#me posting my extremely unpopular take lmao
wild-magic-oops · 6 months
I find the idea of Durge subverting expectations (both in looks and behavior) very interesting, and combined with the intelligence that is hinted in canon, and him inheriting Bhaal's love of money and that translating into having a thing of luxury as well, my take on a durgetash first meeting is that they met during a high society party that Durge killed and lied his way into and it was him who realized that Gortash was a banite while Gortash thought he'd just be getting his dick wet later by the flirty noble who spent the night making fun of fellow high society peers with Gortash.
Durge ofc had planned on killing Gortash near the end of the party, but he kept postponing getting him alone and doing that bc he was actually having fun talking to Gortash and now he doesn't feel like killing him anymore oops
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ratgrinders · 4 months
HIII i’m also a rat grinders fan in the “not interested in pretending they aren’t fucked up” but rather “interested in Why they are so fucked up” way 💥💥💥 i have Thoughts on how the shatterstar ritual affected the rat grinders in different ways and i wanted to know if u had any similar thoughts :3 - @teenagerebellion
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ASK thank you for sending it!!!!!!!!
Ok so I AM gonna be working off the assumption that a rage crystal functions less like "mind control" and more so amplifying existing feelings to murderous extremes. Think Adaine in the mall fight when she's asked to picture "what would the world look like if all Adaine thought about was rage" and we see a destroyed Sylvaire from Adaine's search for her mother. We know that Adaine would never do that, but we see the underlying motivation is the same.
Off the bat we know Kipperlilly's ritual is different from the others since she chose to do it "willingly" and wasn't forced to choose via death (it's described as having no scar, unlike the others, so she may have not even had to die at all). That doesn't mean though that she wasn't infected with a rage that caused her to do things she never would've done normally, as I don't think Freshman Year Kipperlilly, whose biggest grievances were "I think Aguefort likes them more", would jump to coldblooded murder. I think the fact that Kipperlilly chose the shatterstar affects her mindset pretty greatly going in to rest of the year, because there's no easy way to differentiate between what's "her" and what's the rage star. She probably is constantly thinking things like "This is all me. I am in control of my own faculties. There was no coercion involved I'm just naturally a villain", partially because she doesn't want to admit that she, a mastermind, let herself get controlled like that. Essentially, the ritual itself was so seamless and the descent so gradual, I don't think even Kipperlilly has a strong sense anymore of who she is without rage.
Ruben we know canonically has a bit of amnesia after being revived, not even seeming to remember the entire year he was shatterstarred. Ruben basically has the opposite problem from Kipperlilly, where his change in identity post-shatterstar is so drastic that his sense of self is almost completely eroded, because "how could I have been motivated to become someone like that?". Ruben's not a naturally angry person, but still though, that WAS Ruben, the rage star just tapping in to Ruben's underlying desperate need for approval, emotionality, etc. and bringing it to the forefront. The rage star imbued Ruben with such an intense pain and rage that he felt he could only express it through his music. Post finale revival I think was Ruben just being in shock at how much he's changed, but I think the memories will come back to him and he'll have to reconcile these two Vastly Different versions of himself.
Ivy I believe was still kind of a mean girl before the shatter star, the shatter star just made it more likely for her to say it to people's faces rather than behind their backs. Honestly, I'm imagining her maybe as a young Sandra Lynn before, in the sense of both having this constant bemusement. Beyond that, though, I think Ivy may have been the most likely to take the rage star willingly as opposed to being killed for it (I actually think most of the Rat Grinders still could've been persuaded to take it willingly, but that's a post for another time). Ivy seems to have a lot of pent up rage and disdain for the world around her, and the shatter star only amplified that.
Oisin got buff after getting shatterstarred, which is a really funny canonical fact to think about lmao, because I'm just imagining him doing a bunch of angry push-ups or something. Anyways Oisin before the ritual I'm honestly imagining him to be the type to hang out with guys like Skrank and Shellford, aka those kind of nerdy unpopular guys who nonetheless are still kind of egotistical and little dicks sometimes. (This is actually why I think they were the ones playing pong at the party with Oisin, because they were actually kind of friends before.) Just like Ivy, the rage crystal just gave Oisin more of an excuse to externalize his rage at the world, but I think the main thing it did was just give Oisin a little more self-confidence because now he has all this power backing him up.
Mary Ann was EXACTLY the same before and after the ritual, it was actually a little disconcerting to Jace and Porter and they didn't know what to make of it. The main thing for Mary Ann, I think, is that she really doesn't have much of an emotional stake in the rage ritual, or the beef with the bad kids, or anything like that. She's just Entirely Indifferent to whatever atrocities are being committed, which is just a different type of fucked up lol. Honestly, I think as a barbarian Mary Ann's a bit more used to controlling her rage which is why the rage crystal might've had less of an effect, Lydia Barkrock style.
Buddy's death was so sudden and traumatic, with such a short amount of time to get used to the implications before the finale, I think Buddy's mind is just in a tailspin post-ritual just trying to grab on to anything that makes sense lol. He knows worship and devotion, its been a crutch in his life for so long, and that's what he defaults to when he can no longer reach Helio. In fact it almost seems a bit like a coping mechanism, latching onto it so securely even in the face of all other logic.
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thedeviljudges · 3 months
HI <3
I am curious to know if u have any unpopular or not so popular opinions regarding The devil judge canon or fanon? if u are interested of course! i hope u have a nice day <3
i have two that i can explain below, but it's not the end of the world to me (well no. one bothers me but also w/e). ultimately i split the way i view tdj in the sense of like, there's au stuff that is more canon-compliant and then there's alt-uni stuff that's canon-compliant, but also au stuff that i love but feel it's a bit ooo but they're my little playthings so idc, lmao.
but here are two. the first one is a hill i'm willing to die on. the second is me just like, pleaseeeeee can we consider but not a big deal, lmao.
gaon never had any intention of marrying soohyun, dating her or believed he would actually end up with her. he did not romantically love her in any sense of the word. i see this written in fic quite often, and i've explained this is previous meta posts - but the reason gaon ran back to soohyun and kissed her wasn't because he woke up and realized his feelings. he went back to what he knew; he went to her because she was comfortable, because it's all he's ever known, and the thought of parting from that was terrifying. let's even take gahan out of this - yohan challenged gaon in a way he'd never experienced. yohan let gaon exist and make mistakes and be himself for what's arguably the first time in his life. soohyun didn't like that, and gaon was given an ultimatum by her because she didn't like his choices. she whipped him back into her 'perfect boy' box she's held the key to for years, and he did it because he couldn't lose her. not because he was in love with her but because when you've known someone since you were 16 years old and they were there for you through one of the darkest times of your life and that's one of the only friends you have? yeah, what choice are you going to be making between that or an extremely agenda-driven, sometimes violent older man willing to bend the law and that you've only known for just a few months? if that also meant giving into soohyun's advances and dating/marrying her and being unhappy for the rest of his life, gaon was willing to do it. gaon's growth in the tdj is recognizing that being in that box with the professor and soohyun kept him from the reality of the world, but going about finding justice yohan's way only puts more people in danger. gaon's a hidden little gem ready to become the third option and answer for a country that desperately needed change.
ik we all think yohan is a sex pot ,and he weaponizes his beauty to get what he wants, which i think is trueeeee. but when it comes to actual sex, not just the flirting side, i have two ideas i think can coexist: yohan has slept with others vs. yohan has never been with anyone at all, and i wish the latter was explore more because it makes a whole lot of sense to me that yohan is touch-averse because of the physical abuse; he was never liked as a child/teen, and he's always had other priorities and chose to focus on schooling over dating. his self-loathing and believing he was truly a monster also factors into this.
