#mcsm anthony
radiantrookie · 20 days
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Most people might not know this, but this character here is actually another youtuber, Bigbstatz, in the game he's referred to as Anthony, which is his real name, he appears as an associate in the Sunshine Institute and doesn't seem to mind his job, his most notable quality is that he really likes Cookies, which is a reference to his youtube channel
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In terms of why his character is character is in the Sunshine Institute, according to a Tumblr Post by Eric Stirpe, Romeo lost to him in a mini game, (which is another reference to his channel)
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The real Bigbstatz even got an actual letter from The Warden
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ivormybeloved · 11 days
I will give these characters designs in the future so yeah. Jesse and his adoptive mom I love them sm Jesse aggheh
this is the longest I've spent on a chapter probably, jeez. I need to sleep
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tootyfruities · 3 months
hi mcsm fandom. is reginald a cop? discuss
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A few days ago, I made (or at least, tried to make) some Minecraft Story Mode YouTuber picrews. This is the first among several picrews - the popular fantasy RPG one.
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stirpicus · 7 years
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Looks like Anthony got himself a little letter from the Warden of the Sunshine Institute... wonder what that's all about. https://twitter.com/bigbst4tz2/status/907482605590900736
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daisy-mooon · 3 years
Xara headcanons:
After the whole Season 2 fiasco, she still has problems sleeping due to things like nightmares and insomnia.
She wouldn't admit it over her dead body but she adores llamas with every fibre of her being
Xara doesn't wear orange. Ever.
She drinks so much coffee that's it dumb.
She has a ton of scars, pretty much everywhere from her stay at the Sunshine Institute.
When she first changed into regular clothes again, she almost cried. Now Xara refuses to go anywhere without her black hoodie.
(Said black hoodie also covers her scars)
She thinks leather jackets are amazing.
She makes extra pockets in her clothes.
Before she was an Admin, her hair was very dark brown and she wore it loose.
Xara doesn't really care much about appearances, and her hair's a tangled mess. She never got the opportunity to change it out of its bun in the Sunshine Institute and there's a ridiculous amount of knots. She attempted to brush it, but she gave up because of the knots.
As an Admin she's 7'0 and as a human she's 6'4.
Boots, anyone?
She used her engineering skills a lot in the Sunshine Institute, mostly to disarm traps or change circuits without alarms ringing, and her skills haven't changed too much. However, Xara does fight more than engineer redstone nowadays.
She watched a video of Pandora's vault, then proceeded to roll her eyes because damn it would be pretty easy to escape from that, see if you break that circuit there-
(Bonus points if Romeo attempted to replicate Pandora's vault for Cellblock X and Xara just strolled out casually and gave him the finger)
Xara grew up in a mesa.
Because of this, she never learned how to swim.
She despises mushrooms and mushroom stew and would refuse to eat them even if she was starving.
Xara has started a fight with nearly everyone in the Sunshine Institute, hence why everyone was so afraid of her. The only people she hasn't fought are Geoffrey the Mooshroom and Anthony.
She got the straightjacket off in 0.06 seconds because she mastered the art of biting the buckle off.
Theres a lot of stories as to why she was wearing a muzzle. One says she kept biting the straightjacket buckle off, another says she knew a deadly secret, another says she bit Romeo, another that she bit out the Wardens eye. Either way, her teeth are very sharp.
Also, pointy elf ears. Xara has very pointy elf ears that make her look kind of ridiculous, but she likes them.
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gabriel-the-warrior · 7 years
That guard with the cookies has the same name as my brother
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lakka-arts · 3 years
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say hi to anthony! An iron golem who works at Beacon Town :)
hard shell on the outside but a big ol’ softie on the inside
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ganvitosh · 4 years
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Hey, y’all.
Following up from the last post, I need your opinion on something. Right now, these are the current designs for Romeo and Radar, who are going to be the main characters of Episode 3.
What are your thoughts on these current designs? Are they good, should I change anything? If you have any suggestions on improvement, please let me know.
- Anthony
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theanonymousclown · 2 years
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Owl House/MCSM AU where I spread my Jesskastra, NB Jesse, and Isa/Ivor as siblings propaganda.
