#mccarthy is toast
tomorrowusa · 1 year
NO great outcome was possible in the debt limit negotiations with Republicans. But Biden ended up with one which was far less bad than many people had feared.
Even though this crisis was provoked by House Republicans, many voters would have blamed Biden if the US had defaulted. As it turned out, Biden ended up with just a little dust on his jacket while McCarthy ends up with a self-made shit sandwich. 💩
Dan Pfeiffer was an aide to President Obama and has witnessed GOP blackmail close up. He writes...
Let’s be clear, this is shitty public policy foisted on the nation by a radical Republican House willing to blow up the economy and cause millions of jobs to vanish. Efforts to deal with deficits that do not include asking the wealthy and corporations to pay what they owe are cruel and wholly unserious. The tightening of access to aid for the most vulnerable Americans serves no purpose other than performative cruelty to appease the MAGA base.
But this could have been way worse in so many ways. The devil is very much in the details, but it seems like President Biden and his team outplayed McCarthy.
Republicans like to portray Joe Biden as doddering and totally out of it; never mind that Trump is only slightly younger and shows obvious signs of hysteria. But even if you don't grade Biden on a curve, he still comes out ahead of the GOP.
The far right MAGA fanatics absolutely hate the deal.
Jordan Weissmann at Semafor writes...
Afterwards, a quick consensus formed among much of the right and left: Republicans got blanked.
The agreement would temporarily freeze a portion of non-defense spending, while temporarily tightening the food stamp program’s work requireme​​nts for childless adults, and enacting modest changes to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
The early details prompted furious reactions from members of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, who’d hoped to extract vastly more sweeping budget cuts and changes to the federal safety net in return for hiking the borrowing limit.
[ ... ]
As Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo put it, it’s a bit like they walked into a Denny’s with a gun, demanded all the money in the cash register, and left with a breakfast instead. Extraordinary threats at the start, an ordinary transaction at the finish.
While this was not a great deal for anybody, Speaker McCarthy will likely suffer the most because of it.
Timothy Noah at The New Republic writes...
When this debt ceiling mess is concluded, Biden will stay president at least until January 20, 2025. McCarthy, I predict, will be gone by Christmas, and possibly before Labor Day. Should he somehow hang on to his speakership, he’ll be so diminished that you’ll barely notice he’s still there. He won’t be able to get anything done. So either way, McCarthy is toast.
McCarthy will probably have to rely on Democratic votes for the debt deal to pass. That will infuriate the far right even more.
Let's remember that one of McCarthy's concessions to the far right during the marathon election for Speaker in January was to make it possible for any member to introduce a motion to "vacate the chair". So any GOP members dissatisfied with the debt ceiling agreement could theoretically topple McCarthy – if Democrats decided to go along.
So while Republicans make a public spectacle of themselves, Dems can stock up on popcorn and collect crazy soundbites from Republicans who are more interested in nihilism than in governance.
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reppyy · 1 year
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Here the link cause i couldnt get it on youtube XD
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toastling · 2 years
Just heard the bad news. Boo. I'd have preferred we had No congress than a Republican one, let alone a Republican one that made that many concessions to nutjobs.
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mamaestapa · 9 months
For the JJ blurb idea..waking up together for the first time or your first sleepover together🤭
Burnt Toast Sunday|| JJ McCarthy x reader
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• pairing: JJ McCarthy x reader
• summary: The morning after your first sleepover with JJ
• warnings: some language & lots of fluff<3
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Your eye lids fluttered open from the feeling of JJ leaving soft kisses on your cheek and neck. You were pressed against his body, your back against his chest with his strong arms wrapped around you.
Last night was your first time staying over at JJ’s—with just the two of you.
You have been dating JJ for three months now. They’ve been the best three months of your life. He’s such a caring, considerate and attentive individual, so he makes the best boyfriend. You and JJ were good friends for about a year before the two of you realized there was something more between you. JJ came over to your house after a particularly rough practice, seeking comfort and someone to talk to. You were there for him, comforting him and listening to his rant about what was going wrong at practice. After a lengthy rant, JJ just gazed at you before spitting out the question he’s been wanting to ask for a while now: Will you go out with me this weekend? There’s a bar downtown that I heard has great food.
And the rest was history.
You hummed softly as you grabbed JJ’s hand that was pressed against your tummy. You intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed his hand gently.
“Good morning beautiful.” He whispered, his morning voice in your ear giving you butterflies. “Good morning handsome.”
He kissed your cheek before leaning on his arm that was on his pillow. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good,” you smiled, turning so you were facing him, “even better in your arms.” JJ chuckled, “Good, I’m glad you slept well.”
The two of you just laid in each others embrace, savoring every moment of the quiet morning with one another. JJ’s roommates were out of town for the weekend, meaning you had the entire house to yourself. It was peaceful, good for you and JJ to spend quality time together.
As you re-situated yourself and snuggled into JJ’s chest your stomach let out a loud growl. You groaned in embarrassment as your boyfriend just chuckled.
“Don’t be embarrassed baby, come on.” He groaned softly as he let go of you and rolled out of his bed, “I’ll go make you breakfast.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
JJ shot you a look, almost seeming to give you his best RBF, “Yes I do. You’re hungry, I’m hungry, come on.” He reached out for your hand to pull you out of bed. You grabbed his hand, smiling softly at him as he helped you up. You hummed out a soft thank you before pulling away from him. JJ left you alone in the bedroom as he headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.
After JJ went downstairs, you went into his bathroom and freshened up a bit. You put your bra back on, brushed your hair, and swished some of JJ’s mint mouthwash around your mouth to get rid of your morning breath. You finished up in the bathroom and headed downstairs. The smell of eggs filled your nostrils as you entered your kitchen, making your mouth water and stomach rumble.
“Something smells good.” You mused as you walked up next to JJ. He just put two pieces of toast down in the toaster when you walked in. He turned around, breath hitching at the sight of you. JJ wet his lips as he looked at you wearing the silk sleep shorts paired with one of his Michigan t-shirts. “God you look so beautiful.” JJ said as he eyed you.
You blushed at his words, “Stop,” you eyed him playfully as you spoke, “I just woke up, it can’t be that pretty of a sight.” JJ chuckled and kissed your cheek. He stroked your skin with his thumb as he spoke, “It’s the prettiest.”
You smiled sweetly at your boyfriend as he smiled down at you. However your smile soon faltered as a burning smell filled your nostrils. You scrunched your nose in disgust as you sniffed a couple times.
“JJ…” you trailed off, “it smells like something is burning.”
JJ sniffed the air, his nose scrunching in disgust just like yours. His eyes widened as the toaster popped up, signaling that the pieces of bread were done toasting.
They were done toasting all right.
“Shit,” JJ breathed out as he pulled the two pieces of black burnt toast out of the toaster, “I burnt the toast.”
You chuckled at the sad look on your boyfriend’s face. He felt so bad he burnt your toast, but you thought it was funny. Hey, it’s the thought that counts right?
“It’s OK baby,” you said as you placed a hand on his back, rubbing it back and forth softly as you spoke, “it’s the thought that counts.”
JJ sighed as he poked at the burnt bread, his face turning into disgust once again. He let out another sigh as he looked at the burnt toast. So much for your breakfast…
“Why don’t we go to that cafe your parents took us to a couple weeks ago? They had good omlette.” You suggested with a smile. JJ glanced at you as he nodded.
He wrapped an arm around you as he spoke, “I could go for an omlette.”
Although breakfast didn’t go as JJ planned, the morning after your first sleepover together was still just as great as you imagined it would be.
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hi loves!!
oh i love writing about jj. he’s such a cutie and you guys are sending in great requests for him. i love them!🤍
my requests are always open, so feel free to send me any and all ideas you have. i promise ill get to it at some point ;)
i’ll post some more blurbs tomorrow! as always, thank you for all the love and support, it means so much babes😚🤍
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grumpycakes · 11 months
Cause @the-indoor-kites TIPPED ME ABOUT IT???? (Still reeling thank you) it's time for
A lot, but a culmination of McCarthy not going extreme enough for the far right, while also not offering anything to the democrats (actually sometimes promising small ass things and then REFUSING WHEN IT COMES TO IT) has made McCarthy super unpopular w everyone.
AND THEN the govt needed the budget made/approved (an unfortunately YEARLY THING). Far Rights want horrendous shit in there, republicans don't want anything helpful that the Dems want. The classics. But in the face of a shutdown, McCarthy RIGHTLY chooses to avoid it by working w the Dems to pass a few weeks pass to work on their shit to get it figured out.
This makes the far right (Gaetz being the one to do it all either alone or as the point person) lose their shit.
And remember how he had to agree to weird ass rules to get the Far Rights to vote for him? Well one of those stupid rules was, instead of needing a group of people to agree to trigger a vote on if they want to oust the speaker. THEY ONLY NEED ONE PERSON. GAETZ.
So Gaetz calls for a vote on keeping McCarthy. Enough Rebups refuse to vote for him that unless Dems vote for him to save his ass he's toast.
Thing is McCarthy has been badmouthing the Dems to the press and blaming THEM for the budget not happening. So tho the Dems are like LOLL FUCK YOU THEN BRO. AND N O N E OF THEM VOTE TO SAVE McCARTHY. N O N E
So McCarthy is out. His bestie is PISSED and slams the gavel super hard and dismisses them.