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sayakxmi · 1 year
A follow up to this post, except this time around I’m much less confident.
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The problem with the dancestos is the fact that with how little information we have about them, most of it really boils down to how you interpret them, so I guess this is my interpretation of the canon dancestors.
...That I might change my mind about later.
Seriously. Take it with a grain of salt.
Lawful -
Latula - I was considering her to be a Neutral Good, but after some thinking I’ve decided Lawful might be a bit more accurrate. The type of person to follow her personal code, that would also be devastated if she ended up breaking it.
Neutral -
Meulin - she’s genuinely very nice.
Mituna - he’s an asshole, but will go out of his way to save everybody if they need saving.
Chaotic -
Aranea - as much as she’d like to be seen as a Lawful Good, lawful she is not. Does what she considers the best course of action. Well-intentioned with questionable methods. / Snap!Aranea is probably a Chaotic Evil. Does what she wants with little regard to anybody.
Kankri - another case of “wants to be seen as a Lawful Good, but isn’t one”. Heart in the right place, but extremely overzealous. Tries to set rules that he ends up not following himself. Interrupting any potential signs of conflicts between his friends as we speak. Really, though, his time in the bubbles is apparently spent on quelling any arguments, whether they’re happening or not.
Lawful -
Cronus - he’s, well, awful, but I can’t exactly bring myself to see him as Evil. Mostly keeps to himself (unless he spots anything that breathes. or doesn’t. he’s not picky...), believes in the hemospectrum even though clamis not to... Has some patterns he follows and is genuinely unpleasant, but that’s kinda it. I genuinely considered him as Neutral Evil, but tbh, I feel like he’s the type who’d pretend to be a neutral evil, but it just lacks the necessary heat, y’know? Things might’ve looked a bit different before, though, he did mention something about trying to tone it down with aggessiveness. 
Horuss - he’s also awful, but not awful enough to be declared evil, even though I considered him as Neutral Evil, too. STRONGLY believes in rules and hierarchy, but is too selfish to be good, and just not enough malevolent to be evil.
Chaotic -
Rufioh & Porrim - both are very self-centered and value their own freedom above anybody else’s. Easily disregard others’ feelings, but aren’t exactly malevolent, either.
Lawful -
Kurloz - unpopular(?) opinion, he gives me a much more “Lawful Evil” vibe than Chaotic. Gamzee’s more of a nihilistic force of destruction, Kurloz is an actual zealot. He’s dedicated to his cult enough he’d bite his own tongue off if he were to even consider something blasphemous.
Meenah - she’s awful. Really awful. But also not very dedicated to anything. Would sell you to the Mirthfull Messiahs for some pyrite. But her destructiveness comes and goes like waves, fittingly.
Snap!Damara - jumping around the timeline and causing absolute mayhem? That’s a force of destruction if you’d seen one. She seems to have calmed down in the bubbles but... has she? That unpredictability sure adds to everything. / Pre-Snap!Damara... no idea, honestly, we’ve never met her, only heard some stuff from very unreliable people. I’d like for to be a True Neutral, bc that empty spot annoys me, lmao. Might’ve been a Neutral Good, tho.
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gossipgirloff1 · 3 months
I'm going to be very unpopular with this, but in my opinion Paul Aron has one of the most inflated egos on the f2 grid. He usually knows what to say to appear likeable, but he seems to be humble bragging ALL the damn time, and it's disappointing that people won't notice or make excuses because of his good looks.
Imo his true personality showed when he acted like a sulking child after Franco overtook him in Imola. He walked off the podium, walked out of the cool down room, and later felt the need to say on CtD that "I still paid the respect to Franco" lmao. Dude. If you need to spell that out like that I don't think you did. (Btw if Hadjar did that he would've been dragged through the mud.) On his recent Q&A, he spent more time doing random stuff than answering questions, and the way he mentioned that he has a house in Italy but he won't say where because he doesn't want fans turning up on his doorstep, came across very arrogant. A lot of his interactions with fans show that he is being extremely aware of the female following he has, and it gives him a big ego boost but he is somehow condescending about it. His post quali interview after getting pole was another gem: "Yeah I have come here a lot on Saturday and Sunday but I have never been here in Friday" he just really needed to remind everyone that he has MANY podiums. And for someone who keeps saying the championship is long and it doesn't mean much that he is leading right now, he sure keeps bringing it up at any given opportunity. Look at me i'm Leading. I mean coming into the weekend as a championship leader doesn't mean much but as a championship leader i'm LEADING.
Idk how much positive self affirmations homework his psych is giving him but he sure as hell takes it very seriously. I'm also aware that he is still young but others are as well and most of them are down to earth
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for the character ask: queequeg (until YESTERDAY i thought his name was QUEERqueg lmao) aaaand [drumrolls please] denethor! *wink* would it really be me if i didn’t bring him into every convo? i know he’s not exactly ‘popular’ in this fandom (HA! biggest understatement ever) but i want to see what u think of my guy! :)
Thank you my dear friend! Excellent choices <3
Queequeg: How I feel about this character Quee(r)queg is my absolute favorite Moby Dick character. He's just so incredibly cool and it's really interesting to me that Melville managed to write such a fundamentally good character while also being very deeply racist about him (Melville writing Queequeg is a constant seesaw between surprisingly not-racist and really racist but THAT'S A DISCUSSION FOR ANOTHER POST). Melville and 1851 notwithstanding he's my gay harpooneer blorbo of all time!
All the people I ship romantically with this character Ishmael OF COURSE. I have a very vivid memory of reading the first chapters of Moby Dick for the very first time and annotating all their interactions with "HUH? GAY???" I was expecting homoerotic tension but wow it really surprised me. They're married in canon and they're the best whaling husbands I know.
My non-romantic OTP for this character The harpooneer crew! Daggoo and Tashtego. They don't interact THAT much in canon (we're too focused on Ahab Happenings while at sea) but I've got some headcanons about them and how they're all besties.
My unpopular opinion about this character I don't know if it's really unpopular per se, but engaging more with Queequeg's fanon side is definitely more comfortable for me. Obviously Moby Dick and race have a fraught relationship and it's definitely worth discussing, especially in the context of fandom. I just think it's nice to take a break from the discourse and appreciate what we as modern readers can like about these very old characters, and add to them in ways Melville couldn't.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Spoilers for a 173 year old book but uh. He dies. It would be very nice if he didn't die haha. I think Queequeg and Ishmael should have made it back to shore together and went on to live in a cozy cottage somewhere warm and dry, never to return to sea. Maybe they start a whale-themed publishing business after the explosive success of Ishmael's book.
Denethor: How I feel about this character As you know I am extremely supportive of your Denethorposting and blorbofication. I think the best Denethor media I've consumed was this one series of fics mostly focused on Faramir and Boromir growing up together, but it had some really wonderful characterizations (citing my source: The Tragicomedy of the Children of the Other Húrin by Hwestalas). It had some really lovely Denethor/Finduilas one-shots too! (I've seen some fic recs for that pairing on your blog that I REALLY need to get around to reading) So overall I think he's a really interesting character and I love when his relationship with Finduilas is explored.
All the people I ship romantically with this character As previously stated, Finduilas of Dol Amroth!
