#meanwhile this guy said 'oh a diff person wants to buy more (for less)? sure!'
huntressjinsoul · 7 years
Girl’s Day
Rating: T, Mentions of drinking and sex
Pairings: FemMC x Estela, Michelle x Quinn, Zahra x Craig, Grace x Aleister, Diego x Raj, Sean x Jake (platonically but could be viewed as romantic)
Summary: The girls of the Endless Summer gang have a girl’s day together (also has a character cameo from a diff book 👀)
Author’s Note: In honor of Endless Summer coming back from war. This takes place when they all eventually get off the island and save the world. No angst bc there’s already enough of that just fun fluff
“I can’t believe I got roped into this.”
“Oh come on, Zahra, it’ll be fun,” Quinn said excitedly.
“Seat belt babe,” Michelle told Quinn sternly but softly. 
“Yeah, Z, it’ll be fun and relaxing,” MC grinned as she turned to face Zahra from her passenger seat. “You have the directions pulled up right?” She directed that question towards Estela. She nods quietly as she pulls off from the driveway. 
“Whatever, at least I have the back row all to myself,” Zahra mumbles as she stretches out. 
“Where are we going first Michelle?” Grace asks the girl beside her. 
“Well, we’re going to the mall to shop for a while, then we’re gonna go for some brunch just like I promised before. We’ll go to the spa afterwards near the mall. Finally, we’re gonna go back to Sean and Craig’s apartment to get dressed for cluuuuuubbbbiiinnnggg,” Michelle answered animatedly while singing the last part. 
“So that’s why you texted us to bring a club dress to their apartment,” Estela said quietly. 
“Ooooo that looks great on you Grace.”
“You really think so, Quinn?” Grace asked timidly. The girls were shopping for dresses in the mini boutique at the mall, minus Estela and Zahra, who looked bored out of their minds. 
“Yes, it looks great. Now can we move along now?” Zahra asked exasperatedly. 
“Hold on, I have to choose between these three outfits,” MC told her, then directed her attention to Estela, “Estela, which one looked better on me?”
Estela looked up from her phone and studied the outfits closely. “The red one,” she replied before going back to her phone. 
MC shrugged then stowed the other two outfits away. “Alright I’m done. Let’s go pay for these.” Grace, Michelle, Quinn, and MC went to pay for the clothes while the other two waited for them. Afterwards, MC and Quinn dragged their blushing girlfriends to Victoria’s Secret with Grace and Zahra silently chuckling at them. 
“You should totally get this for yourself Grace,” Michelle holds up a matching bra and panties set and Grace blushes. “Plus, imagine Aleister’s reaction to it. Poor guy won’t even speak coherently once he sees you.”
“I-I’ll think about it,” Grace replies. 
“Don’t buy it just for Aleister though. You are a strong, intelligent, and sexy woman all on your own. If you want to buy it, buy it because you want to,” Michelle added. Grace’s face changed into a look of confidence and took the set in her arms. 
“Alright let’s go and pay before Zahra dies of boredom in this place,” MC giggles as she glanced over to said person, who’s half asleep on the bench. Estela wakes her up and the girls go to Gamestop, upon Zahra’s request of course. 
“Now this is more my style,” Zahra grins as she quickly enters the store like a kid in a candy shop. “No way! They have the new expansion for Aeternum Chronicles: Legend of the 7 Crystals! Craig’s gonna freak when I buy this for him.”
“Aww that’s so sweet,” Quinn stated, then looked at Michelle, “We should get into playing video games too.”
Michelle and Zahra laugh, as if it’s a joke. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweets. Me and video games don’t mesh well.”
“I can verify that. She was playing with me and Grace and killed both of us and then herself,” Zahra snorts as Grace giggles and nods, confirming the story. 
On the other side of the store, Estela is browsing the video games with MC behind her. “Isn’t this your favorite one babe?” MC asked Estela as she reached for the game and handed to her. 
“Hmmm. I didn’t realize they released a new Assassin’s Creed game yet,” Estela said as she inspected the game. 
MC took the opportunity to wrap her arms around Estela from behind, holding her close. “Y’know, watching you play that game turns me on a bit. Imagining you as Ezio or Desmond is hot,” she whispered into Estela’s ear. 
