#mea countdown
cissa-calls · 1 year
Countdown to Coven of Chaos: Day 522
Agatha: “Why does Y/N’s face look like that?”
Wanda: “What do you mea- Oh no. Y/N! PUT SEÑOR SCRATCHY DOWN!! STOP SNUGGLING HIM”
Y/N, having an allergic reaction: “But Agatha’s fine around things she’s allergic to!”
Wanda: “I’m sorry?”
Y/N: “Agatha said she’s allergic to stupid people but she’s around them all the time!”
Agatha: “PFFT”
Wanda: “Yeah well clearly she lied, because by that logic she should be allergic to herself”
Agatha: “HEY”
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tittafaces · 2 years
Return to castle wolfenstein manual
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Return to castle wolfenstein manual manual#
Return to castle wolfenstein manual Pc#
"Computer Strategy and Wargames: The 1900-1950 Epoch / Part I (A-L) of an Annotated Paiktography". In sneak mode the name of the town out side of the castle of Count Dracula. ^ "Critically Speaking.Atari Computers" (PDF). Dissertation bindings for beginners instructions pdf.on and your Net Rate to tho get your but to order to tip layer Run speed :nrgor blastradius. Vintage Games: An Insider Look at the History of Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario, and the Most Influential Games of All Time. start Return to Cactle Wolfenstein click the button ia the waltlplayer mea. ^ Loguidice, Bill Barton, Matt (21 August 2012).
Return to castle wolfenstein manual manual#
"The Giant List of Classic Game Programmers". Return to Castle Wolfenstein Instruction Manual Id Software, 2001 unstated edition Staplelbound in good condition, with acceptable cover. Ī 1991 Computer Gaming World survey of strategy and war games gave it two stars out of five. on the disc tray with the label facing up and close the disc tray. Place the Return to Castle Wolfengtein Tides of Tartu will disc Directional pad Right thumbstick 1. In January 1985, Computer Entertainer rated the Atari 8-bit version 5½ out of 8 stars. Press the power button and the status indicator light Press the eject button and the disc tray will open. He also pointed out, "Once you know which passes to use, you can breeze through the game", discouraging replay. Harvey Berstein of Antic wrote in 1985 of the Atari 8-bit version: "while there have been some minor improvements, the game play doesn't provide nearly as much depth as the documentation suggests." He criticized the game for having the same Apple II-like graphics as its predecessor and slow loading speed. Upon successful completion of the game, the player is rewarded with a high resolution image of the bunker exploding with the player running away in the foreground. The grenades of the previous game have been replaced with a dagger which can silently kill guards. The bodies of dead guards can be dragged through the room to conceal them, block passages, or gain access to objects. If an incorrect pass is shown or the bribe is rejected due to the lack of money (for a total of two times), the guard will attempt to activate a bunker-wide alarm or kill the player. The guards use a pass system, in which the player is periodically summoned by guards and asked to show the correct pass (which varies by floor), or offer a bribe. Instruction Manual: Castle Wolfenstein from Muse Software. The play is similar to its predecessor, but with some updates. The game is controlled via a joystick, paddles, or the keyboard, although the keyboard is the only option that allows for all commands. Hitlers closest associates carry out research into the creation of super-soldiers at Wolfenstein Castle. The player explores the levels by sneaking by, impersonating, and sometimes killing opponents. An alternative story presented within the framework of the Second World War. The game shows a top-down view of each room, though the characters are from a side view.
Return to castle wolfenstein manual Pc#
IBM PC screenshot of Beyond Castle Wolfenstein showing the player about to place the bomb in the meeting room, the numbers denoting the bomb's countdown timer and the passes the player possesses
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queen-scribbles · 8 years
3 Days: Do you plan on romancing anyone with Ryder? If so, who? Why? What qualities would Ryder find attractive in a partner (if applicable)?
HA. Ahahahahahahahahahahahhahaveyouseenmyblog?? *cough* I mean...
Cam’s romancing Liam. They’re gonna be optimists together and watch bad movies and give running commentary and generally be super-duper cheesy cute romantics. It’ll be great. He’s everything she looks for in a guy.
