#meant to do it ages ago
themancorialist · 1 year
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Red Bank, Manchester.
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sketchy-tour · 9 months
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These were meant to be warmups. ANYWHO!
Went to a random palette site and picked ones that were reminiscent of Wally's colors but still very different that I liked and grabbed some outfits to do a sort of challenge for myself. Idk, thought it would help me out of my funk.
Suffice to say, I'm feeling a bit better now~ These were really fun to do!!!
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little-pup-pip · 5 months
for @milkshake99
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candyskiez · 4 months
okay hold on guys I need to be emo about infinity train book two. two people who've always been expected to just go along with everything everyone else wants them to be their whole life. one of these people rebelled and thinks nobody could love them as they are because they can either have people who care about them or be themselves. the other never ever does anything for himself because he wants everyone to like him. he doesn't want anyone to be mad at him. but in the process of trying to be someone everyone likes, he becomes a doormat. everyone's his friend but nobody's his close friend. the only one he's really close to, his brother, gets hurt by his complacency. the other is angry and bitter and lashing out at everyone because they preemptively assume everyone will dislike them because they've been punished for existing their entire life. they assume any kindness is out of pity. jesse never does anything for himself and never stands up for what he believes in so everyone likes him, resulting in no true friends. lake pushes everyone out before they can hurt them, resulting in no friends.
and then they meet. and lake dislikes jesse at first because he's so nosy and pushing his ideas on everyone and so loud. and how could someone this different from them ever care about them. they assume he's fake kind and only cares about his own ego. and meanwhile jesse just wants them to like him. even a little bit of rejection messes with him so bad. he can't handle being disliked at the start. just the thought of some strangers disliking him is terrifying to him and that says so much about his self esteem.
lake only really starts to change their mind on jesse in the map car. hears him talk about staging behind so nobody gets upset or left out except him, and they...don't understand. why wouldn't he do what he wants to do? why doesn't he care about what he wants?
and hearing about lakes "friend", he's confused. how could they leave someone like that? how could they willingly lose someone? why would they be so hostile to every potential friend? why are they so insistent on keeping everyone far away? why are they so mean? they don't get each other at first.
toad car is where they learn more about each other.
when jesse learns they're a reflection, he learns it from an authority figure. and jesse at first immediately assumes the authority figure is absolutely correct. why wouldn't lake just tell him? clearly they must be hiding something! and lake is so mad at him when they learn he didn't stand up for his brother. his brother needed someone to look out for him so badly and he failed him. how could he do that?
and then they finally talk and understand each other.
lake learns jesse thought it'd be funny, it'd just be a joke. he didn't think nate would get hurt. he didn't think they'd go that far. and he had no idea how to respond when they'd hurt him like that. when now he had a recording of his brother crying because of something he helped do. and he's realizing now that...maybe if his friends thought *that* would be funny, maybe they weren't good people. maybe there's no level of excuse for that.
and jesse learns about lake too. learns they have never been safe, learns they've been sold out so many times ("why should I trust a guy who sold out his own brother?!" has a whole new meaning), learns they've been punished for existing, learns they're always on the run. they've never had a friend. they've never had someone who loved them.
and they bond. and jesse is still kind to lake after learning what they are. lake tells him, bluntly, your friends suck. you should have better friends. tells him he deserves to be treated better.
and at the carnival, jesse doesn't understand why lake is so upset. they can still beat this weirdo.
but it's not just about losing the game. it's never been about a stupid game. it's about the fact that everyone views them as inherently less. it's about the fact that they'll always be rejected. it's about the fact nobody sees them as a person.
and jesse does something they didn't expect.
he wants them to come home with him. not in a people please everyone way. in a "you're my best friend. I want you to be okay" way. it's the first time they've ever experienced this sort of unconditional love. it's the first time anyone's offered this to them when they gain nothing from it. and that means everything to them.
