#me after being the most annoying person you'll ever meet
fermeldahyde · 8 months
Carl Decapolice headcanon time because the brain rot is still bad
I know it has only been 2 days lol, bare with me.
Tw // Homophobia and transphobia from family members
He has a twin sister named Angelica. They are identical twins but they are not the same gender because:
Carl is transmasc!
He's also gay af! Whole ass fruit. Certified men enjoyer.
He's from British descent.
He has a weird mix between a British accent and an American accent.
His family owns a huge company so they are very wealthy.
His sister Angelica is a model and an unofficial spokes person of the Oxford family. She is extremely charismatic which earned her the nickname, "The Angel of the Oxford family." She's quite airheaded though.
His mother is the one that shows the most affection to Carl. However, she is quite oblivious to his inner turmoil.
He has conflict with his father he isn't really supportive of his son's queerness and only let him transition cause he wanted a man to be the heir of the company. This does not work since Carl wants to be a detective.
His father is also disappointed that, despite transitioning, Carl still "acts like a wimp" and that he "might as well stayed as a girl." Hearing this completely broke Carl.
This causes him to have doubts about his own gender, making him wonder if things would be easier if he didn't transition (This isn't true ofc, he's just in a dark mindset).
All of this conflict causes Carl to develop severe self-worth issues.
This leads to a massive jealousy problem (though he never talks about it) with the BPD as all of his colleagues are "more talented."
He's specifically jealous of Harvard, but his feelings towards him are complicated because they're friends and he has a crush on him.
He "dated" a girl in middle school because his parents thought they were "cute together."
He then proceeds to rebelliously date guys in highschool in secret. It did not end well though because his first bf was an asshole and by his second bf, his father found out.
His sister likes to tease him about potential crushes. Though she wasn't aware that Carl was gay and assumed he just liked girls at first. Now she teases him on what guys he likes.
He occasionally makes bets with Manimani (this is based on a fanfic I read).
He's bros with Mikey and Zhang. He goes on hangouts with them sometimes.
Carl had a phase where he wanted to become more "text savy" so he asked Zhang for help. However, he barely understood a thing Zhang said because he started talking about complex programming. Carl blanked out and gave up.
He asked Mikey one time if he could help him become "more manly" by gaining muscles, so they hit the gym. Spoilers: it did not end well.
Misae is very hard on him. Carl assumes that it's cause she hates him for being a "wimp" like his dad, but she's actually just trying to prepare him for the harsh reality of detective life and that he needs to be more confident in himself.
There's a specific story moment where he's the only one who's able to stop a criminal and he does this using his own skill in negotiation. He's successful and after this, Misae goes easier on him because she sees that he is starting to find his resolve.
Granger being the father figure ever, is the exact opposite. He reassures Carl of his own abilities and that he will become a great detective. Carl is quite confused by this and thinks Granger is just lying to make him feel better.
He doesn't know how to cook, but he started learning after he moved in with Harvard.
Carl's favorite alcoholic beverages are whiskey and beer.
He was initially a tea addict, but being around Harvard influenced him into drinking coffee a lot.
He can't drink black coffee, it has to have milk in it, specifically almond milk.
I might add more later, but this is all I have for now. I might either Carlvard, Zhang, or Manimani next.
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elllisaaa · 7 months
Can I pls request seventeen reaction when they have a crush on reader they get jealous when she hangs out with her guy best friend (they are also super close) more than them?
hiii anonie ! i love that everyone keeps sending me these type of request for seventeen because i love to do them so so much ! hope you'll like it !
seventeen being jealous of your bff
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-> pairing : svt x gn!reader
-> word count : 2.7k
-> genre : fluff
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
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Despite Seungcheol being cute and sweet around you most of the time, he’s not so chill anymore when he sees you being all over another guy. He perfectly knows that he’s your best friend, perfectly knows that you want both of them to get along well because that’s why you asked him to come with you to this café, but he couldn’t help glaring at the other guy like he committed the worst crimes ever. Cheol tried his best to remain respectful and answer your best friend's questions, but he couldn’t help feeling a little jealous at watching you laugh with someone else about things he had no clue about. This would make him realize how bad he wanted to be with you, and how dumb it was of him to try and act as if he was not smitten by you. After this meeting during which he spent the whole time staring at the guy, he would plan the perfect confession to tell you how he feels about you and to not have to support this anymore. 
As usual, Jeonghan will act like a little shit. When you told him you wanted to plan a game night with him and your best friend so they could meet, he knew it was his chance to be insufferable. And he was the most annoying the whole night : cheating at every game and pretending to have done nothing, teasing your best friend for being a loser, and being the cheeky bastard he is. Deep down, he just felt like he was too late to confess to you about his crush, seeing how close and comfortable you seemed to be with this other guy. And it was only the worst side of him telling him to take some kind of revenge by being very irritating. Though Jeonghan would feel bad when you left and told him that he could’ve been nicer to your best friend. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel like he didn’t care about you and your emotions. It would take him a few hours of deep thinking before he sent you the longest text ever to explain his behavior and thus confess. 
Not being a very jealous person, Joshua didn’t expect the rush of anger that came with running into you and your best friend at the mall. There was seemingly nothing to be jealous about, you were just acting like a normal person being close and affectionate with their best friend. He was perfectly aware of that, but still, he felt like the third wheel while walking with the two of you. When he would try to talk to you, the other guy would always open his mouth and Joshua was getting really annoyed. Finally, your best friend left, leaving you with a pouty Joshua. You would ask him what’s wrong, and why he didn’t make an effort to get along with your best friend. And even if Joshua had been planning to confess for some time, trying to think about the most romantic way to do it, seeing another guy looking at you with the same lovestruck gaze he stared at you with was his last straw. He would tell you all about his feelings on the spot and pray inside that will not reject him.
He really holds his heart on his sleeve, so it’s not difficult to notice whether he’s happy or angry. Thus when you presented your long distance best friend that you hadn’t seen in a long time to him and his members, you could see how annoyed he was by the other guy's presence. You had every right to be all over someone you hadn’t seen in over a year, yes, but Jun felt a little bad anyway. You two had grown closer and closer, and he really thought that you had something special going on, that it was starting to be a little more than a casual friendship on your side too. But when he was seeing how you were acting around your best friend, he was not so sure anymore that you could maybe reciprocate his feelings. You were never so touchy with him, never so affectionate, never so flirty or straightforward. You would obviously notice how bothered and mostly sad Jun seemed to be the entire night but he kept saying that everything was okay, and he would end up leaving earlier because he could not stand the sight anymore. He would doubt a little but in the end, his friends will convince him to confess before it’s too late. 
He would think that he’s sleek, but frankly, even you could see that he was jealous of the bond between you and your best friend. You would often bring him with you for your friendly gathering because you didn’t want him to spend his weekends alone and he was getting along well with everyone. Everyone except Soonyoung who couldn’t seem to appreciate him. In all honesty, your best friend was a cool guy, but Soonyoung didn’t want to befriend the guy who could probably steal his crush if he tried. This would get to the point that you would get in a fight with him about it, clearly not pleased that he didn’t make any effort to try and talk with your best friend. Your argument would be really bad, and you would both ignore each other for a week or two, too proud to admit that both of you had some parts to take in the fight. Soonyoung will eventually come back to you, practically begging on his knees to let him back in your life and accidentally confessing along the way of his monologue. 
Wonwoo is not one to get jealous easily, especially since you’re only his crush and not his partner, he has nothing to say in who you’re talking to and how you act with these same people. So to be honest, he’s not really jealous of the relationship you have with your best friend, but more of the way this guy is able to openly express his interest in you, always finding a way to compliment you and flirt with you without it making you uncomfortable. Which is precisely what Wonwoo is struggling to do, not knowing if saying that he finds you incredibly pretty in this or that outfit is off limits for “just friends”. Is it different because your bestie has no real attraction towards you and Wonwoo is genuinely trying to show you that he could treat you right ? Probably. But still, he’ll stay more quiet everytime your best friend is with you. You would assume that’s because he doesn’t feel too comfortable with people he doesn’t know much the first few times, and Wonwoo would take care that you don’t discover the real reason while taking mental notes of how to try and show you that he wants more as subtly as possible. 
Since he’s always trying to remember the most insignificant details about you and what you like, he would take pride in knowing things that your best friend doesn’t. He would never say it out loud obviously, but still, the discreet smirk on his face would give it away. When you go out at a coffee shop, your best friend always has to ask you what you want when Jihoon simply brings you your usual because he got your order memorized. While your best friend always has to ask you what you want or need for your birthday, Jihoon always knows exactly what to gift you and he never misses. But every time you told him about the things you did alone with the guy, or what you had planned with him for the weekends, he felt a little jealous. At this point, he thinks you’re either not interested in him or that you’re just very dense and oblivious to all the subtle things he does to show his interest in you. You have so much partner privileges and he’s not even your boyfriend. Yet. Because it would take him only a few more times of your best friend missing on what you really like to rush and finish the song he wanted to confess to you with.
He doesn’t hide his jealousy well at all, everyone who knows him a little bit is able to tell that he doesn’t like your best friend. He thinks that the guy is not handsome, not interesting and not even funny. Well, not as much as him at least. That is a lie because deep down, he can’t help but wonder if you really like this guy more than him. So Seokmin will try to take as much space as possible, talking louder and making a lot more jokes than usual so that your attention would be on him and not on your best friend. He’s always a little extra on a daily basis, but when your best friend is here too, he’s even more outgoing, to the point he becomes a little annoying. But the only way he has to be more interesting than your best friend is by doing all this, or so he thought. When you told him that it was in fact a little disrespectful for the other guy and that you didn’t understand why he could not try to befriend him when he was usually the sweetest, Seokmin felt like an idiot and apologized immediately, cheeks burning and trying to come up with an excuse. His crush is as well hidden as his jealousy (that is to say, not at all), so you’re only waiting for him to finally confess. 
Another one who’s painfully obvious but he wouldn’t make a big deal of it in front of you, simply pouting and getting a lot quieter than he usually is. He will get so sulky, everytime he finds you laughing more at your best friend's jokes than at his. But he finds you so cute that he can’t stay mad at you for too long and he ends up liking the other guy because he’s obviously not mean nor annoying, Mingyu just can’t bear the thought of him snatching your attention away. And if he would of course never say a word about it to you directly, he will definitely complain about your best friend to some of his members, going on and on about why he can’t make up the fact that you like this guy more than him and that he can’t stand to hear you two joke around about things he doesn’t know about. Mingyu’s members would end up telling you to please do something about the situation because they can’t spend another two hours listening to why you should go out with him and not your best friend. He would be so shy when you address the issue with him, trying to deny it despite his red cheeks. But it’s okay because he’s very cute. 
He's pretty level-headed so it's not easy to get him to feel jealousy. And if it ever happens, Minghao knows that this emotion is not rational because firstly, you told him time and time how much you loved your relationship with your best friend and didn't want it to change, and secondly, you were not his partner - yet - so he had no right to be jealous. Of course, he doesn't doubt your intentions and what you told him, but he can't help but be suspicious about how your best friend perceives you. Because the guy looks at you the same way Minghao does : with fondness, like you were his entire world. And that was the whole problem. Because Minghao had tried to give you some hints here and there for a few months, just to test the water and you seemed not to have pushed him away so he was happy. But seeing the way you did the same thing with your bestie when you had explicitly told him you didn't have any feelings for him got him worried. Maybe you didn't really like him in the end, maybe you were just trying to be kind and not hurt him ? So rather than being jealous, he would be anxious. It's probably what would give him the little push he needed to finally confess to you.
I think he would try - and notice how I insist on try - to stay calm and collected because from an outside point of view, there is nothing wrong going on. But from his point of view, your best friend is clearly being too touchy and Seungkwan feels jealous even if he denies it. Because the nasty looks he gives your best friend everytime he hangs out with you kinda gives it away. He’s so obvious but won’t say a word about the real reason. Seungkwan will instead pretend it’s because he doesn’t get along with your best friend and dislikes him. He can’t stop himself from making snarky remarks, or mocking him under the guise of it being a joke. And he would have continued like that if you hadn’t told him one time that you were kinda sad that he didn’t like one of the most important people in your life. Seungkwan would feel bad and make an effort to at least tolerate the guy and be a little less mean but the side eyes everytime he did or said something he found embarrassing didn’t go away. He would certainly not be able to put up with this situation for long, and after another time of him not being nice to your best friend, you would have a silly fight during which he will confess. And magically, he was all gentle and friendly to your bestie after you became his partner. 
Hansol and you immediately clicked when you were introduced to each other, never going through the awkward stage of a friendship. So when you told him how, on the contrary, you stayed pretty long in this uncomfortable situation with your best friend before getting very close to each other, he felt kind of superior to the other guy, like his bond with you was much more real and valid. Hansol didn’t really know where all these feelings were coming from, nor why he felt so upset seeing you hug and be touchy with someone that was not him. Not that both of you were particularly physically affectionate, but you often had a hand on his arm when you talked, or you placed your head on his shoulder when you were watching a movie, or you held on to him or his jacket to not get lost when walking through crowded spaces. And Hansol thought that these moments were special, that he was special in a sense. This wouldn’t really be jealousy, but much more disappointment because he would think he read the signs wrong and start to cancel plans if he knows your best friend will be here. He would however decide to confess or at least do something to sort this problem when you told him that you were sad he was distancing himself from you.
Even if his crush on you is pretty obvious, his jealousy would not be so visible. Chan would choose to befriend your bestie instead because you know what they say : keep your friends close and your enemies even closer. So he’ll play the kind and fun guy around him, just to see how your best friend acts with you. And he’s clearly not having it, not loving at all the fact that he always touches you and tries to get closer to you. Sometimes, it even seems like you don’t even want him to touch you and swat his hands away but he always comes back pretending it’s a joke, playfully fighting. But Chan doesn’t need to be an expert in relationships to understand that this is clearly not okay, and he can’t help thinking that he would never do that to you, that he will always respect your consent. He’s also pretty sure that you have a thing for him too so he’s not going to put up with the situation for too long. Until then, he’ll subtly make comments or do things to make you understand his intentions more and to signal to your best friend that he’s not going to take you away from him anymore. 
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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svt taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie @bewoyewo
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triannel · 1 month
OMG HI! would you be able to yet AGAIN continue your bill drabbles?!! IM LITERALLY OBSESSED HELP?? how would he react when someone else begins to pursue reader? 😨
Greetings, and here you go, a part 3 of what I've now titled "Feelings".
-Bill has quite a big ego so he won't exactly panic once he catches wind that someone is trying to also capture your heart.
-He has all the aces, all the cards and what not, he knows you'll most indefinitely choose him in the end...well that's what he tells himself at times. Deep within his mind though, he is a little bit worried. Truth be told he does know how messed up and weird he is, he just doesn't seem to care, in fact he embraces it, but he knows you may not exactly see that as a positive trait.
-Once you do start showing interest, (platonic interest), on the person, he will become jealous. How dare this miniscule being try to take you away from him.
-Even though you have confessed to Bill already, showing even a slight bit of interest, (you're being friendly), towards the pursuer will perhaps trigger Bill's jealousy.
-Soon, he will start to act out of character when he's around you, expect a little whining here and there about not spending enough time with your good pal Bill. He will also try to destroy your image of that person, perhaps by saying awful tidbits about this person and why you should stop speaking to them.
-Bill would also turn to desperate acts too, if it is required for him to do so. If that person truly is becoming successful at gaining your attention, then you best be careful as Bill will try to control your memories of that person.
-Slowly getting more antsy and a bit more obnoxious than usual, he'll even try to gain your favor further by giving actually decent gifts, asking nothing else in return... It might hurt his ego to do such a thing, but he simply can't lose to an inferior being.
-You do at some point pick up on Bill's annoyance and perhaps even jealousy. The second he starts to give you gifts and talks of why you should stop communicating with that person, you knew what was happening.
Staring at the gift Bill shoved to your direction, he silently waits for you to say something.
Looking back up at him, your eyes meet. A small smile stretches slightly on your face with a slight bit of confusion sprinkled over it.
"WHAT? CAN'T A GUY JUST GIVE HIS PAL A GIFT?" He spoke, both his hands raised along with curved elbows as a grin seemed to show on his features.
Shaking your head, you answered, "Sorry, sorry, of course not. Thank you for giving me such a gift."
"YEAH-YEAH...SAY...HOW'S THAT THING GOING ON WITH YOU AND THAT GUY..?" He asked nonchalantly, as he inspected the tips of his fingers.
-If you say that you have utterly fallen for the person or if you might be a bit interested, then he would most likely combust inside and try to reason you out of such a thing. He would try his best to argue with you to not stray away with the pursuer.
-You and Bill may not be in a relationship, but who's to say there's nothing there? You made him feel such powerful emotions you can't leave now...
"WHAT? YOU DO KNOW THIS PERSON COULD BE THE WORST THING THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE?" Bill spoke in an annoyed tone after you replied that you might become friend's with them.
"Well, maybe they're not so bad once I get to know them better." You answer back, a smile still on your face as you try to convince him.
Crossing his arms, he spoke, "TOOTS, TRUST ME THIS PERSON'S BAD NEWS!"
"You don't need to worry, I promise if they'll try to do something bad, I'll back out." In a reassuring tone, you conveyed.