We have no speaker, congress doesn't function if we don't have a speaker. (though some are floating the idea that they allow the interim speaker have powers to allow them to pass the budget lol aaaaa)
Repubs gotta pick a nominee for speaker. (Dems are still more than happy to back Hakeem Jeffries). Repubs have two dudes that are most likely. Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan
Got shot in that one baseball shooting back in 2017
Has been the Repub WHIP (the assistant leader to the party leader)
Would not say that the election wasn't stolen
Was the Ohio Wrestling Coach when their Team Doctor (Strauss) abused players (Denies knowing anything, is not believed)
wanted to be speaker after Paul Ryan was ousted (but dems won the house and his dreams were THWARTED)
Wanted to be minority leader, McCarthy won instead
actually floated himself as an option when McCarthy lost the first 3 votes earlier in the year
May have been asking for a pardon after jan 6
So like neither of these dudes are great, but I would have assumed the Whip would be the next speaker... and then he stepped away????
They could have voted last week, but declined w some republicans saying that Jordan didn’t have the votes. so they were taking the weekend to get ppl on board.
BRINGING US TO TUSEDAY 10/17/2023 around like noon.
Stefanik is in an aggressively pink skirt suit (probably not the right term) and gives a basic ass speech for Jim Jordan. Kinda a WE GOTTA GET IT TOGETHER SO VOTE FOR OUR IDIOT sentiment. Pro Israel cause they’re hoping that makes republicans care (loll please)
Jim Aguilar comes up, nice to see u again sir. Also gives a basic ass speech but Dems. They chant w him on a repeated line. Like okay but weird. Nominates Jeffries.
No other nominations.
(literally no promises on spelling)
Bacon - McCarthy
Billorakis - MIA/doesn’t vote when recalled
Boebert - toes the line w Jordan
Buck - MIA/Emmer on recall
Chavez DeReemer - McCarthy (rumbling from the crowd)
Connolly - says something but votes Jeffries crowd gives reaction
DeEspazito - Zelden (who the fuck is that)
Diaz-Ballart - Scalise (Republicans you have one job……)
Ellsey - García (bunch of murmuring and again WHO THE FUCK)
Gonzales (Tony) - Scalise (well Jordan’s for sure lost)
Granger - Scalise
James - MIA/votes for John Cole in the recall (????)
The respective parties clap w their nominees vote for themselves. It is dumb and wasting time (but the republicans don’t sound as enthusiastic as the dems rofl)
Joyce - MIA/votes Jordan on recall
Kelly of PA - Scalise
Kiggins of VA - McCarthy (my dudes, he’s not getting re-elected…)
LaLota - Zelden (oh fun, he has more than one supporter)
LaMaufa - MIA/McCarthy on recall
Lawler - McCarthy
Lee of NV - vote for Jeffries but gets laughter???
McCarthy - Jordan (gets applauded. Hope that stings u fart)
Pelosi gets applause for her Jeffries vote
Rutherford - Scalise
Scalise - gets “Good Boy” claps for voting Jordan
Scott (Austin) - gets applause for voting Jordan?
Simpson - Scalise
Spartz - MIA/votes for Massey (loll you can hear a reporter go Massey??? When it’s called)
VanOrden - gets one dingus clapping for him for voting Jordan?
Womack - Scalise (y’all a mess)
432 Present • 217 votes to win
200 votes Jordan
212 votes Jeffries (dems erupt in cheers, interim speaker looks annoyed lol)
6 McCarthy (sad my dudes)
3 Lee Zelden
7 Scalise (ha ha even Scalise beat you McCarthy)
1 Garcia
1 Tom Emmer
1 Tom Cole
1 Tom Massey
(Damn the toms)
No majority, no speaker has been chosen.
Interim speaker is REAL LOUD w that damn gavel. Immediately calls recess, feed cuts out.
They go into recess for like 2 hours.
- Rep Huizenga talks to reporters says he’s leaving cause they need to take more time to get more idiots on board.
- Spokesperson said 2nd vote to come at 6pm (it did not lmao)
- Jordan apparently asked to meet w Scalise to get more ppl on board. SCALISE APPARENTLY DECLINED
- Rep Buck said Jordan will lose more votes if he tries again. This could deflate the republicans in wanting to vote for him if he’s not a winning candidate
- 9 Republicans would have to vote present to allow Jeffries to win (which he would, since Jordan didn’t get over 200) but it would be against their interest and political suicide.
- republicans who don’t like Jordan were pushing for a second vote that night to further embarrass Jordan
Vote 2 next! >
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By Michael Tomasky
The last Congress, the 117th, which sat from January 2021 through January 2023, was controlled by Democrats on both sides of the Capitol. These lawmakers worked in concert with a new Democratic President, so naturally, we witnessed an unusual amount of legislative activity.
Wanna guess how much? The 117th Congress passed, and Joe Biden signed, 362 laws. Now it practically goes without saying that a hefty majority of these were small-bore matters—relatively inconsequential in policy terms. There were the proverbial post office renamings, the Harlem Hellfighters Congressional Gold Medal Act, the Big Cat Public Safety Act, and the like. Still, an unusually high number of them were very consequential indeed: the American Rescue Plan, the hard infrastructure bill, the CHIPS and Science Act, and several more. They were aimed at helping people and businesses through the pandemic, solving aching public needs, creating jobs, reshaping industrial policy, and more. Whatever else you want to say about them, these people were earning their paychecks.
The 118th Congress—the current one; the one that opened with the clown show where Kevin McCarthy needed 15 ballots to be elected Speaker by his own party—has not been quite the hive of productivity that its predecessor was. So far, seven months into its term, it has passed, and the president has signed, 12 bills. They’re on track, if they can possibly keep up this scorching pace for the next 17 months, to pass maybe 44, even 45 or 46 bills!
And what laws they are! They’ve renamed a veterans’ clinic. They’ve toasted the 250th anniversary of the Marine Corps commemorative coin. Oh, but it hasn’t all been ceremonial. They’ve also pressed forward with the racism for which they are so widely and justly known, notably the bill that revoked part of Washington D.C.’s criminal code—McCarthy called it soft on crime, and Biden quasi-reluctantly signed it to avoid that age-old tag. The only law of any real consequence was the increase in the debt limit, on which the supposedly out-of-it Biden ran circles around the supposedly spry Speaker.
As far as improving the lives of working- and middle-class people, McCarthy’s majority has done absolutely nothing. But by God, don’t call them the “Do-Nothing Congress.” Oh, no! They’ve done stuff. For example, they’ve investigated Hunter and Joe Biden over, under, sideways, and down.
I wonder how many public dollars James Comer and Jim Jordan, respective chairs of the House’s Oversight and Judiciary committees, have spent trying to prove crimes that probably don’t exist but that they insist, every week, will be pitilessly exposed for all the world to see in just a little while, you’ll see—you’ll all see. In fact, Democrats: Why not tell the world how much they’re spending? I’d assume you have access to the basic budgetary materials. How about a Biden Goose Chase Clock toting up the taxpayer dollars being wasted on this sham?
Those two just get more ridiculous every week. Last week, you’ll recall, Comer’s committee had a closed-door session with yet another star witness, Devon Archer, a former Hunter Biden business partner who was supposedly poised to finally blow the lid off the whole thing. “The walls are closing in on the Bidens,” Comer crowed on Newsmax Monday night.
In the end, Archer’s testimony—taken that afternoon, released later in the week—did nothing of the sort. Which Comer might have known if he’d even bothered to show up at his own hearing, which he did not do!
As for Jordan—well, his special new “deep state” committee or whatever it’s called has been an even bigger abuse of the taxpayer dollar. Just Google “Jim Jordan deep state committee” and look at the headlines: “Inside Jim Jordan’s Disastrous Search for a ‘Deep State’ Whistleblower”; “Jordan’s ‘weaponization’ panel is all conclusions, no evidence”; “Jim Jordan’s ‘Weaponization’ Committee Is Misfiring.”
But hey, don’t be too hard on him. He may have other matters on his mind. In late June, the Supreme Court decided that a lawsuit brought by former Ohio State University wrestlers against a team doctor who was found by an investigation to have sexually abused 177 young men from the 1970s to the 1990s can move forward. Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach during part of the period in question; he has always denied any knowledge of the abuse. Two former wrestlers, however, in a complaint to the Supreme Court, allege that Jordan was aware of the behavior of “Dr. Cough” and did nothing: “Because Coach Hellickson, Assistant Coach Jordan, and the athletic department treated Dr. Strauss’s behavior as acceptable, John Doe 23 believed there was nothing he could do to address his discomfort with Dr. Strauss.” CNN reported back in 2020 that six ex-athletes charged that Jordan knew.
This is one of the reasons I laugh these days when I hear Republicans say of Democrats, as McCarthy and others did during the D.C. criminal code debate, that Democrats are soft on crime.
And oh yeah, the other (and main) reason: Donald Trump. Today’s Republicans are the softest-on-crime bunch of legislators in the history of the republic. They wanted, until they got hooted out of town for it, to “expunge” Trump’s impeachments! I’m putting that in scare quotes because there’s actually no such thing as an “impeachment expungement,” but you know, there was no such thing as holding family members guilty for someone’s crimes until Stalin decreed it, either.
The GOP’s lies are operatic, bald-faced, and so nakedly and obviously untrue that one experiences a kind of wonderment just watching these people actually go out in public before cameras and say these things. Here was McCarthy, for example, shortly before Trump’s arraignment: “I could say the same thing that Hillary Clinton says about her election that she lost.… I can say the same thing about those in the Democratic Party from the leadership on down about George Bush not winning, that Al Gore did. But were any of them prosecuted? Were any of them put in jail?”
I mean … what?! Do I even have to answer that? Clinton made some noises about votes being off but conceded to Trump the day after the election. Gore fought the 2000 outcome to the Supreme Court, as anyone would have, but the court issued Bush v. Gore on December 12 and Gore conceded on December 13. Neither egged on a riot on our most sacred national building (a riot that McCarthy denounced at the time himself!). I can’t help but think that when these guys and their handlers sit around dreaming up what they’ll say next, they just howl to one another: “We can say anything—the mainstream press, drunk on their weird notion of ‘objectivity,’ can’t really challenge us because if they do, we can accuse them of showing liberal bias, and the gullible idiots on our side will be our echo chamber!”
