#me to me: i'll just test how color would look on this. also me 4 hours later: haha.
magnusbae · 1 year
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'I have something you want.' "And that is?" 'Information.' –At Death's Door
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averydayss · 5 months
Heaven Sent𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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she said don't get too attached but she attached to me
>>contents: in which Jake found out that his crush of 4 years, y/n wrote him a love letter
>>warnings: fluff, angst
>>now playing: Heaven Sent - Tevomxntana
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Who wouldn't know of the one and only Sim Jaeyun? He is what most people would call a heartthrob, his angelic face paired with his beautiful voice and sweet personality would make anyone fold.
Jake is very popular in school, people would automatically look at him wherever he goes. Y/n was one of those people.
Y/n has been crushing on Jake for the past 2 years. Sure she is in the same grade as him, but she doubts Jake even knows her name. Besides shes too shy to talk to him whitout it being akward
Y/n had already made a love letter for him but she didn't want to give it to him, afraid that he would reject her which was probably going to be the case. He had so much pretty fans that send him love letters on a daily basis
It was after class, me and Winter was heading to the cafeteria to eat some food since we both didn't eat breakfast today.
"Hey isn't that Jake's group? The one being surrounded by girls right now" winter pointed to a small crowd of girls who seemingly was surrounding a group of boys
Y/n nodded and was seemingly suprised, sure she knew that him and his group of friends were popular but she didn't expect them to be THAT popular.
"Perhaps this is another sign that he will never like me" she said with her head resting on the table
"Noo don't say that, mabye he just doesn't like to show who he likes?" Said winter with a soft voice
"Really? I don't even know his ideal type, how am i supposed to make him even look at me?" Asked y/n
"Wait, your brother is in his friendgroup right? Can you pls ask him who Jake's ideal type is?" Asked y/n with a pleading voice
Winter shook her head "NO, besides what if my brother thinks that I like Jake instead? It would be too akward and traumatizing for me"
Y/n sighed "If you ask him I'll treat u mint choco for the next month". "REALLY?" asked Winter with an enthusiastic voice.
"Mhm, but you have to ask him and promise not to tell ur brother that i like Jake" said y/n. "Deal" winter said while holding up a pinky finger
The next day, y/n hurried to school to get information from Winter. "SO DID U GET ANY INFORMATION?" asked y/n enthusiasticly
"Duh, of course i did" said Winter. "THEN WHAT IS IT" asked y/n curiously
"My brother asked Jake whats his favorite color in a girl, he answered anything is good, he also asked jake whats his type and he said girls who are nice and also smart girls" answered Winter in a detailed way
"He likes smart girls? What's his next class? Mabye i can lend him my notes to make him think im smart" asked y/n
"If im not wrong him and my brother share the same class, if im not mistaken his next class is chemistry"
"Really? That's perfect then, i had chemistry before and i took some notes"
"Then you should give him ur notes before his next class starts" said winter after taking a bite of her lunch
"THANKSIES ur the best Winter i owe u a lot" said y/n. "Of course you do" said winter while rolling her eyes playfully.
Fortunately, y/n found Jake beside his locker whitout anyone else
"Heyy Jake, did you study for the chemistry test yet? If not i can lend u some of my notes" said y/n nervously while making a small smile
"Y/n? It's really rare seeing u talk to me, sure I'd love ur notes" said Jake while flashing his infamous smile who took u so much to not fold. With that you lent him Jakes notes
Chemistry class ended and y/ns notes was a big help for him. But he forgot to return y/ns notes after class and now he was stuck with her notebook
At home, Jake started studying, although he couldn't focus studying because of the way y/n smiled at him earlier, if only she knew how much he liked her
Jake has had a crush on y/n for the past 4 years, but Jake never started a conversation with her because she seems akward everytime he talks to her, and because of that he concluded that she simply didn't like to talk to him
It was kind of a bummer since everytime she talked to anybody else, y/n always has an energetic vibe and tone to it, very different than when she talked to him.
When he was stuck in a chemistry question, he remembered that there was a formula in y/ns note that would solve it
When he dug through his bag, he found y/ns pink notebook. When he was flipping through the pages a paper fell out. When he bent over to grab the notes, he froze.
In the note was a familiar name "To: Sim Jaeyun". He knew in a way that this was an invasion of privacy, although in his defense there was his name
"Hey, im Y/n from class 12B, you probably don't know me but I've had a crush on u for 2 years but I can't confess to you in person since it would be really akward. I love your smile and the way you treat others so kindly, its like your heaven sent. I know you probably don't feel the same way to me even though i hope you do but i wanted to get this feeling off my chest."
To: Sim jaeyun, From: y/n
Jake couldn't believe his eyes, his crush of 4 years liked him back all along? He felt like he was on cloud 9, smiling so much all night
The next day, Jake didn't even bother eating breakfast. He wanted to arrive to school as fast as possible to confront y/n about the letter and possibly confess to her too. There he saw y/n walking through the halls
"Hey y/n" Jake approached you while lightly tapping your shoulder. "Jake? Whats up?" Y/n said.
"Sorry i forgot to return your notebook yesterday, here it is" Jake said while lending your pink notebook to you
"I know this is probably an invasion of privacy but i saw your love letter to me"
"What do you mean?" Y/n asked confused. Whitout saying anything Jake pulled a familiar letter out of his pocket
You suddenly feel your face heat up. You remember writing that letter a year ago and you were planning to give him the letter on valentine's day. You didn't ended up doing that because you were to scared that he would reject you
So instead, you placed the letter in-between the pages of your notebook and you forgot to take it before you lent him your notebook
"About that, im sorry it's totally okay if you don't feel the sam-" before y/n could finish her sentence, she felt his lips pressing against her lips. He kissed you
When he finally pulled back, y/n was still in shock. "I like you too, y/n. For 4 years I've liked you" he said with a soft smile
Since that day, y/n and Jake became the schools favorite couple
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💳: divider by @v6que. Other images are from pinterest, credits to all the owners
A/N: Feel free to request something xx
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hazelchooseme · 11 months
A mistake I don't regret | Hazel Callahan.
AU established in the modern world
I don't know what's happening to me but I can't seem to stop writing. So I wrote this 👍
English is not my first language.
Song recommendation: I Know Places by Taylor Swift
Enjoy 🧡
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"I finished." You celebrated by throwing your arms up and your head back, you could already feel the end of the semester at the tips of your fingers, you just had to hand in a few assignments, pass a test and you would be completely free for 3 months. The best moment of your life is coming, the holidays.
"I'm going now." You turned to Hazel's voice coming out of the hallway, she was dressed in brown jeans and a green flannel, the gray shoes were the same color as the backpack that hung from one shoulder. She stopped behind you, resting her hands on your shoulders and leaning down to look at the computer screen. "Now that you're done, are you sure you don't want to go?"
"I need to turn my brain off with a low-budget movie with lousy audio, but thanks."
"Good luck finding one worse than the one we saw yesterday." She told you as she messed up your hair.
From what you understood, Josie had received a new video game so she wanted to have a sleepover to try it out, she invited all the girls to spend the night together but this week had consumed you so you had to decline, you knew that Annie would bring her brownies and not being able to try them broke your heart, luckily Hazel knew you well enough that she promised to bring you some, you didn't know what would happen to you without her.
Getting up from the chair you followed Hazel to the door to say goodbye, this had become a routine that you had developed in the 4 years you lived together, every time one went out the other would leave her at the door, they had been doing it for so long that you no longer remembered who had started it.
"Tell them I said hello." You said, leaning on the nearby wall with your arms crossed watching the blue-eyed girl put on her shoes.
"Okay, I'll remind them not to call you so they don't bother you."
"Also remind PJ not to drink so much, I won't be there to clean up the vomit."
"I know." Putting on a red baseball cap in front of the mirror you had in the hallway, she sighed with false sadness. "We will miss you very much."
Listening to her laugh you were grateful for having crossed paths with her in your life, she was one of the kindest, sweetest, most attentive people you had ever met. You met about 6 years ago when you moved in the middle of your high school years, you connected almost immediately that when you managed to get into college moving in together was more than decided. Everything had been perfect until now, or at least it was until you developed a crush on her earlier this year. It had started when she excitedly told you how she had started talking to a new girl, in the past when she did it you were genuinely happy for her, after all she deserved the best and more, but at that moment you felt like you had been punched in the stomach and spit in your face, the jealousy didn't last that long since that relationship lasted about 3 months, but afterwards you still felt guilty for feeling that way with your best friend.
"Take." You handed her the keys to your car, it was a fairly old one but it kept running, which was the important thing.
"Are you sure? I can order an Uber."
"Take it, it's much safer this way."
"Thank you." She said taking the keys and putting them in her pocket.
She began to approach so you began to stretch your arms waiting to receive the usual hug, when suddenly Hazel's left hand traveled up to your cheek and her lips collided with yours. Although you had looked at her lips an embarrassing number of times you could never imagine how soft they would be, it was just a small pressure but you could still feel something exploding in your chest and your pulse was beating so fast that you could hear it in your ears. You stretched out your right arm catching her waist but as soon as it started it ended and she pulled away from you.
"Tomorrow I'll arrive early so we can have breakfast together." And with one last toss of your hair she walked out the door.
What the fuck just happened?
Hearing the commotion from outside Hazel entered the house without knocking, at this point those formalities were not necessary with the trust they already had. Humming a song, she entered the kitchen to leave some snacks and drinks that she had bought for the night. After having almost everything organized, she called Josie to help her carry everything to the room.
"Hello Haze, what's up?"
"Glasses please." She ordered as she opened a Coke. "And nothing very interesting, did they all arrive?"
"Sep, you're the last to arrive. How is Judas?" She asked, leaving the glasses on the table and eating some potatoes that were on a plate.
Mr G had once called you that after he caught you cheating on a test, they never let you forget it.
"Well, she just finished some work so she was going to rest."
"More food for us then."
"By the way, is there alcohol? She asked me to take care of—."
But before she could finish saying anything, an image came into her head. Your mouth, her mouth, together. Holy shit. Dropping the glass of drink she put both hands on her head as she cursed. No. No. No. It couldn't be, she couldn't have done what she was remembering that she had done, that she had done to you.
"Hazel what the fuck? What happened, are you okay?"
It had to be some trick of her mind, it just couldn't be real, but it was, what the fuck had she done?
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you having a heart attack?"
"What happened, why so much noise?" She could hear someone's voice in the background but she couldn't identify who.
"I think she's having a stroke."
Trying to control her breathing, she turned to see the two girls who were in the kitchen with her.
"I kissed her." She whispered, unable to say it out loud.
"I kissed her." She managed to articulate more clearly.
"What? Who?" Making eye contact with Annie she didn't need to say anything else, they had understood.
"Holy shit." Josie said with wide eyes.
"Was it with tongue?" Sylvie asked as she had just entered the kitchen.
"I kissed her." She repeated to herself without being able to believe it.
Leaving the video game more than forgotten, everyone settled into Josie's room as best they could.
"Why the fuck do you kiss her if you're going to regret it later? What a pussy." PJ judged Hazel sitting upside down in a chair.
"I didn't realize what I was doing, don't judge me."
"We don't judge you, we make fun of you." Sylvie clarified.
"But seriously, how do you kiss someone by accident? Aren't you hiding something from us?"
Although Annie's question was not intended to upset or offend, Hazel couldn't help but feel a hint of discomfort upon hearing it. Sure, you were her best friend and she loved you very much but it's not like she had those kinds of feelings towards you, right?
"I don't, I don't know what you mean."
"Looks like." PJ stung with intention.
Well, maybe she thought about you more than she should or looked at you for long periods of time when you didn't realize it, thinking how beautiful you were, but you were best friends, that's what they do, they care about each other and think they are the most beautiful people they have ever seen. What they probably didn't do was kiss each other and not feel a bit of remorse, because yes, Hazel didn't regret having kissed you, in fact, she had enjoyed it and suddenly found herself wanting to leave everything here and go home to finish what she had started.
"Oh my god, you want to fuck her so bad." PJ exclaimed when she saw the blush appear on the blue-eyed girl's face.
"Don't talk about her like that." It was the only thing she could say before remaining silent again with her head racing.
Okay, she could admit to feeling a small attraction towards you, something insignificant, or was it something more than that?
Suddenly a conversation came to her mind, one that she had with her ex-girlfriend before breaking up a few months ago, one where she complained that Hazel spent too much time talking about you and that she should choose between her or you. Swallowing hard, she remembered how she chose you in a heartbeat, without any regrets afterwards, because maybe, and only maybe, it was always you.
"I'm so screwed." She admitted with his face in her hands.
"Think positive, I had started to think that you were the problem with all your relationships ending, and that was the case, so."
"How is that positive?"
"That I was right."
She silently thanked Brittany for hitting PJ on the head.
Exhaling she turned to Isabel. "So, what do I do now?"
"Amm, I can help too, you know." Josie said hurt.
"Shut up, no, you can't, in your first kiss with Isa you almost fainted." Sylvie reminded her.
"Did you tell them?" She asked, very offended.
"Not now, baby."
"Look, Hazel, we can give you a thousand tips but the only way to clarify everything is to talk to her."
"I don't know, I don't even know if she likes me." She suddenly remembered something that made her want to dig a hole in the ground and never get out of it. "Holy fuck! I kissed her without even asking her, I'm a disgusting person."
"Oh please, if she hadn't been dying for you to do it." Annie told her, looking at her as if she were stupid.
"It's true, she was dying those months you were dating that girl at the beginning of the year." Brittany said after a silence. "It was too obvious, actually."
"No, that was for something else, she told me. Why would she lie to me?"
"Why are you so worried about the kiss you just gave her?"
Confused by Isabel's sudden question, She decided to just answer it. "Because I don't want to screw up our friendship obviously." The raised eyebrows of everyone in the room made her understand. "Ah."
"Yes, ah, so now get up and go eat her mouth, you both deserve it." In the middle of her realization, PJ had walked towards her to pull her by one arm out of the room to leave her outside the house and close the door in her face.
Without really understanding what was happening, she got into the car and began driving towards her house with the screams of her friends behind her.
"Yes, queen!"
"Go get some pussy!"
"Good luck."
"Don't be like Josie!"
"I was very brave when I kissed Isabel!"
Standing outside the apartment she couldn't have the strength to enter. Would you be sleeping or watching TV? Maybe you locked yourself in your room so you wouldn't see her, maybe you hated her. Pushing those thoughts out of her head, Hazel inserted the key into the lock and with a sigh she opened the door and entered the apartment.
Her first impression of the place is that it was exactly the same, your computer was still on the table next to an empty glass, both the hallway light and the kitchen light were on, the only thing different was the sound coming from the living room and the darkest sky. She took off her shoes, taking more time than necessary, to finally stand up and give herself a mental cheer, at the end of the day you had been the one who was kissed out of nowhere and you needed answers.
The first thing she saw was the movie you had put on, on the screen was a very 2000s looking movie that she didn't recognize, going a little further into the room she could finally see you, you were looking at the screen but it was very clear that your mind was somewhere else.
"I thought you were arriving tomorrow."
