#mcdonald’s strawberries and cream frappe my best friend mcdonald’s strawberries and cream frappe
gregmarriage · 1 year
the birthday gods have smiled upon me. i was able to get a strawberries and cream frappe from mcdonald’s
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese. And coffee, duh. When was the last time you seen your best friend? I see my mom everyday, all the time since we live together. What was the last good movie you watched? I recently rewatched Endgame and Aladdin (the new live action one), both of which are really good. Especially Endgame. Still gets me in the feels. Do you rent movies at a store or on your tv? We sometimes rent from Redbox (the red box thingies with DVDs at grocery stores. I think there’s also Bluebox, too, in some places), but usually we watch on Netflix or rent from Amazon Prime. Have you ever thought about getting Netflix? We’ve had it for years. What do you order on your sundae? I haven’t had a sundae in years, but I liked to just get vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup. I don’t care for sprinkles. Do you like whipped cream and nuts on it? I like whipped cream and some nuts in general, but I didn’t put either one on my sundaes. *shrug* I’m a simple gal.
How often does your family have cookouts? We did them a lot when I was a kid. My dad used to BBQ quite a bit during the summer and my extended family all got together for BBQs quite often as well. We haven’t done that in years, though.  Does anybody in your family have cancer? My papa and one of my cousins both had skin cancer, but they’re fortunately both in remission.  What is one genre of music you refuse to listen too? I don’t outright refuse any, but I don’t like techno/EDM/Clubhouse music type stuff.  Who is your favorite singer? I don’t have one particular favorite. There are many artists and bands that I enjoy. What is the title of the last book you read? It’s still Burying the Honeysuckle Girls by Emily Carpenter, which has been my answer for months now. I keep meaning to start reading again, but it hasn’t happened, yet. I go through phases where I read a lot and knockout several books and then go awhile without reading at all. I love to read, so I don’t know what my issue is. Do you even read? I do, I just haven’t the last few months.  Is your Bzoink account profile decorated? I don’t have one. If so, what’s the backround of? Do you drink Mcdonalds sweet tea? I used to. I haven’t had it in probably almost 10 years, though.  Do you like melted cheese on your eggs? Yessss. What do you eat on your popcorn? Butter and salt are absolute musts. Also, this one theater I go to has garlic parm seasoning stuff that is SO good. What do you do on a sunny day? I don’t do anything different, I just do them while complaining about being hot and feeling miserable from the heat. I’m not a summer or outdoorsy person.  Do you moisturize everyday? No, but I really should. How long does it take you to get ready for your day? If I’m going somewhere then I just fix my hair (or throw on a hat), brush my teeth, change my clothes, put on deodorant, and put on my shoes. Bam. Done. I very, very rarely bother with makeup anymore or doing anything with my hair other than braid it, put it in a pony tail, throw a hat/beanie on.  Do you ever have lazy days? Everyday? But honestly, it’s more that I don’t have energy or motivation to do much of anything. I own up to the fact that I can be lazy, but that’s not the main reason. It seems like laziness on the surface, but it’s deeper than that.  Is your bedroom clean right now? It’s a little cluttery right now and it’s driving me nuts. I need to find the energy and motivation to clean up a bit and get rid of some stuff. That’s my main issue with my room I just have too much stuff and not enough space for it. What is one simple word that you usually can never spell? I don’t know if it’s considered “simple”, but for some reason I can’t ever get “omnepoenia” on the first try. <<< That’s my attempt and it’s way off lol. “Onomatopoeia“ is how you spell it. I don’t know why I can’t seem to remember that. I guess maybe because it’s a word I never use except for when I’m asked this question, ha.  Do you flip the pillow over for the cold side? Yeah. Do you always have to sleep with a blanket? I haven’t used a blanket most of this summer.  What are some things you do before you go to bed? Listen to ASMR and do some surveys. Do you like late night phone conversations? I don’t like talking on the phone at all. Does your room have a blacklight? No. What color are your walls? White. Do you heat up your syrup when you have pancakes or do you like it cold? I just pour it right from the bottle. It doesn’t taste cold to me, but maybe that’s cause the pancakes are the warm. What do ever add anything to your pancakes/waffles? Just butter and syrup. What is your favorite candle scent? Autumnal ones. Are you on any types of medication right now? Just a pain medication.  Have you ever suffered from depression? I do suffer from depression and have since I was about 12 or 13. It’s definitely been at its absolute worst these past 4 years. On average, how many surveys do you think you take a day? A lot. haha. Ya’ll already know. Does your town have flea markets? Yeah. What is your favorite sport? None. Do you like to talk on the phone? Nope. Who do you text the most? I rarely text at all, but when I do it’s with one of my parents or my brother. Are you out of school yet? I graduated college back in 2015. Are you watching anybody graduate this year? No. What are your school colors? What makes you smile more than anything? My doggo. If you could change one thing about the past, what would you change? So many things... If you could only eat one thing every single day what would it be? I’ve had a sandwich everyday for lunch for the past 3 months. Do you like spicy things? I used to be obsessed, but I can’t eat spicy foods anymore. D: Do you ever go to Starbucks? Yeah, pretty often. What is the most expensive thing you own? My laptop. What kind of car do you drive? I don’t drive. How long have you had your license? I don’t have my license.  