#mcgenji week
highnoons · 1 year
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They’re absolutely texting about getting to see each other again post recall!! Maybe setting up a little celebration date!🥹🖤
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frozenbound · 2 years
This my series on AO3 where Cassidy is very, VERY happily married to Hanzo, but somehow starts and then carries on an enthusiastic affair with Genji on the side.
Hanzo doesn't know. He's never going to find out.
There's little to no angst and lots of good times between both Hanzo and Cole and Cole and Genji. Everybody wins!
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nerbull · 5 years
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22 Caught off guard: McCree gets caught off guard when Genji catches him trying to smuggle a cat beneath his poncho, at a moment in which they don’t know each other so well yet @mcgenjievents
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overwatchworks · 5 years
McGenji Week, Day 4: Lost In Translation
You can read it here on Ao3 if you’d prefer!
Jesse had his arms crossed over his chest, brows drawn low as he stared at the man that was glowering back at them. His eyes were red, a respirator covering the lower half of his face, tubes and wiring and scars covering him. 
Partially completed prosthetics still being attached to his legs and arm. His chest was an amalgamation of metal and synthetic material. Jesse could see glimpses of lines and screws traveling up his head beneath the fuzz of his hair. A cyborg. Jesse was staring at a cyborg. Angela sure was something.
“I had to reconstruct his legs and right arm, though, I am still in the process of making them fully functioning and equipped with weaponry. His torso is completed, and the jaw and spinal augments are as well. He has fully functioning eyesight and hearing, with a few enhancements thanks to the cybernetics.”
“His body is accepting them fairly well, but there have been a few materials it rejects. However, I have pinpointed what they are and am working on a new coolant-based fluid that can keep the machinery working and synthesize with the organic parts of him and his bloodstream,” Dr. Ziegler explained, Reyes nodding as his eyes drifted over her report and the cyborg’s diagnostics. 
Jesse glanced at the tablet, seeing a little name in blue in the corner. G. Shimada. The gunslinger glanced back to the man, found that he was being stared at as well.
“What’s the status on completing him, doc?” Reyes asked, eyes flicking up to Shimada as he made a metallic sounding growl.
“Another two weeks, earliest. And let me tell you, I am not about to rush this just because you want another agent,” Ziegler chided. Reyes smiled dryly, handing her the tablet.
“I don’t just want him for an agent, I need him for a mission. He’s got information we’ve been missing for months now, so I’m not asking you to rush. I’m just saying, don’t take your pretty time on him.”
“I assure you, he will be ready when you need him to be.”
“I’m counting on it, Angela. I’ll be back in two weeks to check on it. McCree, let’s—”
“What’s his name?” Jesse interjected, unable to keep the question from tumbling past his lips. He was tired of them talking about the man as if he wasn’t right in front of them, listening to every word. 
Must have been hard enough to feel like a person without everyone talking about you like you were not. Everyone turned to stare at him, Jesse raising his brows and slipping his hands into his pockets, easing his shoulders back.
“It’s Genji Shimada,” Reyes told him with a slight frown, Jesse grinning and turning to Shimada.
“Well, Mr. Genji Shimada, it was a pleasure meetin’ you. See you in two weeks,” Jesse told him, winking. Shimada’s glare did not change, but that didn’t matter to Jesse. He walked out with Reyes, the commander giving him a strange look.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doin’ what?”
“That’s an agent, Jesse.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“So, don’t do this.”
“Do what?”
Reyes sighed, shaking his head.
“I know that look.”
“I ain’t givin’ no looks,” Jesse huffed, still thinking about those piercing red eyes.
“You know what, I’ll just say I told you so when I get proven right.”
“Listen, just ‘cause I said bye don’t mean I’m suddenly head over heels for him! Y’all were talkin’ like he wasn’t even there, and he didn’t like it, I was watchin’ him the whole time!”
“Oh, you were?”
“Gabe, I swear.”
“Just accept that I’m right.”
“Jesus, you’re worse than Ana...” Jesse grumbled, arms crossing over his chest as he glared. Reyes just smiled, shaking his head fondly and continuing to read over the notes he had been given for Genji Shimada. - It took a week of Jesse going to visit Shimada in the med bay every day before he maybe started to think Gabe was right. Two, and he could admit it was true. Jesse didn’t really know if Shimada liked it or not, considering he would simply stare at the wall or roll over with his back facing the cowboy as he told stories and talked, but he kept coming in anyways. 
He figured out that Shimada could not talk, the respirator rendering him unable to speak, but filling his lungs with oxygen in compensation. But, he could write. Angela had come in a few times while they were on a break from surgeries and prosthetic attachments, chatting to Shimada as she hooked him up to the machinery around him. 
When he would not respond, she would tap the little notepad resting on his bed in a chiding manner.
“I do not know how to make you more comfortable or if I need to fix something if you do not say anything,” She sighed, Shimada picking it up with his good hand. He stared at it a moment, then glanced to Jesse. 
The gunslinger smiled a bit, watching curiously as Shimada started to scribble something down shakily. Angela looked at it when he was done, then laughed. Shimada made a strange huffing sound, indignation written in the fine lines around his eyes, which were narrowed. 
Expressive, even with most of his face covered.
“What?” Jesse asked, the doctor starting to jot down Shimada’s vitals.
“He says you make lots of noise,” Angela translated. The gunslinger chuckled at that, Shimada’s gaze darting to him.
“Yeah, that I do. Sorry if it bothers you, Mr. Shimada, I can be quieter if you need me to.”
