#mc gw
rark · 2 years
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funkiar · 7 months
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hyperfixat · 3 months
haiii so dw this month for sure a chapter of the star rail fic is coming cross my heart, i just really wanted to write this. so theres a visual novel on this app called dorian called shark bait (by rose magpie i think) and i really like it and wanted to contribute to the little fandom its growing!! check it out pls i love it sm if you do use my link so i get some in app currency i can use to support this creator and others like them: https://dorian.app.link/2Y85rYySoKb
(the app lets creators make profit off of their work and when you use the link i’ll get a currency that allows me to help the authors get money)
also any diehard gw fans,. if youre outther,. sorry for th character assassination
At first GW doesn’t care. Why should he bother to coddle this human that’s going to be dead within the month? They’re pitiful, always making those little squeaks and screams when something startles them. Their fear stank up his room for nearly the whole week, he even partially caved, attempting to relax the poor thing by giving it Rhin’s stupid notebook. That sort of worked, dampening the concentration of fear in the air.
He’s half surprised that no one’s made a chomp at it, what with how the scent lingers over them at all times. The other half of him is proud at how well his men respect his authority and know not to mess with what is his.
Sometime throughout the week he had to babysit you, he began to see you as a pet, and called you such. The first time he let the pet name slip it was as he was escorting you through the halls, few sharks were around, but the name brought a fire to your face and made you tuck your head down. You tried to hide your face, opting to grasp the back of his jacket to stick closer to him. If you stumbled into his feet a couple times in your desperation to hide yourself, he didn’t mention it.
Then the whole Posideon revival thing happened, what a show that was, but it was the catalyst for him to realize (and admit to himself) that he wants you to like him the way you like the others.
You’re practically suctioned to Rhin’s side, and Rhin, the sap, enables it! If Rhin needs to visit Akhelios you follow along like a little puppy; if Rhin wants a snack you stick to him like a barnacle; if Rhin needed to take a shit he wouldn’t be surprised if you followed him in the bathroom.
That’s not to say you don’t like him or the others, though he has a sinking feeling he’s your least favorite of the four of them (excluding Akhelios, he doesn’t see most of your interactions with the god, so he can’t make a good judgment). GW doesn’t know how to fix that, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t try.
“Pet, come here.” He tries to say it casually. The five of you are relaxing in a common area and you’re not actively cuddling up to someone. It seems as good a time as ever to begin making you forge a bond with him.
You startle, looking up at him like a deer in headlights. GW looks at you expectantly, but you avert your gaze and look to Rhin, who gives GW a suspicious eye raise, but nods at you — either reassuring you or granting you permission. GW doesn’t like that, he stops himself from growling, despite the urge building up in his chest, as to not frighten you further and detract your desire to get close to him.
You stand from your spot next to Tiggy who watches the situation carefully, as if spectating a drama show. Your steps are timid and uncertain as you walk up to GW. You stop a few feet in front of him, briefly making eye contact before looking back down at his chest. When he stands, it's then how much larger he is than you comes into perspective for him. Even with his slouch he stands a good few heads taller than you in this form. Though logically he knows that isn’t a good thing in terms of making you relax easier around him, it stirs something in the pit of his stomach to look down on you so casually.
“Come with me.” You glance back at the three remaining sharks, gauging their expressions. While curious none of them indicate that you shouldn’t follow GW. Tiggy even gives you an encouraging nod.
GW leads you down the hallway to his chambers, opening the door for you and locking it behind him.
“Is there a reason you asked for me?”
GW stalks behind his mess of a desk and grabs a leather bound journal. It makes a solid thunk when he drops it on the desk.
“I found another one of Rhin’s old drawing collections.” He slides it to the edge of his desk, indicating he wants you to retrieve it. You follow through and place your hand on the cool cover. “You seemed to like the first one I gave you. ‘Figured you’d like to play with this one as well.”