Hazel jumped a little in her place, she didn't expect you to have heard her coming.
She shifted in her position and with a hand on her neck she tried to find her voice. "I came earlier" How smart.
"Um, I have to talk to you, because of what... I did, because of what I did to you."
"What did you do to me?" This time you turned to see her. Hazel scared and worried eyes looked bright from the reflection of the TV, you could see how she couldn't sit still and her messy hair confirmed that she had passed her hands through it many times, a sign that she was anxious.
"Are you angry?"
"I'm confused." You responded.
Hazel nodded her head and moved a little closer to you but without sitting down.
"To be honest, I don't have a clear explanation for why I did what I did, I'm sorry if it inconveniences you and if you want me to leave I will do so immediately."
"You regret it." It wasn't a question, from the blue-eyed girl's reaction you were sure that she considered the kiss a mistake, but her response made you swallow your thoughts.
"Unless it made you uncomfortable, I would never regret it."
A little shaky, you slowly got up from the couch without breaking eye contact, you were tired of so many crossroads and unanswered questions.
"I liked you Hazel, I liked you so much that it hurts, and, and I didn't know what to do or say because-because losing you would be the worst thing that could happen to me, but, but then you kissed me and I went crazy and I realized that I don't like you. I love you Hazel. I can't live a life without telling you how I feel, 'cause some part of me hopes that you feel the same way."
Your hands itched to grab something to distract yourself but you refused to move, you wanted your words to reach her with nothing but pure sincerity.
"You love me? Me?" Hazel's voice came out shaky and her eyes grew brighter with tears.
Shit, had you been too direct? There was no longer an opportunity to retract it and you didn't want to, if this was the end you were going to repeat it as many times as necessary. "Yes Hazel, I love you."
In less than three seconds Hazel was all over you, the impact of the body almost threw you back but her arms around you stabilized you, her face was buried in your neck and one of her legs was between yours. Although it was a fairly tight and suffocating hug, you never felt lighter and calmer.
"I love you too, you have no idea how much I love you." She said making her breathing tickle you. So you laughed as you wrapped her in your arms too, your chin ended up on her head where you placed a kiss and heard several I love yous coming out of Hazel's mouth.
You hugged each other for what seemed like an eternity, both of you holding onto each other not wanting to let the other go. After another while Hazel raised her head and one of her hands went to your cheek, where she caressed your cheekbone with her thumb.
"I love you." She said again with a smile full of emotions. Love, calm but excitement, happiness.
"I love you." You repeated to her, feeling the same way.
A shaky sigh escaped her lips directing your attention to them, you had kissed those same lips a few hours ago.
"Can I kiss you?" You asked with as much self-control as you could muster.
She didn't even respond to you when her mouth collapsed on yours, the hallway kiss had been just a small bump, two lips together just sharing an innocent moment, but this kiss was the opposite. Her mouth moved desperately over yours, while one of her hands went to your neck where she began to play with your hair, the other remained firm on your hip, keeping you glued to her. Tasting your lower lip you opened your mouth allowing her entry to explore, your hands went under her shirt, you were grateful that it was a loose fabric as it gave you more freedom to touch everything you could. With a shudder she pushed you towards the couch where, changing position, she sat down and you fell on top of her. Her wet tongue began to run along your neck, her hands went to your hair, pulling your head back so she could explore everything about you, your hands went in the direction of her bra that you unclasped almost expertly. Her mouth returned to yours where she began to leave wetter but slower kisses, her two hands went to your lower back, pressing you closer to her, after a few seconds the kiss began to become a little calmer to end with her placing small kisses all over your face, laughing breathlessly you rested your head on her neck.
"Are we something now?" You asked stupidly, it was obvious that oxygen still wasn't reaching your brain.
"Shit I hope so because I need to kiss you like that again."
With a sigh of relief you moved away from her neck so you could look into her eyes.
"Hazel, I love you."
"And that's why I'm the luckiest girl in the world." Savoring the moment, and her lips, you decided this was the best moment of your life, screw the holidays.
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Your true colors - (4/7) Green"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read a message for you from the color green, the fourth of the 7 rainbow's colors. in this serie of readings about the rainbow's colors, I will try to channel about your true colors, so to help you look inside and see your most beautiful self, appreciate yourself more and hopefully provide some type of guidance if necessary. as cindy lauper would say: "your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow", so let's look at them and hear what they have to say to you and how they (you) can help you look at things in a more positive way.
green is the color of healing, balance, peace, abundance, hope, money, growth, love, connection, surrender, trust (heart chakra)... in this reading, I'll try to analyze this side of your character.
you can find the other colors' readings in the pacs list in my pinned post
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
It feels like you've been waiting for something for a lot of time now. It could be love or connections, it could be a good stable career (and income), it could be also "feeling healed". About this last point let me add this reminder that healing is about finding a way to react in an healthier way to your possible triggers (yes, there may still be some here and there, but it doesn't mean you're not succeeding at what you do: pay attention to how differently you are reacting compared with the past. Maybe you are not spiralling so easily as before or maybe you're recognizing what's behind your trigger: that's a sign you're doing your healing right. I know it feels like it's never ending, but the moment you'll find a balance and not let yourself get discouraged by each fallback you may encounter, that's the moment you'll understand for real what I -well, many psychologists- mean. Take it slow). I feel you may even get envious of others having (apparently/easily) what you are trying so hard to obtain but seem to not be able to. You may be comparing yourself with others too (please, don't... you're your own type of special, don't lose sight of this truth). I think your heart is also suggesting you to calm down and wait, to not be too impatient. You are a very loving, kind, gentle soul, and ofc you (even unconsciously) feel like you deserve something back (you indeed do!!) but... it seems you're getting the absence of positive immediate signs (or even supposedly slightly negative signs -which may be just tests or corrections in your journey) as a huge NO from Universe. Tbh the more you keep asking for a sign, for something tangible, the more you are giving space for uncertainty and self doubts and ruining your manifestations (not saying it's not human at all, we all go there and it's okay. But try to stay as much as you can connected with your positivity, without avoiding paying attention to the negative side of your life: nobody wants toxic positivity ofc). I think you are asked to give yourself time and space. To enjoy the show, somehow (even if yes, it may sound bittersweet at first but it's more like... "let things flow/go", trust).
You may also not be giving your heart the right time and space to heal something. Or you're not paying real attention to something: maybe you feel you have healed your problem and got over it but it's not entirely so: you may even get dreams or other impulses from your mind about this. Our minds tend to recall what our hearts haven't healed fully, so if you think/dream about someone or something and it makes you overwhelmed or nervous/scared, chances are you need to still work on that a little more to get over it and leave space for new and better things to come. You are someone who rarely gives up but ofc, as every human does, sometimes you may feel disheartened. We all have dark periods when things get harder: when these happens try to reconnect with your heart (and take care of it, maybe putting your hands over your heart chakra and sending it love could help you too). You are such an hopeful and positive (maybe with others more than yourself... try to include yourself too) and also an abundant person, you just need to remind this yourself and put this type of energy into the Universe, so that the magic can happen and you can get more. Keep believing in your abilities and in yourself. And that you deserve so much more. I think the Universe is giving you some kind of feeling in this sense, like your intuition may be telling you to not give up to the dark but to just be patient a bit more (despite those darker days) cause bigger things are being prepared just for you, so yeah trust it. Trust yourself and your heart. You're not asking for too much anyway, but big things and changes (like going the opposite way from what you're used, like even changing your mental pattern) require a bigger amount of time. I think for many of you it's about love (even self love tbh or any other type of connection you have experienced: romantic, friendship, family...), maybe you need to heal/grieve and get over a past connection (situation/feeling) to get a new and possibly better one. I just read this by chance and its fitting so I guess it's for you: "Give yourself the permission to heal the same thing more than once". Allow yourself the same kindness and time respect you allow others.
song: hypnotized | purple disco machine, sophie and the giants (highly recommend reading the lyrics)
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pile 2
Your pile is giving me a hard time (luv ya). It feels like you don't want to let me in... maybe you tend to close off to others in general. I think you may have been through something big in the past (abandonment wounds more likely, someone left you out of the blue or you couldn't really trust people being there for you to help you when you needed them) and now you simply fear letting people in (it'd mean let them hurt you once again ofc). Some bits of you though may be starting to occasionally pour out of you, some even without control (your inner child wants more attention prolly)... maybe you are unconsciously trying to still be in touch with others, to connect more (we're humans, we need connections). I bet you feel alone these days, and I am sorry. Probably your heart still wants you to let down your walls or build some window, so to see if it's worthy to let someone in... maybe. I guess in love (any type) we have to take the risk of trusting others, of being vulnerable and letting them in. I think love (again any type) is our conscious choice to give someone else the power to hurt us... but still it's up on us to stop that hurt when we start to feel it. And talk about it before it gets too much, do not pretend things are always fine and you can take it all. There's such an overflow of emotions from you... You are abundant of love (or miss it so bad, no in between), you cannot keep it inside anymore and you're searching for something or someone to be able to take it all in and free you from that abundance (and give you back as much too and stop that lack, despite many of you mostly need to give). But maybe you fear being rejected and accused of being too much or hard to handle. Beware that yes, not everyone may be ready to be overwhelmed by your love or requests (as you may ofc not be ready to give it to someone since day 1), so just take things slow and talk. Remember also that some people may not be able to handle their own emotions to start with, so when you pour yours onto them, they may get overwhelmed and project onto you their fears and accuse you of being what you're not: "too much". We're all different, but it doesn't mean it cannot work (at least not always: it depends on the specific people involved). What I feel like telling you is... trust your intuition: it will guide you to the right people and places. You don't have to do it all alone, you don't have to stay alone... just take time to get used again with sharing and slowly letting down your walls. Not everyone is here to hurt you, and you can trust yourself in being able to recognize such people anyway and close them off, while letting others who deserve in. You're really full of love anyway... I don't have any other way to explain this. Your energy is so lovely. Maybe get a plant or a puppy, start pouring your love onto them, they will ofc receive it all happily and give back in their own way (a plant growing healthily and giving you flowers or even fruits, if applies, or having pretty shining green leaves is its way to tell you "thank you, ily").
This said, I do think you need to meditate and take some time to talk with your heart, decide what you can compromise on and what not (at least in the beginning, when starting reconnecting with others) and things like that. To meet the type of people you want to meet and deserve to meet, and get what you want, you need to be more open and even start going to search for them also in places you may not be considering atm (be the first one starting a convo if you want; don't always wait for others: maybe you both are waiting for the other so... try. If they "reject" you, it doesn't have to be you the cause of this rejection. It could be their "problem" too or that we're simply not made for everyone as not everyone is made for us). We can find different people in different places, even where we would never go (sometimes we are convinced we don't like something/someone but if we gave ourself the chance to try, we may even change our mind). Trust your guts for this, let yourself be called even by things you probably would have never considered joining or doing before (to get a different result, we need to do something different and it works for people too: not just in the way we act but also in the places we go to, a change can be needed and bring success). Idk why I am suddenly thinking about work with you. Maybe you want to change job or are moving somewhere else? That's good: changing, meeting different people and/or cultures may totally help you get a different approach in your life too and realize better your needs and that not everyone is the same ever in the world (you don't have to go the distance to see this btw). Totally give it a shot (confirmation, if you need: a change -probably even just in behaviour/routine or anything- may bring you wealth too not just in connections but money as well). My nose is itching so bad with you, probably you'll get some important download about what you'll have to do soon to get what you want, maybe even a dream or sign or something. You may be feeling lost so... yeah, this download will help you in your journey. Just let yourself get out more, even physically out of your home not just out of your own cage you have buildt inside around your heart. Let yourself be seen and found. You can survive anything, you have yourself, be sure of that. And anyway, you won't be alone forever. You can change this, your people are waiting for you (I literally had to check the time like yeah... it's time, come on!). Ofc keep trying to heal the reasons behind whatever is that is blocking you or caused you to cage yourself. Maybe for some of you healing will happen or improve when you'll meet other people, so it's fine if for now you don't feel like going too deep. It will happen at the right time, trust your own guidance.
song: basic instinct | the acid; running mate | lemolo (got called by both, so yeah.. you're lucky pile 2 ;) )
- ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 3
You are someone not scared of putting in hard work in order to get something you want. And I think you also have a very good mind that supports you in taking the right decisions or at least not giving up at the first obstacles or difficulties. I think you know it's okay to be a learner at first (and anyway, everyone is, and your heart knows this well) because you know you can see your results whenever you put effort into what you do. Things come easily to you, especially when you create this magic connection and balance between your light, heart/love and soul. When you connect really with your core center, and realize you are working for something you really deeply want and desire, you know you can do anything and go through anything. You change, adapt, grow, and always get to see abundance/success or attract it in your life. Or get to its side. Somehow though, and that's normal, at times you may get tired of always having to put in so much effort in all you do. At times you may be wondering if you're doing it all right and for something, or if you're actually being seen. I do think you are not being seen and appreciated that often to be honest, and this can cause you some self worth doubts. Maybe the people around you do not really give you feedback as much as you'd like... maybe you had to grow up and always had to work hard and get many positive results in order to get praised by your caregivers or others (contrary to others around you: you felt you had to put in a double effort to get the same kind of appreciation -it wasn't you the "wrong" one anyway, js), and this habit stayed with you. It helped you feel included and appreciated. You probably wear/wore masks sometimes or with someone and you kinda lost yourself in the process (or cause you focused mostly on your material life for long). But your heart knows that's not what is all about. You don't have to do anything in particular to be loved and appreciated, you only need to be you. I also think you need to work only on what you really want for yourself (mentioned above), not for others: you're caring and nice but, you're here for you and if you have to overwork to be seen... that's not good. Ofc to do this, you need to start a journey of getting back to yourself and knowing yourself again. You may have people pleasing tendencies and need to do what others require you to do, but that's not always what you want to do too. Try choosing with your heart and set up some boundaries. Protect your purity and energy from anything evil that may try to get your best and use your abilities and talents only to your own personal advantage. I think your career/grades will get better the moment you start doing this too (ofc, for those who can resonate).
Your heart is probably tired of not being acknowledged for who you really are, of being taken for granted... I feel like you may be thinking of giving up sometimes. Maybe you also had to be the responsible one since a young age, to almost parent your caregivers and they often came to you for support or you had to take decisions you didn't want to take. I perceive sadness around you and I'm very sorry. A heavy heart. Don't give up, please. Not yet. Ofc, take a break but don't give up entirely, especially if there's something you really want to do. Know you can always ask for support to others, even professional figures and you can take back what's yours and who you are. You can start again and start from yourself and who you really are. And you can even get away from whatever is hurting you if you need that. I do think you need peace most and foremost... You have worked too hard for too long, you felt in charge so many times and you did so much you didn't want to do. Now it's time to take a vacation (real or mental and emotional, at least) and relax your mind and heart. Heal your heart and then start your own personal journey. You have learned so much through these experiences, you know your worth and you know you can always make it and survive, so you know you're invincible. I don't have to be the one telling you for sure. ;) Just don't give up now even if your heart feels so tired. Better connections, people that will see you for who you are for real and appreciate you, will come in your life. Find yourself again. I do think there's a real lot in front of you to still be uncovered, and maybe also inside of you. A huge new (balanced) world you'll love and that will bring you so much more. You're still under construction, so keep building yourself up. I am seeing a cocoon/embryo, so yeah, it pairs with the green lemon in your photo too.
song: you are enough | sleeping at last
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
i loved seeing your character sheets for yuu and hayeli, especially hayeli’s!! it’s clear that a lot of thought went into them and i think his on/off mode is such an interesting concept (also a pomefiore student with blemishes?? yes please!!)
i’d be super curious what your creation process looked like, i.e if where there concepts you scrapped or how you went about choosing a name for them (it’s just a topic i love talking and hearing about but of course you don’t have to get into it if you don’t want to :])
not me also having ideas for an oc with mirror magic, but based on the mirror from the snow queen instead
First I'm so glad you like my characters! It seems Hayeli's bad skin is very popular and I love it! Give me more teenagers with bad skin and not making a huge deal out of it please!