and that compassion changes them. you see them be so much more protective of him and alan dracula after because now they're learning what it is to be a friend. you already see that compassion blooming before, them telling jesse he should care about what HE wants, their anger for hurting alan dracula, it's already growing. but it becomes even more pronounced in the mall car. they are absolutely willing to throw hands with someone dangerous for alan's sake alone. doesn't even mention how terribly the kids treated them at first. their first priority was alan being harmed.
people are *taught* compassion. so once lake learns what it's like, they develop it more themselves. they learn to be kind while still standing up for themselves against the apex when they treat them like shit.
and jesse is FURIOUS when he sees what everyone's doing. he's uncomfortable in the cube car, because... why are they doing this? it's just making the denizen upset. this feels wrong. so did standing by when his brother got hurt. but before, jesse didn't have the spine to stand up.
but now, when he sees lake and alan being hurt, he doesn't believe the apex. he doesn't fold. he doesn't do whats easy. he takes a stand. because no, even if he wants these people to like him he is NOT standing by. this is what could've happened if jesse's friends kept mistreating nate, I think. it could've kept escalating. and jesse standing up and saying "I'm DONE sitting by" is so important. him choosing to believe the person who was kind to him and not just nice is so, so important.
Do you guys ever think about how Lake and Jesse teach each other how to be kind and how to have an actual genuine friendship. Because I do a lot.
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ao3statistics · 7 months
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This is self-made. Date: 11.03.2024
Please note that the two most popular ships are NOT FROM THE DC FANDOM. What is happening.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only. Includes all fandoms on Ao3 connected to Duke Thomas from DCU.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were not included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 10 months
TG: do you think former president ronald reagan smacks rats
EB: sssmacks…rats?
TG: yah do you reckon he smacks rats
EB: oh yeah he TOTALLY smacks rodents—what in GOD’S NAME are we talking about
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elisedonut · 3 months
I wonder if Bill and/or Charlie ever came back to the burrow and felt like they didn't belong anymore
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cassberry · 11 months
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(Looking to watch 3rd Life, Last Life or Double Life? Here you go!)
If you are looking for a guide of some Limited Life episodes to catch up on for no particular reason at all (certainly not a new season being around the corner), I've got you covered!
Now I'm not going to lie, trying to curate this list for Limited Life broke me. The mechanics of this season meant that you gained time by killing other players and in doing so it felt like 50 things were happening all at once constantly across the server. As such I haven't been able to get absolutely everything onto this list, but I did try my best to get all the important events and a wide range of perspectives!
WARNING: Incredibly long read more where I go over why I picked certain POV's and what to expect. I do so love to ramble. Spoilers ahead!
Skizz - Breaking from tradition from recommending Grian first because you need to watch Skizz's POV first out of everyone unspoiled. The way things unraveled this episode felt like a sitcom in the best and worst ways lol 
Grian - Just a good solid first episode honestly and with the start of the Bad Boys™ how can you not love it. 
Scar -  I really have no words for whatever is the dynamic of the Clockers because you really just have to see it to understand. It’s a fun episode and as Scar, Cleo and Bdubs have set up near spawn, you always get to see something interesting. 
Big B - Big B’s episodes are always a treat as he does super long ones that give you a little more insight into what's happening on the server, rather than just the big events. But if you wanted something specific to watch, his last 10 minutes of this episode were a blast. 
Joel - Bad Boys Bread Bridge was both the most amazing and ugliest build on the server and I’m so glad it was made. Also Joel gets some amazing kills this episode that are so tense to watch. 
Martyn - Look this one is here because of a little personal bias. Martyn shouts me out in the episode so I couldn’t not add it lol It’s also a very good episode in of itself in that it introduces the Mean Gills and I’ll always be a Mean Gills supporter. Also that Tilly roast? oof 
Pearl - Pearl is constantly on the move this episode and living up to her Nosy Neighbour title so watch her episode if you want some good gossip and to see the lay of the land. 
Tango - Tango always delivers a solid episode and as he was building the TIES Tower a majority of the time he receives a lot of foot traffic through the area creating some fun interactions. 
