#me: watching as this slowly turns into a longer story
drgnflyteabox · 3 days
lament [1]
part one -> honey || part two -> tbd
series masterlist
pairing: john price x fem reader summary: as you recover from prolonged illness, you meet a man on a hike in the woods just as strange things begin happening around you. tags/warnings: creepy / horror vibes, slowburn, phone sex, masturbation, injuries, mention of hospitals, pneumonia, mobility aids, softdom!price (for now), dubcon due to intoxication, tags will update as the story does w.c: 5.9k
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The woods are a peaceful, meditative thing. You’ve been spending your mornings there walking with Diva, meandering through the local trails and venturing off for pictures of red mushrooms or Diva in her little yellow raincoat, sniffing something or other.
The trails were scarcely used and took a couple of hours to finish, a longer trek in taller trees that closed off the sunlight and created peace through insulation, like an echo chamber of wet pitter patter from rain the night before and the gentle calls of birds, broken only by the sounds of your hiking shoes crunching gently through pebbles and leaves.
Quiet. It’s just what you need, slowly erasing memories of bright fluorescent lights and the smell of antiseptics. The trail isn’t elevated, it’s long, but not elevated. That’s important for your recovery, two months spent in a hospital bed attached to breathing apparatus.
Relief, freedom, as slow as your steps are and as beleaguered is your breathing, it’s pure relief. You’re no longer breathing through a straw, building strength walk by walk, spending time with Diva and watching her little tail wiggle under her coat. This time is good for her, too. You could sink to your knees and praise a higher being for the time off and sick pay policies your job has - so could Diva.
The shaking continues, your limbs still weak, muscles unused to standing and walking. You often find yourself sitting, on a log or a rock, and taking time to breathe and recover. Sometimes a granola bar makes its way into the mix, sometimes a handful of trail mix.
The last few times, there’s been a man. Tall, imposing, walking much quicker than you even with a brace around his knee. His posture tells you he takes himself pretty seriously, or he’s military, if there’s any difference.
Mutton chops, mustache, cargo pants. He’s been coming up behind you with sure steps, barely a limp even with his knee, and going by you so fast there's a breeze, makes you a little nervous to get mowed down.
Diva is weary of him. Her hackles raise, though she doesn’t bark, and she tucks close to you when he goes by. You don't feel unsafe, just a little surprised at the break in monotony no matter how tiny it is.
Doesn’t help that it’s pretty nice watching him go, that broad back and tight shirt, those well sculpted legs. Hey, you’re still sick and weak, still recovering. Sue me, you think, leaning on a tree when your lungs start burning again a little too much.
He stops, a few feet in front of you.
“You broken?” His voice is just as you imagined, rough maybe from smoking, maybe from overuse.
“What?” Broken?
“You alright?” He repeats, turning then. The quiet is a little oppressive now, with your struggle. You’re wheezing.
“Yes, yes, I’m fine-” you cough, dryly. “Just asthmatic.” It’s an easy explanation, you’re trying to get him to move on. You’ve never felt in danger, but it’s still the middle of the woods and he’s still a strange man.
“Need a hand?” He has to look down at you, even from a distance. His head is tilted down, arms folding across his chest, biceps calling to you like sirens.
You shake your head, squatting down as best you can, taking the breaths learned from your doctor and pulling out your steroid inhaler. One puff, two puff.
The man looks at you skeptically, eyes small and narrowed, flitting once to Diva who would fail as a service dog, but tries her best at guarding you despite being so small. Her gaze is pinpointed to him, as stiff as he is.
”Right, then,” is all he says before he’s back to his soldiers march.
You imagine him with horse blinders on and pulling a sled behind him, wheezing a laugh into the empty air.
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Recovery is not linear. That’s what your doctor tells you, what you were told before you left the ICU, before you were discharged all together. There’ll be ups and downs, moments where you feel you’ve backslid to the point of having to start all over.
You get it, really. It’s a mantra. Recovery is not linear.
What they don't warn you is that it’s different when you’re actually feeling it, waking up weaker than ever and coughing, burning in your chest. It’s jarring, every cell in your body crying for oxygen and yet you aren’t low enough that you need to go back to the ER, just sit up in bed and stare out the window to the fortress of green that surrounds your house.
Recovery is not linear. You watch comfort shows - animated Halloween specials, a couple months too early. They fit the cooling temperatures, the slow yellowing of the trees.
Food is hard when you can’t stand for long periods of time, so you order in. Soup, and an extra chicken crunch treat for Diva on her dinner.
It’s only when you turn Charlie Brown off that you hear it.
Tap tap tap. Deliberate, timed taps, like a mini hammer on a mini nail. Quiet enough that your ears strain, and yet you can just barely catch the sound. It’s coming from the side of your house, opposite to your bedroom and closest to the living room you were just in.
Tap tap tap. Maybe it’s the vibe you put yourself in, but you shiver with apprehension. Could be an animal, you do live fairly far out, and by the woods. Your driveway is long, separated from the highway just outside of town.
Diva is usually a false alarm - she raises her hackles at the stove, she’s not trustworthy when it comes to alerting you. And yet you look, and find her standing straight up and staring at the wall the sound is coming from, lips peeling back.
Only there's nothing you can do. You aren’t gonna go check, not with your weak limbs and thin breath. Theres a landline in the kitchen with a long cord, and your cellphone. The best you can do is lock the windows and doors, which you do, shuffling so as to make the least amount of noise possible.
Next the lights and curtains, drawn and shut. You tuck a knife under your mattress, more for reassurance than anything, and close your bedroom door behind Diva.
The only reason you’re able to sleep is the bedroom door locks. The handle has one, and there’s a chain above that. You tuck into bed under the covers like a child hiding from their closet, straining to hear the tap tap tap. Sometime between you locking all the entries and exits, it stopped, but you’re still unmoored.
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Your lungs fare better the next morning, eased by rest. You’re back in the woods by late morning, driving up to the trailhead through the canopy of trees. It really is beautiful, part of the reason you moved here, other than peace and quiet.
There's another car as you pull up, a reliable model in a dark colour, a surprise since you’re usually the first one there. 
You park away from it in an effort to not be creepy, but still sneak a peak while Diva does her post-car ride shakeout and pee.
It’s the man from before, sitting in the front seat, talking on a phone. He looks serious, frowning, talking in a measured way but you can still hear the volume as you pass by.
He waves, and you wave back, giving him a little smile.
Diva leads the way, prancing into the woods without fear even as the leaves start blocking out the sun. She inspires you - a little dog, brave, braver than you were last night.
God, it was probably a rabbit or a possum stuck somewhere. Maybe a mouse, and though you hope it isn’t it is the season for them. Cooler temperatures means creatures trying to enter your house. Means you have yet to drive down to town and pick up insulation supplies for your windows before fall really hits and you’re freezing.
Making a mental note of that, you lean heavily on your walking stick and pause. It’s one of those days, needing more aid than usual after yesterday and more breaks.
“Sorry, honey,” the army man holds his arms up, seeming sheepish as you flip around to face him. “Didn’t mean to scare ya.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “Just jumpy today.”
“That’s alright,” his eyes crinkle at the corners, softening at the edges. He’s approachable today, not speed walking through the woods like there's a pot of gold at the end. “Mind if I join you?”
Unexpected, but with your eyes at pec-height it’s an easy yes. You deserve a handsome escort for the second half of the trail, and your emergency alarm is tucked in your front sweater pocket if you need it.
“Sure,” you nod. “I’m pretty slow, though, just to warn you. Recovering.”
“That’s fine, I should be taking it easier anyway. Make my physio happy for once,” he gestures to his knee with a chuckle. “John.”
You tell him your name. John. It suits him, the masculinity of it, the simpleness too. He gives the impression that he’s careful about how he presents himself, that outside of this sudden friendliness he’s very closed off - the way he was when you’d come across him before. Now he calls you honey, and touches his fingertips to your back as you navigate a patch of rough terrain warped by roots.
“I’m off until my knee is battle-ready, again,” he says it like it’s a joke, but there’s a steel edge beneath his words. You ask about his job: contract work, he says, not self-employed but with pockets of free time.
“Did you move here recently?” The wind shivers the trees, chillier than last week, as you meander.
“Ah, didn’t move here,” he scratches his thumb with his nose. “Staying with a friend. Needed the fresh air.”
“I get it,” your shoulder brushes his arm. “That’s why I moved here too.”
“Helps your asthma?”
You pause for a moment, confused. And then.
“Oh!” You’re a little embarrassed. “I don’t have asthma, actually. I mean I could have it, or develop it. But really I had pneumonia for a while, really wiped me out.”
“Ah, I see,” his voice says surprised, but his face stays the same. You wonder if he notices. “Terrible, that. My mum had a bad bout of it a couple years back, gave us a scare.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” you aren’t sure how old John is, but you can assume it was dangerous for his mother to have caught such a bad infection. “How’s she doing now?”
“Much better. Healthy as a goat.”
“A goat?” You’re laughing, then. A giggle that has him smiling back at you. “Haven’t heard that one before.”
John hums when he doesn’t reply verbally, and nods like you’re giving a university lecture. The attentiveness is nice, but it makes you self conscious, unused to having so much attention so focused on you. And he is so focused, like you’re discussing nuclear launch codes or what a quark is or something important. Honestly, it makes you hide your face in an embarrassingly shy way, avoiding eye contact.
He walks with you slowly, patiently down the path, arms crossed behind his back. Every once in a while either or the two of you laugh, which seems to bother Diva, whose been looking back at John suspiciously or trying to get between you the whole time.
“So sorry about that,” you really don’t know what’s gotten into her. Sure, she’s a pro at finding innocuous things suspicious, but you’ve been walking for a while now and she usually warms up when she realizes you’re okay with the offensive person or item.
“Don’t worry about it, honey,” honey again. He sure knows how to make a lady flustered. “She’s just looking out for her mama, right?”
If your pussy reacts to that, it’s no one’s business but your own.
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The air chills, day by day. John has begun joining you on your walks every other day, and sometimes you catch him jogging to the trailhead from the road instead of driving it. It makes you wonder where he’s, whether it’s close or he’s really pushing his knee, and whether or not he’s flirting with you when he shows up all sweaty in a tight shirt.
Another anomaly is that the tapping has returned, nearly every night. You’re scared every time, won’t even let Diva out for a final pee and have stuck to walking up at the buttcrack of dawn to make sure she’s taken care of.
Tedious, is what it is. Ridiculous. And yet when those little taps come, in different places around the house now, different walls, you hide under the covers with Diva growling her little growl at the bedroom door and try to sleep.
When cabin fever starts to set in, anxiety and insane thoughts like, what if someone is trying to break into my house? You decide it’s past time for a visit to town.
The trip serves many purposes, anyways. Diva needs treats, kibble, and a new ball. You need groceries, tampons, new socks. Overall worth it outside of the fresh air and human interaction with more than just one person.
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“Hey! Hey you!”
You’re in the bakery, weighing with your hands two loaves of artisanal bread. Just the one will do, since your freezer is small, but you want both. Pumpernickel or dark rye? Which will go better with the honey ham sandwich slices?
“Hello? Earth to-”
Your deliberation is interrupted by a waving in your face. You realize Jo, your only real friend in town, has run across the street to catch your attention.
“Oh gosh, my bad,” you look down at your shoes, then reach for a hug. She squeezes you.
“That’s okay, babe, off in your own world?” She’s dazzling, too cute for such a small town. Her ringlets bounce on her shoulders and her mouth, which is always smiling, is stretched wide with mirth. Makes you feel warm inside that she cares for you.
“Trying to make a hard decision. You know, end world hunger or stop all wars.” Stupid, but she laughs. You love making her laugh, and if you were lesbian you’d have made a move on her. Maybe you were, just a little.
“Why not both?” Her hands find your shoulders and squeeze. It’s then that you notice someone behind her, a much taller someone. At first the muscled chest and thick neck make you think it’s John, and a small squeeze of jealousy grips your stomach.
Then you see the mohawk, the difference in height. This man is looking at you with a similar intensity, though, all piercing blue eyes, thick furrowed brows, pin-straight posture.
“You’re right,” your laugh is more awkward, then, motioning with your eyes to the man.
“Oh, I’m so rude,” she turns to him. “This is Johnny, we met a few weeks ago.”
A wink. Ah, they met a few weeks ago. You picture them in the only bar in town, low lighting and Jo looking like Botticelli’s Venus, plump cheeks and red lips. And yeah, Johnny’s pretty good looking. You’d laugh about the mixup and the names if it wasn’t rude.
“Nice tae meet ya,” his accent is thick, palm warm and rough against yours. “Shall we, lass?”
He’s talking to Jo. They exchange glances, him looking at you once so fast you almost miss it. There’s something uncomfortably familiar about the look he gives you, but you shake it off. Nerves, you think. From the taps.
“Right,” Jo looks a little sheepish, then. “We’re off to the movies, but nice to see you!”
You raise a brow. You can’t help it, it’s 10am. Jo laughs and they leave.
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You bake, sometimes. It’s a good hobby for someone on a leave of absence with nothing much else to do but read, walk and play with her dog.
The oven sometimes scares Diva, and she curls up in your room indignantly until you’re done using it. You’ve always wondered why, since she came to you as a puppy and hasn’t got a single reason to be upset with the appliance. 
Oh well.
You decide to bring brown butter chocolate chip cookies on your hike, hoping to see John and give him one. Your interactions haven’t progressed past leisurely chatting and walking together, but he’s a handsome man and you're still a little stir-crazy. At least with work, it wasn’t just hours on hours of uninterrupted alone time.
Funny how that works, isn’t it? You spend every day at work wishing not to be at work, and once you have the opportunity you have no idea what to do with yourself.
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John loves the cookies. He takes two right out of the Tupperware, flattering you by groaning as he eats. The recipe is that good, but you think he might be putting it on a bit anyway.
It’s sweet.
“Fantastic,” he says, licking his fingers. You try not to look. “You bake often?”
“Just something to do, keeps me busy.” Diva has growled at John again, her second offense. She’s being a real heel today, rude and fussy. You elect to schedule a vet visit for a checkup soon.
“No one to keep you company in that house?” He stops when you need to stop, takes the opportunity to stretch his bad leg.
“What?” You take a puff of the inhaler, frowning a little.
“Are you lonely?” A weird question, but you chalk it up to small town weirdness.
“A little, but that one over there keeps me company,” as if she knows, she turns and yips. “What do you mean, that house?”
“You mentioned you live in your grandfather's house, no? Inherited it.” He chuckles at Diva.
“Did I? I don’t think…” you fully frown, thinking back to your conversations. Did you mention that? You haven’t even thought of it yourself for a while, not wanting to revisit painful memories. Your grandpa did pass you his house, but you’re usually more private than offering more than surface-level information to strangers.
“I believe so,” he looks deep in thought himself, squinting up at the umbrella of trees above you. That comforts you, the fact that he’s trying to recall. You’ve been so anxious lately.
“I must have forgotten, sorry. I’ve just been so scrambled lately.” John perks up at that, turning towards you as you finally continue walking.
“Scrambled?” His palm finds the back of your arm, the meat of it. He squeezes you, and it fills you with warmth. “How so?”
“Ah, well, just some animals around my house. I think,” you meet eyes, and he gets the best of you, so you elect to stare between his brows.
“Want me to take a look?” His tone is very serious. You shiver.
“I don’t think it’s necessary… I think there’s just some mice making a home for winter. I gotta call an expert,” He slides his hand down to your elbow, holding it gently. You’re nearing the end of the trail, the woods getting brighter around you. Diva marks her territory here more than anywhere else and yips at John again. 
“I could do it for free though, honey,” the air drops where you are, a gust of wind creating a symphony of sound all around you. A little romantic, you think. Ridiculous.
“Well,” far be it from you to pass up free help. “Only if you let me pay you back somehow.” 
“You have already,” he holds up the cookie Tupperware, shaking it gently. 
“Then let me make you dinner. Whatever you want!” The enthusiasm in which you say it has you cringing at yourself, but mentally you justify it; it’s completely normal to invite a friend over, especially to pay back a favour. You’re not being obvious that you’re attracted to him at all, no sir. Definitely not scared and in need of comfort, Mr John sir. 
“Sounds like a plan. I’m free after 7 o’clock.”
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You elect to be cliche and make British food. Good British food, a proper roast. Something you’d had a few times with friends in pubs or that time you’d visited London as an exchange student. Hot, smothered in gravy, salty and perfect with a mug of beer British food. You really hope he likes it, that he doesn't think you’re weird or making fun of him for his accent.
John is a proper gentleman, so punctual that he knocks on your door the very second it turns to 7:30 on your oven timer.
Diva has to battle her hatred of the stove with her need to announce a guest, staying in hallway purgatory barking at both.
The smell of garlicky roast beef, rosemary and thyme, salt and boiling potatoes is rife in the air, no doubt spilling into the woods through your badly insulated windows.
The moment it hits John, you can see it. Your door opens, creaking, and his eyes fix to you so quickly it’s almost physical.
“Hey! Thanks for coming,” you open it, motioning for him to come in. “Don’t mind Diva, she’s not a fan of the oven being on.”
He toes his boots off, still staring, like you’re a prize heifer and he’s set on buying you at the farm auction. A little sexy, mostly nerve wracking. Diva peeks around the corner at him and the sound of her little nails on the hardwood breaks the tension.
“Smells like home,” he leans closer to you to put his coat up on the rack. “You really went through all this trouble?”
“It’s the least I can do for your help.” At that moment, he seems to remember.
“Right, the mice. Want to show me where you heard them, or can I not steal you away from the stove?” His voice deepens as he talks, intensifying, grating hot coals and growling like a bear. Blue, focused eyes find the half-apron you’re wearing. You swear his pupils dilate, but he shakes his head before you’re sure.
“I can show you, there’s still a few minutes left for everything.”
The air is biting outside, cold with the evening breeze and dark already. So dark you equip your biggest, brightest flashlight and walk around the house with him, explaining the taps all around.
“I figure it’s them trying to dig holes so they can get in,” you hand the flashlight to him, feeling your fingers brush, and shivering in response. “I’ve been too chicken to check, to be honest. I keep thinking it’s a person walking around, not some animal.”
John nods as you speak, squatting by your little tool shed, looking diligently and moving items as he needs to. Then, he looks up, smiling a little.
“Why don’t you head inside, darling? Let me take care of this.”
“Sure,” you squeak. Squeak. Your stomach makes a knot and you scurry like one of the mice he’s looking for back into the house to mash the potatoes and make the gravy.
You are quite proud of this meal, not a proper cook by a long shot but it looks and smells pretty good. The Yorkshire puddings are alright, too, and that was the hardest part. Plus, you think, it’s free food. He’s gotta be happy with the effort, even if he winds up not liking it, right? That’s something your mother always told you. Someone’s put in a lot of effort for this meal, she’d say, pointing at you with a long nail. Better eat it.
“Think I found the little buggers,” John startles you just a little as he comes in, toeing his boots off again. You’re plating his plate, huge portions of mash potato and roast carrot and brussel sprouts nestled to the beef. His eyes look at the plate, then to you, then down to your apron, and you pretend you can’t see him adjusting his pants.
This isn’t what you think it is, you remind yourself. Two friends, one lending a hand and the other paying them back. You don’t even know his last name.
“Oh god, how bad was it?” You ladle gravy over his portion, then yours, pretending to be unaffected when he walks into your kitchen and takes a huge sniff.
“Not too bad. I’ll have to come back with some traps, if that’s alright.” You want to say John, you can come back anytime, but you don’t.
“Glad to know it was mice at least,” that’s the truth. A feeling you didn’t totally realize you had turns from paranoia into relief. “I was really scared it was some creep walking around my house, trying to get in.”
“Here,” John takes his plate when you hand it to him, but puts his phone into your hands before you can get yours. “Put your number in there, honey. Call me if anything like that happens.”
Honey. You fucking love that, so much it renders you temporarily mute as you punch in your number. He doesn't let you bring your own plate to the table, picks it up while you’re busy and comes back to shepherd you there with a palm on your lower back.
“Thank you,” you say, struck timid by his casual and yet firm guidance of you.
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Diva makes an appearance for supper, summoned by the smell of beef and the oven being turned off. Her little claws tip tap against the hardwood as she circles your chair, tucks herself under the table looking for scraps, and whines at John while he’s trying to eat.
You nudge her away from him with a socked foot, stuttering that she isn’t usually like this, honest, only for him to brush it off kindly.
After supper, when you’re full and you can’t handle him looking at you with those half-lidded, well-fed bear eyes anymore, you move to pick up the dishes and bring them to the kitchen.
“Ah ah,” John cuts in front of you, stealing the plates and cutlery. “You cooked, I’ll clean.”
Useless to argue - he’s built like a brick shithouse. You’re forced to pack up the leftovers, one container for you and one for him to take home. For no reason other than you’re feeling especially soft and gooey, you wrap up a few homemade fig and date granola bars for him to take too.
“Thank you,” he gruffs, rolling his sleeves to his elbows, flexing his forearm muscles, making you hot again.
“It’s really the least I can-”
Snap. Fuck, the day that creepy noises don’t happen near your house is the day you convert to whatever religion that’ll make it happen. Both your heads turn to the living room window, where the sound came from, a crack in the otherwise quiet night air.
Anxiety curls in your stomach, sharp and dreadful. You try to remind yourself that you live in the woods for gods sake, there’s gonna be sounds, but that awful sense of danger is back and if you were Diva your hackles would be raised.
John frowns, wiping his hands on a towel. He doesn't seem as phased as you are, probably because he’s not worried over boogeymen haunting the forest like you are, but when he looks back at you and sees your fright he leans in and murmurs that he’ll go take a look.
“It’s okay, it’s probably one of my furry friends,” you try, but he shakes his head, putting a palm on your hip for a brief moment as reassurance and then he’s out the door.
God, you’re so nervous you whip out a bottle of wine, desperate for a little courage. The feeling is so strange, you’re used to feeling safe and cushioned by your home, by the forest. Even your little dog whimpers, tapping her way into the kitchen, rubbing her face on your leg like a cat. She’s a comfort still, something about there being a more nervous person (or animal) that inspires bravery. Still, you won't peek out the window.
The wine is good. A little too dry, but still good. A housewarming gift from your mother, even though she knew you didn’t drink unless it was social.
Or unless you were nervously waiting for some man to come back, having dealt with your problems for you. She’d weep to see you, aproned and wringing your hands and sipping red wine too quickly. Whatever, you think. There’s nothing wrong with letting him help.
John comes back in, maybe a few minutes later or maybe a half hour, you can’t tell. Your wine is half empty, and you feel awkward about it so you pour him one without asking.
“Think you’ve got more than one furry friend,” John says, laughter in his voice. In his fingers he’s got tufts of light brown hair, which he holds up. “Dinner, if you hunt.”
“Ah, I don’t,” and you wouldn’t. You’re fine eating meat or even purchasing it from a local hunter to eat, but there’s something in you that’s deeply uncomfortable with the idea. Maybe it’s cowardice, unable to do the dirty work and yet enjoying the fruits of someone else’s labour. Maybe you’re putting stock in something that really isn’t worth stressing over. Either way, you’re overthinking, and only stop when John steps into your space.
“Hey- you alright, darling?” You like darling too, just as much as honey.
“Yeah, sorry,” your hands find the wine glass you poured for him, and you hand it over. One thing about abstaining is that it hits you quickly, even with the big meal. “Want to sit? I’ve got a fireplace.”
You cringe at yourself, not meaning to sound so suggestive. Oh well, he doesn’t seem to mind, just nods and takes you by the elbow again to your living room.
“This all the heading you’ve got?” John asks.
“Er, no. I have to get my windows insulated for winter, then I can turn the heating on without it all going to waste. For now, I make do with the fireplace,” when you sit, Diva runs to you both and demands to be swaddled in her blanket. It’s an old knitted one, a college project finished between essay assignments and readings. There’s sentimental value there, especially with your pup who doesn’t even let the presence of a strange man come between her and her cozying up.
“I can help with that,” John says. Briefly, Westley pops into your head shouting As you wish! and it makes you smile.
“That’s okay,” you sip, tasting spice. Would’ve been good with dinner. “I owe you double now for helping me again.”
“Not at all, sweetheart.” Oh, he’s full of names - and getting bolder. 
The conversation ebbs and flows naturally. Sometimes you both sit in silence, sipping, refilling glasses, staring at the fire. He’s easy to talk to, soothing, his confidence and sureness leaving you relaxed.
“I better get going,” he grunts as he stands, extending a palm to you.
“Are you okay to drive?” You’re half worried, half disappointed. There’s been a steadily building sense of heat between your legs the entire evening, brought on by his touches and his pet names and his taking care of you
“Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. I live close-by.” That’s one mystery solved.
“Well, okay. But will you call when you get home?” If you weren’t three glasses in, you might be embarrassed. John crinkles his eyes at you while he puts his boots on.
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“John?” You’re in your pajamas, face hastily cleaned with a makeup wipe. Your door is double locked again, anxiety beaten down by the wine.
“I’m home,” he sounds distant. You can’t really hear anything, just his breathing, the sounds of him taking off his coat and his boots. “You tucked in bed, sweetheart?”
“I am,” you breathe, eyes slipping, drunker than you thought you were. “Did you drive okay?”
“I did,” he laughs. His keys jingle and make a clamor as he tosses them. You imagine him in a house that fits him, a log cabin or a house built by hand, before remembering he’s talking with someone. Disappointment dampens you a little.
“I guess I should let you get to bed then,” you try to keep it out of your voice, but you’re curled on your side with a hand pressed against your clothed pussy and it’s hard not to be sad at the fact that you have no idea if he’s actually been flirting with you, or just being friendly.
“You sound disappointed,” either he’s perceptive, or you’re more obvious than you’re trying to be. “Don’t worry, I won’t leave you without saying goodnight.”
A pulse, between your legs. You rub with all four fingers, moving the phone away from your mouth.
“That’s okay, I don’t want to keep you,” you scrunch your eyes shut, trying to stop, not being able to. You’re starved, really, haven’t been touched or talked to like you’re desirable in quite some time and he makes you feel safe. Taken care of.
“You touching that wet little cunt, sweetheart?” A shockwave, from your nipples tightening to your toes tingling, curling. You stop hiding, breathing whines into the phone.
“I’m so sorry,” you mumble, biting your lips. It feels like permission, and maybe it is or maybe it isn’t, but you stuff your hand into your pants and start focusing on your needy clit. “I’m so-”
“Shh, sh, sh,” you hear a mattress creak, a grunt, and imagine him laying back. Maybe palming his cock. “That’s okay, baby, I could tell how needy you were.”
Panting, you stuff two fingers in your soft hole, grinding your palm into your clit. You hear him making sounds, quieter than you, but you’re straining to hear them.
He starts talking you through it, murmuring into your ear, calling you sweetheart and honey and baby, telling you to put three fingers in and to play with your tits.
“Go ahead and touch your nipples, sweetheart, go on,” his breath is growing laboured. “Needed to come so she could sleep, did she?”
For a moment, you think he’s talking about you.
“Poor little pussy needed some attention,” his voice gets rougher again, like when he walked in and saw that you had made him a roast. “Give it to her then, baby, go on, let her come.”
That’s all you need. You squeeze your nipples one last time, letting your tits out of your shirt and turning over to hump your hand unashamedly. Your clit drags against your palm still, hips desperately moving, listening to him grunting and groaning on the other side of the call, waiting to hear him come before you let go.
You shake, shiver, curl into yourself as your core tightens and explodes like an elastic band snapping. It’s great, just what you needed, and you’re half asleep by the end of it
“John..” you mumble into your pillow, just enough consciousness left to pull your hand out of your pajama pants.
“It’s alright, it’s time to sleep now, alright? Close your eyes.”
“Alright, John.”
“Good girl,” his voice is distant, sleep taking you, muscles more relaxed than they’ve been in so long.
You’ll deal with the rest in the morning.
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ariannag6-blog · 1 day
Nanami in bed 18+ MNDI
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3k words. Female reader.
Spoiler he’s a simp for poc women
All nanami stories by me will be under the hashtag NanamiAria
Soft dom Nanami
Nanami would be a soft dom. Loves giving you lots of prep for him. Lots of sushing. Sushing if you squirm too much. Sushing if you become overstimulated. He wants to be the one who does all the work. He doesn’t want you to move just stay still and take his gentle love making. He won’t let you lift a finger. If it becomes a bit too much he’ll gently push your limits staying in slightly longer each time to build your stamina. I see him as someone who can last a long time and like long sessions so he will try to slowly and gently build you up to his level.
Occasionally rough fucks you and degrades you slightly when you tease him too much or when he’s had an extra rough day at work. He prefers to be gentle but when you push his buttons too many times you’ll find yourself bent over his desk, dicked down with no preparation. Immediately after a rough session he’ll go back to being sweet. Leaving soft kisses over your whole body. Pulling you in for a hug or cuddles. Saying things like “are you alright love?, You’re perfect., I love you darling.”.
He likes being the provider the one to do all the work so he would prefer being with someone submissive in the bedroom. If you were a top he would let you grind on him a bit but after a few mines Kento would grab your hips, ending up taking charge, being the one bouncing you up and down on him. He’s never aggressive about needing to be the one in charge it’s just in his nature I don’t think he would even realize he’s like this often times.
Nanami experience level
Not that experienced probably has only been with three people tops. Probably hates casual sex or one night stands. Despite his low experience Kento fucks like he’s a porn star quite literally. He can last forever if he wants to, even cum on command. Always knows the right words to say to get you off too it’s like it was scripted but it wasn’t. Love making just comes naturally to him.
You’d think based on his professional quiet composure that he doesn’t think about sex often but that would be a lie. I think he’s quite hyper sexual. Though he would try to match whatever sex drive you had out of respect. To get off when he’s not in a relationship or when you’re not around I don’t see him being the type of guy to watch porn. I see him reading smutty novels. He honestly reads them quite often. As sort of a guilty pleasure. Thats probably where he learned his skills and pillow talk from.
Nanami’s taste in women
Everybody headcannons him as liking women of color. I 100% agree! He loves tan skin, olive skin, dark skin, dark hair, long hair, wavy hair, curly hair, braids, straight hair. Hispanic women, black women, Asian women, mixed women, he loves it all. He would be captivated by some woman that doesn’t look like the usual girl he sees walking around town. He’s never really liked a white girl before especially if they’re blonde because it reminds him too much of himself. He doesn’t realize this consciously he’s always just liked who he’s liked in his eyes. I see him getting turned on everytime you get a tan. Everytime he sees the contrast of your tan skin next to his pale tone. It makes him want to eat you quite literally. He’ll use any excuse he can to drag you down to the beach with him to see your skin glow and grow darker under the sun. Also as an excuse to see you in the new bikini he secretly bought for you. If his woman wore a bonnet he would find it adorable whenever you had one on. He would often buy you new ones that are the highest quality silk in your favorite colors to spoil you. He’s obsessed with dark hair. Doesn’t matter if it’s straight, curly, wavy, braided, coily. He loves it all. You’ll often times find Nanami sneaking up behind you to smell your hair or finding any excuse he can to run his fingers through your locks/touch your hair. He’s quite literally obsessed with all of you. If you were from a different culture he would get turned on everytime you cooked him meals that you grew up with or spoke your native language. He would learn how to speak your Native language secretly to surprise you. Especially as a cute way to propose and a sneaky way to spice up things the bedroom. He would do little things to learn more about your culture overtime to feel closer to you and get to know you better. I see him liking curves on your bottom half. Such as thick thighs, juicy bottom. Definitely more of an ass man. I don’t see him caring if someone has a big chest or not it’s just something that’s either there or isn’t. He’ll cherish whatever body shape you bless him with.
Body hair preferences.
He literally does not give a single fuck what you do with your body hair. He’s obsessed with you no matter what. Nothing will stop him from eating you out. Pubes. He loves you bald, trimmed, different patterns, landing strip, bush. He will love and cherish whatever you have whenever you have it simply because it’s you. Other body hair. He doesn’t care if you shave or not. I think he’d be used to someone who did shave their body hair but wouldn’t tell you what to do. Hes a grown man he doesn’t find body hair to make someone any more or less attractive. I do think he would probably be with someone who preferred to remove all their body hair and preferred him to have some specifically just because I see him being with someone more feminine and traditional. Traditional fem women seem like the type prefer those things at least to me.
For himself I see him having light chest hair and leaving it untouched. Lightly trimming his underarm hair. For his pubes I see him leaving them trimmed, preferring just a little something on his skin. If you asked otherwise for him to be bald or bush he would do whatever you asked to please you.
Nanami dad
Everyone headcannons him as wanting children but personally I would think he’d be scared of that. He would find children to be cute yes but at the end of the day he wouldn’t want his children growing up in a world they ultimately just have to work a stressful 9-5 and probably overtime in. He doesn’t like work he just does it because he has to. He knows he would have to work more if he had a kid and wouldn’t be able to spend the time he wanted with his family. He wouldn’t want to curse a kid with that life.
Regardless of kids he would ask you to quit your job and let him be the provider. He doesn’t want you to feel the same stress he does over work. I think pregnancy would worry him too much. He’d hate how hard it was on a woman’s body. He’d constantly think something bad would happen to you because he’d spend too much time on the internet trying to learn every possibility of something that could happen to stay ahead of it. I do think he has a kink for cuming inside you so he would most likely get a vasectomy so no accidents happen. If you really wanted children he would fuck you silly and remind you with his words how you wouldn’t be able to take him like this often if you were pregnant or busy with kids. When he’s finished with that he’ll buy you a cat instead to keep you occupied and hopefully for you not to ask again or he’ll buy another cat. I see him being a big cat person. Seeing you take care of the cats just doing simple things like that turns him on a lot.
Jealous Nanami
He tries not to be too possessive or jealous. He’s a grown man and understands a woman can live her own life, have her own friends, and what not. Though he tries his hardest to be good but he’s such a jealous man. He tries his best not to show his jealousy thinking it’ll turn you off. Not knowing that you’d actually love that side of him. Everytime you come back from an outing that he didn’t attend he missed your attention so much he’ll fuck you till your dick drunk off of him hoping you’ll feel so good and spoiled from him that you won’t leave again without him anytime soon. Any time you’re out together and a man looks at you he grips you tighter. It makes him want to take you to the nearest restroom, pin you up against the wall, fuck you passionately with love, while he begs you to tell him he’s the only man for you. He’s not insecure he knows you won’t leave or cheat. He also likes when men look at you he likes seeing their eyes shine at you then gaze up to him and realize they can’t have you. He still get’s so jealous from it though he can’t really understand why.
Nanami turn ons.
Doing domestic things turns him on a lot. Such as bringing him lunch, making him coffee,
cleaning, doing laundry. He likes it more than you wearing lingerie especially if you’re doing your chores wearing his shirt. Not that he thinks a woman has to do the domestic labor but he is old fashioned and traditional so he prefers traditional roles. He sees you doing these things as a sign of love and care. He also does the household duties when he has time off of work if there’s anything that needs to be done. Knowing you get to relax while he takes care of a household duty turns him on. You’ll often find him dragging you into the shower with him to fuck you silly when he’s finished mowing the lawn, or mopping the floors. He especially loves it when he comes home to find you doing something you love like cooking. When you’re cooking one of his favorite meals he’ll often eat you as the main course first as a way to say thank you for spoiling him.
He would never admit it but loves when you’re bratty on occasion because it gives him an excuse to bend you over his knee. He loves when you talk back without a care like you don’t know he’ll quickly put you in place. Nanami loves when your bratty self teases him while he’s at work. Weather it being you sending him pictures, videos, or you showing up and getting down on your knees under his desk toying with his waistband.
Husband Nanami
He loves being a husband. He would get married quickly. When he finds the right woman he doesn’t see the need to wait. He’s a hopeless romantic. Just being married turns him on. Knowing you have his last name, knowing he gets to take care of you from now on, it drives his mind wild. Anytime you casually call him husband or remind him that you’re his wife his member perks up instantly.
Nanami dirty talk
“Shh shh look at me love I have to break you in or you’ll never be able to take me. Just let it sit here I won’t thrust alright.
“Shh I told you to let me love”
“You’re so beautiful when I’m inside of you love. I always love how you let me take my time with you.”
“I’m so glad i met you. I feel so spoiled having such a sexy wife. Maybe i should spoil you with my tongue?”
“Shh hold still my love. Relax.”
“I love you darling. That’s right. I love it when it’s all the way inside your pretty walls”
“Yes that’s it love, let it out. Dont you dare hold back those moans from your husband.”
I see him as old fashioned. Not super kinky. If being a care giver (not age play just like being the protector and provider) and a top in bed is a kink you can count that. Also finishing inside of you. Not sure if thats a kink but he has to finish inside of your pussy. He loves the feeling it gives both of you. On the rare occasions you last long enough for him to finish twice he’s in heaven. He’s obsessed with you being filled with him. He pulls back up your panties after and lifts up slightly to push his cum further inside you he doesn’t want anything dripping out of you. He wants it to sit inside of you for the rest of the day/night so that every time you feel filled you remember the sweet love he made to you. I see him enjoying spanking. Bending you over his knee when you’ve been bratty. Or slapping your ass while he fucks you from behind. Eyes winding and mouth watering with he sees you grow wet/wetter from his slaps. Aside from that I see him liking to use his tie to occasionally tie your hands behind your back. Mainly when you’ve been bratty and he wants to fuck you rough. Aside from that at most he would probably use a vibrator on you if you wanted/needed but would prefer to use himself.