-In that case, he'll do everything in his power to make this person mess up in front of you. He'll try to sabotage, trick, and even possess the person.
-He believes you'll choose him no matter what, but he still does understand the possibility of this person actually winning you over.
-But if you did not answer that you might like that person, then he will stand back and just relax. He trusts in your word but will be more keen on whoever might be next to try and pursue you.
-Over the course of a few weeks though expect him to stop treating you incredibly nice, but after this experience he will absolutely appreciate you far more than he used to.
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aliceramblez · 9 months
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BroZone Brothers With An Insecure S/O 😔💗
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Tags: GN! Reader, Self-Deprecating Jokes, Low Self-Esteem, Abandonment Issues, Slight Body Insecurities. Fluff/Comfort.
A/N: Here we go with our first request! I really liked this idea as someone who has low self-esteem, and honestly it goes to all of y'all who think you're not good enough— cause you are! Also sorry it took a bit! I've been sick because the universe hates me 🙃
Feel free to leave a request & hope you enjoy! ^^
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John Dory
At first, he doesn't really know what to make of it.
He finds it a bit strange, but doesn't question your odd sense of humor, and will sometimes even join in on the joke by saying stuff about himself, thinking it's some sort of inside thing between the two of you.
“Man, I can't believe I'm so clingy, sorry! Feel free to use me as a bad example, at least that way I won't be totally useless, haha!”
“Ha! You think that's bad? Babe, you haven't even seen me when I'm up at night just staring at the ceiling contemplating my life choices.”
It isn't until getting a good smack from Bruce and Floyd that he realizes you're actually being serious. And the prospect of that kinda puzzles him, not gonna lie.
“Look at you, tiger! Got yourself plenty of groupies already— Not surprising honestly. Don't have to worry about backups when you decide you're ready to move on, either!”
After a performance at the Pop Troll village, everyone is gushing over BroZone because of course they are. JD only barely manages to squeeze past the number of fans to get to you on the other side of the podium.
The oldest sibling looks at you in shock, and has to get closer to make sure he heard you right. “Babe, why would you say that?”
Caught off guard, you manage a nervous chuckle as you play with your hair. “I-I mean... Wow, would you look at the time! We gotta meet with Poppy and the others!”
John Dory stops you on your tracks and demands an explanation, which isn't really good for your poor heart. All you can do is kick the dirt and avoid his gaze, since that makes what you're about to say much easier to voice aloud.
“I mean... You're John Dory. You could date any troll you wanted and yet you're sticking with me. It honestly feels like a dream sometimes... And I'm scared of the day you realize you can do WAY better and decide to leave me.”
After processing this, he immediately holds your face in his hands and gives you the most serious expression you've ever seen on him. “I don't want just any random troll... I want you. You're my number one fan, and I'm yours, so don't even think about stuff like that, okay?”
After the exchange, he's always on the lookout for whenever your bad habit wants to kick in again and is ready to stop it ASAP
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He notices it happens mostly when you're working at the cantina.
Whenever you get an order wrong, trip over your own feet or don't remember how to work one of the machines properly, you'll go into an awkward insecure flight response.
You'll say “Oops! Sorry! Clumsy Twinkle Toes, coming through!” while grinning and laughing along with the customers, but Bruce knows that it's affecting you more than you lead on.
It also happens whenever BroZone is getting ready to perform and you don't know what to do with yourself since you're “standing in the way”, despite being told multiple times that it's okay for you to be backstage with everyone else.
When he talks to you about it, you get really uncomfortable and just say that it's no big deal and that you can handle it.
“I've always been a clumsy person, so I guess that's always making me doubt myself over the smallest of things... Sorry if it's annoying.”
Bruce will then proceed to give you a huge warm hug and a kiss on the forehead as he whispers comforting words into your ear.
“Hey, I can be clumsy too! I've always been the worst out of everyone when it comes to choreography. Don't tell JD though, cause I know he'll throw a fit knowing I don't practice.”
He'll throw in other examples that may seem inconsequential to you, but you appreciate the effort nonetheless and smile and giggle through the embarrassing stories he shares.
He helps you get more confident by being there with you while taking orders at the cantina and praising you whenever you get something right— albeit in private as to not embarrass you.
Same goes with rehearsals, where he WILL drag you into the lounge area to hang with his brothers and/or Poppy and Viva when they decide to visit, too.
Overall he wants what's best for you and will try and push you out of your comfort zone, but only in a safe environment where he knows that if something does go wrong, it won't be as catastrophic as you make it out to be in your head.
You never stop thanking him for being your crutch during these times.
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The moment he hears the words come out of your mouth he's completely flabbergasted.
First of all, who said those things to you? Because he swears he just wants to talk to them—
It's at a sleepover with his brothers and the gals at the Bergen Golf Course, and among the many games, snacks and movies watched, pictures are also taken.
As soon as you take a look at the array of selfies, you let out what sounds like a mix between a laugh and a sigh.
“I mean, at least it stays consistent— in photos, I look ugly. And in real life, I'm also ugly!”
As soon as those words leave your lips, Clay is at your side with an almost unreadable expression, only to snatch one of the photos from your hands. “How DARE you say that about the most attractive troll I've ever met? Shame on you!”
He then starts going around the room waving the picture around to his brothers, saying stuff like “Look how attractive my S/O is! I'm dating them!” while you're just blushing profusely and begging him to stop (even though deep down your kinda giddy about it).
After that day, Clay will do small gestures in which he reminds you how beautiful he thinks you are. Everything to outright saying it each morning, joking about it with his brothers, and even bragging about you to his friends in the Bergen Golf Course.
He's a simp and he's totally okay with that because it's you.
Clay feels like he's the luckiest troll in the world for being able to snatch someone like you since he's “the most boring and uninteresting of the bunch”, so he feels like he's hit the jackpot.
You immediately tell him that he's not boring to you and that he's the best boyfriend ever, which only causes him to smirk.
“Doesn't feel good to know the person you love feels so bad about themselves, does it?”
Finally realizing his reverse psychology, you give in with a laugh. “No, it doesn't. I guess... We can both work on that? Together?”
And so you do, and end up helping each other whenever one is feeling down in the dumps, as a sort of personal cheerleader. You truly couldn't have asked for someone better.
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You're the kind of person who's very vocal about your interests.
So it's no surprise that you have to catch yourself mid-ramble whenever you're talking about something you're either interested in or knowledgeable about. And with Floyd being such a good listener, it honestly slips your mind more times than you'd prefer.
After realizing you've been talking for too long, you turn pink in the face and start apologizing profusely.
“Sorry! You probably didn't need to hear all of that. They didn't call me ‘Chatter Box’ when I was younger for nothing! Haha...”
But Floyd could care less about any of that. He loves hearing you talk, not just because he's not much of a chatty person, but because he just finds it incredibly endearing.
He'll hold your hands in his own and give you the softest smile ever that just makes you think that it should be illegal to be THIS sweet.
“You're just so cute when you get lost in the moment like that. Besides, I love seeing you happy. By all means, I'm glad you get to do the talking for the both of us, otherwise we wouldn't get anywhere in this relationship.”
You laugh at his attempt to make you feel better and melt under the touch of his lips on your cheek.
After that, whenever you go out either just the two of you or with your group of friends, Floyd will encourage you to express yourself. He does this by either asking you a question directly or subtly incorporating you into the conversation by saying something like. “I think (y/n) knows about this kinda stuff. Don't you, love?”
Obviously this all happens with your consent beforehand, since he doesn't want to put you in a tight spot, either.
Either way, he always values whatever you have to say, since you always bring in new perspectives that maybe others didn't think about before.
He will also encourage you to be yourself and not try and match your topics of conversation with things you think other people will find interesting. You deserve to be happy by sharing what you love with the world.
Poppy and Viva are huge helps in the art of feeling confident by speaking your mind, and Floyd couldn't be happier for you.
You thank him by telling him about your day each night, in which sometimes he'll fall asleep to the soothing sound of your voice, which only warms your heart on so many levels.
“Goodnight, my prince.”
“Goodnight, my little chatter box.”
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Just like Clay, this man is ready to throw hands.
Just give him a name and he'll get the job done before sunrise—
He notices that sometimes you struggle with finding outfits for different occasions, either something casual, dressy, classy, etc.
But it's not because you don't have anything in your wardrobe, on the contrary it's pretty much brimming. It's more the fact that you're not satisfied with any of them because you feel like you don't look good in them.
Branch tries to convince you otherwise, saying that you look great no matter what you wear, but you can't help but feel self-conscious in anything that isn't a good old sweatshirt.
He isn't knowledgeable in fashion (clearly) so he enlists the help of Poppy and The Snack Pack to try and cater outfits to your exact measurements, along with any other nitpicks you've had in the past with either texture or material.
I mean, Branch has backup plans to his backup plans, you think he wouldn't keep notes on what kind of stuff his S/O doesn't like— INCLUDING mundane stuff like their clothing?
He surprises you with these, and you can't help but feel attractive in them since he paid extra attending to the complaints you had from your own designs.
“I personally think you look great no matter what you wear. But if you feel so strongly about it, might as well get some stuff you'll actually enjoy wearing.” He'd said when you asked why he did it, and your heart just melted.
You vow to try and work on your self-imagine regardless, which he gets happy over and says he can't wait for you to see yourself the way he does.
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reiderwriter · 8 months
My Love Is Mine All Mine
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Week 2 of my Playlist series 🎧💕
Summary: Spencer Reid always liked broken things, but you didn't think you could be fixed. Maybe all you needed was understanding and companionship.
Warnings: slight angst, case details mentioned - misogyny, kidnapping, etc, but no graphic/ explicit details. Hurt/Comfort.
A/N: Tumblr, please let me post haha I've been good, I promise 🙏 This fic is so late because I've been having some technical issues with tumblr and it has greatly annoyed me, so hopefully if you're seeing this it's been fixed? Who knows... Thank you to everyone who has sent in songs so far for the Playlist series, I'll be cresting the playlist today and posting it for everyone to see and use!
Masterlist || Series Playlist
Falling for Spencer Reid wasn't in your plan for the new year, but looking back, it was probably something that was just bound to happen. 
He'd been the first person to show you any kindness after everything you went through, the first person who hadn't put their own rigid horror at your past before their attempts at sympathy. 
You watched the way people recoiled from you as you told them - bluntly, you had to be blunt - what the man in the cabin had done to you. 
He listened to your words, didn't interrupt, didn't quietly shake in anger, and refuse to meet your eyes like your father did, didn't weep for her baby like your mother did. He took your hand as it shook. He held your gaze. 
It was his job to ask questions, but there weren't many left to answer. 
The only reason you were alive was because his team had tracked the string of bodies to your kidnappers home. You were alive because one of his coworkers had put a bullet through his head, ending your nightmare. 
The very idea of love was repulsive to you as you emerged from that basement in the first days of the next year, and you remembered thinking the snow looked fresh and soft. You remembered wanting to lay in it, to wrap it around yourself like a warm blanket and drift into sleep. The cold ground would be as much comfort as you would allow yourself. 
Because after everything, you knew you didn't deserve love. 
You accepted understanding from him, though. 
When the shock wore off, you were awash in all the misery inflicted upon you. You raged, kicked, screamed, broke things, and made people uncomfortable. Nothing would numb the pain of being trapped inside your head, your head still trapped inside that basement, that cage. 
He came to visit you at the hospital. The nurses had given up on you, were content you were physically healing, and that they had technically done their job but not bothered by your deteriorating mental state. Some days, you swore that they pierced your skin in the wrong places purposefully, not even searching for your vein. 
But then he was there, with a book and a chess board, and he'd asked you if you'd ever played before. 
“No. Chess always seemed too…” You swallowed the bile that drowned your lungs and tried again. “Before, it was boring. An old person game, too many rules. Now… He said we shouldn't do things like this. Said we shouldn't cultivate our minds.” 
It was a confession again, but one that took a weight off your shoulders, and not one that pushed it further down. 
“Would you like to learn?” His tone was so soft and awkward, like a teenage boy asking a girl out on a first date, that you almost giggled. 
“I'll be honest and say you'll never beat me, I've played through most board combinations, including a large proportion of the 10^80 theorised checkmate positions, so if you'd rather do something else, that's fine, or I can leave, too, if… you'd… prefer?” 
You had laughed then, a thing that bubbled up from the pit of your stomach and left your shoulders shaking as you gasped for breath doubled over. 
You'd been in hell for six months, and he'd drawn you out of it for a few moments by rambling about chess. 
“Are you a patient person, Doctor Reid?” 
“I think so.”
“Then set up the board and let's play.” 
He beat you every time, obviously, but you enjoyed his small explanations of the moves, and you did improve slightly. 
More than that, you enjoyed his company. It wasn't that you talked extensively In your hospital room, oscillating between your lowest point and somewhere just a rung above that where the snow was falling and the air was fresh, but that he never looked at you the way others did. 
You were discharged and were sad to lose that small glimmer of normality. He'd come twice a week throughout January, and now you were back in your usual shape. You were being discharged, and so that would end. 
You were surprised that he came to pick you up from the hospital the day you left. 
The parents who had looked everywhere for you for half a year hadn't wanted to, and the close friends from before hadn't spared you a thought since reposting your missing poster on their social media pages. 
But the man you played chess with twice a week, the man who'd carried you out of hell himself was there. 
“Ready to go?” You nodded, dumbstruck, and followed as he grabbed your bag. 
You weren't exactly sure where it was you were going, but you followed the man anyway, only a small part of your brain shouting in protest considering the last time you'd been blindly trusting.
He led you back to an apartment with some bare furnishings but a large window and a warm soft blanket covering the bed. It wasn't his, but yours. 
“Your parents are paying for it. They're taking the city to court due to the circumstances. Apparently, there were numerous phone calls to law enforcement that went unnoticed, but the city is looking to settle, so you don't have to worry about rent for a while, maybe ever again. The WiFi is all set up, hot water is working, and so is the heating. The locks are triple enforced, and I'm right down the hall, so if you need-” 
He blinked at you and suddenly, looking sheepish, as if becoming aware that he'd presumed a friendship between the two of you without consulting you first. 
“I live down the hall.” 
You stared at each other for a few moments as you processed his words. He lived down the hall. He'd driven you to your new home, set everything up for you, and he lived down the hall. 
“You're a good man, Spencer Reid.” You whispered, turning away to not let the moment linger anymore than it already had. 
Chess nights became routine. You'd set up the board and play for an hour or two or until you were sick of losing. 
Gradually, though, the nights got longer. He'd arrive just as you were eating a meal, and you'd invite him to join you, or he'd bring along takeaway and you'd eat quietly together, talking about everything and nothing.  
One day, you'd mentioned a film. A popular one, one you'd loved as a child and still rewatched to this day. 
“I've never seen it, is it good?” He'd said. And in your shock, you jumped up and sent half the chessboard flying. 
“Well, it seems that now our game is over, that we have time to give you an education, Doctor Reid.” 
“I have three PhD's-” 
“And still you haven't seen Clueless?” 
You'd pulled him over to the couch he'd picked out for you, loaded up the movie and then invented a new tradition. 
Chess nights and film nights were separate days of the week. So he could always promise to be around for one of them even if he had to miss the other because of work. 
You didn't ask him about his job anymore. He saved people like you, and you didn't need to be thinking about people like you too much.
What they went through, if they survived physically. If they survived in other ways. 
He always visited you first when he returned, though. There would be a knock on your door at some point in the day or night, and he'd let you know he was home safe. 
Another tradition. You'd opened the door to let him in the first time he'd returned from a case after you moved in, and he'd leaned down and wrapped his arms around you. 
You heard the breath of relief, loud and emotional, and hadn't quite realised it had come from you until a few minutes later. Some part of you had thought he wouldn't come back. 
Now, every time he came home, you ran to the door and quietly comforted each other, reminding the other that no matter what happened, you were both there for each other. 
You weren't sure when traditions and movies turned into love or if it had lingered over you the entire time. You didn't think you could love someone right then, your heart broken into small pieces with the torment you'd suffered. 
But it was stitched back together with pieces of him still lodged inside. He was in the very fabric of your being as you became whole again. 
The truth was that you most likely couldn't find love again because there was no room in your heart for anyone else. And you'd never be able to reschedule chess nights to go on dates anyway. 
You weren't sure if Spencer ever figured out how much of hum you carried around with him, how your eyes followed his lips as he ran through decades of memories to give you the fact he thought would please you the most. You weren't sure if he loved you as much as you did him until you were.
You'd agreed to watch one of his movies for a change, agreeing to stop the streak of 80s brat pack classics to watch a black and white war film from Russia with no subtitles. You'd sat together on that couch under blankets you'd bought together months earlier, and he'd pulled you in closer.
“I want to watch the movie and translate at the same time. You should sit here.” He'd pulled you into his lap, letting your back fall against his chest as his lips fell to your ears, and he began to whisper. 
Sitting there so closely, so intimately, was almost torture. Unconsciously, your head tipped back with his words, displaying your neck and shoulders, silently willing his lips to drift even once. His arms wrapped around your waist, and you did your best not to squirm the entire movie, but with your heart beating out of your chest, it was a hopeless cause. 
“Did you enjoy it?” He whispered as the credits rolled, but you hadn't even noticed the movie had ended. It wasn't until the silence that followed his question stretched out notably that you came back to reality. You couldn't answer, in fact. You gaped for a few short moments, hoping something vague but accurate enough would just pop into your mind. 