A slight shrugging motion was made in reply, nothing more being written down or shown.
“Speaking of quiet, Genji is going to need some time to rest, please. You can come back tomorrow, Jesse.”
“Can’t argue with the doctor’s orders.”
“No, I would advise not to,” Angela deadpanned, Jesse laughing again and standing.
“Alrighty. See you tomorrow, Mr. Shimada. Been nice talkin’ to you.”
He followed the doctor out of the door, giving Shimada a little wave goodbye just like he always did. Angela closed the door quietly, then glanced at Jesse with a raised brow.
“I am glad you go in there, he needs the socialization. All he ever gets to see is me and a few officials from Overwatch command stuck in here like this. He’s supposed to be kept secret, which only isolates him further. It’s not good for his mental rehabilitation, and I worry about him. I can only do so much for his body, but not for his mind, so thank you.”
Jesse rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, feeling himself get warm in the cheeks.
“Aw, hell, I ain’t doin’ nothin’ but annoying him, I’m sure, going in there and talkin’ his ear off like that.”
“No, he likes it. I know he waits for you to come in, and I see the way he seems to get more lively when you’re in there. It certainly is not the same for when I walk in,“ Angela told him knowingly. Jesse looked to Shimada’s door, then smiled a bit to himself.
“Well, if you say so. I need to get going. Thanks for lettin’ me stay so long.”
“Of course. See you tomorrow, Jesse.”
“Bye, doc.” - The first thing Jesse did after the mission was go to the med bay, however, he wasn’t there for Shimada this time. He thought about him, sure, but the blood loss was making him woozy. Only a few cuts, but they were deep. They had done what they could to stall the blood flow, but the ride back to base had been a long one, and the cuts were hitting some unlucky places.
 The ones on Jesse’s leg were giving him the most issues, blood soaking the multiple layers of bandages they had applied. Angela muttered under her breath as Jesse limped towards her with a weak tip of his hat.
“Heya, doc. Fancy meetin’ you here.”
“Just get on the table.”
Jesse grinned and did as he was told, laying back with a groan. He really was in pain, but it was the strange kind, the one where he could not quite pinpoint where it was coming from. It was just everywhere. His fingers tingled, started to go numb.
“I cannot believe he sent you in here alone...I’m surprised you can still walk,” Angela sighed. Jesse closed his eyes, making a muffled sound of acknowledgement. 
He knew he was drifting, focus too far gone to do much other than stare past the fuzzy line of Ziegler’s body. Just past it to where someone else was sitting. Red eyes, staring back at him. Jesse brightened, giving Shimada a sluggish wave.
“‘S good ‘t see ya, Mr. Shimada. Been a hot minute,” The gunslinger slurred, hardly recognizing the words tumbling out of his own mouth. Shimada’s brows furrowed, and he looked to Angela.
“He says it is good to see you after so long,” She told him with a sigh, Shimada’s eyes dropping back to Jesse. There was an extended silence, then a nod from the ninja.
“I will let you fix him.”
Jesse’s eyes widened at the metallic voice, unfamiliar, yet definitely coming from Shimada. He watched as the cyborg turned and left swiftly, blinking slowly before looking to Angela for answers.
“He just started using his voice again, now that the trachea I had to replace is healed well enough. That’s the most he’s said to me, you have a good effect on him.”
“You think so...?”
“I do. Now, sit still and let me ‘fix you’ like he says.” - Once Shimada had been training approved, he had silently followed Jesse around as the cowboy showed him the ropes. Then he got his ass handed to him during sparring, and Jesse had the distinct feeling that the cyborg had been holding back, too. 
Training together soon turned into missions together when Shimada was cleared for them, Reyes figuring out quickly that they paired well as a team. And they did. 
Jesse would shoot covering fire for Shimada as he struck into the enemies in a quick motion, tearing the remaining foes down like they were nothing. Talk about everything and nothing during their long flights, Shimada meeting him with silence every time, but he was always listening. He just never said much back. Sometimes he did tell a story of his own, and on even rarer occasions, Jesse would hear a quiet chuckle. 
Little things like that kept the gunslinger hooked, hoping that one day, he could hear more from Shimada. More than what he could gather from just the expressions in his eyes, the quiet mechanical tones of his voice, barely able to translate what the ninja was feeling or thinking. 
When they weren’t paired for missions, Jesse would always go to see Shimada—mostly the night before—just to talk to him, or say goodbye. It was one such night that the ninja finally said something back. 
Jesse was sprawled out on the cyborg’s bed, taking more than a few liberties seeing as how Shimada had been wary to let him inside to begin with. But he hadn’t said anything, as usual, simply sitting on the edge of the mattress, watching Jesse with something that almost looked like fondness in his eyes as he talked.
“Now, I don’t think this is gonna be a tough mission, but if I die in some freak accident, I’m givin’ you the rights to my boots and hat. Mark this down, Mr. Shimada, it’s an honour, and before you say it, you’re welcome. But only if it’s a freak accident. If I get shot, they go to Reyes, we already made a deal there—”
“You don’t have to call me ‘Mr. Shimada’, you know. It’s nice, but just Genji is fine.”
Jesse blinked, lifting his head to stare at the ninja, surprised.
“Oh. Well. Alright, Genji,” Jesse murmured, trying out the name. 
It sounded nice, and Genji’s eyes crinkled around the edges. A smile. The gunslinger grinned back after a moment, sitting up fully and clearing his throat, warm in the face.