My non-romantic OTP for this character Not totally sure! His relationships with his sons are definitely the most important in canon, so I love different interpretations and angles of how he feels about them.
My unpopular opinion about this character Movie Denethor is much-reviled (feels like Faramir's character assassination dialed up to 11) and while I think that evil tomato man logically works as a narrative device in a time-constrained storytelling medium, I honestly think with a bit of tweaking he could have served a more better role. PJ didn't even give him a chance, smh.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Kind of wish Finduilas had stuck around long enough to be an actual character and play off of Denethor's. LOTR has enough dead moms, methinks.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Reverse unpopular opinion on Stephanie?
I presume we're talking Stephanie Brown cause my mom generally doesn't have that many haters lmao
Anyway yeah I adore Stephanie. It actually frustrates me to no end to see how badly she's treated by the fandom - not that it's a phenomenon unique to her in any way, but my God, have y'all tried writing her as a person? It's like she's either flattened to waffle girl or she's not there at all. Steph has had a really hard life and has shown dedication to the cause and more than anything, hope. I love what I've seen of her Batgirl run - the fact that she came back from the dead and was actually better for it rather than worse off. Like she's just... A good person who won't take no shit from anybody, especially not little gremlins like Damian, who really needed that during her Batgirl run. I love their dynamic pre-52 and I wish we could see something like it in more recent comics. Also, I think canon should make Steph and Jason best friends and I mean this unironically. Like, okay, I love me some Tim&Steph post-breakup friendship moments and whatever's going on with Cass&Steph's friendship is the gayest thing ever, but she deserves someone who both understands her and has zero romantic tension with her - in canon, cause actually they have nice potential as a ship for the same reason they'd make such good friends in canon. Like they have so much in canon. I know every batkid has been the black sheep of the family at some point, but Steph was treated like crap because she reminded Bruce of Jason; they're from the same part of town, grew up with douchebags as parents, and I think probably share a lot of the same worldview. I'd read a team up comic for them for sure.
I just think Steph had immense growth in pre-52 and was this really cool character and then like everyone else n52 fucked that up and I've heard nothing but bad things about batgirls until the newest issue which apparently is extremely gay but that doesn't make up for the character assassination. At least Robins: Being Robin and Batman v Robin finally acknowledged that she was Robin, that retcon was one of the worst things DC has done to the batfam and that's saying something
Also, and this isn't an unpopular opinion in any way shape or form, but I read Those Panels from batgirls #14. She is straight up in love with Cass it's unreal
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this is a super fun tag prompt list, thanks @littleplasticrat!
tagging: @commander-krios @graysparrowao3 and anyone else who wants it!
here we go ✨ below the cut for considerable length, discussion of my generally E-rated work and brief unpopular opinions (lol).
Last book I read: I’m currently part way through The Left Hand of Darkness (Ursula K Le Guin) and Exhalation (Ted Chiang), and am in a constant state of rereading Pride and Prejudice. Honestly just been writing more than reading lately but I really want to finish these two books! I also devoured The New Topping Book as fuel for my Steel Weave kink adventures, lmao.
Greatest literary inspiration: Pride and Prejudice. Austen in general. (Story time) I once dated a guy who dismissed her books out of hand as ‘gossipy’, and then literally days later proceeded to tell me that when drinking with his bestie, they loved to ‘analyse other people’s personalities.’ What he thought he had that Austen didn’t, I don’t know. (God, the sexism. And yes, I did tell him that what he was doing was in fact also gossiping).
Austen sketches people in all their ignorance and kindness and flaws and virtues at once, whilst being deeply funny about it. I love her work.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
I LOVE omeluum x blurg. No desire to write for them but they’re great. (Check out weatheredlaw on AO3 for amazing Omelurg!)
Generally I’ve read and enjoyed for all of the tadpole gang and all sorts of other characters, but aside from having them feature in my Rolan fics the urge doesn’t strike me to write about them. My thoughts are extremely occupied with just the one guy.
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: Unhinged kink fics. If I ever write them, I’ll probably post on an alt account, because I think my current subscribers probably aren’t looking for [redacted niche kink] lol
You can recognise my writing by:
Relentlessly horny vibes. Bratty Rolan.
I honestly don’t know if I’ve got a particularly recognisable style - it varies a lot between the fandoms I write in, I think. I’m not given to lots of purple prose but neither is my writing spare. I overdo it on facial expressions, that’s for sure!
My most controversial take ( current fandom):
In an absolute shocker, I don’t enjoy dom!Rolan at all, or see it as particularly in-character. But you could guess that already if you’re following me lol. I filter all related tags/content liberally…
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut): It was a 9-10, and has been for months - but this week I’ve been smacked in the face with a real stumbling block so I’ll give it a (hopefully temporary) 6-7
Top three favourite tropes: Oooh. Ahhhh. Forced Proximity - only one bed, handcuffed together, trapped in a lift - whatever. Just make those people boil over with desire because they CANNOT AVOID the person they’re desperately trying to. Arguing. I love steamy argumentative kissing in stories. Forbidden Love. I am ESPECIALLY a huge fan of priests/nuns/religiously celibate breaking their vows, but doctor/patient is good too (Harvey SDV my beloved), or university professor/student, or sworn members of separate factions. Whatever. I want that sexual tension to be so fucking scorching it breaks through every barrier, and their love to conquer all.
Share a random frustration: Chapter 10 of Planar Tears. It’s coming along now but - I don’t like falling behind schedule! It’s also once again illustrated to me that although outlining is useful, at some points my characters will just develop a mind of their own. I just realised that after the last two extremely dramatic plot chapters - there needs to be a similarly dramatic step in Rolan and Catrin’s relationship as payoff. I think that’s the issue, anyway. I’d written a load of relatively lowkey flirty fluff and it just. Wasn’t. Hitting. I have honestly entered the stage of ‘please fucking kill me I no longer know if this writing is good’ and think I just have to weather the storm here!
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proxissima · 1 year
-How I feel about this character:
MY FAVOURITE. I love him, along with All Might, but I also want to strangle him regularly <3
-All the people I ship romantically with this character:
-All Might: Enji's extreme(ly funny) obsession with All Might is what arguably made me ship it. Most of his decisions in adult life have been centred one way or another around All Might, and I can't get over that fact. While there's next to no setting that I wouldn't ship them in, my other favourite is a villain!AM AU. I have many feelings about this ship in general but you and everyone else who made the regrettable decision of following already knows that 💀
-Inko: My guilty pleasure ship, for comedy and drama. There's something enticing about a guy like Endeavor, who's otherwise got such a fat stick up his ass, having an extramarital affair with the MC's civilian mother, who's also married to someone else. The scandalousness of it is *chef's kiss*. It's also intertwined with the crack headcanon about Izuku being Endeavor's love child that I really like, as well.
-Rei: more interesting to me in fanon than in canon, simply because she's barely developed as a character in canon :/ Idk whoever came up with the idea of Rei being secretly obsessed with Enji, but what a concept
-Mirko: two very hot-blooded characters, and Mirko wouldn't have any of Enji's shit 👌
-Aizawa: Shoto would DIE. He's also unlikely to have any of Endeavor's shit.
I generally ship Enji with many and more characters than are listed here, though less romantically and more for reasons like "I like the idea of it in a certain scenario" (like Burnin) or "I simply respect the chemistry"... or for dark fics.
