#mech x4 season 1
angstyryguy · 4 years
A Digital Fever
no pairings
no spoilers for anything in the series, it’s just somewhere during season 1
themes: whump, sickfic
words: 3668
Ryan is a Walker and Walkers do not get sick. So when Ryan goes to school with a high fever and his powers in turmoil, what else can happen than something bad?
A common cold was not something the Ryan Walker could have. He didn’t get sick. That was his whole thing.
...Apart from the whole “controlling technology with his mind" of course. That was still an important thing.
Oh, and the fact that he was one of the pilots of Mech X4…
Yeah, he actually had a couple of things, but that was beside the point. The point was, he didn’t get sick, so now that his nose was a little runny and his brain was a little slow as he woke up from the infuriatingly loud blaring of his alarm clock, he was fine. It didn’t matter that he swayed a bit as he stood from his bed, or that he didn’t feel like eating his mom’s newest experimental breakfast food. Everything was totally– 
“Hey, you okay Ry-guy?”
Ryan and Mark were seated at the kitchen table as their mom was preparing the batter for her food truck's famous pancakes. She eyed Ryan with her scanning motherly eyes as her spatula was frozen mid-spin in the bowl. She didn’t look convinced in the slightest.
Ryan quickly grabbed his fork to stuff his mouth with eggs. He looked her in the eyes as he chewed. See? he tried to show his mom, I’m totally fine. 
She sighed and set about mixing her batter again, seemingly content enough that he was at least eating now. He was glad her motherly instincts didn’t mean she could actually read minds. He really didn't want her to know just how hard it was to swallow even the smallest bite. His stomach turned even as he thought about it.
He shuffled his food around on his plate with his fork for a bit, making it seem as if he had touched more of it than just that one bite, and then quickly left the kitchen table. He grabbed his bag just as Mark scraped his plate clean. Show off. 
“Come on, we’re going to be late,” Ryan said, already heading out of the door. He couldn’t actually go to school without Mark, since he was his ride, but acting like he was leaving without him helped with the pressure to get Mark to follow. He wanted this day to be over as quickly as possible. Mark gave a quick goodbye smile to mom and dashed off after Ryan, his own bag sloppily thrown over one shoulder.
“Hey wait up!”
School was dreaded for a reason, but when you were definitely not sick, it was even worse. The first half of the day went by slow, like really slow, but manageable. Lessons were boring, teachers were not too terrible and the low buzz of the school board, the computers, smartphones and lamps were not too distracting. 
No, if only lessons had been his school day, he would have survived it.
But he hadn’t thought about lunch time. The canteen was filled with chaos and noise. His mind felt like it was being crushed little by little with every yell and every time someone laughed. All the phones of all the students were buzzing and ringing and going off at the same time, or at least it felt like it. Nails tapped on screens and batteries hummed in disharmony. The constant noises pained his ear drums and filled his head with a hundred stabbing needles.
He was so overwhelmed from the sound, he couldn’t help but flinch a little when suddenly a hand patted him on his shoulder.
Spyder appeared before him. “Are you gonna stand in the doorway the whole time?" A mischievous grin spread on his face. "Because I will gladly take your sandwiches if you aren’t up for it you know? Maybe then I can finally build a tower of cheese. Man, I have always wanted to do that.”
Harris punched Spyder in his side. “No one’s taking Ryan’s sandwiches, dude. Now, are we gonna go to our table or what? I want to finish up on my project before the next term starts.”
Ryan softly shook his head to get rid of the slowly creeping nausea and to try and shake away all the sounds, but he wasn’t successful at all. No matter, he could hold on until he could be home and safely in his bed again. Just half a day left.
“Yeah, yeah let’s go, I’m starving.”
The trio sat at their usual table and as always, Spyder and Harris lost themselves in a debate over something incredibly stupid. This time it was about the best kind of sandwich to ever exist. Spyder insisted that his abomination of a sandwich, with salmon, cheese, peanut butter and chocolate spread, topped off with a little bit of mashed potatoes, was the most delicious thing in the world. Meanwhile Harris was sure that combination of flavors shouldn't even be legal.
Ryan sighed as he tuned out the voices of his friends and instead took out his phone. Maybe some dumb video's would help him ignore his throbbing headache for a while. He clicked on one of Cassie's reports on the school's kickbox team. Of course, his brother was the big star of the video, and normally he didn't like watching Mark get so much praise, but he couldn't care less right now. He just had to watch something. Anything to distract himself.
Just as Cassie went over the most recent victory of the team, a loud voice broke through it.
"Hi sweetie, how's your first day?" The voice was loud, but Ryan was sure it came from the other side of the canteen, where a freshman was calling with his mom. Why would he set the call on speaker?
Ryan turned back and ignored it, but soon another sound interrupted his video. The annoying 8-bit soundtrack of a mobile game echoed through his mind, the sound of clashing swords and yelling characters making it even more annoying. What stupid kid let his sound on extra loud when he was gaming during school break? A drop of sweat slid down his temple. Cheering rang in his ears as the kid cleared his level and it hurt. It was loud and awful and his head was swimming and throbbing and pulsing with every beat. 
Ryan shivered in his thick hoodie.
"No dad, you don't have to pick me up," another student said as he was calling from a few tables away.
Ryan huffed and kept staring at his phone, even though the he didn't register anything Cassis said in her video. He still kept trying.
Tap, tap, tap. In the row for the food, someone was texting their friends, every tap with their thumb banging against his skull.
Ryan looked to his left. A teacher was checking his news feed, sirens wailing,  people screaming, shouting - some video about the most recent monster attack. To his right, a girl was filming a video with her friends, laughing, playing music, typing a caption and then laughing again. They were so loud.
More videos, more games, more typing, more voices. Every second it got louder, every second it seemed to penetrate further and further into his mind.
Tap Tap Tap. 
Tap Tap Tap. 
Ryan clutched his phone tighter and shut his eyes, willing for the ever growing buzzing of the lamps and phones and laptops and screens to stop.
It all had to stoppleasestopit'stoomuchtooloudMAKEITSTOP-
The sizzling of something burning made his mind snap out of it. Ryan quickly looked down where his phone lay in his hands, broken and blackened, a small trail of smoke coming from it.
His eyes darted up to look if anyone had seen that - and to his relief no one did - so he quickly hid his phone under the table and let it slide into his bag. He would deal with that later.
Since he had no way of distracting himself anymore, and the sounds around him were now even making his vision grow wobbly as they pounded against his brain, Ryan knew he had to make a run for it. It was not like he had actually wanted to eat school food anyway, so no loss there.
"Hey guys?" He said, his left arm smoothly disappearing under the table. "I think I left my mech-link in the classroom. I'll go get it. See you later okay?"
Before the other two could answer, Ryan stood up and turned around, tucking his left arm in the pocket of his hoodie so they couldn't see his mech-link still nicely around his wrist. Briskly, he walked away, ignoring how his eyes couldn't focus or how he could throw up any second. He was fine.
Okay, maybe, just maybe, Ryan was not fine. After the small incident with his phone, he had accidentally also fried the teacher's smartwatch during PE when the teacher had blown his whistle right next to Ryan's ear out of nowhere. On top of that, he had also derailed someone's electronic car when he had been waiting on Mark outside of the school and the speakers had blasted the ringing bell right above his head. So you could say he was a little bit jumpy and a lot bit nauseous, and maybe not totally fine, but he would manage. He was Ryan Walker and Walkers didn't get sick.
Whatever. It didn’t matter if he finally admitted to himself that something was wrong, because as soon as school was out, he and Mark had headed straight to Mech X4 when they had gotten a monster alert.
Sick or not, Ryan was the only one who could stop it, so he had to power through. He could do this. Probably. Maybe.
As the gang made their way out of the awful elevator and to their stations, Ryan had to physically swallow down the urge to puke. That elevator hadn't helped in the slightest.
Ryan clicked the belt around his middle and the robot rose from its hiding spot. A rough cough came from him as he tried to move the robot into kneeling position, but he played it off as an awkward cough instead of the start of bile rising in his throat. He had to concentrate or otherwise he'd short-circuit the robot.
However, the miserable attempt didn't go unnoticed. 
"Hey man, you okay?" Spyder asked from behind him.
Ryan nodded, but regretted immediately as his head spun with the sudden motion.
"Yeah, of course, I'm fine," he said and readied his feet to jump. Spyder seemed to want to ask something else, but Ryan cut him off. 
"Mech, Execute!" he yelled and jumped away. Now was not the time to worry about himself. They had people to save.
