason asked only to see the Paris heroes' faces scrunch up in disgust. 
“No, Never,” Kim spat, “Not in a million years. Not after all the fucking stunts she's pulled.” 
“Language Master Kim,” Alfred chastised with a raised brow, “You can express your distaste for the young woman without resorting to such vulgarity.” 
“Sorry,” Kim blushed sheepishly, “But she really has pulled a lot of things that tick me off, don’t even think I could list them all. Harassing people over not agreeing with her ‘professional’ opinion, taking the side of Lila even over Ladybug telling her, reporting anyone else trying to share miraculous news for not going through her.” 
“Chasing us down when we’re about to change back to harass us about our identity as if we hadn’t already explained to her why we keep them secret,” Alix added with a tired frown, “The amount of times I’ve had to use Burrow just to get one of us away from her is ridiculous.”
 “Dragging her little sisters into the middle of the Akuma attacks for footage,” Adrian hissed, anger causing his eyes to nearly glowing, “I can’t even begin to count every time our jobs were made harder because we had to rescue them…or how many times those little girls got hurt… ” 
 “Not to mention the shipping wars and rumors she starts just for views,” Chloe grumbles, “If I have to hear another take on how I’m either  in love with my superhero self or trying to murder her to take back the bee miraculous, I’m going to gouge my ears out with a rusty spoon.” 
“So yeah,” Marinette concluded, “We don’t interview with Alya anymore. She used to be a really good friend but Lila has spent years twisting her ambitions and changing her into someone toxic.” 
 “Take the Bee miraculous?” Dick asked, dislike for the reporter growing more with every word but decided to take the safe route and change the subject, no need risk akumation, “Why would they think that?” 
Alix snorted, “Oh cause out of everyone in Paris the last person anyone would think to have the bee miraculous is Chloe.”
“Yes,” Max agreed, eyeing the blonde, “I’ve been meaning to ask, how did Marinette decide to give you your miraculous back after the Miraculous Queen incident?”
“Because she only did as we planned,” Adrian said with a slight smirk making the other's jaws drop, “Hawkmoth was already watching her and trying to get her to go dark with the promise of the Bee miraculous he had taken from us.” 
“Chloe actually reached out to me,” Marinette laughed, “Remember when she made that big deal about allowing me to do commissioned work for her that year?”
“Well yeah,” Alix said slowly, “But she does that like once a year… Even when she was at her worst Marinette Originals were hot ticket items.” 
“I was really trying to get into contact with the mangy cat, or at least that’s what I said. I kinda… knew Marinette was Ladybug..” Chloe grumbled, not looking at them.
“WHAT!” The mentioned heroine squeaked, “How on Earth-”
“After getting Pollen,” Chloe cut in, “I realized she bore a striking resemblance to a certain red and black toy I stole from you when Prince Ali visited when showed up Princess Perfume.”
“You knew this whole time?” Adrian asked, “And said nothing even while akumatized?” 
“I mean, duh,” The blonde scoff, “Don’t be ridiculous, I might not have done my homework back then but I’m not an idiot. I just focused on my hate of Ladybug and didn’t think about Marinette at all, he was too giddy to have such a powerful Akuma he didn’t go digging in my head.” 
“So you what,” Alix asked, as Marinette struggled to reboot her mind, pulling the conversation away from chaos “Just let her get akumatized?” 
They nodded, Adrian taking over again, “M’Lady, Chloe and I decided that that could work in our favor and we could just draw him and Mayra out and take back the miraculous they had stolen” 
“Of course,” Marinette sighed, coming out of her stupor, “We weren’t expecting it to be right after such a hard Akuma, or for her powers to be just as devastating. Luckily she gave the miraculous to different users so Hawkmoth was none the wiser about each of your identities. After her staged meltdown at me, Chat went to check on her and offered to let her build a new Bee hero as we had retrieved that miraculous. With a quick illusion from the fox miraculous a month after Abeille hit the scene, we have video evidence of those two making peace with the Bee changing hands, and Chloe wishing Abeille luck even if she could no longer be Queen Bee.” 
“Impressive Strategy,” Kagami hummed, “I believe if Lover Eater and Miraculous Queen hadn’t been such unusually hard foes to fight then you could have won. It was unfortunate that the circumstances were such.” 