Jay is gonna romance Vetra. Y’know, after we get over that initial rough patch. Jay mostly looks for similar goals/outlook in a partner, plus willing to give him space if he needs it.  I absolutely refuse to romance Pee Bee with him, for obvious reasons *cough*
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
Claire Ryder was born into a society where aliens were already an everyday thing, it wasn’t surprising to see an Asari vendor or a Salarian doctor. Yes things are still new and relations aren’t 100% peaceful but Claire doesn’t feel any different around them than she does human beings. She sees humanities interest aligning with other aliens and that life should be protected as a whole, not one species over another. When it comes to sentient life in Andromeda Claire is actually really worried about them, not because they’re new or strange. But because they definitely won’t be expecting a slew of unknown people flying in declaring they wanna live here too. She’s worried they’d be inviting themselves and making these native people uncomfortable.
Jericho Ryder is accustom to aliens but deep down he is about humanity first. Not in the Cerberus sort of way, he’ll always aid alien forces and has good relations with that of other species. But if it were between the destruction of Earth and Tuchanka, you know who he’d save. However without such a fatalistic ultimatum he’s more than happy to stand side by side with anyone human or not. That being said Jericho is wary of Andromeda’s inhabitants because he sees it like it is, new races inviting themselves to their planets. He hopes that there is an open planet free for the taking where no confrontations must take place.
Astrea Ryder loves aliens, their culture, their appearances. She grew up among them and due to their age finds them more soothing to be around.Talking to Asari older than her great grandparents, or a Drell explaining how their memory works in rapid detail. Their alliances are one and the same however Astrea knows how trigger happy humans can be, so more often she will sympathize with the alien. In Andromeda Astrea is terrified that the Initiative is going to bully the natives out of their home and is soooo here to shut that down.
Siren Ryder probably has more Krogan friends than human. She’s all for equality between humans and aliens between each other but she’s rather self aware how child like her people must seem. Hell she feels like a child next to these century aged species. Siren wants as much unity as possible between races and that extends to Andromeda. She isn’t here to step on anyone’s toes for damn sure.
Maxson Ryder as I mention before had a Salarian friend growing up, he isn’t a stranger to befriending aliens. But he understands that when things get tough every species is going to back their own kind, that humans won’t be the only ones protecting their own interests. That being said Maxson is for unity, hates Cerberus, but wouldn’t take offense if everyone defended their own borders. He’s anxious about who may live in Andromeda because it looks bad, all of them coming in like that. It isn’t refugees it’s explorers.
Rey Ryder is pro-human to the bone. Her kind is seen as petulant children as it kinda pisses her off. She isn’t into the Cerberus scene but she doesn’t want to be looked down upon and stands as a human supporter one, because she is human. And two because she wants them to be taken just as seriously as the others. As for what may wait in Andromeda Rey is vastly aware that toes will be stepped on, she just hopes they are welcoming.
Remy Ryder only broke up with his Drell boyfriend as a teen because of the strange side effects of being intimate with him (wink wink hallucinations). He’s the sort to ‘not see race/species’. He’s aware of them and their differences but he won’t treat you any different unless a custom calls for it. He’s very ‘unified hopeful’. Remy hopes Andromeda inhabitants will welcome them but doesn’t expect them to at all.
Lexa Ryder is pro human, because you gotta look out for your own interests. It isn’t that she hates the other species its just she feels looked down upon by them as a human being. They don’t even have a seat in the Citadel. If war were to break out she wouldn’t be trying to peace keep that is for sure, the Turians shot first and few remember that fact. Once in Andromeda the Milky Way travelers are stuck and if she has to fight for a home she damn well will.
Gage Ryder loves aliens, she loves humans, everyone should shut up and get along. But now that they’re headed for Andromeda there isn’t much she can do but hope that back home things are going well, everyone has finally shook hands and made peace. In Andromeda she wants the same, Gage would really like it if somehow they landed and these peaceful aliens were happy to embrace them. Or at least they weren’t the first races to travel and join the community.
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haledamage · 8 years
24 Days: Which squadmates do you think will best compliment Ryder’s combat style? Alternatively, who do you plan to take out most in the field?
best compliment would probably be Cora or Peebee. Biotic combos can do some pretty sick damage. Also either Liam or Drack would be useful, as close combat/tank types to take out enemies after she locks them down. I don’t know much about Jaal or Vetra combat-wise. I’ll probably take mostly Liam and Peebee with me, because I love them. Party comp doesn’t matter as much to me as personality senergy, and I think Liam and Peebee will get along with Lottie best. That is subject to change based on once I actually get to meet everyone, of course :)
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whalefucker69 · 8 years
2 days!!!!!!!!
