#me when I have 2 get up for work tomorrow and I’m overwhelmed by the fact I’m not asleep yet and my mind is telling me 2 relapse 😓
evildilf2 · 7 months
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Sooooo true
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mellifiedprincess · 7 months
REALLY SHORT BUT SAPPY SHIT! and boob talk for like 2 seconds.
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Opening the door to the house you share with the boys, you immediately take notice of the lack of noise that usually takes place.
You can’t say you’re not a little bit grateful, especially after working a 12 hour shift as a peds nurse. It was not a good day to say the least. All you wanted in that very moment was a hot shower and to be wrapped up in the arms of your ridiculously handsome boyfriend.
Closing the door to the garage, you walk over to Chris’s door and softly knock waiting to hear a response. “Yeah?” You peek your head in and see the boy at his desk, headset on and eyes focused on the monitor in front of him. “Oh, hey Y/N/N- Yeah, she just walked in.” Chris replies to you and then who you assume to be Matt through the headset. “Hey Chrissy, just checking in before I head upstairs. You okay?” This was part of your nightly routine. You couldn’t really remember when it started, but you always had to check on Chris and Nick before going to bed. Otherwise you couldn’t sleep.
“Yeah, I’m good. Matt’s yelling in my ear right now asking for you to hurry up. Kids acting like you just got back from war.” You let out a soft laugh at his remark. “I need to check on Nick, then I’ll be in there.” “Oh Nicks gone. He went to hang out with Larray and Arrington.”
“Alright. Well, try to get some sleep. You guys have that really important meeting tomorrow morning.”
“Oh shit! I totally forgot about that. Thanks.” You nod your head and you both say goodnight, before you turn and finally make your way to your bedroom.
When you open the door, your eyes find Matt’s already staring at you. He looks so…soft. Soft and warm and inviting. “Finally!” He huffs out. You can’t help but laugh at him as you walk over to where he sits at his desk. “I missed you so much today.” His voice is muffled by his face being smushed into your stomach, his arms tightly wrapped around you as if you were gonna leave him.
“I missed you too angel.” Your fingers push his hair away from his forehead, and you lean down to place a gentle kiss to his hairline. “I do need to shower though, and then I’m all yours.” A very audible whine leaves his mouth and he pulls you down into his lap, and immediately shoves his face into your neck.
“Can’t you shower in the morning? I wanna keep holding you.”
You’re convinced your heart just melted in your chest from how sweet your boyfriend is. “How about you come sit in the bathroom while I shower? You can tell me about your day.”
“Okay!” He jumps up at that and your eyes widen at the sudden movement. “Jeez Matty, warn me next time.”
“I’m just really excited to see your boobs.” That comment earns him a slap against his chest and an eye roll.
“You act like you don’t see them whenever you want, kid.” “I could have 24/7 visual of those things and it still wouldn’t be enough. Same thing with that pretty face of yours.”
You would never understand how he could be so sweet, yet disgusting at the same time.
You make it to the bathroom, and Matt places you back down on the floor before walking over to the shower to start the water for you. “I’ll be right back, baby.” He places a quick kiss to your lips and exits the bathroom.
When he returns, he’s holding a pair of fresh love sweatpants, clean underwear, and an old t-shirt of his that you stole and claimed as yours a long time ago. “Ughh I love you!” You can’t help but exclaim before pulling him closer to plant another quick kiss to his lips. “I love you way more though. No argument there.”
And Matt really believed that.
The love he felt for you was soul consuming. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.
“That’s not fair. I love you just as much as you love me! You’re the sun in my freaking sky Matthew.” You pout. Pout. And Matt can’t help but gush at how fucking cute you are.
He looks down at you, your arms wrapped around his waist, and he swears to himself that he would be the sun in your sky for the rest of your lives. And he knew what you meant by that, but being the sun in someone’s sky is nothing compared to being someone’s moon.
And you were his moon. Full of love and hope. The most nurturing person he knew, always taking care of others before yourself, especially him and his brothers. And you were always so calm, which helped a lot when he was on the verge of a panic attack.
“Okay, sweet girl. Let’s get you in the shower so we can go to bed. I know you’re probably exhausted.” He softly pats your hip, and moves so you can get undressed and finally shower.
Later that night when you finally retreat to bed, your head lies on Matt’s chest, sleep calling your name so softly you can barely keep your eyes open. Matt just watches you. He watches as your chest slowly rises and falls, and your breathing slows. He watches as you curl into his side even more. But he knew you weren’t quite asleep yet, because this man knew every minor detail about you.
So, when you reach for his hand and bring it to your lips before squeezing it against your chest, where it would stay for the rest of the night, he knew you were finally asleep.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 4 months
my dear! I'm your fan, I love your writing. Thank you for taking us out of our reality and allowing us to enter a world of our own! Could I make a request for a crazy idea I had? An anguished Y/N and Chan fight and he tells her to leave and leave him alone. When Y/N leaves in a daze he doesn't see the car and is run over. In the end I trust you. =) If it doesn't bother you and you can fulfill my request, I would be very happy!
Can we turn back time?
Warnings: blood, tragic, angst, accident.
Summary: ^^ Requested
A/N: hey baby :) not the best :/ butttt I hope you like it. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Her heart was beating at a fast pace. Why was he not understanding what she was trying to say?
“You always come home late Chan! I thought I could have this one night. This one night to ourselves but you chose to go drinking instead?!” She poured her heart out as she stared at her idol boyfriend.
“Please Y/n now now okay? I get you wanna talk but can I please just go to bed? We can talk about it tomorrow,” he pleaded as he put down his black leather jacket on the couch.
His curls sat neatly on his head and his black shirt fitting him perfectly and his jeans neatly ironed.
“Chan it feels like you don’t love me anymore!”
“Well maybe I don’t, okay?!” He got up and yelled. His anger was now full on visible as he aggressively slammed his hands on the table.
She stood there looking at him shocked. Tears pricking through her eyes. What was this mess?
His eyes softened as looked her scared figure. “I- I didn’t mean too,”
“Save it Chan.” She sobbed. Her hand was fiddling with her promise ring that Chan has gifted her on their 2 year anniversary. It was the most beautiful ring that she has laid her eyes on but as time went on she realized it was just a ring it was a stress reliever because anytime she was sad, frustrated, mad or confused she would play with the ring on her finger.
“Why can’t you see the things you keep doing hurt me Chan?” She sobbed and looked up at him. Praying that somehow she can find answers.
“I-“ he took a deep breathe trying to keep his own tears in, “I’m failing okay? Can you just leave me alone? Please?” He took a shaky breath before taking a step back and grabbing his jacket.
“Am I a burden now?” Her chest tightened. Chan couldn’t look at her. He had no courage, no strength.
“I’m going upstairs,” he simply said and walked past her.
She wanted to stop him, beg him to hold her, beg him to be there for her but the pain in her chest told her otherwise. She looked so silly, like a kicked puppy.
She wiped her tears and walked over to grab her shoes before leaving her house totally forgetting her phone and keys.
It was dark and cold. The sun had officially set and people were either out having dinner or rushing home from work.
Y/n couldn’t help but feel bad as she watched the couples sitting outside restaurants talking and laughing.
She felt empty, she felt deceived. Chan was the perfect boyfriend. He made sure of it but when they started becoming a hit he started slowly pushing her to the side leaving her at home and going out to drink and party or he would be locked up in the studio trying to make new songs.
She was lost without him. She had created her whole routine off of him and now she would wakeup every morning feelings lost not knowing what to do.
Her mind was runnning so fast that she couldn’t keep up. The tears in her eyes were were blurring her vision as she took quick steps to the park.
It wasn’t far. That was always her safe space. Everytime she would get overwhelmed or exhausted she would run away and hide behind the big old oak tree down by the river next to the park.
It was a little foggy, she couldn’t see anything but Chan’s loud voice kept playing in her head until she heard a loud screech. She looked to the side but it was too late. A painful scream left her body as she watched the car crash into her body.
She didn’t feel pain all she could hear was a ringing sound then a few sirens before everything went quiet.
“199 what is your emergency?”
“I-I crashed into someone, help! Please! I don’t know what to do-“
“Okay sir is she breathing? I need you to calm down and tell me what happened,”
“Y-yes she’s still breathing, I- I was driving and she just stepped infront of the car, I don’t know! It wasn’t my fault,” he sobbed as panic was filling his chest.
He looked down at the frail body, blood was everywhere and yet he still didn’t pass out. He tried to put pressure on the area that was bleeding the most but it wasn’t working. Blood was still gushing out of her.
She looked familiar tho, he thought.
“Sir, I’ve sent an ambulance. I just need you to keep breathing and tell me if she stops breathing. Keep your hand on the wound,” the dispatcher kept telling him over and over again.
“Oh God this is a lot of blood. Please God, please don’t let her die,” he whispered as he looked up at the car that was parked by them.
It felt like hours until he felt like who could breathe. He heard the sirens. They were here. The paramedics were finally here.
“C’mon Y/n please pick up,” Chan cursed at himself as he walked back and forth in the living room.
He was now in sweatpants and a hoodie. His hair wet from the shower.
When he had come downstairs he saw no sight of Y/n and at first he thought that maybe she had gone for a breather so he decided to do some work knowing that she wouldn’t pick up his phone even if he had tried to call so he just chose to distract himself.
He felt guilty for the fight they had. It was chewing him alive but he knew it was his fault and he needed to make it up. As time kept passing by; 30 minutes turned into 2 hours.
He started to feel uneasy so he decided to try her phone but she wasn’t picking. He called all the boys at the dorm asking if she was with them but they said they hadn’t seen her then he called her bestfriend and she too hadn’t seen her. That’s when the panic started to set in.
He called her phone over and over again while making sure to text her too. He rushed upstairs to grab his crocs and that’s when he saw her phone on the night stand table.
“Shit, Y/n,” he groaned and rubbed his eyes before grabbing his car keys.
He put on his crocs and rundown the stairs and that’s when he got a call from his manager.
“What is it Soon-hoo, I can’t really-“
“Chan we need to get to the hospital now,” he said in a panic. Chan’s blood went cold as he could hear shuffling in the background.
“W-what is it? What happened?!” He managed to say.
“It’s Y/n Chan,” Chan’s senses came to a hold. Everyhting around him felt like it was moving in slow motion, “she got run over Chan, I’m coming to pick you up,” their manager said as he started the car.
All Chan could hear was a ringing sound as he stared at the blank floor. Tears running down his cheeks as his heart was beating faster.
Don’t forget to reblog😋
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alixmarauders · 18 days
Love can be overwhelming | poly! marauders x reader
word count: 1.4 k
CW: mention of abusive household
tag list: @reggieswriter @call-me-mishi @moonyxoxo
part 1, part 2, part 3
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Losing a Quidditch game usually resulted in James and Sirius taking their anger out on you, which you didn’t mind at all, but today was different. This time, Remus wasn’t going to leave you with the boys, Sirius was clearly upset with you, and James was probably going to be pissed for the loss.
You took a deep breath, taking Remus’s hand in yours and going straight to your dorm, waiting for your other boyfriends. You were pacing the room in front of Remus, the anxiety eating you alive; what you hated the most was the fact that you knew for sure that Sirius was mad at you.
“I’m an awful person, Rem, I couldn’t give Siri the attentions he needed when he was in pain“
“That’s right, you didn’t!” Sirius entered your room, James behind him. “I thought that being in a polyamorous relationship meant that I could count on three people when I was sad, instead you left me with poor James, do you want to stop this relationship now? So that you and Remus can go live happily ever after?! What the fuck, Y/N”
You felt your breath quicken, you knew that if he kept this up, you were going to break. “Sirius, you have to understand that- “
“No! None of that, I don’t want to hear it! You know what, Y/N? You’re just as heartless as everybody says, I was just too blind to see how the rumours were true.” You felt a pang to your chest, you knew that Sirius didn’t mean what he was saying, but it hurt you still. You spent your whole life battling against the fact that you usually didn’t know how to show love to the people you cared about, but you thought you’ve been good to them, you thought that all your efforts were seen. “You don’t give a fuck about other people’s wellbeing; you didn’t even ask me what happened! If we lost today, it was all your fault, you’re a self-centred-“
“Knock it off, Black. You don’t get to treat her like that! Just because your family is treating you like shit doesn’t mean you have to make everybody else feel what you’re feeling.”
“Remus, you’re the one to talk” You whipped your head in James’s direction. “You are the reason behind this mess, if you could control your stupid instincts everything would have been fine, and we’d be here celebrating our victory”
He scoffed. “Yeah, because it’s my fault if you both suck at Quidditch, isn’t it?” They kept on bickering, but you weren’t listening to them anymore, your mind too focused on Sirius words. You hated yourself for not being enough for them, maybe Dorcas was right, maybe you should have thought about it before diving headfirst in a poly relationship; you weren’t even sure if you were made for a relationship, period.  
“What, Y/N, too focused on yourself to care about our feelings?”
You decided you had enough, you needed time to think, and Sirius anger wasn’t helping you at all. “You know what? Yes, I am, because the ones who were supposed to love me just treated me like everybody else. So go fuck yourself, next time you’ll need me, I’ll be gone” You stormed off their dorm, running to your room and casting a spell, leaving them behind.
As you were about to start sobbing, Dorcas entered the room, sighing as she saw you on your bed. “You were right, Cas, maybe I’m not made for a relationship”
She shook her head, hugging you tightly. “Shh, don’t think about it now, okay? Tomorrow you’ll have time to process all of this, now you just have to rest.” She started scratching your back, singing a lullaby, and you found yourself falling in a deep slumber.
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“Hey, Y/N” You mumbled something, covering your face with the duvet. “Y/N. It’s 2 P.M., you have to start studying”
That made you sit up so quickly, you felt dizzy. “Shit, the test” How could  you be so dumb?  Sacrificing all of the work you put to ace this test for a stupid fight was really pathetic, even for you.
“Yeah, the test, listen I finished your notes and made you some flashcards, now you just have to start studying, but first you should eat-“
The idea of seeing the marauders made you physically ill. “I don’t want to go-“
“Yes, I know, I brough you some food” She shook a paper bag in front of you. The fact that she spent her morning doing your work and even brought you food made you feel really close to crying, and she noticed it. “Nope, no more crying. I know you, you’re about to thank me, don’t do that! I’m your best friend, I love you and this is nothing, okay? I just want you to be happy, and I know you will feel like shit if you don’t pass this test. So, start studying, okay?” She kissed the top of your head. “I got to go, Marlene’s waiting for me. Love you, bye!”
She left you on the bed, staring at the now closed door.
You looked at the sandwich: she knew you too well, if she didn’t bring you food you wouldn’t have eaten, but since she brought it to you, you felt guilty.
You pulled out your flashcards and started eating, you could be heartbroken, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to fail for your stupid feelings.
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Meanwhile, Sirius just woke up. His head was feeling heavy, but most of all, he was regretting every single thing he said to you. Deep down, he knew that you were just trying to be there for everyone, and that it wasn’t an easy task. Remus didn’t control his instincts; he couldn’t blame him for being clingy.
“Someone’s decided to grace us with his presence” The werewolf was looking down at him, his brows furrowed: he knew that look, he was mad.
“I’m so, so sorry” And just like that came the tears. Remus was stubborn, but if there was something that made him cave, that was his lovers’ tears, so he hugged him close to his chest. “I was awful to you yesterday, Y/N is going to leave us, I know it, and I hate to be the one to do this to you. If you want to leave me I will understand”
James scoffed. “Leave you? You really think we are this heartless? We know you didn’t want to act like that, Sirius. We just want to know what is happening, and then we’ll go and apologize to Y/N”
Remus scratched his head. “Thing is, I don’t know how we will get to her. I went to her room earlier and Cas was about to physically fight me”
“She won’t fight us, Rem, for God’s sake we’re Y/N’s boyfriends, she can’t stand between us. Back to you, Sirius, can you tell us why you acted that way?”
The long-haired man sighed. “It’s just- You know how awful the relationship with my family is, and I know it’s wrong but when I get their letters I don’t want to talk about it, I just expect everyone to know how I’m feeling and what to do about it. So, when she wasn’t there for me this time, I lashed out. Rationally, I know that Remus wasn’t being clingy because he didn’t want to share her, but because he gets super protective during the full moon. I hate myself for treating her that way, for using her weakness against  her, but I didn’t know how to communicate how I was feeling, so I just took my anger out on her, in the wrong way” He chuckled sadly. “If I was her, I’d break up with me.”
James shook his head. “She’s too good for her own good, Sirius, you know she won’t ever leave you. But we’ll have to talk it out, you know? You’ll have to be vulnerable, and I know  it’s difficult, but you’ll have to try for us”
Sirius nodded, everything for you. James pulled out the map, but as soon as he saw your name, gasped.
“What? What have you seen?”
“Y/N is in the infirmary” They exchanged a look, running out of their dorm room.
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starshideurfics · 3 months
Thirsty Thursday - Ring my bell, part 3
part 2
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steddie, omegaverse, flagging/signaling culture, getting together, mdni 🔞
Steve shivers with the cold, being mostly out of his pants in the back of Eddie’s van, his hand still buried in the alpha’s hair.
Eddie snuffles tighter against his crotch, purring his pleasure.
“Hey, Piggy,” Steve murmurs, staring softly down at him, noting the time from the digital face of Eddie’s watch, “I should be going, it’s getting late.”
Whimpering, Eddie kisses Steve’s hip as he slithers back. “Yeah, um, it is,” he says softly as he reaches blindly behind himself, grabbing the bandana from his back pocket, and handing it to Steve. 
Steve stares at the wet spot on Eddie’s jeans as he wipes between his legs. He drops the bandana, sure Eddie will huff his slick while he jerks off tonight, warmth filling his chest over how potent Eddie’s desire is for him. He misses the leg hole of his panties the first time, uncoordinated as he works his way back into his jeans.
The warm green scent in the van has gone sharp and bitter under the overwhelming sweetness of Steve’s cum. “Hey, Eddie,” Steve says, smiling when the alpha meets his eyes, “Got a pen?”
“Um…” Eddie digs through his backpack, finding a sharpie and handing it to Steve.
“Thanks.” Steve grabs his hand and scribbles his phone number into Eddie’s palm. “I get off work at 6 tomorrow. Call me.”
Eddie nods emphatically. “Okay. Yeah, I’m free tomorrow night.”
“Good boy.” Steve pats his cheek, grinning as Eddie leans toward him. “My little mushroom pig.”
Pouting, Eddie drops his head to hide against Steve’s shoulder and groans, “Never gonna let me live that down, huh?”
“Nope! So, I guess you’ve gotta live up to your own hype.” Gripping Eddie’s chin, he turns his face towards him and kisses him slow and sweet. “Promise I’ll wash off my blockers before I see you again.”
A purr rumbles through Eddie’s chest. “Good. Wanna smell you everywhere.”
“I know.”
Eddie surprises him by kissing him hard, too much tongue that Steve gentles, ending with a soft nip at his lower lip. 
Finally, they pull apart, not really wanting to separate. “Good night, Eddie.”
“Night, Steve.”
His entire shift at Family Video drags, even on a busy Saturday, Steve feels every single minute he’s stuck there. The drive to drop Robin off and then to his own house feels even longer somehow. At least until he turns onto his street and sees a familiar, shitty van waiting in his driveway.
“I called a couple times today, and no one picked up, so I figured your folks were out of town,” Eddie says before popping the last bite of a Hostess cherry pie in his mouth. 
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“Business trip,” Steve affirms, trying to stay nonchalant as he climbs out of his car and crosses over to the van. He takes Eddie’s right hand, fingers pressing into the simpler ring there. “You never said what this one means.” Steve taps against the band.
Eddie looks away and clears his throat. “It, um… It was my mom’s.” Steve squeezes his hand, perfectly ready to leave it at that, but Eddie looks up with a smile and squeezes back. “It’s a mood ring. She always said it was about seeing all the magic the world has to offer.”