As for my process... dear, that'll be a long post.
General process
Ok so my general character creation process starts with two ways:
1. I have a role to fill in a story that can't be fulfilled by a pre-existing character
2. I have a vibe and I need to turn it into a character
From those needs and/or wants, I'll go through several steps:
1. Age: surprisingly deciding on a character's age first unlocks at least half of its mental and physical design. Is it an adult who already has its shit together or a teen in the middle of a crisis?
2. Vague personality: is the character going to be introvert or extrovert? Shy or outgoing. Proud or self depreciating. Bubbly or quiet. Easy to anger or chill. It doesn't need to be its full personality yet, just guidelines.
3. Race: for fantasy and realism. A character's skin color and cultural background will shape how they view the world a lot!
4. Gender and sexual orientation: i usually decide on the gender based on how many characters I already have of each gender, or whether I want a character to be traditionally feminine/masculine or the total opposite of what's expected. Obviously the gender will affect the design, but the orientation will also affect how the character reacts to others.
5. Assets & weaknesses: for fantasy, it'd be their powers and their shortcomings, for action it'll be their strengths and the things they haven't mastered yet, for romance it'll be their best personality trait and their worst.
Once I have that base guideline, I can start working on a chara design. Age and race help with the body, personality and strengths/weaknesses help with how they dress and present themselves. (An outgoing person will have an easier time dressing in original ways while a shy person would be more traditional for example.)
Once I have a design, I draw shitty little doodles and meme redraws until I have a better sense of their personality. Slices of life and comedy and angst are great way for me to get to know my character. For writers, it'd be writing random scenes to test the characters' reactions.
Then, I double down on the strengths and weaknesses. Make them stand out. Make sure they are coherent to the characters. Make sure the weaknesses are as important as the strength. (For example, I have a character who has super speed. Arguably one of the most cheated powers in existence. I counterbalanced it by giving him poor stamina. In theory he is all powerful. In practice, not so much.)
Lastly, I chose a name. Sometimes it's just about how the name sounds. Sometimes I'm looking for names to mean something. If your character is POC, think about whether they'd have a common name or a name from their own culture. Both are valid but you need to think about it! (For example, I have two maohi characters in the same story. One is called Fray (common name), the other is called Tanemahuta (maohi name) because they and their families have different relationships with their own culture.)
Well, that's a strange one since Yuu already does exist in the game, but it's a blank slate, a place holder. Let's make them something worth remembering, shall we.
First, I went with their gender. Most of my placeholders characters end up nonbinary because that's what I am and also I can't be bothered to role-playing gender when playing a simple game.
Then I went with a vibe and a bullet list of things I wanted to keep from the game and things I wanted to add.
To keep:
1. Not very proactive
2. Not very talkative
To add:
1. Raccoon
2. Clever/cunning
3. Physically rather weak
From there I made a design that gave "raccoon vibes". Semi long disheveled hair, lazy eyes, lazy dress up.
Now, what was important was to make up for their weakness: they don't have magic. The world around them is harsh and they get threatened by characters having breakdowns every two months. What is there strength? For Yuu, I wanted them to be clever and cunning. Have them actually outsmart our dear schemers. That's Yuu's one and only strength, they're a schemer themself. They see others as cards that make up their hands the same way Leona sees others as chess pieces. Once you have those big pieces from earlier plus the survival instinct, you get a character that is easy to handle. They don't talk much, keep everything to themselves, manipulate others from the shadows to defend themself.
But. Let's give them one more weakness, shall we? It's funnier that way. Let's make them yearn for connection. They are a teen who got kidnapped from their family. Let's give them a big family. But they are rather independent too, so let's find a way to remove the parents from the picture to explain why they are already able to fend for themself. Now make them yearn for real friendship. Make it obvious their manipulation comes from defensiveness. Have them slip up when they interact with people they genuinely end up caring about.
And there you have Yuu.
Now, for Hayeli, I started out with a vibe. He's actually pretty old, comes from before the game was even released when there were only countdown arts and some vague informations about the game. As I said in his description, he's based on the Evil Queen's mirror. I didn't know at the time there were already plenty of mirrors in the game haha
Contrary to my usual process, I started with his powers first. His Signature Spell had to be something about mirrors. The easy way out would be to have him shape-shifting. There are plenty of angst and fun opportunities from shape-shifting. But that was too simple, I didn't like it. Instead I went with the capacity to copy others' magic. In game there was already Azul being able to steal others' magic through a high requirement spell, so I went with this kind of power. High requirement high reward. I don't like for my characters to be overpowered and I wanted Hayeli to just be average in magic, so I doubled down on the requirements to make his magic near useless.
Then I went on to his gimmick. He still didn't have a personality or body at the time, I really went full mirror first. Hayeli is a mirror. He copies others' magic. What if I double down and make him copy everything as a by-product of his Signature Spell? Ok, now, since I still don't like overpowered characters, how do I make it ruin his life?
And so we come to the problem of his personality: he doesn't have one. He's a blank slate. A mirror. He reproduces others' behaviors and mannerisms and personalities and he has no control over it. He has no idea who he is himself. The angst creates itself.
Once there, it was easy process for the rest. Make him a body. Average size since he's just a copy of others. Pomefiore attitude and presentation since he's in Pomefiore. I like curly hair and there aren't enough of them in Twisted Wonderland so I went with that, but they couldn't be long since Yuu already has semi long curly hair.
I still needed one way to recognize him. Make him pop amongst the other characters. What makes Hayeli physically Hayeli?
1. Moles. So many moles.
2. Bad skin. He's in Pomefiore? Do the contrary of what's expected there. Give him a malleable standard face and add bad skin to it.
3. Strange eyes. He's a mirror who can reproduce everything he sees. His eyes are important. Make them pale like mirrors, make his pupils white to reflect others, make the shape a bit blurry as if the mirror isn't perfect.
And there you have Hayeli's body!
Oh. A name? Google translate, please tell me how to say mirror in different languages please. Mirror in Armenian is "Hayeli", I like the sound of it. Sold. So Hayeli shall be Armenian irl, that'd probably be on the frontiers of the Scalding Sands (thanks a friend for helping me with that part), so maybe I should make his skin darker. Besides, dark skins in a dorm that values beauty is also not the first idea people get. Sold!
(Somewhere during the process, I actually had an objective with Hayeli. "Make him represent Teenagehood itself". Teenagehood is a particularly difficult period, teenagers try to become their own person independently from their parents. They copy each other and all the people they look up to to find what suits them best, but they also hate not being able to tell who they are as a person. Hayeli represents that struggle, and that's also why I gave him a heavy bout of acne and red cheeks and baby fat but a lean body. Teenagehood isn't pretty, and it shouldn't be. Hayeli is awkward, his body is morphing a lot, he has no idea who he is or who he wants to become, he copies others without realizing. But he also has a lot of fun. He cheats at tests, he bothers his classmates and dormmates, he has fun with makeup, he tries a lot of new things. While Yuu was meant to represent survival, Hayeli is meant to represent teenagehood, for better and for worse.)
There you have all of Hayeli's creation process.
TLDR: Mostly I just... don't go with the very first thought I get. Do you know that Pixar or maybe Disney process where they give up on the first dozen ideas they get because it's too "normal" and easy to guess? It has its flaws but I think it's not that bad. I go with the contrary of what's expected (dark bad skin for a dorm that represents beauty) or I push the concept further if I can (copying magic instead of shapeshifting). And most importantly, I give my characters flaws and weaknesses. That's the most important part of the creation to me. What can I give him that'll make him struggle? The scenario writes itself as soon as you give your characters challenges to overcome within themselves.
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icancdramahanfu · 6 months
Maomao's skirt
Since I have decided to torture myself and do a cosplay in just over a month, I figured I would start with the easier part - the skirt.
In my intro post, I mentioned that her skirt isn't Ming accurate being vaguely mamian-like but not really. For this I played with two main ideas, using one of my other skirt patterns that has pleats and would be mamian-like or go for the circle skirt.
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The fabric I selected was around 2 1/3 yards - less than I'd like but it was the entire remaining bolt and the color was perfect - don't trust my indoor lighting here. With the limited amount of fabric I had to do a little tetris to decide what pattern pieces to use. I washed and dried the fabric before ironing it.
My first and preferred pattern was this one:
Simplicity #2710 - 1949
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I have already made this skirt, it has thick pleats and falls nicely. I figured it might be a good selection and I'd get that extra Ming style with lazy pleating.
Circle skirt
Less complicated since all I had to do was determine my waist, put it as the circumference and make a 1/4 circle pattern with my pre-marked cutting board. The bolt was 46" from selvage to selvage meaning if I kept one strip I had more than enough for a waistband. I am currently assuming a 4" wide waistband and went with 42" for the skirt length.
Unfortunately for my original plan, the vintage Simplicity pattern was too wide with the pleating. I'd need 3 1/2 yards of fabric and my current pattern pieces were set for a length of around 36" as well to the hem.
Circle it is!
Made my pattern pieces, two so that I could see how to fit them. The fabric has a decent thickness and I didn't want to fold it over and cut, opting to instead chalk out each piece individually on the fabric.
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And yes, that is wrapping paper as usual with the square grids on the backside. I love this type of wrapping paper so handy! I cut out my fabric and took it to the sewing machine.
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Next, I went ahead and did a zigzag stitch along all the edges except for the selvage. This fabric was showing how it would fray immediately. I washed it in the machine and this is what the edges looked like after drying.
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Somehow, I messed up on the waist portion of the skirt panels and I had to take them down by 2". Not sure how I messed that up since I had the radius calculated. I tested this by holding them up to my body and realizing it was off.
Recall, that I have a very limited amount of this fabric, fearing something odd, I went ahead and sewed the front pieces together selvage to selvage and then the back ones. When I held them up to my waist they were still slightly off. I put in the right side seam and made sure all my seams were pressed. Something about my top of the panel pattern is off by a smidge and I need to put in about 3" of a spacer. I decided to put it down for the day and I'll figure out how to put that piece in, since the hips are okay?
It will also allow for me to decide if I want to be lazy and put in a side zipper. I'll go back and put a pocket in the right seam for sure. The next day - I went ahead and made a triangle to wedge into the gap area before putting in the zipper. I held the skirt up to my waist and measured it with my measuring tape. I zigzag stitched it and put it in the spot.
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I also pressed the seam well. Then I decided to put in an invisible zipper in the spot for a side zip. I had to unpick the seam a bit to fit the zipper in further and get it up around my hips. Whoops.
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Due to adding in the wedge the zipper is at a bit of an angle as shown here. I estimated the zipper coming up higher on the waistband so, I but in a hook and eye on the top to pull it together.
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It turned out fine, I'm so limited by the fabric I have to work with. I still have enough to put in pockets on the right side. However, with the skirt cranked out in less than 24 hours, I have it now hanging to even out the hem. It hangs the right way so I'll take it.
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Always remember to let your garment hang before hemming. I'm likely going to put some bias tape on the bottom, since this fabric is very prone to fray and then fold that up as opposed to a double folded hem. It is in place and will hang out in the closet for a day or two!
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That's all for now! I'll start working on the aoqun this week as a modified pattern from my previous ones.
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melverie · 8 months
I made a little something that you feed your card data into and then it spits out which sin and which card you should focus on for leveling
Below the cut is an explanation on to use it! If you have any more questions not already answered below, leave a comment on here or send me an ask! I'll do my best to help you once I have the time to
[last time this post was updated: April 7th 2024]
dedicated to @misc-obeyme because talking with them about card leveling inspired me to make this entire thing in the first place, as well as @impish-ivy and @dsimeon for testing it for me and for giving me some pointers on how to improve some things <3
Things covered below:
current team vs dream team
how to enter you card data -> step by step guide
ranking & recommendation
your three strongest demon cards + your three strongest memory cards of each sin (aka your top 3!) -> head to Contacts, filter for only one attribute and sort by strength to get your top 3 demon cards, then repeat for your memory cards. Rinse and repeat for every attribute If one character shows up multiple times in your top 3 demon cards, only count his strongest card and ignore the rest!
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the cards you want to use in the long-run. Ideally they should all be either UR or UR+ cards
Head to the sheet called 'card data'. Here you'll find seven charts that are all colored differently depending on what sin they are for
First off, each chart is divided into the following sections:
[1] dream team demon cards
[2] dream team memory cards
[3] current team demon cards
[4] current team memory cards
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Here's a quick run-down on all you need to know, but I'll also be going over it step by step a bit further below:
CARD enter who the demon card is of, or any name you associate with your memory card
TOP 3? if it's one of your three strongest cards, check the box; you don't need to re-enter the relevant data below if this box is checked. If it's not, enter the card data of one of your current team cards below it
MAX SIN UP? have you unlocked all of the Devil's Tree sin ups that you can get at your current skill level? If so, check the box
LEVEL enter your card's level
SKILL enter your card's skill level
STRENGTH enter your card's overall strength; sort by 'strenght' in Contacts to get this value
CARD, STRENGTH same as above, this for your current team. Only enter the card data if needed
1. Figure out what cards you want to use in the long run; In my case, that would be Lucifer, Satan and Asmodeus
2. Head to Contacts in the game, select an attribute and sort by 'strength' to determine your three strongest cards
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3. Go to the correspinding chart on the spreadsheet. Pick the characters in your dream team from the drop-down menu. The order you enter them in doesn't matter
Check the box for 'top 3?' if they are also one of your three strongest cards. If not, enter the card from the current team below
Your chart should then look something like this:
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4. If you have unlocked all the sin ups in the Devil's Tree that you can get with your current skill level, check this box
5. Enter the displayed overall card strength and the current skill level. Click on the card to see its level current level, and then enter that as well
6. Repeat the process for your memory cards
Once you're done, the chart should look something like this:
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7. Repeat for all other attributes
8. Once you're done, head to the sheet 'rec & ranking'
just a little ranking to show you how your sins are doing because I thought it'd be cool to have :] Keep in mind that it can't properly display ties tho! You'll have to enter all card data for it to work properly
The recommendation will tell you what order you should level your sins in, what cards you should level, what level and skill level to raise them to, and if you should work on its Devil's Tree first
But first, you need to configure the settings for your recommendation. You can choose
if you want demon and memory cards to be displayed seperately (overwritten only if you choose to display all sins)
how many sins should be displayed
if your current team should be factored into, or if it should be based purely on your dream team
Personally, I'd recommend going with seperated, display all sins (weakest to strongest), and to factor the current team in, but you can change it around to what best fits your needs
Again, if you have any questions or suggests, comment them on here. My asks are also always open, so you can also ask that way!