I’d call these people a joke, but it’s far worse and more frightening than that. They are a menace. Congress has been littered with racists and drunks and bribe-takers throughout its history. But it has never been this bursting at the seams with people like this. They lie about everything. They denounce and seek to destroy our system of government. They use their power to conduct taxpayer-funded fishing expeditions for which they have no evidence, where they’re just praying they get a bite so that, in classic fascist-projection fashion, they can accuse Biden of that which they know Trump to be guilty.
And as for trying to do anything to improve the lives of the American people—i.e., doing their jobs? Please. Don’t be naïve. To their mind, American people don’t need health care or wages or a cleaner planet. They need tax cuts and guns and protection from those 100 or so transgender high school female athletes (yes, in the whole country) and, most of all, Donald Trump as their President for life. Come to think of it, the fewer laws these maniacs pass, the better.
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phantomfitzroy · 3 months
Got tagged by the infamous @cromerholt to do this lil game thing :-)
Favorite Color- Most if not all shades of green. though I tend more toward darker shades, like a nice forest green or an emerald. or a phthalo green if I'm feeling nasty
Last Song- It was either Everything You Know is Wrong by "Weird Al" Yankovic or By The Time You Get This by They Might Be Giants (which is funny because EYKIW is a pastiche of TMBG's music).
Currently Reading- In the middle of both No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy and The Cipher by Kathe Koja. Highly reccomend both. They both have very interesting writing styles to them in different ways. I could go on but I shant....
Currently Watching- Been on a Law and Order SVU binge during work. Also Psych, which is probably one of my favorite shows. And of course Smiling Friends.
Currently Craving-  A Raising Cane's Box Combo With An Extra Toast And Extra Cane's Sauce And A Lemonade To Warsh It Down
Coffee or Tea- Truly depends on the day. I am, however, a frequent enjoyer of a 99c tall can of Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea
I'll tag uhhhh @genderkiller and @thesexiestlobster and whoever else wants to join the festivities ^-^
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@thealmightyemprex​ @the-blue-fairie​ @themousefromfantasyland​ @amalthea9​ @angelixgutz​ @professorlehnsherr-almashy​ @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon​ 
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Quantum physicist Erin Gilbert (Wiig) discovers that her estranged friend and former partner Abby Yates (McCarthy) has republished a book the two wrote expressing their belief in ghosts. 
Fearing that the book will destroy her chances of achieving tenure at Columbia University, Gilbert attempts to persuade Yates to take the book down from the Internet, only to become roped into an investigation into a supposedly haunted mansion conducted by Yates and her partner, eccentric engineer Jillian Holtzmann (McKinnon). 
When the investigation uncovers an actual, genuine haunting, the three — after being fired from their respective academic institutions — decide to investigate the increase in paranormal activity and conclusively prove the existence of ghosts. After MTA worker Patty Tolan (Jones) approaches them following a haunting at a subway station, the four women discover a terrible plot threatening all of New York, and join forces as the Ghostbusters to save the day...
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This movie is a comedy. There are some moments for calm breathing, but overall it throws joke after joke after joke. Some are visual based, some are phisical, some are dialogue based, and there is a touch of gross out jokes like the characters getting slimed and a fart joke. 
Fortunally those of the gross out kind are passed faster compared to other movies that use gross out humor, so it really is funny without overstaying its welcome.
Some jokes that are based on dialogue can feel more slow and boring, but they don’t get to harm the movie as a whole.
The strongest points are the four main characters and how they interact with each other: Erin Gilbert is a scientist who became fascinated with ghosts after being haunted as a child. After years without having proven the existence of ghosts, she became obsessed with appearing as sane as possible. She provides the narrative and character arc about stoping with the obsession of appearing sane and embracing what makes you crazy, because at the end, only appearing to be alright doesn’t make actual problems, like the ghosts in universe of the movie, and eventually you will find other people who are as crazy as you and embrace you as part of the family.
Abby Yates is Erin’s friend from high school who kept doing the research to prove the existence of ghosts during the time that Erin was in denial. When Erin comes to demand the take down of their book about the Paranormal from the Internet, initially Abby acts hostile because she felt abandoned by Erin despite Abby being the only person who believed and supported during the time that she was bullied in high school.
Is trough their work in creating the machinery to capture the ghosts and study them that slowly the two rekindle their friendship. This way, the salvation of New York City paralells the story of this two saving their previously broken friendship.
Jillian Holtzman is the engineer  in charge of all the equipment that the team uses. She gleefully calls herself crazy and is enthusiastic about everything, but there is no doubt she knows her stuff.  Some of Holtzmann's quirkiness tips over the line into outright callous disregard for how her actions will affect other people, such as at the concert when she grabs a guitar from a band member to smash it and then nonchalantly acknowledges that she cannot replace it.
For much of the movie, Holtzmann seems quite cocky, carefree and light-hearted, unfazed by much of what's happening and prone to trolling and teasing many of the people around her. Until a scene in the bar towards the end, when she eagerly stands up to deliver a toast to the other Ghostbusters — and, much to their surprise, unexpectedly stammers out an awkward but sincere and heartfelt tribute to her new friends and how much they mean to her while apparently on the verge of tears, suggesting that much of her self-assured cockiness is a front masking a more lonely, insecure, and vulnerable person than previously suspected.
Patty Tolan is a subway operator and New York history buff who joins the team after finding a ghost on her shift.  When we first meet her, she's cheerfully greeting the passerby in the subway, taking it in stride that nobody is paying attention to her. When a strange approaches her with an ominous rant about the forthcoming apocalypse, she's clearly a little bewildered but nonetheless manages to take it in her stride. And during her first proper interaction with the team, who initially underestimates her for not being a professional scientist like them, she displays a vast knowledge of New York history, and the car from her uncles Funerary House. 
We follow the quartet as they slowly build the business above a small chinese restaurant because the Firehouse they wanted was too expensive for their pockets, using stolen equipment from Abby and Jillian’s previous job to build their machinery, test their weaponry, hire a stupid, yet handsome secretary named Kevin, try to think of a logo and Patty provides the overalls for them to work without making their everyday clothes dirty with slime.
During their hunt for ghosts, wich call the attention of the general public, they have to deal with the Mayor, who aproaches problems by trying to dismissing them, and this includes calling the Ghostbusters frauds because he thinks this will avoid mass hysteria that could harm his public image.
Erin even calls him out by comparing him to the Mayor in the movie Jaws.
Then comes the villain: hotel cleaner Rowan. His motivation is pretty simple, he thinks that people didn’t recognized his inteligence, so he reacts by becoming vengefull, and taking ideas from the book written by Erin and Abby, Ghosts of Our Past, he works in the building of a machine that will the open the portal between the World of the Dead and the Human World, releasing what he calls the Fourth Cataclysm to punish humanity.
After killing himself, treaking the protagonists to think they saved the day easily, he becomes a ghost, posessing first the body of Abby and later of the Secretary Kevin, to activate the machine that will open the portal and later taking the form of a monstrous version of the Ghostbusters logo (who, in a nice touch, starts as 2-D animation in the small, cute version, to later turn CGI when becoming giant and grotesque).
These are very creative powers, forms and way to conduct an evil plan, and I’m glad to have a movie villain who is just an entitled jerk without going too deepy into his past and instead make him interesting by focusing on how he does things, rather than why he does things.
The villain can be simple, while the complexity and multiple dimensions is focused in the protagonists.
After the original 1984 movie, this has become my favorite Ghostbusters movie. The aesthetics are bright and colorfull, the design and animation of the ghosts, with the exception of a few nods to the original movie, is varied and interesting to look at, and the characters few very interesting that you want to follow more of their adventures and know about them more, specially with the post credits scene that shows the growth of their business.
I had a lot of fun watching it, and highly recomend it.