"The monster just popped up next to the river at the other side of the city, what would it want there?" Harris asked out loud. He was furiously typing and checking the screens as he followed the beast's movements on his maps. "Wait, where is it – oh. Oh no."
Mark bent over the rails to look at the screens. "What? What is it dingus?" 
"The monster! It's heading straight for us! How is it so fast?!"
Ryan's head shot up when he noticed the beast flying straight at them at a rapid speed. "Guys, it's here!"
He barely had enough time to raise his arms in front of his head before the monster crashed right into them, hitting Mech X4 with such devastating force that Ryan was shot into the air, a couple of cables exploding behind him from the rough impact.
"Ryan are you okay?!" Mark yelled.
Ryan swallowed and lifted his head from the cold floor. "Yeah I'm good," he said as he carefully stood up again. The giant monster in front of them was already readying itself for the next attack.
Ryan rolled his shoulders and raised his fists in fighting position. He ignored the cold sweat building on his forehead. "Let's finish this quick. Spyder?"
"One plasma punch coming right up." Spyder slid his chair back from the desk and grabbed a hold of his weapon arm.
Ryan and Spyder simultaneously drew back their arms and swung them back as Mech X4 did the same with his glowing fist. The monster had been distracted, working up the power to hit again, but was instead swept off his feet when the fist hit full force. It fell to the ground with a large growl, but was still moving.
"Again!" Ryan yelled, already jumping up again to do it.
"Wait dude, it needs to recharge first, we need to buy some time!" Spyder frantically punched his buttons as he read from the screen. "If we do it now, it will be like a grandma punch!" He stopped mid-punching his buttons as he thought about something. "Wait. Nevermind, my grandma would punch this dude into tomorrow. Okay what about, if we used it right now it would be like if Harris punched it!"
Harris spun in his chair with a "not cool, son," before he got back to his scanning and getting up the shields. Mark and Ryan silently grinned. It was an accurate comparison.
"Okay, Harris, how are we with the shields?"
"Almost done and… now they're up!"
And just in time too, because as soon as Ryan turned back to the large window, he saw the monster getting back to his feet again. It let out a low growl as its wings spread out in warning.
"Get ready, he's coming back!"
The robot stepped back as Ryan raised his fists and braced for the next attack. The monster darted forward, its claws barely missing the chest of the robot as Ryan ducked out of the way. Then, it lifted itself on his back legs and rose into the sky, its wings harshly pushing away the wind. As the gang was too distracted by the strong winds that almost pushed the robot off his feet, they didn't see the tip of the monster's tail, heading straight for the head. It clashed against the shield and bounced back, while in the process it successfully pushed Ryan and the robot out of balance, both failing to the ground with a thud.
Ryan grunted his way through the pain as he got back up. They were almost done with this and then he could hide himself in his blankets for the rest of the day. Almost there, almost done.
The beast lashed out again as it clawed against the shield. It seemed to try to rip it open.
"The shields won't hold this for long! Spyder is the plasma punch ready?"
"Almost…" Spyder tapped impatiently against his desk, his eyes glued to his screen.
"Ryan watch out!" Mark yelled. Ryan lifted his arms in front of his head just as the monster ripped away the shield, the pixels giving way as the energy ran out. The monster flew forward and extended its claws as it headed for the head. Without the shields, all Ryan could do was hold his ground and cover himself, not even finding an opening to strike back.
The beast struck out with a right hook and got around Ryan's defenses, punching the robot hard against his head. Ryan whipped back from the impact and clutched his jaw. That hurt. His eyes watered and refused to focus anymore. A shiver ran down his spine, even if he himself felt like he was burning from the inside.
"I'll say when it's ready!"
The monster hit again and again, sparks flying around the control center as Ryan bounced around in his harness. He was literally being beaten to a pulp and all his strength failed him. He was too weak. 
He was… not fine at all.
Mark was pacing across the deck, checking his screens and performing quick damage control. "Spyder, we can't take much more!"
Spyder spun in his chair and pulled back his attack handle. "It's ready!"
Immediately, Ryan stumbled to his feet and raised his fists. Please let this be the final attack, he wished desperately. His mind screamed at him to never move again and just give up, but he just had to do one more thing. Just this one thing. He could survive that. Ryan jumped into the air and brought his fist down with so much force that his knuckles burned. The hit landed, the robot's fist piercing straight through the monster's chest as it de-transformed into ooze and splashed to the ground. 
For a moment it was quiet, and then the team of Mech X4 burst out in cheers. They had finished it! Ryan smiled weakly as he sighed. His muscles burned, his vision swum, but they had done it. Finally. He wiped his sweat of his brow and roughly dropped to the floor, his legs giving out from under him. Now on his knees, he unbuckled his belt and let the harness fly up into its storage. When his hand returned from the motion however, something caught his eye. There was red on his hand. His eyes widened. There was blood on his hand. he was bleeding. That monster must have done more damage than he thought.
“Hey guys…” he said, his voice weak and barely audible. No one heard as the rest of the team congratulated each other with their victory. Ryan shivered.
“Guys…” was the final thing he said before he crashed down onto the floor, his vision and mind going blank as he did not even notice how all the lights and screens in the robot flickered and died out with him.
Ryan jolted awake and immediately regretted it as he bend over and lost his diner from the day before. Someone patted him on the back as he retched, but his eyes were too blurry with tears to see who it was. Lights flickered around them.
The same hands placed him back down on the bed when he was done, wiping his forehead with a cold towel. Ryan sighed and closed his eyes again, already worn out from keeping his head upright.
“Get well soon…” Someone said and then he fell asleep once more.
The next time he woke, he didn’t get the urge to puke as soon as he opened his eyes. That was good news at least. A little dazed, he looked around the room. The Medbay. Of course.
“Guys! Guys, he’s awake!” Spyder’s voice yelled from too close next to him. In reflex, Ryan shut his eyes tight and groaned, his head not happy with the loud noise.
Two sets of footsteps entered the Medbay as the door slid open.
“Bro, are you okay?!” Ryan opened his eyes and saw Mark rushing towards him, sitting down next to the bed and placing a warm hand on his shoulder. On the older shoulder came Harris’ hand as his best friend shot a worried look at him.
“You scared us buddy,” he said and slightly squeezed his shoulder.
Ryan smiled weakly as he closed his eyes and sighed. “Sorry about that…”
“Do you wanna tell us what happened?” Harris said, his attention already going to the screens next to the bed to check on Ryan’s vitals.
Ryan slowly opened his eyes. “Guess that monster was stronger than I thought.”
“Nah man, that was like a level 5 monster. It wasn’t even made of the red ooze, just the orange,” Spyder said with a shrug, “You normally beat down level 10 monsters with ease.”
“Where did you come up with this rating system?” Harris asked confused.
“It’s just what the collector’s cards say, I didn’t make it.”
“We have collector's cards?” Mark asked eagerly.
Harris shot them both an incredulous look before he turned his attention back to Ryan with an eye roll. 
“The scanners are picking up a high temperature, on top of signs of dehydration and not enough nutritions to give your body the energy to heal as fast. Ryan, did you eat at all yesterday?”
Ryan averted his eyes to stare at the scanner beside him. “I didn’t.”
Mark furrowed his eyebrows. “Dude, why wouldn’t you eat anything and still go to fight? Are you stupid? You could have die–”
Ryan flinched as Harris stopped Mark with a gesture of his hand. He shook his head at the older one of the Walker brothers.
“Ryan,” he said, his tone far more calm than Mark’s, “why didn’t you just say you were sick? We could’ve found another way to defeat the monster.”
“No we wouldn’t!” Ryan snapped, his eyes widening as soon as the words left his mouth. he hadn't meant to say it in that tone. He sighed. “Look, just, we all know that we need the robot to defeat the monsters and that we can do nothing with the robot without my powers. I had to fight. It was the only option. And honestly?” Ryan slowly pushed himself in sitting position with his arms. “I was fine doing it. Just got a nasty wound, that’s all.”
Harris shook his head. “This wasn’t just a nasty wound Ryan. On top of your fever, you have several bruised ribs and a large wound to your head. You’re lucky it was mostly superficial or it could have done serious damage to your brain.”
Mark nodded and patted Ryan’s head while Ryan weakly tried to push him off. “You hear that Dingus? No more fighting when you have a fever alright?”
Ryan successfully swatted away Mark’s hand. “Yeah, yeah.”
“You have to promise.”
“I promise Mark, I promise.” Ryan smiled softly and looked at his team. “Thank you though.”
“For what?” Spyder asked.