Scar - And in this episode of Limited Life, Scar rediscovers the joys of minecart TNT. 
Impulse - Impulse is such a fun boogey to watch, and the way he edited this episode around his thought process of who to kill was great. 
Grian - Kind of a different episode this session as Grian was sick so he was afk the entire time. It was very very very funny to watch, but as he wasn’t interacting with anyone you’re going to miss a lot of context if you only watch his POV. You should still give this a watch though! 
Joel - Watching poor Joel run around after Grian trying to keep him safe was incredibly entertaining lmao 
Scott - I believe Grian said it best, but this session felt like a final session with the way the yellows were chasing after the greens. It was pure chaos the entire time and Scott beautifully evading them all until his descent into yellow was perfection. 
Tango - Tango is here for the same reason as Scott but as the last green the final hunt for him was terrifying to watch. 
Cleo - I love Cleo’s episodes and this one was just a joy. She was slightly sick this week but I feel like that only lowered her inhibitions to do some out of pocket stuff. 
Jimmy - The exciting saga of Judge Judy and Executioner continues in Jimmy’s episode this week and if you didn’t know anything about it, that's ok! Neither did anyone else on the server except for Jimmy, Pearl and Big B lmao consider this the best episode to watch if you want this plotline covered. 
Etho - Considering the episode starts off with Etho having to babysit Bdubs, then an awkward family dinner and an explosive game of catch, I really couldn’t have asked for a better Etho video. 
Big B - This session was a lot more calm than the previous, so there was a lot more alliance talk happening. Big B has a great perspective on all that as he and Pearl get up to a tonne of mischief that causes some problems with some alliances they already had. 
Scott - Once again this was an alliance building week and Scott’s episode really highlights some of the more fun things that happened to make and break some relationships. 
Grian - Poor Bread Bridge o7 you will be missed. Thankfully M-Rye 5 was there at the end to rain chaos from above. (<-sentences that make no sense out of context) 
Cleo & Pearl - I couldn’t choose between either of these two this session. Both Cleo and Pearl were out sick so they handed over their accounts to two other players. I won’t spoil who they are but these episodes were amazing. 
Jimmy - The Bad Boys were going through it this week goddamn lol It never stops being funny how much of a mess everything becomes when they get together. 
Martyn - It was his birthday this session and he’s just a little guy! Surely nothing would go wrong at his birthday party? And certainly not caused by him! 
Tango - The last half of Tango’s episode is just a comical amount of deaths that only get funnier and funnier as the time between them shortens. 
Skizz - Oh Skizz. You are too good for this world. His ending for this episode was heartbreaking and Affirmation Station will live on in my heart forever.
Scott - I love watching Scott run around the map and hunt people down because he is so good at the game! I believe he had the highest kill count this session and I loved every minute of it. 
Joel - (Major Spoilers) Ah Joel it just wasn’t meant to be! But hearing the desperation in his voice grow higher and higher as the clock ticked down was nail biting. Scar - Just a good Scar episode honestly! Shows what the Clockers are up to during all the chaos and a great view of the server devolving into anarchy.
Martyn - WOOOO YESSSS LETS GOOOOOO (<- does that count as spoilers???)
I distinctly remember being on the edge of my seat this whole episode and Martyn delivers in every way possible for a fantastic final episode of the season. 
Impulse - I haven’t mentioned it yet but Impulse’s editing this season went wild and it's none more apparent than in this episode. He and his team went crazy for the finale. 
Etho - Such a fun episode!! The twist at the end with the diamond sword coming into play was everything I could have wanted and more. 
Pearl - It was really a toss up between Pearl and Scott for this last spot, but I loved her perspective for the one last minigame on the server. 
Bdubs - Do you have a spare 12 hours to dedicate to Limited Life? Then oh boy does Bdubs have a video for you! Instead of weekly videos he decided to collate all his episodes into one mammoth video which was an absolute blast to watch over a weekend! It’s a really interesting POV to watch because when LimLife was airing Bdubs would just appear all over the map and we never had any idea what he was doing so it was awesome to have some concrete evidence of his shenanigans. Definitely give this one a watch if you’re in the mood for a marathon! 
