#meat ordering software
prameethsd · 10 months
Meat Delivery Software | Transform Your Meat Business with Online Delivery Software
If you’re in the business of selling meat, whether as a butcher store owner or a player in the meat delivery industry, you’re no stranger to the challenges of standing out in a competitive market. Attracting and retaining customers is a constant battle, and one effective solution that consistently proves its worth is the integration of online meat delivery software. This powerful tool not only streamlines delivery processes but also expands your customer base and, ultimately, boosts profits. Join us as we delve into the game-changing world of meat delivery software.
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Demystifying Meat Delivery Software
Imagine having a virtual storefront that brilliantly showcases your meat products, receives online orders, and seamlessly coordinates deliveries through a dedicated team. That’s the essence of meat delivery software. It’s not just a technological upgrade; it’s a game-changer for both service providers and customers. Customers can easily place orders from their smartphones and have premium meat delivered right to their doorstep.
The meat industry is vast and demands efficient management of various aspects. Enter online mobile solutions, specifically designed for the meat delivery landscape. These apps cater to the diverse needs of both customers and service providers, offering unparalleled convenience and a host of advantages that go beyond mere transactional ease.
Empowering Business Owners with Meat Delivery Software
Effortless Business Management: Say goodbye to the days of manual handling for order processing, inventory management, customer records, and product updates. Meat delivery software simplifies these tasks, providing a streamlined and efficient approach to managing your entire business.
Expanding Your Customer Base: In today’s world, flexibility is key. Allowing customers to pre-book meat orders provides a significant edge. Unlike traditional offline advertising, online meat delivery software taps into powerful features to maximize your reach. Throw in some well-timed promotions and discounts, and you have a winning formula for long-term customer retention.
Revenue Boost through Inventory Visibility: Never let out-of-stock items disappoint your customers again. Online meat delivery services showcase available products with prices on a digital platform, building trust and attracting more customers, ultimately increasing revenue.
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In Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Meat Business
But wait, there’s more! Online transactions facilitated by the software offer users multiple payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and mobile payment gateways. As the meat business aligns itself with the trend of online delivery services, innovative solutions like these are becoming the go-to for entrepreneurs. If you’re seeking guidance on optimizing your meat business, our experts are ready to assist.
Upgrade your meat delivery business with our software. Contact Us Today.
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geraskier · 7 months
a cool fact about working in the pickup order department in the grocery store! sometimes, the program that you use to scan in items takes you through the raw meat department right before it takes you through produce. do you have time to wash your hands in between? nope!
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home: Chapter 2 Part 4
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
In this segment, Sam and Tucker join the chaos!
First, Previous
1.3k words
As they walked to the burger joint, Danny would point out areas of damage and talk about the fight that caused it. Tim kept track of every comment and was already trying to think of methods to minimize it in the future.
His friends were eating the stories up. Bart especially had way too much fun asking about Danny’s crazy rogues. Skulker was his current favorite. “He wants your pelt?”
“I know, right? He’s so extra.” Then Danny pointed up ahead. “We’re almost there. You can see the building from here. And those two people are my friends.” Danny waved a hand in the air and two teens, one dressed all in black and the other in yellow, waved back.
Danny sped up and soon it was Tim’s turn to give introductions. “Hi! You must be Sam and Tucker. I’ve heard so much about you guys from Danny. These are my friends, Conner, Bart, and Cassie.”
Sam shook his hand. “From Gotham, right? I love the vibes there. What I wouldn’t do for a single good gargoyle in Amity.”
Tim laughed. “I think that’s the first time anyone’s ever said that to me. Most people try and say they’re sorry for me growing up there. As if Gotham isn’t my home.”
Tucker elbowed her. “That’s our resident goth for you. I’m the tech guy. I’d go just for a chance to check out Wayne Enterprises. The stuff they produce”—he held his hands to his chest—“I’d be in heaven.”
Conner grinned. “Well I’m sure Tim could pull a few strings to get you a tour, what with being Bruce Wayne’s foster kid and all.”
“Kon!” hissed Tim even as Tucker’s eyes lit up.
“Bruce Wayne is your foster dad? You must always get the newest tech. Can I see your phone? At least check out the specs? What I’ve heard of it is to die for! Wait, Danny, is that the phone you were working on? Is she as beautiful as they say?”
Danny groaned and rushed to slap a hand over Tucker’s mouth. “Licking my hand isn’t gonna work, Tuck! Quit gushing at my friend. Tim is interested in an ectobattery, so we’ll stop by your place before returning to my home to grab some for everyone. Then you can at least see the hardware. But you won’t be looking at the software. Capiche?”
Tim glared at Conner as Danny let go of Tucker’s mouth.
“Fine.” Tucker pouted even as he aquiesed.
Sam rolled her eyes. “Quit your fanboying, Tucker. It’s embarrassing.” Then she greeted everyone else. To Conner, she said, “Cool look. Are you actually punk or just taking the aesthetic?”
Conner’s eyes were wide and he looked over to Tim who just shrugged at him. “I— um, I don’t know. What does it mean to be actually punk?”
Sam grinned and opened her mouth, but before she could start talking, Tucker interrupted. “Let’s go in and order. I want my meat and you can continue this conversation inside.”
“Boys!" Sam threw her hands up in the air. "If you ate something besides meat, you’d have more stamina to keep up!”
Tim bit his lip to hold back a laugh. They really were just like Danny said.