Name calling
I don’t think he would be into much name calling. I mean maybe he would be into daddy or sir? Though I see him being softer I could see him having a darker side to him and liking it. But I think he would probably prefer you to names like; love, my darling, husband, baby, both in an out of bed. He would like calling you the same names in an out of bed as well.
Nanami receiving
He loves getting his dick sucked. Groaning at the sound of you lubing him up for your hole. He loves guiding your movements with his hands tangled in your lucious hair. Though he loves this he doesn’t like cuming in your mouth he prefers to cum down your cunny instead. He has a lot of stamina and control so he can prevent himself from cumming down your throat waiting until he uses your other hole.
Thats about the most receiving he likes the rest of the time he’d rather do all the work. Even though technically while you’re sucking him he still doing all the work by being the one to guide all your movements and telling you what to do.
Nanami moaning?
He’ll give soft grunts and moans occasionally. He’ll softly moan and grunt or pant heavily when he finishes inside you. He’s more of a talker than a moaner In my opinion. He loves whispering sweet things into your ears and sushing you quite often. He loves the sound of your moans he doesn’t Sush as a sign to be quiet but more as a sign to “take it” and also out of habit. He’s so used to saying “shh” he sort of does it out of instinct instead of moaning.
All nanami stories by me will be under the hashtag NanamiAria
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bellshazes · 10 months
I did figure out the necessary inevitable narrative tone of distant station's conclusion and I'm sad about it. not because it's a sad ending but because it's sort of just flatly true on a meta-level. see you in two years when I write it tho
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planetaryupscaled · 18 days
Sharing is Fun
Male Reader x Yeji x Yujin x Kazuha
Tags: 9k, smut, cheating, oral, anal, creampie
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“Sorry but I don’t think I can go,” Yujin lied to her boyfriend on her phone. “No, I just don’t feel well, I drank too much last night.”
“What? No! they’re lying, I didn’t fuck him last night, he’s Yeji boyfriend!” Yujin wanted to get off her phone, but her boyfriend kept talking.
“I don’t know. I was at the party with friends, not just him! and then the next thing I knew, I woke up this morning, in my bed, alone.”
“Look, I got to go. I’ll make it up to you.” she ended the call and tossed it to the far end of the bed.
“You’re a liar,” I said when I was sure the call had ended.
“Shut up, mmhh” she moaned. Yujin was completely stripped of her clothing and was currently on top of me with my cock deep inside her. We’d been fucking when her phone rang, and she answered it, knowing that her boyfriend would not take her not answering her phone and not showing up for their plans as well.
So, as she talked, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth as she spoke with her boyfriend on her phone, but once the call was over, she picking things back up again. She sat straight up, arching her back, and swiveling her hip, enjoying the sensation. As good as her tight pussy felt on my cock, I could only sit back and let her ride me for so long before I could no longer hold back. I took a firm hold of her hips and thrust up into her.
“Oh, fuck,” Yujin moaned as I took control of the action.
“I’ll never get used to this. I can practically feel the thing in my stomach,”
“Yeah, Yujin, you like that?”
“Ahh Yes! Yes!” she moaned. “I’ve missed your cock,” she said, as she continued to bounced up and down.
Her soft breasts shook with every movement of her hips. I reached up to squeeze her breasts; she then bent down. We were about to kiss, but she turned at the last moment and instead she gave me a few kisses along my jawline.
“You such a tease,” I told her.
Yujin gave me her biggest smile and said, “Considering what we’re doing right now? Not really…”
I then kissed her neck before going down to her tit and sucking on her nipple. My hand then slipped down from her other breast and moved down between her legs. As she rocked up and down, my fingers moved to her clit. I knew just how to press her little love button as we fucked.
“Ohh Yes! Keep going… just like that,” she said as she moved her body. She began to move faster and I speed up my finger on clit. Within minutes, her eyes rolled back and her body severed as she succumbed to her orgasm. I kept brushing against her clit even as she was climaxing “Aahhhh,” she sighed as she came down from her high.
“It’s been a while since I’ve cum like that.” Yujin admitted.
“Really? Well, good news then, cause we’re not done yet,” I told her.
Yujin smiled broadly and even let out a small squeal of excitement in response to that comment. She then got off of me, and I asked her to lie on her stomach across the bed. Her head was facing one of the nightstands as I approached her near the edge of the bed.
While prone was never one of my favorite positions but it was always will be our position whenever I was with Yujin. Moving on my knees behind her, I slapped my dick against both of her ass cheek. Then I rubbed the length of my cock between her ass. Yujin even pushed her ass up towards me as I tease her rear.
“Please stop teasing and put it in me already,” Yujin pleaded.
“You might want to be more specific considering where my dick is right now.”
Yujin looked over her shoulder at me and said, “You wouldn’t dare.” Her tone suggested that she was challenging me rather than telling me not to. An idea came to my mind, but that thought was cut short.
“Just put it in her already! She’s desperate for it.” said the female voice. Looking up at the nightstand in front of Yujin, there was Yeji’s face on the laptop, watching what her friend and I were doing on the bed.
Yeji And I had been some kind of boyfriend-girlfriend for more than a year at this point since she broke up with her boyfriend because he found out from whoever that we’d been screwing around, and the next day she move in with me.
I could count on one hand how many times I’d been inside women who weren’t Yeji since I met a lot of her friends after that pool party in Busan, but the last time it happened was when Yeji, Yuna and I were in Incheon and we went all out that day and night, and the next morning I woke up with a naked Yeji on one side and a naked Yuna on the other.
That was roughly five months ago. Now, I'm in Incheon for work, while Yeji is in Seoul; she was also busy with her career as an idol. The two of us had only been in the same city for three nights out of the last few months, though we spoke daily. Earlier in the day I had been speaking with Yeji on the phone as I returned to the hotel where I was staying. We were discussing our day, and I told her that I met Yujin for lunch. Yujin was in Incheon to film her next project, and while she and I hadn’t hung out much, we were still pretty close. As we discussed my lunch, Yeji became oddly giggly, and as I entered my room, I found out why.
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There, waiting for me on my bed, was Yujin. Dressed in a matching set of black bra and panties, next to her was a freshly open box of condoms that she had brought with her. I went silent for a minute on the phone, and Yeji asked if I liked the surprise she had delivered to my room. I questioned her if she had really set it up, and she asked me how else did I think that Yujin got a key to my room.
Yeji’s conditions for this were that I could not creampie her friend. Well, this condom thing is a bit funny given that I’ve creampied her friends before, but she’s become a bit protective of me since she moved in, and second Yujin was not allowed to sleep over afterward, and the third one was that Yeji wanted to watch. So, I set up my laptop on the nightstand with a good view of the bed.
So now here I was on a hotel bed, fucking Yujin in a prone position while her face was pointed right at a screen with Yeji watching, and who I could tell based on her shoulder movement was playing with herself off camera. Yujin moaned as I held her ass and thrust down into her.
“Ugghhh, I’ve missed this,” Yujin grunted. Had I not been looking up at the laptop screen at Yeji’s face, I might have slipped and said “Me too.” While I would never ditch Yeji for Yujin, I could not deny the fact that I had always found hooking up with Yujin to be quite enjoyable.
As we did it prone, my hands firmly gripped her ass. As we kept going, and I looked down at what was in front of me, my thoughts began to go back to the last time Yujin and I were together. As my thoughts lingered, I angled my hands differently and found my thumb moving down into between her ass cheeks.
“What are you doing?” Yujin asked as she felt my thumb begin to wonder.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” I told her. “Let me ask you, since our last time together, have you ever tried anal again?”
“Mmm, yes I have, but he didn’t like it so we’ve only done it twice.”
“All that time and he have only done it once more time than you and I have, huh?”
“Yes, ahhh” Yujin moaned, my thumb was now rubbing up and down her backdoor as we continued to fuck hard.
“Maybe we should even up the score?”
“You won’t,” Yujin said while looking at me over her shoulder.
“Do it,” Yeji said with a devilish smirk through the screen.
With my cock still slick from Yujin’s overly wet pussy, I pulled out and placed my cock head up against her rear entrance. I stayed there for a bit. I looked at Yujin, and she looked at me but said nothing. I gave a little bit of pressure and I took the knowing silence as consent. I pushed forward and Yujin’s legs kicked up in the air as she let out a groan. I tried to go slow and let her get used to it. After it seemed like she was comfortable, I slowly began sliding back and forth.
“God, you’re just as tight as I remember,” I said as I fucked her ass.
“Well, you’re thicker than I remember.” She replied.
Yujin ass feels heavenly; the only thing that bothers me is the condom; and I don’t want Yeji mad at me, but the heat of the moment, I said ‘fuck it’ and slowly pulling out, taking off the condom when I was sure Yeji was not looking, throwing it on the floor, and then sliding back into Yujin ass.
Yujin look over her shoulder and give me a surprised look, she knows.
“Want me to stop?”
“I didn’t say that,” Yujin answered. I started going faster and harder. Yujin started to moan louder and grip the bed harder.
“Damn, Yujin, you really seem to be liking this. Your boyfriend won’t do it?”
“No, he won’t.”
“Too bad, he doesn’t know what he is missing,” I told her.
“Maybe I’ll ask Yeji if I can borrow you more. My boyfriend can have my pussy, but you can have my ass.” I rechecked what Yeji was up to and if she had any issues with where our dirty talk was heading. She didn’t seem to care too much since her eyes were closed, her head tilted back and her shoulder was moving. With her busy pleasuring herself while listening to us, I continued.
“Ummm, I like the sound of that. Who’s ass it this?” I asked while slapping her butt cheek.
“It’s yours!”
“Who does your ass belong to?” I asked with another spank on her cheek.
“My ass is yours!”
“And I can have it whenever I want?”
“Yes! Wherever, whenever, it’s yours!” Yujin cried out.
Her voice was strained and desperate, I knew she was close. I slowed the tempo and pulled Yujin up to her knees, reaching under her. I then started rubbing her clit with my hand while pumping my cock in and out of her asshole.
We kept that going for a bit, but it wasn’t until I pushed two fingers inside of her pussy that Yujin finally surrendered to her orgasm and her pussy gushed to the point that she soaked my hand that I was fingering her with and the bed bellow.
“Wow, I didn’t know you’re a squirter” I said in a mocking tone.
“Shut up”
As Yujin’s orgasmic cries subsided, I heard some more moans from my laptop, and when I looked up, Yeji’s eyes were closed and her body seemed to be shuttering. With Yujin cumming as I fucked her ass and then seeing Yeji have her own orgasm, I was pushed to my limits. I considered finishing inside Yujin’s asshole or pulling out and cumming all over Yujin’s back, but with us putting on a show for Yeji and Yujin’s face still in front of the camera, I had another idea.
Pulling my cock out of Yujin’s ass, I jumped up and moved to the other side of the bed. Taking Yujin by surprise, I flipped her onto her back, and when she opened her eyes, she was looking at me upside down as I stood in front of her, with my cock pointed directly at her face.
“Give it to me,” was her only reply to the new situation.
I stroked my cock and Yujin’s hand went to her breasts and played with them as she patiently waited for me to glaze her face. It did not take me long to deliver what we were both waiting for. With a grunt, my cock erupted. My initial two blasts went long and landed on her chest, but after that, I took better aim and began covering Yujin’s pretty face with my hot load.
It had been a few days since I had taken care of myself, and it showed in the amount of cum on Yujin’s pretty face. When I began to slow down, Yujin lurched forward and took me into her mouth. She began sucking it, slurping whatever was left of me. When I was finished, Yujin let my cock slip from her lips, and she gave me a big smile while her face was drenched in my cum. I thought getting my phone to take a picture, but I was beaten to the punch.
“Now, there’s a picture,” Yeji said. That comment was followed up by the sound of a camera shutter.
“Did you just take a picture?” Yujin questioned her friend.
“Maybe,” Yeji coyly replied, which was quickly followed by the sound of her taking another picture.
“I should go clean up a bit,” Yujin laughed and walked naked to the bathroom.
“Is she walking okay after all of that,” Yeji jokingly asked.
“Her legs looked a little shaky,” I told her, and we both laughed.
Yeji and I talked briefly after that. I thanked her for allowing me to do all of this, and she told me that when I got back to Seoul, I would have to show her how grateful I was. After a few minutes, she said that she had dinner plans for that evening and she had to get ready, before she logged off and I closed the computer.
When Yujin came back in the room, I was lying in the middle of the bed and she pounced on me saying that she was ready for next round. While I never wore a condom after that, it always ended up with me pulling it off and finishing on her back, breasts, and twice in her mouth. Yujin did leave after she had me take her ass one more time while we showered.
We texted the next day, making sure we were both still cool with what happened and making it clear this was more or less a one-off thing. Though an audible groan did escape my lips as I read a text response. Yujin said she understood but she was on set and she could practically still feel my cock in her ass and it was making her so wet she’d practically soaked through her underwear. She invited me to come and visit the set. I was tempted to take her up on the offer since I had two days left in Incheon, but I ultimately decided against it.
Three days later, I flew to Seoul. After several delays due to bad weather, I arrived late at night and had a car service drive me home. Yeji and I had agreed years ago that it was not necessary for one of us to pick the other up from the airport, both because it was inconvenient and because the last time one of us went to pick the other up, we were nearly caught having sex in the parking lot. Since then, we have kept our welcome home greetings private.
It was a little after midnight when I walked through the front door. The first thing I noticed when I walked in and set down my suitcase was the lack of noise. Neither Yeji nor her dog. I was tired and left my bags by the door to deal with later. Walking around a bit, no one seemed to be downstairs, so I went up to the bedroom. The lights in our bedroom were off, but the bedroom was illuminated with a small light around the room.
Yeji was lying on the bed, wearing a see-through nightgown. She looked incredible, and as I looked at her, my exhaustion faded. Unfortunately, she was sleeping. She must have had a long day; Idol life isn’t easy. I stood there for a moment, pondering.
I decided not to wake her up but thought I’d help her put her sheer dress away. Kicking off my sneakers I got on the bed and moved toward her. I slowly pulled down her shoulder straps, and then gave the dress a light tug as I moved it down her body. Yeji stirred a little as I finished pulling the dress down her body and off over her legs. Once it was off, I got off the bed and folded the dress carefully over the back of a chair in the room.
Heading back to the bed, and looking over Yeji’s body, I had a slight change of heart and I decided that maybe I should wake her up and let her know that I was home. Rather than shaking her awake or calling out her name, I started by rubbing my hand up and down and silky-smooth thighs.
Yeji’s body fidged in her sleep as I touched her. Moving up, a light moan escaped her lips as I brushed my hand over her mound. Even with the cloth between us, I could feel heat radiating from her. With a little more rubbing, I could feel her getting warmer, and when I hooked her bottoms and pulled them aside, I could see Yeji had shaved. It wasn’t long before I brought my lips down to kiss her pussy lips.
I started with a few kisses, then a few licks. While I got a reaction from my light teasing, she remained asleep. I quickly changed things and began eating her out as if she was begging me to go down on her.
Yeji began to respond. Her breathing quickened, and her body started twisting and stirring more. I could tell she was about to wake up, if she hadn’t already. So, I shifted my gaze to her face, continuing my oral assault on her pussy.
“Minho, you’re home,” Yeji moaned, though her eyes were still closed.
“Even with your eyes closed, you can still tell it’s me?” I asked
“I know that tongue anywhere,” she replied, opening her eyes and smiling at me. I moved up her body and kissed her. She moved her hand behind my head, holding me in place while we kissed. “I was supposed to be the one that surprised you tonight.”
“Is that why your dog isn’t here?” I asked.
“They’re with my parents, thought we could use some privacy tonight.”
“Good idea,” I said. Then I went back down to finish what I had started. I began fingering her as I licked and sucked on her clit. I licked her feverishly as she became increasingly wet. I knew Yeji was close to climaxing as she moved her hand down to the back of my head and practically strangled me with her thighs. After a few minutes, she exploded, drenching my face with her pussy juices as she held my mouth in place, while the rest of her body trembled in bliss.
I moved back up the bed and kissed her again. After that, we lay side by side on the bed, making out for quite some time. My hand moved all over her body. As we kissed, my hands removed her top to freed her perky breasts, in return she pushed my shirt and sweatshirt off. I was already hard as could be. It felt good to have her hand press up against me, even through my jeans.
“Why are your pants still on?” Yeji asked.
I removed my pants as quickly as I could, once my pants were off, Yeji quickly rolled over on top of me. With me on my back, Yeji was now on her knees sitting on my stomach. My hard cock was pointed straight up, and Yeji moved back so that my cock was now lined up in the middle of her butt, with her two soft yet fat cheeks straddled my shaft. She then moved her hips and began rubbing her ass against my cock.
“Remember when you and Yujin were together and she said that her ass is yours? That it belonged to you?” She asked me.
“Yeah,” I said, unsure of where this was going. Yeji then raised her hips and moved backward. When she lowered herself back down, my cock was now straining right in front of her. She wrapped both her hands around my shaft.
“Well, I want you to remember that while her ass might belong to you, your cock belongs to me.”
“I had no allusions otherwise,” I told her. “Yujin is fun, but she isn’t you.”
“Good. That’s what I like to hear,” she said as her hands continued to play with my shaft.
“You know what I’d like?” I asked.
“What’s that?”
“For you to prove that this dick is yours,”
Yeji gave a lip-biting smile in response before raising her hips. With my cock still in her hands, she lined it up and sunk her body down on it. Letting out a bit of a grunt as she took most of my dick with one thrust. Yeji then began riding me hard. At first slamming her pussy down my cock, before switching things up and going from bouncing up and down to swivelling her hips and grinding on top of me. As she bent over to kiss me, I took a firm grip on both cheeks of her ass, and just groped her firm butt.
“Ummm, I missed you,” Yeji said as she continued.
“I missed you too,” I told her before kissing her neck.
“I missed how good your cock makes me feel.”
“I missed how good your pussy feels.”
“Even after you got with Yujin?”
“Even after that,” I told her emphatically. I put my hand on her chin to make sure she was looking me right in the eyes as I told her, “If I had a choice between a single bathroom quickie with you or a week-long sex with Yujin, I’d choose you every time.”
“God, I love you,” she said before mashing her lips against mine. As we made out, I rolled us over so I was on top and she was on her back. Yeji quickly wrapped her legs tightly around my back as I fuck her hard. It wasn’t until she had an orgasm that she let up on the grip her legs had around me. Once I was free to move, I sat up and grabbed one of her legs, and lifted it in the air.
“God, your legs are still as perfect as they were the first time I ever saw you,” I told her as I kissed her from calf to thigh before resting it on my shoulder. I then did the same with her other leg. I placed my hands on her hips and started thrusting my hard cock in and out of her.
“Your cock is mine, right?” Yeji asked while trying to catch her breath.
“Always,” I answered her.
“Then make my pussy yours. Fill me and make me yours,” she pleaded. She repeated herself a few more times, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I pushed her legs off me and bent down. I kissed Yeji while delivering another hard thrust until I bottomed her out and my cock erupted, Yeji once again wrapped her legs around me, and tighten them as much as she could, keeping my cock fully inside of her. As I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside of her womb, the two of us remained lip locked. Even as we moaned in pleasure, we moaned into each other’s mouths as we kissed. Yeji came almost at the same time as me.
Exhaustion and comfort took over after we both came. We soon fell asleep in each other’s arms. We slept soundly until Yeji’s alarm to get up for her morning workout startled us both awake. fter turning off the alarm, I convinced her to skip her usual workout routine and stay in bed with me. While she skipped the usual morning workout, the two of us still did several hours of cardio in bed that morning.
A week later, Yeji and I were in our bedroom getting ready to go out for dinner. After getting out of the shower, I entered our large shared closet to get my clothes for the night.
“Oh wow, that’s what you’re wearing?” I said when I saw Yeji standing in front of the full-length trifold mirror at the back of the closet. Yeji was wearing a long light-weight black dress.
“Are you sure we need to go out tonight? I think I rather just stay here with you.”
“Na-uh, we can’t cancel on them again,” she replied.
We were planning on having dinner with Kazuha and her boyfriend. We had already cancelled dinner with them the last two times we had planned to get together with them. While we were each still friends with Kazuha, neither of us liked her boyfriend. I found him uninteresting, thought he believed he was a lot funnier than he was, and the only thing that he and I seemed to have in common was that we were both men who had had sex with Kazuha. Though I am not positive he is aware of the last part.
“They’ll start thinking that we don’t like them and are avoiding them.”
“But we don’t like him and would rather avoid him.”
“Yeah, but we don’t want them to know that. Besides I’m sure Kazuha will break up with him soon.”
“That’s what you said two months ago,” I reminded her, as I continued getting dressed. “I’ve never understood people who drag out the ending to the relationship. They know it’s not going anywhere, some don’t even like the guy anymore, and yet they’ll still drag the thing out for another few months. When I knew the relationship had an expiration date, I ended it.”
“Well, some people are not as comfortable being alone as you. Most people don’t enjoy going to the movies or dinner by themselves.”
“You’re there to be entertained by what you’re watching in front of you. I don’t get why that’s weird to go alone. Is it just so you’re not sitting next to strangers?” I said defending myself.
“She’ll eventually dump him just like she did the others. Just give her time,” Yeji said as she decided what heels she wearing with her dress.
“Yeah, maybe someone should tell her boyfriend that she’s been messing around, or maybe, like one of those exes, I had to fuck her in front of him for her to finally end the relationship,” I said, referring to why Yeji broke up with her ex. Yeji was not entertained by my comment and shot me a look where she almost seemed to have daggers in her eyes.
“I’m not suggesting that as an option this time around.” She added.
“I’m just saying that it can take something big to jolt her into action at times.”
“Uh-huh,” Yeji replied, in a way that let me know that she was unconvinced by my defence.
We finished getting ready and drove to the restaurant. We arrived about ten minutes late due to unexpected traffic, and the hostess informed us that Kazuha and her boyfriend were already there. She led us to the table, and as we approached, I felt uneasy.
“Sitting across from each other? This can’t be good. We can still make a run for it.”
“Be good,” Yeji said quietly and gave me a bit of an elbow to the chest.
As we approached, neither of them looked to be particularly pleased to be sitting with the other. Kazuha expression brightened only when she noticed us approaching. She was quick to get up and greet us, while the boyfriend remained seated and only said ‘hi’ as Yeji and I sat down. It did not take long for Yeji and me to feel the obvious tension at the table between the two. I texted Yeji under the table that I was looking forward to telling her ‘I told you so’ when we get home. She replied with a middle finger emoji, which put a smile on my face.
Yeji, Kazuha, and I had no issue talking and conversing about stuff, but when I tried to make small talk with the boyfriend, it was like pulling teeth. No matter what topic one of us tried to bring up, it seemed like the other person had nothing to say or didn’t enough anything about the topic to keep a conversation going. When he did engage with whatever topic Yeji, Kazuha, and I were talking about, it always seemed like either he was undermining something that Kazuha was saying or vice versa.
It is amazing that when you have a partner that you really know well and have spent enough time around, the two of you can have almost an entire conversation with just a look. Being someone who naturally has a sarcastic and witty sense of humour, there were times when I wanted to comment while Kazuha and her boyfriend bickered. Yeji would just give me a look that says ‘don’t say it’ even before a thought of what to say could form in my head. And she was right to give me that look. Saying something would have only thrown gas onto the fire. So, after everything I did to try to keep the peace, it was a surprise that Yeji was the one who finally snapped.
When the check arrived, I went to pick it up and pay for the dinner, but Kazuha said that she wanted to split the bill. After some playful back and forth, her boyfriend told her to let me pay. When Kazuha questioned him, he said I had lucked into my money and that if I wanted to spread the wealth, she should let me. His comment did bother me. However, Yeji could not let that slide.
“Excuse me? he has worked really hard. He works harder than most people I know, and he for sure works harder and is better at his job than you are at yours,” Yeji snapped at him.
“Oh please…” was his only response.
“Babe, there is way more to it. I’ve seen him on set, Minho works very hard,” Kazuha spoke up.
“You’re taking their side? Seriously?”
“I am, because what’s your side? Minho works hard. You spend most of the day lounging around my house. And why do you even care who pays for dinner? It’s not like you were going to pay for anything. If we had split the check it was going to be my money we would have spent. Like always.”
After that, Yeji and I bowed out of the fight as the two of them went back and forth until he got up and stormed out of the restaurant. He just left Kazuha sitting there with Yeji and me. Kazuha did not try to stop him nor did she get up to go after him. After he stormed out, Kazuha called the waitress over and ordered dessert for the table. While the first few minutes of us just sitting there were awkward, things were kind of pleasant by the time dessert arrived. Things were pretty normal as we ate and when the updated check arrived at the table, Kazuha had her credit card out before it even hit the table.
Things started to get tense as the three of us got in my car to drive Kazuha back home. The closer we got to her place, the more wound up Kazuha got about the things she was going to say to him. By the time we pulled into her driveway, Kazuha was the maddest I had ever seen her. His car was there and the lights inside were on. As she entered her house I turned to Yeji.
“Should we wait?”
“We probably should give it five minutes,” she replied
Within three minutes she got a text asking if we were still close by. When Yeji texted back that we were still outside, Kazuha said she’d be out in five. I then suggested to Yeji that we have some red wine and popcorn delivered to our place because it could be a long night. As Yeji was finishing the order, Kazuha came back out wearing the same dress she had worn for dinner. She also had a large back over one shoulder and in her other hand, she had her dog leash, with it leading the way as they walked to my car.
“Isn’t this your house?” I asked, pointing out the fact that instead of booting out the boyfriend, she was abandoning her place.
“I told him he had 24 hours to pack up all his shit,” she answered.
The entire way back home we could hear Kazuha’s phone going off with text notifications. She would reply occasionally with voice notes and other times with her fingers would type away a response.
“Oh, wow. Now he’s begging me to come back so we could talk it out. He’s so full of shit,” Kazuha said with a mix of disbelief and anger.
“Maybe you should tell him where you keep your vibrator so he can go fuck himself with it,” I sarcastically suggested.
“No don’t…” Yeji said, but her words were cut off by Kazuha.
“That’s perfect!” Kazuha said excitedly as she began typing away.
When we arrived home, a delivery bag sat at the front door. Walking inside, Yeji’s dog happily greeted us, and it were also pleased to see Kazuha’s. Kazuha had come over to the house before, so they all knew each other and got along. Kazuha went to bring her bag to the guest room as Yeji let the dogs outside.
I took the delivery bag to the kitchen. As I opened one of the bottles of red wine, Kazuha came walking in dressed in sweatpants and a tight crop top.
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“Do you want a glass?” I asked her.
“Yes, thanks,” she replied. However, she did not wait for me to pour a glass, nor did she take the bottle and pour her own glass. Instead, she took the bottle and drank straight from it. Taking two big chugs, she then grabbed a bag of popcorn with her other hand and walked towards the living room.
Yeji and I kept Kazuha company for a few hours as she vented everything she dislike about her boyfriend and all the fights they had. As she vented, she kept drinking directly from the bottle until it ran empty. Eventually, Yeji and I said good night to Kazuha and we retired to our bedroom.
“So, I think a ‘I told you so’ is in order,” I said as we walked into the bedroom. “I told you we should have just cancelled on tonight.” I expected some kind of blowback from Yeji, but instead, she surprised me by wrapping her arms around me and kissing me sensually.
“Thank you,” she said, as our lips finally parted.
“After a kiss like that? I am pretty sure I should be the one thanking you.”
“No, thank you for not being a total shithead like some other guys,” she explained.
“That’s all because of you,” I told her before kissing her again.
We slowly moved towards the bed, with me losing a piece of clothing with each step. Once I was down to my boxers, the back of my legs hit the edge of the bed and I took a seat. Yeji, meanwhile, took two steps back away from me. I looked her over. Still dressed in the same clothing as what she had worn to dinner.
Yeji reached behind her neck to undo the back of her dress. She then slowly and teasingly began to lower it down her body. When she had it down around her waist, she stopped to remove her backless bra. Even after all these years and countless times of seeing her naked, I still began salivating as Yeji exposed her tits. She ran her hands over her breasts before going down and finishing removing her dress, allowing it to fall and pool around her feet after pushing it past her hips.
Yeji was now left standing in nothing more than her black underwear. She stepped up close to me and then took my hand and placed them on her hips, right at the edge of her panties. I hooked my fingers into the waistband and removed them. Yeji Now standing naked before me, I bent forward and kissed her right above her pussy, then to her toned flat stomach, and moved down, my lips brushed up against the hairs of the patch that she was let grow in.
I attempted to remove my underwear, but Yeji stopped me. She took a step back and asked me to stand up while she dropped to her knees. She pulled down my boxers, revealing my hard cock sprang out.
Yeji pressed her lips against my cock, lightly kissing the tip. I could barely feel her lips pressing against my cock head. Then she repeated it, and again. She took the base in her hand and kissed up and down my shaft before returning to the tip. She took it into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the tip before messaging the sensitive spot just under the tip. It all felt unbelievable, but I knew that she was just giving me a little bit of pleasure. And appetizer before moving on to the main course.
She got up and we both move onto the bed. This was not going to be a lot of foreplay action like we often like to do. Instead, Yeji laid down on her back and pulled me on top of her. I gave a hard thrust of my cock into her, causing her to gasp, but after that, the two of us just kissed and made out lovingly.
We stayed like that for a while, just making out while basically in the missionary position with my cock resting inside of her. After a while, I did begin to rock my hips as we continued to kiss. While the two of us knew how to fuck each other, this time it was much more lovemaking than anything.
Our tempo was much slower and gentler. When our lips weren’t pressed together, we were staring straight into each other’s. We repeatedly expressed our love for each other. I was surprised by the way we were going, and when I warned her I was about to cum, she asked me to pull out. She had to tell me twice before I finally did pull out and I got up and sat on my knees.
Yeji then sat up and leaned over, swallowing the first few inches of my cock as her hand pumped my shaft. With my dick slick with Yeji’s juices, her hand easily slid up and down my shaft, jerking me off while her tongue played with the tip of my cock. It was only a matter of time before I started firing cum shots into the back of Yeji’s mouth, which she quickly swallowed.
“Fuck, Yeji, you’re so incredible,”
“You’re pretty great yourself,” she complimented me.
“Wow, that was hot,” said a third voice away from the bed.
We both quickly snapped our heads around to where the voice came from. There in the doorway, we both saw a drunk Kazuha leaning against the door frame. Kazuha was still wearing sweatpants and a crop top, but her shirt had been rolled up to just under her breasts, her hard nipples could be seen poking through. And while her pants were on, one of her hands was shoved inside, and there were clear wet spots on her crotch.
“What the fuck?” Yeji yelled when she saw her standing there watching.
“Sorry,” Kazuha said in a breathy tone. “I heard you down the hall, and when I walked by, the door was open…” I couldn’t look away. “You two are so hot together.”
“But still, Kazuha…”
“Sorry, but I started watching, and then I started thinking about the times the three of us got together, and I just got so horny I couldn’t help myself.” As Kazuha spoke and drunkenly tried to explain herself, her hand never left her pants.
“Go to bed and sleep it off, you’ll feel better in the morning,” I calmly told her.
“Yeah, you’re right. Sorry,” she said as she finally pulled her hand out of her pants, her fingers glistening with wetness, and she turned to go back down the hall to the guest room.
“I kind of feel bad for her,” Yeji said after letting out a deep sigh and running her hand through her hair. “She looked sad and… horny. That’s like the worst combination.”
“Yeah, well, she’ll be fine. Especially after she gets some sleep. You’ll see, she’ll be way better in the morning,” I told her. I then kissed Yeji on her neck.
“You’re probably right,” she said.
“Now, should I close the door or should we keep it open and let her keep listening? Because I am ready to go again.” I told Yeji as I kissed my way down the middle of her chest. I was about to suck on her tit when Yeji pulled my face up to hers and she gave me a kiss on the lips.
“I love you,” she said and then she called out to the hallway, “Kazuha, are you still there?”
There was a minute of silence before we heard Kazuha timidly respond, “No,” from just next to the door frame.
“What are you doing?” I asked Yeji quietly.
“I love you; I trust you, and she really hurting.”
“So… I want you to absolutely wreck her,” Yeji quietly answered me. She then called back to the hallway, “Come in here!”
As Kazuha crept back into the bedroom, I looked at Yeji for confirmation that was sure about this. She gave me a nod, and then we both turned to Kazuha. No one said anything or did anything for a moment. Finally, I made a move. I got up off the bed and began walking to Kazuha. As I moved toward her, her eyes were not looking at me. Her eyes were fixed on my hard cock.
“In all your rantings about your ex, you never said anything about your sex life,” I said as I stood inches from her.
“He could get off most of the time, but it’s been a while since I came so hard with my leg was still twitching minutes after,” Kazuha told me, moving her eyes up to meet mine for the first time.
“How about we change that?” I asked her.
I did not wait for a response. I picked her up and tossed her on the bed. While she was on her back, I grabbed her sweatpants and ripped them down her legs and off her body. She was so wet.
I grabbed both of her legs, spread them out, and pushed them up above her head. With her wet pussy splayed in front of me, I dove down to eat her out.
“Nghh yess! eat my pussy, ahh, just like that…” Kazuha cried out.
If there was any question about how horny Kazuha was, that question was answered as she came within two minutes of me starting to go down on her. However, even as she came, I did not relent a all. Outside of Yeji, there was no one else I had ever enjoyed going down more on than Kazuha, and with the opportunity to go down on her again, I was not going to stop after only two minutes.
Kazuha had one of the prettiest, tightest pussies I’d ever seen, and she also had one of, if not the best-tasting pussies I’d ever tried. So, given the opportunity to taste her again, I ate her up like it was the last time I’d ever get to do so.
I devoured her pussy until I had her right on the edge again, and then I backed away. I started licking her juices, which had spilled onto her upper thighs. When she calmed down, I went back to her pussy and ate her out until she was on the verge, at which point I backed off again. I moved away from her pussy and began to play with her hard nipples instead. I would go on to edge her once more before Kazuha complained.
“What are you doing?” She yelled.
“You know exactly what I’m doing,”
“Please just keep going.”
“You going to do it,”
“Uh-huh,” she cried.
So, I moved back down her body and went back to sucking on her clit as I fingered her. Sure enough, Kazuha did exactly what I wanted. What I loved making her do.
When she climaxed again, she also squirted. And not just a small trickle, she shot some juices up in the air as her body erupted. Kazuha said that she had not had a real body-shaking orgasm in a while, well based on the way her eyes rolled back as she came it seemed safe to say that that streak had ended.
“Well, looks like you got her off pretty good,” Yeji commented as she looked at Kazuha lying there trying to catch her breath.
“Yeah, maybe we should give her a break for a minute,” I said as I moved over to Yeji, and the two of us started to make out and grind against one another while Kazuha lay next to us.
Yeji was still dripping wet as she rubbed her pussy against my cock. I was about to thrust into Yeji when Kazuha started stirring again. She was on her knees behind me, pressing her tits against my back and kissing my shoulder.
“I want your cock,” Kazuha whispered.
“I think you need to wait your turn,” I told her.
“I’ve been waiting, and you just fucked tonight,” Kazuha whined as I continued to pay more attention to Yeji than her, and Kazuha did her best to tempt me to turn around.
Yeji then moved in close to me, and whispered.
“Remember what I said before? Wreck her.”
Yeji then pulled away, kissing me on the lips before moving her body away. I spun around, and before I could react, Kazuha pounced on me, knocking me back onto the bed. She pressed her lips against mine, and then I felt her grab my cock. She began rotating her hips around the tip of my cock until she had a proper angle. She then sat down on it.
“Oh fuck! I’ve missed that feeling,” she said as sat on my cock. She stayed bent over my body as she began bouncing up and down.
“You feel so good Kazuha, So fucking tight!”
“That’s because I haven’t been properly fucked by a cock like yours in a long time,” Kazuha then looked up at Yeji.
“You’re so fucking lucky.”
“I know,” Yeji said confidently.
Kazuha rode me hard for a while. But eventually, we changed things up. I knew what Kazuha liked, so I had us get out of bed and head over to the dresser, which had a large mirror above it. Kazuha quickly bent over, bracing herself against the dresser’s edge. Sticking her cute fat ass at me.
I moved behind her, grabbed her hips, and slide my cock back inside her freshly fucked pussy. Once inside, I looked up at the mirror, and we made eye contact. Whatever drunken haze she had in her eyes when Yeji and I first saw her in our doorway was good. Now all that was lust and determination.
“Please fuck me hard,” she begged, so I did exactly that.
The room filled with the sound of my pelvis hitting her ass with each thrust as well as the banging sound of her dresser against the wall As I fucked her tight lips hard.
