#meanwhile with this game most of the time i'm just sitting here going ?????
adozentothedawn · 10 months
Thoughts about Rogue Trader so far:
Well that sure was the fastest promotion I've ever gotten. xD I'm kinda sad about it, I was hoping for a mean space mom, but I'll take it.
I like the characters so far! Although Abelard does not appear as space dad either for now, but that's alright he's still cool. As are Indira and Argentum.
I am a bit confused by the gameplay and am uncertain how much of that is just Warhammer things I don't get or strange choices. I'm sure the "wounds" label probably comes from ttp so whatever, but the fact the whole characteristics and skills thing seems a bit unbalanced to me for now considering that Int controlls nearly half of all skills alone. But maybe I'll know better once I've gotten a better handle of it. It just seems unintuitive as a whole right now. I like the combat though! Might turn the difficulty a bit higher even, I'd like to get a bit more of a challenge I think. (That said, story mode does do what it's supposed to. It should be extremely easy, I just changed my mind on what I want) Still somewhat confusing like the hologram thing I think might not entirely work as intended but I'll get a handle on it.
Main criticism for now: This game is badly optimizied. Apparently that is a notorious Unity sin so I won't blame them too much, but I do hope they'll patch it soon, this game should not make my cooler run louder than BG3. Turning off v-synch and putting a lower fps cap has helped for now, but come on.
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tiredmamaissy · 4 months
Ralak te Sepawn ieyk’itan: Special Episode VI 
Labor of Love - Part I
Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info
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🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's insanely talented creator @zestys-stuff. Thank you so much for allowing me to play around with your characters!
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (25) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (20) featuring Metkayina!Zu’té (29)
Warnings: this shit has zero smut, angst angst angst, did i say angst?, this is so dramatic i'm sorry, expletives, a bit of fluff, pregnancy, cliff hanger, let me know if i forgot anything
Word Count: 8k 
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: You are now entering angst town, please buckle your seatbelts and try to enjoy the ride. Jokes aside, GUYS. This chapter…is the most angsty thing I’ve ever written. I’m excited and nervous, and everything in between. There’s a lot going on in this chapter and I just hope to Eywa that I’ve written it in a way that flows and is easy to follow. I’ve had this idea brewing for months, it feels. Now…this shit was over 20,000 words long. That is a personal record and I will not be subjecting you guys to such a monstrosity. Therefore, this is part one of (at the moment) three. I apologise in advance for the cliffhanger, hehe. Also, welcome to my brain, because idk how I came up with this shit. 
Synopsis: You didn’t foresee this, Ralak kept you in the dark for the sake of you and your baby’s safety. But now the time has come, it’s all too overwhelming for you to process. 
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Ralak never shared more than he needed to when it came to his duties with Tonowari. No matter how much you vowed to keep it confidential. He’s a man of few words, but when it came to his business he kept them fewer.
As much as you knew, his trips inland consisted of hunting and gathering bigger game that most warriors struggled to handle.
There's a few times you can count on one hand that he's come home a little more worn down. Each time you cursed Tonowari under your breath as you helped your mate unwind. You’d insist on knowing what the olo’eyktan had him doing to be so spent and why he had not entirely fulfilled his promise to lighten Ralak of his duties since the mating.
Ralak would be quick to shut you down in the most gentle way despite feeling irritable and sombre. It was always something along the lines of, ‘it keeps you safe, and that is my duty’, and that he’ll ‘discuss it when the time comes’.
It seems the time has come. 
Another gloomy night, rain and thunder tear through the sky. These storms are more frequent in this season, as it’s Ewyas way of keeping the balance with the freshwater and seawater ratio for the mangroves.
But tonight it’s torrential. You’re in full bloom, ready to step into your new chapter of motherhood at any moment. The babe sits low in your womb and you’re swollen from what feels like head to toe. The rain isn’t helping with the soreness in your joints. 
Ralak is seated next to the crackling firepit, stirring the bubbling stew with one hand and mindlessly rubbing your swollen ankles with the other. Meanwhile you lay snuggled in bed, wrapped comfortably in the thick shawl as you listen to the pitter-patter. It’s peaceful, despite the dull ache in your lower back. Maybe the rain isn’t so bad, after all. 
The low-pitched sound of the war horn has Ralak's full attention, shredding him of whatever serenity he had in his being. Moving hastily, he stands and darts over to the marui door, slipping into his gear and fixing his largest spear on his back.
The scene unfolding before your eyes is a rare one. You’d only seen him in full gear on the day you first laid eyes on him. The day you arrived here in Awa’atlu. And it brings a sinking feeling to your stomach.
“Ralak… what was that?” You ask nervously.
You watch him aggressively tighten the strap of his tstalsena [knife sheathe; carrier] and chuck a bucket of water in the fire—killing the flame. A precautionary measure. He knows the time has come. He hears your voice but he also hears Tonowari's...
'When the horn sounds… you come. And that…is an order.'
In his head, he’s going through an array of possible responses but there’s simply no time for any of them. Using the frame of the bed to pull yourself up, you slowly come to your feet and waddle towards him.
“Ralak. What is going on?” You ask a little louder, a hand gripping his wrist. 
Turning to face you, his hands fly to support your stomach as he looks you deeply in the eyes. Then he kisses you with purpose. Pressing his lips into yours like it would be the last time, forcing himself to pull away to briefly glance down at his unborn.
It catches you by surprise, leaving you looking up at him open mouthed. Now you’re really scared. It feels like he’s being plucked away from your fingers and there’s nothing you can do about it. “Ralak—”
“I will explain when I am back. All of it.” He already sounds out of breath, fixing the shawl over your shoulders. “You stay here. Stay warm. Do not leave. Do not answer to anyone. Understand?” 
Your forehead wrinkles as you try to process this all. 
Don’t answer to anyone? To whom? Why did he put out the fire? Why is he in full gear? What the fuck is going on right now? He said he’d be back…right?
“Y/n.” He booms your name, yet his tone remains steady and calm. “Understand?”
You nod hurriedly, “Yes. Yes.” 
“I will be back soon.” He fixes your shawl a last time before stepping back and bolting through the door.
You follow behind him, keeping the marui flap open to watch him click for his skimwing. He makes the bond and mounts the beast hastily, and is airborne soaring towards the mainland at full tilt. 
Befuddled, you waddle back inside, your back slamming into the marui stilt as you huff and puff to catch your breath. You nervously check the stew, and see that it’s almost done. The glowing charcoal should be enough to finish it off, so you opt to leave it covered and fidget with the prrsmung [baby carrier] you've weaving for the past couple days. 
Anything to keep you busy. 
Ralak effortlessly dismounts his tsurak, letting it glide past him in the water as he climbs up to the communal pod. This is a gathering place for important meetings and announcements to the clan. He watches as others assemble under the larger, woven marui, drenched with the water of the sea and sky. It’s clear that this was a signal for the warriors of the clan, from the elite, to the former. The young and the old. 
Even Zu’té is present, standing lone far off in the corner.
War horn in hand, the olo’eyktan makes his presence known as he stands on the highest part of the pod. His mate, the tsahìk, stands next to him with her chest high and their children next to her.
Jake and Neytiri, along with Lo’ak and Neteyam, group together behind them at the back of the pod, observing the unfolding scene. The warriors begin to chant, defensively positioned with their tongues on display. They’re all armed and ready to protect their own from whatever the impending threat is. Ralak takes his place next to Tonowari, standing tall and still. He observes the uproar before him, his mask of indifference fixed tightly to his face. 
“Mawey. Mawey. [Calm. Calm.]” Ronal speaks loudly over the heavy rain, hands splayed out in front of her. 
But it makes no difference. 
The uproar is growing even louder than the downpour. It was rare to hear this particular horn. It’s been years, ten, to be exact. And those who know exactly what it means are up in arms. Ralak knew this day would soon come, but he was hoping to Eywa that it would be after the birth of his son. Tonowari lets loose a throaty ‘gwah’, driving the butt of his spear into the ground. The crowd hushes down into a dead silence, acknowledging their leader.
“Warriors of Awa’atlu. I summon you for good reason. Ten years have passed and it is time to meet with the ash people once more.” Tonowari begins, only for the younger warriors to mumble among themselves, some of who are unaware of who the ash people are. 
“Tìfnu! [silence!]” Ralak snaps through his teeth, “…the olo’eyktan speaks.” Tonowari nods to Ralak. 
“The treaty has ended. We meet with them far inland to discuss the terms of a new treaty.” Tonowari’s eyes bounce among the sea of na’vi. “It will be no easy or short journey. We must make the trek by foot. Tonight.” 
A few male na’vi are unable to keep their excitement to a minimum and siren a few calls, smacking their strakes together. Neytiri snakes her arm around Jake's upper bicep, tucked under his wing. Neteyam and Lo’ak listen intently, their heads tilted down as they grip their bows firmly. 
“Not all will come. I have chosen a few to be at my side.” Tonowari glances at Ralak, and then the Sullys before continuing, “The rest must stay and protect the clan if needed.” 
Ronal interjects, speaking of the ash na’vi and their horrid way of living—from their occasionally cannibalistic diet to their view of Eywa and the balance. She further reminds the people of the treaty, and that its tenets include immunity from their ‘hunting practices’ in exchange for a resource only attainable on the reef. The treaty is valid for a decade and then the terms are subject to negotiation based on the two tribe’s needs. She commences it by announcing the names of those who have been chosen by Tonowari.
“I need you by my side, Ralak.”
It was a direct order, and Ralak knows that. He knows that no matter what he says, the olo’eyktan’s order must be obeyed. But it doesn’t mean he won’t try. 
“She is due any day now. You know that.” Ralak speaks crystal clear, stating exactly what his concerns are.
He doesn’t want to leave you alone, especially so heavy and full with his firstborn, who will come at any moment. Every bone in his body is telling him it’s the wrong move. But Tonowari glances at his own wife who is swollen with his fourth child.
“I know. I know, Tak. But we must do what we need. For the people.” 
Ralak holds a stare with his superior—his father figure. He’s gritting his teeth to keep himself together, to keep his composure. To keep his thoughts just as his thoughts. The two communicate through facial expressions, and a quick tilt to Tonowari’s head has Ralak looking away in frustration. 
It’s final. 
“No.” Jake butts in, sharp and quick with his disapproval. “He gave me his word.” 
Alas, a moment where father and son in law are in favour of the same thing. 
“You have the sky people and we have the ash people. They demand his (Ralak’s) presence. If we fail in this, we will be at war. He comes with us.” Tonowari is stern with his tone, leaving no room for an argument. 
“Ma’ Jake.” Neytiri chimes in, fright evident in her voice. She is tired of the war. 
As a last resort, Ralak’s gaze shifts over to Zu’té. He knew Zu’té would also be chosen despite his...'retirement'. He was undoubtedly one of the best warriors the clan has ever had, wielding great strength and skill. Zu’té returns the stare, crossing his arms over his chest as he cocks a brow. Their brothership had strengthened after Ralak sought help. 
Jake notices this, and shakes his head with his hands on his hips. “Nope. No. Who is that guy anyways?” 
“My brother.”  
“His brother.” 
The two taller na’vi speak at once. 
“Since when do you have a—You know what? I don’t care. Okay? You? I trust. Him? Not so much. I’d rather my boys stay with her.” Jake says sternly, glancing at Zu’té. “No offence, bud.” 
“Good thing I care not for your opinion, koaktan [old man].” 
“Zu’té.” Ralak whispers harshly, throwing a glare at his sibling. 
“Look, if you got a problem—”
“What about tuk?” Neytiri cuts her mate short, tugging at his arm to remind him of who is watching their youngest daughter. 
“Then they take turns or somethin’, I’m not havin’ one baby girl watched and not the other.” 
“Toruk makto.” Tonowari lays a heavy hand on the former olo’eyktan's shoulder, drawing him away to break the tension. “They cannot step foot on our land with the treaty. She will be safe. Trust me…” Their voices drown out from the pounding downpour. 
As they go back and forth, Ralak begins to process what Tonowari said.
‘They demand his presence’.
Tonowari had made this meeting the topic of conversation over the past few weeks, preparing him for this. But he never mentioned anything about them demanding his attendance in particular. The last meeting with the ash people happened when Ralak was a very young warrior, long before his iknimaya. 
Back then, Tonowari had a different warrior at his side—a different right hand. She was strong and well known for being patient with her students. It was a frequent story at family dinner when Tonowari and Ronal took Ralak under their wing. And as Ralak became Tonowari's right hand man, he was thrusted into enforcing the tenets of the treaty, going inland with Tonowari to uphold the clan's part.
Ralak has only caught a glimpse of them once after delivering the resource to the agreed spot. He had just started these excursions with Tonowari, and his curiosity got the best of him. He looked behind him for just a moment, and caught the sight of a curvy, grey woman hastily gathering and stuffing everything into a satchel of some sort. 
Her stripes were a deep, ashy blue, and her skin seemed almost scale-like. She was rid of any bioluminescence, as if the light within her was gone, and her hair was matted with what looked like burgundy clay. Tonowari then seized the back of Ralak’s neck and shoved him along, advising that he never looks. 
“It is decided. Neteyam, Lo’ak and Zu’té stay.” Tonowari announces as he and Jake rejoin the group, looking at those who are left—Tonowari, Neytiri and Ralak. “We leave soon, make your arrangements.” 
Ralak knew his last few words were directed to him. With that, Ralak strides towards Zu’té. “I know what I am asking of you, Zu’té—” 
“I will do this for you.” Zu’té turns to face Ralak, who’s undeniably uneasy and concerned. 
“Protect her.” 
“You protect her. Get in and get out of there, baby brother.” Zu’té speaks, extending his hand out to Ralak. Ralak nods firmly. He’s right, your safety, along with the rest of the clan’s, depends on how this all plays out. 
“Oe irayo si ngaru [I give thanks to you].” Ralak's hand meets Zu’té’s forearm with a smack. They tug back and forth a bit, silently wishing each other luck on their own endeavours before setting off on their skimwings. 
They arrive, walking with haste along the beach towards the stairs to Ralak’s marui pod in the pouring rain.
“That’s...interesting.” Zu’té makes a comment about the railings for the stairs. 
“She has a hard time without it.” Ralak responds, stopping at the bottom step, coming to the quick realisation that this man will essentially be replacing him for the next few eclipses. “She may need help using them.” 
Zu’té nods, understanding what he really means. “Do not fret, brother. I will take care of your mate.” 
Ralak releases a shaky breath as they make their way to the patio, finding shelter from the rain. 
“Wait here.” Ralak speaks with his back turned, “I must speak with her first.”  
A torturous hour has passed, and you’ve burned circles into your marui floor from pacing so much. He’s taking longer than you’d expected, and worry is really starting to set in now. 
What’s going on? What did that sound mean? Why did he leave in such a rush? With all his gear, too? 
You gnaw at the calloused piece of skin on your thumb, keeping a warm comforting hand on your bump to keep your kicking babe calm. Regardless, he continues doing somersaults in your womb.
Fuck it. 
You rush towards the marui door where your gear hangs, and fight with the strap of your chest piece to slip it on you. It won’t fasten and it’s simply too tight to fit your body right now, but you continue to grapple with the stupid strap with shaky hands. 
“Tanhì.” Ralak’s voice is rough and he sounds winded. “What are you doing?” He rushes over to you and quickly removes the piece off your chest. 
“Ralak—oh, thank Eywa.” Your voice is shaky, but thick with relief. “I’m sorry, I just got s-so worried.”
“We must speak. Time is going.” Ralak carefully ushers you over to the bed, and assists you in sitting down, holding your swollen belly along the way. He takes note of his active child, feeling his little kicks and pokes. He comforts his young with a few strokes to your stomach. “Shh-shh, little one. Alright.”
He knows this whole ordeal must be stressing you both, and he’s really regretting not telling you all of this sooner.
“What do you mean?” You ask, urgency thick in your voice.
Ralaks demeanour is nothing short of solemn, tensed jaw and tightened lips. It seems serious, and this man is no person to jest on such matters.
"Ralak...What is happening?"
He takes a moment to reply, his gaze fixed on his hand that still lays firmly on your stomach. He then looks up at you, concern etched into his features. “It is time to speak about… my duties with Tonowari.” 
You feel your heart thud against your ribcage, your eyes widen at the words. You’ve been eager to know, but now that he’s telling you, it implies that everything isn’t alright. It implies… the safety of your unborn is compromised. You nod slowly, trying to remain calm for the sake of your son. 
“We reef people hold a peace treaty with another clan…” the giant begins, slipping his hand from your stomach to clasp yours tightly. “…the ash people.” 
“Ash people?” Your voice is less than a whisper, tiny and croaky.
“They are a horrible people, tanhì. Truly wicked. Kawnglan [malicious; bad hearted]. Much like the sky people.” He shakes his head as he mutters the words, not even wanting to go into any more detail. He didn’t want to taint your innocence. To stress your mind. Especially now that you’re heavy with his child. “The treaty keeps them off this land. It keeps you safe.” 
“Kawnglan [malicious; bad hearted].” You repeat through a gasp. 
“To them, Eywa is nothing. Tsaheylu [the bond] is for control. Their diet…” Ralak catches himself, bringing his words to a halt.
“Their diet…?” Your bottom lip trembles. 
Ralak just shakes his head, taking your other hand with his. “The treaty will soon end. I must go. Tonight.”
“What?!” You shout, wrenching your hands from his grasp to quickly stand up. A shooting pain sears up the side of your stomach, and your hand flies to clutch it. Ralak rushes to steady you.
“Careful, y/n.” He snaps, high strung and tense. “I will be back in a few eclipses.” 
“What? No! No, no. It’s too dangerous.” You protest, gripping his wrists to stay standing.  
“It is the olo’eyktan’s orders. I must.” He’s quick to respond to you. 
This quietens you. Does Tonowari not know that you’re due any day? Or perhaps he doesn’t care. How could he rip your mate away from you at this time? Especially for something so…risky. You feel your fear bubble into something more hot. 
“Then I’m coming.” You announce, dropping your hands from his wrists to waddle over to your gear once more. Ralak stands in front of you, hands on your stomach to stop you. 
“No. You're staying here.” Ralak orders sternly, backing you up to sit back on the bed. 
“No. I’m coming. I’m safer with you.” You resist his pushes, trying to stand firm.
“You are heavy with child.” He grits his teeth, giving you another light push, “I cannot protect you there. You—agh—you are safer here.”
Ralak makes the confession, feeling like he’s failing at his duty as your mate. He shouldn’t even be leaving you, not when you're this far along. He should be by your side, tending to your every need. 
“What? By myself? What if—what if something happens? What if the baby—” You’re cut short by the sound of Zu’té’s not-so-reserved entrance. He yanks the marui flap to the side, ducking under it and standing tall behind Ralak, by just a couple inches. He, too, is fully equipped with his gear and weapons. 
“Brother. I can hear the war party.” Zu’té speaks with haste, keeping his eyes locked onto Ralak. 
'Brother?' Your eyes snap back to Ralak, beady and full of tears. “You didn’t.”
It quickly dawns on you that Ralak had planned this out. Made these arrangements in anticipation things went south and he had no say in the matter. To ensure your safety, and the safety of your unborn by going to the greatest length of rekindling a flame that had been extinct for twelve years. Ralak has spoken casually of his brother before, but never in any great detail. 
“Y/n. This is Zu’té, my brother. He will keep you safe.” Ralak speaks with shame in his voice, knowing this must be way too overwhelming for you. He hadn’t planned for it to go like this. 
Zu’té finally allows his eyes to wander over to you. They widen when they get their first proper look of you, darting all over your body to take in your foreign features.
He caught a glimpse when your family first arrived in Awa’atlu, but never this close. His eyes land on your bulging stomach, lingering a second too long to make even himself a bit uncomfortable. He clears his throat and looks back at Ralak.
You look at Zu’té with anger in your eyes, and then back at Ralak as they begin to swell with hot tears. Zu’té tries to make himself smaller, feeling the thickness of the air now. He backs up into the marui flap, tempted to lift it and walk himself outside to relieve some of the pressure. 
“How long did you say this would be f-for? What if I go into labour? Will you really allow another man to deliver our son?” 
Zu’té quickly but silently excuses himself from the room, taking a spot on the patio with his arms crossed over his chest, pinching the bridge of his nose. ‘Oh, Toto. What have you gotten yourself into?’
Angry, you shot the words like an arrow and they pierced your mate’s chest with ease. He grimaces, as if he were actually in pain.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I—” You sob the apology, burying your hot face into your hands. 
Ralak embraces you, wrapping his large arms around your body, hugging you close and tight. He sways a little with you, humming deep in his chest. “‘ts alright. You’re okay. Take a breath. I know this is frightening.” 
He understands—it is not uncommon for a navi pair to remain close during the final weeks of pregnancy. It’s an unconscious mechanism, keeping them together for the birth of their offspring. Ralak feels it just as much as you but in order to truly protect you he must go— another thing that he understands. 
“You c-come back to me, o-okay?” Your breath won’t stop hitching. “Come as s-soon as y-you can.” 
“I will, I will. ” He coos, pulling back enough to look down at you. “Mawey, tanhì. Strong heart. For our baby.” 
You nod, lifting your head to look up at him. He sees the terror in your eyes and his heart breaks with guilt. He gently presses his forehead against yours, slowly stroking your back. 
“Nga yawne lu oer, nga yawne lu oer. [I love you, I love you]” He whispers longingly as he closes the distance between your mouths. 
“Nga yawne lu oer [I love you]. S-So much.” You sputter, lips trembling against his.
He kisses you with force, pressing his lips into yours until it almost hurts. You both linger there, not wanting to part ways. But you feel him pulling away, knowing there wasn’t much time left. Instinctively, cling onto him when his lips leave yours. 
“Please don’t go.” You mumble into his chest, knowing that he has no choice.
“I have to, my tanhì.” He mutters as he begins to pull away before letting go completely. 
You follow behind him, thumb in your mouth as you nibble at the skin, hand resting on top of your bump. You watch him call for his tsurak for a second time tonight, and look back at you for a moment. He takes in the sight of you standing next to his older brother, trying to find comfort in knowing that you’re in safe hands. Ralak gives him a nod and mounts the beast, taking off towards the war party.
Leaving you in the presence of Zu’té. 
“Y/n, is it?” Zu’té asks, already knowing the answer.
It’s awkward and he doesn’t do well in these types of situations. He knows comfort is what you need right now, considering you’re now sobbing into your hands again. You’re worried sick. Literally. It’s all making you feel woozy and lightheaded. 
“Listen...” He goes to rest a hand on your upper back, but he hesitates, leaving his hand to hover. He retracts it completely, allowing it to fall back to his side. He sighs, droopy ears and tensed brows. “He will return soon.”
Among all the emotions that cloud you at once, anger still remains roaring at the forefront. You find yourself turning your heel and ignoring his presence, waddling away as fast as your swollen feet will allow it. 
“Leave m-me be.” You spit between hitched breaths, ensuring the flap of the marui door shuts harshly behind you. 
Despite feeling sympathy for you, Zu’té stands outside, finding solace in being alone. He chooses the driest spot, and sets himself up on the patio, getting ready for the stormy night ahead. 
You waddle in to bed, wrapping yourself in the thick shawl that smells like your mate, and lay next to the prrsmung [baby carrier] you still have yet to finish. Feeling defeated and empty, you lay on your side in bed as you process everything, letting silent tears crash onto your bed.
You’re not entirely sure at what point in the night that you drifted to sleep, but you wake up in a groggy state. Dried tears make it hard to open your eyes, and your hair sticks to your face. You look around in a daze and realise that it’s still dark outside. 
The pang in your bladder keeps you awake and forces you out of bed, making you wobble to the curtain. You pull it back and are met with the sight of Zu’té sleeping propped up against the marui wall with his spear tucked to his chest. 
Seeing him painfully reminds you of the heart wrenching events of last night. That even though you were hoping and praying to Eywa for it all to be a bad dream—it was all very real. 
An icy cold breeze gusts by, making you shiver under your shawl and Zu’té shift in his sleep. The rain had eased off into a light, continuous drizzle some time during the night. 
Your ears droop with guilt for leaving him out here in the cold, damp night. You let out a sigh and grip the railing to the marui stairs, turning your body sideways to take your first step down. The wood squeaks when it takes your weight, Ralaks usual tell tale sign that you’re sneaking out at night without his help. 
It seems to work for Zu’té too because by the time you reach the second step you hear a raspy voice.  
“I was told you need help with these.” Zu’té offers his hand. You let out a sigh and take his arm. 
 You’ll admit, his helping hand is actually helping, especially now that you’re so far along. 
“Irayo [thank you].” You mutter, holding on tightly as you make your way to the bottom step. Zu’té leans against the railing, waiting for you to finish your business. 
You don’t take long, most trips recently have been false alarms—just the baby pushing on your bladder because he’s so low down. As you make your way back to the stairs, your lower back begins to warm up. It radiates to your upper and inner thighs, making them ache as you walk. 
It’s nothing new, aches and pains are becoming more frequent as the days pass, and the cold certainly isn’t helping. Zu’té meets you at the bottom step with an extended elbow, and you take his arm without a second thought. 
It starts to rain again, hard. The temperature easily falls by a few degrees and all you want is to be inside the warmth of your bed right now. Your feet move at a quicker pace and as much as Zu’té tries to be gentle as he can, his grip tightens. 
“Take your time.” He says, keeping you steady as you reach the top step. 
Once you get to the door, he immediately lets go of you, stepping aside to take his spot on the patio for the remainder of the night. You pull back the marui flap but find yourself hesitating to step inside. You look over your shoulder, watching Zu’té tuck his spear close to his chest and prop himself against the wall.
“Zu’té.” You say. He looks at you, brows raised as he listens. “It’s cold out here. You should come—” 
“Don’t worry about me.” He cuts you short, closing his eyes. 