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
Hannah is staunchly in favor of peaceful communication, sometimes to the point of being vocally against humanity and human politicians (this has driven a bit of a rift between her and her father).  She wants to study the shit out of the Andromeda races, tbh.  Xenobiology isn’t her field but dammit she’s gunna learn as much as she can.  She’s probably offended quite a few people by getting too wrapped up in her curiosity and forgetting to, you know, be polite.
7 Days: Ryder’s father gave the twins informal N7 training in the past. How did Ryder feel about this (pressured, resentful, grateful, motivated, overworked, excited, etc)? What are their feelings on “N7” as a symbol? How do they relate to it, if at all?
She’s grateful for how helpful it’s been as an adult but resentful of how she didn’t have much of a childhood.  To her, N7 is just another badge on her dad’s dress uniform; it has nothing to do with her.  
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what-we-knew01 · 8 years
MEA Countdown
28 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance or create a custom Ryder? If custom, describe your Ryder’s physical appearance (hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight, facial features, any scars or tattoos, racial origin, etc). If you have art and/or a face-claim, feel free to add them here. I plan to use a custom Ryder. She'd have naturally dark brown hair bjt dyed red cause why not, honey colored eyes and bronzish skin tone. About avergae height, slight curves but also like swol cause she likes to train. Few facial scars but alot more scaring on her arms,and such cause she's a scrappy and one small tattoo on her shoulder. I imagine she's black, hispanic and, vaguely european in origin probably wasn't born on earth tho so no home country. I will try and draw her at some point so yea. @phantom-tiger
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dream--walker · 8 years
since i just pre-purchased mass effect andromeda and just spied the countdown post/meme post, i'ma gonna do that and just down the ones i missed together now, looks fun c:
30 Days: Will you play SisRyder or BroRyder first? Why? How does your Ryder define their gender?
SisRyder is gonna be first cause if a game lets me i will always do it. My Ryder will be extremely eh abt gender tho. Think agender and doesn't really mind any pronouns being used of her/them.
29 Days: What is your Ryder’s name? Why did you pick this name - is there a meaning or origin story behind it? Do they go by any nicknames? What would you name their sibling, father and mother if you were able to choose? 
Ophelia, cause I've been obsessed with that word for a while now. Ophie and Ophs for friends and close people. Hannah for mom, dad and BroRyder .... whatevs.
28 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance or create a custom Ryder? If custom, describe your Ryder’s physical appearance (hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight, facial features, any scars or tattoos, racial origin, etc). If you have art and/or a face-claim, feel free to add them here.
Custom Ryder, most probably. Most design choices will come down to what the char creator lets me do ofc, but basic idea is dark/black hair /w some colorful highlights if i can do that, blue eyes, white, 1m75cm height, 72kg, maybe more, think lean mean build, tattoos behid ears.... stuff will be still worked on though.
27 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance for Ryder’s sibling or customize them? Describe your ideas for their sibling’s and father’s physical appearance.
Depends! I think Bro would have longish hair though, same eyes, dark brown hair, a kinder face than Ophelia. Dad would be harsher face... Both of the kids get the eyes from mom, but Ophelia gets the face from dad. Dad's real rough and tough.
26 Days: Do you have a specific class profile or mix of class profiles in mind for Ryder?
Infiltrator is my bae as always. I never go biotics.
25 Days: Describe Ryder’s favorite combat style. Bioware call Peebee a “gunslinger” and describe Liam as a “close-range fighter” - how would you describe Ryder’s combat role/strengths? What are some of their favorite biotic/tech/other abilities?
Remember Thane? Sniper but can also wring ur neck with his bare hands? Yeah... Ophelia is more of a long range assassin, but is comfortable also with short range fighting. She is generally freaked out by super powerful biotics as enemies as in situations where u thought she was a cool ass pro she suddenly turns into a openly disturbed "i'ma gonna hide and hope that the asshole biotic doesn't notice me".