“Oh god just like that, fuck, your cock feels so good,” she moaned.
“And your pussy is just as tight as I remember,” I told her as I started playing with her asshole with my thumb.
Kazuha looked at my face through the mirror the entire time, and while I did try to focus mostly on her, my eyes would occasionally dart over my shoulder to the another gorgeous openly masturbating on the bed. I didn’t like the idea of just focusing on Kazuha while Yeji was also left in the room unattended by herself. So, I was happy when Kazuha’s leg buckled and she finally had another orgasm. I withdrew my cock and gave her some time to recover before making a suggestion.
“You know,” I said, “You should probably thank Yeji for letting this happen.”
“Oh?” Kazuha said playfully. “Do you think a thank you note and a bottle of wine will do?”
“It’s a good start, but I was thinking something more… immediate.”
Kazuha then went over to the bed and got on it right between Yeji’s legs. While she teased her for a bit, Kazuha did eventually expressed her gratitude and began eating her out with the same effort I had given her earlier in the night.
I sat back and waited, though I could not help but notice the way Kazuha kept her ass up high in the air as she ate out her friend.
Eventually, it was all too tempting for me. I couldn’t just sit back and watch any longer. In an instant, I was on the bed, slamming my cock back into Kazuha, while she continued to feast on Yeji’s.
“Ahh Fuck! Could you not warn me first?” Kazuha said as she looks over her shoulder.
“Shut up, or I’ll fuck your ass too” I told her as I began to play with her asshole, again.
“Ahh, you wouldn’t dare! and no…” she said, “not tonight,” she added in a whisper as she makes a suggestive look.
So now it was the three of us on the bed with Yeji on her back, Kazuha on her elbows and knees between her legs, and me on my knees fucking Kazuha from behind.
“I want to taste her,” Yeji announced. I knew right away what she meant. So I pulled out from Kazuha, much to her disappointment, she moved over to where my cock was now easily accessible for Yeji’s mouth.
“God, she really does taste good,” Yeji said as she sucked some of Kazuha’s juices off my cock. She continued to suck and lick my cock until it was no longer coated in any of Kazuha’s pussy juices, but only in her saliva.
It was time to finish her off. Kazuha flipped over onto her back, and Yeji straddled her face as I moved between her legs. I couldn’t resist getting another taste of Kazuha straight from the source, so I gave her a few licks before moving into position and inserting my cock into her. I lifted Kazuha’s legs again and spread them wide as I delivered, pounding her pussy hard and fast until my cockhead was rubbing her cervix. Yeji once again came on Kazuha’s face, and Kazuha wasn’t far behind with her own orgasm.
Yeji moved away from Kazuha’s face, and she also took her ankles from my hands and bent Kazuha’s legs back until they were on the side of Kazuha’s face. Kazuha had practically folded at this point, and I was about to warn her, but Yeji spoke up before I could. Based on the expression on my face, she must have known what I was about to say.
“Minho,” she said. “Remember our rules?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I replied. I began to pull back, assuming she meant no creampies in or from others, until Yeji said something different.
“Forget them tonight. Fill her.”
“Mmm-hmmm,” she nodded.
“What’s happening?” Kazuha said in confusion.
“This is what’s happening,” I told her and seconds later I blast my cum inside of her, painting her wall white with all I have.
“Oh my god yes! Give me all! Fucking fill me!” Kazuha screamed as she felt me shooting a seemingly never-ending load of cum inside her womb. Even I was taken aback by the amount I came.
“Damn, that was a good one,” I said as I pulled out and watched cum drip out of Kazuha’s now well-fucked pussy.
“I think you mean a huge one,” Kazuha corrected me. “I didn’t know if you were ever going to stop.” She added as a river of cum began flowing out of her.
“If only your boyfriend could see you now,” Yeji joked.
“Ex-boyfriend,” Kazuha retorted. And I wish he could. Would be no questions whether we were over or not now.”
“My phone is in my pocket,” I said half joking.
“Get it,” Kazuha said in a serious tone.
I got out of bed, found my pants, and pulled out my phone. Once on the bed, Kazuha instructed me to take several close-up photos of her wet pussy, which was leaking my cum. After about a dozen photos, including one in which she used her fingers to open her pussy lips wide, she took my phone and looked through the photos. She commented on which ones she liked best and sent them to her phone.
“I’ll send it to him in the morning,” she said.
Kazuha more or less passed out after that, leaving Yeji and I still wide awake on the bed. We ended up screwing each other’s brains out on the bed one more time with Kazuha sound asleep right next to us. Sleeping through all the shaking of the bed and all the loud sex noises we were making before I shot my third load of the night into Yeji’s womb.
“God that was amazing,” I said to Yeji as we now laid in bed together under the covers. The two of us had our heads on our pillows and were looking at one another as we spoke. Kazuha was on the other side of me still sound asleep.
“Yeah, that was fun,” Yeji replied.
“You’re still my number one, you know that right?”
“Of course I do. This was just a little bit of special fun.”
“So, I know my birthday is still a few days away but was this my present? I know you said you had something special planned,” I asked.
“Oh no. I didn’t plan any of this. Your birthday gift is still coming, and I think you’ll like that gift even more than this?”
“More than tonight?” I questioned her.
“Trust me, what I have planned is going to blow your mind,”
Yeji then gave me a quick peck on the lips before rolling over and falling asleep. I was left wondering what she could have planned that was even more incredible than a threesome with Kazuha.
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hysteria-things · 7 months
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♛ ONE ° •
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the versus tour takes place in your hometown! while doing autographs, you seem catch the matt sturniolo’s eye.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY SMUT, swearing, choking if you squint, making out, oral (male and female receiving), dry humping (?), face fucking, spanking, p in v, overstimulation, dumbification, marking, some degradation/praising, hair pulling, squirting, cream pie, ROUGHH
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,427
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: i added this to my welcome post but i’m going to say it here too. my requests are now CLOSED because i’ve been getting overwhelmed and i want to get them done LOL but my inbox is still open so feel free to chat with me :)
idk when i’ll open them again, but they will be eventually!
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the moment you’ve been waiting for for months has finally arrived. you and your best friend hannah were lucky enough to get tickets to the sturniolo triplets tour in your hometown.
currently, the small talk line moves slowly but surely. your friend is decked out in purple for nick while you’re wearing blue for matt.
“we’re next!” hannah gushes, clapping her hands in excitement. she pushes you ahead of her. “i’m scared. you go first.”
you roll your eyes playfully. honestly, you’re not nervous to meet your favorites. you feel chill, which is the opposite of what you thought you’d be like.
matt greets you by hugging you tight and smiling. “how are you?” he asks, taking his card and signing it.
“i’m doing good.” you return his smile. “you liking the tour so far?”
he nods, eyeing you up and down. he feels something different about you. this doesn’t feel like any other small talk.
“i love it.”
the security man motions for you to go on ahead. of course, you listen and start to grab your items, but matt stops you. “do you have a boyfriend?”
see, if this were any other person you’d be weirded out by this question; but because it’s matthew sturniolo, you answer.
he licks his lips, taking the card that he signed and flipping it over to write something.
the scary security is getting angry and impatient with you, so you can only read what he wrote as you walk away. your eyeballs almost burst out of your skull.
i want to see you after the show.
now, you and hannah are standing in the red carpet line before the show actually starts.
you guys talk until it’s your turn, the both of you going since you want a group picture. first is chris, then nick, and lastly matt. he hugs you longer than the other two.
a chill runs down your spine when his voice tickles against your ear. “i’ll meet you outside later, right?”
he pulls away, getting ready to pose for the picture, but you nod for an answer.
“that was so much fun!” hannah screeches as you guys walk to the parking lot.
you agree, before stopping. “i need to go back and use the restroom. do you mind taking my stuff with you to my car?”
she grins, grabbing your stuff. “sure thing.”
you speed walk back to the venue, fewer and fewer people flooding the area as you wait.
a door opens moments later, sounding like the backstage door, and you turn to the source.
you blush, your cheeks heating up more and more the closer he gets with that damn smile on his face.
pinch me this can’t be real.
“hi,” he says lowly.
“hi,” you repeat back.
he looks at his watch. “they’re yapping away in there so we should have some time.”
you’re not sure what that means but again: since it’s matthew fucking sturniolo… you’ll listen without a doubt.
your heartbeat pumps rapidly in your chest when he sneaks you into the tour bus.
you kind of feel bad for leaving hannah behind… but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
the bus looks way bigger on the outside than the inside, and you’re still trying hard to wrap your head around that you’re with matthew. fucking. sturniolo.
he admires the way you take it all in with his hands shoved into his pockets. he’s sure you’re thinking about so many things right now, but the only thing he can think of is how badly he wants to fuck you.
thinking about a fan that way is insane, but he just finds you so much different than any other fan girl. you’re confident, kind, and gorgeous.
you finish observing the tour bus and smile wide at him. “it’s very cool in here.”
“yeah.” he chuckles. “the beds are a tight squeeze though.”
you giggle, and he steps closer. your mind runs a million miles a minute with each step he takes. “do you trust me?” he questions, now inches away from you.
you raise a brow suspiciously. “should i not?”
he smirks, shaking his head. “i’m just checking.” he places his hands on your hips gently, running them up and down.
leaning towards your ear, he whispers. “be good for me, yeah?”
your legs subconsciously squeeze together, and he cups your cheeks with his palms. he leans in slowly. he hesitates when his lips ghost yours to see if you’d protest, but because you don’t, he kisses you.
his tongue licks your lips to indicate that he wants you to open, but you don’t. you feel the coldness of his rings on the side of your neck before he squeezes. when you gasp at the sudden contact, that’s his sign for his tongue to enter your mouth. “you promised you’d be good.” he says between the kiss.
you smirk. “i didn’t promise anything.”
he snarls, leaning back in. the make-out goes on for at least thirty seconds before he pulls away, the lipstick you had on now smeared on both of your mouths.
your eyes have a mind of their own and look down, seeing his rock-hard erection as clear as day through his jeans. “get on your knees.”
your eyebrows shoot to your hairline at the sudden tone change, but you obey either way.
he wastes no time to unbuckle his belt to pull down his jeans, his dick springing out right in front of you. the tip is red and leaking pre-cum. you open your mouth wide without him having to tell you, and he smirks.
leaning in, he grabs your hair and stops you. “no.” he says.
instead, he slaps the head on your tongue before pushing in slowly. it’s like you can feel every vein enter your mouth, gagging in the process when he’s deep in your throat. “holy shit.” he breathes, seeing how much of him you took.
it’s not all of it, but it’s more than he thought. you give him puppy dog eyes through your lashes, despite them being glossy.
he starts to thrust into your mouth, jaw slack as he watches his dick run past your lips in one swift motion. the grip on your head stays tight, him hunching over slightly to get deeper.
you moan at the shape protruding in your throat, the gagging and sloppy wet noises making you turned on even more. “fuck i’ve been wanting to do this since you opened that pretty fucking mouth of yours.” he pants, moving at an ungodly speed that makes it hard for you to breath. “do you just let random guys use this mouth? sure seems that way.”
you moan again, lifting yourself off of the ground the tiniest bit so you can feel the top of his shoe on your swollen clit.
whimpering at the feeling, you start to grind yourself on it while he still fucks your mouth. your arms wrap around his leg, humping faster like a bitch in heat.
“that’s a little pathetic.” he laughs hoarsely, groaning when his dick twitches. “so, so needy for me.”
you let out a pained sob because along with your throat, the feeling of you grinding also hurts. it would be best if you had something way more than his shoe.
“s-shit.” he whimpers, pulling out to where only the tip is in your mouth, making sure you get all of his cum on your tastebuds. he smears the rest on your lips.
matt lifts you from the ground, bending you over the small table that they have. he grabs your ass before giving it a light spank.
it’s his turn to kneel now, simultaneously taking off your leggings. he bites your ass before sliding your panties over. you feel his breath against your aching core. “jesus christ.” he mumbles. “you’re dripping down your legs already. aren’t you just an eager thing?”
he spreads your folds with his thumbs, blowing cool air on them that makes you jolt. you’re too sensitive for that.
then, your phone starts to ring right next to you. it’s hannah.
you cannot not answer, because if you don’t she’ll think something is wrong. you swipe, putting the phone on speaker. “hell— oh.”
matt immediately digs into you, eating you out like he hasn’t eaten ever in his life.
“where the hell are you? i’ve been waiting by your car for like thirty minutes. using the bathroom shouldn’t take this long, y/n.”
the man below you squeezes your thighs, spreading yourself wider to practically be nose-deep inside of you. your eyes roll back hard, mouth hanging open with silent moans leaving it. “hello?”
“h-hannah i’m sorry i’ll— mm— be out s-soon. i’m sorry.”
“are you okay?” she questions.
with that, matt starts sucking at your bud, causing your legs to shake. you grip the table as hard as you can, your upper body giving out and laying flat on the surface in front of you.
“yes i’m fine!” you say, trying to reach for his head and push him away, but that only makes him grab onto you harder.
he’s fascinated by the way you taste it’s almost hypnotizing. your arousal drips down his chin, and the way he’s sucking has your orgasm wash over you without warning. “i’m cumming.” you whine, and you feel the smug smile on his face.
“oh, so you’re coming? thank god because it’s a little chilly out here,” hannah replies.
“fuck yes.” you moan but cover it by clearing your throat. “i mean, yes. i will be coming in a-a bit.”
she sighs through the phone. “okay.”
you quickly hang up without saying goodbye, holding on for dear life since your release knocked your legs out.
he holds you, getting up and wiping your cum off of his face. “you’re a bit of a bad girl, aren’t you?”
“leaving your friend out there all alone.”
“so that you can fuck me.”
“like a slut.”
you wince every time he hits you, the stinging tingling on your ass. he grabs your hips and arches you more.
he moves his tip up and down at your entrance teasingly, getting wetter by the second. “matt, please.” you whine, your pussy desperate for his cock. “please fuck me.”
he stops, waiting for a beat before pushing into you like it’s no big deal. he’s big for sure, but because of your wetness, he slides in perfectly. the both of you moan, and matt stares at where you conjoined. “your pussy’s fucking amazing.” he groans. “by far the best i’ve ever had.”
you start to bounce back on him since he’s taking his sweet ass time, but out of nowhere starts pounding into you.
whatever they have on the table starts to either fall or rattle from him railing into you. he takes your hands and pins them behind your back. “harder.” you wince out, and he whistles.
“you have no idea what you just asked for.” he says, doing the opposite and slowing down. “you won’t be able to speak, baby.”
baby. you moan at the nickname.
you’re way past the point of ‘omg i’m hanging out with matt sturniolo!’
you try bouncing your ass back again, but this time he smacks it and spreads your legs wider to plow into you deeper. “so impatient.” he sighs.
all you can do is scream and gasp for air with each thrust, hands balled up into fists.
your mind becomes blank once your eyes cross, your mouth hung open with your chin resting on the table. he hits just the right spot each time, squeezing around him.
“i— i—” you try to warn that you’re close, but your mind won’t let you.
he wasn’t kidding about the won’t be able to speak part.
“you can do it,” he says, knowing damn well you can’t.
your body becomes limp like a rag doll, matt having completely corrupted you.
he tuts fake pouting. “look who’s cock drunk. be a good girl and cum for me. you deserve it.”
blabbing a response, you squirt before cumming harder than before. usually, you’d be embarrassed, but you’re too far gone to care.
“that’s so hot.” he grunts, fucking you through your orgasm. “come on, baby. one more.”
“i can’t.” you sob, his hand letting go of yours before wrapping your hair not once but twice to lift your body to his.
“you can and you will,” he says, your third orgasm already building up in less than two minutes.
tears run down your face, eyes fluttering shut from the overwhelming amount of pleasure. there’s no way the human body can have this much pleasure and be okay.
matt kisses your neck, sucking a big mark when he finds the sweet spot. “i know you’re close already.” he says, his cum starting to leak into you deep.
you can’t stop your body from spasming, letting out one last sob before you cum again.
he pulls out, laying down on top of you and rubbing around your body soothingly to calm you down from your heavy breathing.
he covers your full cunt with your underwear so his cum doesn’t ooze out. he kisses your clothed pussy, and you flinch from the sensitivity. “making sure it’s in there.” he smirks.
after a few minutes, he helps you sit on the table to put your undergarments back on. your eyes are half closed from the post-sex haze.
matt grabs you water and a bag of chips before giving you one last hug. you guys talk for a little before he makes sure the coast is clear for you to get out without being seen.
you’re limping like crazy back to your car, seeing hannah impatiently tap her foot while leaning against the door.
once she sees you, she comes storming over. “you’re so lucky you’re my best friend or i would kill you.” she threatens. “i’ve been standing here for an hour.”
“i’m sorry.” you rasp out.
she studies your face, and it looks like you quite literally saw god. “oh my god, are you sure you are alright? you look like you got jumped.”
“it’s the after-show feeling.” you lie. “i’m exhausted. let’s go.”
she doesn’t question anymore, not even the random snacks and water you have. you start the car and place the stuff matt gave you down until you see there’s a post-it note attached to the bag of sour cream and onion.
to my favorite fan,
text me when you get the chance, gorgeous
- matt :)
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @sturnolio-luvs @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree @hertvgirl @whoreforchrissturniolo @r4iyaa @sturniolotriplettoplover @mattybswife @freshsturns @loverrsposts @sturnlcvr @elliesturniolo1 @tpvmz @user283926392 @lalalands86 @sukiipjs @sturniologirl813 @leahrab @chrissturniolosslut @h3arts4harry @sturnioloblogs @creamoncreamoncream2 @luv4kozume @ivyyyyyysposts @mirxcle1 @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @sturniol0s @sturniologirly @hbvfb
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trivia-yandere · 11 months
Hi!!!! Okay, first of all, I'm in love with your writing!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕And I was wondering (I've never done a story request so if it is horrible, please just ignore it 😅) but I was wondering if you could write a story of maybe yandereboyfriend/friend jungkook kinda forces older (not heaps but like 2-5 years older but shes just shy and confused when it comws to sex and intimacy) reader to loose her virginity to him and she likes it at the end?? If this is super uncomfortable, please don't even think about it 😅😶‍🌫️👉👈 or if you wanna do something completely different, I'd love your writing anyways!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
hello! yes I can :) thank you for sending a request and being so patient! i feel like this yandere is more light than the usual lol
best friends!
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jungkook doesn't like the idea of you wanting to loose your virginity to anyone that wasn't him. @momnomnom @sweetempathprunetree @darkuni63 @minshookie29 idol version
word count: 6.100
warning: naive/shy reader, mentions of watching porn, childhood friends jungkook + reader, smut scenes, coercion, masturbation, manipulation, light yandere tedancies, jealous jungkook, dub-con moments, dry humping, kissing, nipple sucking, oral sex, loss of virginity, rough sex, dacryphilia, fingering, unprotected sex, spitting,
“You’ll never be able to seduce a man, Noona.” Jungkook laughs boisterously, causing your face to heat up. “You’re just too shy.”
Jungkook’s eyes watch as your arms cross over your chest, any self-confidence you had slowly falling. He hums, turning over on his bed to face you. He then places a hand on your thigh. “Noona…”
“Stop calling me that, Jungkook.” you murmur. He knows that you prefer to be called by your name, but he’d often ignore you because of how much he enjoys teasing you, even after years of friendship. 
“You’re upset with me.” says Jungkook.
“I’ve stopped calling you Kookie like you asked.”
Jungkook snorts. “That’s because the nickname doesn’t fit me anymore. I’m a man.” his hand squeezes your thigh. “Besides, I said stop calling me that in public. You and I are alone now.”
You and Jungkook have been friends since childhood, your father and his being great friends. The age difference never bothered you as much, and you’d often recall calling Jungkook your baby brother during his primary and middle school days - you having been homeschooled. It was when Jungkook grew in size and age and reached High School did he demand you stop calling him that but never gave a reason as to why.
Even now, as Jungkook and you are adults, the friendship remains. You went to him for whatever you thought you needed and he was there. Moving away from your father had been a big step and finding a job to support yourself was even bigger, but you were never truly alone because you had Jungkook - you and he living together.
Jungkook was the opposite of you. While your job consisted of you being home, he wasn’t. He made friends easily while you remained with a close knit circle. He was more social when needed and you often closed up around people you didn’t know. Most of your friends were Jungkook’s friends that he considered brothers - you recall asking him why he considered them family and not you. Jungkook didn’t give you any reason, stating that you’d never be a sister in his eyes, no matter if he knew you longer or not.
Now you and Jungkook lay in his bed, an action that he insisted on every so often, and watched tv. He’d often hold you, his breath tickling your ear with how close he was. A certain thought now laid on your mind and when you brought it up to Jungkook, his initial thought was to laugh at you. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Y/N.” Jungkook sighs. He pushes himself closer to you, the hand on your thigh firmly keeping you in place. “It’s just…you don’t go out much. You’ve been homeschooled your entire life and you don’t really have friends besides the ones I have.”
Jungkook continues. “You literally cried the first time I showed you porn.” he tries his hardest not to laugh at the memory of you and he, both in High School. You had come over to his home while his parents were working. Jungkook had asked you about it randomly, and when you insisted that you never watched something as normal as porn, he insisted that you and he watch together. 
You’re flushed with heat at the embarrassing memory. “You…” you take a deep breath so your voice wouldn’t crack. “You told me it was just sex.”
“Is it not?” Jungkook knits his brows. 
“They were crying!”
“In pleasure.” says Jungkook. “I should have started you off easy and not gone into bondage.” low, he begins to laugh. It’s a memory that he’s fond of. “But I don’t regret showing you either. It was the first time you came!”
A memory you wished Jungkook would forget - and stop bringing up. That same night he insisted on teaching you about masturbation, telling you that it was normal. You’ve never done so before, feeling weird about it all together, but Jungkook wouldn’t allow you to leave until you at least gave it a try. 
“You even cried in pleasure.” 
Jungkook closes his eyes, the scene flashing in his mind. How innocent you appeared, completely confused on what in the world you were doing. It was then did Jungkook tell you that he’d talk you through it. It took a half an hour of convincing, of course. Getting you out of your pants, then your underwear. 
“Open your legs, Y/N.” Jungkook had said, grabbing your wrist. “Put your fingers right…there.” he places them onto your clit and you flinch at the feeling. “Then rub…” he murmured, his hand coaching you to rub until you got the hang of it.
Jungkook will never forget the sight and how hard he was at just watching you. Your breathing hitching, the low moans and the calls of his name. It’s a memory he cherishes with you - his best friend - and one of the main reasons as to why he’d never call you his sister; he had to dead that immediately afterwards. 
“Who are you trying to seduce anyways?” Jungkook changes the subject and goes back to the original topic. “You found yourself a boyfriend?”
“No.” you quip. “I-I just want to have sex.”
Jungkook raises a brow. “Why?”
“You have sex all the time.” you retort. You didn’t like Jungkook’s question, nor the look in his eyes. 
“I’m also not a virgin.” Jungkook fires back. “You can’t just have sex with anyone, Y/N. Don’t you think it has to be special?”
“Your first time wasn’t with anyone special.” you murmur. “Do you even talk to her anymore?”
Jungkook snickers. “Don’t remember her name.” he shrugs. “But you and I are different. Sex is different for women.” Jungkook says matter-of-factly. “You women create bonds with guys you give your body to. You can’t have that bond with just anyone.”
It was a conversation Jungkook and you had time and time again. As you got older, you were tired of being a virgin - and dating was never an option. Not because you couldn’t find a boyfriend - you could. You had men come up to you asking for your number and if you’d be interested in going on dates. 
The problem was Jungkook. He lingered around you often, and you never minded. He was your best friend and each man that tried were always shot down by him, not you. “He’s ugly.” Jungkook said about one man. “He looks like he doesn’t even shower, Y/N. Why he thinks he can speak to you is beyond me.” was said about another. “Men only want one thing. They can tell that you’ve never been touched.”
“What about Hoseok?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, your question lingering in his mind.
Jung Hoseok as his friend - the man he calls his brother?
There’s a dark look in Jungkook’s eyes as he thinks about your question. 
“Do you like him?”
“I love Hoseok.” you say calmly. “Like I love you.”
Jungkook doesn’t realize that his nails are digging into your skin until he hears you yelp. There was no way in Hell you love Hoseok the same as you loved him; the thought makes him want to gag.
“Why Hoseok?”
You aren’t sure how to respond. “I’ve known him for years.” was all you can think of. You and he were around the same age and he was nice, always smiling widely at you whenever he came around. “Maybe Namjoon?”
Jungkook swallows.
“You look at my friends often?”
There’s a change in Jungkook’s tone that has you cowering.
“I-I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Do you want to fuck my friends?” 
You’re taken aback by the harshness in Jungkook’s tone. 
“I…I don’t know anyone else but your friends.”
Jungkook snickers. He wasn’t going to allow you and Hoseok - or Namjoon, hell, anyone - to do anything. Hoseok is a man such as he is and the thought of his taking something precious from you was driving him wild. Wild because he knows that if you asked Hoseok, he would.
“No.” Jungkook shakes his head. “Hoseok has a girlfriend.”
A lie, but you’d never know that.
“Oh.” you appeared bummed. “Nam-”
You swallow. “Jimin…?”
“Do you fantasize about them?”
You’ve know his friends as long as he has, and now he’s wondering when you had the thought of fucking them in your mind. 
“I just want to have sex.” you sigh in defeat, not wanting to cause a fight with Jungkook.
“Why wouldn’t you ask me?”
Jungkook doesn’t care how unreasonably spoiled he may sound. You were his best friend, after all. He kept creeps away from you who wanted nothing but to wet their cocks. You were safe with him in the home you and he shared - he’d be damned if he’d allow a man to come in here and fuck you.
You’re silent, and Jungkook continues. 
“You don’t love me.”
Your eyes widen when you feel Jungkook remove himself from you.
“I do.” you quip. “I-I just…I don’t have anyone else. I’m tired of not knowing what it feels like.” watching television with sexual scenes had you wondering if sex was truly as good as they made it seem. You recall hearing from Taehyung, another friend of Jungkook, that porn is often fake and not everything you see was real - but how could it not be when their eyes are rolling and they’re screaming with such passion?
“If you loved me, Y/N, you’d ask me.”
Your heart sinks when Jungkook lifts from his lying position. You hated arguing with him. He was someone you loved and trusted with your life - him being upset with you had your anxiety spiking.
“I thought you had someone you were seeing.” you admit. You recall seeing her a few times in the home. She never spoke, but then again neither did you. She would stroll past you to enter Jungkook’s bedroom and only ever gave you a small grin. 
“Oh her.” Jungkook brushes past the statement. “I am. Somewhat.” he shrugs his shoulders. Her contemplated asking her out - she was decent looking and a good fuck. But he didn’t love her nor respect her enough to make her his girlfriend. He was just bored at the moment. “Why does that matter?”
The same way it matters that Hoseok had a girlfriend, you think. You want to say it, but you didn’t want to upset Jungkook anymore than he already was. “I don’t want to come between that.”
Jungkook wants to laugh. “I don’t love her. I love you.” Jungkook says, a tone in his voice that indicates that it should be obvious. “You are my best friend. You should be able to come to me when you need me. Not anyone else.”
You lift yourself up from the bed, as well, and you slowly nod your head. “Sorry.” you murmur.
Jungkook turns to face you, a full smile on his lips. “It’s okay. I’ll forgive you, Y/N.” Jungkook holds his hand out for you to grab. 
You do, and Jungkook lightly tugs you closer. You and he are face to face now.
“Sex is more than just losing your virginity.” Jungkook’s thumb rubs your knuckles. “Sex should be pleasurable for both of us. Masturbation is a form of sex. You’ve done that already.”
You nod slowly, feeling hot. 
“Tell me, Y/N.” Jungkook says. “When you masturbate, what makes you cum?”
You lick your lips, again embarrassed. You swallow while trying to find the words to answer Jungkook.
“When you watch porn, what do you like?” Jungkook changes the question up, and understands how shy you were - even with him. 
Jungkook waits patiently for you to respond. “I-I…” you glance away from him. His eyes were always so piercing, like small black holes that can swallow anyone whole. 
“Don’t be shy. We’re best friends, right?” Jungkook pulls you closer to him. “If you loved me, Y/N, you’ll tell me. I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”
You nod. “Oral sex?” your words come out questioningly. 
Jungkook nods. “Okay. That’s a start. Oral sex is a big part of sex. It’s a form of foreplay. Get things started.”
“I don’t think you should do that.” you’re horrified with Jungkook’s face being so close to your sex. Yes, he’s seen it before - years ago - but that was then. He was a man now and he’s had sex with countless women.
“Why not?” Jungkook tilts his head. 
You’re silent, and Jungkook sighs. “You don’t trust me.”
“I do!” 
“Then why don’t you trust me to pleasure you? You’d rather go to my friends than trust me, Y/N. How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I’m sorry.” you quip. “I just don’t think it…looks good?”
Jungkook blinks. 
You swallow.
“Of course it looks good.” Jungkook then laughs. “I’ve already seen it.”
“That was years ago.” you murmur, casting your eyes away. 
“True. But still. You trust and love me just like I trust and love you.” Jungkook places a hand on your cheek for you to look at him. “If we’re going to do this, you can’t hide your body from me. I’ll have to show you mine, too.”
You nod your head.
“We can start now.”
You inhale deeply. You don’t move, and when Jungkook notices he frowns. 
“Y/N. What did I say?”
“Don’t hide from you.” you murmur. 
“Exactly. Here. I’ll help you take your clothes off and you can do the same for me.”
Jungkook is slow when he puts his hands at the end of your shirt. He lifts it up and you stiffen, unsure of what to do next. The shirt comes over your head and Jungkook throws it aside. 
“Okay?” asks Jungkook, his eyes glancing down to the bra you’re wearing. It’s red and basic, but it hugs your breast perfectly. 
You only nod.
“Okay.” Jungkook then goes towards your leggings. They’re tight, but he manages to get his hands inside. He begins to tug and awkwardly, you lift yourself up so he can remove them. Your panties are black and cotton.
“Now you do the same to me.” Jungkook says. He understands you by now, knowing that you’d never take the first move. He grabs your wrists and walks you through it. “Go ahead.”
You’re trembling, you note, as you remove Jungkook’s shirt - an oversize black shirt. You often are reminded how much Jungkook has grown over the years, going from a boy to a man. He worked out often and was athletic. He had many tattoos that litter his skin - you had gone with him for a few of them and pondered how he could sit so calmly. 
“I’ll get up to make it easier.” Jungkook lifts from his bed and waits for you to continue. You’re as slow as before, hands trembling more than before. You tug at the sweats he wore, watching as they fall to the ground. You try to hide the fact that you gawk at the bulge in his briefs, swallowing at the sight. 
You blink up to look at Jungkook.
“You trust me, right?”
You nod your head.
“Okay.” Jungkook gives you a grin. “Come here.”
Jungkook leans down, his hand grasping your chin. He no longer hesitates or holds back, placing his lips upon yours.
You’re shocked, completely stiff, but Jungkook doesn’t mind. You’ll give into him eventually - it may take a few rounds, but you will.
You’re pushed backwards, back hitting the mattress. Jungkook hovers above you, his hands placing themselves onto your shoulders to keep you in place. 
You gasp for air when Jungkook removes his lips from yours, but then they’re trailing down your jawline to your neck. You’re breathing heavily, unsure what to do.
“You can touch me.” says Jungkook, as if reading your mind. “Don’t just lay there.”
Jungkook continues to kiss at your neck, his left hand leaving your shoulder and grabs your hand. He places it upon his chest for you to take the lead. His hand then goes to your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Your heart thumps that this is happening now - you and Jungkook. Goosebumps litter your skin, the hair standing straight up. But you do as you’re told, hand grabbing Jungkook’s bicep and squeezing it. 
Jungkook forces your legs apart, wrapping them around his waist. You yelp when you feel him, his bulge grinding directly against you. There’s a deep groan from Jungkook that you hear coming from your neck. 
“You have to engage.” Jungkook lifts slightly to look at your face. “Kiss me like I’m kissing you.”
You’re left stunned when Jungkook flips the both of you, his own back hitting the mattress and now you’re on top of him. He places his hands on your hips, a smirk on his lips. “It’ll be easier for you this way. I’ll let you take the lead.”
There’s a tension - one sided - when you lean down to his own neck.
“You’re still shy. It’s just me.” Jungkook sighs.
 It was easier for him to say. He wasn’t the virgin - or the closed off one that has been homeschooled. The only friend she kept was Jungkook, and his friends, but mainly Jungkook. There was no one she could go to that was the same sex that she could vent to about her frustrations. 
“Just let loose, Y/N. We’re friends. There’s nothing you can do that’ll make me view you differently.”
You try your best, even closing your eyes in hopes that’d be better. Your lips place themselves at the nape of Jungkook’s neck, and ever so gently did you kiss him. You allowed your hands to rub softly on his bare shoulders, kissing down his neck until you got to his collarbone.
Jungkook hums to himself, his cock twitching to be let loose from his underwear. 
You were adjusting - only a bit - but you’d soon be fully accepting. Jungkook allows his hands to dip from your waist and he grabs your ass fully in his grasp.
You swallow, hiding back the surprised gasp. You don’t want Jungkook to think you don’t trust him - because you do. You don’t want to appear utterly shy and closed off. You were older than Jungkook and he had to be the one to show you what life was like, as sad as it was.
“Okay. Now kiss me.” 
You nod your head. You want to avoid Jungkook’s gaze, but he doesn’t falter. “You’ll have to look at me eventually, Y/N.” Jungkook murmurs. 
“I know.” you murmur back, and now meet his eyes. Jungkook smiles when you do, and his head lifts slightly.
Your head dips down to capture his lips in yours once more. There’s a fire running through you this time at the feeling - no longer hesitant or awkward to kiss him. It felt…normal; as if this is something the two of you always did. 
Jungkook’s teeth catch your bottom lip and he lightly tugs. “Let loose.” he whispers, and then dives into your mouth again. This time, his tongue pushes past your teeth and meets your own, it’s warm and slimy, but it causes you to moan.
Jungkook’s hands grip your ass, keeping you firmly against his erection. He rubs up your sides for a moment, then on your back. His hands are now on your bra and he appears to be swift in unhooking it.
“Kookie…” you murmur against his lips.
“It’s okay.” Jungkook responds. “You trust me, remember?”
You nod, but trust doesn’t help with your self–consciousness. 
Jungkook tugs at your bra until it’s fully off of you. He disgards it, bare hands now taking your breast entirely. He doesn't care how heavy he’s breathing, or how rough his hands squeeze your breast.
“My pretty girl.” Jungkook praises.
 It’s weird hearing it - for you at least.
 Jungkook rarely compliments you - not because he doesn’t think you are, but because he never really has a reason to. He sees you the same everyday - his best friend who he has breakfast, occasionally lunch and dinner with. You’re the same Y/N that he shares movie nights with where the two of you cuddle and laugh at whatever was on the screen. 
Now, however, Jungkook has to compliment you. He has to let you know how beautiful you are now - a woman. You grew into your womanly curves over the years, hiding it behind loose clothing, but never truly hiding it. You never hid from him; occasionally wearing shorts that showed your legs and the roundness of your ass, or tank-tops that made your breast appear more plump.
You yelp when Jungkook pinches your nipple. He chuckles at your reaction. “So responsive.” he says, more to himself than to you. 
Jungkook’s tongue licks on your nipple, shuddering at feeling. He couldn’t help but to bring it entirely into his mouth, tongue twirling and suckling on it while his free hand pinches the other. There’s a euphoric feeling engulfing him right now. Yes, he did think about you sexually at times - he was a man and he couldn’t help it. But this was far better than any feeling, any thought or dream he’s ever had. 
“Does it feel good?” Jungkook manages to say, popping your nipple from his mouth to just engulf the other one.
You don’t intend to sound so soft and meek, moaning against Jungkook. But you couldn’t hide it any longer. You can feel the wetness between your legs, arousal pooling out - and Jungkook’s grinding didn’t make it any better.
“You can talk to me, Y/N. You can tell me how  much you like it. How I make you feel.” 
Jungkook kisses both of your nipples softly. 
“I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me how you feel.” Jungkook repeats. “Here,” his right hand drops your breast and without warning, he slaps your ass. The sound echoes, as does you shriek. “I love the way your ass feels.” he then squeezes it in the palm of his hands. “I love the sweet moans coming from those pretty lips of yours.” he continues. 
You’re hot, Jungkook’s words cause a new sensation to run through you - nerves running through your body and meeting exactly between your legs. 
“It feels good when you touch me.” you say, admitting even if you want nothing more than to hide. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook lightly laughs. He squeezes your ass again. “What else?”
You huff, this time now hiding your face. Your head is between his shoulder and neck.
“It’s okay, pretty girl. Just tell me.” Jungkook encourages. “You trust me like I trust you.”
You sigh. Jungkook was going to be the death of you - you were going to die with embarrassment.
“I like the way you look.” 
