#me: i dont think i like adding grain
haomnyangz · 4 months
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You're both clumsy when it comes to comforting others. But you know, it's actually comforting. Because you're clumsy at it.
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soracities · 2 years
what are your suggestions for starter poetry for people who dont have strong reading/analysis backgrounds
I've answered this a few times so I'm going to compile and expand them all into one post here.
I think if you haven't read much poetry before or aren't sure of your own tastes yet, then poetry anthologies are a great place to start: many of them will have a unifying theme so you can hone in based on a subject that interests you, or pick your way through something more general. I haven't read all of the ones below, but I have read most of them; the rest I came across in my own readings and added to my list either because I like the concept or am familiar with the editor(s) / their work:
Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times (ed. Nick Astley) & Being Alive: The Sequel to Staying Alive (there's two more books in this series, but I'm recommending these two just because it's where I started)
The Rattlebag (ed. Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes)
The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky & Susan Harris)
The Essential Haiku, Versions of Basho, Buson and Issa (ed. Robert Hass)
A Book of Luminous Things (ed. Czesław Miłosz )
Now and Then: The Poet's Choice Columns by Robert Hass (this may be a good place to start if you're also looking for commentary on the poems themselves)
Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World(ed. Pádraig Ó'Tuama)
African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song (ed. Kevin Young)
The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing (ed. Kevin Young)
Lifelines: Letters from Famous People about their Favourite Poems
The following lists are authors I love in one regard or another and is a small mix of different styles / time periods which I think are still fairly accessible regardless of what your reading background is! It's be no means exhaustice but hopefully it gives you even just a small glimpse of the range that's available so you can branch off and explore for yourself if any particular work speaks to you.
But in any case, for individual collections, I would try:
anything by Sara Teasdale
Devotions / Wild Geese / Felicity by Mary Oliver
Selected Poems and Prose by Christina Rossetti
Collected Poems by Langston Hughes
Where the Sidewalk Endsby Shel Silverstein
Morning Haiku by Sonia Sanchez
Revolutionary Letters, Diane di Prima
Concerning the Book That Is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr
Rose: Poems by Li-Young Lee
A Red Cherry on a White-Tiled Floor / Barefoot Souls by Maram al-Masri
Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky
Tell Me: Poems / What is This Thing Called Love? by Kim Addonizio
The Trouble with Poetry by Billy Collins (Billy Collins is THE go-to for accessible / beginner poetry in my view so I think any of his collections would probably do)
Crush by Richard Siken
Rapture / The World's Wife by Carol Ann Duffy
The War Works Hard by Dunya Mikhail
Selected Poems by Walt Whitman
View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska
Collected Poems by Vasko Popa
Under Milkwood by Dylan Thomas (this is a play, but Thomas is a poet and the language & structure is definitely poetic to me)
Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire,
Nostalgia, My Enemy: Selected Poems by Saadi Youssef
As for individual poems:
“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
[Dear The Vatican] erasure poem by Pádraig Ó'Tuama // "The Pedagogy of Conflict"
"Good Bones" by Maggie Smith
"The Author Writes the First Draft of His Weddings Vows (An erasure of Virginia Woolf's suicide letter to her husband, Leonard)" by Hanif Abdurraqib
"I Can Tell You a Story" by Chuck Carlise
"The Sciences Sing a Lullabye" by Albert Goldbarth
"One Last Poem for Richard" by Sandra Cisneros
"We Lived Happily During the War" by Ilya Kaminsky
“I’m Explaining a Few Things”by Pablo Neruda
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" //"Nothing Gold Can Stay"//"Out, Out--" by Robert Frost
"Tablets: I // II // III"by Dunya Mikhail
"What Were They Like?" by Denise Levertov
"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden,
"The Patience of Ordinary Things" by Pat Schneider
“I, too” // "The Negro Speaks of Rivers” // "Harlem” // “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
“The Mower” // "The Trees" // "High Windows" by Philip Larkin
“The Leash” // “Love Poem with Apologies for My Appearance” // "Downhearted" by Ada Limón
“The Flea” by John Donne
"The Last Rose of Summer" by Thomas Moore
"Beauty" // "Please don't" // "How it Adds Up" by Tony Hoagland
“My Friend Yeshi” by Alice Walker
"De Humanis Corporis Fabrica"byJohn Burnside
“What Do Women Want?” // “For Desire” // "Stolen Moments" // "The Numbers" by Kim Addonizio
“Hummingbird” // "For Tess" by Raymond Carver
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin
“Bleecker Street, Summer” by Derek Walcott
“Dirge Without Music” // "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
“Digging” // “Mid-Term Break” // “The Rain Stick” // "Blackberry Picking" // "Twice Shy" by Seamus Heaney
“Dulce Et Decorum Est”by Wilfred Owen
“Notes from a Nonexistent Himalayan Expedition”by Wislawa Szymborska
"Hour" //"Medusa" byCarol Ann Duffy
“The More Loving One” // “Musée des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden
“Small Kindnesses” // "Feeding the Worms" by Danusha Laméris
"Down by the Salley Gardens” // “The Stolen Child” by W.B. Yeats
"The Thing Is" by Ellen Bass
"The Last Love Letter from an Entymologist" by Jared Singer
"[i like my body when it is with your]" by e.e. cummings
"Try to Praise the Mutilated World" by Adam Zagajewski
"The Cinnamon Peeler" by Michael Ondaatje
"Last Night I Dreamed I Made Myself" by Paige Lewis
"A Dream Within a Dream" // "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (highly recommend reading the last one out loud or listening to it recited)
"Ars Poetica?" // "Encounter" // "A Song on the End of the World"by Czeslaw Milosz
"Wandering Around an Albequerque Airport Terminal” // "Two Countries” // "Kindness” by Naoimi Shihab Nye
"Slow Dance” by Matthew Dickman
"The Archipelago of Kisses" // "The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel
"Mimesis" by Fady Joudah
"The Great Fires" // "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart" // "Failing and Flying" by Jack Gilbert
"The Mermaid" // "Virtuosi" by Lisel Mueller
"Macrophobia (Fear of Waiting)" by Jamaal May
"Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong" by Ocean Vuong
"Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou
I would also recommend spending some times with essays, interviews, or other non-fiction, creative or otherwise (especially by other poets) if you want to broaden and improve how you read poetry; they can help give you a wider idea of the landscape behind and beyond the actual poems themselves, or even just let you acquaint yourself with how particular writers see and describe things in the world around them. The following are some of my favourites:
Upstream: Essays by Mary Oliver
"Theory and Play of the Duende" by Federico García Lorca
"The White Bird" and "Some Notes on Song" by John Berger
In That Great River: A Notebook by Anna Kamienska
A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance by Hanif Abdurraqib
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
"Of Strangeness That Wakes Us" and "Still Dancing: An Interview with Ilya Kaminsky" by Ilya Kaminsky
"The Sentence is a Lonely Place" by Garielle Lutz
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon by Mark Doty
Paris, When It's Naked by Etel Adnan
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nadianova · 1 month
how i do my visual novel filtered photo backgrouds
ive had some questions about this so i figured i'd put together a quick post on my process and what goes into it.
this isnt really a tutorial and instead is just a ramble of how i do stuff with a ton of examples and pictures lol
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read more below. this is a long post and you probably want to be looking at these images on your computer instead of your phone
step one is that i find CC0 photos or otherwise easy licenses to use because I'm lazy and don't want to have a list of credits of random photographers caue i used one of their images but also i don't want to use stuff without crediting
because they have a general lincese that just wants you to mention the site i prefer unsplash or pixabay but there's other public domain type photo sites too obviously
so like okay heres a random picture
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i have a photoshop CS5 from 10 years ago. but these can be done with gimp or krita and whatever. theres even photopea that has photoshop in the browser
basic stuff is that i start by cropping my bg into my renpy resolution (i use 1920x1080) this is also the part where sometimes i might rotate a bg. it is a good way to add some chaos vibes to a scene
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i tend to add some mild blur effect since i find that having too sharp photos as backgrounds clashes with the artstyle of my sprites. like just a couple pixels worth of blur tends to do it
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the next part is called fuck around and find out
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i like to play with the values to just get random results. hue/saturation for tinting the picture, messing with the curves to get some really sharp effects, or channel mixer to add more of a color
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this part is just purely vibes based but i personally think reducing the colors of the background is the simplest way to create something that feels coherent. especially if you make backgrounds based on moods. like having a blue tinted bedroom vs a red tinted one really changes the atmosphere
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you can get some pretty intense effects but its always important to remember that its meant to be a background and there's a risk it distracts from the sprites
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in this case im not including the effect for the curves. after the colours look fine the final step i tend to have is apply some sort of effect.
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i really like changing the colour mode to indexed colour since i like crunchy pixels. (had to zoom in to 100% to show the actual effect) downside of indexed is that it doesn't look ideal unless its displayed in the exact resolution it was made in but i like it
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here is the images before indexed mode:
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after indexed mode(i think you have to click the image and open it in full to see the actual effect):
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another thing ive been playing with recently has been grain+chromatic aberration combo. it makes things feel surprisingly lively with just this simple thing so you'll probably see me overusing this effect in the future
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you have to mess with the numbers to get the effect you want but for me these were the parameters I've been using
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ignore the preview missing idk why it does that.
heres the image (the non indexed version) after these krita effects
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one random special mention i have is that playing with layer blend modes is great
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in this example i just copied the same background, mirrored it horizontally and set the layer blend mode to color and it lowered the layer opacity slightly. it just adds some.... idk what to call it visual noise? itj just fucks it up a bit. i used overlapping images and screen modes in some of the hopeless junction images i did for some pretty nice effects
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i dont really know waht the blend modes do i just scroll until something looks good lmao
theres a ton you can do with these. like for example just adding a single air brush dot of a bright color on a separate layer and setting it to some blend mode to add a tint to a background
i used these both in malmaid and in the second one i just brushed on some color on a separate layer to give it a moodier vibe
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i think having variations of the same background is an extremely easy way to add some life to the bgs without having to do new stuff. like here was the hotel lobby when entering, and here is the hotel lobby when they ran away from the place. i added a radial blur with photoshop
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i think theres some beaty in artifacts that come from low resolution images too. sometimes i intentionally use images that have clear compression artifacts cause i think it looks neat. i don't really worry about the details too much as the vibe is the most important thing
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its honestly just a matter of knowing these tools exist and just fidgeting around with combinations to find what you want. it also helps to look at other backgrounds or images in general that you come across and just be curious. how was this done? how could i recreate it? that's the type of experimenting that has led me to these.
idk thats all i have to say. ty for reading and play malmaid on steam like and subscribe for more gay puppies
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bbyquokka · 1 year
The nail painting writing for Jisung was sooo cute! I can also imagine straddling him while practicing an eyeshadow look on him and he cant stop leaning in for a kiss and taking his hands off you 🫠
make-up with an added extra touch.
warnings: gn reader, established relationship, implied mua reader, suggestive content, pet names words: 0.6k ~ (662)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
“i need a model.” jisung looks up at you, chopsticks half in, half out of his mouth. his cheeks filled with rice and meat as a grain happily sits on his upper lip.