“And don’t die. Freak accident or no. Take care of yourself, McCree. Anata ga inakute sabishīdesu,” Genji told him, Jesse frowning at the last part, still in awe that the ninja was telling him this at all.
“Be careful,” Genji shrugged. Jesse nodded, then stood with a lopsided grin.
“I will, but only because you told me to. And just on a side note, my friends call me Jesse. I’ll see you around, Genji.”
“See you...Jesse.”
The gunslinger tipped his hat as he left, closing the door and feeling a swell of warmth in his chest. 
Damn, Reyes had told him so. ~~ あなたがいなくて寂しいです, Anata ga inakute sabishīdesu: I would miss you.
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mcgenjievents · 5 years
McGenji Summer Event 2019
Hello everyone! I’m very happy to announce that there will be a McGenji event this summer! It’s been posted on our twitter for some time, but in case any of you still post here on tumblr I thought I’d make a post here as well! Sorry for the delay, I hope you will all still be able to produce something if you want to!
The event will take place from 22nd - 28th of July and these are the situation based prompts:
22nd Caught off guard
23rd Proving them wrong
24th Desperate times calls for desperate measures
25th Lost in translation
26th A sticky situation
27th Lending a hand
28th Unfamiliar territory
As always it’s important for me that you know this event is for everyone, no exceptions. There’s also no limits on ratings or sfw/nsfw. As long as your work features Jesse McCree and Genji Shimada in relation to each other, and is written for the prompt of the day, your work will be shared.
I’ll make a post later about what tags to use to make sure I see your work, so stay tuned, and make sure to spread the word!
Looking forward to seeing some amazing creations! <3
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spicywatch-works · 5 years
McGenji Week, Day 6: Lending A Hand
So. You guys remember this post? Heavily inspired by that last panel. 
You can read it here on Ao3 if you prefer!
Genji sauntered back to his room with a sigh, all the hours he was putting into training starting to wear on him. He had been to every mandatory training session with the Blackwatch agents, then set up his own practice room and stayed in there for a few hours. After that, it was to the gym, and then, finally, he might end off the night with a run or some agility training. 
Every day, like clockwork, Genji working and working and working. But that itch beneath his skin still would not go away. 
Dr. Ziegler had said it would be like that until he got used to his new body, until the organic accepted the synthetic as best as it could. Even then, however, it would not go away completely. Genji was not sure if he could ever get used to the body he was trapped in. Ruined forever, no matter how well he recovered. Genji felt more exhaustion than anger nowadays, though. 
Feeling foreign in his own skin was not a new sensation, but it was different this time. Everything was. The way people treated him, the way they looked at him, talked to him, thought about him. The way he thought about himself. 
Was he human or a machine? Was a second chance at life truly worth what he had become? Was it worth all the pain and suffering he had already been through, and was likely to still be subject to? Questions he did not know if he could ever answer, questions he was tired of asking. 
Genji was so tired. 
He slipped into his room silently, eyes closing for a brief moment as he leaned against the wall. Another sigh left him slowly, draining the air from his lungs, the energy from his body. He took off his faceplate and what armour he could, leaving only smooth synth skin, his own scarred flesh, and what wires and metal that could not be removed as of yet. 
Dr. Ziegler had promised he would be getting a better design, that she was working on something that would decrease the amount of dehumanizing features on him. Genji had merely nodded. The damage had already been done. Weak attempts at normalization was all that could be provided for him, but he did not blame the doctor. She was trying her best. 
Genji rinsed off quickly in the shower, leaving all the lights off in an attempt to perhaps trick his brain into not seeing himself. It never worked, but he still tried. The florescent lights gave him a headache, though, so it was at least one problem avoided. The other was dampened by putting on Jesse’s overlarge sweatshirt when he was through washing off, Genji laying down on his bed and pressing the fabric to his nose. 
It smelled like outside air and smoke, with just a hint of something musky. He wished Jesse was with him, so that his warmth could be pressed to his back too. 
That had been something that was not inherently terrible since he had been left for dead. It was nice, actually. Jesse McCree was someone Genji felt like he could trust. Someone who had never treated him as different, just another teammate, and then a friend. Now, a lover. 
He had been surprised to find out that Jesse liked him at all, then again when he figured out that he felt the same way back. Genji did not realize he was still lovable. 
The ninja closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. Jesse was always kind to him, always made him feel like he could be okay, one day. That he could improve. The cowboy could make him laugh—a feat in it of itself—and Genji felt at peace with him around. Safe. Warm. Feelings inspired in Genji’s chest that he did not think he was capable of anymore. 
Jesse had figured out how to push down the walls Genji had built around himself and teach him that not everything had to hurt. That he could still be human. He had been the first person besides Dr. Ziegler to see his face, the first person to see him free of armour, the first to touch and feel what he had become. 
Scars traced with care, the places where bits of metal and synth skin met with real kissed, left tingling, his face held and caressed like it was some sacred thing. Making him feel in a way he did not know he still could. 
Genji’s human hand slid down, bottom lip bit lightly as he paused, debating if he really wanted to do this. If anything he could do would really sate that itch, take his mind off of what was bothering him enough to perhaps get some decent rest. Not much did, and certainly not masturbation anymore. 
Falling into old habits of validation was easy, especially now, but it was only his own hand. Not someone else’s, not Jesse’s. But he could imagine. 
Jesse falling on top of him as he was kissed, one arm braced next to his head, the other running down his body, big and warm and rough. Tracing along the inside of his thigh before brushing over his slit. Teasing through the gathering wetness, fingers just barely pushing where he needed them. 