“For caring about me like this,” Ryan said and lay back down. He was tired. “I really don’t know what I could’ve done without any of you guys…” His voice got quieter as his eyelids closed, but before he fell asleep he still heard the “awww’s” around him. Yeah, he would definitely get teased about this later. 
For now though, he meant it. 
He loved his team.
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spyder-incorporated · 6 years
Spyder Topic Season 1
Ok, so we all know Spyder to be the comic relief character in the show (even though we all know he deserves way more than that) P.S. This took way longer than I thought it would cuz I had to restart after accidentally deleting it instead of saving it to my drafts and then unreliable wifi while on vacation = big delay sry...
ANYWAY here is a list of all the times he suggested that he’s led a different life before becoming friends with Harris and Ryan during season 1 // the ultimate Spyder angst post
Btw this post is like 3 miles long so if your reading this on mobile.. I’m sorry.
Let's Call It MECH-X4!
Starting off in the first episode, this is a small moment in the first part... (episode is 45 minutes long and by first part I mean first 20 minutes)
Is no one going to acknowledge the fact that Spyder was just electrocuted to the point of passing out? Harris seemed to be concerned at the time but as soon as Spyder got back up to blast the monster, the entire ordeal was forgotten. Spyder may not seem to have any physical injuries but what about internally? 
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If Spyder was knocked unconscious from the shock then that means that he will have some internal damage.. So why is no one concerned about it in the next scene?
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Let's Get Some Air!: 
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This is a gif and you can’t hear anything but it sounds like Spyder’s voice cracked at the end.. Whether or not he decided to show it, the mean comments he receives, right to his face, does in fact affect him.
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What if Spyder’s been yelled at before? What if he’s accepted and can handle being yelled at by everyone he thinks will yell at him? Except for his friends.
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Monster Harris just yelled in Spyder’s face that he was useless in helping the team. How can you assume he would just forget about it? Especially since Mark just called him a train wreck a little while ago as well. 
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Why did Spyder try to fix his leg with duct tape? Did he not want to go to the hospital and get it professionally fixed so he tried to fix it himself but ended up making it worse? If I recall, his surgery had to be crowd funded. Did his family not have enough money to afford a hospital visit and he knew it? Is that why he tried to fix it himself as to not burden his parents with more money spending? Credit to @peanutryan who pointed this out to me! Thank you!
Let's Open The Monster Heart!: 
This was a very very very tiny moment but if you re-watch the episode and turn up the volume, it almost sounds like Spyder is in pain when Harper’s goons manhandle him. 
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And look at his movement! It looks like he’s in pain. I might be nitpicking but I just don’t want to miss anything...
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In this episode we learn that Spyder has a “crush” on Ryan and Marks mom and disapproves of Harper dating her, which the others think is gross. But what if it’s more psychological than that? What if back home, he doesn’t have a real relationship with his own mom and hardly sees her? So he subconsciously “likes” Grace Walker because she’s more invested in Ryan and Mark’s life which is something he doesn’t get from home?
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Let’s Be Idiots!:
I know this was supposed to be a comedic sort of line but what if this was one of those criminal things he did as a bad boy before he met Ryan and Harris? I assume you would get in trouble for doing something like that? What is mooning someone mean? Look it up.
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So children usually learn about pronouns during the years of preschool to about grade 2 (I couldn’t find an accurate grade sorry) So why doesn’t Spyder know what a pronoun is? 
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Let’s Survive in the Woods!: 
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Look at Spyder’s face though after he says “No, I didn’t.” He’s like “what are you talking about?” Like the aspect that he’s had a good life isn’t something that he thinks is possible...
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For what reason would someone want to physically tie a rope around Spyder and keep him immobile?
Let's Get Our Robot Back!: 
So we know that Spyder has been to jail, but we don’t know whether or not he was in a cell serving a sentence or if he was visiting someone there. It would make sense both ways. So in later episodes we find out that Spyder knows how to pick locks which means he could have broken into places or things. What if one day he was caught and had to spend some time in a jail cell? It could go the other way though. We know Spyder has an unnamed mother but we don’t know anything about his father. What if he visits his dad in jail?
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Later on we find out that Harris and Ryan met 18 months before the modern day in that episode. In the picture it looks like Harris and Ryan have been pretty good friends at that time so where is Spyder?
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Let's Get Some Answers!:
The inner good side and the inner bad side of you. Spyder knows harris is on the good side so he tries to encourage him to act on the outside of the box with his inner Spyder. Would that mean that Spyder thinks of himself on the bad side, like he thinks he’s not a good person?
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Let's Go Clubbing!
Spyder with the therapist talk! Later we learn Spyder actually does go therapy but why? Did he used to do the same thing that Ryan was doing but learned not to from his therapist?
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Let's Get Leo!: 
This was one of those moments where Spyder showed how much he loves his friends.. If one of them is showing signs that they may leave (even if it’s not true) he will do everything in his power to make sure they stay. Like in Versus Miami! Almost as if he doesn’t just want his friends to stay but he needs them to stay.
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Why does Spyder seem so calm when they could literally be crushed to death at anytime..?
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Let's Destroy Some Ooze!
So this is the second time we see Spyder pretty upset (not counting season 2) in the series.. But it’s almost as if Spyder is saying it was an accident because he thinks his friends will blame him for destroying their school. Does he think they won’t see it as an accident?
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Let's End This! Part One:
Ahh the famous Spyder scene. So here we learn Spyder goes to a therapist and even though he knows the world may be ending he’s so calm! What if Spyder could tell that Ryan was freaking out because he knows snapping at everyone is one of the signs of extreme stress and remained calm to reassure and calm Ryan down as best he could.
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BONUS GIFS: Thought I’d add this in because this was a great scene with great character development. Spyder reassuring Ryan on his powers, knowing that they will win this battle!
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AAAANNNDDD That’s Season 1!! Wow this took me wayyyy longer than I thought it would.. Sorry for the wait but here it is! 
This was way more angsty then I thought it would be omg
Did I miss something? Teeeellllll meeee         
Season 2 coming soon
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purplemushroooms · 3 years
Just finished season 1 of mech x4 it was really good but i got an exam tomorrow so i cant stay up and watch season 2
thinking maybe i should start some review thing on here so i might do that soon. what do I tag it as though
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disneyschedules · 4 years
Here’s a list some of the Movies and Shows coming to Disney+ in May 2020 in the US. This excludes ongoing new episodes on the service. Source.
Movies and Specials 
Bride of Boogedy (1987) - May 1
George of the Jungle (1997) - May 1
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) - May 1
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco (1996) - May 1
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) - May 1
The Princess Bride (1987) - May 1
John Carter (2012) - May 2
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) - May 4
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) - May 15
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) - May 22
Hello, Dolly (1969) - May 22
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story (2009) - May 22
The Moon-Spinners (1964) - May 29
Awesome Animals (Season 1) - May 1
Birth of Europe (Season 1) - May 1
Buried Secrets of the Bible With Albert Lin (Season 1) - May 1
Car S.O.S. (Seasons 1-7) - May 1
Fury Files - May 1
Kirby Buckets (Seasons 1-3) - May 1
Lost Treasures of Egypt (Season 1) - May 1
Love & Vets (Season 1) - May 1
Prairie Dog Manor (Season 1) - May 1
Primal Survivor (Seasons 1-4) - May 1
Prop Culture (Series Premiere, All Episodes) - May 1
Secrets of the Zoo (Seasons 1-2) - May 1 
Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa (Season 1) - May 1
United States of Animals (Season 1) - May 1
Unlikely Animal Friends (Season 3) - May 1
Disney Gallery: Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Series Premiere, Weekly) - May 4
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Series Finale) - May 4
It’s a Dog’s Life With Bill Farmer (Series Premiere, Weekly) - May 15
Doc McStuffins (Season 5) - May 22
Heartland Docs, DVM (Season 1) - May 22
Just Roll With It (Season 1) - May 22
Marvel’s Future Avengers (Season 2) - May 22
MECH-X4 (Seasons 1-2) - May 22
The Big Fib (Series Premiere, All Episodes) - May 22
Vampirina (Season 2) - May 22
Gabby Duran & the Unsittables (Season 1) - May 29
The Evermoor Chronicles (Seasons 1-2) - May 29
Violetta (Season 2) - May 29
Many Classic Walt Disney Shorts - May 1, 29 
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tyrus-trash · 6 years
Top Ten Shows
I was tagged by @gartyfromtheparty thanks fam :)
Not in order! Here we go.
1. Trollhunters; This is such a beautiful show. I’m still angry about the ending... but gosh wow I’d recommend this to anyone.
