#me: i would never date anyone under 25
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i wish the internet had never learned the term prefrontal cortex because people use it to make 25 the new 18 which is so strange
#like is 17-19 predatory no and it's stupid to say you have to wait until midnight on the younger person's birthday to be in contact with#them even if you're only 366 days apart. and now people are like someone who's 20 can still be taken advantage of which yes obviously but#they're like it's because their brain is not done yet. at 24 you are a baby and at 25 you're a grown woman. but actually not really because#chris evans married someone who's 26 but that's close to 25 so she's not old enough. her brain has only been done for five minutes so it's#actually terrible that they're together. like there's saying that young adults are still vulnerable and...young and then there's pushing#the idea that women are just little girls forever lmao.#and it's just so weird that people use the brain thing so much i can't say why exactly but it rubs me the wrong way#i'm not saying this because i'm only 22 and people who say that would talk about me like i'm 14 because i wouldn't even date anyone who's#significantly older than me or anyone who's like under 20. but yeah😭#and i'm not even saying that the phenomenon of men always dating younger and women always dating older (even if it's just like 2 years)#and not vice versa isn't worth examining i'm literally a sociology student i'll be the first to say everything's interesting. but like#what's the end goal here#even in more extreme cases when a 25-year-old woman marries someone 40 years her senior i'm always like well i would never do that#but what are you random person on the internet gonna do.#and the thing is there's always potential power dynamics like you would have to be dating yourself to avoid it and even then#and like i say: brf slt
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anxious-witch · 3 months
I apologize for irritable tone of this post, but a portion of this fandom is starting to irritate me, so let's analyze catwin through the lens of how age works for ghosts and how situational irony is used in a scene where Edwin and Niko talk about kissing.
Let's start with age. Right at the beginning, when Emma asks Charles and Edwin to take her case, she tries to play it off as her being just a little girl. This is what Edwin replies:
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And before anyone jumps the gun and says: "He said SUPERNATURALLY speaking! He is still physically 16!"
Okay. Let's unpack that. Considering how for people who are immortal, which ghosts essentially are, and as such unchanging, that isn't quite a proper argument, is it? Because the way I see it, there are two ways someone could argue this. Either your gripe is about the Cat King finding Edwin attractive despite him physically being a 16 year old or your gripe is that Edwin is mentally 16 and as such, cannot consent.
If it's the first, I think that argument is quite lacking here, because we know the Cat King is aware Edwin is older than 16. And as someone who is an adult and often gets mistaken for a minor, I think the idea that you can just always tell someone's age by looking at them quite funny. Also, by that logic, I shouldn't be able to consent either, because people generally gauge my age to be between 16-18, when I am in my mid 20s.
If it's the second, your point doesn't work because being frozen at 16 would mean being unable to learn and develop firther than what you did by that age. Which we know is false for ghosts, especially Edwin. He changes and develops constantly throughout the s1, and we have a front row seat to that! Human brains aren't clear cut, and before you jump under the post to say your brain isn't fully develop until age 25, I will kindly tell you that human brains, in fact, never stop changing and developing. And that experiences, traumas, etc hugely impact developments of individuals.
One argument I can sort of is perhaps Edwin and Charles having somewhat stunted emotional growth, but as we also see throughout the season, that has more to do with them stagnanting rather than them being unable to emotionally develop. And frankly, I know bunch of adults with the same issues, so.
Now for the "But Edwin said he doesn't want to kiss the Cat King!" argument. How about we look at what Edwin says before that, huh?
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He says he has never been kissed and didnt understand the appeal, until recently. And you cannot tell me it wasn't the Cat King who made him realize it. Yes, he wanted to kiss Charles and I am not saying he didn't like Monty too, but if it wasn't for the Cat King getting physically close to him and playing into his desires, he wouldn't have realized that he too, feel physical attraction!
As for him saying "Absolutely not!" When Niko asks him if he wants to kiss the Cat King, I think that's laughable argument to saying "Well, see, he didn't want him!" Because first of all, characters can lie. Edwin most certain, lies about things he wants, both to himself and others, up until pressed.
Besides, if I am not mistaken, given English isn't my first language and I learned this stuff in a different language, this is also called situational irony, aka, someone say something won't/can't happen and then it happens. This is very often seen in romance plots too. A characters says they hate someone and then they end up dating them.
Think of Lizzy Benett and Darcy
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And then she goes ahead and married him later, once her opinion of him changes. It's a classic romance trope!
Similarly, Edwin says he doesn't want to kiss the Cat King and what happens at the end? Oh yeah!
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He kisses the Cat King. Shocker.
But yeah just like. Y'all are free to not like the ship for whatever reason, but for the love of god, stop making up stuff that's just blantantly untrue. There is an "anti catwin" tag for a reason, if you truly cannot stop yourself from commenting, but in all honestly, you could just enjoy your own ship without putting other ppl's ships down. Cat King is not perfect by any means, but this isn't a predator type of situation. I and many others have addressed the whole "coercion" bit quite a few times so I won't get into it again, but these two arguments I have seen pop up and I just had to address it. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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madametamma · 2 months
The Day Jon was born (A MAWS fanfic)
“I’m so sorry, but your son likely only has a few more hours to live.”
The news made Clark’s whole world lose sound, light, and color. He was frozen to the spot. His body reacting as if he didn’t move time wouldn’t go forward.
He and Lois were so thrilled over having a baby. Clark wasn’t sure he could due to his alien DNA, until one day in the middle of stopping a bank robbery he heard a noise he had never imagined before.
Two hearts beating inside Lois as she hid behind a turned over desk to cover herself from the armed robber’s gunfire. She furiously scribbled notes into a pad of paper for the story she’d write about this. The shock at the time got Superman shot over 58 times until the robbers themselves grew confused at his motionlessness.
He suddenly snapped out of his stupor, finished rounding the robbers up as quick as a flash and carried his perplexed wife out the door up to the privacy of the sky to give her body a proper X ray vision scan, confirming that she was indeed pregnant.
They were overjoyed at the time. So happy to bring a child into the world. They imagined teaching him or her catch, bringing them to Ma and Pa’s home for holidays. They wanted every part that parenthood had to offer together.
A few weeks later the fears started taking hold. Lois was on an emotional roller coaster. With some days feeling full of energy and eager to fight against her husbands insistence that she be less reckless with claims that no one could stop her from doing what she had to do as a reporter and other days where she cried in bed feeling certain she was going to be a horrible mother.
Through every breakdown Clark was there to assure her that everything would be fine although she wasn’t the only prone to anxiety and emotional episodes. He would also have more than his fair share of nightmares of something happening to the baby. A foe discovering of his family’s existence and taking them hostage? A strange Kryptonian sickness that he would have no idea how to cure? What if their child had powers like him? What if they had to live with the isolation and loneliness he grew up with as a boy. He would never wish that on anyone let alone his own kid.
Thankfully Lois and Clark never had a breakdown at the same time. They were each other’s rock. When one was in crisis mode, the other swooped in to let them know they believed everything would be alright.
That is until last night. 25 days before her due date, as Clark was brushing his teeth getting ready for bed, he heard the sound of a crash in the kitchen where Lois was. Near instantaneously he was at her side as she lay fallen on the floor breathing ragged, holding her baby bump.
“Something’s wrong.” She managed to hiss out through clenched teeth.
Clark flew her to the local hospital as fast as he was able, The doctors declared that if they had any chance at saving the baby, they’d need to perform surgery immediately.
As Lois was going under, quickly loosing consciousness, she gave Clark the most painful, terrified expression Clark had ever seen from her, it almost stopped his heart. It didn’t look right on the face of the bravest person he’d ever known, and it made him feel almost as small and helpless as she looked.
“C-Clark, y-you’ve gotta make sure our baby’s gonna be okay. You’ve gotta bring em to me, promise?”
“I promise.” The words came out before Clark even knew what he was promising. He would have given her anything in that moment.
She muttered a few words incoherently as her eye glazed over and succumbed to the anesthesia.
The rest was a blur for Clark. Never in his life had he felt so powerless and afraid. The only thing he clung to was the sound of the two heartbeats of his wife and baby until finally a doctor delivered him those awful words.
“I’m so sorry, but your son likely only has a few more hours to live.”
Clark somehow found himself sitting in the hospital room with his sleeping wife and tiny new born son. He was hunched over, head in his hands, not sure how long he’d been there or how he got there.
He finally managed to look over at his new born son, so small, pale and struggling to breath. Clark looked at him more closely with his super vision. There was something unstable about human, kryptonian DNA mixed together. The baby’s heart was weak and struggled with all its might to keep on beating. Turns out Clark was right all those years. He couldn’t have a healthy baby with a human.
He turned his gaze to Lois. How was he going to face her? The promise he made in the heat of a heartbroken moment shattered.
The light from the rising sun in the distance illuminated her face from the window. Usually Clark’s favorite sight in the world. The sunrise lighting up his wife’s beautiful, peaceful face as she slept so close by him but at this moment…
That’s when realization struck him. He looked back at his son. He had his kryptonian DNA. And Kryptonians heal when exposed to strong sunlight.