Genji swallowed thickly, eyes snapping open. He could imagine Jesse all he wanted, but it did not change the fact that it was his hand. Scarred and calloused and ruined. He rolled onto his side, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to remember how to breathe normally. - He never asked for it, but somehow, Jesse always knew. 
Genji was in his training room, throwing shruiken precisely at the bots, deflecting where he could and cutting them down. Frustration fueling him, anger clear in the way he sliced through them. Exhaustion in the way he slumped when they had all fallen to the ground in pieces. 
Genji felt eyes on him, turning to find Jesse leaning in the doorway.
The ninja went to him, sheathing his weapons, Jesse raising a brow.
“You been gettin’ any sleep lately?” He asked, softness there that Genji had no right to hear.
“I am fine.”
“You don’t look it.”
“I never do,” Genji mumbled, Jesse shaking his head. He reached out and tilted the ninja’s head up, finger moving beneath his chin. Genji could not feel it, but the gesture was what counted.
“Walk with me?”
A nod, Jesse’s hand dropping back to his side as they left the training room together. They never showed much affection when anyone could see, but Genji knew the ways Jesse would sneak it in every now and then. The way he waited for Genji if he slowed, stepping closer to him as they walked in silence, glancing down at him, eyes shining with softness. Care shown in the little things no one else would have noticed.
“My room or yours?” Jesse asked quietly when they had reached the empty hallway leading to the barracks. 
Genji hesitated, Jesse letting him. Not taking it personally, knowing the ninja well enough to understand that it was not because of him. It never was. 
It was always something wrong with Genji.
“Yours,” Genji whispered, eyes downcast.
They went to Jesse’s room, Genji watching the little panel as it lit up and scanned Jesse’s fingerprint. The door opened with a quiet hiss, the two walking inside silently. Nothing really had to be said. 
As soon as the door closed, Jesse was taking Genji’s faceplate off, the ninja’s eyes fluttering shut as he was pulled into a kiss. Warm hands sliding down his body and gently taking his armour off piece by piece, mapped out and memorized with practice. Not his hands. 
Genji sighed, whimpered as he was stripped to just his skin and wires, Jesse’s mouth trailing down. Down his neck to smooth his lips across the places where cybernetic met human, kissing and licking and making Genji feel alive. Down the line of his stomach, the synth skin warm and shuddering with Genji’s breath, the pressure of Jesse’s lips pleasant. Leaving him burning. 
Down to the space between his thighs, Jesse’s knees hitting the floor with a muted thud, hands gripping at his thighs. Asking for permission in nuzzles and quiet whispers of praise. Genji had never said no. 
His head tipped back against the wall, pushing his hips forward, Jesse licking a searing stripe over his slit before kissing his clit and sucking it past his lips. Tongue swirling over it, Genji pressing the back of his hand to his mouth as he choked back a moan. 
That same hand sliding down to grip a fistful of the cowboy’s hair after a moment, petting through it as he heaved, systems already alerting him of overheating. Jesse hummed and lapped at him, eyes closed in bliss. 
Genji keened when two fingers pushed into him alongside Jesse’s tongue, grinding down, feeling his legs shake. Slick and spit dripping down his thighs, smeared across Jesse’s lips as he pulled back for a breath. He glanced up at Genji, pupils blown, lids hooded, lips swollen as he licked them unconsciously. Genji liked the enhancements when he could see a vision like that in the dark. 
Jesse descended on him again like a starved man, hand moving the whole time, pumping quicker as Genji started to quiver. His voice began to glitch out, little cries ending in static as the cowboy sucked on his clit, tongue swirling around it at the same time. Three fingers in him, curling, the slick noises of them heard even over Genji’s moans and heaving. 
He came with a muffled shout, hands gripping at Jesse’s head, body curling. Shivering with the force of it. The cowboy relented when Genji whimpered, pushing against his forehead lightly, murmuring against his abdomen.
“Gods, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful. You’re so good, Genji, so perfect...”
Genji curled his hand around Jesse’s chin, tilting it up and leaning in to a searing kiss. Another moan shared between the slide of their tongues, breath hot, mingling. Genji only pulled back enough to whisper a demand against Jesse’s lips.
“More. I need you.”
“Anythin’ for you, darlin’,” The gunslinger whispered, picking Genji up like he weighed nothing and carrying him to the bed. 
They fell against one another, Jesse’s body warm and safe, Genji tugging him impossibly closer. He wanted everything Jesse could give him, even if he did not deserve it. At times like these, he felt like maybe one day, he would. Jesse made him feel like he could. 
And that was enough. ~~
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littlebeesart · 6 years
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Its mcgenji week and I have no content this year 😭😭 so I thought I'd throw my mcgenji cosplay out there ❤️💚 McCree - @yourlegaldrug
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shevaara-art · 6 years
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McGenji week Day 4: Old Times // New Times
Super late, but there is my entry.
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blackwatchbastard · 6 years
McGenji Week Day 6: Dreams
(Finally managed to toss something together for @mcgenjiweek hhh I might try to do something tomorrow too but no promises. I’m a human disaster rn but I’m tryinggg.)