“That’s beautiful.” Steve lifts their joined hands to his lips and kisses the space on Eddie’s finger just below the ring. “I thought I told you I was gonna shower before I saw you again.”
Blushing, Eddie leans back against the side of his van. “I can wait! Wherever you want me, I’ll wait.”
“Don’t wanna wait. We’ll just have to rearrange the evening’s schedule.” He grins, showing off his teeth.
Then he drags Eddie up to his room for another lesson in giving head, one that ends with him returning the favor. Steve’s pretty sure he sucked Eddie’s brain out through his dick, since he fell flat on his back on Steve’s bed after he came. 
Going to showers after, Steve takes his time, and finds Eddie exactly where he left him, soft cock hanging out of his pants. Steve brings him a warm washcloth, helps him get cleaned up and tucked away. Then he leads Eddie downstairs -and puts on the TV. 
His scent soft and clean, Steve lounges on the couch with Eddie cuddled close, the alpha’s nose pressed firmly against his mating gland. He has Eddie’s hand in his own, scenting at his palm and refraining from taking his thumb into his mouth. He’s trying to keep things calm for the rest of the night.
Steve always thought scentmates would work like in the movies: a jolt of lightning through his body that lets him know ‘this alpha is the one.’ Instead, Eddie’s scent makes him warm, in every way it’s possible to feel warm. The rightness of *knowing* Eddie is his pack, the same way he knows Dustin is his pack.
In that moment, Steve is glad to have his stupid padlock necklace off, never wearing it in water to protect the metal and keep his mother from nagging. But his neck isn’t locked away anymore. He’s pretty sure it belongs to Eddie.
part 4
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janeyseymour · 7 months
Love Thy Neighbor- pt 4
Summary: the aftermath, and your first day of work. good lord.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
WC: ~4.15k
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You kiss her back- of course you do. You would be an idiot to pretend that you weren’t attracted to your neighbor turned coworker.
But as soon as you pull away, there’s a look of panic written on your face. “Uh-”
“I- I’m sorry,” the redhead apologizes quickly. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“No. No,” you state. “Don’t apologize. I just, uh…” you turn bright red, nearly as red as the woman’s hair next to you.
She stands awkwardly.
“No,” you sigh. “I- I liked that.”
She sits back down and looks you in the eye. “Oh?”
“Yeah,” you admit quietly. “I did… I just-“ you purse your lips, trying to figure out how to say this without ruining everything that you have going on right now.
“Just say what you’re thinkin’, hun,” Melissa encourages gently.
“I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” you say softly as you evade her eye contact.
“You won’t,” she promises, laying a warm hand over yours.
You suck in a breath before spilling out, “I’ve always thought you were beautiful, but I- I just divorced my husband, I have Ellie to worry about and look after, we’re coworkers now! I- this is all so complicated. I just don’t think now is a great time, and maybe not… maybe not ever.”
Those green eyes look at you with such an understanding that it hurts you- it pains you so much to not be able to give into what you so desperately want to do. You want to be selfish and pull the redhead into your bedroom, tell her that even though you’ve only known her for a short time, she makes you feel more than Jared ever had. But you can’t- because you know there are too many risks involved with this woman, and you do not want to lose a good friend, coworker, and someone that your daughter trusts and loves.
“I understand, hun,” Melissa tells you softly. “I do. It’s okay.”
“Melissa,” you sigh quietly. You stare at your hands, one of hers on top. “I am so-”
“Don’t apologize,” she instructs gently, yet also somehow sternly. “I will not hear it.”
You nod hesitantly before looking into her striking emerald eyes with tear filled eyes of your own.
“Hey,” she says gently. “Don’t cry. There’s no need to cry. We’re okay. I promise.” She tugs you in, allowing you fall into her arms. You cling to her, the perfume that she’s wearing surrounding you.
After a few seconds, you pull back. “Thank you.”
“For what?” she asks. “I didn’t do nothin’.”
“For-” you bite your bottom lip nervously. “For helping out when I need it, and for being there for Ellie, and for helping me get a job, and for… being so understanding about all of this.”
“Of course,” she smiles softly, patting your arm. “I’ll always be here to help in any way I can.” She stands. “I guess I should head back over to my place- school tomorrow.”
“I guess,” you shrug. “Or… you could stay for a little longer? Have another glass and keep watching the movie with me?”
It’s clear that you don’t want to be alone right now.
“You okay?” she asks as she sits back down and wraps an arm around you. She chuckles. “I promise I’m not trying to make any more moves on you- just trying to provide comfort. Barb is a lot better at it than I am.”
“You’re not doing too bad,” you give a choked out laugh, tears still in your eyes. “Y-yeah, I’ll be okay. Just a bit overwhelmed with this new life… missing my old one. The divorce is still pretty raw too.”
“I know that feeling,” she sighs. “My ex-husband and I divorced years ago, and sometimes it still haunts me. So, know that you aren’t alone in those feelings.”
You nod and relax into the couch cushion.
The two of you sit quietly, thoughtfully and neither of you watching the screen in front of you, before she really does have to go get to bed if she’s going to be a functional teacher tomorrow.
You see her out, thanking her again, before sighing. You close the door gently before leaning up against it. Deciding that you still don’t want to be alone, you go to Ellie’s room. She’s fast asleep surrounded by her stuffed animals, but she’s clutching something in her arms. 
You gently arrange her so that you can see what she’s- she’s holding onto a picture of you, her, and your ex-husband. Jared has an arm wrapped around you, his smile is bright. You have Ellie on your hip, and she’s giggling at something that he had said to make her laugh for the picture. You have a clear look of love in your eyes as you look down on your sweet little girl.
Those times were… so good. Simple. Full of what you thought was love. If only you had known he was sleeping around with Sharon, and Sarah, and Heather, and Autumn, and… whoever the hell else he was before finally deciding to dedicate most of his time to Jen and not you.
You wipe the tears that have rolled down your cheek with the back of your hand before you simply curl up next to your daughter and hold her as you try to ground yourself. You fall asleep. holding her protectively- as if you could shield her from all of the terrible things that happen in the world. She snuggles into your body, smiling in her sleep and letting out a soft hum.
The next morning, Ellie is jumping on your chest to wake you up at the ass crack of dawn.
“Momma, momma, momma!” she shakes you.
You groan, keeping your eyes closed. “Momma’s sleeping, baby.”
“No you’re not! I’m hungry, and I wanna go to school!”
You open one eye, just barely, to see that beautiful girl of yours. You turn your head to look at the unicorn alarm clock on her pink bedside table. Next to it is the picture of your torn apart family, and your heart hurts for just a second before you see the time: 5:30.
“Elizabeth, it’s too early to be awake,” you groan as you pull her from off of you and gently set her next to you. You pull her in close to your chest. “Go back to sleep, baby girl.”
“But I’m wide awake!” she tells you.
“And I am not,” you chuckle. “Lay with me until the clock says six, and then we can talk about breakfast and getting up.”
Your daughter sighs, but she does relax against you. You hold her tight, reveling in the fact that while everything has been turned upside down in your world, Ellie is your one constant. You have your little girl- she’s all yours, and you’re going to do everything you can for her.
The next time you wake up, you’re slamming your fist on the alarm clock, turning it off. Ellie is fast asleep on your chest, the smallest droplet of drool falling from her mouth.
“Ellie Belly,” you jostle her gently. “It’s time to wake up for school, my love.”
Her little head pops up, and you chuckle at her wild bedhead. “Mrs. Howard?”
“Yes, my love,” you smile. “It’s time to start getting ready to go see Mrs. Howard.”
She uses you as a launch pad to jump up, and you let out a small groan. She’s opening her closet to pick out her outfit before you can even sit up.
You get her ready before starting on breakfast and getting yourself at least somewhat presentable for the day. You know you’re going to head into the school to set up your new room before you start to DoorDash. You should look at least somewhat professional entering the school.
As you shuffle your daughter out the door, you’re met with the redhead.
“Hey,” she smiles at the two of you, sunglasses already over her eyes.
“Miss Mel!” Ellie absolutely lights up. “Are you gonna take me to school again today?”
“Not today, little love,” you tut softly. “Momma’s gonna bring you. We’re gonna take the bike.”
The redhead frowns. “When are you getting your car out here?”
“Not for another few weeks,” you sigh.
“I can give the two of you a lift if you want,” Melissa tells you. “I really don’t mind.”
“Oh, I have to get back home somehow,” you chuckle nervously. 
“You can bring my car back, so long as you promise to pick us back up at the end of the day,” the woman counters.
You bite your lip, hesitant to accept her offer to help. But Ellie is looking up at you with pleading eyes. So you nod before opening your front door back up and grabbing the booster seat for her.
You get Ellie settled in the car before climbing into the passenger seat. “Thank you.”
She just smiles at you as she pulls out of the parking garage and onto the busy streets of center city Philadelphia.
She hums softly to the music that is coming from the speakers before turning and asking you, “Any big plans for the day?”
You shrug. “I’ll probably be biking back and forth today with the supplies from the storage locker for my new room.” 
“Use my car for the day,” she tells you without any sort of hesitation. “Less trips, more time to set up.”
“I- I couldn’t ask that of you.”
“You didn’t,” she chuckles. “I’m offering to help.”
“I’m paying you for gas,” you tell her, hitting her with a look that leaves no room for argument.
“No you ain’t,” your coworker laughs. “Just make dinner again sometime soon, and we’ll call it even.”
“I like it more when you cook, Miss Mel,” Ellie makes her thoughts very clear.
You roll your eyes at that comment and look back at her. She’s giving you the most innocent little smile, and your heart melts. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Melissa pulls into a spot in the parking lot before grabbing her bags. “C’mon. I’ll show you where your room is.”
It happens to be the room right next to hers. You glance around, and you can make this work. It just needs some brightening up.
“Ellie,” the redhead says softly, gathering the attention of your daughter. “Your momma has to get going, and Miss Mel is gonna head into the teacher’s lounge for some coffee and morning news. You coming?”
Your daughter nods excitedly. “Can I bring my book?”
“Of course,” the second grade teacher smiles softly. “Say goodbye to your momma though first.”
Ellie bounces over to you and flings herself into you. You chuckle, crouching down to her level before hugging her tightly. You release her, and Melissa plants her car keys in your hands.
“Seriously,” you say softly. “Thank you. I’ll be making my poppyseed chicken tonight if you want to join us.”
She nods. “I’ll bring the wine.”
You spend most of your day heading back and forth between the storage locker that has your teaching supplies and the school. You have a thin sheen of sweat dousing your brow by the time the school bell rings to signify that the day is over, but your classroom looks great. It’s bright and full of positivity, and you couldn’t be more satisfied with the progress that you had made.
You gather your purse and a few things that you won’t be needing before heading outside to gather your girl in your arms.
“Momma!” Ellie catches sight of you before you can make your way out the door. She’s holding onto Melissa’s hand tightly with a grin on her face.
You open your arms up wide for her, and she drops your neighbors hand to come running into your arms. “Hi, my love. Did you have a good day at school?”
She nods enthusiastically before looking back at Melissa. “Mrs. Howard let me sneak into the secret room to give her a hug again. I love Miss Mel.”
“I know you do,” you chuckle.
“Can I be her helper while we wait for her to go home?” your daughter requests softly. “She needs help making sure everyone gets to their people.”
“If that’s okay with Miss Mel,” you chuckle.
Ellie walks on her toes back over to the redhead and tugs gently on her sleeve. She asks before raising her arms up for Melissa to pick her up. Of course, your neighbor obliges with a smile. Ellie wraps her arms around her neck and lays her head on the leather jacket gently.
You can’t help but smile as you watch the two of them together. Ellie is so comfortable with Melissa, and it makes your heart so happy to see that she’s content with someone besides you- she had always been a bit more hesitant around new adults. But Melissa had swooped right in and made her way into Ellie’s heart. You know that Melissa has a special place in your daughter’s heart too.
Dismissal is over, and you follow Melissa back into the school for her to gather her things, Ellie still on the redhead’s hip slumped over and clearly asleep.
You offer to take Ellie off her hands for her.
“I got her,” Melissa smiles, holding Ellie with such tender love and care.
You chuckle. “Are you sure? I know she gets heavy after a while, and you’ve been holding her for the past twenty minutes.”
“I got her,” the redhead is adamant as she grabs her purse and slings it over her other shoulder. “How’s your room coming along? Mind if I sneak in and take a look?”
You nod, although you’re nervous. You hope she finds it to be suitable. She walks in and her eyes go wide.
“Wow, Y/N,” she says softly. “This looks incredible. The kids are going to love it.”
You blush and mumble a thanks before following her out the door to head to her car. Melissa puts Ellie in the car and buckles her in with a soft chuckle. She moves the stray hairs out of her face before closing the door gently. You hand her the keys that she puts her hand out for before climbing into the car.
The ride home is peaceful. She tells you what some of your future students are up to, and she explains that they are more than excited to meet you. That makes you smile- although you hope you can live up to the hype.
When you get home, Ellie is awake and feeling refreshed from her nap. She’s immediately asking if she can help you make dinner for her favorite person. You allow her to mix the sauce together, and you can’t help the chuckle you let out when she steals a taste.
“My silly girl,” you say softly. She’s growing up before your eyes.
“Can I go get Miss Mel?!” she asks.
You roll your eyes playfully. “I think someone has a new favorite person… and it isn’t Momma! How rude!”
“No! No!” Ellie is quick to hug you tightly. “You’re my favoritest person in the whole wide world! Miss Mel is just my second favoritest person.”
You squeeze her right back. “That’s so kind of you to say. Go ahead… get Mel.”
She runs off, and you take a deep breath to collect yourself. Hearing that you were her favorite person in the world- it melts your heart. But you also remember a time where a five year old Ellie would proudly announce that Momma and Daddy were her two favorite people in the world. Now it’s just you.
A stray tear falls down your face, and you’re quick to wipe it away when you hear the front door open again.
“-And I helped Momma make it!” Ellie finishes her sentence as she drags Melissa into your kitchen.
You quickly wipe away the second tear that makes its way down your cheek before turning around with a broad smile on your face. Melissa sees right through your act though, and she gives you a questioning look. You silently shake your head, indicating that you’re fine. She doesn’t believe you and mouths that you’ll talk about it later.
Ellie launches herself up at you, and you’re quick to hold her close to you, peppering her cheeks with the kisses that she deserves. “Little miss was the best co-chef,” you let out a thick chuckle.
Dinner goes on as it usually does, and then the three of you settle on the couch. Ellie watches the usual cartoon that she loves in Melissa’s lap before she’s dozing off. You suppose that her nap only kept her refreshed for a bit.
The redhead looks down and laughs softly, rubbing Ellie’s back soothingly. “She was exhausted after recess today… told me all about the crazy game of tag she was playing with her classmates.”
“Sounds like my little girl,” you say as you settle your gaze on your sweet girl. “At least she’ll sleep through the night.”
“She doesn’t let you sleep?” the woman laughs as she looks down again.
“She uses the bathroom at least three times a night most nights… and every time, she bellows for me- poor thing is scared of the dark,” you sigh. “Even with all of the nightlights we have around. And then she’s up at the ass crack of dawn.”
“Sounds like a six year old,” Melissa laughs. “Well, I guess I should get going. School tomorrow and everything.”
You nod and take Ellie off of her. Your little girl scrunches her nose in her sleep, and you pray she doesn’t wake up. If she does, it’ll be at least another twenty minutes before your neighbor can leave for the night. Thankfully, she settles into your hold, clinging to your shirt.
“Goodnight, Mel,” you say softly. “Thank you again for helping us out today.”
“Have her ready to go at the same time tomorrow,” Melissa instructs. “I’ll take her in while you do whatever you have to get done tomorrow.” You go to protest. “And I will not be taking no for an answer.”
You close your eyes and huff. “Okay.”
The next few days continue on the same way, with Melissa taking you and Ellie to and from the school. It’s very kind of her to do. The three of you have meals together, and you and Melissa have started cooking together.
On Friday, you finish your DoorDashing shift a bit early, bike your way back to the apartment complex, and pick up Melissa’s car. You grab the things that you want to place on the desks before heading out. You pull in and get buzzed into the school.
The secretary smiles as she sees you, handing you the badge that they’ve been promising you the entire week, and you head down to your classroom.
You set the little trinkets on the desks for your students and then head over to Melissa’s room.
The weekend is nice. The three of you actually spend most of your time together. You and Melissa take Ellie to the park, you get coffee at the redhead’s favorite little shop, and then you make dinner together. Melissa helps put your daughter to bed, and it’s all good and fine.
Come Monday, you’re a nervous wreck. Ellie is exhausted from the extravagant weekend, and she is not a happy camper. Even Melissa coming over to make breakfast can’t quite wake her up.
“Momma cannot deal with this Elizabeth,” you grit out as she squirms. 
At her full first name, your daughter pauses. Her little mouth forms into an ‘O’, and she stops her protests until it’s time to shuffle her out the door.
“I don’t wanna take the bike!” she groans and stomps her feet. “I wanna drive with Miss Mel!”
“And Momma wants to bike.”
“I don’t care!”
“Elizabeth Ruth,” you say sternly. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, attempting to ground yourself.
Melissa lays a gentle hand on your shoulder, and it’s so comforting.
“Miss Mel will take us today, but we cannot keep bumming rides off of her,” you tell your daughter. You get her into the car, and only when you’re pulling out of the garage does the redhead offer you a gentle smile.
“Hey. It’s all gonna be okay,” she tells you softly. “And you ain’t bumming rides off me. I like giving you guys rides.”
You shake your head and your hands out in attempts to soothe yourself.
“I know you’re nervous, but today is going to be just fine, you’ll be with me, and-”
“Why do you get to spend all day with Miss Mel?!” Ellie screeches from the back seat. The idea of you spending time with the redhead without her throws her into an absolute fit. She’s kicking your seat and crying, and you finally snap.
“Elizabeth Ruth!” you whip around. “Enough! I will only be with Melissa because I will be doing my job, and you’ll still get to see us both when Mrs. Howard walks you down to the staff room, and you will see her during dismissal!”
Your sharp voice makes your daughter freeze. Her tears subside, and she’s reduced to sniffles.
You soften. “I’m sorry, love. Momma’s just a bit stressed this morning.”
“It’s okay, Momma,” Ellie whimpers. “”s ‘kay.”
You feel bad for snapping on her, and when the three of you get out of the car, Ellie insists on staying by Melissa’s side.
“For today, you’re just sticking by my side and observing, but feel free to run out whenever you have to,” the redhead tells you once she’s gotten her stuff settled, and Ellie is sitting in one of the bean bag chairs in the back of the room. “If you need to make copies, continue setting up your room, use the bathroom… anything like that.”
“You nod.”
“I’m heading down to the staff lounge for some coffee and to watch the news if you want to join,” the redhead tells you. Ellie is immediately at her side and asking to be picked up, to which Melissa does immediately.
You follow them down to the lounge silently, nerves coming back full force.
The second grade teacher introduces you to her friends and tells them that you’re Ellie’s mother, but also their newest staff member.
Janine is quick to introduce herself and tell you that she’s willing to help you in any way you might need, that you’re so lucky to have Melissa as your mentor, and that your daughter is just the cutest thing.
Everyone else is just as kind, although not quite as interested in you. Barbara just smiles gently at you and nods- she already knows of you and the interest her work wife has taken on you.
The lounge time is nice, a time for you to recollect yourself, but it’s over far too soon. You walk Ellie down to her kindergarten classroom and give her a warm hug and kiss. 
“I love you, little girl,” you whisper to her, kissing her hairline.
“I love you too, Momma,” she says just as softly. She lets you go and hugs Melissa just as tightly before telling the woman that she loves her too.
Although Ellie had said it before, this one feels much more heartfelt from your little girl, and the redhead can’t help the tears that well in her eyes. “I love you too, El.”
The two of you leave your daughter with Barbara and head back to her room.
“You okay?” the redhead asks you gently.
You nod as confidently as you can, but she can read your body language. “Nervous.”