-In an OT3 with Toshi and Rei. Started off as a crack-ship, but I'm now actually, genuinely, honest to god, unironically shipping it. 💀 Hear me out... If this polycule had happened, AFO would simply not have stood a chance. Just the combined power of All Might and Endeavor, united, and with Rei as the mediator... They'd be unstoppable.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Hawks. Enji has a rather... difficult personality, which makes me think he wouldn't have many friends in the first place. Hawks is not just willing to put up with him because he's his biggest fan but he also knows how to either calm his temper, and, just as easily, how to push his buttons. The friendship between them is rather underrated, imo.
All Might. In canon-divergence/AU settings, I can see them having an interesting dynamic when not genuinely hostile. Read: Enji being a tsundere grump and constantly protesting AM's sunshine personality while generally agreeing on work ethics and still hanging out with him.
Untenmaru, Endeavor's chauffeur. He looks like he takes none of his shit either and there's mutual respect between them.
(Basically any character that knows how to hold their own against Enji's gruff personality make for a great dynamic with him.)
-My unpopular opinion about this character:
His atonement arc feels kinda disingenuous. What I'm referring to specifically is that the cause that made him truly start thinking about what he's done to his family for the first time in his miserable life was most definitely only extrinsic and not due to any sudden gained wisdom on his part... Enji's an idiot. Would he have given his treatment of his family a second thought 1) had he somehow managed to surpass All Might on his own terms, or 2) had All Might not been forced to retire suddenly? I can't say I'm convinced that he would have, and that's what's bothering me about his big heel-face turn.
I actually like his pre-All Might's retirement persona at least as much as him post-S3. He was such an asshole but extremely amusing to watch, especially his interactions with AM. He's generally fun to put through a meat-grinder though lmao
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Won't happen and also OOC, but he should stop keeping looking at Dabi like there's someone in there that he can still save, and start treating him like the danger that he is and put him out of commission... Permanently.
I'm convinced that if All Might and Endeavor had just had a better relationship with each other overall, much of what happened in the series could've been avoided entirely. But alas... both of them are kinda to blame for that, and things can never be that easy... right?
Give me a character; and I'll break their ass down
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oodlyenough · 2 years
What did you think of TLOU ep5 and the changes to the game? I honestly thought they did things better in the show.
Honestly same, I really liked it. This segment of the game is fun to play but much of the story would be lacking on screen without that gameplay, and the action would've felt/looked too unrealistic on tv I think... like, Joel and co escaping a gazillion-strong army and infinite infected lol.
This got really long so it's under a cut. At the end I talk a bit about tlou2 spoilers although it's marked:
I thought Sam and Henry were great and I liked the changes that were made there, although I have to admit I'd actually forgotten the finer details of their story, eg I had forgotten there was more tension between Henry and Sam in the game. I don't mind them replacing it. I also thought Sam being Deaf and the use of ASL brought an interesting element to their story that wasn't in the game. I thought Sam and Ellie's bonding was adorable. Also... henry... 👀
In my ep 4 post I was worried maybe they'd make Henry somehow "deserving" of his fate, vs game Henry being an innocent. And I suppose they kind of did make him guilty... but it was an extremely sympathetic reason VS Kathleen being utterly unreasonable (more on that below) so I was fine with it in the end.
I gotta say even though I knew it was likely Sam and Henry would have the same fate as their game counterparts, Ellie's "my blood is medicine" got me fhklghldfkg I was like well that makes no sense but I'll allow it" bc I wanted poor Sam to be ok :( Ellie sis I feel u.
My #unpopular opinion, I think, is that I don't really like the angle the show is taking of "the infected are still themselves inside". I guess it's meant to be part of the body horror and stuff. Maybe I'm just being a game purist. It just seems a bit goofy to me and I can't really embrace it lol. Reminds me of the James portions of TWDG s4 which I fucking hated.
The action sequence at the end was incredible imo, felt simultaneously very game-like (Leo pointing meme @ the sniper) while improving adapting the source material well. The infected surging out of the ground, the Bloater, etc, were all really well done I thought. Also the child clicker omg hats off to the baby gymnast bc her movements were creepy as shit.
Joel nailing every shot made me laugh a bit because I fucking suck as the sniper LOL I always get everyone killed sooo many times.
Probably the most contentious bit of the episode is Kathleen. I think she served her purpose well enough -- I've seen plenty of complaints that she wasn't compelling, or that she was too cartoonishly evil, and then I think about how in the game, Philly is just run by an-entirely-men-only military armed force who hunts down Joel+Ellie and every other "tourist" with completely unjustified determination because... uh.... because ? (I get they kill tourists for resources. Surely Joel, Ellie, Henry and Sam are not worth the resources expended to track them down across the fuckin' city lmao. It only works because video game.) So obviously the show had to do SOMETHING else
Anyway, I think Kathleen mostly worked. I don't think she was sympathetic at all but I don't think she needed to be -- whatever sympathy you might briefly feel about her brother is pretty quickly extinguished by her saying she knows he'd want forgiveness but she doesn't give a shit, and then again later by her being like "lmao fuck them kids". I also thought casting Melanie Lynskey to use her softest soccer mom voice while saying heinous shit was great... I feel like the "well she's not threatening" stuff is totally off base lmao I don't know how anyone could draw that conclusion tbh. Are entitled """""nice"""" white women leading a lynch mob not terrifying...??
TLOU2 discussion/spoilers:
Obviously the natural comparison here is Kathleen and Ellie and/or Abby. I think her story hits a lot of those similar notes -- she's blinded by her revenge to her own destruction and the destruction of those around her, etc. So I understand where people are drawing those connections. I don't think it's really, like, fair/accurate to Ellie or Abby to say that Kathleen is exactly the same. I don't even think it's a case of "well if we spent time in Kathleen's shoes we'd understand", a la what TLOU2 did/wanted to do with Abby. Neither Abby nor Ellie mobilize and jeopardize their entire community to exact their revenge -- the former Fireflies come by choice, and so do Dina/Tommy/Jesse. Clearly the collateral damage of their revenge is a huge part of the game, but Ellie and Abby also don't have any "Fuck them kids" scenes where they expressly want to murder children as a punishment for their guardian's sins, lmao. The closest you get is Ellie threatening Lev, which is the bottom of the barrel low point for her character and then she turns it around in the end.
So... I don't know. I mean yes obviously Kathleen serves as a bit of foreshadowing or a "parallel" or whatever, but I do think it's inaccurate to pretend it's hypocritical to judge Kathleen but like Abby or Ellie lol.
My final general thought/slight criticism is that the show isn't especially subtle. I've become a bit more sympathetic to television's lack of subtlety over the years as it has uhhh become clearer to me how much an audience will just straight up miss stuff, lmao, and I think part of the stuff that feels un-subtle feels that way to me as someone who already knows the story intimately and perhaps doesn't read that way to a first time viewer.
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
4, 7 , 12, 16 and 20 for resi ~
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? I realized I was putting too much energy into hate reading their blog to make fun of it. I'm going to dislike every single post they make so why subject myself to their bs? Blocked
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Luis. I didn't care too much for him in the og, he was fine but w/e (apart from the comment to Ashley I will have his head for that) and even in the remake he's still w/e to me if a little better but. My g-d. Will people not shut up about him. You've seen my rant post about how re4make fans treat Luis vs. Ashley I don't need to explain again lmao
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them Steve Burnside! I have a soft spot for him in my heart right next to Ashley, they were both written to be annoying for comedy's sake but came across as too unlikeable and a way for the creators to be creepy towards women. Well that's bullshit and I love Steve and I'm taking custody of him from Capcom
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) Why do people wanna date Wesker???? Even when people make self-ship fics/art/headcanons/etc. it's always like "Wesker fucking ignores you and doesn't like talking to you in public or showing physical affection but rawdogs you in private" like wherrrrrre's the appeal???