Without wasting another moment, Clark unhooked his child from the machines keeping him alive. If he was wrong about this, their boy would die but if he did nothing, he’d die anyway in a few more hours. He cradled his child in his two hands. He was small enough that he could fit nearly all of him in them.
“Lois, I’m going to try something drastic.” He muttered to his unconscious wife before flying off.
He held his baby firm against his chest and just went strait up above the clouds where he could be close to the sun. It was almost blindingly bright but Clark kept his eyes on the boy as he held him out enough that his skin could absorb as much light as possible.
And he waited…
And waited…
No immediate change. Were seconds or minutes going by? Clark couldn’t tell. His whole universe held still.
“Jonathan?” Clark mouthed out, saying the name he and Lois had agreed upon if they had a boy.
“Jonathan.” He said again a little louder this time.
“Do you know who I am? Do you recognize my voice?” So many nights Clark curled up next to Lois’s baby bump speaking to it about anything and everything, hoping that his child would know him by the sound of his voice once he was born.
“Cry Jonathan… Please cry.” He begged. Clark had been crying nearly this whole time and a new fresh set of fat tears rolled down his face.
“If you cry now, I’ll never feel bad about you crying for the rest of our lives. I will stay up all night, every night with you if you want to cry in your cradle, When you’re older I’ll sit with you if you cry over a nightmare, or if you cry about getting dumped or bullied at school. Just cry for me, Jon.”
No change.
“There’s so many great things in this world, Jon. You’re going to have an aunt Kara who will teach you stuff and an uncle Jimmy who will make you laugh and a grandpa and grandma who will make you feel loved and special, and you’re mom and dad will always be there for whatever you need, but you’ve got to live, okay?”
Still nothing.
Clark sniffled back more tears, his voice was choked up with emotion.
Suddenly, it was as though the whole world put back into its rightful place all at once it hit him. Jon let out a loud baby wail and wiggled slightly in his father’s hands. His skin was bright and rosy and Clark could hear a heartbeat strong and steady.
For a moment all Clark could do was stare at the child illuminated by the rising sun. Almost unable to process the miracle before him. When more tears fell and finally he could smile. He brought his son close and cooed,
“Daddy’s here… Thank you Jonathan.”
Lois was beginning to come around. She looked around and found her room empty. She couldn’t help but be worried that Clark wasn’t with her and neither was their baby, when suddenly a shadow cast over her. She looked to the window to find her husband smiling down at her eyes puffy from crying with their child in his arms.
Wanting to close the distance between them, without taking her eyes off her family, Lois moved to get out of bed to reach out for them only to almost immediately fall on unsteady legs.
Clark moved to catch her with one arm and move her back to bed. Once she was okay, he handed her their crying baby. “Lois, meet Jonathan. He’s beautiful.”
And now it was Lois’s turn to cry as she held her tiny son close to her chest, thankful that her family was okay. She didn’t need to ask. She could read it on Clark’s face. She held their baby and Clark held the both of them.
The doctors were astounded. They had never examined a healthier baby.
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pray4saint · 1 year
SAPNAP PLS nsfw headcannons.... him taking the bdsm tests, what's his sex drive? I just know he presses himself against you every time he passes you, but does he follow through ;)))
FOUND UR ACCC YESTERDAY and I'm acc in love like we both love dteam and marauders it's such a rare combination and I've never seen anyone love both before! ( like me LOL) do you take anons? 🥺
sapnap nsfw headcanons
masterlist & descrip. rated r. 16+. dirty talk. sapnap taking the bdsm test.
a/n. i would be happy to write more horndog texan for you / the only other person i know who writes mcyt & marauders is my younger cousin but they're fifteen so we don't interact online but lmk if you'd like their @ (& yes, i do take anons, the current anons i have are 💚 & 🦥)
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as you said anon, sap absolutely presses against you when he passes by you, even when there's plenty of space to just go around, he does it to rile you up
does he follow through?? sometimes he does it for buildup for later that night, to make you all whiny and needy for him
but other times when you call him out for it, it's a 25/75 of if he won't follow through or he will (just to clarify, 25% of the time he won't, 75% he does)
when you call him out and he follows through though.. it's rough, it's kinky, it's dirty and it is hot and heavy
i mean more degradation when you call him out, more slapping if you're into that, hair pulling, messy, sloppy kisses
”god, such a slut for me aren't ya?” he pulls his lips from yours, a string of saliva thinning the farther he gets from your mouth, and it finally breaks when he licks his bottom lip. ”sap, please-” ”isn't this what you wanted babe?” he tangles a hand in your hair, ”to be fucked senseless under me like a whore?” he tugs at your hair, making you whine and beg him to just fuck you already.
sapnap's sex drive i'd say is above average, but not by a whole lot
i think if he can, he'll find a way to fuck you every day or every other day, but if you're not feeling it or you have your period or you just don't want to, it's not the end of the world for him
his sex drive is based solely on his attraction to you; when he was single he had a low sex drive but when you two started dating it jumped wayy up
OH OH OH my brain goes brrrrr for this shit: when you've been going at it for awhile, his southern accent becomes more pronounced with every word he says
”fuck- darl' you're doing so- s'good f'me.” his breath fans hot against your ear and down your neck and he fucks into you, drawing moan after moan out of you.
lots of praise this way, about how well you take him, how perfect you look under him or on top of him, about how much he loves you and how good you treat him
i think despite his above average sex drive, he still likes taking his time, teasing you, building up foreplay, because it all adds to the experience for you and that's all he really wants, for you to be happy
sapnap believes in being begged, for anything really, to be touched, to be fucked a certain way, to cum, yk he just gets it
also some sub!sapnap for you // sub!sap who begs to be touched when he's horny and if you say no he just can't help it, he'll touch himself even if he isn't allowed to
sub!sapnap, rutting into you while he begs to be praised >>>>
”m'i doing good? please tell me i'm doing good..” while his pelvis presses against yours over and over again. ”yes- sap fuck, you're doing so good, such a good boy for me.” his hips begin to stutter at your words.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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medusapelagia · 1 month
25 The soulmates program
written for @steddieangstyaugust (prompt: Soulmates ) and @augustwritingchallenge (Prompt: Scientists ) @aug-kissed (prompt: First Kiss) Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: no one Words: 901
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“So, in this experiment, we’re trying to determine if it’s possible to find the perfect soulmate without even knowing them. We interviewed all our volunteers and found a perfect couple. This experiment is the hardest we have ever made. Not only do the two candidates come from two very different social classes, but this is a homosexual couple.”
The audience gasps loudly.
“I must specify that one of the volunteers declared to be gay and the other was open to a homosexual relationship.” The scientists show a PowerPoint presentation pointing at some statistics, “As you can see they don’t have the same interests or hobbies, they live very different lives, but looking at the diagram you can see that they have the same opinions about relationship, friendship, and commitment. You can see that our first subject, Steve, gives very high importance to family and relationship and commitment, and our second subject, Eddie, is just a little bit under on the commitment but they have the same level of importance given to family and relationship. So they are here, after a few dates, to tell us how it worked out for them. Please welcome them.”
The two boys who get into the conference room couldn’t have been more different: one wears a shirt and a pullover over a pair of dark blue jeans, a pair of squared turtle glasses, and a very soft smile, the other is dressed all in black, with a leather jacket, a pair of high boots and some black jeans ripped at the knee revealing a huge skull tattooed on the right knee and black nail polish.
“So, Eddie and Steve, right?” The scientist asks, looking at his file.
“I’m Eddie. He’s Steve.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. So. How did our experiment go?” the man inquires with curiosity, pushing his glasses with one finger.
They both start talking at the same time, before laughing and begin a little dance of “You go first.” “No, you go first.”
In the end, it’s Steve who grabs the microphone, “Hi everyone. I’m Steve Harrington. I signed up for this experiment because I was tired of dating the wrong person and I thought that maybe someone who didn’t actually know me could help me understand what I was looking for.” he turns toward Eddie with a soft smile, “If it wasn’t for this experiment I don’t think I would have ever go out on a date with someone like Eddie. Nothing wrong with him, but as anyone can see we’re not exactly similar.” he chuckles before giving the microphone to Eddie.
“Yeah. That’s right. I would have never looked at someone like Steve to have a stable relationship. I mean, he doesn’t know Metallica and doesn’t play DnD which is like the first thing I ask everyone I date. But yeah. I signed up for this experiment to prove to my buddies that there’s no way you could find a soulmate thanks to some calculation and look at me! I’ll have to buy a lot of beers this year.” He smirks.
“So we must assume the experiment went well.”
Eddie and Steve share a look, “What do you say? Should we tell them?” Eddie asks, playing with a lock of hair.
“Tell us what?”
Steve beams when he grabs the microphone, “We’re engaged. We’re still working on the specifics, I live in Chicago he lives in Los Angeles, but yeah. We are going to get married.” 
“That was unexpected, especially from you, Eddie. Weren’t you against marriage?”
“Have you seen him? Since the first time we kissed after our first formal date, I knew I couldn’t let him go.”
“Remind us of your first date. We sent you each other's description and asked you to meet at the local mall, isn’t that right?”