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cissa-calls · 11 months
Countdown to Darkhold Diaries: Day 592
Agatha: “Can you massage my scalp? It always feels so good when someone does that”
Y/N: “Sure!” *starts massaging her curls* “Um, Agatha?”
Agatha: “Hm?”
Y/N: “My fingers are stuck”
Agatha: “What do you mea- OW DON’T TUG”
Y/N: “We’re gonna have to cut my fingers off!!”
Wanda: “No one’s fingers are getting cut off, let me just- oh dear. They are knotted in there”
Agatha: “It’s not my fault my hair is in an infinite multiverse within itself!”
Wanda: “….we might need to cut your hair to get them out”
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MEA Countdown 2 days
Provide a “famous quote” from Ryder that sums them up as a character (like the ones for the squadmates in their official character profiles).
Sara: “Fighting enemies is easy. War strategy? Piece of cake. All this politics crap however? I honestly don’t have a clue.”
Scott: “I came to Andromeda because I wanted to help people, but right now all I can think about is how so many lives are in my hands and how easy it will be to mess this up.”
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queen-scribbles · 8 years
4 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, is there anyone you think Ryder won’t gel so greatly with, dislike or otherwise come into conflict with? Why?
Initially I would have said both of them might have trouble with Cora, based off the info the devs were giving us. But I’m hearing tidbits from people who have played the trial that she’s more like Space Soccer Mom and a lot warmer than she came across? So Cam’s not going to have any issue with her, in that case. Jay probably still will, just because he’s got a little bit of a “My way or the highway” attitude(At first) and that’s not gonna go over well with Cora. Also, he has minor issues with turians, so he’ll get off to a rough start with Vetra. But I don’t see that lasting long.
Aside from that, I can’t really think of anyone. Cam is a Sunshine Child who can get along with just about anyone, and Jay’s a loner who probably won’t socialize enough to butt heads with people.
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notaethyras · 8 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
Claire Ryder will miss it all. It was her home, her everything. She’ll miss the people and the sights and most of all Earth. Knowing she will never see it again is hard but Claire knows she took the best parts of home with her.
Jericho Ryder is going to miss home however he is ready for a change. I think for the most part he will miss the familiar territory until Andromeda becomes his home. 
Astrea Ryder was more than happy to have joined and left. There will be a few things she misses about home but really she was first in line to go.
Siren Ryder is going to miss the Earth and the Alliance and just...everything. No part of her was ready to leave.
Maxson Ryder will miss the races that didn’t get to come along to Andromeda like the Hanar, Drell and so on. Familiar races he will never see again.
Rey Ryder is going to miss home. The shops close to home, the people she saw every day but never knew their names. The little things.
Remy Ryder is going to miss his friends, he made so many and throughout his life and said goodbye to them all.
Lexa Ryder will miss little if anything. She wasn’t keen to leave but Andromeda offers something new.
Gage Ryder will miss her life knowing it is going to change drastically now.
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wonwoosthetic · 3 years
how did the members react when wonwoo and minnie told them that they were dating?
-🤘🏼 (hii, hope you’re doing well <3)
Omg hiiiiii!!!👋🏼☺️👋🏼
Cute story:
Because they never actually told the members. They waited until New Year’s Eve to surprise them🥰😅, since they got together in September, they did have to wait quite a long time, and if you ask Minnie now, that girl will tell you that those were the longest couple of months she had ever experienced.
As the countdown went down and the members were shouting together “3,2,1!” All hands and glasses went up “Happy New Year!” Minnie and Wonwoo just shared a New Years’ Kiss, shocking everyone but Coups, Joshua, and Minghao (since Minnie already told them in the TTT episode chapter, and Seungcheol had a feeling, watching them closely and remembering the talk he had with Wonwoo). So after cheering for the new year, they started cheering even louder once they saw the couple.
The crowd went wild!😂👏🏼 Mingyu felt so betrayed, not knowing about his fellow ‘97 Liner and his best friend… god, did he sulk about that.
Jeonghan and Hoshi thought it was a prank and kept on asking, “wait, why did you kiss?”, “are you actually together?”, “like, ACTUALLY actually?” But they were just as happy as the others :)
Jun was insanely shocked, it took him some time to realise that they would be an official couple from now on and you better bet he talked with Minnie about it afterwards! Not in like a “The Talk” talking way, but in a sort of “tell me everything! From beginning to now” - best friend kind of way.