Jungkook, again, is swift with his movement. He’s once more on top of you. He’s now forcing you to look at him - as if you weren’t embarrassed enough.
You go to cover yourself, but that wasn’t something Jungkook was going to allow. 
“Go on, Y/N.” Jungkook places a quick peck on your lips before he kisses down your neck to your collarbone. 
Your breath is shaky - but it was all Jungkook. His hands rub along your sides as his lips send kisses between your breasts, going lower and lower. “You make me feel…different.”
Jungkook’s lips are now on your stomach. “What’s different?”
Jungkook groans. His fingers are hooked between your panties and he wants nothing more than to remove them and dive in, but he’d remain calm for now.
“Look at me, Y/N.”
You hesitated. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you’re unsure what Jungkook had in store for you. 
You do, however, and Jungkook is now directly between your legs. Your thighs quiver at the sight. 
“What do you want me to do?” Jungkook asks, and before you can answer, he places a single kiss upon your clothed clit.
Your throat tightens.
Jungkook wasn’t going to stop. He wanted to hear you speak - hear your thoughts, whatever moans you had in you. He didn’t want you to be shy - not with him. He wasn’t a stranger and who else should be the one to take your virginity than him?
Not Hoseok.
Not Namjoon.
Not Jimin - none of his friends.
Just Jungkook.
Dare he say he was entitled to it - you were his best friend. He was there for whatever you needed him to be; and this was one thing you didn’t come to him for (not at first). You wanted his assistance in finding you someone. The thought still upsets him.
“Kookie.” you sigh, hands crashing to your face. 
“So shy.” Jungkook tsks. His hands grip your waist and he drags you to the edge of the bed, him falling to his knees before you. “I’ll take the lead.”
You feel your panties being tugged off. You’re unsure of what to do or say - you knew you had to keep breathing or you’d pass out. The coolness of the air hits you and now you fully accept that you’re naked for Jungkook, completely bare before his eyes to see.
You’re so wet, Jungkook notes, arousal coating your lips and thighs. The thought of how excited you’ve been and nothing has happened yet makes him groan, anticipating what's to come.
Your throat releases a gasp and instantly, your legs clench shut, caging Jungkook in.
“S-Sorry, i-”
“It’s okay, Y/N. Relax.” Jungkook laughs, a gleeful tone in his voice. He had done nothing but flick your clit with his tongue. “Watch me, okay?”
You nod your head.
Jungkook hooks his hands right on your thighs, holding them in a firm grip so you wouldn’t be easily reactive - not without him stopping you. He dips his head back between your legs, tongue dipping between your folds.
Your eyes flutter, unable to truly focus on Jungkook like he wants you to. 
The sight alone is filthy - his head bobbing back and forth while his tongue assaults your clit. Occasionally, his eyes would dart up to capture your reaction, satisfied that you no longer hid your moans from him.
But the noises Jungkook made were another thing. He suckles on your clit, completely ravishing you as if it was the finest meal. He’s animalistic, not caring. He would draw his head back and spit, then continue his assault upon your clit.
“Kookie, I-I, you need to stop.” you try to get away from Jungkook, but he doesn’t allow it. If anything, Jungkook holds you even tighter. You were going to cum, of course, never truly experiencing a man going down on you. Your stomach churns and you feel like you are going to explode. “Kookie, please stop…”
Jungkook’s eyes flicker up at you. Your eyes are snapped shut and there’s a few droplets trailing down your cheeks. Jungkook grunts into your pussy. His fingernails dig into your naked flesh, his tongue laying flat against your clit. He continues to ravish you, not caring about your pleas - it was obvious you wanted more and was far too inexperienced to understand it.
Jungkook dives deeper and deeper, your cries only fueling him for more. Your arousal coats the bottom half of his face entirely. 
There was another attempt to remove yourself, buckling your hips, but Jungkook only shoves you back down upon the bed. Your toes are curling and you’re unable to see straight. There’s a tightness in your stomach that’s utterly unfamiliar to you.
“I’m not going to stop.”
Jungkook’s voice is deeper - deepest you’ve ever heard it.
“Not until you cum.”
 Jungkook’s right hand removes itself from holding your thigh, but that only means he’s holding the other tighter. 
Your back arches when you feel his fingers at your entrance.
“I can’t-”
“You will.” 
Jungkook doesn’t give a warning before entering his finger’s inside of you. You jump at the foreign feeling. You swallow back and shriek.
“So tight.” Jungkook murmurs to himself.
 Two fingers is all you can handle for now. That doesn’t mean Jungkook goes easy on you. He pumps inside of you vigorously, your walls clenching around his digits. Each time he hits a deeper spot that has you jerking.
“I know it feels good, Y/N. My pretty girl.”
You can’t speak, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He pumps and pumps until you’re cumming all over him, arousal splashing onto the hardwood floors of his bedroom. 
You’re a crying twitching mess, whimpering to yourself. Jungkook removes his fingers, satisfied with your appearance.
“I could fuck you right now. You’re so wet, Y/N.”
You exhale, eyes snapping open. “Kookie, I-”
“Don’t tell me you can’t take me.”
Jungkook pushes down his underwear and you freeze.
You’ve never seen Jungkook naked before, never going past witnessing him shirtless.
Now Jungkook is as nude as you, cock erect and hard. His tip is red and leaking with pre-cum, the shaft twitching in anticipation.
“I can’t.” you cry, now dwelling on the idea of having sex with the man.
Jungkook snickers. He grips his cock and slaps the tip against your wet clit. So wet, he thinks. Wet and warm, completely aroused because of him.
“You were willing to fuck my friends.”
Jungkook rubs the tip against your clit in slow circular motions. It makes a wet and sloppy sound as he does.
“They don’t love you, Y/N. Not like I do.”
You twitch at the feeling, overstimulated enough, even if it did feel good.
“Don’t you love me, Y/N?” Jungkook’s eyes don't leave your clit. He continues to tap and circle the tip of his cock against it, the sight beautiful.
“I do���”
“Then why do you keep denying me pleasure?”
Jungkook removes his hand from his cock to place it upon your hips, keeping you in place. He begins to thrust forward, sliding his entire cock against your clit.
“I allowed you to cum, haven’t i?” Jungkook grunts. “Milked my fingers like a little whore. But you won’t let me fuck you.”
Jungkook’s words cause you to gasp - that and the way his cock feels against your already stimulated clit. 
Jungkook’s open’s his mouth, a trail of saliva dripping right onto your clit, not because you needed it - you were literally dripping - but just because he wanted to. In his eyes, spitting upon you was an act of marking his territory and after he fucked you - and he was going to regardless - he would assure that only he would be the one fucking you afterwards; always and forever.
Jungkook continues to rub, his pace quickening. 
“Do you think another man would have given you the satisfaction?” Jungkook hisses. “They would’ve fucked you and left, Y/N. This is why I’m here. I love you, my pretty girl…” his tone softens. “...so wet and ready for me. You’ll let me have you, right, Y/N? You’ll let me be the one who takes your virginity?”
Slowly, you nod your head. Jungkook was someone you loved greatly. He was a man and understood how men think - you couldn’t be upset with him now. “Okay…” 
Jungkook smiles wide, full set of teeth shining at you. “My pretty girl. You’re always so good for me. Give me your hand.”
You do as Jungkook tells you to do, and he guides your hand to touch his cock. It twitches in your grip.
“Tighten your grip.” Jungkook demands and groans when you do. “Okay, baby…now center it at your pussy.”
You’re being so obedient for him, Jungkook thinks. He watches as you do what he tells you, the tip of his cock at the entrance of your hole. “Good girl.” Jungkook mumbles.
“Don’t you need to wear a condom?”
Jungkook wants to laugh at your words. “Condoms are for people who have one night stands. Why would I wear a condom with you?” he asks, a tilt of his head. He had no intention of allowing you to fuck another man, so him not wearing a condom was alright.
You widen your eyes. “Pregnancy…?”
Again, Jungkook laughs. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, only stares into your wide eyes. He had no intention of impregnating you now, but if it happened, then it did. That only meant that it’s what the universe wanted.
“You know I love you, Y/N.” Jungkook says.
“I love you, too.” you respond.
Simpering, Jungkook nods. “I know.” he says, and then without warning, he enters you whole. There’s no warming upm Jungkook thinks, the faster he gets it over with, the faster pleasure will come for you.
When your mouth opens to shriek, Jungkook silences you with his lips. His hips snap inside of you, unable to stop. So tight, he thinks, fully milking his cock with your essence. It’s as though his cock fit perfectly inside of you; like a puzzle piece coming together to complete a set.
The pain is excruciating and you’re unable to pull away from Jungkook. His grip on you was intense, fingers bruising into your skin. 
The sound of skin slapping is loud in the room, echoing off the walls. 
“My pretty girl.” grumbles Jungkook when he releases your lips. “Thank you for trusting me, Y/N.”
The pain shoots throughout your body, but hearing those words from Jungkook was worth it to you. You blink away the tears so you can focus on his face.
“Soon the pain will go away, and you’ll love the way I fuck you.”
You nod. You trusted Jungkook.
It takes a while for the pleasure to come, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t. Jungkook hits your sweet spot, slamming you against his bed with each thrust. Your moans are loud for him, so sweet and melodic - he knew you had it in you to let loose.
“Feels good, pretty girl?” Jungkook questions, the question rhetorical. He knows by the way you clench around him that it does - that and your high pitched moans. 
“Feels…so…good…” you grunt, panting along with each powerful thrust.
Jungkook removes himself just so he can turn you around, chest firmly against his mattress. He enters you once more, hitting even deeper than before.
Your eyes snap shut and your arms shoot out, gripping the bed sheets for support. Whatever you once imagined sex would be like didn’t give it any justice. Sex with Jungkook was a pleasurable feeling you’d never forget - you’re unsure how you’d ever be able to go back to masturbating once this was over. 
Both of Jungkook’s hands place themselves on yours, entangling your hangers with his. His lips kiss your back, pounding inside of you with such passion. 
There it was again, the churning feeling in your stomach.
“I feel you, baby.” Jungkook pants. It’s as if you never want him to stop, creaming his cock like your life depended on it. “Go ahead and cum for me, pretty girl.”
You groan, shaking your head at how good you felt. 
“I love you, Kookie.” you murmur so low that it’s barely audible, but Jungkook hears it loud and clear.
 It causes Jungkook to grind into you deeper and deeper, feeling himself come undone at just words. You told him those three words many times before, but now it felt different. Intimate. This was something he’s never heard during sex - and if there was a chance he did, he wouldn’t care. 
You were who Jungkook loved; his best friend since childhood.
You were the one who Jungkook wanted to hear the words from.
Jungkook’s cumming, his heaving breaths ticking the skin of your back. He doesn't bother to pull out of you, instead he milks your walls completely with his seed, shuddering with complete bliss.
Jungkook won’t regret it - cumming inside of you felt right. It wasn’t as if anyone else would be.
“My pretty girl.” Jungkook coos, pulling out of you to tuck you further into his bed. He lays beside you, embracing you from behind. “You did so good for me.”
Your heart swells at the compliment, your eyes heavy with slumber.
Jungkook holds you tight as you drift to sleep, satisfied that you were here with him. 
Not Hoseok or Namjoon or anyone else -  but him.
 After all, he was the only one who truly loved you for who you are and didn’t see you as just a hole to fill - he wasn’t like those other men out in the world. No, Jungkook was better than any man you could ever think about being with. He proceeds to place a kiss upon your temple, satisfied that you were his and his alone.
idol version
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frudoo · 2 months
Mountain Man!Price save me… save me…
Warnings: SMUT. Unprotected PIV, creampie ofc y’all know me. Also mentions of guns + hunting deer. Fem!Reader.
“You see that one there?” John’s voice is low but not quite a whisper, using his pinky finger to point out a huge buck a couple hundred yards away from where the two of you are planted on the ground.
“Yeah,” You reply softly, keeping a watchful eye on the creature as it takes a drink of water from the creek.
“That’s who we want. Get a dozen meals offa him, easy,” he responds, pulling back from the scope to look back at you with a grin. “Wanna give it a go?”
Your eyes widen and you laugh softly, shaking your head. When you agreed to join him on his hunt, you were under the impression that you’d be acting as moral support, not as an accessory to… deer murder. You’ll cook the meat all day long, but actually killing the poor thing is a far different story.
“Nope, all yours, sugar,” You huff, glancing back at the big buck who was now feasting on a berry bush.
“C’mon, love, ‘fore we miss him,” John insists, lifting his arm and beckoning you closer with a jerk of his head.
You sigh heavily, scrunching your face as the dangling strands on the sleeve of his ghillie suit tickle you. He readjusts the rifle until the heel rests on your shoulder, gently explaining how to rest your head until your eye meets the scope and you can see through it clearly. Suddenly, the tattoos on his biceps make a lot more sense—what you thought were nonsensical spheres and lines are actually a common perspective for your man.
“Yeah, perfect. Don’t let him outta your sight, I’m just gonna…” John trails off, carefully bringing his arm back down and climbing partially on top of you. “Sorry, darlin’, it’s easier for me to show you this way.”
He positions your hand around the grip and your pointer finger on the trigger, then switches off the safety. Once he’s ensured that everything is properly structured, John rests his chin on your shoulder opposite of where the gun is. Your breath hitches in your throat as you try your hardest to keep your attention on the deer, but it’s hard when your husband’s hot breath is blowing against your face and his weight is pressing into you from above.
You try to get back in the zone by adjusting your body, but only succeed in pushing your ass back against his crotch. The low groan that emits from his throat makes you whimper and repeat the action, earning yourself a tut into your ear.
“Focus, baby, or we don’t eat for the next week,” John warns through gritted teeth, desperately holding himself back from grinding up against you.
Biting your lip, you allow your eye to focus on the deer once again, watching him strut to the next bush covered in vibrant red berries. The buck chomps down on a cluster of fruit gracefully, chewing slowly, unaware of the bullet you plan to shoot right into his heart. You suck in a deep breath, slowly start to press down on the trigger, but before you get the chance to fire, a pair of familiar lips attach to your neck hungrily. Your fingers clench out of instinct and the rifle goes off, but instead of hitting its target it buries itself somewhere in the dirt while the buck sprints away to safety.
Gasping, you drop the gun and push it away from you, turning your head back to look at John with furrowed eyebrows. His face is flushed beneath the streaks of green and black paint he had you smear across his skin, eyes wild with the telltale glint of lust.
“John, I had him! Why-”
“Fuck the deer,” He growls, no longer attempting to push down his desires and instead covering your body entirely with his own. “Got my own pretty, wide-eyed doe right here.”
John grasps your throat and tilts your head back so that his mouth can hastily smash against yours. His tongue shoves its way past your lips, tasting your shock, devouring the unspoken questions that dissolved before they got the chance to slip out. You don’t hesitate to kiss back, eyelids falling shut as his big hands glide between your body and the dewy grass to fumble with your cargos. The button snaps a little harsher than it should and you already know you’re gonna need to sew a new one on when you get back to the cabin.
“Fuck, your cunt’s already so damn wet,” John exhales heavily as he pulls your pants and knickers down just past your hips, exposing your ass and the glistening slick that’s collected between your thighs. “My cock’s just gonna slip right in.”
You whine at that, arching your back in invitation. John hisses and smacks one of your asscheeks hard enough to sting his palm. He chuckles at the little squeal you let out before sitting up on his knees and shoving down the pants of his ghillie suit just enough to expose his dick. It’s already throbbing, fully erect and dripping pearls of precum onto your raw skin. He glides the engorged tip through your warm folds before sliding home in one deep thrust.
The two of you shudder in sync as he bottoms out, hitting the barrier of your cervix with a blissful, dull pinch. John wraps one arm around your neck, allowing you to rest your head on his bicep as he holds himself up with his opposite elbow.
“Fuckin’ deep, ain’t it?” He grunts, punctuating each word with a strong pump of his hips.
“So deep,” you confirm with a gurgle, cheeks completely squashed between the fat and muscle of his bicep and forearm. “Feels so good, John.”
“I know it does, my sweet doe.”
Every thrust is devastating, the veins and ridges of his fat cock rubbing perfectly against the sensitive walls of your tight pussy. Raspy groans fall from his lips and echo into your ear as he nibbles on the lobe, the sound of skin on skin ricocheting throughout the busy woods along with your pretty moans. The head of his dick punches against that rough spot that makes you scream, and he chuckles, angling his hips so that he can make you see stars over and over again.
“That’s right, love, scream for me. Let the fuckin’ mockingbirds hear you, so every single soul that comes through here knows how pretty you sound when I make you cum. Yeah, just like that, baby, sing for me, sing for the birds.”
His words encourage you to obey, your cunt clamping down on him like it’s trying to keep his cock inside permanently. Rivulets of slick cream cling to every inch of his dick as he buries his face in your neck, uncaring of how the strands of his ghillie suit brush against your skin, overwhelming your senses. With a final thrust, he pushes himself deep and releases his potent load into your willing womb, spurts of his seed painting your walls an off-white.
Once the two of you have calmed down, breathing evening out, John gently pulls out and shimmies your panties and cargos back up your hips, effectively keeping his cum contained. He moves from on top of you and stands, pulling his own pants up and tucking away his spent cock, then throws the rifle over his back. You’re utterly useless, laying on the grass and mumbling something incoherent. Your lover just chuckles and scoops you up into his arms, carrying you back to the cabin, safe, warm and definitely planning to have leftover soup for dinner once again.
(When he returns to the woods the next day for a successful hunt without your distracting presence, he hears an awfully familiar call from a certain bird in one of the trees.)
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crookedteethed · 3 months
HOW i slept with your father | r.c.
Pairing: (older)Bestfriend's Dad Rafe! x Fem!reader
Summary: In which you tell your best friend how you accidentally slept with her father...oops.
Warnings: 18+ Semi-smut (protected p in v) (smut showed through flashback), age gap (reader is in her early 20s, Rafe is in his early forties), cursing, ocs, unrealistic reactions?, hints at Rafe being a fuckboy, I also can't tell if Rafe preyed on reader (you decide for yourself)
A/N: This story is really just reader telling her best friend about her night with Rafe, lmk if you want an actual smutty fic with bestfriend dad Rafe (heart emoticon)
Word count: 1.6k
Part Two
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"Maribella, I had sex with your Father."
There, you said it. Your guilty conscience has been cleared. Your mind has been restored, and you can stop thinking about how much of a terrible friend you are because you're really not. You told the truth.
It's like that old stupid proverb, something about the truth setting you free or you setting the truth free, something like that.
There had been a moment of silence. A moment in which Maribella had slowly turned around from her lowboy vanity, half of her face the color of rose red from the blush powder she'd been frantically beating on her cheeks--you two were going out tonight. 
In that moment of silence, you glanced at the ticking clock up on Maribella's wall. It was 8:50 pm, and the boys-- the ones you and Maribella met on the beach that evening, were supposed to pick you both up in thirty minutes. 
"Gross." Maribella mumbles, returning to her vanity mirror and continuing to powder her cheeks. "You aren't going to be my new stepmother now, are you?" She says. 
You looked at the framed photo on Marbella's vanity--the photo of a smallish Maribella with chubby cheeks and missing baby teeth sandwiched between a very young Mr. Cameron and Maribella's Late mother (She wasn't dead, just not in Maribella's life after the divorce). 
You think to yourself how much of a resemblance your friend shares with her father--the same cerulean-colored eyes and dusky blond hair--you remember thinking this that night in which you fucked Mr. Cameron. 
You remember having to close your eyes shut while his girthy length pile drove into you during missionary, but Rafe had insisted on keeping your eyes open, or he wouldn't have let you cum that time. "Eyes on me, baby." he said, lightly tapping your cheek.
"No, not if you don't want me to." you said.
Maribella hums.
"To make it even, you can sleep with my father." you suggested, which cause Maribella to scrunch up her face in her backwards reflection.
"Your father's gross and old." She says. "and besides, isn't he still with that women?"
"My mother? Yes."
You watch from your spot on Maribella's bed as she gets up from her vanity and enters her walk-in closet.
"At least I get the appeal with my father." She shouts from the other room.
Minutes later, Maribella emerges from her closet, no longer in her silk bathrobe but in a simple white slip dress. 
"How do I look?" she asks you.
"Cute." you tell her.
She hums again, being satisfied with your response. Then, Maribella goes back to her vanity to continue doing her makeup.
"So, tell me." She says. "Tell me how'd you fucked my dad."
You shrug. "It just happened one time." and many other times afterward.
"Y'know." Maribella turns around excitedly. "Out of all the women my dad has slept with, you're the first one I ever gotten to talk to about it, so what was he like?"
Now it was your turn to scrunch up your face in disgust. "Maribella, this is gross. I'm not going to tell you how your dad fucks in bed."
"No fair." she whines. "I tell you about all the guys I've slept with."
You raise your eyebrow, to be fair she had a point.
"Let's just pretend my dad isn't my dad or Mr. Cameron; he's just Rafe, some stupid boy you fucked; now tell me everything."
Rafe was just some stupid guy you had fucked, but he wasn't a boy; he was all man--which is what had you enamored by him--it was either that or he was the first guy actually to tend to the needs of being wanted that had you so enamored by him.
 Unlike other guys you had been with, Rafe was attentive and considerate, making sure to meet your needs and desires. That's what made him stand out and had you so enamored.
This is why you kept coming back.
It was the night of Maribella's 21st birthday party. In your retellings of the story, you failed to mention how Rafe had kept staring at you that night. Every time you encountered each other, his eyes would first wander to your lips and then linger on your breast--which was practically spilling out the top of your corset. And each time you labeled him "Mr. Cameron," he would insist on you calling him "Rafe" because you were no longer a child. 
And it was liberating that Rafe did not see you as a child anymore, now seeing you for who you are: an adult woman. 
You also failed to mention when you spotted Rafe and his then-date, some black-haired women equally his age, arguing on the upstairs deck of Tanny Hill.
You didn't tell Maribella that you overheard Rafe's date yell at him: "Don't call me the next time you're horny, call Mrs. Young Pussy instead." Before storming out.
You kept in how Rafe had called you Beautiful that night, you didn't keep in how much that made you blush, after Maribella had said "Gross."
You exaggerated how much you had drunk that night to make it seem like a blackout drunk story—was it 10 shots? 20? You've forgotten, you told Maribella.
You told Maribella how after you and Rafe carried a shit-fazed Maribella to her bedroom, Rafe told her you didn't have to go home as the rest of the guests did; you could stay.
"You're always welcomed to stay" His exact words.  
You also left out that moment in which you and Rafe shared in the kitchen sharing a bottle of wine, in which you confronted him about his date leaving mad, and in his exact words:
"Women my age are just so uptight."
And though you hadn't quite understood what he meant, you nodded anyway.
He then says: "I'm sure you can understand that, but in reverse, with men your age."
"Men my age are stupid and don't know what they want." you responded.
"That's a shame." Rafe had told you. "Because I know what I want."
And you knew it wasn't the weed you smoked earlier or the few sips of red wine you were having that altered your perception to make you think Rafe was getting closer to you; Rafe was getting closer to you. 
By the end of the conversation, Rafe was no longer on the opposite side of the kitchen island; he was now standing beside you, the skin of his elbow touching yours. 
Your breathing had become uneven as Rafe's gaze remained steadfastly locked with yours, but you deliberately avoided meeting his eyes, for this was your best friend's father.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to think of a way to break the silence. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to look into the intense blue of Rafe's eyes.
You didn't tell Maribella when you told Rafe that you weren't uptight, which was a quip to his response about knowing what he wants. And then he kissed you.     
The kiss took both of you by surprise, but it was undeniable that there was a spark between you. As your lips met, time seemed to stand still, and in that moment, you knew that this was the beginning of something extraordinary.
"And then we had sex." you concluded to Maribella.
Sex would be an understatement, you fucked.
Rafe had placed pecks on every inch of your body as he carried you into his bedroom, a room that was always off-limits when you and Maribella used to play with each other growing up. 
You were too enamored by Rafe's bergamot scent and how he kept calling you beautiful with each peck to your flesh to examine his room and hypothesize why this room of all rooms was once off limits. 
You were too overwhelmed when you felt his large muscular hands tear your clothes off your body to notice the picture of Maribella sitting on Rafe's bed side table.
You were too overcome with lust and craving when Rafe requested that you retrieve a condom from his nightstand, where you intentionally dislodged the photograph of Maribella.
Out of sight out of mine.
As Rafe carefully rolled the condom down his reddening shaft, you feigned an air of eager anticipation, so much so that you almost missed when Rafe remarked:
"You have no idea how long I've been longing for this moment."
Right then, without a warning, Rafe plunged himself deep inside of you like no man has ever done before. 
Your eyes widened, and your mouth formed the shape of an 'o' as you felt his thick cock split your cunt open, kiss your cervix, and sheath deep inside your belly. 
You counted the number of times Rafe said your pussy was tight; it was a number of 10.
At this point, Maribella no longer sat at her vanity and was now sitting beside you on her bed. 
"Oh, lame." She says. "So it was just a drunken mistake, a one-night stand kind of thing?"
You hummed. This reminds you that you should cut things off with Rafe since Maribella knows now. 
Right then in the moment Maribella's phone dings.
"The boys are here." She says. "You ready?"
And as you and Maribella walked down the spiral staircase of Tanny Hill, your friend told you:
"Now that I think of it, I'm not that pissed that you slept with my dad; as I said, I get it: he's rich, and he's good-looking for his age; what other qualities do you need in a man?"
In which you hummed again.
"Now if this was a recurring thing, that's a whole other story--Oh! hi Daddy."
As you and Maribelle descended to the base of the stairs, you were greeted by Rafe.
Rafe looked at you first before greeting his daughter.
You made an effort to maintain eye contact with him, despite his patronizing gaze, resisting the temptation to steal glances at him in his form-fitting shirt that accentuated his muscular physique.
You focused on maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, refusing to let his condescension affect you. Instead, you redirected your attention to the conversation at hand.
"Where are you girls headed?" He asks, addressing no one in particular.
"We're going out," Maribella says, sensing the tension and tugging your wrist towards the door.
"Don't wait up for me; we'll be out all night," Maribella said, Rafe's eyes never leaving yours as you and Maribella exited the door.
The boys you'd met earlier—Steven and Conrad, you think their names were—were parked outside Tanny Hill, blasting some obnoxious music from their car speakers.
"Oh wait, I think I forgot something," you tell Maribella as you approach the car. 
You don't wait for Maribella's approval before jogging back inside her house, where her father awaited you behind the front door with a sly smirk on his lips.
"I knew you couldn't resist telling me a goodbye," he remarked, just as the two of you leaned in for a messy, passionate kiss.
Knowing you were pressed for time, you were the one to break the kiss. 
'Same time again tomorrow night?' he asks, his voice filled with a mix of hope and desire as he wipes away the remnants of your shared moment. 
"Same time." you reassured.
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ariestrxsh · 7 days
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🖤 content warning: 🖤 smut, blackmail, establishment of safe word, begging, teasing, humiliation, degradation, praise, eating pussy, fingering, heavy BDSM, choking, slapping, spitting, knife play (kinda), leash play, dacryphilia, rough face fucking, facial, rough unprotected sex, creampie, mean!roughdom!chris, i think that's it?
🖤 author's note: 🖤 this is part two of closer, and you can read part one here. just a reminder to practice BDSM safely.
⚠️ don't use belts as leashes, please. it's so dangerous. it's only included in the story bc i figured it was more believable for chris to have a belt on him at work rather than a BDSM grade collar and leash. ⚠️
🖤 summary: 🖤 your manager chris has given you an ultimatum: either he outs you to your boss at work for giving away free expensive drinks or he gets to use all of your holes.
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closer part two
You felt goosebumps arise all over your body as his lips brushed against your earlobe, his words leaving you with an insatiable need for him.
You couldn't believe the choices Chris had presented you with. Basically, either get fired or let him use you however he wanted. What was even more unbelievable was how turned on you were by being blackmailed by your manager. You bit your lip to hold back a smirk. Option number two was becoming more and more desirable to you the longer Chris teased you in subtle but effective ways.
"Chris.. the cameras," you whispered, pointing up at the camera in the corner of the office that got a view of the whole room. "Trust me, sweetheart. The one in here doesn't work," Chris looked into your needy eyes. Your expression softened, and you became overcome by lust. It was the perfect excuse to give into your desires for him without letting him know how desperately you wanted him.
"The second option," you whispered. "What was that, princess? Speak up," Chris ordered you, pushing you up against the door. "Second option," you cleared your throat and spoke a little louder. "Tell me what you want," Chris taunted you. "I want you to use me," you confidently told him, looking into his eyes, disgusted with yourself.
He grabbed your wrists, forcing them above your head and rolling his hips into yours while you let out a soft whine. A few tears of humiliation formed and stung as they fell and rolled down your cheeks.
"Naughty little slut," he smirked, his soft lips melding into yours. His kiss was gentle, but dominant at first. His tongue begged for entrance into your mouth, and you allowed it. His kiss slowly became rough, more demanding, and merciless. He took you between his teeth, nibbling on your sensitive, pouty lips and leaving them bruised and swollen.
His left hand fell into your hair, and you moaned as he grabbed ahold of it, yanking it down to reveal your throat to him. His mouth moved to your neck, biting and sucking on your sensitive spots while he pushed up the hem of your skin-tight black t-shirt with his right hand.
He took in the sight as he pulled up your top to reveal your lacy black bra you had on underneath that showcased your voluptuous breasts beautifully. "Look at these," he groaned, leaning down and teasing your tits with his teeth through the fabric.
He pulled your shirt off over your head and reached behind you, unhooking your bra with one swift movement. He delighted in the way they bounced around as he set them free. You chewed on your lip and watched as he bit, kissed, licked, and sucked on your breasts. You couldn't believe you were letting Chris do this to you, and even more than that you couldn't believe how thoroughly you were enjoying his tongue flickering across your hardening nipples while his blue eyes were locked on yours.
"Such a little slut, aren't you? I bet you're dreaming about what else I can do with my mouth," he moaned against your bosom, and you threw your head back against the door, confirming his suspicions.
He unfastened your belt and pulled it swiftly from your waist through each loop in your waistband. "Turn around," he sternly stated through gritted teeth. He slowly pulled your jeans down, revealing your ass. You stood in front of him, wearing nothing but your black thong.
Without warning, he delivered a harsh whip across your left cheek with the belt, and his cock twitched at the surprised yelp that passed through your lips. He whipped you a few more times, eliciting a few more pleasured sounds from you.
Your stomach turned as you felt him fasten the belt around your wrists. "Try to get out of it," he smirked. You tugged at the belt, trying to pull yourself free, but he had synched you in well. Neither the belt nor your wrists budged.
"Good," Chris chuckled behind you into your ear, sending excited shivers down your spine. "I'm a bit of a sadist, but I'm not a monster. I want you to enjoy this, so let's establish a safeword first. Just say red light if I get too rough with you, and I'll stop, and there will be no consequences," he promised you.
You couldn't wait for Chris to use you to your limits, and honestly, you didn't think you had any for him.
"Turn around," he ordered you again. He fell to his knees in front of you as you faced him, his mouth watering as he parted your legs and propped your knee up on his shoulder. His gaze left your eyes and fell between your thighs. He hooked his two fingers into the black lace and pulled your panties to the side.
"So pretty and pink and all wet for me," he snickered, running his long, thin finger along your slit. You moaned in delight as he gently toyed with your clit. "Such a whore, letting me have you any way I want," he grinned up at you while he tore the flimsy fabric of your underwear with his bare hands, causing your eyes to widen.
He slipped his two fingers into your pussy. "You're disgusting," you whimpered while he pumped back and forth, getting them all wet. You bit your lip as he picked up the pace and leaned in to take your swollen bud into his mouth. His tongue fluttered around on your favorite spot while you tried to keep your composure. He closed his lips down around on it and softly moaned against it, sending a vibration through you and making your legs weak.
"It's hard for you to be an uptight bitch while I'm eating you, isn't it?" He snickered. His comments made you even wetter. "At least you know how to use your mouth and your fingers, or else you'd be completely useless," you hissed back, throwing your head back against the door.
You wanted to reach down and tug on his hair, but with your arms restrained, all you could do was roll your hips forward into his tongue. He gently nibbled on your clit, causing you to whine some more beneath his commanding mouth.
Before you could get too comfortable enjoying the feeling of his fingers penetrating you and his tongue running along your sensitive nerve endings, he pulled away and stood up. "Get on your knees, bitch," he ordered you, his eyes filled with darkness and desire as he delivered a nice, hard slap across your face. You cried out in delight.
You kneeled down, arms bound behind your back, looking up at the glorious man before you. He leaned down and grabbed your jaw with one hand, and with the other hand, he shoved his fingers down your throat, the same fingers he'd just had inside of you, forcing you to taste yourself.
He removed his shirt, and as you admired his build, he unbuckled his belt and pulled it off through his belt loops. Then he took his belt and began to synch it around your neck. "What are you doing?" You asked as he pulled it tight and fastened it. "Whatever I want," he casually responded.
He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock. Your eyes widened as you took in the sight. You'd never been with a man as big as him before. His perfect mushroom tip stared back at you. "Open up, little slut," Chris barked at you while he grabbed ahold of the belt, using it as a leash.
First he spit in your mouth, laughed at how pathetic you looked, and then he sunk his cock into you. Once his length disappeared behind your lips, he let out a delicious sound. He tugged on your leash even harder until his swollen tip was hitting the back of your throat, causing you to make gagging sounds that made Chris melt.
"That's it. Choke on my big cock, you little whore," he rasped, thrusting his hips back and forth and using the belt around your neck to anchor him. You secretly loved having Chris treat you like nothing more than a collection of holes for him to use.
Due to the extreme force he was using when he fucked your face, more tears started streaming down your face, smearing your makeup. "So pretty when you're crying for me," he groaned, staring down longingly at you.
The sounds that poured from his lips were intoxicating. You could practically feel his pleasure through him while you delighted in his guttural moans and the expressions of lust and greed overcoming his face. You'd never seen Chris so passionate about anything before, and you found it so hot.
"Good fucking girl. Letting me use your pretty little mouth," Chris cooed, pounding your throat. The belt around your neck was the perfect accessory. It was tight enough to restrict your breathing just barely, but not so tight that it was hurting you, and you loved the way Chris was yanking you around with it.
Chris pushed himself into your throat all the way and held you there for a few minutes, delighting in how well you took his cock. "Atta girl, princess," he whimpered, fucking your face harder and gripping your makeshift leash tighter. His thrusts became messy, jagged, and uncontrolled before he pulled himself out of your mouth.
He admired a string of saliva hanging from the head of his cock that was still connected to your lips. "Stick out your tongue, princess. Gonna cum," Chris began fervently jerking himself off until his load shot out on you, painting your face and leaving a mess on your tongue that you eagerly stuck out for him.
He didn't stop until he milked every last drop from his cock while his groans filled the air. "Pretty girl. All covered in me," he delighted in how you looked. You felt dirty, having him finish on your face, but you secretly loved it.
He admired you for a few minutes before using his shirt to wipe the cum from you. Then Chris was pulling you to your feet by the leash. "Come on, angel. We're nowhere near done," he asserted, yanking you around like a disobedient dog.
He spun you around and bent you over the desk with your wrists still tied behind your back and the belt wrapped around your neck that he gripped tightly to hold you up. He teased your wet folds with his swollen, sensitive tip while you waited in anticipation, a few desperate moans escaping your mouth. "I get it now. You hate me so much, because you want me," Chris speculated.
"Bullshit," you whined while Chris' cock hovered right at the entrance of your hole. "You could've said our safe word the second we started. But you didn't, because I think you wanted to get fucked by me," he snickered. You didn't respond. You had only just admitted to yourself tonight that you really wanted to fuck Chris. You couldn't admit it to the man himself.
"Chris.. please," you begged. "Please what?" He smirked, still taunting you. "Please put it in," you quietly asked. "How bad do you want it?" He responded smugly. "You really gonna make me beg for it?" You inquired, sounding more annoyed and desperate by the second.
"You know, I changed my mind. I think I've had enough fun. I won't tell the boss man, and you don't have to fuck me," he sneered at you while he removed the tip from your opening. "What?" You asked, sounding extremely disappointed. "Unless you want me to fuck you," Chris whispered into your ear from behind you.
"Chris, I'm fucking begging you. Please put it in," you pleaded with him, completely humiliated at how pathetic you sounded. "Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you," Chris chuckled. "Fuck Chris. I want you to fuck me so bad. I'll do anything," you cried out, your pussy aching and needing to be filled.
"Good girl. That's all you had to say," Chris cooed before roughly shoving his cock into your wet cunt, and he wasted no time before thrusting into you hard and fast. You responded with a delighted squeal at how he perfectly filled you up and how he found your gspot immediately and with ease.
You reveled in the moans that poured from Chris' mouth while he used you however he pleased. "So tight," he managed to whisper. "Chris, you treat my pussy so good," you whimpered. You absolutely hated boosting his ego, but you couldn't help the words that slipped past your lips while in the throes of ecstasy.