“I’m not.” Your words are quick and almost defensive. 
Zu’té chuckles a bit, if you could even call it that. “Sounds like you are.” 
You sigh, getting a little irritated. “Whatever.”
“I’ll be alright out here.” He says nonchalantly, opening his eyes to look directly at you. Your heart skips a beat and you feel the blood drain from your face. You thought Ralak was intimidating, but this guy is something else. 
“Sure.” It’s awkward, but a good awkward…if that were a thing. “Night.”
“Wake me if you need me. No more sneaky shit.” He’s muttering now, ready to go back to sleep. “And get some rest.”
You hold back your laugh, a little amused by the stark difference in his personality and Ralaks. How are they brothers? Or related, even? 
“Will do, sir.” You match his sarcastic tone, entering the marui and laying down in bed, hoping to Eywa that sleep will find you soon. 
Village life continues despite Ralak and the others' absence. You wake up earlier than usual, despite the exhausting circumstances. Your baby moves, letting you know he’s awake too. 
“Daddy will be home soon.” You reassure your babe, gently rubbing your stomach. 
Perhaps you were also reassuring yourself. 
You feel empty, and numb. And as much as you want to lay in bed all day and wait for your mates return, you still have a few things left to do before your son’s arrival. 
First thing being, getting some food in your system. 
You get ready, and walk outside, noticing that Zu’té is no longer in his spot. 
He wakes early. 
Looking out into the distance, you catch sight of Zu’té crouching next to a small flame, cooking what seems to be squid. It’s hard to be sure of what it is—the sun hasn’t fully bloomed, and though the rain has stopped it’s still a bit gloomy. You make your way over to him, taking extra care when going down the stairs.
“Morning.” You say nonchalantly. 
Zu’té’s ears spring up and he looks behind him—behind you—directly at the stairs. His brows lower and he sighs quickly, knowing there’s no point in making the comment. He looks back at his task, turning the slightly charred squid impaled by a sharpened branch. 
“You’re up early.” The giant states, back turned to you to reveal his insanely intricate tattoo. 
“Same to you.” You respond, staring at his back hard enough to burn holes into it. You see some scarring and thickened skin, presumably from his days as a warrior. That much you knew because of Ralak. 
“Squid. Help yourself.” Zu’té says, handing you a stick of burnt squid. 
Taking it from him, you hold it in front of your face, a little baffled at how he seemingly saw nothing wrong with it. 
“Hm…thanks. Looks…well done.” You try to force a smile, to no avail. 
You try to take a seat next to him, struggling to keep your balance as you lower yourself to your knees. His ears lay flat and he instinctively springs to his feet, helping you sit down. He didn’t think you’d join him here. 
It’s silent. Uncomfortably silent. And awkward. You keep your extremities close and your tail closer, curled up in on yourself to remain as small as you can. Although, in comparison to your mate's brother, you were tiny. 
He’s not taller by much, but still taller nonetheless. It really makes you wonder how their parents looked for them to turn out this way. 
Zu’té eats hastily, shovelling the squid in his mouth as if it had the ability to slither away. It makes you look back at your own serving and suddenly your nerves go haywire. You didn’t want to risk getting sick, your bedside bucket is too far away to fetch. But you didn’t want to be rude—he’d obviously woken up early to make this for you. 
You take an experimental bite and fight for your life to keep a straight face. You exaggerate a nod and cover your mouth with your hand, hiding the way you're smacking away at this blubbery piece of meat. 
“Mm. Mhm.” You grunt, forcing it down and clearing your throat. “It’s—uhm, it’s not—”
“I am no ‘emyu [cooker].” He says, chucking his cleared stick into the fire. 
“Ahem—yeah. Yup.” You twirl the stick between your pointer finger and thumb, bringing his attention to your five fingered hand. His eyes widen a bit before quickly looking away, and you tuck them back in between your thighs. 
“Thanks for breakfast.”
“Sleep well?” 
You both speak at the same time, unintentionally clearing the tension in the air. 
“I suppose, all things considered.” You try to speak lightheartedly. “And you? Did any part of you freeze?” 
Zu’té laughs and shakes his head. “No, not quite.” 
“Well, that’s good.” You say, looking out at sea to witness the sun's emergence. It casts an orange hue over the water, illuminating the ripples of the oncoming waves. 
He’s watching it too. 
“Your tattoo.” You speak softly, witnessing his ears flutter. “…on your back.” 
“Ah. What of it?” 
“What does it mean? I mean—” You stutter, still adapting to the idea of inking being a symbolic statement. “What’s the story behind that?” 
The story replays in his head—the death of the spirit brothers and family. It flashes before him, as if he were in that moment again. The guilt and pain inside him is eternal, something that’s never left him since. He’s never spoken of it, not even to the person he hurt the most through it all—Ralak. 
His ears pin back and his jaw tightens. He shrugs his shoulders and mutters, “Felt like it.” 
“So…you’re telling me you did that, for fun?” The surprise is evident in your voice as you look at the tattoo again. His skin is raised and it spans the entirety of his upper back. “That must have been really painful. Ralak did mine and it took days.” 
“Didn’t hurt.” Zu’té says, turning his body to you yet keeping his eyes on the sun. But it did. It hurt—a lot. Self inflicted pain, to symbolise the pain he inflicted on others, even if it weren’t his intention. 
Maybe they are brothers. You think.
“You going to eat that?” He asks, interrupting your train of thought, pointing at your squid on a stick. 
“Uhh—I’m going to pass.” You answer, offering it to him, “…sorry.” 
“Again. Not a ‘emyu [cooker]” He takes it gladly, biting off a decent chunk and chewing at it unbothered with a deadpan expression.
Now the silence isn’t as awkward. You choose to sit here a while longer, enjoying this moment as much as you can before coming back to reality. The reality that there may be a war brewing. That—
Ralak isn’t here. 
Well, that didn’t last long. 
Sadness washes over you, making your ears droop and your tail heavy. Your baby gives you a sudden, hard kick in the ribs, as if he were telling his mummy to cheer up. You uncross your legs and shift your weight to the one side, getting ready to get up and be productive.
 Zu’té seems to take note of that. 
“Need to get up?” He asks, chucking yet another stick into the fire. 
“I got it.” You grunt, shuffling to your knees.
Zu’té lets out a displeased grumble, understanding what his brother meant when he said you have a stubborn streak. He goes to help you anyways, supporting you by the elbow. 
You’re just about standing when you feel a sharp stabbing pain in your back. It makes you jolt and grab onto Zu’té, whose slight irritation instantly turns into concern. 
“I’m good, I’m good.” You repeat out of breath, steadying yourself before letting go. He seemed unsure if you really were okay. “Really. Happens all the time now.” 
Zu’té nods, letting go and giving you a little more space. “Alright.” 
The meeting spot is no other than the ‘head quarters’ of the ash people. It is only on this occasion that another clan may step foot on their land and walk away with a beating heart. That is, if all goes well. Tonowari is confident, however, knowing that the resource they provide the ash people is sufficient enough to prolong the treaty for many decades to come. 
It is an ore that forms deep underwater, and can only be extracted by the most skilled divers. Divers that can hold their breath for up to half an hour. The use of this ore remains unknown to the reef people, but the ash people are quick to seize it almost instantaneously at the drop off point. The ore is plentiful among the reef, renewing itself as it is harvested—the act of the great mother restoring balance as needed.
Truth be told, although the reef people are a peaceful people, it is no secret that they hold some of the strongest warriors on Pandora. They are proud of their home, and will fight to protect it at all costs. Even the ash people know this. Which is the reason for their agreement on something as laughable as a ‘peace’ treaty.
Otherwise, what’s really to stop them from annihilating the reef people and taking the ore themselves?  
Ralak meets with the others—Tonowari, Jake, Neytiri, and Ronal. They all set off far inland to the place the two clans met ten years ago. The trek is long and tiresome, leaving Ronal winded and in need of a couple breaks along the way. She is, too, heavy with child, but as tsahìk, she perseveres. Tonowari had tried to convince her several times to stay home, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
“We are here.” Tonowari announces as the group nears the settlement of their natural enemy. It’s a rocky environment, much like the reef but with plenty of soil and clay. “Heads straight. Ignore them.”
Zu’té stays nearby the marui as he tends to some of Ralak’s duties, keeping an eye on you from afar. You sit comfortably on the bottom step of the marui stairs, concentrating on finishing your baby’s sling. Your fingers are a little swollen, making it more difficult to weave. Frustrated, you plop the sling to your side and bury your face into your hands. 
Everything is just too overwhelming right now. 
“Your technique is poor.” Zu’té’s voice booms over you. 
You look up, seeing this tall man with his hands on his hips tower over you, shading you from the sun. “Excuse me? I’ll have you know that I have plenty of knowledge on—” 
“This is a prrsmung [baby carrier], yes?” Zu’té picks up the sling and sits himself next to you, searching for the point in which you left off.
You watch intently, intrigued to know his next move. He carefully unravels all the wefts you’ve managed to do since sitting on this damned step. 
“What are you doing? Stop!” 
Zu’té sighs and demonstrates a weaving technique you’ve never seen before, entwining and knitting the fabric until it comes together in an even neater fashion. You look at him in awe, dumbstruck that he was able to do that. Ralak dislikes weaving, in fact, he loathes it. 
“Try it.” He says, plucking the fabric away from itself to unravel it once more before handing it back to you. You hesitate to take it, caught off guard from his unexpected, skilled movements. 
“My fingers are swollen.” You say, feeling defeated and a little embarrassed. He looks down, noticing your five-fingered hand again, not nearly surprised as last time. 
“Not as big as mine.” He tries to hand you the sling again. “You got it.” 
Reluctantly, you take the sling and slowly mirror his movements, replicating the technique perfectly. 
“See?” Zu’té sounds pleased with himself. Looking down at the sling, it dawns on you.
“So, you’re a weaver?” You ask the question as if you had just struck gold. “Usually the women take on that role.” 
“Not here, forest girl.” Zu’té defends his role proudly, “But yes, I am.” 
“Nice. It is good to see that. My grandmother is a great weaver, she taught me all I know.” You begin. 
For as long as your body would allow it, you and Zu’té sat on that step and wove together. You wove the sling and he went to fetch his satchel to work on a piece of his own. Though you did most of the talking, and found yourself dodging one too many snarky remarks, a bond formed on that step. 
You told him about your past at hometree, your reason for seeking uturu to begin with. 
The sky people. 
The words wouldn’t stop flowing, especially when you got onto the topic of how you met his brother. You explained that Ralak was your karyu [teacher] and how that quickly morphed into something much more beautiful. How you broke past his walls—took off his mask of indifference. 
But then that awkward silence came again. The silence that reminded you why this stranger was in your home to begin with. That he was playing watchdog because your mate had to leave your side whilst being heavily pregnant. 
“I lied.” Zu’té fills the silence. It has your ears perked up and your full attention on him. Your heart picked up speed, almost expecting something bad. “About?”
“That tattoo hurt like a kalweyaveng [son of a bitch].” 
His confession has you bellowing out in laughter, clutching your stomach to keep you from shaking up your baby. 
“I knew it.” You finally say once you calm down from a much needed laugh. “No good comes from trying to pretend that things don’t hurt, you know.” 
Little did you know these words weighed heavy on him. Heavier than you meant for them to. He falls silent, contemplating if he should say what he’s about to. The real confession. The real reason behind the tattoo. 
“I killed our spirit brothers.” He blurts out, astonished by his own voice. 
Did I really just say that? Shit.
“What?” You exhale, your heart now galloping in your chest.
“It was twelve years ago. I was…seventeen. Sent out to war. I had to keep Ralak out of it. I went alone…lead a group of warriors to protect the tulkun.” His voice seizes up, as if his throat were closing. He looks away, fixing his gaze to his feet. “I was still learning. I didn’t know. I didn’t know. The sky people…they slaughtered them all.” 
“Hey, hey. That’s not your fault, Zu’té. You didn’t kill them. The sky people did.” You rest your hand on his back, feeling how raised and toughened the skin where his inking lay deep.
Zu’té just looks at you, eyes trembling with vulnerability. It’s the first someone outside of the family has ever told him that. It’s something that he needed to hear. 
“Is that why you fled? Ralak told me you left him.” 
Zu’té nods, looking away in shame once more. “I abandoned him.”
You shake your head, knowing now that Ralak has healed and no longer feels this way. “He has healed Zu’té. And now it is your turn.” 
Zu’té only nods, allowing the silence to fill the space again. This time it’s needed. 
Until it's broken by a familiar voice. 
“Sister.” Neteyam greets you at the bottom step, throwing a smile your way, then to your stomach. “Little one.” 
He’s checking on you per your fathers request. Of course he wanted to ensure you were okay, too. 
“Tey.” You smile big, happy to see such a familiar, comforting face. “I thought you went.”
You reach out for the railing to pull yourself up, and both Neteyam and Zu’té go to help you get up. You side-hug Neteyam, finding comfort in your brother. It’s been a hectic night. 
“No, someone’s got to watch Tuk…and you.” Neteyam chuckles. As you let go, your glances at Ralak’s brother. “Neteyam, this is Ralak’s brother. Zu’té.” You introduce the two properly. 
Taught manners from a young age, Neteyam gestures ‘I see you’ to the former warrior, and he returns the sign. 
“Uncle TeyTey’s got you guys for the day.” Neteyam coos at your tummy, and then offers you his arm. 
“Right...Dads orders?” You ask, happy to go with him. 
“Dads orders.” Neteyam nods firmly, looking at Zu’té to relay the message. Zu’té returns the nod, being present to hear your fathers concerns about the entire arrangement. Besides, it’ll give him time to hunt for something proper for dinner. 
“C’mon guys!” Lo’ak shouts from the ocean, mounted on his skimwing with Tuk behind him. 
“See you. Think about what I said.” You say to Zu’té, prompting him to wave goodbye. Neteyam walks you to his tsurak, helping you to get on. You had retired your tsurak for the time being, finding it hard to ride with your back pain. 
“Hey Lo’. Tuk-Tuk.” You say with relief in your voice, finding comfort in the company of your family. 
The ash people are impudent to say the least. They follow behind the five na’vi weaving their way through the growing crowd, right on their tails as they try to get a better look at them. They are particularly interested in Jake and Neytiri, seeing the forest people for the first time. But most haven’t even gotten a look at the reef people yet, despite having the agreement with them for so many decades already. 
Some even dare to poke and prod, tugging at their tails and their hair to get a feel or whiff of their scents. Tonowari, Jake, Neytiri and Ralak walk in a formation that allows Ronal to be in the centre, safe guarded from any pointed fingernails or astray noses. Ralak is on edge, but one could never tell by a glance. His appearance is intimidating, a stature so tall he and Tonowari tower over the crowd. 
“I do the talking.” Tonowari says discreetly as they near the entrance of the hut. 
The room is made of some sort of red clay substance, seemingly burnt to a char until it has been hardened into what feels like rock. This one in particular is large, containing smaller sectioned off rooms, partitioned with thick leather curtains. It's all very bleak, rid of liveliness and colour. 
As they enter the hut, two bigger ash na’vi guard the door on either side, blocking and guarding the entrance behind them. Two more ash na’vi lead the group with spears to their backs to a large curtain, and shove them towards it with a few harsh jabs to Jake’s and Ralak’s spines. Jake snaps around, throwing them a dirty look. Whilst Ralak keeps his gaze fixed to his feet. He feels deep in his gut that something isn’t right. 
Whether it be here, or back home. 
With each step he takes, the sense of impending doom only worsens. He has no desire to be here but he recognizes that this is what is necessary. Yet, he can’t help the way he feels. And when he finally raises his head all the pieces link together. It all makes sense. 
Before them are five na’vi in total. Two women and three men. Four ash na’vi and one…reef na’vi. A female, reef na’vi. Her face is unmistakable—unforgettable. It’s been seared into his mind since he was a young boy.
And when Ralak sees it, he almost caves in on himself. His mask of indifference—of intimidation, cracks. Hell, it shatters. Into thousands of pieces, scattered at his feet. Tonowari’s previous right hand. The banished. 
His karyu.
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gavisfanta · 5 months
Hello, could you write a Gavi fic where she fell first but Gavi fell harder?
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summary: enemies to lovers, she fell first he fell harder, when the "player" meets "hasn't had her first kiss yet" , so many tropes ik 😭
a/n: also i am a genuis, i cooked this story up (this is my new fav one) Gavi is so mean in this story atleast in the beginning I am sorry that i didnt write him like the pookiebear he is
warnings: cursing, smut, A LOT OF SMUT. some mistakes
You were currently sitting in uni, listening to the most boring poems people have ever came up with.
Your professor made you look for one that means the most to you.
"Yes, Carl can we hear yours please?" The profesor pointed at the blonde boy who was such a teachers pst, sitting in first row all the time and handing in every assignment 2 weeks early.
"Why is it, that when a story ends, we begin to feel all of it." Carl smiled, of course he's depressive if the only thing he has on his mind was school.
The professor only nodded his head and pointed at you. "Y/n, let's hear yours."
You sighed deeply and then looked at your papers.
"There'll always be a reason why you meet people.
Either you need to change your life,
or you're the one that'll change theirs."
"Beautiful," The proffesor praised you. However you were only happy that he didnt praise Carl.
But you had other things to focus on.
Like tomorrow.
"Fuck I cant believe this." You smiled as you turned to a random blonde girl who was standing next to you. "It's crazy" She muttered with a smile. You were a student at the University of Barcelona and they were giving away one special ticket to play a game against the first team in the johan cruyff stadium. That's how you ended up in the stadium with 17 other influencers, wearing the full Barca kit. However before you came here you had to get medical checkups to see if you were actually in shape to play 45 minutes.
A man then came out of the tunnel and all of you suddenly went quiet. "So hello, its lovely to have you all here and I'm so glad everyone made it here save. I know, we only told you that you will be playing against eachother, however we have a small surprise." The man smiled. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him. He stepped to the side and you saw 11 of the first team players walking out.
"They boys will join you for a quick game, dont go too hard on them." The man laughed and you tried to hide your smile as you looked at the players. He looked rather atletic, very British accent and he looked like he could be from Britain.
However then your eyes drifted to the 11 first team players. Ter Stegen, Balde, Araujo, Christensen, Kounde, Pedri, Frenkie De Jong, Gavi, Dembele, Lewandowski and Ferran Torres.
"So we have chosen 11 people for the line up." The man continued and then named all the people. "-and lastly, Y/n" You smiled a little bit as you looked at the whiteboard that was standing next to the man. You were in the midfield, right side to be exact.
So the referee blew the whistle and the game began. The striker from your team passed the ball to another midfielder and so the game went on. Passing and passing until eventually you had to cover up Gavi just as he received the ball. He tried to push you back a little but in that exact moment you moved your right leg between his legs and rolled the ball towards yourself. As soon as the ball was out of Gavi's reach you passed it down to the defense.
Meanwhile you were kinda proud of yourself, Gavi was extremely shocked. He would've defended like that against any other Laliga player. Maybe he would've pushed a bit harder but you were a woman so he couldn't play exactly the same.
But for any other player it was difficult to take the ball away from Gavi, and you took it in 2 seconds? That was huge bust for his ego, which was very high.
"What are you staring at? Move." Pedri asked the young midfielder and with that he got pulled out of his sudden shock state.
Even tho Gavi didn't seem to take it so seriously, it was because he was still shocked by that tackle you did on him. Pedri didn't like losing in general, thats why he tried a bit.
Pedri was annoyed with Gavi, he would have told him, but he knows his friend and his temper, so instead he didn't say anything.
After 20 minutes, the halftime in that game the score was still 0-0 which was surprising, because either the first team wasn't trying or you had too good of a defense.
But that changed in the final minutes of the game when your team just took the ball from the first team and you got it passed from a german influencer. Since you were playing in the right side of the midfield, you had pretty much open space on the right so you decided to dribble past the few players there.
Until you were standing in the box where you saw someone stand alone. You passed him the ball and he shot at Ter Stegen but he of course saved it. However, the ball bounced back from his hand and rolled right in front of your feet where without thinking for a second, you kicked and scored. You turned around and saw some of your teammates running towards you to celebrate.
Just a few minutes after that, the game ended and everyone took some pictures with the players. Nobody was sitting on the bench so you decided to sit down and drink some water.
While you took the second big gulp Gavi sat down next to you and looked straight ahead. "That was a dirty tackle." He mumbled while also grabbing a water bottle.
You couldn't help but smile a little bit at his words, you didn't look at him either. "But a beautiful one" You smiled at the stadium.
"You do believe that you're all that, trust me, one good tackle doesn't make you a Ballon d'Or winner." Gavi stood up and pointed at you before walking away. He didn't even want to hear you out, he just didnt want to look at your smile anymore. He hated the satisfaction that came with it.
"Ay Hermano, good game hm?" Pedri walked up to Gavi who scoffed and walked into the locker room. "Oh so you're still mad about that girl that tackled you, huge blow on your ego hm? She did that good tho." Pedri teased his friend whose blood was for sure boiling by now. He walked down into the locker room, his arms swinging by his side with force as he left his friend behind. Pedri shook his head as he saw how mad Gavi was, for him it didn't make any sense why he would even care. Maybe it was because he got overpowered by a woman, but Gavi wouldn't be like that.
"I need some chick to let my anger out, I'll call you later, you wanna join my place in two hours?" Gavi grabbed his bag with just his normal shoes on and started walking backwards towards the door. Pedri was right after all, if Gavi got overpowered by a woman he was gonna show himself that he still can overpower women himself.
"Only if we're alone" Pedri told him and Gavi nodded while giving him a thumbs up. The walk to the exit was long for him while he looked for the phone in his pocket.
However, then Gavi jumped into his car and then immediately dialed Arias number. Aria was a famous model who had worked with some big companies in her career before so she was definitely known to some people in Barcelona. To Gavi she was the girl who he called up once every two months for a fuck and then ghost her.
The idiot she was she agreed every time, she couldn't have been blamed, who could say no to Gavi.
"Are you alone?" Gavi immediately asked after she picked up.
"Yeah, you wanna come over?" She asked, she sounded excited, Gavi almost felt bad that he didn't care about her feeling at all.
"Yeah I'll be there in five. Get ready." Without any further exchange of words, he hung up and kept driving through the city.
After he finally arrived the door to her apartment swung open and Gavi didn't waste a second.
While pushing her against the wall and pushing his tongue down her throat he began taking off her clothes until she was left in her underwear.
"Get on your knees." Gavi said harshly after he finally pulled away from her. There was really nothing romantic or sweet in what Gavi was doing.
But Aria did as the footballer requested her to. She was facing Gavis crotch and he immediately pulled down his shorts and boxers to his knees and pumped her hand up and down his hard dick a couple of times before grabbing her ponytail.
"Open up wide." Gavi said and Aria did as he asked her too, sooner then she knew, his dick was deep down her throat. He was face fucking her at the highest speed. He didn't care if she gagged, he didn't care if she coughed, as long as his dick stayed inside her mouth and he could chase his own pleasure.
Just as she put her hands on the back of his tights for stabilization he pulled his dick out of her mouth and slapped her cheek with it. "Don't touch me." He leaned down a bit and then he shoved his dick down her throat again.
He came after a few minutes, and after he cleaned the edges of her lips and making her eat the rest of his cum he leaned down to her.
"You're always so good to me Aria, sad that your gorgeous body doesn't come with a brain." Gavi kissed her one last time and then left her apartment, leaving her sitting on the floor. The brown haired girl who was on her knees didn't know what else to do other than look down at the floor. She was ashamed of herself but everytime she licked her lips she still tasted Gavi, so that made it all disappear.
Gavi on the other hand was making his way down in the elevator, he had his hands crossed infront of his chest while an old man was standing next to him. He didn't look at the man, the only thing he prayed for was that he wouldn't recognize him. He breathed out a long breath after he made it to the ground floor and basically ran out the elevator.
So as he sat into the car he called his bestfriend Pedri. "Hey, can you come over now?" He asked and looked at the time, about two hours have passed since practice.
"Yeah, are you still on your way?" Pedri asked Gavi. Pedri hadn't done anything ever since he got home from practice, he went to shower a second time because it was so hot in Barcelona and then was on his phone in bed the whole time. He didn't have anything else planned so he only waited for Gavi to text or call.
"Yeah, I'll get home in five, so I'll leave the door open and you just let yourself in." Gavi explained and nodded even tho Pedri couldn't see him. The young midfielder started the car and began his journey towards his house.
"Bien, see you later." Pedri was the one to hang up the phone. Gavi was focused on the road until he arrived home, with a deep sigh he got out of the car and made his way inside his house.
He put down his bag and then went to pour himself a cup of water before sitting down on the couch and opening instagram.
He checked some of his messages and came across the restricted account of Aria. The message that came from her read "loved it, we have to repeat it". Gavi scoffed at her message. Luckily he had her restricted so she couldn't see if he viewed her message.
Gavi looked at Aria more as a stupid slut, he never really talked to her, it was always just her sucking him off.
Just as he wanted to text Pedri where he was but im that second the door opened and Pedri's voice echoed through the house.
"Hola Hermano" Pedri sounded excited to see his friend, the same was for Gavi, he stood up and went to greet his friend with a hug.
"How are you, everything good after your meet up with..." Pedri stopped for a second after he dabbed up Gavi. "Who was it this time?" Pedri smiled a bit.
"My god, Aria." Gavi rolled his eyes and Pedri's eyes widened.
"I thought you hated her?" Pedri asked while taking off his shoes and the duo made their way further inside the house to the couch.
"I do but her head game is good, it is what it is." Gavi shrugged his shoulders and let himself fall down on the white couch.
"Man you're sick." Pedri laughed a bit while he patted his friends shoulders. "Bye the way, do you remember the girl that tackled you?" Pedri turned his upper body towards the younger midfielder.
"Oh shut up, just drop that act." Gavi shook his head as he groaned.