You stare down at the bound pages. It’s clearly been done by hand, but professionally. You wonder how long it took Rhin to make, unless someone else bound the pages for him? GW taps the cover, urging you to pick it up.
“Feel free to destroy it, burn it, whatever; same as the first one.” GW huffs.
You thank him and move to lay on the couch to idly flip through the pages; they contain a variety of sketches and finished works, clinical, personal, silly. The aging of the pages tells you this book may very well be older than your great great grandma. Eventually you find the point Rhin likely lost (or was robbed of) the book, as no pages from that point have any signs of creativity on them.
You look at GW, who settled down at his desk to do paperwork, wondering if it’s worth approaching him to ask for a pencil.
Boredom eventually wins over and you shuffle over to his desk to pluck a spare pencil, GW’s dark eyes flick to your hand immediately. He watches you grab a pencil and fights the urge to make you ask. The goal is to make you like him and relax around him, not to treat you like anyone else.
GW doesn’t like that something of Rhin’s draws you to his room. It’s nice to be in your company, but the air is soured when he looks over at you drawing little smiley faces and doodles next to Rhin’s work.
It drives him mad, he drives him mad. And GW knows within a few hours he’ll be seeing you clinging to Rhin’s side at breakfast. Why do you even like the shark so much? What does he have that GW can’t provide you with?
A tender touch is what it takes to win you, GW surmises. That will prove to be an issue. GW isn’t tender. Perhaps that is what makes you so drawn to Rhin. Though you seem content to cuddle up with Tiggy and Lee just fine…
Though he was (still is, he’s trying, he promises,) hostile to you especially at the start of your relationship. How can he show without completely demeaning himself he thinks of you as more than just an ex-sacrifice or an obligation.
This will have to do for now, this casual companionship. He’ll just have to find another way to woo you. (Not that he’d ever call it that.)
Why won’t you let your guard down to the same degree as you do with the others with him?
GW can hear your laughter as he comes down the hallway, your voice sounds animated, but at a distance he can’t make out what you’re so excited about.
When he enters the room your laughter quiets. It’s behavior that he would expect of his subordinates, not you. It sits wrong with him that you would feel the need to repress your authenticity around him. If only there were a way to convey that to you without sounding like a total sap.
On a completely unrelated note you’ve gone and turned GW into a total sap.
Okay, that’s a gross exaggeration, but he would never say these things to anyone else.
Finally he’s got you to come to his room, under the casual guise of wanting to have a talk, though what he assumed was a casual guise has turned you into a nervous wreck as you timidly shut the door behind yourself.
GW wants to scream. Is his progress with you reversing, because why are you trembling like a newborn and keeping your gaze so firmly stuck to the floor.
“You wanted to talk?” It’s rare for you to take the initiative to start a conversation first.
“Yes, you have nothing to be nervous about, I can smell you from across the room.” You look up at him like a doe in headlights, not expecting to be called out so blatantly. “Come over here I have something I want to say, and I don’t want to repeat myself.”
Though your nerves don’t fade, they don’t worsen, so it’s a win in GW’s book. When you’re finally close enough that he’s sure you’ll be able to hear each and every word he speaks clearly GW shoots one finally glare at his door, as if daring someone to barge in. When no one does he directs his eyes to you.
“I…?” GW clears his throat, dismissing the moment of uncertainty. “I like you, MC. I want you to know that it hurts me when you show such fear and timidness around me.”
“Oh.” You don’t know how to respond to that.
“I’m not asking for anything, I just want you to know I won’t hurt you or snap at you. You’re safe with me, you know that, right?” When you nod, GW closes his eyes as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. “And my door is always open, for you, that is. Please stop by some time. I value your company.”
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itsangrynar · 2 months
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More GW (★‿★)
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shark-man-simp · 1 day
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Givin' my F!MC some love -
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fat-rolls-frictions · 9 months
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document added to your inventory. transcript below.