As you attempted to negotiate yourself out of distraction, you turned your face to his, but he was closer than you thought.
Your noses touched, and your breaths mingled. His arms still wrapped around your waist, and your blankets still anchored you to one another. 
“I wasn't paying attention to the movie, Spencer. I'm sorry.” The words came out of you so fast, yet so quietly that you were surprised yourself how honest you had chosen to be. 
“Why not?” He asked, eyes having drifted sleepily down to gaze at your lips. 
You didn't answer his question but felt your cheeks flush red. You thought about pulling away, moving back, or at least laughing everything off, but you didn't. You stayed there, still like a deer in headlights. 
“Your voice was too distracting,” You forced some of the tension out of your body and let your head fall against his shoulder again, hoping this moment wouldn't end anytime soon. 
“Distracting?” He sounded concerned and shifted in his seat, lifting you up from your happy place in his arms until you were again face to face. “Did I make you uncomfortable?” 
The look on his face was so concerned and focused that you had to pause for a second to catch your breath. He cared about your comfort so much and paid attention to each word that came out of your mouth. He wanted your happiness more than anything in the world. 
“No. I'm never uncomfortable with you, Spencer.” You were back to whispering now, hands floating up to grab his own, fidgeting by his sides. You bought them up to your face and guided his hands to your cheeks, needing to show him just how comfortable you were with him in actions, not just words. Words could be dishonest. Actions were honest. 
His concern melted away as he began stroking your cheek with his thumb, smiling sweetly at you. 
Though you were both content, you'd never been quite this intimate before. So when his thumb swiped over the corner of your lips, your eyes both caught on each other. You could see him weighing up the outcomes in his head, going back and forth between pulling away and pushing in closer.
Slowly and softly, as though he were trying not to startle you, his head moved closer until his lips were on yours. 
It was a quiet kiss. You wouldn't describe it as fireworks, or butterflies, or anything loud and grand and passionate. It was quiet, and it was right. 
He pulled away seconds later, trying to gauge your reaction, but you followed him away and kissed him again. 
When you finally pulled away, it took you a few seconds to realise you'd climbed back into his lap, unconsciously having moved closer to him. You guiltily looked up, waiting to see any discomfort on his features, but to your surprise, he was busy straightening out your hair. 
“I love you, Spencer,” you whispered as he took care of you. He smiled, looking down at you once again, pulling his arms around you to gently lower both of you down to a laying position on your couch. 
“I love you, too,” he said as you held each other and drifted into contented sleep.
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yunjardi · 1 year
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy!jake × fem!reader]
[click here for this series' masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[!!chapter warnings!!: smut [mdni], angst, some fluff?, DADDY KINK, overstimulation, unprotected sex, reader gets lifted up, smoking weed, arguing, crying, mentions of food, mentions of toxic family (!!!) lmk if i missed anything!]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 15: lipstick stains
upon arriving home from the japan trip, you gave perry some extra food whilst telling him how much fun you had as if he was listening to your rambling. traveling is fun and all, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to take a shower in the comfort of your home before climbing into your own bed. really the only downside to coming back from a few days off is the work shifts you have to make up. good thing you had an earlier than usual shift; earlier shifts mean you'll have more free time later in the day when things get really busy.
it was quick for you to doze off considering that you had such an eventful few days and now you were thinking about working. but before you could fully fall asleep, you remembered to text jake. you knew he'd worry if you didn't text him at least once before you went to bed.
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your tummy filled with butterflies from simply texting the guy, so you could only imagine how much more excited you'll be to see him.
an uneasiness crept up on you while you read the texts over and over again.
why did he speak to you as if he's your boyfriend?
why is he always so affectionate?
'whatever, it doesn't matter, i'll just sleep,' you forced yourself to stop thinking about it in order to get to sleep.
you woke up at the ripe hour of 3PM in the afternoon which left you with only about an hour and a half to get ready for your shift. springing out of bed, you ran to begin getting ready.
since it was your first day back, you wanted to look extra appealing to the customers because tips are always appreciated, right?
you made sure to put on a bit of makeup to hide the fact that you'd woken up so late, and you headed off to the bar.
the bar had become a bit of an anxiety trigger ever since that girl came around, but you came to realize that she was probably just trying to start some shit because she was most likely bored. you were there to work and nothing else; she just happened to get in your way. 
before you could even get to the break room to put your personal belongings in your locker, an excited yeji engulfed you in a tight hug.
"ah, it feels like forever since i last worked a shift with you! innie and i missed you so bad while you were away with your little boyfie in japan!" yeji blabbed excitedly while you two were still hugging, "innie was all sulky because he was stuck with me the whole time ha! you already know how i like to annoy him on purpose."
it made you feel genuine joy to know that your friends were at home waiting for you to come back. you decided to wait until you could all meet up to give them souvenirs that you bought them.
"i never wanna leave you guys again," you remarked as you two broke the hug to begin your shift. yeji nodded in agreement while you guys made sure your outfits were in check before heading out.
the feeling of mixing drinks again felt oddly comforting. after all, it's all you used to do before jake came around; taking care of your customers was something that was important to you because it was once your main source of income. but now that jake was in your life, you didn't have to worry too much about how many tips you made, though it still boosted your confidence to see stacks of cash being given to you.
secretly, you'd been saving up all your tips to get jake a nice gift as a way to thank him for everything. sex was still somewhat a way to 'thank him,' but your heart wanted to make something truly meaningful for some reason. you also didn't want to use jake's money to buy a gift that's for him, so that was a reason to work harder.
your plan was to buy a designer white, long-sleeve button up shirt and make a recreation of the iconic maison margiela kiss-mark shirt. you thought of buying him an original one, but 1. there are only a few in the entire world, and 2. it's a crazy expensive piece of clothing. but it's more personalized and truly one of a kind if you remade it yourself, so you were trying to earn and save as many tips as you possibly could. your backup plan if you didn't have enough money was to make him some sort of baked good that was decorated to say something not-so pg-13 as a little joke. you felt more driven to put even higher quality work into your job because of this. you almost didn't want your shift to end because you were hungry for as many tips you could get. plus, you were having a great workday since no one who's previously messed with you during a shift has shown up.
when the time came for your workday to end, you eagerly walked back into the staff lounge to gather your belongings and head home to count up your money. you hoped and prayed that you could slide by with the money you'd earned.
you wanted to give something, even if it wasn't much, back to him for giving you what you feel you didn't deserve. you always believed that he could put his time, money, and energy into someone or something else, but after he told you that he chose you, you couldn't help but feel guilty for the times you pushed him away, for the times you didn't trust him because you barely trust anyone.
'i want to prove myself to you,' you thought to yourself as you walked to the bus stop, 'i need and want to trust you.'
the bus ride felt so long which made you even more antsy to get home, but you were more than happy to hop off the bus and speed-walk to your place.
you barged into your house, locking the door behind you before busting into your room to quickly count up your money. if you had enough, you were immediately going out to get the materials you needed so that you could finish tonight and give him his gift the next day.
your heart beat got faster as you realized that you had more than enough money to get everything you needed for your project and some supplies to bake something for him as well as an extra surprise. letting out an excited squeal, you quickly changed out of your work clothes to speed to the shopping center that was closing in an hour and a half.
you swore that your heart rate hadn't slowed down until you got back home from the shops, hands full of everything you needed to begin making your gifts for jake.
you decided to mix the ingredients for a tray of brownies and put it in the oven so that you had enough time to complete the shirt just in time for the brownies to be baked. you managed to quickly get everything in the oven and began prepping the shirt soon after.
laying out the (outrageously overpriced) white gucci long-sleeve button up on the clean counter, you applied a shade of red lipstick that jake had bought you and began meticulously placing gently kiss marks on the top part of the shirt. it was, surprisingly, turning out better than you anticipated. once the lipstick was set, you took out some fabric paint you bought from the store to touch up the kiss marks, afterwards putting paint sealing solution onto all the kiss marks to further protect them.
as if the timing was perfect, you heard the oven beep. you hung the shirt up in your bedroom before placing the warm brownies on the counter to cool down. you couldn't help but smile to yourself as you imagined what jake's reaction may be to your gifts, especially the brownies.
once they were cool enough, you spelt out 'i love ur huge dick' in chocolate letters as a joke. you knew jake would have a good laugh before eating them. placing the finished brownies in a clear plastic container, you put them aside to begin packaging the shirt in a flat box.
there was one last touch to the gift that you'd been meaning to do for a little while.
you dug out a small ring box and placed a spare key to your house inside it. you figured that he deserved to have one considering how much he took care of you. plus, everyone, 'everyone' meaning yeji and jeongin, who you'd trust with your life had one, therefore it'd be fitting if jake had one.
placing the dainty little ring box inside the same box that contained the shirt, you sealed it so it was ready for you to take to his house the next day.
the next day came quickly, and you hopped out of bed to gussy up before calling a taxi to head to his place since it'd be quicker to do it that way than if you were to go on the underground train.
you wore a cute, short, pleated white skirt paired with a black and white prada cardigan, white knee-high stockings, and some simple black prada heels to tie the outfit together. you wanted to look pretty for jake since you were showing up to his place unannounced.
the taxi ride to his place was quite long considering that he lived on the opposite side of the city, the city being heavily divided by social class, but it was interesting to look around at the other houses.
finally, you arrived outside the gate of jake's house, typing in the security code that jake gave you to open the gate. now, you had to practically trek across his extravagant front yard and circular driveway just to get to the damn front door. the walk you had to take throughout the front yard felt longer than the taxi ride.
you reached out to ring the doorbell, hearing it echo through the house from outside. since jake's ahem- mansion was quite large, you always expected to wait a minute before he actually came to let you in; it was honestly painfully awkward to just stand there. finally, you heard the door unlock, and you were greeted by a shirtless jake clad in only joggers and a small towel around his nape. you also could help but notice that his hair was now a shade of brown which made you laugh do yourself because of how you made fun of him about doing bald. regardless, his image was making you blush.
"oh, princess," jake said with surprise in his tone, "i didn't expect you to come this early in the day." he smiled sheepishly as he witnessed the shock in your face from seeing him shirtless as if you hadn't seen him in this state a million times. "well, i came early because i brought gifts!" you smiled at jake as he guided you inside, his hand on your lower back. "that reminds me," jake smiled, "i have something for you as well." you couldn't help but become shy at the thought of jake getting you a gift even though he does it literally all the time.
once you got into his main lounge area, you set the clear brownie container and the gift box side by side on his coffee table. jake hovered over the container to read the little message you left on the brownie slab, his giggle turning into his signature laugh. jake moved toward you, hugging you from behind.
"well, if you love it so much, why don't you fuck it?" jake asked you teasingly, gently biting and kissing your neck. "now?" you asked with wide eyes to which jake responded with a hum, the feeling of jake's hard becoming prominent against your back. "if you say so," you shrugged, trying to tease him by seeming nonchalant.
jake moved onto one side of the couch, tossing the towel that was once around his nape onto the table whilst inviting you to sit on his lap.
he pulled you into a messy kiss as you began to grind your hips down hard against his, jake feeling the soft moans you were letting out against his lips.
without breaking the kiss, jake managed to get you out of your clothes, besides your knee high stockings which jake found incredibly sexy, and have you grinding on his bulge. you moved your hands to pull his joggers and boxers off, still as impressed as ever at the sight of his cock. pushing your hips toward him, you took hold of his member and put it against your lower stomach, admiring how deep his cock would be buried inside you. seeing you 'measure' how deep he would be turned him on even more, which he didn't even think was possible considering the fact that he's already fully hard and hot and bothered.
jake quickly lifted your hips, impatient and wanting to be inside you. feeling his thick tip pass through the first few inches of your entrance made you go insane, your walls already tightening around jake's cock. "it barely fits yet you still take every inch so well, princess," jake praised, "now be a good girl and start moving for me, okay?" you nodded in compliance as you gently lifted your hips and collided into his, jake letting out a satisfied groan. jake was so deep inside you that you swore you could feel him all the way in your stomach.
he let you bounce on his cock, adoring how cute you were while moaning as you fell into spells of pleasure. "fuck," you let out a whiny moan, biting your lip gently afterward, "you feel so good, jakey. it's so deep inside me." jake smirked at the way he could feel your thighs gently trembling on top of his, knowing that you were falling apart over his dick.
at this point in time, jake was fully just thinking with his dick which led him to swiftly get up off the couch, still holding you, and begin fucking you while standing up.
your eyes were rolling back as you moaned loudly for him. you were so overtaken by pleasure that you couldn't even let him know that you were about to cum. the feeling of your cum running down jake's hard-on had him fucking you harder, faster. even after all this time, jake's stamina still takes you by surprise. no one could ever do it like jake; he's the only one who could make you go this crazy.
jake soon brought you back to the couch, still not finished with you. he roughly turned you around so that you were facing away from him and made sure you were comfortable before shoving himself back inside you. you let out a loud moan at the sensation before jake began thrusting into you from below, his hands running all over your body yet still keeping you steady at the same time. you, once again, found yourself cumming all over his cock without warning, your orgasm washing over you in waves. "mmm fuck," you whined out, still being stuffed with jake's member, "that feels so good, daddy."
not long after you, jake's orgasm also took over him, hot ropes of cum spurting into you as you tried to catch your breath. it was probably one of the craziest orgasms jake has ever had.
still quietly panting, you let jake pull out so that you could plop down on the couch next to him.
"you're fucking insane, you know that?" you asked with a light laugh once your breathing slowed down. "only because of you, you know that?" jake countered your comment, nudging you on the shoulder playfully before standing up to retrieve some wet wipes from one of the bathrooms so that you two could clean up.
"here, i'll go upstairs and get us some clothes," jake smiled at you as you now tried to hide your body away as if he hasn't seen it a million times already, "if we don't cover up soon, we'll probably end up fucking again." jake joked and let out a laugh, though you both knew his statement was fully true. taking his discarded sweatpants with him, he headed upstairs to his bedroom to fetch some clothes.
you took that time to put your underwear and bra back on before jake came back downstairs. after all, it was kinda starting to feel weird just sitting fully naked in his mansion that had huge windows off to the side from where you were sitting.
soon, jake came back fully dressed and holding out something for you to put on: one of his short-sleeve shirts, a pair of your leggings, and those mid-calf nike socks that you thought were obscurely over priced for just a pack of 4 (but you had to admit that you loved them).
"ah, i forgot your gift," jake sighed as he remembered that he'd left the gift he had for you all the way upstairs, "wait right here, i'm gonna wrap it real nice since it's still up there." he flashed his cheeky yet shy smile, slightly embarrassed that he had 1. forgotten it and 2. hadn't even packaged it yet. "you're silly," you laughed as jake dragged his socks on the marble floors to get back over to the stairs.
you took it upon yourself to get up and go place your gifts for jake over on the kitchen counter since the brownies seemed out of place just sitting on the coffee table. picking up the brownie container and gift box, you headed over to the kitchen to place them both on the counter.
glancing off to the side, you noticed two glass cups next to each other. of course, you wouldn't have thought much of it because why would you, but you couldn't help but notice that one of the cups' rims had faint traces of red lipstick on it.
suddenly, your stomach felt sick. you couldn't tell if you were upset or angry. all you knew was that you wanted to get the hell out of his house.
you sped over to the coffee table, swiftly retrieving your bag and walking into the foyer where you put on a pair of sneakers, that you usually left at his house, and walked out the door.
you didn't slam his door per se, but you closed the door loud enough to make it known that you were leaving.
quickly, you dashed down his driveway and front yard, making it outside of the gate before hailing a cab to take you home.
it took everything in your power to not start crying in the taxi, your phone now ringing off the hook with multiple calls and texts from jake wondering where the hell you ran off to.
"yeah, and n-now i f-feel h-horrible," you blubbered to yeji over the phone after explaining the situation and how you made the gift yourself only to be confronted by lipstick stains from someone else, "i literally d-don't even w-wanna think about h-him. god, i could puke right n-now." you sniffled loudly and blowed your nose into a tissue. "my sweet y/n," yeji sighed softly, genuinely feeling for you, "i know, i know, let it all out. heck, you could even scream at me if you want to. but seriously, he's such a jerk for that." yeji continued to listen to all the little things you had to say whilst she tried her best to cheer you up.
yeji was really the only other girl you had in your life besides literally yourself. you knew that you couldn't lean on any other woman for issues like this; especially not your mom for because she's on another level of asshole-ness, you didn't talk to your siblings either, your sisters in specific who you could really use right now, at all, so without yeji, you'd probably be doomed when it came to stuff like this.
"honestly," you sniffled, "...i feel like smoking weed right now." yeji couldn't help but chuckle at you. "go ahead, girl, just be safe or you'll get it from me" yeji joked from the other line, "anyways, you know exactly who to call for that stuff."
after hanging up the phone with yeji, you went straight to your contacts, calling someone else up while trying your hardest to avoid all of the missed calls and texts from jake.
"hey, yeonjun."
knock, knock, knock.
you sprung up from your bed upon hearing the knocks at the door.
looks like yeonjun is finally here.
you opened the door and were greeted by his sly smile as usual.
you offered him to stay the night since you two would be getting high together, and you didn't want him driving home whilst not being sober. he, of course, jumped at the opportunity.
"hey, it's been a little while," you laughed quietly as he pulled you into a hug, "thanks for showing up on such short notice."