Danny groaned. “Sam! Tuck! It’s fine. Lets go in and place our orders. Then you can lecture Conner all about counterculturalism and punk values.”
Conner looked between them all. “Wait, why am I getting a lecture?”
Tucker shook his head. “Dude, you’re the one who asked Sam about what makes someone punk. You’re not getting out of this one.”
Danny made a noise of agreement. “But don’t worry, Sam makes her lectures interesting at least. Enjoy being radicalized!”
Tim put his arm around Conner. “Let me know if you need to get out of it.”
As they made their way inside, Tucker moved so he was walking next to Cassie. “So, Cassie, right? Where are you from?” His voice was pitched low.
Wow, so Tucker really was as bad at flirting as Danny always said.
Cassie realized something was up, and her tone was wary as she answered, “Um, Gateway City. You ever been?”
Tim looked over his shoulder and raised and eyebrow at her, silently asking if she wanted him to intervene. She shook her head slightly and twitched a finger towards Bart who was on her other side.
“Hey!” called an unfamiliar voice. “Watch it, Fentina!”
Tim turned forward just in time to catch Danny who’d been shoved backwards by a boy as big as Conner.
“Really?” asked Danny. He squeezed Tim’s hand as he got his balance back. “What was that for?”
Tim took a step forward and made a show of sizing the boy up. “You must be Dash. Danny’s told me a lot about you.”
Dash sneered at him. “And who are you? Some other nerd?”
Conner stood taller at his side and he felt Cassie and Bart take up positions just behind him. Cassie was the one to snort and quip, “Nerd? What decade are you from? The eighties wants its insult back. Or was that a seventies thing?”
Tucker snickered. “Yeah, Dash. Nerds rule the world right now.”
“Well you don’t rule high school,” said Dash, crossing his arms.
An equally large Asian boy took position next to him. “Yeah, we’re in charge for now. So move it.”
Danny bristled next to him. “I wasn’t even in your way!”
Tim cleared his throat. “Dash Baxter, right? Oldest child of Zachary and Alice Baxter. Dog named Poo—” Danny slammed a hand over Tim’s mouth and he glared at his friend.
“Oh my god, Secrets! What have you done? I swear to god, if you keep going…”
Behind them, he heard Bart laugh and say, “And that’s Bingo for me!”
“Well, damn,” replied Conner. “And I was so close.” If he wasn’t so pissed off at Dash, he would’ve rolled his eyes at their antics. He was so not at risk of going evil.
Dash was staring at all of them, mouth open. “Who are you?”
So Tim spoke into the hand over his mouth as he glared back at Danny. “He deserves it.”
“Nope, don’t care.” To Dash, Danny said, “This is a friend of mine. He and his friends are visiting from out of town.”
But of course things couldn’t just be left at that. Tucker spoke up to add, “He’s Tim Drake. His foster dad is Bruce Wayne.”
Danny turned his glare on his friend. “Tucker,” he hissed.
“What?” the boy shot back. “It’s true!”
Dash snorted. “Right. I’m just supposed to believe you’re friends with a kid of the Bruce Wayne.”
“You don’t have to believe anything,” retorted Danny. “Just let us go order our food in peace. I’m just trying to have a fun evening with my friends.”
Dash glared at him again, but his eyes flicked to the rest of them, lingering especially long on Conner. “You’ll regret lying to us, losers. Come on, Kwan. I need a shower after touching the twink.”
Tim twisted out of Danny’s hand. “What the fuck did you just call him?”
But the two boys didn’t turn around as they stopped out of the restaurant and Danny gripped his bicep and Conner put a restraining arm around his shoulders.
“It’s fine, Tim,” said Danny. “You know they’re always like that.”
“Say the word, Polaris, and I’ll do it.”
But Danny just shook his head and started pulling him towards the counter. “Let’s just order our food and sit down so Sam can give Conner her lecture on what punk is.”
Tim clenched his teeth, but allowed himself to be pulled to the counter where they ordered an obscene amount of food thanks to the appetite of four metas. He insisted on using B’s card to pay for everyone.
This scene was a ton of fun to write. And Tim gets to meet Danny's bullies in person for the first time. He has several years of pent up frustration from the stories Danny shared.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst, @feral-bunny31, @lunaria618, @ghostreblogging, @ace-aro-as-shit, @job-ross-the-second
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rebukerobot · 7 days
anecdote about metal
cw gore cw medical gore cw animal cruelty(?). you decide if this is a true story or not.
i work in medical robotics. i see a coworker with a pig destroyer sticker on his laptop. me, i like metal. i go "hey, pig destroyer! love pig destroyer." they go "oh i don't listen to pig destroyer, the sticker is an inside joke." i go "oh." guy goes on and explains it to me. so, lots of medical robotics is about getting a bot into someone, right? no need to use a robot on surface operations, but tight spaces you can only access with a trocar, yeah, a robot's useful. better than the fucking extendo-grip tools they use for non-robotic procedures. you gotta jam like four trocars into a guy — i'm getting ahead of myself.
so usually they test this stuff on cadavers, both real and synthetic. but there's only so much you can do with a corpse before you need to test it on a real living being. so the company, and this isn't my company, these fucking medirobo companies poop employees back and forth due to layoff politics, this company contracts with an animal testing site. little place, in the basement of an unassuming office block, unlabeled from the front. three plazas nested in, two gatehouses. next to a little place that designs experimental ultra murder drones. had some trouble with animal rights activists and they have armed security now. now, i've been there for the same reason this guy has. it's not like i'm not complicit in the same thing, though since this incident, the entire "scene" has run a significantly tighter ship.