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring I'm gonna not say a gameplay aspect because there's PLENTY of gameplay in RE I find boring lol I like puzzles as much as the next person but sometimes for me it's like eh no thanks. Anyway ngl Shadows of Rose for one big reason, and that's that it doesn't matter. You play the entire DLC, having an extremely watered down time when you could be playing mercenaries mode, and then once you finally get to the end you realize it was for nothing and the end is just the epilogue from the main game so what was the point of Rose's arc if it didn't matter? I can't stand sor
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 years
andrew nico and blue classic
Hi sorry I got to the asks for this so late this one took a long time, I actually realized I had the opportunity to post it on your birthday but I didn’t quite manage but anyway consider this a belated birthday present if my rambling tangents qualify as such to you <33
Blue Sargent
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1) her favorite musical is Wicked and she identified with Elphaba 2) I think she has some sensory issues which is why she’s so particular about certain textures of clothing, food etc. and I definitely like to read her as neurodivergent 3) I hc her as non-white in Maura’s side I especially like picturing her as desi which you could say is projection and you’d be right, but generally I think of her as a brown girl.
a reason they suck: her judgmental streak is real, and she’s very proud and yes these things together can influence her towards being a bit of a hypocrite.
a reason they are great: Idk how to pick just one thing I am infamously Not normal about this girl she remains my favorite ya book girl to this day.. But I really love how passionate Blue is and also how kind of self-possessed she is about her own feelings, she’s very in tune with her own individuality and what she desires out of life: seeing the world, exploring, finding ways to help make the world better, having her own path that she determines not a set destiny, wanting lasting meaningful relationships and friendships that are maybe more intense than is technically healthy etc. she searches for something more and doesn’t entirely know how to get there/what that path is but she’s intent on carving out that path for herself and finding that knowledge, and then the area she’s least in tune with herself about is like, romance and particularly the way to feel about Gansey in the first few books which I really like as a dichotomy ((and it’s part of why Bluesey reads like a lesbian narrative cough)), that passionate nature is also what allows her to be extremely loving and brave and creative and I generally love that about her. Also this is an unpopular opinion but the way she thinks and her personality does feel like a very real teenage girl, I think Maggie did a good job writing her voice in that department and that wasn’t ever a problem with how she wrote Blue the problem with how she wrote her was, as I say later, the fact that Maggie wasn’t interested in the follow-through of her arc/how Blue’s personality which was very fleshed out, would change/develop outside of happening to develop certain relationships. Oh I also love how curious she is I love character who constantly want to know what is up with everything which will continue to be a theme in the other asks … I’ll quit while I’m ahead here I love her but also really am due for a reread which is why this is coming out so incoherently.
a reason I relate to them: I relate a lot to her mindset of loving whimsical things but striving to be practical in my pursuit of whimsy, I also just relate to a lot of her personality (besides how brave/risk-taking she can be which is not me at all lmao) and thought processes she’s one of the chars I most identify with in fiction generally… and a lot of it can be tied to the fact we’re both 4w5’s tbh. I also was raised mainly by multiple maternal figures I strive to emulate and grew up not thinking well of male authority figures <3
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: for otp it’s Bluesey obviously my parents who raised me… I really really love Blue x Noah too but it’s more elite tier. Imfor ot3 there are actually 3 options which I find really appealing I think Gansey/Blue/Noah Blue/Gansey/Henry and Blue/Gansey/Adam all have excellent ot3 potential but I’m going to go with the latter because it’s the messiest option and I like to have fun. Three incredibly fucked up bisexuals who were obsessed w each other in thematically fascinating ways.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1. I loved the parts of Bllb that focused on Blue learning about her powers with Gwenllian and that dynamic as a vehicle for her becoming in tune with being a mirror/witch should have continued as a storyline in TRK the way Adam and Ronan’s abilities continued to be relevant to the story, the conclusion to the arc could’ve still been Blue learning about the Artemis-tree situation but i wanted more reflection from her on what these powers are going to mean for her going forward and not just “oh yeah I guess it makes sense I’m part tree” 2. Her arc towards becoming less judgmental shouldn’t have just been “I guess I need to not be so mean to rich white boys” I wish she had actually gotten to grapple with her mindsets about class and gender more, and obviously I adore her dynamics with the boys and the 300 Fox way ladies but I wanted her . 3) I love Maura but I kind of wish Blue had been allowed to be mad at her about disappearing at the end of TDT for longer after she had come back (her moments of anger before Maura gets back are incredible I love her interactions with Calla when they both are missing her too), especially since Bllb is when Persephone and Jesse die and the anticipation of Gansey’s loss are really building and getting to Blue so I think it would be really natural for her to double down on transferring those emotions to her mother who is safe for her to be mad at. 4) I do kind of like that Artemis himself wasn’t that relevant to Blue when he showed up lol, but I still think Blue should have gotten to actually know him and deal with some of her feelings about being abandoned by him that were definitely There in earlier books. She could get to let out her feelings and get to know him a little and then still feel unimpressed by him / that he’s not a real guardian figure to her the way Maura Calla and Jimmi are and Persephone was. That would work for me <3 5) Generally TRK failed to resolve what Blue was going to do with her future aside from the Bluesey/Sarchengsey of it all (both of which I love but come on) I haven’t read Greywaren yet but I am glad there was some lip service to that and it made decent sense for her char. (Also should be said that my last reread of the first two books was in 2019 so while I like to think of myself as a Blue expert still my memory of some things might not be that sharp.)
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Adam —- I actually do like Blue/Adam it’s
the type of pairing where hindsight made me appreciate it more and find it more interesting as it exists in the story. Blue not falling for Adam had multiple factors so it’s hard to pinpoint just one, part of it was definitely that for Blue liking Adam better than Gansey went hand in hand with the idea of her as someone who wasn’t bound to a specific fate, and that wasn’t fair to him (Adam also had reasons to fixate on Blue that weren’t fair to her but this isn’t about his side of things, even though that also added to creating a distance within their relationship which is part of why), so part of it is based on the circumstances around their relationship, also I don’t think necessarily that they’re incompatible romantically personality wise but they definitely both honed in on certain similarities between them and assumed that would mean perfect compatibility when that wasn’t the case. In a different storyline maybe they could’ve gotten there, within the timeline and structure of the story not really.
2)Noah —- Literally Noah said it himself it’s because he’s not alive… yet at the same time from what we know of Noah pre-death he didn’t sound like someone Blue would like much at all, so that makes the whole “I’d ask you out if I was alive.” “I’d say yes.” thing even more tragic, although Blue very much does mean it for the Noah that is right now if He could live.
3)Ronan — this is just on here because I needed more people lol I actually wasn’t sure who to put after Adam. But Blue could never be attracted to Ronan because she likes a particular flavor of fruity pathetic boys like she likes fruity nerdy and pathetic not fruity Ronan is fruity but isn’t the right kind of pathetic for her at all he’s too harsh and fiery, and similar to Blue herself but not in a way that attracts her at all.