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2. Ducktales (2017); I didn’t expect to love a show about ducks so much. Dewey’s my favorite :)
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3. Avatar: The Last Airbender; this show. wow. it’s so beautifully illustrated and the story is told so well that I can watch the whole thing nine times and still be amazed.
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4. Mech-X4; the first Disney show to really take me by surprise. It’s action packed, suspenseful, and deals with some serious topics. A superpowered freshman fighting evil with his best friends, what’s more fun than that?
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5. Henry Danger; I wish this show could’ve had better writers from the beginning because the idea is so original and had so much potential. Still, the friendships are pure and some of the villains are interesting, so I keep watching :)
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6. Supernatural; I try to get away from this show because things get really bad and sometimes it’s hard to watch, but then they do stuff like crossover with Scooby-Doo, and I’m drawn back in. Also, the cast is literally a bunch of idiots and I love them a lot :)
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7. Greenhouse Academy; I am such a sucker for mysteries like this. It’s a live action show on Netflix about two siblings getting into an elite high school with dark secrets. It starts out fun, then the end is frustrating but then someone throws food at someone else and you’re satisfied for a second, then the second season is full of unlikely relationships (totally up a Tyrus shipper’s ally) and it’s just great all around. Netflix better make a third season after leaving us on SUCH A CLIFFHANGER!
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8. Ouran High School Host Club; an oldie but a goodie. It’s incredibly gay. Like, the first five minutes is just gay. I wasn’t expecting any of that. I wasn’t expecting any of that whole show lol I found it by accident on YouTube! But I’m glad I did. It’s hilarious, but it’s also serious and the members all have their own stories. 10/10 recommend.
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9. Miraculous Ladybug; listen, any show about teens getting powers and becoming some kind of secret hero is automatically grabbing my attention. Interesting origin stories are just a bonus.
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10. Dragons: Race to the Edge; another beautifully animated Netflix original. I’m also a sucker for dragons, so the How to Train Your Dragon franchise (books included!) is definitely one of my favorites! :)
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I nominate @reddieformileven @pineapples225 @tj-kippen @andisyellowmotorbike  @thechosenone260 and @breanadaveport-mendel :)
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megamanxfanfics · 5 years
The End of Season V
Happy Independence Day!!!!  Season V is finally Finished!!!!!
As we close out this last arc, I wanted to make some final thoughts, before I say goodbye to X5 forever!
----------------------------------Ep. 13--------------------------------------------
I said just about everything I want to say about this one already. [See previous entry] The only thing I’ll say is that it was really hard to keep any of the original narrative without making X & Zero’s relationship irreparable.
----------------------------------Ep. 14------------------------------------------
This was interesting!  Having a true Aftermath episode, after years of wondering what I might write next.
X needed to recover, and the world needed.. rediscovering on our part.  We know that the World was heavily damaged from X5 and the X6 intro, but we never get to explore just how much, from the games.
I had some fun exploring this through some final Dynamo continuity and of course, I took advantage of this with some final Gate continuity.  In Dynamo’s case, he won!  This is it!!  He got everything he wanted.  But now he’s left with this empty feeling inside.  ‘Now what...’
As for Gate, he’s just happy he’s alive and surprised at Isoc for keeping that mysterious barrier tech from Serges.  [The irony of this statement is not lost on me.]  There is a lot more that Isoc knows, that he isn’t letting on.  Gate remembers that Isoc liked to dumpster dive for parts after a fortress would be destroyed in the past.  We saw this in Xtreme 2.  That is why he suspects nothing of Isoc having X-Hunter tech.  Moreover, now they can continue to rebuild his reploids and take over the Research Community.  By force!
I love how at this point, everyone wants to reshape the World.  Not so much, Dynamo.  He just wants to enjoy it.  But Gate & Isoc have the Elite Reploid vision. We find out Zero’s motivations later.  And X, we know wants a World where reploids and humans co-exist in peace; this would later be called Elysium.
Back at Hunter Base, while X is asleep and recovering, I had a.. tough time dealing with Alia and the Rescued Reploids.  A little bit of Pre-X6 spilled in here, but the dialogue was all over the place.  I had Reploids reacting very aggressively, or Alia being too bossy and I recall having to edit it down a lot.  I attempted to keep the reactions as real as possible, because absolute strangers wouldn’t just automatically volunteer to be Maverick Hunters.  No matter how grateful they are for being rescued, they don’t owe you anything.
When we cut back to Zero, I had a blast writing him fly through the Zero Space 1 level.  There is no threat, and as far as Sigma is concerned, he is Home.  So of course there would be no lasers, firing at him.  But then I saw an opportunity at the boss lair that I couldn’t pass up.  This gave me a new writing motif for Ep. 15.
Back to X, he’s back up!  And sooner than expected!!  This was the first time I had to write an item-grab episode.  And honestly, it was kinda fun!  This part of it woke the episode up a little bit.  It was fun to write nostalgic settings like, Adler’s Lab and Dr. Glow’s Fortress.  It was also neat to explore X’s new Gaea Armor in a more peaceful way.  As we slowly warm up to the idea that X can traverse through spikes and bash through unbreakable blocks, like a Mech.
I had to give us some kind of stakes at the end of X’s item grab mission, in Dino-Rex’s well.  X reverts to his base armor and tests out the Speedster chip, as he needs it to grab a heart-tank before lava can hit him.
That was fun.  But then, when X got home it got complicated.  The job well done was short-lived, before he was introduced to the new recruits BY NAME.  [Yes, I spent some time looking up usable names from the X6 Rescued Reploid list.]  That conversation itself, reminded X of Zero which makes him cry...  Then, it got weird.  Emotions were a little all over the place, so I edited it as needed, but Signas was the saving grace here.  He introduced the idea that X might not need to kill Zero, but just save him.  The same way he did in X2.
Either way, X is nervous, but he goes in after Zero to finish what he's started.
---------------------------------Ep. 15----------------------------------------------
This was an awesome episode, that covered more ground than I thought it would.  X explores all of Zero Space Stage 1, with all the bells and whistles.  Lasers and mechaniloids are flying after him left and right.  X needs to use the Dark Hold and go in his base form, because the Gaea Armor is too slow.  [This caused enough of problem IRL when I was doing my research playthroughs.]
But once X got to the first boss, I had fun.  I took us back to 2 hours ago, while X was sleeping.  This is where Zero tore up the Shadow Devil like he was nothing.  And due to his clear knowledge of crammed Megaman History, he knows exactly who the Shadow Devil is, and it’s legacy to Wily Creatures.
When X learns that Zero destroyed this creature, he is instantly optimistic that he can bring Zero back, but Alia warns him not to feel that way.
Then we stay in the past with Zero for Z-Space Stage 2.  [At this point all the Mavericks were spawned by Sigma and Zero cleared them all, so for X these stages were a breeze, barring the first one, where Zero wasn’t a threat to Sigma yet.]  Despite Zero having to deal with Mavericks, this was not your average stage direction play through.  Zero had all these game breaking powers that I could use to my advantage and keep things interesting, and I did!
I really wanted X to fight the Rangda Bangda though.  So I came up with something for Zero to get through the room.  Sigma just introduces himself in that room and taunts him, letting him through.  “Welcome home, boy! I'm gonna enjoy working with you...”
Meanwhile, X deals with SIgma’s death trap.  Only, the Gaea Armor easily lets him get through it without too much trouble at all.
From Zero’s perspective, we find out a lot of his motivations and realize that he gets more and more tired every time he uses his God-Virus powers.  With a final flight to the gate, he is exhausted and all of the fighting he's done with X, the Shadow Devil and the mechaniloids up until now has finally taken it’s toll on him.  As he enters an empty room, Zero is confused, but also takes this moment to rest.
Meanwhile, X catches up to him, about 2 hours later.  Zero has now gotten a nap in, and the two are locked in the room together.
-----------------------------------Ep. 16-------------------------------------------------
The fated duel was upon us again!
The whole point of Battle of 2 Fates in the first place, was to skip this part.  But years later, my narrative has changed, and here we were.
I decided to turn it on it’s head though.  By this point, my version of Awakened Zero was really starting to come into his own.  He has revealed that this is His life and he is going to do what he wants.  The Old Man doesn’t control him, and neither do the Maverick Hunters.  And Sigma is still his target.
2 out of 3 ain’t bad.  X just has to work on that last part and maybe they can salvage this friendship.  Minus the whole controlling thing.