so they're testing their bot. this is a laproscopic surgery robot, so they've got a pig in, and they've put in trocars. not a dead pig, mind you. a living breathing pig under anesthesia. i think you know where this is going. in order to operate under their own power and manipulate flesh and meshes and all that stuff, those little robot arms have an awful lot of power behind them. that isn't even mentioning the power of the external drivers, which position the arms outside the patient -- since they have to make large motions to facilitate root motion within the abdomen, they've got hefty motors.
robots, they rely on a closed control loop. sense joint angles, send sensed angles, read sensed angles, apply a delta, send new angles, apply new angles, sense joint angles, all in a loop. sometimes a sensor breaks, or the software cocks up, and we get what's called a discontinuity. the arm doesn't know where it is, so when it's asked to go somewhere, it goes the wrong place. the computer's idea of reality diverges from reality. violently, forcefully, and chaotically.
the pig most certainly died within seconds. it was asleep, so it probably didn't feel it. and animals for animal testing are no different than animals for meat slaughter. still, i'm told there was an awful lot of blood. one guy there, he liked metal. in the silence that followed, he looked around and went "hey, guys, you know the band pig destroyer?"
well, that's all.
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myconetted · 5 days
i know it doesn't mean anything coming from me cause i work in ai (llms specifically) lmao. but god i really do get sad about the politics and marketing around ai being so bad that it turns people off from using a genuinely amazing and useful set of tools.
hype based marketing has really fucked things up by making people's expectations way too high.
there are moments where you feel a brief glimpse of The Future, where the llm makes unexpectedly complex tasks feel so easy that you may be tempted to anthropomorphize it as a "virtual coworker," but it's emphatically not there (...yet). and advertising it as such is not only misleading, but imho also irresponsible--treating it like a human and not a piece of software that's running on someone else's computer is a really good way to create single points of failure, introduce exciting new systemic failures, and make bad security decisions. (i am looking directly at every vendor who's rolling out ai features as opt-out rather than opt-in and especially the vendors whose opt-out is/was broken during rollout 💢.) and that's not even addressing broader societal harms from marketing it as a way to replace (rather than enhance) your meat-based workforce.
like dude this thing is helping me finally learn electronics. could i have just used google and textbook materials? yes, obviously. do i need to cross-reference what it's saying because it's good at hallucinating extremely plausible but subtly incorrect answers? duh. but if you're even asking these questions, that implies you're thinking the value-add is that llms replace these things. they don't!
i'm not replacing the textbook. i'm loading it into the model context and talking to the textbook. i'm adding info from other sources and augmenting my talking textbook. i can ask the textbook if my mental model is correct and it can give me an answer with citations. the textbook can draw pictures and diagrams and even make simple animations, just for me, just for the specific questions i'm asking. i can even ask it to teach me in uwu-speak to make the content less intimidating.
is that not objectively fucking incredible? but that's not what people think about when they hear someone say "ai can help with this," and i have to write several hundred words to convince (rightfully!) skeptical people that it's worth even considering.
after which i'll immediately have to write another few hundred thousand words about how ip law is not your friend and how the energy impact is concerning but nowhere near the atrocities of shitcoin mining and the geopolitical implications and the job loss (which happens even with the best case of augmenting rather than replacing workers) and the panopticon problems and the whole ai apocalypse thing and probably five other things people are activated about... in order to convince (again, rightfully) cynical people that using (certain) llms isn't a moral or ethical felony.
but man
i just wanna talk about how cool this shit is without getting tomatoes thrown at me but we live in a freakin society
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enddaysengine · 9 months
Algorithmic Drones
Consume art without a soul and you will find yourself without a soul. In the Chronicles of Darkness, this is not a metaphor. The God-Machine needs blood and meat to lubricate its gears, minions who won’t blab about the dark rites they perform in sub-basement 3, and bodies for its angels to possess. The Soulless Algorithm ensures these human resources don’t run out. 
The Soulless Algorithm is an occult plugin that piggybacks on AI software — including art programs from Final Destination, writing programs from Bayside Sorcerers LLC, and Youtube’s video algorithm. The Algorithm doesn’t directly infect mortals; instead, it subtly tweaks the outputs of the program it is attached to implant subliminal messaging into mortals using that software. 
The God-Machine uses one-off exposures to the Algorithm to move people into the places that help complete occult matrices. However, long-term exposure turns the user into a stigmatic and untethered their soul, allowing the God-Machine to turn them into a compliant drone. These shells of human beings go about their everyday lives, but they do it without passion or meaning. They remain competent, but they don’t have any real insight anymore, just going through the motions day in and day out. They get their reports done on time, pump out content to feed the social media machine, and continue on as they did before — but inevitably, they lose followers or get passed over for promotion without noticing anything is wrong. 
Integrators hypothesize that the God-Machine only intended the Soulless Algorithm to create the bare minimum of algorithmic drones required to meet its needs. They believe that the rise of AI programs in the early 2020s caused the initiative to spread out of control to the point that the God-Machine cannot reign it back in. Inquisitors and Saboteurs are far more skeptical, assuming everything is going according to plan. Meanwhile, a few morally bankrupt Tempters look for a way to turn the Algorithm to their own advantage. 