Steve brushes some hair away from his face, “When I saw the description I was really in doubt. I didn’t think Eddie could have been the right person for me, but I decided to give him a chance. We met at Starbucks. Drink a coffee or two and by the time we leave the coffee shop I was already in love.”
“I was lovestruck as well. Surprised that someone so hot was still single and looking for flaws I didn’t find, so we just chatted and as soon as we left the coffee shop we kissed. I think we both tasted like burned coffee but it was the best kiss I have ever had. And so here we are. Proving that the program can help you find your soulmate.”
The audience applauds, and then Steve and Eddie leave the conference room, hand in hand, until they are far enough from the conference room they look at each other, “What do you think?”
“They totally eat up all that shit. Great work Stevie.” Eddie replies, giving him a high-five.
“You weren’t half bad either, Munson.” Steve replies with a wink, “Now let's make sure they transfer the money to our bank accounts.”
“Can believe your parents agreed to our little plan.”
“It’s their program. They want people to believe they can actually find their soulmate thanks to this program so… it’s a win-win, right?”
“Still convinced about the wedding?”
“I always wanted a big ceremony. I can give you a couple of months of my life before asking for a divorce.” Steve winks, “Now let’s go. This place stinks of stupidity.”
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rebelrayne · 3 months
Hi there 🩷
What are we thinking about the likely reveal that Hamish and Melissa have shagged? Personally I’m pretty sure it has to be them. Because why else would he have been so pressed about her leaving? And the weird things he said?
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Ngl I’m a bit nervous about this. I won’t give a fuck and snap him up as soon as I can anyway but still… I wanna hear your theory 👀
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Hi Rae!!!
Settle in, babe. Just call me Marisol because I'm about to psychoanalyze this manchild that I am so fucking desperate for. I've got all the opinions under the cut lmfao and it's A LOT of opinions (and a really long headcanon)
Let me know what grade I get on my thesis paper
First let's go back to the scene of the crime: Season 6. Hamish tells us that he has dated someone seriously and it was a girl he'd met back in University. I suppose he does not specify that they were in college at the time that they dated, rather that was where they met. We'll still assume it couldn't have been long after that.
Why is that important? Well, Hamish admits that he's cheated in two different places: in Season 6 during the Judge and Jury challenge, and then once in Season 9 where he says to Finn: "Haven't we all?"
But this is actually contradicting the one of the two times this man has ever seemed human in a group setting: at breakfast when he admits that his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. He was upset, and he looked it. Sure, this could have been Ivy but most likely, it wasn't. It was the first girl and she ripped him apart. I think we all know that Ivy probably got fed up with him because he's kind of fragile and needs someone really patient, and Ivy needs someone very self-assured.
No, this other girl ruined him. Ripped his heart from his chest and stomped on it. The man accidentally admitted he was a virgin until almost 25! So either, this girl was using him to get to said best friend that she cheated on him with, or he did get sex from her out but only because she was tricking him. Not to mention, either way, he got his V card swiped out of pity, I'm sure.
What's this all mean? It means that Hamish is putting up a front. He's trying to make it seem like he's this big party dude, with tons of friends and game. He's rejecting girls left and right, they all want him and so yeah, of course he's cheating-everyone wants a piece of him, right?
Wrong. No one wants him. He's literally the wacky sidekick of the main male character in every romance movie. He's fucking Alan in the Hangover. This man has never cheated on anyone because he's the most insecure man he knows and has ever met. He's trying to make himself seem like he's something he isn't, trying to make others believe that he's just such a player and he doesn't catch feelings-he's too cool for that kind of thing.
Well, until he isn't. The issue with Hamish now is that he wants to keep this façade going. It worked for him in Season 6, didn't it? That's why he was invited back in the first place. He clings to the first girl he couples with, but the thing is, he's messy. He's never had this many girls actually show interest in him. Hell, the only date he had outside of Ivy since the S6 season stood him up.
This man is literally trying to be like his best friend. That guy gets all the girls, doesn't he? He has them chasing after him, pining for him and he's confident as hell about it. Hamish isn't being his true authentic self. He's pretending to be like his best friend, who stole his girlfriend, so that other people think he's cooler than he actually is.
Because let's be honest: Hamish is soooo uncool. Funny, sure, but cool? No.
So to answer the question you have: Did he have sex with Melissa?
No. My very first instinct was that Hamish didn't take a chance. He's been starting to have feelings and he's been too scared to let himself open up because look what happened last time he did? He's stuck because women don't normally pay him any attention but here he's got Natasha, Kat, Melissa and MC all chatting to him. He kind of likes Melissa and MC, too. He has a connection, but he's too scared to just say that.
Melissa leaving-that was a wakeup call because what if MC is next? What if he does what he's always done since his girlfriend fucked his best friend and he doesn't put himself out there? Will he be sad and lonely for the rest of his life?
The answer was yes, so that's why he opened up on the date. "I have a crush on you." because he does. It's going to take more to make him be okay with being vulnerable, he needs someone to be patient with him. He's had this front up for so long that he doesn't know how to take it down.
Not to mention that because Hamish never gets any girls, he's screaming it to everyone when he does. He hasn't been very shy about his affections in challenges, either. Remember Grace? He started to slip up that they'd hooked up. He can't keep a secret at all. Why would he keep it a secret if they had sex? MC would have been the first to know. Hamish might know every bit of tea in that Villa, but he is always talking to MC about it when he has any to spill because he does like her, and he does want to connect with her.
Plus look at his friends!!! He said he was only 15 minutes away from them and kept making wrong turns, yet he wasn't found in that dune for three hours? They weren't looking for him. This guy is essentially Tom 2.0 but in the way that he actually doesn't have friends that like him that much. He's trying to be something he isn't and that's kind of sad to me. I think we're going to continue to see more and more layers. He's way more complex than we thought he was.
TLDR: Hamish is a liar. He's uncool and never cheated but thinks he sounds cooler to everyone if he says he did because he has soooo many girls that want him. Melissa didn't fuck Hamish, he wouldn't be able to keep it quiet if he had.
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piedpiperslists · 8 months
heyyyyyyy wondering if you have a list of innocent oc/experienced jk or the other way around fics recs
Hi. I'm going to assume you mean experienced in sex? These fics I included aren't necessarily innocent x experienced, but more of them being "inexperienced".
This is over 25 fics, so I put it under the cut.
* s - contains smut sm - social media format
Love Me by mono-moonchilds - drabble (s) / producer's daughter!reader, idol au Summary: Girl, I fuck who I want and fuck who I don’t. Got that A1 credit and that fillet mignon. She said, “I never wanna make you mad I just wanna make you proud.” I said, “Baby just make me cum, Then don’t make a sound.”
Angel by pixieknj - one shot (s) / wc~5.2k / fuckboy!Jungkook, university au Summary: After giving your virginity to the university’s most notorious fuckboy, he’s on a mission to slut your innocent ass out and take all that he can get... [or] small collection of fuckboy JK turning you out...
First & Last by kookiesjoonies - one shot (s) / wc~4.2k / friends to lovers Summary: During a game of never have I ever, Jungkook finds out that you haven’t had your first kiss yet and decides to show you how it’s done.
Milestone by 1kook - one shot (s) / wc~8.2k / brother's best friend Summary: Part of you is touched that Jungkook really has been there for every milestone in your life. The other part wishes he hadn’t shown up looking so ridiculously sexy.
No Longer Strangers by soft4gguk - one shot (s) / wc~9.4k / strangers to lovers, PWP
Pop Goes the Cherry by 1oserjk - one shot / wc~3.8k / angst, brother's best friend Summary: Jungkook comes back home to find you visiting as well, all grown up — in more ways than one.
Strictly Platonic by jeonqkooks - one shot (s) / wc~19.4k / friends to lovers, fake dating, college au Summary: Sometimes, Jungkook can be a little selfish; and sometimes, the lengths you would go to for his happiness mean relinquishing your own.
Practice by chryblossomjjk - series (s) / fuckboy!Jungkook, FWB, college au Summary: You usually spend Friday nights on your own. Tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, Jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.
Ruin You by bts-bay-bee - series (s) / FWB Summary: Best friend!JK teaches you the basics of sex, and essentially ruins you for anyone else.
Shiver by hansolmates - series (s) / bad boy!Jungkook, church girl!reader, childhood friends to lovers, FWB Summary: Your childhood crush Jeon Jungkook has changed since he moved out of his small town church community and attended college. When he returns for a Christmas mass, you suddenly crave a taste of his fun and carefree life. In exchange, Jungkook craves a taste of you.
Close the Distance by hearts4joon - one shot (s) / wc~13.5k / college au, neighbors au Summary: Two different adults, living two completely separate lives — in the same neighborhood. A guy who’s overbearing mother makes him carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. A girl who’s parents are all too drawn to her younger siblings to even give her the time of day. While the two fall in an unlikely relationship (very unlikely), they still ravish each and every part of one another in every way — the best of attention, the one they both craved all their lives.
Curiosity by hobidreams - one shot (s) / wc~3.6k / best friend's brother, college au Summary: When innocent Jungkook comes to you with a not-so-innocent question… you decide it’s easier to just demonstrate.