Main cast is:
Jesse as Luz (Obviously), Ivor as Eda, and Radar as King (With the Titans being Endermen)
Lukas as Amity, the Ocelots as Amity’s Friends, and Petra as Hunter (I do not ship Luz and Hunter)
Romeo as Belos, Warden as Kikimora, Stella as Steve, Isa as Lilith, Harper as Raine (Though she’s head of the Illusion Coven), Xara as Darius (Bard), Cassie as Eberwolf (Abominations)
The Detention Track is Oxblood, Carmine, and Anthony. Puddles is Geoff by association.
And that’s all for now!
Edit: Completely fucking forgot that Gus and Willow existed, yeah that’s Axel and Olivia. Olivia’s Willow and Axel’s Gus.
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mari-the-dreamer · 7 years
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These guys are the greatest of friends :)
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anthonynevara-blog · 7 years
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Una pequeña animación -v- para el inicio de la página
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tootyfruities · 3 months
WHO was gonna tell me anthony sunshine institute mcsm 2 is a bigb cameo why did i have to learn that like 6 years later
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Minecraft Story Mode: YouTuber Headcanons
Reasoning Behind Headcanons
I have respect for the YouTubers’ connection to the Fourth Wall (i.e. adding real life-based elements to the headcanons) but also want to keep the balance between reality and fiction, to at least some degree
I also make mini-crossovers based on the YouTubers’ individual series for their backstories
Some of the headcanons have basis in the YouTubers’ playthroughs of MCSM
I don’t watch videos by CaptainSparklez often, so I’m not giving headcanons about him -- sorry, y’all. Lizzie and Dan might also get less content than the rest, but mainly because 1) I don’t watch that many of their videos; and 2) they both have a chance of dying while Stacy and Stampy are definite survivors
Also a fair warning to y’all that there’s a lot of Stampy content ahead because I watch his videos the most out of all the MCYT cast in MCSM
Before the Mansion
The Tri-Block Tournament consists of the rounds of Building, Redstone, and Combat, in that order [I’m just looking at Stampy’s Minecraft strengths to see how he could be able to win thrice in a row, and yes, Stampy knows how to fight]
All the YouTubers are from different biomes: Stacy’s from the mesa-savanna (based on Mystic Mesa and Bookcraft) but moved around a lot before settling there, Stampy’s from a snowy taiga/regular taiga in the north (based on Lovely World), Dan’s from the border of the desert and the snowy taiga (based on the original Lab) but was also not a native there (as seen in the How I Met Dr Trayaurus video), Lizzie’s from the plains (based on various series)
Stampy still had a massive rivalry against HitTheTarget, who’s about half an evil genius and half a griefer -- they used to be friends but had a massive falling out
Stampy and Anthony used to be friends, naturally, but then Stamps had to deal with Mansion stuff and Anthony went on to wander the worlds eventually and ended up in the same server as Romeo, who put him in the Sunshine Institute because Anthony won against him in a minigame and Romeo’s a sore loser (canon according to the official Tumblr)
A lot of Lovely World stuff still happens and Stampy definitely had past trauma based in Lovely World events -- Veeva Dash’s betrayal and the whole I Lost--Hero Helpers episode arc come first into mind
Speaking of that, spiders aren’t cool in Stampy’s book. Something about HitTheTarget and spider guards
Stampy also used to have that OP enchanted diamond sword (Sharpness III, Looting III, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II) but like Lovely World canon, he lost it in The End due to an accident involving an Enderman (sans the dying part)... but unlike Lovely World canon, he never did get a replacement (hence the gold sword)
Stacy also has trauma because some of the Dogcraft stuff definitely happened, though maybe without the mods
The whole Butch debacle definitely happened and so did that Pigzilla dream
And judging by that dream, Stacy might actually have prophetic visions?? So she could have had prophetic visions of the events of MCSM????