At first, most of his sleep was dreamless. Uninterrupted rest for the first time in what felt like forever. No bubbling anxiety or old memories, no revenge fantasies that left him feeling hollow the next day. Genji dreamed of nothing at all and was thankful for it. But slowly, as time passed, the lessons with Zenyatta gave way to a peaceful state of mind--and peaceful dreams with it. At first it was only color; warm tones of red and orange and brown. Comfort. Something soothing and safe. But somehow he still felt empty when he woke, as if something was missing from the puzzle that was his mornings. Then came scents; ones he knew, deep down, but couldn’t place at first. Smoke and leather and something like dirt. They felt like a comfort, too, but Genji found he missed them during his days. He hunted through a whole box before finding an incense stick that reminded him of it. It didn’t do the trick but it was a nice touch during meditation all the same. The sounds coming to his dreams gave him the final hint for who, exactly, was on his mind. Warm laughter and a soothing drawl to the speaker’s voice. A voice he’d been annoyed with at times but one that now meant nothing but a comfort. When he told Zenyatta, the omnic seemed almost amused. “I do not understand why I would dream of him, master,” he said. He tapped his fingers against his knees, restless, and watched the expressionless face in front of him. “I am surprised you did not sooner,” Zenyatta told him simply. “I don’t… Why would I?” “Well,” Zenyatta said, gesturing one hand vaguely. “He means a great deal to you, does he not?” Genji laughed softly at the understatement. McCree had been, in some ways, the only reason he was able to get here--to the aid of his new master. Both by watching his reckless ass and by simply caring enough to try and help his mind when he could. There was no easily-gained solution, at least not one Jesse was capable of helping him find, but the effort in and of itself meant a lot. “You miss him,” Zenyatta told him simply. “I do.” Zenyatta gave a small ‘hmm’ of understanding. “Dreams are sometimes our window into our own minds,” he explained, “listen to what you tell yourself. Perhaps you’ll learn more from them.” Truthfully, Genji wasn’t quite sure what the dreams were teaching him. Mostly, they were memories. Snapshots of the past; old conversations, lost moments, fond memories. But they were nice. They were a comfort in the haze of self-discovery he found himself wading through during his teachings. He only realized a while later that his dreams could be compelling him toward something. Or, really, someone. Messages were nice. Any sort of communication was spotty at times in their seclusion but McCree even managed to send physical letters now and then in his scratchy handwriting, smelling like cigar smoke and gun oil. Genji lingered over them one evening, fingers deftly flipping between the worn pages, and Zenyatta seemed to catch his distraction. “Is he able to visit you?” he asked. Genji blinked, staring down at the letters. “I do not think that… would be in his best interest, being on the run as he is.” “Mm,” Zenyatta hummed, “perhaps later. For now, use this.” He dropped a small device into his lap. Genji blinked, picking it up and fiddling with it a moment before pulling up the display. He looked at the omnic with a raised brow. “You told me to avoid distractions of the outside world,” he said. He swore if he could the omnic would have been grinning at him. “Some distractions do us some good.” As it turned out, Genji would be just as much a welcome distraction to Jesse as he was in return. The first time Genji pulled up a video call, late in the evening after meditation and nestled in the little nook he’d taken to camping out in during downtime, Jesse’s face came up beaming almost instantly. The wave of warmth that came with his dreams washed over Genji instantly. “Hey there, sugar,” he said, grin widening even more when he noticed the smile on Genji’s face. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” “Lying is wrong, Jesse McCree.” That got a laugh. Communicator shaking a little with the boisterous nature of the gesture, Jesse shook his head. “I’d never lie to you,” he said, “I learned not to the hard way, remember?” “I missed your voice,” Genji said, leaning on his fist. Jesse winked at him. “Don’t get too proud,” he warned, “just because I’ve been dreaming of that ridiculous drawl of yours.” “Dreaming of me?” Jesse raised a brow. “What kind of dreams?” Dreams of warmth. Of smiles and laughter. Of feeling lighter just for a moment even under the crushing weight that was everything. Existence itself being lifted from his shoulders just briefly. Tight embraces and lazy affection and eyes that saw him and not just a machine or a tragedy. Dreams that were more feeling than imagery or memory could ever tell. Genji rolled his eyes. “You’ll never know,” he whispered, poking a finger at the screen. Jesse laughed again and the flutter of warmth in his chest was a more than welcome distraction indeed.
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iguana-katana · 6 years
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one of the mcgenji week prompts was crossover, so this happened literally the only thing that made me choose this film was because of Sophie's hat
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Some things stay the same
McGenji week day 1: Sun // Moon
Summary: Genji and McCree have just left the authorities behind and are laying low in an old Blackwatch safehouse. They take some time to talk about their feelings, having not seen each other for 6 years. 
This is also a follow-up to Worlds Apart, which seemed fitting because I wrote the first chapter of that for McGenji week last year! You probably don't have to read that to understand this, just know they said "I love you" for the first time in it :')
Genji gazed up at the starry desert sky. He was sitting behind the old Blackwatch bunker they were laying low in, knees drawn up to his chest, faceplate beside him on the dusty ground. The moon was just shy of full, making the desert brush cast soft shadows on the ground.
“Hey there,” came Jesse’s voice. He walked around the corner of the bunker, and sat down next to Genji with a little grunt. He rested his arms on his knees and looked at Genji, who greeted him with just a smile. “Whatcha thinking about?” Jesse asked, “You’ve got that ‘deep in thought’ look in your eye.”
Genji smiled, still looking at the moon. “I could never appreciate this kind of beauty before. My mind was always in a whirlwind.” He sighed. “I was too desperate and angry to slow down and just look at the world.” He turned to Jesse and smiled. “You helped with that. But when I was with you I wasn’t exactly looking at the scenery.”