CW: referenced self-harm, implied teeth horror, torture, unreality. @fiddles-ifs
(The document is marked as CONFIDENTIAL with various administration stamps and handwritten notes on the top margin. Much of the dates and serial numbers are illegible.
A ring stain from a cup is clearly visible on the bottom right corner.)
Trainee's Name: Nguyen, Kim
Subject: Mission no.06 - Simulated Interrogation
Handlers: A. Itamura, V. Wallace
(Scattered throughout are fragmented phrases. They read: "who were?" "do you even care? do you" "you did not" "remember" "do you ever? di")
Addendum-120320A: Agents reported "unexpected" degree of resistance. Preliminary injuries logged. Mission proceeded without further complications.
("They have pliers.")
Overview: Trainee's previously recorded paranoia exacerbated after preparation period. Roommates reported heightened stress unrelated to anticipation of mission; effect attributed directly to trainee. Arrangements for extraction made with regards to trainee's evals and Dr. (redacted)'s suggestions.
Trainee exhibited remarkable contentiousness despite several injuries, including a fractured collarbone and mild concussion. Agents instructed to secure with force given trainee's well documented volatility. Mission hook revealed. Dr. (redacted) correctly predicted that trainee would fail to respond to accusations of collaborating, or otherwise spearheading, the information leaks. Agents instructed to proceed with physical methodologies.
Stalemate achieved approx. 0500 hours after agent Itamura di ("his hands on your this pulp is not yours"). Trainee made multiple attempts to ("retaliate / retribute / requiter / illegible text"). Evidently unsuccessful (See A-120320B below). Trainee continued to redirect attention away from mission hook, oftentimes inciting, and appearing to relish retribution from agents. Previous psychological evals point to this being a product of mere belligerence. [break] ("It's the only thing you're capable of.") Nevertheless, agents pursued this lead to its completion, as is protocol.
Agent Wallace discovered healing injuries unrelated to mission at the 0619 hour mark. Injuries appear to be self-inflicted in nature, located in both inner arms. It was surmised that [break] teeth [break] match ("you didn't mean to but it happened what kind of person do this it just happened" "you" "tear into" "fuck off") unexpected emotional and psychological reactions. Agents authorized to remove part of trainee's sleeve in order to continue the interrogation.
(Overlay in the break, nearly illegible: "they pour water down your throat and it comes spilling out then he (illegible) hands teach you again the shape of your jaws you know intimately someone stupider would say-")
Incident C133-120320 took place at 0922 hours when agent Itamura prepared to [break] after several threats to [break] if trainee did not ("repent"). Neither agents anticipated the outburst. Agent Wallace remarked that [break] ("pliers")
("-bunny". The word "bunny" repeats several times after this instance in the margins.)
("sometimes you see people they do not stop even when they should even when" "metal on molars on gum on tongue" "you are horror under a pin with not dead cells taken off piece by piece a stream of un-consciousness good for nothing but self-cannibalizing desperate for something to fill your detritus a hate for something you can't name" "a you that do not" "are not")
("sometimes you see people they forget that they are people. sometimes that is for the best.")
Addendum-120320B: Itamura submitted for performance review after mission. Agent demonstrated certain lack of discipline in carrying out the mission and was influenced easily by trainee's provocations. Additional psychological eval recommended along side with physical therapy.
Incident log C133-120320: You cannot forget how bone feels between teeth.
("something hungers in the woods somewhere and it always finds you among the trees." This sentence repeats in the background, going off the margin.)
Department of Training. 21/02/(redacted)
("you had bunny teeth. you remember
calling you
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ask-elland-n-will · 3 months
hello will,, and others,
i was wondering if one if you lot own a big grey cat,, he keeps popping up in my dorm room and scratching up my school work. and when i try to grab him he bites. as you can see, im not super good with cats. if you could come pick him up for me thatd be brilliant.