4)Kavinsky — She hated him and would never interact with him willingly there’s really not much depth I can add here. Also the way he spoke to her in their one scene in tdt was disgusting the fact for a long time there were parts of the fandom that cared way more about him and the dream pack than Blue and the 300 fox way women Grrr
5)Helen — This is my crack pairing that I felt passionately about in the year 2013 she didn’t fall in love with Helen simply because she didn’t get the chance to. But I think she could’ve if they met like 5 years post series and Blue hadn’t met Gansey yet so.
Andrew Minyard
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. He’s a fan of horror media specifically slasher films (also old movies in general but that’s canon from some of the things he’s referenced in dialogue) 2. Only half a headcanon/generally this is very based on the texts but I do think Nora is right about him being bipolar (something she says in the E.C. But it was a while ago so she used out dated terminology) and based on meta I’ve read from people more well-versed in the subject than myself and far more than Nora, I agree that he’s Bipolar II and has C-PTSD, and is also probably on the autism spectrum. 3. He says his favorite color is black but it is actually blue (like Neil’s eyes lol)
a reason they suck: I mean if I met him in real life I would definitely be bothered by how inflexible his judgements of the world and other people are and by his inclination for violence, but narratively I’m more than fine with all those things tbh.
a reason they are great: am going to refrain from writing an essay here and just mention a few qualities I really like about him: extreme loyalty and protectiveness towards his ‘people’, incredibly intelligent and perceptive in how he reads people and situations, always driven to seek knowledge as a means of controlling circumstances for those he cares about and himself but also just because he’s a nosy bitch, and then I have a hard time explaining some other things especially since you haven’t finished the series but I just think the way he works as a character is fascinating I’m obsessed with his brain. Thinking about him a lot also makes me miserable sometimes in a good way. I also think he’s one of the funniest characters ever. I’ll stop talking now he really contains multitudes to Me.
a reason I relate to them: honestly abandonment issues and emotional repression..Also like the way he always want to know everyone’s business but doesn’t actually like to talk to people (non-medicated) is a mood.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: Andreil and Kandrew I honestly can’t choose because Andreil is THEE ship and Kandrew is My ship obsession and I consider those two separate categories in a sense, my approach with Pynch and Adansey is similar tbh. And for ot3 Kandreil <33 very non-controversial.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1) getting on proper meds suited to his actual diagnosis would be nice 2) I want him and Nicky to figure out new approaches in their relationship and generally work to have a better one 3) I think it would be cool if like Neil he later switched his major to something he actually was interested, especially like the idea of him as a film major or a psych major
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Roland — So this is a dynamic/character where I have one reaction based on information from the books + extra content (which is basically @ Roland get a job stay away from him!) , and Andrew’s pov of the dynamic is a bit different from mine so I’m focusing on this question from Andrew’s pov. I think Andrew liked Roland because he’s charming and easy to like and treated him like a peer not a kid (which is part of the problem) but it was a shallow kind of liking which was why Andrew saw Roland as a “safe” outlet to explore his sexuality, because there was no risk of him getting too attached which was safer to him emotionally and meant that when Roland tried to overstep his boundaries Andrew didn’t have an emotional weakness for it and could shut it down, and not a massive amount of trust existed but more trust than potentially he would have with other people. Also I kind of think that part of why he was drawn to (/vulnerable to) Roland specifically had something to do with Roland as someone so tied to Nicky, and while Nicky and Aaron were in getting closer and Andrew was placing himself in the protector-not-family role and also everything that happened with the court/meds Andrew would feel flattered / get a type of validation from being able to attract Roland and be chosen over Nicky in a sense, and get a kind of satisfaction successfully keeping it a secret. Honestly I think Roland is for Andrew what Wren is for Spencer in a way (which makes Nicky the Melissa technically), so that kind of itself explains why Andrew doesn’t love him.
2)Matt — I think that Andrew Does find Matt attractive (and is annoyed about it) esp in moments where Matt loses his cool more ex. when he’s picking a fight, is really protective etc. but he would never develop deeper feelings both because of the way they interact based on the structure of the team, the role Andrew played pre series in Matt going to rehab (I don’t remember if this is explained in book 1 or 2 so idk if you read about that yet) etc. and aside from all that Matt just has too conventional a view on morality and is just too close to normal for Andrew to ever be interested enough. However in different storylines pre and during the series or if they met when they were younger I could see them having a fling even if canon-wise it would be out of the question for both.
3)Jeremy — Other than the obvious that they haven’t had nearly enough contact, Andrew would just never be into someone that bubbly and nice they’d never be compatible, and unlike Matt I don’t even think Andrew sees or would under any circumstances see any sort of edge to Jeremy that could make him a bit compelling. And I think it’s vice versa too they don’t dislike each other (Jeremy doesn’t seem to dislike anyone) but they’re not for each other at all. There’s one place where this pairing could happen at all and it’s in the sex dreams yk Kevin has had about it Lolz.
4)Jean — again the thing about contact and then I think across the board in canon and any version of post canon timeline for Kevin and Neil centric reasons Andrew would always hate him. I’m unsure how I think they’d interact if they met outside the parameters of the series, in a Raven Andrew Au I do think Andrew and Jean would have been close while Andrew and Kevin would decidedly Not be close, I don’t really think Andrew would ever view Jean romantically in those circumstances though.
5)Seth — like with Kavinsky this is low hanging fruit Andrew hated him and would never interact with him willingly.
Nico Di Angelo
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. Rick is incorrect about Nico and Reyna not spending time together post boo he’s just insane for that. Nico is constantly spending time at Camp Jupiter to hang out with his sister and his pseudo sister and his brother in law who he likes to scare half to death for fun imo 2. I think he’d really enjoy things like MBTI and astrology he likes sorting and categorizing things and being a nerd see: Mythomagic 3. In addition to his Aquarius sun he’s a Scorpio moon, not decided on his rising yet
a reason they suck: I was completely drawing a blank because I can’t think of anything I dislike about him but then I remembered the tsats excerpts so I guess just being cringe in those is his biggest crime to date. Like I could say the holding grudges thing but honestly I’m a Taurus I get it
a reason they are great: He’s so smart and knowledgable and resourceful and resilient and I love that he’s so powerful while constantly underestimated, he’s also just. He has a complicated moral compass which makes him interesting and I really like that, but fundamentally he’s very loving.
a reason I relate to them: tbh you can copy paste what I said for Andrew p much + additionally when rereading last year I did connect with the way his grief is constantly present in his character post end of ttc, a lot actually :/.
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: I resent this a little but Jason/Nico is definitely the most appealing one to me based on canon content. And for ot3 I Was having fun last year with reimagining part of hoo as a Leo-Jason-Nico love triangle, and Valdangelo has so much untapped potential so definitely the three of them.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1) for the fact that chb is prejudiced against him to be acknowledged and not dismissed, I’m okay with there being some grey area in terms of him isolating himself because of trauma and that also being a factor, but not him being blamed for the alienation he experiences which is territory canon gets into at times 2) his final scene with Percy in BOO should have been more impactful and less of a joke and we should have gotten a sense of how they’ll mend their friendship 3) what I said before about Reyna and Hazel being largely involved with him getting to feel at home at camp and him clearly visiting them a lot 4) I want it acknowledged that Hades and the Furies and maybe Persephone must have tutored him because he dropped out of school in 5th grade I want to get insight on that experience. Which I fully believe happened but not 100% sure Rick does so counting it 5) I really like the Dionysus therapy thing but Chiron should be made to feel ashamed for his passivity and letting Nico be homeless in pjo
five people that character never fell in love with and why
1)Leo — Rick was simply too much of a coward to let them interact and have the arc of figuring out how compatible they would be.