I swear if the next season is as messy as this one, I think I’m going to have to start taking notes when it's airing because I think this took years off my life haha if you think I’ve missed anything please tag it because I would love to see it! I definitely could have added more POV’s per session like I did with the Last Life and 3rd Life guides, but I think a more curated list helps keep down the overwhelming nature of trying to watch a million Limited Life episodes. 
But really, I loved watching Limited Life live so I’m glad I give myself an excuse each new season to go back and watch the season over again. There are so many little foreshadowed moments that you don’t see on the first watch and honestly it all just makes me more excited for the new season! Thanks for reading <3
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sammygender · 4 months
‘sam and john are so similar’ well okay. sure, to an extent. both sam and john are (or at least sam starts off being) stubborn, relentlessly driven personalities. but i would argue dean has just as much capacity to be like that as sam. sometimes more. ‘sam and john clash because they’re similar’ idk, maybe, i’m sure that could be and probably is part of it to an extent, but i would put it More down to the fact that john treats his sons Awfully and sam reacts to this (as he should!) by fighting it & being angry with him. john and sam could be nothing alike and they’d still fight like hell
& anyway just because dean thinks sam and john are similar doesn’t make it true. half the reason he probably thinks they’re similar is because of his relationship w them, which is the same intense dogged devotion, though with john it’s expressed through obedience and with sam it’s expressed through possessiveness. they’re a family they’re all like each other. sam and dean are alike in a hell of a lot of ways!! yeah sam’s paralleled with john sometimes but he’s also paralleled with mary. yeah dean plays/has played the role of mary sometimes but he also 100% is always striving to fill the role of john. people are complex! sam and dean are complex characters because they’re good characters! not everything is black and white!
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hiroshotreplica · 7 months
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hi guys
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I took a shuttle tatting class with my mother today, and it was a lot of fun! I'm still VERY early in the process of learning what the fuck I'm doing. But I thought y'all would enjoy This pattern, which is labeled in the booklet as being a heart
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melted-snowperson · 1 year
picrew chain thingy!!
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me fr vs me in my head
@thinkingaboutctommy @paldeanbooper @b0nejaangles @pancakewithamace and anyone else who wants to join!!
using: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/644129
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buried-in-stardust · 7 months
Douyin seems to disallow certain names for bookmark folders... I tried naming one of my folders 耽美 (danmei) but it didn't let me, so I just wrote it in English instead. Bruh
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scalproie · 6 months
Sometimes its not even hating. Sometimes its reading smth so confusing that if you dont say smth it will kill you from frustration
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yellowvixen · 11 months
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Logo by @bunnymajo, thank you!!
Better late than never, here's a Q&A for @sonic-oc-showdown
✨ How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I wanted to use a word that meant ice that wasn't extremely obvious, and Rime ended up being perfect! To be specific it means hoar frost.
🌼 How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Same age as Blaze! She was created ~100 years ago, but like Shadow she was frozen and didn't age until she got woken up.
🌺 Do they have any love interest(s)?
She's aro, so no romantic love interest. That said, she and Blaze do definitely end up in a relationship :3
🍕 What is their favorite food?
Surprisingly, anything spicy!
🎹 Do they have any hobbies?
Ice skating! Rime can create her own ice and propell herself pretty easily, but outside of fighting she's discovered she loves the elegance of truly dancing on ice, and challenges herself to learn difficult jumps. She also likes going for long morning walks, especially on a crisp winter morning when the ground is still covered in frost.
❤️ What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Most of their memories as a child with their brother, although a lot of them are bittersweet to look back on now.
✂️ What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Seeing her brother die before being frozen.
🧊 Is their current design the first one?
Yup! Some of their fur colour has changed ever so slightly (her muzzle and ear/chest fluff are now pure white rather than the same off white as the rest of her fur) but that's it.
🍀 What originally inspired the OC?