Ghosts Just Wanna Have Fun by sugaxjpg - one shot (s) / wc~20k / med school au, psychic au Summary: When Jungkook discovered that he could communicate with dead people, the last thing he expected was that they would be there to give him romantic advice.
Gotcha by whatifyoulivelikethat - one shot (s) / wc~11k / childhood friends to lovers, college au Summary: The color blue. Two white hairpins. “Hey, Jungkook.” A laugh with shaking shoulders that Jeon Jungkook thought he would hear and see forever. Hey, Jungkook. But then those words became a memory, until she was standing in front of him again, sporting the title of “Virgin Killer” and Min Yoongi by her side. Was this his second chance or just another memory?
I Want to Have Sex by jeongi - one shot (s) / wc~7.2k / established relationship Summary: You plan on taking your boyfriend, Jungkook’s, virginity tonight.
Infatuated by namsjunies - one shot (s) / wc~3k / university au
Need to Know by pixieknj - one shot (s) / wc~4.4k / virgin!Jungkook, friends to lovers Summary: Jungkook’s tired of you teasing him…
The Virgin Volume by kpopfanfictrash - one shot (s) / wc~6.8k / angst, college au Summary: The story of how The Rich Man’s Crochet Club Jungkook lost his virginity. Prequel to The Monogamy Monologues.
Here's more Inexperienced!Jungkook but I keep getting an error, so I had to break up the list
Will You Make a Mess Now? by softyoongiionly - one shot (s) / established relationship, college au Summary: Jungkook’s never been touched before and, after a hectic end to his semester, he thinks he wants that to change… Can I Make a Mess Now? by softyoongiionly - one shot (s) / established relationship, college au Summary: Jungkook’s never had sex before but, after realizing that he’s falling in love with you, he thinks he wants that to change.
Twelve Hours by whatifyoulivelikethat - two shots (s) / film director!Jungkook, burlesque dancer!reader Summary: You have twelve hours to make Jeon Jungkook fall in love with you. He's about to get married. You're the entertainment at his bachelor party - a burlesque dancer. Long ago, he used to be the class representative and you used to be the class delinquent. Nothing has changed and, yet, everything has.
For Science by boymeetsweevil - series (s) / nerd!Jungkook, friends to lovers, FWB, college au Summary: Jungkook asks you to let him watch you get off. For science.
Love Formula by kimnjss - series (s sm) / shy boy!Jungkook, fuckgirl!reader, college au Summary: You’re barreling into his life when he least expects it, stealing all his attention until the nights spent studying are replaced with rolling around the sheets. He’s hopelessly romantic and you’re in it for the fun, but no one told you it would ruin your life.
One Time, In Your Room by ubemango - series (s) / established relationship, college au Summary: There are papers to write, and virgins to daydream about. (You can think about Jeongguk’s dick later.)
Both Inexperienced:
Taste the Feeling by 94hixtape - drabble (s) / established relationship, PWP Summary: Masturbation + Bodily fluids.
But We Loved Too Young by jl-micasea-fics - one shot (s) / wc~10.4k / childhood friends to lovers Summary: Jungkook is everything you’re not, the ying to your yang. Your tight knit friendship nurtured from childhood survived the major life events that most don’t, and to that end, you suppose you’re fated to be together, until unrequited longing is eventually noticed, and boundaries are forever crossed.
Helping Hand by minlucent - one shot (s) / wc~3k / ft KSJ, boyfriend!Jungkook, PWP Summary: You and your boyfriend are inexperienced in terms of sex. It is decided that the best way to fix that is to have a little help from a friend.
The Fuckbuddy Code of Conduct by yoongiphoria - one shot (s) / wc~2.7k / fuckbuddy!Jungkook, lawyer!reader, FWB Summary: A little experiment between you and your fuckbuddy leads to an unexpected confession.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
Day 25 - Prompt: Bad @wolfstarmicrofic
January Daily Series - 659 words
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Sirius shoved his way through the crowd with his gaze laser-focused on James’s dark, tousled curls. He needed an answer to this vitally important question right now and James was his moral compass. It was imperative that he check in before he made this decision.
“James!” he hissed, rushing to his best friend’s side. “Quick, what does it mean if I’m defending Remus to himself? Is that a bad sign?”
Regulus glared from where he was snuggled under James’s chin. “It means you like him, which we already told you. Now, go tell him!”
“I wasn’t asking you.”
James sighed, then smoothed a hand over Regulus’s back. “He’s right though. You’re gone for him, mate. I don’t know why you’re defending him from himself, but that much I do know.”
“He was calling himself stupid and some other bullshite in Welsh I didn’t really understand, but was clearly ragging on himself and I couldn’t just stand there and let it go when-”
“Sirius!” Regulus snapped. “Go snog him and leave us alone.”
Sirius opened and closed his mouth twice before a frustrated whine left his throat entirely of its own volition. “But he’s from here and I live-”
“So what? It’s fine! Now go, you obnoxious git! Before he sorts out that you can’t tie your shoelaces without James’s approval.”
“That’s not true-”
James reached out and squeezed Sirius’s shoulder. “Really, Sirius. We’ll figure it out. See if this thing with Remus is worth it, then hash out the details later, yeah?”
“Yeah, alright.”
Sirius spun around and squared his shoulders. He could do this. James believed he could do this, so he definitely…probably…could?
“Go!” Regulus shouted, kicking his bum.
He stumbled forward, then shot a glare at his brother, but Regulus was fully snogging James now. Sirius grumbled under his breath before approaching his Herculean task. It shouldn’t be this hard to ask Remus on a date. The bloke practically admitted to liking him too, just not in those exact words.
Just walk over there, ask him to have a drink, and see where it goes. Easy. He might even get a cheeky snog himself for the effort, which he did want. Ever since their not-a-date lunch a few days ago, he’d thought about kissing Remus.
Then why do I feel like I’m about to pass out?
Remus was still awkwardly bopping in a sea of couples, exactly where Sirius left him. His brown beanie was askew after his fidgeting with it and a few of those honey-dipped curls were matted to the sweat on the back of his neck. More than anything, he wanted to yank that ugly hat off of his head and stroke his fingers through all of that hair.
He's not even fit, but I still want him. That has to mean something, right?
Sirius inhaled deeply, then marched toward Remus with the confidence that fled earlier marginally renewed. James said they would figure it out, and that was as good as a promise coming from him. He could do this. He could have something real for once.
“Remus,” he said, inwardly cursing at the waver in his voice. Sirius cleared his throat and tried again when he skidded to a halt in front of the bloke. “Remus. I like you and even though we live an obscene distance from each other, I’d like to try…this.” He waved a hand between them and chewed the inside of his cheek.
“This?” Remus blinked slowly as his brows furrowed.
Shite! How am I already fucking it up?
“Oh…erm, dating. If you want to, of course. I’m not assuming that you do, or anything. Just asking, sort of,” he blathered, face flushing deeper by the second.
Flirting was second nature for him, yet he’d lost every ounce of his charisma the moment those pale green eyes met his. Sirius never fell apart like this over a bloke. He could charm the pants off of anyone with little effort. Men, women, or otherwise, it didn’t matter.
What is wrong with me?
Next Part>>>
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hyacinth-sims · 6 months
Il mio raggio di sole
Summary: A Mercutio Monty character study. Often seen as the jokester who is second in line to the Monty throne, many don’t know what lurks beneath the surface.
Warning: Vague descriptions of death, SAAAAAD :(
Pairings: None, Even more vaguely implied past Tybalt Capp/Mercutio Monty, Past Consort Capp/Patrizio Monty
Word Count: 1.8k
Author’s Note: I really didn’t know if this one would be as sad as Tybalt’s but I think it is, oops! I’m also amazed at the fact that Mercutio’s character study and Tybalt’s are almost the exact same length, maybe give or take 5-10 words. While I feel like I’ve always “gotten” Tybalt, Mercutio was a bit more of a challenge but I feel like I really learned a lot about what I think of him through writing this 😁 Also if you have any one shot ideas (preferably VV/Tycutio) for me, feel free to send them! I’ve had so much fun with my current iterations of Tybalt and Mercutio (does that make me a sadist?) and I’m excited to see how they’ll interact with each other. 
There were a few important facts about Mercutio Monty. He spoke English and Italian fluently but mostly kept the Italian within the family. He wanted to master the electric guitar before the age of 25 and the acoustic guitar before 28. His favorite food was calamari with a spritz of lemon juice. All of the romantic poetry he’d written in his literature classes wasn’t actually about anyone but rather some cool bugs he’d seen outside of his house. He liked tall men and women of any height and liked it if both looked as if they could kick his ass. He’d only let his hair be as short as just beneath the chin and as long as his collarbone. And most importantly, he never wanted to be the Monty heir. 
He was fine with letting that responsibility fall onto his younger brother, Romeo, who seemed rather excited to one day lead the family. Mercutio, on the other hand, couldn’t imagine being tied to Veronaville for the rest of his life. He wanted to see what else was out there for him, past the rolling hills, dividing rivers, and the feud that hung over his hometown like a dark cloud. 