Every time he slammed into you, the head of his cock rutted up against your cervix, sending waves of pleasure through your core. "Such a naughty girl. Begging me to fuck your dripping wet pussy," Chris growled, loving how it felt and sounded every time he thrusted into you, the way he was stretching you out while you squelched around his girth.
He was surprised at how wet he made you and how much you liked the way he was treating you. "You must fucking love this. Juiciest pussy I've ever had," He growled, yanking the belt around your neck again while you uncontrollably whimpered and writhed beneath him.
"I wanna see your pretty face," he breathlessly told you, unfastening the belt from around your wrists and pulling out of you long enough to turn you onto your back. Your arms were so sore, and it felt like a breath of fresh air to have them set free again. He loosened the belt around your neck, but he didn't remove it because he loved the way it looked.
Your parted lips were bruised and swollen, your bedroom eyes were red from crying, and your dried mascara was streaked down your cheeks. "Fuck, you look so fucking gorgeous," Chris whispered while he reached into the top desk drawer beneath you and pulled out a fancy letter opener, the metal catching in the light.
He took the object and started tracing your jawline with it, running it along your collar bones, and dragging it down to your breasts. He gently grazed your nipples with the cold metal, and you sharply inhaled while goosebumps covered your body from head to toe.
He traced a line with it down your rib cage and then your stomach. He skipped over your heat, running the edge along the insides of your thighs, teasing you relentlessly. He set the tool on the desk and stuck his cock back into your hole, watching intently as your pussy graciously swallowed his pink tip.
He reached up, grabbing ahold of your full head of hair and tugging on it while he drilled you. He fucked you nice and rough, breaking you while you moaned his name over and over again with your eyes rolled back into your head. "So fucking pathetic. You'd let me do anything to you, huh?" Chris cooed, slapping you across the face a few times.
He loved how well you took everything he wanted to do to you, and he fucked you harder and faster as you both neared the finish line. "Fuck, princess. I can't take it. I'm gonna cum in that sweet pussy of yours," Chris whimpered, fucking you mercilessly as you started to cry again due to all the overstimulation.
"Fill me up," you begged through your tears. "Good girl. Keep crying for me," Chris whispered in a rasp as he pulled on your hair harder. "Fuck! Chris!" You screamed as the knot in your stomach snapped while a familiar sensation devoured you.
Your pussy started rhythmically clenching around his girth at the same time that his cock twitched inside of you, intensifying his orgasm and leaving you full of his mess. Your legs shook and your core tightened while you finished onto him, and as he drew out the last few seconds of his sweet release, he watched his seed spill out of you and onto the desk as he delivered a few final thrusts.
"Oh, that's it," he smirked, looking down at the collaborative artwork you'd made. Both of your fluids mixed together, coating Chris' length and decorating your hole. He loved that despite how much you hated him earlier, he still had you screaming his name and creaming on his dick.
"Good girl," Chris whispered, slowing his thrusts way down until he pulled out of you, watching even more of his essence leak from your slick sex. "My little fuck doll," Chris whispered breathlessly, running his thumb across your pretty, beaten lips.
"Wow," was all you could manage to get out as you looked at him wide-eyed and panting. You'd never admit it, but Chris was the best fuck of your life, and you didn't have to say it out loud, because he already knew. The way your body reacted to his touch had said it all for you, and he looked down at you with his ego pumped up even more than before.
He removed the belt from your neck, assessing the bruises he'd left on you, relishing in how he'd marked you and made you all his. He put his pants back on and almost his shirt until he chuckled, remembering it was covered in his cum, and he helped you back into your clothes.
He walked through the empty bar with you shirtless and came with you to the bathroom to help you clean the left over make up off your face.
After the two of you locked up, he walked you out to your car, his cum-stained shirt slung over his shoulder. As he was leaning in through your rolled down window, he reached into his pocket. "Oh, I almost forgot. Professor's phone number," Chris slipped you the napkin, and you'd forgotten as well.
"Thanks," you responded, narrowing your eyes at him and smiling as you snatched it from his hand. He was a little jealous you still even wanted it. "Make sure you give me a call when that pompous asshole leaves you unfinished, and I'll come close the deal for you," he winked at you, caressing your pretty face. You rolled your eyes playfully at him, but you secretly loved his words.
He watched you pull out of the parking lot and onto the main road, and once your car was out of view, Chris slipped back into the store.
He collected the footage from the camera in the office he'd lied to you about being broken, stealing the evidence of the rough fuck the two of you had shared, so he could play it back and enjoy the special time you guys had together anytime he wanted.
He'd never put it on the internet or show it to anyone, but he'd never dream of letting such a beautiful video go to waste when he could keep it for himself and get off to it again and again.
taglist: @weirdothatwritess @g3r4rdsw4ywh0re @c9nstellations @chratts-left-ball @le4hsblog @taliaslutiolo @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturniolosss @sturniolosweetheart33 @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00
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coldfanbou · 3 months
Performance Boost
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Here is a little story for Yunjin. Isn't she pretty?
Length 1.8K
Yunjin x Mreader
“I have something special for you today. I promise you’re going to love it.” Yunjin said, her arms enveloping you in a warm embrace. “I’ll be putting on a show that's just for you after.” She graces your cheek with a gentle kiss. “I’ll see you there.” Yunjin leaves your home first, having to get there early to get her make-up and outfit done once she arrives. You see her off texting her where you would be after the show; that way, you could return together. 
That was what had happened earlier in the day. Now, you were sitting in the crowd with other fans, your admiration for Yunjin growing with each passing moment. You watched the group dance, but your eyes never left Yunjin; you were spellbound by her talent and grace. You saw her colorful outfit; how it revealed her midsection only added to her beauty. It dragged your attention to her hips and waist. You couldn’t get your eyes off Yunjin but watched as the song switched for a moment, and she had a dance break. You were thriving with all the focus on her, and Yunjin knew it. Her eyes met yours briefly, and you could see her smile. She enjoyed having you watch her perform live and tried to keep a serious expression as she rejoined the others. As the song came to a close, you clapped loudly, wanting Yunjin to hear your support.
After the performance, you left and headed to the car. Yunjin waited for your text and changed into regular clothes, putting on a wig to help hide herself. Once you told her you were in the car, you watched her open a back door and run out; she swung her arms, trying to get to you as fast as possible. A smile grew on her face as she got closer; you could hear her laugh from inside. You felt a strong connection with her, which made her confused look all the more endearing. You unlocked the door soon, unable to contain your laughter. She punches your arm, “Hey! You locked the door on me!” She whined as she shook your arm. You continue to laugh and lean in, giving her a kiss on the cheek that calms her down.
Yunjin holds your hands as you drive home, her smile strong throughout. “I brought some things that you might like,” she says as you get closer.
“Hold on, we’re almost there.” You tell her as you place your hand over her thigh; performing always got Yunjin excited, and tonight was no different. It doesn’t take much longer, and soon you get home. Yunjin gets out of the car, running over to your side just as you open the door. She grabs your arm and begins dragging you to your home. 
“C’mon! Let’s go!” She shouts, her smile shining as she drags you into your home. Once inside, she rushes to the bathroom, and you walk into the hallway after her. “Get ready in the bedroom; I need to get into something better.” She yells. You head to the bedroom and strip down to nothing. You lay on the bed waiting for Yunjin, wondering what she had up her sleeve this time. It didn’t take much longer as Yunjin poked her head into the bedroom and smiled before walking in with a modified version of her stage outfit. It was better to call it a bikini at this point. That’s what it looked like, as her skirt had turned into a thong. It kept the same pastel colors, but it dug into her skin, leaving little to the imagination. Her top is also smaller, but the design was mostly kept the same, with a single shoulder covered. 
Yunjin saw your cock begin to harden as you looked over her body and smiled. She crawls onto the bed, between your legs, before laying on her stomach. “Do you like what you see?” She asks as if the answer isn’t apparent enough. You answer her and bring a smile to her. She wraps her hand around your cock, stroking it slowly as her mouth hovers over it. Yunjin gathers her saliva and lets it drip onto your cock. It coats the head before moving down your shaft. Yunjin moves her hand slowly, spreading it over your shaft. Her eyes shift from your cock to your eyes, unable to stay focused on either. She licked her lips, wanting to take you in already. 
You weren’t giving the order; you were waiting until she begged. “Can I have it?” She asks, her eyes becoming increasingly desperate as she strokes your cock. You run your hand through her hair before moving your hand to her cheek.
“How much do you want it?”
“I’m already wet,” She admits.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I want it really, really bad. I want to have it down my throat. I want it to make a mess of me.” Yunjin knew precisely what turned you on and played her cards right. You let her have it, and within a moment, her lips wrap themselves around your cock, her tongue laps at the head. It moves up and down over the tip, then slowly swirls around the head. Yunjin moans softly as tastes your cock; she savors it, her tongue moving around slowly. “I missed this,” She groans, her hand stroking the base of your cock. Bobbing her head slowly, Yunjin glances up to see your lustful look. It makes her nervous, and she looks away. 
You place your hand on her head, moving her further down your shaft. Yunjin feels her mouth stretch, her jaw opening wide as she’s pushed to the base of your cock. You feel her tongue moving past her lips and moan her name. “Fuck. You’re so good at this, Yunjin.” You tell her as you hold her head against you for another second before letting her go. Yunjin moves back quickly; her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she pants. Her hand reaches for your cock, continuing to stroke it as she catches her breath. 
“That felt so good,” She groans, grabbing her throat as she thinks about how you stretched it. “I want more, though. I think it’s my turn.” Yunjin lays on her stomach, turning her head toward you as she waits for your move.
You roll over onto Yunjin, rubbing your cock against her ass, listening to her coo. You pull on her thong and slip your cock between her cheeks as you hump her. Small kisses and licks pepper her back as you tease her. You prod her back hole, listening as she groans your name. You want her cunt, though, and adjust yourself, slipping your cock between her thighs. You snake your hand under her body and her thong, rubbing her clit. Yunjin gasps before letting out a long groan. You use your fingers and rub it in small circles. She whimpers under you, “Put it in already, please. I want it.” You grab your cock, aligning it with her entrance, and push in slowly as you continue to rub her clit. Yunjin groans, feeling you slip inside her; her walls are pushed apart as you move deep into her cunt.
You bottom out, burying yourself inside Yunjin. You grab at her breasts, being blocked by her top. You try your best to untie it as you begin thrusting into her, feeling her soft ass rub against you as you bury yourself inside her with every thrust. Yunjin’s moans grow louder; you’re becoming rougher with her as you tear off her top. You grab her breasts, squeezing both of them and feeling her hard nipple rub into your palm. “Moan for me,” You groan, loving how she sounds. Whether it was because of your command or because of the immense pleasure she was feeling, Yunjin’s moans became louder, filling the room. “You looked pretty in that outfit today; I’m glad I get to fuck you in something like it.” Yunjin's walls grow tighter, squeezing your cock as you praise her. “You looked so good on stage. I’m glad I get to be the one to see more of you.”  Yunjin buries her head in the sheets, continuing to moan as you pound her from behind. Each time you compliment her, whether about her looks, singing, or dancing, Yunjin gets tighter. You get closer to cumming, and Yunjin can feel your cock twitching inside her. 
“W-wait, I want to see you cum inside me,” She whines. You slow down your thrusts and turn Yunjin onto her back before ramming your length back inside her. You hold her legs apart and ensure you’re knocking against her womb as you thrust. “Oh, fuck.” Yunjin cries as she feels you go deeper. She reaches out, wrapping her arms around your head as you continue to thrust. Her walls tighten around you, and her legs tense up as she cums. Not a moment later, you bury yourself inside her, her warm, wet walls clamping down around you as you paint them white. Your cum floods into Yunjin’s cunt. Her body shudders and twitches as she goes through her climax. She tilts your chin up and kisses you as she recovers, allowing you to explore her mouth as she feels your warm cum move inside her. 
You grind against Yunjin, feeling her walls react to your movements. She groans and pulls you close as your bodies finally come down from their high. As you both relax, you kiss Yunjin softly. She stares into your eyes, smiling at you. “I need a shower after that. Why don’t you join me?” You accept her invitation. You move your hands around Yunjin and carry her to the bathroom, every step making your cock move inside her. You decide to get in the bath and finally pull out of her, letting her sit in front of you as the hot water relaxes your body. You help wash Yunjin’s hair and compliment her on her performance. 
“You did great today. It was amazing; you were amazing. I loved the dance break they gave you. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”  
Yunjin smiles and rests against your chest. “I can perform that well because I know you're watching. Thanks, honey.” She says as the two of you unwind and enjoy the rest of your night. “I can do anything as long as I have you watching me. Did you like what I wore for you only?”
“Of course, you looked sexy. I couldn’t keep my hands off you.”
Yunjin chuckles, “Yeah, you kind of ruined the top. You’ll need to get me another if you ever want to see me wear that again.”
You cup Yunjin’s breasts gently, “I think this bra is a lot better. Wouldn’t you say so?”
Yunjin looks over her shoulder, smiling at you as she shakes her head. “I think the one you ruined is better.” She says, kissing your cheek. The two of you continue your conversation, getting lost in your chat and letting time fly.
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oddinary4bts · 27 days
Chasing Cars | ch 17 (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, this chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆warnings: alcohol, mentions of OC thinking Jungkook was going to hurt himself in October, mentions of Hobi, explicit content: nipple/breast play, hickeys, praising, teasing, oral sex (male and female receiving), jerking off, balls sucking, a bit of mouth fucking, hair pulling, fingering, unprotected sex (don't be stupid)
☆word count: 9k
☆a/n: I don't want this to be the end no :') thank you for accompanying me on this journey. I hope you loved this story as much as I loved writing it, and I hope it stays in your heart like it will for sure stay in mine <3 thank you to @moonleeai for beta-ing, you're the best <3
☆series masterpost
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Thursday, December 19th
It snowed for the first time of the year this afternoon. 
It had been forecasted for a week now, but you still smile as you walk out of the exam building along with Nabi, a blanket of snow covering the ground. Students are milling around, throwing snowballs and building snowmen as their cheeks turn rosy, and their breaths turn into clouds that slowly lift towards the cloud-covered sky. 
It’s not snowing anymore, but it’s supposed to start again over the night, which you reckon might disrupt your plans of driving home tomorrow with Taehyung, Ariane and Jungkook. You think your mother would be relieved - the apartment will be crowded for two weeks, and you know she likes her space.
At least she doesn’t have a boyfriend this year, and so it’ll only be the five of you. It’s not like you aren’t used to sharing a roof with the three others though - you’ve been good at it this semester, especially considering that you and Jungkook have been sharing a room, and Taehyung and Ariane another.
Which left your old room as a guest room for the nights Jimin and Sera get too drunk with you to make their way home.
Your relationship with Jungkook has slowly evolved over the weeks and months since you’d run home thinking that he was going to hurt himself. You’re now fully dating, or at least you tell so to everyone that asks you where you’re standing when it comes to Jungkook.
You know he does the same anyway, even if you haven’t really stated to each other that you are boyfriend and girlfriend yet. You don’t think it matters - your relationship with him has been going on for far longer than just a few weeks, and the absence of a label doesn’t scare you in the slightest. Not when you fall asleep and wake up next to him every day, his first and last words of the day always love confessions uttered against your skin.
It’s a side of Jungkook that you like. The way he’s demonstrative of his affection, not caring if your brother is watching whenever he hugs you or kisses you. Taehyung has cursed the two of you repeatedly for it, but there’s just some beauty in the carefree act of loving each other in front of the very person you thought would end you that you both can’t let go of.
Speaking about that, your relationship with Taehyung has been… strained, since October. You haven’t really been able to forgive him for what happened that night he threw Jungkook out of the apartment, and he hasn’t quite been able to forgive you for hiding your relationship with Jungkook from him. You think he’s a little hypocritical for it - he and Jungkook have had no trouble resuming their friendship despite the fact that you and Jungkook are now a thing. But you don’t mind. 
As long as Jungkook is happy, then you are happy too.
“You coming to Yoongi and Namjoon’s tonight, right?” Nabi says as you walk down the path, your shoes crunching on the snow.
You chuckle. “You think I’d miss Yoongi introducing his boyfriend?” you say. “Hell nah. Of course I’ll be there.”
Nabi laughs, slightly shaking her head. “It’s not like you haven’t seen them together at the gym.”
She’s got a point, but you still want to see gym guy - Mikey, you’ve now found out - out of his natural habitat, aka the gym. 
“Is Jungkook coming?” she asks.
You nod. “Later though. He’s going out for drinks with his friends, and he said he’d meet up around eleven.”
“That’s late,” she comments.
You playfully push her. “We’ll probably be going until three am, I think eleven is fine.”
She laughs, though her eyes sparkle as she looks at you, with excitement and amusement you know is reciprocated in your own gaze.
Tonight will be one for the books, and you just can’t wait.
You have to head to your apartment first, to take a quick shower and grab the drinks you’ve bought for the evening. Nabi tags along, chilling with Ariane in the living room while you get ready. You get out of the shower ten minutes later to see that they’ve been joined by Taehyung.
The absence of Jungkook brings a pout to your lips, even though you know he’s just with Jimin and Eunwoo at Jimin’s apartment, pre-drinking for the bar.
“What’s up?” Taehyung greets you. 
You offer him a tight-lipped smile. He takes it in stride, looking away from you to focus on Nabi and Ariane’s conversation while you make your way to your room to do your makeup quickly. Soon enough you’re ready to go, and you stop by the kitchen to grab the drinks - different flavours of lemonade with alcohol, like maybe it’s summer and the snow outside is but a mirage.
“Let’s go!” you say as you reach the living room next, and Nabi nods as she jumps up from the couch, meeting you near the door.
“I am so excited Y/n, you have no idea,” she says, and you laugh as you nod approvingly.
“Let’s go see what that Mikey is made of.”
Her laugh doubles up, and it follows you outside after you’ve put your coats and boots on. You’ve decided to walk to Yoongi and Namjoon’s place, and Nabi lets out a happy yelp when it starts snowing again.
“It’s so pretty!” she says, motioning to the fat snowflakes that are lazily falling from the sky.
You fully agree with her - there’s something magical about the first day of snow. It fills the air with excitement and joy and nostalgia for the days when you were younger and the first snow meant the beginning of the Christmas season, which you reckon might have always been your favourite season after all.
“It really is,” you agree with Nabi.
She nods wisely, and then throws you a look. “Did you know Ariane’s grandfather was French?”
You actually did. Ariane told you it was the reason why she’d decided to do a semester abroad in Paris, and that her grandfather had also been the one to name her. 
“Yeah, she told me all about it when we went out to the karaoke bar,” you say, referencing an outing that had taken place in early November, when your relationship with Jungkook still felt fresh.
Not that it doesn’t anymore. You reckon being with Jungkook will always be refreshing to you - he’s the oasis in the middle of your desert.
“Oh right,” Nabi lets out. “That time you lost your voice for five days straight.”
“I did not!” you cry out as she bursts out laughing.
You, as a matter of fact, did lose your voice, but it was only because you and Jungkook had gotten too drunk and you were screaming more than singing by the end of the evening.
You spend the rest of the walk to Yoongi’s apartment bickering with Nabi, laughing as you reminisce about the good times you spent over the last few months. And there have been many - Jungkook fits right in with your friend group, and you’ve been hanging out with all of them on multiple occasions, Taehyung, Ariane, Sera and Jimin even tagging along some of the time.
You get to Yoongi’s apartment at the same time as a flustered Seokjin, who admits he had to sprint to make it in time because Ria complained about his tardiness. He’s clutching two rosé bottles for dear life - Ria’s preferred alcoholic beverage now - and he explains he was late because of them. Though you know Ria probably wasn’t actually upset with him in the slightest, you still find it weirdly endearing that Seokjin ran.
It’s proof that he’s utterly obsessed with your friend, much like she is obsessed with him, too.
“Well then let’s get in,” Nabi says, and you follow her inside the building, and then up to the apartment in and of itself. 
The door is unlocked when you get there, and you walk in, taking off your boots in the hall before making your way to the living room, where your friend group is all gathered already.
The first person you notice is Mikey, and he politely smiles at you as Ria throws herself at you and Nabi, hugging you both tight to her chest.
“Congrats on finishing your semester!” Ria says. 
You thank her, and she takes the drinks you’ve brought from your hands so that you can take off your coat, putting them down on the coffee table where all available alcohol is waiting for you all. And there’s a lot - you would think a lot more people are coming tonight, but it really is just the seven of you, and Jungkook later.
You reckon it’s just another sign that tonight will be one for the books.
You start the evening by ordering dumplings, and you grab one of the lemonade drinks as you wait for the food to arrive, sipping from it as you talk with all of your friends. Mikey remains silent by Yoongi’s side, though you notice the way they’re holding hands, and you smile at the sight.
Yoongi is shining. His eyes are sparkling like you’ve never seen them do before, and he looks like the sun personified with Mikey by his side. He deserves the happiness, every single ounce of it, especially after what Hoseok put him through.
For some reason the thought reminds you of your old friend, and you wonder how Hoseok is doing on his side of the country. Has he found the solace he was seeking for? Though you’d long hated him for the way he’d ghosted everyone, tonight you reckon you forgive him.
You forgive him for what he put Yoongi through, only because it allowed Yoongi to experience this relationship now, a much needed relationship that’s been healing every jagged piece of his heart.
Your phone buzzes in the pocket of the sweatshirt you’re wearing - Jungkook’s shirt - and you pull it out, immediately smiling when you see that Jungkook texted you.
[5:57 pm] JK: am tipsy
[5:57 pm] JK: can’t wait to see you later
You laugh at his text, replying quickly to make sure to drink water, and then you put your phone away, focusing on the conversation again.
“That’s just because you’re jealous I can make good music!” Yoongi is saying, and Namjoon rolls his eyes, though the laugh on his lips tells you that they aren’t truly fighting.
“You say you make good music but none of us has ever heard your music, Yoongi,” Ria says, finger pointing at him like she’s scolding him. 
“You’ve never showed them your music?” Mikey intervenes.
Yoongi blushes, eyes falling to the floor. “Well, uh, I just never had the occasion to…”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Namjoon says. “Pull out the receipts, Yoongi.”
Yoongi shakes his head, looking around for salvation. He meets your gaze, but you only shrug your shoulders, a mischievous smile on your lips. You’ve been curious about his music too, so you certainly won’t be the one to encourage him to hide it for longer.
“I hate y’all,” Yoongi grumbles.
“I mean, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to,” Mikey says next to him, resting a hand on Yoongi’s thigh as Yoongi grabs his phone.
“Nah, it’s okay,” Yoongi reassures him, and they look at each other for a few seconds.
It’s intimate, and you look down at your drink to give them privacy. A few seconds later, the living room fills with the intro of a song, and your gaze widens when the lyrics start, all in Korean. You don’t think Yoongi’s the one singing, and you’re proven right when a rapper comes in, and you recognize Yoongi’s voice.
“Bro, what?��� Seokjin lets out.
“Shhh!” Nabi says, and Ria fake-glares at Seokjin, who just purses his lips, visibly holding a laugh in.
The song is good. More than that, the song is moving, the emotions running high all throughout it, up until the end, when the instruments all stop except the piano, giving a melancholy ending to the song.
“Yoongi!” you let out. “That shit is fire.”
“Thanks,” Yoongi says, his cheeks turning deep red.
Mikey is smiling next to him as everyone congratulates him, and before you have time to listen to more of his music, Namjoon receives a text saying that the food has arrived. He goes downstairs with Seokjin to bring everything up, and a minute later you’re all eating at the kitchen table, Ria sitting on Seokjin’s lap so that everyone can fit around the table.
The evening unfolds with more music that Yoongi composed, songs he claims he wants to put in an EP he’ll release next year. You’re reeling at the beauty of his talent, and though he still turns red every time someone compliments him, you know his smile means he appreciates it, and is probably relieved that you all enjoy his music. 
You reckon Mikey helps, encouraging Yoongi whenever he looks too embarrassed, and you’re so happy for your friend you feel like crying. Or maybe that’s because you’re on your fourth - fifth? - lemonade and the alcohol has started messing with your brain.
Time flies, and Jungkook texts you that he’s on his way while you’re playing Jackbox on the TV, the laughter so loud in the small living room that you’re convinced the boys might get a noise complaint by the end of the evening. You’re excited to see Jungkook, deadly so, and you decide to meet him downstairs, needing some fresh air anyway.
The snow is still falling outside when you make your way downstairs. The streetlights colour it in neon orange, and it covers the ground in a soft blanket. You wait in the hall of the building, watching the world outside and thinking about how everything has changed in a year.
If someone had told you a year ago that you’d be dating your brother’s best friend now, you would have told them that they were crazy. 
Now you know there’s nothing crazy about you and Jeon Jungkook. It just makes sense. 
Jungkook arrives sometime later - it’s hard to tell if it’s been a long time or not when your head is swimming in alcohol. He smiles brightly the second he sees you, opening the door to walk into your arms.
You hug him tight to your chest, hiding your face in his neck as his arms snake around your waist. He smells of home - you’ve realized he’s become your home now - and you relax in his embrace, letting him sway you from side to side gently.
“Hey there,” he greets you with his softest voice, the one that’s reserved just for you.
“Hey,” you reply. There’s a silence as you tighten your hold on him, and then you pull away to meet his gaze. “I’m drunk.”
He laughs, pecking your forehead. “I’m tipsy. But I drank lots of water like you said.”
You nod approvingly and then return your head to his neck. Unable to resist, you lightly bite at the skin, and Jungkook yelps, jumping out of your arms.
“What was that for!”
You eye him up and down. “You look yummy.”
He snorts, grabbing your hand to pull you in. “Oh, you’re drunk drunk.”
“I’m not!” you insist, though you’re fully aware that you are.
It’s not like it matters - you know Jungkook will take care of you.
And he does - he gets you water as soon as you get inside, your friends greeting him in a chorus of hellos. He waves at them, forces you to sit down with the glass of water, and you sip from it as he grabs the beer Namjoon offers him. 
Namjoon and Jungkook’s friendship has blossomed over the last two months. They’ve gotten really close, often hanging out just the two of them, which you think is adorable. They apparently have more in common than you thought, Namjoon coming from a rich family as well.
Nothing like Jungkook, but still.
Jungkook sits in front of you on the floor, and you immediately slide down from the couch to sit behind him so that he can lean against your chest. You wrap your arm around his dainty waist, smiling softly as you peck the top of his head.
He glances at you, eyes gleaming with happiness, and then resumes his conversation with Namjoon.
This, you think, is happiness. This is the kind of scene you see in movies when everything is resolved after a long journey. It’s a coming of age - your coming of age, despite the fact that you aren’t a teenager anymore. 
You just know that, when you’ll be old and grey and reminding yourself of your college days, this is what you’ll think of. Jungkook’s presence amongst your friends, the gentle ambiance of the snow outside, the smiles and the laughter and the music filling the air. Everything - you’ll remember everything with vivid clarity when it’s time to go, knowing that this moment, and all of those related to Jungkook and your friend group, have forged the person that you’ll become.
The thought brings tears to your eyes - happy tears - and you blink them away as you hug Jungkook tighter. He looks back at you again, smiling softly, light filling those big doe eyes of his that you’ve been in love with since a certain power outage.
To think that your whole relationship with him started because of that outage - where would you be now if it hadn’t been for that?
“What?” Jungkook asks softly. 
“I love you,” you reply.
He grins, that adorable bunny grin of his that steals your breath each time. “I love you too.”
You know it - it’s been a law of your universe since you ran back home that October night, when you realized that your love for him was far more important than your brother being upset with him.
In truth, you think your love for Jeon Jungkook might have been the reason why you were put on this Earth - your purpose, if you will. Like the Fates weaved your story with his, until one can’t exist without the other.
And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tuesday, December 24th
Christmas Eve has been fun. You’ve been laughing around with Taehyung, Ariane, Jungkook and your mother, sharing way too much food at the dinner table. Good food - your mother has always been a good cook, whenever she finds the time to actually come up with a meal. Jungkook helped her too, and you haven’t missed the approving glances your mother has been throwing him all evening.
Ariane has received her good shares of those too. You can tell your mother is happy for both you and Taehyung, which makes you feel bad that you initially thought it was good that she’s currently single.
She deserves love, too.
You’re in the bathroom, sometime after midnight, mind swimming with the eggnog drinks that your mother made for everyone, when your phone buzzes in the back pocket of the mom jeans you’re wearing. You pull it out, blinking a few times, and your gaze widens when you focus on the text message you’ve received.
Mostly, your heart falls to your ass when you see who texted you.
[00:24 am] Hobi: hey, merry christmas! just wanted to text to apologize for dipping in april? that sucked of me and yeah, it’s christmas so i thought it was a good time to apologize
You reread the message a few times, wondering if you’re the only one that’s received an apology. You highly doubt you’re the one that needed it after all, and when your phone buzzes again a few seconds later, with a text from Yoongi, you realize you’re not.
[00:24 am] Yoongi: you’ll never believe who just texted me
You slide your phone open, ignoring the conversation with Hoseok to head straight to the one with Yoongi. You type your reply, worrying at your bottom lip as you send it.
[00:25 am] You: i know the fuck he texted me too
[00:25 am] You: how are you feeling?
Yoongi doesn’t reply right away, and you decide not to reply to Hoseok either, instead stuffing your phone back in your back pocket before washing your hands. You return to the kitchen after, where everyone’s been waiting for you to play your turn in the game of Ticket to Ride you’ve started at midnight.
You can’t believe Hoseok texted you. It feels like a ghost coming back to haunt you, reminding you that you’d been friends with benefits, albeit on a break, this time last year. Perhaps that is why Hoseok chose to text you too - you meant something to him to a certain extent.
“Everything okay?” Jungkook asks as you frown, trying to remember what it is you wanted to do in the game.
You blink once, meeting his gaze. “Yeah.” You nod, repeating the word, and then you pick up two green wagon cards.
Jungkook lets it slide, focusing on the game too, and you all but forget about Hoseok’s text when your mother gives you another eggnog drink. You finish the game a little while later - Ariane winning grandiosely - and then you all head to bed after wishing each other a last Merry Christmas.
Jungkook plops down on your childhood bed as you walk into your room, and you close the door, leaning against it as you smile fondly. He props his chin on his hands, looking at you. 
“Tonight was fun,” he says.
You nod, smile growing wider. “It really was. But wait until tomorrow, that’s where all the fun is.”
Indeed, you’re going to visit your grandparents’ house tomorrow evening, along with all of your uncles and aunts and cousins.  It’s tradition every year, and it’s the first time you’re bringing someone. You’d be a little anxious, if not for the fact that you know your grandmother is already obsessed with Jungkook from everything your mother told her.
“I can’t wait,” Jungkook says, and the soft curve of his lips tells you he means it.
You cross the distance between you, lying down on the bed next to him. Jungkook shifts, opening his arms for you to slide into his embrace, and he holds you tight, pressing a kiss on the top of your head.
“I mostly can’t wait to give you your gift tomorrow morning,” he adds, his mouth moving against you. He pulls away, rubbing his face to take out from his mouth the hair he clearly almost swallowed from talking against your head. “You’ll be so happy.”
“You really didn’t need to give me a gift,” you say.
“You think I haven’t noticed the suspiciously large box with my name on it under the Christmas tree?”
You shrug. “Maybe it’s from Taehyung.”
“It’s written from peach.”
You snort, laughing against his chest. “And what about it?”
“You’re allowed to get me a gift but I can’t get you one?”
You nod forcefully. “Yeah. You already got me that dress anyway.”
He laughs, rolling on his back. He pulls you with him until you’re lying next to him with your head on his chest. “That was almost a year ago, it doesn’t count.”
“It does,” you mumble.
He chuckles, the sound rumbling deeply in his chest. “You’re adorable, I love you.” He pecks the top of your head again. “Besides, what did you get me?”
“What did you get me?” you ask, gaze narrowed as you look up at him.
His next peck lands on your forehead. “Not telling you.”
“Well then, I’m not telling you either,” you smugly reply.
He laughs, tightening his hold around you. “Fuck, I love you so much.”
Your heart stops in your chest, and then it starts again on a wilder beat you hear echoed behind his ribcage.
“I love you too, Kook.”
“Luckiest man alive,” he whispers, and it’s rhetorical, not asking for a reply. 
All you do is grin as you start tracing idle shapes on his stomach. You fall silent - the kind of comfortable silence you can only share with him - up until you remember Hoseok’s text. It makes you prop yourself up on an elbow, and you meet Jungkook’s gaze.
“You’ll never guess who texted me earlier.”
He cocks an eyebrow. “Who did?” 
“Hobi,” you reveal.
Jungkook’s gaze widens. “The guy you used to fuck?”
You roll your eyes, pinching his side. “Yes. But mostly Yoongi’s… ex?”
“You did use to fuck though, I heard you guys.”
“Oh my God, Kook.”
He offers you a shit-eating grin. “What?”
“You’re annoying.”
He pulls you on top of him until you’re straddling him. “But you love me.”
You narrow your eyes, glaring at him. “But you’re annoying.”
His hands, now on your hips, tighten slightly, and your brain chooses this instant to zero in on the spot.
“Do you know how much it drove me crazy?” he says, and his voice is suddenly low, husky, shooting warmth right to your core. “I fucking wanted to beat his ass.”
You cock an eyebrow, tilting your head to the side as a smirk appears on your lips. “Yeah?”
He nods. “Yeah.” He forces you to circle your hips, and you’re not surprised to find him already getting hard. “I’d imagine it was me instead.” It’s Jungkook’s turn to smirk, and he sits up to kiss you, his tongue pushing into your mouth once before he lies back down. “And then when I was fucking Shelly and you were touching yourself?”
You’re turning molten, like you’re metal melting in a forge. “Yeah?”
“That’s when I knew that whatever I’d promised to Tae didn’t matter anymore.” He grinds into you. “I needed to have you, one way or another.”
You crash your lips on his so hard you taste blood. He’s quick to slide his hands under your shirt, and he fumbles with the fabric until you part to allow him to take it off your body. You’re only wearing a red bralette you bought before finals, and Jungkook’s gaze darkens at the sight.
“Shit peach, you’re always so fucking hot.”
“One way or another, you say?” you repeat what he said earlier.
He looks confused for a heartbeat, and then he nods. “Yeah. I was into you already then, as you know, but damn every time I touched myself all I could think about was you.”
“Outrageous,” you tease as you circle your hips once more.
He grunts softly. “Oh, peach, don’t pretend you weren’t thinking of me too.”
You lean forward, sucking on his lower lip, your tongue then flicking at his piercings. “Oh, you know I was thinking about you,” you say against his mouth.
You move down enough to find his neck, your teeth teasing the skin before you suck on it, yet you refrain from leaving a mark.
You don’t want your mother asking questions tomorrow.
Jungkook grunts as you lick at the spot, and then move back up to nibble at his jaw. His large hands on your waist caress up your flanks until he reaches your breasts that he shamelessly cups, his fingers immediately searching for your nipples. He pinches them, hard enough to hurt, and you moan out loud, hiding your face in his neck.
“Careful, peach,” Jungkook warns. “We wouldn’t want your family hearing us.”
You bite at his neck again and he hisses. “What did you just say?”
“Fuck,” he groans, and it sounds like a growl. “Now I want to fucking ruin you.”
You straighten, your hands landing flat on his chest to hold him down. “Why don’t you let me have my fun tonight?”
His dark gaze surveys you carefully as you climb down his body until you’re sitting on his legs. You grip his thighs and then slide your hands up to his clothed erection. You run a hand along it and then move up to push his shirt up, revealing the strong muscles of his abdomen. You graze them with your nails, and Jungkook’s eyes flutter shut as your other hand returns to his dick.
“How should I please you tonight?” you ask.
You lean forward and, unable to resist, you suck a hickey on the spot right above the hem of his pants. Jungkook instinctively bucks his hips in response, and you smirk as you sit back on your heels again.
“Someone’s impatient,” you tease.
“Peach…” he warns.
“Be nice,” you say. “I’ll give you everything you want.”
He takes a sharp breath, and then nods curtly. You bite at your lower lip, a smirk teasing the corner of your lips.
“Good boy.”
He groans, but then you’re ridding him of his pants and boxers, and his dick springs free, slapping his abs. He looks just as pretty as he always does, the large vein running up his dick begging to be licked. You don’t even resist - you immediately bend down, tracing it with your tongue up to his tip, which you circle once before pulling away just enough to grab the base of his dick.
You stroke him slowly, meeting his gaze. His cheeks are flushed with arousal, eyes shining with lust and desire, all of it for you. You feel powerful - you have him wrapped around your finger, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s with that thought that you finally take him in your mouth, not breaking eye contact. He clenches his jaw to hold a moan in, and you take him as deep as you can, your eyes watering when he hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath.
You pull almost all the way out, hollowing your cheeks as you suck on his tip, teasing his frenulum with your tongue. His dick twitches, but you’re holding him tight, keeping him in place.
You get to work, bobbing up and down, drooling all over him. You use your drool as natural lube so that you can jerk him off in time with your motions, and Jungkook grows infinitely hard in your mouth, so much so that you wouldn’t be surprised if he came.
