#me: I'm so wrecked after 3 days of working wont write anything for sure
A lesson part 2- Revenge
Ler and lee!Enid lee!Wednesday
Summary: Enid finally got her revenge!
Sorry that it took me so long to write the fic but here it is! I hope you like it<3
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Enid found herself in the same situation as a week ago. She was laying on her bed laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. 
Wednesday was on her hips, pinning her down and tickling her sides and tummy. That is because Enid keeps poking her ribs and jumping out of nowhere and tickling her from behind. She managed to get Wednesday to giggle but not to laugh.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OKAHAHAHAY IM SOHOHOHORY! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOHP!" Enid screamed while laughing, Wednesday listened to her and stopped the tickles. Still not getting up from her hips she said "i swear to you that if you will do it one more time i wont have mercy on you". She shaked her fingers into Enid's stomach one more time before she got up from her waist.
Enid just rolled into a ball of giggles, hugging herself still feeling like Wednesday was tickling her. 
After a couple minutes Enid calmed down and said "shit we are late for Thornhill's class!" And ran out of the dorm to the classroom, Wednesday ran after her smiling a little about the fact that she can make Enid laugh and smile whenever she wants, but mostly because she can torture her with something that wont hurt her, Just make her laugh.
The pair made it to Thornhill's class just in time and sat down next to each other in the back row. Miss Thornhill started to teach and Enid got bored. She decided to try and play with Wednesday's hand. What she didn't realise was that Wednesday is ticklish on her hand and she was tickling her. 
Enid thought Wednesday would move her hand away from her but she didn't do anything about it. She just bit her lower lip to try and hold her giggle.
"E-enid stop that" Wednesday said while trying to hold her giggles, "but whyyy? I'm bored and your hand looks fun to play with!" Enid said as she continued to play with Wednesday's hand.
After some time of Enid tracing her finger on the back of Wednesday's hand the shorter girl broke and giggled quietly.
She hoped no one heard her giggle and buried her face in her hands on the table.
What she didn't know was that Enid heard her giggle and realised that she was tickling her. After the class the girl walked in complete silence to their dorm. All the way there Enid was smiling on Wednesday and couldn't stop thinking about her laugh and the fact that she wanted to make her laugh more. 
In the next couple of days she tried to find more of Wednesday's tickle spots, other than her ribs and her hands.
On the first day she tried to squeeze the girl's hips from behind when Wednesday wasn't paying attention. Wednesday jumped a little from the surprise and immediately grabbed Enid's hands to try and get her away from her hips. It was a success for Enid.
On the second day, she somehow convinced Wednesday to be on her side of the room and just chill and talk. Wednesday was reading a book, annoying Enid about how colorful her side of the room was and teased her about it. Enid said to herself 'here it goes.. life or death' and diged her hands into Wednesday's stomach, Wednesday didn't expect Enid's attack and started to laugh quietly. Enid's eyes sparked and she went up and sat on Wednesday's lap. 
While Enid was tickling the girl's stomach, Wednesday couldn't control her giggly laughter and tried to get Enid's hands off of her stomach and sides but it didn't work for her. "You can see that as revenge for the wrecking from a few days ago!" Enid said and moved her hands to the shorter girl's ribs. 
She started on her lower ribs and worked up to her upper ribs. 
Wednesday was trying to control her laughter but she couldn't. When Enid got to her upper ribs she squealed and laughed even harder than before. Enid was in shock, she never heard Wednesday laugh like that, And you can be sure she fell in love with the girl's laugh!
"Holy shit! That was so adorable" the blonde girl said while moving to Wednesday's hips. 
Wednesday flinched and giggled quietly, what she didn't know is why her face was so warm. Was it because of all of the laughter or because she was blushing. (The second one is the right answer)
Enid was smiling at her with the brightest smile ever. She was happy that she was probably the first one to make Wednesday laugh like that and that Wednesday was feeling comfortable with her. 
After minutes of Enid tickling all over Wednesday's torso she finally gave the girl a break and stopped the tickles. Wednesday was breathing heavily and tried to get Enid off of her waist by poking her tummy and sides. The girl fell off Wednesday's waist and curled up while giggling next to Wednesday. 