“ok. if it's for clothing then i could phone up hyunjin or felix for you?”
“it's for make-up.” you giggle as jisung swallows his food.
“mhm. i have an idea for a look. i need to create a new look for work and i need to practise on someone.”
“why me?” jisung asks as he puts his chopsticks down. you lean down, swiping the single rice grain away from his lips. a soft blush appears on his cheeks as the tips of his ears turn red.
“because you're beautiful and pretty and adorable. plus you're my boyfriend and i love you so very very much.” jisung stutters, the pink tint being replaced with red. he shuffles in his seat, a soft pout on his lips.
“f-fine. but only because i love you ok!”
“thank you, ji!!” you squeal before grabbing his hand, dragging him up from his seat and to the bedroom. he laughs as you sit him down on the bed before grabbing your make-up.
“what colours are you thinking of baby?” jisung watches you fish around your make-up for various and vibrant colours along with some mascara and tools.
“well, my boss asked me for something vibrant. kind of like rave slash party make-up soo–” you suddenly straddle jisung's lap to which he raises his eyebrow at and smirks a little. “i was thinking some pinks, bit of purple. add in some coloured eyeliner and mascara.”
“sounds great baby.” you beam at him before applying the make-up to his eyelids. you pat primer on his eyelids before loading a brush up with some neon pink. dragging the brush across his lids, jisung places his hands on your sides, gently and slowly caressing your skin.
you shiver, goosebumps rising to the surface of your skin as his soft and warm fingertips dance on your skin. he lightly tickles up your sides before going back down repeating the process.
you let out an involuntary hum causing jisung to smirk and open his one eye that you're not working on.
“before you say anything, shut up.” you mumble. jisung laughs before leaning in and kissing your lips softly and unexpectedly. you kiss him back before moving on the other eye, repeating the same motion as the first.
jisung's hands travel down to your ass, his palms cupping your cheeks. you swallow thickly as he squeezes and plays with your cheeks.
“you're making me lose focus.” you mumble against jisung's lips. he lets out a simple hum as he pushes you closer to him. your chests bump together, lips moving together in a heated and slow kiss. you drop the brush on the bedsheets, arms wrapping around his neck and fingers tangling in his soft hair.
“you don't seem to mind.” he grunts as you gently bite down on his bottom lip. his hands trail from your ass, up and under your t-shirt to your chest. you let out a small gasp as he plays with your chest, fingers brushing and teasing you.
“fuck.” you breathly moan out, tugging at the strands of his hair. he groans softly before lowering you down on the sheets, his body towering above you.
his lips attack the skin of your neck, teeth gently nipping and sinking into the flesh. you comb your fingers through his hair slowly, hips bucking up to meet his as you loosely wrap your legs around his waist.
“i have to finish off the make-up.” you moan softly.
“that can wait. right now, i want you so badly yn.”
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note: anon, i love this and thank you for thinking that! i am in deep with my jisung thoughts rn. the comeback has made me even more delulu for him rn ngl. this thought is so cute!! tell me what you think and enjoy!
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @myprwttyhan ; @fairylouist ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @cixrosie ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer
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apurplenessie · 1 year
How would the 141 + Alejandro + Rodolfo + König React to a morning “helpout”?
MDNI! GN Reader!
! GN reader! Part 2 Alejandro & König. Sorry for taking  wayyy too long to write, work and school  is a bitch. (fellow IB’ers whats uppppp?) this one is a long boi (2.6k words ;) dont tell me i dont treat my fellow alejandro & könig enjoyers well)
keep in mind i've never written for these characters before ( also i'm not fluent in spanish nor german + english is my third language so yk read with a grain of salt). Requests are more than welcome! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT THO! I defiently want to write for Gaz soon but i gotta figure out his character better!
Contents: graphic descriptions of oral m!receiving. Lots of boners lmao. Yeah I know it can get repetitive but the prompt is limiting. 
You were on base with him. It had been a super slow day but you enjoyed it because your schedules matched up. Most of it had been spent in Alejandro's large office, you two sitting in silence while doing paperwork. You and Alejandro were usually loud but it's days like this that make you certain that you love him. Just peeking over your papers and getting eye contact. The smirk he gives back, the twinkle in his eyes, god it could keep you up for days. Just that image of him.. 
Of course after sitting down for hours you needed to move. He led you to the training area and you had a blast. Training was always more exciting with someone else but it was magical with a man like Alejandro. 
The way his arms flexed when he would lift the weights. The way his thigh muscles could be seen moving in the hip adduction machine. Of course he knew you were staring and he made sure you saw he added your exact weight to his hip thrusts… 
It was the subtle ways Alejandro could seduce you further. He was all talk with many others but these unspoken flirtations were his attempts at showing his attention was purely on you. And you had to admit it worked. 
He scoffed at you when you suggested with a wink that you’d shower together. “Lo siento amor, can't be caught fooling around like that on my own base” He grinned “Though i’ll make sure to grant you your wish next time we’re home, ok?” He winked and you separated to wash off the sweat. 
You didn't say where you’d meet up again. You didn't think much of it but after 2 hours of no Alejandro and waiting at his office you went looking for him. 
Not in the kitchen, not in the common room. He was with Rodolfo in the training area. ..Cute you thought to yourself as you watched them brawl. 
Like a lightbulb lighting over your head you got an idea. Finding a way more mischievous use for the water bottle you held in your hand. 
You snuck up to them, hiding amongst the training equipment. Alejandro had his back turned to you and rodolfo was solely focused on taking the taller man down. “Try to catch me hermano - bet you can’t” Alejandro teased. Rudolfos eyes as usual barked back a louder response than his mouth. His eyes darted over to you as you were nearing your boyfriend. He was a smart man who immediately refocused his eyes back into staring down Alejandro’s. Though now he sported a smirk. “What's with the sudden change in confidence, really think you can intimidate me amigo?” Alejandro spat in a mocking tone. Though shortly his breath hitched and he yelped. You poured your ice cold water all down his back. 
He turned around sulking, slightly shivering due to the drastic temperature change. He had barely started sweating again but his shirt was soaking wet and clung to his strong muscles. He let out a low whine “Por quééééé”  
Rudolfo snickered, now behind Alejandro “ Gracias, Y/n” he tossed his friend a towel, warm by the gym's temperature. 
“Stabbed in the back by my own amor de mi vida” Alejandro dramatically moaned, grabbing his chest in pretend physical pain. You scoffed and kissed him on the cheek. “Feel better now” you held his face in your hands. He pulled you in by your shirt collar and you could feel his forever warm chest up against yours. He went in a bit and licked from your collarbone to your ear lobe. Too distracted to hear Rudolfo silently backing out of the room to give you your privacy. “Maybe, but I'll get my payback sometime baby” He’d whisper before shoving you away playfully.  
After a long day together you ended up on the roof of the base. It was a secret spot that was reserved for just Alejandro - and now you. As unbelievable as it was to you, it was also kept secret from Rodolfo. 
You had taken two thermo containers of coffee / tea out with you. As well as some simple biscuits. But the aura still felt heavy coated in luxury when you looked up towards the sky, in the arms of the man you loved so much. You admired his relaxed face in the pale moonlight. Caught up in massaging his hand you didn't notice he had fallen asleep. Only when you heard the familiar sound of his light snoring, did you go to look at him again in his now slumbing state. He was normally cute, but in his current state he was adorable. 
You initially had no intention of waking him up but that changed when he transformed from a peaceful state to a groaning stirring mess. You were scared that he was having a nightmare and contemplated waking him up. 
That was before you looked down to see a bulge not present before - and heard what was suspiciously horny noise mewling out of his mouth. 
You flushed at the lewd noise. Wanting to help out but after all he seemed more than hesitant to do that stuff on his base. However, this was his secret spot… You slid a hand under the blankets covering you both. Snaking your hand down, pushing his shirt to the side and rubbing the base of his cock with probably a shockingly cold hand. He responded with a little puff of air and a thrust of his hips into your hand. 
His dick was warm and you laughed at using it as a hand warmer. His cock grew harder with each stroke and his eyebrows knitted themself into patterns on his forehead. He wore his focused expression but with closed eyes instead. 
You dragged his pants down, slightly cringing at the thought of his sensitive skin hitting the cool night air. Your solution? Taking as much of him into your mouth and rubbing his thighs trying to keep his warmth. 
Alejandro woke himself up with a guttural groan. He was quick to figure out the situation, he hadn't fallen into deep sleep. His chest rising and falling as he lifted a hand to brush your hair with his fingers. 
“Fuccck cariño, you look espléndido debajo de mí~” he’d be too needy, too cocky to stop himself from thrusting into your throat. Throwing his head back as he did so. 
He wouldn't care how he’d cum. Either cumming on your chest or deep in your throat, it didn't matter. He just wanted his mark on you. 
“Feel better now?” You’d joke and he chuckled, interrupted by distorted breathing. 
After he did catch up with his breath, though, he'd be on you like an animal, smirking in that magical way. 
“ I need you baby, so so bad” He’d hover over you, pulling you into a heavenly makeout session, so close to the stars. 
It had started the day before. You had no real way of knowing if König was just busy or if he was, like your gut was telling you, ignoring you. Some days it was just difficult figuring what was happening in that gorgeous covered head walking 2 meters above the ground. 
You didn't always know what was going on inside of his head but you'd give him space if he needed it.
Going to the common kitchen for a hot cup of coffee you saw him pour his own. Taking the time to admire your boyfriend as he was standing out like a sore thumb in the small tea kitchen.
Of course, he'd know you were staring. A soldier in his rank would be dead if he couldn't notice your ogling eyes. But he didn't say anything, just turned on his heel. You thought he’d sit at the small metal table, but no, he stormed out of the room, through the opposite door. Which was further away than the one you just came from, you noted to yourself.