She reaches for your hand gently and squeezes it. It’s so warm, and full of comfort, and just everything you need right now. Her eyes are soft and you can see the amount of love and care that she has for you in her eyes. You swoon- almost. 
You squeeze hers back, as if to silently say thank you. And then neither of you let go. You just continue on down to her room, your hand in her own.
When you get there and pull apart, your cheeks turn red. You shouldn’t have held her hand the whole way down. But before you can apologize or say anything to her, one of the kids is running in, so excited to tell Melissa all about her day after school yesterday.
You retreat back to her back table where your things are and sigh. You watch her handle this child with so much care, but it’s just not the same as when it’s Ellie. It melts your heart that you now know that your girl has a special place in her heart. But at the same time, it makes it so much more complicated- your feelings for her. 
This is going to be interesting.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
I humbly request Gaz being a soft dom with Researcher. 🥺
Oh hmmmmm yes let’s see……
The two of them are in the researcher’s bed because let’s be honest, it’s wayyyy better than a barrack. They’ve been on a Science binge all day - all week, really. This is the first that Gaz has been able to pull them away from their work bench in hours.
They’re mumbling about not being done yet, needing to put the finishing touches on a design - and Gaz is letting them ramble. He’s listening, of course. Or, well, listening for the stutters and pauses when his lips and tongue and teeth find a good spot on their neck. They are slowly but surely melting into him, all insistence on work fading off into happy hums.
“We can get back to it tomorrow, chickadee,” he murmurs when they’ve run out of steam. “I want to spend time with you tonight. Think you can make a little time for me?”
“Of course,” they breathe, nuzzling at his cheek to get proper kisses. “All the time you want.”
“All the time I want, eh?” He chuckles. “Sure you can spare that much?”
“So sweet for me,” he smiles against their cheek. “You’ll be good and patient, won’t you?”
He rewards them with slow, lingering touches through their shirt and pants, lets them grind absently against him while he licks into their mouth. They deserve worship and a chance to turn their brilliant brain off. The best way to do that is make them wait, make the building ecstasy the only thing they have room for.
“Ky, I wanna…. I’m so close….” They gasp.
“I know, I know,” he soothes, playing with their nipples. “Can you be good and wait just a little longer? You’re doing so well, I know you can, baby.”
They whine, high pitched, but nod and grip at him tighter, clenching down and writhing, making him see stars.
“I’m gonna count you down, alright?”
The moan. They simultaneously love and hate countdowns and he knows it.
“5…. C’mon, darlin’ arch your back”
They shudder and squeeze their eyes closed.
“4, looks at me? Cmon, I wanna see your pretty dazed eyes.”
They flutter their eyes open but they can’t focus their vision, pupils blown out.
“3… so close, love, you’re holding on so well. That’s it, let me hold you here…”
They whimper his name between their teeth, trembling and desperate, flushed everywhere.
“2…. Can you ask nicely? You sound so lovely when you say-“
“Please, Ky, please, wanna cum for you!”
“That’s my love. Well done, so lovely.”
He holds them there just a moment longer, just to see them desperately holding back for him.
“1 - cum for me, baby. That’s it, ride it out.”
Their eyes roll back in their head as they squeeze down, milking his cock, screaming as they cum in overwhelming waves. Hes not far behind, burying deep within and cumming only a few rough thrusts later.
As they catch their breaths, he leaves absent kisses all over their face and shaking hands.
“Alright, darlin’? Didn’t make you wait too long?”
“It was perfect,” they sigh. High praise indeed considering the ‘statistical impossibility of perfection. “You’re perfect. Thank you, Ky.”
“No need to thank me, love. I should thank you for being so good. Im so proud of you.”
They hum and snuggle in. He’ll have to get them up before they doze off too much… but for now he could use a break too.
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idontplaytrack · 23 days
Could you write some silly sleep deprived Janis? Either X reader or Rejanis, no preferences 🥰
Sleep? Don’t know her
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George
Warnings: fluff, coarse language
Lack of sleep drives Janis to be a little crazy. But not more than it does Regina.
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Regina laid in bed under the covers, looking— no, staring up at the ceiling. The house was quiet, so quiet. But of course it was, it was 2:30 in the morning. Yet, the blonde could not settle down and turn in for the night. Not when her girlfriend was still wide awake and busy with god knows what.
“Janis, get in bed!” Regina groaned.
“I’m not tired.” Her voice travels into the room from where she was in the living area.
“What’re you even doing?”
“Nothing.” Janis laughs, but then there was a clatter.
Huffing, Regina got out of bed and flounced outside to check on the brunette. With a hand on her hip, her eyes went wide when she saw the art supplies sprawled out on the floor. “Oh my god, last I checked you were reading a book!”
“Got bored.”
“Bored?” Regina crouched down but slowly sat on the floor with her, “Maybe because it’s time for you to go to bed—”
Janis quirked a brow, “Go to bed? Nice try, when was the last time you saw me asleep?”
Regina bites back a sigh, exhaling harshly through her nose, “Do you think I wouldn’t remember, Jay? It’s been two days. Why are you just doing everything but getting some rest?”
Janis giggled, “Because I’m not tired~”
“You’re crazy, you know that?”
“Of course I do, Regina.” Janis deadpanned, “When your best friend was the first person to call you a crazy lesbian, it sticks.”
Regina’s face fell. How is her mood changing so quickly? She pursed her lips together, internally panicking and unsure of what to say. “Jay, I’m sorry.”
The other girl was then chuckling. Regina shut her eyes for a second, “Janis. You need to get some sleep.”
“No, I don’t. I can’t fall asleep anyhow.” Janis replied, laying on her stomach on the floor as she carried on sketching, her tongue then darted out in concentration. Regina found that endearing, but she was so worried about how tired Janis actually was, she couldn’t think about how cute she was for longer than that split second. “Baby.” Regina finally sighs.
“I’m fine.” Janis said back in a mumble.
“You need to sleep, babe. It’s been too long since you did.” Regina scooted closer, tilting Janis’ chin by a finger. “Janis, please. Leave the work to tomorrow, let’s go get some sleep.”
“No!” Janis resisted, yelling and Regina saw her eyes get teary. Yet, the brunette doesn’t move away, she just stays in that position, letting Regina hold her chin in her hand.
“Janis, put the pencil down.” Regina told her softly. Janis breathed deeply, letting go of the pencil, letting it roll away on the floor. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled.
“What I said, the crazy lesbian remark. That wasn’t necessary.” Janis chewed on her lower lip.
Regina shook her head, “We’re okay. I get it, you’re tired and stressed and feeling all sorts of things. I know you’re having trouble falling asleep, but I don’t know why. Could you…tell me what’s bothering you so I could help?”
“I don’t know.” Janis pouted, “My mind’s always just racing with all sorts of worries, the future, a bunch of what ifs. It’s so bad if I don’t have something to focus on, like art. If I just lay there in bed, in silence, I’m almost never able to fall asleep.”
“Okay.” Regina nodded, “Come on. I got you.” She helped Janis up, then they returned to their bedroom together. “Whatever’s on your mind, let it out. Tell me. Everything.” Regina sat her down, holding onto her hands, “I don’t care what it is, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense. Get it out, and we’ll go to sleep.”
That’s what happened, Regina successfully got Janis to open up and get those overwhelming thoughts in her mind. Janis went on and on for a few minutes, and all Regina did was listen and hold her. So she felt safe and seen. “It’s a lot, I’m sorry.”
“We all have our own shit, baby. One day at a time.” Regina rubbed her back soothingly, “You help me, I help you— we’re gonna get there one day, hm?”
Janis nodded, head nuzzled against chest as she feels her eyelids finally start to grow heavy. “Close your eyes.” Regina hums, planting a kiss to the crown of her head, I’m right here. Breathe, focus on nothing but the sound of my heartbeat.”
With another nod, Janis says, “Good night, love you.”
“Love you more.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Been sitting in my inbox for awhile and I needed something to focus on than my parents’ yelling so I got this done. Thank you for waiting, I hope you enjoyed <3
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mirage-aera · 5 months
can we please get more angst? 🙏
like what if reader decides to unalive herself? cant take the grief anymore and knowing that drinking and binge eating will not do anything but just burn money and delay the inevitable. and simon is too late to save her. cue simon grieving in return and drowning in guilt and self hatred for putting her in that situation.
•°. *࿐ Drowned
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Reader
pt. 1 - pt. 2
Synopsis: By the time Simon returns to your shared home, it's already too late for you. You've hit rock bottom in the rabbit hole, and Simon is ready to jump into that same hole.
Word count: 2.606
First of all I’d like to apologise for my two month(?) absence. I got overwhelmed with school work that I needed to focus on and some personal problems happened. For anyone who has stuck around, this is the long waited part 2 that I promised a while ago. I haven’t written anything in my long break so bear with me. Second of all you guys really want more angst from me. I was planning on doing a happy ending but this will do.
TW!! Suicide, alcoholism
For the people that wanted to be tagged: @somehopeatlast @yyiikes
It’s too much. Everything is too much. Everyone has been telling you that healing takes time. When in reality, all that you feel is despair. Instead of the wound gradually closing, all that’s really happening is your heart getting ripped out day by day. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this charade up. You’re throwing people fake smiles left and right, and ‘I’m fine’ has left your mouth more times than you could actually care for. It’s as if you’re living life as a mindless zombie. Barely doing the bare minimum to sustain yourself. Every time someone checks up on you, you tell them you’re doing okay, could be better but you’re fine. At least, that’s what you want them to think. You’re just a shell of the person you were when Simon was still here and alive. You’re blowing through your money like no tomorrow. But can you get yourself to care enough to do anything about it? No, and not for the foreseeable future. You spend your days drinking away, either at home or in bars. You’ve tried moving on, but the only thing you’re able to see in them is Simon. You chicken out before anything can get serious. Your bingeing habits haven't changed a bit, you’re on the same routine.
It's been months and you can’t get out of this rabbit hole you’ve dug yourself. Months.
It’s crazy to think about the chokehold Simon has on you, even when he isn’t physically here himself.
You’ve had enough. You’re not living life as is. You’re practically a dead person walking, a mindless being. All you’re doing is blowing money when you could be doing anything else but that. You’ve contemplated long and hard about this decision, and to be frank. You see no negatives to this option. Taking the way out seems like a way better alternative for you than continuing to waste the air around you with useless breaths.
The hooded figure that you sometimes see outside your window has started showing up less and less. You’ve made eye contact before, but before you can even mutter a word out the shadow has vanished. As if he never existed and is a figment of your imagination. You could’ve sworn that those were the eyes of Simon. His sharp brown eyes are unmistakable. You can recognize them from anywhere. But, he is dead. The possibility of it being him is simply impossible. You stare solemnly out the window. You want to see whether the shadow really is a figment of your imagination, or if it’s actually a person. But they never show up. If the shadow had shown up, would you have gone through with your plan? Probably not. As insane as it might sound, you feel a sort of pull for the shadow. As if it’s calling out for you.
When all you can see is the dark starry night. You sigh and shut the blinds. No one needs to see what you’re going to commit. You head upstairs to your once-shared bedroom. You walk absentmindedly to Simon’s bedside drawer. Revealing a small handgun. He always keeps weapons on him, or around him. To keep both you and him safe in case anyone ever dares to try anything in your own home. You pick up the piece of iron. Simon has taught you how to use it, in case there’s an emergency and he isn’t there to protect you. Back then it felt like a light piece of metal. Now, it sits heavy in the palm of your hand.
You slowly sit on the floor. Your back against the side of the bed. You expected to feel afraid. But to your surprise, you don’t feel anything at all. As if everything is numb. For that part you are a little thankful for, it’ll make this so much easier for you to do. You turn the gun in your hands. Inspecting your executioner. Minutes pass, and you’re still sitting idly on the floor. You’re waiting for the right moment. Deep down, you’re hoping that Simon will walk through the door. Wrap you up in his arms and tell you how everything is okay now. That it was simply a mission gone wrong, which made it so he couldn’t come home at the promised time frame. But as the silence of the house engulfs the house in an eerie peace. You close your eyes. This is the right moment. Simon won’t show, and he won’t show. You need to get that in your thick skull.
You look around your shared bedroom for the last time. Picture frames litter your dressers. His clothes are still hanging in his section of your closet. You put the gun away and back into his nightstand. You can’t do this, not here at least. Not at the serenity that belongs in your bedroom.
You scramble up from the floor. You pick up the crinkled piece of paper sitting on Simon’s desk. You go downstairs and pin it on the fridge with a magnet. Visible for anyone who comes looking for you. You rush outside, not bothering to bring a jacket with you. You’re not going to need it anyway. You run outside, not noticing the shadow blending in the night watching you. He wants to follow you, like he usually does, wanting to make sure you don’t do anything stupid or that you’ll regret. But this time, he can’t bring his feet to move. He simply watches you run off to whatever destination you have in mind.
You run off to the bridge you frequent with Simon. Not a lot of people go across it during the day. No one ever comes through at midnight. Giving you time alone to think and reminisce. You lean on the metal railing. Images of the various late-night dates Simon would take you on during his off days flash through your mind. You crack a small smile at that, embracing the pleasant memories once again. Your smile drops. Memories, that’s all they’ll ever be. You won’t be able to recreate them or make new ones anymore, not with Simon or anyone else. You brush away stray tears and let out a soft sniffle. You climb over the railing. You stand on the other side, peering down at the frigid cold water below. You look behind you, making sure no one is there. You suck in a deep breath, close your eyes, and let yourself slowly tip over the edge. One to two seconds feel like minutes. You feel the wind rushing past your face. Soon the cold water greets you. Despite the freezing temperature, it feels like a warm embrace. As if it’s welcoming you. You let yourself sink, letting more memories of you and Simon flash through your mind. Soon enough, everything goes black. You’ve lost this battle. Was it worth it? Some would say not, but to you? It was. You were miserable day after day. This was a peaceful alternative.
The shadow gets worried when hours pass by and you don’t return home yet. A bad feeling settles in the depths of his stomach. A nauseating feeling overwhelms him. He emerges from the shadows of the night. His mask was illuminated by the moonlight. He wants to know where you’ve gone. He shoves a flowerpot on your front porch aside with his foot, revealing a spare key. He grabs it and unlocks the door. It opens slowly. He steps inside, he takes off his worn boots. Not wanting to have anything traced back to him, anything that’ll show someone has been in the comfort of your own home. He looks around with confusion. He spots your phone and keys on the dining table. That’s weird. You never leave without those items, something Simon has drilled into your mind. He frowns behind his mask. He looks around everywhere. Eventually, he finds himself in the kitchen. At first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary. He squints his eyes at the fridge. A note is pinned on the piece of metal. He takes big strides towards the fridge and reads the note. His heart sinks to his stomach. The urge to throw up is getting to him.
To anyone who finds this note. It’ll most likely be you, Price. I’m sorry. I know I’ve said that I’m fine, that I’m getting better. But I think you know this as well, that I’m not. If anything, I’m getting worse by the day. I’ll keep it short. I have nothing much to say anyway. Not that anyone would care. Don’t come looking for me. I’ll be long dead by the time you find this note. I don’t even know where I am. I might be in my bedroom, bathroom, in a ditch somewhere, or even floating in a river. On the bright side, I’m happy. Happier than ever. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay. I have Simon to keep me company.
I love you Simon, I’ll see you soon.
He rips the note off the fridge. He rereads it over and over. Hoping, no, praying that his eyes are deceiving him. That this is just some sick joke being played on him. You’ve done your fair share of pranks on him, but they’ve never been this extreme. He crumples up the note and shoves it in his pocket. He rips his mask off and throws it on the table near your phone and keys. He lets out a snarl. He slams his palms on the wooden table. “Fuck!” He exclaims. He pulls out his burner phone. He dials a number. They immediately pick up on the third ring. “Simon.” A low voice comes through. “Price.” He replies. He clearly doesn’t sound happy. He can’t let out tears, not now. He doesn’t deserve to. “Did you find something?” This sets something ablaze in Simon. He lets out a dry chuckle. “I’ve found something alright.” He sneers. He can’t help but convert the feeling of anguish to anger, and frustration. Anything but sadness. A low hum follows. “What did you find?” He takes a deep breath in. “I’ve found a suicide note in my own home.” He spits out. A painful silence ensues. “What?” He glares at the wall, lined with your pictures together. “You’ve fucking heard me. Want to explain that to me? You said she was doing fine!” A sorrowful sigh could be heard through the fun. “That’s what she said. I-” Simon interrupts him. “And you believed her?! How didn’t you see what was going on?! I told you, I fucking told you to keep an eye on her while I am gone!” He snaps. Something he probably shouldn’t do to Price, but he can’t bring himself to care right now. Another sigh could be heard. “Simon, listen. The mission-” He scoffs. “I don’t give a damn about the mission right now. My girl is dead for fucks sake!” He shouts. He continues. “I wasn’t happy with this mission. I already told you, I’d only agree to do this if you keep a close eye on her. I trusted you, Price. Now look at what happens. I faked my death, and now she’s dead!” He takes another deep breath to calm himself. “After this mission, I’m done. I’m pulling out. It’s about time I retire from this shithole anyway.” He sneers and hangs up. He throws the phone down on the table as well. He runs a hand through his hair in frustration.
He takes a seat at the table. He runs his hands down his face. A million thoughts run through his head. How did it end up like this? Multiple what-ifs pop up in his mind. What if he showed himself to you on the first day he came back to see you, would you still be alive? He lets out a low growl and slams his fist down on the table. Silent tears stream down his face. How does he always fuck up whatever good comes in his life? At this point, he’s just cursed. He can’t have happiness without something ruining it.
After he collects himself he gets up, but he still has work to do. And as much as he wants to drown himself in guilt and self-hatred. He understands that he still needs to finish his mission. He narrows his eyes as he walks out of your house. The people at the other end of his wrath need to watch their backs. Simon will make anything and anyone suffer, to make them feel the same pain he’s feeling. Deep down, he knows nothing will compare to it.
A fucked mission later, a hell of debriefing, he comes back home as a retired soldier. A home that has turned into a cold, haunting, and uninviting. Everything that made this house a home was you, you were his home. You aren’t here anymore. And it’s all his fault. If only he went against orders, let you know what was happening. You would still be here. If only he came to check on you more often, he could’ve seen the signs and stopped you. If only he could’ve shown any sign he’s still alive, you would probably still be here. Alive, breathing, at home, doing whatever you love to keep yourself busy while he’s gone. But no. He fucked up, and he’s paying the price for it.
For days on end, he will feel the remorse, the regret, the guilt. He would fall into the same rabbit hole you dug. Instead of you going down it. You’re already rock bottom, he’s simply joining you. He spends his time drinking. That’s what he knows helps best in this situation. Whenever he’s not drinking he’s spending time in his home gym.
A thought crosses his mind. The same one that has yours at one point. He lays in bed, your pillow still has your smell and it haunts him. He reaches over to his nightstand and opens his drawer. What he sees breaks his heart all over again. His gun. It has been moved. He’s certain this wasn’t how he left his gun before he left. He always made sure that the grip was facing him so he could grab it quickly in a time of emergency. It isn’t lying in that position anymore. He sits up with the gun in his hand. He plays around with the piece of iron in his hand. Unloads and loads the bullets over and over. Pushing the safety back and forth. Anything to distract him from the void he’s feeling in the pit of his stomach. Your note that you’ve left on the fridge rests on his nightstand. You said you were going to be okay. That you’ll have Simon to keep you company. Well, he isn’t fucking there, is he? He wants to join you so desperately. But he’s afraid, not of death. But even if there is an afterlife, would you accept him? He lied to you. A lie that cost you your life. He doesn’t know if he could endure that on top of the grief he’s feeling. But even seeing you one last time would be better than this.
So he sits there, in the darkness of your shared bedroom. Contemplating if he should join you. Something you were doing a few nights prior. If only he didn't accept the damn mission. He wouldn’t be drowning in his grief and self-hatred if he let the mission go. You would be here, in his arms. And that thought would forever haunt him until he does opt for the other route.
I’m sorry lovie, for everything.