Wednesday woke up before Enid and saw that she wasn't in her side of the room in her bed. She looked to her side and saw Enid curled up into a ball, sleeping. Wednesday saw that she was probably cold so she took the blanket and covered Enid with it. She got in the blanket too and snuggled closer to Enid.
They slept like that for the rest of the morning.
 the end<3
I hope this wasn't too short!
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
turn and face the strange
“Hey Val,” a deep voice whispered into her ear and Valerie nearly jumped off of her hoverboard. She whirled around and pointed her weapon at the stupid ghost that had dared to sneak up on Amity’s greatest hunter... only to find Phantom with a cheeky grin and his hands held up playfully. “Oh man, back to shooting on sight? That is so three years ago.”
“Phantom?” She questioned, lowering her gun but only a fraction. It wasn’t unheard for ghosts to take advantage of Phantom’s fame and face. Amorpho could have blown back into town to cause problems again. The ghost’s face settled into one of polite confusion as he lowered his hands.
“Yeah? I know we haven’t seen each other in almost a month but I didn’t think I was that forgettable.” He quipped easily but his deep green eyes searched her for signs that something was wrong. Valerie finally lowered her weapon completely, no ghost could fake Phantom’s level of concern.
“Sorry,” she grumbled, the word still giving her a bitter aftertaste even after being partners and sort of friends with the ghost going on two years. “But what happened to you? Since when are you all...” she gestured vaguely to all of him.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Val; I think you studied too much during the break. You’re looking at an Ivy league school, yeah? I know someone who can get you some practice guides and-”
“No, but your voice!” Val interrupted. “It wasn’t like that before, it’s all deep and weird and since when were you taller than me and have muscle!”
“Are you checking me out, Valerie Grey?” the ghost teased lightly, “because I believe I have mentioned I am very happily in a relationship and-”
“No,” she interrupted again, “when did you grow up?” She asked, unable to think of another word to describe the near adult before her.
“Probably around the same time you did,” Phantom shrugged. Valerie almost disputed it but then paused. She thought of the weeks and months before the Christmas Truce that had halted almost all ghost attacks. 
It had all happened very gradually, just like her widening hips and broader shoulders. She’d gotten used to seeing him every day, often more than she wanted, that it hadn’t registered. The ghost boy had become a man right before her eyes and she hadn’t even noticed. 
“But how? You’re a ghost.”
“Meh,” Phantom added unhelpfully, flipping over to float lazily on his back as if his existence wasn’t breaking her brain right now.
“Don’t Meh me,” she hissed. “You were what? 12 when you uh became a ghost?”
“Excuse you, I was 14,” Phantom said casually as if dying so tragically young wasn’t something to worry about. “And now I’m 17.”
“No, that’s not how it works,” Val countered. Had she known that they were the exact same age? It had never really come up before since she made an effort not to get too close to the annoying ghost. Would he have been her classmate, her friend, if he hadn’t died? “You’re still 14, ghosts don’t age.”
“I do,” Phantom stated. “I’ve had three birthdays and three death days since I got my powers. As you just pointed out a few minutes ago, I’m not the shrimpy, squeaky voiced little brat that I was. I even know how to drive now, not that I do it all that much since I can fly and don’t really have a car...”
“That’s not how death works,” Valerie explained but even she was losing steam.
“You’re going to lecture me on how death works?” Phantom asked shooting her with the driest look he could manage with his undead eyes. “I get that its a little weird but what is life but a series of weird coincidences? Ghosts aren’t as static as you think, we can feel and change and grow.” He stuck out his tongue out at her, “some of us even grow taller than you.”
“Jerk,” Valerie said but she couldn’t help but smile at little bit. Phantom was annoying, he was annoying and arrogant and stupidly protective and kind. It had always bothered her a bit how he could be so otherworldly and so human at the same time but maybe ghosts weren’t that different after all. Maybe it was time to finally accept that Phantom wasn’t just an echo, a leftover consciousness but a person in his own right. “So Mr. Adult Phantom, if I’m going to an Ivy League school to study law what are you doing with your afterlife?”