What grades do you usually get? I got As and Bs. Do you swim or lay out when your at the beach? I just relax and soak it all in. I love just looking out at the ocean or closing my eyes while listening to the waves crash in.  Do you ever get drunk with friends? I used to. I don’t drink anymore, though. It’s been 6 years since the last time. What was the craziest moment of your life? There’s been a few of those moments I’d say. Have you ever spent the night in a hospital? Yeah. I’ve had to stay a few months in the hospital. Is love really that hard to explain? I have a hard time really explaining it. It’s just something I know and feel, but have a hard time putting into words. Describe what your wearing tomorrow: Probably the same thing I’m wearing now, ha. Describe the weather right now. It’s currently 75 F with 12mph winds. If you were having a baby boy, what would you name him? I’m not having children. What is your favorite cuss word? I don’t have a favorite. Do you have a mannnnn? Nope. If so, what’s hiiiis name? Oh by the way, what’s yours? Stephanie. What is on your feet right now? Socks. Do you hate your feet or are they cute? I don’t like them. What does your room look like? It’s a bit cluttery right now. There’s also a lot of giraffe stuffed animals around the room, ha. Do you ever stick your leg out of the blanket when you sleep? I do that with my arms. Do you have any tattoos? Nope. Are you patient or impatient? I’m very impatient.  Everybody has that one friend who really isnt there friend, who is yours? I don’t have any friends. Do you ever hang out with somebody just for a ride? No. What time do you wake up in the morning usually? Lately it’s been 10ish, sometimes 11. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Check the time. Do you eat right away or do you have to wait awhile? No it takes like an hour for me to finally drag myself outta bed for coffee. Then I like to just drink my coffee, read my daily devotional, and check social media for awhile first before I eat.  Who makes you smile, no matter what? My doggo. What do you do when your sad? So what do I do everyday: Tumblr, surveys, watch TV, watch YouTube, check social media, sleep... Reading, coloring, listening to music, and playing my Nintendo Switch get thrown into the mix sometimes as well. Where do you spend most of your time? In my room on my bed. Do you ever watch scary movies by yourself? Yeah. It’s so funny because a few short years ago I would never. Like, I wasn’t even really into scary movies because I was a big scardy cat. That changed in recent years; though, and now I love ‘em.  Do you drink energy drinks? Just Starbucks Doubleshot. Describe what’s on your floor right now. A stack of some medical supplies.  Do you have any pets? Yes, I have a doggo.  If so, what are they doing right now? She’s sleeping on her couch. Is there anybody in the room with you? Nope. Do you like chicken snack wraps from Mcdonalds? I’ve never had one. Do you drink coffee fraps? [yuck] I like frappes, but it’s been awhile since I’ve had one.  Where are you from? California. Have you ever moved? To a different city for a short time when I was a baby, but that’s it. If you mean houses, then I’ve moved like 4 or 5 times, but only once that I’m old enough to remember.  What is your favorite youtube video? I have a lot. ok, 90 questions .. is that enough? Sure. Siiiiike, I foooled you - Can you take a joke? I’m not bothered by the fact there’s not 90 questions so yeah I don’t care. What is your favorite song from the 90’s? I have many. If you could meet any celeb who would it be? Alexander Skarsgard. Which celeb would you like to smack in the face? I don’t want to smack anyone. Lady Gaga : creep or badass Why would she be considered a creep? lol. Anyway, I like some of her music and she seems pretty cool. Do you have a poker face? In certain situations.  Have you ever played texas hold em - If so, did you like it? I’ve never played. What do you do to pass the time when your bored? I’ve already listed recently all the things I do each day and it’s the same whether I’m bored or not. Are you ever bored or are you easily entertained? I get bored, but generally I’m content doing my usual things I do each day. Somedays; though, even those things just don’t cut it and the days seem to drag extra slow and I’m not in the mood to do anything at all. Which friend is most like you? I don’t have any friends. Do you have a lot of things hanging on your wall? I have a few things.  Do you think your pretty or ugly? rate yourself 1-10. I think I’m pretty ugly. ha. Because, you know every guy is looking for a dime piece, right? Not every guy is only concerned with looks.  Was you a ugly kid back then but banging now? I thought I was a cute kid until middle school. HA, I’m definitely not “banging” now. Are you a rude bitter person? I can certainly be bitter. Sometimes I do get short or snippy when I’m in my moody moods, but I wouldn’t say I’m a rude person in general. What color is your house phone? One is white and the other is black. Do you have a answering machine if so, what does it say? Yeah. It’s just one of the automated ones that was already programmed on there. How do you like your toast? Browned, but not burnt, with butter. How many candles are in the room that your in? 4. That’s a lot for someone who never lights candles lol. Does your bedroom have a computer in it? Yep, this laptop right here that I’m on. What color is the computer your using right now? It’s silver with a rose gold protective case. What is your favorite muffin? Banana (without the nut), blueberry, and lemon poppyseed. 