You wouldn’t mind - he always tastes good for you, and the thought of it is making you soak through your panties to the point you think your pants might even be affected. But then again, Jungkook always makes you so wet.
No one’s ever fucked you as good as him after all.
You take him all the way in, and Jungkook thrusts up, grunting as you moan around him. His hands are in your hair, and he’s been guiding your movements, though always allowing you to pull away to breathe when you need it.
So when you decide to pull away so that you can suck on his balls, he lets you do it. You reward him by jerking him off quickly, your grip tight on his dick just the way you know he likes, and he fists at the sheets of your bed, fucking into your hand.
Right before you think he’s about to come, Jungkook pulls you away. He’s panting heavily, and you barely have time to breathe before he flips you on your back, climbing on top of you so that he can kiss you. 
The kiss is ravishing, languid, all tongues and saliva and his teeth digging into your bottom lip. You barely can contain your moans when he drives your legs apart with a knee he then presses on your clothed core, and you can’t help but grind on his leg, searching for much-needed friction.
Jungkook leaves your mouth to leave a trail of wet kisses down your neck, and then on your clavicle. He sucks a purple mark underneath it, and you arch your back in his touch as he cups your breasts again, massaging them.
“Peach,” he says as he’s looking at your necklace where it lies between your breasts. “You’re so perfect.”
And then he’s pushing your bralette up enough to have access to your nipples. His mouth closes around one while he pinches the other between his thumb and index, and you lose your hand in his jet-black strands, pulling on his hair just a little by reflex.
His tongue circles your nipple, and then he licks at it twice. It hardens in his mouth as you hold your moans in, and your eyes roll to the back of your head when he shifts to your other nipple, offering it the same treatment.
“Take this off,” you breathe, pulling at the fabric of his shirt.
Jungkook raises his head, meeting your gaze. His lips are glistening with his saliva, and he looks so devilish you think you’d be able to come just like that.
“Take it off for me,” he teases.
You roll your eyes despite your lips curving in a smile, and you pull his shirt off, throwing it on the floor. You rake your nails on his back - lightly, not hard enough to leave a mark - when he returns to your nipples, devouring your breasts like a man starved.
“I fucking love every part of you, you know that right?” he says when he pulls away.
You nod, but he’s already going down your body, reaching for your pants. He takes them off, and to your surprise, he takes your panties off too, leaving you naked and gleaming when he pushes your thighs apart to look at you properly.
“So pretty…” he praises.
You want to tell him to fuck you, that you don’t even need foreplay right now - you’ve been feeling your juices dripping out of your pussy for a while - but he doesn’t leave you time to speak, immediately diving in, lapping a large stripe from your entrance up to your clit. He swirls his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves, and you put your hand over your mouth to muffle your moan.
“Silence, peach,” he reminds you, and then he circles your clit again. “I really don’t want your mother to look at me differently tomorrow morning.”
You don’t have anything left in your brain to say that she wouldn’t care, and maybe that’s good - you’re pretty sure she would, as a matter of fact, care.
“Sorry,” you apologize.
Jungkook shoots you a quick glance, and he pecks the inside of your thigh lovingly, miles away from the lust transpiring from this moment. “I love you,” he breathes against your skin, and then he’s back on your pussy.
He eats you out like he’s a demon come from hell, and soon enough he pushes two fingers inside of you, fighting against your tightening muscles. You take a deep breath to relax, and a few seconds later he arches his fingers, rubbing them on the most sensitive spot inside of you. It makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, and your mouth falls open on a silent moan as he starts fingering you, quick and hard, always rubbing your g-spot. He times his fingers with his tongue, and it’s no wonder he’s dragging you towards an orgasm at eighty miles per hour.
It’s no wonder it hits you like a slap to the face when he sucks on your clit hard, and your thighs close around his face as your back arches off the bed, your climax hitting so hard you feel like you’re swimming in the night sky, amongst stars and galaxies and nebulas.
You’re shaking, thighs trembling, as he milks your orgasm out for so long you think you’ll die, but eventually his fingers leave your pulsing walls, and he licks them clean. You watch him, your eyelids heavy with the ecstasy invading your bloodstream, and you feel fucked out, your mind like cotton as he positions himself between your legs.
“Have you had enough?” he asks, teasing your entrance with his cock. “Or do you want me to fuck you?”
You reach for him, fingers grazing his chest and abs. “Shit, Kook.”
He grins wickedly. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you repeat. You chuckle lightly, and then you glance around. “I do want you to fuck me,” you whisper, “but my bed creaks a hell of a lot.”
Jungkook shrugs, picking you up in one swift motion that makes your mind swim even more. The room spins around you as Jungkook carries you off the bed, and then he sits you on the floor. He grabs a bunch of pillows, arranging them in a makeshift bed on the floor, and then he motions at it, a proud smile on his lips.
“Voilà,” he says.
You snort. “You’ll fuck me on this?”
He smirks, picking you up to lie you down on the pillows. It’s a little unsteady, but when he positions himself between your legs again, you forget all about it.
Even more so as he rubs his dick on your clit, and meteorites erupt in front of your eyes.
“Yeah I will,” he says. “Unless you don’t want me to?”
You gulp, your throat suddenly dry with arousal, and you nod your head. “Fuck me, Kook.”
He doesn’t need more to push in, and he sheathes all of himself inside of you. Or at least all that fits, and he’s quick to put a hand over your mouth to keep you from moaning. You bite at his palm, and he startles, moving his hand away.
“That was mean,” he says, a pout appearing on his swollen lips.
Fuck, you love him so bad.
“Sorry,” you apologize.
He narrows his gaze, bending down to steal a quick, gentle kiss on your lips. “No you’re not,” he says.
“I’m not,” you agree.
He pulls almost all the way out, leaving just an inch of him in. “And for that reason, I’ll fuck you until all you remember is my name.”
He pushes all the way in again, and you bite your lip to refrain from crying his name out. It becomes much harder when he starts pounding into you, and soon your room fills with the sound of skin slapping against skin, and of the squelching your pussy makes every time he fucks into you. It’s clearly loud enough for everyone in the apartment to hear, but faint music is coming from Taehyung’s room, and you know your mother sleeps with foam earplugs in.
You can only hope they don’t hear you when you moan Jungkook’s name. He gently rests his hand against your mouth again then, though he’s quick to push a finger in instead. You suck on it, teasing the pad with your tongue, and Jungkook grunts as he jack-hammers you, so much so you fall off the makeshift bed.
You both don’t care - you don’t even think Jungkook realizes. He’s too busy rearranging your gut, and you’re too busy trying to not moan like you want to do. Jungkook keeps at it for a while, strands of hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead, but his pace remains unforgiving, a reminder that he has a solid cardio from all the hours he spends at the gym.
Eventually, Jungkook gets bored of the position, and he pulls out. You get a glimpse of his wet dick before he flips you on your stomach, and he’s quick to fuck into you again, the new angle so good you feel like you’re floating somewhere between your body and the ceiling.
His forearm is next to your head, and you hold onto his wrist as he pounds into you. You know he’s nearing his high when his motions grow unfocused, slower, and soon he bends down, grunting against the side of your face as he releases his load deep inside of you, painting you white.
You hold onto him as he comes, circling your hips to prolong his pleasure, up until he stops you with a hand on your waist. He pecks the side of your face, and you turn your head to be able to kiss him properly. It tastes like the sweat that’s collected on his upper lip, but you don’t care. Not when it’s his sweat, and you are so obsessed with him you wish you were under his skin.
“Fuck,” he grunts when he pulls away from the kiss. 
He pecks your cheek again and then straightens to search for something to clean you up with. He reaches for the tissues on the night table, and he takes a bunch of them that he puts against you before he even pulls out.
You both manage to avoid making a mess, and Jungkook lets you go clean up first. You put on his shirt, as it’s long enough to be a dress on you, and then you head to the bathroom, where you take a quick shower. Jungkook goes next, kissing you deeply before leaving your room, and you wait for him under the covers of your bed, your heart still beating wildly from the sex.
As it always does when it comes to sex with Jungkook.
Jungkook comes back about five minutes later, and he slides under the covers with you as you’re on your phone, looking at the conversation with Yoongi.
He still hasn’t replied, and though that worries you, you know he’s probably just busy with his own Christmas celebration.
“Everything okay?” Jungkook asks as he molds himself to your back, an arm wrapping around your waist.
You turn on your back, going in for a soft kiss that settles your heartbeat in your chest. 
“Yes,” you reassure him. 
You glance at your phone again and then switch to the conversation with Hoseok. “I don’t know what I should say.”
Jungkook blinks a few times like he needs it to focus on your screen, and then he reads Hoseok’s message. “I mean…” he lets out. “He seems genuine.”
“I know, but it’s weird no?”
Jungkook purses his lips. “Why?”
“Because I’m with you now,” you explain.
His eyes widen. “Oh, is that because of what I said earlier?”
You nod, worrying at some dry skin on your lower lip.
“Oh, peach,” he says, and he pecks your forehead. “I really don’t mind if you want to reply. I was only teasing earlier.”
You cock an eyebrow, not entirely believing him. He smiles sheepishly, shrugging your shoulders.
“Were you?”
“Well…” he trails off, turning on his back as he looks up at the ceiling. “I was jealous, yes. But as you said, he mostly is Yoongi’s ex. What you guys had hasn’t mattered for a really long time.”
He’s right. He’s entirely right, and it reassures you, enough so that you don’t feel guilty for replying to Hoseok, right before you decide to turn off your phone for the night.
[2:37 am] You: hey merry christmas! no worries:)
You put your phone away, and then you turn to face Jungkook, wrapping your arm around his dainty waist as he wraps his around you, one of his biceps a perfect pillow for your head. You sigh in contentment, knowing that you are right where you’re supposed to be in the world - by Jungkook’s side. 
Home, wherever he is.
You fall asleep with love in your heart, shining bright on you despite the dark, winter night outside.  
Monday, December 30th
The restaurant is crowded, lively chatter and clinking utensils filling the atmosphere with the type of life only the holidays can provide. Taehyung sits at the head of the table, a bright smile on his lips as your mother explains to Ariane and Jungkook how you come to this restaurant each year when there’s a special occasion.
By that, she means your and Taehyung’s birthdays, as you spend hers on the camping trip.
“We started when you were what?” your mother says, looking at Taehyung. “Fourteen?”
“Thirteen,” he answers. “We came with a bunch of friends from middle school, and Y/n was complaining the whole time.”
“I was not,” you say, pouting slightly. “You were just ignoring me the whole time because I wasn’t cool enough.”
“You really weren’t.” Taehyung’s teasing remark earns him a slap on the arm from your mother, and Ariane telling him to shut up. “What! She was just obsessed with One Direction, it was annoying.”
“And what about it?” Ariane says. “One Direction was a good group!”
Horror inches into Taehyung’s gaze. “Not you too.”
Ariane rolls her eyes, but then the waitress stops by your table, taking everyone’s order. An easy conversation follows, your mother telling you about interesting cases she saw at the ER over the last few months. Jungkook looks appalled when she mentions certain of them, his eyes about to bulge out of his head.
“You’re good?” you let out, patting his thigh reassuringly. 
“We’re supposed to eat after she’s told us all of that?” he asks, his widened gaze sliding to you.
You snort. “Yes, we are.”
He sits back in his chair, folding his arms on his chest. “Damn.” You just laugh even more, and he looks at you again. “It’s not funny!”
“It is,” you insist. “You’re adorable.”
He glares at you, though his eyes are gleaming with too much amusement for you to believe he means it. “So are you.”
“Right right,” you say, at the same time as Taehyung fake-gags. 
“You guys are disgusting,” your brother says. 
“And you think you’re better?” your mother intervenes. “You all should listen to him when he calls me and gushes about Ariane.”
Taehyung flushes red as Ariane leans towards your mother. “Oh? What does he say?”
“Namely that he thinks you’re the love of his life, and that he wants to marry…”
“Stop!” Taehyung interjects. “Fuck, mom, this is not necessary.”
He’s so red he looks like he might pass out, and you can’t help but laugh at his expense. “Don’t worry, Ari, he’s always been a hopeless romantic.”
“I’m not!”
Ariane laughs, and she rubs his back. “You are. I love that about you.”
Taehyung’s distressed features turn into a soft smile, and you roll your eyes teasingly. 
The rest of the dinner goes well, all of you eating your fill. Jungkook finishes your dish when you declare yourself defeated, and you speak with your brother without any animosity for the first time in months.
It’s relieving, far more than you would admit it. Or perhaps it’s because he’s invited you to the party one of his childhood friends is hosting, which he never did before. You know it’s because Jungkook is his closest friend now, but you still appreciate the invitation, and the party that comes with it.
Taehyung’s always partied the hardest surrounded by his friends, and tonight is no different. It’s a night of drinking and revelry and bright smiles, loud music to accompany the chatter and drinking games and everything that makes a party a good party. There’s a hot tub, and you and Jungkook spend far too long in it accompanied by Ariane, Taehyung and two of his other friends, taking turns rolling in the snow before jumping back into the hot tub.
The stars shine on and on above you all, and though it’s freezing outside you think they might allow you a piece of summer in the winter night.
You head home before Taehyung, walking hand in hand with Jungkook. You’re both tipsy, even maybe a little drunk, yet it doesn’t deter you. Not when the night is beautiful, and you have Jungkook next to you.
“I still can’t believe you got me that frame,” Jungkook says as he notices you looking up at the stars, your eyes going over the Orion constellation.
Indeed, you got him a star map of Valentine’s Day last year for Christmas. It’s beautiful, and Jungkook grew teary-eyed when you gave it to him, telling him that it was a map of the night you’d fallen in love. He promised he’d hang it in his room the second you returned to your apartment, and then he sheepishly gave you your gift.
Your reaction to his gift was… much less wholesome than his. You were outraged, telling him that he was crazy to spend so much money on you, and Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders, telling you you deserved it.
You still think he’s crazy. But over the last few days, he’s slowly convinced you that it’s going to be fun, that you truly do deserve the gift…
And who would say no to a trip to Bora Bora?
“I’m sorry,” you let out. “You fucking bought first-class plane tickets to go to Bora Bora. My gift looks like nothing compared to yours.”
“It’s not nothing!” Jungkook insists. “It’s the most sentimental gift I’ve ever received.” He smiles at you, his big doe eyes swimming with love for you. “It’ll forever be my favourite gift.”
You can’t help the smile that curves your lips upwards as your heart warms in your chest. “You deserve it,” you say, and you mean it.
Jungkook deserves every proof that people do love him. That his parents don’t know shit when it comes to him - you’ll try your best to shower him with all of the love your heart holds, every day of your life with him.
“And you deserve the trip,” Jungkook says. “You always work so hard in college, I just want you to relax for a while.”
“With you,” you say, eyes glinting with mischief. 
He pulls you in, interrupting your walk, and he kisses your forehead softly. Your heart grows even warmer, so much so that you think flowers are blooming in your soul, like a garden bursting into life.
You get home together with him, your mother seemingly fast asleep in her room from the soft snores that come from behind her door. You make your way to your room, and Jungkook plugs in your old fairy lights, even though they’re so dim now you barely can make out anything.
“Thank you,” Jungkook says as he sits on your bed.
You sit next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. “What for?”
“For everything,” he replies, and he wraps his arms around you to pull you into his chest. “Getting to love you is the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
“Oh, Jungkook…” you trail off, looking up to see the silver lining his gaze.
“I love you more every day, peach,” he whispers. “It’s… it’s a gift.”
You cup his cheek, tilting your head backwards as you pull him down. The kiss is soft, gentle. The kiss is everything that makes Jungkook Jungkook, and you you. It’s the months of struggle that led to so much beauty, it’s the knowledge that, wherever you’ll go in this life, he’ll be by your side.
It’s the knowledge that he’s the one for you, and you’re the one for him.
When you pull away from the kiss, what seems like an eternity later, Jungkook pulls out his phone from his pocket. You watch him curiously as the device lights up his features, and a second later, your room fills with the first chord of Chasing Cars.
Of your song.
“Cuddle?” Jungkook asks.
You can’t say no to those big, doe eyes, and you lie down with him, your head on his chest.
“You know,” Jungkook says when the first chorus starts. “Ever since you showed me this song, it’s been my favourite.” He pauses, pecks the top of your head. “Not that I didn’t know it before. But it makes me think of you now.”
Just like it makes you think of him.
“It does?” you let out.
You feel him nod more than you see him. “When I marry you, I want it to be the song we dance to.”
Your gaze widens, and you prop yourself up on an elbow so that you can look at him. And despite the dim light in your room, despite the blurriness in your gaze from the happy tears he summoned, his beauty shines for you. So bright, a proof that he’s the Sun in your life.
He’s the astral body you were meant to orbit.
“When you marry me?”
His arm tightens around you. “Yes, when I marry you.”
You smile, brighter than a summer day. “You’ll be my husband.”
“And you’ll be my wife.”
You laugh, a crystal clear sound that heals whatever wounds were left from the months apart. From that night Taehyung punched him and kicked him out. From every time you thought that your timing didn’t align and that maybe you weren’t meant to be in this universe.
But you are. You’ve always been meant to be, haven’t you?
“Let’s start by calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend, shall we?”
He pouts. “M’kay, then. Girlfriend.”
Another laugh tumbles from your lips, and you put your head back on his shoulder. He runs a soothing hand on your back, while you trace random shapes on his chest, and you think this is it.
This is a moment that will be forever engraved in your memory, to look back on whenever you have a bad day. A first moment - though it’s hardly the first - of a long line of events that will make up the story of you and Jeon Jungkook.
The song reaches its last chorus, and your heart, beating in sync with Jungkook’s, reaches the nirvana of you and him.
If I lay here 
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?
And you think, perhaps your story was already written in between the lines of your favourite song - a story of resilient love, and of promises of forever. Perhaps it was written between the first verse and the chorus, or perhaps it was written in the melody. It’s hard to tell - you just know it’s become a law of your universe. 
Now, you’ll lie with Jungkook, and maybe you’ll even forget the world. It’ll just be him, forever.
And you’ll spend the rest of your life chasing cars around his head.
I am so emotional please do not touch me :') I can't believe this story is over. I hope you guys loved the ride - let me know what you think about this last chapter <3
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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callsigns-haze · 29 days
Hello! If you are comfortable can you please write more dad-husband tyler owens? And also i love your content!
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: Tyler reflects on the overwhelming love and responsibility of becoming a father again, making silent promises to his unborn child as he and Y/N cherish the anticipation of their growing family.
Warnings: This chapter contains themes of pregnancy, emotional moments involving family, and heartfelt reflections on parenthood, which may evoke strong feelings.
The late afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the Owens' home. Tyler was on the living room floor with Hazel, their three-year-old daughter, who was deeply engrossed in building a tower with her colourful blocks. Her curls bounced as she placed each block with careful precision, her little tongue poking out in concentration. Tyler watched her with a fond smile, cherishing the simplicity of this moment. It was these quiet afternoons, filled with Hazel's laughter and the joy of just being together, that Tyler loved the most.
“Daddy, look! It’s almost as tall as me!” Hazel exclaimed, her eyes bright with pride as she stepped back to admire her creation.
“That’s amazing, sweetheart,” Tyler replied, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “You’ve got a real talent for building things.”
Hazel’s face lit up with joy, and she threw her arms around Tyler’s neck in a spontaneous hug. Tyler held her close, feeling the warmth of her small body against his chest, and for a moment, everything in the world felt just right.
But something had been different today. From the moment Y/N had left for work that morning, Tyler had sensed it. She’d hugged him a little longer, her gaze lingering on him with an intensity he couldn’t quite place. There was something she wasn’t saying, something just beneath the surface, and it had been on his mind all day.
The sound of the front door opening pulled Tyler from his thoughts. Hazel’s head snapped up, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Mommy’s home!” she squealed, jumping to her feet and racing toward the door.
Tyler followed more slowly, his heart picking up speed as he saw Y/N step inside. She was still in her work clothes, a tired but content smile on her face as she bent down to scoop Hazel into her arms. But even from across the room, Tyler could tell something was different. There was a certain glow about her, a quiet energy that made his breath catch.
“Hey, you two,” Y/N greeted, pressing a kiss to Hazel’s cheek before setting her down. “How was your day?”
“Great!” Hazel chirped, grabbing her mother’s hand and tugging her toward the living room. “I built the tallest tower ever! Come see!”
Y/N laughed, letting herself be led by their daughter, but her eyes flicked to Tyler, and he saw it again—that unreadable emotion that made his heart race. She was holding something back, and he knew she wouldn’t be able to for much longer.
“Why don’t you go get your favourite book, Hazel?” Y/N suggested gently after admiring the tower. “Mommy and Daddy need to talk for a minute.”
Hazel, always eager for story time, nodded eagerly and dashed off to her room, leaving Tyler and Y/N alone in the living room. As soon as she was out of sight, Y/N turned to him, her hands twisting nervously in front of her. Tyler’s heart clenched at the sight. He stepped closer, reaching out to take her hands in his.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” he asked softly, his voice filled with concern and anticipation. “Is everything okay?”
Y/N took a deep breath, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “I... I think I might be pregnant,” she confessed, her voice trembling slightly.
Tyler’s eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat. “You think?” he repeated, his mind racing to catch up with what she was saying.
“I wasn’t sure,” Y/N explained quickly, her words tumbling out as if she needed to get them all out before she lost her nerve. “I’ve been feeling a little off lately, so I picked up a test on the way home, but I don’t know how far along I might be. I just... I needed to know before I told you.”
Tyler stared at her, his breath caught in his throat as the weight of her words settled over him. She thought she might be pregnant. They might be having another baby. He felt a rush of emotions—joy, disbelief, and something that felt like awe.
“Did you take the test?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the small, white stick, holding it out to him with trembling hands. Tyler took it from her, his eyes locking onto the tiny screen. Two pink lines. Positive.
For a moment, the world seemed to stop. Tyler stared at the test in his hand, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to process what he was seeing. He looked back up at Y/N, his eyes wide with disbelief and wonder.
“You’re... you’re pregnant?” he asked, his voice thick with emotion.
Y/N nodded again, tears spilling over her cheeks as she watched his reaction. “I think so,” she whispered. “But I don’t know how far along I am. I wanted to wait to see the doctor before we told Hazel, just to be sure.”
Tyler’s heart swelled with love and gratitude for this woman, for the life they had built together, and for the new life that might be growing inside her. A laugh of pure joy escaped him, and he pulled her into his arms, lifting her off the ground as he spun her around.
Y/N laughed through her tears, her arms wrapping around his neck as she buried her face in his shoulder. “Tyler,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. “We’re going to have another baby.”
Tyler set her down gently, his hands cupping her face as he looked into her eyes. His own eyes were wet with tears now, but he didn’t care. This moment was too beautiful, too perfect to hold anything back.
“I can’t believe it,” he murmured, his voice shaky with joy. “We’re having another baby.”
Y/N smiled up at him, her eyes shining with happiness. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I wasn’t expecting it either, but... I’m happy, Tyler. I’m really happy.”
Tyler felt his heart swell even more, if that was possible. He pulled her close, pressing his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes, letting the reality of their new situation wash over him. They were going to do this all over again—nights of soothing a crying baby, days of watching another child grow and learn and become their own person. And he couldn’t wait.
“We’ll take it one step at a time,” he whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination. “We’ll see the doctor, find out how far along you are, and then... then we’ll tell Hazel. She’s going to be so excited.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes still locked on his. “I know she will be. She’s going to be an amazing big sister.”
Tyler laughed softly, his thumb brushing away the tear that had slipped down her cheek. “And you’re going to be an amazing mom to two kids. Just like you are to Hazel.”
Y/N smiled, leaning into his touch as she let out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t do it without you, Tyler.”
“You won’t have to,” he promised, his voice filled with love. “We’re in this together, every step of the way.”
They stood there for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, their hearts full of love and anticipation for the journey ahead. Tyler knew that there would be challenges, just like there had been with Hazel, but he also knew that they would face them together, as a family.
After a while, they both glanced toward Hazel’s room, where their daughter was no doubt waiting eagerly for them to join her. Tyler smiled, squeezing Y/N’s hand.
“Should we go read that story?” he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, a soft smile on her lips. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
A few days after Y/N had taken the pregnancy test, Tyler and Y/N found themselves sitting in the waiting room of their OB-GYN’s office, anticipation and nerves swirling in the air around them. Y/N’s hand was clasped tightly in Tyler’s, their fingers intertwined as they waited for their names to be called. The past few days had been a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, disbelief, and a deep sense of joy that they were both still coming to terms with.
Tyler glanced over at Y/N, who was nervously tapping her foot on the floor. He squeezed her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. “You okay?” he asked softly.
Y/N nodded, though the tension in her shoulders was still visible. “I’m just anxious,” she admitted. “I want to know how far along we are. I want to see the baby.”
Tyler felt a surge of protectiveness for her, his thumb brushing gently over the back of her hand. “We’ll know soon,” he assured her. “And whatever happens, we’re in this together.”
Y/N smiled at him, her eyes softening with love. “I know,” she whispered, leaning into his shoulder as they continued to wait.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the nurse called them back. Tyler and Y/N stood, their hands still linked as they followed the nurse down the hallway to the ultrasound room. The room was dimly lit, with a comfortable chair next to the examination table where Y/N would soon be lying. Tyler helped her onto the table, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
The ultrasound technician, a kind woman with a gentle demeanour, greeted them with a warm smile. “Congratulations,” she said, her voice full of genuine warmth. “We’re going to get our first look at your baby today.”
Y/N returned the smile, though Tyler could see the anxiety still lingering in her eyes. He took her hand again, standing close by as the technician prepared the equipment. The sound of the machine powering on filled the room, and Tyler felt his heart rate pick up in anticipation.
“Alright, Y/N,” the technician said, her voice calm and reassuring. “This might feel a little cold, but it’ll warm up quickly.”
Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath as the technician applied the gel to her abdomen. Tyler watched closely, his eyes fixed on the screen next to them. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he knew this moment was going to be one he’d remember for the rest of his life.
The technician moved the ultrasound wand over Y/N’s stomach, her eyes focused on the screen as she began to search for the tiny life growing inside her. Tyler held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the screen with wide eyes, looking for any sign of their baby.
And then, there it was—a small, flickering shape on the screen, barely recognizable, but unmistakably there. Tyler’s breath caught in his throat, his eyes welling up with tears as he realized what he was seeing.
“There’s your baby,” the technician said softly, her voice full of awe as she pointed to the tiny figure on the screen. “Right here.”
Tyler’s hand tightened around Y/N’s as he stared at the screen, unable to tear his eyes away from the small, flickering heartbeat. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The room seemed to fall away, leaving just him, Y/N, and the incredible sight of their child’s first image.
“Is that...?” Y/N’s voice trembled, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at the screen.
The technician nodded, smiling warmly at both of them. “That’s your baby,” she confirmed. “It looks like you’re about eight weeks along. Everything is measuring perfectly.”
Eight weeks. Tyler felt a rush of emotion—relief, joy, and an overwhelming sense of awe. Their baby was already so real, already so alive. He could see the tiny head, the beginnings of arms and legs, all so small and yet so perfect. And that heartbeat—steady, strong, a beautiful rhythm that filled him with a sense of wonder he couldn’t quite put into words.
Y/N squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with tears as she looked up at him. “Tyler, that’s our baby,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Tyler couldn’t speak for a moment, his throat tight with the effort of holding back his own tears. He nodded, swallowing hard as he looked down at Y/N. “I know,” he whispered back, his voice breaking. “It’s really happening.”
The technician continued to take measurements, pointing out different parts of the baby as she did. Tyler listened, barely registering the words as he focused on the tiny, flickering heartbeat that held his entire world in its rhythm. Every detail was perfect, every movement a miracle.
“There’s the head,” the technician said softly, her voice full of the quiet reverence that came with witnessing the beginning of a new life. “And here, you can see the arms starting to form.”
Tyler watched in awe as the technician moved the wand, showing them different angles of their baby. Each new image brought a fresh wave of emotion, and he found himself blinking back tears more than once. He looked down at Y/N, seeing the same mixture of joy and wonder reflected in her eyes.
“We’re really going to do this again,” Y/N whispered, her voice filled with both excitement and a touch of disbelief.
Tyler nodded, his heart full to bursting. “We are,” he agreed, his voice thick with emotion. “And I can’t wait.”
The technician finished the scan, printing out a few images for them to take home. Tyler took the small, glossy pictures with trembling hands, his eyes scanning each one as if trying to commit every detail to memory. This was their baby—small, delicate, and already so deeply loved.
“Everything looks great,” the technician said, smiling at them both as she handed the pictures to Tyler. “You’re right on track. Congratulations again.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said, her voice filled with gratitude.
Tyler helped Y/N sit up, the two of them still in a daze as they thanked the technician and left the room. As they walked out into the hallway, Tyler couldn’t stop looking at the ultrasound pictures in his hand. He knew they’d be showing these to Hazel soon enough, sharing the news that she was going to be a big sister. But for now, this moment was theirs, a private joy that filled his heart with more love than he thought possible.
Once they were back in the car, Tyler turned to Y/N, his hand resting gently on her stomach. “I’m so happy,” he whispered, his eyes meeting hers. “I didn’t think I could love anyone as much as I love Hazel, but... this baby, our baby... it’s like my heart just keeps growing.”
Y/N smiled, her own hand covering his as she leaned in to kiss him softly. “I feel the same way,” she murmured against his lips. “We’re going to be a family of four, Tyler. Can you believe it?”
Tyler shook his head, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “No,” he admitted, his voice full of wonder. “But I can’t wait.”
The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light through the windows of the Owens’ living room. Tyler and Y/N sat on the couch, their hearts full of anticipation as they prepared to share the news with Hazel. They had just returned from the doctor’s appointment, where they’d seen their tiny baby on the ultrasound for the first time. The black-and-white pictures of the baby’s first images were still fresh in their minds, tucked away safely in Y/N’s purse.
Hazel was playing on the floor nearby, her toy animals scattered around her as she created an elaborate scene with them. She was in her own little world, humming softly to herself as she made her animals talk to each other. Tyler watched her with a soft smile, feeling his heart swell with love for his little girl. Soon, she would no longer be their only child. She would be a big sister.
“Hazel,” Y/N called gently, breaking the peaceful silence.
Hazel looked up from her toys, her wide brown eyes curious. “Yes, Mommy?” she asked, pushing her curls out of her face as she stood up.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Tyler said, patting the spot between him and Y/N on the couch. “We have something really special to tell you.”
Hazel’s eyes lit up with excitement. She loved surprises and special news, and she quickly climbed onto the couch between her parents, looking up at them expectantly. “What is it?” she asked eagerly, her little hands gripping Tyler’s arm as she bounced slightly in her seat.
Tyler exchanged a glance with Y/N, who nodded slightly, her own excitement mirrored in her eyes. Tyler took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation as he prepared to share the news that would change Hazel’s world.
“Well, Hazel,” Tyler began, his voice soft and full of love, “you know how much we love you, right?”
Hazel nodded vigorously, her curls bouncing. “I know! I love you and Mommy too!” she declared, her face glowing with happiness.
Tyler smiled, his heart melting at her words. “And you know how we’ve always told you that you’re our special little girl?” he continued.
Hazel nodded again, her eyes wide with curiosity. “Uh-huh.”
Y/N leaned in, her hand gently stroking Hazel’s back as she spoke. “Well, Hazel, you’re going to be even more special soon,” she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. “Because you’re going to be a big sister.”
Hazel blinked, her little brow furrowing in confusion as she tried to process the information. “A big sister?” she repeated, her voice full of wonder. “What does that mean?”
Tyler’s heart swelled with love as he saw the mix of emotions on Hazel’s face—curiosity, excitement, and a little bit of uncertainty. He reached out and gently took her small hand in his, his voice gentle as he explained.
“It means that Mommy has a baby growing in her tummy,” Tyler said, watching Hazel closely for her reaction. “And in a few months, that baby is going to come out, and you’ll have a little brother or sister to play with and take care of.”
Hazel’s eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting from Tyler to Y/N and then back to Tyler again. “A baby?” she whispered, her voice full of awe. “In Mommy’s tummy?”
Y/N smiled, nodding as she placed Hazel’s hand on her stomach. “That’s right, sweetie,” she said softly. “There’s a baby in here right now, growing and getting ready to meet us.”
Hazel’s little hand rested gently on Y/N’s stomach, her eyes wide with wonder as she tried to comprehend what she was being told. She was silent for a moment, her expression serious as she thought about the idea of being a big sister.
Finally, Hazel looked up at her parents, her eyes shining with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. “Can I see the baby?” she asked eagerly, her voice tinged with the innocent wonder that only a child could have.
Tyler and Y/N exchanged a tender look, both of them smiling at their daughter’s eagerness. “We have pictures of the baby,” Y/N said, reaching for her purse. “Do you want to see them?”
Hazel nodded eagerly, her eyes glued to Y/N as she pulled out the ultrasound pictures. Y/N carefully unfolded the glossy images and handed them to Hazel, who took them with reverence, her little fingers holding the edges as she stared at the black-and-white shapes.
Tyler watched her closely, his heart pounding with emotion as he saw the way Hazel’s face lit up when she saw the tiny baby on the screen. “That’s your little brother or sister,” he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. “Right there in Mommy’s tummy.”
Hazel’s eyes widened even more as she stared at the ultrasound picture, her mouth opening slightly in awe. “That’s the baby?” she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. “That’s really the baby?”
Y/N nodded, her eyes filling with tears as she watched Hazel’s reaction. “Yes, sweetheart,” she said softly. “That’s really the baby.”
Hazel was silent for a long moment, her eyes locked on the ultrasound picture as she absorbed the reality of what she was seeing. Then, slowly, a smile spread across her face—a smile so bright and pure that it made Tyler’s heart ache with love.
“I’m going to be a big sister,” Hazel said softly, almost to herself, as if she was still trying to wrap her mind around the idea. “I’m going to have a baby to take care of.”
Tyler felt his throat tighten with emotion, and he reached out to gently cup Hazel’s cheek, his voice full of love as he spoke. “Yes, you are, Hazel. And you’re going to be the best big sister ever.”
Hazel looked up at him, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and excitement. “I’ll help you and Mommy take care of the baby,” she promised, her voice filled with determination. “I’ll be the best big sister in the whole world!”
Y/N let out a soft laugh, tears spilling over her cheeks as she leaned in to kiss Hazel’s forehead. “I know you will, sweetie,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “You’re going to be amazing.”
Hazel beamed up at her parents, her face glowing with happiness as she hugged the ultrasound pictures to her chest. “I can’t wait to meet the baby,” she said, her voice full of innocent joy. “I’m going to teach them everything I know!”
Tyler felt his heart swell with pride and love for his little girl, and he pulled her into his arms, holding her close as he kissed the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you, Hazel,” he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion. “You’re going to be the best big sister in the world.”
Hazel snuggled into Tyler’s embrace, her little arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she held onto him with all her might. “I love you, Daddy,” she whispered, her voice filled with all the love she had in her tiny heart. “And I love the baby too.”
Tyler closed his eyes, letting the overwhelming emotion of the moment wash over him as he held his daughter close. “I love you too, Hazel,” he whispered back, his voice thick with tears. “And we all love the baby. So much.”
Later that night, after the excitement of the day had finally wound down and Hazel was tucked into bed, Tyler found himself sitting alone in the living room, the house bathed in the soft, dim light of the lamps. Y/N had gone upstairs to check on Hazel one last time, leaving Tyler a few quiet moments to himself.
He leaned back into the couch, his mind swirling with everything that had happened. It had been such a monumental day, filled with so many emotions that he was still trying to process it all. The realization that Hazel was going to be a big sister, the ultrasound, the way their little girl had reacted with such innocent joy—it all felt like a beautiful dream.
Tyler’s eyes fell on the ultrasound pictures sitting on the coffee table in front of him. He reached out, picking them up with gentle fingers, and studied them in the soft light. The tiny, blurry form of their new baby seemed to pulse with life, and as he stared at it, a wave of emotion washed over him.
He felt the weight of it all—the responsibility, the love, the sheer miracle of it. His throat tightened as he thought about how much his life had changed since becoming a father. The overwhelming love he felt for Hazel, and now, the love that was already growing for this new little life. He wasn’t sure how his heart could contain it all, but somehow, it did.
A tear slipped down his cheek, and Tyler didn’t bother to wipe it away. It was a tear of pure, unfiltered emotion—a mixture of joy, awe, and a touch of fear. The same kind of fear he had felt when Y/N had first told him she was pregnant with Hazel. The fear of the unknown, of not being enough, of the challenges that lay ahead. But he knew now, as he had learned over the past three years, that love would always be enough.
He thought about Hazel, her little face lighting up when she realized she was going to be a big sister. The way she had clutched those ultrasound pictures to her chest, already loving the baby she hadn’t even met yet. Tyler’s heart swelled with pride and love for his daughter, who had shown him a kind of love he hadn’t known was possible until she came into his life.