Algorithmic Drone
Compliant stigmatic Virtue: Obedient. Drones are all too willing to follow orders from legitimate authorities. Vice: Superficial. Drones take everything at face value, and don’t bother thinking critically.  Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 2; Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2; Presence 2, Manipulation 2, Composure 2 Skills: Computers 2 (algorithms), Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 2; Brawl 1, Drive 1; Streetwise 1 Merits: Good Time Management, Omen Sensitivity, Unseen Sense (God-Machine) Health: 7 Willpower: 0 Integrity: 1 Size: 5 Speed: 9 Defence: 2 Initiative: +4 Glitches: The body odor of algorithmic drones smells faintly of brimstone.  Enthralled by the Machine: The drone’s soul has become unmoored, and the God-Machine’s whispers have taken place. The drone suffers from the Soulless, Enervated, and Enthralled Conditions but does not suffer from the Broken Condition as usual. A soul cannot be attached to the drone unless the God-Machine’s influence is first removed. Uninspired: The drone cannot gain or bestow the Inspired Condition by any means.  Unskilled Labour: The drone cannot raise her skills dots above two by any means. If her skills are already above two, they become two until she regains a soul.
Other Drones
The above statistics represent a generic drone who was a software engineer before the God-Machine sunk its circuits into them. Drones from other backgrounds can be created by varying the drone’s skills. If a character turns into a drone over the chronicle’s course, they will pass through the following stages. 
Stage 1: Soulless Art, Soulless Self
When the Soulless Algorithm infects a character, they gain the Soulless Condition. If they are not already a Stigmatic, they become one now, gaining the benefits and drawbacks described in Demon: the Descent p. 225. Stage 1 infectees do not gain additional Supernatural Merits beyond Omen Sensitivity. 
Stage 2: Uninspired
When the infected gains the Enervated Condition, they also lose the spark of creativity that drives morals forward. They cannot gain the Inspired Condition by any means, including by supernatural means. They also cannot bestow the Inspired Condition on another character by any means. 
Stage 3: Enthralled by the Machine
When the infected gains the Enthralled Condition, their conversion into an algorithmic drone is complete. While they retain the abilities they possessed before, they no longer excel at them. The character does not gain the Broken Condition as usual for Enthralled. Instead, all the character’s Skills now have a maximum of two dots. If the character possesses more than two dots in a Skill, reduce it to two dots as long as the character has the Soulless Condition.
Hey! This was originally made for my patreons over on Patreon. If you want more exclusive monsters, you can back me over there, but you can also follow for free and get email updates whenever I post new public content too!
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discosonicdude · 1 year
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Okay, so, my editing skills are a bit lacking and I don't really have the best software for editing (to my knowledge) compared to everyone else. So I'll have to go about this the old fashioned way. This is my self-insert Three Houses oc for @fe-oc-week, Nick von Umbris! These were drawn by my brother, @mattycroker1998, that I commissioned him for a while back. I've shared the first one before, and this is the first time I've shared the timeskip design, Relic weapon, and Crests (yes, plural, which I will explain later) even though it was commissioned a long ways back. Better later than never, right? ^^;
Details below.
Name: Nicholas von Umbris (prefers to be called Nick, as he hates his full name)
Crest: Crest of Umbris/Crest of the Traitor (Fractured initially, but one or the other awakens depending on which route he's on)
Gender: Male
Birthday: 12th of the Great Tree Moon
Class: Mercenary (Academy phase)/Hero (War phase)
Recruitment: All routes; Black Eagles by default, requiring Strength and Sword to recruit on Blue Lions and Golden Deer. Can be recruited for free after Chapter 7 - Field of the Eagle and Lion. During the timeskip, Nick will leave outside of the Black Eagles route at the end of the Academy phase, where he can be defeated in Chapter 17 and brought back into their ranks, similar to Ashe and Lorenz.
Strengths: Swords, Axes, Reason, Riding
Weakness: Bows, Flying
Budding Talent: Lances
Personal history: 1162 - Born the eldest son of House Umbris. 1171 - House Umbris cuts ties with the Kingdom and fully devotes to the Empire. 1178 - Stows away to Fhirdiad and enrolls at the school of sorcery. Later, is found out and forced to leave the school. 1179 - Meets Edelgard and devotes his efforts to helping her. 1180 - Enrolls at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach.
Status: Heir to House Umbris (Academy phase), Count Umbris (Crimson Flower War phase), Former heir to House Umbris (non-Crimson Flower War phase)
Interests: Mastering his magic and swordplay, Tactical strategy
Likes: Helping others, music, keeping things in order, spending time with friends, Edelgard
Dislikes: Not doing anything, his family history, thinking on his feet, lightning
Close allies: Edelgard, Matthew (his brother), Lorenz
Lost items: Magic-encrypted Notebook, Charred Glove, Dark Glasses
Favourite Meal(s): Sweet Bun Trio, Gronder Meat Skewers
Favourtie Tea: Sweet Apple Blend
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kudzucataclysm · 1 year
megacorporations in SE
Kuiper is a monopolistic megacorporation that controls almost every aspect of everybody's life. Kuiper's primary business is entertainment media, the "internet", the processing of Altenium, and more recently, the space industry. Their largest source of income as of right now is Kuiper Zone, an amusement park on the Moon. The company is jointly "owned" by each and every single individual CEO of HYDRA, but Mars holds the largest assortment of shares so does most of the decision making while the other corporations vie for power amongst each other. The balance of power is extremely fragile as a result.
the members of HYDRA are:
A corporation who's business primarily relies on R&D, logistics, robotics, and weapons development owned by billionaire superscientist Maya Fontaine. The company is also responsible for providing private armies for the other corporations and smaller companies as well, making it solely responsible for the security of HYDRA as a whole. Fontaine Industries also, as of right now, "owns" the presidency of DUSA.