"oh, it's no problem, really," yeonjun shrugged with a chuckle, "now that university is over, i have nothing else to do."
you led him over to your room so that he could set his bag down and get everything ready. he made sure to bring some food over as well since weed tends to make you hungry. yeonjun may seem like the type of guy to just go over to a girl's house and not think about anything but getting some action, but he cared deep down.
both of you sat on the couch, and yeonjun got everything ready for you two to start smoking.
you let him take the first hit, watching him inhale deeply before letting the smoke pass through his pretty lips.
they weren't as pretty as jake's, though.
passing the blunt over to you, he let you take a hit before he pulled you closer and put his arm around your shoulder.
"you don't look the way you usually do," yeonjun pointed out, "there's something wrong, isn't there?" you sighed out after your next hit, nodding in defeat as you rested your head on his arm. "do you wanna talk about it, beautiful? a pretty girl like you should always be smiling," yeonjun asked, not forgetting to add a dash of flirting as he usually did.
"do you remember jake?" you asked as you passed the blunt to him, him nodding before taking a hit, "i think he's seeing someone else at the same time as we're having a... thing, if you can even call it that. i went to his place earlier today to bring him some gifts that i made him the night prior as a surprise, and i saw that he had two cups in his sink, one of them stained with dark red lipstick. it made me feel shitty, so i decided to leave without saying a word to him." you explained between the passing of the almost gone blunt which prompted yeonjun to get up and prepare his bong to smoke from.
"bro is a fucking sleaze, seriously. and i'm not just saying that to make you feel better, i'm saying it because i think you deserve someone who won't lead you on like that. please don't think that you're at fault for being upset," yeonjun reassured you, putting his arm around you again and letting you fall into him after taking another deep inhale of weed, "god, he's a fucking dick for that."
you couldn't help but let a few tears roll down your face as you opened up to him about what happened. you weren't even particularly close to yeonjun, but he just felt so trustworthy. were those thoughts maybe a side effect from being high? possibly. did you really care? nope. you just needed to get everything off your chest.
"please don't cry," yeonjun said upon feeling his shirt become wet with tears, "he is not worth it. guys aren't supposed to leave women in tears like this. remember that, okay?" you nodded as yeonjun helped you dry your tears.
at this point, you couldn't even keep count of how many hits of weed you'd taken. all you knew right now is that you were overcome with intense sadness, barely being able to stop your tears as yeonjun hugged you tight, his sweet cologne tickling your nose.
you were so out of it from your emotions paired with weed that you didn't even notice how quickly you drifted off to sleep.
waking up, you didn't expect to feel your mattress underneath you. you got up and peered out your open door, seeing yeonjun fast asleep on your couch with a cozy blanket and pillow underneath his head.
quietly, you snuck over to your bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror and staring at how shitfaced you looked from smoking all night. you decided to brush your teeth, wash your face, and fix your hair a bit to see if it'd make you feel better.
you suddenly heard the bathroom door creak open, seeing yeonjun's reflection in the mirror.
"oops, i didn't even think of knocking," he looked down sheepishly. "don't worry about it," you chuckled in response, "i was just on my way out anyway. wanna go out to get breakfast or something?" yeonjun nodded, already beginning to brush his teeth. you smiled at him before walking out of the bathroom to give him privacy.
while you were waiting on him, you decided to plop onto your bed and check your phone.
the calls and texts from jake were reaching the hundreds at this point. from what you could see, he'd been texting you almost all night.
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you felt your stomach tie itself into a knot. you slid your phone to the other side of the bed and lied down, pretending to sleep so that yeonjun would leave you be once he got out of the bathroom.
you felt like sobbing your eyes out.
you hadn't gotten texts like these since you left home all those years ago.
shutting your eyes tightly, you tried to think about something else, anything else, but you simply couldn't.
the bathroom door creaked open, yeonjun walking out and spotting you on your bed. he figured that you went back to sleep and decided to chill on the couch until you "woke up."
suddenly, you heard a weird noise that startled you a bit, but you decided to ignore it until you heard the door open.
your soul fully sunk through your body. you forgot that you gave jake a spare key.
"and what do you think you're doing here?" you heard jake's deep aussie accent question yeonjun as you gulped. "i should be the one asking you that question," yeonjun argued back, "y/n? are you awake? we've got some company."
you had to bite the bullet, you had to. you crept out of your room, seeing jake and yeonjun staring at each other with fury in their eyes.
"jake, what are you doing here..." you sighed out as you looked down. jake ran toward you, relieved that you were safe. he reached over to pull you into an embrace which you rejected. jake swore the world stopped spinning when you moved yourself away from it; you'd never done something that...cold.
"uh, s-should i leave?" yeonjun asked awkwardly though still worried. "i advise you do," jake replied to him immediately. "don't talk to my friends like that..." you glared at him, causing him to stiffen.
"okay, i'll go," yeonjun sighed as he walked over to grab his backpack off the floor, "but if i hear that you put your hands on her, you're done for; i'll fuck you up, remember that." before he walked out the door, made sure to mouth 'be safe' to you.
"what the fuck, jake?!" you yelled out once the door was shut, "you didn't have to be aggressive with him! h-he was just helping me with something." it wasn't a complete lie.
"if anything, i should be asking you 'what the fuck!' you literally haven't contacted me since you abruptly left my house yesterday evening no matter how many times i messaged and called you! you had me worried sick! what the hell is going on?! was he here all night? is that why you didn't talk to me? did i interrupt your little fling?" jake rebuttaled.
"you're one to talk about having a little fling," you said under your breath before going off, "you're the one having girls over at your house one after another! you probably dyed your hair for her too... you were probably shirtless and fresh out of the shower because you had something going on before i got there, huh? you're lucky she left before i got there, right? she would've been so upset to see another girl over, wouldn't she? i saw that lipstick stained cup, jake, and i'm absolutely over it. i'm not just gonna sit here and act like i'm fine with this because i'm not."
jake sighed in frustration as he put his forehead on one of his hands. "look, it's seriously not what you think-"
"don't waste your breath. get out, get out and go back to her. what you do is none of my business; i don't give a fuck anymore."
"y/n, fucking listen to me, okay?!"
you flinched at the way he raised his voice. for the second time today, you were brought back to when you were still living with your shitty family. the yelling was getting to be too much, and you were trying your hardest to conceal the tears that threatened to pour from your eyes.
jake noticed how your body seemed to stiffen at how he was talking to you, and he felt horrible about it, but it was the only way you'd listen; he knew you well.
"that girl who was at my house prior to you coming over was the same girl who'd been harassing you at work. she came over unannounced to whine and question why i took you with me to japan instead of her, and i explained everything to her. i kindly asked her to butt out and which only made her angrier. she's trying to get between us, and i don't know what else to do but wait things out and hope she eventually leaves us alone and-"
"if i'm you're "everything," then why are you having such a hard time being assertive toward her? i trusted you, jake... i thought you actually cared, but it seems like you don't anymore."
so much for wanting to trust him, right?
jake's eyes widened in shock at the sudden realization that you heard him say that you're his everything when you guys were back in japan.
"w-wait, you heard that?" jake asked.
"wow, is that really what you're worried about right now? the fact that i heard you lie?"
"i wasn't lying! y/n, please stop being like this. i was serious then, and i'm still serious now. please don't cry."
you honestly didn't even realize you began crying until he pointed it out. frantically, you wiped your tears in embarrassment.
"h-how do y-you expect me t-to believe y-you?" you hiccuped through your tears, "j-just admit t-that y-you don't c-care about m-me." you fully sobbed your eyes out in front of him, your emotions making your body physically weak.
"y/n," jake's voice broke as tears rolled down his cheeks, "i-i just- i really care about you. fuck it, y/n, i can't take it anymore-
i love you..."
a/n: dramaaaaaaa hehe, i hope you enjoyed this one 🩷 it's very plot heavy, but i hope you were able to read it all the way through without falling asleep 😭
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @leeis @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @sjakewrld @jeondolly @lalalalawon @jckeplanet @meinapricity @bubbleseo @cherryunie @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @teti-menchon0604 @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @iloveoceaneyesss @jakeswhore @jinsfavoritedoll @brownsugarbaybee @heehee01 @mesopret @heesitation @heeverseblog @yoursjaeyun @mklhyvn @jungwon-xo @crazydelulu @kyurizeu @ineedsomezzz @graythecoffeebean
p.s. i removed lots of accs from the taglist that i have never been able to tag, so pls lmk if you don't see yourself here but you originally asked to be on the taglist! tysm!
©yunjardi on tumblr
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coca-lastic · 7 months
Unhappy Christmas! | F. odair
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Warning: ANGST, mentions of forced prostitution, mean!reader? (Idk lol)
A/N: My first language is not English and blah blah blah
"Merry christmas!" You shouted excitedly at Mags.
You had won the 67th hunger games and, after going a little crazy, you started to overcome it. Obviously it is impossible to completely overcome it but, unlike before, now you know how to be happy. The other Vemcedores of District 4 had helped you find your way out of the fog that embraced you and sent you back again and again.
You could easily say who was the person who helped you the most, the one who gave you a hand when the darkness was consuming you and he got you out of there. The one who said words so your brain wouldn't shut down completely. The one who hugged you so you wouldn't fall even though your legs didn't respond to your call.
He's always been the one to help you, ever since his family helped yours not die in a fire when you were 6 years old. Since then he has always been there for you.
And you would like to do the same.
But lately that seemed like an impossible task and you didn't even know why, you didn't know what was wrong, you didn't know what was changing him. That's why you decided to invite him to the Christmas gathering with your family and Mags (Who, since your games, is also part of the family).
"Do you know if the bakery will be able to sell the cake?" You asked the old woman.
"They said they would have it ready by the afternoon my girl, stop worrying"
"No no no, this has to go well Mags, we've been enjoying a meeting for a long time without someone going crazy, and it's usually me, so I have to have everything under control" You said as you walked around the entire room, checking and criticizing the decorations.
Mags sighed with a smile on his face as your stress continued to grow, you had always been such a perfectionist. "If you keep this up you'll probably collapse before the meeting. Sit down, I'll bring you some hot chocolate."
"But Ma-"
"No buts" she said and walked at a slow pace towards the kitchen. You followed her, Mags was very strong but sometimes her old age worked against her.
"Maybe if Finnick would deign to help" you murmured annoyed, you were the one who had invited him, but he could have the desire to help with something, right?
"Oh...Finnick?" Mags said, looking at you with a look somewhere between amazed, compassionate and sad. That was not a good sign.
"Yeap, I invited him too, lately he's been a little... weird" You said, sitting quietly on one of the kitchen chairs and crossing your arms over your chest.
"My girl... I don't know why he didn't tell you but... Finnick- he's not here" And again, a sad and compassionate look but this time not at you. His gaze was completely fixed on the floor.
"Wha- What are you talking about Mags?" You laughed in disbelief, he accepted the invitation, he is going to come. "He told me-"
"He told you what you needed to hear, my girl. You love Christmas, he has no right to ruin what you had planned."
"He's doing it anyway. He's supposed to- He's supposed to come." You ran out of the kitchen, straight into your room.
Normally you wouldn't get like this, you had to change many plans with Finnick, it was normal. But it stopped being that way when he had been doing it for months, with every damn invitation. You open the doors of your friendship, of your kindness, and he closes them as if you were one of the many girls who are lining up to have him.
Angry, stressed and more angry.
The meeting had already started. There was your family, other neighbors from Victors Village, and some friends of your parents. But he wasn't there, and that made you angry. Because you did this for him, he loved socializing but now he rejected any situation in which he could do it.
Before he took you out of the darkness and now that you are out you want to be in the illuminated area with him. But he is not there. It's like he didn't get you out of there, he just replaced places. And you are no longer able to find him, you do not see a hand to grab and pull, he is not here, not there, he is not anywhere.
Oh, and the damn cake wasn't ready yet.
"If that fucking cake doesn't arrive, I'm going to hang myself" You said annoyed in the patio of the house. You were waiting for the person to take him to your home but he didn't arrive.
"Calm down little one" your father said next to you.
Your impatience was beginning to radiate from you. Your mind only thought bad words and all of them were directed towards the bakery... and a few - or maybe many - towards Finnick.
"Look, it's here. Don't even think about tipping them!" You said towards your father. Sometimes anger makes you a bad person.
Both of you waited for the young man with a hood over his head to approach with the cake, but instead he continued straight, specifically towards Finnick's house.
"Is that Finnick? Didn't you say that he wouldn't be in District 4 today?" No, it couldn't be that you planned a damn mini party so he could fit in. The idiot pretended to leave so he wouldn't attend.
"I'm going to go say hello dad..." You were going to say a lot of things, but hello wasn't on the list of what you planned to say.
Finnick opened the door to his house and with a staggering step he entered, he was about to open the door but you screamed for him not to.
He closed it anyway.
Wow, today he was earning your fury. It's no longer a metaphor, he literally closed the door on you as if he were a stalker. And honestly you'd had enough of that. You had had enough of being ignored repeatedly in the last few months.
"Finnick come on! You lied about the Christmas party and you can't even open the fucking door to apologize?!"
Silence, he didn't answer you. You looked out the window and you didn't see him, you didn't see the friend to shout at, you only saw the darkness that he had entered a few seconds ago.
The window was open and, once again, anger made you a bad person, so despite creating several scratches on your hands and knees, you managed to enter through the window.
"You son of a b-" you screamed as you fell from the window to the floor.
"Y/N? What the fuck are you doing?" The spotlight turned, illuminating the room they were in.
"You! This is for you! Couldn't you be so kind as to open the door for me?" You stood up quickly, pointing a finger at him aggressively and approaching him.
"I- I didn't hear you knock-"
"Of course you listened! It's just that you've apparently changed so much lately that you couldn't even have a bit of fucking consideration."
"What are you talking about? Y/N what the fuck happened to your knee and why are you coming to my house like you're a fucking murderer totally bad at his job?" She raised one of her eyebrows, but her body remained relaxed on the couch, as if you weren't bothered at all.
"Do you want to know what happened to my knee? Well, I got hurt because you couldn't OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" You moved further towards him. and probably thanks to your scream Finnick got up from the couch, confused but still relaxed. "Oh! And you know what? I threw a whole damn Christmas party because we're both supposed to love Christmas and YOU DIDN'T EVEN DEIGN TO COME! What the fuck is wrong with you Finnick?"
"Ok... you're a little upset, aren't you?" He put his hands on your shoulders and crouched down a little so he could look you in the eyes.
And normally you'd punch him but he's your friend, so you kept eye contact with him. You looked at his eyes helplessly, with impatience, but in his eyes for some reason you only saw sadness and sadness. They were a little red, as if he had cried, when he blinked his eyelids took a little longer than normal to return to their place and his eyelashes were shiny. "Look, I'm sorry, I had to leave in an emergency, okay? I figured the party was already over so I came straight home."
"There's literally loud music and people outside the house, unless you're blind, deaf and stupid, no, the party's not over." Tears began to build up in your eyes, 'and it made you upset with yourself. You didn't want to cry in a serious discussion.
"Well, I'm an idiot then. I'm sorry, okay? I swear I'll be there at the next party" he walked away from you a little. Sitting back down in the chair.
"Damn Finnick, I don't give a shit about the upcoming holidays, what I care about is that the last few months you've changed and I haven't even been able to change with you!" You said in a broken voice, tears already sliding down your cheeks and your mouth curling to try to contain the sounds of sadness.
Finnick didn't say mad, he just looked at you. And no matter how much you've been with him for 12 years, you couldn't decipher that look. He looked like the 14-year-old boy who was thrown into the sand again. He seemed without hope, without happiness. The only shine that was in them was tears. that showed their sadness but I don't know that it trickled down their cheeks, the pain that he kept only for him, that clouded only his vision.
"Finnick...I just want to know what's going on with us. Why don't we walk around anymore, or p-play or just- just talk? Why-why don't we do that anymore?"
"Just tell me Finnick, because I'm trying but I don't even know what I have to do."
"I-I can't, I can't tell you. He-he doesn't allow it," Finnick said with a broken voice, lowering his head to the floor. You approached him and knelt in front of him.
"Who is he Finn? What are they doing with you?" You grabbed his face and made him look into his eyes, as teary as his own.
"Snow... h-he's worse than he looks..." he sniffed and bit his trembling lip "h-he's s-so cruel, he's a m-monster."
And just by saying who is responsible for why your friend is shedding salty tears, fear came to you. You knew that this man is capable of too many things and that scares you. It scares you that he showed that prick to Finnick and you didn't. You're scared that Finnick is cracking and you don't know how the first crack got.
"I've changed...he's changed me y/n and I dislike that" he sniffed again "and if you find out how he's changed me you'll probably never- you'll just walk away"
What happens when there is so much darkness that no way out has been discovered?
What happens when fear overwhelms you?
Fear is darkness, and darkness is blinding. The problem is that fear is infinite. Everyone has a different fear, some are afraid of the dark, others are afraid of spiders, others are afraid of the sea, others are afraid of blood, others are afraid of heights.
But what happens when you are afraid of fear?
That's what happens with you. You know that the boy you have loved for a long time is afraid, and that scares you. But you can't do anything because the fears are infinite, the fear remains and blinds you.
The fear of your disappointment, the fear of your disgust, the fear of showing what he has become has blinded him. And you have seen it. But you don't know where that fear comes from, you don't know who or what is producing it.