Anyway, best of luck with leveling your cards, everyone!!
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Hi Zoe, I saw a few asks before about a physical edition of Scarlet Lady, I'm curious how you are planning to go about it? For now I saw you talk about volume one, are you planning to make one season = one volume? Will there be any changes to the current comics? (Like color, bonuses etc.) thank you in advance!
Yes, the plan is 1 Volume = 1 Season, with Volume 5 having the finale episodes, so, extra thiccccc.
I have edited the pages to fix spelling errors and made a few changes so subtle that I can't even remember them, as well as trying to make old pages more legible. And there are bonus images and commentary to fill in the blank spots left by page bonuses.
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^Here's an example bonus pictures I made for "The Pharaoh". It's the picture Alix joked about sharing with the class of Marinette dressed as Scarlet Lady, and Plagg dressed as the Black Cat statues that the group walks past at the end of the episode.
Because mixam (the ones who'll be making these books) needs pages divisible by 4, I do have some full color pages for the Volumes that happened to not fit that number nicely (so far it's just Volume 2), so look forward to that. I think I'll share those pages later this week.
Additionally, the chapters got new "headers" since they're in a new format:
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^Ivan finally got his moment!
So, it's not as easy as just throwing it into a PDF and giving it out like that. I want this to be a special gift for anyone who's willing to put down money for my content - they deserve something extra for their interest, which is also why I'm not trying to spoil everything.
As for the status of everything: - Volume 1: Final Walk-through. I've gone through one draft and added a few things to match changes I made to other volumes, so after I complete a few commissions I'll be ordering in another (hopefully final!) draft. One book costs me about $60 to order, but that's because I'm not ordering in bulk. But it does mean I take plenty of time between ordering draft. - Volume 2: 2nd Draft. Volume 1 had very few errors in its first draft but Volume 2 had quite a lot, starting with the cover being so dark it was basically a black blob with green eyes (the covers are the different heroes). So I've been editing saturation on the cover and need to print just the cover locally to find the right balance. Additionally, there were a handful that accidentally got cut off, so I needed to fix those. The cover is really the biggest thing holding things up. - Volume 3: Ready for it's 1st Draft. Again, these are expensive, and after the debacle with Volume 2 I want to test print Volume 3's cover to make sure it doesn't have the same problem since it also has a lot of black. - Volume 4: Only the pages have been edited. That means I need to do chapter covers, extras, chibis, and page fillers, as well as the cover. - Volume 5: Same as Volume 4, as well as not being done with the season.
Additionally, I'm not out here trying to get sued, so I need an original product to sell with the book being a "freebie". I don't do a lot of original content, so any suggestions would be appreciated. A print? Charm? Bookmark? Stickers?...pencil?
Then there's obviously the store to use, launching a page, creating marketing materials~ All super fun -_-
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clus444 · 2 months
RealityStar! Gaz Part 3
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Open The Chat Rooms
"Hello everyone! I'm your host, Sativa, and I'm here to test certain theories about love. The contestants will blindly choose their 'Their Forever Partner' and be put through challenges so we can find out how forever their partners are gonna be," Sativa says cheekily. "Sometimes we put what we call 'spies' in the game that no one knows about. Their job is to act like their here for love but its to test limits. More will be explained later as I want to get this show on the road. My final question to the contestants is, are you ready?" The screen turns black and I stare at it waiting for something else to happen.
The words ' Start dating' appear with a loading bar under it. The room is nicely decorated with a beach theme to it. The walls are a nice blue color with a accent wall painted to resemble a beach. They put nice black couch in the wobble with beach themed pillows. Quotes about not giving up taped on the wall. One camera not so secretly placed in the top corner of the room.
The bar finishes loading and 12 profiles pop up. I accept 4 chats and I start three with a simple,
Everyone was told no names in case recognition happened. Especially since some have made it known they were on the show. One of the chats consisted of talking about sports only, one treated it as a sex thing kinda and I immediately left, and the others were downright boringgg!
How hard is it to have a normal conversation? Though I can't completely blame them. Dating for me hasn't been lucky and I think I find myself carrying that onto here. But hell can you blame me? Rome wasn't built in a day.
I decide to click on one more before finishing for the day. Clearing my mind and coming at this with as much positive energy as I can.
R- Your profile says that you are from Great Britain
Is the food as bad as they say?
G-Though I love my country,God bless the queen (She's alive right now,I have my reasons), the food does have its faults compared to America
R- Are you trying to say it is better than any other place?!?
G-I said we had some faults... We have some delicacies
R- Can you even count chicken masala...
G- I'll have you know that degradation is my kink
I laugh out loud at that. I guess I kinda did go in hard.
R- Looks like we have something in common.
We began texting back and forth the conversation flowing smoothly. I catch myself giggling and twirling my hair. We talk about movies and of course land on the argument of rose and jack. He could've fit!
G- Yes the door was big enough but! Weight would weigh them down.
R- Puh-Lease! She could have given him her life jacket to help cover him for the cold.
We talk about each others families. His father was enlisted in the army but now spends his days in the wilderness to get his hands dirty. His mom stayed at home to care for him and his sisters. I told him about how my father died which left me and my mother. I only have one sister.
R- My father passed when I was young so I don't have many memories with him.
G- Daddy issues go crazy for the both of us.
Though my father is here, we weren't always close. We are now repairing our relationship.
I also found him to be very funny and quite sassy! His quick comebacks had me dying on the floor. I'm sure the viewers will have a field day with our messages.
A buzz happens and lets us know that we have to stop chatting.
G- I'll text you tomorrow. Tell your other dudes I'm first in line.
I smile as I reread his text. I fist bump the air as I start to feel like this wasn't a complete failure. Maybe love is in my cards or maybe I'm being naive and desperate. I'm not quite sure but what I do know is that if this doesn't work out, Hot Girl Summer will!
Kyle receives a small message that says...
S- Feel free to make a confessional. Just grab the camera under the couch and set it where to computer is.
He thinks for a moment weighing his options. He grabs the camera and sets it up. How should I start?
"I'm Kyle Garrick but everyone calls me Garrick. So far I've talked to 8 people. Only two really catch my eye but I have my doubts about this whole thing," He pauses and laughs.
"For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that none of this is real. What can I say? Stacey and I share a similar military family background. And the other one just seems crazy. But I will admit how interested I am to see how this plays out," He finishes talking and signs out.
Giving you all some more plot but I cant lie and say I wanna skip some parts. Anyways hope you enjoyed!!!
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burrowbaddie · 2 years
With You
Joe Burrow x Female Reader
Series Summary: Childhood friends to lovers to nothing. You and Joe had history, you were each others first and then you were nothing. Years later, you guys rekindle the flame but with more obstacles in the way this time.
Chapter 4 Summary: You and Joe are expecting, the unexpected.
Word Count: 7.7k
Warnings: Afab!reader, smut, swearing. Oral (female & male receiving), vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cheating! (You are the side girl, sorry.), the small fight scene, jealous Joe, mild violence, stalker
Series Masterlist
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Joe follows Nicole to the bedroom, where she picks out one of the outfits laid on the bed.
"Nicole!" Joe shouts, slamming the door behind him.
"You really think I have enough time to follow you and you're side bitch around."
"Don't call her that. You're out of line."
"Oh, but that is what she is. A side bitch. A side hoe."
"You are so delusional, Nicki. I broke up with you. This pretend play you have me doing isn't real. She is my girlfriend. You're nothing."
"I'm the mother of your child."
"And I barely believe that," Joe whispers. Nicole drops her heels on the floor, stunned by his words.
"You are an asshole. You are such a piece of shit. You think I would pretend to have your child."
"Nicole, you're acting crazy. Forcing me to be with you. Threatening Cheeks, so yeah, I think you are capable of pretending to be pregnant."
Nicole storms to the bathroom and slams the door behind her. Joe stands outside, listening to her use the toilet. When she emerges from the bathroom, she shoves a positive pregnancy test into his hands.
"Nicki, what are we doing? Do you really think we can raise a child together?"
"It doesn't matter because I'm taking you to court for everything you have."
Joe throws the stick into the trash rolling his eyes. Nicole was so hellbent on ruining his life that she couldn't see how ridiculous she looked. Nicole left the house, leaving Joe to his thoughts. He tried waiting for your call all day, but by 4 pm, he was blowing your phone up.
"Joe, you have to stop."
"I had to make sure you were okay."
"I'm okay. I'm at work now. I'll call you tomorrow." You whisper, hanging up. Mya gives you a smirk as you go into the emergency meeting that had been called earlier today. You sit in the back, listening to the medical director call attention to the meeting.
"I will let Dr.Brian take it from here," Max says, stepping aside.
"As you guys know, my mother is very sick. With that being said, I'm stepping down on a leave of absence to go back home and care for her. I've gone back and forth about who should be the interim chair of the emergency department. I sat down and ran through many scenarios, and ultimately, the board and I agreed. I've trained this girl since she was in college. It is my honor to have her temporarily sit in my chair while I'm gone."
You completely zone out hearing your name. You look around the room at the smiling faces and people applauding you, but you can't move.
"Come up here and accept your title."
You stand up, making your way to the front, smiling nervously. Dr.Brian hugs you, and you nod, agreeing to the position. It's only six months, so you can do it. After 15 minutes of accepting compliments, you go to the break room to let it all sink in.
"That's cool. I mean, you just became a full fledge doctor and already a chair member. What did you do to earn that?" Mya asks, leaning on the lockers. You put your phone down and stare at her.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Do you honestly think people aren't talking already? You're the youngest member by far."
"I've been working hard. Dr.Brian has known me since I did an internship with him during my freshman year and every year after. I graduated early. I completed med school and my residency early. I also passed the board with flying colors. My work ethic speaks for itself."
"I'm just telling you what people are thinking. You fucked him, and that's how you got that spot."
"Mya, What is your issue? Why would I do something like that? He's a married man."
"Lol, says the girlie fucking Joe Burrow."
"Sorry, okay. I'm frustrated. Mike thought that position was going to be his. He talked all last night about it."
"Oh gosh. Mike-"
"Things were finally going better for us. With this job, I thought he could-"
"He's an asshole, My. He doesn't even claim you when we all hang out."
"Because we are not allowed to date in the same department. Look, all I'm saying is that people will talk about this. You're young and hot-"
"And a female. So, of course, everyone would assume I slept my way to get here." You slap the locker close and grab your bag off the bench, leaving Mya alone. You first visit your parent's house to share the news.
"Omg! My sweet baby! This is amazing. I cannot wait to tell the ladies down at church!" Your mother holds you tight, rocking you side to side; your father claps to the side. It doesn't take long for your mother to share the news with Robin.
"We have to organize a dinner to congratulate you. We will invite family and close friends. We have to celebrate this huge achievement!" Your mother is rushing to her computer room before you can complain. Your father wears a proud smile, pulling you into a hug.
"My baby girl. I am so proud of you. I know you don't want to be celebrated, but let your mother have this." Your dad laughs. You nod your head. You share the news with Quinn and Fran, who are both over the moon for you. Quinn also wants to plan a party, but you direct her to your mother. And finally, you decide to let Joe in on your news.
"Baby, that's amazing. I am so proud of you. We should celebrate."
"Right now, I just want to lay in bed and let it soak in." You laugh, leaning on the wall and staring at your parents in the dining room.
"Hmm. Can I join you?"
"Joey, we shouldn't be seen with each other. Not until-"
"I know, but it's killing me. I'll come late in the night."
"Okay." You whisper. And late in the night, Joe is holding you in his arms, whispering how much he loves you. You kiss his lips while playing with his ears, giggling at each word.
"You are everything I have ever wanted. I promise things will get better for us. Nicole means nothing to me."
"She's having your baby, Joe. We can't ignore this matter."
"I know. And I will be a great father to my child. I am more than capable of co-parenting."
You close your eyes as he kisses your forehead. You want to believe him and every sweet word he tells you, but there is something in your gut telling you to let Joe go. But you don't. You can't let him go, and neither can he. The next few days consist of you coming home to Joe and living your perfect domestic life. He sits on the counter watching you cook in nothing but his jersey.
"Let's move in together."
"I've been looking at places; plus, it's a gated community, and you won't have to worry about this stalker," Joe says, eating some popcorn.
"How would that look in the tabs? Superstar Joe leaves his pregnant girlfriend to live with his mistress. That sounds like an amazing headline, babe." You turn around, crossing your arms. Joe pouts, and you walk over, taking place between his legs. Joe bends down and kisses your nose, then your lips.
"I just want you safe. If this is Nicole on her bullshit, I don't know what she will do."
"I'm okay. I want you to focus on this season and getting that ring."
Joe smirks and slowly lifts your jersey.
"You know when I get my ring; you'll have to marry me. You promised, remember."
"That was 6th grade."
"And I remember that promise. You said once I win the Superbowl, you become my wife. I plan to do exactly that." He kisses your lips and caresses your ass. You moan into the kiss, which only excites Joe, who hops down from the counter, scooping you up.
"Joe. I'm cooking. Calm it down." You laugh while he throws you over his shoulder. You guys had just finished a steamy shower session not too long ago, and the boy was ready for me. You slap his back until he puts you down. After dinner, Joe tells you he has to get going. He promises to call you before bed.
The next few weeks are pretty busy for both of you. You are starting your direct training to take over as chair, and Joe is training during the offseason. Mya has apologized for her comments, but her behavior still offended you. Mike, her boyfriend but not her actual boyfriend, has been giving you absolute hell. The comments other nurses and doctors make don't go unnoticed. You try your best to ignore them. Today, the news station is coming to interview the hospital about its recent clinic opening. Dr. Brian lets you sit in your first assignment as the chair. You're super nervous as the makeup team works. You stare at your notes when the door opens to Nicole. It feels like the air leaves the room as she takes her place in a chair across the room. This will be your first interaction with her since finding out about you and Joe.
"Can you give the interviewee and me some time alone? I want to get a feel of her before we get rolling." Nicole smiles and laughs as the makeup team and her assistant leaves. she gets up from the chair and stands behind you. Her green eyes stare into the mirror at yours. She touches your hair and smiles.
"I have no idea what he sees in you. You are not prettier than me." Nicole clicks her tongue. You've dealt with plenty of Joe's groupies before, so her words don't sting.
"Congrats on the baby." You whisper.
"Of course, he told you. And you still want to see him."
"Having a baby with him isn't going to make him stay. You do know that, don't you?"
"Oh, miss little know it all. I know that, but I will not let Joe have his happy ending. If you think I will let you two run off happily in the sunset, you have another thing coming. Keep seeing Joe, and just like I told him, I have no problem ruing yours or his career. So soak in that little promotion of yours because it will be your last, bitch."