“What, I don’t count as scenery?” Jesse asked with a grin.
Genji laughed. “Scenery is just for looking at. You are good for far more than that.”
“I guess that’s one way of putting it,” Jesse huffed.
Genji scooted closer to him and leaned in expectantly.
“What, you want a kiss after insulting my pride like that?” Jesse said, trying to sound offended.
“You are the one who called yourself scenery,” Genji pointed out. Jesse turned away, pouting. Instead of pushing it, Genji rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder. For a minute he looked quietly out across the sandy earth again, lit by the cool light of the moon.
“I was thinking, recently,” Genji said, “about how the stars are the same here as they are in Nepal.”
“Hm?” Jesse turned his head back towards Genji.
“It is so much easier to see them than it is in Hanamura,” said Genji. “But the moon is the same.”
“The stars are the same, too,” said Jesse. “It’s just harder to see them.”
“Hmm.” Genji’s brow furrowed. “There is a metaphor here somewhere, but I am having trouble finding it.”
“Pfft,” Jesse laughed. “I thought you were just looking at the scenery.”
“I can look and think at the same time.” Genji picked his head up to look at Jesse. “In fact, I am doing it right now.”
Jesse grinned. “Oh yeah? Whatcha thinking?”
“That I love you,” Genji said.
Jesse’s grin grew even wider, and this time when Genji leaned in he met him halfway, smiling against his lips. “I love you too,” he whispered.
When they parted, Genji rested his head on Jesse’s shoulder again. Jesse wrapped his arm around Genji’s shoulders.
“I love hearing you say that,” Jesse murmured.
“That I love you?” Genji asked.
“Yeah,” Jesse replied, and rested his head on top of Genji’s.
“I like hearing myself say it too,” Genji confessed.
Jesse snorted. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” Genji said, and wrapped his arm around Jesse’s waist, “that I could not say it for so long, and now I can.”
Jesse breathed out slowly. “I guess it’s the same for me, then.”
Genji shifted so they were as close together as possible, tightening his arm around Jesse’s waist. Here he was, with the man he loved, watching moon shadows shift over the California desert. It was hard to believe that just a few months ago he had been agonizing over Jesse, about how much he missed him, whether he was okay, whether he would still want to be with him. Well, maybe it wasn’t that hard to believe.
He turned toward Jesse to wrap his other arm around his waist as well, burying his face in the cowboy’s chest.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” said Jesse. Gently he pulled Genji into his lap and wrapped his arms around him.
“I love you,” Genji mumbled, words muffled by Jesse’s shirt.
“I love you, too,” said Jesse, and rested his chin on the top of Genji’s head.
Somewhere in the back of Genji’s mind was the thought that he should be worrying about the future, about how long they could or should lay low here, about where they would go next… but really, worrying was pointless. How could he possibly worry here, in Jesse’s arms? If the authorities caught up to them, they could get away. If they couldn’t find another safehouse, they would keep each other warm, like they were now. If the moon fell out of the sky, they would weather that too.
“Jesse,” he said.
“Yeah, sugar?”
“I want you to know… loving you is the most wonderful feeling I have ever felt,” Genji said. He heard Jesse’s breath catch, and continued, “I did not realize it all those years ago, but it was true then, too. You made everything better. It was easier to think, to breathe, when you were there. Back then I saw the world through a haze of anger, but around you… it dissipated like mist in the sun.”
Jesse whistled, a single low note. “You been practicing that?”
Genji blushed. “Maybe.”
Jesse shifted Genji again, so they were looking into each other’s eyes. He was smiling. “That was almost like a poem, darlin’,” he said softly. There were tears welling up in his eyes, sparkling like the stars above them. Genji lifted his hands to cup Jesse’s face in them.
“I wanted to tell you the night I found you, but…” Genji paused. He leaned in to kiss the corners of Jesse’s eyes. The tears gathering there began to fall, and Genji wiped them away with his thumbs. “I was worried you would not want me back. But then of course you threw yourself into my arms, and blew every other thought from my mind.”
“I was happy to see you,” Jesse croaked, tears falling in earnest now.
“And I you,” said Genji. “It gave me some more time to practice what I wanted to say, in any case,” he chuckled. He leaned in to kiss Jesse again, and felt the cowboy melt into him.
“I love you,” said Jesse again, his words garbled by his crying and by Genji’s mouth on his.
“I love you too,” Genji whispered against his lips, then tilted his head to deepen their kiss. Jesse responded by sliding his arms down to grip Genji’s waist, and opened his mouth willingly to let his tongue inside.
Genji pushed Jesse down so his back was flat on the dusty ground, and collapsed on top of him. Their lips met again. Genji kissed him deeply, feeling Jesse’s hands roam over him, rubbing his back, stroking his hips, gripping his waist. He flattened himself against Jesse, welcoming all his touches.
Jesse pulled back after a few minutes, breathing heavily. “Would we maybe be more comfortable inside?”
“Why, does your back hurt?” Genji sat up, straddling Jesse’s hips.
“Maybe a little.” Jesse smiled sheepishly.
Genji smiled down at him, taking the opportunity to rub his hands appreciatively across Jesse’s chest. “All right. It will not be as romantic as kissing in the moonlight, of course.”
“Sorry, pumpkin,” said Jesse, “I’m afraid you’ll just have to deal with it.”
Genji stood, and reached down a hand to help Jesse to his feet. He laced their fingers together as they walked back inside.