So for now you only have to observe, continue fearing, remain scared but attentive, wait until the moment when his fears are weak, the moment when hope removes the blindfold from his eyes. And at that moment have it again.
Seeing that boy again who, although fear has changed him, will continue to be the same boy who loves having a nice Christmas.
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Collar Crimes: Red Letter
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, yandere OC, yandere male, Eris being Eris, gender neutral reader, reader has more personality in this one, comfort, fluff, angst (?), mentions violent action (such as plucking out eyes), flashback scene, may include annoying use of "my" a lot, includes a picture of a simple sponge cake (because why not? You'll see~) A/n: So I happened to come across those Chad skits from SNL (yeah, I know I'm late to the party) and I was also thinking of how Eris met the reader. So this is kind of a prequel to Weasel In, I guess? I highly suggest reading Part 1 before this, but do as you like. Enjoy~ Masterlist | Part 0 (you're here!), Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (1/2)
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There were many times in your life when you had almost regretted taking on this 9-to-5 customer service job.
Briiing! Briiing! Tch.
“Hello~ This is Lychee speaking~ How may I sweeten up your day today? Or is there something on your mind today that you'd like to share with me, my dear?” 
Huh... Hah... Huh... Hah...
Accompanied by some strange heavy breathing, you hear a growling male voice say, “Are you home alone–”
You immediately hang up.
No, you definitely regret taking this job, but unfortunately it pays too well for you to just up and quit. As a result, it's been a good five years since you started, and you've gotten quite good at your job.
Briiing! Briiing! Tch.
“Hello~ This is Lychee speaking~ How may I sweeten up your day today? Or is there something on your mind today that you'd like to share with me, my dear?” 
It has been a while since you've questioned your work name, but you have long since accepted it. Your company, Fruity Friends, was created by some closeted man (he has long since went public with his sexuality and is married to his highschool sweetheart. Good for him!)
He felt that people needed someone, a stranger, who they could talk to without the fear of being outed for anything. A noble endeavor, no doubt, but you believe he might've failed to account for the most… unscrupulous individuals who should be going into proper therapy instead of taking advantage of a nice-sounding voice.
Then again, being an anonymous voice on the other side of the line was far better than your last job, where you had to wait tables for the mafioso in a very, very scandalously short waitress outfit. You were quite popular because of your unintentional moe gap where you would say some of the cringiest lines in history in a cutesy voice while wearing the stiffest expression. You couldn't help how blank your face tends to be. 
You were glad that everyone else, including Remy, the most buffest chef you have ever met who worked there, were forced to share the same outfit, but you were sure that sooner or later you'd be kidnapped by one of those criminals if you continued to work there.
Of course, it wasn't easy. This was the mafia after all. It could be debated whether or not you were a good person, but you had successfully manipulated one of those dogs into letting you leave scot-free. The particular tactic you used? Uh… yeah, that's another story.
“A-ah… um… h-hi there… I'm… Eris… um…”
Some of your clientele have been nervous wrecks, so you have quite a few scripted lines to choose from. This one chose the most basic package, but you always bring your best.
“Hello Eris~ What a lovely name. A pleasure to meet you! How are you?”
You hear him mumbling to himself on the line before he comes back. “Um… is this… really confidential?”
Ah… you hope this isn't one of those perverted bastards like the one earlier. This one sounds too cute, it would be such a shame…
“Why yes, of course, my dear Eris! Everything you say here is completely safe with me. And if you don't believe me, then believe in the contract that had brought us together. There is nothing you say that can be taken as evidence! Rest assured, you are safe here with me, here at Fruity Friends.”
You hear him gasp. “O-oh…okay… Um… I-I'm… your dear Eris?”
Aww, how cute! You hope this customer becomes one of your loyal clientele. Still keeping up your cutesy persona, you answer, “Why yes. And I am your Lychee~”
“O-oh… M'kay… my Lychee…”
From then on, Eris would call for you every single day for months, except for the weekends. Calls could only last about an hour, as per the package deal, since that was the company policy to accommodate multiple customers per day–unless they were willing to pay multiple times. 
On the following Mondays, he'd call in to check up on you and pout about how much he missed you and wished you could talk to you all day every day. And you, in your persona, would reply that you wished you could talk to him all day too. 
Lychee is a cute person, someone who likes to hang out with their friends, who likes to party all day and all night, who likes to share the most scandalous gossip from their supposed life. Lychee is someone who wants everyone to like them, always doing their best to fix their reputation should they ever mess up.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about all of that. Who has time to party and hang out with friends and share other people's business when you have no safety net to fall back on if you were ever to go jobless? Forget about reputation, you were already used to people making assumptions based on your appearance.
That being said, you quite enjoyed your conversations with Eris once he became more comfortable. Most of your topics ranged from philosophical takes such as:
“Which is better to eat first first? Steak or salad?”
“Depeeeends! I heard Americans usually eat salads before steaks and the French eat steak before salad. So it's up to you, really, ya know?”
“I see! … Hey, do you think graham crackers are cookies or crackers? I think they are crackers, but what does my Lychee think?”
To things that happened to him recently:
“LyCheeEeeEe!” he whines on the other side of the phone, voice clearly indicating he's been crying. “My LycheEee.”
You play along. “WhaAaaAt, my dear ErIsssSss?”
“T-there…” he sniffs. “There was-was this guy…”
“Awww, noo! What did this mean guy do, my dear Eris? Tell your Lychee.”
Once a week, Eris would encounter some mean dude who'd insult him and then he'd come to you for comfort. How he always ends up in such situations is beyond you.
And he's always… always does something about it a week later.
“My LycheEeeE.”
“YeeSsss, my dear Erisss?
“You know that one guy… you know the one I told you last week who I keep meeting in the subway, the one who kept saying I keep looking at him funny and keeps shoving me?”
“I finally ripped his eyeballs out! So he can't tell who's looking at him wrong or right anymore! Isn't that great??”
Due to the confidentiality clause, unfortunately, whatever a customer says is not liable to use as evidence. Even if it means letting a serial killer loose.
“That's greeaaaat! You feel better now, don't you, my dear Eris?”
“I do, I do! Hehe~”
Such a troubling life… You'd never admit this to anyone but sometimes… listening to him makes you feel better about your uneventful life, only having to worry about keeping your job, keeping a roof over your head, and keeping your belly full.
Besides, what's there to worry about? Your identity is unknown and your persona is too friendly to get on anyone's nerve.
“LYchEeeeE! My LyCheeEee.”
“YeeEeesss, my dear Eris? What's wrong? Tell your Lychee.”
You listen to him bawl his eyes, cooing and offer your sympathies, like a mother to a child.
“M-my best friend… he said…  he said… 
Oh, his best friend. Eris has never revealed his friend's name, but based on the description he gives you, sometimes you wonder why someone sweet and innocent like Eris was friends with someone like that.
“Aww, no! Was he being a meanie again? What did he say?”
“He said… that I should get a life and stop talking to you.”
You feel your heart drop. “R-really? He said that?”
Ah… well. It isn't the first time a customer has left you, or rather left Lychee. Lychee’s job was to help people get through difficult times, but in the end, Lychee wasn't a real person. Lychee couldn't leave their job to hang out with friends. Lychee couldn't attend parties and weddings. Lychee couldn't fall in love. Lychee was just a faceless voice who only spoke once you paid the price, and even then only for an hour or two out of the entire day.
That being said, it wasn't like it didn't hurt when your customers got on with their lives. It was just… inevitable, and you had long since accepted that. Perhaps, this was a sign that it was time for Lychee's Eris to move on. He's spent over thousands of dollars just to speak to you over several hours per day over a span of four months already, single handedly paying your entire rent. As a fellow human who has to work their ass off in order to live, you can't bear to become the reason he goes broke.
“Yeah… but I don't want to! I love talking to you, my Lychee! And you love talking to me too, right? So I don't see why he’s telling me to have a life. I am living! Ugh, stupid…”
You mull over all kinds of lines but in the end, you whisper, “... Maybe, he's right.”
“Listen, Eris-”
“Your Eris. I'm your dear Eris, my Lychee.”
His voice sounds sharp and metallic… you've ‘slipped’ up a few times, and he'd always softly correct you with his usual whiny voice. Not like this.
You cough, getting back into character. “Yesss, you’re absolutely right! My dear Eris. Sorry~ LiSteeEeen. As much as I love talking to you, I think that you're spending way too much money on me! I feel flattered and all, but you're going to go bankrupt at some point!”
Silence on the phone… until you hear him laugh loudly like you had just told him the funniest joke ever. Moments later you hear him again. “Aha… ah… Is that what you were worried about, my Lychee? Aww, you're the best~ That's why I… But don't worRrrRry~ As the eldest son in my family, I inherited everything after my parents died. Enough to last me years to the point I don’t even need to work. Money isn't an issue at all, my Lychee.”
You feel a sharp pang in your chest. “Bas-” You clear your throat, the curse word almost slipped from under your persona. “Bestieee, even if money isn't the issue, your mental health must be taking a toll. Besides your best friend and of course me, your Lychee, do you talk to anyone else?”
“... Why should I? I only need you, don't I? Also, I'm not your ‘bestieee’, I'm your Eris.”
“R-Right, my dear Eris~ I'm just saying. One day you'll want to… you know? Hug someone, hold hands, kiss, or even just… be next to someone. In person. We both know, I can’t do that for you. Don't you want a more… authentic relationship or friendship with someone? Besides your best friend. Besides me.”
A pause. “... Is this part of your character?”
You blink. “What do you mean, my dear Eris? What character?”
“... Huh… Come to think of it… I’ve never thought about it before, but is Lychee’s not your real name, right?”
“Ehhh? But it is! I wouldn't lie to you, my dear Eris.”
Another pause. “… This line is confidential, right?”
“Mmhm! Always have been!”
“Then what’s your real name?”
You pause, your eyebrows scrunched together as you hold the phone against your ear. “I… My dear Eris, I told you. It’s Lychee. Your Lychee!”
You hear him sigh, before he suddenly hangs up. You look at your phone, very confused and worried. He has never hung up on you before. Did he just… leave?
After several weeks, you figure he did just leave. Fortunately, there are always new callers on the line along with some really loyal customers who've been patiently waiting for you to pay them some attention. Still, it bothered you… but at the same time, it relieved you. He must be finally living his life now instead of spending it all on you.
It’s a shame though… He was such a charming fellow, so open with his emotions and sweet with his words. It just wasn’t the same with your other customers, which the number of clientele were going for some reason…
You finished your 9-5 job, dragged yourself out of the office to the bus stop, waited for the bus, got on the bus, waited until your stop, got off your stop, dragged yourself home, entered your home, locked your door, and collapsed on your couch, still in your work uniform. Same as usual. Why your company felt it was necessary to have a uniform when your job only requires your voice is beyond you.
You close your eyes and let yourself be whisked away to dreamland… 
Shick shick shick shick!
You wake up at 3AM, according to a glance at your clock, to the odd sound of… whisking? You slowly sit up, get off the couch, walk to the source of the noise, and find a handsome man wearing your apron, standing in the kitchen and whisking away at some white fluff in a bowl.
You rub your eyes. What the heck are you looking at?
The man stops whisking open looking at you. He smiles bashfully. “My Lychee-”
WOW! Has it really happened? You’ve finally reached the point you’ve overworking your mind and body to exhaustion! And now you’re either hallucinating things at 3AM or you’re in the middle of a nightmare! There’s only one person in the world who calls you that and there is no way in hell Eris would be in your kitchen at 3AM, covered in flour, and smiling at you like this is all normal! WOW!
You slap your cheeks with both hands. Hard.
Eris gasps, dropping the bowl of whipped cream on the counter. He grabs onto your hands and inspects your face with a worried expression. “Lychee! Are you okay? Why did you slap yourself?”
His hands feel oddly very real and your cheeks oddly hurt really bad… but there's absolutely no way Eris is actually in your home, right? Why aren’t you waking up?
“Lych–No, I should say (Y/n), right? I would call you my (Y/n), but you're already mine, so–”
Oh heck no.
You take your hands back and head out of the kitchen, take out your phone from your pocket, and quickly tap on the screen.
Briiing. Briiing. Tch!
“Local Police Department, how may we–”
Your phone is suddenly snatched from your hand. Eris looks at the phone before he hangs it up and throws it out of reach. He moves so quickly you don't have time to react once he's wrapped you in his arms. He places his head on your shoulder, his lips tickling your neck. “(Y/n)... Don’t do that. I missed you… so much… ”
You could only stand there, hands awkwardly hanging there at your sides, trying to absorb the bizarreness of this situation. “W-why are you here? How’d you get in?”
“Never mind that, your dear Eris is here now.”
You take deep breaths. “Eris…”
“That's me~ I'm your Eris~”
“Right… Uh, could you… let me go?”
“I don’t wannaaaa.”
You clear your throat, collecting yourself. “Okay, fine. Listen. I think… I get why you’re here. It’s because you like Lychee, right? Well, sorry, but the bad news is I'm not anything like Lychee. Lychee is just a character.”
“I know.”
“Okay… so that means you don’t know me!”
“Wha– What part of ‘you don’t know me’ don’t you understand? We’re strangers! You have no reason to be here.”
“Mm, sure.”
“What?” You give a heavy sigh.
“It’s not like you’re a complete stranger to me,” he starts off. “You're (Y/n). You like (favorite animal), (favorite fruit), (favorite TV show), (favorite dish), (favorite pos–)”
You begin to sweat as you listen to him list of all of your favorite items, before moving on places you’ve ordered food from, to private details, such as your age, your highschool, your address, your family home address, even your Social Security number–Who the heck is this man and how did he find these things out?
“–and that’s all I have so far. What do you think, (Y/n)?”
“Get. Out!”
He squeezes you harder, to emphasize the point that he’s not going anymore. You try to twist and turn your way out, but you find his grasp to be extremely difficult to get out of, despite how gentle he’s being with you.
“(Y/n)... You know…” he mumbles, making you still. “For the last few days, I finally realized what you meant the last time we talked. It’s true. One day, I will want to be with someone. In person. Hold hands with them. Hug them. Kiss them…”
He leans into your ear and whispers. “But I have also realized that I would only want that… with you. Only you. I love you, (Y/n).”
“I’m… sorry. I don’t…”
 “Oh, that’s okay!” He releases you and steps back, interlocking his fingers with yours instead. A blush appears across his cheeks as he bashfully looks at you with his head tilted down shyly. “We can start over. Today can be our Day 1?”
His fingers have incredible strength, you unable to escape their gentle grip. “What? Day 1 of what?”
“Oh? You don’t know?” he says, softly swinging your hands side to side. “Day 1. Dating.”
“Who says we’re dating?” you screech, wanting so badly to rip your hands away from this deranged man.
“Eh?? What do you… Ohhh! I haven't asked you properly yet, huh? Sorry, love. Will you date me?”
“No, we've just met.”
“Oh.” You can see the cogs turning in his head, before he tilts his head and giggles. “But that’s exactly why we should date. People date to get to know each other more. Silly, (Y/n). But if you need further convincing: as you can see I’m handsome, and I have money! Lots of it! You’ll never have to work a day in your life. I’ll be the best boyfriend for you.”
Tempting as that sounds, the idea of placing your life into the hands of someone else just like that? Hah! No thanks. “No.”
The cogs are turning again before he reaches another answer in his head. “Ohhh, I get it! I'm so dumb! It took me so long to realize… You haven’t realized you love me too, right? That's okay. I can wait. Hehe~”
You stare at him incredulously, speechless. What the he-
“Oh!” He drags you back into the kitchen before letting your hands go to don your oven mitts and take out a freshly baked cake to flip it over a rack. “Ta da~! Mmm, sorry. I was hoping to decorate it before you woke up but… well, who needs frosting anyway, right?”
“What… Why?”
His eyes widen in surprise. “Eh? Did you forget? Oh, love. It’s your birthday today. Happy birthday, (Y/n)!”
“Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday, dear (Y/n)~ Happy birthday to you~ Now, make a wish!”
You closed your eyes, made your wish, and then blew all the candles out in one go, ensuring your wish would come true as it always does every year.
You received two presents to open. One from your Mom and one from your Dad. That’s how it always was on your birthday, or your Mom or Dad's birthdays. Just the three of you. No one else. Even now in your teens, your birthday party had only three members and that was all you wanted.
The day after your birthday, they went grocery shopping.
It was a normal day. They let you sleep in, since it was a Saturday.
You had woken up to heavy knocking on the door. The police? They came bearing heavy news.
There was a drunk driver on the road.
Your birthday was the last time you ever saw them.
Your wish didn't come true. It didn’t the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that. It would never, ever come true ever again…
“(Y-Y/n)? Do you not like it? I’m s-sorry…”
Your vision turns blurry as memories flood into your mind. Your eyes fill with hot tears to the point it flows down your cheeks. Your face twists in agony as you try to stop the dam from breaking in front of a stranger but your knees give out instead.
Eris catches you and you both slowly sink to the ground. He holds your head gently against his shoulder, letting you cry out years worth of contained sorrows and to your heart's content as he pats you on the head, cooing at you and offering you words of comfort. He doesn’t understand, but at least you aren’t pushing him away.
Once you've run out of tears to cry, you whisper with a broken voice, “Thank… you… for the cake.”
“Anytime, my love, anytime.”