2)Jason — I think Nico would be resistant to the idea of letting himself *go there* emotionally with another “hero” archetype in the timeline of canon bcs of the Percy thing. I do believe he had some latent attraction to Jason (him comparing Will’s and Jason’s looks in BOO is… telling lmao) and ofc definitely cared for him but it would have taken a while for love-level feelings to develop, though i definitely think they could have since Nico is the opposite of Andrew in that sense that he likes nice heroic boys only lol, and they definitely have points of connection so plenty of potential there. In the timeline of canon there’s way more evidence of Jason having strong romantic feelings/actually being smitten re: Nico which like I said I think was ultimately a good thing that made the dynamic a stand out compared to the status quo of both chars other dynamics, and also just a lot more palatable to me personally since my relationship with Jason as a char is … complicated lol, and I definitely would have Strongly resented a dynamic where the reverse was true in introduction.
3)Frank — he’s dating Hazel and age probably other things too .
4)Apollo — Okay so he definitely had a crush on him in TTC I don’t want that to be true but it is… BOO restated it too in a way…anyway though he would never fall in love with Apollo he hates his actual cocky personality (he’s fond of Lester/Apollo too but it’s the way you’d be fond of a really smelly and badly behaved dog tbh).
5)Octavian — because Octavian’s a little bitch Nico doesn’t have a lot of standards (bcs of the abandonment issues) but he does have Some standards.
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good-beans · 2 years
Ok, without any personal spoilers, Ochako and All Might for the character breakdown!
Lmao it turns out I had a lot to say on them so I put it under the cut :) Thank you for the ask!!
How I feel about this character: I love her so much!! I wish I posted more about her, but she has such a special place in my heart. Her very first scene gave me a wonderful first impression because she started out helping Midoriya, but she was still pretty awkward. Give me a character who's incredibly sweet and helpful but not the most charismatic and I'm in lol! Even though I knew they were setting up for love interest-ing, she was always her own person first -- yeah people talk shit about feminine characters needing to be “tough” to make them cool, but even before she showed her kickass side, she was beloved by being the sweet, pink, girly friend. Little by little I’ve seen my high school self in her, and so her moments of strength and optimism always hit a bit different. On a silly note, I'm also sappy that we look similar: I had like 6 family members see the art of her on my phone case and go "aw is that you?" 
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: My favorite ship for her is definitely with Iida! It's already clear what good friends they are, they'd make a really sweet pair ;-; They'd compliment each other in many ways, which I'm always a sucker for. I am not immune to the art with her and Asui -- I can see that being such a cute relationship. And I'm honestly not against her ending up with Midoriya (which is likely what will happen lol)! I mean, he definitely has a Lot going on between him and several of the boys asdfgbh but I think the two of them are real good for each other.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Todoroki :D I've seen so much content of them as the best of friends and it never fails to hit me right in the heart.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I'll be honest, I don't know the typical fandom takes on her, so idk where this would fall? I think her parallels with Toga are amazing and I genuinely hope they can be on good terms in the end. The parallel gets a weird vibe because their similarities started with "had a crush on a boy," but I believe they're similar in a lot more ways, and it would be really beautiful to see them connecting and growing because of those...
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I haven't seen the really new stuff so maybe they do bring it up, but I always wanted more about her reason for becoming a hero! I think her original reason – making money for her family – was extremely noble, but I wonder if she ever questions it as the situations get more dire (aka, "why am I doing something this dangerous if I'm doing all this for my family? I can't help them if I'm dead...) Or have her motivations changed after being with 1A this long? When exactly did she notice they changed? 
-How I feel about this character: adfghh I fucking love this dude! I was so suspicious of him season one, but he's such a cool and unique character -- and just a funny guy 😂 He starts off larger than life (both in canon and to the audience) and little by little becomes such a real and normal man who’s trying his best in that world. He’s so aware of this character he’s playing, but not crushed by the burden because he’s the one that did it on purpose (unlike most hero stories where they’re forced into the savior role), and yet he is sorta crushed by it as time goes on! He loves the Symbol and can’t escape but doesn’t want to escape and that’s so cool.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: I could never get into any of the ships with him, unfortunately. I don't know exactly what it is, but I can never see him dating, much less settling down with the way he is.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: I really like him and Aizawa! They have a fun contrast of introvert/extrovert, public symbol/hates the spotlight, doing this for years/never taught a class before now – but they have so many similarities that bring them together in the end. They both live such crazy lives, it’s so nice to see them as reliable teacher friends ;-; I don't think you've gotten to it yet, but they have a beautiful moment talking about motivation to live that solidified their relationship for me.
-My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t see him as Midoriya's dad 😅 I see so many things ranging from making him a dad figure to literally shipping him with Inko to make him part of the family. It's sweet, but I just feel like he fulfills a different relationship/role model to Midoriya than a parent. Midoriya is such a crazy fan, it’d be weird and unhelpful for his all-time inspiration in that way to become a father figure, idk
-One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just would have liked to see more of young Toshinori, or him with his mentor more. I'm so curious about the quirkless child that thought up the very idea of becoming The Symbol!
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lovetals · 2 years
Hey I just discovered your blog and wanted to send in a request since it doesn't seem like anyone has yet....uh...may I request a Madeleine cookie x reader? I think I'd like hcs plz...possibly to get an idea for one shots I could request for him in the future lmao! Btw call me snow anon!
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madeleine cookie headcanons
synopsis: general bf hcs of madeleine cookie (+ incorrect quotes)
character: madeleine cookie
deets: gn! reader, fluff, when saying your name out loud it’s written down as (reader) cookie rather than (your name), espresso mentioned in incorrect quotes
notes: hhhhhh i procrastinated on this for way too long, so sorry snow anon 😭 every time i try to write this i either get a brain crash or grow upset with what i wrote ajdkfhs—but! this is no time to complain!! this is (hopefully) a slump that i’ll get over one day. tho i will say that i’m not that proud with this, so sorry if you aren’t that satisfied with this content, but i do hope these are enough to inspire some ideas for you if you request some more!
also—my first ‘named’(?) anon!! yay!!! i didn’t think i would get one for awhile tbh, but ayy we got one! i should add an anon list to my intro post now that i think about it… 👀 but anywho—welcome to my blog! ^o^)/
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❀ there’s never a moment of doubt with madeleine—he won’t let you doubt yourself or your relationship. as a prideful knight it’s difficult to bring his self esteem down or any of the confidence that those close to him have, including you
❀ even if you weren’t feeling insecure about anything madeleine still likes to praise you about everything; from your physical attributes to your personality and though it sounds like he’s repeating himself at times i can assure you he’s not merely saying it to be nice, he’s saying it because he genuinely means it
❀ madeleine is also a very touchy person, even in platonic relationships he’s always giving out hugs and piggyback rides (i hc that he gives them all the time for the kids hehe), so when he’s dating you? oh boy
❀ he’s always touching you in some way; handholding, hugs, carrying you in his arms, picking you up lion-king-style—you name it, he’s doing it. also, expect a lot of kisses. doesn’t matter if it’s in public or not, he will give you a smooch right then and there. i’d honestly say his love language is physical touch, but he seems to convey his love for you in any way possible so he doesn’t limit himself to just that, physical contact is just easy to do for him cause he can do it whenever :)
❀ whenever he’s feeling extremely happy about something he likes to pick you up and twirl you around before pulling you into a hug
❀ first kisses are an important moment in one’s relationship and i’m sure even madeleine knows this. this may come off as more of an unpopular hc, but i don’t think madeleine would initiate the first kiss. sure, he may be the cuddly and affectionate cookie in the relationship, but he wants to wait for the perfect moment to finally kiss you, which may take awhile so this task might fall onto you
❀ as a knight he probably gets into fights a lot so he tends to dedicate most of his battles to you :) (this is for you, (reader) cookie!)