Ok so he was mad. While watching the instant coffee melt, then foam up, you thought of what you could do. It wasn't easy to confront him like this. You two would be texting frequently when either of you was away, but right now you were both here and it felt obnoxious to text him when he was right there.
“Man problems, huh?” You heard the teasing tone of Soap coming up from behind you. 
“How do you know that?” You question him. Staring at him you knew that if HE knew - there was a good chance it ment bad news. 
“Sorry i notice the 2’ meter and hell man running away from his ‘little rodent’ or whatever he calls you' You snort, thinking fondly of the actual nickname your boyfriend called you during the softer moments together. Little mouse, you wanted to be his little mouse in his shirt pocket right about now. It bothered you deeply that he was acting this way, and soaps expression turned slightly less smirky when he saw your expression change. 
“Yeah i don't know he seems upset at me but i don't know why” you sighed. Soap gave you the best advice he had, which was useless anyways. His relationship dynamics not matching yours at all. 
König continued to not even look in your general direction for the rest of the day. You got tired of it and tried to call him before bed. He didn't pick up. You wrote him a message before throwing away your phone and going to sleep. “Hey what's up? Please talk to me König.” Your message was left to read. 
The alarm called its usual warcry at 6 am. You had gotten your hours but felt restless. The situation with König was affecting you more than you thought it would. Especially looking at your phone and seeing that König had not returned anything. He could be really upset if you did not respond to him reaching out. You couldn't blame him for his anxiety but at this moment it felt especially cold. Fuck this, you’d confront him. 
First thing in the morning you had a briefing and Soap was really enjoying this new aura on you. You stayed silent, frustration bubbling underneath your skin. You stood up and left with a loud bang of the chair you were sitting on falling. But you didn't care. You didn't care if Price would view it as a sign of disrespect. That was something you could deal with later, you left for later. 
This time, when you entered the tea kitchen, he was sitting there. Uncharacteristically all of his focus was on his phone. So focused in fact he didn't seem to notice your shadow slowly encompassing his sitting silhouette. 
“König, talk to me.” You commanded but choked on your words, biting the inside of your cheek in exasperation. Tears threatened to escape your eyes when you saw his hood flow in a sigh. He went to stand up but you put a strong hand on his shoulder and prevented him from doing so. He gave an impatient groan in response. 
“Please if i did something wrong at least let me know what” His icey eyes looked up into yours. The staredown that most likely lasted less than half a minute felt like an hour in a snowstorm. You saw the storm under his irises. “Not here” He mumbled, rolling his shoulder to push your hand off but indicated for you to follow when he left the room. 
He led you to his quarters. A route you had not taken in painfully long but knew by heart. The silence on the way there was new though. The only sound was cadettes yelling vaguely in the background, the constant hum of electronics and his heavy footsteps. 
He opened the door for you, the room hitting you with his comfortable smell. But you felt a stranger in the room, you. The way he now stood over you. Awkward position behind the now closed off door. The sound of his heavy footsteps had been replaced by your heartbeats. “So…” You wanted answers. 
He started pacing around the room. Periodically looking in your direction. You let him think. His shoulders dropped and he stood before you. “You.. if you want him more, then just go” He took your hands in his own, brushing his thumbs over your knuckles. 
You paused in partial confusion and disgust. Who was this other man? “König i have no idea what you are talking about” 
He puffed in impatience “Soap. I see the way you look at each other” the silence that followed felt like fire. As much as you wanted to respect the insecurity of your lover you lost it and started hysterically laughing. “SOAP? You can't be serious. I see that idiot as an annoying brother at best!” 
He gave another sigh in annoyance “Please take me seriously y/n. Don't toy with me like this” His eyebrows furrow visibly under the mask. 
“Entschuldigung mein König, didn't mean to make you insecure” You stepped closer. It was comforting to know that his behavior did not stem from him growing to dislike you but you still felt guilty for making him think you had a thing for another man. 
After talking it out with him you had both grown exhausted. He was sitting on his bed, head in his hands. You stood in front of him, taking his hands away and placing soft kisses on his temples. 
“Nap with me, bitte” His eyes blinked tired, the blue orbs staring up into your eyes expectantly. 
You laid together for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The familiar smell of him under his garments and gear. The way he held onto you, made it feel like you were two puzzle pieces joining together perfectly. 
You were the first one to wake up after a couple of sweet hours. You took the time to look at his sleeping face, seeing him so vulnerable, unlike what he shows to everyone else. 
When you shifted to get better access to his face you felt something else. You froze contemplating what to do in this situation, before getting an idea. I’ll show him I'm his, you thought to yourself, a smirk forming on your lips. 
You moved away under the duvet, cringing at the cold air hitting your body. Looking up at him you could see his peaceful expression had changed to one of slight discomfort at the exposure to cold air as well. 
Taking in the sight of this large man, in this large bed. You’d plant kisses starting from how far you could reach when still being straddled just below his hips. As soon as you’d put weight on his crotch he’d sit up, awake and alerted. He’d look puzzled, disheveled his short hair pointing in all different directions. “What,  what are you doing?” He’d question. 
“I'll show you it's only you who I want.” His eyes widened as you pushed him gently into a comfortable resting position again. 
Releasing him from his underwear, you’d hear him start groaning. “Gott I missed this” he’d whine, already too desperate for his own good. 
Starting to stroke his reddening cock, his large hands gripping the sheets. You only hummed as a response, spitting on it to lube it up. 
His breathing was irregular and deep. He was touch starved severely due to most of his life spent in the forces. 
His hands found the back of your head as you decided to take the tip into your mouth. He was impatient, so close already - and not in the mood to wait. He pushed you down, not paying attention to the small gags coming from you. “Gott~” He cursed with his head thrown back. 
He’d cum fast but hard. His body tensed. He’d cum down your throat no questions asked. Though he’d be a bit embarrassed by his behavior as he calmed down. 
He spent the hours following glued to you. Either in bed or around the base. Soap made an effort to disappear as soon as he could hear the familiar Austrian giants footsteps. 
212 notes · View notes
withlove-xixi · 21 days
★ bit different from what i normally do but this has been stuck on my mind for forever now ... anyway here's what i think the touden party members listen to <3 (plus most of these songs are songs i actually really like + ive added the spotify links to them if you want to check them out!)
laios would be very picky with what he listens to. i think he's more of a vibe guy than anything, the songs he likes doesn't necessarily have a pattern to them, as long as he likes their vibes, it's good in his books. though, i'd like to think he enjoys songs from different languages too. despite not understanding them, he finds them really interesting and would even look up the meaning to the lyrics (which i like to think leads to him just knowing random words in different languages lol)
some songs i think he'd like: o maliwanag na buwan by pilita corrales, crocodile rock by elton john, cien anos by pedro infante, that's amore by dean martin
marcille, while i think most people would think she'd listen to chappell roan and other similar artists (i dont entirely disagree), i think she prefers softer songs, ones with a more jazzy vibe or a more calming or mellow tune, since i like to think she's the type to listen to music while she works. scattered in her playlists are more "mainstream" music (i think she'd like hot-to-go by chappell roan to some degree and also maybe like one mitski song)
some songs i think she'd like: beneath the mask from persona 5, lovergirl by saturra, hearts and crosses by heavenly, pikebubbles by the cardigans
chilchuck would ... have a similar taste with my dad. there are definitely older songs he'd like, things that are more rock and roll and stuff, and a handful of ... questionable modern songs, specifically those catchy pop songs you'd hear from retail stores.
some songs i think he'd like: the killing moon by echo & the bunnymen, good old fashioned loverboy by queen, closer by chainsmokers (this one pains me to add to the list lol), everybody wants to rule the world by tears for fears
senshi listens to old songs too lol. i dont think he listens to music much and has a select few songs he really likes. (as the kids say) it's giving you're older relative's karaoke song list lol. for him, it's less of a vibe and more of what he's familiar with. i don't think she's really keen on certain genres but more or less, he leaves music playing and whatever comes on he listens to (then saves which ever new song he ends up liking)
some songs i think he'd like: enveloped ideas by the dawn, this kiss by faith hill, kiss from a rose by seal, you're beautiful by james blunt
izutsumi i think is also picky with what she listens to, and like laios, goes for the vibe rather than the song itself. i think she just likes the noise rather than the song itself, plus i think she likes those joke songs. idk she feels really messy to me and she just listens to whatever she likes (she doesn't like trying new songs)
some songs i think she'd like: put the money in the bag by yuno miles, take me out by franz ferdinand, cascade by siouxie and the banshees, five nights at freddy's by the living tombstone (take these suggestions w a grain of salt lol)
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jukey · 1 year
Blue Lock x Reader Headcanons
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Bllk boys cooking for you!!