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My Bio
Age: In my early twenties
Name: Can’t tell you
Birth Date: December 14, 2002
Favorite Adult Animation Shows: Solar Opposites, Robotomy, Rick and Morty, Adventure Time, South Park, Regular Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Triptank, Lucy, Disenchantment, Futurama, The Simpsons, The Brak Show, Metalpacolypse, Soace Ghost Ciast to Coast, Central Park, Bob’s Burgers, American Dad, Clerks, Duncanville, Great North, Housebroken
Favorite Superhero Shows: Invincible, Villains of Valley View, Koala Man, Miraculous, Lab Rats, PPG ‘98, Hamster and Gretel, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Danny Phantom, Super Friends, Justice League ‘01, DC Super Girls ‘18, Static Shock, Horrorbots, Spider-Man ‘17, Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Kim Possible
Favorite Cartoon Network Shows: Amazing World of Gumball, Camp Lazlo, Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter’s Laboratory, Time Squad
Favorite Nickelodeon Shows: SpongeBob SquarePants, Santo Bugito, Invader Zim, My Life as a Teenage Robot, El Tigre, Wonder Park, Modern Life, ICarly, Victorious, Kenan and Kel, All That
Favorite Disney Shows: Amphibia, Owl House, Ghost and Molly McGee, Hailey’s On It, Kiff, Star Darlings, Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphy’s Law, Hannah Montana, Good Luck Charlie, Kickin It, Lab Rats
Favorite Discovery Family Shows: MLP ‘10, Aquabats Super Show
Favorite Streaming Shows: Centuarworld, Glitter Force Doki Doki
Favorite Food: Steak, Fries, Burgers, Chicken fingers, doughnuts, pancakes, bacon, fruit pastries, French toasts, fried chicken, turkey, duck, baked potatoes, hash browns, tacos, burritos, quesadillas, enchiladas, pork chops, ribs, Korean BBQ, Japanese chicken, steak fillet, Doritos, Ruffles, Cheetos, CC’s Chips, banana bread, Cheez-It’s Snaps, Goldfish
Favorite Sweets: Ice Cream, Hershey’s Chocolate, Reese’s, KitKat, Toffee, Cake, Cupcakes, Ice Cream Cakes, Skittles, Starburst, Cookies, Crumble, Cookie sandwiches, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream pops, animation character ice cream pops, sundaes, Nestle’s chocolate, Oreos
Favorite Fruits and Veggies: Asparagus, Carrots, broccoli, potatoes, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, like, grapes, apples, lettuce, cherry, bananas, coconut
Favorite drinks: Mountain Dew, Water, milk, root beer, coca-cola, tab’s, Mr. Pibbs, Pepsi, Dole’s juice brand, Fanta, Crush, Dr. Pepper, soda floats, Nesquick, smoothies
Favorite Actors: Patton Oswalt, Dan Stevens, Thomas Middleditch, John Gemberling, Will Forte, Charlie Day, Mike Sinterniklaass, Roger Craig Smith, Dan Mintz, Josh Gad, Dee Bradley Baker, Rob Schrab, Nate Corddry, Rob Corddry, Chris Pratt, Jack Black, Brian O’Halloran, Justin Feilbinger, John DiMaggio, Billy West, Oded Fehr, Michael Cusack, Zach Hadel, Phil LaMarr, Robbie Daymond, Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes, Matthew Lillard, Kevin Michael Richardson, John Mulaney, Antanio Banderas, Richard Steven Horvitz, Brandon Rogers, Sam Riegel, Jon Heder, Andy Daly, Zeno Robinson, James Marsden, Dana Snyder, Fred Tatasciore, Rob Paulsen
Favorite Actresses: Felicia Day, Mary Mack, Lacey Chabert, Brenda Song, Stephanie Sheh, Kate MiCucci, Riki Lindhome, Kari Wahlgren, Grey DeLisle, Jenny McCarthy, Melissa Fahn, Cristina Vee, Lana Condor, Sandra Oh, Odette Anaboe, Edie Mirman, Cathy Cavadini, Tara Strong, EG Daily, Olivia Olsen, Hynden Walch, Christina Hendricks, Libe Barer, Marieve Harrington, Sarah Nicole Robles, Kimberly Brooks, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Vannessa Hudgens, Tika Sumpter, Reba Buhr, Erica Lindbeck, Vivian Nixon
Favorite Music Genres: Rock, Classic, Pop, orchestra, country, funk, techno, dubstep, heavy metal, Christian
Favorite Band: Ice Nine Kills, Adelitas Way, Bowling For Soup, Hansen, Disturbed, Slipknot, System of a Down, Hollywood Undead, Kiss, Queen, A Day to Remember, Thousand Foot Krunch, Nightwish, Evanescence, Seether, Imagine Dragons, Skillet, Newsboys, Simple Plan, Play, Nickelback, BTS, Blackpink, aespa, Black Eyes Peas
Favorite Singer: Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, P!nk, Katy Perry, David Quetta, Jennifer Lopez, Sia, Halsey, Kelsey Belleriny, AJ Michalka, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, China Ann McClain, Ashley Tisdale, Avicci, Kelly Prickler, Aloe Blaccc, Lil Naxx, Post Malone, Eminem, Kelli Monologue, Paul Simon
Favorite Tv Genres: Animation Drama, dramedy, slapstick, comedy, animation, sci-if, romance, buddy, superhero animation, manga, anime
Favorite Movies: Hulk ‘03, Sky High, Kim Possible: So The Drama, Clerks, Incredibles, Ruby Gillman, Boy Who Cried Werewolf, Ratatouille, Alvin and the Chipmunk ‘07, Muppets in Space, Kickass, Belle, Elemental, Madagascar, Rugrats Go Wild, Wild Thorn Berrys Movie, Peanuts Franchise, Turning Red, Encanto, Emoji Movie, Ice Age Franchise (but not the Buck Wild one), G-Force, PPG Movie, Ben 10 2008 movie live action, South Park The Movie, PeeWee’s Big Adventure, Captain Underpants, Napoleon Dynamite, Jay and Silent Bob, Mallrats, Finding Nemo, Frozen, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mitchells vs. Machines, Veggietales, Cars, 102 Dalmations, Romeo + Juliet, Small Soldiers, Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla: World of Monsters, Van Helsing, Hotel Transylvania, Secret Life of Pets, Sing 2
Favorite Wen Series: Annoying Orange, SMG4, Sunset Paradise, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Meta Runner, Amazing Digital Circus, Eddsworld, Murder Drones, Most Popular Girls in School, Summer Camp, Summer Camp Island, Villanos
My Skills: Typing
My Weakness: I can’t draw
Favorite Monsters: Aliens, Kaijus, wereanimals, Kaijus weremonsters, robots, werewolves, vampires, mutants, giant beasts
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ladytauria · 1 year
tagged by @almostbutnotdeadenough. thank you~
I use Tauria in fandom spaces mostly! But I also go by Livvy, which is the penname I plan to publish under~
Where do you call home?
My grandparents’ house, where I live lol
Favorite Animal
Dragons. I don’t really have a fave IRL animal, tho—but when ppl ask I usually default to cats and/or whales.
Cereal of Choice
I go back & forth depending on cravings. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Froot Loops, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Raisin Bran, Strawberry Awake, & Honey Bunches of Oats are my main rotations~ (Though, I usually buy the off-brand versions.)
Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic learner -
Visual & Kinesthetic. I’m terrible with auditory instructions, but show me some clear examples & then let me try/fail through them myself & I’m good.
First Pet
A calico cat named Cali, or a black lab named Honey. I don’t remember which came first, lol.
Favorite Scent
🤔 Hmm… It depends on what it’s for! I like candles with spicier scents, like cinnamon. For lotions I’m partial to vanilla or coconut. Cleaners… citrusy scents tend not to bother me too much? I also like the smell of mint, in general.
The one thing I DO know is I don’t like the smell of lavender xD Tastes okay, though.
Do you believe in astrology?
No. I think it’s fun, though, & I like using it for character building.
How many playlists on Spotify/Apple music?
My main music app has 169 playlists. Some have been ported to my Spotify, which has 68 playlists, several of which need to be culled because I only made them for the “suggested songs” pages. & now I know of a website that does it better, lol.
Sharpies or highlighters?
Song that makes you cry:
Hold On - Chord Overstreet.
Song that makes you happy:
Many xD But atm: She’s Pretty - Beth McCarthy
Do you write/draw/create?
Yes. I write~ And I draw a little, sometimes. Usually just maps, tho. I also like to play around with typography, moodboards, etc. But mostly I just write xD
No pressure tag… @hardlycats ; @bi-bats ; @candra-hearts ; & @the-alice-of-hearts.
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cleopatras-library · 2 years
23 books I want to read in 2023
Thanks @maddiesbookshelves for tagging me! These are mostly books I own and want to read before moving, books in series I know I'm continuing, recommendations, or books that have 0 checkouts at my library (the librarian showed me some stats!).
Nona the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
Alecto the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
Blood Like Fate, Liselle Sambury
Legendborn, Tracy Deonn
Once & Future, A.R. Capetta & Cory McCarthy
Worlds of Ink and Shadow, Lena Coakley (reread)
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
De Profundis, Oscar Wilde
Lord of the Flies, William Golding (I tried reading it years ago)
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Truman Capote
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
Ships of the '45, John S. Gibson (I bought this as a joke)
After the Victorians, A. N. Wilson
Beirut Hellfire Society, Rawi Hage
Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club, Megan Gail Coles
Cinnamon Toast and the End of the World, Janet E. Cameron
The Personal Librarian, Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray
Love After the End, edited by Joshua Whitehead
The Sentence, Louise Erdrich
Company Town, Madeline Ashby
Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel
Der Dunkle Schwarm, Marie Graßhoff
War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy (optimistic but it fills both the longest and oldest books on my TBR prompts from maddie's book bingo, so I guess it's happening!)
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agendaculturaldelima · 4 months
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🎬 “MAD MAX. FURIA EN LA CARRETERA” [Mad Max, Fury road]
🔎 Género: Acción / Ciencia Ficción / Futuro Post Apocalíptico / Road Movie / Western Futurista / Reboot./ Película de Culto
⌛️ Duración: 120 minutos
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✍️ Guión: Nick Lathouris, Brendan McCarthy y George Miller
🎼 Música: Junkie XL
📷 Fotografía: John Seale
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🗯 Argumento: Perseguido por su turbulento pasado, Mad Max cree que la mejor forma de sobrevivir es ir solo por el mundo. Sin embargo, se ve arrastrado a formar parte de un grupo que huye a través del desierto en un War Rig conducido por una Emperatriz de élite: Furiosa. Escapan de una Ciudadela tiranizada por Immortan Joe, a quien han arrebatado algo irreemplazable. Enfurecido, el Señor de la Guerra moviliza a todas sus bandas y persigue implacablemente a los rebeldes en una "guerra de la carretera" de altas revoluciones... Cuarta entrega de la saga post-apocalíptica que resucita la trilogía que a principios de los ochenta protagonizó Mel Gibson.
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👥 Reparto: Tom Hardy (Max Rockatansky), Charlize Theron (Imperator Furiosa), Nicholas Hoult (Nux), Hugh Keays-Byrne (Inmortal Joe), Zoë Kravitz (Toast), Courtney Eaton (Cheedo), Riley Keough (Capable), Abbey Lee Kershaw (Dag) y Quentin Kenihan (Corpus Colossus)
📢 Dirección: George Miller
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© Productoras: Kennedy Miller Productions, Warner Bros., Village Roadshow & RatPac-Dune Entertainment.
📼 Distribuidora: Warner Bros.
