moonlightmcl · 2 years
Eeeey, how's everyone doing? I missed you, hope you're having a wonderful day or night ❤️
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mayfasky · 4 years
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Ya era hora de dibujarlo asdfas espero les guste :’3 espero traer mas cosillas con un poco mas de tiempo jaja 
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mcl-socialites · 7 years
(#362) “It's weird how the Eldarya fans who don't play MCL think they're more mature than us. They're so mature that one of their favorite artists made drawings about child rape/ abuse and didn't tag for the people who have triggers. And let's not talk about the absurds I've read from the Leiftan fuckers defending his actions on Ep 17. Yikes. Yeah, the MCL fans are the childish ones -_-”
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messwriting · 7 years
My Candy Love - Lysander
When Lysander looked at her, the best way to control herself was talking until her tongue swelled.
Those disparate eyes locked on hers and she imagined how delightful it would be to see them blurred, tightened in a spiral of pleasure as her name would come out of those soft, small, masculine lips. The alcohol was rising faster than expected if she was thinking something like this so openly while they were supposed to be talking. - What? - She complained, her face indifferent as her body started to burn; Quickly turned her gaze to the glass of wine in her hands, and when she could no longer look at the dark liquid, she turned to look at the offensively large balcony of his childhood friend's new apartment.
She could easily feel his gaze burn at her shoulders. Instinctively she discovered her neck to him, pulling her hair to the opposite side and passing them over her right shoulder - it was less than seconds before she felt his gaze wander to her face and then turned to look at the same view as her. Now, well, in her opinion, that was the most shameful thing about being in love for so long with her best friend. After so much time of friendship, there was nothing sensual that you could use. And it's not that they didn't work, he just was not interested. He does not see you in the same way. So while she made the best of her femininity to very quietly collect the dark locks and leave that large amount of fair skin on the attractively feminine curve of her neck, all he had felt was an uneasy urge to look away, or perhaps even worse, had not even paid attention to the act or processed any hint of her attempt to be sexy. Yes, decidedly, there could be nothing worse than being so long in love with her childhood friend. After that, she would only miss the day where she would appear nude in his apartment in a desperate attempt of getting attention and receive an indifferent glance - and possibly preoccupied with her sanity - along with a pair of boxers and some shabby Winged Skull t-shirt that Castiel would probably have left there. And Lys would be considerate enough not to ask why and offer her a ride home, even if he hated driving, and now his new apartment was the furthest from Campus dormitories than any other condo in town. She turned the glass of wine in a sip. Lysander stared at her and his eyes pierced hers - sweeping the sudden red color on her cheeks - sending an obvious message that he did not agree with her newest way to drink wine or perhaps the fact that she wasnt speaking anything. Even so, he went inside the apartment, probably fetch the bottle - because he is a gentleman, and she could take a deep breath for the first moment since he came to the balcony too. She repented bitterly. His perfume entered her lungs, grabbed her nerve endings, and short-circuited what was left of her critical sense; It was a sensual musky fragrance; Masculine and striking, but, being carried away by the night breeze sweeping the porch, was unbelievably soft. She could hear the knock of doors in the kitchen indicating that he was on his way back. A shiver ran down her spine in the cold wind that blew suddenly and then through the approaching footsteps. When the breeze blew again, there was nothing soft about it. It was a pure massacre of all that held her to reason, utter annihilation of the prudence and caution that were the pillars of her relationship with Lysander. Oh God, why? Why did she have to decide to let her friendship with Lysander collapse at this point? While all she had in her head were heated images of that adorable face contorted in divine pleasure and wine, flying to her brain with her accelerated circulation, saying that it was all right for her to leave everything she always had as valuable to fall apart in ruins?
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dontaskcastielmcl · 9 years
The fandom had reared onto its hind legs and roared liked a majestic eagle
Mun: when you just answer a question and then the fandom rains from the heavens and bows up your tumblr.