(nagi, reo, hiori, ness, isagi, chigiri)
let me knoe if yall want part 2 gang and with who🚨🏈🔥🦅🇺🇲
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Nagi x Reader Headcanons
he suggested it at first, which was quite surprising knowing how lazy he is
said he wanted to do 'boyfriend things' for you (he doesn't even cook for himself)
he kept messing up in the kitchen, adding the wrong ingredients, setting the temperature too high
dont blame him, he always bought his own meals, this is new (he cant even tell spinach and mint apart)
you just knew it was going to taste horrible once he set your plate down
to your surprise, it actually tasted good, like really good
he didn't think much of it but felt fuzzy when you complimented him
better salvage the taste while you can 'cause this is the last time he'll be doing this
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Reo x Reader Headcanons
he warned texted you beforehand that he was cooking tonight
reo grew up with all kinds of people working at his mansion so there was no need for him to learn how to cook
once you've accidentally taken some wrong buses to avoid going home it was time to face him (and his creation)
a very happy reo welcomed you and lead you to the dining table
he was wearing one of your aprons and you could've sworn you saw some burned food remnants smudged on it
you smiled in pain wholeheartedly when he brought you your plate (it looked like 4 diseases mixed up)
that quickly changed when he insisted on feeding you
with no way to hide the food or run away, you gave up
first bite in you felt your tongue going through the 5 stages of grief
he was so happy when you told him it tasted amazing (it tasted like battery acid)
(i like to think he sent you this before you went home)
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Hiori x Reader Headcanons
he is such a sweetheart
he actually takes you out for dinner almost everyday
you suggested it to him first and he agreed (he got that 'everything to make you happy' mindset)
he saw it more like a challenge than doing something nice for you tho (its the actions that count shhh)
he just went with something simple so it wouldn't get too bad
he lied saying he put no effort into it, that its just something small he whipped up (he counted the amounts of salt grains he needed)
after that day he decided to test his cooking skills more often thanks to your words of praise
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Ness x Reader Headcanons
you dont even need to ask him, he already cooks for you evey single day
and if he's busy that day, he'll make food at ungodly hours and wakes you up to eat
he absolutely LOVES it when you eat his food and then waits patiently for you to say what you think of it
i feel like he gets a burst of excitement when you tell him you love it, this is why he prefers you eat his food instead of anyone elses
he tries finding excuses to make you plenty of food
one time you came home to him celebrating you for being yourself, the person whom he loves<3 (he made a whole feast for you)
he even wants to be the one to bake you your own birthday cake (watch out before its a kaiser themed one)
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Isagi x Reader Headcanons
he absolutely adores your cooking so this was quite a bit of a wasted opportunity thing for him
however, he seemed really focused while working on your food
he kept asking you for help and after a while you stopped and he just whined about how unfair that is
bro would ask for 3 hints like this is some kind of quiz
he was very nervous about bringing you your food (he almost wanted to trip on purpose)
the food wasnt that bad but missed a bit of flavour or something to strengthen the taste
ofcourse you didnt tell him that as the good person you are
was happy about you liking his food but wouldn't be open to trying this again
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Chigiri x Reader Headcanons
he loved this idea a lot, even wanted to ask you to participate as a competition but eventually decided to go against it
he wants to be able to cook for his partner at all times if needed
he used to chat with his mom a lot while she was busy cooking so he learned a few things from watching her
he took quite some time on presenting the food, made sure it looked very appealing
he would make cute animal faces on it<33
it was so hard for you to take a bite when the food looked so cute, he giggled at this
it tasted great, you didn't get to eat everything because chigiri stole his food back
greedy smh
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i want to be one of those justin bieber memes🤕
requests are open!!!
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cringefail-clown · 8 months
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ngl im not like, lineless art specialist, honestly i went lineless fairly recently (like lets say may 2023 when i started drawing art for homestuck), before that i was making art with lineart only, so take my process with a grain of salt lmfao but i hope it clears out some things!
lets dissect the recent dirkkri art ive made:
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i start out with sketch, as you usually do. depending on how im feeling or how complex the pose/background is, i make it more or less detailed. for more basic poses i might even stick to a simple gesture drawing and go straight into laying out the colors, it really varies a lot. it might even change in the further process, like how i moved dirks shades from his head to be sticking out slightly from behind his arm, clipped to his shirt, because i didnt like how busy the area around the faces looked
one advice i can give is to not spend too much time on the sketch. its job is to guide the laying out of flat colors and thats it! dont make it too fancy, dont get lost in the details - you can add those later on when youre doing the flats. its fine if the sketch is messy, youll fix it in later stages of the process!
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next i do the flat colors! i tackle it one thing at a time - for example with dirks head i started on separate layers with the general shape of his face, then added his facial features, then i drew the hair, then added his neck, the crown, and lastly his piercings. i then merged them all together - you dont need to leave it all separate, best way is to group things together and merge so you dont get lost with all the layers (like how kankris arm on the front is one layer including his sweater sleeve and his hand).
i highly recommend naming your layers - im a little on and off with it myself, but seriously it makes your life easier later on when you spot a mistake and have to shuffle through bazilion layers to find it lmfao, especially when your drawing includes multiple things that overlay on top of each other like in this example. dont be like me and take a second to name them asksks
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next to the rendering! i sometimes completely ditch this one, just leaving the flats as they are, but when i want a drawing to have more oomph i have some more steps to the process. its pretty simple - shadow, gradient map and highlight layer on clipping masks connected to the flats. in this one i used light gray for shadows (first layer to generally darken the drawing, second for defining shadows). same with highlights - one color.
the real star of the show is the gradient map, seriously, its a goddamn miracle worker. in krita you can add one by clicking on the plus sign to add a new layer and choose "add filter layer", then in the menu open the "map" category and here should be the option of adding gradient map. you can do it on your flats, but its destructive, and on a separate layer you can always change it if you dont like it later on. mess with the colors and tadah! it now looks fancy as shit and makes people think you know color theory!
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last but not least you can add some bleeding light on a separate layer that isnt clipped to the flats to give it more dreamy appearence! i also added an example of how my layers looked in a group at the end of the drawing process.
and thats it! hope it helps, and have fun drawing!
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kamil-a · 8 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
742 earthstained notes
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
53 earthstained notes
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
252 earthstained notes
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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feral--bog--witch · 5 months
Can I just say that society absolutely hates it when you reach a certain age as a woman and you're single? Or that you don't wear make up? Or that you don't shave?
And I dont mean in a overt way, we all know the overt ways. Im talking the subtle ways. The insideous ways that infect every bit of internet you touch.
I'm talking the fucking ads.
Like I'm in my thirties and I've stopped dating men. Like completely. I refuse. Same with make up, same with shaving. But the amount of fucking ads I get that either are dating app focused, make up focused, or shaving focused, is obscene.
I cannot go anywhere on this god forsaken hell plain without some ad being shoved in my face with 'Aren't you lonely? Here's a dating app!', 'Tired of looking tired? Here's a concealer!', 'Looking to tame the jungle? Here's a brand of razor!'.
This shit is so encoded into society that when you finally get to the point where you are unapologetically free from those fucking trappings, the damned ads are there to tell you off for going against society. Its everywhere. Its damn near inescapable.
Society hates women that go against the grain so much its encoded into ad matrixs. I routinely go through and delete preferences, cookies, caches, and data, use extensions to block data mining for ads but they STILL show me that shit.
I'm single and by god they are going to shove dating app ads down my throat because that's not okay.
I'm hairy and by god they are going to remind me that its gross and needs to be taken care of because 'hygiene'.
I've got a bare face and by god they are going to remind me that a female face can't ever be naked or seen bare because wrinkles and pores are ugly!
Its infuriating to see the level of pressure they put you under and I feel absolutely appalled by all the young girls who are forced into seeing that shit and being brainwashed into thinking that's the only way a woman can live.
18 notes · View notes
review for short n sweet (first listen)!!
1- taste
hello im excited for jenna ortega in the mv and the song i couldnt hear cause i was brushing my teeth all i got was youll have to taste me when hes kissing you (will listen again) ok here i am again. 5 feet to be exact!!!! i feel the beginning is similar to fortnight like the slow start to build up is there a formula to album starters or something. or maybe its a formula for normal songwriting idk. but i like it!
2- please x3
absolute bop obvi
3- good graces
i wont give a fuck about you!! the song is a bop but uhm it wont stick in my mind omg this review in its entirety is so bad idk what im listening to the first time round. kinda repetitive ngl
4- sharpest tool
ok this is good. phone face down!! (me always)
5- coincidence
kinda country vibe w the acoustic guitar!!! and the background singers!! (youve lost all common sense, the whispers r everything) the bridge ate
ok wtf an ad 🙄
7- bed chem
ok my claimed track!!! manifest!!!!!! oooohhhh ok yes the weird intonation thing will absolutely stick in my head at some point LOL where art thou?? did she say that. or am i crazy idk anything without lyrics.. is she saying romeo in the background i have no idea. BOP
8- espresso
thats that me espresso ☕️ also track 8 is lowkey surprising cause why is it not like track 3 is jt because its eight letters
9- dumb & poetic
slowish song! i think the slow songs are where her voice rly stands out. wait there was like no beat drop or whatever did i miss it no right what its ok
10- slim pickins
ooo another slowish somg! and guitar picking!! wait maybe a banjo actually. its giving eyes wide open vibes with grown up lyrics yk??? ok maybe ukulele too??? idk but strings are involved
11- juno
MY OTHER CLAIMED!! its so pop omg wait the beat is so fun. ooooo okok YES the ow! is yes!!! wait no i love this song shut up. its so like adorable but also idk because sabrina lyrics but ugh no the beat is cute. it reminds me of a song i heard in the car but idk what it is i think something by coldplay.. and like the fall in love part i feel like could be part of a kpop song?? yk??? i wonder why she chose juno and not hera is juno short?? no shes a god
12- lie to girls
this is a very sabrina style song like do you get me. ok the bridge is def gonna be so fun to sing!! i think im gonna have a hard time memorising the lyrics cause it repeats a lot of the same ohrases tho 😭 i like the outro ok maybe im just a sucker for guitar
13- dont smile
last track!!! ok synth. dr seuss but opposite LOL wait is it dr seuss quote i forgot like dont cry cause its over smile because it happened..??? OK BUT WHY IS THIS TJE LAST TRACK DOES SHE WANT ME TO CRY if u dont wanna cry to my music dont make me hate u prolifically ig
anyways last remarks from me. juno is my fave. espresso and please x3 are still bops and i also like slim pickins but bed chem may be inappropriate to sing in front of my parents i wont lie.. i liked sharpest tool tooand coincidence
ok yk what the ones that didnt hit for me this first listen are good graces, dumb & poetic, and dont smile
thanks bye let me know ur thoughts 😚😚😚💛💛💛💛
i hav to listen again to rly feel it so uhm take this review w a grain of salt because it will not be accurate to how i feel after a few lessons ok!!!!