Woozi felt betrayed for letting her use his studio and store everything there basically 24/7 and not hearing her talk about it even once. He also didn’t think it was okay that the ‘96 Liners kept secrets between each other😂 Wonwoo and Minnie earned themselves a slap on the head each.
Dokyeom, Seungkwan, and Dino were SO HAPPY, they truly were the loudest to cheer, jumping up and down, congratulating them as if they had just announced a pregnancy or marriage… they went overboard with it but who cares, THEY WERE HAPPY!!
Vernon grinned, happy for both of them but after his wide-eyed, shocked facial expression, not much followed😂 he’s now the one though to definitely tease Minnie with inappropriate questions in English to confuse the other members when she looks at him with her mouth open and punches him in the arm - he never really wants to know the answer, just loves seeing her react. One time Wonwoo overheard one question and had to ask Minnie what it mea- ANYWAYS NO! That’s for another time
I’m doing very well btw, hope you too!🥰♥️
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whalefucker69 · 8 years
Catching up w/ the weekend
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
She had a few friends from college/her alliance posting that she’ll miss, but not much.  
9 Days: Did Ryder have any notable friends or connections in the Milky Way? How about past relationships? Which friendship or relationship was the most significant to them?
Not really comfortable defining this stuff explicitly rn when we don’t know much about canon backstories.
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markleesthighs · 3 years
Hello~ I really love your "Mea Bella" story and was wondering if you can do another royal themed drabble: Male reader (if you can) x Yuta as a prince, where Yuta is having a royal gathering and M/n, the mysterious foreign prince attends. M/n is gossiped about due to him being a foreigner and his cold exterior. An unexpected turn of events occur where Yuta runs into a dangerous situation and m/n protects him. Maybe a secret of m/n's gets uncovered? Then they begin to form a relationship of sorts.
-I haven’t written Mea Bella in so long haha this one will be cute!
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Lily of the Valley
The annual International Congress of Future Leaders Ball, around this time of year you would have burned the invitation and moved on with your royal duties. It wasn’t a shock that your parents thought you were anti-social, spending time with your head in books and wandering the gardens. In hopes of increasing networking and your social ability they forced you to accept the invitation. You hated this ball, it was full of snobby princes talking about how excited they were about their father dying so they can take over their respective kingdoms. Since you’ve been missing all of the balls for the past couple of years, most people assumed you died or something.
But prince Yuta was shocked to hear you were attending this year, he hadn’t seen you since you were tweens, complaining about your voices cracking and fencing classes. You hated preparing for the ball, constant fittings for your suits, manners classes, and dancing lessons. You were dreading the ball as the days got closer and closer. Your parents would always remind you about it at dinner like a countdown timer, so you couldn’t find a way to ditch it.
The day had come, you groaned getting out of bed. The maids put your suit on perfectly fitted, showcasing your kingdoms signature green color and white accents. You hopped onto the carriage as it took you out of your woodland forest castle to the Nakamoto’s lavish mansion. You hopped out as several guests looked shocked at you, and began to whisper about you.
“I thought he was dead”
“He’s probably here because someone made a bet about him coming”
“Still as cold as ever, nothings changed about him.”
That would have made 13 year old you feel like crap but now, as an adult you really didn’t care. As you opened the doors, you greeted the announcer as servants blew the trumpets and announced your name to the crowd of princes who had already arrived. No claps or cheers just a bunch of whispering as you cascaded down the stairs. As your foot touched the ballroom floor everyone cleared space for your path. New princes to the congress cowered in fear against you while ones you were familiar with rolled their eyes.
“Why is he here?”
“Shouldn’t he be busy turning people to stone?”
“You’d think he’d learn to greet people during his time in solitude.”
Yuta caught your sight as Yuta excitedly dashed over to you.
“m/n, i’m so happy you could make it! I wanted you to meet the new people to the committee! What have you been up to?”
“Always studious aren’t you, here, meet Shotaro Osaki, he’s new here.”
“O-oh hello! Are you also new?”
“Oh, ok.”
