#meanwhile everybody in the party is a fucking kangaroo
annadeef · 1 year
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The sapphic urge to carry the local (squishy) wizard bridal style @artbytesslyn
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The entire plot of Steven universe but with human office workers:
there's a big conglomerate run by a family of matriarchs
years ago the youngest matriarch was given control of a new, very small branch
one of the security guards, concerned about the company's resource management, basically staged a coup
she recruited the matriarch's secretary and the gayest gay couple (one creates stock predictive algorithms, the other was lower tier security), among others
there was a security civil war, more or less, and the young matriarch was assassinated
the other matriarchs decided to abandon that branch, and the town that existed around it; but first, they broadcast a signal on the 'rebel' frequencies that basically made anyone who heard it go insane (sounds science fiction, but might be possible irl)
meanwhile, the town itself is mostly fine. The remaining 'rebels' build a house and just live there for a while
they also adopt a little feral child orphan
eventually the leader falls in love with a traveling rock star and they have a kid, but she dies in childbirth
the others start teaching the kid how to be a badass, 'cause they're now a group of vigilantes hunting the crazy people
meanwhile, in a secret sub-basement of the office building, a group of super crazies jacked up on all kinds of experimental steroids are being kept alive thanks to automated systems. There's a timer though, and when it finishes a door will open...
one of the remaining matriarchs gets it in her head that they should check on the super crazies
she picks out a random engineer and tells the engineer to travel to the office in the far off town
the engineer gets there and no sooner sets down on the helipad than she sees someone has been there recently. She freaks out and leaves
not long before that, the newly badass kid found a traumatized young woman who was locked up by the matriarch's people, even though she was on their side. This young woman still blames the 'rebels' for her plight
the young woman manages to escape the town and heads off to corporate headquarters
the engineer gets back to headquarters and decides to explore using drones. When she does, she finds the 'rebels' snooping around in the office building
she reports this at about the same time as the traumatized girl returns
they raise such a stink that the matriarch decides to send them back with their best security guard, some fancy new weapons, and a fucking tank
and when they get there... turns out the security guard is from the old days and had a personal beef with the badass kid's mom. She tries to kidnap him, almost kills the lesbians, and the whole thing becomes a massive shitstorm. And then the tank blows up
the traumatized girl was being abused by the security guard, so she chains the guard up and drags her off to a secret torture chamber for a while...
everything kinda goes back to normal for a little bit... except the engineer managed to get away, there are still lingering personality issues with the 'rebels', and no one knows about the imminent threat of the super crazies
then the engineer manages to get to the sub-basement, sets a couple of the crazies loose, and paints a target on her back
and then she gets captured
and then she realizes that if she doesn't cooperate they're all gonna die
so she tells them about the super crazies and they believe her of course
they decide to find a solution to the problem, and the engineer decides that this town isn't  so bad, maybe it doesn't deserve to be fucked off the map
so she reaches out to her boss via an old private and secure line she stole from an off-site lab at the edge of town
and basically gets told to let herself die, so she goes 'fuck you' and joins the rebels... only too late realizing she didn't exactly think this all through
and then the traumatized girl and the security guard return, having formed a weird co-dependent, mutually abusive relationship, and they plan on totally fucking up the rebels
which thankfully the rebels are able to separate them and defuse the situation
and then the badass kid and the engineer accidentally their way into making the super crazies not so crazy anymore, though still unfit to live among the normies so they leave 'em in the basement
and then the engineer and the traumatized girl start living together and they make such a cute couple
but then the security guard goes full nutso
she starts using the lower-tier crazies as servants/an army and she tries to fight the rebels
only to get infected with crazy herself and the engineer locks her in a cage after the badass kid and the feral child beat her up
among this, the badass kid finds another traumatized prisoner, this one an old rebel and a weapons expert
she doesn't show her trauma at first, and just seems glad to be back and among friends
then she reveals it was the kid's mom who locked her away for suggesting they kill the matriarchs
and the knife-maker attacks the kid and the kid locks her away again
and then the poor badass kid finds out his mom actually did kill a matriarch, the youngest one, and that's why everybody from headquarters hates him and the rebels so much
and he's really freaked out about all this
and then one of the matriarchs shows up in town and kidnaps his dad
so he and the rebels go to to rescue the dad and find what seems like a whole zoo filled with people and it's freakish but they can't do anything except escape
and they can't even rescue the other prisoners
and then the matriarchs send a sort of repo team, consisting of a midget sociopath who takes everything literally and a pair of former pro wrestlers that have half a brain cell between them
and these three kidnap a bunch more people to take to the zoo
and the badass kid, feeling really confused and guilty, decides to give himself up to pay for his mom's crimes if they'll leave everyone else alone
he gets taken back to headquarters, but about halfway there it turns out one of his civilian friends accidentally stowed away
and when they get to headquarters, this kid is put into a mock trial, total kangaroo court
and he's of course found guilty at first
but then his assigned corporate lawyer starts finding holes in the assassination story that just don't make sense
and then the kid and his friend drive a matriarch's car out the goddamn window of headquarters and manage to survive, landing in a garbage dump
where they're attacked by security drones, and one explodes and basically kills the kid's friend
thankfully it doesn't stick, the kid is able to heal him, but is his friend now technically a zombie? No one knows
but they also meet a bunch of homeless people that the matriarchs have been abusing, and the zombie friend becomes their leader
the badass kid manages to find a secret tunnel and gets back to his home really quickly, freaking everyone out
but they're all just happy he's back
but the engineer and trauma girl are even more freaked out, and they decide to leave town
only the engineer decides that she likes town too much to leave
so the two break up
trauma girl takes all their worldly possessions and leaves
and the engineer gets the dog
and then the badass kid gets to digging into the past and he realizes that maybe the secretary rebel might've been the real assassin
only for her to reveal that the young matriarch and the kid's mom were one and the same
and everybody freaks out
the lesbians almost break up over it
and the secretary has to explain how the matriarch realized her company was super shady but her family wouldn't listen to her
so she adopted an alternate persona and staged a rebellion
but then she felt so much happier in her new persona, she decided to fake her death and take the rebellion all the way
and she was mainly inspired by the lesbians
so the lesbians decide to stay together, and get married
and the kid lets that knife maker out of prison
and the whole town is invited
until two of the matriarchs show up at the after party with a pair of fucking attack helicopters
one of them tries unleashing the super crazies, only they're no longer crazy and they love the kid who saved them, so they attack that matriarch
and the other tries killing the wedding party, but she fails because they're all badasses and also trauma girl shows back up and goes full emo goth angst warrior on her ass
and then both the choppers get wrecked and the matriarchs are about to murder everybody with their bare hands
when the kid rushes out and reveals that he's basically their nephew
and then suddenly their all too happy to stop and help
and so now their mission is to go back to headquarters and convince the fourth matriarch to help
but everybody is nervous because the fourth is fucking schizo or something and she's apparently prone to violent rages, and they even view her as some kind of vengeful god
and when they get to headquarters, the fourth immediately has the kid escorted to her, acts really creepy, and then locks him in a corner office.
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