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morgana-larkin · 3 months
i absolutely love your writing style, its so amazing. and i was wondering if you could do Chessy x reader where reader has autism and works for Elizabeth and gets overwhelmed at an event and Chessy comforts her, could just be fluff or could escalate, its up ro you!
Hi!! I’m happy you love my writing style! ❤️. Here is the fic for your prompt, I loved the prompt and I was wanting a Chessy prompt as I wasn’t getting any. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I have like 4 Melissa fics started and I might finish them all by Monday and just post them all at the same time.
Assistance Needed
Warnings: autistic reader, lot of fluff
Words: 2.27k
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“Alright Elizabeth, everything is set for tomorrow’s wedding, just a couple of last minute preparations that will need to be done tomorrow.” You tell Elizabeth outside in the backyard where the wedding will take place.
“Perfect thank you y/n.” Elizabeth tells you before someone takes her attention and she leaves you standing there. You take one last look at the list just to make sure when you hear someone walking up to you.
“Hey hon.” You look up and Chessy there and smile.
“Hey Chess.” You tell her.
“All ready for the wedding?”
“Yep, just tomorrow’s last minute stuff and then it’s all good.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Wow, Elizabeth is lucky to have an assistant like you.” She says and you blush a bit.
“Thank you, but I just make sure things get done.” You tell her.
“You’re so modest, give yourself some credit. You made sure the wedding came together.” She explains to you. “Anyway, are you hungry? I made some lunch and got some extra if you want it.” She offers and you smile at her.
“I would love too.” You say and she smiles before leading you into the house.
You started working for Elizabeth as her assistant about 5 months ago but it was mostly at her shop helping her with things to get the dresses ready for the summer. Ever since Elizabeth and Annie moved in with the Parker’s, the combined their businesses. They held weddings at the vineyard while also serving whatever wine the bride and groom want, and Elizabeth designs, fits, and makes their dress. Lately you’ve been working at the house, getting things ready for the weddings. You met Chessy about 2 months ago when you came to the house for the first time. She instantly took an interest in you and it seems she also likes to be looking after you. She always makes sure she makes extra for lunch when you’re over, when you start to get stressed with the work then she makes you laugh, when you get frustrated with something then she helps work it out with you.
You can’t deny that it feels nice that she looks out for you, and you also can’t deny that you have feelings for her. You try not to feel special that she helps you with things, she’s a nanny, it’s what she does. During lunch she can see that you’re nervous about something.
“Hon, are you okay? You’re quiet, usually you’re talking about something you like.” She tells you and you look up at her and sigh.
“It’s about tomorrow.” You tell her and she quirks an eyebrow at you.
“The wedding?” She asks and you nod. “What’s making you nervous about the wedding?” She asks as she gives you a plate of food.
“Thank you.” You say as you begin eating. “It’s a really big wedding. Like the others were like 50-250 people on the guest list. That’s a normal amount. But tomorrow there’s gonna be 650 people, I don’t do well with a lot of people.” You tell her.
“I think you’ll kill it tomorrow. But if you want then I can be there with you for support.” She offers and you look at her.
“Really? You’d do that for me?” You ask and she nods with a smile.
“Of course.”
“Ok, well if you’re being serious then I would love for you to be there.” You say to her.
“Alright, I’ll be there.” She promises to you and you smile as you continue eating.
The next day you’re slipping on your black dress. It’s still a couple hours until the wedding, enough time to get the last minute preparations done. You stayed at the Parker house last night to make it easier, you usually do when the next day is a wedding or you stayed working late. You bounce downstairs and you go outside to get everything done.
You didn’t notice Chessy watching you from a window for most of the time. You actually never notice her just watching you work. She loves seeing you in your element. She’s watching you with a fond smile on her face.
“Just tell her already.” Nick says with a bit of annoyance. Chessy whips her head around as she didn’t know he was there or even heard him.
“Tell who what?” She asks, although she has an idea of who and what he means.
“Tell y/n you like her. We all see it and we’re wondering when you’re going to tell her.” He says.
“It might be best if I don’t. After all she works for Elizabeth, if it doesn’t work or she rejects me then we’ll still run into each other.”
“Chessy, you’re thinking too much into it. You can’t think about it not working out when you haven’t even started dating. And also she won’t reject you, she feels the same way about you.” He says like it’s obvious and Chessy is looking at him like a deer in headlights.
“She what?” Chessy asks, wanting to know if she heard him right. Nick looks at her in disbelief.
“She likes you too Chessy. Do you really not see it?”
“I thought it was one-sided.” Chessy says and looks at you through the window again. “I offered to be with her at the wedding today, as support due to the amount of people who will be here.”
“Well you have a perfect opportunity then, weddings bring out the romance in people.” He says with a wink and then leaves.
An hour later, Chessy is making lunch when the twins come running in.
“Hey, no running in the house.” Chessy tells them and they immediately stop.
“Sorry Chess, we just smelled food and got excited.” Hallie says and Annie nods in agreement.
“Well lunch is almost ready.” She says and they sit down at the island. Chessy is still thinking about what Nick says when she realises there’s two people there who sees everything and can confirm or deny. “Hey girls, I have a question for you.” She tells them and they both look at her. “You know y/n right?” She starts and they both nod. “Well do you know if, if she might have feelings…for someone?”
“You mean if she has feelings for you?” Annie says and Chessy blushes. Wow, Nick wasn’t kidding when he says everyone knows.
“Yes, do you know if she has feelings for me?” She rephrases.
“Well obviously, she doesn’t exactly hide it.” Hallie says and Chessy lets out a breath she was holding.
“Both of you don’t hide it.” Annie adds.
“Ok, eat your lunch.” Chessy says as she hands them both bowls of chilli.
“Are you going to bring Y/n in to eat too?” Annie says.
“You know since you always seem to have extra when she’s here.” Hallie adds and Chessy’s cheeks become red.
“If she has time then yes.” Chessy stutters out and then Elizabeth comes walking in with you, talking about something.
“Ok so the last thing is for the bride to finish getting ready?” Elizabeth asks you and you check over the list.
“Yep, everything else is done.” You say and Elizabeth takes a deep breath.
“Thank goodness. Oh Chessy you made lunch, do you have enough for y/n to eat some before the wedding?” Elizabeth asks Chessy and both the twins look at Chessy with a smirk.
“Uh ya, there’s more than enough.” Chessy answers and gets a bowl ready for you. “Are you eating too, Elizabeth?”
“In a bit. Just have to do something quickly first.” Elizabeth says and then leaves. The twins finish and leave quickly before you sit down at the island. Chessy makes a bowl for you and gets another one for her. She places one in front of you and sits down beside you.
“Thank you, Chessy.” You tell her with a smile.
“Not a problem, hon.” She says with a matching smile. “You look beautiful btw.”
“Thank you. We have to dress nice and in black.” You tell her.
“I think you always look beautiful.” She blurts out before her brain processes it. You look at her and she notices a small blush on your cheeks.
“Th-thank you. I um- I also think the same about you.” You tell her and she blushes and smiles at you.
“Thanks hon.” You both finish your lunch while chatting with each other until you have to go back to work as guests are arriving.
Chessy got changed while you and other staff started welcoming and entertaining the guests. When she comes out, she can tell right away that you’re starting to get tense from the amount of people you have to welcome and tell them where to go, as well as letting the staff know what to do. Chessy comes to your side and puts an arm around your shoulders and she sees you visibly relax after realising who it is.
“Half the guests are here already and it’s like none of the staff know what to do.” You complain to her and she giggles.
“Well you’re doing amazing, hon. I’m here to support you if you need it.” She says and you smile at her.
“Thanks Chessy.” You say and lean into her.
Half an hour later, Chessy had to go help the twins with something and has to leave you alone for a few minutes. You greeted more guests and had to assist some of the staff on what to do and you were informed that you’re down a few staff members.
“What should we do?”
“There’s not enough of us for everything now.”
“Nothing will get done in time.”
The other staff members are all looking for guidance from you and it’s all becoming too much. You’re looking around for Elizabeth and all you see is too many people and a bunch of staff that are depending on you. You start breathing heavier and feel like you’re trapped.
“I’ll be right back.” You tell them and make a beeline for the house.
Chessy was coming back and was looking for you, she sees you emerge from a group of staff and almost sprint to the house. She follows after you and sees you pacing around the living room in the house.
“Hon, everything alright?” She asks as she sees you stressed. You look up at her and shake your head. She walks over to you and she puts her arms around you in a hug. You immediately hug her back and take a deep breath. “It’s alright, you’re gonna be alright.” She tells you as she strokes your head. You really want to answer her verbally or tell her thank you but you seem to have lost the ability to speak at the moment.
Chessy leads you to one of the couches and you end up cuddling on her on the couch. You take a strand of her hair between your fingers and start twirling it with your fingers. Chessy watches you do it and lets you as it seems to relax you, to be honest she’d let you play with her hair no matter what.
You take a few more deep breaths and are able to speak softly to her. “Thank you.” You say and she rubs your back.
“I’ll always be here to support you and help you through whatever you need.” She tells you genuinely. At that moment you can’t help but lean into her and kiss her. She’s shocked at first but then relaxes into the kiss and kisses you back. You both pull back after a few seconds and you look at her surprised.
“You kissed me back?” You ask confused and she nods. “Why?”
“Because I like you.” She states like it’s obvious and she goes to kiss you again but you stop her by putting a hand on her chest.
“There’s something you should know, I’m- I’m autistic.” You say and she looks at you confused.
“Ok…? And?”
“Well I wanted to let you know in case it changes how you might feel about me.” You tell her and she strokes your cheek.
“Oh hon, it doesn’t change how I feel about you in the slightest.” She says genuinely and you lean into her touch.
“OH MY GOD! I have to go find Elizabeth and tell her about the staff situation.” You say suddenly and bolt out of the house.
Chessy chuckles at your actions and proceeds to follow you out of the house. When she catches up with you, you’re talking to Elizabeth and she goes to handle the situation.
“You know, I think we were in the middle of something.” She says as she reaches you and you turn to look at her with a smile.
“Sorry, we’re experiencing a staff shortage.” You say and she places an arm around your waist. You lean into her body and she kisses the top of your head. You turn to look at her and you move some strands of hair out of her face. “I do like you as well, in case it wasn’t obvious with the kiss.” You tell her and she giggles.
“You’re cute, it was pretty obvious after that but I don’t mind hearing you say it.” She says and you both kiss.
Across the yard the twins and Nick see you both kiss. He proceeds to hand both of them $5 as they guessed she was going to confess to you tonight. “I’m not betting with you guys again.” He says as they both pocket their $5 with a smile.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 10 months
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Secrets Kept From Him 18+ Chapter 7: Threats Ran x F!reader x Draken WC:7k Resident: @enchantedforest-network Synopsis: Ran feeling the rage of knowing what you did with Draken. He was so consumed with his thoughts he began to think about the past. The confrontation between Draken and Ran, threats would be known but would Draken really stray away? The confrontation between Ran and you would lead his daughter to know who he is. It wouldn't be the only complication that would lead you to the club to confront Ran with serious news. Fearing for you and your daughter's life it would be in Ran's hands. Seeing the woman who was on the other line and feeling conflicted with Ran. Everything happening makes you feel overwhelmed with everything. Tw: Threats, strong language (swearing, guns, and death), anger, anxiety, hickeys, kissings, flashbacks, passing out, break-in, stalking, arguing, possessive behavior from Ran, paranoia (unedited)
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Draken had the towel around his waist as he went to his dresser pulling out a shirt for you to wear. As you slid the shirt it was overly too big for you yet he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothing. Draken went into the bathroom to grab something else. You reached for your phone that was in your purse. Seeing a voicemail along with a few messages.  Listening to the voicemail as you walk into the living room. ‘What the hell...’  he was at your home that late. The voicemail was left about 2 hours ago.  When you pulled up the test message from him. ‘You with him aren’t you. Is my daughter with you both?.’
Knowing if you called him right now it would be an issue and you didn’t want to drag Draken into this being so late at night already.When Draken came out of the bathroom he saw you walking back into the room. “Everything alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I was gonna check on d/n but I realized it was already late. They are already asleep.”  Both of you laid in bed flicking the light off. He pulled you close to his chest, the side of your face. You could hear the steadiness of his heartbeat. Draken may have had a hunch something else was bothering you but you wouldn’t tell him. He could sense it could have been  because of Ran, but he  didn’t want to ruin this moment with you. His fingers work through your damp hair massaging your scalp. “I hope you enjoyed tonight.” Closing your eyes enjoying his fingers rubbing your scalp “I did, it's been so long since I’ve been on a date.” “I hope you don’t mind  going on more with me.” 
“I like the sound of that… You don’t mind going out with a single mom at all?” asking him. Hearing the mixture of pros and cons dating a single mom from other people and what they experienced.  
“It doesn’t bother me you being a mom ________. Some people may be bothered but I'm not one of them… D/n is your first priority. You're a mom first.”  She was your first priority, making sure she was safe and happy. 
Rindou watched his brother's foot tap on the floor as he sat down on the sofa. Ran looked around the club trying to avoid his thoughts of you being with Draken right now. It was becoming more evident to him when he thought about the conversation you both had. The way your body language spoke more than your words. “I know they slept together. The way she was acting when we talked she never acted this way with me. I’m losing her…” “Not if you get rid of the problem.”  Rindou leaning back on the couch. 
“Getting rid of him would solve a lot of issues…He still works at the shop right?”  Ran asked. His brother nodded  “I think I will pay him a visit after the meeting tomorrow. Obviously I need to make the message more clear to him about staying away from ________ and d/n.”
Ran felt his phone ringing, wondering if you were finally calling him back. Maybe a part of him wanted it to be you and it was you asking him for help if you got stranded somewhere or were anywhere else other than with Draken. Seeing the caller ID he closed his eyes for a brief moment. His stress level was high thinking he may need to release it. “Hello Ms. Yamaguchi…I could be better, have you ever got the feeling you wanna bash someone’s head in to relieve some stress??…really now… you don't say… what else now? Give me 20 mins I will be there.” he hung up his phone. At this point he needed something else to distract him even if it meant fucking someone to get the tension off of him. Using her body was just something temporary. 
Ran was making his way to her place when his mind began to wander to the day you left. That day since you came back repeated in his mind  more often than he wanted it. Just like a fresh wound that dishenced he replayed in his mind. 
“I will be back later on...” He cradles your cheeks with his hands. One of his hands bandaged up from an incident last night. He noticed you had a weary smile with his words. “You alright doll?” He asked
“I’m fine, just a little tired…I might just lay down and get some sleep.” You assured him. 
“Call me if you need me to come home okay?”
“Ran I’m fine” you softly chuckled.
“I love you” he kissed your forehead. 
“I love you too. Ran… please be careful? For me?”  
“Of course, aren’t I always?” he gave a small smile “Ran, I'm serious. Just these injuries could have been a lot worse than this.” “___________, please don’t worry about me. I know you worry but I can handle what I take on.” Ran reassured you many times like he has before in the past. “I will always come back to you.” He gave you a kiss on your lips before he left.
 Later in the night when Ran got home, the place was completely dark. You would often wait for him. Thinking you may have been asleep. Walking into the bedroom his eyes adjusting to the darkness to see the bed was untouched. “Where did she go?” flicking the lights on in the entire home he couldn’t find you. When he called you on the phone hoping you would pick up he would hear your phone ringing. Seeing it on the counter…. Ran’s heart dropped  he didn’t know what to do he began to internally panic not knowing if something happened to you. There was no trace of you or where you could have gone. 
He had called family and friends no one had heard from you. Ran began to think of one person who would know where you went. The same person that couldn’t have you. 
Draken was at work when he saw the eldest Haitani brother pull up to the shop. Ran never came to the shop unless it was with you.The two never really engaged in conversation with one another. There was that bit of tension other people noticed but it flew over your head. He looked annoyed looking over at Draken, Emma was visiting the shop to bring Draken lunch when she saw Ran.  “Where is she?” 
Draken was screwing a bolt on a bike when he heard the question. He held the wrench in his hand as Ran approached. The guys in the shop heard the question wondering what Ran was talking about. “Where is who Haitani?” Draken asked as they both were a few feet apart. 
“She is gone.” Ran looked at him. “Don’t act dumb tell me where she is.” 
Emma looked over at Draken “Draken what is he talking about?” 
“I don’t know what he is talking about.” Draken paused for a moment realizing the question “wait what do you mean she is gone?” 
“______ took off  last night. No one has seen her or spoken to her since yesterday. You're the only person she tells things to or what she is planning.”  Ran's face was serious as he and Draken looked at one another. 
“She hasn’t told me anything.” Draken found it odd you left without an explanation. Something must have happened for you to go to the extent of leaving the way you did. “What the hell did you do to her to make her leave?” Draken asked.
Emma looked over at Draken who had a stern expression on his face. Just in this moment she could tell he wasn’t over you.  Even after telling her many times, she just knew. Draken pushed aside his feelings after he found out about you and Ran dating. He started seeing you less than usual. He didn’t want to ruin what was making you happy even if you were with someone else. 
“What are you assuming now?” Ran responded  “you really wanna go there?” 
“______ wouldn’t just leave the way she did unless you did something you prick.” His hand was holding tighter on the wrench. “If you touched her I sw-“
“You would have liked that huh? So can you save her?” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “I would never have harmed her, you should know that by now…Such a bold move in front of your woman.” Ran looked over at Emma “how do you feel about that? Seeing how irked he got about MY girlfriend now.”  His attention went back to Draken. “If I find out you're lying about knowing where she is… you won’t see the last of me.”
“I would like to see you try.”  Draken spoke in a threat of tone. 
They both started down one another before Ran took off in his car. Draken looked over at Emma who was looking down on the ground. She was feeling insecure about their relationship. She walked away ‘shit’  Draken followed her. “Emma, wait.”  
He reached for her hand. The moment she turned around her eyes were filled with tears. “Draken, I need to go” 
He couldn’t leave her like this. He took her to the break room which was empty. “Emma, you know I love you.” He did love Emma and felt guilty for making her feel like this. 
“Do you  honestly do?” She wiped her eyes. She felt like an option of what Draken settled for instead of who he wanted to be with. 
He closed his eyes for a brief moment before responding “l do.” He held her close to him. Emma's arms wrapped around him. His chin was resting on the top of her head. Draken couldn’t come to terms he wasn’t over you. As obvious it was right now he saw it was hurting Emma. He wanted to make this work with her, being in love with someone who wasn’t his from the beginning and he needed to move on in his life. He needed to be happy as well. 
In that same time frame Draken was thinking about that day. From that point on, time passed once his relationship with Emma felt strong and solid; he wanted that next step in making her his wife. He began thinking about the efforts he tried to put in his marriage. But it was never enough… resulting in divorce. Emma prolonged the divorce for months making it more difficult for the both of them. 
Just him being able to hold you in his arms right now he had hope this would take off from here. But the challenges would only start to rise. He wasn’t fully sure how much of you wanted to move on from Ran or how long this would last between you both. You and Ran share a daughter together and a lot of memories that you and Draken hadn’t experienced. He was willing to fight for a chance to be with you. 
“______ are you up?” He quietly spoke. When he didn’t hear you respond he assumed you were sleeping. “I love you.”
You heard the words coming from Draken. Your eye slightly opened but he was unable to see them due to the angle. You honestly didn’t know how to respond. The last person you told I love you was your daughter. The words I love you held so much meaning to you, you wouldn’t mean it unless you truly were in love with someone. Draken effortlessly saying it with no hesitation. 
Ran on the other side of the city the built up anger and stress he was feeling wouldn’t go away quick enough.  No matter how rough the sex was this time, he couldn’t get rid of the image of you sleeping with Draken. It only filled his anger more. Everything he used to do to you he was now thinking you were doing it with Draken. 
Even after the sex it wasn’t enough for him. Ran getting off the bed and went into his coat pocket pulling out a cigarette. Looking at the time it was 4:30 am, “I have to get going.” Ms. Yamaguchi held the cover over her naked frame “You might as well stay. It’s already late.” 