"No, I actually spoke to her after I showered and-" Pedri began and then Gavi stopped him.
"Oh so you showered with her?" Gavi smiled.
"No!? You shut up, so I've talked to her and she's a university student here. So I was a bit shocked when I found out that it wasn't all content creators, because I thought so-" Pedri started again but this time Gavi caught him off once again.
"Man just get to the point, you're talking too much." He clapped his hand on his thigh and smiled a bit.
"So what I found out, that her brother works in the medical team. When she said that her brother is Marco, my jaw dropped right." Pedri smiled at Gavi and his jaw dropped too.
Marco had worked closely together with the team in the couple of months, that's why Gavi and Pedri knew him so well and were on good terms with him. They sometimes invited him to team hangouts but that was rather rare.
"So then she told me that she'll be visiting the practice the day after tomorrow since she's studying medicine in sports and she would have came here anyway to watch what her brother was doing." Pedri explained to Gavi, him on the other hand was fighting his concentration span. Pedri was talking way too many words that were so boring.
"Okay, good, you're absolutely inlove with her and I don't care, I don't like her." Gavi stood up to get himself a glass of some juice, he needed sugar, so that's why the ice tea packaging in the fridge caught his eyes as he was standing in front of the open fridge door.
Pedri was left on the couch, confused by Gavi. "Why would I be inlove with her?" Pedri shot up from the couch and also folloeed his friend into the kitchen.
"Cause why do you listen to her yapping all those words?" Gavi sighed and put down an empty glass on the counter.
"Cause I don't have an attention span of three seconds unlike some others here." Pedri gave the younger midfielder a side eye.
"What did you say?" Gavi grinned at his own joke and Pedri scoffed while he smiled.
"Hey" You told your brother as you sat into the car, he went to pick you up from your apartment so you could go to esportiva together.
"Hurry" Your brother Niko stressed you, you just shook your head. Your brother was two years older than you but you two always got along, you chased the same dream of living in Barcelona, thats why you got along better with him than your other siblings. The city had a special effect on you, while in England you didn't really have any friends and felt very unhappy and alone, moving to Barcelona changed that. You didn't have mamy friends here either but a few good ones, whenever you felt sad or alone or even stressed because of university, you went on a walk or maybe you even bought a ticket to a game. That brightened up your mood immediately.
"So we'll have to go into the kffice at first, say hi to Juan, he's my work partner avoid him tho, he talks way too much. Then the players will come in eventually and that's when you'll have to stay serious, no giggling around no laughing, if I see you touch one of them, I'll send you outside." He told you while pointing his finger towards you. You rolled your eyes ans then nodded your head. "Good, after the players are gone, we'll have to go to the office again and be on the computer to type everything in." Niko explained further and then drove to the security infront of the training facilities. He walked up to Niko as he let down the window. "Niko, how are you" The security man asked your brother.
"Good, could be better tho, work means work." Niko shrugged his shoulders and the man smiled.
"It is what it is, is that your girlfriend or-?" The man pointdd towards you and you quickly shook your head.
"I'm his sister." You quickly corrected the man who raised his arms into the air.
"Sorry, don't know what kind of businesses your brother has." He laughed and you just smiled at him, trying to be friendly. "Okay you can go through." The man told Niko and he drove up to the parking lots where he parked down his car.
Until you walked to the office everything was pretty boring. That was until you accidentally ran into Pedri in the hallway when you were just on your way to the toilet.
"Oh no way, hey Y/n" He smiled as he dabbed you up. Your face was also covered in a wide grin as he released his hand from yours again.
"Hey Pedri." You held it short and waited for him to keep going wifh the conversation.
"You wanna cone down and watch us train? Or do you have things to do? Cause I'm pretty sure that Xavi will be okay with it." Pedri suggested and your eyes immediately lit up.
"My brother will say no, a hundred percent." Your lips parted into a thin line to which Pedri only began to smile.
"Come on" He grabbed your arm and put his other hand on the door handle to Niko's office. He opened it and pulled you inside befire he ket go of your arm. His grip was so strong that you thought that your blood circulation had stopped for a second.
"Hey Pedri man, what's up?" Niko turned around in his office chair to face the Canarian midfielder who was already wearing the practice kit.
"Niko, listen hermano, is it okay if we steal her from you? She's gonna be at the pitch with us." Pedri asked Niko who gave you a dirty look.
"Sure, if you say so" Niko answered Pedri while he gave you another mad look and then turned back to his laptop, shaking his head in annoyance.
"Come on, let's go." The midfielder turned to face you and left the office, closing the door behind himself.
That day you didn't do much, just stood at the sidelines and watched the team train, you weren't complaining tho, it was amazing.
Niko was only a bit mad at you because he told you to keep it together while with the players. However, the following day, which was friday, you were alone in your apartment, like usual.
Scrolling through instagram many videos popped up on your feed about gavi, pedri and other barca players. Your eyes scanned all the videos until they landed on a gavi one. He looked surprisingly good in the clásico that was last week against real madrid. Where Barca wore the motomami shirt by Rosalía, they ended up winning 2-1 with Kessie's last minute winner.
The same video kept replaying, of Gavi laying on his back on the pitch, breathing heavily, his hair sticking to his forehead and pearls of sweat hoovering on his forehead.
It was obvious that he mouthed the words "puta madre", which only made him look so hot in your opinion. Your mind drifted off as you imagined him below you, you on top of him, riding him out until he is a heavy breathing mess.
You sqeezed your legs together as you imagined how he would feel inside of you his hands gripping your waist to thurst up into you after your knees have given out and you touching his body, your fingers sloding over his abs and you looking down at the point where you two would meet. Gavi's head would be propped on a pillow while he looked at himself thrusting up into you and you would look at him. You felt your stomach cramp at the thoughts you were having.
That was until the sound of your phone ringing pulled you back into your thoughts. You looked down on your phone and saw Pedris name written on the screen. Immediately you realized what you wrre thinking about and made a disgusted face immediately. Gavi was such a prick for no reason, you wouldn't want him to take your virginity.
So sliding the button to take Pedri's call and putting it up to your ear, you heard the midfielders voice.
"Hey are you busy?" Pedri asked immediately and you looked at the time.
"No, why are you asking?"
"I didn't wanna disturb you, anyways; I wanted to ask if you would be up to coming over to my house today, we invited some team mates and their girlfriends and I thought you'd get along great with Dani and Mikky, maybe even Taia. So do you have time?" Pedri asked and you looked at the clock again. You didn't really plan anything for that day so there was no hesitation.
"I'd love to, just tell me when to be there and send me over your address." The smile on your face was heard by Pedri.
"Great, I'll send everything over, see ya." And as soon you told Pedri goodbye too, he hung up the phone, his gaze shifted towards Gavi walking down the stairs, his arm wrapped around a girls waist. He didn't seem to notice his bestfriend until the girl left and he closed the door then turned around.
"Since when are you here?" Gavi asked and locked the door before walking over to Pedri on the couch.
"Since ten minutes, is she new by the way?" Pedri raised his brows while looking at the girl Gavi just brought to the door.
"Nah, I just hit her up after like 5 months again. Gotta wait another five now." Gavi shrugged his shoulders and sat down.
"How do they still sleep with you if you ignore them for five months." Pedri questioned to which Gavi just responded with a laugh.
"My dick works wonders" He shrugged his shoulders once again and then pulled out his phone.
"Yeah, I heard that. I also invited some other people over to my place tonight." Pedri let him know and the younger midfielder lifted his head up immediately and locked his phone.
"What people?"
"Like Frenkie and Mikky, Fermin, Marc and Dani and the girl that tackled you." Pedris lips pulled up into a smile as he saw Gavi's face drop.
"Why would you invite her, what's her name again?" Gavi looked at Pedri surprised. He wasnt the biggest fan of you, he disliked you, if not dispised you. The only reasonable reason was because you tackled him, many people would think that that's a stupid reason to hate someone, including Pedri. But Gavi's ego was the highest in his private life, on the pitch he was rather focused and didn't want to get over himself too much, but since that was basically just a little silly game with some influencers and you tackled him. Why did you out of all of them tackle him, how did you tackle him. That was what went through his head the whole day after that small game.
For you it was amazing but the tackle was not the only thing that remained in your head. The young midfielder who happened to be Gavi looked surprisingly better in real life. So the moments of him sitting down next to you or him looking at you didn't go unnoticed by you.
You wouldn't say that you had a crush on him, he wasn't very nice and he didn't treat people with respect in your eyes, but his looks speak for themselves.
That's why as soon as you stepped foot into Pedri's gigantic house, your eyes scanned the room and stopped at the side of Gavi's head. His side profile was too attractive but immediately you were disgusted by yourself as you thought about the thinks that crossed your mind before Pedri had called you.
Everyone was chatting while sitting at the couch and Pedri who just closed the door behind you turned to you. "How are you?" He asked and a smile plastered across his face.
"I'm awesome thank you for asking, what about you?" You smiled as you took off your shoes and stepped onto the heated tiles with your socks.
"I'm better now that all of you are here, come on we wanted to play dare or drink after you came." Pedri informed you and then waved you to walk behind him while he made his way over to his couch.
All of the people turned to look at you and said hi to you, you decided to take place next to Mikky and Taia who were both very welcoming and nice towards you.
Pedri then eventually stood up and looked at everyone. "So we're gonna be playing drink or dare, rules are pretty simple, do a dare or drink, I'll get the Alcohol and in the meantime you guys decide who starts." Pedri then smiled and went to the kitchen to get three shot glasses and three bottles of vodka which was insane in your opinion but you were always up to a little drinking game. Gavi was sat next to Frenkie and Lewandowski on the other side of the couch, he had a clear view on you, however he didn't even notice you, until Frenkie mentioned Mikky to him and he looked over at the Dutchmans girlfriend and saw you. Pedri really did invite you, Gavi didn't understand why he did that since he didn't know you that well.
You both got pulled out of your thoughts when Pedri returned and then Fermin spoke up. "Pedrito, since you're at home here, we all agreed on you starting this game" Fermins cheeky smile covered his face as Pedri sat down next to Raphinha.
"Good, so Fermin, who was your first time?" Pedri leaned forward a bit and Fermin shook his head while he poured himself a shot.
"You know this is gonna be a short game for me if you keep asking me stuff you know I hate to talk about." Fermin laughed a bit while everyone smiled and watched him pour down the Alcoholo on his throat.
After about an hour you have listened and laughed a lot, the game was funny and everyone was a bit tipsy, except for you and Gavi. Gavi answered every question he got asked truthfully and the guys just didn't ask you any bad question since they didn't know you that well. The most exciting question was when you had your first kiss, and even that you answered. Truth was you didn't really had your first real kiss yet, the first and last one was in kindergarten.
So when everyone around you two was giggling and talking, and asking questions, Gavi and you held intense eye contact, nobody was able to look away, just staring at eachother from across the two sides of the couches.
Gavi's mind was filled with questions, just the same as always. "How, why, when" and everything else that came to mind. Why was it you that tackled him. Meanwhile his brows were knit together and you just thought of how arrogant he must he if he keeps looking at you like that, suddenly all the attraction towards him was gone, there was just that weird feeling in your head.
Eventually you cleared your throat and turned to Mikky. "I'll get myself a glass of water." You told her and she nodded. So standing up and walking in the dark to the kitchen, you searched for a glass and then placed it under the tap, the water filling up the cup slowly.
In the dark you could barely see how full it was, however you had to jump a little a few seconds later.
"He has bottled water" You turned around only to see Gavi who pointed at the fridge with his thumb and then put both of his hands into the pockets of his black joggers.
"Okay" You simply answered and then turned around to look at the half full glass of water still standing below the tap.
There was an awkward atmosphere between you two in the kitchen. The soft noise of laughter coming from the living room, the water running into the cup, the fridge making noises, the crickets outside, you suddenly seemed to realize everything.
"Are you a footballer?" Gavi asked again, he had to ask, he forced himself tho, he had to find out how. However you turned around, brows knit together and a confused look on your face.
"Why would I be?" Quickly answering and then turned off the water, just as you wanted to grab the glass, Gavi's hand was at your wrist and he grabbed it to turn you around to look at him.
The confusion in your face was clear as day, you had no idea what was going on. "How did you tackle me then?" He asked, still holding onto your wrist carefully but still with a good grip. Your body was pushed against the counted and him standing tall in front of you.
"I played football like 4 years ago, you don't forget everything you've learnt." You answered, still holding back a ittle since Gavi was standing way too close to you, you thought that he wouldn't notice your gaze shifting down to his lips for of couple of seconds. He did.
"You haven't played football in a club since 4 years?" Gavi raised his eyebrows and you nodded your head. He was surprisingly nice to you in that moment, you would have imagine him to swear at you or call you names but he was nice.
"This is a joke." Gavi whispered aggressively under his breath as he turned around and made his way towards the door. He left the house and left you standing in the kitchen with a confused look on your face.
That's why next week you got a little deja vu. That week you had talked a lot with Pedri and you'd even consider the two of you friends. You also got along great with the wags and you even went to get breakfast with Mikky and Dani, Ter Stegens wife.
Then you went with your brother to work and just like the last time, you stood next to Xavi who watched all the players train.
He had told you a week ago that if you don't disturb the practice sessions, you're allowed to watch and be there.
And one thing you noticed was that Gavi was playing shit, really shit, like passing the ball in the worst moments and not paying attention.
After the practice session was over you msde sure the players left before you walked into the locker room and grabbed your stuff you had left there in prior. You had to walk to the other side of where the entrance was and as you faced the wall and wanted to pick up the stuff you heard a voice coming from the door.
"I played shit today didn't I?" Gavi's voice echoed a bit and you turned around. "Must be because all of the girls I have in my head." He smirked while he looked at you.
"You should maybe stop thinking with your dick then if all you think about are your one night stands." You mumbled and Gavi raised his eyebrows immediately. He didn't know how much you hated that he slept with other women, he didn't know that you wanted him to think about you only while practicing, he didn't know that you had a crush on him.
"You're telling me to stop thinking about sex when I can see that you're drolling over all my teammates whenever they're playing." Gavi shot back and you shrugged your shoulders as a smile made it's way to your face.
"And I bet they're a better fuck than you." You shot back to which Gavi lowered his eyebrows again and he squinted his eyes while he smirked.
"You wanna try that out?"
"If you're begging for it" You shrugged your shoulders and then you turned back around to grab your stuff.
"Fine, send me your address I'll be there in-" He mumbled and turned around to look at the clock hanging over the door. "two hours," Gavi said confidentially and turned around to walk out the room. However he stopped in the doorframe and turned around to face you. "Oh and babe, leave the door open."
You squeezed your eyes shut as you turned away from the doorframe and a deep sigh escaped your lips.
The whole drive home, you anxiously tapped the steering wheel and looked at the clock. You still had one and a half hours, you knew that Gavi meant to sleep with you. You needed to prepare yourself mentally to sleep with him, not to mention that you were still a virgin, you didn't plan on telling him that he was about to be your first time.
So you switched into comfortable clothes which would be some grey joggers and a black crop top. You sat down on your couch and took out your phone immediately. Your gaze shifted from the tiktok you were watching to the clock every minute. Until you heard someone go up to your door and seconds later the door opened and Gavi walked inside.
"Good job leaving the door open, not many girls listen to me when I say that." Gavi mumbled, he was wearing a black compression shirt and a black jacket over it and black pants.
You looked him up and down while he took off his jacket and out it down on the couch. You stayed in place as ypu looked up at him, Gavi just stood infront of you until he shrugged his shoulders.
"You want me to bend you over on the couch or what?" Gavi asked, he knew that he had you.
You nervously stood up and then made your way over to the bedroom, you felt Gavi's presence behind you and immediately as you two entered the bedroom, Gavi closed the door and then turned you around.
"Not very talkative right now hm?" He grinned and then hungrily kissed your lips. The kiss was fast and he kept pulling you closer by your waist, the way his hands burnt into your exposed skin on the hips was sending shivers down your spine.
His lift were soft and aggressive, he was dominant and he carefully but the bottom of your lip, you opened your mouth slightly and then his tongue slipped into your mouth, dominantly fighting with yours. At that point your hands were behind his neck, pulling him closer. He felt like heaven and you knew you didn't want to stop even if it meant just a quick fuck for him, you wanted it to be him. Your crush who didn't even knew you had feelings for him and supposedly hated you.
So he pushed you towards the bed and as you sat down on it you started backing up to get in the middle.
"Take off your clothes." Gavi commanded and you didn't hesitate to pull down your joggers and crop top, exposing yourself in only underwear to him.
Gavi didn't speak as he took off his own clothes too and was left in his white boxer shorts. Your eyes scanned his body, you felt the pool between your legs getting bigger and hotter.
He then crawled on top of you, putting his body onto yours and kissing your lips passionately. His hands roamed your body until he reached your panties and he began to pull them down. As he parted his lips from yours to pull them down fully he looked at your wet pussy.
"So wet hm?" He teased as he then also pulled down his boxershorts and his hard dick hit his abdomen, your mouth fell slightly open at the sight of his dick he just looked at your pussy and then held himself up over you with one of his hands while he other one grabbed his dick. He started running his tip along your folds and watched your reaction. You bit your lip as you clenched around nothing, you just wanted him inside of you, stretching you out, you wanted to know how it feels.
After he was satisfied with your reaction, he alined himself and pushed himself into you fully.
"Oh my god you're tight" Gavi breathed out as you clenched around him, him stretching out your walls felt incredible, his hips meeting yours as he was balls deep inside of you felt incredible. He felt incredible.
There was a short sting of pain before he started moving but it all turned into pleasure after. You felt his tip grazing iver your g spot which made you moan and throw your head back. He started hitting the spot after he noticed that he had found it. As if that wasn't enough, he buried his head in the crook of your beck and started sucking on it, leaving nearly purple marks as he kept thrusting into you at a rapid speed.
His lips, his movements, his body, that all made it too much and eventually a warm knot started forming in your stomach as your legs were widely spread.
You arched your back and Gavi lifted up his head, he looked at you after he looked at the headboard hitting the wall of your bedroom. His eyes locked with yours and you stayed quiet in that second, his body moving yours and his eyes staying on yours, you clenched around him and he breathed out shakily.
Just a few thrusts and you finally came, your legs started shaking like crazy and you arched your back as you moaned.
Gavi only needed a few more seconds until he came too, he pushed inside of you one final time and shot his cum into you, the long ropes of his cum filling you up and he pulled out of your pussy. As you were still breathing heavily you remained on your back, staring at the ceiling while Gavi started dressing up again. You pulled a blanket over yourself as you watched him and as he was fully dressed, only missing his jacket from the couchnin your living room, he walked over to you and leaned down to your face.
"I hope this proves that I'm a better fuck than them." Gavi pecked your lips and then left you speechless as he walked out. You waited until he closed the main door and then you covered your face with your own hands.
You knew that there would be no aftercare, yet you were measuring out in your head if it was good or not. To him it meant nothing, to you, you will forever remember this time with Gavi. Many girls would have loved him to take their virginity and you didn't say that the sex was bad, but it still felt bad. So you sat up, legs trembling as then a tear rolled down your cheek. It hurt you that he didn't stay, you weren't mad at him because it wasn't his fault that you caught feelings for him and he didn't know, and it also wasn't his fault that he didn't know that he just took your virginity, it was your fault.
Other than you who was still sitting on the beds edge 10 minutes after Gavi left, the midfielder just arrived at Pedri's house where the two of them wanted to meet up to play fifa.
"Where were you?" Pedri asked Gavi just as soon as he arrived at the Canarians house.
"I was at someones apartment, don't worry." Gavi winked at Pedri to which he just responded with a sigh and he shook his head.
"How do you have so much sex and can concentrate on football at the same time. I can't do that" Pedri asked while Gavi sat down and shrugged his shoulders. "Who was it this time?"
"I can't tell you, top secret." Gavi answered and Pedri gave him a weird look.
"If you say so."
Gavi was just glad that Pedri didn't question him being away any further. Normally Gavi would tell Pedri who he slept with, but not when he also knows you.
Many days of practice sessions you attended have passed and also many games you watched in the tv. Until eventually the big game of the season came where it would be decided if Barcelona was gonna win the Laliga or not.
So against Espanyol they stepped foot onto the field and their only goal was to win, which they did.
You were smiling the whole time as you looked at the celebrate through the tv. Then not even an hour later you received a text in the groupchat you were in with some of the guys and their girlfriends.
"We meeting in Flamenco in three hours" Fermin texted and you sighed and looked at the clock. It was one am, that meant that you'll need to be up a long time. You decided to drink a coffee and then take a shower before starting to get ready. While you were doing your hair you also drank a red bull just to make sure that you were staying awake.
Then Mikky called you over Face time and you talked about her picking you up.
Sooner than you knew, Mikky was in front of your door with her car, sitting inside in a black dress. You drove to the club and you saw Pedri and decided to go up to him and ask him where Gavi was so you could talk to him.
"I think he's upstairs" Pedri mumbled and You nodded while making your way through the crowd. You wanted to talk to Gavi about him not going to practice today.
The music was loud as soon as you stepped up the stairs and saw that a door was slightly open. You made your way over to it and as you pushed it open your mouth fell slightly open.
There was a girl bent over the bed, she had her face burried in the sheets and didn't notice that you saw her getting pounded into the bed by nobody other than Gavi.
He saw you, and you saw him, fucking that girl.
He began to smile immediately after and then nudged his head towards you, his face was sweaty and his body was covered by sweat too.
He looked attractive, but you couldn't focus on that as the girl was clenching around his dick.
Gavi blew you a kiss before he waved you over but you just shook your head in disgust and turned around.
Making your way down the stairs again you were glad that you didn't drink since you needed to drive home as soon as possible before you collapsed and started crying.
It was one thing to know that Gavi was sleeping with other girls, but it was another to see how he fucked one.
"There's a problem tho." Pedri looked at you in the review mirror. Gavi was sitting next to Pedri in the passangers seat, white shorts and a white shirt which was hugging his muscles perfectly, meanwhile you were sitting behind Pedri, behind Gavi was Aurora.
Your attention shifted back to Gavi, his legs sread widely and his phone in its black phonecase in his lap.
He was also wearing black sunglasses and as always, he was chewing gum.
"Hm?" You turned your attention back to Pedri after you've observed Gavi for the hundredth time today.
"There aren't enough rooms. So Sira and Ferran share one, Aurora and Javi and obviously I'll sleep in a room with Fermin, that leaves Gavi and you. So you'll have to share." Pedri explained and you saw how Gavi immediately turned his head to face the Canarian.
So after a long discussion and pleading Pedri still wasn't able to find a solution, so you did have to share with Gavi.
After you arrived at the gigantic house you rented, you went to eat together and then it was already half past 12. So everyone quickly got back home and then got ready for bed.
While you were already in bed, Gavi was standing in front of the tv, staring down at his phone in his palm.
"Not the first time we share a bed hm?" Gavi mumbled and a small smile was heard, since he was facing you with his back, you couldn't tell if he was actually smiling or not.
"So you wanna fuck again, I know you've missed my dick." Gavi finally turned around and walked round the bed to take off his socks. Then he got into the bed next to you and turned off the lights. There was a few minutes of silence between the two of you.
"Mhm, except that I wouldn't know any other dicks at all." You mumbled quietly to yourself, you were a hundred percent sure that he didn't hear it until he looked up at you.
"Sorry?" Gavi's head shot up immediately and he sat up in the dark room. He turned to look at you while you just looked up at the ceiling.
"What did you say?" Gavi put his hand on your arm and you turned your gaze to face him.
"I was a virgin" You mumbled quietly and Gavi's jaw dropped. He looked away for a few seconds and then back to you.
"I took your virginity?" He asked while you slowly nodded his head. He stood up and started walking around the room while his left hand was in his hair and his right covering his mouth.
"If you would've told me i would've never slept with you" Gavi turned around to face you who was now also sitting up on the bed.
"Exactly" You mumbled and Gavi looked at you with a shocked expression, everything else was quiet in the house, only the two of you talking.
"Yeah but babe you can't just not tell me, you're supposed to have the first time with someone you love and trust." Gavi's voice broke in the middle of the sentence since he was talking a bit louder now. You just prayed that nobody would accidentally overhear something.
"You're matching the acquirements." You answered shortly and then turned around in the bed again. Gavi's jaw dropped and he looked at the back of your head.
"You can't go to sleep now, we need to talk." Gavi walked to the side of the bed and looked at you, your eyes were looking at the floor, trying to ignore him standing infront of you. It became difficult when he kneeled down.
"Babe we need to talk." Gavi said in a serious voice. You did genuinely see the concern in his face.
"Leave me alone Gavi, I wanna sleep." You hummed while your throat hurt. You were about to cry and Gavi also noticed by your voice shaking.
"You can't just say something like this and then go to sleep." Gavi mumbled loudly, he was so energetic in the moment, that just completely woke him up.
"Or what? You're gonna fuck some slut right before my eyes again?" You shot back and Gavi's eyes widened a bit.
"I-" Gavi was speechless and in loss for words. He didn't know what to say. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Gavi asked, ignoring the question and leaned forward a little bit.
"Oh yeah Gavi, you want me to tell you, the absolute fuckboy whose bodycount is over 60 that I have feelings for you?" You sat up and asked that loudly. You felt stupid for even telling him, now he won't leave you alone.
"I stopped, I havent seen anyone in 2 weeks." Gavi mumbled and scratched the back of his head. Everytime neither of you talked, there was an awkward silence in the room, not to speak about the tension which was growing every second that passed.
"Am i supposed to be proud of you now?" You raised your eyebrows while you asked in a cocky tone.
The midfielder turned his gaze away from you for a second before his head shot back to face you. "Let me make it up to you"
You looked at him confused but still angrily. "What and how?"
"Let's pretend you're still a virgin and let us go again." Gavi suggested. You were about to loose your mind.
