#me banging pots and pans in your house: its rarepair time y'all!!!!
tannithvibes · 4 years
Fiona/Maya Headcanon Post
my first HC post for miona disappeared so i had to remake this >:/ but now its split into this (reasons Why i like them together) and a part 2 i'll post later which is just the fluffy stuff from before
• On Fiona's side, the attraction is purely physical at first. She takes one look at Maya and feels like a rugs been yanked out from under her feet, she's dangerous and beautiful (maybe not so immediately intimidating as Athena, but there's no doubting from a glance that Maya is deadly)
• Which is p much Fiona's biggest kryptonite really. She's a con artist who can fill any role needed for job with the snap of her fingers, but put her in front of a pretty woman who could kick her ass and suddenly she's just Fiona again
• Which is like...kinda refreshing for Maya. She's bored to death of everyone's first and only impression of her being "Oh a Siren", whereas Fiona's thought process (which was undoubtedly written all over her face) went more like 1. TALL 2. Ripped, like absolutely shredded oh shit 3. Those are neat tatt- 4. Hey Wait A Sec
• Maya, on the other hand, looked at Fiona and saw someone with an interesting story to tell. She just knew instinctively that this was someone she'd love to sit and talk to over drinks for hours
• and I mean yeah, there was physical attraction too, how can anyone look at Fiona and not go heart eyes?
• I think Maya was always going to need someone who could keep up with her, being a Siren and being a Vault Hunter are two very Big things in Borderlands
• and Fiona needed someone who was bigger than her, more thematically imposing than just a con artist. She didn't like the relationships she was in where she was the only Interesting one
• Plus Vault Hunting just really got into her veins after the traveller, so sort-of dating sort-of being taught by Maya just really made sense
• They also fit together perfectly in the sense that Maya tends to always be the level-headed one of whatever group she's working with, while Fiona is...well, the wildcard (she's smart, but fuck if she doesnt make bad decisions on a whim and need someone to drag her ass back to safety)
• Fiona tries so hard to be the cool one and impress Maya whenever they're out on a job, but no Maya is the badass and Fi is just the dork whose head-over-heels for her
• They also help each other in the sense that they're kind of opposite ends of the "orphan" spectrum too
• Maya was raised by the Brotherhood and absolutely has a lot of PTSD from that upbringing. She goes to Pandora to learn about who she is as a Siren, but has nothing and no one left that she can call family (before the events of bl2 that is)
• Whereas Fiona always had Sasha, and then had Felix for a good while. She was lucky enough to have something to hold onto even into her adulthood while still struggling w the whole raising herself and her sister thing
• It's something they can relate to within each other and help in their different stages of recovery, while also showing that neither upbringing is the sole Reason they became the people they are (Maya arguably had the worse childhood and ended up a hero, while Fiona had a luckier one and ended up a criminal). they just have a whole lot of baggage and it helps to have a partner who understands that
• Also if you ship them, then they get to go on double dates with Zer0/Rhys
• Also also Ava is like...a Very good mix of the two of them which means they can work together to parent their troublesome adopted daughter
• but that is like a Whole Other hc post I could go on and on about
tldr: Maya and Fiona make great parallels for one another and are in love that is all
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