It would be impossible to talk about himself and his life without mentioning ‘the feud,’ as it was aptly yet uncreatively called. It started long before he was born, and much as he wanted to believe otherwise—it would likely continue on past his death. Mercutio never wanted any part in it, but it seems as though his pure existence as a member of the Monty family was enough to be involved. Of course, he would defend his family when insulted, but the entire thing was just stupid. 
It initially started generations ago over a geographical dispute; both families wanted to claim the lands by the river as their own. Clearly, it was never resolved because it only gave way to more violence and more death. The current iteration of the feud began with his Nonno and Consort Capp on the other side of town. What was interesting, though, was the fact Consort was not born a Capp. They were matriarchal on their side of town, and the feud started before Consort even married into the family. Supposedly, it was due to their shared business going under, but plot twist—Nonno was actually dating Contessa Capp, and Consort had stolen her from right under his nose. That’s not all, though, double plot twist! Consort and Nonno had actually been a thing before the entire thing with Contessa happened. Nobody else knew about this except for Mercutio and the eldest generation, of course. He really had no idea who he’d tell or if it was worth talking about at all. 
Even after this, though, there were ebbs and flows of the feud. The most peaceful the town had been in a long while had been during his childhood. There were no fights in the streets, no murmured threats, and even some positive interactions were had between the Montys and Capps. His parents often encouraged the latter, allowing their children to have playdates with the Capp children on occasion and rebuking Nonno and Nonna’s disapproval of it. His father had even been childhood friends with Cordelia Capp, the heiress before her untimely death. 
He recalled times on the playground as children, hitting each other with foam swords and playing pretend—as if they were the Capp and Monty heiress and heir, respectively, in 1600s Veronaville. 
Things had seemed to be on an upward path throughout his early years, with his father on the Monty side and Cordelia on the Capp side. Neither of them was interested in continuing the feud, and there were even talks of peace in the future. It all seemed too good to be true, and it turned out to be just that. There was a fire in their home, and the kids had managed to escape without any scratches somehow—but Cordelia and Caliban had not been so lucky. 
Mercutio was 12 years old when this happened, and he wanted to attend the funeral. He knew Cordelia and Caliban; they had never been anything but nice to him. He wanted to show his support and make sure that the Capp siblings were okay. His parents were both wrecks; leaving the house seemed nearly impossible for them. His Nonno yelled at him for even thinking of such a thing.
He wasn’t able to go to the funeral. 
There were whispers on the other side of town that the fire was deliberately caused by a member of the Monty family. Mercutio never wanted to imagine that someone he was related to was capable of something like that. Whether or not they were true, they had brought back the feud in full force. Friends he thought he’d made had become strangers again, and the town had become more divided than ever. 
It caused a particularly bad falling out, one that had yet to be topped. Childhood crushes should never be affected by adult problems, but the feud seemed to truly want to take over every aspect of his life. 
His parents were never quite the same after the fire. His mother was becoming heavily pregnant, but she was also growing sicker. She was bedridden most days and often in too much pain to even speak to Mercutio. There was a feeling of impending doom that hung over their home; they all knew that something bad was going to come eventually.
Mercutio found her. She was still in bed, but she no longer looked in pain. For the first time in months, she looked at peace, but he still had tried his hardest to wake her up. 
Olivia Monty had passed away during the night. The doctors said it was due to something called eclampsia, something she had never discussed with her children before. Everyone was too distraught to plan a proper funeral for her, especially his father. Mercutio did not know the man his father had become during his last 6 months of life. He was withdrawn, solemn, as if he had lost his will to live the day his wife had died.
Claudio Monty passed away exactly half a year after his wife. They called it broken heart syndrome—it seems even his body didn’t have much of a reason to go on either. Mercutio was lucky to have not been the one to find him, but he’ll never forget the wails of his grandmother as she begged for him to come back. 
The funeral was one for both his mother and father. There was no burial or casket, and his father had wanted to be cremated alongside his mother. He made that very clear before his death. It was a quiet affair inside his grandparent's home, and he’d chosen to block out most of his memories of it except for one. 
His nonno had pulled him aside as his brother and sister cried and cried. He’d told him that while he was taking them in now, he and Nonna would not be there forever. As the oldest, it was now Mercutio’s responsibility to look out for his younger siblings. He needed to guide them, to protect them, to lead them through the dark and uncertainty of what life would bring now.  
So Mercutio stood by them as they cried, his face unwavering as he tried to be the image of strength and resilience. Ever since that day, he had cried only maybe twice more in his life. His grandparents never seemed to be too concerned with his well-being, taking his positive attitude at face value. It was as if they had forgotten that Mercutio was the one to find his mother dead, not Romeo or Viola. 
Nonna would call him il mio raggio di sole, her ray of sunshine. She said their home wouldn’t be as bright without him, as he brought the light into what became a deeply dark period of time for them. It was at that very moment that Mercutio knew what he was born for. Romeo was born to be the heir, to become the leader of their family and take up that responsibility. Viola was born to be doted on, the youngest girl with two older brothers with a coy smile and a face identical to their mother’s.
Mercutio was born to keep everyone happy. He was born to pretend that he was fine, that if he could be nothing but jokes and laughter after such a tragedy—maybe the rest of the family could heal as well. But as with many things in Veronaville, it was all a facade.
More often than not, Mercutio couldn’t get the image of his deceased mother out of his head. He wanted to yell at the urns of his mother and father, asking just why they couldn’t hold on for their children. Why his mother couldn’t take better care of herself during her pregnancy, why his father couldn’t have found a will to live through his struggling kids, just why, why, why. 
He never spoke about his parents, not to anybody. He knew he’d fall apart if their names left his lips. He never wanted to be that vulnerable, he never wanted to cry, and he never wanted to show that side of him to anyone. 
Mercutio wrote love poems about bugs. He wrote a sonnet about an orchid mantis on the blooming flowers in their garden. A haiku about a ladybug that had made its way onto the dashboard of his car. A ballad about a butterfly that had fluttered around his head for what felt like a lifetime. It was easier to lie, to lie and say he was letting his guard down through the writing he submitted to his literature teacher. 
He kept everything that was real locked away inside a leather-bound journal, which was gifted to him by his Nonna after his report card showed an A- in Literature. He wrote about death, despair, hopelessness, depression, about how he really felt. He wrote about love, about what it would mean to let someone fully in, about freedom, about escaping this hell hole that threatened to destroy him before he could graduate. The leather-bound journal held the key to his very soul, and he would never let anyone see the inside of it. 
Not now, anyway. 
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foxes-that-run · 9 months
Wonderland is a song about a love that feels so enticing it draws her in against her judgment. Taylor uses Lewis Carroll's Wonderland as a metaphor for love with a famous person and they try to hold on the chaos that ensues from going public. Get a cup of tea, this is long. I feel the lyrics, meaning and context of this song are overlooked because Taylor had a friend who likes the classic novel.
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22 March 2011 - Taylor visited an Alice and Wonderland themed store on Portobello Road, London. (2011 timeline)
25 October 2012 - Taylors Rolling Stone Article is titled "Taylor in Wonderland" and talks about her apartment.
Over 18 months of remodeling, Swift gave the condo a heavy dose of well-funded OCD whimsy. The ceiling is arranged in multiple motifs – billowing curtains here, a painted indigo night sky there. In one corner, under hanging crystalline stars, sits a giant bunny made of moss. He’s wearing a hat. “It’s a whole Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland structure here,” she says, welcoming me the next morning. “It’s what the inside of my brain looks like, essentially.”
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5 November 2012 - One Direction is on the cover of Wonderland Magazine holding puppies. The article talks about a book deal from a fanfic about Harry, death threats to girlfriends, abuse of their mothers, relationships breaking down due to abuse by fans and absolute ferver about them at that time. It includes the quotes:
"Anyone is welcome to stare into the eyes of Madness" and "The boys show a similar stubbornness when I suggest, perhaps, if they were a little less public about their girlfriends (boybands like Take That, for example, were always encouraged by management to be perennially single in public), then maybe their partners would not have to endure so much attention. “That’s shit,” says Louis. “That means you don’t lead a life that’s real. You wouldn’t be able to go out anywhere publicly with your girlfriend.”
2 December 2012 - a month after the article Harry and Taylor walked in Central Park. They had been on/off in private for months at that point and seemingly together for the last 4 months.
17 November 2014 - Taylor is on the cover of Wonderland Magazine, she talks about 1989 and Twitter Trolls.
In 2015 Taylor indicated that all the songs of romance songs on 1989 were about on person. While Taylor has never said who that person is songs like Style hint. Thank you @cntfightmydemonsthyknowhowtoswim for the shopping photo and timeline help! In her March 15 2013 vanity fair article (the one that said harry chased her for a year before they dated and also pointed mentions she was born in 1989) Taylor said:
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Lyric Video
References the book, Harry's eye's and the 1D Wonderland article:
"Anyone is welcome to stare into the eyes of the madness."
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Live Performances
Taylor has only performed it 6 times, each has a reason. When 1989 was release Harry’s IG went black and white and stayed that way for nearly 2 years. He posted a colour photo within a week of each Time this song was played.