“It sounds like you overlooked some variables in your plan,” Bruce hummed, “but overall it sounded like a decent plan for having only been fighting for a little under a half a year at that point if you were expecting the usual level of difficulty with the Akuma before Chloe instead of a much tougher opponent like the one you faced.” 
Marinette smiled, “It was a mess in practice,” She admitted with a small smile, “But it made it clear that even if Chat and I could use multiple miraculous for short periods, we couldn’t continue any longer without help, not to mention the previous guardian was lost.” 
“Lost!” Max yelped, paling drastically, “I was under the impression that the miraculous cure brought back any fatalities that are caused by miraculous related events. How did it fail on the guardian?” 
“Not like that, I’m sure, Master Max,” Alfred broke in, “Duusu explained once that the guardians have a… failsafe, if you will, to prevent the identities of the holders from being found out through them.” 
Marinette nodded, eyes growing distance, “He resigned as he guardian handing it over to me. Doing so the magic of the miraculous wiped their very existence from his memory. He didn’t even know that the turtle bracelet he wore was magical let alone know the secrets the miraculous held any longer.” 
The room grew cold as the teens' faces fell. The Bat’s grimaced as they looked around the room, knowing the uncertainty that was coursing through all of them 
Marinette shook her head, “It doesn’t matter, he’s enjoying life with an old flame he had to abandon to take care of guardian business, but that does bring me to the next thing we have to do.” 
Chloe smirked widely, “Got an extra on you then?” 
“No, We’re just going to loan them for a few minutes” 
“Seeing an Akuma or amok isn’t a skill that is inherent, it’s how so many people don’t realize someone is possessed until they transform,” Adrian explained, “Took us a while to realize why some people could see the butterflies and feathers and others couldn’t.” 
“There are four ways you can see an Akuma that we have observed,” Max took over, “The first is if you are the intended target of the Akuma, next is if you’ve already been akumatized, we all thought that it was just PTSD of being akumatized, but their accuracy was more accurate then simply being observant would allow. Third and… most unsettling is those that parish during an Akuma battle and are brought back by the miraculous cure can view them.” 
Eyes snap to Marinette, who is looking at her hands with a bone-weary sadness that any hero can relate to. 
“You can raise the dead?” Jason asked, a little edge of unease in his voice. The bats knew he was thinking back to his own death, Tim reached out a hand to squeeze his knee. Being brought back to life wasn’t pleasant in their experience. 
“Yes,” She tells them, “All damage is repaired as if it never happened, that includes any death or injury that may happen during the fight. If I’m transformed I can also do some healing but it’s likely to knock me out quicker then I can heal something more serious than a broken rib unless I have an energy source to pull from.” 
“That’s fucked,” 
“Nah he’s right,” Marinette brushed off Damien’s growl, “but the last way you can see the akumas is the way we’re sticking with. Using a miraculous and the miraculous ability it possesses.” 
The Bats blinked at them but they glanced over to see the other Parisians already rising to their feet. 
“It’s about time for patrol anyways,” Chloe groaned, “It’s Adrian’s and Kagami’s night,” 
“It’s Friday and we’re already sleeping over,” Marinette hummed, “We could all head over to the training area and get this over with, then let you two go out while we train for a bit. I’m thinking miraculous swap drills.” 
“Should we suit up?” Bruce asked with a raised brow. 
“Would probably be a good idea,” She suggested, “It’s not far from here so no need to use Voyage to get there, we’ll just take the rooftops.” 
An abandoned warehouse on the edge of the Seine, and the Paris team entered with an air of happiness, as the Bat’s took in the space. Half of the floor empty for sparing, while the other half appeared to be made into an obstacle course.  Old couches and chairs were grouped between the two zones, most likely placed there for breaks in training.   
“Not bad,” Dick commented as he looked around, “So how are we doing this?” 
“I’m keeping the earrings, but you guys will each try one of the other miraculous” 
“I call the Cat!” Jason yelled before Marinette finished, causing Dick to pout.
“No fair! Selina likes me best!”
“No way circus boy!”
“Selina,” Bruce cuts in, “Likes me best, that’s why we’re engaged. These aren’t toys, stop arguing over them.” 
“It’s alright,” Adrian laughed as he removed his ring, “We were the same way when M’lady first suggested training with each other’s miraculous. They can be exciting.”  
Tim was only half listening as around him the Paris team other than Marinette were pulling off their jewelry, numbers draining of color as they dropped down, except for one. 