The conversation fell silent after that. Yuta laughed awkwardly as he took you away from the confused Shotaro.
“Look, I know you’re not the biggest fan of socializing, but it’s a party, let loose a little.”
“I don’t ‘let loose’ prince Yuta, I’d rather be at home right now. Besides people don’t want me here anyways.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m a foreigner to them regardless if I talk to them or not they’re minds won’t change about how they feel about me...”
“They just haven’t seen your charms yet m/n, I bet they don’t know you’re a world champion in fencing and archery. I could always keep you company if you want.”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you away from your other guests.”
“I’m f-“
“Prince Yuta watch out!”
You tackled Yuta to push him out of the way of the falling chandelier that shattered behind you. You were on top of Yuta as you saw everyone in the room fall silent. You got off Yuta checking out the chandelier as he called the guards to scan the area.
“m/n, you saved my life, how can I ever thank you?”
“Let me go home early.”
“Seriously you are still thinking about leaving after you just saved me?”
Shotaro then approached you.
“I just wanted to say what you did was really cool.”
“Oh, thanks, I guess.”
Others eventually joined in asking about your training and you had a good time meeting new people and learning about their interests. You then noticed that the roles have changed now Yuta’s the one alone while you had all the attention. You excused yourself to see how Yuta was doing.
“Hey, is everything alright?"
"We called security to search the place, apparently it was an angry peasant against princes is who snuck in." 
You noticed Yuta had a cut near his forehead. You called a maid over for a first aid kit and took Yuta aside into a bedroom to clean him up. Yuta hissed at the rubbing alcohol touching his wound. You placed bandages on his forehead and he thanked you. 
"Hey m/n?"
"Why are you so insistent of going home all the time?"
You sighed. "Well, my home is all I've ever known. I'm an only child to my parents, so they pushed me hard to train in everything I can to become the perfect king one day. They thought if I went to other castles for parties or play-dates that I would get distracted. I would become soft in a sense, letting friends get away with crimes and picking up rebellious behavior, for example. My grandfather was almost killed by his second in command, so my family has a lot of trust issues.  So, I've never really learned how to make friends or socialize properly. But recently, my parents are seeing how their tactics have caused me to become cold and introverted. When I made a commoner's baby cry, that's what pushed them to let me out of the castle."
"I see, but what about those times when I'd come visit?"
"My parents saw that you made me happy and was fit for competition, but you know I'd win anyway."
"Hey! No fair! I haven't had the change to train as much as you!"
"Clearly." You said poking his wound, Yuta pouted in response. 
"m/n, thanks for sharing this with me. I know trusting people for you isn't easy."
"Thanks Yuta, you're one of the few people I can trust." you said with a warm smile.
"There's a saying in my kingdom, I'd say you're becoming a lily of the valley."
"What does that mean?"
"The lily of the valley is a symbol of a return to happiness, a start of something new, growing to be happier every day." 
"I know I'll be a happier prince with you, Yuta."
"Me too, m/n."
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 1
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1963
Warnings:  Sex talk and pregnancy talk on this chapter, smut, angst, pregnancy, mentions of childhood abuse on series.
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
Author’s Note: @fanficwriter013 helped me build this world and helped write the first few chapters.  I am forever grateful to her.  I love this series and can’t quite seem to let it go.
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Chapter 1: Big Plans
It’s strange how a month can feel like both a blink of an eye and an eternity all at once.  We returned to Earth and everything got busy all at once.  There was work to catch up on.  Avengers stuff had piled up.  Plus, Steve wanted me to train in case they did need me for end-of-the-world things.  There were all the things related to the move back to the Tower.  Plus, Tony and I went into wedding planning mode.  We wanted to just get it over with quickly but we didn’t just want to head to the county courthouse either.  And in the meantime, we all just missed Thor.  Knowing he was going to be back for good just made us miss him even more and even with the days feeling too short to fit everything in, the countdown seemed to drag on.