Genji stepped back out into the cool night air a few hours later- he had left his faceplate on the ground outside. As he picked it up, he looked out at the brush again. The shadows cast by the plants were shorter now. The moon looked no different, but it was higher in the sky. He picked up his faceplate and shook the sand off it. The moon’s reflection in it hit him in the eye, and he huffed as he clicked it into place over his mouth and nose. He would figure out that metaphor eventually.
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nerbull · 5 years
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23: proving them wrong @mcgenjievents
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overwatchworks · 5 years
McGenji Week, Day 7: Unfamiliar Territory
Sorry this is so incredibly late! I finally got around to finishing it though, because by the Iris I was not about to let it sit as a wip forever!!
You can read it here on Ao3 if you want!
Being back around people he used to work with a lifetime ago felt strange. They had all changed so much, everyone older, some wiser, some hardened with time. Genji himself had gone through quite the journey to get to where he was now as well, and he knew it was throwing some people for a loop. People who had known him in Blackwatch, and the early days of his Overwatch recruitment. People who had seen him at his worst, now staring at him at his calmest. 
Jesse had been one of those people, his face lighting up whenever he saw Genji, those pretty, honey brown eyes still filled with so much warmth, though, caution was there too. It had been difficult at first; lots of late night talks on the roof up by the comms towers and stories shared between them were needed to earn Jesse’s trust back. Genji had left without a word, after all. 
But Jesse, as always, had been understanding, still as kind as ever as he listened raptly to the tales of Genji’s journey to find inner peace. He then would tell Genji about what disasters he had found himself mixed into—more caused by him than he let on, from what Genji could gather—and it became pretty clear why he had a bounty of sixty million on his head. 
The gunslinger told him about his meeting with Ashe one evening, explained why he did not come sooner and sent Echo in his place. Genji in turn shared the story of his latest encounter with Hanzo, how he was trying to recruit him to Overwatch as well. Jesse had not been happy about that. He had gone all quiet, brows furrowing low, eyes darkening.
“You remember what I promised, right? Bullet between the eyes as soon as I get ahold of him,” Jesse muttered, Genji shaking his head and taking the gunslinger’s hands.
“Jesse, I understand why you feel that way, but we are both changed from that time. That was when I still held all that anger and hatred, when I could not see past my own pain. Now, I am whole, and I have forgiven Hanzo. He has done more than enough punishment to himself as it is. I want him to heal,” Genji assured him, pressing a kiss to the back of Jesse’s hand. 
The gunslinger stared at him, eyes flicking over his face, open to the night air. He no longer had issues with anyone seeing it, but Jesse had always been a special case anyways. He had already seen the worst of it, and still fell in love with him.
“Please, just be civil with him. It was hard enough convincing him to come in the first place.”
“He’s actually comin’? When?”
“I am not sure. He just sent me a message earlier this week saying he would. But once he makes a decision, Hanzo sticks to it.”
Jesse dropped his gaze to the metal rooftop below them, thumbs rubbing over the back of Genji’s hands absently.
“I’ll do it for you. But, if I see him step even a toe outta line—”
“Jesse. I appreciate it, but please, let my brother have a chance first. It took me a long time to realize he had never gotten one, and that my actions when we were younger led him to no other choice, in his mind. I want him to let go of the chains he is still carrying with him, the grief that has plagued him for so long. So that we can heal together and be brothers again. I just want my brother back,” Genji whispered. Jesse cupped the ninja’s cheek in his palm, pressing their foreheads together.
“Okay. Okay, darlin’. I won’t interfere, I promise. This is your decision, your brother, your journey. I’ll honour that.”
Genji smiled, pressing a kiss to Jesse’s cheek.
“Thank you.”
“Wanna go on to bed, now? Sleep on it a bit?”
“That’s a good idea.”
Jesse stood, holding out his hands for Genji to take, the ninja grabbing them and hauling himself up. He took a deep breath, looking up at the stars. Wondered how many times he had done the same thing in Nepal, thinking about the man standing beside him. Genji took Jesse’s hand, leading them back inside and to his quarters. 
They had separate rooms, but only one was ever really used. The ninja had spent too many nights away from Jesse to let him go again now that they were together again. Jesse had assented to rooming easily when they talked about their relationship and how they wanted to go about things again, hugging Genji close that night and murmuring into his hair about how much he had missed him. 
Genji kissing all the little scars Jesse had acquired over the years, mapping out the gunslinger’s body again with his hands and mouth. Reacquainting with the old and memorizing the new. Letting himself be stripped down to his most vulnerable; no armour, no metal, no faceplate. Just skin and synth, Jesse running his fingers over both just like he used to. 
Adoration in every touch. Love in his eyes when he looked up at Genji with a soft smile. Tonight was no different. When they got back to the room, Genji took off his armour while Jesse undressed, slipping into bed together and fitting against one another like they had never been apart. Jesse had always made things feel easy.
Hanzo showed up at Watchpoint: Gibraltar one evening later that month, silent and alone. He had nothing on him but a small bag slung over one shoulder and his bow on the other. Even dressed casually, he stood out, eyes alert and form tense. Waiting for a trap. 
Genji walked over to him, watching the way his brother’s gaze locked on him and did not leave his form. Cautious, distrusting. Like he still did not truly believe it was Genji standing in front of him. The ninja would not have been surprised; their meeting before had been strained, Hanzo still raising his weapon after he knew in anger. It was an old friend to both of them. 
Genji did not truly blame him for being angry, because he knew at his core, Hanzo had been upset. Confused. The past ten years of his life he had spent mourning and grieving, everything he had thought he knew and molded his pitiful way of living around now torn away. 