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shartingan · 3 months
apologies if this is kinda out of left field but what is your current opinion on ao3? me personally i do like to read and write fic on it due to the tagging system and other aspects but the amount of whack shit makes me uncomfortable and I do wish you could report harmful content easily (I think you can now but it's a bit of a process)
sorry this took so long to answer! i had to finish graduating college 😔 i tend not to think about ao3 too much or too in depth, and i don't really get involved in the discourse on this site about it. please take everything i say with a grain of salt because im uninformed and not really looking to involve myself more in this discourse! but i will gladly answer this ask with the information i do have because i think youre starting an interesting conversation and i like to talk ( •̀ .̫ •́ )✧! feel free to hmu i dms, anon.
under read more because i started to ramble a bit. tldr please stop donating to ao3 and donate to one of these vetted palestinian fundraisers instead, especially for eid
personally i agree with all that youve said about ao3 in your ask already. i wont get on a soapbox and moralize about fanfiction and stuff like that because, again, i really dont care, but also i think it is really neat to have these spaces where people can safely interact with IPs in a transformative way and share their works with others without the threat of legal action. that's not ao3s doing, but it does provide a hub for people to publish without ever running into the treat of legal action. and, like you said, the tagging system makes it really easy to sort through fics and find what you like vs. dislike.
my main problems with ao3 come from its mismanagement, and the fact that it really has no competitors. ive been on ao3 since 2015, and i think the only significant change i can remember in the 9 years ive used it was the fact that they added the ability to filter out tags along with filtering in some. that's literally it. there could definitely have been some significant behind the scenes additions im unaware of, but from a users point of view, there has only been 1 update in 9 years that has majorly impacted the way i use the site. that seems like extreme mismanagement to me, especially since ao3 manages to meet and then significantly past all of their donation goals that they run pretty frequently. it seems like ao3 is making a lot of money which isn't being put into improving the site in any significant way. ao3 has been a site since 2008, its making a lot of money, and has a huge base of donors and volunteers, but it's still in beta? that seems like major mismanagement to me. again, this is just me speaking as a layperson not involved in the site itself.
also, it's pretty much become the only site that you can read fanfic on. there are sparse communities on tumblr, ff.net, and wattpad, but they're definitely a lot smaller and spread out. ao3 is the biggest and most centralized place for posting and reading fanfiction on the internet, meaning it virtually has no competition, and there's no alternatives that offer the same scale or quality. despite all that, it has almost no internal user moderation, and ao3 has actively been resistant to implementing those kinds of changes. that has resulted primarily in users of color getting targeted and attacked by racists. harassment is easy on ao3, and people can easily abuse the tagging system to do whatever they like. there's not even a perma-block tag feature, which is the first thing i would've implemented with the filter out feature. like you said, anon, if they're even implementing these changes, they're implementing them slowly, and behind a convoluted multi-step process. there's still little to no internal moderation or blocking system, which is just incredibly irresponsible.
ao3 almost has a monopoly on fanfiction on the internet, which means that it can kind of just do whatever, and no matter the gripes it knows people will keep coming back if they want fanfic because there's no alternative. and people keep chucking money at it because, again, its a hub for people to post and read fanfic without ever running into the threat of legal action because the website provides a safe, transformative works shield for authors. it's just insane how mismanaged the site is, but people keep giving it money despite that, so there's no real incentive for OTW to change anything or put in any effort. HOW IS IT STILL IN BETA. ITS BEEN 16 YEARS AND THEY'VE MADE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. MINECRAFT CLASSIC WAS LAUNCHED IN 2009 AND THEY MOVED THROUGH BETA TO ALPHA TO A FULL LAUNCH AND THEN HUNDREDS OF UPDATES IN THE SAME TIME FRAME AND WITH A SMALLER TEAM AND FUNDS, INITIALLY😭😭😭 that's just insane to me, there's definitely something weird behind the scenes, how can they be this bad at site management, it's gotta be deliberate or something.
anyway, please stop donating to ao3 and donate to one of these vetted palestinian fundraisers instead, especially for eid
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mycochaotix · 11 months
hi mycopal :) I'm enjoying your blog and admiring your set up, seems very hightech. I'm also reading about cultivating a local (Australian) psilocybin variety we often find in pine forests. Could you point me in the right direction for more info to get started with a simple at home set up for beginners? thanks again for your good work :)
Hello there mycopal! Thanks for reaching out! I appreciate your kind words :) I’m super proud of my lab area! It has taken two years to put together by saving 25-50 a paycheck lol!! Humorously my roommate doesn’t like that i commandeered a whole room … haha, but here we are ;) What mushy are you looking to cultivate? Pscilocybe Tampensis or P. subtropicalis maybe? :)
note: my opinions and advice are based on my own experience and studious research :) there are MANY ways to skin things with… skin… lol; as such, my way should work for most but may not and there are many other mycoeducators with varied approaches that offer great insight in their own right :) I have a few vids on youtube (still new to content creating there and working on adding more) if you wanna see more of what I do as I outline it below! At the end of this long winded MCX response I will provide supportive resources for your consideration in order they are addressed in this response.
🍄Tip: get some nasalpharyngeal swabs so you can actively swab and store mushroom genetics you find in the wild for later reararch ;)
Pretext: I live in a (technically) tropical area so what i do with my research areas may be different than you! I am not sure how much of what im about to detail has been considered by you… but if youve considered it then disregard :) i like to break things down like you’re new new new incase theres any detail to miss.
Introductory Answering your Q: Basically you have to consider a handful of generalized steps for cultivating any fungus; and find TEKs (ie: guides by other mycopal’s that have yielded them success) and make your own tek— I always say that the mycojourney is coming up with your own tek, cobbled together from current teks that speak to you and also are appropriate for your resource availability :) after you get through my response you’ll have homework of studying resources but also: finding TEKs for your specific strain you want to work with :)
My preferred supplies-
Genetics: Dont know about the laws and availability where you live, but formal vendors (like innoculatetheworld ; sporeworks) and informal mycoeducators (who sometimes vendor spores) like PGT and Boomershroomer; are the only spore sources I trust (outside of my own stock;).
Boomershroomer makes quality inflatable monotubs and if you order one of her tubs she sends genetics with it! A little ‘secret’ ;) to be aware of!
PGT has a shop online thats only open sometimes but has a cool collectible trading card system for his genetics (buy the card get the microscopy supply with the card).
ITW and SW are generally up 24/7 and are more formal vendors that also sell microscopy stuff.
I currently use and recommend using 6qt shoebox totes for grow container (the kind that you buy in 5-10 packs from Walmart that have gusseted lids that allow some air flow for ‘sneakers’ to be stored hehe). Note that you can use 12/24/48/72qt etc, but I have no experience with those and they require larger set ups with fans, humidifiers, etc. i prefer less is more :)
I always promote a company called Microppose :) they do amazing filters and just started their own monotub production I think :) my fave substrate is CocoBliss coconut coir pith, and I use lab grade nutritional additives like: gypsum, lime, malt extract, and yeast off amazon in various stages of my process. For grain bags, before I made my own, I only trust: spawnmagic.com ; for my grains I use Producers Pride: Whole Oats (like what is given to horses) from the feedstore :) a 50lb bag has lasted me two years, no lie. I dont use bags, but jars for grain: i use brand: Ball, glass mason jars for spawn containers prior to moving spawn into a tub with substrate. I use Aozita wide mouth masonjar plastic lids (off Amazon) for my jars as they can be modified with filters and then pressure cooked safely and come with rubber seals :)
Now to go into detail to answer your question:
Here we go-deep breath-: lets talk cultivation and research starting:
1. Genetics: (a) multi spore syringe (mss) (can be injected into a grow bag but isnt ideal and may not produce viable strains) (recomended to use mss on agar to isolate your own colonies), (b) spore print/swab (requires agar) or (c) liquid culture (LC) isolate syringe (best option for immediate injection-inoculation of grain containers/bags with best chance for healthy growth and fruiting without time and hassle of the steps I outline further :)
1a. If you are able to work with agar (either make your own or buy premade sterilized, one time use agar plates): then you will start your journey by MSS->Agar->Isolate separate germinating colonies off mss agar plate to new plates (those become your mother isolate plates for each specific strain isolate for whatever strain youre working with). The mother plate should become your cold storage, reference plate as you study growth and fruiting characteristics of the colonies you isolate :) at that pont: You can then use some excised pieces of the mother plate (if in a rush, or if able to wait, till gen1 plates (transfers from mother plate to new plates that become duplicate isolates of the mother plate)) to inoculate a jar or two and also inoculate other plates to continue to ‘run the mycelium out’ / ‘chase the mycelium’.
1b. If you are not able to do agar work then I strongly suggest you seek genetics that are LC syringe. Basically, LC syringes are when mycopal takes a 2nd gen+ plate and moves some of that mycelium to sterile sugar water and lets the mycelium grow out in that water till its all filled with reproduced mycelium and can be sucked up into syringes for better more assured propagation of genetics ;)
Side thought: Spore swabs and spore syringed are dice rolls :) [Spore germination discussion incl quote from TMC- https://at.tumblr.com/mycochaos/uscrybal-commented-on-a-comment-i-made-quoting/pjzr0c86nlyt]
2. Grain spawn: once you have genetics hammered out, next is grain spawn. Grain spawn can be … well, any grain. Really. Mushrooms can colonize and fruit off of wet cardbord… 💯🍄😂, so what “type” of spawn is more about whats available in your area imo. Youll need to sterilize any grain spawn, unless using a premade bag thats already sterilized or taking chances with uncle bens (or similar) rice baggies that arent sterilized but are arguably cleaner than grains scooped out of a bags of grains from a mill or feedstore.
2a. Grain bags: milo, millet, rye berries, corn kernals, rice, whole oats, really any grain or berry that has a husk can be used :) some species prefer specific grains most work on all kinds of grains with varying levels of efficiency. Some grains are more or less robust and some do better when moistened and or pressure cooked than others :) i make my own grain but exclusively use glass mason quart jars :)
2b. Grain jars: my preference. I have recent grai. Jar prep and creation reels/shorts on my instagram and some on this tumblr if you wanna see specifics :) generally I do 15psi, 10 minute venting, for 1.5 hours for my grain and I do not soak grains, only low boil them for 30 min to soften husks and extract some grain nutrients to then use that liquid ‘grain soak’ run off for agar nutrients :)
2c. Uncle Bens rice bags: i dont do this and dont have any good advice on it. I have a UB tek link or two at end for consideration and there is a whole reddit mushroom sub i think r/unclebens (?) for this
2d. All in one bags: i also do not use these and do not recommend them generally. If you have never had a flush and are literally first timing it, then all in one may work fine :) but as much of the process you can source or create yourself the cheaper and often better, imo!
3. Substrate & Spawn-to-bulk (S2B): many mycopals have their own substrate preferences, but for me I prefer shaved coconut coir pith. I generally do a coir block 650g, 500g vermiculite (from garden store), and 50g gypsum + 50g lime for my substrate. I do not sterilize it, but I do heat pasteurize my substrate for at least 12 hours. In an air tight, insulated cooler (like for sodas at a party). You can also cold pasteurize. I like how Boomershroomer and PGT do their sub and learned from them then tweaked it for my own preferences :)
When my jars are fully colonized and observably free from contam, I will S2B using a clean butter knife :) I kinda cut down into the grain in pizza slices then swirl the knife around as I let grains that spill out mix with my substrate and basically do 1qt spawn to 2qt of substrate, saving maybe 10-15% of the spawn and substrate till end to make a special psuedo casing layer once bulk of spawn and substrate are mixed and compacted. Then I do a last sprinkling of the remaining grain like a baby lasgana and cover that with substrate.