You take a deep breath and stand up. Nicole stands slightly taller than you because of her heels, but you stare her down.
"Nicole, I'm not afraid of you. If you think you're the first girl to threaten me because of Joe, you have no idea what you're up against. At the end of the day, Joe will never ever love you. Once you get that through your thick ass skull, I promise you will be able to let go. Now, sit your ass back in your chair and get ready to put on your interviewing skills to work, Miss Cinncinati." You brush her shoulders off and walk to open the door but pause.
"By the way, you're lucky you're pregnant because if you ever called me out of my name outside your nine-month window, I'd punch you in the fucking mouth. We're ready!" You say, swinging the door open. The crew comes back to finish up. You show Nicole around the new clinic and discuss what to expect when it opens soon.
"There you have it, folks! The new clinic is set to open in the fall of this year. Thank you for showing us around." Nicole smiles at you as the director counts down. You wear a smile as well and turn just as cut is yelled. Both of you stop smiling. Nicole storms off to her trailer, slamming her door. You giggle and walk over to your new assistant, Liv.
"What is her issue?"
"Not sure. Since we are done here, let's grab some lunch on me!" You tell her. You guys have lunch at your favorite diner, where you order your usual meal: pancakes and eggs. Liv orders a burger with onions. As you take a first bite, you get a whiff of her onion burger and gag.
"Do you not like onions? Omg, I should have asked. Is it making you sick?"
You shake your head but gag again. You shoot up from your seat and run to the bathroom. With your head in the toilet, Liv finds you to help.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I just-I don't know. The smell hit me, and my stomach turned. YOu finish up and take the rest of the day off. I will go get myself together. Probably just a stomach bug." You say, giving her a thumbs up. But it's not just a stomach bug. You sit on the tub in your bathroom with the three positive pregnancy tests. You immediately call your gyn.
"I have the IUD, so it can't be-"
"It happens. I have a spot open at 4. Come in. If you are, we need to remove it if you want to continue with the pregnancy."
Everything blurs together as your doctor explains how far along you are and what the next steps are. You have the IUD removed and sent home to think further about your next moves. As you sit on the couch going over your possibilities, Joe calls you.
"Do you know how good you looked on the news today?"
"What's wrong?" Joe asks, quickly picking up on your tone.
"Nothing. This dinner party my mom is throwing for me is coming up this weekend, and I had my first shift as the chair, so it's a lot to take in now."
"That's this weekend, damn. I have this football camp-"
"Joe, you don't have to come. I know how busy you are, and it's okay. Do your parents know about you and Nicole?"
"Uhh no, why?"
"I really don't want you to come if you have to bring her."
"I won't bring her."
"Quinn is calling me. I have to go." You switch over the line.
"Pregnant! With Joseph's baby? I'm going to be an auntie!"
"Quinn, I can't have this baby. Joe is already having a baby with Nicole."
"Do you actually believe she's pregnant? She's insane. How far are you?"
"Two months."
"Let me add Fran to the call he's calling me."
"Quinn, wait!"
Too late. You give Fran a soft smile as Quinn shares the news. Fran congratulates you and the twins; start planning your baby shower already. You decide against taking off work and go in only to be greeted with snide remarks.
"Mike, I'm really not in the mood for your nonsense. Get to work, or I will take you off shift. I'm so so serious too." You say, crossing your arms. He mumbles under his breath and walks away. Mya gives you a half smile and hands you your favorite chocolate.
"I'm sorry about before. I'm missing my best friend."
You take the chocolate giving in to her apology. Mya hugs you and tells you juicy nurse gossip from the 7th floor. She invites you out for drinks, but you decline.
"Come on! It will be fun."
"I'm pregnant, so I would just be a buzz kill."
Mya covers her mouth, trying to contain her excitement.
"Wait with J O E's baby?"
"You do know anyone in this room can spell." You whisper, pulling her out of the locker room. Mya spends the next 30 mins grilling you about it. You finally send her off to help a resident while you attend to some patients.
"Mr. Brown, again, this is the 3rd time you've ended up in my ER in the last two months. What's going on?" You ask, reading his chart. He shrugs and smiles.
"I just like seeing your beautiful face." He beams up at you with a big smile.
"As much as I appreciate your kindness, I can't have you hurting yourself."
"This time, it wasn't me." His voice drips with sorrow. Mr. Brown starts picking at his blanket. You put your gloves on and check the wound on his head. It's a nasty gash from the middle of his forehead to his right temple. You reach down and hold his hand.
"Talk to me. What's going on?"
"They stole my tent this time. They jumped me and stole everything. My wife's photos, all of it gone."
Mr.Brown looks away from you.
"Mr.Brown, I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
"These young kids. Boys. They've been terrorizing a lot of us in the community."
"Have you spoken with an officer, maybe-"
Mr. Brown shakes his head.
"They don't care about us. There is no point."
"You'll need stitches, and I'll see about your belongings."
Mr. Brown grabs your wrist before you can leave.
"I don't want to cause you any trouble. What happens outside the hospital is my concern."
"Mr. Brown, how long have I been treating you?" You ask, taking your gloves off and standing up.
"3 years, give or take." He wears a puzzled look in his response.
"Right. You are my patient whether you are in this hospital or outside. Sit tight while I have someone stitch you up." You give him a warm smile, and he holds your hand, thanking you. You grab Mya telling her you're going for a walk.
"Oh gosh! Listen, I'm all for helping the homeless, but Tent city is a ruthless land. We should at least have a guy come with us. You're pregnant now. You can't be irresponsible." Mya grabs your arm, stopping you.
"If you're scared, I'll go in alone. A lot of them know and trust me. I'll be okay. If I'm not back in 15 mins, then worry, but no cops."
"Are you-"
"15," You say, walking across the field with coffee, breakfast sandwiches, and donuts. You stop a few times to hand it out and ask around about the boys terrorizing the place. But it doesn't take long to find the rowdy boys yelling and running around. You take a seat next to the kid who is staring at the older three play around.
"Sandwich?" You offer him. The kid doesn't speak and keeps his eyes focused on the others. You look over his appearance and notice his ankle.
"How long have you had that injury? Can you take your shoe off?" You ask him. The boy continues to ignore you. Finally, the older two boys notice you.
"Get the fuck away from him!" One shouts, running over. You quickly stand and hold up your hands.
"I was just offering him some breakfast."
"And who the fuck are you, lady?"
"I'm a doctor at the hospital a few blocks from here. I come here once a week to hand out food."
"She lying. We've been here for two whole months!" The other speaks up.
"Sorry. I've had a busy schedule, so I haven't had time to come down as often." You answer while your eyes drift to the youngest kid standing up now, limping.
"You're mad pretty for a doctor."
You smile and thank him, finally introducing yourself and asking for their names.
"I'm Tate, and that's Trey and TJ. Triple Ts." Tate says, laughing. You give him a smile and nod your head.
"Are you guys siblings?"
"Nope, but blood wouldn't make us any thicker," Trey responds.
"Stop telling her so much, dummy." Tate smacks Trey upside the head. You notice TJ wince. You want to ask them where their parents are, but you must tread lightly.
"I want to take a look at TJ's ankle. If that's okay?"
"He's fine. He just needs to sleep it off. It's not like we have money to pay you, lady."
"No need to pay. It's my job to help and treat. Can I look at your ankle?" You ask TJ. He looks at the older two boys and back at you, slowly nodding his head. You have him sit down and slowly try to take off the shoe. He cries out, and you stop.
"I need to bring him in."
"No way. Hell no. You just want to send us back! Did that old hag send you for us? We're not going back!" Tate grabs TJ pulling him to his feet. Trey pulls a knife out. You slowly stand with your hands up.
"I don't know who you're talking about, but I promise you I just want to get a better look at TJ's ankle. Please. If he doesn't get treated, it could turn into an infection." You try your best to reason with the boys, but they still stand guard.
"Treat him right here," Trey says. You shake your head.
"I can't take that shoe off here. I need to cut it off. His ankle is so swollen that it's stuck. I also need to examine the foot on a machine so-"
Trey hands you the knife.
"Do it here." He emphasizes. You take a deep breath and give TJ one last pleading look. The boy cannot be a older than 12 years old. Your heart breaks for the three of them. You take the knife from Trey and attempt to cut the sneaker. TJ cries out, and you look at Tate.
"You promise you'll help him, and you won't report us?"
"Tate, how old are you?"
"I'm 18. Why?"
"That will work. Pick him up and follow me." You instruct them. The boys follow you to the hospital with Mya right behind you. Inside you quickly go to work with Trey asking you all types of questions. You answer them as you work, laughing at some.
"I want to be a doctor too, but that old hag said I was too much of a dummy."
"You're not dumb, Trey. I'm sure you will be an excellent doctor. TJ, get some rest while we wait for tests."
"I'm hungry," TJ speaks up for the first time, and you nod, telling the boys you will bring them something to eat. Tate follows you outside the room.
"Give it to me straight. How are we paying for all of this?"
"A grant, but you need to tell me where Mr.Brown's tent and belongings are. I can't help you if you're going to terrify people. It's unacceptable." You say sternly, crossing your arms. Tate sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Return it." You walk off with Mya following behind you, but before she can speak, Mike is there.
"Grant? You have no authority to the grant, especially not for those homeless little punks."
"Actually, I do have authorization as the chair. It's already been approved. Why don't you make yourself useful and clear my ED of patients who are finished with their treatment? I need beds, not your mouth."
"Fucking bitch." Mike whispers under his breath. Mya shakes her head.
"You're too hard on him. He is taking this whole thing hard."
"My promotion? He needs to get over it. I won't continue to deal with his disrespect." You walk away, unable to deal with Mya and Mike. You order some food for the boys and watch them eat and talk. The boys tell you they ran away from their foster home and have no plans to return. Tate turned 18 in January and was left to wander the world alone, so he did the only thing he knew, take his found brothers with him. You find it weird the boys haven't been reported missing, but if the foster parent is still collecting checks, why would she report them missing? You excuse yourself to make some phone calls.
"I can't just snap my fingers and pick up their case. Plus, what the older one did is illegal."
"Corey. I wouldn't be asking this of you if it wasn't important."
"I know. I know someone in that jurisdiction who might be able to get a hand in on their case and check the foster situation."
"I am not helping you for free."
"I can pay-"
"No money. Do you still talk to Joe?"
You sigh and bite your lip. Calling your friend from high school was a bad idea.
"Get me season tickets, and you have yourself a deal." Corey cheers. You tell him to stand by while you dial Joe's number.
"Hey, baby, what's up?" He smiles, stopping his workout to give you his full attention.
"Can you give my season tickets to Corey?"
"Who is that? and why?"
"Corey Smith from honors calculus 11th grade."
"What the fuck? That's so random. Fuck that guy. No."
"Joseph, please. For me." You soften your voice, adding a pout even though he couldn't see you. But Joe could picture your face, so it didn't matter.
"Fuck. Don't use that voice. I hate that fucking guy."
"What? You were good friends in high school."
"He wanted to fuck you. I mean, who didn't? You were hot as fuck. Still are. Fuck that guy, no."
"Why are you even mad? So what he wanted to sleep with me. The only one fucking me was and still is you." You reply, making Joe smile.
"Yeah. Fine, anything for my baby. But I want something in return."
"Sit on my face later."
"Goodbye, Joseph, I'm at work." You hang up laughing, returning to your other line.
"It's done! You have season tickets."
"Fuck yeah! Consider the boys moved to a new caseworker and home!" Corey says cheerfully. You leave the room to share the news. TJ looks down at his new blue cast. Tate hands you a box. It belongs to Mr.Brown. You fill them in on the situation, letting them know they have to return to the foster home first. Tate is on edge at first, but you are able to get him to calm down and trust you.
"I should get a job first, but I'm not sure how to apply," Tate says, scratching his head. You smile.
"I'm glad you said that. How do you feel about being a janitor?"
"I'll do anything as long as I can work and find a place that way; maybe I can be a better example and help TJ and Trey out."
You help Tate fill out an application, and Tate returns the box to Mr.Brown, apologizing. Mr. Brown says he will look out for the boy from now on. Liv walks over, pulling you away.
"You have that meeting with Lance. It's pretty important. The board needs you to secure his donation."
"Great. I know exactly what we will do with that donation."
The day ticks down, and you almost fall face-first onto the bed when you get home. You're exhausted and very much nauseous. You force yourself to get up and shower because you know Joe will be coming over soon. Fresh out of the shower, your phone rings, letting you know Joe is either here or on his way. You wrap a towel around you and go to open the door. He gives you a cheeky grin following you inside.
"Find something to watch while I get dressed." You try to walk away, but Joe pulls you back, and you share a sweet, intimate kiss.
"Missed you all day." Joe pulls you down on his lap, and you bury your face in his neck. You lose track of time as you tell him about today. Joe makes a comment about beating Mike's ass, and you giggle. Joe has always been overprotective of you. You get off his lap and fall back on the couch.
"I'm just exhausted. My stomach is hurting. I want to sleep all day, but I have this stupid dinner my mom is throwing for my promotion. I just want to sleep on my off days!" You cry, throwing your arm over your face. Joe licks his lips, barely paying attention to your words. That's when you notice the new position. Your left leg dangles off the couch while your right sits on Joe's thigh, giving him complete access to your pussy. You try to pull the towel down, but Joe is quicker. The man is practically drooling, looking at the divine meal before him.
"Joseph, did you hear me say I'm tired?" You sit up on your elbows, warning him, but Joe is passed, paying attention to you.
"Cheeks, you don't have to do any work. Allow me to help you relieve the stress and tiredness." Joe drops down to his knees, kissing your thighs, teasing you. He places soft kisses on your cunt before spreading the lips and diving straight into his main course. Joe flattens his tongue against your clit before swirling his tongue around it. You shake and whine, trying to contain yourself.
"Not on the couch! Please!" You cry out. All in one swift motion, Joe is standing and holding you up. You quickly grab hold of his hair, unsure about this new position.
"I'll fall!" You cry, resting your legs on his shoulders. Joe mumbles something along the lines of I got you into your wet pussy. You hold on for life as he walks towards the bedroom using your direction. At one point, Joe stops and continues to eat you out in the hallway against the wall. His loud slurps can be heard echoing through the empty hallway. Joe finally takes you into the bedroom and places you on the bed. You can't believe he walked you to your bedroom without stopping his devouring of you. Joe removes his shirt and shorts and lays down, motioning you to sit on his face.
"Feed me, baby." He pouts. You crawl up and hover over his face, holding the headboard for support. A smirk dances across his face, sending shivers down your spine. He asks you to keep your eyes on him, and you almost buckle immediately, staring down into those blue orbs. Joe pulls you down before you're fully ready, and you arch your back choking back a moan.