“I prefer just to leave…my day is going to be long.” Ran spoke. 
“You seem so serious.” she gathered her hair on one side of her shoulder 
“I have a lot to deal with right now.” Ran was quickly getting dressed. “It felt like it. You wanna talk about it?” Ms. Yamaguchi asked as she reached for her robe.  Walking towards him. “Ya know you just don’t have to come over and fuck my brains out only. I’m a great listener.” ‘Also the one that made this predicament I’m in more stressful’ he said to himself. “I don’t wanna worry your pretty little head with things in my life.” Ran smirked his hands brushing through his hair. “I’ll see ya later at the club.”
He will be attending the meeting with Nishimura in a few hours. He only managed to get a few hours of sleep. Meeting Rindou at their office in the club  “you look like shit.” Rindou looked at him.
“Let's just get this over with.” Ran took a seat next to his brother. 
The meeting went on, certain demands were requested before they restart their negotiations. Both Rin and Ran were aware of the missing truck and products that were taken; they wouldn’t tell them they were in their possession. “We can make sure that doesn’t happen this time. But our price will be higher than last time and we need the money upfront before we make the drops.” Rin spoke.
They both saw the group of men speaking before the head of the Nishimura family spoke “Very well we will make some arrangements for that but we expect to hold your end of the bargain on things.” “Of course we can handle it. Just let us know when you want us to deliver the shipments.” Ran spoke “I will have someone reach out to you both regarding our shipment. I think this wraps things up,  we discuss everything that needs to be discussed. Well gentlemen, pleasure doing business as always.” Exiting out of the meeting, Ran got up from the chair. Rin looked over at his brother, “Don’t do anything stupid now.” 
“We will see what happens. I can’t promise anything I know I can’t promise.” 
Draken brought you to the shop to pick up your car. Both of you got out of his car and he walked you over to your car. “Thank you for last night.” “You don’t need to thank me.” he responded “I’m glad you went out with me. Looking forward to the next one.” “Me too.” you smiled  
Draken looked over at the shop to see some of his co-workers looking his way but then turned around when he saw them. “I know you gotta get d/n. You should get going.” his hand reached for your cheek before pressing his lips onto yours. “Right, I will talk to you later?” you asked him.
He nodded “yeah.” Draken opened your car door for you and saw you leave down the road.
Walking to the shop “So still just friends?” Inui asked. “And I wasn’t going to come into the shop today.” Mikey responded. “I take it that things are going well.”  Was dropping by the shop to catch the moment between you and Draken. “The date went well, she had to pick up d/n.” “She stood over huh?”  Mikey leaned against the tool cart. 
“Of course she did. The mark on her neck would prove she did.” Inui looked over at Draken 
“That’s enough. Stop trying to dig for info.” Draken spoke. Even if it was his day off he stood for a while to see the work Inui was doing. 
Seeing a car pull up into the parking lot. Getting out of the car was the eldest Haitani brother. His eyes darted over at  Ken who was looking back at him. “What do you want Haitani?” 
“I came here as a warning to you.” Ran spoke in a serious tone. “You stay away from _______ and my daughter or else.” 
Draken didn’t back down from the threatening tone. “You don’t scare me Haitani. If me and _____ decide to see one another, you're not going to stop us.” 
Ran let out a sarcastic laugh “see each other? That is a good one. It will be over my dead body if you think you can walk in and try to step in.”
“I’m not backing down anytime Haitani. You fucked up not me. You had your chance with _______, I will make sure she never gets hurt again.” 
“We will see about that.”  Ran said as he saw Mikey and Inui also looking at him. “You're lucky I don’t put a bullet in between your eyes right now.”
Mikey spoke in a monotone voice  “I think you should leave Haitani. Making threats here is not the best thing to do either.” 
“Really now?” Ran looked over at Mikey ``Such a shame, the person your sister only loved didn’t love her back. Yet you choose to still hang out with the man who divorced her. Some family you are.” Ran turned around “Stay away from them or there is a bullet with your name on it.” he walked back to the car before peeling off out of the drive away. “Is she even worth all this?” Inui asked, looking over at Draken.
“She is and if it means dealing with him… I will. I won’t back down to him.”
You stood for a few hours at your aunts before heading home. Arriving home you saw Ran leaning against his car with his hands in his pocket. “Mommy look, it's Mr. Ran!” She pointed out the window.
“Yeah there he is.” You parked the car, Ran made his way towards your car. You felt your anxiety kicking in the closer he got to the car. You didn’t know if he was going to make an incident in the front of the house or what.
Ran opened the back door to the car. “ Hello there princess.” 
“Hello.” She smiled. 
You got out of the car and he picked up D/n walking with her inside the house. They talked for a moment before he spoke  “Hey princess, me and your mommy need to talk really fast. Is it okay if you go up to your room?” 
She nodded. He put her down and he watched her go up the stairs. You on the other hand knew where this was going. Ran noticed the mark on your neck right away walking closer  you could see him slightly shake his head, his hand grasping your chin turning your head to the side. “You let him fuck you didn’t you...” the violet orbs that were always so kind felt cold.
“And if I did Ran?” You said you avoided eye contact with him as you pushed his hand away from your chin., “It doesn’t concern you on what I do. We are not together, you need to understand that.” 
He was a bit agitated by your response. He snapped it wasn’t by choice you both weren’t together.  “the reason why we aren’t together  is because you decide to fucking leave in the mild of the fucking night pregnant with my daughter. You think I wanted to give that up? You fucking think for a minute how that affected me? You fucking show up back in town and wouldn’t even have told me still I had a daughter?  
“I gave you my reason for leaving. I was doing what was best for my daughter Ran. You were so caught up with all your underground bullshit and living that dangerous lifestyle. Did you think that would have been the best thing for her growing up?!” 
His hand slammed on the counter hard as it made you jump a little bit. “Our daughter would have been safe ________! Did it ever occur to you it would have all worked out? Of course you didn’t because you jump to the worse fucking scenario as always.  Did you fucking forget I wanted to start a family with you. I wanted to marry you. Everything we had gone through together you just let it disappear just like that. Like I never existed in your life.” He looked at you. “My daughter calls me Mr. Ran… she doesn’t really know how close her daddy is to her and her mother. The only woman I loved just looks at me like I’m no good. To feel like a stranger in your life.” 
You paused for a moment “Ran..” “You don’t know the pain I went through all those years when you were gone…Yeah I slept with women to try and forget about you but you were always there. Comparing them to you and everything you did.” 
 From up stairs d/n could hear bits and pieces of what was going on. As a  child's curiosity, she didn’t know what was going on. She heard the ending Ran phrase ‘My daughter calls me Mr. Ran she doesn’t really know how close her daddy is to her’ 
D/n understood certain things and with that phrase she wanted to know if Ran was her father. Even though they asked her to go to her room as they talked she was too impatient. She could hear the argument between you and possibly her father. You caught a glimpse of your daughter who was peaking on the other side of the wall. “Sweetheart me and Mr Ran are talking.”
She looked at Ran, the same violet eyes looking down at her. Walking towards Ran, something told him to kneel down as she came closer. As he was eye level with his little one she looked at him. Her little hands reached for his face and she began to study his face more closely.. “Your eyes are like mine.” 
His hands rested on hers. “I know, princess….” he started off, Ran couldn’t hold it in anymore he felt the moment needed to be addressed right here and right now. “D/n do you know you're a part of me?”  He asked her, and she responded with a nod. “Who am I?” 
“My daddy?” d/n she gave a soft smile. 
Ran needed this moment right now. His arms wrapped around his little one. She didn’t let go either she held on tightly to Ran. The corner of her eyes began to water up, Ran wiped her eyes “it’s okay.” He kissed her temple. “I don’t plan on leaving you d/n.” Even with the arguing moments ago he didn’t care at all. His baby knew who he was. Something that he had been wanting to do since the first day he met his daughter, hold her just like this and make her feel safe.
“Does this mean Mr. Rin is my uncle? 
“He is.” Ran smiled. 
D/n was happy about this news, she finally had a daddy. “Mommy, does this mean we can all live together? Just like in the stories we read?” “It’s not that simple d/n”  you looked at her . She was a bit confused “but why?” “D/n…Right now me and your daddy are still figuring out somethings.” 
“Then we can live together right?” she asked. “We will see about that princess. Right now me and mommy have to talk some more about it…” “Okay…” she was a little bummed in her response. 
Ran knew how his daughter felt he wanted that as well but he knew it was something  he couldn’t control, not this time. “D/n me and mommy need to finish talking okay?”
“Okay…” She got down from her fathers arms and began to return to her room.
 Both of you walked into the back yard, the brief moment of silence as a light breeze floated in the backyard. “You didn’t give me a fair chance _____.” he started off. “From that point on when you left. I thought we were happy and moving forward in our future… I guess it was one sided. Even now…I know you don’t believe me, how much I wanted you back or how much I loved you.” “I do believe you Ran..how you are talking right now I know it’s the truth…I just couldn’t jump in where we left off… it wasn’t right..and just… never mind “
He looked at you then out into the yard. “What, Draken made you that confused on how you feel about me now or what? If I were to tell you right now I love you.. Would you say it back?” 
“You can simply deny all you want ________, but I know your response when I tell you I love you. ”  he wasn’t going to give up so easily, “I know every part of you very well. Even after not seeing you for so long. I know what you like, what you don’t…how to make you quiver and make you cum so quickly. Are you afraid of looking weak in front of me now?” You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know since you know me so well, you tell me.” He let a low chuckle out “You're afraid of caving in. That night on the phone you were fighting that urge. You wanted me to come over, if I would have it would have solved a lot of problems right then and there. Were you so desperate for sex you caved into sleeping with him?” it happened so quickly you found yourself against the wall he had you trapped between the wall and him. “What is it because he told you he  loved you? You felt special?” He was inches from your face, the somber tone he used as he spoke. “You opened your legs right away…If I find him here I mean it ______ he is a dead man. No other man is going to be around my daughter in that way.” he leaned back. “I can promise that.”  He began walking into the house. “Ran, I need you to leave.” your voice was calm but you felt angry with him and how he was acting. His words felt like you belonged to him whether or not you were with him. “As you wish.” Ran casually walked upstairs to the bedroom where his daughter was playing. 
He told her he had to leave because he had to work. “Are you coming tomorrow?” she asked
“Of course, I gotta see my girl.”he smiled and kissed her temple. After saying their goodbyes. You didn’t even walk him to the door. He let himself out.
Draken would end up texting you a few hours later that Ran went to his job knowing that you both went out the night prior along with the threats. “I’m sorry..” you sighed in the phone 
“It’s not your fault he did that.” Draken responded. 
“Still think it’s okay to still go on dates?” Asking him. “I just don't wanna cause problems.” 
“He doesn’t scare me, it may work on others but not me. If he has a problem with me taking you out he knows where to find me. I still want to take you out.”
You had a small smile. You heard your daughter call out for your name “mommy!”
“D/n calling for you.” you heard Draken chuckled. “Yeah, I will call you later” you told him
“Sounds good to me.Talk to you later” 
When you hung up the phone. You walked up the stairs towards your daughter's room.  When getting to her room you saw her sitting on her bed holding her stuffed rabbit tightly. “Sweetie what is the matter?” Walking into her you kneel down looking at her. You noticed her eyes looking at the corner of her room and then back at you. In  the corner of her room you saw a large man. Wearing all black and wearing a mask. “______ is it?” the deep raspy voice spoke. “Who the hell are you?” you looked at him. 
“Unfortunately I can't tell you that. You see I actually came here for a purpose…” 
“Purpose?” you stood up. “I was given an order to kill you..”  You felt your stomach drop, your daughter began sobbing louder. She held onto you tightly, “But I’m a reasonable man now. You see you are linked to Ran Haitani.” “What about him?” you asked. “Whatever Ran it has nothing to do with us.” 
“As my boss sees it, it can play a big role in our favor… Ran has something in his possession for years now and we want it back. I mean for years we tried to get it back but with no success but after following him for sometime we finally found something to make him budge.”  
You remembered the black car that was following you the other day… “mommy.” Your daughter was still sobbing. 
“Shh there there d/n  it’s okay no need to cry.” The man said, “You see, we didn't expect one of the  Haitani brothers to have a private family but assuming he didn’t know until a few weeks ago. And let me tell you it would be a shame to see that taken away so quickly right _____? Your daughter's life is so precious and so young. She hasn’t experienced life to the fullest yet.” 
“Please just don’t hurt her.” Your arms wrapped around your daughter.  Your heart was pushing with anxiety you didn’t know what this masked man was gonna do. You were trying to figure a way to please the man. You're heard rambling with various ideas. “What if I told him whatever he has to give it back. Please I-I promise he will give it back.” You splattered out. 
“You wouldn’t be lying to me right now to save your lives.” On the side of his pants pocket you had the pistol. 
“Please, I will do anything to protect my daughter.” 
“What a good mother you are. If you're able to get the stolen items back to my possession I will spare you and your daughters life but don’t play me for a fool ....” He walked closer and his large intimidating structure stood in front of you. “I know where you are at all times from your family's home to where d/n goes to school. I won’t hesitate to end your lives quickly. I expect to see the items returned soon. The sooner the better.” 
“Y-yes.”you nodded quickly.
The man pulled his phone out. Bringing it to his ear. “Bring the car to the front…” before handing up. “Let’s see how selfless of a man he truly is…. I do need to make my exit.. you are not allowed to leave this room for ten minutes… when the ten mins is up you can leave. Maybe even find Ran and tell him to quickly return the items.” 
The man walked out of the room disappearing down the hallway. You didn’t know how you did it for so long but your legs were trembling, you fell to your knees, your arms hugging d/n tightly. “I'm sorry d/n.”  The tears fell onto your cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” You need to get this taken care of right away. You looked at your daughter wiping her tears away “I’m here d/n I promised I will always be with you.” She nodded slightly sniffling.
You began collecting your thoughts before you decided to grab a bag. You weren’t going to risk staying here the night. You packed a bag for you and d/n. Quickly getting  her into the car you headed out to your aunt's home. 
Knocking on the door to her home. You looked around to see if any cars were around as you had your daughter in your arms. Paranoid you were being followed. When she opened the door you quickly got in. “What’s going on??” She looked at you and saw you with a distressed look. 
“I need to do something important. I will explain everything later. Can you please watch d/n?” You asked your aunt. 
With the tone and expression she was concerned but she couldn’t ask. D/n heated you were going to leave here and she held onto you right. “Please don’t go mommy.” 
“Sweetheart I have to… I  promise I will be back okay?” You tried to use soothing words to her. 
“I don’t want the bad man coming back.” 
Aunt looked at you. She was growing more concerned. “He won’t, mommy needs to find daddy and we will get this fixed.”
Giving her a tight hug and kiss, you looked at your aunt. “Thank you…” 
“Please come back,” your aunt looked at you. 
Pulling up to the club, you were underdressed to be going in there.  At this point you didn’t care when you entered the building you moved through the crowd. People looked at you  walking pass them as they were in the weekend clothing. Looking for Ran, but you were spotted by Rindou who was at the bar. He could see you were pissed off, “god dammit.”Rindou reached for your arm when you realized it was him. 
“Where is Ran.” you managed to speak loud enough over the music “_____  this can’t wait?” Rindou spoke, he thought it was because of what his brother did earlier. “Making a scene here is not good fo-“
You didn’t let him finish his sentence “Rin where is he at or I will find him myself.” you looked at him. There was no point in him trying to change your mind. “Come on.” 
You followed him closely behind, you saw Ran next to him was a woman wearing a dress that seemed too small bending over her whole ass would be showing. She was pretty close to him,but the way he was looking at her was a bit off putting as if he was uninterested but she was trying to have his attention on her. When Ran saw Rindou approaching, Ran saw you. The incident from earlier he wasn’t expecting to hear from you, let alone see you.
 The woman next to him was Ms.Yamaguchi. She noticed Ran’s attention was at you. "She came here in that?’ She thought to herself as she looked at you up and down. 
 Ran walked towards you leaving her side  “what is it?” he asked.
“What did you do?” you looked at him. “Who did you piss off?”
He was confused about what you were asking him. He had you follow him down a hallway that led to his office. When he closed the door he asked “What are you talking about?” he asked. “Ran, who did you piss off?” you ask him as you crossed your arms looking at him you were trying to keep calm. From the incident with the person in your home.  “What is with this question?” he asked “Someone was in my house and they knew you! They know where my family is, where d/n goes to school! ” you finally snapped. “This is what I was afraid of! You keep fucking with  people they are going to poke back! Are you trying to put d/n life at risk?!” 
Ran saw the anxiety and anger you displayed in front of him. “Where is D/n?” 
“She is at my aunt's house. I don’t know what the fuck you took but what ever it is they are not playing around.” You began to panic more thinking the worst. Remembering the threats. 
“______ you need to calm down.”  His hands resting on your shoulders. Threats being made to you and d/n pissed him off. He had a hunch in who it was but needed proof it was them. He didn’t want to jump onto it right away.
 Warm tears fell down from your cheeks pushing his hands off of you. “When you have someone threatening to take your daughter's life you wouldn’t be calm Ran. So don’t fucking tell me to calm down.”  He noticed you began to hyperventilate. 
“You being upset and freaking out is not making it any better _____” He spoke in a more stern tone. “I will find out who did this okay? I need some information about what they look like?” 
“He was in all black and had a mask on. His voice was deep and raspy like he smoked a lot…” You close your eyes seeing the tall masked man as you were  trying to stay calm. You didn’t want to go home not knowing if they would be there. You leaned against the desk running your finger through your hair. Your head was hurting and anxiety wasn’t helping it. 
You heard a knock in the door. The door opened to find the woman he was standing by a few mins ago “Ran darling  everything okay?” Ms Yamaguchi asked as she entered the room. Both you and her looked at one another “oh sorry I didn’t realize you had a guest still..” 
When you heard her voice you recognized it right away.  It was the other woman you heard that night. She was beautiful and she made you feel insecure a bit. She looked like she was a better fit for him than you ever did. You averted your eyes back to Ran. “Sorry for keeping him…”
“Oh it’s fine. I was just getting a bit lonely without him. I can take him back when you're done. Are you a friend of his?” She asked. Ms. Yamaguchi played a bit dumb knowing exactly who you were. 
 “_____ this is Ms. Yamaguchi… Ms. Yamaguchi this is _____”  Ran introduced you both. “Ms. Yamaguchi, me and ______ were in the middle of a discussion right now.” Ran could see Ms. Yamaguchi was butting in and saying things that weren’t really how they sounded to be. She latched onto him when she arrived and he was trying to show in his expression and demeanor how uninterested he was in her. 
“No no it’s fine I need to get going…”  you began walking off. “Nice meeting you…” 
Ran saw you walking off and he proceeded to follow you, as he passed Ms. Yamaguchi. “Wait where are you going?!?” 
“I need to finish talking to ______.”  Ran didn’t look at her as he began following you. 
The music was blasting loud as you walked to the exit. Ran was trailing behind you calling your name out. When you got out of the club you walked faster to your car. “Can you stop walking, dammit. Stop ignoring me.” He reached for your upper arm getting ahold of it. 
“That was her…”  you shook your head. “Ran darling…” 
“Ms. Yamaguchi does business with me and Rin.” 
“And you get to fuck her right between the meetings? Ran I’m not stupid but then again it’s not my business who you decide to fuck…I just know you have.” Why was it bothering you so much just seeing her?  The memories of running into Ran’s past lovers years back and how they would act towards you. It was always so unsettling to you. Instead of him comforting you each time it happened in the past, you had to manage it yourself and you did a poor job doing it..You got yourself worked up. Seeing Ms. Yamaguchi and putting a face to the voice didn’t help.
“She is not important right now . What is important right now is you and d/n.”  Ran said.  He saw you were still hyperventilating a bit. He held onto the sides of your face and he was focused on current state of mind. 