Casing layer explainer: A casing layer is a layer of material applied on top of the colonized substrate in mushroom cultivation. It can help improve yield, reduce certain types of surface contaminants, and maintain humidity around the fruiting bodies. In my experience, using an organic sphagnum peat moss mixed with lime powder and filtered water has produced successful tubs without the need for pasteurization or sterilization. Before I used that i just used left over substrate as a casing layer :) — While some species require a specific type of casing layer after substrate colonization, most do not require one. However, adding a casing layer can be beneficial for improving yield and humidity control.
There are different ways to apply a casing layer. Some people apply it as part of the spawn to bulk (S2B) process, while others apply it only after the substrate surface is fully colonized or slightly before pinning. Personally, I have used a casing layer when colonizing pasteurized wheat/rye straw to provide an even fruiting surface for mycelium. I have also experimented with an organic peat and lime dust casing layer (no pasteurization or sterilization), which has helped retain humidity and has not resulted in any contamination. Personally, I've worked some APEs in that past that had a casing layer applied in the same instance as the S2B occuring, essentially the compacted bits colonized faster than the looser casing layer. Where I always use casing layer, is if I use spawn to colonize pasteurized wheat/rye straw, if only to provide an even fruiting surface for the mycelium! But, even then... most cubensis can fruit solely on pasteurized straw, with no casing layer!
4. Colonization and Fruiting:
4a. Youll need to find a TEK based on whatever substrate container you settle on using :) what ive outlined so far is my own tek, using 6qt shoe boxes and the materials ive outlined above. The substrate chamber/container can be a flat container/tote or could be fruited out the top of a grain bag/all-in-one bag OR could fruit off the side of a bag (if its a species like Oyster mushies that prefer side fruiting). I personally use unmodified tubs and will leave lid on my tubs while colonizing and then take lid off and replace with cleaned, upside down, misted 6qt tub that rests on the edges of the right-side-up tub to create a mini climate that allows more passive air flow, allows light to filter in from high angles promoting fruits growing upwards towards the light. Light isnt needed until pinning, and is a secondary trigger to pinning but a primary factor in pigmentation of fruits and growth direction of fruits.
Colonization of most mushroom fruiting fungi is generally between 68-80F, every species and even some varieties within those species, may have specific temp needs. The way mycopals control for this is many things that I dont have to use fortunately :) ‘Martha Tents’ are something to consider. Some use heating pads and humidifiers depending on where they live and where they are compared to the sea💯. I dont have any experience with martha tents or doing more than using my home A/C, a closet, and a heppa room filter to control my temps in the closet and with lots of trial and error…. I now leave my home at 72F, my closet warms to about 74 with the door shut and a/c at that temp, so i let plates, jars and tubs colonize at 74F and then I will move the tubs to open closet with more air flow and is closer to 72F when I am moving to fruiting :) Ive tried to be clever in how I use my space… so i use wire racks and know higher up on the rack is hotter and less air flow whereas lower is cooler and often more air flow.
Something I havent really gone into yet in this response is about sterility, aseptic environments, personal and environmental hygiene. All important to condsider…
4a. Heres my explainer on that:
Strict aespetic and hygiene techniques are not 100% and even using fancy laminar flow is not 100% contamination free potentials! Common contaminant sources include airborne spores, dust, and environmental factors. Pets that roam around your cultivation area could carry spores on their fur or paws, which may be released when they move through your space. Additionally, some fungal contaminants, like Kahms yeast, can present in distinctive ways and there are dimorphic fungal molds that have one or more alternate morphologies, main dimorphism being mold with a secondary yeast form (whence the mold spores get into human lungs, for example with blastomycosis perhaps) as an alternative reproductive presentation within its life cycle (based on temperature and environmental variables). It's essential to understand that spores and other contaminant-genetic cells are incredibly tiny and (in the case of most spores) can suspend in the air, waiting for air currents, light, or vibrations to move them around. Wet spores and bacterial cells oftentimes require animal assistance or liquid splashing/spritzing/spraying to move around, but can often hitch rides of natural environmental variabes (currents of wind, water, dirt, etc). Humans also carry a range of bacteria and fungal organisms on their skin, which can contribute to localized environmental dust and potential contamination when working in hyper sterile or attempted hygienic environments while researching fungi :)
4b: Primordia, Pins and Fruiting: Pinning is a colony activity (that impacts all sides of your cake once colonized) that shifts metabolic processes of the mycelia to pinning and fruiting, this is why when you start getting heavy side pins you rarely get any flat-surface pins and fruits (all the energy goes into what pins form and fruit, first). Additionally, I believe my suggestions will be effective in controlling for environmental triggers to pinning, it is important to note that side pinning can also occur due to other factors such as genetics or substrate composition.
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You can reduce the microclimate from being created that promotes side pins, during the process, by ensuring that the substrate is firmly compressed, once S2B occurs, and then sprinkled with a .25" casing layer of the same substrate material (or peat+lime casing). I press my base spawn+cvg mix firmly, and ensuring that the surface is even with least amount of inconsistently level substrate surface. This early compression, keeps the cake against the wall for as longer than doing little to no compression of your spawn+sub. You should ensure your colonizing mycelium isnt exposed to the same lighting you would for fruiting, but light is only a secondary trigger to pinning, FAE+Temp Drop+Humidity pooling/then drying are the primary triggers for pinning once colonization has completed.
5. Harvesting and Dehydrating: i twist and pull my fruits, some will cut at base, some will float their cake with water and then cut or twist and pull at that poimt :) harvesting is preferential imo. I dehydrate fruits 125F for 24 hours in Air Fryer o. Dehydrate mode :)
Resources and foundational TEKs:
Genetics: innoculatetheworld.com, sporeworks,com, boomershroomer.com, pgtmycology,com
Casing layer post w/screencaps: https://www.tumblr.com/mycochaotix/723941213220339712/mycochaos-oldacnt-plzfollownew-one-of-my
Growing gourmet (book): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-CsyZenWzF8kHLviXM8pencZ4FAHDedh/view?usp=drivesdk
PF tek - Check this site out, gives a great layout of "PF TEK" and also BRF cakes as part of that TEK - https://www.fungifun.org/pmwiki.php/English/Pftek
HOw to make easy (cvg) bulk substrate (boomer shroomer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6YHfaMyQ8&t=3s
how to make plates, slants, and LC - north spore - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4bzQQkh71Q&t=487s
pgt LC basics - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqwjUq31KgU&t=284s
Southwest mushrooms - mycelium grain spawn and LC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxlJJpu3O_g
How to sterilize equipment such as petri dishes - MIcrobehunter microscopy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVtEBtxkhGk
mycelium inoculation in the lab - southwest mushrooms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng_Wq9PnEVI&t=560s
Mushroom Cultivation, how it should and shouldnt look: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/17231150
Recognizing and dealing with contamination: https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/23130868
Sterilization vs Pasturization - http://www.differencebetween.net/science/difference-between-sterilization-and-pasteurization/
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1IL2dBLQ8
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bam3tF_a7M
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiIUGGKjuwU
Mushrooms, Molds and Mycorrhizae: A Fungal Immersion Course Part 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLfwruf2xVA
Guide to Oysters, Gourmet, Freshcap - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZAjz6bZjpg
Cooking Oyster mushrooms, TGS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qb2KF6kvhA
5 gallon bucket tek - oyster mushrooms - gourmet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45b2t7fqhjA&t=60s
Mycophilia YT 'All About Aborts' discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C8x_32Saxg
Bacterial colony morphology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JZAFUPckUg
Mycelium morphology : how to select healthy mycelium when breeding mushrooms -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leUpfsonVxc&t=1s
mycotrophic - agar xfers/sectoring off healthiest growth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMxGwkj9Wn4
DayTrippers Microscopy library of contam and healthy mycelium examples: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/nnquol/microscopy_of_healthy_mycelium_and_contamination/
PH trich conversation pt 2 DT: https://www.reddit.ccom/r/ContamFam/comments/jldtuw/my_garden_of_contam_free_grow_it_is_all_about_the/
DayTrippers Trip Tips - apply PH casing layer to prevent trich: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/m3unbr/daytrippers_trip_tips_video_tutorial_on_how_to/
Trich contamfam library: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/115gyj2/trichoderma_the_green_monster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
If FAE is a problem: not pinning, getting Cobweb, Stroma Overlay! “READ THIS”: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/jur5ar/daytrippers_trip_tip_why_cant_i_get_this_if_fae/
DayTripper’s Trip Tips: Two cultivation tricks to solve common problems of insufficient Fresh Air Exchange and Overlay growth in monotubs: https://www.reddit.com/r/ContamFam/comments/10w1yxm/daytrippers_trip_tips_two_cultivation_tricks_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
13 notes · View notes
thomase1 · 2 years
So, hello there.
I saw @mischief2sarawr 's post and felt the need to write a little something.
As somebody whose birthdays always end up a catastrophe, I felt this personally. So I whipped up this little drabble. My first ever story published here hehe. English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammatical errors or weird phrasing.
Oh and @lokisgoodgirl I stole your sas tag list I hope you dont mind. 😁
Reader × Loki
Warnings: everything that can go wrong goes wrong, Loki thirst, smut, restraints (not on you), maybe size kink, a grain of angst if you squint.
You will have to take it as surprise so I dont spoil everything, but I think the sas wont mind.
I hope.
Ok, I did get carried away a little it seems, word count ~3,500
[AN: If you got notified again, sorry, I edited it since the errors really bothered me and also changed a few things. :)) ♡]
So here goes nothing:
It was your birthday.
And it is terrible.
Nobody from the team even wished you a happy birthday.
They all forgot it seems like.
And to top it off, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
It started with small but annoying things, like the coffee machine needing new water, fair enough.
Then new beans, alright.
Then a cleaning, fucking hell.
And then you noticed that you are out of milk.
Just your whole breakfast was already ruined, moldy bread, rock solid butter,... it just kept going.
After that, you went back to your room, opening the package with clothes and other small things you ordered for yourself.
The shirt was a different color, the hoodie was itchy instead of soft, the leggings were far too small and the jeans ripped open, a cool breeze confirming. Your ass open for anybody to see.
You just clumped it all up and threw it in the last corner of your room, trying to forget about it.