Stacy definitely doesn’t mix well with pork because of Dogcraft-related trauma (*cough* Sooezy *cough*) and she bonds with Jesse over this eventually (please don’t tell them that Stampy feeds his dogs porkchops)
Stacy had a friendly rivalry with Graser (see Mineclash) but of course, they’re friends (and Graser doesn’t show up in MCSM other than in a fanfic iirc)
Real life books have Minecraft counterparts to them -- The Hundred and One Dalmatians is turned into The Hundred and One Wolves. Stampy and Stacy initially bonded over their association with the book, because of similar backstories (Stampy has the HTT issue and Stacy has the Bookcraft/Dogcraft crossover stuff)
Dan and Lizzie essentially had the friendly rival relationship between people on the same server on your typical modded SMP
They’re the “adventurers” of the YouTuber gang because of their tendency to play around with mods in real Minecraft -- Lizzie in modded survival worlds and Dan and his mod showcases and custom mod adventures
Dan actually opened portals to some of the dimensions in the custom mod adventures using the enchanted flint and steel
Was some of that traumatic? Yeah, it might be -- I’m not super familiar with his videos though
Dan can also speak Villagerese 
To this day, we have no hecking clue how Dan’s hair changes colour -- some might suspect it’s a magical spell gone either right or wrong, but he refuses to acknowledge it or answer any questions about it, to the point that the YouTubers just don’t ask anymore
The Mansion and Related Trauma
Yes, the survivors have PTSD, what about it?
Actually I’d say this is a slight AU with the YouTubers not actively trying to throw each other under the bus because they’re friends, though the ghost of CaptainSparklez is still salty about Dan pushing the button that killed him
Stampy would be too scared to touch buttons in the first place if he had noticed them (*cough* Don’t Press the Button the Stampy Short... but more deadly *cough*)
Lizzie was too smart to touch the buttons, even if she noticed them
Dan no longer bothers with buttons (if he lives) -- it’s always a lever or something that activates things, and not a button, and if a button is unavoidable, it’s always a wooden button -- not stone, never stone, never again
Stacy was making cookies out of nervousness instead of pumpkin pie because all the pumpkins in the Mansion are white pumpkins and she’s just super weirded out by it all
Stampy didn’t eat that cake in the dining room because he’s learnt his lesson about cakes that he doesn’t know the origin of (it’s a Lovely World thing...)
Also five bucks that the cake in the dining room was poisoned all along but Stampy didn’t fall for the trap this time (good for him, bad for literally everyone because of the killing spree Cassie ended up going on)
Stampy’s also never worked well with poison potions either (another Lovely World thing) and those tipped arrows really did make him uncomfortable
Someone should have told Jesse about all the trauma the YouTubers have
Accusing Stampy gives the biggest angst factor even though the most canon storyline is to not accuse anyone
The YouTubers go back to the Mansion to retrieve their dead friends’ inventories to give them a proper final resting place instead of some crusty old basement lair of their mass murderer
None of the surviving YouTubers are able to look at a diamond axe ever again -- they’ll never even think about making diamond axes
They also avoid swamps like the plague if possible
Stampy did make the Minecraft mini-movies he did in the Lovely World series but never went to the Block of the Dead premiere in Beacontown because it’s a zombie apocalypse movie
Stacy didn’t show up to the premiere either for the same reason
Everyone no longer uses tipped arrows
In the incident that Lizzie dies by being axed by Cassie and Dan lives, he is no longer okay with spiders or cave spiders
In fact, I doubt he would be okay with spiders or cave spiders anyway because if he lives, either he gets attacked from behind by spiders, or Lizzie dies by spiders
If Dan is the one who dies, it’s just even more crushing for Stampy on the anti-spider front
Lizzie would nope out of any expeditions to visit woodland mansions if anyone found any
Actually all the Mansion YouTubers would do the same if they got any invitations to raid a woodland mansion
Also vindicators. Encounter vindicators? Run like hell
Post-Mansion and Pre-Season 2
If the YouTubers move on from the Mansion, there might be some pretty dark inside jokes about what happened in there. For example, the White Pumpkin being Anglophobic (all three YouTubers you can accuse to be the White Pumpkin are British)
If Dan survives, he moves back to the Lab and eventually the Lab does relocate to the jungle
Whoever lives among Dan or Lizzie, they gave the portal key to Stampy and Stacy eventually, which is how they ended up in Beacontown
They only arrived in Beacontown a couple of months or so?? before Season 2 started, and Jesse never noticed because they were too busy
Stampy chose to settle in Beacontown because it reminds him of home (the Lovely World really is similarly bright and colourful)
Stampy originally wanted to make his carpet dark blue like back home but they were out of blue dye conveniently, so he had to use light blue wool instead and never changed it back when they got their supply of dark blue wool again
Stamps also still makes cakes with Lee Bear’s secret recipe :’(
Stacy still spends a lot of time looking after animals
Stacy practically runs an animal shelter through her front yard at the rate she’s saving animals
Everyone just really appreciates her effort <3
Stacy also doesn’t know what got into her to build her house out of blue concrete powder... maybe it was for a dare?