“... I'm not your love.”
“Shh, shh… Take it easy… I'm here for you…”
“Idiot… Just leave me alone…”
“I said leave me alone. Why are you still here?”
“Mm… because I don't think you want me to leave you alone right now.”
"I..." You sigh, giving up completely.
“(Y/n), before I go, would you like to eat some cake?”
“... No thanks.”
“Oh… Okay. Well, I also got a present for you too.”
“Don't want it.”
“Can't return it, I'm afraid,” he sighs dramatically. “It costed so much too…”
“... Fine. I'll take your stupid gift and eat your stupid cake.”
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MegOp Week 2024
Day 1: Memory/Gift
Continuity: Generation One
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Megatron/Optimus Prime
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Idiots in love, Enemies to Lovers, Established relationship, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
Summary: Optimus is being sneaky and Megatron is annoyed.
In the end, both of them get what they wanted
Also posted on: AO3
Check it out on ao3 if you want to see the Notes
Enjoy! ^^
Megatron leaned against the railing of the balcony and sighed.
It had been a rough decacycle, but luckily, it was his off shift tomorrow. If he had to listen to Starscream's screeching one more time, he would need to find himself a new SIC.
He had gotten home just in time to watch the sunset. It painted the horizon in colours that made it look ethereal. The balcony had the prefect view of the newly reconstructed parts of Iacon, which shone beautifully, a stark contrast to their still ruined counterparts. It never failed to make him proud to see the bots on the streets hard at work during the day and socialising during the night.
If Optimus was here, he would've let out one of his melancholic sighs as he tried and failed miserably at not being sentimental.
'Heh, always the fool.' Megatron thought to himself, chuckling softly. Where was his conjux anyway? He ought to have come home earlier than him. After all, he had slipped away from the last meeting for the day with some lousy excuse that he wasn't feeling well, and Megatron knew damn well that was a lie. The glitch refused to ever get sick, and it somehow always worked.
He contemplated on comming his mate, but decided against it, he wanted to catch him 'red handed' as those humans said.
Megatron huffed, he never understood Optimus' infatuation with those ugly little fleshings. They brought nothing but helmaches to them all.
It made him smirk, he could almost hear the defensive tone of his Prime as he valiantly defended the pests.
In the end he decided on reaching through their bond, feeling the emotions of his mate, which were...giddiness? What was Optimus up to?
His curiosity got the better of him
::What did you do?::
::Whatever do you mean, love?:: came the innocent sound of his lover's voice through the comm line.
::You know damn well what I mean, now spill it.:: his words held no actual malice aside from his annoyance. He was way too tired for this.
::Don't be a killjoy Megatron. You'll learn soon enough. Also, if you are hungry, don't wait for me.:: Optimus sent waves of reassurance and love through their bond, soothing Megatron's souring mood.
He chose to stop the conversation and instead wait for his mate's return. Slowly he made his way into the kitchen, taking a cube and filling it up almost to the brim, before moving to sprinkle a generous amount of tritium flakes. Hook would have his helm if he found out, but oh well, you only live once, right?
He sat himself on one of the stools around the island behind him and took out one of his personal datapads from his subspace. Might as well do something for himself.
A joor later he heard the sound of the entrance door open, inviting in a suspiciously happy Optimus Prime with a plastic bag in servo.
"Look who decided to finally show up." teased Megatron, setting down his datapad and stylus.
"I got held up, apologies for that." He made his way to Megatron and kissed his helm crest.
"I see that you listened to me for a change." Remarked Optimus and set the bag on the counter right beside Megatron's empty cube, before making his way to the energon dispenser to make one for himself.
"Do pray tell Prime, what took so much of your time?" Megatron made no move to touch the bag, instead opting for a facade of indifference.
"A few days ago, I had to go to the hospital, remember?" Megatron gave a grunt in acknowledgement, urging him to continue.
"Well, on the way there I saw the most peculiar sight," Optimus made his way back to the counter and opened the bag, pulling out a box with a silver bow tie on it, "a confectionery shop." said the Prime happily.
"When I was heading back, I made detour and went in there. The owner told me that she had set up the place not too long ago and I ended up placing an order for today." He took the lid off of the box and gave it to his mate.
Inside there were quite a few different assortments of sweets, it took all of Megatron's self control not to drool all over them.
"What's the occasion?" asked the ex-warlord suspiciously, ever the cautious one, all the while not tearing his optics away from the candy.
"No occasion, I just remembered your love for everything sweet and decided to treat you to something nice." admitted Optimus and let his field wrap around his stunned mate, letting his unspoken feelings of adoration known. "After working so hard I thought that you deserved a reward."
Megatron looked at his Prime silently, contemplating him as he hesitantly took one of the green jelly-like sweets and popped it into his moth, he almost moaned at the sickeningly sweet taste of what was apparently a magnesium flavored one.
It had been so long since he'd had the chance to indulge with such things that he couldn't help but stuff another one of the candies into his intake, this time, one with a hard outer shell and a gooey inside, that tasted like lithium infused with cobalt.
Optimus settled on the stool right beside Megatron, sipping his energon silently as he admired the sight of his mate's optics, alight up with happiness.
'I ought to do this more often.' thought Optimus to himself.
After half the contents of the box had disappeared into Megatron's tank he finally slowed down. He leaned back on his stool and let out a content sigh while he nibbled on a bismuth covered copper cake.
"Enjoying yourself?" asked Optimus as he took one of his Megatron's servos and intertwined it with his, stroking it with his thumb.
"Very much so." Admitted Megatron as he finally swallowed the remains of the treat in his servo. "Though I do wonder why you haven't touched a single one yourself."
"I didn't want to take one that you might enjoy, and besides," Optimus opened his subspace and took out another two boxes, "I brought plenty."
The way that his sparkmate's optics sparked with happiness made him feel like the luckiest mech on Cybertron. He took a few quick snapshots and saved them to a folder named 'Sparkmate: beloved'.
"Oh, how thoughtful of you." muttered Megatron, as he attacked the rest of the sweets with such viciousness, one would think they had done something to offend him.
Optimus let out a low chuckle, catching the attention of his mate whose intake was full of rust sticks. Megatron cocked a brow ridge at him, looking puzzled.
"It's nothing, I'm just reminiscing."
The first time he got a glimpse of Megatron's love for sweets had been an accident.
It had happened some time after the official end of the war, the leaders and their entourage were wrapping up a trading deal with another species on their home planet.
Prowl had advised him against going and leaving Cybertron without its leaders, but he had persisted.
The aliens themselves had been very respectful, welcoming even. They had given them accommodations that were their size and had even supplied them with decent energon.
One late night he and Megatron had stayed up, arguing over some clause of the agreement, entirely inconsequential, but Megatron had persisted that it was important.
After joors of arguing, they finally came to something resembling an agreeable compromise. While Optimus was clearing out the carelessly discarded datapads, from the corner of his optic he saw Megatron reach for one of the sweets which the aliens had so kindly gifted them with.
He stared silently at his soon to be mate as he bit into the sweet.
If he had been a less observant mech he would've missed the way his frame had relaxed a fraction and his optics hooded. It had been a surprising sight, bit not an unwelcome one.
Megatron froze in place, seemingly remembering that he was not alone in the room. Optimus made the split nanoklik decision to play dumb, "Are you ready to go? We spent way too much time on this, and I wish to retire for the night.”
Megatron gave a grunt in response, grabbed his datapads and made his way to the door, not waiting for Prime.
When he knew that he was out of audialshot Optimus couldn't help but let out a chuckle. That had been an interesting reaction. He debated silently with himself whether he should try and replicate that again, this time on purpose.
Optimus let his EM field envelop Megatron again, assuring him of the truthfulness of the statement. He only got a huff in return before the mech turned his attention back to the now almost empty box of sweets.
'Yes,' thought Optimus to himself, 'I really should do this more often.'
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chaepink · 1 year
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Works in Progress! ❤ - 25
last updated: 11.29.23
- this only include requests I've received and not my own ideas - i can choose to write your request into a drabble instead of a full fic if i feel like i can't write it into a fic (or if you don't really specify)
disclaimer: i reserve the right to combine requests if they're similar
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♡ tsukishima kei
bratty tsukishima w edging and overstim pls bae :)
Aha ay Can I request edging and overstimming Tsukki as punishment after a whole day of him being a brat? Maybe some dacryphilia if you're up for it Ty so much for your time! I love your work
♡ kenma kozume
Kenma as a part-time stripper? Or just a stripper please
♡ osamu miya & atsumu miya
Can I request one where we peg osamu in front of atsumu as punishment for being a brat, we just keep calling osamu a good boy while completely ignoring atsumu, and once we're done with osamu we pound the fuck out of atsumu 😫🙏
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My Hero Academia
♡ midoriya izuku
Hey, Can you write for Midoriya with a mommy/Daddy Kink where Midoriya had a bad day and wants to be pampered
♡ iida tenya
can i have a iida being hit by sex pollen and reader helping him out please
request numero dos idk but iida with nipple piercings has me reeling. tbh the chance of him actually ever getting them is zero but he actually does and reader discovers them? hoo boy. Imagine he got them all for reader too
♡ dabi
hiii can i request a sugar baby!dabi x sugarmommy!reader were dabi weres the most sluttiest things every day just so people can compliment him and so that the reader punishes and fucks him everyday cause reader is possesive and is turned on by what he wears and dabi also trys to stick his ass almost everywere cause reader is an ass person
♡ shigaraki
hey I was wondering if you could write about sub tomura shigaraki whose a virgin and like being humiliated and degraded? Thanks<3
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Chainsaw Man
♡ aki
hi chae!! can i request a sub aki w bondage ? he'd look so good tied up ughngnng..,.,
♡ denji
can i request first time w denji??😊 he would be so pussy drunk n dumb n begging for more loorrrddd
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Demon Slayer
♡ rengoku
hii so can you do a sub!rengoku x femdom!vampire reader one? details: y/n is having a bad day and rengoku wants to see whats up with her yk? and when hes finally sick of seeing her bottling all this anger up he wants her to take out her anger on him. Like he just offers her his neck with no hesitation yk? AAAA im down bad (pls include choking and her marking him as well)
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Jujutsu Kaisen
♡ gojo satoru
If you're up for it, I have a request or a concept you're more than welcome to add on to or take away from! Please and thank you <3 You know how Gojo thinks he's all that? He's rich, charming, and the greatest sorcerer. He should be worshiped and praised at all times for it, right? Basically, he's being annoying so you punish him by riding him and while acting tired and disinterested at the same time since he lives for attention and praise. It should totally eat him up the fact that you're not praising him for being a good boy, for making you feel good- paired with your lazy movements, pretty much edging him the whole time. You bet your ass he tears up when you fake yawn lmao
Bully reader with nerd virgin Gojo please
ALRIGHTALRIGHTALRIGHT- Can I request making Gojo keep a remote vibrator up his ass for a day. Like you'll go to meetings and missions with him while fuckin around with the remote kicking up the intensity to make him squirm and hold back moans.
Sub bully gojo like he was planning on fucking and bullying reader when the opposite went way? Like reader had enough of his bullshit and makes him cry and overstimulates him?
Can i request sub yandere Gojo hcs , him as a boyfriend
♡ sukuna
Request for fem!reader × sukuna. I'm sick of these fanfictions where a character humiliates, insults, changes and the reader accepts it with adoration. Why not put bully!sukuna in its place? It can be a Sukuna king or a Sukuna at school. Facesitting, strangulation or a strap that will make a Sukuna regret
♡ geto suguru
Hi! I'd like to request for something with Geto Suguru and dumbification please. How about a scenario where gn!reader (with yandere undertones if you're okay with that) gets jealous when Geto was just being too nice with someone else, and takes him home to fuck him roughly until he's drooling all over himself. <3 Thank you if you do this!
♡ megumi
Coyld u pls write megumi with dom and mean reader with mommy kink. Then the reader's overstimulating him till he cry or smthng. (Then there's a fluff in the end?)😭 LIKE PLLSSS
♡ toji
Hi I was the anon who asked about requests- may I request Toji being a brat so you edge him And if you're up for it some knifeplay too with his own cursed dagger Tysm in advance and I love your writing!!
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♡ yandere
Could you write sub!yandere/dom!reader where the reader doesn't actually feel sexual attraction but likes to watch their reactions to things like overstim, edging, object insertion, toys, etc?
BABE ILY AND YOUR WORK PLS PLS CAN YOU MAKE MASC!DOM READER WITH A HAREM OF HEAD OVER HEELS YANDERE BOYS!! reader is teasing, cheeky, taunting, etc, yk the personality like a fox? Yeah! And reader is a experimentalist master who is a really addictive sadist? -love you♡♪
Just another brat Yandere w strict gn/m!dom🤭 look straps are very versatile too you know sizes…
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kanekoii · 10 months
HIIIIII how would u think XSOLEIL and ike would react if their s/o just has an insane amount of pain tolerance?its like that one meme where it goes "dw the bleeding is internal the blood's supposed to be there" type of stuff cause im in a hospital rn and nobody visited me here :((
pairings -> xsoliel x gn! reader
genre -> scenario
song -> stupid feelings - 220 kid & lany
warnings -> injury, written by someone with a low pain tolerance, hospitals
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sweet boy doesn’t know how you do it, how you get hurt so often then just get up and brush it off as if it’s nothing. you’ll get up with your knees scraped and sprains, and ver will slowly realize that you just have a high pain tolerance. it’s not that you aren’t in pain, just that you have a tolerance for it. when you inevitably end up in the hospital due to an injury that you didn’t care for, he’ll visit you every day if he leaves your side at all. but it’s likely he won’t ever leave your side, staying in the hospital with you and relocating all counsel meetings to a private room adjacent to yours. as soon as he’s done with his meeting, he’ll run back to your side with a sweet voice, asking how you’re feeling.
she's more or less off in her own world most of the time so she probably won't notice right away. once she does notice tho or once you end up going to the hospital, she feels SO bad that she didn't notice sooner. she'll feel so bad so please let her stay by your side. she won't even leave your hospital room and your hands will always be held and kept warm by hers. if you'll allow her, she'll snuggle you in your bed. kotoka promises she'll never let it get this bad again and you can bet she's sure to act on that promise too in the future when you inevitably get sick or hurt again.
despite his slightly intimidating looks, he's a kind person at heart and he hates seeing you bottle it up until you eventually are sent to the hospital for your injuries. as the resident bullied person of xsoliel due to his clumsiness, he often gets injured too. it’s not that he doesn’t understand why you never say anything, but it doesn’t hurt his heart any less when you don’t even dare to say anything to your boyfriend of all people. please don’t make him leave when you’re in the hospital, he just wants to be absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, sure that you’re going to be alright and it won’t be anything serious.
she’ll try to care for your injuries herself, even if you protest that you’re fine and it doesn’t hurt. she won’t have any of it, in any case it’s best to make sure they won’t get infected or anything. if it does come down to you having to be hospitalized for an injury, she’ll be extra caring and rush to your side as soon as school is over, breathless from running through the halls and streets to get to you. she even ends up admitting that she gets really worried when you’re injured, let alone in the hospital. when she’s at school or a counsel meeting, meloco will be occasionally messaging you and asking how you’re doing. she doesn’t want to annoy you and that’s not her intent, she just wants to make sure nothing has gone wrong in her absence.
he will skip school and stay by your side unless you don’t want him there. the d stands for don’t worry cuz doppi will take care of you! despite his weird and sometimes intimidating demeanor, he absolutely cannot stand you being sick or hurt because it hurts his heart. he’ll bring you his favorite plushie in the hospital and give it a bandage or two so you can match! he knows he isn’t taking it very seriously, but happiness is the best medicine after all. even if you’re sick or in pain, at least you’ll still smile because piochan is trying his hardest to make you happy despite the circumstances!
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As someone who just got out of In Patient care, could you write headcanons as to how they would greet the reader when they first see them? Maybe it’s actually a surprise and they come to the Ministry first!
I can absolutely do this!! I hope you're doing well after being in inpatient care and that you're taking it easy now that you're home <3 I'm going to write the main 4 Papas for this one as you didn't specify who you wanted, but if you wanted another Ghost character(s) from my list please let me know and I can write the headcanons for them too. I hope you enjoy!! :) also trying a new thing I saw on here where the o or a at the end of Italian words is swapped out with an e to make it gender neutral! If this is wrong to do, someone please let me know! I wanted to make these as gender neutral as possible so that reader can be anyone of any gender so hopefully I've done that well
Because of his age and how fragile his health can be, he wasn't able to visit as much as he would have liked but would video call whenever he couldn't visit in person
He knew you were going to be leaving inpatient care because his admin ghouls keep him updated on your progress
However, they hadn't given him the date because they wanted it to be a nice surprise for him!
You find him tending to the plants in his greenhouse with a couple of earth ghouls, back turned
If you're able to reach, you put your hands over his eyes from behind and do that "guess who" thing that you've seen on TV before when you would cuddle up in bed before you went into inpatient care
If you can't reach or you're too tired to do so, you'd do that corny "honey, I'm home!" that he loves so much
He'll have the biggest, warmest smile that anyone has ever seen
Will immediately pull you into the most gentle but warm and loving embrace
Won't let go for a while
"Il mie fiore, how I have missed you. Was your journey a comfortable one? Come, we should have some tea. I bought your favourite brew especially for your return. Had I know you were arriving today, I would have sent my ghouls to escort you here themselves."