“I- I need to leave…” your body began to sway slightly stumbling trying to push his hands away from your face but you felt weak 
“______. You need to calm down.” his request wouldn’t be completed once your vision went black. Ran managing to hold onto your body. Making sure you didn’t fall to the ground “_______! Fuck.”  he called the bodyguard outside letting them know to call Rin. Rindou made it outside “What the fuck happened?!” 
Ran held you bride style in his arms ``she passed out… Look I need you to go get D/n from her aunt's house. Bring her to my place. I’m gonna take _______ there.” Ran had his car pulled up by the valle. Rindou helped him place you in the car, before he took off. As he arrived at his home he carefully carried your body to his bedroom placing you on the bed.  He wasn’t going to let you go back home if they were easy to get into the home like that he wasn’t going to risk having you there. Ran looked down at you ‘if only this scenario were different than right now.’ he thought to himself. Walking out of his room he loosened his tie and removed his jacket.  Rindou arrived with D/n who was hugging her as she was asleep. Ran didn’t want to disturb her sleep so he kissed her forehead.  “Put her in the room with ______.” After a few mins Rindou came out of the bedroom. “What the hell happened.”
“Someone broke into their home and threatened ________ and d/n. I don’t know all the details but from what ______ told it's someone I know… they want items back…” Ran gave Rin a look already knowing who it could be. “But I need proof it's them…They have info on d/n school along with ________ info as well and  her family… They are going to need to stay here for a while till this shit gets cleared.” 
“Did she agree?  Asking him. “She will have to, I don't see any other option.” Ran sat on the couch and he felt his phone ring. Pulling out his phone he saw it was Ms.Yamaguchi he rolled his eyes and sent her to voicemail. “She didn’t help either. It was a wrong move signing a contract with her… I feel like she made it more complicated than needed. She just added fuel to the fire…very close to telling to fuck off.” “Speaking of the devil she noticed you following_______ out  and asked me about it, let's just say I told there was a lot of history she wouldn’t understand .” “Pain in the ass I swear if she didn’t open her mouth everything between me and _____ , it would be better. Now I’m facing the difficulties of  dealing with fucken Draken.. Both of them had fucked..”
“Think of it now since she is here you really think she will go see Draken let alone leave when she knows someone is watching her.” Rindou sat on the other side of the couch. “As I see it the is an opportunity to fix any issues you might have.”.
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Tagging: @pjmo-ri-ka-wawa /@rindougf/ @inupiluv/ @shycreatorsandwich / @awkwardaardvarkforever /@the-haitani-baton /@bontensbabygirl /@thebrownemo / @satanlovesusall666 /@intheafterall /@galactict3a / @ratlovecat/@niko-ash /@kira-rrh / @iluv-ace /@kosoyumei / @nightqueensk / @alexanderlightwoodii / @captainmycaptainn/@lovenats01@sintyu/ @strawberrychrome /@missgab @anxious-chick / @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya /@s4dl1/ @elmakimaki / @spookiisopium/@staygoldsquatchling02, /@txna04, /@hana-patata /@livefromnc, /@mikorime,/ @mdibby / @chronic-claire-universe /@cxrrxxx / @drakensdarling / @stephisokay / @livuknown / @lunatical /@q-the-rockaholic / @istanstraykids / @opchara / @kinybgvcdxs / @twistedw0nd3rland3acc / @cloudsinthecosmos / @ratlovedrama / @galliardsmaniac / @villsophie / @mztoman Interested in joining the taglist please fill out the form below to get a notification of your favorite characters when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist
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ts19009 · 4 months
Hong's Anatomy: Prologue
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, no smut…yet?
“This is OR 2. It’s right down the hall from the CT room,” Rose said, leading you down the hallway and letting you peek your head into the OR room. “Do you have any questions?” 
“No, not right now. I’m a little overwhelmed, to be honest,” you smiled, trying to break the ice with the head Peds nurse. She smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Its totally okay to feel overwhelmed, we’re a little overwhelmed as well. It’s been a while since we’ve had two Peds attendings, but you seem sweet, I’m sure you and Doctor Hong will get along greatly.” 
You had heard about Doctor Joshua Hong. He was a world renowned pediatrician who was desired all over the world. He was handsome, talented, and apparently very caring and nice towards all his patients. 
“Is he here today? Doctor Hong?” You ask as Rose nods, handing you a tablet. 
“He'll introduce himself a little bit later, he’s in surgery at the moment.”
In the meantime, Rose taught you how to operate the computers and system regarding patients and how to properly log. At around noon Rose left for her lunch break, leaving you to learn how to work things on your own. You were in the middle of trying to figure out how to look at patient files when you heard a voice over your shoulder. 
“Doctor L/N?” 
You looked up from your tablet to come face to face with none-other than the man himself. Joshua Hong. 
“Doctor Hong,” you smiled at him, standing up and offering your hand, “it’s nice to meet you!” 
“You too, I’ve heard great things about you,” he smiled back, shaking your hand before pointing to the tablet. “Do you need a hand? Where’s Rose?” 
“She went to lunch, she did teach me how to access patient files, but it’s been a long day, and I’m a little bit overwhelmed,” you chuckled. 
“That’s fair, the first day at a new job is always a lot, but you seem like your handling everything pretty well,” he said, taking a seat next to you and turning his attention to the tablet, not noticing the blush that arose on your cheeks. He slowly went through how to view and edit patient files and made sure that you understood how to do it yourself. 
“I think people forget that this is a teaching hospital and that even the attendings need some help once in a while,” he said, standing up and looking at his watch. “I have to go, but it was nice to meet you.” 
“Y/N!” You spun around to see Joshua running up to you as you left the hospital. “How was the first shift? Wanna back out, because you can’t after today?”
“You too, and thank you again,” you replied as you exchanged smiles before you watched him rush down the hall. Leaving you with a beating heart and flushed cheeks. 
“It was good, but god. I need a drink; I’m stressed.” You laugh, looking up at Joshua to see a glimmer in his eye. 
“Do you wanna go to Joe’s? It’s right across the street; it’s kinda the place all the surgeons go after work. It has cheap, shitty beer,” he asked, as you pondered his question. Did you have work tomorrow, and joke about getting drunk? Yes. But did you want to get to know and spend some time with your new co-worker? Also yes. 
“Sure, lead the way.” 
“Joe! I’ll take two beers please!” Joshua exclaimed as you both approached the bar. 
“Coming right u… Who is this Hong? Finally managed to score a date?” Joe teased as Joshua’s eyes widened and carefully looked over at you. 
“Joe,” Joshua warned, “no, this is my new coworker. Y/N.” 
“I see. Well, if you do wanna date Joshua, you’ll be doing us all a favor. I haven’t seen him on a date in all the years he’s lived here.” 
“Yeah, yeah, just get us our beers please,” Joshua chuckled and rolled his eyes, “don’t listen to him,” 
“You’ve been on a date recently?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as Joe handed you a beer, causing Joshua to stutter a little bit. 
“Uhh, no. Not recently, but I’ve lived here for six years,” Joshua emphasized, looking at Joe, who just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “What about you? When was the last time you went on a date?” 
“Woah, we just met,” you joked, taking a sip of your beer. 
“Fine,” Joshua sighed, “Why did you choose to come to Grey Slone then? I’ve read your work, you've done amazing things, you could of gone anywhere?” 
“ The answer I’m gonna tell you is that I like the idea of a teaching hospital and that I think there should be more out there,” you answered. 
“What’s the answer you’d tell someone else?” Joshua asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“That I get to work with Joshua Hong, and that I’ve admired him for years and jumped at the opportunity to work with him,” you blush, “but don’t tell him that.” 
Joshua chuckled and set down his beer, fully facing you now. "Well, I’m sure he’d be very flattered to hear that.” 
Before anything else could happen, a whole bunch of guys came rushing into the bar and went to greet Joshua. 
“What’s up!” 
“What surgery did you have today?” 
“Guys, slow down. I’m here with someone,” Joshua chuckles, trying to soothe the twelve men. 
"Oh, sorry,” a tall man with dark hair and puppy eyes said, turning to face you. “I’m Mingyu, we all work with Joshua. We don’t mean to be rude…” 
“It’s okay guys, she’s the new peds attending,” Joshua interrupts as all their faces lighten. 
“You must be Doctor L/N! Josh told us about the new peds attending.” The man with longer hair spoke up, “I’m Jeonghan, I work in Plastic’s.” 
“I’m sorry that they interrupted us, they’re just excited to meet you,” he whispers, watching Sonyoung chug a whole can of beer. 
The whole group ended up going around and introducing themselves, their specialities, and ordering their own drinks to join you. While Soonyoung was telling a story, Joshua turned to you and leaned in. 
“It’s okay, I mean technically they’re my co-workers as well.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Stop flirting and listen to my story!” Soonyoung interrupted, as you too jumped apart from each other and awkwardly laughed at being caught. 
The rest of the night was filled with laughter, alcohol, and lingering glances back and forth between you and the head pediatrician. 
“Good morning!” Rose cheerfully greeted you as you made your way to the desk, coffee in hand. “Rough night?” 
“You could say that,” you muttered, setting down your bag and taking off your coat. After getting home, you tried to go to sleep, you really did. But the idea of seeing your first patient and seeing Joshua again in the morning was enough to keep you up the whole night. 
“Are you ready for your first patient?” Lia, one of the other nurses in the ward, asked, watching you chug your coffee. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you sigh, before marching over to the first room where the patient and your surgical interns were waiting. “Good morning Miss Abigail, how are you today?” 
“Poor Abigail is a little scared today for her surgery,” her mother confessed. Abigail nodded, but didn’t say anything and reached out to hold her mothers hand. “She hasn’t spoken a word all morning.” 
“That’s normal, it’s pretty scary, but you’re going to go to sleep and then wake up with your mom right by your side. That’s not scary right?” You ask, watching Abigail shake her head. 
“Knock, Knock,” you whip your head around to see Joshua leaning against the doorframe and waving to Abigail. “I wanted to see you before you go into surgery.” 
“You know Abigail?” You ask, as Joshua nods. 
“I was the one who did Abigail’s first surgery. I didn’t know that you were back, what’s wrong?” He smiled softly at Abigail before turning to her mother with a more concerned face. 
“It’s her other valve this time, the doctor said that it wasn’t growing because of calcium build up,” her mother quickly responds before you can. Joshua’s eyebrows rise in surprise. 
“Really, I thoughtI had checked the other valve last time,” he muttered. 
“It’s not your fault Doctor Hong. The doctor said that it was a very quick build up and that you couldn’t have known,” she smiled, “we were wondering if you were going to stop by once we heard it wasn't you doing her surgery.” 
“Of course! I also came by to check up on Doctor L/N. It’s her first case here!” Joshua smiled, as you noticed Abigail's mother form a look of concern on her face. “Don’t worry though, she came all the way from Seoul, South Korea to take care of people. It’s one of the best hospitals in the world. You, Abigail, are in very safe hands,” he reassured. 
“Thank you Doctor Hong,” you chuckled before turning to the nurses to prepare Abagail for her surgery. A few minutes later, you informed Abigail and her parents that it was time to go up for her surgery and excused yourself to let her parent’s have a few moments alone. 
“Excited?” Joshua asked, as you nodded, handing your tablet back to the counter. 
“I'm a little bit nervous as well. She seems like a sweet girl,” you sighed, spinning around to see Joshua leaning against the counter. 
“She is. But I know that she’s in good hands,” he smiled. It helped calm you down a little bit knowing that Joshua believed in you, you really needed the verbal support. After a few minutes Joshua left to start his rounds and first surgery of the day, leaving you to head up to the OR. 
“Hi Abby, we’re going to help you fall asleep now okay?” Abby nodded, and let Rose put the mask to her face and fell asleep in a little under thirty seconds. You sighed looking at the little girl who’s entire life was in your hands and took a deep breath before holding our hand out for a scalpel, “let’s get started.” 
Halfway through your surgery, you looked up at the gallery to see Joshua sitting front and center, cup of coffee in hand and smiling from ear to ear. This was the first time you’ve worked with other people watching you this closely, so having so many eyes on you was a little nerve wracking, but thankfully the mask and scrubs you were wearing could hide the deep flush of your cheeks when looking at Joshua one last time. 
“Jonah, suction a little more to the right please,” you asked right before the monitor started beeping.
“What happened?” Jonah asked, as your eyes widened. 
“Shit, the calcium stuck to the valve wall and tore some skin from the valve, she’s bleeding through the valve. More suction! And can I get some lining?” The nurses in the room quickly started running around and one eventually handed you a sheet of lining that you carefully placed over the torn piece of skin. 
“Green, you hold this here while I stick the lining,” you ordered, while Joshua was watching everything take place. He was impressed at how quickly you had problems solved. Torn skin wasn’t very common in surgeries like this and he was quite impressed on how quickly you came up with the solution. He watched you quickly, but thoroughly stitch the lining to the valve’s wall and waited to see if she would stop bleeding out. A few seconds later, the monitor stopped rapidly beeping, which meant that the lining had worked. 
“Abigail's Surgery went well. We managed to clear the valve of all the calcium build up and replace the valve with one that should match her age,” you explained to Abigail's mother who was waiting in the waiting room. “She’s being taken back to her room right now, so when they get her settled they’ll come and get you and you can go right in and be with her.” 
“Well done Doctor, L/N.” Doctor Green said, as you nodded and continued the rest of the surgery. 
“Thank you so much,” Abigail’s mother smiled, as you nodded and then excused yourself. You made your way to the desk and watched as the nurse told Abigail's mother that she could sit with her and watched her cry as she walked into the room. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice from behind you inquired. It was Joshua, you knew that, but you still turned around to face him and shrugged. 
“It’s moments like that that made me want to do Peds. I’ll never get tired of it.” Joshua smiles and nods. You both stand in silence for a few minutes watching as Abigail wakes up and gets a big hug from her mother. 
“You did an amazing job by the way. That was a great recovery with the lining.”  You shrug again and turn your attention back to your tablet.  
“Thank you, just protocol. Would you have done the same thing?” 
“Probably not, I don’t know what I would have done. I’ve never experienced a tear in the valve like that,” Joshua confessed, “ my first thought was to just clamp it, but that’s as far as I got.” 
“Well clamping it would have stopped the bleeding temporarily, but we can’t stitch her back up with a clamp,” you chuckled, slightly poking fun at Joshua. 
“I know, I’m just saying that it was genius of you to think that quickly and that efficiently,” he teased back. You noticed a few nurses looking your way and smiling at your teasing and tried your best not to blush again. 
“Do you want to go to Joe’s again after work? I noticed you don’t have to come in tomorrow, and I’m on call, so hopefully I can get out for a bit?” You asked, putting the tablet down and fully facing the doctor. 
“Couldn’t get enough of me?” Joshua asked, flexing one of his biceps playfully. 
“No, I just know your schedule since it’s plastered up on the wall,” you rolled your eyes, “I can take it back?” 
“No no, I’d love to get a drink with you after work.” 
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn
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joapmactavish · 10 months
hihi! i saw your requests open, so could i request soap, gaz, and ghost (separate) trying to deescalate the reader who's been crying and on the verge of a panic attack because the work stress has been getting to them.
if that's too many characters, feel free to choose one of the three!
apologies for the sad scenario. i had a rough week (´;ω;`)
first off, im so sorry you’ve had a rough week, know that it’ll get better dude! confide in someone you trust if possible, you’re going to be ok 🫶🏻 - comments are appreciated <3
he walks into you at your desk, sitting in your chair with your arms wrapped around your legs while tears are streaming down your face. his smile immediately turns into a frown, and he walks over to you.
“oh no sunshine, what happened to ya?” he pets your head a bit and tilts your chin up toward to face him.
“it’s just been so hard soap, im trying my best every single day and yet it keeps piling up. i finish one thing and i’m already handed 4 more, i can’t do it- i can’t!” your chest starts picking up fast and you feel your breathing become shortened.
“woah woah, easy there lass you’re gonna overwhelm your system. take some deep breaths with me yeah?” he grabs your hand and puts it on his heart so you can feel his heart beat, “breathe in, 1-2-3-4. hold. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, out for 8 alright?”
you repeat that pattern with his help about 6 more times and you start to feel less tense.
“relax, im right here with you. ease your shoulders, relax your neck and unscrunch yer eyebrows.” you follow the steps and he smiles, “that feel a little better hm?”
you nod and he takes you into his arms. he grabs his phone from his back pocket, dialing a number. you hear the ringing and when you hear the name of your favorite restaurant in the greeting you beam up a bit
“can i get uh one cheeseburger - no onions! and eh… let me have a diet coke with it would ya? thanks mate” he covers the phone with his free hand, “you want the usual?” you nod and he orders your usual order. “let me also get one of those ah.. what do ya call em?” he snaps his fingers “those ice cream sundaes, yeah extra whipped cream! that’ll be all.”
“should be here in about 15 or so bonnie, ya feelin a bit better?”
you nod and he sighs in relief, “you need a break, im callin yer boss tomorrow mornin - who cares if i’ve got to lie you’re getting a week off and we’re spendin it together! no work, we can even get out of here if you want.”
“i can’t just leave work like that johnny-“
“ah ah! nonsense, i’ll make it happen.”
you don’t protest against him but rather just accept it and wait for your food to arrive with him.
“hey love! what’s u- oh no..” he stops in his tracks and finally hears your crying and heavy breathing.
he quickly moves to where you are and wraps his arms around you - squeezing a bit and pulling you in. the scent of his cologne helps your mind start to slow down.
“easy now, what’s wrong?” he pulls back and searches your face for an answer.
you look down and explain how work has been stressing you out, “i’m so tired gaz, i work all the time without any breaks and it seems like my efforts get me no where. i don’t even feel like i can stop because anytime that i do it just racks up. i know you work a lot and never complain ,i shouldn’t even be making this scene.”
“hey hey… none of that, yeah?” he boops your nose lightly and you smile a bit which makes him smile also, “there’s my sweetheart, cmere. just because i work a lot doesn’t mean you don’t too love, and i want you to know we don’t ever have to compare ourselves - we both have challenges.” you nod your head and he nods back.
- “how about you take the rest of this week off? i know your boss wouldn’t bother letting you go - you’re her best worker! call in tomorrow and we can focus on you.”
(or, alternatively if you’re a student! :>)
- “how about this week you just go in tomorrow, then take the rest of the week off. i know you’ll have to email your profs but your health comes first - yes even mentally. you’re a hard worker and you’ll be able to catch up before winter break love - but what i’m seeing now? you’re going to burn out if you don’t take this break.”
you listen to him and take the break, spending some days alone with him and he even messages his captain that he’s got to keep his eye on you.
“cap sends his best love, we all care about you.”
unlike the other guys, ghost catches on quickly that you’ve been feeling upset. as someone who has his own internal battles, he recognizes easily when someone is fighting theirs. in fact, the night before he sees you rub your temples in frustration before slamming your laptop shut, he doesn’t have a huge reaction because he doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed or upset - instead he minds his business and waits for you to be ready.
although, when the next day rolls by he sees you on the verge of a panic when your whole assignment/document completely vanishes after hours of work. at this point you’re bawling your eyes out and he can hear from his office so he quickly gets up to check on you.
“you alright in here?” he asks, keeping a bit of distance not wanting to intrude on you even though you’ve told him before that he isn’t pushing your boundaries, he prefers to tread lightly and respect your space.
you explain to him what’s happened, or what’s been happening for that matter. not only did your work just vanish out of thin air on your laptop, the workload you’ve received has been insufferable.
you’re the one who initiates seeking him out and that’s when he fully goes to you with a warm embrace, hand on the back of your head holding you softly. “it’ll be alright, i’ll ask one of the guys to help you get that work back love.”
“i’ve been feeling terrible simon, i know i don’t say anything but i think i might just explode - or i kinda have.. haven’t i.” he chuckles a bit and sighs, “i noticed but i didn’t want to make you upset by bringing it up. you’ve gotta be easier on yourself, you do a lot and even though you might not have all your work done by tomorrow you need to take a break for your well being. not for me, for you. promise me a you’ll take a break?”
you nod, “good. i’m glad you’re listening to me for once.”