“Kagami isn’t a true user.” He said offhandedly, as her burgundy refused to falter even as her number dropped to a still formidable 8. 
Longg glared at him, “Even if she was not blessed by my hand, she is still my chosen wielder and no less a worthy opponent for the corrupted holders, do not forget it.” 
“I didn’t mean to offend,” He offered, “Merely observing. Her number didn’t lose its color and dropped down to an 8 instead of a 12.” 
“What is a true user?” Kagami piped in, “and why are you aware of it?” 
“Short answer,” Plagg piped in taking his ring from Adrian, “Reincarnation is real and we blessed souls who are more linked to our aspects then anyone else in the world. Yadda Yadda…” 
Pollen smacked him upside of the head with her comb
“Someone had to do it since Tikki isn’t here,” She told him with a slight huff, “You forgot to mention that just because they have been blessed by us doesn’t mean that they’re going to be a good holder, nor does it mean that if they’re not blessed that they’re going to be a poor holder.” 
“Well duh!” He complained, “Kags is one of the best dragons we’ve had in the last millennium, and Mayra sucks at her role! I didn’t think I needed to mention it.” 
“It would probably help if Mayra was a true peacock instead of just a true holder,” Kaalki hummed. 
“Whatevas,” Plagg brushed off floating lazily over to Jason, “I want the zombie anyways.” 
“Rude,” Jason snarked but took the ring gently from the small cat, “How do I do this?” 
“Just put it on and say Plagg Claws Out,” 
Tim raised a brow as his brother put the miraculous on and his 10 bled from it’s usual rust to neon green, “Wait.” 
The room froze. 
Jason raised a brow, “What replacement?” 
“Take the ring off,” 
“Your number…” He winced, still unused to mentioning the floating digits. 
Jason brushed right by it, “What did it jump up to a 15 like Marigold’s or something?”
“No… Just changed color. I really hope it’s not permanent.” 
Jason slid the ring off and the rust returned allowing the younger man to breathe a sigh of relief. 
“It go back?” Dick asked gently. 
“Yeah, back to the normal rusty red. Looks like the miraculous turn then user’s color to something associated with them,” He breathed, “Good, I was worried I’d be staring at neon green over Jay’s head forever.” 
“Hey!” Plagg snapped, crossing his tiny arms, “What’s wrong with green? It’s always been my color.” 
“It’s also the color of people suffering Larzath sickness,” 
The bats flinched and Jason held the ring with a grimace before slipping it back on, “Let’s get this over with then so I can go back to red, Plagg claws out!” 
The sickly green light overtook him and the number started to climb.
Finally, the number disappeared and Jason was left standing in clothes similar to his normal hero outfit but tweaked.
Everything he wore was now jet black, from his boots to his helmet, with neon green accenting his boots, fingernails that had grown out into long wicked looking claws and eyes. A thick black belt wrapped around his hips and hung behind him, flicking softly on its own accord and on top of his helmet the metal was shaped into delicate-looking cat ears. The silver baton attached to the small of his back, right over his leather jacket
Dick let out a low whistle.
“Impressive,” Damian muttered, “The transformation somehow made you look even stupider than normal, Todd.” 
“Like you can do better,” Jason countered, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “But also, holy shit I feel like I just got pumped full of caffeine and really want to test out what I can do.”  
“Transformation does that,” Kim snickered, “You get used to it after a while, but that’s why we brought you all here instead of letting you transform in the hotel.” 
“Wait until the others transform and we can give them a test run around the warehouse,” Marinette told him, before turning to the other, “Let’s get a move on boys,” 
Tim found himself moving towards Max, who was sliding on an extra set of glasses he had with him, no doubt his original ones.
“May I?” He asked earning a smile from the other boy. 
“Of course,” Max agreed, “Right Kaalki?” 
The tiny horse eyed him, “Famous and world renown in both identities, how could I say no? The transformation phrase is Kaalki, Full Gallop.” 
He nodded, turning to look back at his family. Xuppu while Damian was examining the dragon choker, asking questions of Longg and Kagami. He was surprised to see Bruce accepting the bee miraculous from Chloe however.
“The hair comb?” Dick laughed slightly, “Thought you’d go for the Pocket Watch, B.” 
His father sent him a bland look, “I don’t do blue.” 
The bats all cackled. 