Do you ever drink kool-aid? I did when I was a kid. Do you consider yourself healthy? No.  Do you take all your vitamins daily? No. I’m supposed to... What is something you use everyday besides a bathtub etc? My laptop. How many times do you brush your teeth a day? Once. Do you think you have a pretty smile? No. Are you confident? No. Well, I am pretty confident and this survey is over :) Okay.
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Bearing the Forty Foot, Seeing Glasnevin Cemetery, and Food!
Hey readers! I’m Aidan McKiernan, and I’m studying abroad in Ireland with the Big 10 STEM and Irish Studies program with UCD. Week 3 is just wrapping up now, and it’s been another fun one. I’m getting a bit homesick these days and missing some people back home, but there’s a ton of fun times and cool people to meet here, so it’s hard to feel down for long. The coolest things we did this week were taking a trip to the Forty Foot, a swimming area on the east coast of Ireland, and a trip to Glasnevin cemetery, a surprisingly impressive site. Of course I haven’t slowed my ungodly ice cream consumption rates, and I tried a few new notable places as well. 
Starting off last Sunday evening, I visited La Caverna, an Italian restaurant, with a group of friends. We had quite a group, so we split up into two tables. My group had to wait a bit to be seated, so we decided to try McDonalds in Ireland. The food options are pretty similar to what we have in the States, but they had a curry-flavored dipping sauce for the nuggets which I wasn’t familiar with and was pretty good. I also picked up a strawberry and cream frappe, which was quite good. After that we got our seats back at the restaurant, and I ordered a traditional carbonara.
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Carbonara from La Caverna- it was super!
We got a new physics lecturer this week who happened to be better than our previous one. Also, our labs this week were much more manageable than the past ones. In my other class, we had a brilliant new lecturer on Irish history, who was very entertaining. There is a 1500 word essay I’m writing on Irish emigration that is due this coming Wednesday, but finishing that shouldn’t be a big deal.
On Wednesday we took a trip to Dún Laoghaire for a dip in the Forty Foot and to try Teddy’s ice cream, rumored to be some of the best. Despite its name, the Forty Foot is really just an eight foot jump into about 20 foot deep water. Though I was misled about the height, the coldness and saltiness of the water definitely went beyond expectations! I was shivering for the next few hours, but it was definitely worth taking the plunge. 
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Me, trying to soak up some sun and totally not posing dramatically. (photo by Nate)
After drying off and a short walk, we grabbed ice cream from the famous Teddy’s ice cream. Personally, I had to double up, so I got a classic cone and a Ferrero crunch. The ice cream certainly lived up to expectations, even if I was left shivering and on a sugar rush.
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Me, amazed by my sweet ice cream picks- loved them both. (photo by Noah)
Saturday saw a trip to the Glasnevin cemetery, one of the biggest cemeteries in Europe. A stunning 1.6 million people are buried here, including many Irish legends like Michael Collins. By the way, that's more people than the entire population of Dublin! The headstones and scenery here was very pretty, a pleasant distraction from the morbidity. 
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A small fraction of the innumerable, ornate headstones we viewed. 
Before our guided tour I stopped into the SI Café for a quick breakfast croissant (and an ice cream cone!).
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A nice hot ham and cheese croissant from the café, much needed for the cloudy, windy, sub-60°F weather.
After the tour, our bus was a bit late, so a few of us took a quick walk to a bar called Gravediggers for the so-called best pint of Guinness you can get. …it wasn’t great.
Later that day I went to town with a couple friends for dinner. We got rejected from a couple places for wearing sweatpants, but we eventually found a really nice restaurant where I got a hearty beef stew. 
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Dinner at Quays Irish Restaurant with Daniel, Chase, Carson, Me, and Justin (left to right) (photo by Justin)
And finally, this Sunday has been pretty relaxed. I’ve just been catching up on sleep and doing some classwork. So that’s just about everything for this week, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading. Join me next week for another post!