🌎 Países: Australia-Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 2015
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Jueves 06 de Junio
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
0 notes
actimelcoconut · 4 months
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Diary entry
Went to an art exhibition today, it was labeled and marketed as one entirely dedicated to Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec so imagine my disappointment when I went there only to see around 10-20 works of his among the rest... I would've appreciated the exhibit regardless, since it was a relatively well curated experience about l'école de Paris, still the misleading marketing threw me off. Especially since I'm such a big fan of Toulouse-Lautrec.
After all my workout, I read around 70 pages of Blood Meridian; I bought it yesterday and I'm at page 122 at the moment. It's my second McCarthy book.
Remember to enrich your life with culture; I'm at my best when I'm fully immersed in art, history and such, basking in all the world has to offer. Here's to writing more, aside from reading, as well 🍶🥥
(a toast with a coconut actimel.)
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0 notes
mamaestapa · 9 months
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J. McCarthy Masterlist
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• n/a
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• n/a
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• hail to the victors
• burnt toast sunday
• after care
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pcwpolwrestling · 7 months
2/17-PCW Extreme Political TV
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Political Championship Wrestling Extreme Political TV Saturday February 17th, 2024
Announcers: ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave AGE: 50 / HT: 5’ 11” WT: 195 HOME: Philadelphia, PA HAIR: Brown / STYLE: Like Ronnie Dunn / FACE: Goatee DRESS: Brown suit without tie
Colleen Crowder of ‘That Big New York Newspaper that Pushes Narrative as News’ AGE: 38 / HT: 5’ 5” WT: 142 HOME: New York City, NY HAIR: Black / STYLE: Curly / FACE:Narrow face with rounded jaw, turned-up nose, faint freckles, and thin lips. Bulging blue eyes, thin eyebrows. DRESS: Black pants suit
Charlie Blackwell Promo “PCW… PCW… PCW”
Tonight’s show started in the center of the ring where the new PCW Champion Charlie Blackwell (American Heartland Coalition) stood, a triumphant grin plastered across his face as he clutched the PCW Title belt against his chest.
“Welcome to PCW Extreme Political TV,” ‘The Voice of PCW’ Johnny Suave’s voice boomed as the crowd roared in approval, a sea of hardworking faces looking up at the new PCW champion with adoration and hope.  “Last week, Charlie Blackwell of the American Heartland Coalition defeated the American Patriots’s Kirk Walstreit and the Progressive Alliance’s ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels to win the PCW title.”
“Last week,” Blackwell began, his voice booming over the din, “we showed that the American Heartland isn’t just flyover country. It’s the heartbeat of this nation!” Beside him, ‘Red Solo Cup’ Ray McAvay raised a plastic cup high, as if toasting the masses while ‘Prairie Populist’ William Daniels Bryan nodded sagely, his eyes reflecting the fire of shared conviction.
“Corporate cronies and big money special interests thought they could buy or politic their way to this championship,” Blackwell continued, gesturing to Main Street USA’s Farmer John Deer, American Girl’ Sarah Mae Smith, Ken Worth-American Trucker, and Mike the Mechanic who stood firm, a symbol of every small town main drag across the country. “But last week, we showed to everyone that the spirit of the people ain’t for sale!”
Just then, the lights dimmed and a discordant guitar riff broke through the cheers. Berkeley, California Professor McCarthy, flanked by his eclectic group of intellectuals dubbed ‘The Flock,’ sauntered down the ramp. They had the air of disdainful scholars about to lecture the unwashed masses.
“Aw crap,” Suave’s voice said over the vociferous boos from the crap.  “What the hell does Professor McCarthy want?
“Well,” Colleen Crowder’s voice popped in.  The reporter from ‘That Big New York Newspaper that Pushes Narrative as News’ couldn’t wait to jump in.  “We should listen to whatever Professor McCarthy says.”
“Charlie Blackwell,” Professor McCarthy sneered, adjusting his glasses with deliberate condescension. “Your so-called victory is nothing but a populist sham!”
The crowd booed, popcorn and insults flying towards the professor as he climbed into the ring. His Flock formed a barrier between him and Blackwell.
“Your title reign,” McCarthy declared, “is as illegitimate as the pseudo-science denying climate change! PCW needs a champion that represents progressive values… like the ones…”  McCarthy holds up his ‘good book.’  “… in this book.  Not some antiquated heartland hogwash!”
“Charlie Blackwell pinned Kirk Walstreit fair and square,” Suave pointed out.  “And Walstreit pinned “Mr. Hollywood” Kevin Daniels.”
McCarthy and his Flock glared at Blackwell from ringside, the tension in the ring crackling like static. The fans were on their feet, baying for the confrontation as the ideological clash teetered on the brink of becoming physical.
“Professor McCarthy,” Blackwell retorted, his grip tightening on the title belt. “You can prattle on about progress all you want, but here in the PCW, we fight our battles in the ring, not in the echo chambers of social media.  ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels got pinned by Kirk Walstreit.  I pinned Walstreit.  Game… set… match.”
“Right… just like I said a couple minutes ago,” Suave agreed.
“That just proves that you are biased towards the American Heartland Coalition,” pointed out Colleen.
Suave fired back.  “That’s funny seeing as the overwhelming amount of reporters seem to lean farther to the left than most regular people do.”
McCarthy’s lips curled into a smug smile, as though he relished the role of intellectual agitator.  “You do not speak for the people because the people are stupid and need intelligent and enlightened people… such as myself… to tell them what they should think, speak, and believe.”
“Nope,” Suave said.  “They’re not buying it.
“Oh, there will be a fight, Mr. Blackwell,” McCarthy sputtered. “And when we do, it’ll be a battle I assure you, you’re ill-equipped to win.  You are not the champion PCW needs and you are not my champion.”
McCarthy climbed up… with a little help… onto the ring apron and faced the crowd.
“Listen up, good people!” McCarthy’s voice boomed, each word dripping with condescension. “Right now, I want you all to take out your phones and type in the following… hashtag- not my PCW champion!”
A murmur rippled through the crowd, a mix of confusion and disinterest.
Johnny Suave’s voice crackled as he leaned into his mic, “Folks, it seems the good professor is trying to start a social media revolution… but these fans aren’t buying what he’s selling.”
In the sea of spectators, not a single screen lit up with the fervor McCarthy had envisioned.  Their collective shrug was a silent rebuke to his call to arms. The disconnect was palpable- McCarthy’s digital decree lost in translation to the salt-of-the-earth crowd before him.
“Well they should,” Colleen said.  “He’s a Professor and he’s smarter than they are.”
Frustration flushed McCarthy’s cheeks crimson as he absorbed the silence. His gaze swept over the crowd, searching for even a hint of compliance, only to find none. The hashtag revolution would not be televised, at least not tonight.
“Your silence speaks volumes!” McCarthy spat, the pitch of his voice rising as he pointed an accusing finger at Blackwell and his allies in the ring. “It simply proves that you’re all complicit in the suppression of progress. You stand against me; you stand against truth and intellectual supremacy!”
“Profession McCarthy,” Blackwell shot back, steadfast and unflinching. “First off, we don’t need a lecture on what to cheer or chant. We don’t need you or anyone else to tell us what to say, what to think, and what to believe.”
McCarthy shakes his head no.
“Oh yes,” Blackwell continued.  “We speak our minds—and right now, we’re all telling you that you’re full of *BLEEP*!”
Laughter erupted from the crowd, a chorus of solidarity with their heartland hero.
McCarthy, undeterred, pressed on, his voice reaching a fever pitch. “I will not be silenced! I am the voice of enlightenment, and you will hear me!  WE WILL SHOUT YOU ALL DOWN!” McCarthy’s tirade continued, his words becoming white noise against the backdrop of jeers. It was political theater at its most absurd, a satire played out in spandex and sweat. The professor’s attempts to mute dissenting voices only served to amplify them, his authoritarian streak laid bare for all to see.
Cut back to the broadcast table.
Opening: “Hello everyone and welcome to PCW’s Extreme Political TV,” Johnny Suave’s voice boomed, as electric as a live wire, through the speakers. “I’m Johnny Suave, and on tonight’s program, Sports Entertainment returns to PCW as the Sports Entertainment Corporation will be in action tonight.  It’s one of PCW’s long running feuds… Sports Entertainment versus political wrestling and tonight the SEC will take it to the extreme once again.  Also, PCW Owner Dawn McGill has a big announcement she will make tonight.  With us as always… Colleen Crowder from ‘‘That Big New York Newspaper that Pushes Narrative as News.’”
“Thanks, Johnny,” Colleen began, her tone dripping with disappointment, much like the way ink bleeds on a biased op-ed piece. “I wish you wouldn’t keep putting it like that…. but let’s talk about that fast count that robbed ‘Mr. Hollywood’ Kevin Daniels of his fair chance last week. It’s as if due process was thrown out of the ring along with any semblance of justice!”
Suave filled in the blanks.  “Let’s go back to the end of last week’s PCW Extreme Political TV and the PCW title match won by the American Heartland Coalition’s Charlie Blackwell.”
The camera cut away from their tense exchange, focusing on the video screen where a replay video clip rolled.
(Last Week on PCW Extreme Political TV- PCW Title Match): Kirk Walstreit, the embodiment of Wall Street greed in spandex, was seen rolling up Daniels for what many called a controversial pin.
“Look at that!” Colleen barked, pointing an accusing finger at the screen. “Daniels represents the glitz and glitter of Big Hollywood and he’s rolled up like an enhancement talent? Where’s the accountability?”
“Controversial to you.  Not to others,” Suave retorted, trying to maintain some semblance of neutrality despite the politically charged air that filled the arena.