Stacy also ends up writing Wild Rescuers in this universe as well :)
Season 2 and Beyond
From what I could tell, Stampy and Stacy did something to get on Romeo’s bad side to end up as part of the New Ocelots in Episode 5, Above and Beyond
For this... I think Romeo reminds Stampy too much of HitTheTarget. A lot of red and black colour schemes. A lot of destruction. And lava. And spider guards. It hit too close to home for him
Also, the whole blocking out the sky thing. Spoiler alert, HTT did it once as well, and it was nasty stuff
As for Stacy, Romeo was being an a--hole to Wink. Probably kicked him once. Or twice. Or whenever he passed the poor doggo -- EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
And on top of that, Romeo went on a killing spree and murdered all the other animals that Stacy rescued, just like those three pigs that were made into porkchops
As a result, the YouTubers were the first to go into open rebellion against Romeo
It may or may not have involved Stampy finally stepping up his game and challenging Romeo to a duel on the main street of Beacontown, Brit to Brit; and Stacy sending an army of llamas after Romeo to back him up
Romeo ended up “making an example” out of them and also filled the Love Garden pond with lava just to spite Stampy
Stampy doesn’t forgive him for being an a--hole
Neither does Stacy tbh, given her more ruthless MCSM portrayal
Once Lukas’ books about Jesse’s adventures get to Season 1 Episode 6, the YouTubers are gonna be swarmed with people asking about what happened in the Mansion to the point that they’d have to do official interviews for fan interactions and choose not to comment outside of those interviews
Oh, and despite everything that has gone down, no one in Beacontown knows Stampy’s real name. No one. The only ones who know are his fellow YouTubers
Stacy spends a lot of time with Lluna when the New Order is busy, to the point that she’s basically a part-time adoptive llama mom
Stampy and Stacy collaborate to make many different branches of their little bakery across the world they now live in
Anthony eventually makes his way up from the Sunshine Institute and reunites with Stampy (when he said he’s everyone’s friend, we really do mean a lot of people)
Stampy found that for whatever reasons, Polly Reindeer moved to Redstonia and they got in contact again (Lovely World based)
Stampy also ends up rebuilding some of his Funland minigames outside of Beacontown and spends a lot of time running it -- and gets Redstonia residents to help make improvements
Netty (Stampy’s sister and also a MCYTer) still lives in Twin Moons World and she and Stamps still keep in contact
In fact, the Beacontown YouTubers still keep in contact with their friends across the worlds
And basically they try to lead a more peaceful life after everything that has happened
Under the circumstance that the White Pumpkin does return in the Season 3 that could never be... I don’t think either of them would be particularly forgiving towards her, given all the trauma she has caused them
But in the Season 3 that could never be, it might be possible for the other surviving YouTuber (Dan or Lizzie) to return, so cheers to that
All real life-based romances do happen but I won’t elaborate on them
It would probably be offscreen for Dan/Jemma and Lizzie/Joel, depending on who survives
Sqaishey eventually moves to Beacontown and strikes up a friendship with Stampy and Stacy, and Stampy/Sqaishey becomes a thing eventually
All romances happen after MCSM Season 2 just so that I don’t have to think about it in a MCSM canon context
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MCSM AU: The YouTubers Get Involved
The basis of this AU is where the YouTubers go questing with Jesse. There are two variations for this AU -- one where the surviving YouTubers go with Jesse post-Mansion, the other one where Stacy and Stampy join the questing in Season 2 Episode 2, Giant Consequences, and in both situations, they get wrapped up in Jesse and their gang’s shenanigans as well. I’m more going to focus on the second one (Season 2 only) rather than the first one.