"Didn't you say that it has to be someone who loves me?" Gavi stayed quiet after you said that. "Is it just for you to fuck me again?"
"No, I'm gonna make love to you, with aftercare, you deserve to have a normal first time, not the one I gave you. So let's forget it." Your stomach twisted at his words and you almost started sobbing.
"No, you don't love me so what's the point." You asked and Gavi looked away for a second again.
"Gavi just shut up and let me sleep, you're a dick, can't change anythung about that." With that you turned around and closed your eyes. Gavi left you alone and just got next to you into bed, careful not to touch you.
The next day by the time you woke up, Gavi was already downstairs talking to the others.
You got ready upstairs and just as you made sure that you looked completely okay, you went downstairs.
Pedri, Fermin, Gavi, Sira, Ferran, Javi and Aurora were sitting at the table, chatting ro eachother. Some of them turned their heads when they heard you coming, but Aurora's and Sira's face filled with a smile immediatly. Sira waved you over and you sat down at the empty chair next to Aurora and Sira placed a plate of eggs and bread infront of you immediately.
"Gavi go and make her a shake." Aurora yelled over to her brother and she caught him looking at you, she however decided to ignore it since he isn't suspicious for looking at people.
"How did you sleep?" Sira asked and you just gave her a thumbs up while your eyes followed Gavi who walked over to the kitchen. That house was still so big and it's so freaking annoying that there weren't enough rooms. Your attention shifted to Aurora again as soon as she pulled out her phone to check today's program.
"Okay so, we're going on a yacht today as you already know I think," Aurora began to explain and Sira nodded her head. However you looked at Aurora confused.
"I didn't know but okay." You mumbled.
"Yeah, we're going on a yacht and then we'll go swimming and today evening we'll go and eat at a fancy restaurant." Aurora said and Sira smiled while nodding her head.
"That means we're going to wear those awesome dresses we brought for a reason." Sira smiled even brighter and you couldn't help but smile too.
After that you went upstairs to get ready and pack your things for the yacht. You went into the bathroom and wore your bikini underneath the shirt and the shorts you were going in.
While you walked out the bathroom, ready to go, you saw Gavi getting changed. His shirt was in his hand and he was shirtless, you however tried to not look at him and walked out the door.
After that you sat into the car with Aurora again and the others were going in the other car.
When you arrived at the yacht, Ferran had already spoken to the owner you rented it from. So then you all got on board and you girls at first went inside while the boys were outside.
"This is huge tho" Sira looked around and you nodded your head as you explored the inside.
"Let's go outside and check it out too." You said and you slid the glass door to the side to access the outside of the boat.
After you looked at everything you put on sunscreen and then sat down on the couch inside.
You pulled out your phone and started checking youe messages while everyone was outside having fun.
Suddenly you heard someone come inside. "Come outside." A shirtless Gavi was standing over you, looking down at you while you were facing his crotch.
"Mhm, in a second." Without even looking up at him you said that.
"In a second my ass." Suddenly Gavi lifted up your hips and put them on his shoulder. You quickly threw your phone on the couch.
"Gavi put me down" You cried as you couldn't help but laugh nervously at the same time. Your fists kept hitting his back but he wouldn't stop walking. So as he got out to the back of the yacht where Javi and Fermin were sitting they both laughed at you.
"Ay Hermano let that poor girl down." Fermin told Gavi who turned around and smiled at Fermin.
"Let her down you said?" Gavi asked and turned around, in that moment he gripped your hips and you felt yourself fall into the water a few seconds later.
Swimming up to the surface you looked up at Gavi who was laughing down at you, you couldn't help but smile a bit as he held his hand towards you to pull you out.
Then you grabbed his hand with both of yours and pulled him into the water, so then as quickly as possible you got on the yacht again and started running up the stairs where the sunbeds were.
Gavi left you alone after that because he thought he deserved it. Atleast you thought so, because a few seconds after you sat down and exchanged a few words with Aurora and Sira, Gavi also came up the stairs.
You fell back into the sunbed and looked at him come towards you while you crossed your arms.
He then put his right knee on the sunbed on your left side. He came super close to you as he was on his knees over you, his hands gripping the oart where you're supposed to lean back.
Sira and Aurora were watching, their mouths slightly fell open. That was until you gave Aurora that "help me" look.
She stood up and patted Gavi's shoulder.
"Hermano get off of her. Come on." She mumbled and Gavi moved his gaze from looking at his sister, to you one last time.
So he did, he went back to the boys again, and after you looked at Sira and Aurora their eyes were widened.
"Okay what was that?" They asked while the water was still dripping from your hair.
"I have no idea." You lied and then laid down on the sunbed comfortably.
About 30 minutes later of you enjoying the sun with the girls, Gavi's voice was heard again. You opened your eyes and saw that he was wet, water dripping from his hair.
Then Ferran and Pedri also appeared next to him. They were all wet, you assumed that they just came out of the water.
"Don't you dare come near me" You told them and walked over to the huge couch covered in matresses, then closed your eyes again, however as soon as you did that Gavi smiled at Pedri and at Ferran and sneaked closer to you quietly. He then quickly laid down on top of you and your eyes immediately shot open.
"Gavi, get off of me." You mumbled as you tried to push him off by his shoulders. However he didn't move an inch but instead he rolled over onto the other matress so that you were now on top of him. His hands wrapped around you tightly so that you had no space to escape, after a while you just gave up.
"Can you get off of me now?" You asked Gavi after 2 minutes and he nodded his head. He then sat down next to you and you fixed your bikini awkwardly.
Gavi looked down on the floor while the others were having their own conversations.
He thought about you sitting next to him, his head was a mess since yesterday. Cause ever since you mentioned that he didn't love you, he couldn't help but notice how pretty you actually were, how pretty your smile was, how funny you were and how you always bring up the mood.
He looked at you every chance he could and sometimes he caught himself daydreaming about you.
He didn't know why this was happening so suddenly, but Aurora pulled him out of his thoughts suddenly. He daydreamed again.
"You wanna come and eat?" His sister asked him, he nodded his head while he pushed himself off of the couch, he didn't even notice that you already went inside the yacht.
So Gavi was thoughtfull and quiet the next four days, until you were all sitting in a fancy restaurant.
You had to sit next to Gavi since that was the only empty seat when you arrived.
You put your hand against your forehead and groaned silently. All of you had already finished the food a while ago. So you groaning caught Gavi's attention.
"Are you okay?" He leaned closer to you while he whispered in a quiet voice.
"I don't feel good." You mumbled and Gavi lifted up his hand and pressed it against your forehead.
"You don't have a fever" He mumbled and you only shrugged your shoulders. "You wanna go home? I'll go with you." Gavi stood up without even waiting for you to answer. So you immediately also pushed back the chair and then all eyes were on you.
"I'm not feeling too well, we're gonna go home." You told everyone and they didn't mind. So you and Gavi walked home since it was only like 10 minutes, as soon as you arrived and went to your room, you laid down and held your head.
"Can we talk?" Gavi asked and sat down on the edge of the bed.
"About" You sat up to look at Gavi fidgeting with his hands after he sat up.
"I've been thinking about you," He paused while he admitted. "a lot..."
"About me?" You raised your eyebrows and then he nodded his head while he made eye contact. Every noticed that drastic change in Gavi's character. The way his ego wasn't so high, he wasn't as arrogant as he was before and he wasnt as cocky as he used to be.
You also noticed it but you thought that he just couldn't survive without his one night stands.
"I think I have developed some kind of romantic feelings for you." Gavi's mouth fell slightly open but you just stared at him.
"No, don't do that Gavi, I know you're just horny and want to make it up to me, or make it seem like it." You stood up and began walking around the room.
"No, no, Y/n I swear, I'm serious. I have never ever felt something like this before." Gavi also stood up and grabbed your arms, holding you in one place.
"Can you prove it?"
"I'll take you out, on a date. Whenever you want." Gavi suggested and you looked at the floor for a couple of seconds.
"Fine. Good, but wait till we're home."
So he did wait, after you arrived home from Ibiza, almost immediately the text message from Gavi came in.
"The day after tomorrow, does seven pm sound good?" You read the text out loud and then threw your head back before texting back a quick. "Okay"
The day after tomorrow came by quicker than you would've thought. Soon you were anxiously walking around in your apartment, waiting for Gavi's text that he was there to pick you up.
As soon as your phone lit up you went down and saw Gavi's black audi standing in front of your apartment complex.
Opening the door you sat inside and was met with Gavi's smile. "Hey" He smjled as he scanned your body. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you" You tried so hard not to blush as you looked outside your window to avoid eye contact.
"Are you ready for our date?" Gavi asked after a while, he was driving fairly outside the city by now until he arrived at a restaurant.
"Yeah, kinda." Was the only thing you answered to that question. It was kind of awkward as of by now.
"Wait" Gavi told you before getting out of the car, he slammed the door shut and walked over to your side. He opened the door for you and gave you his hand to step out, which was definitely not needed but you acceptdd anyways. His hand was warm and soft, you didnt let it go after, but instead he interlocked his fingers with yours and locked the car meanwhile.
While the two of you walked over to the restaurant it was silent.
"Hey, we have a reservation for Pablo Gavira" Gavi said as the waiter came up to you to the door.
The whole evening you two laughed and talked to eachother. It felt like you already knew eachother 4 years.
And about 5 more dates and long long face time calls, Gavi asked to meet you. Although Pedri and his other friends were pretty shocked when they found out that he's going on dates. Gavi didn't tell them who.
"Why are you so smiley Pablito?" Pedri asked as Gavi walked into the locker room with a huge grin on his face.
"I have a date today." Gavi said proudly and sat down infront of his locker. That also grabbed Balde's, Ferran and Fermins attention. It was awfully quiet as Pedri's jaw dropped at the words.
"A date? You? Good joke." Ferran laughed and Gavi shook his head while looking up at Pedri first and then at Ferran.
"I'm serious, I'm thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend today." Gavi smiled and Pedri couldn't help but grin a bit.
"When are we gonna meet her?" Pedri asked but Fermin shook his head.
"Nonono, are we talking about the Gavi who has one night stands every other day and fucks girls like it's in his daily routine? You're telling me you caught real romantical feeling for someone?" Fermin walked closer to Gavi.
"Yeah" He smiled.
"That's insane, we need to meet her. She changed your fuckboy mindset. She's a witch!" Fermin joked and there was laughter heard in the locker room.
"You'll meet her if she says yes. You'll see me with her then." Gavi smiled.
That evening he invited you over to his house from where you could watch over whole Barcelona and watch the sunset.
It was the first time he actually invited you over to his. You have never been in his house before. So you were excited as you stepped onto the doorstep and rung the bell.
"Hey" He opened the door with a smile.
"Hello, how are you?" You stepped into the house and he pulled you into a quick side hug.
"You want to cook something?" He walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter while looking at you.
"You know how to cook?" You joked and raised your brows.
"Of course, what would the madam prefer?" Gavi asked. You two then decided on some simple dish like spaghetti. You were in charge of the noodles and Gavi insisted on making the sauce.
Whilw you two laughed and talked in the kitchen, you noticed that Gavi changed a lot.
If you would've compared him to the Gavi he was two months ago, he's a complete different man.
He's way more talkative and he also opened up to you. He doesn't tell many people what he tells you. He also lost that constant angry expression he had on his face.
You also noticed that something in his eyes changed. Maybe you were hallucinating because you were so in love with him, but you were sure that something changed.
So after you two ate, he dragged you outside to the back of his house.
The garden was huge with a huge pool in the middle of it. You stood to the glass fence that went around his house and looked at the sunset. Gavi stood next to you and what you didn't notice was that he wasn't looking at the sunset but at you.
He scamned every feature of your face, the way your eyes squinted together a bit as the wind blew into your face.
"So I think we need to talk." Gavi then gathered the strength and you turned your head towards him.
"Mhm?" You hummed and your heart was beating like crazy.
"I told you in Ibiza that I like you, a lot. However you said I need to proove it to you, and I definitely prooved to myself that I do have romantical feelings for you. And I want to know if it's still the same for you. So will you be my girlfriend?" Gavi cringed at himself. He never had to ask anyone out before so he had no idea what to think of your smile after he finished.
"I would love to be your girlfriend." You smiled and Gavi couldn't help but chuckle as a huge grin covered his face.
He opened up his arms as you walked into them. You tightened your arms around him as you felt the wind blowing your hair to the side.
"When is she coming?" Pedri asked, the team met up at Pedri's house. At least a few of the players went there, not everyone.
"Soon, don't worry." Gavi smiled as everyone looked at him.
"I also invited over Y/n she should also be here in a couple of minutes." Pedri then adds to which Gavi only smiles and focuses on his phone.
A few minutes later you arrive, happily walking into Pedri's house where you found the guys sitting on the sofa.
"Hello!" You smiled at all of them and they all greeted you. You stood infront of the sofa where everyone saw you.
"I thought you were Gavi's girlfriend. I already got excited." Ferran joked and Gavi sighed deeply before standing up.
You saw him grinning at you as he stepped infront of you and wrapped his arm around his waist. His lips met yours and as he pulled away, he stood next to you, arm still wrapped around your waist as you looked at all the shocked faces.
"Okay what?!" Fermin laughed and eased up the tension in the room.
"This is my girlfriend, I dont think I need to interduce the guys to you." Gavi stood next to you proudly and looked at you at the end of his sentence.
"This is shocking. But I'm happy for you two." Pedri smiled and then you nodded your head.
"Thank you."
And so it happened more frequently that you ended uo sleeping at Gavi's place. The more you two have been together, the more times you slept at his house than in your own. You two loved to have early showers together before he had to leave for practice and you for uni.
So one day you two were making out in bed and you smiled against Gavi's lips as he groped your ass and started sliding down your shorts a bit.
"You wanna do it?" You asked as you sat up on his waist.
"Yeah, but can we pretend like it's your first time? I wanna make it up to you." Gavi asked in all seriousness and you nodded your head in agreement.
So as the two of you undressed eachother, he took every opportunity to make you a compliment or just kiss any part of your body.
As he pushed inside you gently, he made sure to always ask. "Are you okay?" Gavi looked at you with a worried look. You nodded your head as he began to slowly move his hips back and fourth.
You felt his tip already grazing your g-spot and you let out a rather loud whimper. He noticed it and leaned forward to connect his lips with yours while he began thrusting into you a bit faster.
"Fuck, yeah." You moaned as you had to detach your lips and his. Even tho you moaning into his mouth made it arguably easier for him to cum but he made you want to come first.
"I love you, youre so beautiful." He began to kiss your body, wherever he could reach while pounding you into his bed. After a while he began to rub your clit and you arched your back up against, he did that until your legs start shaking like crazy.
Gavi then lifted up your right leg and put it over his own shoulder. That allowed him to reach even deeper. You didn't even last 5 minutes in that position.
You clenched hard around him and he sent you into over sensitivity by him rubbing your clit. As he pulled out of you, he started rubbing his tip against your clit awhile pumping his hand up and down his dick and eventually coming over your stomach.
You were still in a shock state, your legs still spread wide open and Gavi standing over them as he was breathing heavily.
You gathered a bit of your strenght and propped yourself up on your shoulder. Gavi looked at you, so you decided to tease him.
You reached your finger down to your stomach and scooped up a bit of his cum, putting it into your mouth.
"Joder" He mumbled as he let his head hang low again. Then he scooped you up pretty easily and carried you to the shower.
"After this we're going back to dominant sex. I need to let my dick out again." Gavi smiled while you just shook your head and got into the shower.
"Try thinking with your brain and not your dick. That helps." You gave him a sarcastic smile to which he slapped your butt.
"Pssst babe, we both know you're a bottom, accept it." he told you while he turned on the water and you took a step back.
"Yeah you shush or I'm gonna cut of your dick." As soon as you said that Gavi burst out laughing and threw his head back.
You just shook your head as you stood below the water. The warm water running down your body felt good, your skin was all sticky and sweaty.
"You know I love you right?" Gavi wrapped his arms around you from behind and started kissing your neck.
"I love you too, do you know that?" You turned around to face him. He kissed your lips as you both were now standing below the water.
Both of you shared a long and passionate kiss with eachother. It was hard tdying to shower when you two couldnt get enough of eachother.
But you somehow managed to finish and then changed and went to bed. As the two of you were laying in silence, Gavi's arms wrapped around tightly from behind, he suddenly spoke up.
"Did you enjoy it though?" Gavi whispered, not sure if you were asleep or not.
"I did, thank you." You whispered back to which Gavi leaned forward to kiss your neck again.
You turned your body around so that you were able to face him. You smiled as you looked at him.
"You hated me because I tackled you." You reminded him while you laughed. Gavi scoffed and covered his face with his hands.
"It was a big blow for my ego, okay?" He said in his defence but you shook your head while laughing.
"Okay okay, how many women have you slept with before?" You asked out of curiosity, but Gavi gave you a weird look.
"But you won't get mad?" He raised his eyebrows to which you only shook your head. "Okay so I had this system, I didn't just sleep with random women or girls. I had 34 models or just influencers who were famous themselves, whenever I wanted to fuck them, I called and they agreed immediately. After I was done, I immediately left and then ignored them for a month. I never slept with any girl twice a month." Gavi explained and you smiled at his words.
"That is sick, so you had sex every day?" You smiled a bit while you asked.
"Not every day, but most days. Pedri was always scolding me for how I can concentrate on sex and football at the same time." Gavi couldn't help but smile as he saw your face.
You knew that he was sleeping with other women. Many articles said that he was a bit of a player but you never actually heard him talking about it.
The only people that knew about Gavi's player era, were Pedri and now you.
"You know what saying I believe in?" you sat up and moved a strand of Gavi's hair on the side of his forehead.
"Hm?" He hummed as he ooked at you with eyes full of love.
"There'll always be a reason why you meet people.
Either you need to change your life,
or you're the one that'll change theirs."
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coyotelip · 23 days
starchaser microfic: nuts || @into-the-jeggyverse || wc: 638
“So how goes the honeymoon?” Sirius's voice on the phone is slightly interrupted by the poor connection, but unfortunately for Regulus, his words are understandable. 
“It would have been better if you hadn't reached me in the middle of the bloody ocean.” Regulus replies lazily, picking up another cashew nut from the platter next to his lounge chair. 
“Uh, what does Jamie do?” Regulus isn't surprised at all at how soon Sirius jumped to the topic of his beloved friend, it's even strange that it wasn't his first question.
“Why don't you ask him yourself?” 
“Well, he didn't answer my calls. I was starting to think that you are holding him prisoner for your sexual pleasures and want to break us up completely.” 
“Sounds like very accuratedescriptionof marriage, but, this is shocking to you, I didn't marry your best friend just for his huge d-” 
“Oh, stop it. Don't make me lie awake at night again with that horrible picture in my head. Better tell me how Italy is.” 
There's a splash of water and Regulus turns his head to see James climb out of the pool, ignore the towel and walk straight to Regulus, letting the water drip off him in heavy drops. 
“I don't know about Italy, but the ocean is... wet.” Regulus holds out his hand with the nut toward James, who has stopped at his feet. He bends down, a couple of cold drops falling on Reg's sun-warmed thighs, and the man wraps his lips around the nut and his fingers without breaking eye contact. 
“Oh, I wish I could be there, London is a pain in the ass right now with all this rain.” Sirius reminds Reg of himself on the phone. 
Regulus's eyes are fixed on James's lips, and he doesn't let go of his fingers for a few seconds, but eventually the man releases them to ask, “Who's on the other side?” 
“Your ugly twin,” Regulus says with a smile, now running his free hand over the man's wet shoulders and hearing the unhappy exclamation on the other end of the phone.
“Oh, tell him I said hi,” the way James's smile has taken on a new bright glow at the mention of Sirius is a little annoying, but Regulus can't deny that he loves him to death even so. Regulus reaches for another nut so that he can touch James's lips again right now... not that he doesn't have every right to as his legal husband.
“James said hi,” he repeats into the phone, and meanwhile James sits on the edge of his lounge chair and strokes his bare legs with his wet hands, and his lips wrap around the nut and his fingers again.
“Ooooh, give him the phone, I miss him so much!” Sirius doesn't let him forget, but all Regulus' thoughts are now focused on the feel of wide palms on his lap and the seductive smile on James' lips.
“Argh, Sirius, I'm going to be honest. Right now I'm feeding your best friend nuts in a very homoerotic way and it's only a matter of time before we have gay sex right here on the lounger. If you're bored and miss him, I can keep you on the phone and do my best to keep his voice ringing in your ears, but I can't promise that it will be coherent words. The choice is yours.” Regulus is already in a sitting position and restrains himself from placing a deep, passionate kiss on James' lips. 
“Oh, bloody hell, you're going to drive me to my grave.” Sirius hangs up the phone without hesitation, knowing the rules of this game. Regulus always keeps his word. 
“All right,” Reg mutters under his breath, throwing the phone on the table and finally getting to the most important thing. 
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totaly-obsessed · 3 months
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➳ Nika Mühl x reader
➳ Happy late Birthday to me, let's hope 21 will be better than 20...
➳ You're casual until you're not
➳ based on this request
➳ Word count: 1.510
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My friends call me a loser 'Cause I'm still hanging around
“You are such a loser, it’s sad to see.”
You knew your friend was right too. Sitting in the crowd of a UConn Huskies basketball game, watching your, whatever she was. Certainly not your girlfriend, she likes to make that one quite clear.
“I’m gonna say it - she’ll never love you back.”
“You don’t know that.”
Just a second later Nika made a huge block, sending the ball to Paige and it didn’t take much longer until they scored the next points. The filled-to-the-brim Gampel Pavilion was on its feet, students celebrating the great play left and right. Meanwhile, you were still sitting, staring at the brunette on the court, who seemed to feel it. That goddamn cocky smirk on her face as she blew you a kiss.
“She’s just fucking with you.”
“Maybe. But it’s fun.”
You said, "We're not together" So now when we kiss, I have anger issues You said, "Baby, no attachment"
“You’re already leaving?”
Nika had just come back from the bathroom, throwing you a towel before turning to the door, hand on the handle. “We’re not together.”
Her back was still to you, hiding the saddened expression, desperate to hide it from you as long as she could. Hand still shaking from the work she had put in, before covering you with a blanket and rushing to the bathroom.
“I know. I just thought -” You couldn’t even finish your sentence before she turned around with a deep sigh. For a moment she just stood there admiring you as you were still in bed. Three long strides was all it too until she was back right in front of you, your noses touching.
“Baby, no attachment.”, you could feel her warm breath hit your face, as your eyes shut. This hurt. You knew that the Croatian didn’t want attachment, but damn this hurt more than you thought.
You thought she would just leave you, afterall she wanted no attachment. But then her soft lips were on yours, and it must have been the most passionate kiss shared between the two of you, as she straddled your hips, much like she had been a couple of minutes ago. Breathless and panting you tried chasing her lips as she pulled back.
“I have to go now.”
I know what you tell your friends It's casual
“Just tell her Nika.” 
You didn’t want to, but couldn’t help listening into the conversation between Paige and Nika, who sat behind you in a lecture you were mostly sure the blonde didn’t even attend. She had snuck in, and they had sat down right behind you.
While you did not feel Nika staring at you, Paige certainly did. But her whispering skills left much to desire as she was speaking in what would be a normal tone for everyone else.
“What do you want me to tell her? That it’s casual? She knows that.”
The brunette guard saw you flinch at her harsh words and immediately regretted them. Sure she wanted you to hear her, different to her ‘twin’ She actually knew how to whisper, and she knew that you knew that as well. The number of times a ‘come to my dorm after this’ had been whispered in your ear after a game was far larger than you wanted to admit.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
It's hard being casual When my favorite bra lives in your dresser
Usually, Nika had the dorm to herself at this time of the week, so seeing Caroline open the door really had been a shock to you. She didn’t even question why you were there, opening the door further to let you in.
Fuck the whole team was there.
“What do you want?”
KK’s head snapped around, looking at her teammate “Damn Nika, you could be a bit nicer.” The only reply the freshman got was a shove back as the Croatian made her way over to the door, an iron grip on your wrist as she dragged you to her all too familiar room, “Shut up KK.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know they’d be here.”
Nika nearly didn’t hear you, she was way too focused on your MakeUp before letting her eyes wander to your outfit. “What are you wearing?”
“It’s a dress.”
If you hadn’t been so annoyed with her you would have found the way her eyebrow shot up and her pissed-off face incredibly hot. 
What were you talking about? It was incredibly hot.
“Why are you here?”
The Croatian tried to figure out if you were there to surprise her, all dressed up, or if there was a different reason. Either way, she certainly wouldn’t complain about having you here looking like a goddess. Especially not after practice had gotten under her skin today.
“I’m going to a party and I think I might have left my favorite bra here. Have you seen it?”
You didn’t wait long until you started ‘searching’ her room. Looking under the blanket you knew was soft and warm, and in every corner, Nika could have flung it. “You’re going out?”
The sharp glance you threw her was enough to shut her up. Something that slightly surprised you, as well as her. With an annoyed tut at the mess you were making, she walked to her dresser, pulled the bottom drawer out, and pointed at it. “Right there.”
The drawer was nearly empty, except for your favorite bra, a pair of fluffy socks you were missing, and some of your work papers you must have forgotten here.
“Damn Nika. It almost looks like you care. Storing all my things, and I am sure you washed them as well.”
Ignoring your quip at her, she watched as you took your stuff out, before putting it all back, except the bra. It lifted a bit of the burden on the brunette's heart. It meant you were coming back to her room.
“Who are you going out with?” You had just come back from her bathroom, changed into the newly acquired, very nice smelling, bra - and Nika could see why it was your favorite. Stunned, she watched as you went back to the drawer, placing the one you had just worn in there.
“Have to leave you something for your fantasies, don’t I?” But Nika didn’t even listen to you.- “Who are you meeting?”