@transgendershadowthehedgehog made a post about how Blaze should have an aro cryomancer rival, and I ran with the idea.
🌂 What genre do they belong in?
@mari-madas gave me the idea that the Sol dimension is centered more around fantasy in contrast with Sonic's dimension being more sci fi. Not a hard and fast rule as they both have magic and tech, but it's about the Aesthetic™. So, fantasy!
💚 What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Aromantic nonbinary lesbian! Or as she would describe herself, girlthing.
🙌 How many sibling does your OC have?
Just the one, her adopted brother, Gertrude's grandson! Possibly also a Sol version of Biolizard, but I haven't come up with anything for that idea yet
🍎 What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Like Shadow, Rime was made rather than born, so technically doesn't have parents. But her creator, the witch Gertrude, was basically a mother to her... In a way.
Rime was always perfectly happy with Gertrude and never really thinks anything was wrong with how they grew up. But anyone else might think differently, as Rime was treated more like an animal than a person. Not with (much) malice, Gertrude just assumed that Rime didn't have the intelligence of a regular mobian. This allowed Rime to grow up pretty feral, which she considers a good thing! She won't look too deeply into it. She DOESN'T have mommy issues, promise (lying).
✏️ How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Definitely more since this showndown, which I'm glad of! I want to draw her more in the future too, she simply hasn't been around long enough for me to have made a lot of art for her.
💎 Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I mean... gestures to Shadow "dying" at the end of sa2. A similar thing happens to Rime, so while she does die, it's not permanent.
💀 Does your OC have any phobias?
Large open areas, especially at night. Being in space is particularly awful for her (not that she'd show it)
🍩 Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Blaze ;)
Feel free to ask more questions about her!! Brainstorming how to answer them is pretty much how I've created her lore so far lmao
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thetisming · 23 days
im actually really worried that im not that interested in &j anymore like ivd been having a hard time writing about it and talking about it online and i mean i talk about it a lot irl but idk like people have been knowing more than me and im starting to feel so incredibly inferior that it's hard for me to enjoy it
#im in this group chaf and im the only one there that doesnt live in new york snf doesnt know any og them irl and theyall know more and see#it a lot and know about the swing order and i dont and ive been feeling so bad about it and it's been so hard for me and then i have friends#that are clearlv better at fandom in general than me so theyre better at characterisation so if i get criticisrd i just feel Terrible and i#havent properly wtitten in ages caude ive been so worried about my characterisation cause a friend very gently criticised me on my character#isation like 2 months ago and i really look up to this person so now i just cant Do anything#and also the thing that they eere pointing out wad more anothrr friend's thing that i didn't even Like much but if someone talks enough i#can be persuaded to anything and also because im just terrified do i#'ll go along with literally anything just because i dont want poeple to hate me#and it's ruining my enjoyment and i mean i made an au and i was hoping that that would make it so that i could maybe write again but nobody#carrd so now i judt cant#i feel so broken right now#also people that were meant to be &j friends are now friend friends and i mean thats Fine#but i cant! handle it!!!#i cant talk about other things unless it's My other things#and i especially cant talk about five nights at freddy's because i used to be hyperfixated on that so now that im.not i just cant! talk abou#t it! or hear about it!!!#not to mention that that game fucking destroyed my life when i was 9 because everyone liked it but i didn't know what it eas anf they wouldn#t explain so now i judt CANT hear about it!!!!!!#i cant do it i cant. do this#i miss when it brought me so much joy but now i hate talking about it online and i cant do it anymore#i can't pretend to care i can't keep being an &j blog even though i do love it!!!! but i feel so insecure and inferior that i just cant!!!!!#i hate this so mcuh im sorry i needrd to get this out#i dont have anything interesting to say anymore and i mean there's also just like. the whole being autistic thing and not wanting peopel to#judge me for my interests which they have my whole life and now it's too much and i cant care this much anymore. i just can't#i dont have anything to contribute either i cant draw and i can't write anymore and i just dont know what to do#sorry
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