May 15, 2015, Las Vegas Rock in Rio, first played. After performing Tenerife Sea with Ed Sheeran. This first performance was 2 days before the 2015 BBMAs when Taylor knew she would be seeing Harry. (Harry colour IG post)
May 20, 2015, Bossier City Louisiana (1989 Tour), on Harry and Taylors anniversary. It was followed by the Clean Speech she referred to the 2015 BBMAs 3 days earlier and 'where you should be' which Harry later referenced in Woman. (Harry colour IG post)
June 6, 2015, Pittsburgh (1989 Tour) - the day after the One Direction Hiatus story first broke. (Harry colour IG post).
June 20, 2015, Cologne, Germany (1989 Tour). Day of Taylors letter to Apple and 1989 not to be on Apple music. (Harry colour IG post)
September 29, 2018, Houston (Reputation Tour) - day after Haylor anniversary of Begin Again Paris weekend
April 21, 2023, Houston on (Eras Tour) Taylor introduced it and said it has a"twisted kind of Alice and Wonderland vibe" day before Peace Ring Anniversary
Original Lyrics
Along with 1989 TV Taylor released the original Wonderland Lyrics 27 October 2023. They are undated. I think it may have been started in 2011 when Taylor was in London and finished for 1989. The original Lyrics further indicate this song is about Harry:
"We danced down hallways, too in love to think straight" rather than" became "So, we went on our way / Too in love to think straight" Hallway's being common theme in Harry and Taylors songs about each other.
"Screaming you're the king and I'm the queen," rather than "All alone, or so it seemed." King/Queen is a common reference Taylor has used to indicate the muse is British. This is also on 1989 in Blank Space: "Stolen kisses, pretty lies, you’re the king, baby, I’m your queen"
"Colors I'd never seen twisting around me" became "I felt your arms twistin' around me." Colours are also a Haylor theme, on 1989 with OOTW: "The rest of the world was black and white / But we were in screaming color.”
"Didn't I tell you don't listen to them?" to "Didn't they tell us don't rush into things?" this reminds me of Slut! "I said it might blow up in your pretty face / I'm not saying do it anyway / But you're going to" because they went public and it did blow up.
"I turned around to find you and you were nowhere to be found / There was screaming and lightning / And I haven't been back since I had to leave you there..." became "I reached for you, but you were gone / I knew I had to go back home / You searched the world for somethin' else." this is similar to I Knew You Were Trouble: "And he’s long gone when he’s next to me", This Love: "And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone" and Blank Space: "Screaming, crying, perfect storms, I can make all the tables turn".
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[Verse 1] Flashing lights And we took a wrong turn And we fell down a rabbit hole You held on tight to me 'Cause nothing's as it seems And spinning out of control
The first verse sets the scene of a relationship that is in the public eye and two people trying to hold onto their love in chaos. Specifically not a hidden relationship.
Flashing lights - It's easy to overlook how very out of control the fans and paparazzi were about Haylor and One Direction in 2011 - 2013. Having dated in secret for sometime when they did go public the focus was intense. When they dated again it was hidden, which is evident in both of their discographies.
I Know Places: Lights flash and we’ll run for the fences
Is It Over Now?: Flashing lights, oh Lord, let’s fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later
Paris: Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight in my mind
One Directions Perfect "And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out oh yeah"
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Fell down a Rabbit Hole is similar to IWYW "We're a crooked love in a straight line down"
Trying to hold onto each other in chaos is also in:
Run: "Say you’ll never let them tear us apart and I’ll hold onto you while we run"
New Years Day "You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi"
Dancing with our hands tied "Oh, and you held me close Oh, how was I to know?"
The Archer: Help me hold on to you
Harry for One Direction Story of my Life "The way that I been holdin' on too tight"
Harry for One Direction Olivia "Don't let me go"
[Pre-Chorus] Didn't they tell us "Don't rush into things"? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds? Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? I felt your arms twistin' around me I should have slept with one eye open at night
The Pre-Chorus tells of a decision to go public with a previously private relationship. At the time Harry and One Direction were incessantly asked invasive questions about dating, which Harry was increasingly uncomfortable answering. Shortly before 1D provided a list of banned questions which was not well received.
Slut! implies that Harry had wanted to go public and Taylor cautioned against it " Taking your chance / It's a big mistake / I said it might blow up in your pretty face / I'm not saying do it anyway / But you're going to / And if they call me a slut / You know it might be worth it for once"
Harry's green eyes are mentioned in many songs.
[Chorus] We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever (Eh, eh) We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it And life was never worse, but never better (Eh, eh)
The Chorus encapsulates this relationship, one they are drawn to, see the peril in and proceed anyway because they love it. Taylor has other lyrics that refer to forever not coming true:
Wildest Dreams: Nothing lasts forever, but this is getting good now
Cowboy Like Me: Forever is the sweetest con
False God: We were crazy to think / Crazy to think that this could work / Remember how I said I'd die for you?
Pretending is also a theme, I think this about suspending judgement to stay in a Lavender Haze, or set aside concerns about the potential reputational damage or bullying caused by fans:
I Knew You Were Trouble: "Pretend he doesn’t know that he’s the reason why your drowning"
Wildest Dreams: "Say you’ll see me again even if it’s just pretend"
Delicate: "Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you’re mine all the damn time"
Death By A Thousand Cuts: "Chandelier’s still flickering here ‘cause I can’t pretend it’s okay when it’s not"
Paris: "Stumble down pretend alleyways, cheap wine, make believe it’s champagne"
[Post-Chorus] (Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh) In Wonderland x3
The post chorus Eh's sound so similar to Rihanna's "Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh" which is actually similar in theme, Umbrella is about a famous couple being there for each other, Wonderland is feeling like that didn't happen.
In the period One Direction was incessantly asked for a celebrity crush (while he was actually dating an exceptional famous dream girl) Harry often said Rihanna, if he answered. Rihanna was a safe choice, she wasn't single, she has spoken highly of Harry. Also she sat in front of him at the infamous 2013 VMAs.
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[Verse 2] So, we went on our way Too in love to think straight All alone, or so it seemed But there were strangers watchin' And whispers turned to talkin' And talking turned to screams, oh
Fame and focus of people outside the relationship is a theme. I can't repeat enough how much this song is about a public relationship:
Dancing with our hands tied "People started talkin', puttin' us through our paces" and
I know places - "Somethin' happens when everybody finds out / See the vultures circling, dark clouds / Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out / It could burn out" and "I can hear them whisper as we pass by, It's a bad sign, bad sign"
…Ready For It?: Touch me and you’ll never be alone
So It Goes…: But when you get me alone, it’s so simple
Harry for One Direction Where do Broken Hearts Go: "Mind is runnin' in circles of you and me / Anyone in-between is the enemy"
[Pre-Chorus] Didn't they tell us "Don't rush into things"? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile? Ooh, didn't it all seem new and exciting? I felt your arms twistin' around me It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind But darling
The reference of a Cheshire Cat smile is a double meaning, both referring to Harry's smile and where he grew up, Cheshire, England. Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, was also born in Cheshire. Calm my fears similar to the line in NYD “squeeze my hand”
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[Bridge] I reached for you, but you were gone I knew I had to go back home You searched the world for somethin' else To make you feel like what we had And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad Oh
The song ends on a sad note, Taylor realises the relationship is too much for her so she gives it up. Her muse can't replace her and they never get over it. From Slut! and Say Don't Go in the 1989 Vault Taylor wanted more assurance in the chaotic storm of them going public. From Harry's TBSL and Little Freak we can infer that he wasn't ready for it, 19 and too famous too quickly.
Reached for you but you were gone
Message In A Bottle: I’m reaching for you, terrified
I Knew You Were Trouble: And he’s long gone when he’s next to me
I Know Places: Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it
New Romantics: Please take my hand and please take me dancing
Willow: I’m begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that’s my man
Harry's As it was: I want you to hold out the palm of your hand / Why don't we leave it at that?
You searched the world for something else
Is it over now? "You search in every model's bed for somethin' greater, baby"
Harry's As it was: When everything gets in the way / Seems you cannot be replaced / And I'm the one who will stay, oh
We both went mad: the song ends on 'we both went mad' which is a double meaning of having lost themselves in this relationship and the Cheshire Cat saying "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." in Alice in Wonderland. Madness is a theme in Harry and Taylors songs about each other:
Blank Space "Magic, madness, heaven, sin" and "They'll tell you I'm insane"
Say Don’t Go: "The waiting is a sadness fading into madness"
IDWLF "Baby, baby, I feel crazy Up all night, all night and every day"
Hit's Different "Or have they come to take me away? To take me away"
Harry for One Direction If I could Fly "I've been going out of my mind (I feel it I feel it) Know that I'm just wasting time"
Harry's Kiwi "She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it (Oh)
Wonderland also has a taymoji pack which refers to king of my heart, the rose/thorn Haylor theme.
