#mea selen el philizar
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Mea Selen El Philizar - Dame x Prince Anime Caravan
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luna-ly · 6 years
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Dame x Prince Anime Caravan ep.7
So he had a yandere streak in him.
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wow1076 · 7 years
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hisuisz · 7 years
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‘‘Don’t you recognize me’‘
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tsukkilatte · 7 years
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thecrazyanimegirl · 7 years
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“I knew it, I can only survive in the darkness.”
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kaijin-nijuu-mensou · 7 years
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Ejem... ya... yo no suelo tener ships en este tipo de series(? pero en este caso... me mataron, realmente me mataron y me dieron motivos de sobra. Narek no es del tipo de personaje que me gusta... pero debo admitir que ganó mil puntos conmigo por la forma en que trató a mi precioso;;;; sobre todo por reconocer la existencia de Kyuaran como algo importante para Mare e incluso hablarle directamente a ella, no considerándola una muñeca (por ello también posiblemente fue Narek quien pidió que sirvieran una taza de té para ella,ya que de haberlo pedido Mare no habría puesto esa expresión -foto 3-). En fin, Narek puede ser bastante amable, y confiable cuando se necesita, “es cool pero también un idiota~♪”, sin embargo hasta ahora no todos pueden ver eso(? Mare ahora entiende porque al igual que su hermano, es digno de ser príncipe heredero...
También está el hecho de que lo ayudó cuando Mare cayó... Persona x: Pero¿no es normal que alguien ayude en una situación así? No, debido a que se supone que el personaje de Narek es alguien egocéntrico, no estoy diciendo que sea mala persona, pero ¿para qué ayudar a alguien más?, lo mismo pasó cuando intentaron atacarlos, hizo a Mare hacia atrás, Persona x: Pero, ¿no hizo que se apartara para que no estorbara? No, sin duda si lo hubiera considerado un estorbo lo habría dejado claro en ese momento, pero no, hizo que se apartara porque confiaba en su fuerza y que podía derrotar a los otros hombres por su cuenta, en ese momento incluso se olvido del hecho que podía ensuciarse e incluso no le importó pelear con un palo en vez de una espada (lol después de todo seguía siendo genial). +++puntos extra porque salvó a Kyuaran de ser cortada por la espada voladora.
En fin, siento que podrían ser una linda pareja, tendrían una relación interesante~ y bueno algo a destacar también es que no es como si todo el mundo comprendiera a Mare con respecto a Kyuaran... así que todo lo que hizo Narek sin duda dejó una buena impresión.
+mi nuevo sueño es que Mare le haga un traje a Narek(?
+adoro las miradas que Narek le da a Mare y a Kyuaran~
Esto es sólo mi análisis al respecto... porque no podía dejar de pensar en ellos cuando terminé de ver el capítulo x’D bye
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heysayjeskuh · 6 years
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OMG so cute!!!!!! ♥♥♥ Kawaii ♥♥♥
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ultimainfiraya · 6 years
Ultima Infi Raya’s Average Anime Recommendations! - Dame x Prince Anime Caravan
Good Day to all of you! I am Ultima Infi Raya (formerly known as IJP Raya BIn Saeng), and today! I have an average anime recommendations for you. Now, as for my average rating, it should be either a score of 6 - 7 to be called average. 
Dame x Prince Anime Caravan
(link: https://myanimelist.net/anime/35988/Dame_x_Prince_Anime_Caravan?q=anime%20car)
(Forgive the low quality of the picture)
What is this about?
This anime is about three kingdoms signing the peace treaty (Selenfalen, Mildonia and Inako). There isn’t much of a story going around here, not much of an action or whatsoever ever, but we do follow the story of the Princess of Inako, you may immediately think of this as a Reverse Harem anime, but it is not the case when you watch further and further.
So for people who are  looking for another Reverse Harem anime to watch, sorry to disappoint you, this is not the one. Although there are some romance involved, the Princess is not into those stuff, but more focused on improving the relationships between the three kingdoms.