Proven wrong, turned upside down. 
Genji had felt the same, many times, and from his brother’s hands as well. But now, he was coming from a standpoint of peace, with himself and his brother, hoping for healing. He just wanted to heal the last of his wounds, and perhaps start on fixing the gaping ones still eating Hanzo alive.
“Hanzo. I am glad you made it safely,” Genji greeted, starting things off formal and simple. 
Hanzo was going to take a lot of work, by the looks of things. There was silence for a long moment, Hanzo simply nodding back to him before turning his gaze to the facility.
“What is this place?”
“Watchpoint: Gibraltar. I was stationed here before, when I was an official Overwatch operative. It is very beautiful.”
“Is it safe? Out in the open like this?”
“Athena has top of the line security and protection set in place for us. I assure you, no one will find it without us knowing a while beforehand. That is how I knew you were here, after all,” Genji explained, motioning for Hanzo to follow him. 
His brother regarded him darkly for a second, face slipping back into impassiveness quickly.
“You. Were with Overwatch, then. All these years.”
Stilted, the words cold and halting, as if Hanzo truly did not know what to say, mind still wrapping around everything. Or trying to push it away, disbelieving.
“Not all of them. I served my purpose here, then moved on to better myself. To find peace. And I did, in Nepal, with my Master, Zenyatta. That is actually where I have spent most of my time, and traveling, of course.”
“I am glad you came, brother. There is much I hope for in the future for us,” Genji told him with a pat to his shoulder. 
Hanzo did not quite flinch, but he certainly tensed all that much more. The ninja internally frowned. Perhaps this job would be best shared with someone who had already taught one Shimada. He would talk with Zenyatta tomorrow about it.
“I will show you to your room, then let you rest. I am sure there’s a lot you want to think over, now that you’re here.”
“I...Yes. Thank you,” Hanzo nodded. 
Again with the struggle to find words. Genji had never known a Hanzo that had this much difficulty finding something to say to him. Then again, they were both so different, and this was a lot of unfamiliar territory. Hanzo, stuck in the past, and Genji hoping for the future. 
Not much had truly changed about that. 
Genji led his brother to a room a few doors down from his and Zenyatta’s, just enough space between them to ensure Hanzo’s relative comfort.
“If you need anything, I’m just down the hall.”
Genji hesitated, Hanzo staring into the empty room, eyes a hundred miles away. The ninja placed a hand on his shoulder, voice soft when he spoke again.
“I hope that this place will help give you purpose and healing, Hanzo. I really am glad you came.”
Hanzo blinked and turned to him, brows furrowed, an unbearable sadness in the fine lines of his features.
“Do you truly believe that I deserve it?” He murmured, barely audible.
“I do. Now, get some rest, brother.”
Hanzo gave him the barest of nods before slipping into his room silently, the door shutting behind him. Genji let out a sigh, then went to his own room. Jesse looked up from where he was stretched across the bed, book in hand.
“Hey. How’d it go?” He asked, folding the edge of the page and setting the book aside. Genji took off his faceplate and sat with the cowboy, smiling tiredly.
“It went okay. He is still very much on guard, which is expected. I just did not realize how hopeless he is. It’s like...He’s just the shell of the person I used to know. The old me would have reveled in seeing him like that, would have thought he deserved every moment of misery and despair. Now, it just hurts, and I can’t help but wish none of this had ever happened to us. We did not deserve this,” Genji murmured, eyes downcast, fingers fiddling with the bed sheets. Jesse took his hands, squeezing them lightly in reassurance. 
“No, I don’t think you did. I don’t think many people deserve the pain they gotta go through sometimes, but life’s always got a way of makin’ it turn out the way it’s supposed to. I mean, look at us. We wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for our respective fucked up pasts, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
Genji laughed softly, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against the cowboy’s.
“I suppose you are right. And I would not change it either. I’m so glad you’re here with me, Jesse.”
“I’ll always be here for you, darlin’. And I got a gut feelin’ that everythin’ will turn out just fine.”
“Well, I can’t argue with gut feelings, now can I?”
“Nope! You always trust your gut,” Jesse teased, poking at Genji’s stomach. 
The ninja smiled, pressing into a kiss, eyes falling shut. A sense of peace settled over him as Jesse’s hands slid up his back to hold him, warm and comforting. Things would be alright. It might take lots of time, effort, and patience, but Genji had all that in plenty. 
He trusted in it, and he believed that with help and in time, he and Hanzo could become brothers once again. 
For now, the journey ahead of him was one he looked forward to taking.
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lvcisx-archive · 7 years
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McGenji Week Day 1: Starting Out
first glance
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regret-dot-jpg · 6 years
To Chase the Sun
McGenji Week 2018- Day 1: Moon // Sun
McCree had stopped moving entirely to stop and stare at the downed bots. His face was lit up with genuine impressment when he turned to look at Genji.
Perhaps the man was not making fun at his expense after all.
He retracted the shuriken in his hand, letting them slide back into his metal arm.
“You have ta teach me how you do that sometime.” McCree said, lips quirked up into a faint smile.
His eyes were bright. Warm.
Genji looked away.
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actoons · 7 years
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11.26.17 McGenji Week  2017  Starting Out// Settling Down
You’re afraid of what you need ,yeah you’re afraid of what you need
If you weren’t, I don’t know what we’d talk about.
Home is where I want to be, but I guess I’m already there.
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