So Zero tells X this.  He has his own dreams.  Zero wants to live in a World where he rules over the survivors and guides them into a new era where the word Maverick doesn’t exist.
While, not terrible, this is too impure for X.  There’s still something evil lurking in there, and now his data is untraceable like Sigma.  It doesn't help that Zero wants to make the Fallen Colony his home and is willing to align with whomever survives, Maverick or not.
It is not only for this reason that X decides to take him on.  He does want to save Zero.  Like I said, 2 out of the 3 things are there.  If he can just do what he did in Season II, maybe it’ll all work out.
Well... that move never gets to happen.
I had a lot of fun making new fight choreography for this.  I pulled out all the stops, this time.  I even kept old fight choreography from the remainder of Battle of 2 Fates, but in all honesty, it wasn’t much.  And what was kept was already shaved down into something completely different.
So with that said, I really went for it.  Charged X4 & X5 weapons alike, using that Ultimate Buster chip like Alia & Douglas suggested in episode 14.  It was all happening, now.  And then... it was over!
11 pages too soon, too!
But fuck it.  I didn't need to pad this.  And I wasn’t going to cram and rush 2 Sigma fights in this chapter either.
I really enjoyed having Sigma enter the room after the battle was done. This happens in the game, but what also happens canonically is that he inexplicably LEAVES THEM when he HAS THEM.  He could’ve killed them right there, while they’re both comatose on the ground.  Or taken them in for re-programming.  And that is what I opted for.
Since Xtreme 2, I’ve really been thinking, what would Sigma do if he actually won.  And I’ve been honestly thinking that he’d keep X & Zero around, but in his own image.  Maverick Minions to do his bidding.  An Awakened Zero and a Maverick iX.  That would be his dream team.
----------------------------------Episode 17--------------------------------------------
And here in Episode 17, I finally got to explore this!
I didn’t want to cheapen the stuff that comes later, but I really needed to show us that this plan wasn’t going to work.  Despite the fact that he HAD them!!!
Sigma uses his virus specters to enter into their pores.  It works with Zero, even giving him some final breaths of life, but it does not work with X.  In fact, he has some mysterious barrier, protecting him from any infection.
This frustrates Sigma, who reveals that he just wants to make him iX.
From there, X wakes up and I’m not gonna write the whole episode again. lol
We get our much deserved fight, but keep in mind X has not recovered yet from his insane battle with Zero.  And he’s already used one Sub-tank.
So now X is going in, half-drained and with 1 Sub-tank!?  Yeah, that’s a death wish.
Still. I worked with it.  It took away the Ultimate Buster Chip advantage, explaining that Sigma removed any chip enhancers he already had.  Armors are internal, however.  Sigma wasn’t able to get in there [clearly].
I’m really proud of the Gaea Armor fight.  Specifically the “Predict this!” bit with the Giga Attack.
Using the 2nd Sub-tank during Sigma 1 was risky, but necessary.  X was now fully recovered, while Sigma was down, and he easily transformed into his Force Armor to discover Sigma’s weakness - the Tri-Thunder.
Once that was in play, this fight was practically in the bag.  Still, I needed a dramatic finish with the charged Tri-Thunder.  A Force Armor Nova Strike was in there, too, which only makes the stakes more desperate, because those moves really kill X’s stamina.
Now in Sigma Fight 2, it was hard to keep this interesting.  Dialogue, aside, X’s fight with him is a lot of back and forth, pattern memorizing, shoot the giant head nonsense.
I kept this up, however and even had fun with Sigma climbing over his shoulder, and shooting him at close range with the Spike Ball.  I also enjoyed how he used the radar one last time to find out his weaknesses.
But when I had enough, and narratively, when X was angry enough, he was able to transform into his Ultimate Armor with a hard Nova Strike to the face.  This does not kill him, but it definitely dwindled his energy way down for like, 5 more hits.  [I didn’t count.]
And theeeeen, I finally got to add in a line I created for Zero, basically at the beginning planning stages.  Zero makes a surprise Z-Buster shot, indicating that he is indeed alive, and still on X’s side, or at least.. his friend.  To the very end.
“Some things... go beyond our programing...”
I’ve had that line forever and now I finally got to use it!
X needed a final cool thing, besides just a Nova Strike, so I shoe-horned in this new attack, which is basically an Uppercutting Nova Strike.
The idea was that the hadouken evolved into the shuryuken, which evolved into the Hyper Aura, which evolved into the Nova Strike.  But now this was like a combination attack.  A blue flamed uppercutting Nova Strike type thing.  There is no name for it, because I made it up.  I probably won't use it again, either.  [But never say never...]
And there it is.  Sigma died, and we got our endings.
I owe TheGreatClement, from YouTube a huge thank you for already putting this together in his LP years ago.  I would’ve done the same thing, but his compilation made it so much easier to throw this together.
Then came inserting the bad ending.
1 Week Later, X forgets stuff.  And he HATES Zero!
I had to change that.  This was a challenge.  I didn’t want X to get mind-wiped at all by Dr. Light.  But now... I have room for gray area in X6...  So I compromised with the non-canon.  If X6 must indeed be a combined scenario of Good and Bad ending.  And in X6 he does indeed remember Zero fondly...  Then, I needed Dr. Light to mind-wipe something else.  “...all the Painful Memories.”  The painful memories of fighting Zero, himself.  [Whether that includes Season II or not, is up in the air.]
But as Alia explains, there’s a ‘Protection’ on X’s memory data now.  He can’t remember anything related to the Colony.  I went a step further to say that he remembers Zero destroying it, and then fighting Sigma together with him.  That’s it.  And even that memory is hazy, because Zero’s legs were missing during that fight.
So now, we have a firm compromise.  X can remember all the best parts of their history.  He can remember palling around at the base, and their proudest feelings together on good missions.  He still has his Best Friend in his heart.
The 2nd part of the bad ending doesn’t deal with this as much.  It introduces the idea of Elysium, which is just the name of the idea he has already had since X1.  But now he wants a Paradise.  His idea is fully formed, rather than.. a hopeful philosophy, I suppose.  If X gets his way, he will Do this!  They have a broken world they have to rebuild, but first they need to rebuild their base.
Also, before I leave this part, I need to mention something irritating.  I chose... X6 Reploid names, specifically to replace “Hunter A” and “Hunter B” in the ending.  Specifically, Araki & Batsu.  Those were the names.  I placed them both in this scene, and it felt great.  (At first.)
Then when I got to the good ending, I gave names for those 3 cooler ones that he talks to. Iso, Cody and Tekk.
I could’ve left it at that, but from here, I decided to look at the X6 sprites of Rescued Reploids, including Hunter 1 and 2 from the intro stage, and assigned more names.  When I looked at what these guys actually looked like, and compared it with those I have chosen, Hanse & Hal just stuck out like a sore thumb.
The fact that there were only 2 reploids rescued from Dr. Glow’s fortress cemented this decision.  They were gonna be the only true Yellow Reploids that are rescued from X5.  And therefore...  Araki & Batsu, the true Hunter A and Hunter B had to be replaced with Hanse & Hal, due to just being cooler and getting better designs.
It’s not the biggest thing in the World, but it’s just weird how planning works out sometimes.  It’s my own hangup, I know, and it might not make sense, but there it is.
Then the good ending kicks in, 2 weeks later.
[I really wanted to put 3 weeks later, but that 1st week with the bad stuff had to happen.]
X stands with Iso, Cody and Tekk as Alia lets them know that there is a new Mechaniloid in HORIE block, or whatever.
This scene will be expanded on in X6, and this isn’t the place for it, but you can only imagine what HORIE Block is.  - That’s right.  The intro stage to X6.
I already alluded to 2 other Hunters being in trouble - Data and Batsu, so there ya go.  [Yay, Hunter B is in there after all.]
But more to the point, we get our Good X5 Ending.  With X gripping the familiar saber in hand, and feeling stronger than ever, knowing that Zero is still with him.
My final thoughts on X5.  I really hate that game, man.  X4 was so solid, and honestly... if the text-based cut scenes were anime cut scenes, that would already do a World of Difference for me.  But gameplay mechanics wise, the introduction to the wire hook was interesting and the duck was necessary.  But otherwise... I dunno.  Some enemies were too strong, I hated the boss level up system, and the timed mission - while different, set a whole different tone for the game.  Gone was the chill exploring, even though you could go wherever you wanted to.  Alia would reprimand you if you were in an area that you didn’t belong in yet.
Still, the things that I like are that you are not really fighting Mavericks here, but instead visiting Reploids who could be infected, or in one way or another have a grudge with you.