“Oh you know, fight some ghosts, scare some tourists, be forcibly crowned Ghost King once I turn 18 and make some effort to repair human and ghostly relations.” 
“Be forcibly what?” Val shrieked.
“Yeah,” Phantom sighed mournfully. “Word to the wise, do NOT seal away strange Ghost Kings in sarcophaguses or a bunch of eyeballs will try and make you his replacement. I got them to wait until I was 18 so I guess that’s something.” His eyes widened with realization. “Hey when you’re done your law degree you want to replace Walker as the warden of the Zone? You can fight people with your fists and paperwork!”
“What the hell!” Valerie asked, getting in Phantom’s face. “They’re going to make you King? The ghosts hate you!”
“I know, it’s gonna be a ride. Well, thanks for reminding me of my dwindling freedom. I’m going to try and break the sound barrier. Want to join me?” He teased. 
“You’re gonna have to break the sound barrier if you want to get away from me, I need answers, you stupid ghost!” She reached out to grab him but he floated away. His eyes were light, playful as he sped off. He turned over his shoulder, to see if she would chase him not as a predator after a prey but one kid chasing another. 
They both had big changes and big responsibilities coming up when they’d both have to grow up properly. But for now, they could streak across the skies of the city they both swore to protect and enjoy the last dregs of their youth, living and dead.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
I've seen that your request box is open and i wanna request one! How about a bakusquad prison AU (you know that one fanart from pinterest) and a gender neutral police reader. They just kept on flirting with them while the reader giving them the silent-treatment and a cold shoulder but secretly liking their flirts. You can ignore this if you aren't interested. Thanks!! (Can be separated or combined) Ps: i'm sorry if my english isn't perfect TwT
Hey lovely, Sorry it took a while I am so happy to write this for you! You’re English was great <3
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Bakugo was in prison for setting off explosives.
His hands had to be restrained because that mad genius had a knack for exploding just about anything.
You were the one put in charge of guarding him
You always had a stoic look when he sees you so he made it his mission to try and make you smile
So he began to flirt
Every. Single. Day. For months.
You ignored him at first but slowly instead of anticipating your days off you anticipate the days you work
It may have something to do with Bakugo.
It definitely does
You don’t show it but you really enjoy his flirting
You even had to force your face to not smile because that’s how irresistible he was
He continued to flirt everyday until he was released on good behavior.
You were sad to see him leave but as you remove his cuffs he asks for a piece of paper and pen which you give to him confused.
He quickly scribbles out a pick up line asking for a date and his number and passes it to you
You look confused but laugh when you see the corny ass line
“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen you laugh or smile” he says
You blush and say “Hopefully you dont get into trouble again”
“I dont know about that”
“Well then, that just means I wont be able to go on that date then”
He freezes before saying, “I’ll be on my best behavior”
You wave at him as he leaves and return to work
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Denki was thrown in prison for starting an electrical fire. He didnt mean to but he is a clutz so yeah
You were one of the guards in charge of gen pop. So that meant you’d see him everyday
When he first saw you he instantly fell in love
He flirted with you everytime he saw you
He’s a fucking simp for you
You’d always remain emotionless when he flirted
but deep down you wanted to laugh because he always managed to mess up by stuttering
You knew you shouldn’t like a prisoner but Denki made it impossible to hate him
Especially everytime he stuttered.
You grew fond of him and his flirty antics.
You eagerly waited for your shift to begin everyday
He was eager for the days you were in too
He even memorized your schedule
He promised himself that when he leaves prison he will try and keep contact with you
He really didnt know if you liked him back
So he assumed you did
Bless his soul when he was being released he is jumping up and down with joy and asks for you
Your coworker looked confused at first but decided to call you in
You enter and he lights up even more
“Can I number your have?” He blushes when he realizes what he said, “I mean- number have i?”
You laugh, “Yes you can number my have” you write it down as he blushes even more red
You hand it to him and wave at him, “I hope to hear from you soon, Denki!”