"Joe, oh gosh." You cry out, trying to lift up. Joe's voice sends vibrations through your body. It feels like electricity pulsing through you as he takes you to another plane. You try your best to maintain eye contact, but once Joe begins dipping his tongue into you, your walls break. You tug at his hair earning a delicious sound from Joe, which sends you into another orbit. Struggling to hold back anymore, you try to wiggle up. But Joe has a bruising grip on your thighs as he continues to tongue fuck you. And you finally break, soaking Joe's face. Joe doesn't stop and decides to drink every drop and push another orgasm out of your overstimulated pussy. You almost collapse, but Joe holds your waist and chuckles under you. You feel weak and light-headed. Joe turns you around so that you are on your back. He returns between your legs, giving your messy, wet pussy soft kisses. He continues making out with it for the next few mins until you sit up dizzy. Joe is completely enthralled by your whimpers and doesn't stop. He is pussy drunk, and when your eyes connect again, he winks at you. You fall back on the pillow, trying to catch your breath. Joe sits, and you stare at his glistening wet face.
"If I ever went to prison, I would want that to be my last meal." He says, lying down next to you. You toss a pillow at him, laughing. Joe pulls you into his arms, and you stare at him. You should tell him here and now and get it over with. But you can't. It feels like something is stuck in your throat.
"Cheeks? What are you thinking about?"
"Tired. Shower and then sleep." You mumble. Joe scoops you up and follows your order. The next day is spent sleeping in his arms, watching old Spongebob episodes, and enjoying time together. Joe leaves around 2 for a football camp he is helping with. When you check the mail, there is an envelope. You decide to put it on your nightstand and deal with it later. You have no doubt it's Nicole, especially after her threats. The rest of the day is spent looking at Facebook, and you come across the high school reunion page. You go to add the IG page, but you must be off private for verification, so you take it off private and send a request. And then, before you know it, it is dinner time. You greet your parents, the Burrows, and some friends as they say congrats. Fran squeezes you, and Quinn follows for a twin sandwich. You are surprised to see Joe there, but happy Nicole isn't on his arm. Joe takes your hand and leans in to kiss you, but you stop him.
"Everyone is here."
"Right. Sorry. I bought you flowers." Joe hands you the roses, and you take them, trying to hide your smile. You sit next to Joe at the table in the backyard, where everyone is seated. Your dad stands up, making a speech, and you get embarrassed as he talks about your childhood. Then your mom. Then Quinn and finally Fran.
"How am I supposed to follow up that speech? I'm proud of her, like everyone else in this backyard. She is going to do even more beautiful things. We love you! So lets us drink to this absolute babe. I mean, she can't drink, but I'll drink for her."
You freeze up and look at Quinn, praying no one caught that, but nothing gets by your mother.
"Why can't she drink?" She asks. Everyone looks at Fran.
"What? I didn't say that. I did say that. I mean, she gets insane when she drinks, you know? Alcoholics, am I right?" Fran nervously laughs. Quinn pulls him down.
"What is he talking about?" Your grandmother speaks up this time. You look for help, and Fran shoots up again.
"Look, she, umm, She is not an alcoholic."
"So what is the issue?" Your father is glaring at you.
"I'm pregnant."
The table falls silent.
"Surprise?" Quinn says.
"With whose child? You don't have a boyfriend." Your mother is standing up, completely shocked.
"Mine. It's mine." Fran stands up again, burying you deeper into this pit. You can feel Joe staring into the side of your face.
"we're dating, so there. I'm sorry I told everyone like this, honey," Fran smiles at you. You nod your head and stand up, excusing yourself. Dinner ends on a sour note. You sit in the living room, listening to your mom go on and on about how pre-marital sex is wrong. Joe stands to the side, watching everything unfold. His mind is racing a mile a min. The conversation turned to Joe when your mom asked if he knew.
"I didn't know about the baby." He replies. Your mom turns to you.
"You even kept it from Joe. I'm so disappointed." Your mother shakes her head and walks away. Your dad walks over and hugs you, letting you know he will talk to your mother. You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the conversation with Joe.
"So, am I the last to know?"
"Clearly not." You whisper. Joe nods his head and licks the inside of his cheek.
"You should've told me as soon as you knew. I knew there was something wrong earlier. Fuck, Cheeks." Joe rubs his face.
"I was nervous. You have a baby on the way. I didn't want to give you more stress."
"Are you keeping it?"
"I have to keep it. I made a promise to myself that-that I would allow one abortion." You whisper the last part, but Joe catches it.
"What do you mean? You had an abortion before?"
"After you left for LSU, I found out-"
"You aborted my child? Without telling me? Were you ever going to tell me?"
"Joe, calm down. I-"
"How can I calm down? You should've told me!"
"I didn't want to hold you back, and I didn't want a baby!" Your grab Joe's hand, pulling him outside, away from your parent's ears. Joe snatches away and begins to pace. He can't even look at you right now.
"Stop saying you didn't want to hold me back. Our relationship ended because you gave up on us."
"Because you would have chosen me over your career."
"I would choose you over any fucking thing."
You remain quiet, letting the sounds of the hot July night feel the uncomfortable space.
"What was I supposed to do? I wanted the best for you, and I wanted my career too. How could I have made it at 20 with a child?"
"Cheeks, I would give up anything in this world to have you. If I had to get a regular job or be a stay-at-home dad while you became a doctor, I would have done it. Contrary to popular belief, football is not my first love. You are."
You didn't think Joe could make you fall more in love, but he did. Your heart skips a beat just like it did during his first-ever confession. You hold back tears as he kisses the corner of your mouth.
"I love you so much. What did I do to deserve you?" You share a kiss, and Joe chuckles against your lips. You genuinely don't know how you ended up with such an amazing man.
"We're having a baby," Joe whispers. You nod your head, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"We're having a fucking baby!" Joe shouts. You cover his mouth, laughing at his outburst. You don't need the whole neighborhood to know. After that night, your mother apologized for her outburst. It didn't take her long to start baby shopping. It felt weird keeping up the act of dating Fran but telling your parents you're carrying Joe's baby was a conversation not ready to be had.
At four months pregnant, your time was split between clinical cases and administrative duties. You promised Joe to take more administrative work, but you couldn't stay away from the ED. Football season was underway, and Joe's schedule was keeping him busy. But he was not busy enough because he called you every free second. When he wasn't on the road, Joe was home with you catering to your every need. You adored him and how he was actively preparing to become a father and reading books, watching videos, and taking classes. You loved every min of it. On the other side, things with Nicole were getting pretty serious. She was hellbent on Joe staying with her no matter how often he made it clear they were done.
"Oh my! You and Joe's child could be best friends!" Robin clapped, coming to the realization. It was Sunday night, and Joe was playing while you didn't want to attend; Mya begged you for it because it was her birthday.
"What?" Nicole looks at you, waiting for Robin to say something.
"Oh gosh. You didn't know yet? I thought Joe would've shared the news. She's pregnant too." Robin announced. You mentally slap yourself because this is not how you wanted Nicole to find out. Nicole's eyes drift to your belly. You had an oversized jacket on, Joe's jacket, and it hid your small belly pretty well. Nicole grabs Amber's hand, and they leave the section. Robin is confused, but you give her a soft smile and go after Nicole.
"Nicole, I thought Joe would've told you and-"
"You! Don't say a fucking word to me. Leave the game right now," She shouts, getting in your face. Mya approaches to calm the situation down because bystanders are looking.
"Hey, you should have this conversation in private unless you want people to know," Mya states looking at you and Nicole.
"I'm the bad guy in this situation. My boyfriend cheated on me, and in your eyes, I'm the bad guy." Nicole cries. You shake your head feeling guilty. You want to blame it on the pregnancy, but you know she's right.
"You're not the bad guy. Joe and I are both in the wrong. But forcing something that isn't there doesn't look good either—threatening me, sending people to watch us. It's all a bit much. They trashed my home. They have photos of me sleeping. Enough is enough, Nicole."
"I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I didn't send anyone after you. If I want to make you miserable, I will do it myself."
"Nicole, it's clearly you."
"When did the photos start?" Nicole crosses her arms, waiting for your reply.
"When we first started messing around. Why?"
"Did the person send it in a blank envelope?"
"Yeah, How do you-"
"Ladies, is everything okay?" Robin makes her way over, asking. You both nod. You return to the game while Nicole states she isn't feeling well and heads home early. Nicole opens her closet and walks over to a small dresser in the back. She opens the top and pulls out the envelope. Inside are photos of Nicole meeting DJ. But that's not the thing that's been driving her mad. It's the negative pregnancy results sitting in a pile. She needs to come up with a plan fast because there is no way she can keep up the fake pregnancy.
"Joey!" You giggle as he carries you to the bedroom. He gently lays you down and throws his clothes to the floor.
"That was a great game! You guys did amazing."
Joe ignores you and goes straight to your belly. He lifts your shirt to kiss it and sing to the growing baby. You run your hands through his hair and tell him about Nicole. He groans and sits up.
"I don't think she's pregnant. I don't want to sound like an asshole again, bringing it up. But something is off. I mean, she's not even showing."
"Sometimes women don't show until they're super late." You sit up, and Joe pouts.
"I should return home to check on her." Joe stands up and gets dressed. You think that is a better option because Nicole seemed very stressed out. You decide to make some ramen and watch tv. You turn off the tv as you drift to sleep on the couch, and your front door opens. A person walks by, not realizing you're asleep on the couch. You pop up when you hear your bedroom door open.
"Joe? Is that you?" You call out. When there isn't an answer, fear runs through your body. You go to the kitchen and grab a knife.
"I'm calling the police!" You shout, knowing that your phone is charging. Suddenly a hooded figure approaches you. You swing the knife.
"Leave me alone!" You scream. The assailant grabs your wrist, trying to get you to let go. During the struggle, he slams you into the counter and knocks you down. On the way down, your face hits the counter. You quickly cower and cover your stomach to protect the baby.
"I'm pregnant! Please! Please!" You cry. The man runs out of the apartment, leaving you crying and shaking. You're too afraid to move, so you lay there in a fetal position crying. Finally, you pick yourself up and call Mya. She rushes over and takes you to the hospital.
"The baby looks fine. How are you? I'm worried." You OB asks, rubbing your hand. You take your hand away. The side of your face hurts from the fall. You already gave your report to the cops, but you didn't see anything. All you know is that it was a guy. The curtain is pulled back, revealing Joe in complete stress.
"You're done living there. We're going to move in. I already have some guys moving things to our new place. I don't give a fuck about anything else. Is the baby okay? Are you okay?" Joe takes your hand, and you nod. Mya gives you an apologetic look. She called Joe from your phone even though you told her not to call.
"I can't leave your side. Fuck, Cheeks. Fuck! I could rip that piece of shit's head off. Why didn't you tell me you were still getting letters and photos? Fuck! I'm going to kill this person."
"Joe, please calm down. I just want to go home and sleep. My dad went to get me something to eat. I'll be released soon, and I'm going to stay with my parents until our place is ready."
"You'll move in with me?" He asks with soft eyes. You cup his face and nod. Joe kisses your lips. You spend the next few days at your parent's house. A big regret because your mother is way overprotective. And it doesn't help that Joe is following in her footsteps.
"Isn't your girlfriend pregnant? You should be taking care of her." Your mother laughs, fluffing your pillow while Joe puts the blanket over your legs.
"I wanted to make sure Cheeks was okay." Joe nervously answers.
"You should go. I'm fine, and I have work later."
"You're not going to work." Your mother and Joe both say. You roll your eyes at them. You can't just sit around and do nothing. After much convincing, they let you go to work. You work the night shift, which surprisingly is a slow shift. Tate stands by the counter, watching you check paperwork. You ask about his brothers, and he tells you they're doing better in their new home, and he gets to see them every weekend.
Nicole sits in her chair as her makeup team begins to work. Her co-worker walks in, asking for the room. She hands Nicole a tablet. Nicole flips through the photos of you and Joe.
"Someone emailed me these photos. I won't run the story, but I thought you should know."
Nicole hops down from her chair.
"Nope. You will run this story, but not until I tell you." Nicole hands the tablet back and walks out of her dressing room. Before taking her place at her desk, she looks down at the text from the unknown number telling her time is ticking.
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A/N: This chapter was ehh sorry it sucked omg! I decided to give a little more background character stories and see reader's life outside of Joe. But Omg, now that we know Nicole is also getting letters and photos, the plot thickens. And that Nicole is def not as good as she tries to make herself! It's only a matter of time before Hell breaks loose. So stay tuned! Thank you for all the comments, reblogs, and likes! I see it all and I appreciate it so much!
Tags: @joselyn001@savii999@lostaurorax@simpgirl-lat@edenhess @blinkloverx3 @dboanalooaa @nm112495 @mhm-ok-sure@katiehud@blu3jeanbaby@mrosales16@wineauntharry @Cosmolover96 @loviingjihyo @hrlzy @spideybrina@dessxoxsworld @Tjb113
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todorroki · 4 months
Love Sea ep 1 thoughts
a little ramble/unorganized post of thoughts on ep 1 of love sea. so i watched the first ep twice, since the first time i was partially live tweeting some of my reactions and missed a few things. i enjoyed it!! quite a bit too, mostly bc i love fortpeat and i'll gobble up absolutely anything they're in. as with mame stories, in order to enjoy them to the fullest, my brain is off, my fujin glasses are on.
first off: gorgeous shots, even more gorgeous setting. i Love bright colors, and this island is really giving just that. like... NATURE!! so much green from the trees and the underwater shots are so good as well. i'm gonna be a little sad when they return to the city. not sure what episode this will land on but my guess is around ep 4? if they keep the pacing as it is right now.
this was a solid first episode. we get introduced to the main cast, their jobs, and a bit of their personality. and the end of the episode gives a glimpse of tongrak's trauma and a preview of the looming problem that should come to light as the series progresses. i'm honestly Very curious how they're going to handle the main conflict, if they're going to take anything out or change it. i am open to what changes they May do since i've already seen a (in my opinion) good change they made for the last scene on the boat.
in the novel, tongrak actually slaps mut when he tries to wipe his tears. yes, full on bitch slap to the face. which, honestly, when i read that part, i looked up from my phone and was like "ok...but why....." so i'm glad they took it out. i'm not mad about having a slap scene in general, but it seemed like a weird reaction (to me), even with the knowledge of WHY rak behaves the way he does. no spoilers, but i had that ????? reaction more than once throughout the novel so hopefully they're able to better translate book scenes to screen. i'll keep my expectations measured regardless.
i'm also wondering if they're going to have conner show up since we have his voice. not gonna lie, i was 90% expecting them to have silence on the other side when talking to conner on the phone. sorry for not believing in u mame lol.. and speaking of PHONE CALLS, idk if i'm traumatized from LITA but i audibly Cheered when i heard proper phone call audio effects. can u tell my expectations for the audio direction were in the ground lmao. and i'm still holding my breath bc LITA had proper call audio in the first ep but dropped it later. praying for consistency over here.
putting my fears aside, PEAT'S STYLING IN THIS SERIES!!! he looks sooo good. and fort in that wetsuit ho my god... so many good visuals here. also i know i read the novel, but i was still completely unprepared for the tongrak attempted seduction scene... i knew it would happen but i wasn't ready to see it with my eyeballs!!! that was WAY more skin than i expected. earlier this week, peat was saying we'd get to see his thighs in ep 1. SIR, we saw much more than that!!! got me screaming at 10am. fortpeat are doing so well here. fort is in his element completely with mahasamut, and peat does vulnerability so so well. i'm excited to see them in more emotional scenes.
now for extra scattered thoughts below ↓
i'm just glad for the brighter setting to see peat's eyes in the light. BEAUTIFUL
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2. love sand in the corner of mook's desk and test love on the floor! i enjoy the mame universe easter eggs.