And it’s those things, plus the prior Zero motivations that carried me through this Season.  Zero hating on the Repliforce turned into an evil ugly monster that threatened to ruin his friendship with X.
Also, Dynamo was a class act.  Not quite, Deadpool 4th wall breaking, but fun enough to really add life in places that were already tense and nerve-wracking.
Gate & Isoc’s sub-plot was pretty neat.  It turns out I had a little more for Gate to do than just brood in his own trailer.  I didn’t think Isoc would interact with him as much as he did, at first.
Showing a vulnerable Sigma whose dreams are falling apart before his final battle with X was risky, but one worth taking in my opinion.  Despite all these games, I feel like I don’t show him enough, so it was nice to delve into his thoughts a little bit.
And lastly, of course - the 3rd Arc roll call.
Ep. 13 - An Epic Battle written in 2011, revised into something even better in 2019.
Ep. 14 - An awesome aftermath episode that explores the damage to the world and it’s effect on Dynamo, Gate, Isoc, Sigma, Zero and X, who must recover items before he takes on Zero again.
Ep. 15 - Zero Space was crazy!  Zero fought way more than X, although, X did go through Stage 1 the hard way and they both fought the same amount of bosses.
Ep. 16 - An Epic Rematch!  Probably even better than Ep. 13.  That’d be a fun debate.
Ep. 17 - The Climactic Ending.  It’s all come down to X vs. Sigma, again, but the battle brings surprises to all of them.  When it’s all said and done, the Maverick Hunters are ready to move forward and rebuild.
And that’s all he wrote, folks.
There will be a Season Vi. Yes, I will be taking a break. But yes, you will be getting updates.
Until then, I hope you enjoyed Season V. Despite hating that game, I enjoyed writing more of this Season than you’d think.  There’s a lot more in there that I didn’t touch upon, I’m sure.  But anyway, you get the gist.
Later folks and as always.  Thank you for Reading.
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peanutryan · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mech-X4 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ryan Walker, Mark Walker, Harris Harris Jr, Spyder (Mech-X4) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, description of a panic attack/flashback, Ryan has some issues, Mark is a good brother, takes place throughout season 1, I also straight up made up my own vague monster I can do that right Summary:
Something is going wrong in Ryan's head, something weird and psychological that he doesn't quite understand. He doesn't know how to tell his friends, and he's afraid that Mark will think he's weak. Can Ryan find it in himself to come clean about his problems, and will Mark step up to the plate to be there for his brother?
Inspired by Season 1, episode 5, "Let's Be Idiots".
hey guys...I may or may not have written some fanfiction???
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the-edge-of-great · 7 years
Let’s Talk Mech-X4!
I’m in the mood to over analyze some characters, so here’s this. This is just me putting my opinion out there. Later I think I’ll actually dive into the development these guys have had since the first episode. I’ve been wanting to discuss this show for a while, too! Hope you enjoy :)
Sooo... Mech-X4 is a pretty cool show. It’s so much better than I was expecting for a Disney live action show. The CGI is pretty impressive for the channel it’s on and the plot is intriguing and different. The acting’s a bit mediocre, but I’m not too picky about that. I wish the fandom was a bit bigger, but I also like the size now. It’s easy to talk and get to know people :)
In order, my favorite characters are:
1. Spyder
2. Mark
3. Veracity
4. Harris
5. Ryan
Now now, that is just my opinion. Everyone has their own. Under the cut, I’ll explain why these characters are ranked how they are. Warning though, not all of this will be positive.
Possible spoilers ahead
This may be just a me thing, but I’m always drawn to the comic relief characters on a team (Lance McClain, Sokka, Dez Wade (Austin & Ally) to name a few).
Spyder’s a character I can relate to. In his first appearance on the show, Spyder is ecstatic about Ryan making the vending machine malfunction and he just sits on the ground, savoring the unlimited supply of treats and thanking the heavens and honestly same. That is such a mood.
Everybody’s different in times of peril and hardships. Some people stay quiet, some lash out, some cry, and others make jokes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using humor to lighten a situation, and I hate the way Spyder’s attempts are treated as ‘immature’ and ‘not serious.’ This may be the biggest thing I can relate to with Spyder. When things get tough, I often try to make jokes to make myself or others laugh. Laughter is the best medicine, right? It helps. It doesn’t help for all people or it doesn’t make sense to all people, so sometimes it’s written off as the person not taking the situation seriously and that is just ridiculous.
Another thing that’s ridiculous is how Spyder’s treated. If I were in his shoes, I’d walk away from that entire group. Of course, I’ve already been through the hard time of losing friends and I’m wiser because of it, so that’s a simpler solution for me to say. Maybe not leave this current group, but I do wish he had other people to turn to. He endures constant abuse from his team, if not his friends then Leo. What was it Leo said when they thought Spyder had done something right? “He’s finally proved himself an important asset to the team?” (Don’t quote me on that, I can’t remember the exact line). That just. Ugh. That was in no way, shape, or form the right thing to say. Spyder is an original team member. Mech-X4 would be goners without him. It just bugs me. I hate how Disney shows always have to have that one character that everyone treats like trash just because they’re the comic relief character. Sometimes, those characters develop and earn some respect, but this season (probably the series) is almost over and I have yet to see any kind of actual development for Spyder. Then again, Pearce (Spyder’s actor) did just post on Insta about Spyder solving a “perplexing problem,” so hopefully that earns him some brownie points on the team. 
In conclusion, Spyder’s my favorite character. He’s underrated, the team’s underdog. He’s delivered too many blows than he deserves. He has average intelligence on a team with geniuses (minus Ryan. Mr. Leader seems to forget that he’s not a genius either). Spyder’s my favorite character because I can relate to him the most. If he doesn’t get more recognition in the rest of this season, I’m gonna rage.
I will give credit to the creators on Mark’s character. They’ve written him out to be the perfect older jock brother. I myself have an older brother who was popular and great at sports in high school. He and his friends picked on me all the time. I endured the same sibling abuse that Ryan does. It was terrible, but I gotta admit that I wasn’t complaining much when ten football players came over to swim at my house after practice in the summer ;). Just, everything about Mark being the king of the school and making fun of Ryan and the whole shebang is 100% accurate and I love it so much. Also despite it all, he and Ryan are close at home (even before Mech-X4). All of it is so incredibly relatable. I haven’t really connected with siblings (on Disney anyways) as well as I have with these two. I love it.
That may be the biggest reason Mark’s at number two. Everything Mark did regarding teasing and name calling and pranking was justified to me by just being an older brother. I watched the first episode, listening to Ryan complain and plot some revenge against Mark, and all I could think was same. It’s the struggles younger siblings face that tie us together, I guess. I also liked how, as the show progressed, Mark started treating Harris and Spyder kinda like his little brothers, too. He poked fun at them still, but he didn’t threaten the freshmen when they poked fun back. Mark’s protected them the same way he’s protected Ryan. They really have become a family since this whole thing started, and that’s just beautiful.
She hasn’t been in the spotlight long, so this explanation will be short. Being a female myself, I’m a sucker for girls who are confident in what they do. I also love though that she doesn’t know everything, as mentioned by Harris. She’s incredibly intelligent, but she isn’t an expert on the world. I like the balance between the two and that both sides of her have been shown to her friends and the viewers. :)
Harris is adorable. He’s a scary smart, hilarious smol bean and should be protected, but could probably likely handle himself on his own. There wasn’t really anything that stood out to me for Harris. Unlike the previous characters, I couldn’t find anything to really relate to. He’s a great friend, caring, loyal, the voice of reason everybody needs. The only thing I don’t like is that he’s too much like a dad. I mean, he’s really mature for his age. I wonder if that is because of something that’s happened in the past or if he’s just naturally more mature (though in my experience, you don’t just be more mature than the rest of your peers. There’s gotta be something that molded you into that more mature figure). I love Harris’s catchphrases. I love his humor. I love his little rivalry with Veracity. He’s a fun character with a strong determination to be the best he can be, he just doesn’t top the other three. *shrugs*
I... Okay. Let me just say this: I don’t hate Ryan. He’s done a fantastic job getting a hang on those powers and defending the city the best he can. He’s dealt with being adopted and going through the whole process of searching for his father really well. Kudos to him, really.
The thing is though, I dislike Ryan. He acts on impulse, putting his own desires above his team’s. When someone calls him out this, he guilt trips them into doing what he wants. He’s impatient, willing to risk his team drowning instead of just waiting a few more days. I believe there’s a bit of serial killer tendencies rattling around that brain of his, but that’s a topic for a different day. 