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demonkins · 9 years
MyCandyLove Imagine: Pair:CastielxReader Carousel of jealousy (Part 2)
Part one
As Y/N watched Capucine wonder back into the halls of Amoirs, she couldn't help but feel nervous. This girl was never good news. It almost seemed like she had already stuck a target to Y/N’s head before she had even started school. Only now she’s firing whenever she can get a clear aim. Turning her attention to Jason, Y/N sprang to her feet and grabbed his hand reassuringly. “Oh course. You should of just texted me.” Y/N suggested kindly, not wanting to make him uncomfortable with his choice to come see her, even though she was sure it would later cause her to be less then comfortable. As she spoke, Rosa gave her a not so pleasant questioning look. Knowing Rosa, Y/N knew she would have got a very approving look if it hadn't been for her earlier love confession. Rubbing the back of his neck nervously, his gaze shot to the ground as his cheek flushed once again. “I'm sorry if this is awkward.” He apologized sincerely. Before Y/N could reassure him, Rosa had already shot to her feet. “Hi, i’m Rosalya.” She greeted, holding out her hand. Smiling sweetly Jason held out his hand. “Jason” He replied, as he shook her hand lightly. A glimmer then appeared in her eyes as she finally decided that she approved of him. Grinning to herself Rosa then wanted to find more about Y/Ns relationship with this boy. But the questions she wanted to ask were not the kind of questions she felt comfortable with asking in front of him. “Excuse me, while I just borrow Y/N for a minute” Rosa giggled as she had already began to drag her off towards the gym. “Its okay! You should go meet some of the others!” Yelled Rosa as she began to speedily walk even more. Knowing she could not fight back Y/N shot a sympathetic smile towards Jason, who simply beamed a bright smile back at her.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Jason then began to aimlessly wander round the halls. A strong aroma, in which Jason identified to be smoke, hit him as he wandered further down the hall. Lured to where it came from, Jason found himself cautiously treading down the steps to the basement. Leaning against the wall, Castiel had one hand stuffed in his pocket and another holding a thin cigarette to his mouth. Out the corner of his eye Castiel spotted Jason and smirked. Fumbling with his hand in his pocket he reached out a cigarette packet and gestured it towards him. Walking toward him Jason shook his head, but smiled at his friendliness. “Suit yourself” Castiel muttered as he shoved the packet back into his pocket. “I’d be a bad team leader if I smoked, don’t y’think.” laughed Jason as he leaned on the wall beside him. Struck with interest, Castiel now turned his attention towards Jason, and let his cigarette hang out of his hand. “Leader? what's that got to do with smoking?” He questioned smirking. “I'm leader of my schools lacrosse team. Were not really aloud to smoke, and I’d be a bad example if I started now.” Jason continued to laugh. Amused Castiel put his cigarette out on the wall, letting it sizzle out slowly, now board of his smoke. “Castiel” He then simply stated, finding an interest in this new guy. “Jason”
“So whose he? Where did you meet him? Is he your boyfriend” Rosa interrogated Y/N excitedly. Even though Y/N shook her head with disbelieve of how noisy Rosa was being she couldn't help the smile that crept on her face. “His names Jason. He’s my dads friends son, he is leader of a lacrosse team and he just so happens to like me.” Y/N explained, trying to compress everything she know knew about Jason. Just enough to satisfy Rosa’s romance taste buds. Y/N should have known that Rosalyn was not satisfied. Hearing these impressive small details about him Rosa lit up with even more excitement “Your going on a date? To where?” She questioned. Before Y/N could answer they were interrupted by a giggling blonde. “Whose this guy everyone's talking about? The one who ‘apparently’ likes you?” Joked Amber mockingly.
Good aim Capucine. Good aim.
Whispers flew through the school rapidly like wild fire. Rumours and facts were a mix of what was told, however Y/N was not sure who thought what. Attempting to stay out of the lime light, both her and Rosa hid in the locker room, in till the next lesson.
“That’s pathetic” Castiel laughed, hearing Jason tell him about a story of a losing lacrosse team embarrassing themselves by trying to pick a fight, but losing that too. “I'm serious! They literally tried to take a swing at me and ended up with a broken leg” Jason laughed along as he recalled his previous memory. The two boys chattered among themselves randomly in till Castiel realised he had no idea why the boy was even there. “So are you new here or something?” He questioned, now feeling more comfortable in Jason's presence. “Actually i’m just here to visit a girl...” Jason answered recklessly before wanting to take it back. Too late Castiel leaned off the wall in interest a wide smug look on his face. “Oh yeah? Who?” He asked curiously. Jason hesitated slightly before answering. “Y/N”
The bell had rang and both Rosa and Y/N was forced to get to their lessons. Shortly after they arrived, a very frustrated and puzzled Castiel made his way to his seat in science. For some odd reason the room seemed to spin around him as he took a seat. Breathing heavily, his fists clenched tightly and his muscles tensed. Anger tried to cage itself within Castiel as best as it could. Who the F’ does he think he is? Walking into schools he didn't even go to? Thinking he was so cool just because he was a stupid pretentious leader. The worst part was, Castiel even thought that he was cool. I mean the guy was nice, and they socialised well, but that didn't change the fact that Castiel now loathed him. No. In fact that made it worse. Biting his lip, his heart felt like it was bursting. He felt betrayed. No, him and Y/N were not going out, but he thought that they were kind of already reserved. His muscles tensed even tighter when he kept thinking of what Jason said. Had Y/N been going on dates with this guy as well?. At that moment Castiel could not help but feel like absolute nothingness.
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messwriting · 9 years
which mcl blogs do you follow :)? welcome to the fandom btw!
yay! my first welcome! thanks anon *—*
hmm, lets see, I actually follow a whole lot, both for Amor Doce, that’s the brazilian version of the game, as for My Candy Love and Corazón de Melón, such as @mcl-writings (i love this one, such great drabbles!), @cafesweetamoris, @amordocefanservice, @arroz–doce, @mcldrabbles, @mcldrabblesforyou, @ask-cdm-castielnathaniel (best comics ever!), @incorrect-mcl, @perverting-mcl (don’t judge me), @satansmclheadcanons (pure angst), and these are just the famous ones. 
Also, lets NOT forget the artists in the fandom like @morethan24hours and @mozaik-roll - the QUEENS of the MCL/CDM fandom tbh. 
…. i think i wrote too much?
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