I try to be the chill girl But honestly, I'm not
Your plan had backfired.
Well, it worked and then backfired.
Just as you had planned Nika dragged her friends to the club you would be partying at. It had only five minutes until she had kissed the information out of you.
But instead of you making her jealous, it was Nika making you jealous. If she wanted to or not, but the pretty little redhead getting closer and closer to the Croatian, until she was pretty much sitting on her lap, was your worst enemy in the world.
“Girl you gotta be chill.”
Your friends had been amused at first with how pissed you looked, but with every passing second the probability of you actually going over and committing a crime got higher, so they stopped finding it funny.
“I’m trying.”
“Gotta try harder then.”
You swear you could feel bile rising in your throat, after hearing a squeaky voice go “Your hands are so big!”, louder than anything you had heard before. You didn’t hear Nika’s reply, but you didn’t try to as you made your way to the bathrooms.
“Your hands are so big.”, you mimic in the mirror as you were washing your face, pulling faces of disgust, not noticing a certain someone behind you. Until hips met your ass, and you knew these hips.
“Don’t you agree with her? Aren’t my hands big? Hmm?” You could feel said hands gripping your hip before making their way down to your thighs. 
“Shut up. I’m not coming home with you today.”
“That’s what you always say.”
And she was right. You did join her, on her way home, in her bed, and in her shower before going back to bed.
I hate that I let this drag on so long, now I hate myself Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
Your head was resting on Nika’s chest, a very comfortable position if you had to admit, her hand going through your hair as you were listening to her heart.
The stabs to your heart were ignored for just a couple of minutes of peace with the girl you had inevitably fallen in love with. you had taken hit after hit coming from her, just to lay on her chest and take her in.
“Have you ever thought about making it more than casual? You know, us? I think about it all the time.”
She had to be kidding.
Putting you through hell and back, laughing at you when you got jealous, telling you ‘We’re not together’ and ‘Baby, no attachment’.
“Fuck off Nika.”
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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BAJI KEISUKE — degrading, dom!baji, fingering, jealousy, vaginal sex, spanking, filming.
MANJIRO "MIKEY" SANO — dom!mikey, semi-public sex, cunnilingus, fingering.
SANZU HARUCHIYO — dry humping, objectification, degrading, slight manipulation, body worship, ass-eating, fingering.
TAKASHI MITSUYA — severe horniness, dom!mitsuya, semi-public sex, body worship, panty fucking, vaginal sex.
CHIFUYU MATSUNO — slight dollification, forced undressing, pussy worship, small mommy kink, body worship, masturbation, buttjob, vaginal sex, overstimulation, riding.
KEN "DRAKEN" RYUGUJI — dom!draken, controlling, brat-taming, fingering, car head.
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Usually you would spend most of your time in this walk-in closet when you know you have a function to attend, but Baji knew you were about to ask for a rating of your outfit when he smells your lovely scent after you come out of that door, and hearing that sweet call of your pet name for him.
Meanwhile, he hadn't even gotten off of the bed since he made himself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch an hour ago. You saw that basketball video game that he always plays occupying the TV screen.
He didn't understand why you always needed so long to get ready. He just saw it as a difference between genders, because he knew he could hop into his clothes and brush his hair 30 minutes before leaving and still stunt at the party you two planned on going to.
"Look at my outfit. Is it cute?"
Usually he would take a short glance, give you a yes, and then go back to playing his game. You knew that you did something right when his jaw clenched and he took a double take.
"Why are you dressed all whorish like that?"
"Whorish?! Really, Baji??"
You were decked out like a pink princess, as per usual. Your face was beat, your hair was running down your back, and your accessories were stacked. He wasn't looking at any of that though. The only thing he saw was your abomination that you were probably gonna call a skirt.
This torn ass piece of fabric failed to cover your ass the way you tried to play as. It was too pink, and it stopped far above your mid-thigh. Not to help, there was an intentional slit on the right side that could have your whole pussy fly out if the wind blew too hard.
How did he even let you buy this? He wished a security alarm would blast everytime you brought something like this into the house.
"Do you even have panties on?"
"Yeah. I'm wearing a thong."
You grinned as you gave him this answer, but he wasn't smiling. No enthusiasm showed in his expression when he told you, "Come over here."
You knew he was serious when you saw that he didn't even pause his game, all of the NPCs on screen running around his character and passing him up. But the only movement you showed is when your smile fell, nothing going on in your legs besides tingles.
"You didn't fucking hear me?" He put the controller down, and then he swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting there with them spread as he pointed to the floor between his planted feet.
"Come stand right here. Don't make me tell you again."
Apprehension filled you as you walked over to where he said. His calloused hands grazed your exposed torso, but his touch was gentler than usual.
"This is how you want some dickhead to touch you when you get in that party, right?" He wrapped five fingers around the thickness of your thigh, bringing those fingers up and lifting your skirt.
Your pretty pink thong had a white crown on the fabric. "I bought this for you. How're you just gonna wear it out for everyone else to see?"
"I wouldn't do you like that, baby." You assured, running your fingers through his long black strands with the other hand on his shoulder.
Two fingers grazed your clothed cunt, and that made you feel weak in the knees. "Keisuke..."
"No, shut up. Dress up like a slut and think I'll just let it fly. Did you forget who the fuck you're dating?"
"No, baby. I just thought that- I thought it looked nice."
"Looked nice for who?" Moving the thong to the side, your plump lips were out, and you almost squeezed your thighs together at the feeling.
With a backhand smack to your thigh, you reopened them. "You want some loser that'll treat you all nice, huh?"
Just like that, he slid two fingers between your wet slit, keeping his eyes on yours. "Kei, I only want you."
"You say that, and then you pull slutty stunts like this."
You whined when he drove those two fingers into your wet hole, pumping them back and forth. "You just want more attention from me, huh mama? That's what's making you act like this?"
"Y-Yes, baby."
"Then quit trying to run and get that attention from other guys. No one could make you feel as good as I do. You know that, don't you?"
"I know, baby. Nobody else can get me this wet." You were flooding his wrist already, moaning every time his fingers would get to that fleshy spot deep inside of you.
"That's right. You're learning, my pretty girl."
He was obsessed with the low curses and calls of his name you let out as you drenched his fingers, leaving drip-drops of your juices on your clothes that had the fortune to be under your spraying cunt.
"Baji." You cooed. Your knees were bending inwards and a puddle was left on the floor between your legs.
He stood up, the movements of his fingers staying constant. You knew he wanted your eyes in line with his, so you had to crane your neck up past the sight of his muscular torso being held in his black tank to look into his honey brown eyes as he towered down on you.
"What do you have to say, baby?"
"I'm sorry, honey."
He hummed in satisfaction, bringing his lips down to your neck. "You are? I'm not convinced."
"Baji, I'm really sorry! P-Please~"
He pulled his fingers out, and then he grabbed you by your waist and flung you on the bed. You whined as you were on all fours on the mattress.
He moved the skirt from covering up your ass cheeks with ease. He placed a rough smack on your ass, and the meat jiggled like jello. "Make that shit shake, baby."
Your ass was his favorite thing about you. The tricks you could do with that gift was pure magic. He could see the thin pink line of your thong between your cheeks with every interval of you making them clap against each other.
His hard-on easily made the tent in his sweatpants larger and larger with every second of him watching the show you put on, and you shrieked when he ruthlessly sunk in.
Your brown skin reddened as he smacked your ass again, and again. Then, he leaned over you to grab his phone, and he slid to the right side of his lock screen to turn on his camera.
Grabbing you by your neck, he pulled your back closer to his chest. You saw your scrunched up face in the video he started, and the audio of it was bound to be filled with all of the juicy clapping sounds that were echoing through the room.
Your breasts flung out of the thin ass fabric you called a sweater when he pulled it down, and they were bouncing in the camera as he made you look at yourself.
"Hmm, we'll send this to your friends and tell them you're not going to that stupid party anymore, yeah?"
"Bajiiii, I'm sorry!"
"Save it. Just keep throwing that pussy on me."
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"Mikey, you're here!"
He closed the door to his office with his back facing the room, but his eyes widened and he turned around when he heard his girlfriend's coquettish voice reach his ears.
"Y/N, what're you doing here?" You were sitting in his office chair, the size of it eating you up as you spun side to side in it.
"I just brought you some soup. I know your throat is hurting lately, and I wanted to do something nice for you."
"Oh, Y/N. That's sweet, but you know how I feel about you coming up he-"
He cut himself off when you stood up and started to walk towards him.
Mikey prides himself in two things. Number one: No one could beat his ass. Number two: He has a sexy ass girlfriend.
This sexy ass girlfriend was a ditz though. Such a sweet, fashionable ditz.
You were wearing a mesh top that your nipple piercings poked through, and your skirt could've passed as a jumbo belt. It was a fuzzy white fabric that ruched up with every swing that your hips did as you walked, and the fact that you had to pull it down as soon as you stood up said all he needed to know.
"What's wrong?" He didn't finish his previous sentence, and right now he was just staring you up and down as you stood in front of him.
"You walked through here like that?"
Mikey knew that even though he was the leader of his gang, when he's not around those idiots, they're being idiots. He didn't want their idiocy troubling you, but you didn't know any better. He knew you liked coming in here and seeing his lifestyle, even though it is dangerous as hell. It felt like a fun little field trip to you, but if he was in charge of it, he would've made sure you knew you didn't pass the dress code.
"Really, Mikey? This again?" This was definitely not the first time he's told you something about what you wear. But at least he's with you most of the time to ward off any geezers.
"No, you walked out of the house like this?" With those long legs on display. Those titties sitting pretty in that excuse of a top. Your asscheeks being visible with half of your movements. These are all things only he deserved to see. It all belonged to him.
"Why can't you just be happy to see me?"
He grabbed you by your hand and dragged you back over to his desk. You protested this abruptness as he laid you down on the table, but he could care less. That vexing look was in his eyes as he snatched your skirt off.
"Mikey, what are you doing?!"
"Stop being a brat." Your lacy panties weren't enough to stop you from feeling the cold wood of the desk on the skin of your ass. He dangled the white clothing item in front of your face. "Since you like this skirt so much, get a good look at it for the last time, 'cause I'm gonna burn it."
He threw the skirt into the abyss, and he sat down in his chair and pulled you by your thighs to his face. Ravenously, he pulled your panties to the side with his teeth and put his mouth on your pussy.
"Ah- Mikey! What if someone walks in? You know your friend Sanzu doesn't knock."
When he pulled his face away, the area around his mouth was already drenched. He slid two fingers into your hole and rubbed his thumb around that sweet bud of yours, keeping these stimulated as his raspy voice talked to you.
"I think this is what you wanted when coming in here with everything on display like this. I love you, but you don't think enough sometimes. It worries me. That's why I always wanna be around you, to protect you. You hear me?"
You mind was actually mushing because of all the stimulation on your clit, so the only thing that you heard was the question he lastly asked you. "I hear you, honey. I'm so sorry."
"If you squirt in my mouth, I'll accept your apology. Let's see if this pussy can help me with my sore throat."
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You sat atop your man's lap, him fondling your ass roughly as you grinded down on him and kissed his scarred lips. The familiar smell from his cigars was still filling the room even though he just put one out so he could have both hands on the job.
He got a notification on his phone, and he picked it up and looked at it as you went down to kissing his neck.
"Princess, Mikey says we're going out to eat after the meeting tonight. You're coming with me."
You lifted your mouth, and the glitter from your lip gloss that had transferred to his skin was still on your lips, just making a smeared mess on the bottom half of your face. "Are there gonna be any other girls there?"
"Why? You don't wanna hear us talking about the way we handle our business? You gonna get squirmish when you here about the next motherfucker we have to handle?"
"Yes. That's exactly why."
Your whine of confirmation made him chuckle. "I'll make sure the other guys bring their girls."
"Okay, I'll go pick out my outfit."
He was thinking that you could've at least let him bust one, but he let you get off of his lap and scurry off, knowing that your outfit was gonna be promiscuous enough for him to do that later.
Night came, and the bubblegum haired male stood near the front door as he waited for you. "Hurry the hell up, Y/N!"
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" You scurried towards him, zipping your purse up on your way.
"Sanzu, do I look fine? Is my skirt too short?"
He looked up from his phone to examine you. You wore a pink vinyl skirt that had a belt built into it, wearing a white mini cardigan that was only buttoned in the middle, a pink push up bra that matched your skirt being worn under it.
"Mmm, turn around for me." When you obliged to this and did a twirl, he cupped a handful of all of that ass you were displaying for the world.
"Sanzu!" You exclaimed.
"Nah, it's not too short, baby. It's perfect. Let's go."
hile you quietly bantered with the other two girls while you waited for those aggressive men to finish talking about their crimes, you were kind of getting cold, so you were so grateful for the warmer air that engulfed you when you all arrived at the restaurant.
It was a loud atmosphere that was filled with music and people laughing. You and the girls sat at the bar while the guys bantered and drunk beer at their large table.
"Hey, Sanzu, which one of the ladies over there is yours again?" A guy who was already pretty intoxicated asked.
Taking a short glance over to where you sat at the bar as he sipped from his beer, he looked back and answered with, "Mine's the slut."
They all knew who he was talking about even though it wasn't direct. "Aw, man! That's what I thought! Her skimpy little outfit matches your hair!"
"Hey, ladies!" A different guy called to you three from across the restaurant. You turned to look towards the table. "Come over here and be with your guys! Don't be strangers!"
You girls got off the barstools and came over to the table. "Everything alright, baby?" Your soft voice asked Sanzu as you stood by his chair.
"Yeah, I just might have to gouge someone's eyes out though, since these no-goods just wanted to see all this fat ass that belongs to me move when you walked over." He gripped your asscheek and jiggled it in his hand for all of them to see, exciting an ovation from the guys.
Then, you sat down in his lap for the rest of the night as he chatted, sitting pretty right there until you guys left at the end of the night.
In the car ride, you didn't make a sound. Only noise filling the car was the music played as he rubbed your thigh.
He kissed on your neck and watched it in the full body mirror, his hands cupping and squeezing your ass. You were more still than usual, keeping your hands steady on his chest as he played with you.
"What's wrong, baby? You're quiet."
You loved when Sanzu showed that he cared, but you were hesitant with your answer. "I didn't... I didn't like how I was treated earlier."
He lifted his face up from the space between your jaw and shoulder to look into your eyes. "What do you mean?"
"The way you grabbed my ass in front of all of your guys. It made me feel like I was a piece of meat or something."
His look of sincerity transformed into a vexed one. "If you don't wanna be treated like a slut, don't walk out the house with all your assmeat hanging out."
You jaw dropped, and he saw that familiar look of a sad puppy's in your eyes. "You said I looked good!"
"You do look good, and that's why I wanted to show you off. Because I know you were looking good for me, and only me. What's the harm in showing my buds that all this ass is mine? What the hell do you want from me?"
That's when the tears started rolling. "N-Nevermind. Act like I didn't say anything."
"No, don't do that. Don't cry." He was mean as hell, but he didn't like seeing his pretty girl upset. So he wiped your tears with those firm hands of his, even while they kept falling.
"You'd rather me worship this ass of yours in private, princess? I just wanna show you off to the world. Is that so bad?"
"It's not bad. I'm sorry, Sanzu."
"No, I'm sorry for making you sad, baby." He got down on his knees, and used a grip on your waist to turn you around and face the mirror.
He lifted the skirt up and the only thing occupying your ass now was the thong wedged between your cheeks. Kisses and squeezes were placed all over your ass, and then he pulled the black strap of the thong to the side and dove in.
"Fuck, Sanzu—" His other hand was at your front, and he was pumping two fingers in and out of you, making a creamy mess for him to lick up.
He was a proud munch. Anything to make his girl happy. He loved eating your ass up, humming and moaning at the delicious taste while he ran his tongue up, down, and all around your asshole. Your asscheeks were squeezing him in, and that just made the bulge in his suit pants that much larger and strained.
"Who's this ass for, baby?"
"It's yours, Sanzu. I'm sorry, baby. I'm okay with you showing me off."
"That's right. You're my work of art. Now I want my masterpiece to keep grinding and cumming on my tongue, alright?"
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Your boyfriend's always so busy. You know he still loves you, but he doesn't often have the time to show it. But when he does, he spoils you.
He started the day off with surprising you at your apartment. Even though you had just woken up to the sound of his knocks on the door, you opened it for him in your bonnet and eye boogers.
All the energy entered your body though when you saw him with a stuffed animal he made for you and a bag of groceries that he just bought, prepared to make you some breakfast.
After downing the omelet and french toast he treated you with, you got ready for a trip to the mall that he decided to take you to. A few scents were bought, a few candles, a few crystals. Now it was time for clothes.
You had him holding a large amount of clothes that you picked out. Seeing each other in person couldn't compare to anything else. You two had spent all day chatting and bantering as if you haven't texted everyday.
That's why he just decided to come into the dressing room with you when you were trying on clothes, sitting on the bench and handing you the items when you needed them, helping you with zippers as well.
"Those jeans make you look thick as hell, honey." He grabbed your ass and shook it for you to watch in the mirror, and you exclaimed in shock as you swatted him away.
"This dress is so sexy. You're wearing it for dinner tonight. I can't wait to take it off of you."
"Taka, calm all that dick energy down." Usually Mitsuya isn't this vocal with horny compliments. Everybody else sees him as the kind, thoughtful, and respectful man he is. You're the only one who gets to see this freaky side.
"Oh, I don't remember grabbing this." You picked up a baby blue pleated skirt. You had an alternative style, and you liked showing skin, but this skirt's length pushed your limit.
"Really? How'd that get there then? Crazy."
Mitsuya scratched his nape and chuckled, and you glanced over to him with confusion that was more genuine than the confusion he was trying to put on.
"You should totally try it on though. The color's cute."
You thought, why not? It was worth a shot. And if you didn't like it, nobody would see it but you and your man.
When you got it on, you looked at yourself in the mirror with uncertainty. With the slightest movement of you bending down, the pink lace of your panties would be seen. "Taka, this is so revealing."
He stood up with his hands in his pockets, watching as you turned around and looked at the skirt's effect on your ass in the mirror. "I think it makes you look cute."
"How so? Because I look like a slut?"
Your mouth fell open. "Takashi, if you're feeling frisky, this is not the place."
"Why not? I just missed touching and loving on my girlfriend. Why should I have shame about that?"
You didn't say anything, just watching as he walked closer to you. "Bend over a little more for me, honey."
You slowly did what he said, all the baby pink mesh that covered your ass being reflected in the mirror. He rubbed your soft brown ass in circles, and then he unbuckled his belt.
You felt his long wood bounce off of your ass, and you whimpered when he grabbed you by your hips and pulled your ass against his exposed groin. You watched in the mirror as he slid his dick under your panties, the wetness from his tip's precum dampening a spot on the clothing.
He moaned in satisfaction to the feeling of your asscheeks on his length. "Taka, what if someone hears?"
"I could care less." He pulled his dick out from under your panties, and then he pulled the fabric down your legs and let you step out of them. After the garment was left there on the floor, he grabbed you by the side of your neck and pulled you closer to him by the side of your neck. That's when he sunk in, and he watched your parted lips release that cry when his dick started to hit your g-spot over and over again.
"What if someone hears, Y/N? You want someone to see me fucking this pussy?" He whispered in your ear, kissing the skin under it.
"Shiiitttt." It rarely occurred, but you loved when he got all naughty like this. You missed him just as much as he missed you, but you wanted to show him that at night. It seems that he couldn't wait, though.
"I love this pussy, baby. I love you." He rambled as he placed sloppy kisses all up and down your jaw and neck.
"I love you too, Taka. I needed you so bad." Those strokes of his made your eyes tear up, but you still watched everything he did in the mirror. His larger body engulfing yours, filling you up. Your dripping heat spilled your mess all down your legs and his. The idea of someone seeing just made it all the more arousing.
He was getting more breathy, and the pumps of his dick were chasing a higher high. His eyes shut, and the hold he had on your breast was getting tighter and tighter. "I'm close."
"Cum inside, baby. I need all of it."
Your hand was on the back of his purple hair, holding him close as you felt his throbbing dick leave his whole load buried deep inside of you. When he pulled out, the concoction of your cream and his nut spilled out of you and made a mess on his cock.
He leaned over to the bench and picked up something else. You saw that it was a dark purple lingerie set. "Oh my gosh, when did you pick that up??"
"Next, I'ma need a nut out of you in this."
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"Baby, I'm home!"
You heard him, but you didn't respond as you laid curled up on your side on the bed in the dark bedroom. Light invaded this darkness when he walked in and flipped the light switch though. "Princess, are you still mad at me?"
Still no words from you with your back turned towards him. "I know you're not asleep. Don't even try to play that."
No response. You stayed in that position until he made you move. He did this by grabbing the waistband of your shorts and panties and start to bring them down. "Fuyu, what are you doing?"
You sat up and tried to kick him away, your pussy and ass now being bare atop the comforter. "I bought you something nice while I was out. I know you said we don't spend as much time as you want together, so I got something I thought would be fun."
It was a struggle, but he successfully got you out of your bottoms and threw them on the floor. "It's gonna require you changing into it though."
"Fuyu, you're such an idiot!" You slapped his arm, and he winced as he rubbed it.
"Ouch! Sorry that I'm trying to save this relationship! I don't even get why you're so mad at me!" He grabbed the bottom hem of your oversized shirt and pulled you out of it. He was able to see your titties springing out as he threw the shirt that was originally his to the side.
You folded your arms across your chest, hiding your breasts from him, "I already told you why I'm mad! You planned a hangout during the day we were supposed to hangout, Fuyu!"
"It was just Michi and the guys! I was only out for like 3 hours! I'm back now! Can't you be happy about that?"
"No! It's been so long since we had a day together and that's what you do? We were supposed to be doing nothing all day! I just wanted to do nothing with you, Fuyu! Why can't you understand that? God, I hate you!"
You were tearing up as you talked to him, but you turned on your side and laid back down once you finished yelling.
He didn't wanna see his baby upset. Now he felt like an idiot for not thinking about where you were coming from. The smooth skin of his palm rubbed your thigh, "Don't lie, baby. That's mean. Can you try this on for the guy you hate so much?"
He passed you a bag, and you looked in it, but then laid back down. "Please, mommy." He opened your legs and nuzzled his face in your fuzzy glory, and all you saw was his big sea-green eyes pleading up at you when he placed kisses all on your pussy lips and clit.
"Move." You grabbed him by his hair and moved him from in between your legs, picking the bag up and walking to the bathroom.
It took you a while to get into the outfit. He was left on the bed for over half an hour, watching TV as he waited, but the wait was completely worth it. When you walked out of the bathroom, you were wearing the preppy blue plaid skirt and the white crop rib-knit sweater he bought for you. Your long legs were on display, and if you were to make the slightest of a movement, he would see your fat pussy out in the open.
You got all dolled up for him, beating your face and putting your glasses on to go with the character. Your black hair was in a messy ponytail, and you twirled the strand that you had out in the front around your finger as you stood there nervously. "Fuyu, you got this skirt a little bit too short."
He sat up to look at you, and his boner was increasing by the second. He knew he was annoying. That's how his relationship with you works. But you could act like you hated him all you wanted, but you really loved him. If you didn't, you wouldn't have put these clothes on for him. "Nah, it's perfect, princess. Come over here for me."
Your thighs slid past each other as you walked over. You stood there with your hands behind your back, looking at him while he looked at you. He was pulling himself out of his sweatpants, "Hit a 180."
You turned around as he told you, and his next instruction was, "Make all that move for me, pretty."
You swung your hair over your shoulder, leaning down with your hands on your knees. He didn't know how you could do magic like this, but he knew he loved to watch the show. With his dick in his hand, he got off to the little effort you needed to use to make that fat ass ripple and clap for him.
Then he stood up and got behind you, his hands on your waist with his dick against your ass. "Keep going, baby. I wanna feel you."
With your fingers on your toes, you kept shaking it for him, the feeling of his cock between your cheeks making you want more, and he heard your eagerness with the moans you were trying to keep in. "Is this idiot who you hate so much making you feel good?"
"Yes, love. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay." He slid inside your wet folds, and you squealed to the sensation, your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"I love you baby. I love being around you. I love fucking you. I love feeling you. I need more of you."
He starts rambling as soon as he gets inside, but you liked it. He was a horny idiot, but he was your horny idiot. "I love you too, honey. Take it. It's all yours."
Pump after pump led to him jutting his hips like a mad man into you and moaning and whimpering while your soaked pussy leaked on the carpet. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" He repeated, neediness in his tone as he dug his fingers into your sides.
You and him both let out synchronized moans as he filled you up, continuously pumping his hips into that hole until he let it all out.
His dick sprung out of you when he pulled out, and then he backed up and sat down on the bed, his chest heaving as he took his shirt off. You backed up on him, aligning his cock with your hole and getting ready to sit on it despite his protests.
"Y/N, please! Give me a second!"
"I need to fuck it, baby." That was your last warning before dropping that ass down on him mercilessly.
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"Y/N, if you keep changing what you wanna wear, you're gonna be late to your friend's birthday dinner."
"She'll understand!" You answered as you looked through your clothing rack in the closet. Too many problems! If you wore this dress — the fourth variation of this outfit so far — you would be outshowing your homegirl on her birthday! You just had to find something else.
"Fuck it. I'll be on the couch."
He left the room and went downstairs, and Draken doesn't usually lose his patience with you, so this act just made you wanna rush even more.
15 minutes passed, and then he heard you running down the stairs. "Y/N, did you dress for rain? It's gonna start coming down later." Your boyfriend stated as he scrolled through his phone in the dark living room. Illumination led into the area from the foyer's chandelier.
You didn't care about the weather. All you cared about right now was if you looked good. You looked at yourself in this mirror in the foyer, but you just couldn't get with it. You put your purse on the console table and ran back upstairs. "Where are you going? You look fine!"