“Super doesn’t have to know,” Dick teased, placing the circlet on his head, 10 glowing and shifting to a soft tan, “we can keep a secret.” 
“I don’t have a single son that I can trust not to tell the Boy Scout I was wearing his color if I took the rabbit,” He spoke evenly attaching the comb to the side of his cowl, his 11 flickering to a golden honey. 
“I’m hurt Father,” Damian said as he Hastened the choker around his throat, his 11 burning to a fiery red, “I would never willing talk to Superman.”
“You’d tell Jon,” 
“I never denied that fact, merely that I wouldn’t tell his father,” The youngest Wayne cheeked earning an eye roll from Bruce.
“Pollen, Buzz on,” 
The Bat suit changed more than jason’s, with the gloves and shin guards now coming to hard points stipped with yellow, and the cape was gone, replaced by large translucent wing fluttering restlessly. His cowl no longer came to the classic bat ear peaks, instead long thin antennae like fixtures replaced them and the white eyes changed to dark green compound eyes. Around his hips were his utility belt usually lay, the same bee themed top that Abeille wore was wrapped. 
“Alright we can all agree that the old man looks stupider then me right?” 
The Paris team eyes blew wide at insulting the Batman to his face but his sons just agreed easily earning an infamous batglare that they simply shrugged off. 
“I will send all of you home and bring Cass and Duke to assist instead,” 
“No you won’t,” Tim mocked as he slide the glasses on, repeating the transformation phrase he was told. Energy spiked within him too an ungodly level and at the same time pain seared through his head, knees buckling almost instantly under the pressure. 
“Are you alright?” Max yelped catching before he crumbled to the floor. 
Blinking rapidly the pain slowly faded to a low pounding right behind his eyes, Tim glanced up and froze. 
Bruce and Dick were on him almost instantly, pulling him to one of the couches to sit down, rapid fire assessment questions about how he was feeling, just like they did any time someone got hurt in field flying at him. Bruce all but pounded into them to never lie to these questions after Dick nearly fell into a coma his first year as Robin. Even when on auto pilot he could tell the truth to them. 
He vaguely heard “Changes in vision?” and simply nodded. 
“What changed, spots? Blurry? Colors weird? tunnel vision?” Bruce questioned softly, sliding the glasses down his nose to look into his eyes, but didn’t remove them.
“They’re gone,” 
“What’s gone?” 
Tim never let his eyes drift from above their heads. 
“The numbers, my numbers are gone.” 
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @iggy-of-fans @mewwitch @roseinbloom02 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @mochinek0 @royalchaoticfangirl @09shell-sea09 @mystery-5-5 @derpingrainbow @aloha-posts-stuff @hauntedfreakdeputyhero @maribat-archive @blue-peach14 @kae690 @zazzlejazzle @vincentvangoose @be-happy-every-day-please @xxmadamjinxx @celestiacq @peculiarlylostdreamer @dani-ari @melicmusicmagic @themcclan @nyctamaximoff @nataladriana9 @drama-queen-supreme @miraculousbelladonna @urbanpineapplefarmer @graduatedmelon @lexysama @hecate-hallow @ki117h3dr4g0n @vinerlover @interobanginyourmom @bluefiredemon @imanerddealwith @tinybrie @clumsy-owl-4178 @shizukiryuu @whogavemeaninternet @schrodingers25 @lunar-wolf-warrior @urbanpineapplefarmer @xxmadamjinxx @crazylittlemunchkin @littleredrobinhoodlum​ @rougemme​ @dur55​ @phantommeow12 @kand-roo​ @silvergold-swirl​ @officiallyathiana​ @completelypeccable​ @redhoodsdoll​ @nataladriana9​ @mariae2900​ @northernbluetongue​ @sturchling​ @thesunanditsangel​ @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo​ @bobothyross @taoiichii​ @magnitude101999​ @magicalfirebird​ @nataladriana9​ @panda3506​ @aquariusrunes​ @woodland-queer @sayarock121​ @mindfulmagics​ @magic-miraculous​ @my-name-is-michell @naoryllis @slytherinqueen2432 @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @captainartsypants @nanakeid @legendaryneckjudgestudent @smolplantmum @the-real-ginakid @nyaabinch @elmokingkong @gentlemanoftimetravel @whitennerdiest@imbrium-mare @tired-butterfly @corabeth11 @aestheticnpoetic @amirahevens @sassakitty @letterlust
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