Sanguine is a megacorporation who's primary business is manufacturing the entire world's supply of pharmaceutical products, from medicines to combat stimulants to illicit street drugs to simply information on each and every customer in their database; they own your blood, and everything that comes with it. They also work with Pfaffs to clone, grow, and manufacture meat in order to feed the ever growing population of Chimera on Earth.
The second most powerful of the megacorps due to their large role in the creation of Kuiper Zone. They primarily have a business in rocketry, computers, and electronics, aiming to one day undermine Kuiper on the market when it comes to space technology (so far to no avail).
Typically, Pfaffs stays out of megacorp politics, choosing to focus instead on their restaurant business due to having a monopoly on food in the Americas and maintaining their massive farming/agricultural territories.
The newest corporation on the block that's only just now starting to expand outside of the NEC, the company makes most of its money in ADP, Chimera and Martian determent, quarantine and extermination- on the side, it also makes clothes! Its the newest member of HYDRA and its position as a possible owner of Kuiper is now currently under evaluation.
A leading megacorp in America whose primary focus is in the energy fuel industry. They specialize in fossil fuels, mining, solar energy, hydroelectricity, refineries, biofuels and chemical engineering in rivalry with Sanguine. Its current bread and butter is the hydroelectricity and biofuel industries.
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bigheckinbraindrain · 7 months
Once-a-Month Meals
I recently found a website called Once a Month Meals (OaMM). The idea behind it is that they have many MANY recipes that you can prep ahead of time and freeze for later. You can create a menu plan, add up to 15 recipes from their site to your menu plan, and then tell the system how many servings you want each meal to be and how many make-ahead meals of each recipe you want, and it guides you through it.
Yesterday was my first attempt at this. I picked 15 meals that looked/sounded like they'd be really good. I made my shopping list (they allow you to download an exact shopping list, but I wanted to write it out to combine a few things, like there would be an entry for Chicken breast and another for chicken thighs, but I only eat breast, another entry was for diced tomatoes and one for diced tomatoes with chilis that I combined together). And when I got home from the store, I started in.
As I understood it, the basic steps for doing a meal plan session are to
Make your meal plan from the available recipes
Print out a shopping list (the website creates this)
Shop for the items on the list
Print out the prep-day sheet
Make all the recipes
My experience of last night's endeavor was that it sucked. Hard. The recipes were good and the prep wasn't really that bad, but there are some things I could have done differently that would have made a huge difference.
I learned a lot in my first go-round. Some things I realized part-way through, some I realized once I was cleaning up my disaster of a kitchen at the end.
My tips for my next round will be:
Make my meal plan
Shop at a warehouse grocery store like Sam's, Costco, or BJ's because bulk, man
Pre-prepare my cooking by figuring out how much hamburger meat I need to have "cooked" for a recipe, chopped onions, etc. Do all that the night before
Use these little cups to measure out my spices for all recipes beforehand
Figure out what I'm going to eat for the next 2 or 3 days to keep in the fridge instead of freezing.
Make up my Ziploc bags and bowls with their labels
Group similar recipes together (like my Santa-Fe chicken and my taco pasta) because I can reuse some of those mixing bowls without having to wash and dry them in between when a rinse would do just fine
WEAR MY GOOD SNEAKERS FOR ARCH SUPPORT because I didn't last night, and my feet were dead weight about 5 recipes in
Download an audiobook to listen to while I'm prepping. Or a podcast. Or something.
Make sure I do my flash-freeze recipes in a logical order. Somehow, all my flash-freeze ones were near the end. Since I needed freezer room to store the pans before packaging the item, I couldn't do them in succession. Honestly, I'll probably ensure I only do 2 or 3 flash-freeze recipes per prep day, and do one at the start, one in the middle, and one at the end. Or just start and end.
Make an "eat" calendar. I will make a little post-it note and pre-write each individual meal on one note, then add it to my calendar (so I can move them around if I want to). I could also use calendar software to do this, but I like the tactile feeling of placing and moving stickies. I'm a very techy person but this is one thing I do like doing with paper.
Get 11 inches-wide plastic storage bins. I can freeze all my bags lying down, flat, and then put them into these storage bins in order of when I'm going to eat them
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thepodcasthoard · 8 months
Learn How To Start a Podcast in 2024 in 11 Steps- Shopify
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13
The fourteenth article Sydney gave me is from Shopify. It lists eleven steps.
Podcast theme
You might recognize this advice as finding a topic, not a theme. Think about goals such as to get more business for your brand, why you want to start a podcast, who your audience is, and what makes your show unique.
2. Format
Interviews, news, scripted nonfiction, educational, and scripted fiction are all formats. There are so many more, so just do some thinking and research and find one that works for you. Podcast length and publishing frequency got lumped in under this step.
3. Create a brand
Don't panic. This is the same advice I've been collecting, just phrased differently.
For example, the guidelines for naming are to keep it short and interesting, keep it easy to spell and pronounce, make sure you like saying it out loud and not just in your head, and make sure it's not already taken.
Choose a category. Most podcast listeners go through the category that appeals to them to find a new podcast, so make sure you're in the right one.
Describe the episode. This is how most people according to a survey of 780 people will decide whether or not to listen to your show. Make it engaging, informative, and keep your audience in mind.