- aaron :)
There is a knock on the door to your dorm room before a Slytherin prefect walks in, wearing kitchen mittens, Quidditch goggles, and two layers of sweaters despite it being a really warm day.
"Aaron, good afternoon. I received your letter and asked a few students around. Sadly, I couldn't locate the owner of the cat you described but we cannot allow it to ruin your school work! Slytherins need house points!" the prefect announces, looks around, and spots the cat. "Unfortunately for the three of us, I'm not great with animals either."
But he will give it all he can! After all, he is a prefect, and he is the one who should be taking care of those things.
"Kitty cat. Come here? Kitty?" Will starts approaching the animal, walking slowly up until he's close enough where he could grab it. He spreads his mittens forward, sweat trickling down his temple in the process.
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loverickyys · 24 days
Hiii! This is my 1st time requesting anywhete but my delusion has given a random confidence boost
Is it okay if you write something about idol gunwook and idol reader? I dont really have anything in mind but there is little to no idol reader fics with gw and I might go crazy if I dont find any more.
YOU DONT HAVE TO IF YOU DONT WANT TO!! As long as its gw related I'll be more than happy.
BTW you're one my fave writers ever and thank you for doing what you're doing and I hope you keep enjoying it. Stay lovely and stay healthy ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥
First of all, thank u sososo much for all those kind words, made my day, love u babe 💘💘
Idol!Gunwook is such a tease ngl. Your relationship with him is not public yet so you guys try to hide it from the fans. Dates with him often happen after award shows, curled up together in the car parked in some dingy place to avoid paparazzi. Stolen glances and touches whenever your groups are promoting together at music shows. You being the mc of one of them gives Gunwook even more liberty to shamelessly flirt with you when you are interviewing him. His playful smile and calling you "y/n shii~" in a singsong voice leads to a number of ship edits of you both, now a staple of the two fandoms.
There is no surprise either that most of your sex related expeditions also end up in changing rooms, trying to get off each other since this is the only time you get due to the hectic schedules. Quickies in the closet. Both of you panting, half dressed, hair messed up, eating each other up basically. Gunwook's fingers dig in your thighs, your skirt pushed up and few buttons of the blouse opened for him to attach his lips to your boobs. He is thrusting with so much desperation, clearing having missed you since he was on tour. You are gasping under his touch, trying to keep your moans in as his cock sits deliciously in your pussy.
These little trips to the beloved closet end with Gunwook kissing you to his heart's content, gently mumbling about how much he loves and misses you, his cock still soft inside you.
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wishsparkleemoji · 6 months
I find it amusing the way Eden and GW are treated in Sky webcomics and fanfiction and those kinda things, they always portray them as these absolute certain death places which the isle people (where our mc is from) are fearful of and demonize and I mean. they are. but I was cr and eden ubering a lot on skycord like ~3 years ago shortly after the butter table riding saga came out and my main method for eden in the latter half of the era was just driving everybody through the land of death with the power of the table. Every week.
If you remember, you remember.
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grrl-beetle · 3 months
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fiddles-ifs · 8 months
Do you take asks inquiring your characters in certain scenarios, for example, if I asked what would be each romance options from Greenwarden (can I call it GW for short??) reaction to someone aggressively hitting on the MC after they've been told to back off multiple times? Like, would they step in or trust MC to handle it?
Sure, but I generally consider those non-canon.
The ROs would trust the MC to handle it themselves. There would be about a five? second window where Bautista tries to step in before the Tracker snaps the asshole in half, but someone creeping on the MC does so at their own peril. It would be very quick.
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indulgentworld · 2 months
I was inspired and wanted to draw mc having cute little family moment w/ GW and their pup. 🥺 (I also REALLY wanted to draw their pups design)🦈🤍
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funkiar · 11 months
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
[Black Heart... Doesn't know how to respond at first. Their eyes lose focus on the words on their screen, and instead stare at their gaunt face, at their cheekbones and eye sockets in the beginning stages of hollowing out from hunger.]