“hey i do listen to you! when i want to!” you say with a sniffle.
he laughs and holds you a bit tighter, he won’t let you go through this alone. you’re gonna spend the next few days just with him - relaxing till you’re feeling better.
I HOPE THIS IS ALRIGHT! thank you so much for the first ask <3 im not like a writer of any sorts but i did try :) i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
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I was wondering if you could write more stories of the war captive prince. (Maybe the captive one gets hurt while saving the prince from death?)
By the way, I really love your writing.
Hope you have a nice day! (*ˊᵕˋ*)ノ
So this doesn't really fit into the narrative but if I had to, I'd place it between part 1 and 2.
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt.4
Being a prisoner wasn’t as bad as he had feared.
He had a room to himself. It wasn’t much but it wasn’t a cell where he would rot within days. Soldiers guarded his door outside day and night and maids seemed to be making his bed when he was working in the castle. Whatever the protagonist had expected, it wasn’t this, it wasn’t an almost decent life.
But then again, he supposed the prince wanted to keep an eye on him. After all, everyone was watching him. All the time.
Most of the time, he worked in the castle amongst the other servants and it was easy to forget that those people weren’t his acquaintances. The protagonist knew these people weren’t responsible for his pain and suffering but still, every time he talked to one of them or shared his food, deep down his heart broke a little.
He felt as if he was betraying his friend by showing others kindness.
One day, when the prince had felt particularly merciful (or cruel), he had brought him down to the dungeons. And there he had seen them. His friend, frail and hopeless. He didn’t know if they had even recognised him. They hadn’t talked, had barely looked at him.
Since then, he had tried to sneak away and get back down there again, but it was to no avail. Whenever he was sure he had distracted the guards, one of them showed up in front of him and barked at him to get back to work.
With that memory burnt into his brain, the protagonist avoided the prince at all cost. Because he was sure he would find a way to strangle him to death the next time they’d meet.
So, when he’d been instructed to go to the prince’s chambers today, he was full of energy. His heart was beating in his throat. Rage blinded him and he feared he would make a drastic decision he could regret later.
However, as soon as he set a foot into the prince’s room, he could tell something was off.
“You actually came, I’m impressed.” The prince sat on his bed, holding his stomach. At first, the protagonist didn’t want to understand. He saw the prince in a weak state and wondered how long it would take him to end this.
In his lifetime, the protagonist had killed a lot of people. Undoubtedly, there was dark and thick blood on his hands.
Maybe he would finally add the prince’s too.
“You’re bleeding,” the protagonist realised. His eyes dropped to the wound the prince tried to hide and the strange amount of linen drenched in blood.
His muscles tensed.
The protagonist wondered what it would feel like to push his fingers into his wound and curl them. What sounds the prince would make if the protagonist found something in this luxurious room to press deeper into the cut. What he would look like if the protagonist strangled him and watched him bleed out.
The protagonist got overwhelmed with ideas, with rage and with determination. He wondered when he had gotten this violent, but maybe war had changed him.
Or he had always been this way.
“Yes. That’s why I asked for you.” His breathing was quick and he hunched, holding his stomach as the blood dropped down his fingers. “You have military experience, don’t you? That includes sanitary practice.”
“You’re delusional if you think I might help you.”
“I’ve heard that in your country you’re sewing wounds. It’s probably my last hope. My medics are panicking,” he said. His voice was raspy and the protagonist was sure he felt lightheaded. Losing a lot of blood was dangerous, even the prince should’ve been aware of that.
“Again, why would I help you?” he asked.
The prince made a noise between a groan and a sigh, mixed with pain and annoyance.
“Your friend, obviously. You can see them again tomorrow if you save me. If you don’t, they’ll be killed.” The protagonist cocked his head but what he was seeing seemed to be real. Tears were streaming down the prince’s face. Not a lot and barely noticeable but they sparkled in the dim light.
This was an easy choice, then.
“Good. Lay down.” The protagonist approached him quickly and pushed his enemy into the bed.
The prince’s face twisted and he looked as grey as ash. Even if the protagonist had to save him, that didn’t mean he couldn’t cause as much pain as he wanted.
“Put more pressure on the wound,” he said. He observed what the prince was doing, then shook his head. “No, like this.”
He pushed the clean linen the medics had given to the prince deep into the wound. They turned red immediately and the prince gasped.
“Oh gods-” He held onto the protagonist’s wrist, grabbed him harsh enough to leave bruises. He arched his back and whimpered like a dog and the protagonist stared at him, stared at the person who could be so cruel being exposed to cruelty.
Quickly, the protagonist realised, that they’d been this close in the throne room last. It was an eerie feeling.
But the pain the prince endured wasn’t satisfactory to the protagonist. He got distracted, looked a little too long at the tear stains.
“Needles? Threads?” The prince pointed at the drawer next to the bed and the protagonist found what he was searching for soon enough.
“What happened?” he asked as he took the bowl filled with water from the drawer. He put the thread through the needle’s head and drenched the needle in water.
“Assassination attempt,” the prince groaned. “I fought back but…clearly didn’t make a big difference.”
Quickly, the protagonist took the needle out of the water again.
“Shouldn’t the whole castle panic, then?”
“I managed to avoid that. Only a few people know that I’m injured,” he said. The protagonist looked at the wound. The bleeding wasn’t as serious anymore, so he pulled the linen out of the wound, much to the prince’s dismay.
His fingertips brushed against the protagonist’s.
“I’ve never killed anyone before,” the prince admitted. “Not with my own hands.”
“It’s much harder than it looks,” the protagonist said and the prince nodded. Before the prince answered, the protagonist pushed the needle through his skin.
The prince’s hand found his wrist again and he squeezed as the protagonist continued carefully.
Although the protagonist could sew, he was rather clumsy when it came to his own fingers. Every now and then, he stabbed into his fingertips until his own blood dropped onto the prince’s stomach, red and red mixing together.
“There was so much blood,” the prince said. The protagonist could feel his eyes on him. “I didn’t even notice I was wounded.”
The protagonist pulled a little too harsh on the thread and the prince flinched.
“Apologies,” he mumbled and for whatever reason, his hand landed on the prince’s forearm, trying to calm him. “I’m almost done.”
Again, the prince nodded and let him continue his work. When he was done, he looked at the result and found himself quite satisfied with it.
Maybe the protagonist was a fool for helping him. Maybe it was his own nature. Maybe war hadn’t hardened him, maybe it had exhausted him, had made him soft.
“Rest for the next few days. You also need a lot of food and water.” He stood up and turned around before he could put more thoughts into the situation, however, the prince grabbed his forearm before he could go.
“No word of this to anyone, please,” he said but the protagonist didn’t answer. What kind of power did he have here anyway? Trying to convince the people to overthrow their own prince? A revolution? Who would even listen to him? “…and thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” the protagonist said and he meant every word of it.
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cry4mina · 6 months
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia (Part 3)
(Nayeon x fem!reader)
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Take Me Back To Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Word Count: 5.1k Angst/More Angst/Angry Fluff/A secret fourth thing? Summary: Reader has the name of the person who wrote the note and decides it's time to let the culprits know how they feel. TW: Mentions of drinking, confrontations, trapped in a small space, sitting in the rain, mentions of food, intimate moments sprinkled in there (Not sex, but like something you'd only do with your partner, if that makes sense??). Reader is half way on a war path, but is overwhelmed by their own emotions, lost of confusion. Let me know if I missed anything! A/N: WELP, this is the end of my first series. I do really appreciate all of the support shown and I look forward to posting more content for everyone in the future! If you haven't read the first two parts of this, they are linked above the word count! Thank you for reading<3
***after hearing feedback from everyone this will NOT be the end of this series! Stay tuned****
Reminder: My asks/requests and DMs are always open!
You stare at the screen of your phone in absolute disbelief as you read the singular name texted to you. Blood boils through your skin as your fear turns to anger.
The phone starts vibrating in your hand as Nayeon calls trying to get a hold of you again. You throw your phone across the room in a fit of rage. It continues to vibrate against the floor, refusing your want for silence.
You are dumbstruck and livid, fighting the water that threatens to fall from your eyes. Your feet are flat on the floor, elbows resting on your knees as you hunch over, head in hands.
You’re too angry to even begin to decipher exactly what your body needs as the trauma sinks its teeth into your bones. Cold poison taints the warmth of your soul.
You’ve spent years unearthing and healing old scars, only for the person who helped you through it to completely undo all the hard work.
You quickly stand up and retrieve your now shattered phone as it rings, making your way back to the couch when you see a cable tucked until the cushion.
You raise your eyebrow, placing your phone on the arm of the couch before tugging on the wire to reveal Nayeon’s ipad hiding between the seats of the love seat you plopped on.
“She’s probably pissed she forgot this.” you smile at the thought wishing for inconvenient things to happen to annoy her for the remainder of the day.
You’d never wish actual harm on her, you still loved her. You are definitely upset enough to wish for one of her nails to break enough to make them look uneven, or for her shirt to be caught on a door handle while walking through it.
You swipe up to unlock it but it reveals a keypad for a passcode. You hesitate. Was this something you really wanted to do? You no longer had any trust in her but would you breaking her trust make it any better?
You punch in the first code and the screen shakes. It’s not her birthday. You try your birthday, the lock shimmies back at you asking for another set of numbers. You think for a second before trying your anniversary and it opens.
A deep breath in, and you click on the messages. Searching for the name of the person who accompanied your partner in betrayal.
You notice in the sidebar your name with a heart and the banner underneath your name swiftly changing as it synchronizes with the pinging of your phone.
You fixate on the other names in the list. Momo, Sana, Mina, a few Twice group chats when the name pops up to the top of the list.
“Are you alright?”
You seeth knowing the hands that typed that message are the hands that touched Nayeon. You see the text bubble start to move and then stop only to start up again.
“No, I’m flying back home tonight instead of tomorrow. I’ll call you later.”
Great. You think about packing a bag and heading to Momo’s but this was your apartment. Why should you have to leave? You think about how long you have until Nayeon arrives.
You phone goes back to buzzing as she’s panic texting you. Telling you that she will be home later tonight and you can talk it through then. She begs you not to leave the apartment. You scoff.
The ipad pings again.
“Okay, just checking in. My plane just landed back home and I have a meeting. I should be home after that. If you need a place to stay, just let me know.”
Your stomach churns at the offer. Hands that aren’t yours trailing Nayeon’s body weighs heavy in your stomach. This person can’t be offering this to her. What if she says yes? You fixate on the screen as the chat bubble pops up.
“I really do appreciate that but I don’t think that y/n would want me to stay with you.”
“A little too late, no?” You say out loud annoyed that she’s trying to assert a boundary with this person. Knowing full well it already happened.
“So she knows now? When you said you got into an argument, I didn’t think it was about that…”
You grit your teeth. You hear your jaw crack under the pressure as your eyes widen, seeing the acknowledgement of the deed with your own eyes. It has your sights on red.
“Yes. I know now.” You type into the virtual keyboard hitting send immediately and tossing the ipad to the side. For a brief second, silence fills the room. No notifications, no pinging of text tones. Just pure silence.
You stand up hastily, leaving your electronics behind, not wanting another text notification or phone call. Grabbing your keys and wallet before walking out the door. You’ve got a meeting to get to.
You hop into the driver's seat and put your car in reverse and pull out of the parking spot and into the road. The tires are recklessly screeching behind you as you swerve through traffic
. You run through the red lights like they’re nothing. Not even blinking as you speed onto the freeway in silence. You know exactly where the meeting is and you plan on being present for it.
You get off on the exit, and pull up to the JYP building, parking in Nayeon’s spot knowing she wasn’t going to be in today. You rip the keys from the ignition, hear the scrape of the metal as you push the car door open and slam it behind you.
The fresh rage in your body physically manifests as you speed walk through the cold air, steam rising from your arms as you start to walk through the side entrance close to the elevators.
As you walk past the security guard. He stands to greet you and informs you that Nayeon isn’t in today. You look at him and he sees the absolute fury in your eyes, “Carry on, Y/n” and seats immediately back at the desk.
You return to your pace, reaching the elevator and slamming the “Up” button with your hands, probably too hard as it starts the woman also waiting.
You cross your arms; heart racing with your jaw and fists clenched, leaving the taste of copper in your mouth and indents in your palms as you “patiently” wait for the elevator to come down to pick you up.
You hear the ringing and snap your head up to see none other than Park Jihyo standing inside, about to get off when your eyes connect. Her smile fades quickly when she realizes what’s about to happen.
She tried to take a step out and greet you, but you put your hand on her shoulder and shove her lightly back into the elevator. The woman you previously startled hesitates so come in.
“Would you mind taking the next one?” You hiss at her. You don’t wait for an answer, hitting the button for floor 7, and turning to face the doors as they close.
The lights are bright and threatening as you ascend up. You count the floors as they pass, Jihyo silent behind you nervously playing with her hands when you reach out and hit the “Stop” button.
The elevator grinds to a halt between floors. You turn around to face Jihyo, eyebrows creased and lean against the walls of the 6ft wide box.
“When were you planning on telling me, Hyo?” You spit at her loudly. Your hands rise to pinch the bridge of your nose. She flinched at the tone and volume of your voice.
You weren’t going to hurt her, she knew that. She’s just never seen you like this before. She takes in your demeanor and slowly runs her eyes up your body taking note of your unkempt clothes, the bags under your eyes, and lack of jacket.
“Did you speed here after seeing that conversation?” She quizzically inquired while tilting her head at you. You roll your eyes, uninterested in the question. You feel like she’s challenging you, even if it is innocent.
“Here’s what we are going to do.” Firmly enunciating your words as they sputter out of your mouth.
“I’m going to ask you the questions and you are either going to answer them or we are going to be in this elevator for a very long time.”
Jihyo nods her head, understanding that this isn’t the time for her to try to ease the tension with playful banter. She does pity you though, knowing that she was part of the cause makes her eye shift to the floor as she begins to speak. Her empathy is losing its meaning in your apathy.
“Listen Y/n, I know that this is a lot and I can’t imagine what you are going through and feeling right now. I need you to know that it was a one time thing and it has never happened again. We were both drunk out of our minds.”
She lifted her head up to try to sneak a look at your face. She sees your eyes spilling over and winces. She hates this just as much as you do but you’re unsure of if it’s because the conversation is emotionally charged or just uncomfortable.
“It was a stupid mistake. We were going to tell you but we were trying to avoid this. It was years ago. I didn’t even know she was seeing someone until she told me the morning after. She was inconsolable. She was so scared to lose you that she couldn’t stop crying and shaking…I wrote her that note and stuck it in her wallet the night of thinking it would be funny to wake up too. I thought she would’ve thrown it away by now.” Jihyo sighed heavily, searching your face for signs that you were absorbing her story.
“I can tell you this much. I’ve never seen Nayeon look at anyone the way she looks at you. The way her eyes light up when she talks about you is something other people dream about when they think of love.”
You choke on your emotions. Dropping your angry mask to reveal the truth behind your eyes. Suffering. You squat down and hold your knees to your chest as you sob. Jihyo quickly follows, placing a hand on your back trying to console you.
Once you have some semblance of calm, Jihyo speaks again. “Do you remember the night that I called you from Nayeon's phone?” Hyo smiles at the memory. It lives happily in her brain too
. “I didn’t know how into you she was until she started crying about missing you…and when you got to my house and she almost tackled you in the snow, it only solidified how important you are to her. It was my idea not to say anything…”
You glare at her waiting for her to finish.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I really am. I just didn’t want to shatter something that was just starting. Look at the beautiful relationship you’ve built with her. I could tell when I saw you both together that you were meant for each other. I felt bad for it then and I feel even worse about it now.”
You feel yourself melting into sadness, once more. A heavy breath leaves your mouth when you realize you were so wrapped up in what was happening that you forgot you were in a stopped elevator.
You calmly stand and brush yourself off. You hit the stop button again and the elevator groans to the 7th floor. The doors open and a few people file in, not realizing the emotionally charged conversation that had just taken place, though you’re sure it’s displayed across your face.
A man in a suit pressed the “Ground level” button and the elevator descended to the lobby.
Once the doors open, you swiftly walk past security. Trying to leave behind the anger fueled attempt at a conversation, even if you didn’t say much.
The friendship you developed with Jihyo allowed her to know exactly what to say so keep you calm despite that being the first appearance of your unadulterated anger.
You leave JYP through the front doors, and start walking down the sidewalk through the rain. “Where are you going?” You hear Jihyo shout from the front of the building. You don’t even turn around, you just keep walking.
You find yourself in a park by a river and sit down on the wet bench. The light drizzle that threatened rain all day opened up and washed over your skin.
You should’ve brought a jacket, you think as you let the cool drops land on your back completely soaking you. You reach in your pocket, forgetting that your phone is at home.
The words “Missing something?” Unearths itself out of the rain with a black umbrella and sits next to you on the bench, shielding you from the downpour. “Didn’t want to be bothered by the constant ringing?” You sit in silence not wanting to interact with Jihyo.
She knows you well. You’ve been around each other for long enough to pick up on the little things. You roll your eyes wishing it wasn’t someone who could reflect you back to yourself. “Look, I know this is overwhelmin-“
“No, you don’t” cutting her off with a tone that could dissolve the strongest on metals.
Your face contorted with exasperation as you spew out the words, “You have NO idea what it’s like to look at the person you’ve spent the last 3 years with and question whether or not they are who they say. You don’t know what it’s like for that same partner to hide things behind your back with someone you consider family. Please tell me about a time you’ve experienced this level of betrayal, Hyo. You’ve got no clue what I’ve been struggling with these past few days and don’t you dare say that you have!”
Your words were harsh and she accepted them.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” She calmly states while holding eye contact with you.
You're more upset that she’s so polished in her responses. You maintain your angry demeanor turning to face the river in front of you.
The rain continues to fall as you sit in silence, Jihyo just sitting next to you waiting for you to speak.
“Why are you still here?” Annoyed at her presence.
“Because I’ve made you upset with my actions and you’re my friend.” The emotional whiplash your body is projecting is infuriating. Overwhelmed by the notion that two things could be true at once. On one hand, you’re livid with Jihyo and Nayeon. On the other, you respect the accountability of the person in front of you, even if it only instills anger in you further.
She’s sat here in silence with you, in the middle of a thunderstorm only to be yelled at.
“If I would have known this was the result of keeping it a secret, I would’ve told you years ago. I wouldn’t have convinced Nayeon not to say anything. Hell, I barely remember any of it, neither of us do. I really am sorry.”
Her words make you think about Nayeon. If she didn’t remember…if she wanted to tell you.
Nayeon had never broken your trust before. She was always honest, even overly honest. She would answer anything you asked her. You had trusted her with every detail of your life.
Every scar that ever calloused over your heart was shown to her. Whenever they started to ache again, she would kiss the wounds and soothe you. You crave that same comfort now, undecided if you are going to go and get it, reeling at the potential falsehood of it all.
Jihyo watched the cogs move in your head as you sorted through the information and filed it away where it belonged.
She stands up and looks over, “do you want a ride back to your car? The rain is only going to get worse from here.” You nod your head yes and walk back to the car, getting in the passenger side. You sit in silence the 4 minute drive back.
Your stomach starts to growl as you approach the JYP building. You wished you brought your phone with you so you could order something and have it be at the house by the time you got there.
“If you ever want to talk, please know I’m here for you” she says as you get out of the car in silence and close the door behind you.
You ended up stopping at a local cafe to get something to go. The girl behind the counter widening her eyes as she watches you walk in, absolutely drenched. You ordered your usual sandwich.
“Anything else?” The girl behind the register asks, still looking at you like you’ve got something on your face other than rain and tears.
“Yeah, actually. Can I get that one salad you guys have with the apples in it? I’m not really sure what it’s called.” You only know it by “Nayeon’s favorite”.
The girl rolls her eyes and punches in the order. You pay for it, and twiddle with your thumbs while you wait.