It was good being busy but I was starting to feel the stress.  I don’t think Steve was really loving the idea of training me, and I wanted to tell him not to worry about it.  That I didn’t want that life.  That didn’t seem fair though.  I could lift Mjolnir.  That meant something.  I couldn’t just selfishly sit at home while my family risked their lives.  The wedding plans weren’t exactly easy either.  We wanted to do it as soon as Thor got back which meant doing everything in two months and just finding a venue alone was hard.  Everything was booked and with the need for privacy on top, the ones that weren’t were not ideal.  The tower was taking a little longer than expected.  I think the stress was getting to me so much I was overthinking everything.  Like we’d had too good of a run and now it was going to fall apart. With my new powers, I now had threads that only I could see that connected me to members of my family and told me where they were and if they were okay.  I would check them constantly worried that something bad was going to happen.  The threads that connected me to Natasha and Wanda seemed to be fraying at the connection to them, and even though when I touched them they seemed content, I kept thinking they were planning to leave us.
“I don’t know, Tony.  I like the idea of a private island but every time I call them they’re booked up,” I complained as I sat in his lap and we looked over wedding destinations.
“You’ve been name dropping right?  That normally does the trick,” Tony teased as his finger slowly caressed over my stomach.
“Yes,” I admitted.  “And I hate it, but still, this is people’s weddings.  Even offering to pay to relocate them isn’t working.  I swear we could buy an island and we’d have more luck.”
“Alright, so we buy an island,” Tony said.  “Richard Branson owns ones.  I guess I can too.  And we can go there for our anniversary.”
I laughed and shook my head.  “Simple, low key wedding it is,” I said as I brought up a website devoted to the buying and selling of islands.  There was a surprisingly large number of them and we narrowed it down to an island in the Caribbean with a fully functional hotel, one in the Maldives that seemed close to not being an island anymore but did have a small hotel comprising of bungalows and an island in Belize that had a small compound like structure that would require us hiring staff to run and flying in all the things we needed for our wedding.
“So, I’m going to send these to Nat and Wanda and let them decide,” Tony said and swiped them into little folders with Natasha and Wanda’s name on it.  “Don’t you worry though, honey.  Our wedding will be small, low key and just us.  Then we’ll spend two weeks on the beach while the kids stay with Sam’s sister.  And when we get back, the Tower will be ready to move into.”
I hummed and leaned my head back on his shoulder.  “It’s going to be so nice.”
He slowly kissed his way along my shoulder to my neck as his hand continued to caress my stomach.  “So I’ve been thinking…”
“You’re always doing that,” I teased playfully, turning my head and nosing at his cheek.
“Well, yes,” he said, a little nervously.  “No.  Sorta…”
I sat more upright and turned to look at him.  “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he said.  “I just… We’ve been happy, haven’t we?  All of us.  Since the kids were born.  I really like being a dad.”
I smiled softly and caressed his jaw with my thumb.  “Yeah.  Really happy.  I can feel it now too.”
“I want us to have more,” he said.  “Kids that is.  I kinda… I want to make one with you.”
I stared at him in disbelief, though I could feel through the thread how much he wanted this and how nervous he was I was going to say no.  “Really?  You’re sure?”
“You make really pretty babies,” he said.
I smiled and leaned my forehead against his, tears pricking my eyes.  “I’d be so happy.”
“Is that a yes?”  He asked.  “We can make a little Stark/Cooper baby?”
I let out a breath.  I wanted this so much.  I’d had dreams about getting pregnant again.  This time because everyone wanted it.  And this time around everyone being excited from the start and having the support I didn’t get the last time.  Seeing our family grow more.  But I couldn’t agree until I knew I’d get it.  I couldn’t go through what I did last time.  “We need to talk to the others.  That means Thor too.  I need for them to agree to having more kids and that they’re okay with both knowing you’re the biological father or if we just have me go off birth control and whatever happens happens.”
Tony nodded and rubbed my back  “Okay.  It’s okay,” he said.  “It’ll be different this time.  We’re all here now, El.  And if they just want the paternity to be random.  I’d be okay with that too.  I just… I really love being a dad.”
I nuzzled into his neck, one tear breaking free and running down my cheek.  “I love you,” I whispered.  “And I do want this.  More than anything.”
“I know,” he said, holding me close.  “I love you too.”
He held me like that for a little while, just gently rubbing my back, when a large crack of thunder sounded outside and it started bucketing down rain.  I sat up suddenly and looked out of the window.  “Is it Thor do you think?”
“Gotta be,” Tony said, patting my ass so I’d get up.