The idea was inspired by the fanfiction The Adventure Story by Alice Forshadow (based on AU version 1) and fuelled by a discarded self-insert AU featuring the YouTubers.
Stampy spends the entire quest comparing the Admin to HitTheTarget, about the colour scheme, the overusage of lava, spiders as guards (this last one was taken from his playthrough of S2E3), blocking out the sky, insulting people's builds...
“At least he doesn't build out of mainly nether brick, or I'd have confused him for HitTheTarget MK II.”
“…Who's HitTheTarget?”
“…I'll… tell you later. Once we get out of this mess.”
Stampy also spends the entire quest going along the lines of “Radar sus” (like how Stacy went “Lukas sus” in S1E6 -- it's a playthrough thing)
Both YouTubers get custom armour at some point, based around their colour motifs (orange/white and blue/white, respectively)
Stacy adopts literally every animal in their path, which includes and is not limited to Lluna, Waffles, Blocco, the llama at Romeoburg…
Jesse had no idea that the YouTubers knew how to fight people as well as hostile mobs -- “I didn’t know you could fight this well, [insert name here].”
Cue determinant quotes: “I used to be a sheriff, Jesse, ‘course I know how to fight.” -Stacy [started out as a YouTuber through MC Hunger Games] / “The Tri-Block Tournament wasn’t just redstone contraptions, Jesse.” -Stampy [also played plenty of MC Hunger Games and PvP games overall, and also Ten In A Row Challenge ring a bell?]
Episode 2: Giant Consequences
The YouTubers join the quest to help save Beacontown
Wink is left behind to guard Beacontown
Stampy goes with Lukas and Radar, Stacy goes with Petra and Jack (and Vos), as per their respective playthroughs
For the mission to get the clock, you have to make two choices: Petra VS Jack, and Stampy VS Stacy. This affects the outcome of future episodes like it does in canon already
I’m not sure who gets the gauntlet though... maybe the gauntlet gets doubled? I mean, the Admin can do that, right?
Episode 3: Jailhouse Block
If Stampy makes it into the Institute (i.e. Stacy helps destroy the clock), he would meet up with Anthony and they'd be friends, because they knew each other already -- it's nice to see a familiar face around for a change
Jesse also gets to learn more about their backstories this way
If Stacy is there for the Mooshroom Choice (i.e. Stampy helps destroy the clock), she would viciously defend Oxblood and refuse to shear Geoff. If Jesse chooses to shear Geoff, she would probably be horrified and be on less good terms with Jesse for a good long while
Depending on who destroys the clock (you have to pick two this round), the YouTubers also get outfit changes
Stacy's sweater would turn to red and black stripes, kind of like her Halloween sweater (orange and black)
Stampy's hoodie would go red and black (reference: the thumbnail of this video) and obviously he's salty because they're his enemy's colours
Their respective armour would also turn to Romeo’s colour scheme
The group stumbles across a room full of parrots in the Institute (which also inspires the determinant “pecked to death by prison parrots” comment from Radar) and Stampy is prompted to adopt them, so he still gets his Parrot Prince moment eventually
Their respective Institute!outfits are different too, obviously
Stacy’s looks lowkey like Institute!Petra’s but you know... blue and white stripes
Stampy’s looks “standard” and is still salty about losing his hoodie because of course he would be... bonus points if the hood is used to hide... I dunno, cat ears or something (hey, Oxblood literally has red skin and horns over there, why question cat ears?)
An alternate way for everything to go is to have the YouTubers being taken as part of the hostage group, in which everything before Episode 3 would go as canon goes, meaning they both enter the storyline proper in Episode 3
Episode 4: Below the Bedrock
It's also interesting to note that both YouTubers chose to join as associates and refused to shear Geoff. Yes, both of them… maybe they would have become associates as well in this AU
In this case I'd need to work on an associates design then…
Episode 5: Above and Beyond
Wink finally reunites with Stacy :)
Stampy returns to his house in Beacontown and finds the new Love Garden's pond being filled with lava… and is not happy about it, to put it lightly
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