"My skirt stops at an awkward length! This is the last change, I promise!"
He huffed in displeasure and rubbed his temples. Five minutes later, you were making your way back downstairs. "Okay, I'm ready baby! Do you like it?"
You did a Tinkerbell twirl, and when you finished the 360, you expected for him to cheer you on, but when you saw his face, you could tell that his temper arisen. You were confused. You expected him to cool off once you got finished getting ready. "What's wrong? Do you not like the outfit? I put so much work in it though."
"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you leave the house like this."
Offense took over your visage as he stood up and walked over to you. "Draken, seriously?!"
He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, and all you could see was his legs and the stairs as he ascended them while you protested, feeling the cool air touching your ass.
He put you down in the bedroom. "Change."
"Draken, no! Quit it!" You pushed his chest but he didn't budge in the slightest.
"I'm being nice. Put what you had on earlier back on."
"Why should I listen to you? Shit, you always wanna control something!" Darkness plagued his eyes, but you tried not to show that his stature scared you.
He didn't say anything, his nostrils flaring with the breath he took. He picked you up and threw you on the bed, making you yell out as he folded you over the side of the bed. His large hand met your ass in a smack. "Drakeeeeen, quit it!"
"Your friends are gonna be wondering why we'll be late."
"Then just let me go!" He had his hand on your lower back, keeping you pressed down on the mattress. Pulling your panties to the side with quickness, he dove his fingers into your soaked cunt.
"Baby, please!"
"You only seem to understand me when you're cumming. I told you I don't want you wearing this skimpy ass skirt, got it?"
You only let out moans, not a confirmation as you gripped the comforter, rocking back onto his hand. "Did you hear me?" His deep voice asked, leaning down to be eye to eye with you.
You turned to face the other day, "You're so mean, Ken."
"I don't give a fuck if I'm mean. You know what you're dating, and I don't play this shit."
Tears clouded your vision when you turned to look at him again, the sounds of your wet pussy meshing with the noise from the raindrops outside. "I'm sorry, baby. I really am."
"You are? Really?"
"I aaammm! I'll put the other skirt back on."
"That's a good girl. Show me you really mean it and cum on my fingers a few times, yeah?"
You complied to everything he told you to do, from changing your outfit to cumming on his fingers 3 times.
Draken was so sweet to you. Even after breaking you in, he held the umbrella for you as you two walked to the car under the rain. You were starting to feel bad as you sat in the passenger seat, the music playing lowly on the speakers as he drove with one palm on the wheel.
He heard a click come from your seat as he stopped at a red light. "Why are you unbuckling your seatbelt? Put it back on. You know people like to brake-check coupes like this one."
"I'm sorry Draken." You were reaching over the center console, and as he asked, "What are you doing?" You stopped him with a soft kiss on his lips.
"I've been a bad girlfriend. You're so good to me. I'm sorry for acting the way I do." You had genuine despondence in your voice while you unbuckled his belt.
"Wh-- Y/N, no. Not now."
He knew you were still a brat no matter what. That no didn't mean anything to you. You still took his cock out of his briefs, looking him in his eyes as you licked your hand, and for him to be so against it, he was actively hardening as you stroked it.
You heard him breathe out a groan when his tip entered the warm nook of your mouth. The change in pigment of the traffic light spread a sheet of green illumination over his face. A wet pop was heard when you lifted your mouth off of him, "Green means go, baby."
"God." For once, other cars were passing Draken up and he was obeying every traffic law as you throated him. He had to focus on making you tap out from thinking you could take his heavy dick down your throat like this.
He had your hair in his hold, and he knew that if you could talk, you would say, "Baby, not the closure!" But he didn't care. Tears were welling in your eyes as he helped your head go up and down on his length.
His dick was curving and tunneling deep into your mouth, hitting your uvula and making you whimper as he let out deep moans. He was holding you so steady as you took him, and your mouth just felt so full as he started pulsating in your mouth at a red light. This gave him the window to hold you with both hands as he jutted his hips up once as his pearly white nut flooded your mouth.
When you lifted up, a little bit of his cum spilled onto your lips, making itself your second layer of lip gloss. He ran his hand through your hair as he looked into your eyes, "You really wanna show me you're sorry? Swallow it all."
Your doe, tear-filled eyes looked up into his as you gulped, and then you put your tongue out, showing him that you cleaned your plate.
He grinned, "Now get back in your seat. Put on your seatbelt before you fly into the windshield."
When you got to the restaurant, it was okay that you two were a little bit behind schedule, because your homegirl was so happy and sweet on her birthday.
"There go Y/N! Thank you guys for coming!" A full hug was given to you while a side hug was given to Draken.
"Anything for you, girl. Here's your gift." You handed her the gift bag that had a nice necklace inside.
She looked you up and down with flattery, "This fit is cute! Wait, you know that one white denim skirt that you picked up when we went shopping a while back? Sis, that would've tied this up perfectly."
Your eyes widened and glanced over to Draken, and his tongue was poking through his cheek as he looked back at you. "Draken actually wasn't too fond of that one."
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
LU Update! So welcome back to the analysis corner with me!
We have another LU update! Called Moving forward we see the heroes leave the town and make their way to the location that Sky found. With learning a little more about the team as a whole.
With 10 pages there's a lot of information to work through so I hope you are sitting comfortably
As always Linked universe (LU) belongs to @linkeduniverse and Jojo, I own none of the pictures I'm using and please give the original post some love. It's very well done and I love this comic so much.
You can find the comic here!
And as always there are spoilers abound for the most recent update!
Now sit back, grab some water and snacks and let's do this!
So before we get started im just gonna say that the brain cell is pinging around this lot so much that I'm bound to miss some stuff. But I shall try my best to get everything I wanna say said.
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It was only some of you, captain, dont forget that.
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(Oblatory look at my blorbo picture, he's so sweet. Blorbo blorbo blorbo)
Okay I'll behave this time
(No i won't)
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I can understand the concern from the captain, as a captain from the army during a time of war secrets are dangerous. He's probably thinking if Twilight has concealed this what else has he concealed.
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And then we get snarky wars again
I missed the snarky captain, he's wonderful.
Also the line about double duty, Come on captain, you know full well that patrol is an important part of a group dynamic like this.
This also confirms that the group have had encounters with monsters outside of what we've seen. As the line from wars about missing fights implies that they've fought a bunch of stuff. But we've only really seen wolfie in a fight back in the sunset arc.
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Twilight fondly mentioning Midna, I'm so proud of him.
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These two are the goddamn brothers ever and I love them dearly. Also, the knowledge we are about to be given about how this works is very exciting.
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The brothers ever
All of them
Twilight thinking Wild had more than two brain cells. I love him. And the hug? The hug gives me life.
Also the captain, the captain is a point to talk about here. This feels like an accusatory sentence. The "You dont say?"
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Me trying to figure out how time travel works in LU.
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Legend, why are you so grumpy about this? Like he looks angry to hear this.
Four thinking about the implications of this sentence. I can literally hear the brain cell bouncing as it pings from hero to hero as they try to figure out this time travel thing.
Wind is a small bean as well look at him. The youngest I love the eyes.
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Ahh, so thats the explanation. A spirit wolf that helped guide him on his journey which he trusted so much that he thought that the wolf he saw here was just another spirit until twi changed in front of him.
But this line from him is so sad. "Right after my resurrection" and "we both would have known the grave." This feels like as a person wild is at peace with it but doesn't want others to have to go through what he did. He's a chill dude and i love him for that to be honest.
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Meanwhile, my blorbo Sky is out here trying to get actual work done. This is 10/10 the sksw dousing experience if you've not played it. You just swing the sword around while it pings at you until you eventually find what you are looking for.
Fi is trying her best.
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Lads all of you need to remember that not all of you have had things that perform transformation magic. Im surprised (But also not surprised) That Time doesn't have anything to say about this. Like my man has used a tone of different transformation masks that change him into various different things and has one that turns him into a god.
The magic users ganging up on the non-magic users, like please behave.
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Ahh Time, Time is the disappointed old man that has to coral a bunch of kids. And Wild is like the most kid of them all. (Tell me why I'd love to know! :D) (Which makes sense if we take LU to be at most a few months after the end of his game. Wild would be 18 at most.)
the sort of conversation you dont want to involve yourself in Time trust me on this one.
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Feels bad for twi man he earned that title and to have it reduced to just some guy.
Wild is gonna get told off by Time if he ain't careful, that's his blood descendant right there and we all know he has a soft spot for him.
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This is important, because I'm pretty sure most of them did at one point.
Another thing that appears to be a constant amongst the team is the need to conceal an identity. Either from them or them to others.
I'm not versed in all of their games so I can't go into full details but these guys ain't the only ones. Pretty much all of them have. The spirit of courage does love secrets, doesn't it?
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Thats my blorbo and he's so sad help he
Blorbo blorbo blorbo
Give him a hug and reboot Fi and it'll be fine.
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To echo the words of Time.
Now this depends on what exactly Sky was dousing, was he dousing the portal, the helmet outside the portal? The postman even?
My money is on the helmet outside the portal, so that Dink came back into this timeline to retrieve it before leaving. But I may be incorrect on that account because Fi is able to track people as well as objects (Sksw would often have you tracking Zelda directly)
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I was wondering how they were going to do it. But with Twilight able to track it they'll be able to use a combination of dousing and him sniffing out Dink's scent to be able to find him no matter where he might be.
It's so distinct, twilight you know by saying that you're gonna have some of these guys asking questions. Just wait for the next campfire story time it's gonna come up.
I can see Wind and Twilight having a conversation like this.
"What does Dink smell like?" "What?" "You heard me."
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Oh he's so excited look at him!
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Oh four.
I wonder if we are gonna have a four and Twilight conversation about this, with four's past he's understandably worried about the use of dark magic in one of his friends.
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Oh come on legend lighten up, the child has never seen something like this before.
I'm glad Hyrule is coming in for his defence and all but 5 minutes ago Hyrule you were with Legend and saying to Wild that there's a load of items that do it.
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Why is wind just so wonderful?
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Look at him go!
Thats gotta be Wind, He's been so excited about this I can't see it being anyone else.
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Bark Bark!
Wolfie beloved.
Im here for more brotherly content from the team, they are wonderful.
Now lets go find us a Lizard, or iron knuckle or whatever he transforms into next.
And thats all from me! I loved this update and there was so much to unpack I know I've missed stuff! But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
(Also apologies for spelling mistakes I'm sick rn but wanted to get this done)
Have a great day!
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nemesyaaa · 2 months
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pairing : nerd!bf!pope heyward x cute!gf!reader
warnings/infos : fluff and bittersweet angst, no smut actually but mentions of suggestive content.
highschool sweetheart trope. teenagers in love vibes.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ sweetheart highschool boyfriend trope with pope heyward headcanons !
ღˊˎ your nerdy boyfriend pope was the one to always support you, more than your own parents and whole family. your academic weapon boy loved to covered your empty locker with full multi-colors post-it with motivation quotes.
ᰔᩚ “ i believe in you, pretty girl like you who never lose.”
ᰔᩚ “ the only thing so hard is the pressure you put on yourself when you think you can success this whole exam but i know how smart you are. and everytime in your late night session you show me how smarty you are, it make me more and more in love with you.”
ᰔᩚ “ if you want this ice cream so bad, you know what to do ;) “
ᰔᩚ “ you know what is bigger than your ass ? your fat thick brain. make me cum so bad everytime.“ (jj forced him to write this tho.)
ᰔᩚ “ but it's okay if you fail sweetheart, i'm here for you. but don't pout if i'm getting more strict in your study lesson. i just want to help you, how bad i will be to let my girl lose like that and don't win after ??”
ღˊˎ- every time you had a class, and he finished before you, he would wait against the wall. probably, playing video games on his console. jj keeping him company.
➸ btw if you're in an exam, that fucking smart brain is going to climb on jj's shoulders to reach the high window of the classroom and looked after you.
ღˊˎ- you and your genius boyfriend loved hanging out in the big library of the school. you helped him with his research, and you liked it when he taught you things. you loved the fact that he was so intelligent, and that he had passions to share with you.
meanwhile, you watched him speak, your eyes on his lips. and he will ended up kissing you. his soft mouth against yours. short’n lazily kisses.
ᰔᩚ pope was the type of boyfriend to kissed you while softly caressing your neck, getting his hands on your sensitive skin by his touch, his tongue pressed yours, light string of saliva covered your lips. such a fine loser boy.
➸ you were in love with his starry eyes. especially when they looked at you, and chased after you. you know, they cared.
"keep focus, sugar. we're not done yet.”
“ too bad, your smart brain actually turn me on.”
“ maybe i can help you with that ? “
“ oh yes, just continue to telling me some facts with this so serious face. don't stop using your brain but start to use your fingers, let them play with something better than your console.“
“ sorry ma’am but nothing is better than my conso…”
you rolled your eyes. and smiled. because you knew that he telling you the truth. you made him shut up by taking his console.
“ you need to make me cum, and i will give your console back. do you think you can do that, nerdy boy ? ”
“ be prepare to squirt, because is there is one thing here that nerdy boys are the most good at is clearly playing with their toys. so may i give you five orgasms ? “
ღˊˎ he walked you home, taking the bus with you. you were sitting next to each other. each of you had an earphones in your ear. you shared new playlists, and you loved going to a music store and collecting old vinyl with him.
he putted the music headphones on your small head, and you murmured a song that he tried to guess by the movement of your lips.
ღ ˊˎ pope was a pogue. he was not rich. but he will do his best to spoil you. but above all, he's a nerd, he's not obsessed with money. like everyone else he feels the desire to be rich but he is happy with what he has.
for him, it's more important to teach you new things, to spend time on the internet with you, or to play a game while you sit on his lap.
“ man, i can hear your boner.” say jj because pope and him were always together. sometimes, the blonde one came at your house without your consent, and his excuses was “ it's just for a game, i will not sleep here. “
"she's my girlfriend, she sits on my lap and plays like a goddess, of course i have a boner. but why my bestfriend have one?”
“ excuse me for getting a boner when my character is literally a woman with big tits jiggling all over the place, barely covered and in armor. and fights like a fucking soldier.”
“ you two are really….”
ღˊˎ you loved as much as you hated when pope helped you study. because he was so strict. he wasn't the type of boyfriend who was going to get distracted and fuck you because you couldn't think clearly and made him waste our time.
no he was the type of boyfriend to tell you "yes, we've been at this for hours but you can add three more hours since we're still at the beginning of the exercise.”
“ can we take a break ? “
“ i already gave you by let you procrastinate while i'm asking you these answers. “
“ ….pope ! “
“ no no, you can be dumb as you want with your idgaf teachers but not with me. if i'm asking for your answers, i will get it. you can take your time, i don't care. “
“ you're so mean. “
“ because i care of your results ? because i care about your future ? fine, i like being that mean so. “
you gave him a death stare.
“ you better change this look before i get far worse than you could have imagined. “
you pouted, even though it didn’t change anything.
“i don’t want to sound rude but if jj can do it, anyone can do it.”
“ the fact is i don't know who you insult the most jj or me….”
“ listen, i know how smart you are, like i know this brain is the most unique thing i've ever seen. use it, i'm already proud of you, but you just need to show me a little of your incredible intelligence. and not only me, to everyone. “
you started to think more and more, and ended up to work harder to gave him the answers.
ღˊˎ pope was the type of boyfriend to give you handmade jewelry. especially bracelets. and every time you wore them, he was so happy.
he was also the type to watch the sunset on the high school bleachers or on the beach sand for hours with you, his precious girlfriend.
when night fell and he didn't wanted to going home, he would teach you how to surf.
ღ ˊˎ pope loved it when you wore his clothes, mostly his summer shirts and especially when you wore nothing underneath. he was a shy nerd so he would never admit how much he loved watching your freely nipples, slapped by the fresh wind.
you appreciated taking a nap on his chest for hours and hours in the bed of your room, while he's playing with his console, and with his other hand, cuddle you a little. sometimes, he randomly talked, making your ears so soft to his calm asmr voice, while he told you about the games he actually played, geeking about the fantasy core that you were clearly not aware of.
ღˊˎ he was your first love and you had your first time with him. was the same for him, you were the first girl he loved, and it was crazy for him how you made him so dumb when he was so smart.
ღˊˎ he loved complimenting you, telling you how beautiful you were, but also how smart and brilliant you were. that you were more than what people saw or thought about you.
ღ ˊˎ he liked how precious your moments were, how time lasted so long with you.
ღˊˎ you had filled your bedroom wall with your first words sharing together, with things you loved about each other, with photos of our dates. you don't want to forget anything. him neither.
ღ ˊˎ you were so cute with him and always stuck together.
ღ ˊˎ you thought it was going to last a long time, forever and for life. you were teenagers in love, filled with hard feelings, young matters, academic pressure.
ღˊˎ but today, back in the present, you were wondering what happened to your high school sweetheart, was he married, was his wife as nice as you, did he have children, did they look like him, did he have a big house, did he have the one you dreamed of when you were teenagers, was he as happy as he was with you, was he still a pogue or had he changed his future? did he still think about you when you can't get him out of your mind ? did he hear your late night thoughts screaming his name ?
ღ ˊˎ you went back to high school. but he was no longer there. you were no longer young, nor in love. you were adults and married. in the same life that you thought you shared.
ღˊˎ when you tried to contact him by phone but another woman answered the phone to tell you that her husband wasn't there. you understood, understood that you had become a simple memory. and him, the hardest ghost to find.
ღ ˊˎ he was your high school sweetheart, such a smart nerd and such an interesting person. it was certain that he had succeeded in life.
ღ ˊˎ you tried to call him one last time. “you were wrong, i’m not that smart.”
and you burst into tears when you heard his breathing and alive voice.
“ congratulations, pope heyward. was the life you cherished for. “
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human world headcanons
a/n: i just know half of the brothers would break into the human world under the excuse of seeing their favourite human, only to be distracted 9 seconds later. and so; human world shenanigans.
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here's one that doesn't stray from his goal.
lucifer heads straight to your house (without warning).
but he forgets that you have work today; he also does not have the key to your front door.
your neighbours start to wonder if the strange man who has been sitting on your doorstep is lost.
one kind-hearted neighbour sends you a picture of the lonely demon on your porch, along with the message "he's been there for hours."
a fit of laughter and a 20 minute drive later, you embrace lucifer tightly.
"sorry, sorry," you manage to giggle out as he tries to scold you for not having your d.d.d. on you.
lucifer finally relents the harsh glare when you tell him you'll cook a special dinner for him.
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he's distracted in all the right ways.
first, he grabs you a drink from your favourite human world café.
mammon will then head to the grocery store and look for your favourite snacks.
he's so focused on the task at hand that he doesn't notice you side eyeing him from two feet away.
when he finally does notice, he turns on his heel and ducks his head, trying to escape your gaze.
it's too late now, though; you've already got a hand on the edge of his jacket, yanking him towards you.
"mammon. does anyone know you're up here?"
"... you do."
"not good enough!"
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see, he really wishes he could be distracted.
after all, the human world has so many anime and manga goods stores that he wants to visit.
but being the shut-in he is, he'd rather wait inside your house until you have time to go out.
unlike a certain brother, he remembers the key to your door (mainly because he doesn't want to be stuck waiting outside).
he does also shoot you a quick text before he enters, just in case you're inside and he freaks you out, or in case you're out of the house.
you enjoy having levi over; he doesn't drag you back outside as soon as you've got one foot through the doorway.
but perhaps the real problem is getting him back out.
because, why leave when he can game without his brothers interrupting his boss level speed run?
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oh lawd he's NOT coming.
he saw a cat on the road; as far as you know, he's gone forever.
satan only stops when he sees a street library box, curiosity getting the better of him.
it's maybe a few hours later that he remembers to text you of his arrival in your realm.
you call him almost immediately, asking where he is, only for the blonde to respond "i'm not quite sure myself. i followed a cat here."
your eyebrow twitches, and you almost want to give satan a taste of his own wrathful medicine.
"if it helps, the cat was a tortoiseshell."
"how is that supposed to help?!"
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luck is on his side today, as his walk to your place takes him right past the shopping district.
it may have also taken him inside a few stores.
meanwhile, you lounge around at home, blissfully unaware.
that is, until lucifer calls you with much urgency in his voice, saying "MC, please tell me asmodeus is with you."
your neighbours can hear you screaming from the inside of your car as you pull out of your driveway.
a part of you is grateful that it's asmodeus at the mall; although he spends, he's not quite as bad as his older brother.
when you finally find the demon in the shopping center, you grab hold of his scarf, dragging him and his bags towards your car.
"MC, wait! i haven't bought a good lip tint for you yet!"
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unlike most of his brothers, beel makes it his priority to call you first thing upon arrival.
his second priority is to find the shop where that delicious smell is coming from.
"beel, do NOT move from where you are, or i swear i will call lucifer and have him drag you back to hell himself."
you're glad the shopping and food square is walking (sprinting) distance from your place.
in your panicked rush, you leave your front door wide open, leaving your neighbours to wonder what you're up to this time.
it's a good thing the avatar of gluttony is so tall; you find his orange head standing close to the decorative water fountain in the middle of the square.
"oh, MC. you must be hungry after running like that."
you can only plant your hands on your knees while catching your breath, and beel waits patiently for your approval to go grab a snack.
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does not call or text you when he heads up to the human world.
you're most likely to come home to him already knocked out cold on your couch.
belphie is a quiet sleeper, so it takes you a few minutes to actually realize that he's there.
when you do realize that he's there, you unwillingly release a yelp, waking up the sloth demon.
belphie's expression shifts from a glare to a smile when he remembers he's in your house and not the house of lamentation.
"welcome home," he mumbles sleepily, stretching his limbs out one by one.
"belphie, how many times do i have to tell you to text me before you come over?"
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he shrugs in response, instead dragging you onto the couch for a well deserved nap with him.
a/n: praying that my demon bro bias does not glare anyone in the face with these headcanons. i'm soft for all of them, i swear.
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darkrooklobby · 1 month
🦜Apollo Justice trilogy (the rant/analysis)🎵✨
Welcome! Allow me to specify what this rant is about:
The game, Apollo Justice (2007 - 2008)
The characters (Apollo, Phoenix, and the Gavin brothers)
The wasted potential (i.e. the other games) (I'm most familiar with AA1-4 the others i've briefly looked at)
Just angry thoughts at 3am
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[also the ⚪bulleted points⚪ are facts, the rest is my subjective yapping]
Before I begin my rant, here's some basic information about the game's development:
It's the last game directed by Shu Takumi. The rest of the trilogy is directed by his assistant (Takeshi Yamazaki) meanwhile Shu was busy with the Professor Layton crossover + The great ace attorney.
Capcom literally demanded to insert Phoenix into the game. Shu was against putting Phoenix in, feeling that his story has already come to a natural conclusion, stating, "I felt that Phoenix's story had been told, and that the series should not continue. Knowing when to end a story is very important and I wanted to avoid dragging it out and having it become a shadow of its former self." (Takumi)
In the end, Shu was forced to put Phoenix in, and we got hobo Phoenix, or as I like to call him, Beanix.
Okay so, a brief pause. From what we already know, there is a conflict of interests during development. We have a small group of artists that did a small project called ✨Ace Attorney✨ and then the corporate realized they're sitting on a goldmine. Capcom did not want their mascot, their cash cow, Phoenix Wright, to go just yet. Shu (who wanted a fresh start, and creative freedom) was torn, his team was torn between letting Phoenix go and bringing him in, and you notice that in the game as it goes back and forth. It goes between Phoenix being a main character, interfering, or disappearing for long periods of time. It was on and off, just like their arguments - corporate vs. creative freedom, old vs. the new.
It creates an... odd atmosphere throughout the game. This indecision and forcefulness. Opinions vary 🙃
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The corporate unfortunately won. We had Phenix back, not in his former glory, but as a character. (Result? Apollo feels less like a protagonist, suffering, feeling irrelevant in his own game. Not always, of course! But most of the time...)
Facts continue! Apollo Justice (AA4) is the last game with 2D sprites, with some rare 3D elements. (Like Cheeto Klavier🧡)
btw, here's some name puns and meanings:
Apollo is literally named after the god of truth.
"Klavier" means "Piano" in German 🎹 - his Japanese name, Kyoya, means, "to echo/resound".
Kristoph's Japanese name, Kirihito (霧人), when reversed (人斬り - hitokiri) literally translates to "the killer".
Trucy's name pun, Trucy Wright, is supposed to sound like "see-through" (tru-through cy-see)
Lamiror = mirror, Wocky Kitaki = Walkie-Talkie, Drew Misham = Draw-me-a-sham, etc.
Okay, so. About the 1️⃣first case1️⃣: It's a widely accepted opinion that the first trial is the best one, and it's hard to disagree. It's a completely new thing (almost as if Shu was planning on starting an entirely new trilogy without Phenix Wright! Can you imagine?!--) and because the first trial is so good, with a great twist and a fun conclusion, other trials pale in comparison. Let's see, we have a new quirky protagonist (he's fine) a gentleman for a mentor (a character with depth, as we will come to know) a fallen attorney with shady history (Mr. Phenix Wright) along a complex, yet understandable, mystery. What is lovely about the first case is that it makes you think just enough, the trial flows nicely for the sub-plot to come out, and the twist is perfect.
Of course, I imagine that Japanese players might have seen the twist coming a bit earlier, looking at Kristoph's name-pun, but all-in-all it's a great start! The question is - is it a great start for the new franchise that Shu wanted to make? Is it a great start for Apollo as an attorney and as a character? ...Or, is it a great start, for the old greedy company to push good old Phoenix back into spotlight and collect more money? 🤔🤔🤔
Here's some facts about the direction the game hoped to take:
The game delved into darker themes on purpose, like a "grown up" version of Ace attorney for the next generation. It was hoping to shift the tone from the previous three games more towards realism. (AA1 was a bit comedic, we cross-examined a parrot, the crimes were less complex compared to AA3. With AA4, the idea was to make AA3 but better.) It tried to set Apollo as a more independent lawyer, trusting no one, without any mentor (like Mia in previous games) coming back every other case.