And it just kept going after that, small accidents like spilling your juice, burning your food and stubbing your little toe.
It was the worst day you have ever had and the worst of it all?
Its not even a small birthday, its your 30th.
So for the others to not remember that, after year and years of beeing a part of the team, to say it stung would be a giant understatement.
So you decided to just go back to your room and sleep, maybe the universe had a little mercy on you and would let you sleep peacefully.
On your way back, your nerves and frustration finally took over, tears brimming in your eyes. You felt them spill, running down your cheek as you reached your door.
Opening it, you felt you are not alone, its just part of your instincts to sense other presences around.
Then you smell it, a familiar smell, a smell you loved.
Frest like snow.
Smoky like a campfire and...
Oh how you love this smell.
It makes you weak in the knees, the fact that you had been crushing over him for a long time only adding to it.
You two always flirted, you are good friends but never more. Much to your dissapointment.
But what the hell is he doing here?
You were facing your living area, a soft cough ripping you from your thoughts. You turn around and find...
Loki, sitting cross legged on your coffee table, his arms tied to his torso by some beautiful golden chains. (An: lets forget about the ones at his feet since they dont look like they do much anyway.)
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"Darling, why are you crying?", Loki speaks, takeing you from your thoughts once again.
You hear the chains creak against his leather, leaning forward as if trying to reach you. You forgot about the wet streaks coating your cheeks, how embarrassing.
"What is this? Did somebody do this to you?", you ask him, dodging his question.
"I meant to surprise you.", his eyes sparkle with mischief.
"Well you're the first to even talk to me today. But why the chains? You could have just visited.", you ask, oblivious.
"Are you trying to tell me nobody wished you a happy birthday?", he asks with furrowed brows.
"Yes. Now whats with the chains Lokes?"
He huffs, not sure if its frustration or amusement.
His mouth agape looking at you, "So thats why...", he trails off, shifting his gaze to the side,
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"Y/N, I am your surprise."
You knit your brows, the little wheels in your head turning at overdrive.
"What do you mean? What am I surpossed to-", and then it hits you.
HE is your surprise, all wrapped up for you.
"Have you figured it out now? I am at your mercy, do with me as you please.", he looks down at his feet, but you can hear his smirk.
This day suddenly got a whole lot better. You finally wipe your face and walk towards him.
"At my mercy, huh?", you smirk, delicious ideas flooding your mind.
You have wanted him for so long. Never would you have thought of him as a sub to you, but you certenly are not complaining.
But what to do out of all the things on your mind?
Slowly, you dragged your finger along the chains, following the edges of them. You slid your finger to his leather armour, feeling his chiselled chest underneath.
Loki kept his head down, but his breath became almost shaky, he is enjoying this as much as you.
You took your fingers and ghosted them up his neck, his breath cathiching in his throat. Then you trailed them along his jaw, oh how you love his jaw. You fantasize about it a lot, how it you feel buried between your thighs.
With a smirk you take his chin between your thumb and pointer finger. His tiny stubbles prickling your fingers, pushing it up so his eyes meet yours.
His gorgeous eyes capturing you once again. Those shades of green and aquamarin... so unique, never have you seen anything like them. No crystal or diamond could compare.
"So, what should I do with you, prince Loki?", you asked, hearing him take a deeper breath.
The use of his title aways thrills him, it isnt usual for anybody here to use it.
He whines as you take away your fingers, his gaze glued to you. Makeing a circle around him, you notice the pointy chain digging into his back at one spot, so you twist it a little feeling him relax slightly.
"Thank you.", he breathes.
You smile behind him and run your fingers though his hair. So soft, it feels so good to run his wavy locks through your fingers. You lightly scratch at his scalp, his head leaning to your touch.
If he were a cat, he'd be purring.
With your other hand, you go down his spine, all the way from his neck to his ass. His gorgeous, royal ass you just want to bite into like a juicy apple. The thought makes you squeeze his cheek, a sharp intake of air coming from your gift.
Your fingers keep wandering, around his waist to his stomach. You can feel his abs through the thick fabric, straining against it. You take your hand away from his luscious mane, another whine of his makeing you smirk deviously.
Sinking to your knees, you press your front to his back, laying a hand each on his knees.
His breathing quickens rapidly.
Ever so slowly you go up his thighs.
Oh how you wanna ride his thighs, use him like a toy.
You stop to squeeze the inside of his thigh, a tiny sound that can only be described as a moan sounding in your ears. Its so addictive, you instantly crave more.
Torturously slow, you make your way up his flesh. You can feel him shiver against your back as you stay only inches from where he wants you. Where you want to touch but enjoying to tantalize him far too much.
So you make your way back to his knees.
You keep them there for a while, takeing in a whiff of his hair since its right in front of you.
Who wouldnt? It smells divine, you cant even describe it.
It somehow masculine, yet feminine. A little fruity and yet spicy, but overall just natural.
As you keep smelling his hair you, more or less consciously, your hand travels up again, this time even closer to his jewels.
Again, its stays there.
"Please-", Loki whines, trying to shift towards your hands.
Devilishly, you take them away and stand up, takeing all touch from him. Never would you have dreamed about it, but Loki wiggels in his restraints and lets out a keeing, a begging sound.
You circle him, your core throbbing from neglect.
Standing im front of him, "What do you want? Miss my touch?".
He whines, "Yes, please... touch me.".
You snicker, "I will be honest, I really enjoy you like this. Whining for my touch.".
Lowering yourself, you straddle his spread legs, Loki getting cought by surprise as you hurriedly grab his ckeeks and kiss him.
He tastes sweet, his lips are soft and warm. I bet they would feel good against my ear, moaning as he fucks me from behind.
He needs a second to kiss you back, but when he does, its with the same level of enthusiasm. It doesnt take long for it to get heated, your tongues fighting for dominance in a desperate dance.
One of your hands makes contact with his clothed cock, his jaw going slack when you run your hand up and down. You break the kiss to look at him. Jaw hanging open, pupils blown wide in ecstasy and breath coming in ragged.
"Do you like that my prince?", you ask, kissing the shell of his ear.
"Y-yes- gods please-", he groans, bucking his hips toward you.
"Get rid of your pants.", you whisper in his ear and in a flash of seiðr, their gone.
Your palm makes instant contact with his length, the god hissing out in arousal. You may be strong willed, but you cant help look down.
The sight makeing your, already wet, pussy flood your panties.
His cock certenly is of godly standard, your hand looks tiny around him. His head is an angry red and precum is leaking from his slit. The sight spurs you on to hardern your grip and gradually stroke him up and down.
A moan leaves his lips, his head sinking to your shoulder, inviting you to run your free hand through his hair again.
"Somebody is excited huh? How long have you been like this?", you whisper against his hair, movement steady on him.
"I-its been a w- aaah while.", he moans.
You let your hand go over his cock, his words makeing you even hornier. He lets out a groan which he muffles on your shoulder.
"Was it before I was even here?"
He shivers, "Y-yes.. oh gods- Ive been wai- uuuh waiting for y-you.", you hardened your grip, you thumb pressing down on the vein on the underside of his girth.
"Poor thing.", you mock, feeling him tremble.
Slowly, you stood up, hearing Loki cry out, "No! Pl-please dont stop- dont leave me like this, please!".
That honestly made your heart ache for a second, you know he has a massive fear of abandonment, so it probably wasnt entirely sexual.
"That wasnt my plan, this was.", you say softly, takeing off your shirt.
He looks at you stunned, groaning as he lets his eyes wander over your cleavage.
You drop it on the floor, moving to take off your pants, "I would never leave you. Especially not like that.".
You lets them pool on the floor, looking at him to watch his reaction. He adjusts his posture, cock standing painfully tall.
You hook two fingers under the waistband of your slip, "I want to savour my delicious gift. I would be insane to walk away from you.", you slide them down, letting them drop between your feet.
You see his jaw clench, eyes savouring every inch of you.
Gracefully, you walk towards him, wasteing no time to straddle him again, letting his cock rest against your dripping heat. He throws his head back with a groan from the contact.
Your breath quickens too, it feels heavenly to finally feel him. You rocket your hips against him, your clit gliding up and down. His veins in contact with your sensitive bud makes you moan, head falling forwards to rest on his chest.
The chains poke against your forehead, so you tell him, "Remove them, all of it. I want to feel you.".
He obligates and vanishes his top and the chains, feeling his bare torso against you.
"Please-", he pants, feeling him buck his hips.
You have no objection to that, so you lift your hips and line him up. Slowly you sink down, feeling him stretch you like you have never been bofore. Both of you let out a deep moan, his cock twitching inside you.
Its almost hurts a little, which only adds to your excitement. You stay like that and look up into his eyes, dark of lust.
For a second you both you look into each others eyes when he asks, "Can I touch you?".
You nod, laying your arms around his neck. He greedily feels up and down your body, hips moving a little from excitement.
Then his exploring comes to a halt at the band of your bra, "Is it ok if I..?".
"Yes, do it.", you encourage and feel the clasp getting undone. He helps you take it off and flings is across the room, his hands cupping your breast.
He squeezes them and plays with your nipples, you buck your hips, moving in circular motions. Both of you moan at the feeling, his head sinking to your cleavage peppering small kisses all over it.
You cant take it anymore, you need to move, so you push yourself to have him in only by the tip, sinking down in a hard thrust. Its feels so good, you do it again and again, Lokis hands gripping your hips firmly, helping you with leverage.
You kiss, moaning into each others mouth. He starts meeting your thrusts as he gets desperate.
He begins to groan and thrust harder and harder, his veins and ridges gliding against your sweet spots, clit meeting his pelvis with every thrust.
"I- I'm close- is it ok if-", he groans out of gritted teeth so you interrupte him.
"Yes, its ok- let go-", you tell him, cupping his cheek to kiss him.
He tightens his hold on your grip, surely leaving little bruises behind, but you love the feel of it.
His thrusts get more desperate, erratic.
He stills, pushing you down on him as he spills inside of you.
You didnt come, but its ok, this was a true pleasure. He rides himself through his high and wraps his arms agroud you.
"This was so nice, thank you Loki.", you tell him, stroking his hot cheek.
"Was? Darling you did not finish, we are far from done here.", he tells you, cupping your cheek to look at you with a wicked smirk.
"You wanna keep going? But you just-", you question but he heckles.
"Oh we are miles from my limits. I am a god my dear.", he pecks your neck, trailing lower to your ear. He leaves bruising kisses there, your sex clenches at the feeling.