And then there was Y/N. His wife, his partner, his everything. She had been through so much already, and now they were about to embark on this journey again. He knew there would be challenges, moments of exhaustion, moments of doubt—but he also knew that there would be so much joy. So much love.
Tyler let out a shaky breath, closing his eyes as he held the ultrasound picture close to his chest. He whispered into the quiet of the living room, speaking to the baby that was still growing inside Y/N.
“I promise you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion, “I’ll do everything I can to be the best dad I can be for you. Just like I am for Hazel. I promise I’ll protect you, and love you, and always be there for you. Just like I am for your sister.”
He opened his eyes, staring down at the tiny image of the baby, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. “You’re going to have the best big sister in the world,” he continued softly. “And you have the best mom too. We’re going to be a family, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re safe and happy.”
The sound of soft footsteps caught his attention, and Tyler looked up to see Y/N standing in the doorway, her eyes filled with the same emotion he was feeling. She walked over to him, sitting down next to him on the couch and resting her head on his shoulder.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked softly, her hand resting gently on his arm.
Tyler took a deep breath, his eyes still on the ultrasound picture in his hand. “Just... how lucky we are,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “How much I love you, and Hazel, and this little one already. It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
Y/N smiled softly, her hand moving to rest on his chest, right over his heart. “We are lucky,” she agreed, her voice full of warmth. “And you’re going to be an amazing dad to both of them, Tyler. I have no doubt about that.”
Tyler turned to look at her, his eyes filled with love and gratitude. He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I couldn’t do this without you,” he murmured against her skin. “You’re my rock, Y/N. You always have been.”
Y/N’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she looked up at him, her smile soft and full of love. “And you’re mine,” she whispered back. “We’re in this together, Tyler. Just like always.”
They sat there in the quiet of the living room, holding each other close as they let the reality of their growing family settle around them. Tyler knew there were challenges ahead—long nights, tired days, moments of doubt—but he also knew that with Y/N by his side, they could face anything.
As he held the ultrasound picture close, Tyler made one more silent promise—to love his family with everything he had, to be the best father he could be, and to cherish every moment of this incredible journey they were on together.
And with Y/N by his side, he knew that promise would be easy to keep.
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revasserium · 8 months
promise (to be holy)
rafayel; 1,745 words; fluff, fluff w/out plot, established relationship, kinda?spoilers for raf's lvl 55 affection story, no "y/n", genderless!reader, very suggestive but not actually nsfw
summary: oh, didn't you know? promises are sacred things beneath the ocean...
a/n: @syneilesis thank u for being my lad screaming buddy; this one's for you and for raf the little slut
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The ocean has always been a certain kind of poetry, hasn’t it? You smile to yourself as you blink yourself awake and the world is the size of your sunlit bedroom. Rafayel’s breaths are even, his lashes so dark and long they remind you of a certain kind of midnight — the kind that catches starlight in her hair and has magic in her fingertips.
The kind of midnight that inspires wonder.
“If you really are that enamored with me… I can paint you a portrait. It’ll last longer.”
You blush, even as Rafayel’s eyes flicker open to catch yours, his lips pulled into a teasing, sleep-heavy smile.
“I — I wasn’t staring. I just woke up too and you were blocking my sun.”
You try to turn away, but Rafayel is faster, his arm looping around your middle to pin you to him, his breath warm as it kisses the skin of your bare shoulder. He cocks his head, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.
“Oh? Is that so?” he asks, shifting so that your eyes are level. The morning light paints his outline in liquid gold, and from here, the shade of his eyes makes you think of all the secrets the sea might keep from the sky.
“Mhm,” you nod, licking your lips, and watching with some satisfaction, as his eyes flick down to trace the movement. His skin is warm and his fingers soft as they press into the bend of your waist to pull you closer.
“Liar,” he says — whispers, before he dips down to graze his lips against yours.
You sigh against him, grinning as you curl your fingers into his hair and tug. The way he gasps makes a certain, unnamable hunger surge within you, pushing you forward till you’re pressing him back into the bed, your thighs on either side of his hips.
“Y-you — ngh —” Rafayel hisses as he tips his head back, his teeth digging into his bottom lip, his fingers inadvertently into your skin. You cock your head — and perhaps it’s the tantalizing line of his neck as he leans back, straining beneath you, or perhaps it’s just the morning light, falling like a lover’s caress across the smooth of his skin, the soft wave of his hair as it splays across the pillow — dark against light.
“Now… who’re you calling a liar?” you ask, flattening your palm slowly against his chest, reveling in the way his stomach tenses beneath you, how his breaths seem to quicken as you lean down and down and down.
“Y-you —” he almost musters up a glare as he hisses, “bullying the weak…” he murmurs as he tries to turn away. You twist his face back towards you with a finger beneath his chin and watch as his eyes go wide.
“Oh? You think this is bullying? But… I haven’t even gotten started yet…” you don’t miss the way his pupils dilate, the way his entire body goes rigid and then soft.
“I — you — I’m not accustomed to the ways of you humans! T-to a Lemurian like me… this is — this is —” The words die on his lips as you lean down to skim your lips along the bend of his neck, dropping phantom kisses on the long line of his collarbone, your fingers still holding his head in place.
“Hm?” you hum, grinning as he arches up into your touch, his fingers digging crescent-moon grooves into your hips and thighs, “this is… what, exactly?”
Rafayel makes a broken, keening noise at the back of his throat as you pull away, a fox-fire smile twisting your lips. You blink down at him, feigning innocence.
“Didn’t you say you were going to tell me all about Lemurian traditions? Why not start now?”
His eyes narrow as he forces himself to look away from you. You can almost feel the heat radiating off him in waves, burning from the tips of his ears all the way to the roots of his hair.
“I — you —” his lashes flutter and you can’t help your own laughter as it bubbles from you.
“C’mon, let’s get up — didn’t you want to go to the paint shop today — oh!”
You make to pull away, swinging your legs off him, but the world tilts as a pair of hands pull you back, and a moment later, you’re being pressed into an ocean of tangled sheets and pillows, Rafayel’s face hovering above yours, his expression caught between annoyance and ill-concealed desire.
“You shouldn’t start something you can’t finish,” he cocks his head, lips drawn into a delightful pout as you try to tug your hand away. He huffs as he pins you down harder, the redness in his cheeks deepening even as he leans in.
“Who said I was starting anything?” you ask, batting your lashes up at him even as he scoffs.
“Words aren’t the only way to make promises, y’know,” he says, and you feel his grip on you loosen. But there’s a tantalizing lilt to his voice that holds you in place, a dark, faraway look in his eyes as he leans back slightly, his gaze grazing down the shape of you, splayed out beneath him.
“Yeah? Then… what’s another way of making a promise?” you ask, propping yourself up on your elbows as he shifts back to allow you more space. You shift and the pair of you find yourself sitting face to face, the sheets rumpled around you like a white-sand beach, the remnants of the night before scattered in the folds like footsteps in the sand.
He looks at you before his eyes cast downwards. Your fingertips itch toward him and you reach out, brushing aside a stray strand of hair. Quick as a flicker, he catches your hand, pressing his cheek to your palm, eyes falling shut as he sighs.
“There’s… lots of ways to make a promise…” he says, murmuring it against your skin as he turns his face to press a kiss to the delicate skin of your wrist. You shiver as heat chases up your arm, tingling through your body as you swallow.
You sit there, frozen, as he leans in, slow and slow and slow — till you can feel the heat of his breath on your lips.
“You see… words are a little harder when you’re underwater, so sometimes we make promises by touching palms —” he turns his hand around yours till your fingers lace, “sometimes… we brush cheeks…” he grins as he leans in further, his cheek brushing by yours.
“And sometimes…” he pulls back ever so slightly, till you feel your own breath catch in your chest. His voice is deep and warm and soft and sweet — tugging you in as the moon on the tide, and you can’t help but wonder at the mysterious forces that might’ve pulled you towards one another in the beginning.
Chance, or perhaps something much less nebulous — like gravity.
Your lips meet like magnets clicking into place, and it’s far from the first time you’ve kissed but somehow here, in the morning light, with the windows of the bedroom thrown open to welcome the sea, the salt hanging solid and heavy in the air, it feels like the first time. You can taste the smile on Rafayel’s lips, can feel the eager way he presses in, tongue sweeping across your lips as you gasp open for him. You feel the weight of his body as he pulls you in, pushes you down, and the gentle give and take of it all somehow rings out against the slow shushing of the rising tides.
When he finally pulls away, both of you are breathless. You wonder, briefly, dazedly, if he might’ve been able to go on kissing like that forever. Do Lemurians even need to breathe? What might it be like to kiss like that and never feel the burning ache of oxygen in your lungs? It’s a dizzying thought, and you let yourself linger on it for a second more before Rafayel’s laughter breaks your train of thought.
“What? Was it so good that you’ve gone into shock?”
You blink, shaking your head as you feel heat wash up into your cheeks.
“No! I — I was just wondering… what does a kiss promise, exactly?”
And at this, Rafayel’s cheeks darken again, but he sighs and lowers himself onto the bed next to you, a finger trailing idly along the bend of your ear.
“Well…” he says, “it depends on the kind of kiss.”
You yelp, swatting at him with a pillow as your stomach flips inside you at the implications. His laughter is bright and pure and sweet, but as you both settle down again, he shrugs, pulling you closer to nuzzle his nose against yours.
“But mostly… a kiss just promises that there’ll be another kiss.”
You smile, leaning up to graze your lips against his, “Like that?”
He lets out a soft groan before pulling you in, his lips parting yours, slow and sensuous.
“Yeah… just like that.”
“And so… if you kiss once then…” you press a finger to his lips to stop him from leaning down again, “you’ve gotta keep on kissing? Forever?”
Rafayel grins, tugging away your hand, “That’s not going to be a problem, is it?”
You purse your lips, humming as you feign contemplation. Rafayel scoffs and makes to move away again, but you pull him back, laughing.
“You can’t leave yet! We’ve got a promise to keep, remember?” and with that, you kiss him, and he softens. As he always does.
“I think…” he says, a little breathless as the pair of you sink back into the sheets, “we’ve got a bit more than one promise… but I think we can start with this one…” and he leans in to capture your lips in his, fingers drifting to the skin of your waist. And as the dawning day watches from beyond the window, the ocean shushes itself against a stretch of forgotten beach, water through sand like tangling lovers’ fingers, reaching and holding, pushing and pulling.
And for lovers like that, there will always be promises to keep, and keep, and keep.
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pls come talk to me about love and deepspace oh m ygod
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andvys · 2 months
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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Chapter twenty four ⭐︎ I once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden
Warnings: confrontations, angst, mentions of loss and death, confrontations, lots and lots of fluff, allusions to smut
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: You introduce Steve to your family... and step out of hiding.
Word count: 10.6k
Author’s note: @hellfire--cult thank you for helping me proofread and writing this chapter bby<3 can you believe we’re almost done with this story?
Series Masterlist ⭐︎ Previous Chapter ⭐︎ Next Chapter
Sun kisses your skin with its warmth, the smell of fresh flowers and wet grass lingers all around you, the leaves that are slowly changing color are still dripping with water from the light rain that greeted you this morning. Your hand is safely embraced by your boyfriend, who is rubbing soothing circles on your skin, squeezing you and holding you close as he stares at the names engraved into the stone, where the bodies of your parents lie six feet under, the only remains left of them buried underneath the ground. The only things evident of their existence are all the pictures ever taken of them. 
He can feel your sadness as you stare at the names of your parents, he can feel your grief, even after all these years, you still feel it just as deeply as you did back then. 
But Steve doesn’t know that you no longer feel alone, that his presence comforts you in ways nothing else ever could. You squeeze his hand and lean your head on his shoulder. 
You wish he could’ve gotten to know them differently, your father would’ve loved him, your mother would’ve adored him. Steve would’ve been a part of your family. 
But this is the only way. 
You spent the morning in your bed, going through old pictures, ones he hasn’t seen yet, you shared sacred memories with him, introduced him to your favorite pictures of your family, he watched and listened with a smile on his face, a longing look in his eyes, wishing that he could’ve had a good relationship with his own parents too, wishing that he could’ve met yours. 
So when you offered to introduce him to them, even if only like this, he immediately said yes. He stopped by the store and got flowers to put on your parents' grave, the flowers that were your mom’s favorites. 
You whispered softly when you arrived, ‘hi mom, hey dad’, you touched the stone and looked down with tears in your eyes, Steve’s heart broke at that moment. But then you stepped back and took his hand again, and for the first time, you introduced him as your boyfriend, though you both wished it was under different circumstances, wishing he could shake your dad’s hand instead, that he could hand those flowers to your mom, that he could talk to them, that he could promise them that he will take good care of you, just like he would like to promise it to your best friend. 
There are fresh flowers on his grave too, ones that can’t be older than a day or two. He knows they are from you, blue tulips.
He never asked himself that question before but now he wonders how much time you spend at the cemetery. How many lonely days have led you here, to your best friend, to your parents. The thought only breaks his heart even more.
A sigh falls from your lips and he turns away from the flowers and looks at you. You are staring at Max’s letter that fused into the grass, the ink nearly washed away from all the rain that followed since that day. 
“Come on,” you whisper, no longer wanting to be here, standing before the grave of your best friend who should’ve been anywhere but here, every time you’re here, your heart breaks all over again. You tug at your boyfriend’s hand and start to pull him away, eying his burgundy car already but Steve stops you, with a squeeze of his hand and a kind smile on his beautiful face. 
“Wait, give me a moment will you?” He asks softly, fishing out his car keys from his pocket, he hands them to you and takes a step closer, pressing his lips to your temple, “I’ll be right there, darling.”
Despite the curiosity and the confusion building up in you, you close your hand around his keys and nod, looking into his soft hazel eyes, you match the look on his face, smiling at your boyfriend, you let go of his hand and grab his shoulder instead, rising up on your tippy toes, you kiss his lips before you step away and give him the privacy he asked for. 
Steve watches you walk away, a fond smile still resting on his features, you are wearing his jacket, pulling it tighter around you when the wind kisses your skin. His heart skips a beat when you pull the collars around your neck tighter as well. It will smell like you and he can’t wait to breathe in your scent once he wears it himself again. 
When you get into the passenger seat of his car, Steve turns around again, facing the grave he hasn’t seen since the day he drove Max here. 
A sudden nervousness rushes through him and settles in the pit of his stomach, a tension he hasn’t felt in a while surrounding him now, the kind he only ever felt when he was around Billy. He never liked him and Billy certainly never liked him either. 
The cold breeze blows through his hair, messing it up just the slightest bit. Steve clears his throat and looks around, restraining himself from crossing his arms.
It’s almost as though he is here. 
The awkward tension hangs heavy in the air, he can feel it but he needs to do this, he has to. 
“Hey man,” Steve breaks the silence, feeling a little ridiculous, standing here before Billy’s grave, greeting him like he was a friend. “I know I’m probably the last person you wanna… uh… hear or see?” He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck as he stares at his name.
“But I just… I know what you mean to her, I know what she meant to you… and fuck… I hurt her… many times, so many that I’d deserve to get beaten to death by you. But I promise to make up for all of that. I will protect her… for me and for you. I promise. I’m pretty sure that if I’d ever hurt her again, Eddie would honor you, Hargrove, and just kill me.” Steve chuckles, knowing how fucked he would’ve been had Billy known everything. “But I promise, I will never hurt her again. I love her, I love her so much, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for that girl, Billy. It took me a while to open my eyes and put away my pride but I see her now, she has my heart.” He speaks with a softness in his voice. 
The wind blows again, a little softer this time but the leaves fall from the trees and onto his gravestone. The silence that follows reminds him of how ghostly the place is, how full yet empty it is, how lifeless yet… not. But everyone in here is gone, including your best friend. 
Steve looks down at his hands, he might never understand the bond you two shared, but he knows one thing for sure, he kept you safe, when he was here and when he was not. 
“Thank you,” Steve whispers, feeling sad over a man he could never stand but one that means something special to you, “for protecting her all along, in life and in death.” 
And then, Steve takes one last look at Billy’s name, at the grave you visit so often, “I got her now,” he promises before he steps away and leaves. 
You don’t question him when he gets into the driver's seat of his car, you don’t give any more curious, questioning looks, you simply smile and take his hand when he reaches for yours, a habit you had quickly gotten used to and very comfortable with. 
It’s only been a few days since you had started dating officially, it feels much longer than that… with good reason. 
You haven’t seen any of your friends since ‘the party’ at Eddie’s place, you only talked to Eddie on the phone and told him about what happened, and Robin… she only called Steve one more time before she gave him the space he asked for. 
You wanted alone time with each other, you wanted to exist with only one another. You barely left the house for three days and most of that time it was spent in your bed. You went out to get food and didn’t hide when you held each other’s hands or kissed in the parking lot of the diner, not caring that your friends who are still clueless about your relationship could see, and while you are both excited for the big reveal, you can’t help but love this little secret between you, the secret that you now live out openly, the bubble you have both created, the one that is about to burst. 
When Steve parks his car in Eddie’s driveway, you feel the calmness in you slowly transforming into dread and anxiety, knowing that you will have to face a person, a girl you considered a close friend you now see as someone unpleasant, especially after all the treatment you received from her in the past few weeks, the words she spewed at you, the words you never revealed to Steve. 
It was hurtful and offending but still, you couldn’t repeat the things she said to you, not to him. She is still his best friend, still the person who wanted to protect him from pain and heartbreak and you have no intention to break them apart but you can’t digest the words she hit you with, they were distasteful and rude and the disgust in her eyes cut you deep. 
“Hey,” your boyfriend whispers, pulling you out of your thoughts with his gentle voice. He brings your hand up towards his face and kisses your knuckles, looking at you with a reassuring smile on his face, “it’s gonna be okay.”
You look into his hazel eyes and you can’t help but wonder what he would think, how he would react if you told him about the things she said to you, how he would react once she tells him what happened between you and her – you know she will, you know that despite her fear of losing him, she will tell him everything. 
“Yeah,” you smile weakly. 
You can tell that he is anxious too, with the way he runs his fingers through his hair and sighs, holds your hand tightly and looks at Eddie’s house with a hint of fear in his eyes. 
Eddie and Steve haven’t been on the best terms either, you know why, that’s why you aren’t angry at Robin for wanting to protect her best friend, you are angry at her for the way she judged you, for the way she approached this whole situation. You saw the guilt and the regret in her eyes when she realized how wrong she was about you but it did nothing to mend the anger and the hurt in you. 
Steve’s comforting hand is on the small of your back when you make your way up Eddie’s porch, you can’t even ring the bell or knock before the front door opens suddenly and your best friend’s eyes meet yours. You feel Steve tensing up beside you when he looks between you both and then down at your joined hands. A look of relief, a look of happiness for you crosses his face and then, he steps out and grabs your hand, pulling you away from Steve and into his embrace, he hugs you tightly, tighter than he ever hugged and held you before, not only because he is happy for you but also because he missed you. 
A smile tugs at your lips, warmth blooming in your chest at the love you feel for him. You lift your arms up and hug him back. 
“Hi Eds,” you whisper. 
“Hey stranger,” he whispers and squeezes your arms, “I missed you.”
Steve looks between you both with softness in his eyes and a warm smile on his lips. Though the tension in him is still strong and the one in Eddie too, Steve can see it when he pulls away from you and takes a long look at him. He can see the guilt in his eyes, the awkwardness and the missing coldness that he looked at him with for the past months. 
“Steve,” Eddie mumbles, nodding at him. 
“Hey man,” Steve greets him with a hint of a smile. 
Both are tense, both are awkward. 
You clear your throat and step back, reaching for your boyfriend’s hand again who takes it happily, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“Right uh,” Eddie mumbles and scratches the back of his neck, stepping back into his house and inviting you both in. “Robin is in the living room, we can uh… talk, no one’s here, Wayne went out with Susan, Max went with them.” 
Steve nods at his words, he breaks eye contact with him and looks back at you. He doesn’t know a single thing about what happened between you and his best friend, he doesn’t know what words were thrown around, what had been said, how bad it actually got. He knew it was bad, he knew it from the moment he saw the hurt look in your eyes, the disappointment towards his best friend, towards someone you thought was your friend too. You were angry, you were hurt and still, you protected her from his anger by not telling him but he needs to know now. 
“I’m gonna talk to Eddie for a second, I’ll be right there,” you tell him, growing nervous as each second passes. 
He nods, “alright, I’ll go talk to Robin.” 
You don’t want them to fight, you don’t want him to stand between you both but you can’t stop anything now. 
He gives you a smile, one that says ‘everything will be okay, no matter what happens, we’ll be okay’. He lets go of your hand and cups the side of your face, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips before he steps away from you and Eddie, leaving you both in the hallway while he makes his way into the living room, where his best friend is already waiting, sitting on the couch with shaky hands and a bouncing knee, staring at the ground with nothing but anxiety and fear written all over her face. The paleness in her cheeks matched the one from the night in the upside down, when she thought that he would die of rabies. 
It hurts him to see her like this and he can’t help but want to pull her into his arms. With a sigh, he speaks her name. 
Robin’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice, she freezes, staring at him like she’s seen a ghost. She doesn’t stand up, doesn’t make her way over to him, she just sits there, quietly and unmoving, like a kid caught doing something their parents have warned them not to. 
“Hey,” Steve mumbles softly, slowly walking towards her, wanting to go in for a hug but she stops him, holding her hand up, motioning for him not to come closer as her eyes well up with tears already. 
This time it’s he who freezes, furrowing his brows at her. 
“Do you know what happened?” She rushes out, her voice even shakier than her hands. 
He runs his hand through his hair, sighing as he shakes his head. 
“No, I don’t, I don’t know what happened, Robin. I don’t know what you said to her, she didn’t want to tell me.” 
Robin sighs loudly, she shuts her eyes and leans forward, burying her face in her hands as she mumbles, “t-that makes it all worse.” She tugs at her hair and sniffles, the guilt consuming her now because even after she threw all these hurtful, disgusting words at you, you still decided to protect her from her best friend’s rage, from losing him. 
How could she misjudge you so poorly? 
How could she say all these things to you? 
She nearly ruined that one thing that he wanted so badly, she nearly took it all away from him.
She feels the couch dipping lower, she smells his cologne and his hairspray as he sits down next to her. He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t demand answers but he waits, he waits for her to speak up about what happened. 
She takes a deep breath and pulls back, looking around herself but not at him, she can’t look into his eyes, she can’t bear to stand the disgust in them once she tells him everything. 
Her heart is already pounding in her chest and her palms grow sweaty, she wipes them against her jeans and takes another few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, trying to get rid of that gnawing feeling in her chest but there is no stopping it, no escaping, she knows how this will end. 
“What I told you about her…” She begins, still refusing to look at him, “wasn’t true… That she had no feelings for you, that she… that you were just a hookup to her… that wasn’t true, you were never just that, I was wrong about it, about her.” 
“Yeah, Robin.” Steve sighs, “you were wrong about her.” 
She closes her eyes again, scrunching them shut as though she is in pain.
“I’ll understand if you will hate me after this, I deserve it.”
Steve shakes his head, “Robin–”
“No! No, you don’t even– fuck… I said some hideous things to her, Steve, and I thought badly of her, really badly.” 
She opens her eyes, though she lowers her head again when she hears your footsteps, when she feels your eyes on her. She feels shame rising in her, growing bigger and bigger until it’s nothing but that inside of her. 
From the corner of her eye, she sees you taking a seat beside Steve, he sees his hand settling on your thigh, reaching for your hand, naturally, openly. She knows what this means, she knows what you are to one another now, and it only makes the feelings in her worse because she was the one who nearly made it all impossible. 
If you were still the girl that she first met when she attacked you with vile words, you and Steve wouldn’t be here now, not like this. You’d both be broken, unaware of each other’s feelings and all because of her mistake. 
The urge to put all the cards on the table prompts her to spill it all out, with no hesitation, with no stopping, she spills out every word she had said to you, confesses the ugly truth to her best friend, to the one she always just wanted to protect. 
Tears escape her eyes the moment she finally takes a look at him, he is angry, he is angry at her, for what she said to you, for how she hurt you. Robin had never seen him this way before, seething, furious and red in his face from the burning emotions in him. 
This is the first time that Steve feels anger towards his best friend. 
And as he looks at her, at the girl who knew about how he feels for you, how dear you are to him, he is in sheer disbelief, unable to understand how she could throw such comments at you, make disgusting remarks about something she never judged him for, how far was she from insulting you further? 
He gets up from the couch, turning his whole body towards her, he points an angry finger at her, “you knew what she means to me! Yet you decided that breaking her apart was still the best idea!? Even if you wanted to protect my honor!? I would have understood what you did if we were in fact in an official relationship at that time, but we weren’t Robin! We were oblivious to each other’s feelings! If she did hurt me in any way, it was unintentional! But you… you judged her without knowing anything, you judged her feelings and her, you hurt her! Did you think that it would make me feel better? Do you think that hurting her would fix my pain? What the fuck, Robin?” He throws his hands up, still staring in disbelief and confusion, unable to understand how she, Robin, could do something like this. 
And now, she won’t even look at him as tears spill down her cheeks. 
“Steve,” you whisper softly, reaching for his hand and pulling him back. 
Steve knows what you are trying to do, that you are still trying to stop him from losing a friend.
He opens his mouth to speak, though your best friend cuts him off. Eddie clears his throat and breathes in shakily, he sits down besides Robin and takes a nervous look at Steve. 
“I’m not innocent in all of this either,” he admits, “it’s not just her you should be mad at. She came to me to talk about you both, about your feelings,” he mumbles, pulling his gaze away from Steve and directing it at you instead. 
You raise your brows at him and cock your head to the side. You knew something happened, even before the argument with Robin, you knew they talked, you knew there was something.
“She wanted to know what you felt for him and I lied, I told her there was nothing.You asked me to keep it all a secret so I did, you didn’t want to lose him and I thought I was doing the right thing by not telling her the truth. You always thought that Steve would break things off if he found out about your feelings so… I didn’t want to give you away, if I knew about his feelings, I wouldn’t have lied but she told me the same thing I told her so…” He shrugs, not hiding the truth from either of you. 
Steve rubs his temples, feeling a migraine coming in as he looks between yours and his best friend, the anger continuing to build up in him. 
But you, you can’t be mad at Eddie for wanting to protect you, not a single emotion of anger rushes through you. 
“Is that why you were such an asshole to me this whole time?” Steve asks, staring at him intensely. “The moment you found out about us, you treated me like I was air.” 
“Can you blame me?” Eddie scoffs, “or did you forget about how you reacted when I thought you were a couple? And besides, with your reputation? I knew what she went through, Steve. I knew how deep her feelings were for you… was it bad to be cautious around you? And it’s not like I–” he pauses, glancing at Robin who only sighs at him when she meets his eyes. 
“It’s not like he cussed you into oblivion… He was… still civil with you. Because unlike me towards Blondie,” she mumbles quietly, looking at you for a brief second, “Eddie gave you the benefit of the doubt.” 
Eddie shakes his head, “I did swear on my mom’s grave and Hargrove’s I would punch your dick if you hurt her. Was gonna make sure that dream of yours of having six kids didn’t come true. And I still stand by this if you do hurt her in the future.” 
You look down at your hands, shaking your head as a small smile appears on your face. 
Steve scoffs and rolls his eyes, runs his fingers through his hair again as he takes a look around him, at Eddie and at you before he glances at her, Robin who is still hiding her face from him and from you, not shaking anymore now that the truth it all out, but her shoulders are slumped and relaxed now, there is no fear anymore, just sadness. 
He is still angry. 
He is still disappointed. 
For a moment, it’s quiet, no words are said, no looks are shared, not until Eddie is the one to break the silence again when he stands up and steps towards Steve.
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you, man. I like you, I really do, you have been a good friend to me after all the shit went down and I shouldn’t have been that way towards you but, I love her, Steve. She is my best friend, I just wanted to protect her,” Eddie says, looking down, “I know I could’ve done that without being a dick though… So, I’m sorry, I really am.” 
Steve’s brows pull together, another sigh falls from his lips. He understands it, he really does and he is glad that you have a best friend who loves you so dearly, who is loyal to you and defends you even if you don’t ask for it. 
“It’s okay, Eddie, I understand it. And I accept your apology.” 
Eddie presses his lips together, he nods, flashing you a quick smile before he looks back at the brunette. 
“So… we’re cool?” 
“Yeah, we’re cool,” Steve mumbles, still having to force a smile. “And I promise, I won’t ever hurt her again.”
Eddie’s face grows serious again, he squints his eyes and leans closer. 
“Yeah, you better don’t, Harrington.”
You look between them both, a smile appearing on your face when they shake hands and Eddie smiles at him. You still sense the tension, you can see it written all over your boyfriend’s face, he needs a moment to digest all of this, you can see it in his eyes, especially when they lock on Robin’s figure. 
The shuffling from your right pulls your attention on both men away, you glance at the girl, who gets up from the couch, wiping her tears before she looks around you all, unable to face you still. 
“I’m sorry for what I did… It was never my intention to hurt any of you, b-but I did… and I’m really fucking sorry,” she says, sadly. “I’m gonna go now.” 
You straighten your back as you watch her, watch how she is ready to walk out of here without asking for forgiveness, ready to leave without friends. Your eyes follow her, just as Steve’s and Eddie’s do too. 
You push yourself up from the couch, not wanting her to leave like this. 
But Steve, he steps away from Eddie and makes his way over to Robin before she can even come close to stepping out into the hallway, he steps in front of her, blocking her way. With a sigh, he wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly, not allowing her to walk away from you all. 
He might be angry, he might be hurt but she still means the world to him and even after everything, he knows her intentions were good, she wanted to protect him just like Eddie wanted to protect you. 
“Thank you for loving me, Birdie.”
A sob falls from Robin’s lips, though it comes out muffled as she hides her face in his chest, “Shut up… I don’t… I don’t love you… ew.” She lies, which only makes him tighten his hold on her. 
“Keep telling yourself that, Buckley.”
Her sniffles are loud, her knuckles turn white from how tightly she holds onto him. You can practically feel her regret and her fear. She thought she lost him and she was ready to let go if that’s what he’d asked of her. 
But you would never be able to live with yourself if he lost her, and all because of you. 
You decide to give them a moment, you glance at Eddie and nod your head towards the direction of his kitchen. He gives you a nod and starts making his way out of the living room, with one last glance at the two best friends, you follow him. 
But a gentle hand stops you from leaving and you halt in your tracks when you look down to find Robin clutching your hand tightly, pulling you back. You furrow your brows and raise your head to look at her apologetic face, the tears still wet on her cheeks, her eyes puffy and filled with sadness. She pushes away from Steve and takes a step forward. 
“Can we talk?” She asks and begs with her eyes, “please…”
Steve looks between you both, giving you an encouraging nod when you look into his eyes. 
You breathe in deeply and nod slowly, “okay…”
Eddie looks between you both from the doorway, now gesturing to Steve to follow him so you two can talk because he can see that Robin wants to be alone with you. Steve pats Robin’s back and gives your temple a soft kiss before he leaves, though hesitating when he sees how uncomfortable you both still look. 
“C’mon,” Eddie murmurs to him. 
“Yeah…” Steve sighs. 
The tension returns once you and Robin are left alone in the room. She wipes her tears before she looks into your eyes again, her cheeks are red, whether from all the tears she shed or the fear in her, you don’t know. 
You wait patiently, not pushing her to talk, you wait until she is ready. 
She starts with your name, speaking softly, “I’m so sorry… I-I was so horrible to you… and you never deserved it. It was never my intention to hurt you. If I would’ve known about your feelings, I would have never done this, I would have never said such… ugly things,” she says, scrunching her face up as she thinks back to the day. “I don’t expect you to forgive me, I haven’t– I haven’t treated you kindly… Maybe if I would’ve paid more attention to you–”
“You didn’t have to,” you shrug, cutting her off, “Steve comes first to you, Robin, I understand that.”
She nods her head but the guilt in her eyes remains. 
“Yeah… I just… I would do anything to keep Dingus safe, I didn’t want to see him hurt anymore, not because of others.” She sighs and looks down, finally letting go of your hand. “But I could’ve approached it all differently, I-I never meant those things I said to you, I never meant to judge… I was angry– and that doesn’t excuse shit but… I’m just… I’m sorry.”
You nod, though the hurt is still deep. 
Whether she meant it or not, she cut you deeply in that moment. 
“I would’ve done the same for Eddie, but I can’t say that I wouldn’t have looked at the other person. I wouldn’t have stepped on someone else’s feelings… not without knowing them.” 
She looks back up at you, the fear still evident in your features, it almost makes you, yourself feel guilty when you speak your next words. 
“... I don’t forgive you, Robin.”
Her shoulders slump, her blue eyes widen and well up with fresh tears, the hurt and the shock are written all over her face. She opens her mouth to speak but no words come out. She looks like she is ready to beg as her big eyes stare into yours. 
“But we can start over.”
She blinks a few times, staring at you like she is frozen in place and then, relief washes over her features and she lets out a deep sigh. 
“Really?” She asks as her eyes soften. 
“Yeah, really,” you whisper and give her a soft smile. “You hurt me but I really like you and I don’t want to lose another friend.” 
Her next move is sudden and you nearly lose your balance when she throws her arms around you and hugs you tightly, pulling you into her embrace as she begins to whisper apologies into your ear followed by promises to never hurt you again. 
You wrap your arms around her too and hug her back just as tightly. 
“Thank you,” she whispers, squeezing your arms. 
Only now as you stand here in the middle of your best friend’s living room, in her embrace, do you realize just how much you missed her friendship, her kind presence in your life, how much you despised her cold shoulder because you just missed her, how much it hurt to receive that treatment from her. 
“Vickie got mad at me because of the way I treated you and now she is not talking to me… I guess I deserve that.” 
A frown makes its way on your face, you pull back from the hug, feeling a little surprised to hear that the redhead came to your defense. You get along with Vickie but you aren’t exactly close. 
You place your hand on her shoulder and look into her guilty eyes, “she didn’t break up with you though, did she?” 
She shakes her head quickly, eyes widening at your question. 
“Then it’s gonna be okay, we’re okay,” you point between you and her, “you and her will be too. Besides, that girl is like… head over heels gone for you. It’s written all over her face, she can’t even look away from you.” 
A blush creeps up to her cheeks, her lips twitch and curl into a smile as her blue eyes light up, she looks down and breathes in shakily, staying quiet for a moment before curiosity takes over her features and she raises her head again. 
“Like you couldn’t look away from Steve all these years?” 
Now it’s your turn to blush and hide your face from her. 
“I wish I knew…” Robin whispers, in guilt and in regret. When she found out about your feelings, she was taken back to all the times Steve had hurt you with harsh words, the pained look in your eyes, the wetness in them and the hurt in your expression suddenly made sense. If he were anyone else, you wouldn’t have been touched in the slightest but it was him, Steve, the guy you had fallen in love with long before she even befriended him. The guy who disliked you to the point of throwing vile words at you, even after you risked your life and jumped into unknown waters just to save his life. The guy you watched fall for his ex-girlfriend again, the same girl that hurt him and broke his heart, the same one that broke his heart for a second time. 
Only when it was too late, when the damage was down, did she realize just how much you loved him. She was so blind to the way you looked at him because she was so focused on protecting him, if she had looked closer, just for a single second, none of this would have happened. 
“It’s okay, Robin. We can move past this now.”
She nods with a small smile, a sad one. 
“He really hurt you didn’t he?” Robin mumbles, now knowing how much you suffered, all these years, all because of your feelings for someone who didn’t reciprocate them until now. 
It doesn’t matter anymore, the past has slipped away. 
“He made up for it.” 
“Yeah,” she breathes, and looks into the hallway, you both can hear their voices coming from the kitchen, the sound of a beer bottle opening. A smile appears on her face and she looks back at you, “did you watch him run around in his stupidly short gym shorts during PE?” 
A snort escapes you and you slap her shoulder, rolling your eyes when your cheeks heat up at her question. 
You did. And you enjoyed every second of it. 
A giggle falls from her lips and she pinches your side, “you so did!” 
You push her hand away with a laugh and take a step back, starting to make your way out of the living room with her hot on your heels, her teasing voice following you into the kitchen where Steve and Eddie sit around the table, with drinks in their hands and looks of surprises when you and Robin walk in giggling. 
Steve’s shoulders slump in relief when he sees your frowns replaced with smiles, the relaxed look he missed on your face back again, the heaviness gone in his best friend’s eyes. 
Eddie gets up with a smile and walks towards his fridge to get two more beers out for you and Robin. 
Steve pulls back the chair beside him, beckoning you over to him with a gentle smile. You get comfortable next to your boyfriend and lean your head on his shoulder, smiling at the kiss he greets you with. 
Robin takes the seat beside Eddie, nodding at him with a smile, letting him wrap his arm around her shoulder. 
Everything is okay again. 
Steve and Eddie can talk to each other again, with no tension, no awkwardness. They can joke around and laugh with one another again. 
And you can open up more about your feelings for Steve to Robin, about the ones she never knew of until a few days ago. 