Cups your face, placing gentle kisses all over as long as you're happy for him to do so
He won't pry information out of you, but he will make it very clear that he's happy to listen if you want to talk about your time in inpatient care
One of the annoying parts about being such an important figure in the Ministry is that he can't be by your side 24/7 while you're in inpatient care
And he's already on thin ice with Imperator for using his ghouls to visit you instead of performing their duties around the Abbey (and even Terzo's ghouls when he needed them)
So, Secondo hadn't had time to check when precisely you were leaving inpatient care, just that there would be someone from the Ministry to pick you up and take you home when you needed them to
Imagine his surprise when he returns to his quarters after a long day of meetings, paperwork, and making preparations so that the Abbey was ready for your return if you need any accessibility adjustments
And he finds you waiting for him, laying on his bed with a couple of ghouls adjusting the pillows to make you comfortable
Will immediately send his ghouls out because that's his job damn it!
Plumps the pillows exactly how you want them, will bring you more blankets if you want them, has one of the siblings of sin on kitchen duty bring you whatever food or drinks or snacks you desire (and they will be the finest quality, he assures you)
Lots of slow, passionate kisses but he doesn't push any further than that. He knows you're likely tired from the journey and he wants you to rest up and make yourself at home rather than thinking about his dick
"I've missed you more than I can express, mie piccole uccelline. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to pick you up and bring you here myself. I won't be so flaky next time."
You'll need to reassure him at first that you're not upset with him for not picking you up himself and that you purposely didn't tell him as you wanted it to be a surprise
He'll show you every single photo that he took on his phone while you were in inpatient care to try and catch you up and make sure you don't feel like you've missed out on too much or that he's not considered you
Will also give you all the Ministry gossip that you missed while you were away. People think Terzo is the biggest gossip out of the brothers, but the way Secondo tells you every piece of dirt makes his younger brother seem clueless about the goings on in the Ministry
Terzo is a difficult man to surprise
He visited as often as his duties and the location of your inpatient care allowed, so he was updated frequently on how you were doing and when you were likely to be coming home
However, as thorough and difficult to surprise as he is, there's something he didn't count on
That you, the staff, and everyone privy to the date you'd ACTUALLY be leaving the facility would give him a fake date
And so, in a rare moment, he is caught off-guard and completely surprised to see you sitting at the front pew of one of his sermons three weeks before he'd been told you'd be coming home
The sermon goes out of the window immediately in favour of rushing over to you and pulling you into the tightest embrace that he can muster
You will need to remind him not to be so rough with you and he'll apologise profusely while smothering you with kisses
Your face will be smeared with his papal paint by the time he's done with you
"Mie tesore. Mie cuore. Mie tutte. How did you manage to...? No, that can wait. Come, you must eat."
Straight up escorts you to the cafeteria. Sister almost has a meltdown getting someone else to step in for him. Terzo thinks this is hilarious
He'll sit with you the whole time in the cafeteria. He won't force you to eat anything, but he does make sure your favourite drink is brought to you with some snacks
Spends a lot of time holding your hands, kissing them, putting a hand on your back or an arm around your shoulders, doesn't want to be away from you now that you're finally there with him
The moment he catches wind of you leaving inpatient care, that's it
He's so anxious about you coming home that keeping him in the dark to try and surprise him feels mean
So you tell him the date, but not the time so that there's compromise there
Yes, it's not a total surprise but there is still an element of it while he gets to count down the days and doesn't fret too much about the when
As soon as he sees you out of the car and the ghouls helping to unload your bags, he's on his tricycle speeding down the path to meet you
Might fall off at one point in his haste
When he finally gets to you, the tricycle is abandoned to sweep you up into his arms as he showers you with kisses and affection (ignores his back pain because he's so happy to have you back in his arms once again)
He'll even cry a little bit from how happy and overwhelmed with emotion he is at the fact that you're here and no longer in inpatient care
"Mie care, how miserable the Ministry has been without you gracing our halls! How was the trip? My ghouls took very good care of you, si? Did you eat? Have you had a drink? Did you nap on the way here? Were you comfortable?"
Despite being kept updated and visiting regularly, he still worries about you and wants to take care of you
Has the ghouls follow behind him with your belongings as he carries you all the way to his quarters, stopping occasionally to adjust you in his arms to make you as comfortable as possible
It's safe to say you won't be leaving his chambers that night. Not for any spicy reasons, but more because he's missed you so much and wants one night where you have each other to yourselves before life starts to return to normal (whatever normal is)
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kissesforsatoru · 2 years
Your writing is awesome! Can I possibly ask for some headcanons for Izana Kurokawa?
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pairing : izana x gn!reader
summary : general yandere hc’s for izana
⤷ cw : NSFW 18+, general yandere themes, manga spoilers, violence, threats, manipulation, unhealthy relationships.
notes : i’m gonna be totally honest, i didn’t read the manga before i got this ask, but i spent all yesterday reading it so that i could do this for you nonnie. and let me tell you,,, i have some THOUGHTS about izana. but it’s kinda long sorry 😭
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– izana doesn't really like people, especially new people, so the only way i see this happening is if shinichirou introduces the two of you while he's still in the detention center. and even then, he would hate you at first. you aren't his family, you don't care about him--you're just here because shin is, and that really annoys him. he thinks that you're just trying to take up his precious time with shinichirou, and it pisses him off more than anything--even if you smile at him sickeningly sweet and genuine, even if you're nicer to him than you are shin, even if you only seem to pay attention to him the entire visit, all you'll ever receive from him for the longest time is a sneer of his lip and the cold shoulder.
– but eventually his hatred for you drives him to think about you more than he would like to. and he notices every little thing about you because it all drives him mad with annoyance--like how you gasp and perk up whenever shin catches you in a lie or tells an embarrassing story about you, or how you get quieter when you have a snack or drink with you, or how you can't sit still when you're excited- or how when you're tired you start to sway and your pretty eyes start flutter, and he can tell you're trying desperately to stay awake but you always fail miserably. he hates every single one of those annoying habits, but god, does it make his heart flutter whenever he thinks about them after you and shin leave.
– then one day you just stop coming. he doesn't know why because shin refused to tell him, but of all the things that ever pissed him off about you, this one was the one that got him most riled up. so, when he's finally out of the detention center the first thing he does after meeting shin is find you, and once he does, you will belong to him--even if he doesn't kidnap you or even talk to you at first, you're still his.
– izana is a very manipulative and patient man, so he will wait till he has you in the palm of his hand to take you, no matter how long that takes. he'd install cameras and listening devices in your house, have trackers installed on multiple of your devices, do background checks on you and have his men stalk you--anything he can do to get information about you, it'll be done. he wants to know everything about you so that he can use it all to manipulate you into being his, but also so that he can be the perfect person for you. if he already knows your favorite foods and drinks, if he already knows the shows you like, if he can already pick up on your slight mood changes, if he does the things that make you swoon, then you're more likely to only need him and not some other person
– and once he has you, i honestly think he'd be worse than mikey, because at least mikey has a support system, but izana does not. he's unstable and doesn't trust people easily or at all, which makes him lonely. so when you're the only person left aside from kakucho that he truly loves and cares about, there's no way that he's letting you go or even giving you the chance to think about leaving him. he locks you up and only ever lets you leave if he's with you and if it's absolutely necessary. you don't have friends- why would you need them anyway? you have izana. and if you're really that desperate then izana will begrudgingly let you call kakucho your friend. but he wants you to depend on only him, because if you're gonna be the only person he has, then he will be the only person you have.
"i'm the only one you have, angel. nobody understands you like i do, not even kakucho. you need me, just as much as i need you, okay?"
– and like i said, he's lonely and unstable, so i think that he's very needy. he wants you to love him, please for the love of god just love him. he wants to hold you in his arms and he wants to be held in your arms, he wants you to tell him that you care about him and that you will be his family if nobody else in this world will be. he never says any of this to you, because as much as he wants it he's not someone that just admits his feelings, but he makes it very obvious in the way that he acts--glaring at you when you get up from bed to go do something and stopping when you're back in his arms, pointing out that you've been getting quite fond of kakucho in an annoyed tone, looking at you expectantly when he talks about family, like he wants you to say something. and you think that it's kind of cute that he desperately needs these things from you. you can't really be mad at him because he's just a broken, lonely person that just wants someone to love and care about him.
– honestly i can't see izana knowing a lot about sex, let alone having any expirience, but while he was in the process of manipulating you into being his, i think he'd definitely learn. because again, he wants to be the perfect person for you. he's soft and takes his time just thrusting at a nice, even paces that's pleasurable for both of you. and when he eats you out or blows you, it's very sloppy cause he doesn't know what he's doing, but he does know that you taste good and he can't stop until he makes you cum. i also think that he'd be a bit emotional during sex--not too emotional, but more than usual you know. it's when he tells you just how much you mean to him and that you make him feel so good all the time, but especially now when his thrusts are getting desperate, and he just wants to cum all over you cause you're so fucking pretty. yeah, he's extra needy during sex. it doesn't happen all that often, but sometimes he can get rough and aggressive during sex, mostly when he's super stressed or in a bad mood, and when that happens he gets more possessive than needy. he tells you that you're his and makes you tell him how good you're feeling and that he's the only one that can make you feel that ways--much different compared to when he's in a better mood.
"shit, shit, shit. you feel so fucking good. i'm making you feel good too, yeah? mhm, yeah, yeah i am."
– izana is the same as mikey when it comes to taking care of his darlings misebehavior. if you so much as think about disobeying him, then he's quick to correct it using any means possible. you know, the usual cutting, hitting, starving, isolating, even psychological abuse--it doesn't matter to him because as much as he loves and cares about you, he will not let you disrespect him by misbehaving ever again. i think that if you piss him off enough, he'd "let you go", but he's actually just letting you see for yourself that you need him. you have no family, no friends, no job, no money--you have absolutely nothing, because izana has always been the one to provide for you. and when you're about to be attacked by some aggressive gangsters that you just so happened to bump into and piss off (izana set them up), all you can think about is how much you want to go back to him. and once you admit that to yourself, he's won. it's kind of fucked up and manipulative, but it reminds you that you are nothing without him, and you will never be anything without him.
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chairteeth · 1 year
"The Many Masks of Touka Satomi"
So I actually wanted to refine this certified word vomit of mine before I put it anywhere buuuut I figured this would be a good time to let it out of its containment zone. This is essentially me overthinking the crap out of everything ever and coming out of it with this interpretation of Touka in particular. Informal essay under the cut! It will have extra tangents! And I blend a bit of what we were shown in the anime into my interpretation, but this is game canon.
Whenever Touka is discussed, the words "child", "immature", "selfish", and "arrogant" are the ones most often thrown around. There is usually not much more discussion after that. Well, I'm not here to say it's wrong, it's correct for the most part, I'm just here to draw attention to the fact that there's so much more to her than meets the eye. So, hear me out, if you would.
Touka's levels of vulnerability in the Magius era. That's already interesting by virtue of it being the Magius era. That's a really interesting era. Ui was what brought Touka and Nemu together and Ui was the cornerstone of their relationship for a while, so losing that RETROACTIVELY kinda makes you wonder exactly what their memories of the hospital era became. How exactly the two of them met, became friends, came to share a room, etc. Because the quotes are from their Magius selves and so we know they very much remember being roommates for a long time and still consider each other reliable and trustworthy (also the entirety of Nemu's swimsuit costume story which spawns many questions when you stop to think about it but I will touch on that some other time). We know that in reality, the hospital trio began to share a room after Touka, in her infinite princess behavior, asked her dad to put all three of them in the same room because it was annoying to walk between the rooms so often (source: TouNemu Christmas alt quotes). Interesting choice on her part back then considering she seemingly wanted Nemu out of the way, but I will touch on that another time because the hospital era has its own analysis.
Okay then, let's talk about Touka's role as a Magius. A leader. One who shoulders the burdens of the many. She willingly exposed herself to the weight of a whole people's sorrow, pain, grief, anger. And then she chose to lead them. To avenge them. It may not have started that way but it sure as heck got there at some point (thank you anime for helping out with this point). Now, I want to stop here for a moment and remind everyone that during Arc 1, Touka was 11 to 12 years old (as per the JP script, she is 12 by the end of it). Not only that, but if you pay attention, you'll notice the stress of Nemu's declining health is killing her. Nemu is quite literally the only person Magius Touka shows genuine concern for. This one person she cares about more than anyone else, slowly dying for the plan. For the cause. And as the sort of "main leader", Touka can't back down. She just can't. It would be not only a betrayal to "her people", but also to the one closest to her, the one who has arguably sacrificed the most for their salvation. So then, with someone as full of herself as Touka, someone seemingly so arrogant... What about her own health and wellbeing? What about her own sense of self? Because I have a feeling she doesn't really have one.
The way she always emphasizes the genius aspect of herself and even uses it as an excuse and brings it up so often feels like that's all she sees herself as. Nemu gives, yes. Nemu has similar issues. But hers are much, much more obvious. Less concealed. Touka gives without measure, without the slightest care for herself. She's selfish and at the same time one of the most selfless characters. There's also the interpretation that, at their very core, Touka and Nemu both just wanted to live. But I feel like that was only at the beginning. If that was all there was to it, the plan would not have continued with Nemu's life at risk, Touka would not put herself in the line of fire. Essentially, Touka has taken on way, way too much responsibility, as well as crafting several masks. Don't forget, just like every other magical girl, she led a double life the entire time, and she financed a lot of the cult's operations. Though I don't have any doubt many of the richer members contributed to the budget with their ridiculous allowances that they do not use.
Touka had to hide from everyone. She couldn't show her true self to anyone. Not her father who loves her so deeply, not anyone else in her civilian life, not her subordinates, Alina is not the most warm and welcoming to be around... so her only option is Nemu. That's comfortable. That's familiar. But. Then there are the many, many feelings she has about Nemu. It's, complicated you see. Touka feels many ways about Nemu. For starters, if their memory of Ui is gone, it means all of the warmth and kindness Ui had must've taken another form, which explains the difference in their bond, how they seem so much... closer, as Magius. Either way, even back then, Nemu is the only one who would understand. Touka Satomi is an actress. Everywhere else is her stage, and Nemu is backstage. So, Touka can only ever be truly 100% vulnerable with Nemu. Yet she still didn't do it. I don't think Magius Touka ever really fully 100% relied on Nemu. She may have wanted to, and she does call her reliable in her quotes. But well, with Nemu's health getting worse and worse, she may have come to the conclusion that it would be for the best (health-wise) if Nemu didn't have to share her burden.
However, Nemu's declining health also brought something else. Touka took on another role: the protector. Nemu is practically helpless during the mid to late Magius era. Not completely helpless, she's still a strong magical girl, mind you, but could drop or have an attack at any time. We see this multiple times such as in Mifuyu's MGS, her own MGS, and she even has what is basically a stroke during Arc 1 Chapter 8, 4:02:36 - 4:03:43 in the video if you want to take a listen (I have a Magius Nemu essay in the works, don't you fret). Therefore, Touka has to be alert and ready to respond immediately. Which I think is why we see more of Alina outside than Touka. Touka lingers around where Nemu is and only hesitantly hands her over to Alina or Mifuyu when she absolutely must. Other than the sheer pain of watching Nemu bleed herself dry and being unable to do anything about it, not because she physically can't, but because she can't in a different sense... she also can't revert things back to the way they were, for all of her genius and medical knowledge she can't help Nemu, she can't help her best friend feel even a little better. This leads us to the undeniable fact that Touka is very, very unstable and volatile as a Magius. That's not the impression she first gives at all, of course.
Arc 1 Chapter 6 is where we first meet Magius Touka. She's calm, with a cold cheerfulness to her, calculated. Most importantly, I feel like the reason she was the one doing the lecture instead of literally just sending Mifuyu was because she recognized Team Mikazuki as a possible threat and specifically did not like Iroha, which was also why she lied. The one and only thing Touka lied about in her lecture: Iroha asked where Nemu was, Touka said they parted ways after being discharged. Blatant gigantic lie. And seriously, the only reason she'd have to lie about that and in that specific way would be to protect Nemu. At that point, Iroha and her team have wiped out a handful of uwasa, so she must have known. But yes, this is not at all how she really feels or what she really thinks. This is just another mask (I will talk about Touka's plastic smile and Nemu's poker face ANOTHER TIME). Because she needs to nip any aspirations Iroha may have in the bud, hopefully recruit more Feathers, and neutralize the threat that is Team Mikazuki.
What happens just as she's starting to go off the deep end? How convenient, it seems Yachiyo and Iroha have spent a good amount of their time destroying uwasa, thus wasting Nemu's repeated sacrifices, and forcing her to make more in order to meet their energy quota. Honestly, who wouldn't be losing it, at that point? So close to salvation, so close to freedom, so close to being done. And they're ruining not only the plan but also everything it means for her and the person she loves most. When you really think about it, Touka's mental health was, forgive the crude language, IN DEEP SHIT throughout Arc 1. Not that it was great before or that it improved too much after, but yeah, I do believe people do not give this enough thought.