"Mmm, you like that hm?", he mumbles against your skin.
You stretch your neck for him to grand him better access.
"What do you want me to do with you? I am your gift.", he asks you.
"Just take me. Fuck me how you want to.", you groan, feeling the excitement reignite.
"Your wish is my command.", he grabs your waist and stands up with you.
Instinctively your arms and legs wrap around him. He walks over to the next free wall, pushing you against it carefully.
He takes your knees and pushes them up, holing you up and spreading you. His mouth starts to trail your throat, gently nipping at it.
You try to move your hips but fail, "Patience kitten.", he tells you firmly.
You whine at him but he ignores you, kissing your cleavage and speading hickeys all over it. Is he marking you?
Just as you think about it, he thrusts his hips, even his semi hards cock feels like heaven.
His seed spills out and you moan from the sudden pleasure as he keeps on thrusting, feeling him harden inside of you. His thrust stay in a slow rhythm, each thrust bottoming out iside of you.
"Lokii...", you moan.
He groans from your sounds, engulfing your lips with his as he changes his angle. He now hits your g spot perfectly, you cry out from the pleasure, moaning his name over and over.
You grip his shoulder and claw at his back with the other hand, needing to hold on to something. The coil in your stomach tightens, fast, and he can feel that.
"Thats right... say my name- youre squeezing me so well, gods-", he throws his head back and you admire his muscular neck, a vampires dream.
You are a moaning mess, wanting release but also not wanting this to end.
"Close- I'm... ahhh... please dont stop-", you keen feeling your limbst tingle. You sink your nails even deeper into his back pulling a gutteral moan from him.
"Come with me- for me Y/n.", he lets one of his hands leave the hollow of your knee and meets your clit, pressing down on it.
"Ah fuuuuck Lokiiii-", you climax as he starts stroking your clit.
Your channels clench around him, spurring on his orgasm, "Oh gods- fuck- s-so good-".
You feel him come inside of you, thusting into you deeply, holding himself there. He keeps moving his finger on your clit, prolonging your high.
"Your still milking me- your such a good girl-", he starts riding you both though your highs, only stopping when you cry out in overstimulation.
You sink your head to his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. He rests his chin on your head, calming down hilself.
After both of you have calmed down a little, he grabs your other knee again, walking you both to the shower. He sets you down, pulling out, and steadies you.
Your legs are jello but you can stand.
"That was amazing, best fuck ever. We should do that again some time.", you tell him honestly, makeing him chuckle.
"Oh trust me, we will. You are mine now.", he pecks your lips.
"You wanna date me?", you ask surpised.
"Well yes, except if you dont-", you shush him by kissing him, that should answer it.
You both take a shower and help each other clean up. Which may or may not have lead to him fingering you while cleaning you up.
He held you steady the whole time. Not beeing able to keep from kissing one another, the shower took a long time.
After you finally got out, both of you dried yourselfs. You already wanted to blow dry your hair when Loki dried his and your hair with him seiðr.
"Wait, couldnt you have just cleaned us up with your magic then?", you ask him suspiciously.
"Sure. But takeing a shower together was more fun.", he says, makeing a fingering motion with his fingers.
You giggle and slap his arm but your pussy got wet once again. He is holding your mind hostage and you started dating about an hour ago.
"Wait, did you put the chains on yourself? Why did you make them so tight and uncomftable?", you ask him.
"Yes I did. I wanted it to be realistic and I placed that one piece of it deliberatly to dig into me.", he smirks.
"Why would you do that?", you are a little dumbstruck.
"I was curious if you would notice and wanted to see what you would do.", he explains to you.
Your mouth forms a silent 'o' and you nod in understanding.
"Now, lets get ready, I want to take you somewhere.", he snaps his wist and both of you are clothed.
He is dressed in his black Gucci suit, the one you always longed to tear off his body. Sometimes dreams do come true, well, you have yet to take it off of him, but youre sure that can be arranged.
He dressed you in a black cocktail dress with no straps, leaving your collar bones free. It gives you a nice cleavage and the skirt is covered by a layer of tulle, small forest green accents stitched on it.
"Wow, its gorgeous Loki. And you look so handsome, I love that suit.", you tell him with a beaming smile.
"Well thank you darling. I really did a good job, that dress is fit for a queen like you.", he admires, spinning you around.
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, kissing him passionatly, loving, "Thank you Loki, honestly. You turned the worst birthday Ive ever had into the best.".
You see his eyes sprakle, "Now, lets go before I cant hold back from tearing that dress off.".
With a bit of protest you let him lead you to the rooftop, the elevator doors open and reaveal fairy lights, dance music and a bartender mixing drinks.
But also the whole team, shouting "Happy bithday!".
You are taken by surprise, your mouth dropping open as Tony hands you your favourite drink.
"You didnt forget?", you ask them getting teary eyed.
"No! Of course not! We thought it was a cruel plan, but my brother insisted on it.", Thor defends.
"He told us he had a plan and well- I think its clear what it was.", Tony says, gesturing to your neck.
Embarrassmemt floods you as you realize Lokis hickeys are at display for all the team to see.
"Yes. While that may be partly true-" Loki says and looks at you, whispering, "are you alright with me makeing it official?".
You answer him with a nod, getting more anxious to how they will react.
"We are now courting.", he announces, not beeing able to contain his excitement he smiles from cheek to cheek.
"Finally!", say Wanda and Nat in unision.
"Took you long enough brother. Congratulations.", booms Thor, strideing to him, clapping him on the back proudly.
You hear Loki groan very subtly at the harsh treatment.
Oh Thor, always miscalculating your strengh.
"While I cant understand it, congrats guys. Now, lets get this party started!", Tony says, turning to the bar.
And that is how Loki and you started dating.
And also the best birthday you ever had.
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@lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @wheredafandomat @sarahscribbles @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @maple-seed @xorpsbane @holdmytesseract @loopsisloops @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @thedistractedagglomeration @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @tbhiddlestan83
@tessathechild (since you asked me to tag u in my fics hehe)
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jaerontaemo · 11 months
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231022 — Taeyong bbl update
The look in your eye is like you want to win against the flash
The makeup artist complimented me that my skin has gotten better these days
I only changed the way I wash my face !
I dont remember if it was insta or tiktok where ads sometimes pop up… i bought a cleanser and used it. I'm halfway through it, and it's good. I think a product with a little bit of grain in it is good.
There's not a lot of redness, so I'm glad it's disappearing.
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hiiiiii, coming in here asking if you got any tips for possibly writing ford getting drunk and just generally how to write such a thing? I really want to have him do that in my next Forduary fic that I'm writing but I don't know where to start since I've never had a lick of alcohol and idk what my headcanons for him about this will lie, ie. whether he'd be a lightweight, whether he'd have drunk alcohol before this fic or how he acts under the influence (he'd be buzzed to tipsy most of the fic besides the end end, if that helps). for context, I was thinking he was going mad trying not to think of Stan on his 30th birthday and eventually caves in to drink some cheap whiskey from the convenience store while doing errands to forget. if you have tips or fics where that happens I can reference or even just headcanons about Ford and alcohol, I'd gladly take it, but it's alright if you don't. feel free to take this to discord but also answer this ask privately if you would.
man im gonna be honest with u i havent drunk a lick of alcohol either 😔 i just bullshit it most of the time and have gotten oddly good at it lately. i can, however, give you tips n tricks to make it seem like you do. and headcanons too--those go first ;)
(also please take this with a grain of salt as i too haven't drunk alcohol regularlu to know my shit. this all just research and thoughts on this specific situation. thoughts below the cut ! please dont come at me)
first off u gotta figure out the basics: adding the character + alcohol together; what would it do? i see ford as a "drinks to forget the outside world" type of drunkard. he's blissfully ignorant but still has the wired anguish within him, resulting into... a lot of feelings. he tasted it young, but didnt get Into It until the paranoia stint when taste didnt matter anymore and al he wanted was a decent depressant. however he can hold liquor very well, which is a problem considering the purpose, and has to drink a lotttt to achieve what he wants to the point he could get addicted. those are things you can make up yourself and therefore pretty easy: but actual facts? those are harder. here's some i've learned:
- there's a hugeeee difference between hard alcohol and a drink that happens to be laced in alcohol. for one, hard alcohol is served in small glasses/shot glasses while other drinks can be served on pretty much anything (but still small). an easier to understand real world example would be this: someone could, say, have seven shirley temples (an alcoholic beverage) without being incapacitated, but seven shots of vodka will at minimum knock you unconsious. five glasses of wine could do shit to you but five shots of whiskey will GET you. you gotta know what your character's drinking. pick a type you know and research if you must.
- hard alcohol has no taste. again, big diffence between these types. if anything it burns because, well, have you felt alcohol placed on ur skin while getting a shot or placed in a wound? that shit burns and it wont be any different down ur throat. if there js a taste you're barely gonna notice. alcoholics dont drink for taste--they've got more sinister shit goin' on.
- you gotta know what your character has. is it a regular small glass you'd see in a movie or a shot glass he takes from over and over? is he drinking from the bottle directly? how often is he taking a drink? is it bourbon? whiskey? vodka? rum? they alllll do different shit. you gotta KNOW (sorry if im repeating, but this is crucial)
- there are different types of addicts. there are binge drinkers, alcohol abusers, alcohol dependant (theres a difference), and u gotta.research which one u wanna portray. i say ford's an abuser: he has a somewhat consious level of what he drinks, but still doesnt stop because--well, its either being drunk off your rocker or having to succumb to Reality, which in this case, is genuinely dangerous (Bill.)
- there are also a lot of different symptoms, depending on the dosage. here's some ive screenshotted from a post a while ago:
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so that's something. also, here's some sites thatcould help:
how to write drunk speech
a page in the CDC about alcohol and beer
a page on the national institution of health about alcohol (really nice, gives you a lotof the basics)
and the australian alcohol and drug association
also i will say that if it werent for bill, ford's relationship with alcohol would likely be very different and probably healthier tbh--again, it differs on why your character drinks, related to trauma or not. sometimes, they just do, and there's nothing you can do about it--but there's usually a reason when it comes 2 fiction. the point: know ur shit even if ur gonna be vague, and if u can help it, name names when it matters. dont say "he drank a shot of alcohol" say he "took a shot of whiskey" and such-like. look up what kind of hard alcohols there are and understand what would be on hand if ford were to get his hands on some of this stuff. i hope this helped, and good luck on forduary! <3
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