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Kirishima, he went to prison for being caught with someone’s weed.
It was Sero’s
Kirishima lied about it being his because he’s loyal af
You are assigned to guard right beside his cell in Gen pop.
At first he doesn’t talk to you because he’s nervous
Slowly though he begins to flirt with you
Shyly at first but later on is more confident
Since you never react he thinks you hate him or feel uncomfortable
He almost stops flirting but doesn’t because if you didnt like it you’d tell him, right?
Little did he know you always looked forward to guarding near him.
Even though you wish you could laugh out loud and flirt back
You dont because it would be deemed unprofessional
He doesn’t have to be there long
He does know he will get your number when he is released
And he will kill Sero for getting him into this mess
The day finally comes where he is going to leave and you gotta act emotionless but deep down you know you will miss hearing his flirting
So when he is about to leave he calls you from his cell
You see he is a nervous wreck but proceeds to ask for your number so he can contact you.
You smile and considering he leaves soon you decide to finally break your silence
“Sure” You reach in your pocket and grab a receipt you had and quickly scribble down your number, “Here you go Kirishima”
He looks at you mesmerized and grabs the receipt, “Wow you have such a pretty voice”
You roll your eyes and crack a small smile and watch as he is taken to be released
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Sero this dumbass got thrown into prison for possession of drugs
Weed, the devils lettuce, ya know
He finds himself really attracted to you
He also becomes a simp for you
He flirts every single day hoping you flirt back
But you never do
Doesn’t mean he will stop trying though
You try to not listen to his flirting because you know one day you will break character and flirt back
You decide to just not talk to him at all and rather just listen to his flirting
You used to hate coming into work because of the guys throwing lewd comments at you
Now you cant wait to go to work
You know Sero doesn’t mean any harm with his flirting so you dont mind it
He never says anything inappropriate or makes you feel uncomfortable
Since he wasn’t caught with much weed he was only going to be there for a little while
As the time flies by you realize that Denki is getting released earlier than scheduled so you become sad
You go in and decide today will be the day you finally talk to him and as soon as you arrive to your post you see him waiting all ready to leave
He lights up when he sees you and gets up
“Hey can I have your number?”
You smile and say, “wow someone is getting bold”
He blushes and sheepishly says, “I just want to be able to talk to you and get to know you outside of your job”
You crack another smile and scribble down your number on a piece of paper he already had on in his hand.
He smiles and says, “I am glad I met you l/n”
“Me too Sero”
You watch as he leaves and you begin your job
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Mina is in prison for throwing cleaning chemicals on a perverts face that was harassing a girl while she was at work
She doesn’t regret anything
“No ragrets”
When she sees you stand beside her cell she begins to shamelessly flirt
You ignore her and don’t speak a word to her
She notices it so she ups her game
She continues to flirt with you everyday you guarded her area
She never gave up and since you never screamed at her to stop she continued
She would flirt and compliment you but never says anything lewd
You, hate to admit it, but love when she flirts with you.
You know you cant socialize with the prisoners so you find it hard to ignore her when all you want to do is flirt back
You always go in happy during your shifts because you know mina will be there to flirt with you
Sometimes she says a corny ass pick up line and you have to really hold in your laughter.
After she serves her time she calls you over
You walk over and stay silent until she speaks up again
“You know, I’ll never forgive you for something you did”
Your heart falls at her words and begin to rack your brain thinking of what you did
She watches your reaction and speaks up again, “I’ll never forgive you for stealing my heart, you’re the one who should be locked up”
After hearing her say that you burst out laughing
Hearing your laughter she thinks, ‘wow, her laughter is so beautiful’
“So, can I have your number?”
“Of course, Mina” You scribble it on her arm that she extended for you and looks at it for a while before getting her things
“Hopefully I see you soon l/n”
You smile and say “hopefully” as you watch her being led towards the exit.
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A/N- I have completed it! I hope you like it and meets your request<3 I had fun writing this 💕 Also i didnt know if you wanted mina in there too so I added her just to be safe :)
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