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3. the live laugh love-esque font made me laugh sorry
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5. tongrak is stronger than me. if someone started reading my wip i'd shut my screen so fast
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anyways i'm VERY excited to see more fortpeat in action. i wrote this post to keep track of my own thoughts, but if you found this and happened to read it, thank you for your time!!
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
how would you rate each of hawks' civilian outfits? 👀
Asks that test your memory djkdjfs I think I got most of his civilian outfits (excluding any that might've appeared in the spinoffs because I don't follow those)
So... I am a fashion disaster too irl so this will be mostly lighthearted teasing. Don't take me too seriously. Fashion can be very personal, but this is Hawks and my blog is not a bully-Hawks-free zone, so.
Here's my ranking from best to worst fit. I could've done it the other way around but what's the fun in that, right? 😂
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The "someone vetoed the actual suit I wanted to wear and we all must thank them for it" look
Alright don't judge me. It's very basic formal wear and all black is an easy choice for a man, but it does flatter him. I also like the red accents of the accessories. Another obvious choice to complement his wings, but. No one said I had good standards. Now if only he rolled up those sleeves. Smh
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The "if you don't look too closely you might miss all the trauma and backstabbing and think I'm a normal twenty-something" look
Ok full disclosure: I like bolero jackets. That's all. Fhhdhdhd
Iirc the anime had him wear his hero costume in this scene and that's a shame because this is probably the only time Hawks dressed his age. It's all very sleek and looks put together without much of an effort, and it looks good on him even if the color-coordination is very basic. But the casual look of the watch, headphones and sneakers combo adds a certain fuckboy touch to the fit. Which is so inexplicably funny because it's Hawks. Bxhdhdj but oh well. Whatever works, works
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The "I only look good because someone put shiny things on me" look
I was gonna put this more on top before realizing that without the jewelry he looks like he's on his way to the grocery store. That was probably by design since it's a modeling shot. I assume he was asked to dress plainly not to draw attention away from the advertised products, so I'll give him a pass.
But all that shiny metal looks amazing on him. I am a Dabi stan why are you surprised I like shiny things
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The "must be fashionable while committing retconned murder" look
I know what you're thinking. It's gaudy. I won't argue against that. But depending on its colors, the paisley jacket could've been a Look. Too bad Bones was a coward and cut it. I guess the year 2021 wasn't ready for Hawks' fashion choices
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The "oh no the postman was here and caught me in my pajamas" look
This one isn't even bad. It's just. Plain. Baby pls, you have a ton of money. At least put some color in your wardrobe
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The "all the money in my bank account can't buy common sense" look
Now we're actually getting into Hawks' peculiar fashion sense. I know there's a name for those big sneakers but he must like them because that's the second time we see him wear them.
What I find amusing about this is that all of those clothes kinda clash with each other. There's a lot going on with his torso in particular. He's wearing geometric patterns on his shirt, which would be eye-catching on its own, but then he trew on a cross between a travel jacket and... Skater-like streetwear, almost? Idk, I don't know the first thing about fashion but when I first saw this ensemble my eyes didn't know where to look lol
Also, those visors. They're not his usual work ones. He definitely put them on as an accessory. I guess he has a brand. Nerd.
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The "my strategy on my days off is to dress so ugly people don't look me in the eyes and thus can't ask me to work" look
Okay, I cheated. Pretty sure this outfit is from one of the movies, but I couldn't not include it. I had to leave you on an outfit that deals some kind of psychic damage, lest you thought my more moderate opinions hinted towards me thinking this man can dress himself
Anyway, this was fun. Thank you for the ask!
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a-ie · 2 months
A "The Promised Neverland" Fanfiction
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Chapter 3: Four Years in this World
I had decided to make friends with the trio to gather more information. I also decided to make a mental note of my physical condition.
It irks me just thinking about it.
The next day after I made friends, I had a horrible fever. I had concluded it was probably because of my excessive crying with Isabella, but it's fortunate that the fever only appeared the day after the next.
I had spent one and a half weeks in the infirmary; no one was allowed to visit me because they would catch the fever I had.
When I had recovered, I was amazed and dumbfounded at the same time that my body could only endure walking down the stairs from our room, and I would collapse.
'Just how weak is this body!?' I mentally groaned while the older kids helped me to my seat that day and gave them a gentle smile as I thanked them.
When I tried going further than my limit, which was just downstairs, I caught a fever again. In my frustration, I cried as a child would; this made my fever worse.worse. I had been confined for two weeks.
'This stupid body.' I cursed.
It's been 4 years,years, and I am now 8 years old. I can now go outside of the house and to the tree that the trio was always at. I haven't tried playing tag, though. I need to increase my stamina more.
In those four years, I started a routine of waking up at night and going to the library when I'm not in the infirmary; fortunately, I'm light in my step, so I haven't woken anyone up yet, and hopefully I won't.
In the afternoon, whenever I went to the library at night, I would go to our room and take a nap. Isabella might be suspicious, but she saw how hard I was training—more like walking up and down the stairs—to make my body stronger, so she concluded that it must be the reason I was tired.
'Hopefully she thinks like that.' I thought, sweating a bit.
I've also been wondering if Isabella told the other kids about me going beyond the fence. Probably not, since the kids weren't asking me about it.
'Kids are naturally curious, so they would ask a person who went beyond the fence what it was like on the other side.'
My train of thought was cut off when I saw Emma and Norman getting closer to us. I was sitting next to Ray under the tree. I guess I had spaced out.
I had trained my facial muscles to naturally hold a soft smile whenever I spaced out. When I looked in the mirror, trying it out, I looked quite sad. 'I mean, that's better than looking intimidating, right? I wouldn't want to scare the kids away.'
My hair grew long these past years I've been here. My black hair now runs across my upper back, and I've been cutting my bangs so that they frame my face neatly. I noticed that my eyes were a red color, and I have a mole underneath my left eye. What caught my attention, however, is the numbers—seemingly a code—that I have tattooed on my neck.
'31442 huh? I wonder if it's like a bar code like the ones on consumer products. 'A chill ran down my spine at the thought, but I had to compose myself as I smiled at Emma and Norman when they were close enough to talk.
"Wanna play tag with us, Nion?" Emma beamed at me with an expecting grin. I looked at her, surprised, and Ray spoke up. "Yeah, right. Do you want her to faint again?" Ray said, rolling his eyes as Emma pouted.
"Just this once! I mean, Nion hasn't played tag with us!" Emma reasoned.
"I think she never played tag with anyone, Emma," Norman chuckled.
As they bicker, I think about the idea of playing tag.
'Hmm, wouldn't this be a great opportunity to test how far my stamina can go? Also, I would be able to train my body when I escape here anyway.'
I smiled and nodded. "Sure! I'll play!" 'Plus, I'll get to have some time for myself while hiding to think things over' Emma cheered as Ray facepalmed and Norman just smiled.
"Alright, Nion, here's how it works." Norman kindly explained how to play tag. Apparently, there was a timer and one tagger. Everyone gets to hide and run, but they lose when the tagger touches them. If the tagger doesn't catch everyone within the timer, they lose.
'Quite simple.' I hummed and nodded as I listened to Norman and smiled softly. "I got it, thanks, Norman," I say, and Emma claps with a wide grin on her face. "Let's start then!"
Norman was "it," and he started counting while covering his eyes and facing against the tree. Since Ray didn't want to join, he was holding the timer, and everyone dashed towards the forest. I bit my lower lip and also jogged in the same direction as everyone, albeit slowly.
'If my stamina could last long, it would've been easy to hide and run, but given my condition, I think I shouldn't aim to win.' I started to sweat a bit and stopped when I was a bit further into the forest, then looked around for somewhere to hide. 'I need a place to hide. Knowing Norman, he would probably search for me first since I'm the weakest and he knows I wouldn't go deep into the forest because of my weak body.'
I spotted a tree that has an opening in its trunk, not far away from where I was standing, and began to happily jog towards it. 'Oh well, I should be able to last a bit longer here.' I thought as I climbed inside the trunk and sat quietly in it. I can hear the sounds of footsteps nearby and quiet giggles from the children.
I shifted in my seat into a comfortable position and began to wait, and while I did so, my thoughts drifted to a question that had been bugging me for a while now.
'If my body was this weak, how come I managed to go beyond the fence? ' I frowned at the thought. 'Shouldn't I have collapsed halfway on the staircase? I wouldn't have been able to get outside of the house without help, considering that my stamina was worse back then.' I scratched my arm out of frustration.
'Without help..' I widened my eyes as I scratched my legs. 'It would've been impossible for me to go if I was alone!'
I scratch my chin. 'Someone must've brought me there.' My chest tightened. 'But who? ' My vision started spinning as I blink.
'Huh? ' I looked down on my arms and legs and froze with shock as I saw red patches on my skin while my chest tightened, making it hard for me to breathe.
'Shit! Allergies!? From what?! ' I looked around as tears started to gather on the corner of my eyes and saw purple flowers growing near the tree I was currently hiding in.
Letting out a mental curse, I started to climb my way up to the ground outside despite hearing the sounds of footsteps getting closer. 'Great timing! ' As half of my body began to poke out of the hole in the trunk, I turned my head to the sound of the footsteps and saw Norman looking at me horrified after seeing the red patches on my skin. "Nion!" he shouted with worry and rushed in my direction.
'Oh, thank heavens.' I blacked out without even bothering to pull half of my body out of the tree.
I woke up and noticed that I was in the infirmary. again.  I chuckled with sarcasm mentally, 'This place has sort of become my own personal room that I occasionally share with the others.'
I looked around and saw that it was dark, probably around midnight. 'Damn, I slept well.' I remarked to myself and settled down on the bed in a comfortable position despite the stinging pain that I felt in my arms and legs. My throat feels itchy and clogged up. I frowned.
'Great, not only do I have to worry about my stamina but my allergies too.' I coughed lightly and looked at the window to my right and saw the big blue moon.
'Come to think of it, the moon looked just like this that night.' I gritted my teeth. 'I'm pretty sure Isabella suspects me now.'
I looked at the time and closed the book I was reading, put it back on the shelf where it belonged, and picked up the lantern I had brought with me.
'I should hurry and go to bed before Mama finds out.'
I walked and let my mind drift for a bit. 'I am almost finished gathering information about this world; though most of the books are quite old, some are fairly recent, just as I have suspected, advanced technology does not exist here.'
I turned the corner and walked quietly. 'There are also no records of demons and such, except maybe the book The Adventures of Ugo, but other than that, none.'
I pursed my lips together, biting back a sigh. 'Of course it wouldn't, because first of all, this is an orphanage full of children cultivated for food; why would they provide information about demons in the first place? '
I chuckled quietly and humorlessly as the big blue moon shined brightly from outside the window. 'To be able to trap someone in a cage, you musn't let them know they are in a cage in the first place.'
"Why are you up so late, Nion?"
I froze on my spot and looked up to see Isabella smiling at me with a similar lantern as mine on hand. I trembled slightly in fear and looked down.
'Shit, shit, shit, shit, I'm screwed. Keep calm.' As these thoughts raced through my head, Isabella put down her lantern and kneeled in front of me with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"What are you doing out here late in the night?" She asked again and held both of my cheeks, one finger pressing against my pulse below my ear.
'Shit, since Isabella knows how fast my heart beats, just play along and be scared! '
"I-I'm sorry, Mama." Tears began to gather as I stuttered my words out. "I just couldn't s-sleep because I had slept through the entire day... I promise that it won't h-happen again." I trembled with my words, indicating fear.
'That's right, I just got out of the infirmary today because of another stupid fever and slept through the day, so it wouldn't be a a good excuse.'
Isabella stayed silent for a moment and caressed my cheeks, which sent shivers down my spine, then stood up with a smile that still didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Alright, as long as you promise not to do it again."
She then led me to the children's room and tucked me in to sleep. Although I didn't get any sleep that night, after that day, Isabella began feeding me medicine that induces sleep after every dinner in order to "fix my sleep schedule" she said.
'Why is life so difficult?' I sigh and let myself drift to sleep.
I would have forgotten that it was Christmas the next day if it weren't for the fact that it began snowing and Norman was right next to me in the infirmary because of a cold.
'It's nice to have someone with me suffering the same fate, but I couldn't help but feel bad when I see his red nose and struggled breaths.'
I was about to say something when Isabella came in with a tray of medicine, assumingly for both Norman and me. 'Ugh, where do they get this awful medicine from?' I frown as I see the gooey substance in the container. When I turned to look away, I flinched from surprise when I saw an orange ahoge swaying by the side of Norman's bed.
'Goddammit, Emma. Why is she popping out of nowhere like a mushroom?!' My face was red with both embarrassment and anger because Isabella saw my reaction then turned towards the source.
"Emma! What did I say about not going inside the infirmary?" Isabella said with a stern tone. "What will you do if you catch Norman's fever?"
"But Ray said that I wouldn't catch it!" Emma argued.
"This book says that idiots can't get sick." Ray said outside the open door while pointing to the book he was holding.
I chuckled at the scene quietly and shook my head as I dropped my head back to the pillow to watch the scene with much appreciation while Isabella ushers Emma out of the room, slipping in once more, then getting caught again.
'These cute little kids, I hope they still get to smile like that when they learn the truth about this world.' I pursed my lips and clenched my fists tight under the sheets. 'No, I'll make sure that they get to.'
I turned to Norman after Isabella fed us the medicine and left.
"Hey Norman," I said quietly, and he turned to me with a sleepy gaze. "Yes, Nion?" he replies, despite the raspiness of his voice from the cold.
"It might be a bit cruel to say this, but," I smiled brightly at him, "I'm glad you're here with me during Christmas."
Norman widened his eyes, and his already red face became a shade darker than before. Then he smiled back at me.
"Me too."
"Merry Christmas, Norman."
"Merry Christmas, Nion."
We both spent Christmas in the infirmary and never got to play with the snow. When we recovered, the snow had already melted away, but I wasn't disappointed or sad. After all, I wasn't alone during Christmas. I truly did appreciate Norman's presence, and I hope Norman feels that way as well.
Mental Note:
1. Gather information about this world.
- The Library
- The Trio
2. Health Reminder:
- Need to improve stamina
- Allergies (possible cause: purple flower)
3. The mystery Friend:
- Find out who
Author's note: Hey guys! Comment if there is something you want me to improve on (of course, be kind about it). I'm always open to criticism that can help me improve my work and such. Thank you!
Disclaimer! The image is not mine; I made some edits, but I got it from Pinterest. ^^
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secretgamergirl · 9 months
Wire Witch Hex - Wearing Many Hats (Font Design)
Lately most of the traffic I'm getting on this blog has been people stumbling onto my multipart series on how a computer works. Glad people are enjoying that as much as they seem to be. My reason for teaching myself all of that (besides just the joy of learning) is I'm very slowly working on designing a new video game console that anyone sufficiently motivated can build for themselves as a neat little DIY project. There are so many moving parts to this project that for now I'm focusing mainly on just the controller and its unique features. To avoid having to make a whole working console, with software, to test it, and make sure I have something to show for all this if the rest doesn't pan out, I'm designing the controller to also be more or less compatible with the NES and SNES (which secretly use the same input standard, just differently shaped plugs at the end of the cord).