This is one of those anime that you can watch it as a substitute anime if you are, for example, bored, or wanting to let the time pass by quickly. But it is certainly not of those that you can binge-watch unless you are that kind of person who likes this kind of anime. Take note, this is also an anime that you shouldn’t take seriously because of the genre it has “comedy”. Meaning, they are more focused on the comedy route instead of the serious route. Although nearing to the end of the anime, you will find out more shocking plot twists (that’s like the main reason why I kept watching this, solely because of the plot twist that happen somewhere in the middle of the series.) \
Kingdom Of Inako
Ani Inako - The main female character of the series (literally the only one), is the Princess of the kingdom Inako, she signed the peace treaty in the beginning and we found out that she has to travel between the kingdoms of Selenfalen and Mildonia, to improve the relationships between the three kingdoms. Together joins her these other two characters from her kingdom.
Theo Colton (Short brown hair, with a shirt and a green vest) - A supporting character, the only knight of the Kingdom of Inako, follows the Princess around to ensure her safety. His loyalty remains undisputed.
Kyuaran (the pink sentret looking plushie) -  A supporting character, Kyuaran has special powers that is mostly use for the protection of the Princess (although ending up as a failure, for comedy reasons).
The parents of Ani Inako - They are the lovable parents of the Princess, although somewhat annoying, you definitely cannot hate them. The one who pulls the strings for a Peace Treaty is the Queen of Inako.
Kingdom of Selenfalen
Luze Selen El Philizar (Medium platinum blond with blue eyes, with a blue cape, check the pink ribbon) -  The main character of the series, he is the next-in-line to be crowned the ruler of Selenfalen. A kind-hearted person, he definitely wants peace throughout his Kingdom and will do anything to keep it so. The running gag on him is wherever he gives speeches, he will start shining like a Deity whereas the bad-willed person will turn good. Always optimistic.
Mea Selen El Philizar (Curly, messy, purple hair, wearing a purple vest) - The main character of the series, the second prince of Selenfalen, opposite of his older brother. Mostly a pessimist and hates the light. The running gag on him is that he can’t handle the light/sun and therefore actively tries to avoid it. Whereas Luze thinks that Mea hates him, but it’s not.
Chrome Rem (A middle-aged man with long silver hair) - A supporting character. The Prime Minister of Selenfalen, his main purpose is to teach Luze the ways of the Kingdom and ensures his safety.
Kingdom of Mildonia
Narek Ishru De Mildonia (Red hair) - A main character. The Narcissistic Prince of the Military Kingdom of Mildonia, although he brings good luck towards its people (by throwing confetti), the running gag of his character, is his highly pride of narcissistic attitude towards other people where his three guards proceed to throw confetti.
Vino Von Ronzado (Long Blond Hair) - A main character. He is your generic/typical Ladies’ Man, definitely not a womanizer but makes sure that you feel loved by him while not hurting you at the same time, he mostly cares about the Prince because of his behavior. I cannot recall any running gags on him since he is the most matured about the male characters.
Liott Wolte (Red cape) - One of the Knights of Mildonia, he also worries for the Prince because of his rash behavior, secretly stalks the Prince to ensure nothing happens to him even though Vino is with the Prince.
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kah0hinata · 7 years
oh yeah by the way:
Ruze’s birthday is the first of June
Mare’s is the 20th of March
Narek’s birthday is the 24th of July
Vino’s is the 7th of November
Chrom’s is the 9th of September
Riot’s is the 12 of January
and Teo is the 13th of April
(i got this information from here)
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luna-ly · 6 years
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Dame x Prince Anime Caravan ep.6
Love the clothes. Love the outfit change. Love the fashion show.
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xxiyngu-arjxx · 7 years
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The hot boys of Dame x Prince Anime Caravan!!!!
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Ryohei Kimura as  Mea Selen El Philizar (Hikikomori )
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Character song here
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tsukkilatte · 7 years
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She's Kyuaran's mi amor... mi amor... That is why she's my... Oh, I know. I'll lock her away so no one else can take her. I'll take really, really good care of her...
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thecrazyanimegirl · 7 years
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You should dance with me.
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