Art. Keep it focused on the art, not any words like the title or subtitle. Intrigue.
4. Equipment.
A microphone is a must, as are headphones and a computer. Nice-to-have options include a pop filter, a stand or boom arm for the microphone, and a shock mount.
5. Recording software.
The article mentions a few software options, both free and paid, so I'll let you decide.
6. Outline your first episode.
Start with the end. What do you want the listener to take away from the episode? Put in the hook for the beginning and any introductions for guests. Also include interview questions if applicable and other talking points.
7. Record
Find a space with little background noise.
Adjust any equipment and software you need to in order to start recording.
Record in high quality
Don't move your head too much- the distance between your mouth and the microphone will change the volume.
Test record.
Record thirty seconds of silence for natural background 'noise.'
8. Intro and outro
Introduce yourself and any applicable credentials.
Say what your podcast is about in a sentence or two.
Why they should listen. Keep the intro short- twenty to thirty seconds in total.
Outros should ease people out of the episode, thank the listener, and encourage them to do something called a call to action or CTA. Limit to one CTA per episode at first, and make them easy- like recommend the podcast to a friend.
9. Edit
Cut the fat, leaving the meat intact. Delete the fluff.
Keep the music softer than you think.
Remove silences.
Fade between tracks to prevent jarring the listener.
The rest of the tips didn't make any sense to me, but I'm sure if you put the steps into a search bar with your editing software and 'tutorial' you'll find out how to do it.
Use a noise reduction to reduce background noise.
Use a high pass filter to filter out certain frequencies.
Equalize your audio.
Add compression.
Use a de-esser.
Master the volume to around the level of other podcasts.
10. Decide on a podcast host
You need an RSS feed to submit to directories.
11. Market your podcast
The article linked this article, which is geared towards small businesses, but the tips seem like they could be tweaked to fit a podcast.
The article also mentioned making small snippets of audio to share on social media.
Show notes and search engine optimization are also recommended.
Use your guests' audience to help yours grow.
Guest on other podcasts.
Direct support, like donations or subscriptions.
Benefits to starting a podcast
You can reach a new market with your existing brand.
According to statistics from this site, 38% of Americans listened to podcasts within the month.
You don't need an existing audience to be successful- you can build one and make yourself into a reputable expert.
Podcasts are easily consumed while doing other things.
Most podcasts are free, to both create and listen to.
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melonba11s · 1 year
A Tempting Offer (Re-Upload)
Strade receives a message from a fan!
Minors and Ageless blogs do not interact, you will be blocked!
Contains: Strade, mentions of Asphyxiation
If Strade was asked to be honest about the reason he truly streamed on the dark web, he would have to admit it was not for the fun of entertainment. It merely provided him a way to obtain an income whilst doing what he loved. And hey, they said if you loved what you do for a living, you’d never truly work a day in your life. 
He lived by that rule, though he couldn’t deny that sometimes it annoyed him how his viewers saw his “guests” as just a piece of meat to torture. How rude they could be to the shivering college girl or the loud mouthed trust fund brat. He put up with as much as he could though. He depended on that money after all. And some of them donated very generously to see him gut a poor sucker.
In his “office”, he cracked open a beer as he booted up his computer, sipping on it slowly as it slowly turned on. Thus was the cost of being so entrenched in the dark web. Special software in order to access it was quite bulky. Devices that moved his IP to some other random place in the world often, making him untraceable. Especially useful for his line of work. Couldn’t have someone tracking him down. A heavy stack of RAM, SSD, and other type things so that he could host a stream on his own network, not tied to the garbage low quality that many of these sites offered. 
B3GCRY knew his way around computers, and he knew how to keep himself anonymous. He didn’t exactly go out of his way to seem approachable on streams, which was for the better. He didn’t need people bothering him “off the clock” for silly requests. Or dick appointments which they naively thought would not end in them being eviscerated. 
Which is why seeing a little red number pop up on his host site. A direct message. A rarity, but was probably spam. He hovered over it, expecting to see a “Fuck a HOT MILF today!” or “Buy Drugs” type message, instead, it started simply. 
“Hello :)” that little emoticon seemed to stare into him. Narrowing his eyes, Strade sighed, taking a deep swig of his beer now. He clicked on it, ready to block them at the drop of a hat. Something he usually did with anyone who messaged him. It was better for them if he blocked them. 
He was met with a quick, yet to the point message. 
“Hello :), Uh, I stumbled across your stream the other day. I have this fantasy of being on camera in that kind of situation. I could pay you. I just kinda wanna die, lol.” 
Now, that was something he hadn’t seen before. He had the odd silly girl saying she was into freaky stuff, asking him to cut her, choke her, etc. Or that one weirdo who’d asked for a sperm sample. But someone coming to him asking to be killed? It intrigued him. But it could also be another silly person, thinking it would be a kinky little game and they’d be able to go back home. He could never let anyone who came into this house leave alive. 
He pulled his keyboard close, setting his beer down and typed a message back. 
“What did you have in mind?” he asked simply, leaning back. He was surprised to see them begin responding almost immediately. 
“Oh! You replied! Oh, well. See, I’ve always been into hangings… I’ve never seen you do one, closest thing was when you choked out that one guy while you fucked him. Let me get to the point. I’ll offer myself as a sacrifice. You can torture me on camera for money, and then hang me at the end.” 
Strade had to read that several times over, what kind of masochist had he found? He watched as they began to type another message. 