Estela blushed a deep red and turned slightly to meet MC’s gaze. “Good to know.” She kissed MC’s cheek. 
“Hey lovebirds, let’s go! We’re all done here,” Michelle said, interrupting them. They all quickly pay for their things and made it out to the parking lot to go to eat brunch. 
“So, Estela, in honor of your first time having brunch, I’m gonna take you to my favorite place ever,” Michelle said as everyone got out of the car. They walked into the restaurant, and Michelle was immediately greeted by the waiter, Daniel. He led them all to their seats and pulled out menus for them all. 
“So what does one eat for brunch?” Estela asked, a bit confused. MC mentally awwed at her face. 
“I usually get something sweet,” Quinn replied, “Like something I would eat for breakfast like a cinnamon roll or a strawberry crepe.”
“I just want a sammich,” Zahra says bluntly. 
“I guess I’ll get the sandwich,” Estela mumbled. “What are you getting MC?”
“I’ll just go with a small salad,” she shrugged. The girls gave their orders to Daniel and carried on with their conversation. 
“But seriously it sucks that we all had to be held back a year because of that trip,” Michelle said. “It already takes long enough to become a neural surgeon regularly, now I have to double down the effort,” she groans. 
“I’m sure you’ll do great,” Quinn replies, kissing her girlfriend’s cheek. “After we graduate, I’m gonna open up a bakery just like I said I would and everyone’s invited for free desserts.”
“Oooo yes! Score!” Zahra exclaimed. Everyone looked at her amusedly. “What? The girl makes good pastries.”
“What are the rest of you girls doing after you graduate?” MC asked the remaining girls. 
“I’ll probably work for my mother’s company or help Aleister rebuild Rourke Industries,” Grace replied happily. “After coming home, I flew out and had a long talk with my mom and we’re finally on good terms again.” The girls gave out congratulations to her while she beamed. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing yet. Maybe start my own tech company or something. Or get into the esports scene,” Zahra shrugged. “What’re your and Estela’s plans?”
“I don’t know. After all the shit we’ve been through on that island, I just want to lay low for a while,” MC answered truthfully. The girls silently agreed on that, knowing that MC experienced a lot more worse things than them. “Maybe become a private investigator or a journalist or something.”
“I think I’m gonna go into law school,” Estela said. “There’s this pro bono firm I’ve been looking to intern in.”
“A PI and badass lawyer? Remember me when you guys become the new legal power couple.” The girls laughed at Zahra’s comment before Daniel came back with all their food. They carried on to less serious conversations while they ate. After they finished, they all went back to the car and drove to the spa place. 
“Now remember, MC, Zahra, no eating the cucumbers,” Michelle told them as they entered the building. The said girls glared at her while the others giggled silently. “Reservations under Nguyen. Party of six please,” she told the hostess. They were all led inside the spa place and went off to do whatever they wanted. 
“Thanks for booking this place, Michelle, I already feel relaxed,” Grace said happily. 
“No problem, Gracie. I wanted to treat all of us like queens for a few hours,” Michelle replied as she wrapped her hair up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a sauna calling for me with Quinn in it,” she smirked as she walked towards the sauna. 
“Aye no fucking in the sauna!” MC called out, getting the attention from the other customers. They all glared at her while she blushed embarrassingly. “Oops, probably shouldn’t have said that out loud.”
Grace chuckled, “C’mon, let’s go get our nails and hair done before you embarrass yourself further.” She dragged a still flustered MC away from the main room and into the side salon room. 
Meanwhile, Zahra and Estela were getting massages together, getting their muscles relaxed. “Sooo,” Zahra said, trying to start up a conversation. 
“Yes?” Estela replied. 
“Can you like, teach me all your combat moves and stuff? Cause you’re seriously badass and I wanna learn.”
“Sure, if you teach me how to hack. I’ve been wanting to learn… for reasons.”
“Yeah, sweet,” Zahra grinned. Their masseuses looked up at each other and silently made alarmed faces, but shrugged at each other and didn’t say anything before going back to their jobs. 