You even show her pictures of your parents, the ones that are always tucked into the little pocket in your burgundy wallet. 
Yeah, it’s all okay again. It for sure isn’t perfect, not yet but it will be. 
A warm, adoring smile rests on his happy features, his hazel eyes are glowing with love, hands itching to touch your exposed skin that is kissed by the golden sun rays shining into your room. Steve is leaning against the doorframe, fixing the cuffs on his white button down as he admires the way you look in your beautiful black dress. 
Your hair falls down your exposed back in waves, glittery hair pins adorning them. The silky material clings to your curves, hugging your body perfectly, like it was made just for you. Your pink heels, the ones you have told him about weeks ago, are high, very high, he will probably have to carry you back into the house because your feet will hurt by the end of the night, but he doesn’t mind, he looks forward to it. 
Your perfume lingers in your room, your skin is glowing from the moisturizer he put on your skin after your shower together. You’re wearing pretty earrings and a bracelet, your ring finger is bare, for now. 
Steve slips his hand into his pocket, his heart skips a beat when he touches the cold item that he kept in the drawer of his bedside table for the past few weeks. 
With excitement bubbling inside of him, he makes his way over to you, the floorboards creak beneath his feet, the smile never leaving his face. Your eyes meet his through the large mirror you stand in front of, your own lips curl into a smile as well when you look at him, you tuck the lipstick you just used into the little purse you picked out for this outfit and put it down on your table. 
“Hi, handsome,” you whisper, going to turn around to face him and admire him in his getup but he stops you with the touch of his hand on your waist, he keeps you in place. 
“Hey my beautiful girl,” he murmurs and leans down to press his lips against your shoulder, kissing you softly. “You look so gorgeous, this dress was made for you, darling.” 
You fall back against him, melting into his arms and embracing all the butterflies that go crazy inside of you. 
He looks at you like you are the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on, and it makes you weak in the knees. 
“Thank you, Stevie.” You whisper and take his hand in yours, bringing it up to your lips, you kiss his knuckles and close your eyes when you lean back into his chest again. He presses his lips back to your shoulder. 
“You smell so good,” he murmurs against your skin, “like a goddess.” 
A giggle falls from your mouth, your stomach flutters when his hands move up your body, his minty breath ghosting against your skin. The sudden coldness around your neck makes you gasp. Your eyes widen when you open them, the warmth inside of you melting even further, your heart soars in your chest as you stare at the chain around your neck, the little pendant, the dainty, silver star with the glittery crystal in the middle catching your eye just like it did that day you saw it at the jewelry store. Your lips part the longer you stare at it, your eyes softening and shining with adoration. 
You went back for this necklace, only a few days after you had first seen it but it was gone. You envied whoever had gotten their hands on it first, you never would've guessed that it was him, he got it, he got it for you, back then. 
You bring your hand up, touching the pendant with softness in your eyes and in your touch, emotions crawl up inside your body, pushing at your eyes and turning them glassy, you look at him through the mirror, staring at the smile on his lips, at the love in his eyes. 
“You… You bought it?”
He nods sheepishly, whispering a small ‘yes’. 
His hands return to your waist when you turn around to face him. 
“You mentioned it that one night when we talked on the phone, I got it the next day.” He explains with all the giddiness in him. 
You blink. 
Feeling stunned by his words and by his actions, you can only stare into your boyfriend’s warm eyes. You remember telling him this before your feelings were known… when that spark of hope was dwindling inside your chest. 
“I knew it was this one,” he explains and glances down at the necklace, “well, I had a feeling it was, besides you love stars and shiny things, so I–”
You cup his cheeks and cut him off with your lips, kissing him deeply and softly, with all your love and all your adoration, messing up your freshly applied lipstick in the process but you couldn’t care less at this moment. Your heart is beating strongly, the hotness in your body consuming you fully. 
Steve melts into your touch, into your kiss, he slides his hand down to your lower back, touching your exposed back and pulling you tightly against him as he happily reciprocates the kiss, smiling into it, loving every second of it. 
“I love you,” you whisper, softly. “I love you so much, Steve Harrington.” 
He tilts your chin up with his fingers, pecking your rosy lips once more after he whispers your name, “I love you so much more.”
You still need time to get used to it all, to get used to his I love you’s, to the softness in his eyes. It all still feels so surreal – just like it does to him. Steve feels like he is the luckiest man in the world, in the whole universe. 
You pout at him so cutely, it makes him want to drop to his knees before you. 
“No, I–”
He cuts you off this time, pressing his lips back to yours and stealing your breath away with a strong kiss, one that makes you moan and squirm in his arms. Heat builds up in you as you grow weaker for your man. You are forced to fight the urge to grab at slicked back hair, mess up this masterpiece he had spent so much time on. You love the look of it, of him in a suit but you can’t wait to rip his clothes off and mess up his hair, later in the night. 
“S-Steve,” you whimper when he trails down kisses to your neck, breathing in your sweet perfume. 
A lazy smile appears on your lips, “w-we have to…” Another moan escapes you, cutting you off when he kisses that one spot that makes you scrunch your brows together. His strong hands bunch up the material of your dress, he breathes heavily against you, humming in delight as he praises your beauty. 
“S-Stevie… we have to… we’re gonna be late,” you whimper and grab at his biceps, not making much effort to push him away though. 
His hands roam your body, grabbing at your butt, feeling the hunger in him rising. 
“C-Come on, baby.” You whisper as your eyelashes flutter, “w-we can… we can use the backseat of your car later…”
He pulls away with a smirk on his face, squeezing your butt once again, he wiggles his eyebrows at you, “what, in the church parking lot?” 
You slap his shoulder playfully and shake your head at him, which prompts him to just pull you tighter against him. 
“They’re not even getting married there,” you chuckle. 
“No?” He asks as he leans in again, going straight back to your neck, making you hum in delight. He smacks his lips against your skin, repeatedly, not getting enough of you. 
“N-No, just at the… Steve…!” 
With a chuckle he finally pulls away but not without pecking your lips first, getting all the gloss on his own. 
“Okay, okay,” he murmurs as he squeezes your waist, “will you help me put this on?” He reaches for the bow tie on the little table you had kept all your makeup on. 
You take it from his hand right away, nodding happily. 
He leans down, giving you more access to his neck when you reach your hands behind him to place the tie under the collars of his button down. Your stomach flutters yet again when you breathe in his cologne. 
You fix the bow on the front, trying not to smile when you feel him staring at your face. A smile graced his lips. 
“Steve…” You whisper, blushing. 
“Yes, baby?” 
“You’re making me nervous.” 
He smirks at your words, adoring the look on your face, “I’m just admiring my gorgeous girl, you truly look like a goddess, especially in this dress.” 
“And you look really handsome in your suit and tie, Stevie.” You lean closer to him, pressing your lips to his ear, “really sexy too.” 
His smirk widens, his hands dip lower on your body again as your own move down his chest as your hungry eyes meet one another’s and your bodies instinctively move closer and closer. 
It’s safe to say that you don’t make it out of your house in time but with good reason and under good disguise — Lego Head picking up Blondie for a wedding? Who thought that it would’ve been a good idea? 
When Steve parks his BMW in the parking lot of the beautiful venue that Joyce had picked out, you share a look with each other when your friends catch sight of you both. They’re all standing around Eddie’s car, in their gowns and suits. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt and grab the handle of the car door. 
“Ready for the show, Lego Head?” You smirk. 
A chuckle leaves his lips, he has to fight the urge to kiss you right here and in front of all your friends. 
“So ready.” 
You wink at him before you turn your back to him, opening the door when he stops you with his hand on your thigh. You look down and then back at him over your shoulder.
“I love you.”
Your eyes soften, you crave his soft lips on your own so badly.
“I love you too, Steve.”
Your heels barely hit the ground before Max and El come rushing over to you, excitedly, gushing over your dress and how pretty you look. 
Steve has to bite his tongue at that moment, fighting the urge to agree with them and tell them how gorgeous his girl is. 
“Took you long enough!” Dustin says, throwing his hands up.
“Yeah, yeah,” Steve murmurs, shrugging as he points at you, “don’t blame me, Blondie didn’t know what shoes to pick.”
Nancy furrows her brows at his words, an amused smile making its way on her face as she eyes the pink heels you have picked out weeks ago, already. 
“Hey, don’t blame me, Lego Head. You showed up too late cause you took forever with your hair.” 
Eddie and Robin share a look of confusion. 
“Funny you show up late together,” Lucas grins, wiggling his brows at the both of you. 
Will snickers beside him, shaking his head at his friend. 
You stop beside Steve and he nearly gives you away already when he lifts his arm to wrap it around you, stopping midway and playing it off by fixing the sleeves of his jacket but someone had caught him already. 
Argyle whistles at you, making Jonathan chuckle, “you look so gorgeous, chica. Save me a dance, will you?” 
Steve takes a step closer to you, something that makes both you and Eddie share an amused glance, the metalhead speaking softly to you. 
“Save me one too, sweetheart,” he winks at you and then looks at Steve smugly, who only shakes his head at him in response, at his teasing. 
Dustin smirks at Eddie and wiggles his brows, leaning in to whisper something in his ear. 
Nancy, who is standing next to Will, eyes Steve’s face, watching the way he rolls his eyes at the curly haired teenager as he takes a step closer to you. A small chuckle escapes her mouth, something that makes Will smile to himself. 
“I think Blondie and Steve should dance!” El beams at the two of you, loving to use the nickname he gave you. She looks between the two of you with a huge smile on her face. 
“Me and Lego Head?” You snort, acting like you aren’t dying for him to lead you to the dance floor and drop this act once and for all. 
“Yeah,” Steve snorts, mimicking you. He doesn’t look as serious as you do, he struggles to. “She’s probably gonna step all over my feet.”
Eddie can see the lovesick look in his eyes, the way Steve struggles to hide his smile, the way he has to restrain himself from pulling you into his arms. Oh, he is gone. He can’t understand how he hadn’t seen it before. 
“Yeah, I wore them just for you, Stevie.”
Your eyes lock and for a moment, everything around you disappears, it’s just the two of you. Your smiles spread and your eyes shine for one another. 
The tension between you a different than ever before. 
But it still goes unnoticed by most. 
During the ceremony, you sit between your boyfriend and your best friend. You are unaware of Dustin’s and Lucas’s snickers when they keep glancing your way. You hold Steve’s hand, the whole time. A few tears escape your eyes when Hopper speaks his vows, when he openly shows his love to his pretty bride. 
And in that moment, Steve holds your hand tighter than before, he plays with your ring finger, thinking about one thing only as he stares at the two people on the altar, exchanging their rings and kissing one another with nothing but love. 
A soft smile graces his lips when he looks at you. He can’t wait to be the one putting a ring on your finger. He can’t wait for his future with you. 
The evening goes by in a blur, you laugh with your friends, and share drinks, laugh at all the speeches spoken, cry at the ones from Will and Jonathan when they show their appreciation and love for their mom and the man who promised to take care of his family. 
You hold Steve’s hand beneath the table, play with his fingers and sneak glances and smiles at him. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear when no one is looking but you both get tired of putting on this show.
A very tipsy Hopper makes his way to your table, he stops behind your and Steve’s chair and greets you two with a big smile before he looks around the round table. 
“Are you here to take a few shots with me, Chief?” Eddie grins at him, already holding up the vodka bottle. 
Hopper waves at him, “your uncle’s sitting over there, young man.” 
Eddie snorts and follows to where the older man is pointing at, his uncle is sitting next to his girlfriend, smiling at her. 
“Mr. Munson is preoccupied,” Argyle chuckles and nudges his chin at Wayne who is now pulling Susan on the dance floor. 
Hopper nods and looks around the table before he directs his glance at you and Steve, “how come I have seen everyone on the dance floor but the two of you?”
Steve chuckles and shrugs. 
“Yeah, Steve, why didn’t you ask her to dance with you yet?” Lucas grins, wiggling his brows to which Max only giggles. 
“Yeah, be a gentleman and take the lady for a dance,” Robin smirks at her best friend. 
Hopper grabs Steve’s shoulder, pulling him up, “come on, boy.” 
You giggle at the older man, staring at the teasing grin on his face as he forces your boyfriend to stand up. Steve straightens his back and looks down at you with a grin, he’s been waiting for this moment, all night, to take your hand and lead you to the dance floor. 
Hopper pats him on the back, fixing Steve’s collar as he grins at him, “go on, ask her.”
You and Steve are both very well aware of all the eyes on you, of the teasing glances from the friends who know and the ones who don’t but neither of you care, not anymore. 
Steve clears his throat and offers his hand to you, “would you like to dance with me?” He asks softly and looks into your eyes with love. 
Your eyes run up and down his body, your lips curling into a happy smile. You place your hand in his, “I would love to.”
You let him pull you up, let him place his hand on your lower back, you let him lead you away from the table your friends sit around and you follow him onto the dance floor. 
“Took you long enough, Steve,” you tease him and shoot Hopper a smile as he passes by, making his way back to his now wife. 
Steve wraps his arm around your waist, not caring to hide any longer, he pulls you closer against him, he smiles down at you, “mhm, gonna show everyone whose girl you are.” He says rather possessively. 
Your stomach flutters with butterflies, your eyes lighten up but your lips curl into a teasing smile, “is that jealousy I hear in your voice, Stevie?” 
“What if it is?” 
“Then I’ll tell you that there is no reason for you to feel that ever, I’m all yours.” 
Steve pulls you into the middle of the dance floor, lifting your hand and twirling you around before he pulls you against his chest, making you giggle. 
“That’s right,” Steve murmurs and envelops your body in his, stepping out of hiding, showing everyone that this is more than just a friendly dance, that you and him are more to each other than anyone thinks, that you are his and he is yours, “my girl.” 
There beneath the dim string lights, surrounded by a love song neither of you pay attention to, because in this moment, nothing around you exists, nothing but you and him. You look at each other happily, adoringly. 
“My boy,” you whisper and take another step closer, pressing your chest to his, gripping his hand tighter, melting into his touch as his palm lies on the small of your back. 
His eyes swim with love, lighting up at your words, his heart goes crazy in his chest. 
“I’m all yours,” he whispers and leans in closer, blood rushes to his cheeks, his lips curl into a soft smile. Steve nuzzles his nose against yours, coming closer and closer. Every wish of his, every craving from these past few months with you, finally come to life. 
Steve can hold you, he can pull you closer, he can gaze at you with starry eyes, he can kiss and love you openly. He can do this now. Pressing his lips to yours, he kisses you deeply, softly, passionately. He cradles your cheeks and shows the world that you belong to each other and his heart screams in joy at that — just like yours does, your heart soars, everything in you screams out of happiness. 
Your eyes are closed, your arms now wrapped around his neck as your hand gets lost in his hair, no longer caring about not messing it up. You feel him smiling into the kiss and you can’t help but do the same. 
Eddie and Robin watch you both with smiles on their faces, happy for their best friends. 
Mike is rambling into Lucas’s ear about how much basketball sucks, that he should drop it and just focus on DnD again. The teenage boy only rolls his eyes in response, turning away from his friend, he opens his mouth to ask Max for a dance when the sight before him makes him freeze. His brown eyes widen and his jaw drops. Feeling as though his eyes betray them, he rubs them. You and Steve are in each other’s arms, swaying to the music with your lips locked. 
Lucas leans over his girlfriend, slapping Dustin’s shoulder, “dude… dude!” He says for a second time, loudly enough for everyone at the table to stop their conversations and look at him. 
Dustin frowns at him, shrugging, “what—“ He pauses and follows to what Lucas is pointing at, his own eyes widen and he nearly bolts from his chair when he sees the two of you kissing, “what!?” He shrieks, making El cup her hands over her ears. 
Dustin stares at you and Steve in disbelief. 
“But…” He mumbles and slowly turns to Eddie, pointing between you and him. 
Everyone looks at the two of you now, Jonathan’s eyes are wide, just like Argyle’s are, though there’s a hint of something else in his eyes as he tilts his head at the both of you. 
A warm smile lingers on Nancy’s face, she knew it already, she knew it this whole time, she saw the way you looked at him, the way he looked at you, the way he never looked at her. She is happy for him, he finally found his person and she is happy for you, that you found someone who will cherish you and give you the love he always wanted to give, the love that you deserve. 
El is admiring the two of you, silently. 
Max and Will share looks with each other and smile. 
“But I thought… What the hell? Are they drunk?” Dustin asks Eddie.
“Then why are they…?”
Eddie grins at the curly haired boy, slapping his hand on his shoulder, “they’re dating.”
Dustin shakes his head, furrowing his brows, “no she is not, she is dating you.” 
Lucas slaps his hand over his head, “you’re a fucking idiot.”
“She is my best friend!” Eddie laughs loudly, “besides, I have a girlfriend, you met her!” 
Dustin rubs his head, glaring at Lucas who is now grinning as he watches you two. 
“I thought it was a bluff!”
Lucas points at you, “she is literally kissing Steve right now!” 
Will clears his throat and leans forward, “yeah, and she’s been kissing Steve for a while now.”
Everyone snaps their heads at Will, everyone except for Max.
Eddie’s brown eyes flicker with confusion, he pulls his brows together and stares down at the boy, “what did you just say?” 
“It was around like… before the fourth of july, right?” Will asks, glancing at Max, who nods with a smirk on her face.  
“Oh yeah, that sounds about right.” 
Robin nods at Eddie, pursing her lips, “fourteen year olds are more perceptive than us, Munson.” 
Everyone gapes at them, especially Lucas who squints his eyes at his girlfriend, “you knew this whole time and you didn’t tell me!?” He throws his hands up, “I was the one who wanted them together!” He says dramatically. 
Argyle slaps Jonathan’s chest, eyes widening, as he finally remembers, “I told you I saw him grab her ass!” 
Jonathan’s frown slips from his face and he straightens his back, “and I told you I saw her kiss him!” 
Argyle slumps back in his chair, mumbling quietly, “and that one time they walked out of the bathroom together.” 
Nancy, who is stunned at her boyfriend and his best friend's words, turns to face them both, “and you never said anything!?” 
Jonathan throws his hands up in surrender, “we were high as a kite! We might’ve been hallucinating for all we knew! I mean they hated each other!” 
Will chuckles at his brother, “you didn’t have to be high to catch these two, they always held hands and kissed when they thought no one was watching.”
Mike turns to face his best friend, he hasn’t given any reactions yet, not until now. 
“And now you didn’t say anything?” 
Will shrugs at him, “didn’t you hear the part when I said ‘they thought no one was watching’? They were clearly keeping it a secret.” 
Your giggle tears everyone’s attention away from Will. Steve is now twirling you around as the love song ended and an upbeat song took over. Your smile is wide, just like his. He’s laughing with you, staring at you like you are the only girl in the world. You are clinging to one another, dancing like it’s only you and him in this world, not caring about anyone around you, not minding the prying eyes or the curious looks. 
Lucas is grinning, though still confused about how it all went by him, how he never noticed a single thing but he is happy to see you two together. 
Eddie and Robin are smiling too, well, everyone is smiling. 
“Come on,” Lucas stands up, pushing his chair back and bowing down before his girlfriend as he offers his hand out to her, “let’s dance.” 
Max bites back her smile, hiding her blushing cheeks behind her hair, she takes his hand and gets up, smoothing down her gown. 
Eddie watches as the teens join you both on the dancefloor and he looks over at Robin, nudging her shoulder, “wanna join them?” 
Robin raises her eyebrows at him, glancing over at the four of you, “sure, let’s go,” she shrugs and gets up, passing by Dustin, she ruffles his curls, “come on, Dusty, you’re coming with us.” 
When the metalhead comes up beside you, he steals Max away from Lucas, chuckling at the offended look on his face, “sorry, gotta dance with my sis for a while, Sinclair!”
And as everyone joins the dance floor, the girls try to snatch you away for details, while the guys try to ask Steve what the hell happened, you don’t let anybody rip your hands apart. 
Long months, nights, days, hours and minutes, hidden in the shadows away from everyone else. Hiding from one another even, not showing your true feelings. You both don’t want to hide any longer. You both want to remain open, and for everyone to see and to know. To talk about. You both want people to envy your love, as well as want it. That’s how strong it is.
Soft whispers of I love you’s are shared, every time your mouth grazes his ear, or he comes closer to press his forehead to yours. It was the perfect night, yet, you weren’t afraid of the end of it. You two will see each other the next day, and the next, and the next… the moment will never be over.
So when the both of you are sitting on your kitchen table, your feet in a bucket full of ice water, both drunk out of your minds but still laughing while eating McDonald’s, and he watches you eat lazily, with adoring eyes and a look of love on his face, he takes your hand and whispers–
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
tagging friends and mutuals
@prettyboyeddiemunson @mysticmunson @moon-flowerrs @corrodedcorpses @taintedcigs @munson-mjstan @munsonlore @joekeerysmoles @maroon-cardigan @sherrylyn0628 @thecreelhouse @agirlwholovesrockstars @ibellcipem
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howcouldmuffin · 2 months
First Choice I
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[ Chapter 1 : The Unchangeable Past ]
You’ve always known you weren’t his first choice. You’ve accepted being his second option, but you won’t wait in the wings forever.
PAIRING : Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
WARNING : SFW, Targaryen Incest, Non-canon
CONTENTS : Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
AN : Hello, this is a mini-series I’ve been wanting to write. At first, I intended to write it as a single chapter, but the plot in my head is too extensive, so I thought it might be better to split it up. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this piece of writing.
please be kind to me English is not my first language.
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Being the second child isn’t easy, and if you’re a daughter, your importance within the family starts to diminish. You have to hide behind your older siblings, always being compared to them, whether it’s your older sister, brother, or even younger brother.
You know that you are often overlooked. No matter how hard you try to please your grandparents or parents, you can never measure up to your siblings. You have nothing to compete with them. All you have is your appearance, which your mother often describes as “beautiful but mindless.”
Hearing those words only deepens your hurt. You can never be the child or grandchild they want, and even your beauty becomes a sharp weapon slowly aimed at you. Every time you enter the hall at social gatherings, you sense their expectations. The unwanted attention and harassment you faced as a child made you reluctant to participate in social events and made you want to leave.
Once, you heard that Rhaenyra, your eldest sister, wanted to betroth her son Jacaerys to your sister Helaena. Your mother refused and instead betrothed Helaena to your eldest brother Aegon. Now, your father Viserys has offered a new arrangement: you will be betrothed instead. You are not the eldest daughter who needs to marry the eldest son like Helaena. You are not a son like Aemond or Daeron. You are being forced into this marriage, and you know that your nephew is also dissatisfied with it.
You don’t hate him, but rather it's him who seems to feel that way. Being close to Aemond in your childhood, though it made you a target of teasing, helped you understand him. Aegon was always skilled and clever in these matters, often taking your nephew on mischievous adventures. You tried to comfort your brother when he was being picked on, but he seemed indifferent to your words.
Yet, your own tragic feelings only pushed you further into despair. At every gathering, you watched your nephew intently. During every training session, your eyes were fixed on him. At every meal where jokes were shared, you always looked to see his reaction. You did this because no one ever paid attention to you while your relatives were nearby—like the moon waiting for the sun’s light.
And then, it reached its end. The event that caused both families to avoid each other. Aemond lost an eye and received a dragon. You knew your brother was the one who started the conflict, harming the children first, and he was no longer someone who tolerated much. You told him that now that he had a dragon, the largest one at that, he should stop nursing his grudges and focus on other things instead. Aemond didn’t respond; he merely gave a scornful smile and turned away from you.
This meant you never saw him again. Not even a single letter was exchanged. You could only listen to the servants in the castle recount stories about them. You dreamt of and wondered what he would be like. How would he react if he knew and realized that you were his betrothed? You eagerly awaited the chance to stand by his side, training yourself in every way for him, hoping that it might finally make a difference.
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After waiting for many years, you are finally going to meet him, though not under the most pleasant of circumstances. At least you will meet the man who is meant to shape you into someone you have never been. You chose to wear a golden V-neck dress with sleeveless straps, with a few thin bands around your arms serving as sleeves. Your hair was simply braided and pinned back. You are filled with hope, though it could easily shatter.
As soon as you step into the grand hall, all eyes are on you. It is known that the youngest daughter prefers seclusion over socializing, and you hope this will make a good impression on the prince. Your eyes quickly search for him and you spot him talking with your cousin. You head in his direction, eagerly anticipating his approach. You can barely contain your excitement, and your smile is one of astonishment. Yet, you can sense that the look he gives you is far from friendly—it is the last thing you hoped for.
“Why are you so late?” your mother’s voice snaps you out of your reverie. “And where is your sister?” Alicent grips your arm, causing you pain, but you are used to it.
“I was just helping Helaena get the children dressed. She should be here soon.” you reply, and her grip loosens as her stern expression softens.
“It’s good you didn’t leave your sister in trouble.”
The judgment clearly favors your sister over Vaemon, but what makes your heart race is Rhaenys's announcement of a betrothal between her granddaughter and Rhaenyra's son. Your concern grows as you notice Jacaerys and Baela exchanging smiles that are unfamiliar and perhaps never meant for you.
After the verdict was delivered, you withdrew from the hall and retreated to your room immediately. It became clear that, despite the passage of time, he might never see you in a favorable light. You have no one to blame but yourself—although you never mocked him directly, you never stopped those who did. Perhaps it is only fitting that you face this now.
After lying awake for what felt like an eternity, your trusted maid entered your room to prepare you for dinner with the family. You had shed a few tears after leaving the hall, and your eyes were now slightly swollen.
“Your Highness.” the maid, Vidah, said as she entered, “Shall we get ready? The prince will appreciate you even more.”
“No need, Vidah.” you replied. “There’s no point in doing that. Let things unfold as they will.” You smiled at her and slowly rose from the bed. She must understand you by now. Vidah is the only one you can confide in—like a mother, a friend, and an older sister all in one. She is another family to you.
“It’s alright, Your Highness.” she said, guiding you to the vanity and helping you sit in front of it. “You have more beauty and grace than any woman in Westeros. One day, the prince will see this.”
You nodded, and she gently began to undo your braid, combing your hair slowly as if it were silk.
“I’ll make you the most desirable princess in the Seven Kingdoms.” she whispered. “Even in this dress, you remain beautiful. Don’t undervalue yourself.”
“Thank you, Vidah.” you said, finally managing a genuine smile.
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You walked into the dining hall slowly, relieved to not be late but anxious that not all your siblings had arrived yet. You feared another reprimand, but Aegon’s presence helped ease your nerves. He told you amusing stories, and even though you knew they were embellished, they were still entertaining.
As more people entered the dining room, you found yourself constantly scanning for Jacaerys. When he did arrive, you saw him walking in with Baela, just as before. The feeling in your heart was as if it had dropped from the top of the castle. When Viserys entered, everyone showed respect to your father, and the meal began.
You noticed the prince’s gaze occasionally fixed on you—sometimes with surprise, sometimes with scrutiny, and sometimes just passing over you. You hadn’t spoken a word since the meal started. Aemond seemed indifferent, merely eating to finish, while Helaena was lost in her thoughts.
Aegon seemed to be trying to engage Jacaerys, but was unsuccessful. Jacaerys then stood and invited Helaena to dance, not you. You could only think that if your mother were less biased, they might have made a wonderful pair and ruled the realm superbly.
Though it was still early, it was late enough to use as an excuse to escape your relatives. Walking alone through the Red Keep at night was not unusual for you, as you were rarely noticed unless there was a festive event or a tournament.
You wandered for an indeterminate amount of time, wanting to continue aimlessly until you overheard a conversation.
“You cannot refuse to speak with her.”
“Do you think she wants to speak with me? Last time, she cried because her beloved brother lost an eye, and even though she saw the whole event, she ran away.”
“She went to get help.”
“And what happened? My brother is now targeted by my uncle.”
You didn’t listen further. You knew it would be as they said—if only you had stopped your brother back then, perhaps this wouldn’t have happened. You might truly be a walking disaster. Maybe you aren’t as valuable as everyone says.
Upon returning to your room, you found Vidah waiting for you. She would try to soothe you to sleep before going to bed herself or at least ensure you didn’t return to your room in tears as you did tonight. You hugged her and rested on her lap as you used to. She gently stroked your head and comforted you.
“If only I… if only I had told him to stop.” you sobbed. “Maybe it wouldn’t have happened.”
“If I had intervened, they… they might not be like this.” tears flowed down both sides of your face, staining Vidah's clothes and hair, making them damp.
“Oh, my princess.” she gently stroked your back. “Whatever is meant to happen will happen. If you had intervened, you might have been the one to lose an eye. You did well to get others to help.”
“I don’t know what Aemond thinks of his nephew now.” you sobbed. “I tried, Vidah, but is my effort still not enough?”
“My princess, you have tried enough. We cannot make things turn out as we wish. You know that.” she replied, then helped you lie down comfortably and stroked your head gently. “Sleep now. We have tomorrow to wake up to. You have done your best, my princess.”
You said nothing further and nodded to your trusted maid. You slowly closed your eyes, trying to stop your thoughts and rest as Vidah advised.
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Once again, the family gathering has arrived, but this time it's just the children, staring at each other. Everyone is sitting in a large reception room. You occasionally glance at him; he seems very familiar with Baela.
“They surely didn’t call us just to stare at each other, did they?” Aegon asks.
“We're waiting here, and after they finish their discussion, we'll have dinner together.” Jacaerys replies. You can tell your older brother must have some plan he's about to execute.
“Well, they might be mistaken about our patience.” he says with a broad smile. “Come on, nephew. Let’s find something fun to do.”
It’s bound to be neither fun nor trouble-free. Aegon turns to invite Jace again, but he doesn’t react. He shrugs and walks out of the room, glancing back at you in confusion. Aemond, seeing this, turns to you and also exits the room.
“Jaehaerys, don’t be a nuisance.” your sister warns her son as she sees your father and uncle leaving. The boy approaches you, likely wanting you to play with him instead, and you don’t refuse.
“Who’s been a good boy today?” You pick him up and chat as you usually do. He’s much livelier than his sister, but Jaehaera causes less trouble.
“I am, and Haera.”
“What a lovely brother you are.” you touch his tiny nose, and he touches it back, laughing. It warms the atmosphere in the room. Children often heal your spirit on tired days; their smiles make you ready to protect them unconditionally.
“He has grown up well.” Baela comments. “He’ll grow into a fine young man.” She stands up and approaches you. You’re unsure how to react.
“He likes being held.” you respond. “Would you like to try holding him?” Baela looks at your sister, who nods in agreement, and she slowly takes the boy from you. You gently pat the child’s back and tell him it’s okay.
As expected, Jaehaerys makes Baela smile, and the boy tells her stories he thinks are amazing. You catch the eye of your fiancé, who is focused on her. Luke and Rhaena are chatting with your sister. Soon, you notice Jacaerys looking at you. You meet his gaze, and it’s a stare after many years of not seeing each other. He’s still the same as when you first met. He moves closer, and you feel a glimmer of hope that he might want to talk to you, but why would he?
He walks over to Baela, engaging in a conversation you feel hesitant to interrupt. It flows smoothly, and they seem quite familiar with each other. You smile at Helaena and slowly leave the room. When will you be brave enough? You walk to the grand corridor and stop at a large column, facing it, not crying but trying to gather your composure.
“Try if you can, sister.” a familiar voice says.
“Just leave me alone, Aemond.”
“You don’t seem like yourself.”
“I am myself.” you face him. “And what if that’s the case?”
“Don’t show your feelings so openly that you appear weak.”
“Isn’t that how you all see me anyway?”
“Who, then? Mother or Grandfather?”
“All of you.”
“Being able to do everything but excel at nothing isn’t so terrible, sister.” Aemond extends his arm toward you.
“Let’s go. We’ve probably been important enough already to be late.” You grasp his arm and walk with him to the dining room. Even though your brother seems tough, it’s strange how he understands your feelings the best.
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Walking alone down the corridors of the Red Keep at night is probably not a new experience for you. Exploring every corner in a different light, spending as much time as possible with yourself, not wanting to hear complaints, scolding, or comparisons from your mother, and avoiding the condescending gazes of your siblings—especially his.
But tonight, you encounter him at the other end of the corridor. You pause and consider whether to continue walking or not. But your thoughts are far behind his movements. He notices you and remains as indifferent as ever, seeming to make you invisible in his eyes, which is impossible. You have to do something about this relationship.
“Your Highness.” you begin, and he nods in acknowledgment without a word.
“Is the prince unable to sleep?”
“I just wanted to take a walk.” he says, about to move away.
“I apologize, Your Highness.” you interrupt him. “I know it’s probably too late for this, but I truly feel that I was wrong. I’m sorry for not asking Aemond to stop, for not helping, for not fully explaining the situation to everyone, and for other actions. I never harbored any dislike or aversion towards you. I know it might be hard to believe, but I speak sincerely.”
He listens but doesn’t turn to look at you. He pauses briefly to make sure you have nothing more to say, then walks away, leaving you drowning in confusion. It seems that one word cannot mend what has already been hurt. It might be a scar that can never be healed.
You return to your room to find Vidah absent. You collapse onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling of your room—the ceiling you often gaze at while dreaming of various things. It’s like a canvas for your personal musings and expressions.
You don’t cry, but you feel a release from the feelings that have been suppressed within. You have said everything you needed to him. From now on, you must prove that your thoughts are sincere, not merely words of deceit, and hope that God will assist you in this matter.
If you’re not mistaken, your relationship with Jacaerys might only be one of good friends, as he may already have someone in his heart—Baela. You don’t deny that she is more suitable for him. She is the eldest daughter, with a stronger Targaryen bloodline, and is closer to him. You hold no anger or dislike towards her, but you do not want to be part of a romantic entanglement that would only cause you pain. You don’t want to because you have already endured enough suffering.
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dreamescapeswriting · 9 months
Stray Kids Reaction || Falling Asleep To His Voice
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Skz X GN!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
Chan was completely taken aback when you told him that you wanted him to talk to you in order for you to fall asleep. You never wanted him to think badly about it, it was you that you simply found him relaxing to be around and he felt like a safe space for you.
"It's because I used to watch Chan's room to help...Your voice helps me." Your admitted as he looked down at you and nodded a little, still unsure on what he was supposed to talk about but as time went on he got used to it all.
It weirded Minho out at first and he was kind of offended that you found it nice to fall asleep to him while he spoke to you, but after explaining to him that you didn't find him boring just relaxing he started to do it for you until it was an every night kind of thing. You didn't even have to ask anymore, you'd curl up in bed together and Minho would already have a story that he'd heard that day or something he'd learnt and wanted to share it with you.
Changbin outright refused to do it for you, he thought that it meant you found him boring to talk to and had tried to spend the night on the sofa instead of in bed with you - but you didn't let it happen.
"I don't find you boring, I find your voice relaxing." You explained as you curled up beside him in bed, he was still unsure of it all, wondering if one day you'd leave him because you easily fell asleep to him.
"Please Binnie, I love you, okay? I just find you calm." You whispered as he nodded shyly at you, letting out a small sigh as he tried to think of a story he could tell you.
You were on a plane and no matter what you couldn't get yourself to relax and try and sleep, which was needed since the jetlag was going to throw you through a loop when you landed.
"Can you talk to me? To help me sleep." You begged your boyfriend who was taken back at first but as soon as he started to talk to you about the kinds of paint brushes he was switching to he watched your body visibly relax and he started going into great detail about the types of brushes they were.
Jisung was thrilled at the thought of getting to do this for you, you already did so much for him so getting to return the favour was something he was enjoying. That and he got to tell you all about the anime he'd been watching in great detail and length while you tiredly asked questions or just fell asleep to your boyfriend's excited voice. Nevertheless though, Jisung adored getting this time with you.
Felix didn't ask too many questions when you asked him to talk you to sleep, he just did it and every single night without fail he would be there talking to you to get you to sleep. Tonight was no different either, he was on his computer playing a video game and he talked you through it, explaining every character's back story as well as their special abilities not even noticing that you'd nodded off until he heard a faint snoring.
"Goodnight angel." He chuckled to himself before turning back to his game for a little while longer.
Seungmin was a little thrown off by the idea of it but he was slowly warming up to it. You had always struggled to sleep but if Seungmin was there you had hardly any issues at all, especially if he'd talk softly and slowly to you lulling you into sleep.
"I'll tell you about what happened at work," Seungmin stated as he ran his hands up and down your arms, you were already sound asleep by this point but he enjoyed still talking to you and watching as you when you'd smile in your sleep.
Jeongin thought that it was the cutest thing in the world when you would fall asleep to the sound of his voice. He'd always brag about it to the boys who then teased him for having a "boring voice" but it wasn't like that in the slightest.
"Does that mean Yn finds you boring?" Felix asked as you all sat around the dorms one rainy day, your head resting on your boyfriend's shoulder.
"No, it means I find him soothing." You mumbled at him, rolling your eyes as you cuddled closer to Jeongin. There was something about the rain and being curled up beside him that made you feel as though you could sleep right now.
"I love you." Jeongin whispers as he threads his fingers with yours and squeezes your hand a little.
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