allwaysmay · 1 year
I'm going to do a full analysis of issue 63 soon but I just needed to say that Lanolin telling Silver to do better hit too close to home.
I actually felt and understood everything Silver felt at that time and I was so mad at Lanolin for saying that.
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allwaysmay · 1 year
Think about "what was I made for?" But with shadow.
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allwaysmay · 1 year
I have an OC! And I'm finally ready to share her. I mean, I've had her for 3 years but she had just been swimming in my mind and I was scared she was stupid and unmemorable. I still kinda think she unmemorable but see an incomplete thing I'm working on
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Lia the porcupine!
She has a chao but they aren't there yet.
Also want to change her sleeves to smth see through?
I'm not really satisfied with her design and she may change a lot
Umm so facts
- 14 y/o
-Loves drawing and comfy clothes
-she left home to explore the art of the world and help people while she can
- has an abuela she adores.
-She's Spanish
- airbending abilities
- she has this strange lore that stemmed from GOTF (cos I always insert OCs into stuff I adore) but I'll do that later. This also caused her to have a thing for shadow..idk how...
I'm open to suggestions idc what..I'm not satisfied with her design...
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