The clip continued…
Kirk Walstreit climbed to the top turnbuckle, muscles tensing, his face a mask of determination and capitalist fervor. Below him lay Charlie Blackwell, the man of the people, sprawled on the canvas – a representation of the American Heartland Coalition.
“Here we go!” Suave shouted.
Walstreit took flight, soaring through the air with the confidence of a corporate bailout. But as gravity took hold, pulling him down toward his target, the crowd held its collective breath. In a twist of fate, Blackwell rolled away at the last possible second, leaving Walstreit to crash and burn upon the empty mat.
“But Walstreit missed big time and Blackwell capitalized!” Suave narrated with gusto as the American Heartland representative covered the fallen Patriot.  “One… Two… Three!”
The arena exploded in a cacophony of triumph.
“And as you can see, Charlie Blackwell did it! He is the new PCW Champion!” Suave exclaimed, his voice echoing the euphoria that swept through every row and seat.  “I know what Colleen’s news narrative is about the match.  Let’s go backstage to see what “Mr. Hollywood” Kevin Daniels has to say about what happened.”
“Mr. Hollywood” Kevin Daniels Segment Cut to backstage where the mood was a stark contrast to the electric atmosphere that pulsed through the arena. The concrete walls did little to muffle the roar of the crowd watching the replay of the PCW title match from last week.  But in this quiet corner, defeat hung heavy in the air.  “Mr. Hollywood” Kevin Daniels sat slumped on a steel chair, his face a mask of frustration and sweat, a lone figure silhouetted against the flicker of fluorescent lights.
“Hey, tough break out there,” came a voice, as smooth and comforting as a chart-topping ballad. “Pop Superstar” Taylor Switt approached, her presence instantly brightening the dimly lit space. The pop superstar, clad in glittering attire that rivaled the championship belt for shine, extended a manicured hand and helped Daniels to his feet.
Daniels holds up his cell phone… chock full of condolences and commiseration from the Hollywood A-List crowd.  “That’s what everyone keeps saying.”
“Should’ve been your night, Kev,” she said, her words more soothing than any melody she’d ever sung. With a sympathetic tilt of her head, she handed him a bottled water, the droplets beading on its surface like tiny diamonds in her grasp.
Daniels sighed, accepting the bottle. “I’m the embodiment of Hollywood and that slimy Kirk Walstreit pins me?  And Charlie Blackwell is the PCW champion?”
Switt nodded, a knowing glint in her eye that told of battles fought in spotlight and shadow alike. “You’ll get ’em next time,” she assured, her confidence infectious. “The people love an underdog story—especially when it’s set to a killer soundtrack.”
Cut back to the broadcast table…
“Kevin Daniels vows with Taylor Switt by his side to win the PCW title from Charlie Blackwell,” Suave recapped.
“And he should,” Colleen stated.  “Daniels would be the perfect PCW champion.”
“Well, we heard from Kevin Daniels,” Suave stepped back in, “let’s hear what the New Wolf of Wall Street Kirk Walstreit has to say about what happened last week on PCW.”
Cut to…
Corporate World Segment In the opulent confines of Corporate World, manager Gordon Guyko stood flanked by gleaming mahogany and cold steel. The scent of money was as palpable as the aftershave that clung to his jaw. On the wall-mounted screen, the replay of Walstreit’s missed opportunity looped endlessly, each failure punctuating the silence.
“Unacceptable,” Guyko spat, his voice slicing through the plush carpeted expanse. His advisors, a cadre of suits as sharp as their strategic minds, shifted uncomfortably. Not even the luxurious leather chairs could cushion the blow of their wrestler’s defeat.
“Charlie Blackwell thinks he’s won one for the little guy?” A sneer twisted Guyko’s lips as he turned back to the screen, where Blackwell’s victory played on mute. “He’s about to learn that in this business, it’s not the size of the dog in the fight—it’s the depth of the corporate pockets backing it.  We’ll use every tool at our disposal,” Guyko continued, his gaze cutting to each advisor in turn. “Super PACs, lobbyists, market manipulation—you name it. We’ll launch a hostile takeover of that title belt if we have to.”
“Consider it done, Mr. Guyko,” an advisor affirmed, the rest nodding in agreement, their loyalty as bought and paid for as the legislation they lobbied for.
“Good.” Guyko’s gaze lingered on Walstreit’s image frozen at the apex of his leap—a moment before gravity and fate pulled him down. “We’ll take back what’s ours. After all, greed is good…”  Guyko grins.  “Greed is really, really good.”
And with a final, decisive gesture, he swiped the screen dark, the chapter closing on a promise of corporate retribution.
Cut to…
MATCH #1: The Sports Entertainment Corporation (The SEC) vs. ‘The World’s Least Dangerous Man’ John Wack and Bob Zardoz The arena was engulfed in a cacophony of boos and jeers as The Alabama Kid and Gator Bates of the SEC (Sports Entertainment Corporation) made their grand entrance to the ring led by their ostentatious leader, ‘The Sports Entertainment Genius’ Triple R. Clad in a tailored suit, Triple R stood tall with his broad shoulders and chiseled jawline. His golden watch glinted in the spotlight, drawing attention to his confident smirk. The audience’s hatred only fueled their egos, evident in the way they held themselves with utmost superiority. Their attire, adorned with gaudy gems and flashy logos, glittered under the bright lights of the arena. The sound of their confident footsteps echoed through the stadium like a drumroll, building anticipation for the upcoming match.
Suave’s voice spoke over the entrance, “The Sports Entertainment Corporation have returned to PCW and…yes…  they’ve brought along their official media organization.”
Following closely behind them was their faithful ally, the Corporate Sports Programming Nation or CSPN, armed with cameras to capture every moment of the SEC’s reign of dominance. Mark Splitter- CEO of the Corporate Sports-entertainment Programming Nation, Reese Anderson- always dressed in an expensive suit and tie and coifs some impressive television hair (think Dan Patrick in his prime), and Rebecca Morris- blonde with her hair in a bun and wears a business suit with heels.
Suave continued, “Already waiting in the ring are ‘The World’s Least Dangerous Man’ John Wack and his partner Bob Zardoz.”
Wack dressed like the John Wick movie character while Zardoz donned an outfit reminiscent of the iconic 1970s Sean Connery movie character.
“Let’s go to Kimber Marshall for the introductions,” Suave said, a hush fell over the crowd as ring announcer Kimber Marshall stepped forward.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Kimber Marshall said.  “Our first match is one fall.  Already in the ring, the team of ‘The World’s Least Dangerous Man’ John Wack and his partner Bob Zardoz!”
The crowd erupted in cheers as the large men flexed their muscles.
“And their opponents…”
The bright lights of the arena illuminated the two opposing teams as they made their way to the ring. In the blue corner, accompanied by the self-proclaimed ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Triple R, stood the SEC with Gator Bates and The Alabama Kid at their side. A chorus of boos greeted them as they confidently smirked their way forward.
The referee cleared the ring of the CSPN camera people and called for the bell. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the crowd waited for the clash between these rival teams.
“All right, here we go,” Suave announced excitedly. “The SEC versus John Wack and Bob Zardoz.”
As the first bell rang out, a tumultuous whirlwind of high-octane action erupted on the wrestling mat. Both teams traded lightning-fast moves, showcasing their signature flashy maneuvers and leaving the crowd in awe. The SEC’s synchronized flips and spins were met with equal force by John Wack and Bob Zardoz, who responded with power slams and technical wrestling skills.
“Wack and Zardoz are holding their own,” Suave exclaimed.
But as the match progressed, it became apparent that the SEC’s smugness and disregard for rules knew
no bounds. They resorted to underhanded tactics and cheap shots, utilizing illegal double-team maneuvers to gain an advantage over their opponents. The once-neutral crowd now booed and jeered at the SEC’s unsportsmanlike behavior, their voices echoing throughout the arena as they rooted for Wack and Zardoz to overcome the odds.
Undeterred by the mounting pressure, John Wack stood his ground and refused to back down. With a surge of adrenaline and unwavering determination, he launched a counterattack against the SEC. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike and acrobatic maneuver executed with pinpoint accuracy. The audience erupted into a frenzy of cheers and chants, their energy fueling John and his partner in their fight for victory.
The crowd watched in disbelief as ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Triple R made his move, sensing the momentum shifting in their favor. With a sly grin, he interfered in the match, causing chaos and confusion for both the referee and the audience. As The Alabama Kid delivered a vicious low blow to Bob Zardoz, the crowd erupted in outrage, booing and shouting at the blatant cheating tactics.
But things only got worse as Bates entered the ring with a steel-folding chair in hand. The crowd’s anger turned to horrified gasps as he struck Zardoz with full force, sending him crashing to the mat. The sound of metal meeting flesh echoed throughout the arena as Bates continued to pummel Zardoz with the chair.
With Zardoz now helpless and injured, The Alabama Kid and Bates took advantage of the distraction and executed their finishing move- a deadly double-team maneuver that left Zardoz motionless on the ground.
As The SEC members prepared for their inevitable victory, John Wack tried desperately to intervene and stop the pinfall. But his efforts were thwarted by another member of The SEC, leaving him unable to stop what was about to happen next.
As the referee’s hand slapped the mat for the third time, declaring The SEC as the winners of the match, a wave of disappointment washed over the crowd. Boos and jeers erupted from all corners of the arena, signaling their disapproval of what they just witnessed.
But to The SEC, it was just another successful night in their quest for domination. They reveled in the chaos and hatred that surrounded them, taunting and gloating over their victory like true villains. Bates and The Alabama Kid stood tall in the ring, basking in their ill-gotten glory.
Triple R Promo As the commotion settled down, ‘Sports Entertainment Genius’ Triple R grabbed a microphone and made his way into the ring. He smirked at the booing audience before raising the mic to his lips.