“No one else knows this about me. I’m living a lie, it feels like. So I may as well go out being true to myself and my desires. My life savings would be yours, I can convert them to whatever crypto you prefer.” 
Strade’s mind was racing, as he thought it over. This could be a fun victim to play around with for a while. See how they’d react to different stimuli. Maybe he’d bring down Ren to suck him off while they perished. He sat up though, as reasoning came into play. 
This would mean telling someone where he lived. Having them drive or book a flight out here. Telling others where they were going. 
He had spent too long covering all his tracks, ensuring he was untraceable, moving out of his home country, to be caught like this. 
His mouse hovered over the block button again.
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fragrantpines · 1 year
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To an android, the idea of soulmates was a tricky one to understand.
The concept first began as an idealistic thought that every soul in this universe had a fated person that they were bound to be with in every life, often times romantically but there were exceptions that have started to surface as time passed. 
What was a soulmate to an android?
An android does not have a soul. They are a mechanical being that was brought to life through gears and artificial intelligence, using software to analyse data instead of a brain while their metallic bodies were stronger than the meat flesh of human bodies. 
Does that mean an android doesn't have a soulmate?
The hypothesis was: Yes, for a being that has no heart is the same as a body that has no soul.
But when Crab in Orange looked at the bright eyes of the young master running towards him, a part of him wished to research the topic more thorougly in order to prove that hypothesis wrong.
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lacefuneral · 1 year
Voice to text:
OK so I am playing tears of the Kingdom right? And I have been taking advantage of the frozen meat duplication glitch in order to make money. And I forgot to turn auto update off. And my only saving grace is that I had left the game running when I put it into sleep mode and that prevented the update from installing. And while the game was still open I went and I disable auto install and all of that. I do have to keep my switch in Wi-Fi mode because I use the joy cons disconnected from it. so I can't just put it on airplane mode.  and I know for a fact that the files for the update are inside of my switch.  And there is no way for me to get rid of them. So either I leave tears of the Kingdom running 24 seven in the background or when I close tears of the Kingdom and I go to open it again I get a message every time asking me if I want to install the update.  And it's so fucking scary. Like I'm worried that I'm gonna accidentally click on it and then lose the ability to make rupees en mass
and you might argue that this takes away from my enjoyment of the game. But the thing is that resources in TOTK are so important  for both upgrading armor and fusing to your weapons that if I was to sell those materials it would take me a fucking eternity to do anything in this game to the point where it would not be enjoyable for me. And I'm not trying to speed running it or anything I'm taking it at my own pace for what's enjoyable to me as a physically disabled person.  And if there was a different method of getting money that didn't rely on you wasting these resources I would do it.  as it stands, it is significantly more tolerable for me to mash the a button a bunch of times every once in a while then to spend hours upon hours of grinding for money in addition to the resources that I'm already spending hours and hours grinding for
yeah this post is mostly just about how fucking funny it is that I've gotten myself into the situation where if I push the wrong button I will lose this extremely helpful cheat because I didn't take precautions and turn auto update off on my switch.  although to be fair, I have never in my life had a problem with updating any sort of games or software I just let that shit update. And when I first got TOTK I figured that they were probably going to be like important patches that needed to be done so that the game was actually playable so I did let it update when I first got the game. But I don't think I'm gonna update it again unless I find a very very very good reason to. Like if they add like some new content
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quotidianish · 2 years
so, theyre (i use it/they for pyro) from a crossover between tf2 and my moirail and i's oc lore that i made because I wanted to and its the way i feel safest contributing to the tf2 fandom.
pyro in specific is a penodir, which is a race of robots (their biology is best described as "mechanical components pretending really, really hard to be biological") created by an evil pseudodeity (basically anything powerful enough to be mistaken for a god that didn't actually go through Apotheosis) to facilitate earning money on the black market.
for most of their existence as a species, penodir have existed as mostly a race of children. the penodir pseudodeity tells the penodir that the people theyre killing (which are then taken to the penodir homeworld, separated into their useful parts, and sold on the black market) are just animals, and when the individual penodir gets old enough to develop the critical thinking skills to realize that the things they hunt are sapient people, he resets them to toddlerhood (this has to be done manually, so its possible to escape it).
eventually, long before the events of the crossover, my oc deadpica (who is the single most powerful thing in the canon that isnt an outright god) kills the penodir pseudodeity, freeing the penodir and allowing them to collectively grow up and move on.
pyro is one of five adult penodir from before then.
its escape from penodir society wasn't anything dramatic, they just decided it was tired of taking orders from some random meat being who wasn't even paying them. sure, he claimed to have created the penodir, but if he was that powerful he could do the shit he was making pyro do himself.
after escaping, pyro found work as a mercenary. its hard to find legit work when your species is only known for murder afterall.
after becoming desensitized to the fact that it was killing other sapients, pyro quickly became famous in the galactic underworld as one of the best killers for hire out there.
during this period of their life, pyro became extremely cynical and world weary. it had some really messed up shit done to its hardware, like purposely overheating after surpassing a certain level of exertion (which it would otherwise be able to handle just fine) so that anyone that hit it in combat would risk being burned. pyro was convinced they were going to die before feeling the effects of these decisions (penodir never die of old age, but yeah).
an indeterminate amount of time after this self destructive spree, pyro went to someone who they were supposed to be able to trust to repair some damage it got. instead of repairs, pyro got a computer virus. one that was specifically designed to fuck with penodir.