This means all I'll need to test and demo my controller is an SNES ROM that knows what to do with my scroll-wheel outputs, a setup where an emulator accurately handles those signals, and later a cart I can slap a couple EEPROMs into and test on real hardware. Oh and I also need to teach myself enough about SNES development to actually create every demo I want to run, do all the art, code it up, and compile it. This is a big job, and I'm not getting paid, so maybe consider throwing me a little money before we dig into this?
Since... really the last time I reported in on this, I've been studying away trying to learn all this, and hey, have a compiled ROM image that'll display a blank screen in any color I want, and a third party program that IN THEORY with a bit of massaging will convert a 256x256 image into an SNES character ROM image. AKA the file with all the graphics. My ultimate goal for this demo cart is to cycle through several very simple games, showcasing how my controller works with each. So I need to cram every image any of these are going to need into my one big image file, which I'm slowly picking away at, but the one thing I knew from the start that I'd definitely need is to throw some text on screen explaining the controls for each demo. And since it's not like there's a built in font in in the system, I had to make my own.
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This is not my first font-making rodeo. For this one, my thinking was, I'm going to be in a fixed 16x16 resolution per character (because I forgot the specifics of how the SNES actually tiles graphics), some built in spacing so I can slap them all right up against each other or some border and still be readable, and I wanted a nice little shadow built into every character in case they end up on a low contrast background. Let's zoom in on what I have here so far, in case you don't feel like downloading the file and blowing it up to something more readable.
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The first thing I want to note is that after finishing the first 4 rows of characters here, I double checked, and while the SNES CAN break backgrounds into 16x16 tiles, the absolute minimum is 8x8. If I were really trying to be space efficient, I should have designed around that. Several of these characters would easily fit into a 16x8 space, that level of compression would also let me have just the period and comma and be able to build a colon, semicolon, or apostrophe from those, and most importantly, I rendered this with all of the lowercase letters exactly 1 pixel too tall to fit into a 16x8 space and let me double up there. Since I'm rather happy with this font so far and I'd eventually like to make some version of it available for, if nothing else, other people writing software for my eventual console here, I will likely, at some point, make a more space-optimized variation. I'd also like to cover a wider range of characters. At the very least, have some accent marks, wouldn't be too hard to add support for Cyrillic. Pretty sure I can get Japanese and Korean text in keeping with this look. Maybe some other languages. Anyway though, let's talk about what I've got.
My general design rule here was, where possible, make lines 2 pixels thick, and have each white pixel cast a black pixel shadow immediately below, to the right, and the diagonal between them. This gives a pretty convincing relief effect in my opinion, and keeping the shadows this thick keeps a nice firm edge there so it's even generally readable on a pure white background. Within each 16x16 tile, I was extremely strict about keeping a 1 pixel margin clear at the top and bottom of each image, and 2 or 3 on the sides (often 3 on the left, 2 on the right. With capital letters, I went with a generally rigid and blocky style, trying to stretch things to my arbitrary margins. Lowercase letters I restricted to just 8 pixels tall, and those featuring tails are given special permission to drop down an extra pixel, leaving the shadow right on the edge of their true bounding box.
While it wasn't an intentional move at first, several lowercase letters ended up with a decidedly rounded, squashed look, particularly g and q. I found that to be both kind of cute, giving the whole font a real unique character, and eventually started to actively lean into it (which may not be super obvious, I started with W as it's kinda the letter than needs the most breathing room and worked outward from there), and did my best to distort all the rounder shapes and in particular the highly mirrorable b d p q set, as I seem to recall once reading the more you avoid identical shapes with those, the more legible the font becomes for people with dyslexia. Similarly, I made a point of distinguishing the shapes of the Ms and Ws, and added a little whimsy to the numerals. Overall I'm super happy with all the lowercase letters (except for e and s being too thin, but that was an inevitable compromise), and if I ever have the time to kill it's very likely I'll revisit this someday and apply this squishy rounded aesthetic to the capitals too.
Your eyes were probably drawn really quickly to the parentheses here, where for at least the moment I'm breaking my rules about blank space and shifting them inward quite a bit rather than centering them. That's going to look really bad if I use them in a sentence (like this), but the main reason I'm including them right now is so I can list button prompts with both the icons representing what's actually going to be on my controller, and the SNES buttons sharing the same signals. So something like: "GO (A) Jump" and I think the half-spacing and closeness to what they enclose will look pretty nice in this one specific case.
As a final note, the particular hardware I'm working with absolutely supports the ability to mirror any image horizontally or vertically, as well as change the palette. If I truly wanted to cram letters in as efficiently as possible at this font size, I could, for instance, have an 8x8 right-angle segment, build a whole H just from mirroring that, also use it for the legs of the A, P, F, the left side of the D, etc. This however is incompatible with the shadows I'm using for extra readability. And of course for other projects I HAVE made a perfectly legible 8x8 font before.
I'm pointing this out because hey, if you do the math, JUST these characters I've set aside for having arbitrary on-screen text, as is, are consuming 5/16ths of my total graphical memory, and I'm probably never even going to display most of these anywhere. Again, not a huge problem for the simple demo pack I'm making, and that 256x256 drawing space isn't a hard limit. Spending an extra processor cycle to change an index value and access a whole other page of image data is a pretty common practice on the hardware, but especially with older computers and racing to get things ready to draw before a screen refreshes, it's good to at least be mindful of the tradeoffs with that sort of thing.
And again, my sole source of income at the moment is patreon donations, so if you're excited about seeing updates to this weird project of mine or you're learning useful things from any of it, maybe consider throwing me a little support?
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reverthestarryeyed · 2 months
2 Inside Out OC's I made, I call 'em Distraction and Confusion
I'll add drawings later, it's kinda nigh on impossible for me to draw Distraction without a reference. As for Confusion, yeah I have her in my head, but idk how to make it look good yet
So about these 2: they're one of Riley's youngest emotions. Distraction is older than Confusion, and for some reason I'm calling them siblings despite them technically being the same person (Riley). They normally operate hand in hand with each other and are usually seen standing together. Distraction and Confusion also sometimes go hand in hand with Ennui and Embarrassment. Distraction and Confusion both make a question mark together
First let's start with Distraction (I'm not actually sure if that's the right name to use 😅 I originally thought of "Distracted")
Appearance: when I think of Distraction my mind creates a sort of light lilac or bright lilac color, I'm not sure why but I imagine him as that color. He has a large sphere for a head, and he has 3-4 rows of eyes in a sort of circle formation, looking in every direction, he has a big cartoony smile on his face (kinda like Uglydolls or Trolls) He wears a sweater of sorts that has 2 large stripes in a deep lilac color. He doesn't have arms or legs, instead he has small tentacles (probably 4 of them) for his feet that he uses to move around in. (There is no rule that the emotion's have to look humanoid, I mean have you seen what Hope and Irritation was supposed to look like?)
Personality: Distraction is...well...always distracted, his many eyes would catch something to divert his attention, he always looks at things curiously, or sometimes just don't think at all and start zoning out, one of the few times all his eyes are in the same direction. Most of the time he has no idea what's important and what's not, he could make Riley go from taking a test to thinking what purpose is the sky being blue, why not orange or yellow? or what certain colors should go to what personality to make a character in her head, go from doing homework to rearranging the furniture, etc. He's also very cheery, usually smiling and happy despite not knowing half of what's going on around him, he's very interested in pretty much anything that catches his eyes
He doesn't really dislike many things due to him being too distracted to do so, the closest thing he has to disliking is his opposite -- Focus (or is Concentration the right word? Idk) they don't really get along, and when I say "they" I mean Focus/Concentration not getting along with Distraction. Distraction thinks they have an ok relationship, sure she can be a little annoying since she focuses on bad things sometimes, but she's not so bad most of the time. Another is being bored (or feeling Ennui) he doesn't like being bored or doing just one thing and doing nothing, he likes being productive.
He likes drawing, colors, music, and basically anything art related and other stuff to keep Riley (and in extension himself) entertained. Because of this, he normally gets along with Joy the most and spends a lot of time with her (with Confusion tagging along)
Purpose: Keep Riley occupied/entertained when Ennui is driving, ironically be aware of the surrounding area, improve Riley's creativity (i.e using pencils and a table as drums), keep Riley from dwelling too much on bad things, and keeps Riley from doing the same thing repetitively over and over again and allow her to try something new (this is personally my opinion on the purpose of being distracted, especially the part on not focusing on bad things)
Next up we have Distractions younger sister Confusion
Appearance: For some reason I imagine her color to be forest green (idk why I don't imagine that for Distraction, with the whole "feeling like you're not entirely there" thing) Her hair is a deep forest green color that's shoulder length and covers her ears, her bangs are long which covers her eyes. Her skin is a lighter shade of forest green but still dark (the color code is 304529) She wears a dress similar to Alice from Alice in Wonderland except it's green instead of blue and white, and the dress isn't as frilly and puffy.
Personality: Confusion is very curious and constantly confused about a lot of thing, always needing an explanation and a step-by-step process on everything. She's very accepting and open minded about learning new things, she loves to learn new things she doesn't understand. She's also extremely gullible and forgetful and usually has no idea what's going on around her. She can't really hear or see well
She likes Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz and Victorious (specifically the April fool's episode and the breakfast bunch) because she won't be the only one confused about everything. She likes investigations and try going into detail about things to better understand it.
She ironically doesn't like being confused about things.
Purpose: Let Riley discover unknown things, learn new things, motivates Riley to look more deeply into the problem and let her be curious about new things. She also let's Riley explore and learn more about herself and who she is as a person. Forget some things or change the way Riley remembers something to make it not as bad.
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go-on-eat-shrooms · 3 months
House Blackwood vs House Martell Part III
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Part 4
In the very past growing up with your sisters you know to always carry your daggers on each side of your legs. Just as quick as you were confronted you pulled out your blades. Ready for battle mode to who ever it was ready to shred your insides.
Out of the darkness and the moonlight slowly dripping to reveal a young boys face. With what look like to be the Blackwood house colors.
You stared in utter bewilderment. You found him? Maybe? Or it might be just some mad fucker out in the meadows.
"Who the fuck are you,and what are you doing on my lands? You don't look like a bracken." Stated Benjicot.
"No I'm not a "Bracken" I don't even know who the hell they are." You said.
"Then who in the fuck are you?" He snarled.
"You want to test me?" He said
"I'm Y/N, daughter of Oberyn Martell. And I came to see if the rumors are true. Might you be Benjicot? If so, I want to see how terrifying you can be."
He looked you up and down and your height differences. His eyes settling on your lower body. The moonlight brought out the outlines of your body.
"I'm sorry but I don't fight stupid little girls no matter how voluptuous they may look. Unless you want to test me in other ways. Then I'll glady show you sweet heart."
Said benji.
"So it's true you are truly a squirrel killer. Not a calm boy."
"What the fuck, squirrels? You're pretty odd but I also think you might be a little bit stupid."
"Becareful what you ask for love, your on my land and far away from who ever you're here with."  Benji spit.
"Let's see if you can match my freak." You grinned.
" Then let's spar, I would like to see your true potential."  you said
Benji kept looking you up and down as though he had never seen a girl before. He seemed hateful, but over a few minutes, he got calmer with softer eyes. You blinked to see if your vision was playing tricks on you.
"Alright beautiful, I'll give you what you want. But know I won't go easy so if your clothes start ripping off you been warned, and my movements after are only up to me. And the sight of blood IS my type of feak."
You got into your stance with both daggers at hand. Benji towering over you not so far. Before you knew it every move you made, he dodged. Unknown to you, your long sleeve blouse had been ripped from your right side. In the moonlight, you could see the blouse being absorbed by blood slashed by his blade. You could see Benjis eyes gleam with pleasure.
"Matching your freak yet, darling?!"
You thought you made a horrible mistake and squinted your eyes to feel the sudden death. But instead you felt Benji stop and directly look down at you. A foot away, than inches away.
You made your last attempts to scrape him with your daggers. You finally came close enough to his face to slice it. Blood slowly dripped down his cheek. He felt his face. Then went full force, with a wolf growl. Ripping your trousers and the rest of your blouse stained in blood.
In the moon light you seen him throw his head back in utter amusement.
He started to lick his teeth and lips. And gave a small laugh.
"I won, so I'll take my prize." Benji said with a slow breath.
"What do you mean?"  you said
"Do you know how rare and beautiful...you are dangerously wild. I never met a girl like you. Especially to bet me to kick her ass. Have you ever been touched before?" Said Benji.
"What do you mean "touched"? I think you touched me well enough look at my clothes" you whispered.
"Touched like this." Benji said.
He ripped off what was left of your blouse. You felt embarrassed. This was the first time any man had ever seen your bare breast. He took in every curve of your breast and nipples by the moon light. He noticed how your nipples began to harden.
You felt an unfamiliar moist feeling between your legs. So much it starts trailing down your inner thighs. The way he heaved and the beads of sweat seen from the moonlight with the trailing blood down his check made him look etheral.
He brought up his soaked finger to his mouth and sucked it.
Benji got closer until there was no space between the two of you. You stood still and felt his hand going down your shoulders to the middle of your stomach softly. He went down to the middle of your legs. Slowly with one finger he slipped himself inside you. Immediately seeing how wet you were. He took your hand and placed it on his hard cock. You didn't block his moves.
Oh, he was that freak and that nasty....
With one swift move he had you on the grass. But held your head so you wouldn't be hurt.
"I'm so fascinated by you, you're cunning wits, your eyes that don't seem to match,your soft skin. Y/N do you know how beautiful you are?"
He was kneeling now. Undoing his trousers. And slowly taking off his tunic. Until he was just as you completely nude.
The wind swayed along with the flowers that grew all around you. You seen his hair move with the gusts of wind. Benjicot was as well savagely beautiful himself.  
He opened your legs and placed himself in between. You didn't protest. You loved this feeling. A feeling of just going with it. That nothing mattered but this moment.
He inched closer to your lips. Barely brushing them with his. And like a snapping turtle you bit the fuck out of him. He looked at you alarmed. Held both your arms to your sides. And bit your neck just as hard. You felt his tongue suck onto your neck painfully. Then, he drew his attention to your breasts. Squeezing one and sucking on the other. You moaned with pleasure. That got you even wetter. He noticed the extra moisture that came out. You could feel his cock even harder in-between your legs.
"If this is your first time and I'll be your first man which I seriously intend to be your first and only man. I'll try not to make it hurt as much as it should for now."
Benji stared into your eyes. You stared into his yearning gaze more intensely. You opened your legs more. He chuckled.
"Would you take me as your husband if I asked for your hand?" Benji whispered.
"I'll have to think on it, you are quite wild.and the actual stories of you being kind and gentle seem like a myth." You whispered back.
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