After a few hours later, the girls finished all their treatments up. MC had lost rocks, papers, scissors between the four of them and had to pull Quinn and Michelle out of the sauna. She looked mortified after they all left and told the other three girls, “I can never unsee what I saw,” and, “you guys owe me so much.” Grace and Zahra doubled over laughing while Estela patted MC’s back comfortably. Michelle blushed as red as a tomato while Quinn looked smug and satisfied. They all piled up in the car again and went back to Sean and Craig’s apartment. The guys were all there playing poker. 
“Hey, you girls want to join in for a few rounds?” Diego grinned as he held out a beer. 
“You might not want to, cause I’m on a winning streak,” Jake smirked. The whole gang was able to clear Jake’s name after returning to the U.S and reunite him with his family. 
“It’s just luck,” Sean grumbled. 
“Well if it’s luck, does that includes getting lucky with you, Steve Rogers?”
Raj does a spit take all over the table, choking out hearing Jake’s statement. Diego is right behind him in a quick stride, patting his boyfriend’s back. “Deep breaths, babe.”
“What did I say about getting a room you two?” Aleister said, annoyed. 
“Annnnyyyyways… we’ll have to take a rain check on this lovely poker night. The girls and I gotta get dressed to go clubbing,” Michelle interrupted. She dragged the girls into Craig’s room and pulled the outfits out of the closet. “Well thank god Craig doesn’t use his closet and just leaves his clothes everywhere.”
“Speak for yourself, you know how hard it is to get it on when you’re tripping over everything?” Zahra snarked. MC laughed as she helped Michelle with the clothes. They laid and handed out the outfits.
“Alright, Quinn and I are on make-up and Grace will do hair. No offense to you girls MC, Estela, and Zahra, but you girls couldn’t tell a make-up brush to a broom,” Michelle stated. While MC looked offended, Estela and Zahra looked at each other and shrugged, silently agreeing. “The bathroom’s across the hall and Sean’s room is the next door. Let’s take turns getting dressed and glammed up and then wow the boys with our looks.”
When they all finished dressing, Michelle and Quinn put the final adjustments on Grace and Zahra while MC and Estela put the final adjustments on each other’s outfits. Estela and Zahra didn’t want to hassle and wear a dress and donned jeans and a bomber jacket for Estela and a leather one for Zahra. Michelle and Quinn wore semi-matching short blue dresses. Grace wore a yellow jumpsuit while MC wore her LBD. “Alright ladies, we are ready so let’s go and give these boys a run for their money,” Michelle said as she clapped her hands.
The girls walked out of Craig’s room and into the living area where the boys were playing Mortal Kombat. Craig was up against Aleister while the others cheered them on until Diego spotted the girls. “Well you girls look muy fuego!” he exclaimed.
Raj turned to look at the girls and Diego, pouting. “Hey, I’m feeling a little jealous here.”
“I’m gay, not blind Raj,” Diego said then pecked him on the lips before getting off of the arm of the sofa. “Have fun ladies, but not too much fun. I don’t want to get a call from MC saying that you’re all in the middle of skinny dipping in a fountain.” Aleister and Craig dropped their controllers and turned around. Once they saw their respective girlfriends, their jaws dropped to the floor.
Craig climbed over the back of the couch- but tripped and face planted- got back up and rushed over to Zahra. “Can boyfriends be invited to clubbing as well? You look frickin great.”
“Keep it in your pants Hsiao. We’ll be back at a reasonable hour so we won’t deprive you of our beauty. C’mon ladies, let’s go have some fun!”
Aleister caught Grace before she left through the door. “Ahem, have fun and be careful, sweetheart.”
Grace kissed him on the cheek, “I will. Have fun with the guys.” She heard a scoff and a faint ‘not likely’ before she smiled and walked out.
“Have fun girls! I’ll be sure to have Steve Rogers and me decent before you come back!” Jake called out. Sean blushed and hit him on the shoulder.
“I want shots!” MC yelled over the booming music. “C’mon Michelle, come get them with me.” MC dragged Michelle off to the bar while the others found a table.
Michelle was trying to keep up with MC, but she ran into someone roughly.
“Excuse you!”  “Watch where you’re going!”
“Wait… Becca! Hey, I haven’t seen you around Hartfeld,” Michelle exclaimed.
“Meech! Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in awhile either! How’s it going? Was your trip fun?” Becca smiled at her.