“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself,” he began arrogantly. “I am Triple R, the new leader of The SEC and mastermind behind their countless victories. And tonight, we have once again proved why we are the most dominant faction in all of PCW.”
The crowd continued to boo but Triple R paid them no mind. He went on to boast about The SEC’s recent string of victories against other top factions in PCW – the American Patriots, Progressive Alliance, and even their rivals within The SEC itself.
“Our success knows no boundaries because we have something that no one else has – unlimited resources,” he declared smugly. “We have NIL money pouring in left and right, we have money flowing in from our big contract with CSPN, and that allows us to buy only the best talent like Bates and The Alabama Kid here. And together with our fellow Power 3 factions, we are an unstoppable force.”
He paused for a moment to soak in the boos and chants of “cheaters” from the crowd before continuing with his promo.
“So go ahead and hate us all you want, because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. The SEC will reign supreme in PCW, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it,” he boasted with a sinister grin.
The crowd’s disapproval only seemed to fuel Triple R’s arrogance as he dropped the mic and exited the ring with his fellow SEC members, leaving behind a trail of chaos and resentment.
Dawn McGill Speaks Dawn McGill made her grand entrance into the PCW arena.
“Oh no no… why?” Colleen bemoaned as the blinding lights of camera flashes highlighting every curve and dip of her stunning figure as the tamer pictures from her recent Henhouse expose flashed on the video screen.
“Tonight, Dawn is here to make a big announcement,” Suave explained to her. “And unlike other wrestling shows, when we say we have a big announcement… that means we have a BIG announcement.”
Dawn strutted confidently in stiletto boots, her long blonde hair teased and flowing on her shoulders like a golden waterfall. All eyes were on her as she stepped through the ropes and into the ring, microphone in hand, dressed in a skin-tight outfit that left little to the imagination. The audience’s voices hushed in awe and desire as they waited for her to speak.
“Ladies and gentlemen!” McGill’s voice boomed through the speakers, causing a few fans to cover their ears. “I have a major announcement to make here tonight.”
The crowd leaned forward in their seats, eager to hear what she had to say.
“I’m pleased and excited to announce tonight that PCW will be crowning new tag team champions in the near future!” McGill exclaimed, raising her arms in excitement.
The audience erupted into cheers and whistles, buzzing with excitement over this news. They had been waiting for new champions to be crowned for months now.
“Now I know you’re all dying to know who will compete for these titles,” McGill continued, a sly smile spreading across her face.
The crowd roared even louder at this tease, their eagerness hanging in the air. They were already speculating and placing bets on which teams would come out on top.
“The American Patriots, Progressive Alliance, The SEC, and… the American Heartland Coalition,” McGill announced with a dramatic pause. “Each team will select their own representatives to compete in the tournament and a drawing will take place to determine which team faces off against whom!  The tournament will start in two weeks!”
The crowd roared again as Dawn took her leave and headed back up the ramp.
“PCW is going to crown tag team champions,” Suave recapped, “in a tag team tournament!”
“Look, I’m not crazy about the SEC being included in this,” Colleen commented.  “But again… the American Heartland Coalition?  Should one of their wrestlers qualify for this type of tournament?  I would argue that they don’t qualify.”
“I see you went to the state of Colorado school of determining who and who can’t be involved in this type of contest,” Suave cracked.  “What’s next?  Kangaroo courts… like a third-world country… the Russian judicial system… and the New York courts?”
“You take that back!” Colleen spat back.
Colleen’s righteous indignation only grows when…
Donald Trump Promo The energy in the arena was electric as Kimber Marshall stood in the ring.  “Ladies and gentlemen,” she began, “get ready for the one and only former CEO of PCW…Donald Trump!”
“Son of a bitch!” Colleen growled.
The supporters “TRUMP!  TRUMP! TRUMP!” chant is sung to the tune of the Imperial March:
A golden spotlight shone down on him as he walked out, his hair perfectly coiffed and his suit exuding power.  The people in the blue seats booed him unmercifully.  Most of the people in the red seats cheered for him vociferously.
Donald Trump stood in the ring and stopped in front of a giant screen with Nikki Haley’s image displayed.
“You see this? This is what I’m up against next week,” Trump roared into the microphone. “Nikki Haley, let me tell you something. You may think you have what it takes to defeat me, but the fact is, you’re nothing compared to me.”
The crowd erupted into cheers and boos as Trump continued to taunt his opponent. “You may be a former governor, but I am a former President. And that carries a lot more weight. We all know who the real winner will be when we face off in South Carolina.”
He raised his hands triumphantly as the crowd chanted his name. “So Nikki, keep dreaming about your big victory because when it comes down to it, nobody knows how to win better than me. Remember that!” The sound of his voice echoed through the arena as he made his exit, leaving the audience buzzing with anticipation for their upcoming showdown.
Cut back to Suave at the broadcast desk.  “Next week.  The big showdown.  Donald Trump versus Nikki Haley in South Carolina.  Will it be Haley’s last chance?”
“God I hope not,” Colleen said.  “Nikki Haley is the last chance for the American Patriots to do the right thing and stop Trump.”
“Because the gross misuse of the American judicial system doesn’t seem to be doing the job,” Suave sniped.  But before Colleen could respond, Suave continued.  “Let’s go to a commercial break.”
Felcher and Felcher Commercial The video screen flickered to life, revealing a scene of suburban tranquility shattered by a man slipping on a banana peel, cartoonishly flailing as he plummeted toward the ground. The words “Felcher and Felcher” blazoned across the screen in bold, gaudy font.
“Have you ever been victimized by rogue fruit peels?” a voice boomed, dripping with mock concern. “Don’t just get mad, get litigious!”
In strode Felcher and Felcher, sporting suits so sharp they could slice through legal briefs. Each held an oversized gavel, swinging it with the finesse of a pro wrestler delivering a knockout blow.
“Here at Felcher and Felcher,” the first ‘attorney’ declared, sitting in the front seat of a very expensive Tesla vehicle, “we believe in justice for you… the people, no matter how trivial the affront! If something bad happens to you, someone’s at fault and they should pay…”
“Your neighbor’s dog looked at you funny?” the other chimed in, his eyebrows arching comically while standing in front of his multi-million dollar mansion. “That’s emotional distress! Ka-ching!”
“Spilled coffee on your own lap because you forgot it was hot?” continued the first, his grin wide enough to shame a Cheshire cat while lounging on his large, white yacht somewhere out on the ocean. “Clearly, someone else’s fault!”
“Call us now,” they exclaimed in unison, pointing directly at the camera, from their exclusive VIP seats at a local sports arena, “and we’ll fight to pin the blame on anyone but you!”
A catchy jingle played, a parody of patriotism wrapped in a commercial ditty: “Felcher and Felcher – remember, if you’re having a bad day… someone needs to pay!”
The requisite low and fast-speaking voice at the end spewed out, “Preferably large corporations and insurance companies with deep pockets!”
Nikki Haley Promo The arena was electric, the smell of sweat and excitement lingering in the air. The audience cheered and waved their signs as former Ambassador Nikki Haley made her way to the ring.
“Well, we heard from Donald Trump earlier in the show,” Suave said, “now it’s Nikki Haley’s turn.”
She stood tall and poised, exuding confidence and determination with every step. Her fiery gaze fixed on the camera, she began to speak.
“Listen up, PCW fans!” Her voice boomed through the speakers, commanding attention. “In just one week, I will go head-to-head with a man who claims to embody strength and resilience, but has only brought shame and division to our country.”
“You preach, girl,” Colleen cried out.
The crowd erupted into cheers and chants of “Haley! Haley!” as she delivered scathing remarks about her opponent, President Trump. She raised her hand to silence them and continued.
“I support PCW because it represents everything that America should stand for: unity, sportsmanship, and above all, integrity.” Her words struck a chord with her supporters in the audience, who roared their approval. “So Mr. Trump, you better bring your A-game next week, because I will not back down.” She stared directly into the camera now, a fierce glint in her eye. “And when we face off in South Carolina, may the best woman win.”
As she dropped the mic with a confident smirk, Haley exited the ring to thunderous applause. Her message was clear – she was ready to take on any challenge and fight for what she believed in. And the crowd knew that she would do it with grace and determination, representing everything that PCW stood for.
Suave hyped the match. “Next week.  Trump versus Haley in South Carolina. Will this be the end of Nikki Haley?  Or will she somehow pull off what right now seems to be a very unlikely win.”
“I hope so,” Colleen said.  “Because I don’t think I could take four more years of Donald Trump as the CEO of PCW if by some miracle he defeats Joe Biden at Extreme Election Night 2024.”
SPECIAL MAIN EVENT The arena’s air crackled with electricity, a tangible buzz that vibrated through the sea of fans who had come to witness an epic showdown. At the heart of this pulsating energy stood ‘The Voice of PCW,’ Johnny Suave, microphone in hand and a gleam in his eye that spoke of a night destined for the history books.
“It’s main event time!” Johnny’s voice boomed through the arena, igniting a roar from the crowd akin to thunder rolling across the heavens. He paced the ring, each step punctuated by the chants and cheers of the audience. “Tonight, we have a special… main… event for you.”
He leaned on the ropes, surveying the sea of signs and painted faces, every supporter ready to explode with fervor. “We have the PCW Originals—Gary Locke and Earl Loade, the Raving Rednecks, ready to lock horns with fellow PCW Originals… the audacious and ever-defiant The Dixie Chucks!”
“Let’s go to the ring,” he continued, his voice laced with the kind of passion that could only be found within the squared circle. “Kimber, take it away!”
As the anticipation reached its zenith, Kimber Marshall, the embodiment of vitality, burst onto the scene. Her entrance was a spectacle, her vibrant attire reflecting the lights in a kaleidoscope of color. She high-fived fans as she made her way down the aisle, every gesture sending waves of excitement crashing over the audience.