Aidan McKiernan
Computer Science
University of Michigan
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ringpopbitch · 7 years
Do all the evens!
i ignored this cause i wasn’t feeling it but now i am
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify duh 
what color are your eyes? browwwwnnnnnwhat is your relationship status? in one ig and i just realized i started doing the odd ones so shit rip fuck i’ll just start evens from here on out
describe your personality in 3 words or less annoying demanding longingwhat kind of car do you drive? color? a kia it’s red how would you describe your style? either super girly or super don’t care what size bed do you have? a queenif you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? uhhh europe duh 
favorite makeup brand(s) the ones i can cry in and make me look less ugly and fuck it i’m just gonna do the rest cause deleting every other one is getting annoying
how many times a week do you shower? errrrrrrr like 5 hopefully
favorite tv show? grey’s anatomy
shoe size? 8 
how tall are you? 5′5 
sandals or sneakers? sneakers 
do you go to the gym? i rlly rlly rlly should 
describe your dream date one that’s adventure and i don’t have to decide what to do 
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? none unless u count what’s attached to my debit card 
what color socks are you wearing? none 
how many pillows do you sleep with? 5 or 7 
do you have a job? what do you do? i work retail currently foldin all dem clothes 
how many friends do you have? 0 and everyone always goes oh well you have “x y and z” like no. i don’t have friends i have felt like i had friends i would say i had friends. ok. 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? a lot 
whats your favorite candle scent? the red ones 
3 favorite boy names groot but jk if i have a boy i’m giving it back 
3 favorite girl names samantha, annika, idk what else i like boring names 
favorite actor? idk 
favorite actress? the pretty ones 
who is your celebrity crush? idk 
favorite movie? idk
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i used to but not anymore 
money or brains? brains ig 
do you have a nickname? what is it? ally 
how many times have you been to the hospital? 2 or 3 times 
top 10 favorite songs no 
do you take any medications daily? birth control 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) gross w freckles 
what is your biggest fear? shootings and dying 
how many kids do you want? like 2 maybe just 1 
whats your go to hair style? if i brush it just down if i don’t brush it i put it in a sloppy bun where it’s really obvious i didn’t brush my hair 
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium 
who is your role model? my old trainer tho i kinda hate her now so 
what was the last compliment you received? my roommate from this past year sent me a snapchat and said i’m so pretty and i damn near cried 
what was the last text you sent? “it’s about to storm so be careful” to my sister lmao 
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i don’t remember 
what is your dream car? i want another BMW preferably a blue one 
opinion on smoking? u do u but if smoke weed be responsible about shit like driving 
do you go to college? yes 
what is your dream job? QUESTION OF THE YEAR probably doctor of some kind or just riding horses 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? rural or city but not suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? fuck yes 
do you have freckles? so many 
do you smile for pictures? not for selfies but for other pictures yes 
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 1003 
have you ever peed in the woods? yes 
do you still watch cartoons? no 
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? mcdonalds but i like wendy’s fries better 
Favorite dipping sauce? honey fucking mustard 
what do you wear to bed? shorts and whatever shirt i wore that day unless it’s completely gross 
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve  never even been in a spelling bee 
what are your hobbies? riding horses and writing emo poems and watching grey’s 
can you draw? noooo 
do you play an instrument? i used to play guitar 
what was the last concert you saw? errrr i don’t remember i think it was the wonder years 
tea or coffee? coffee 
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? ok so like dunkin donuts for food but their cappachishfoksdalfh things aren’t that good and starbucks has frappes but mcdonald’s frappes trump starbucks frappes so the real answer here is all 
do you want to get married? yea 
what is your crush’s first and last initial? TF igggggg
are you going to change your last name when you get married? only if their last name is better than mine 
what color looks best on you? idk 
do you miss anyone right now? gettin sappy in here 
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed i don’t take chances w the demons 
do you believe in ghosts? yes 
what is your biggest pet peeve? that stupid sound that only travis can make that’s like “lump” or whatever 
last person you called` the chinese place 
favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry 
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbowwwww
what shirt are you wearing? a shirt from my sister’s church that isn’t even mine 
what is your phone background? some aesthetic shit 
are you outgoing or shy? depends on who i’m around 
do you like it when people play with your hair? yessss
do you like your neighbors? idk them at all
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? in the shower 
have you ever been high? yes 
have you ever been drunk? yes 
last thing you ate? fried rice that made me stomach hurt
favorite lyrics right now “SHE LOOKED OVER HER SHOULDER AND FOR A MINUTE I WAS STONE COLD SOBER” i’m such a girl honestly and also anything from hamilton 
summer or winter? ok i’m gonna say the winter but if it drops below 55 degrees i lose my shit 
day or night? idk lmao 
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk all the way 
favorite month? october duhhhh except for midterms maybe november instead 
what is your zodiac sign picses 
who was the last person you cried in front of? me myself and i cause i was mad at my mom lmao 
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