With the first case, Apollo becomes independent in a sense, but... well.
Apollo basically third-wheeled in Phoenix/Kristoph divorce. That's basically what happened in that trial. Somehow, we managed to shift all the attention from Apollo's character growth into these two men. Apollo's independent now because he got left alone in the trash while the AA team tries to figure out what the fuck to do with Phoenix and how to shove the whole thing together.
The entire game was made with the idea of change, a fresh start & fresh blood in mind! We don't get much character growth from the main characters AT ALL because, at some point in development, there was a decision made: They thought they will make a sequel. AA games so far relied on story continuity, chronological events, time passing, characters evolving, events making an impact on the characters, etc.
Apollo Justice, a beginning game of a trilogy, was written specifically in a way to have a sequel. There were things left unanswered for a reason. They took things slow, and the idea of the sequel was planned to go more into the Gramarye troupe, Gavin brothers, and Apollo's family. (Shu even had an entire backstory written for the Gavin brothers, but it was scrapped by the new team) (I'll get into it later.) This was also the reason why the game had potential, but never went all the way. The plot was more complex, and was made specifically with a direct continuation in mind, which never came to pass. We instead got... an entire rework. (again, i'll get into it later 😂)
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Some art facts, since i'm an artist: They were thinking over a few variants of the character designs before they settled on the current ones. They wanted to have a protagonist more energetic than Phoenix, more blunt, an idealist, less bluffing, like a new generation kid kinda-thing. Apollo has distinct spiky hair, is different, is less tall, has a wide forehead... did you know, the design team had a few designs with different forehead wide-nesses? Wild. Apollo's color scheme is Godot's inverted, and as far away from Phoenix's dark blue design as possible (gee I wonder why...)
(Also, the Gavin brothers originally had two mirrored pointy hair-swirls, resembling pharaoh head covers, and I think that's dope as hell)
Either way, you must admit that the designs for this game are more detailed, colorful, animated, and beautiful. Honestly!!! 💖 The art direction did splendidly, and I'm glad at least that aspect wasn't affected by the disagreements of the company vs. writers :)
Fun fact: The game sold well, actually. Back in the day, people were into original ideas, instead of everything getting a live-action remake nobody asked for, an animated reimagining, and an unnecessary second part. (...Can you tell I'm dissing Disney? You can.)
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Now that I'm at a point where I can speak of continuations, let's see what happened: The game released as is. It had a story, sometimes a bit awkward because of the team vs. company disagreements being physically felt through the script. People bought it and the fandom was immediately split down the middle into various factions. (Again, I was young, but this point of contention is strong even today.)
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, and liked Phoenix Wright being there.
People who liked the new ideas, characters, and plot, but disliked Phoenix Wright's presence. (my stance right now)
People who disliked the new things because they wanted the same old Phoenix Wright games. They wanted everything that has already concluded, to continue. (my stance 6 years ago - Since it wasn't believable that a guy like Phoenix Wright, with so many friends, would end up like this. It was so unrealistic to me, so odd, that I refused to see this game as canonical. Literal denial 🥲🥲🥲)
People who disliked the game despite being ready for new content, just because.
Next up, 7 YEARS PASS.
Yup. The disagreement, the dissatisfaction from the creators vs. company, split fan reactions, despite a fine profit, caused a change of direction, and a rift. Characters and story-lines forgotten. Literally.
The next entries after Apollo Justice don't mention the events of it -because of a company-enforced "no spoiler/connection" restrictions. Capcom created the restriction to appeal to new fans, while not spoiling previous games so they might be compelled to play them. (Again, corporate wins over… continuity, this time.) - Which means the bare minimum of character growth and history we could have seen IS NOW GONE and will never be brought into relevancy again. (unless I missed something from the 3D games, in which case let me know.)
And we get a complete overhaul, while going back to the classic AA, but this time we get a new cast to focus on and begin again and we pretend Apollo Justice doesn't exist! (Rant number 4, here we go 🥴)
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My main rant so far would be about wasted potential and creative differences. Yes, they weren't strong enough to do a clean break from the past (Capcom forcing Phoenix back, not letting him "die" even though his story concluded) Yes, there's wasted potential because character growth of the protagonist is stunted by greed and confusion (Capcom demands? Fine. Phoenix must be here to appeal to all fans, for all the money. Ok. Cool. We can't be creative anymore and original ideas are shunned! 2008? Bah, nothing has changed in 2024!) and yes, the game's story suffers because of this, despite being very pleasing to look at (the sprites & animations don't hit quite the same anymore.)
I'm not even gonna go into how Apollo was forgotten and suddenly he has four backstories because he failed to establish himself solid in his introductory game without a planned sequel, and Capcom was like "Oh shit this guy exists, um, what do we do" - while also refusing to address and build upon plot points existing in the main game: Apollo had history in court. He had a character building event of incarcerating his mentor. Apollo already had family, which hasn't told him anything yet. He had Trucy. He had a courtroom rival, which he promised to rid of darkness. He gained a new mentor, a shady one, who he punched to the face! He saw the dark side of the law. He saw the "dark age of the law". He saw a better way to do things and fix the system with a jury, which was used once and forgotten about. He had a goal. He had potential... - but then he has been rebuilt and redesigned four times, given things he already had and replaced them and Capcom pulled a nonexistent best friend out of their ass out of nowhere just to give Apollo fake-depth and use (i had to look him up) CLAY TERRAN as A ONE-OFF PLOT POINT and I HATE BAD WRITING LIKE THAT, MAKING A CHARACTER that's just there for that one purpose and---🤬
I'm also not gonna go into the fact that a case-specific NPC gets more character growth than the main cast.
And I also won't rant about the 3D continuations of AA. All I'm gonna say is that, they shouldn't be under a name "Apollo Justice Trilogy" because, what the fuck happened to that guy. Who is he even? What? What game are you basing this on? Who?
The game was like a failed start to do something new... and not achieving it, stopping short of crossing the final line bravely.
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This was 3 am. yapping, I hope to inspire discussion, roast my opinions I love to argue over nerdy shit 💖🥰💖
(sources: Ace Attorney Wiki, VGfacts, NezumiVA, AA_Facts on Twitter)
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bro-atz · 1 year
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in which: you punish idol seonghwa in real life because out of everyone in the limited theme cards you missed, it was only him
pair: idol!seonghwa/afab!reader
word count: 3k
content: smut, (minimal) bdsm, slight sadism... oop, oral sex, bedroom sex, so loud the entire dorm hears, unprotected sex (but you're long time partners, so it's consensual), completely consensual!
author's note: i spent a solid hour screaming at my phone to the point where my roommate called me an overdramatic husky all bc i was trying to finish the gd wake up theme but i never got to mcfucking finish it bc the seonghwa card refused to show up and i'm still livid so this is my way of telling hwa to square up (ง'̀-'́)ง
apply for the permanent taglist here! superstar!series: seonghwa, san
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You were hanging out in the dorm with the boys while playing SuperStar ATEEZ, a couple of the boys sitting in the living room with you— Yunho, San, and your boyfriend Seonghwa. Usually, you’d get three stars for the songs that San couldn’t get while Seonghwa and Yunho would play through the levels themselves just trying to one up the other. This day, though, you were absolutely livid with the game.
They had dropped a limited edition card pack with a song from their latest comeback six days prior, and you had yet to collect cards for all eight members on the final day with just thirty minutes to spare. You were tapping on your screen angrily as San and Yunho watched with wary eyes— Seonghwa, meanwhile, had gone somewhere in the dorm to do this and that.
“I swear to fucking God, if I don’t get this card, I’m going to kill someone,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Which card?” Yunho asked as he leaned over your shoulder to peak at your screen.
“This fucking bitch,” you pointed to the greyed out card on your screen and huffed. “It’s always fucking impossible for me to get Hwa cards, I’m telling you.”
You purchased another pack and tapped the buttons quickly, trying to see if you got the Seonghwa card you needed, only to get two Mingi C cards for the limited theme.
“Fuck off Mingi!” you shrieked.
Mingi, who heard you, popped his head out of his room and frowned. “What the fuck did I do?!”
You were still angrily tapping away on your phone, so San answered for you, “No, she just keeps getting your card for SuperStar ATEEZ. Nothing personal.”
“Oh, shit… Y/N is playing SuperStar right now?” Mingi said with a grimace on his face.
“Yep,” Yunho confirmed.
Mingi nodded with a frown before slowly retreating into his room— he did not like interacting with you when you were playing SuperStar ATEEZ because you were just too intense for him. Well, at least sober him didn’t like interacting with competitive you.
You had five minutes left and one more attempt at buying the special thirty pack. If you didn’t get Seonghwa in this pack, then hopefully you could get him in the A card pull since you would have bought the special pack forty times by then.
“Come on, come on, come on, come on,” you said under your breath as the cards were revealed.
You didn’t get any of the limited edition theme cards. Fine, at least you had the A pull.
“You have got to be shitting me! Not another fucking Choi fucking San card!” you screamed.
San, scared for his life, immediately rushed to his room. He peeked through the crack in the doorframe. Before you could smash your phone into the ground, Yunho snatched your phone out of your hands and did his best to calm you down, but you were a force to be reckoned with. Out of all the cards you had to be missing, it just happened to be the one person you loved and cared about the most. You couldn’t even get a C version of your boyfriend’s card!
“Park Seonghwa, get your ass over here right now!” you yelled, knowing that the man could definitely hear your voice echoing in the dorm.
Seonghwa immediately rushed over to you, his eyes wide. “Sweetheart? What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
He tried to wrap his arms around you and comfort you as he usually did, but you were not there for it. You knew that you failing to get his card was not your boyfriend’s fault, but you still wanted to take your anger out on him.
“Come with me, you annoying piece of shit,” you told him as held onto the collar of his shirt tightly.
You dragged him all the way to his bedroom and pushed him so that he fell onto his bed. You locked the door behind you then ordered, “Take off your shirt and pants right now.”
“Y/N, can you please tell me what on Earth is going on?” Seonghwa asked while obeying your order. “Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”
“Baby, I love you, but just shut the fuck up for now because I’m going to kill you right now. I’m very fucking angry.”
You took Seonghwa’s shirt and tied one of his wrists to the headboard while his other wrist was tied up by his pants. You straddled his waist and held his face with one hand, your fingers squishing his cheeks. Seonghwa looked up at you with his starry eyes which were once filled with fear now replaced by desire.
“Why do you continue to evade me, baby? I’m sick and tired of this,” you began your rant. “All I want is to complete my fucking set, but I can’t get your fucking card for the life of me!”
“My photocard?” Seonghwa said kind of cutely since you were still squishing his cheeks— it nearly made you smile, but you held your frown because anger first.
“No, your card in SuperStar.”
Seonghwa let out a puff of air that was most likely supposed to be a giggle, infuriating you further. “It’s not funny, Hwa! I’m really fucking upset! I’m not going to have a complete set, and it’s all your fault!”
You let go of his face to slap his chest lightly. Seonghwa let out a little sigh as he played along and said, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I wish I could give you the card… How can I make it up to you?”
“Keep your mouth shut. I want you to suffer, now.”
You kissed him harshly, your teeth sinking into his lower lip. Seonghwa’s entire body reacted, and he let out a little grunt, only for you to stop kissing him and slap his face— it wasn’t a hard slap, but it was definitely strong enough for him to stare at you with wide eyes, his boba eyes trembling.
“I told you to keep your mouth shut. If I hear a single noise come out of your mouth, I’ll fucking kill you… You are only to answer when I ask you a question,” you instructed.
Seonghwa gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and answered with a tiny nod. You had to bite your tongue to keep from smiling. Submissive Seonghwa was always a sight to behold because he (for some odd reason) was usually the dominant one in your relationship. Whenever he wore that fuck ass black wife-beater, he always uses the fact that you thirst for him greatly against you in bed and orders you around. It was your turn. You were excited.
“You’ve been a bad boy,” you started, your voice dropping. You lowered yourself so that you could whisper in his ear, “A very, very, bad boy. Do you know why?”
“No… Why?” Seonghwa answered, his voice wavering with both fear and excitement.
You slapped his face. “It’s ma’am to you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, ma’am…”
“Good. Do you know why you’ve been a bad boy?”
“No, ma’am… Please tell me why.”
You traced Seonghwa’s jawline with your fingernail, then ran your fingertips lightly from his forehead to his lips. Your fingers lingered on his lips as you told him, “I want you. I don’t want Mingi or San. When I tell you to come, then you better come.”
Your other hand cupped Seonghwa’s stiff crotch. You were talking about his card when you told him to come, but you also meant it in the dirty sense. Your hold on his balls got tighter, making the man’s body lurch.
“You’re not allowed to cum until I say it’s okay, understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you said with a nod. Your fingers, which were still on his lips, pushed forward as you said, “Suck.”
Seonghwa took your middle two fingers into his mouth and began to suck, his tongue swirling around them. You pressed your lips together to suppress a moan. You felt your panties getting wetter by the second, but you had to be patient. You wanted everything to be a slow burn to make Seonghwa suffer— the same way his card taunted you for a week.
You reached down his briefs and produced his stiff cock, pre-cum leaking out at an uncontrollable rate.
“You’re a bad, dirty boy. Look at how desperate your dick is for my touch,” you said with a slight smirk as you swirled circles on the top, your finger picking up some of the pre-cum. You then licked your finger, Seonghwa’s face going red. He wanted to look away, but your fingers were still in his mouth. Luckily for him, you wanted your fingers back, and so he was able to turn his head when your fingers withdrew.
“Who said you could look away?” you asked sternly, Seonghwa’s head immediately moving back into place. “You are to keep your eyes on me, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” Seonghwa said breathily as you moved your hand to his dick and squeezed lightly.
You took off your shirt and placed it on the bed knowing that you were going to need it later. You moved down until your face was right by his penis. You would be lying if you said you weren’t thirsting for his hot, throbbing cock. You wanted him inside you desperately, but slow burn… You had to take your time.
“Now,” you said after placing a light kiss on the top of his penis. “You must keep your eyes on me, you are not to cum until I say it’s okay, you are not to move at all, and I don’t want to hear a single noise come from you.”
Seonghwa nodded, his lower lip trapped between his teeth as he prepared for whatever it was you were going to do to him. You bent down, and Seonghwa braced himself for he was expecting you to take him right into your mouth. You, on the other hand, took your sweet fucking time. You delicately ran your nails along his length, observing his pretty dick. His dick was angry, red, and throbbing, but it was still so gorgeous— just like how Seonghwa was he was angry.
Then, you ran your tongue along his penis, a trail of saliva connecting the head to the tip of your tongue. You wanted to lap him up like an erotic lollipop and not just stick it in your mouth. Seonghwa’s entire body shivered as you continued lick after lick. Your hand rubbed his length as your tongue swirled around the tip. And finally, when you began to suck on the tip of his penis, you intentionally looked up at Seonghwa with what he liked to describe as “your seductive eyes”.
Seonghwa was a mess. He was biting his lip hard, and his wrists were strained— he definitely wanted to push your head down like he usually did and fuck your mouth until you gagged, but you weren’t going to let him. Absolutely not.
You took all of him into your mouth, his penis nearly hitting the back of your throat. You moved slowly, savoring ever little bit of him, which was excruciating for him and you knew it. You were enjoying every single bit of it, noting his trembling thighs and hips, and you continued to enjoy it until he pushed his waist upwards, making you gag slightly. You immediately sat up and slapped his face.
“I said you weren’t allowed to move, didn’t I?!”
“Yes, ma’am, you did,” he replied meekly.
“Then why did you move when I specifically told you not to?”
“…Sorry, ma’am.”
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it, Seonghwa,” you spat as you got off the bed and moved away from him. “You need to beg forgiveness.”
“What happens if I don’t?” he asked, getting a little cheeky, which annoyed the shit out of you.
“Then you can remain like that,” you gestured to his wrists and trembling, erect penis.
Seonghwa’s eyes widened. He shook his head furiously as he said, “No! No, Y/N, please don’t do that! I’m sorry!”
You ran your fingers through his hair and grabbed onto the roots before pulling his head backwards. He stared at you with the same trembling eyes from before accompanied by a quivering lip, intensifying the fire raging inside you.
“What did I say?” you hissed.
“Sorry! I meant ma’am. I’m sorry, ma’am,” Seonghwa was near tears.
You felt a little bad. You both knew that you weren’t actually mad, but you were scared that you were taking it a little too far. Seonghwa had yet to use the safe word you both came up with earlier on in your relationship, but you decided to lay off. Your fingers released his hair. You cupped his face lovingly and left him with a sweet kiss. You tasted a hint of blood as you kissed him, making you realize that Seonghwa bit his lip so hard that he started bleeding.
“Alright, I’ll allow you to call me by my name,” you whispered as you rubbed his cheek with your thumb. “But, I want you to scream my name, okay?”
Seonghwa nodded, his tense body easing up. You got on the bed again and grabbed your shirt, Seonghwa staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’re not going to untie me?” he asked.
“No. If anything, I’m going to tie another piece of clothing around you,” you said as you showed him your bunched up shirt.
You smirked. Next thing you knew, Seonghwa was blindfolded. You removed the rest of your clothing as a clearly antsy Seonghwa waited for you to touch him.
“Y/N,” he whimpered. “Hurry…”
“I told you what to do. Beg. Scream my name,” you whispered in his ear.
“Y/N! Please! I want you! I need you so bad!” Seonghwa cried loudly while almost thrashing his free limbs about.
“Good boy.”
You straddled your boyfriend, his cock rubbing along your ass crack. You watched Seonghwa bite his lower lip again and squirm while trying to hold back a moan. You pulled his lip out gently with your fingertips and said, “Don’t hold back.”
With that, you positioned yourself and sat down slowly, a loud, long, airy moan echoing in the room. Before you started moving, you thought up the dumbest fucking line and wanted to use it on your struggling boyfriend.
“Hwa, want me to slow it down? Make it bouncy?” you teased.
“Fuck, Y/N, don’t— Hnngh! Ah!”
Seonghwa’s voice cracked as he moaned loudly when you clenched your pussy, which for some odd reason turned you on incredibly. Holding onto the back of your legs for support, you started moving— bouncing—and moaned quietly, wanting to hear more of Seonghwa’s moans, groans, and cries. His breathing was rough and sporadic, egging you on to move faster, causing your own breathing to get rougher the more you tried to refrain from moaning. His hips bucked upwards in rhythm with yours, but that wasn’t enough for his pleasure.
“Y/N, please untie me! I want to touch you,” Seonghwa pleaded.
“That… Defeats the purpose… Of the punishment,” you said while panting.
So, since Seonghwa couldn’t touch you, you lowered yourself so that you were pressing your breasts against his chest. The difference in angle was really doing it for Seonghwa because his voice cracked yet again, his moans getting higher in pitch. You wished that you could see your boyfriend’s eyes in that moment because you knew for a fact that they were rolling to the back of his head— they always did when the two of you had sex.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Seonghwa muttered under his breath, the influx of profanities rolling off his tongue nearly making you cum.
Before he could utter another word, you brought your lips to his and kissed him passionately, Seonghwa’s long and rude tongue invading your mouth within seconds. He could only last so long, though, as his breathing was getting quicker and shallower. The man gasped as you released his lips then trailed painfully sweet hickeys down his neck. Right as you got to his collarbone, you moved your hand to his chest and played with his nipple.
“Oh God!” Seonghwa whimpered. “Y/N, I wanna cum!”
“Okay, baby. Cum inside,” you gave him your blessing (only because you, too, were nearing your climax).
With a final slap of your ass on his hips, you pressed your body down and cried with pleasure. You came first, completely moving yourself off of his cock so that you could squirt, your thighs trembling as you barely held yourself up.
You held Seonghwa’s dick and sat back down on it with another unintentional clench. Seonghwa groaned loudly as he came, his load shooting through you and filling you up. His cock spasmed several times inside you, nearly making you cum once more.
You collapsed on him with a deep sigh and rested for a brief moment before you reached and untied one of the restraints. You remained laying on his chest and listened to his beating heart return to a normal rate, leaving Seonghwa to untie the other restraint and blindfold himself (which he did almost immediately). His arms, once they were free, embraced you, his hands holding onto your ass, his dick still deep inside you.
“Sweetheart,” Seonghwa said his nickname for you softly, prompting you to look up at him. “Fuck, you can’t look at me with those eyes.”
His penis stiffened inside you again. His hands itched to move your ass up and down on his dick, but he didn’t just yet.
“You want to go again, don’t you?” you asked him.
“Yes, please.”
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An hour and a half later, you finished up in the shower and emerged from Seonghwa’s bedroom wearing fresh clothes. You saw Yunho sitting in the living room, a grin appearing on his face the second he saw you.
“Get it out of your system?” he asked.
“Yup,” you responded cheerily as you flopped into the arm chair in the living room.
“Coast is clear, boys!” Yunho called out, prompting San and Mingi to emerge from their rooms.
They joined you and Yunho in the living room. San looked around before asking, “Seonghwa?”
“You scream his name like every other night, but he’s shy when he screams your name? Tsk tsk,” Mingi shook his head.
“He’s more embarrassed about the fact that his voice cracked,” you had to stifle a laugh.
The other three boys shared sympathetic nods— they’d all been there before.
Several minutes later, Seonghwa finally emerged from his room, his face pink. He was still embarrassed. He joined you in the arm chair and hugged you tightly as you sat on his lap. He dug his face in the nook of your neck and let out a tiny whine.
“Baby, I won’t embarrass you like this again as long as I get your card,” you said softly while petting his hair. “So you better make sure I get the card next time, okay?”
“How the fuck am I going to do that?!” Seonghwa said in despair.
“You could give her your credit card,” Mingi put in his two cents.
“How would that help?”
“She can buy all the packs, even the hella expensive ones. She’ll be sure to finish her set if she gets the packs,” Yunho explained.
“Oh! That’s a good idea! Give me your credit card,” you faced your boyfriend with sparkles in your eyes and an open palm.
“…I’d rather you just punish me, sweetheart.”
You frowned. You grabbed his cheeks and brought him closer to you before whispering threateningly, “Then I won’t have mercy on you next time.”
“…On second thought, let me go grab my wallet.”
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realcube · 1 month
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˖°.𓆩♡𓆪 .°˖ CHARCTER GENERATOR for @naru-mi-gen
𓆩♡𓆪 part of my lovers level — 3k follower event
𓆩♡𓆪 chosen tropes: brother's best friend
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ YOUR CHARACTER IS...
tw// a bit suggestive at the end
since signing on with MSBY black jackals, sakusa hasn't been back in tokyo for ages, because the team's hometown is based in osaka. which is a shame as that means sakusa and your brother haven't hung out in ages. they used to be very close friends back when they both attended itchiyama institute, but they've not seen each other much since graduation.
although they both still talk on the phone and text frequently, so that is probably why you've opened the door on a random tuesday to see the one and only kiyoomi sakusa standing there, wearing black tshirt and loose sweats, with a wheely suitcase standing beside him.
meanwhile, you were in your loungewear, having not been expecting any vistors and presuming that the person at the door was a mailman or a delivery driver who you'd only have to interact with briefly. but no, it was your brother's wildly successful best friend , who you once had a massive crush on all throughout high school— and perhaps remnants of the crush still linger.
and these stifled feelings probably contributed to the raging embarrassment you were currently experiencing. despite the fact sakusa used to see you in your pyjamas all the time when he'd come over to your house for sleepovers with your brother, something about him seeing you while you were completely unprepared was morbidly shameful.
even though, unbeknowst to you, not much has changed in sakusa's eyes. you're still one of the most effortlessly beautiful women he's ever laid his eyes upon. a slight blush creeps onto his features, which goes unnoticed by you as you're too focused on trying to hide your figure.
"uhm, hi, aysha. where's your brother?" he asks with an averted gaze. and as soon as those words exit his mouth, he is immediately hit with waves of regret, as he didn't mean to sound so dismissive of your presense and he should've asked you how you were doing first. but he finds it hard to think straight with you around. it's probably a good thing that you're unable to come to his games in osaka; he'd never win a single one ever again with you watching him.
"him and his wife went on holiday, so i'm cat-sitting for them." as if on cue, the kitty you were watched pads through the open door and starts pawing at sakusa's shoes. you gasp and open your mouth to apolgise, about to pick up the cat until he does it himself. holding her in his arms and stroking her chin as she purrs happily.
"he told me about that, but i thought they came back today."
you nod, "yeah, they were supposed to be home by this morning but their flight got delayed, so they probably won't be back until later this evening."
he blinks, with a completely vacant expession, "oh."
"yeah." you mutter, heart pounding in your chest as you realise what that means, "would you like to wait here?"
"sure." he nods. truthfully he'd rather spend his time in his hotel, it might be less tense that way but deep down he had the desire to stay with you.
he carries the cat in and you close the door behind him, only to turn around and see he was still standing in the middle of the floor awkwardly, "sit down, c'mon! this is your home too, you know. remember all of the time you and him used to spend in this living room playing video games? we should've had you paying rent."
you joke while motion towards the couch. hiding his small smile behind his hair, he slowly takes a seat, until he notices that you don't join him and instead head towards the stairs, "where are you going?"
"to the guest bedroom. i'm just going to change quickly; i'll be right back."
"why?" he asks, and when you hear him say this, you finally turn around to look at him in his black eyes.
you chuckle awkwardly at his inquiry, "uhm, because i'm in my pyjamas."
"it's fine." he instantly replies, without missing a beat. your heart races at the way his eyes are glued to you, he's never look at you this way before — unless he has and you've just haven't noticed. "i think you look okay."