Look, I do not believe Ryan’s a good leader, at all. He just has the technopathic ability and the robot. Basically, he has all the power, so they don’t really have a choice but to follow. He has potential, of course. He could be a great leader one day, but if I were on his team at the moment, I wouldn’t follow him anywhere.
I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion to be so against Ryan, but I’ve been brooding over this since the first season. He’s a very complex character, I’ll give him that. There’s more to him than meets the eye, I think. Still, he’s not climbing my favorites ladder anytime soon. Maybe it’ll change when the show returns!?
Anyways, thanks for reading my little (actually super long) rant here. Agree, disagree, have any opinions on it? Feel free to tell me! What’s your character ranking? :)
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mechexecute260 · 7 years
Mech x4 is back tomorrow!! And Spyder solves a perplexing problem?! I really hope he becomes more than just the comic relief in the new episodes. He had a few good moments in season 1 where he wasn’t just the comical character (pep talk with Ryan) but this season there’s less of that and that’s sad. (But he did have a pep talk with Veracity too) But when Leo thought he made the potato power source. (That broke my heart) Spyder is not just the comic relief and I hope he gets more moments.
Totally agree! I personally ship Spyder and character development… I hope Leo was somewhat joking, but who knows? Here’s to many more Spyder moments and new episodes! *raises glass*
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wazafam · 4 years
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The To All the Boys: Always and Forever cast features all of the regular franchise stars, so how do you know them? Based on Jenny Han's 2017 novel, the 2021 Netflix movie centers on the on-going romance between Lara Jean Covey and Peter Kavinsky. The Portland, OR, couple plans to attend Stanford University together, but a twist of fate forces them to confront the awkward truth of their situation.
In To All the Boys 3, Lara Jean lives a drama-free life before her senior year of high school. She enjoys a family trip to Korea and plans to attend Stanford with her boyfriend, Peter. After a school trip to New York City, however, Lara Jean feels drawn to the east coast, and must decide if she wants to remain in her native California. Directed by Michael Fimognari, To All the Boys 3 on Netflix follows Lara Jean as she reaches a life epiphany.
Related: Netflix: Every Movie and TV Show Releasing In February 2021
To All the Boys 3 primarily centers on the focal stars of the first two films. Whereas many romantic comedy films introduce side characters to complicate things, the third story about Lara Jean and Peter gets to the heart of their relationship. Here's a cast and character guide for To All the Boys: Always and Forever on Netflix.
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Lana Condor stars as Lara Jean Covey, the franchise protagonist who gets rejected from Stanford University and realizes that NYU could be in her immediate plans for the future. Condor kicked off her movie career by portraying the superhero Jubilee in X-Men: Apocalypse and Li in Patriots Day. She also appeared as Koyomi in Alita: Battle Angel and voiced Casey McGarry in BoJack Horseman.
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Noah Centineo co-stars as Peter Kavinsky, Lara Jean's popular boyfriend who is surprised when he gets accepted to Stanford University. Centineo portrayed Jamey in Sierra Burgess Is a Loser and Brooks Rattigan in The Perfect Date. He'll soon appear as Prince Adam/He-Man in Masters of the Universe and Ali Rothstein/Atom Smasher in Black Adam.
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Janel Parrish portrays Margot Covey, Lara Jean's old sister who attends college in Scotland. Parrish portrayed Mona Vanderwaal in Pretty Little Liars and Estelle in Trespassers. She recently appeared as Maleah in Magnum P.I.
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Anna Cathcart appears as Kitty, Lara Jean's younger sister who becomes more interested in boys after a trip to Korea. Cathcart starred as Agent Olympia in Odd Squad and portrayed Tween Drizella in Once Upon a Time. She recently appeared as the title character in Zoe Valentine.
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Ross Butler portrays Trevor, Lara Jean's confident classmate who shows romantic interest in one of her friends. Butler portrayed Zach Dempsey in 13 Reasons Why and Reggie Mantle in Riverdale. DCEU fans may know him as Super Hero Eugene from Shazam.
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Madeleine Arthur appears as Christine, Lara Jean's free-spirited friend who offers life advice. Arthur portrayed Older Jane in Big Eyes and Young Willa Warren in The Family. She also appeared as Fray in The Magicians and Nikki Genêt in Snowpiercer season 1.
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Emilija Baranac portrays Gen, one of Lara Jean's classmates who gets accepted to NYU. Baranac portrayed Midge Klump in Riverdale and Jamie in Beyond.
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Trezzo Mahoro portrays Lucas, Lara Jean's classmate who plans to attend Sarah Lawrence on the east coast. Mahoro portrayed Ralphia in The Magicians and Mohamed in Van Helsing. He recently appeared as Joker in Operation Christmas Drop and Geke in The Right One.
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Sarayu Blue appears as Trina Rothschild, the love interest of Lara Jean's father. Blue portrayed Emet in I Feel Bad, Kareema in No Tomorrow, and Marcie in Blockers. She also appeared as Ana in The Unicorn.
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John Corbett rounds out the main cast as Dr. Dan Covey, Lara Jean's father who plans to get re-married. Corbett portrayed Chris Stevens in Northern Exposure and starred as Ian Miller in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He also appeared as Lars Hammond in Serendipity - one of the movies referenced by Lara Jean in To All the Boys: Always & Forever.
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Sofia Black-D'Elia (Above) as Heather: Gen's NYU friend. Sofia Black-D'Elia portrayed Andrea Cornish in The Night Of and Tirzah Ben-Hur in Ben-Hur.
Henry Thomas as Mr. Kavinsky: Peter's estranged father. Henry Thomas famously starred as Elliott in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and recently portrayed Henry Wingrave in The Haunting of Bly Manor.
June B. Wilde as Joan: A waitress. June B. Wilde portrayed Edna in Young & Reckless and Colleen Holmstrom in The Exorcist TV series.
Ho-Young Jeon as Dae: Kitty's love interest in Seoul. To All the Boys: Always and Forever on Netflix marks the movie debut for Ho-Young Jeon.
Ese Atawo as Ms. Beckman: A chaperone. Ese Atawo portrayed Detective Frankie Curtis in The Flash and Dr. Imani Jackson in Firefly Lane.
Rhianna Jagpal as Dipti Shaw: Lara's classmate who requests paperwork for the senior trip to New York. Rhianna Jagpal portrayed Yasmin in Mech-X4 and Hilary Saint in Motherland: Fort Salem.
Molly Grace as Mollie Marshall: Lara's classmate who receives a prom invitation through an umbrella-themed dance performance. Molly Grace made her movie debut as Young Charlotte in The Perfection on Netflix, and was credited as "Crying Girl" in To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You.
Momona Tamada as Young Lara Jean: Momona Tamada portrayed Kazu's great-granddaughter in The Terror season 2 and stars as Claudia Kishi in The Baby-Sitters Club.
Rian McCririck as Young Peter: Rian McCririck had a small role in Good Boys and recently appeared as Logan Bruno in The Baby-Sitters Club.
Jenny Han as Principal Cho: Jenny Han is the author of the To All the Boys book series.
Linda Ko as Aunt Carrie: Linda Ko portrayed Marie in Stargate: Atlantis and Genera Nessa Clary in Motherland: Fort Salem.
Julie Tao as Haven: Julie Tao portrayed Jillian in Charmed and Cleo in Motherland: Fort Salem.
Joey Pacheco as Owen Kavinsky: Joey Pacheco portrayed Young Erik in Menendez: Blood Brothers.
Jara Zeimer as OMG Girl: Jara Zeimer portrayed Klaudia Wegener in The Man in the High Castle and Teen Velma in iZombie.
Kelcey Mawema as Emily: Kelcey Mawema portrayed Ana in The Exorcist season 2 and Gabrielle in Deadly Class.
C. Ernst Harth as Alder Principal: Ernst Harth portrayed Harold Shelburne in Thir13en Ghosts and Lowell Lee Andrews in Capote.
Michael Delleva as Daniel: Michael Delleva portrayed one of Santa's helpers in Noelle on Disney+ and Ari Berlin in When the Streetlights Go On.
Anisha Cheema as Valentine's Girlfriend: Anisha Cheema portrayed Patrice in iZombie and Morgan in The Mirror.
Susie Lee as Eva Song Covey: Susie Lee portrayed Elizabeth in Supernatural and Mrs. Marshall in Lost in Space.
Rish Shah as Ravi: Rish Shah portrayed Ahmed in Years and Years and will soon appear as Kamran in Ms. Marvel.