“Umm, it was very adventurous I’ll say that,” Michelle replied. “I’m doing good, pre-med is still kicking my ass. I heard you left the sorority. What happened?”
“I went through some troubles the past year and my own damn pride made me a total bitch to Madison. I left it because I couldn’t afford the membership but I’m happy to say that everything’s alright now.”
“Well, that’s great. I have to go to help my friend carry the drinks, but we should hang out sometime. I have a new phone so do you mind giving me your number again?” Michelle took out her phone as Becca shook her head. She put her number in the phone and gave it back. Once they exchanged goodbyes, Michelle walked over and helped MC carry the trays of shot glasses.
“So, who was the blonde?”
“An old sister at my sorority. She was one of the few sisters I actually held in high regard for and confided in. We were thought of as total bitches but we didn’t care- we grounded each other.”
“I’m glad she was there for you,” MC said. They walked over to the table where the rest of the girls were and laid out the glasses. “Alright, five glasses for each. Let’s get hammered tonight!” The girls cheered and downed their glasses. Everyone, except for Estela and Zahra, felt slightly buzzed by the time they finished the shots and a drink of their own.
After most of them were tipsy, Quinn dragged all of the girls, Zahra reluctantly, onto the dancefloor. Grace laughed as Quinn attempted to twerk on Michelle, who looked equally happy and embarrassed. Zahra disappeared somewhere amongst the crowd and dragged Grace with her.
MC and Estela were dancing at their own pace until a sensual song played. MC decided to be bold and turned around to grind on Estela. She heard Estela have a sharp intake of breath and smirked. Estela held onto MC’s hips as they continued to dance. After a few seconds, MC felt Estela’s lips on her neck and gasped. They weren’t always the ones who showed PDA, but as of right now, both of them didn’t care.
“If it weren’t for the other girls, we’d be catching a car back to your apartment,” MC said breathlessly.
“Well thank god we are because I am not letting you girls get kicked out for public indecency.” Michelle butted in.
Estela immediately removed her hand from the front of MC’s pants and blushed. MC faced Michelle and Quinn, who were smirking at the blushing couple. “Uhh we got a little carried away?”
“Right,” Quinn giggled, “Meech and I were wondering if you’ve seen Zahra and Grace? We haven’t seen them for awhile now.”
“Eh, we shouldn’t worry about them that much. I mean, how much trouble can they get in?” MC shrugged.
“Apparently a lot since they appear to be getting kicked out,” Estela pointed out in the direction of the door. Sure enough, the bouncers were escorting a smug Zahra and a worrisome Grace out the door.
“Guess we have to cut this girls’ night out short,” Michelle pouted. The girls walked over toward the door and followed Zahra and Grace out. “What happened?”
“We were on our way to the restroom when this dude came onto Grace. He was really drunk and wasn’t taking no for an answer. When he grabbed Grace, I reacted and punched him in the face. Really wished I kicked him in the balls instead because his face hurt my hand,” Zahra explained.
“Oh my god, are you ok, Grace, Zahra?” Quinn asked as she inspected said girls for any bad injuries.
“Yeah, we’re fine. I’m just glad Zahra was there to help me out.”
“Eh, it’s no problem. Support your local girl gang, or whatever the hell Quinn said about sticking together,” Zahra shrugged.
“Well, let’s go back to the guys’ apartment and we can crash in my apartment since it’s right next to theirs,” Grace said. The girls nodded and took two separate Ubers home since all of them couldn’t fit in one. Once they got back to the apartment, Grace ushered them in to hers. “We can raid the guys’ for their food. I was supposed to go shopping for food tomorrow.”
“Sweet, Craig has a cheese puff stash and I know where it is,” Zahra grinned. The girls went over to Sean and Craig’s apartment and found that the guys were already asleep. “Pshh, what a couple of old men.” Diego was on Raj’s lap cuddled into his neck while Craig and Aleister were asleep on the floor. Jake had his head rested on Sean’s shoulder from their place on the couch, whether that it was intentional or not, they’ll never know.
The girls raided their refrigerator while Zahra took the cheese puffs. They quickly dipped out of there and carried out the food back to Grace’s apartment. The girls stayed up watching movies and talking until the wee hours of morning until they all crashed.
The last thing Michelle thought as she looked around the sleeping girls was Best Family Ever.
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