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nicohischierz · 2 years
could i request 11: “i need you”, 25: “i’ve got you”, 1: “don’t leave me” & 17: “just hold me” for rutger please :) where some guy is harassing his gf at a party and she's scared
1: "don't leave me"
11: "i need you"
17: "just hold me"
25:" i've got you"
warnings: mentions of sexual assault
you spending your friday night at another party held by the sophomores became a regular occurrence when you started dating rutger.
in any social gathering if someone wanted to find you all they had to do was look for rutger and vice versa. but tonight was a rare occasion where the two of you weren't together.
rutger had been called to play a game of beer pong and you had been talking to a few girls in your intro to psych class. the conversation was brief and the girls had left as they went to fill their drinks and talk to other people in the house.
you were a socially anxious person. you never really know what to say around people you didn't know too well and even if you started speaking to them your heart would be hammering against your chest
"hey, i think we're in the same english class," a guy came up to you. if you were being completely honest you wouldn't have been able to tell anyone who this guy was but you nodded anyway.
"here let me refill your cup," he offered, grabbing the red solo cup from your hand. you shook your head and tried walking away but he grabbed your hand.
he shook his head at you slowly before dragging you towards the back door. "what made you think I was done talking to you," he seethed. the guy tightened his grip around your wrist, his hold was definitely going to leave a bruise.
you knew shouting for rutger wasn't going to do anything as the music blared loudly but you knew one of the seniors was sitting outside.
so when nolan saw you fight against this unknown guy he immediately called rutger and alerted the boys of the situation. nolan put his phone in his pocket and made his way over to the two of you.
"is something wrong?" he asked.
the guy shook his head and pulled you in under his arms "no, nothing's wrong. my girlfriend here's just had a bit too much to drink so I'm taking her home," he explained giving nolan a smile.
he was about to walk away with you, writhing in his grip, when rutger stormed out of the house with adam, luke, ethan and mark behind him.
the guy, who's name you still didn't know, pushed you towards nolan and turned to face rutger. "you should really control your girl dude," he warned.
your boyfriend didn't respond as he sent a strong punch to the guys jaw. the impact rang in your ears as nolan cradled your head against his chest.
after the initial punch eddy and mark stepped in between the two boys, protecting rutger put also ready to fight back if needed.
the guy tried swinging back at rutger but mark grabbed his arm and tutted. the guys eyes widened expecting mark to punch him but eddy whacked his knees making him fall.
at this point you had tears filling your eyes as you realised what would’ve happened if nolan wasn’t outside. the captain could feel your tears fall against his shirt and called for rutger.
your boyfriend slowly peeled you away from nolan and walked towards the nearest room in the house. his hands were over your ears to prevent you from hearing what was going on.
“hey baby, don’t worry. i’ve got you now,” he whispered.
rutger pulled away to grab a tissue to wipe the mascara from under your eyes but you quickly grabbed his arm, tears filling your eyes again.
“please don’t leave me,”
rutgers eyes softened and he wrapped you up in your arms again. he left a kiss on your head as you cried into his shoulder.
“im not leaving baby. i’ll ask luca if adam to get you some water and makeup wipes. do you need anything else?" rutger asked grabbing his phone from his pocket.
"no. i just need you to hold me please,"
rutger nodded and complied as he cuddled up to you. ethan groaned when he saw the two of you in his room but the fact that he knew you were safe was enough to stop him from complaining about the couch.
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semi-annual tradition of roasting HeR's questionable fucking merch because all their designs are bad again let's goooo ->->->
remember how for a bit there it felt like HeR was putting some effort into making their merch good? desirable? well-designed?
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welp it seems pretty clear they're done with that, because i'm sorry but this just looks awful. the font? bad! the horse/lasso clipart? bad! the layout? very, very bad!
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"I left my at Shadow 💛 Ranch" are you serious rn? bad! i don't think you tried at all!
actual Mystery of the Seven Keys merch ffs why isn't it called Case of the Seven Keys that sounds so much better has dropped - and while it's nothing special (though some of it is weird - hey do you want an 8x10 metal print of the game 'cover' awkwardly centred on a blurred, indistinct background? 'cause HeR made 'em!) it seems like they can't decide what nancy silhouette to use? because while most of it uses the new exorcist-head-turn pants-y drew silhouette, they've also got a couple pieces with the classic silhouette - the one they haven't used since Stay Tuned for Danger. because who needs brand consistency.
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(the nancy silhouette use from mhm to sea - aka for nearly 90% of the games - has not resurfaced.)
the presence of actual KEY merch raises the spectre of who they think is gonna buy all the merch they made during the lead-up to the game - seriously is there any reason someone would buy this now?
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i would also argue there was no need for anyone to buy any of these before, but now? $60 for a hoodie with your fucking launch date?? really???
does anyone know what separates the 'classic' icons on the left from the 'deep cut' icons on the right? also wow they're really just never going to acknowledge ran at all anymore huh.
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ah yes. noted 'deep cut' references. like henrick. and ethel. and hotchkiss.
these next designs are clearly not the worst things in the store and while I guess they're not awful though I don't like the font they are blatant Bess and George erasure and thus I hate them on principle.
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Bess + George > Deirdre. Also, Bess + George > FrankenJoe. hope that clears things up.
the 25 year anniversary merch is a whole load of bad - the 'and all i got was this lousy _____' trend is lame, and has been for 10,000 years, but there are worse crimes. the mug is just boring in a way that looks unfinished rather than minimalistic. font crimes from the magnifying glass - every time i see it i think it says 'snoopers' not 'snooping'. i actually thought the teal callback designs were kind of neat in a nostalgia-bait kind of way until i realized the necklaces were the only option without all the text under the magnifying glass? maybe folks who were more active on the boards get a nostalgia kick from that last one but i'll be honest, it does nothing for me.
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i don't mean to be an exhausting pedant but. no sassy detective until trt, no koko kringles until ssh, no easter eggs until dog, no horse shirt until ddi, can't call carson until clk, no lost luggage until dan. also the placement of the text is just. weird. doesn't look right.
and jenna's whale t-shirt still isn't available in green. bye.
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lilac-den · 8 months
I hope you don't mind and if you'd feel like it, you could entertain me a little. ROs scenario ask incoming, for both series. But first, a little explanation where it comes from.
So, ever since last weekend started, I've been dealing with a big headache made by a toothache. and only today I finally have a dentist appointment. I'm tired from five days of barely sleeping, taking a little too much strong painkillers, and overall feeling dizzy and just too much, as well as being nervous as hell, since the last dentist visit I had (a few years ago) left me a little traumatised. I had a wisdom tooth removed waaay sooner than anesthesia kicked in (basically, I started feeling numb only after getting home). it hurt so much I left the dentist crying, with some adults looking at me like I'm crazy and kids looking scared. and I might be lucky the dentist didn't take it against me when I was so close to touch them myself (in attempt to take their hands off of me). so, today I wouldn't mind some little... fluff? comfort? anything, really, as I'm already standing in a store choosing my comfort plushie for today. (I may be 25 this year but I'm also adult enough to admit I need it).
anyway, the scenario? lets say MC is dealing with all that: a cheek so swollen they look like a hamster, toothache so big it leaves them either crying or dozing off in between, dizziness both from pain and as little (or as much) food they were able to get. add to that that little bit of trauma/being scared of dentists. and for whatever reason they need to wait a few days before meeting with a dentist. how would ROs help them, maybe comfort them in meantime? especially if all that could make even the calmest, kindest of MCs snap a little? (and they'd apologize either right after or once the pain is gone, depending on MC character)? 🥺
It's a bit rough for me to write answers for ROs from both series (cuz it's a lot) but I'll try my best XD
Pls try not to send me asks of both series at once though. It's a bit much for me 😢
(But I'm sorry to hear about your dentist visit ;u; if it helps - I never got to visit the dentist till about a year or two ago for the first time and jesus fuck was it a disgusting experience ._. I'm just glad my dentist was patient and informative) [And no judgement here - pretty sure being an adult means you got to have a horde of plushies if anything XD]
Zeus: They'll treat MC like how you would treat a feral pet: Carefully and slowly approach them from the rear. XD But for real, they would start learning a whole new system for this rare event to get the pattern worked out.
Zeus wouldn't feel like MC needed to apologize - in fact, they had fun discovering this new side of MC.
Hermes: As someone who has medical knowledge and experience in the medical practice...Even they agree that dentistry sucks. But Hermes, while they would be pretty peeved about getting snapped at, is pretty up-to-date MC's state and understands the pain MC is in isn't their fault (that, and they know better than anyone that the snappy words MC said were out of the pain from the toothache, not from Hermes themselves). But mark my words, they'll be the ones to record MC being under loopy world from the dentist procedures of putting patients under anaesthesia with their phone and then show it to MC when they apologize to Hermes.
Dionysus: They'll be fretting so much - and also be sensitive with MC's mood, trying their best to not overstep anywhere. They would be the most comforting presence, but they'll also end up walking on eggshells around MC in fear of accidentally pissing them off. ^^"
Moment MC apologizes tho, Dionysus would relax and reassure MC that it's fine.