"just okay?" you tease.
sakusa gulps, not really picking up on the playfulness in your tone and assuming that you were actually peeved about being called okay-looking. so he explains, "no. i think you look pretty, but that might've been too forward to say." he's been critised for being to blunt several times in his lifetime, so he's learned how to be thoughtful about his word-choice (when he wants to be).
"oh, i was only joking but— that's sweet, thank you." you stammer, a violent heat rising to cheeks and drying your throat. you hated the effect his man had on you, so you hastily try to exit the conversation, but not without a little bit more teasing first; being flirtatious was — ironically — an effective coping mechanism for being flustered.
"i think i'll still head to my room and change." you say, as you start walking up the stairs, "i'll be back in five minutes. unless you want to come with?"
sakusa quirks an eyebrow, "i would. but who is going to watch the cat?" he asks, holding up the kitty still in his hands.
"good point." you nod, continuing to head up the stairs.
sakusa's eyes widen; he didn't really expect you to not give him a solution. so, he looks to the kitty in his hands and whispers, "sorry. we'll be quick." there is a ball laying on the coffee table, which he gives to the kitty as he places her on the ground and heads up the stairs after you.
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for @naru-mi-gen: firstly i'd like to say i LOVE your works on your main acc, you are sooo talented MWAH
also i've never really wrote brother's bsf trope before but this was so much fun!! the chemistry between you and omi is delicious 😩 also i left your brother as purposefully vague so you can choose a character or assume what you like hehe
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byte-your-tongue · 1 month
could u mayhaps do deep cut x autistic reader :3
Deep Cut x Autistic Reader
(Platonic, GN Reader)
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AN: this is SUCH a good one. very blessed thank u very much anon for my request!! <3 As usual this was written platonic(since no relationship was specified) but could be read romantic if ya squint.
Shiver is 100% autistic as well if you ask me. BUT she was taught from a very young age how to act "proper" and how to deal with people so she can mask very well.
I don't think she would fully realize it until later in life but she eventually does and kinda goes "wait i can't be because- wait... maybe.. i- .... hm.. that... that would explain some things..."
Frye is AuDHD and has been aware since she was tiny.
Big Man i think could also be some form of neurodivergent.
Anyway. what i'm getting at here is that none of them would judge you and they instead would get along very well with you!
If you stim, don't even worry about any of them looking at you weird or asking you questions. They wouldn't even acknowledge it as anything out of the ordinary.
If you are stimming physically Frye might even end up copying you! She moves around a lot to stim and she especially likes rocking side to side and waving her hands.
If you stim vocally you can sometimes catch Shiver repeating you or picking certain stims from you.
If you have stim toys expect the rest of Deep Cut to take an interest in them. They probably also have some of their own and you all can sit in a circle showing off your collections :)
If you have trouble in social situations or get nervous/awkward talking to strangers you can count on Frye and Shiver to help you out! They can be the "They asked for no pickles!" friend for you. Big Man is more likely to be just as nervous as you.....
Shiver and Frye are both confident in social situations most of the time.
Shiver is confident because she can track patterns and people very well and prides herself on basically "picking the right dialogue option" to get what she wants. But sometimes things she didn't plan for will happen and it throws her off entirely and she doesn't know what to do.
Frye is confident because she is extroverted and just likes talking to people! Plus she just doesn't care if other people find her weird or anything. She's very confident in herself and her personality, so she doesn't care if other don't like it or judge her.
So go to those two if you ever need anything :3
If you have a stuffed animal you carry around for comfort Deep Cut will love it! Big Man would ask you what it's name is and Frye would totally fawn over it. Shiver would probably be the type of person to talk to it like it's a real person and greet it formally. It's very cute watching her shake it's hand and smile at it.
If you ever want to rant about a special interest, go to Big Man. He ADORES hearing you speak. Especially if he's working on something. Explain every last detail to him. He will listen intently as you talk.
Shiver is also a pretty good choice. She will ask questions along the way and try to understand every last detail. She may even take notes about important parts so she doesn't forget them when you talk to her about it again.
Frye meanwhile is not great at sitting still and listening to you talk for long times. She will try her best but really it's best to just show her what you are interested in. If it's a show she will be 100% down to binge it with you! If it's a game let her play it. If it's a book she will ask you to read it to her. If it's something more abstract like biology or such, bring out diagrams when you talk to her about it. She does better with pictures and will listen along like a student at a lecture.
If you have food related sensory issues, don't even worry. Shiver is also somewhat picky about her food(especially texture) and she will sympathize with you and help you avoid things you won't like. Frye will eat almost anything so whatever you don't want off your plate you can always toss her way and she will gobble it all up. Big Man will help work with you to make sure you are getting proper nutrition while still enjoying your meals.
All three of them like food a lot and have traditional food from their cultures they enjoy and want to introduce to you. They will help you find things they think you would like and respect you when you say you don't want to try something!
Shiver enjoys picking out outfits for you, and she always dresses you in the softest of fabrics if you have sensory issues. You will look good AND feel good by the time she is done with you!
If structure makes you happy, spend time with Big Man. He likes to plan things out meticulously and follows it no matter what.
If you are more impulsive, Frye will be your best friend! She is the QUEEN of impulsive actions.
Having a meltdown? These three would NEVER judge you. If you cry they won't see you as "immature" or "over dramatic" and will instead work on getting you happy as fast as possible. They will help get you away from any bright lights, loud sounds, or stressful situations that caused it.
Big Man usually has headphones on him so if you need them just ask! He is always ok with letting you borrow them!
If physical touch can help sooth you then Frye is perfect. She will hug you, rub your back, run her fingers through your hair, whatever you need.
Shiver will talk to you in a calm and even voice to try and calm you down and help you focus on her rather than what is overstimulating/upsetting you.
You guys can all have fun having ND moments like "Hey look at this cool rock i found!" *all stops and stares at it* "Woah this texture is so nice, come touch it!" and "Wait what did that person mean by that? did any of y'all get it????"
Basically all in all these three are perfect. All of them are ND and will just get you. You don't have to explain things to them, there's no awkwardness, and they will never judge you.
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“The updates are making me like Idia more, but in the same way you'd like a character for being pathetic” I’m shocked you didn’t like Idia at least from what I remember? He’s basically the same as Rollo (a character you do like I think) and in more ways than one. They’re both gloomy looking guys and traumatized big bros that are self righteous and pathetic. What kept you from liking Idia before if you don’t mind me asking?
[Referencing something I said in this post!]
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Okay, confession time: when I was a little kid (I’m talking like 7-10 years old), I was SUPER into Greek mythology and more specifically the story of Hades and Persephone. I ate up ALL the Hades and Persephone retellings/reinterpretations I could find and actively hunted for more 💀 so you’d think I’d like Idia, who is twisted from Hades, given how I gravitated to Octavinelle because of my attachment to The Little Mermaid in my childhood…
I think what puts me off of Idia in spite of his similarities to Rollo, a character I do really love, is a combination of Idia's appearance and his attitude.
To tackle the shallower aspect first, I actually don't like characters that look "too" gloomy. I would say Rollo is stoic-looking, but not gloomy? He has a pretty neutral face most of the time and the only gloomy thing about him at a glance is the dark circles under his eyes. With Idia... There's a LOT going on here. The hair is definitely unique, but I've never been into super long hair. The nature of it kind of overshadows his face and Idia usually looks miserable as a default. I've mentioned before that I'm unnerved by his coloration too; the super pale skin plus the blue lips is reminiscent of a corpse and, well... while I do see there being an audience that finds him beautiful, I don't think that's a cute look for him.
Now, his attitude. I'm not going to fault Idia for being passionate about his hobbies, as we all have our niches that we're super into. What irks me is how Idia expresses himself and acts out on behalf of those interests. He talks down to people who "don't get it" and takes other measures to defend the things he likes that I think is crossing a line. For example, he tracks down the IP addresses of Ignihyde mob students that defaced his favorite idol group's website. In the EN version, Idia threatens to doxx the mobs too (though he never does, this was just a localization decision). Yeah, you could do that I guess... but should you? 😭 The other characters also do questionable things (as a J word fan, I cannot deny this) but those actions are usually so outlandish no one irl would do it (like how Azul is a high school student that runs his own shady business). Idia's behavior, meanwhile, embodies some very real and very toxic aspects of fandom culture. I think part of why I disliked Idia at first is also his manner of speaking; it's riddled with so much internet lingo that it's hard to take him seriously sometimes. This is even more true of the EN version of the game, which has added even more slang than was in JP. Like... sorry, am I NOT supposed to be giggling when OB Idia is making threats while talking like an enraged gamer (both in EN and JP)? There is a ceiling on how much pathetic I can take in one sitting, and Idia far exceeds it every time he talks. Other characters (like Rollo making cheesy villain speeches, Azul being teased, Jamil's DOKKAN, etc.) have their moments of funny ha ha-cringe as well, but at least I can still see them in a serious light.
Books 6 and 7 are enhancing my opinion of Idia solely because they focus on the "traumatized big brother" part to his character. In Glorious Masquerade too... Idia gets the courage to call Rollo out because he knows their experiences are so similar. I think the storyline was done very well, and I loved seeing how Idia grows from an event that no doubt affected him deeply and still continues to influence him to this day. It's clear that he cares deeply about both Orthos and will step up to protect them. I LOVE THAT FOR HIM, it's not as though Idia is completely throwing aside one brother for the other, he's acknowledging them both as his "true" brothers. The way he goes from laughing to crying in his post-OB flashback... Idia getting so mad at us attacking Phantom Ortho with lightning... the willingness to "go" with OG!Ortho to the world beyond... apologizing to Robo!Ortho for falling for the dream's promises of eternal happiness... Aaaah, it's just too good 😭
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wifelinkmtg · 2 months
man i'm not gonna figure out which of these beatrix potter animals fuck
I'm predicting I will get less and less interested in reviewing new magic releases as time goes on, but 1) there's still a lot of older stuff I haven't even touched, and 2) you never know, maybe they'll do something to recapture my interest down the road, like bringing Kaja Foglio back, or taking any creative risks whatsoever. Or, you know, there's other games!
Meanwhile, original Theros block!
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Kiora, the Crashing Wave (Scott M. Fischer)
I don't have that much interest in Kiora as a character but I cannot deny that this is a fine piece of pin-up art. Big Hokusai wave, pearlescent light off her thighs, the cheesecake pose, feet - and the gentle way her hand rests on that tentacle. The connection to the other Hokusai piece everyone knows is surely not accidentacle.
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Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver (Karla Ortiz)
There's so many good feet in Magic that you never get to see because Wizards crops them out of the final card, because they're cowards. I, however, am not. You're welcome.
Anyway yeah Ashiok's hot, we all know this already.
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Forgeborn Oreads (Ryan Yee)
The starry infusion of Nyx here mixes with the fires of Purphoros to create a look I'm calling Julie Mao if the protomolecule had been red. It's a good look.
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Spirit of the Labyrinth (Jason Chan)
Stupid little airhead can't even solve Mommy's brutalist maze, can she?
Dunno, never played it! If anyone has, let me know if that joke was funny or not!
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Reaper of the Wilds (Karl Kopinski)
I guess I do kind of want a woman who can turn me to stone and also crush my petrified ass into powder with her powerful feral serpent body.
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Hythonia the Cruel (Chris Rahn)
Goddamn, did Elesh Norn really not have an original thought in her life? "Throne of petrified victims" makes so much more sense for a gorgon tyrant than a cyborg cult priestess, too. Anyway this ain't about her, this is about Hythonia turning me to stone and then sitting on me. Look how her snake-hair entwines her victims bodies. It would be like sleep paralysis, but sexy and forever!
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Pharika, God of Affliction (Peter Mohrbacher)
O, for the limb-loosening fever, the delirium of the god-touched! O, for the venom-rite and the sharp ecstasy of the serpent-kiss! O, to be obliterated by a rolling wall of scale and snakeflesh! O O O for Pharika, She of bitter remedy and sweetest poison!
Ooh, yeah, good idea.
O lips full of lust and of laughter, Curled snakes that are fed from my breast, Bite hard, lest remembrance come after, And—
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Aspect of Gorgon (Willian Murai)
The flavor text for this one reads, "My adopted children are loved no less." —Pharika, God of Affliction, so in addition to being an extremely pretty woman with curly black hair-which-is-also-snakes (already a great start), there's a trans metaphor going on here. Which is to say, one can by the grace of Pharika transition to gorgon, and then presumably have a whole lot of T4T gorgon sex. And if I can do all that and also call Pharika "Mommy" then I do think I'm living my best life at that point.
Pharika isn't running a sex cult yet.
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totallyboatless · 10 months
It is time, friends, for another Pip's Weed Essay game. The rules: I'm about to take an edible and start writing a mini-essay in one sitting. I edit a tiny bit as I go, but for the most part this is on the fly. I've thought about this topic a lot, but haven't outlined it. I'll let you know when the edible hits, but there's a chance you'll realize it before I do. (PIRATE FRIENDS STICK AROUND - this is Pip from the future, I get pretty high in this, but anyway I'm here to tell you that this goes in a very unintended OFMD direction that i'm still reeling from. Anyway back to Past Pip)
Edible ingestion commencing, time: 7:37pm Mountain Time
I polled my followers for the topic, so today we're going to talk about:
Fixing the Puck Problem
I've read and seen A Midsummer Night's Dream more than any other Shakespeare play. At this point I don't know if I've seen it so much because it's my favorite, or enough opportunities for me to see it have lined up that it's become my favorite by default. It's easily the Shakespeare play I know best. I haven't seen a staging that I fully disliked, but there are two elements of this show that I feel like are rarely handled the way I want them to be.
Problem one:
Puck will never be as funny as Bottom
It's common to consider Puck to be the main character of A Midsummer Night's Dream. He's at the very least the most famous character in the play. Puck is a dream role, and obviously with his being a fairy, he's usually directed to be weird and whimsical--and a lot of the time, playing for laughs. It makes sense, he's a trickster, it's built into his nature.
But in modern day, his lines and actions don't translate as well as Bottom's. In all of the times that I've seen A Midsummer Night's Dream, I've *never* seen a production where Bottom fails to steal the entire show away from Puck. I've had multiple experiences where I could feel the director wanting me to laugh at Puck; I could see the reasons for the direction, but it just wouldn't hit. In those same productions, I've laughed so hard at the Bottom scenes that I cried.
I'm thinking particularly of the 2010 production with Judy Dench reprising Titania (honestly still in shock over seeing that lolol) and the 2019 Bridge Theatre production (which you can find streaming, it's *incredible*).
In the 2010 show, the Puck actor kept doing what honestly felt like a Woody the Woodpecker impression lol. He would pause for laughs and they just...wouldn't happen. Meanwhile, Bottom was set up with the kind of success that let him steal at least one scene from fucking Judy Dench.
In the 2019 Bridge Theatre production, I genuinely like the direction they gave Puck--he's a weird little twitchy Irish punk doing fucking aerial silk shit. But even with a unique vibe and a fun performance, it's still not enough to outshine Bottom.
Basically my thing is that I want to get to the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream and feel more connected to Puck. I *want* him to be my favorite. And there's just absolutely no way to make him my favorite if his core purpose is to be funny. Puck is supposed to be a larger-than-life being--the audience is never going to buy that when he's not even the largest character on the stage.
The second problem is smaller, and in fixing it there's also a fun chance to fix the Puck problem:
Problem two:
The audience usually doesn't understand why Titania and Oberon are fighting.
If you've gotten this far you're probably already a nerd who knows this, but gonna pose the question like I've done for other people I've seen the show with: Why are Titania and Oberon fighting? What's the core reason?
Bc you're a fucking nerd you probably yelled CHANGELING! Which yes, good for you, if I had become the Shakespeare professor I wanted to be but didn't have the money to become, you would be in my class and I would throw a snickers at you for a reward.
But the thing is, a *lot* of people who only know the play casually don't know. And most productions don't assist them in knowing.
Elaboration for non-nerds: Titania had a "and they were roommates" totally not at all lesbian relationship with a human women who was pregnant. The women dies in childbirth and Titania takes the child to raise, and she cherishes him more than anything, which is an extremely straight thing to do. In the play, the character is only referred to as the changeling. Oberon gets super jealous of this kid and wants to steal him away and make him join the Wild Hunt so that he can have Titania's full attention back, because he's got that issue creepy men get when they have kids and then are like "I'm jealous of my son because he's making it less likely for me to fuck my wife" and it's like "dude calm down with this projection of an Oedipal complex."
If you're not a coward and read Titania as in love with the changeling's mom, then Oberon's issues are maybe slightly less creepy, but like not really
So that's it really. Titania loves this kid of her sapphic lover that died. Oberon is jealous about it. He decides to play a trick on Titania both as a way to get revenge, and also as a distraction so he can steal the kid.
But the issue is that 1.) all of this is communicated in a long and kind of boring speech, and 2.) the changeling literally never has a line and also no stage directions
The 2010 production had a hot dude chained up and writhing on stage in a kind of hot dance snake movement thing when Titania talks about him, but most productions never even have an actor cast as the changeling. I was really shocked they didn't have anyone for the 2019 production, given how much I love most of the rest of their choices.
OKAY SO. We now have the two problems: Puck isn't the fan favorite even though he should be; and most people in the audience have no fucking idea about the changeling.
(THIS IS HIGH PIP FROM THE FUTURE I FORGOT SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO THIS PROBLEM: If you do know about the changeling/follow along with that plot, it's *very* hard to root for Titania and Oberon when they reconcile. Which can be fun and cool and a little hot even maybe if you're going all dark, but thIS IS A PLAY ABOUT HORNY FAERIES HAVING A GOOD TIME so I won't be having that. I want this play to make me like that Titania forgives Oberon so easily. Okay Past Pip, take it away)
lol okay yeah weed friend has landed, I just wandered away for a minute with a desperate need to put taquitos in the air fryer. Time stamp: 8:16.
Pip's Most Ideal Staging of A Midsummer Night's Dream Which Fixes the Problems in Theory
The Staging:
First off I want the production to be in the middle of the literal woods where there's pretty lights in all the trees and people are sitting on blankets and have snacks and drinks and drugs and whatever they want, and the whole staging has the actors weaving through the audience. Not just theatre in the round, full immersion
I also want people to not fully know where the production is, just that it's on the outskirts of the forest, and then the actors emerge from the woods at a designated time and bring the audience to the secret stage section. And ideally this would be like a park on the outskirts of woods so that there would also be people there who wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. And ideally some of the fairy actors convince them to come along and the people go having no idea what they're about to get into. That's how A Midsummer Night's Dream is meant to be experienced in its purest form: with actors dressed as fairies trying to seduce unsuspecting strangers to follow them into the woods to an unknown location where they'll probably be offered drugs.
Taquitos acquired.
Puck's direction and motivation:
When Puck is first introduced, it's by a fairy called Peasblossom who's otherwise not a big part. Peasblossom lets the audience know who Puck/Robin Goodfellow is by basically going stan-mode and being like "holy shit you're famous." PB literally starts listing his greatest hits.
So picture with me: instead of an extremely fairy-like whimsical Puck, I want a Puck that wanders on-stage like a burnt-out rockstar. Cigarette in one hand, beer in another. Probably on a cocktail for faerie super magic mushrooms. Just fully numbed out. In this moment, Puck feels way more human than faerie--and I want the performance to be in a way where that feels off. To have it be communicated in manner and clothing, and the juxtaposition of PB recounting Puck's glory days, that Puck hasn't always been like this. This isn't a faerie trickster in his prime. This is a man who's lost all sense of fun and is going through the motions.
That's what happens, right, when you become just a little too famous?
Puck is the only one of the main characters who gets to the end of the show and is entirely alone.
(my favorite thing about being high is how *good* it makes food taste, these taquitos are not fancy but with the power of the devil's lettuce it's so good--oh my god I have Dr. Pepper)
(I'm back with the Dr. Pepper. I'm having fun, are you guys having fun? If you've made it this far i kiss u)
So Puck is alone at the end of the play while everyone else of import is either with their lover or with their theatre-kid-found-family. And it's largely because Puck lives between worlds. He's not powerful enough to be fey royalty; he's Oberon's right-hand man, but he's not Oberon's peer. But the lower fey court are also not his peers -- they treat him like a celebrity, he can't actually connect with them. He's not allowed to frolic and play with them anymore, not really.
With this interpretation and direction, we now have a Puck whose action in the plot can lead to a happy ending (keep with me), and whose existence isn't just to be quirky and whimsical for the audience. Instead it's a Puck with a motivation: he's lost all joy in his job, he's disconnected from him community, and Oberon only treats him like a fuckbuddy so he's sexually frustrated. (Oh right yeah I was supposed to write about how Puck is in love with Oberon. He is.) That's all fucking sad, bro! And you know from the Pip that traveled into the past that this play is fun and should be fun!
Now for the final part, where we put in the special ingredient to tie this particular Puck direction into the happy ending:
Do you guys (gn) remember the changeling? It was like possibly an hour ago, the time-warp this particular edible always sets me on has fully set in. It's possible this essay is like 5k words long. It's also possible it's only 500 words long. I wish I was lying when I told you I don't know.
Anyway, the changeling. Let's make him a fuller character and let's give him to Puck wrapped up in a sexy, charming bow.
Picture this: The Changeling, from now on capitalized as a character, shown on stage in Titania's court. Locked up like a princess in a tower because Titania is desperate to protect him. And the Changeling is all *sigh and flutter big beautiful princess man eyes* because he wants to explore what's out there. Because he's a man who's grown up and been forced to live between two worlds. He's not fey royalty, he's not Titania's actual kid and she kind of honestly treats him more like a momento of her lesbian lover than an actual adopted kid. He can't be one of the fey court, because he's not fey, and also he's not allowed to frolic and play with them.
That should sound familiar to you if I did it right.
Puck and the Changeling, both feeling the same sort of empty spot. So let's smush them together.
Give the Changeling all of Peasblossom's lines. It makes more sense for a detail I left out before, too--Peasblossom doesn't recognize Puck they see him for the first few lines. Once they do they're all like "omg you're the dude that makes people horny for each other and also some other trickster things." They know all of Puck's stunts, but they don't know what he looks like? It's clearly an exposition device, but it's a weak one (sorry, Shakesy). He's the rockstar of the fey world. You'd have to be living under a rock or, I dunno, locked away like a beautiful man-princess --
(Okay you know where I'm going and I have to stop there because I'm cry laughing, I swear to you -- I swear to fucking god, guys, I wish I was joking -- I thought I was being cute and clever saying "man-princess". Not because of irony. IT'S BECAUSE I FORGOT THERE IS A WORD FOR A PRINCESS WHO IS A MAN AND THAT IS A PRINCE. Okay i should clearly wrap this up lol)
In this staging, the Changeling clearly doesn't want to be locked up. So...he finally finds a way to sneak out. He goes on a romp through the forest and that's when he runs into Puck (this is the scene where we first meet Puck). The Changeling wouldn't recognize Puck, though he's have heard of him. He probably loves stories because what the fuck else does he have to do, so he's asked the fairies to tell him about Puck's adventures over and over. Meanwhile, Puck wouldn't recognize the Changeling because Titania has been keeping him so under lock and key. It allows an opportunity for them to connect on more of a peer basis as they--
Holy fuck. Wait. Hold on. Is the Changeling Stede. Is Puck Ed. What the fuck. Did I write an AU on accident. I don't even like AUs very much (sorry AU writers it's not personal it's just not my thing).n ANYWAY sorry for the pirate aside. God this is properly off the rails now.
They like each other, you get it. And now Puck has someone he wants to impress. There's not a lot of opportunities to give the Changeling more lines, but that doesn't mean he can't appear on stage. He can stay with Puck (hiding from Oberon whenever he's there, leading to some good chances for physical comedy) and go on the nighttime adventure of his dreams.
This leads to a fun, unique choice: having Puck fuck up the love flower juice plan on purpose. So that he can show this hot dude following him around with wide enthusiastic eyes the kind of things he's capable of OH MY GOD THIS IS ED AND STEDE I SWEAR THIS IS NOT ON PURPOSE I AM JUST NOW SEEING THE PARALLEL
Okay we're nearly at the end I promise. We just have one more problem to solve: How are we supposed to root for Titania and Oberon to get together when Oberon literally publicly humiliates her and then steals her adopted son and forces him to join the Wild Hunt even tho Titania REALLY doesn't want him to? Well, the first one is easy, Titania and Oberon are so fucking kinky, and Oberon likes getting cucked (remember he's only jealous of the Changeling, never the lesbian).
The second one is also easy. Make it the Changeling's choice. Leaving Titania and joining Oberon's court means two things: He gets to be with Puck, and joining the Wild Hunt allows him to go on exciting adventures. If Titania saw that the Changeling wanted this with the staging that both Titania and Oberon look over and see Puck and the Changeling making out right after Titania's spell is broken. Then Oberon can jokingly delivers the line about having stolen the Changeling, realizing that the plan worked but in the most ridiculous way possible. And how could Titania not find joy in all of that?
It makes me so much more glad to see them get back together.
Puck's closing soliloquy is his most famous, but I like his last big monologue right before it better. There's a very important line he says that communicates an important shift within the context of his particular staging:
And we fairies, that do run
Puck isn't a lonely, washed-up rockstar anymore. He's part of a "we." Not just the Changeling, but the other fairies, too. Puck and the Changeling act as bridges for each other, to be part of each other's worlds in a way that feels like a whole -- OH MY GOD IT IS ED AND STEDE
Puck being alone on stage isn't so sad anymore, after all that. Because Puck, who starts off the play with so little sense of belonging, now has so much to go back to.
And that's it, that's my ideal staging of this play. Honestly, I really, really want to direct it. I have no experience directing but I have the audacity to think I could do it lol. No resources, tho
also the lovers are all in a polycule, that's just a given, any other staging is cowardly
alright bbye
final time stamp: 9:25 PM, not rereading, just hitting post. We die like Mercutio.
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