I jumped to my feet and the two of us rushed outside.  The rain was coming down heavily and Bruce was outside with the kids and the puppies, looking up at the sky.  I moved up beside him, still being sheltered by the awning of the house.  “Is it him?”
Bruce smiled and looked down at me.  He was in his blended form.  The one he took most of the time these days.  He’d lean into Bruce more in the bedroom or the lab, or Hulk when he was playing outside with Clint and the kids.  But mostly he was both at once, working in harmony.  “The atmospheric readings are consistent with the Rosenberg Bridge opening.”
To back up Bruce’s words, a huge crash sounded again and a large beam of rainbow-colored light seemed to crash into the ground.  When it cleared Thor was standing in the middle of a circle of Celtic knotwork burned into the ground.  The twins squealed in delight and ran out into the rain to greet him.  Thor smiled and the rain stopped like he’d flicked a switch on it.  He scooped them up when they reached him and held them above his head.
“Children!”  He boomed.
“Daddy!”  They both squealed at once, kicking their legs.  He pulled them into a hug and closed his eyes, smiling contentedly as they nuzzled into him.  Tony, Bruce, and I approached him and when we got close he put both onto one arm and cradled my jaw with the other.
“Mea Vida,” he hummed and kissed me deeply.  I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“Thor!  We didn’t expect you back yet!” Bruce said, smiling.
Thor broke his kiss with me and Bruce leaned down and pecked Thor’s cheek before Tony moved in and did the same.  “All is running well on Asgard.  I have Heimdall watching over things.  He will call me if needed.”
“So this is it?” I asked, looking up at him. “You’re home now?”
He smiled contentedly.  “Yes.  I’m home.”
“Come on,” Tony said, clapping him on the shoulder.  “Let’s get you inside.  We have a lot to tell you about.  In fact, your timing is perfect.  He looked at me with a small smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye.  It did feel like a sign.  This was the day we would agree to extend our family.
“I misted you,” Pietro said as we made our way back inside with the dogs, dancing around at our feet.
“I missed you too, my darling one,” Thor said, affectionately.  “What have you been doing since I saw you last?”
“Umm…” Pietro pondered.
“We pwayed and deys take us pwaces.  We did see a schoowl,” Riley explained.
“And I dot my books,” Pietro added.
“Those all sound wonderful,” Thor rumbled and kissed them both on the head, before putting them down.  He took a seat on the couch and both the twins and the dogs climbed up into his lap.
“FRIDAY, tell the cook to make a large lunch for everyone and that Thor’s here so whatever they think is normal, double it,” Tony said as he took a seat.  “And page the others.”
“Of course,” FRIDAY replied.
“Daddy,” Pietro said as he climbed up onto Thor’s shoulders.  “Wiwl Woki come?”
“On occasion, little one,” Thor answered.  “Loki has a very important responsibility in Asgard now.”
“Wiwl Mags come?”  Riley added.
Thor laughed and ruffled her hair.  “No, honey.  I’m afraid not.  But I will take you back to your homeworld from time-to-time and you will see him.”
I started to get impatient and I ran my fingers through the threads that connected me to the others and tugged on the ones that belonged to Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Wanda.
“Did you just pull me?”  Clint said, coming into the room.
“I did,” I answered.  “Thor’s home!”
Clint grinned and came over, kissing Thor, before flopping on the chair beside him.
“Space husband!”  Steve called as he entered the room with Bucky.
“I’m not your space husband any longer.  I’m home for good,” Thor said, getting up and greeting the two super-soldiers with a tight hug and a kiss.
“You are!”  Wanda squeaked as she entered with Sam.
Thor turned to Sam and Wanda and a large smile broke out on his face as he pulled them into his arms.  “You have been busy while I was away,” he said.  Wanda looked up at him confused when Natasha finally arrived.  “Very busy indeed.”
“What do you mean?”  Wanda asked.
“You and Natasha, you’re both with child,” Thor said, looking at the both of them confused.   “You didn’t know?”
I looked from Wanda to Nat and the sudden realization that the fraying of the threads was the starting of new ones connected me to the babies they were carrying.  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized it sooner.
Natasha looked at Thor with her jaw dropped.  “I’m sorry, but I’m what?”
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