Kayla Deorksen as Angela: Kayla Deorksen portrayed Erica Bailey in Supernatural and Mrs. Anderson in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
Janelle McDermoth as Nisha: Janelle McDermoth portrayed Detective Peterson in Blue Bloods and Aleah Brown in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
Jerry Yang as Nathan: Jerry Yang portrayed Ian the Patron in The Flash and Horizen LA Retail Guy in Upload on Amazon Prime.
Lisa Durupt as Gayle Kavinsky: Lisa Durupt portrayed Nurse Fleming in Psych and Jen McMurtry in Heartland.
Katie Do as Ani: Katie Do portrayed Esme in Mrs. Fletcher and Isla in Manifest.
Next: Will To All The Boys 4 Ever Happen?
To All The Boys 3: Always & Forever Cast & Character Guide from https://ift.tt/3aeo79u
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disneytva · 7 years
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Bye Watch Disney XD, Disney Junior, Disney Channel .Hello Disney NOW!
Three popular Disney Channel-branded WATCH apps for kids age 2-14 – downloaded more than 40 million times since 2012 – have been consolidated into one newly branded DisneyNOW app that upgrades the user experience with customizable and personalized functionality while continuing to provide an extensive array of series, television movies and other entertainment content from Disney Channel, Disney XD, Disney Junior and Radio Disney. Like the WATCH streaming apps, access to full episodes and live streaming of Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD continues to be available when viewers authenticate via their participating cable, satellite or digital programming distributor. Each network also offers a selection of full episodes to fans without signing in.
Showcased last February during Disney Media Sales’ presentation to clients, the DisneyNOW app is designed to satisfy viewers’ demand for more content, easier access, more control, including Disney Junior Only Mode, and more “Disney magic,” including personalization that’s so crucial for kids – all in one app. Customized sponsorship opportunities offer clients a variety of ways, including sweepstakes and interactive video advertisements, to engage with consumers. Disney Channel launched its suite of Apps (branded WATCH) in 2012 and was the first entertainment network to launch products that provide pay TV subscribers access to live, linear network streams as well as on-demand episodes.
Kimberly Hicks, vice president, Digital Media, Disney Channels, said, “The decision to consolidate our Disney Channel ‘Watch’ apps into the new DisneyNOW app was driven by what kids told us they want in a video experience. The upgraded app enables us to showcase great stories and characters, and bring the magic of Disney Channel, Disney XD and Disney Junior to their daily lives.”
DisneyNOW invites each family member to create a profile and express themselves with a Disney Emoji avatar – a selection of more than 180 heritage and new character poses at launch. On return visits, users can select their profile to resume watching where they left off or watch new episodes of their favorite shows.
The new app will also include more than 60 games and activities including “DuckTales” adventure game “Duckburg Quest,” Princess Elena of Avalor in “Flight of the Jaquins” or the Villain Kids in the “Descendants 2 Wicked Style” activity. New games will be added to DisneyNOW every month.
DisneyNOW will deliver in-season stacking for current series including Disney Channel’s “Andi Mack,” “Raven’s Home,” “Bizaardvark,” “Stuck in the Middle,” “Tangled: The Series”; Disney Junior’s “Vampirina,” “Elena of Avalor,” “Mickey and the Roadster Racers,” “The Lion Guard,” “Puppy Dog Pals” and “PJ Masks”; and Disney XD’s “DuckTales,” “Star Wars Rebels,” “Walk the Prank,” “MECH-X4” and “Milo Murphy’s Law.”
DisneyNOW will also feature Disney Channel Original Movies – curated from over 100 titles – and the first presentation of some of the most anticipated programming including (available now or on the date specified below):
Disney Channel’s pre-linear premiere of “The Scariest Story Ever: A Mickey Mouse Halloween Spooktacular”
Celebration of the 10th anniversary of “Wizards of Waverly Place” with all episodes and “Wizard of Waverly Place: The Movie” (October 12)
All season one episodes of “Andi Mack” (now) and its second season premiere episode (October 27)
The first episode of season two of “Elena of Avalor” (October 14)
New episodes of Disney Junior’s “Mickey and the Roadster Racers” and “Puppy Dog Pals”
New “Disney Junior Nursery Rhymes”
Series premiere of Disney Junior’s “Vampirina”(October 1)
New episodes of Disney Junior’s “Mission Force One,” the new chapter of “Miles from Tomorrowland” (October 16)
“Star Wars Rebels” seasons 1-3
Radio Disney’s musical performances and in-studio appearances by recording artists Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande and Camila Cabello, among others
“Collections” – themed programming beginning with Halloween episodes of “Austin & Ally,” “BUNK’D,” “Doc McStuffins,” “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,” “Phineas and Ferb” and “Gravity Falls
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shehungthemoon · 7 years
I’ve only watched the first episode so far but wHOA, IT’S ALREADY ACTUALLY AMAZING, WHAT A STEP UP FROM SEASON 1?
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disneyschedules · 6 years
Status of Disney XD Shows
Currently in Production. excludes Acquisitions.
Big Hero 6: The Series - Currently on Hiatus during Season 1, a possibility it will move to Disney Channel as well. Already renewed for a Second Season ahead of Season 1 premiere. 
DuckTales - Currently on Hiatus during Season 1, will move to Disney Channel starting in May. Already renewed for Season Season ahead of Season 1 Premiere.
Future-Worm! - Officially Cancelled, the last 4 episodes will air in May with the Series Finale on Saturday, May 19.
MECH-X4 - Currently in it’s Second Season, reruns and new episodes did air on Disney Channel during it’s first and second season, but unsure if it will move full time on Disney Channel.
Milo Murphy’s Law - Currently on Hiatus, Season 2 will premiere on Disney Channel instead of Disney XD sometime in August 2018. 
Star vs. the Forces of Evil - Currently on Hiatus. Season 4 will premiere on Disney Channel instead of Disney XD possibly later in 2018.
Walk the Prank - Currently on Hiatus. Reruns and New Episodes have aired before on Disney Channel. Season 3 premieres Saturday, April 21.
Avengers Assemble - Currently on Hiatus, renewed for a Fifth Season titled: Avengers: Black Panther Quest.
Guardians of the Galaxy - Currently on it’s Third Season titled: Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Break Out
Marvel’s Spider-Man - Currently on Hiatus, renewed for a Second Season.
Shows officially Moving to Disney Channel from Disney XD
Big City Greens 
Big Hero 6: The Series (Possibly)
Milo Murphy’s Law
Star vs. the Forces of Evil 
Shows that were supposed to premiere on Disney XD but are moving to Disney Channel.
Big City Greens 
Right Hand Guy 
Coming Soon
Space Chickens in Space - TBA, 2018
Fate Unknown
Billy Dilley’s Super-Duper Subterranean Summer - Currently on Hiatus, unsure if renewed for a Second Season or not. 
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Mech-X4 S01E08 Let’s Get the Big Bad!
Of two things I am absolutely certain:
1. Principal Grey is, in fact, not dead. It’s way too early in the series for that sort of shit to go down. That, and it was just way too fucking easy. One second, Ryan has a fairly solid grip on her arm and is trying to pull Principal Grey back into the Robot, the next, Grey, a woman with serious combat training, looses her grip and falls. That fall was planned to a T. Principal Grey has shown herself to have pretty sharp tactical knowledge and to think on her feet. She isn’t dead. It’s just not fucking possible.
2. Harper is Grey’s boss. He clearly has ulterior motives for dating Mark and Ryan’s mom. It not only allows him to cozy up to the boys and gain their trust for a later double-cross, but it also provides him with an opening through which he can obtain information relating to Mech-X4.
There’s just no two ways about it. If I am, however, wrong, keep in mind that I’m only halfway through the season so far. No spoilers please. Anyone who starts hurling spoilers at me will both be bombarded with terrible car puns and given a copy of The National Enquirer and forced to take a shot of cholula sauce for every exclamation point they can find.
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lady-gravity-129 · 7 years
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero Finale
I really enjoyed this episode and it had a ton of cool moments. The final battle was really good and I loved how they incorporated just about every good guy and bad guy that have appeared in the show into it. The ending montage really hit me with the feels. Just seeing how everything turned out well in the end. No one died (Thank god) and everyone gets to live. Penn Zero Part Time Hero was overall a great show and I'm sad to have gotten into it towards the end of Season 1. But I did have a fun time binge watching it. This show is severely underrated and I am extremely upset by that because it deserves so much more recognition for the unique and cool concept it had. Well, that brings to another end to a Disney show. If Mech-X4 isn't renewed for a 3rd season, that show may be the next to end.
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