while attempting to resist the install of the virus, pyro got some damage to the hardware it uses to think, and activated a software bug that popped up as a result of being reset too many times. needless to say, this triple whammy resulted in pyros entire brain being rearranged.
not only did their personality change to that of canon pyro, but pyroland became a thing, AND it forgot huge chunks of its life, including its name and entire existence before escaping penodir society.
despite this, pyro remained an extremely competent mercenary, and was shortly picked up by mann co to fight over gravel on a nowhere planet.
the whole memory thing is extremely distressing to pyro. unlike its colleagues, it doesn't really have an identity outside of its work for mann co. the majority of its life is a complete blank in its memory, and it has no idea what it will do after mann co. there are probably people out to get it that pyro has no memory of ever meeting, much less pissing off. its main plan is to just follow engineer, who is one of the only people it really trusts, but his species, selkies, only live as long as a human. unless he uploads his consciousness into a robot body (which is probably what will happen tbh) or something, theyll have a relatively extremely limited amount of time to do so.
pyro is also kind of starting to break down from the self destructive modifications it has no memory of having made. if i ever write fic for this crossover, i might do something where pyro passes out in front of the door to engineers workshop and he discovers everything it had done to itself while repairing it
Damn bro that’s really cool lore. It gives a nice explanation and if a fic is ever written out of this I’d read the heck out of it.
I like this version of engineer and pyro, it’s very creatively constructed. Love this man
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scoutbot · 2 years
my favorite design for one of the mercs as my oc species
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pyro is a penodir!
the axe and flamethrower are built into pyro's arms, and i imagine the pipes on its head and shoulderblades spit fire when it goes uber (as well as in other circumstances)
sorry about the backstory, inspiration struck. although this takes place long after my oc deadpica kills the pendodir pseudodeity, pyro is probably one of the penodir from before then. Its escape from penodir society was nothing dramatic, it just decided it was tired of taking orders from some random meat being who wasn't even paying it. Sure, he claimed to have created the penodir, but if he was that powerful he could just do the shit he was making pyro do himself. it found work as a mercenary (i would say that this was long before the others got into it, but some of these species live a fuckoff long time (dying at 80 quintillion is considered dying young for an elgavan) if they die of old age at all, so i cant actually say that for sure) because its hard to find legit work when your species is only known for murder. After becoming desensitized to the fact it was killing other sapients, it quickly became fairly famous in the galactic underworld. Pyroland happened due to a unique combination of a software bug, hardware damage, and a computer virus designed specifically to fuck with penodir. This also caused pyro to forget a good chunk of information and memories, such as where it came from and the fact that meat beings can't pick up radio waves (which is how penodir communicate; they are capable of speech but it's much less comfortable). Despite this, it remained a highly competent merc, and was eventually picked up by mann co (anonn co?) to fight over gravel on a nowhere planet
the machinery that makes its body work has suffered possilbly centuries of abuse (not in an abuse victim way, in a machine being used in a way its not supposed to way), and is starting to break down a little. the person that infected pyro with the computer virus was pretending to repair it, so now it only trusts engineer to repair it
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
I saw you reblog stuff with Cult of the lamb. Have you gotten any bugs or anything like that? Idk if it's just me or a univesal thing
Oh god, I've gotten tons of glitches/bugs and moments where my game just freezes/crashes. Don't get me wrong, the game is tons of fun and I still recommend it, but the crashes get to the point where I rage quit. It's just a little bit much. ....And for fun, I'm gonna list some of the glitches and bugs I've encountered:
Whenever a treasure chest opens up, I have to quickly get away from it. If it's on-screen, then the game has a chance of freezing and I have to restart the software. Which would be easy....if it wasn't for the fact that sometimes I just so happen to beat an enemy right where the treasure spawns, so I can't even get away quickly enough TwT
My game decided a few times that food can spoil. It tells me to make a food container to keep them from going bad. That'd be great if it existed lol x3
I am so afraid to take a small step away from my followers after accepting a Follower Quest. The moment that I do, the game is all "-35 Faith! Quest failed! How could you do this to them!?" Like, bro, I didn't even get a chance!
In addition to that, there was a time I was asked to get mushrooms from Anura. Whatever. Fine. I go there and not a single mushroom would give me what I needed. The only way I could get it was cutting grass and praying that it'll give me one. I basically gave up and drugged my followers so I wouldn't lose Faith.
Sometimes my followers will be standing still, doing nothing. So, I go over to them to free them from their frozen state. ..."-1 You interrupted Jooty!" From who????? The air? I'm sorry, I didn't realize it took that much for her to breathe!
My trap scarecrows will look empty, but the moment I go over to the traps, a prompt comes up telling me to open them. Meat pops out of thin air when that happens. Like, great and all, but I'd be happy to not guess whenever my traps captured anything.
I had a follower level up and I couldn't collect the loyalty reward. No matter how many times I restarted the game or quit to main menu, it just didn't work. The game just randomly decided to allow me to collect it one day.
I couldn't fill up the fertilizer and seed bins. I had to go to main menu and come back in order to fill them up. My game seems to really want my followers to starve it seems.
Unsure if this is a glitch or not, but skull necklaces just dont exist anymore. I get every single other one, sometimes multiple of them, yet the skull necklace doesn't exist. Even though they used to be never-ending at one point.
Yeah, that's about as much as I remember. Again, the game is really good, but I would love for a patch and/or update to come out soon. I can't finish the game with how often it crashes.
Also, if anyone else has their own glitches or crashes they wish to share, don't be afraid to add on! 😉
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