Ares: They're the most steady presence for MC but they're also not afraid of replying back to MC's snappy tone - just in a more of 'yes, dear, whatever you say' sort of manner (not in a careless one, but more like a spouse that's just so used to chaotic shit that this is their new normal XD) But Ares would go instinctive, protective mode of sorts - MC feels some discomfort? Ares tries to find out what's causing it then adjust it till MC is satisfied. MC's feeling dizzy? Ares ends up picking MC up to either let them rest on the bed or, if MC wants to, let them cuddle against them on Ares's lap.
Dolos: Huh...Kinda hard to picture how Dolos would do. Farthest I get is that they would already have things prepared, like they know MC just before MC asked - at least, stuff that's part of MC's routine/common choice of comfort/relief.
Maverick: Considering his ability to wield ice, he's the endless supply of ice packs for your swollen cheek! He'll personally tend to MC too - at least, until the staff had to convince him of the paperwork and stuff that's been piling up, which Maverick would work on it if it seems like he's suffocating MC a bit too much.
Rydigan: Unlike Maverick, he's gonna end up being attentive and maybe overprotective? I can picture MC being both exasperated but also nostalgic about Rydigan fretting over them.
Ittania: She'll help out if MC asks for it - not because she's uncaring (far from it!) but because she trusts MC to know what they need. Only time she'll put a hand in is if MC tries to do something that they shouldn't do in their condition - basically a limiter for them?
Enid: Hrm...She'll probs be pissed if the doctors try to do the procedure before the anaesthesia even kicked in, an amateur mistake since the House of Scales is known for having the best knowledge of medicines, including how long it takes for the anaesthesia to kick in for both susceptible or resistant to it. You can imagine her picking a fight with the doctors who's dumb enough to remove MC's wisdom tooth without the anaesthesia (even when MC tells her that it's not that bad, given how high MC's pain tolerance is).
Then...I guess she tries her best to care MC? (Tho she's pretty bad at this, so Ittania would take notice and try to help her when she can XD)
Thank you for the ask!
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kikidoesfanfic · 4 days
Here have a silly lil thing I wrote for a @strangerthingswritersguild demogorgon daily prompt that I forgot to upload. The challenge was to write an AITA post written by a character nobody else had used yet.
WIBTA for missing my sons birthday for my husband's work trip?
I (f41) travel a lot with my husband (m50), it's important as CEO that he checks on the offices scattered around the country, as well as frequent networking trips to visit investors overseas.
My son (m17) has always understood this, it's been a common occurrence since he was quite young that his father travel, and I've been following my husband since our son was old enough to care for himself (around 13, he was a very precocious child) sending a cleaner twice a week, as well as weekly phone calls to check on the house.
The problem is that his birthday is approaching, and after missing thanksgiving and Christmas I may have promised that we'd be home for this one, however my husband has just been invited along on a wonderful opportunity for us to travel to London during that time.
Now, I understand that our son's 18th is important to him, but my husband would be mad to turn down the opportunity, and if I don't go with him he's likely to find some woman to shack up with for the duration, so obviously I can't let him go alone.
I left my son a message to let him know we'd be away for his 18th, and I told him we'd send a card with some money so he could buy whatever gift he wanted for his birthday, but he never called back, which feels a little ungrateful considering he lives in our house rent free. So WIBTA?
Are you sure your son is turning 18? Like *really* sure?
u/sufferingsocialite Of course I am, I was 22 when I gave birth to him.
u/redactedthebanished the math ain't mathing lady. YWBTA.
Does that age gap concern anyone else? You had a kid at 22 with a 31 year old, how long were you married? How long were you dating? And he regularly cheats? Girl run. Preferably back home to try and be a good mother instead of going back to some creep. YWBTA
u/battybabysitter I don't know if I like you having a reddit account kiddo.
(2 replies)
u/sufferingsocialite I don't know any woman who expects to find a successful man who's under 25, we were a well suited match, very compatible.
Your husband cheats if he's not in your eyeline and you'd rather spend time with him than your kid that you neglected for years? Sounds like one for the you suck column. Yes YWBTA.
u/sufferingsocialite It's not only that he'd find other women to entertain himself in my absence, imagine if he showed up to a social function alone, what kind of message does that send to the company's investors if we don't present a united front? He needs me, I didn't realise reddit members would be so short sighted.
u/guntotinggoddess It sounds like you just want us to tell you not to feel guilty and to go enjoy your holiday. Good luck with that. YWBTA.
You called once a week to check on the house? The house???? Yikes YWBTA
u/sufferingsocialite it's a big house it requires a lot of upkeep, it was quite an investment it makes sense to keep an eye on things.
u/theaceofbase yeah nope, I got nothing, have fun in London I guess, because you clearly aren't going to make any other decision.
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one-vivid-judgment · 4 months
Remember when I said I was gonna dice into the differences between the Eng and Spanish subs of Infinite Wealth?
WELL WAKE UP BABE, IT'S TIME FOR 'Vicky analyzes language differences'!!
Believe me when I say I would've loved to start this by dwelling on character interactions and whatnot, but as it turns out, that is a VERY time-consuming task and I'm still working on it (can you believe the Eiji-Kasuga interactions in chapter 2 ALONE take up 25 Word pages? Between Spanish subs-English translation of Spanish subs-English subs? Yeah, crazy). So, for now, let's focus on something else!
The chapter titles
As we all know by now, the English names of the chapters are all based on Elvis songs. In previous RGG games (and by that I mean the ones who actually have Spanish versions: LAD, Judgment and LJ), the chapter titles were all direct translations of their English counterparts. However, this doesn't happen in IW for the reason listed above; the meaning would pretty much be diluted, even if many Spanish speakers DO know about Elvis and have listened to his music. So, what did they do for the Spanish version:
Simple! Change the titles to Spanish songs (oldies, mostly) who convey a similar meaning. Or, as we'll see with chapter 1, a radically opposite meaning to the original, but which highlights a different side of the chapter itself/the characters personalities.
This would be a PRETTY long post if I talked about every chapter here. So, for now, let's focus on just one per post, yeah? Starting up...
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In English: Doin’ the best I can
In Spanish: Voy a pasármelo bien (I’m gonna have some fun)
The songs chosen are pretty much opposites in terms of... everything, really.
In the English version, we have a very mellow Elvis song. It’s more about heartbreak than anything else, which is pretty fitting when you think about what happens in the chapter. Ichiban is living the life, with a stable job and carrying on Arakawa’s legacy (Doin' the best he can), he scores a date with Saeko and they have fun. It all comes crashing down afterwards though: Saeko rejects him then ghosts him for a year, he is exposed by the Tatara Channel and loses his job, and he goes from being ‘the hero of Yokohama’ to being at rock bottom again. At some point, after being fired, Ichiban says “Everything is back to how it used to be.” He tried his best, but it wasn’t enough (“I’ll be a dreamer, I’ll be a fool”, “Doin’ the best I can but it’s not good enough for you”).
Overall, the vibe of it is more about what goes wrong rather than the good things that happen.
Then there is the Spanish version picking a very hype song from Hombres G, a band that was very popular here in the 80s (they are still active, if anyone is interested, and they have many iconic songs under their belts. We still quote "Sufre, mamón" ('Suffer, asshole') to this day where I'm from).
The vibe is the complete opposite:
Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal 
Echado un par de huevos a mi sartén
Dando volteretas he llegado al baño
Me he duchado y he despilfarrado el gel
Porque hoy algo me dice
Que voy a pasármelo bien
(Today I woke up doing somersaults / threw a couple eggs in my pan / doing cartwheels I made it to the bathroom / I showered and wasted the shower gel / Cause today something tells me / that I’m gonna have some fun)
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Sé que tengo algunos enemigos
Pero esta noche no podrán contar conmigo
Porque voy a convertirme en hombre lobo
Me he jurado a mí mismo que no dormiré solo
(I know I have some enemies / But tonight they can count me out / Cause I’m gonna turn into a werewolf / I swore to myself I won’t be sleeping alone)
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Voy a cogerme un pedo'e los que hacen afición
Me iré arrastrando a casa con la sonrisa puesta
Mañana ya, si puedo, dormiré la siesta
Pero esta noche no, esta noche no
(I’m gonna get shit-faced like never before / I’ll drag myself back home with a smile still on / Tomorrow, if I can, I’ll take a nap / But not tonight, not tonight)
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So yes, this song is all about the positive vibes before it all comes crashing down. Even so, after things do go sideways, Kasuga is still smiling and not letting it get to him (at most, he feels like shit because he dragged Adachi and Nanba down with him). The song goes very well, not only with the ‘happy’ part of the chapter, but also with Kasuga’s personality in general. Especially the “I know I have some enemies, but they can count me out.” Cause boy does Kasuga have enemies after the Tatara exposé. And even after all that, what he is worried about is how his actions affect other people, his vibes are that pure.
Overall, I would say that, although the vibes are completely different, it works as a sort of contrast. English goes for the ‘downfall’ and the sensation of failing even after trying your best not to, which is was Kasuga was trying to do employing former yakuza through Hello Work; meanwhile, Spanish chooses to go for a more light-hearted, slightly unserious tone that just so happens to perfectly match Kasuga’s personality and how he chooses to see the good side of things despite being back at rock bottom.
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