“PCW, are you ready?” she bellowed, and the response was a cacophony of approval that might as well have been an earthquake. “I said, ARE YOU READY?” The second call was met with an even louder affirmation, the kind of sound that reverberated in your chest and left no room for doubt.
“Then let’s get this party started!” Kimber exclaimed, her infectious enthusiasm sweeping through the arena like a tidal wave, leaving no one untouched by the sheer magnitude of the moment.
The arena’s energy surged, crackling like static as the opening riff of Toby Keith’s “Who’s Your Daddy?” ripped through the speakers. Spectators leaped to their feet, a sea of frenetic anticipation, as the PCW Originals, Gary Locke and Earl Loade—the ‘Raving Rednecks’—burst through the curtains.
Locke, his face an etched map of battles won and lost, wore a grin wide enough to swallow the room. Beside him, Loade—his partner in mayhem—tipped his hat to the crowd, the brim shadowing eyes alight with adrenaline. The duo strutted down the ramp, slapping hands with fans who reached out like disciples for a touch of wrestling royalty.
“Introducing first… they are the RAVING REDNECKS!  Gary Locke.  Earl Loade… LOCKE AND LOADE! ”
The song’s chorus hit a crescendo, guitars wailing, as the ‘Raving Rednecks’ climbed the steel steps and ducked between the ropes. They stood center-ring, basking in the roars that filled the space—a tribute to years of sweat and blood spilt within these hallowed ropes.
Then, as if on cue, the music faded, and the raucous arena fell into a reverence that was almost tangible. Locke and Loade removed their battered cowboy hats, heads bowed, and the PCW community united in a solemn moment of silence.
“Fans across the spectrum,” Kimber’s voice now carried a somber weight, “we honor a legend tonight. Toby Keith’s spirit is right here with us, in the heart of PCW.”
Locke’s jaw clenched, a muscle twitching as he fought the emotions threatening to break surface. Beside him, Loade’s gaze lifted skyward, a silent nod to the country music titan whose anthems had been the soundtrack to countless PCW showdowns. In this hush, the politics of the ring were set aside; here, they were family, honoring one of their own.
As the silence broke and the crowd gradually resumed its fever pitch, it was clear—this was more than just a match. It was a testament to the enduring legacy of those who’d paved the way, a song of pride,
Amidst the lingering echoes of tribute, Kimber Marshall’s voice sliced through the charged atmosphere, her tone a harmonious blend of anticipation and authority.
“And their opponents!” she announced, her words igniting the crowd like flint to kindling. “They’re back and they’re STILL NOT READY TO MAKE NICE! Chuck-atalie… Chuck-mily… and Chuck-artie.  Welcome… The Dixie Chucks!”
The audience, still riding the emotional high of reverence, now found themselves pivoting to an altogether different vibration. As Kimber’s declaration set the stage, three figures emerged, their shadows stretching long under the brash lights. Each stride carried the weight of PCW tradition, but their attire sang a discordant tune—a flamboyant parody of country glam and unapologetic kitsch.
Chuck-atalie led the trio, his wig an exaggerated cascade of blonde curls that bounced with every step, framing a smirk as calculated as it was provocative. Flanking him were Chuck-mily and Chuck-artie, equally adorned in caricatured wigs, their expressions a blend of mischief and defiance. They sauntered to the ring, the sequins on their costumes catching the light, throwing sparks into the eyes of the beholders.
As they ascended the steps, the crowd’s response was a cacophony—jeers mingled with cheers, the collective voice of PCW a tumultuous symphony of emotions. But before the din could settle, Chuck-atalie snatched the microphone from Kimber’s outstretched hand, his movements sharp and deliberate.
“Listen up, you political pawns and power-chord patriots!” he bellowed, his gaze sweeping the masses like a general surveying his troops. “We’ve shed our old skin, torn the labels, and trampled the stereotype. We ain’t your chuckling Chucks anymore.”
He paused, allowing the words to sink in, to etch themselves into the narrative of the night.
“From this moment forth,” Chuck-atalie continued, the microphone crackling under the force of his conviction, “we stand united, not as the Dixie Chucks—no, we’ve outgrown that moniker. We are simply, fiercely, unapologetically… ‘The Chucks!'”
A roar erupted, the PCW universe divided yet bound by the spectacle before them, the ring a crucible where satire clashed with sincerity. In this arena, the absurdity of politics wrestled with the rawness of emotion, each slam and shout a metaphor for the battles beyond the ropes.
“Here we go!” Suave said as the clang of the bell reverberated through the arena like a declaration of war, and without hesitation, the combatants launched themselves into the fray. Gary Locke, his eyes alight with the fire of a man who’d seen every dirty trick in the book, reached beneath the ring and produced a steel-folding chair. The metallic sheen caught the spotlights as he swung it with precision and nailed Chuck-artie with the chair.
“HOLY CRAP!” Johnny Suave’s voice boomed.
The Chucks were not to be outdone in this debate of devastation. Chuck-atalie retaliated, wielding a chair with the finesse of a political spin doctor, deflecting blows and landing a resounding crack against Locke’s back, echoing the sound of campaign promises being broken.
“Chuck-atalie swings back with a vengeance!” shouted Suave, narrating each impact with the zeal of a scandal breaking news story.
The crowd was a living entity, pulsating with every strike, their roars rising and falling with the tide of battle. They watched as Chuck-mily, with the agility of a maverick, dodged a wild swing from Loade, only to counter with a swift jab to the gut, using the chair and cutting off his opponent before they could make their point.
And then, tables entered the narrative. The Raving Rednecks set up the wooden tables but The Chucks had other plans.
It was Chuck-artie, his wig askew yet his spirit unwavering, who seized the moment. With a rebel yell, he charged at Loade, sending both of them crashing through a table with the impact of a game-changing ballot recount.
“HOLY CRAP!” Suave declared, as splinters flew like confetti at a victory parade.
The crowd cheered, on its feet, their collective voice chanting “PCW… PCW… PCW…”
The resounding crack of splintered wood still echoed through the arena as Gary Locke, his face a mask of determination and wild abandon, hoisted Chuck-mily high into the air. The crowd’s collective gasp was the only warning before Locke brought him crashing down onto the remnants of a table with a thunderous powerbomb.
“Locke drives Chuck-mily through the table!” Suave bellowed, his voice capturing the raw energy of every body slam and dropkick.
Earl Loade, meanwhile, locked eyes with Chuck-atalie. They circled each other.. With a sudden burst, they collided in the center of the ring. A flurry of punches flew. Loade ducked a wild swing and countered with a ferocious clothesline that sent Chuck-atalie spinning through the air.
“Vicious clothesline by Gary Loade!” Suave howled, his commentary sharp as the action unfolding.
The PCW faithful were on their feet, their cheers and jeers mingling in a cacophony of pure wrestling fervor. Every member of both teams was now fully engaged in the brawl, their moves a dizzying dance of political satire. High-flying maneuvers from the top ropes saw wrestlers soaring through the air aiming to land with impact.
“Locke going to the air… NO!” Suave quipped, as Chuck-artie narrowly dodged a missile dropkick from Locke.
The intensity escalated, the boundaries of the ring no longer able to contain the ferocity of the match. Bodies spilled over the ropes and out onto the floor. The concrete below became an extension of the battleground, a place where allegiances were forgotten and only survival mattered.
“Looks like we’re taking this debate outside the chamber, folks!” Suave exclaimed as the fight raged on around the ringside area.
Chairs were swung but the only response was the sound of metal against flesh. Tables, once standing proud under the bright lights, were repurposed into makeshift platforms for launching aerial assaults. Each wrestler used the environment to their advantage – the barricades served as both shields and spears, the ring posts as strategic strongholds.
“Chuck-atalie just got introduced to the steel steps…and it wasn’t a cordial greeting!” Suave’s words painted the scene with the vividness of an action-packed graphic novel.
Amidst the chaos, the Chucks and the Raving Rednecks fought not just for victory, but for the very soul of the PCW. It was more than a match; it was a statement, a raucous referendum on extreme wrestling itself.
“Can you feel the electricity? Can you feel the democracy of destruction?” Suave roared, the question rhetorical, the answer written on the faces of every fan in attendance.
The referee’s hand came down in a relentless rhythm, slicing through the thick tension that hung over the ringside like a fog of war. “One! Two! Three!” His voice was lost amidst the cacophony of jeers and cheers, but his message was clear as day – get back in the ring or kiss the match goodbye.
“Four! Five! Six!” The Raving Rednecks, limbs entangled with The Chucks, grappled on the concrete.   It was a no-man’s land outside the ropes, a battleground where every suplex was a filibuster, every chokehold a debate that wouldn’t concede.
“Seven! Eight!” Johnny Suave’s voice thundered over the PA system, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is political pandemonium at its finest! Will they make it?”
“Nine!” The crowd held their breath, a collective gasp ready to burst forth from their lips. The wrestlers clawed toward the squared circle, their efforts echoing the climactic push of a campaign trail.
“Ten!” The bell tolled, not just ending the match, but also sounding the alarm for a decision that left no victor. A draw. The bell’s chime resonated like a gavel bringing order back into session, declaring both teams counted out.
The audience exploded with emotion, a mix of frustration and awe at the spectacle they had just witnessed. Some fans threw up their hands in disbelief, others stood and applauded, recognizing the sacrifice laid out before them.
Both teams continued to brawl on the floor.
“All right everyone,” Suave’s voice brought everyone back to reality, “Next week, the South Carolina showdown between Trump and Haley will be a clash of titans you won’t want to miss!”
As the wrestlers collected their bruised egos and battered bodies, making their way backstage, Suave signed off with his trademark flair, “This is Johnny Suave, saying stay extreme, stay vocal, and most importantly – stay tuned for more PCW action!”
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