Pulling up to the apartment felt different this time. No people waiting for Nayeon outside, no cars blocking you from making a swift escape into the building. You wonder if she’s home yet as you get into the elevator.
The kitchen is lit up upon entry. You left all the lights on. Phone and ipad are still on the love seat but the sectional is occupied by a sleeping Nayeon.
She’s wrapped in the blanket you’ve been using and laying on your pillow. You quietly walk in and place the food on the counter and quickly step into the bedroom. You let out a light sigh, and decide it’s time you take a shower. Feeling grimey from the rain.
You emerge from the bedroom in sweatpants and a cropped tank top, hair still wet. You tie it up into a bun and quietly pull plates down from the cabinets.
You glance over to see Nayeon still asleep and notice that her phone is in her hands. She’s probably waiting to hear from you. Plating the take out, you quietly bring the dishes over to the living room and place them lightly on the coffee table.
You return to the kitchen and grab another bottle of wine from the refrigerator and a set of glasses. You pop the bottle open, and freeze as you hear a shift coming from the couch.
You don’t look back at the sound. Continuing pouring the wine into the glasses you had already set out. You hear a light gasp as she notices the food on the table. You hear the smile in it and fight back the upward pull of your lips.
Anxiety sets in as you remember what you’re walking into. You feel your fingers locking up as you reach for cutlery. It rattles in the drawer, drawing Nayeon’s attention. She stills as she feels her brain turn on, remembering what had happened hours beforehand.
Picking up the glasses and bringing them to the table, her eyes follow your every move. You place a glass down in front of her and hand her silverware. “Eat.”
She’s moving very cautiously through this unnavigated territory. Not only in the sense of “walking on eggshells” even her usually fluid movements were slow and strategized.
You take the sight of her in as you pick at your food. It looks like the nap she took was the first ounce of sleep she’s had in days. Eyes bloodshot and half lidded as she chews. She sets her fork down, takes a large sip of the wine and looks down at the floor.
“...Y/n…” she briefly looks up to see you already present and focused on her. You’re waiting for your explanation that she owes you.Her eyes return to the food in front of her to avoid adding discomfort to herself.
Her face beams a shade of red as her eyes close. It twists in a way you’ve seen many times before and she tries to hold it all together. Pools of tears start to collect and shed as she continues. Her words muffled underneath a thick layer of guilt.
“I made a mistake, a really bad one, at the very beginning of our relationship.” You wince at the sound of her voice cracking. The sharp edged subject matter slicing at you in the same way finding that note did.
“I need you to know that I do not remember any of it. I was that drunk and so was Jihyo.” Another twist of the knife in your chest. You remember to breathe and continue listening.
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way. I allowed myself to be convinced that not telling you was better than you leaving. Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.”
It all becomes too much as you shoot up from your seat and bring your plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. Faucet on, you scrub the plate like it’s caked in dirt. Nayeon, who is still in the living room, stands up and follows you to the sink.
She’s sniffling behind you, covering her mouth with the sleeve of your sweater she was wearing. You tilt your head to face her, taking in the pure shame she was already putting herself through for the act that she committed. You turn the faucet off and dry your hands with the towel hanging on the oven’s handle while turning to fully face her.
You pitch the bridge of your nose trying not to break again. Wide eyes looking at you, studying your body language trying to determine what you’ll say…if you’ll say anything. She can see the stress emanating from you
“Please say something.” She breathes, reaching out to touch your shoulder in hopes to bring you back to the present. Hoping it’ll keep you from emotionally shutting down.
It sends a shock to your nervous system, almost jumping out of your skin as the soft familiar hand glides down your arm to your hand where she leaves it.
“I don’t know what to say, Nayeon.” You are battling yourself. You are both angry and so in love with this beautiful human in front of you. Even with tears in her eyes, she was magic to you. Effortlessly, stunning even in the face of fear.
You are endlessly baffled by the mistake made because she’s always been so attentive, so patient, so tender and caring that even her admitting it to your face felt like a lie. You know that’s not who she is, right? Wrong. You don’t know anything for certain. Logic and emotion argue as you stand there silently. Trying to figure out where to go next.
She reaches out and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, the other hand still in yours and tears still falling. You don’t want to let go of her hand, but you don’t want to tighten your hold on it either.
She’s patiently watching your eyes as they animate the war in your head. The two sides were fighting and you were standing on the fence of the choice you had to make. You ponder what life would be like without her and what life was like with her. Do all of those amazing moments count for nothing? Were they a waste of time?
You take a deep breath and look Nayeon right in the eyes. She feels almost violated by how deeply you are looking into her.
“I am devastated.” Your shoulders are feeling slightly lighter as you continue.
“I can’t believe you did this and didn’t tell me. For our entire relationship to be built on this foundation absolutely shatters me and everything we’ve ever built together. I feel like I don’t know who you are.”
The last sentence knocks the wind out of her. She’s gasping for air and holding back sobs.
“I just never expected this from you…” you said shakily while you watched her try to collect herself.
You rotate and sit down on the floor, sliding your back down the flat doors of your cabinets. She follows but on the other side, feet between yours. Trying to muffle the cries because she can’t bear the fact that she has caused this damage.
You feel the exhaustion take over. Your physical body has been tensing to hold the weight of the situation for days now. You yawn, Nayeon regulates her breath as you try to gain the energy to continue the conversation.
She stands up and lays her hand out for you, wordlessly. She doesn’t let go of it as she leads you to your shared bedroom, a bed left untouched sits right in the middle.
You are thinking about how great sleeping in your bed will feel after being on the couch for days. She’s out of the room as quickly as she brought you here.
You start to feel warm under your clothes. You remove them and fling them into a corner. Crawling under the comforter and settling in.
Nayeon returns, your pillow in hand. She notices you’re missing your tank top and shifts her eyes down out of respect. Not knowing if you wanted her to see you this way anymore.
She bends down and unplugs her phone charger and grabs her pillow. “I’ll sleep on the couch, I know how your back gets. Please get some rest.” She kneels on the bed for a second and leans in but hesitates.
Was it her place to kiss your forehead still? She took the risk and quickly walked out of the room.
You lay in bed for what feels like hours. Uncomfortably tossing and turning in the lonely sheets. You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling, getting lost in the patterns of the texture.
Exhaustion is no match for your mind and you really don’t want to be in this bed alone right now. You sit up, comforter falling to reveal your chest.
You think about how Nayeon is on the couch by herself right now. Probably overthinking everything and stressing herself out, no sleep in sight. In a moment of weakness, you stand up and saunter into the living room.
She lay splayed out in the sectional, phone in hand scrolling mindlessly in the warm light. A useless distraction, you were all that filled her mind.
You take note that she removed the sweater and was only in a sports bra now. You can’t help but daydream about how her skin feels on yours.
She notices you standing in the doorway, arms crossed, holding yourself. She looks away from her phone to acknowledge your presence, locking it and laying it on her chest.
“Having trouble sleeping too?” You nod and bite the inside of your cheek.
You take the risk, slowly wandering to the front of the sectional and climbing into the blanket with her. She’s surprised by the action but lifts the blanket so you can get comfortable, making sure you're covered.
“You’re so cold” she whispers as you press your face into her neck and wrap your arms around her causing her to shiver. You don’t have the same compulsion of not wanting her to touch you. She feels like Nayeon. She feels like home.
She starts tracing patterns on your shoulder as she leans her face on the top of your head. Both silently enjoy each other's comfort as you drift off to sleep.
Awoken by the sound of humming in the kitchen, you smile before you even open your eyes. You know what’s happening before you are even half awake.
You’re still wrapped in the soft blanket on the sectional taking up more space that you originally were now that the other person was up and about.
“Shit.” A whispered voice rings through the apartment.
“Too much creamer again?” You slyly say from the couch. You hear her jump, she must’ve not realized you were awake.
“I didn’t mean to wake you, ba-“ she stops herself from saying the pet name, not knowing what the boundaries were anymore.
“You didn’t wake me. I should be the one apologizing, I was the one who scared you.” You chuckle, getting up and stretching before throwing on the sweater, laid across the couch’s back, to cover up a little before you start your morning rituals.
When you turn around you see her cheeks fill with red. “You okay?” You ask her, grabbing the black mug, taking a sip.
“I think so…” she says slowly, unsure of her next step. “I think I just want to know what the next step is…for us.”
Her eyes flicker to your face waiting for a response. You start to walk over to the bedroom.
“Well, we usually shower next, have you forgotten our routine already? It was only a couple of days” Trying to make light of the situation.
She giggles “you know what I mean…I just need to know if I can mend this. To fix this. Falling asleep with you last night was the calmest I’ve felt… ” You interrupt her before she can cloud your brain with sweet things. She always knew how to break you with that.
“I’m still angry that you hid it from me” stoically expressing the truth. Both truths.
“But I love you.” She smiles, hopeful of what’s to come, walking towards you with her arms out. Wrapping them around your neck and pulling you in for a soft peck.
After a few more quick kisses, foreheads connected as her arms slid down to your waist.
“But I need to make it very clear that I cannot do this again. So if you’re hiding anything else, please tell me now.”
She cups your face in her hands and brings you in for a long kiss that makes you a little weak in the knees. “I’ll never hide anything from you again. Ever.”
“Good, will you start the shower then?”
She happily skips into the bathroom.
You start to pick out what clothes you’re wearing for the day when you hear a phone vibrate in the kitchen. Walking over to the counter and picking up the closest phone to see which one it was. It’s Nayeon’s phone with a message from Jihyo.
Your face drops as you read “Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?”
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
127 notes · View notes
scorchieart · 1 year
⬥◇◆ Clothes Shopping with the Ikeprinces ◆◇⬥
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With Act 3 and Silvio's route just around the corner, let's slow down, take a step back, and remember how we all ended up in here. Particularly, how we all ended up in these clothes.
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Silvio’s Dubious Preorder ◆◇⬥
*the front door to the clothes shop opens in the middle of the night*
Shopkeeper: Who’s there?
Silvio: Your worst nightmare…
*Silvio drops a heavy bag of coins in the shopkeeper's hands*
Silvio: And your salvation.
Shopkeeper: What?
Silvio: Listen closely, tailor. Tomorrow you will be visited by a pathetic pack of princes with questionable fashion sense. They are in search of new outfits to wear for the upcoming story arc and have chosen your lousy shop as their genius loci. Lucky you.
Shopkeeper: …What?
Silvio: I’ll be in attendance as well, but I’m only interested in an outfit that’ll blow everyone else’s out of the water, so I’ll mostly be observing from the sides. All you gotta do is keep those other guys occupied and catch all the notes I send your way. You’re an experienced man, you’ll know when I’m dropping you a hint. But no one else needs to know about our little deal, capisce? 
*Silvio pats the coin bag and leaves. Shopkeeper puts on glasses and cleans out his ears*
Shopkeeper: WHAT?
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Judge Yves, Round 1 ◆◇⬥
Yves: As members of Rhodolite’s domestic faction, we are the pillars our citizens look towards to represent the values our kingdom instills in art, culture, and conduct. The outfits we select today must not only reflect the propriety expected of the royal family, but also that of our people for generations to follow.
Yves: Jin! Button your shirt all the way up right this moment!
Jin: You can’t cage the collarbones, Yves!
Yves: Leon! Too much detailing will overwhelm your conversation partners! You look like you’re drowning in gold.
Leon: But you’re talking to me just fine now?
Yves: Licht! You look wonderful, of course. But if I had to nitpick, the white on your lapels clashes with your black jacket. Try wearing more color, you don’t want to look like a walking chessboard.
*Sariel slowly backs into the dressing room*
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Nokto Seeing Double ◆◇⬥
Nokto: No, this blue vest doesn’t bring out my eyes quite right.
*hands vest over to Licht. Licht tries it on*
Nokto: Hm… and these tassels make my face look too narrow.
*hands shoulder pads over to Licht. Licht tries them on*
Nokto: And these black gloves clash horribly with my hair, what was I thinking?
*hands gloves over to Licht. Licht tries them on*
Nokto: You look great, Licht. Ugh, nothing in this entire store works for me!
*a bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Tailor! No vests, tassels, or gloves!
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Judge Yves, Round 2 ◆◇⬥
Yves: Ahem! I’m only doing this because you four are an extension of Rhodolite beyond the borders, and I don’t want you messing up our image in front of our neighbors. It’s not like I particularly care how you dress everyday!
Nokto: Aww, Evie, you care~
Yves: Shut it! Ahem! For starters, the white theme you all have is a very nice choice. It’s a good idea to set up a visual indicator to let others know you’re working as a team.
Clavis: Oh, that wasn’t intentional. This humble shop is simply fortunate enough to have had enough pieces for each of us. Otherwise, these poor white coats would have been prematurely stained red! Hahaha!
Yves: Wha—?
Clavis: With strawberry jam, of course! Chev gets particularly pouty when someone wears white instead of him. I wouldn’t put it past him to “accidentally” sully that poor someone’s outfit with his toast.
Luke: That’s why I eat mine with honey instead!
Yves: No, that’s why we eat breakfast before we leave the palace! 
*Yves swipes the toast from Chevalier and Luke*
Yves: Luke! If you’re going to wear white, you can’t carry honeyed toast in your pockets!
Yves: Clavis! If you’re going to wear a coat over a jacket again, at least make them match in style this time!
Yves: Nokto! If you’re not going to button your vest all the way, you have to wear a shirt underneath!
*Chevalier covers his chest and slowly backs into the dressing room*
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Small Talk Sariel ◆◇⬥
*In a quiet corner of the store, Keith looks over himself in the mirror. Sariel notices and joins him*
Sariel: Ah, a modest choice, Prince Keith. Were you to show Prince Yves, I am certain he would impart nothing but praise.
Keith: 🙂
Sariel: Modesty is, of course, cornerstone for a prince to emblem. Although, with our continent so rife with rowdy royals, one would not want to appear too humble, lest he be trampled by his more verbally-inclined peers.
Keith: 😐
Sariel: But too loud a statement piece would have a similar effect of disfavor among colleagues. One would not want to appear too brash in company of those whose opinions matter.
Keith: 😟
Sariel: Finding that sweet spot in the middle is crucial to deduce, and this is the moment to do it. Tell me, Prince Keith, is this the outfit you wish to present to the world in the next act?
Keith: Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced something in the dressing room.
*another bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Make it loud, tailor!
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Multi-talented and Multi-purpose Luke ◆◇⬥
Luke: Hey, Yves! How about this? I keep the lid open just enough to stick a spoon in like this, and my pockets get to stay completely… Hey, you okay?
*Yves blushes in surprise*
Yves: Yes, yes! Why wouldn’t I be?
Luke: Well, you’ve been standing by the hair accessories for a long time now.
Yves: Because there’s no one else here. I need rest from evaluating all your outfits, obviously.
*Luke puts down the honey jar*
Luke: Hey, close your eyes for a bit.
Yves: What for?
Luke: Just trust me. Besides, you said you wanted to rest, right?
*5 minutes later*
Luke: Tada! Whaddya think?
Yves: How did you…?
Luke: My sister used to make me braid her hair all the time. I’d say I’m pretty good at it, eh?
*Yves blushes in joy*
Yves: Thank you. But how did you manage to keep it in place? You didn’t use any clips or anything.
Luke: Oh, that’s ‘cause I packed it tight with honey. It oughta keep its shape all week, plus it’s good for the scalp. Bonus!
*Yves blushes in rage*
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Life Lessons with Big Brother Jin ◆◇⬥
Jin: Hey, Chevalier. Come try this cloak on, it’ll help cover your…
*Chevalier quickly wipes his mouth and hides his hands behind his back*
Jin: …
Chevalier: …
Jin: Chev…
Chevalier: I was merely inspecting them for poisons.
Jin: Come on, big guy. We’ve been through this.
Chevalier: The showoff apprehended my toast. 
Jin: You can’t eat the roses.
Chevalier: …
Jin: …
Chevalier: The yellow ones taste best.
Jin: So you’ve told me.
*yet another bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Bring me the juiciest rose you have! I know you’re keeping it from me!
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Gilbert’s Infinite Hyperspace ◆◇⬥
Gilbert: Are you sure the shopkeeper won’t mind you making alterations to his designs?
Clavis: That wonderful man doesn’t need to worry about a single hair on his rapidly balding head! I won’t be defiling his style because all the additions I’m making will be completely hidden from sight.
Gilbert: How like you to run your dirty work in the shadows. Such fun.
Clavis: I wouldn’t use that particular arrangement of words to describe it, per se. But considering Sariel has egregiously forbidden me from purchasing more than one belt today, I am forced to improvise my carry-on capabilities.
Gilbert: Ah, pockets! How very fun, indeed!
Clavis: Not just any pockets! Secret pockets! And just look at this enormous canvas I have to work with! Only… my hands were full on the way over here carrying Chevalier’s breakfast, so I wasn’t able to bring much of my usual tools to measure. I don’t like leaving the palace without at least a net or two on hand.
Gilbert: You can borrow mine!
*Gilbert produces a large fish net out of thin air*
Clavis: How fortunate, this will work nicely! I do wish I could have brought my trusty shovel with me, though. 
Gilbert: Regular or extra large?
*Gilbert produces two digging shovels out of thin air*
Clavis: Ah... R-regular is fine…
Gilbert: Anything else?
Clavis: You’ve been plenty helpful, I couldn’t impose—
Gilbert: No need to be shy. You still have plenty of space to work with, I see. 
Clavis: …
Gilbert: Try me.
Clavis: …Well, I do like to be armed with more than just my sword—
Gilbert: How about this?
*Gilbert produces a hatchet out of thin air*
Clavis: … Thank you.
Gilbert: What are friends for?
*Gilbert claps his hands, taps his cane twice, and pulls a tiny comb out of the heel of his boot. He combs Clavis’s hair out of his eyes and walks away smiling as the largest bag of coins yet flies across the store*
Silvio: Secret pockets! But don’t tell anyone where they are, you hear? Not even me!
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Doggy See, Doggy Do ◆◇⬥
Leon: Find anything you like, Rio?
Rio: Lots! But I’m just not sure she’d like them, too.
Leon: Why not show me what you got so far? I may not be Yves or Sariel, but I’ll bet I can point out a stinker in the mix.
Rio: Okay then. What do you think of this gilded vest?
Leon: Awesome! The color matches your eyes perfectly. That’s good… I think?
*Coin bag toss #1*
Silvio: Tailor! Look into my eyes and get me a jacket that matches them perfectly! No, not a vest! We said no vests!
Rio: Huh, that was weird. Anyway, what about this broach?
Leon: She’d love it! The looped design brings out the curves of your smile just right. That kind of attention to detail is probably really important.
*Coin bag toss #2*
Silvio: Tailor! Bring me your loopiest jewelry! The more hoops, the better!
Rio: Did you hear something? Ah, nevermind. Do you think I should go with one earring or two?
Leon: Hmm… Yves rocks the one earring look—
*Coin bag toss #3*
Silvio: Tailor! I want your gaudiest single earring in my palm right this second!
Leon: —but earrings are supposed to come in pairs, right? So maybe two would be fine. For symmetry, and all that.
*Coin bag toss #4*
Silvio: Make that two!
Leon: Sorry, I’m not too sure, to be honest.
*Rio knowingly smirks*
Rio: Your advice is great, Prince Leon. Tell me, what do you think of these snow boots?
Leon: Well, it’s not exactly winter. But they’re really a statement piece, and she might appreciate a good conversation starter.
*Coin bag toss #5*
Silvio: I need the furriest boots you’ve got in this place, pronto!
Rio: And this zebra-print cloak?
Leon: Chevalier looks good in tiger stripes. I guess that’s basically the same thing.
*Coin bag toss #6*
Silvio: Where do you keep the darn striped fabrics, old man?
Rio: Great! What’s your opinion on oversized hats?
Leon: Uhh… go big or go home?
*Coin bag toss #7*
Leon: Hey, Rio, do you hear an echo?
Rio: Nope. Just the sound of a nation’s GDP falling.
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I wanted to add a joke about their gloves, but this post is getting way out of hand, even without puns.
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