❀ absolutely teaches you how to fight!! just ask and he’ll show you how to hold a sword! this causes him to daydream a lot about the two of you fighting side by side one day… maybe he should commission someone to make you some armor?
❀ madeleine doesn’t strike me as the type of cookie to get jealous. in situations like someone flirting with you he’s kinda oblivious to their intentions and drives them away without meaning to lmao (after they run away he’d just turn to you like, “was it something i said? 🥺”)
❀ but one scenario i can envision him getting jealous in is if you were to start praising someone else. madeleine loves your attention so to have it go to someone else that might be better than him?? they are clearly asking for a duel! >:( no, it’s not a fight, it’s just a contest with madeleine showing off how he’s better than them at something
❀ this gorgeous cookie is a fan of gifts—giving, receiving, it doesn’t matter, he just likes them a lot. he gives you tons of presents just because he can and they can be quite excessive… and expensive. if the amount of gifts you receive almost daily bother you madeleine says he’ll try to tone it down, but it’s kinda hard to when almost everything he gets you is because they reminded him of you
❀ madeleine would appreciate anything you get him even as something as minuscule as, let’s say, a pen, but he does have a bit of a preference for handmade things. he’s just so in awe with your talent and to think you took the time to make it just for him?? why, he’s never shone brighter than before! (and, no, angel cookie wasn’t the cause of the sudden light)
❀ will go around and show off the thing you created just for him, boasting about how lucky he was and how amazing you were—madeleine is a great way to boost your sales if you did commissions just fyi
❀ madeleine likes to return the favor btw so if he’s ever getting a handmade gift from you expect something crafted by him soon. i think he’d actually start gifting you more things he’s created after the first one—it’s just so fun! it actually leads to him taking classes to learn how to make something and inviting you to learn along with him
❀ oh, and who could ever forget matching items?! he’s such a huge fan of matching things. doesn’t matter what it is; if it’s a pair, he’ll get it. do not separate.
❀ pet names? absolutely. his nicknames for you can range from “darling” to “my sugary sweet baby schnookums <3” (he says the heart out loud somehow). he repeats the nicknames you choose for him back to you, so unless you want to be called his “little scrimblo” then don’t call him that, though i can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want that 🙄
❀ all in all, madeleine is a wonderful boyfriend to have: there’s never a dull moment with him around and he’s just so loving that there’s no room for hate in your heart towards anyone
now let’s do some incorrect quotes >:3
madeleine: here’s a toast to the cookie i love most in the world!
y/n: don’t say my name, don’t say my name—
madeleine: (reader) cookie <3
y/n: madeleine, when i said to put the star on top of the tree i didn’t mean that you should climb to the top and stay there
espresso, trying to get away from madeleine: look! it’s (reader)!
madeleine, gasping and turning around: omg where?!
(extra: he’s still looking for you even after espresso snuck away o(TヘTo) )
y/n: if i run and jump at madeleine he’ll most certainly catch me in his arms—watch
y/n, turning and running: i’m coming in!
madeleine, already dropping the plate in his hand: come here, babe!!
y/n: oh, no, you’re losing a lot of strawberry jam! quick—what’s your type?!
madeleine, bleeding out: y… you…
y/n: i meant your jam type!!
madeleine: oh! red
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moss-flesh · 2 years
Psps, Solas for the character ask plz
OH MY GOSH !!! okay lets do this
first impression: i immediately was obsessed with his voice and i wanted to hear him talk for eternity!! Also his introduction felt weirdly flirtatious??? i was like okay so hes wise and snarky im gonna take him everywhere
impression now:
bane of my existence, obsessed with him, i just wanna know what the hell is going on in that noggin of his, i want to swish him around in my cheeks like mouthwash
favorite moment:
honestly i ADORE the first kiss scene with him, when that happened i knew i was hooked and i had to romance him. you can really feel his adoration its amazing, AND THEN HE SQUINTS HIS EYES N IS LIKE “wake up” SIR UR SO CHEEKY SHUT
story idea:
i actually have this in the drafts of my notes but a while after their kiss adahlen is like kinda nervous and not sure how to proceed but one night at camp she asks solas to sneak off with her and she brings him to this beautiful lake she camped at when traveling to the conclave. Its FREEZING coz its mountain runoff, she jumps in, ahem in her underclothes and hes like you really have to get out of there its freezing but hes also kinda distracted lol. shes like no come in with me, ANYWAY they have a cute lil moment, i was kinda thinking of posting it maybe i should.
unpopular opinion: hmmmmm i honestly feel like opinions of solas are so wide and varried its hard to think of something like that. i guess i never really picked up on calling him an egg? ive done it once or twice but not often lmao, thats all i can think of.
favorite relationship: (besides adahlen x solas lmao)
i honestly LOVE iron bull and solas’ relationship. like yes ofc cole too because cole is practically solas and inquisitors adopted baby. BUT Solas and Bull together are so cool, theyre both EXTREMELY intelligent and pick up on minor details of everything, i love their conversations, i love that Bull knows that something is off about solas but hes really not sure what, he just knows hes hiding something big. Every banter they have is like a workout for my brain its so compelling.
favorite headcanon:
once in a blue moon when hes alone he cries because hes so overwhelmed by what he knows he has to do when the time comes, and how hes let his love for inquisitor go too far and how he doesnt want to hurt her and he regrets it because so much damage will be done but he also doesnt regret it because loving her her is some of the only joy he has felt and will be the only happiness he will have for a long long time.
also he likes cats and smokes elfroot
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akaashism · 3 years
Lmao this so basic but our boi
Hinata Shoyo✨
thank you for the ask!
OKAY IT'S NOT BASIC AT ALL, this is exactly what i wanted. just go straight in for my current obsessions 😭💖 but some of these are gonna be hard to answer damn.
favorite thing about them: there's so much to say here because i absolutely adore hinata's character but i think his sheer will power and endless drive to keep moving forward is what impresses me the most. he's such a superstar. what an icon. a legend.
least favorite thing about them: there's nothing i dislike about hinata but some of his fandom interpretations do bother me. one of them being how his sexuality post-timeskip is always portrayed in the extremes. he's either an innocent baby who doesn't know a thing about sex or someone who sleeps around with everyone. neither of those interpretations feel right to me.
favorite line: "we haven't lost yet." pretty simple but i think it encapsulates the essence of his character.
brOTP: literally...every single friendship he has in the series. they're all precious.
nOTP: atsuhina and oihina
random headcanon: he likes taking care of his loved ones and fussing over them. he's also very protective of them. it's his big brother instinct <3
unpopular opinion: hinata is greedy and selfish and self-centered. and you know what? GOOD FOR HIM.
song i associate with them: yellow by coldplay
favorite picture of them: listen i know this isn't a picture of just hinata BUT IT CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE OK, I HAD TO PICK THIS ONE
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