Finally, with all of this in mind, as for the topic of this rant being Touka's levels of vulnerability as a Magius... There were none. She had no choice. At first it was fine. At first, before the gears turned too fast to stop, she could deal with it. She could confide in Nemu, even a little bit in Alina or Mifuyu (though not much), but it got worse and worse. Mifuyu was clearly blind to all of this the entire time (she, much like everyone other than Touka, didn't seem to care that Nemu had to give up her life force for each uwasa, and if you disagree I will point out the scene at the end of Mifuyu's MGS as one of my more than five pieces of evidence). Alina likely didn't care enough, and Nemu was probably too exhausted, although the concern must've been there. In summary, Magius Touka stands alone in her mind, and with her mind. Arc 1 was practically a descent into madness for her. When you start thinking about things from Touka's perspective, you start to see how abysmal her mental health was.
As part of my conclusion I'd like to say that honestly, it makes sense why she gave off the feeling of being lost for a decent chunk of... everything after Arc 1. What is she supposed to do without a purpose? What is she supposed to do without anything or anyone to tell her what she is and who she is? Not to mention the fucking ton of bricks to her face that must've been getting her memories back. I do not know how she didn't break. I legitimately do not know how she survived. During that little "lost" stage she had, I got the feeling she'd relapse back to her suicidal tendencies. It was... less "a feeling" and more "exactly what canon did", it's just slightly (badly) disguised.
ANYWAY. What I mean is that the children are complex and I ask everyone to have more respect and more compassion for them. I will be back with more about the performer and her backstage, hopefully in a more organized format.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Rinx soulmate being consumed with greed but homeless/poor?
[Oh I LOVE this. Fem reader.]
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There's a new demon in the city.
Well, not just any demon, that by itself wouldn't be note worthy. Nah.
Fancy guy. One of the big shots.
From what you've heard so far, the huge being causing complete mayhem is none other than the Icon of Greed himself. Yeah, that guy! Broccoli head. What's his name- Uh, Rings? Yep.
It's been pretty fun watching him go. The vast majority of people are locking up their homes and businesses, fleeing the streets while the demonlord and his servants terrorize the area. It's nothing short of admirable to you. He points to a shop, his servants ransack it completely, handing him some of the spoils so the King can have them immediately and sate his instincts. You've seen the fucker pick people up. Entire people, just having them be dragged into Hell. Maybe he collects them, you sure as fuck won't claim to know what these elites get up to in their free time.
You wished, oh so bad, that you had that type of freedom, the power to just take things, take everything you want! Because it should be yours. You should get to have all the nice things which sit outside your reach yet taunt you oh so cruelly. Day and night. A tormenting existence.
Point is, you're getting some sort of karmic satisfaction from watching the snobs around you get royally fucked. It's not so funny when someone takes everything you have, is it? When all you've worked so hard to get in life is ripped from your hands, as if you're no more than a child. Yes, maybe now they'll stop looking at you with such disgust in their eyes. Get a little humbled... Oh, who are you kidding? These people get high off their own farts, they won't learn a thing from this.
Knowing this, you've mostly just been enjoying the show. There's no need to hide, after all. There's not a single penny to your name at the moment. Zero. Your clothes are tattered and you have literally nothing remotely expensive to claim. Plus, you're not dolled up like most of the folks in these parts, so it's not like you'd ever be a target, right? What would a greed demonlord and his servants want with a human that's piss poor?
So there's no need to get stressed, right?
You sit on your usual bench, covering yourself under a worn blanket, clutching a discarded pillow you had found in the midst of the chaos. Most people would be sane enough to feel perturbed, but you fall asleep to the sounds of screaming, glass breaking and doors being torn asunder like it's the most wonderful lullaby.
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Something's moving.
You groan, annoyed from a tugging sensation out of nowhere. It takes a moment before your sluggish brain catches up with reality. And you realize someone's trying to steal your pillow.
Bleary eyes peer up at a small pink form clad in a maid's garb. The demon appears to startle a little once she realizes you're awake, adjusting her glasses and offering you a guilty look- Although not letting go of your pillow.
" Fucking- Excuse me? " You nearly snarl at her.
" A-Ah- " She's tugging harder now, but you don't let go either. You'll be damned if you let her take this out of your hands! There are so many other things she could be looting, she's going to pick on the homeless person?! What a bitch. " Miss please, I'm just doing my job! "
" Some fucking job you have- There are stores everywhere, why do you have to screw with me?! "
She appears to fluster slightly, caught red-handed. In her moment of awkwardness, you yank the pillow forcibly out of the demon's hands, clutching it to yourself while you glare daggers at her. You're sure she can hurt you, but you have nothing to lose anyway.
" F-Fine! You looked like an easy target. I'm just trying to meet a quota, I don't want to hurt you. Just give me that pillow and I'll leave you be. " She's getting really agitated, but so are you, taking several steps back, which she quickly tries to cover.
" No way! Fuck off, get another one. " You're not giving it away, you just aren't. It's always been hard for you to part with things, this is no different.
" I would, if there were any left around here! "
" Oh bullshit. Look, this isn't even a good one. "
" It's not the quality, it's the quantity! " The imp tugs at her long dark tresses, exasperated. " Miss please, I don't want to hurt anyone. "
That just makes you angrier. " No! I won't- "
All of a sudden, you bump into something solid. Not a wall, it's too warm for that. A feeling of total dread washes over you, draining the color off your face as you freeze like a corralled animal. The imp before you jumps as well, standing straighter.
" M-My- My King! " She stammers, and part of you almost wants to faint. You might very well die here.
" What's this, Nena? Can't you do something as basic as getting me new bed dressings? "
You recognize that snobbish voice. It's him. It's actually him. The Greed lord, right behind you. Gasping, you try to dart sideways, quickly stopped by a freakishly large hand which easily traps your entire chest against his form.
Another, ring-clad hand comes to pluck the pillow from your grasp. And as much as you wanted to offer resistance, you don't say a peep or move a muscle.
" There we go, see? Like taking candy from a ba-... "
All of a sudden, his speech crashes entirely, leaving everyone in a confusing, concerning stillness. You have no idea what's going on, pinned under a gigantic hand, heart racing, looking at this "Nena" demon who appears as scared and anxious as you. This can't be good.
Shivers grace the back of your skull, making you glance upwards, coming face to face- Well, face to orb-thing with the demonlord. You assume he's staring intensely at you, perhaps repulsed by your disheveled appearance, or considering how to end your existence for inconveniencing his quest for, what was it again? Bed dressing?
" L- Lord Rinx, sir? " The pink imp eventually speaks up, snapping her superior out of his daze.
Rinx straightens up like a plank, his grip on you unfortunately still foolproof. " Gather everything and everyone, we're going back home. "
She shakes her head. " But sir, we're not ready- "
" We're going home. Now. "
That tone certainly leaves no room for questioning.
" Yes, yes sir! " And she's scrambling away, nearly tripping on her own feet as she starts frantically calling out for others, leaving you and the massive demon who just stole your pillow alone.
You're not quite sure what to do or say, so you wait for him to move first, puzzled when all he does is brush somewhat messy locks of hair away from your face.
" What have they done to you? "
The murmur is nearly inaudible. You're not sure what he's talking about, so you just blink, unnerved by the gentleness of his touch. The demon manages to make your eyeballs nearly pop put of your skull when he actually hands you back the same pillow. He... He gave it back. Greed demons don't do that, this guy is clearly ill.
" How long have you been living like this...? "
Why does he care? Does he think he can fool you? What kind of game is this?! Instead of answering, you just frown, turning your face away. It's all the answer he needs.
" Unacceptable. We're going to fix this immediately. " He taps his own head, which is weirdly tiny compared to his hands.
" I don't want your pity. " You're not even sure if that's what he's offering you.
The large demon chuckles, taking your hand in his as he begins walking somewhere, large legs forcing you to awkwardly jog in order to keep up. " My little treasure, I'm not offering you pity, I'm going to give you all the finest luxuries the world has! "
Something thin and green coils around your waist, it takes you a panicked moment to realize that's his tail, ending in an odd fluffy tuft. His words haven't quite processed yet, in fact, it's easy to believe you're still asleep on that very same bench, drooling on yourself probably.
" B-But-... Why? "
The million dollar question that has your eyes narrowed in clear suspicion.
" Because this is no way to treat my future Queen! Just look at yourself! Tell me names, I'll wipe the streets of Greed with them. "
Q... Queen?
Queen of Greed? What.
Not leaving you a second to digest the information, Rinx halts abruptly to rummage through the almost imperceptible pockets of his flashy red jacket, jingling and clinking titilates your ears, until he fishes out a small ring, pinched between sharp claws but shining like a star. You know that's real diamond on it. Why would he ever have anything fake? He's a king. In spite of all that's happening, you can't help batting your eyelashes at it, as if to enchant the thing into magically becoming yours.
No such effort is necessary apparently, because the other kneels before you, in the middle of these utterly trashed and deserted streets, gently bringing your wrist closer so he can slide the jewelry on your ring finger.
This- Oh God, you really are going to pass out any moment now.
Rinx hums pleasantly at his work, lifting the very same hand so he can nuzzle into your palm and sigh. " I know, diamond is too cheap for you, don't be offended dear, we'll find better later. "
What the fuck.
No. You know what? This is great. You have no idea what's wrong with this demon, why he thinks you of all people are going to be his future "Queen", but why not take advantage of it? Why not let yourself enjoy some pampering for once? After all these horrid years, living day by day, never sure of anything, not even your own safety- You deserve this. You deserve nice things. He's right. And even if you never come to love him at all, it's a much better life than what you currently have going on.
So why not give it a chance, you ponder as you examine the brilliant ring around your finger. Why not try?
" Rinx? "
" Mm? "
" A-As your Queen- " Lord, his tail is swatting around so hard you're afraid he'll take flight at any moment, hanging off your every word. " I never want to pay for anything again... And I want a new wardrobe. "
His laughter is so jovial it's intoxicating. " Deal! Deal! Anything you want is yours! "
You're picked up in a blink, cradled to his chest, where a heart wildly hammers. The hand cradling your head is not as threatening as it should be.
" As long as I get to keep you. "
That doesn't sound like a bad deal to you.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Can I request any (young justice) Squad x aromantic asexual reader (in a soulmate au if possible) where the reader is aroace but hasn't come out yet! Maybe everyone (robin, m'gann, Aqualad, wally, Jaime, Bart, Connor, etc.) feel really bad because she hasn't found her soulmate yet so they try to help her find him or her. The reader starts getting annoyed and upset but won't tell them why so they think she is just really sad about it. One day they all bring up how much they're trying and the reader gets mad and tells them to stop, but they still don't get it so they are so confused until reader calms down and explains to them that she doesn't ever want to meet her soulmate becuase to her it's a curse where the world is basically saying "Even though you don't want it, there is one person made specifcally for you!"
(reader's personality is really confident and usually sociable and snarky, but also kind and gentle)
A/n: omg yes I got you anon! As someone who’s on the ace spectrum I really love this request! Edit: OMG THIS WAS GONNA BE OUT YESTERDAY AND I WAS GONNA POST ANOTHER ONE THIS MORNING BUT THEN THE ENTIRE DRAFT GOT DELETED UGHGJEE IM SO SORRY ANON
Young Justice Squad x fem!aroace!reader (soulmate AU)
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( summary: when the squad finds out you haven’t met your soulmate they come up with a plan to help you look, not knowing that they’re invalidating you in the process )
Warnings?: light swearing, the team being pushy, being coerced to come out
!-!more under the cut!-!
"Ooooo~ Nice dress Y/n? Got a date?" Megan's voice rang out through the common room where most of the team sat, previously talking to each other. You shook your head, "No, I'm just trying a new style." You shrugged with a slightly forced smile. "She doesn't have her soulmate remember?" Conner said from beside Megan, obviously attempting to lower his tone so that you couldn't hear. Though, it was pointless when Megan gasped loudly, her head shooting in his direction before her eyes snapped back to you. "You still haven't found them yet?!" She practically yelled and your forced smile turned into a grimace at her tone. You shook your head with a chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. "No- but it's fine! I'm fine! I swear- now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way." You spoke quickly before you exited the common room.
A silence fell over the group after you departed. “Did she seem fine to you guys?” Wally spoke up after a while, a chorus of no’s strung from everyone in the room. “Well of course she’s not ok! She hasn’t found her soulmate yet!” Megan sighed, a frown finding it’s way on her face. “I know I’d be sad if everyone around me had theirs and I didn’t find mine.” She leaned into Conner as she said this and he rubbed her shoulder in support, her frown turning into a pout at the contact. “Maybe we should help her look?” Robin’s voice cut in and Megan gasped again. “Ooooo that’s a great idea!” “Is it though?” Jaime added, “maybe we shouldn’t go meddling in her love life guys- soulmates are supposed to happen…naturally!” Jaime spoke though everyone just shook his words off. “As if! She’s not even trying to find her soulmate she just gets depressed whenever you ask!” Bart said with a roll of his eyes, “it’s obvious she needs a little push.” “She’s not really the shy type though,” Aqualad spoke up for the first time since you left, his eyes were trained on the hallways in which you exited from. “If she wanted to find her soulmate so badly she’d just go out and find them.” He shrugged, closing his eyes and looking down as he spoke. Wally let out a laugh as he shook his head, “yeah sure maybe- but she’s cooped up all day at base half the time so who’s she gonna meet that’s new?” Wally questioned, holding his arms up in a shrugging position. “Absolutely nobody.” “Exactly.” “Ok! Then it’s settled, we’re gonna help her look for her soulmate!” Megan cheered causing Conner to smile at her, Jaime and Aqualad shared a look that said ‘this is gonna turn out horribly’ and oh how right they were.
They started off with small stuff that’s arguably not small at all. Like setting you up on dating apps to help people find their soulmate and not telling you until you got a match. They’d force you to meet strangers whenever you went out and would constantly place you in stupidly cliche scenarios. Like bumping into you at the mall and making your bags drop as you crash into someone. Of course, nothing happened, you didn’t gain a soulmate from stumbling into someone randomly. All you got were apologetic looks as you scrambled to pick up your bags, your friends hopeful smiles turning into frowns when they realized nothing had happened. Part of you knew what they were doing but you wanted to brush it off as best you could. Maybe they’d get the hint and would stop trying. But they didn’t, if anything their efforts got even more extreme. Before, Megan or Wally used to run up to you after you got a match on the dating app and show you the person, you’d always deny that you wanted to go with them. Using the excuse that, “it doesn’t feel right” to really get out of it. But soon they stopped telling you and would just trick you into going to a diner where some random person would greet you saying they had a nice time talking to you for the past week or so! You’d always apologize for your friends actions but you’d never really say why, it’d be embarrassing to admit what your friends are doing and it’d be even more embarrassing for your so called date.
After being tricked to go on five different dates with five different people, all of them being unsuccessful in their efforts to find your soulmate for you, you were fed up with your friends. Which led to now, where you’re all having an argument in the common room. “I don’t get it! We’re just trying to get you out there!” Megan spoke, she just suggested another date for you and this time you couldn’t take it. “I don’t want to put myself out there! I-“ “I know, we know, it’s supposed to happen naturally or whatever.” Wally cut you off with a sigh, “it’s just, you always look so sad whenever we mention soulmates or whenever your dates are unsuccessful! We’re just trying to help!” Some yeah’s and nods of agreement came after that sentence and you could feel your blood boil from the pressure you were under. “I don’t want help!” You finally yelled out, silencing everyone in the room. Jaime grimaced as he glanced to Aqualad before looking back towards you. “God I hate this stupid world! And all of these stupid soulmates!” You ranted, your hands flying around as you spoke. You could almost cry right now, you get why they were bring so pushy but it didn't help the way you felt about their actions at all. "Hey its ok, we know it can feel a bit unfair when everyone around you has their soulmate and you don't." Robin spoke, and once again everyone seemed to nod in agreement with his statement. All of their eyes held sympathy as they stared at you and you hated it. "You don't get it at all obviously because that's not what I'm talking about!" "Then what do you mean? How can we help you Y/n?" Conner asked and you rolled your eyes. "I don't need you guy's help because I don't want to find my soulmate!" "What?!" Megan yelled and you crossed your arms with a sigh, calming yourself down. You spoke quieter this time, though you kept your tone firm, "I don't want to find my soulmate. I'm- I'm ace ok? And I hate that even if you don't want it someone out there is just made for you." You huffed, looking away from the group as their silence filled the room. You could practically hear the gears turning in their heads as your words really sunk in. You heard Megan question what 'ace' meant and heard someone whisper to her the general meaning, causing her to gasp slightly. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you looked back up and saw Jaime with an apologetic look. "Y/n.." "We're so sorry!" Megan cut him off, "We didn't know.." She looked down as did Wally, "Yeah sorry." He added and started a chain reaction as everyone in the room apologized to you individually.
With a sigh you shook your head to clear your thoughts as you chose your next words carefully. "Its....alright, just don't do it again. Ever." They all nodded, "Of course we'd never do it again now that we know you're uncomfortable with it." "Yeah, that wasn't our intention at all, sorry." You let out a half-hearted chuckle, glad that they weren't questioning why you didn't want love. You still had to explain a bit deeper, mostly to Megan, about your aroace perspective and what that meant exactly but after all they did, listening to you was the bare minimum. At least they were supportive of how you wanted to live your life, and after that day they never asked you about finding your soulmate ever again.
( If you hated this im so sorry I had to rewrite it all at 7am )
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are OPEN so feel free to request anything! Just make sure you check out my Request Info first!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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