[Their mind has been getting fuzzier these days, like they were floating on a cloud. Soon enough, they likely wouldn't be mentally fit enough to be of use to anyone; perhaps, even, a detriment.]
Maybe... That's not the worst thing.
Maybe, It's the best, given the circumstances...
I already told you how my situation isn't getting any better out here. I look like shit, feel like shit. Roof'll be gone soon enough, then after that...
[They squeezed their eyes shut, not wanting to think about how they'd balance homelessness and dealing with things here. Yeah, no... Failing to show up to work was what got them here in the first place. Re-integration to society wasn't an option at this point.]
But... If I were in there... I wouldn't have to worry about shelter, or keeping a body alive.
[They thought about how much easier it would be to wrangle this damn seahorse once the playing field was leveled. They wouldn't be so helpless; no longer just a human staring at a screen.]
I... could get a lot more done.
[Oh, yes. A lot done, indeed.]
I... I think I'm gonna ask him to do it.
I think I have to, at this point...
TJK pba kh?? Yadx mfn coam mfni mqgr? Z lril "eojm ieahfk" yfr i ksrlfn… Px vrl rlzxour bitesu hee wy mfn, poc dbfp. Fnm ht phl hil ockvalr pvxe bzhixak iv. Rcl pzlt gck uv ywnfjxcf qy vv zvta awj pry. Px kzec mids jnie ghi exmez mfp mf qcxgkbfn wk sjvrpm mvrm kivr, hzgp wwkzu. … Bw ywn allk gw wcng khql drmy… ptxojx uo wgs kazno yci fv fqkgk. Myezx wj t gabvv fg khm yclgkaqg we mye Exp Nhill. Bh'j gft unqy; clsb t hzgp bqm cw vfrzndkbfn. Jnh zm'j qcbhv xwfmvhzov. Gmm hyx uoo mc ixgaqk wk. Wfn'b pcikp; ib pce'm se iuzv mf smx oer tovgstmzov mc dx. Z cigbfm tripz kaioczv zm dyaxzw. Bk's rngk… t janx ggtte. Ahavpyezx W snzlb ecez rgw mc ybue. Ghi nbcl jx gryv iv mvvkv.
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itsangrynar · 3 months
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Sharks 🦈🏳‍🌈
The game is Shark bait on Dorian app
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tabatadraft · 5 months
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Doodle After O.W.L *長くてごめんなさい。日本語はさらに読むから。HL夢へのリンクあり。 *English translation supervised by chatGPT
I'm not sure if their relationship begins with a codependent dynamic or just the typical infatuation between students, but for the first two or three months, I imagine they'll both be completely wrapped up in each other. <↓My Fantasy>
In my mind, Sebastian is quite possessive, and the MC is probably thrilled to be dating their first love.
I've thought about what happens next for them. The beginning stages of romance can make people feel like they've lost their minds, but in a few months, summer vacation will arrive. Will they be able to withstand it?
However, on the last day of the school year, the MC sheds tears of loneliness. Yet, once she is back home, she seems surprisingly composed. she might meet and chat with friends from before she attended Hogwarts. Women tend to quickly forget about loneliness or other feelings of not being able to see their steady.
By August, the MC will start to calm down. She'll recall how caught up she was with Sebastian last semester, feeling “so close” that they were almost inseparable. (NOTE: “so close” means they got intimated so many times.) She might think, 'OMG, I was too obsessed with him last semester!' She'll decide to have a balanced relationship starting from sixth year and board the Hogwarts Express with that intention.
But whether Sebastian will accept this "balanced relationship" is another matter altogether.
And I wrote a new fanfic about it. (but it's only in Japanese...) That's why this page are posted as adult community labeled. I hope to draw this fanfic as a Manga, someday...
セバ転 R-18 Pixiv Only in Japanese. 現在5/6 21:23 なんとかGW間に合った!セーフ!
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