#medellin food
blossomroom · 1 year
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Qué gran almorzadero es Versalles. Lugar tan hermoso en el que uno comparte sopa, seco y parva con Manuel Mejía, Gonzalo Arango, Borges, el DIM y don Leo. 
Medellín, mayo de 2023
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axelmedellin · 2 years
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Daily drawing 20 jan 2023
Monster girl, for Tigerchild dtiyschallenge
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atsvmi · 1 year
i go back home todayyyyyy
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Sickness and Health
A married!Javi Drabble based on this request
Series Masterlist
Rating: All fluff except for a few inappropriate words
A/N: I had to use this gif because I couldn’t think of anything for sick Javi. Just imagine he’s wiping his snot instead of his sweat (you’re welcome for the new mental association I’ve created)🤪. I got this request a month ago and I’m writing it only now 🙈 Sorry anon requester, but I hope you see this and like it 💜
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I’ll be fine, he said. It’s just allergies, he said. My god querida, stop mothering me, he said. Yet here he was, flopped on the sofa with a leg on the floor as he snored. The man never came home before her. There were times when he’d come home briefly in the morning to shower and put on a fresh set of clothes before bolting out the door with nothing to spare her other than a rushed kiss. And now here he was at 5 PM, sleeping.
She placed a hand on his forehead, wincing when she found him burning up. Not to say she told him so, but she told him so. But he would hear none of it. The man dropped her off at work with the promise that he’d take an Advil if he needed before driving away to the embassy. He probably forgot. Or his promise was made just to placate her, stop her from being the nagging wife.
She didn’t quite know how to do it, the wife thing. Was she supposed to force a pill down his throat? Would she be the annoying nagging wife men talked shit about to their friends if she did? Was she supposed to leave him be? Would she be a bad wife for neglecting him and letting him go to work ill?
Knowing the man, he probably didn’t have anything to eat. His only intake was whiskey and tobacco from all the smoking he did. Was she supposed to pack him lunch? Send food to the embassy? She didn’t know. He never asked for anything and was happy to eat what she gave him when he came home. She provided dinner, leaving it on the table and leaving a note on his bed reminding him to eat it. Sometimes she managed to force a glass of OJ into his hand in the morning. But that was all. Lunch was a big question mark. What he ate when in Medellin was a blind spot.
Retrieving some chicken, carrot, celery and broth from the refrigerator, she got to work. With some time, spices and low music playing on the radio, the soup was ready to be served.
She poured some into a bowl, placed it on the coffee table and hovered over him. Beads of sweat had collected on his forehead, either from the hot weather or his sickness. Messy black hair stuck to his forehead and she reached over and pushed it back.
Nothing. She placed a hand on his shoulder and shook gently. “Javi?” He stayed still as a rock. Goddamn. The man usually woke up at the slightest noise. A bullet could leave a gun two miles away and he would hear it. It was rare that he slept at all, so when he did, she did everything in her power to keep his surroundings quiet.
“Mi amor…” she called, caressing his sweat soaked forehead. “Come on, get up. You need to eat something.”
He trembled under her touch and whined something incomprehensible. She tried again, called his name while giving gentle rubs to his shoulders. “…hurts.”
“I know, baby. I know,” she said, smiling at his half-awake form. He looked so sweet like this, so innocent and childlike. She wanted to pick him up like he was a puppy and give him a million kisses. He might be a big bad federal agent but sleeping on their couch like this, he was her little puppy.
“… ‘s the paperwork and…Wysession…la Quica…umm and yeah what do I think?” He mumbled, making her laugh. This fucker would not survive without his job. It took a few more tries and sweet words, some of which embarrassing enough that she’d never repeat to him if he were awake. His eyes opened a little, his mumbling about work dimmed down and he spoke her name.
“Yeah. It’s me. Get up. I made soup. You should have some, have a Tylenol and sleep on the bed. Okay?”
“What time is it?” He asked, sitting up suddenly.
“Six thirty three.” The man always wanted the exact time. No rounding up or down. It was unnerving.
He buried his face in his hands and rubbed his eyes with the flat of his palms. “Fuck. Got an early meeting at eight with Noonan. Gonna be late. She’ll kill me,” he said, getting up. He hunched over the couch, hand gripping on to the leather of the headrest for support as his other hand clutches his head.
“8 PM is not an early meeting. Unless you’re talking about a meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning.”
“Tomorrow? Wait, what’s the time?”
“Six thirty. In the evening. You have a bad fever and you were asleep on the couch when I got home at five.”
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath.
“Yeah. Fuck. Now sit down and have some soup. You can’t have Tylenol on an empty stomach.”
“Actually, I can. The body absorbs it faster on an empty stomach.”
“Alright buddy, sit down and have the soup,” she said, coaxing him to sit next to her on the couch. He sat a bit too close to her, leaning on her shoulder and placing his weight on her.
“Feel like absolute shit,” he said, dipping the spoon into the bowl of hot soup. He blew on it once and then twice before drinking it. “So good.”
“Thank you, baby,” he said, pulling her to his side. She did not want to contract whatever he had and proximity would increase the chances of infection. But she didn’t have the heart to push him away. Even on a normal day, the man liked physical contact with her. It could be anything from a hand on her back when they were out in public to full on cuddling her in bed. He just showed his affection through touch. She didn’t want to deny him affection when he was so vulnerable and soft.
He drank it down quietly, wincing every now and then from his headache. He even surprised her by asking for a second helping and she gave it to him gladly, even topping his bowl up another time when he wasn’t looking.
“Now Tylenol.”
“Nooo,” he whined, flopping back on the backrest of the couch. “Hate pills.”
She laughed and popped a pill out of the foil wrapper before handing a glass of water to him. “Aww, is the big baby afraid of pills?”
“Not scared,” he pouted and folded his arms over his chest, looking like a petulant three year old. Good god. Was this really the man being paid by the US government to catch Escobar? Or was he the secret sweet cuddly twin to her grumpy sassy Javi?
“Right. Definitely not scared. Now have it.”
“I’ll be fine without it. Just need to sleep.”
“Sure, Dr. Peña. If you say so,” she teased. She was definitely noting down all the details of his behavior in her head to tease him with later. “Can you have the liquid Tylenol?” She asked, recalling seeing a bottle of it in their medicine cabinet.
“Okay,” she said, getting up to go fetch the Tylenol for him. Before she could step away, his hand wrapped around her wrist. She looked back at him to find him staring at her with those big brown eyes, all wide and precious. He was still grumpy, but less intimidating and more adorable. “I need to take my hand with me, Agente…”
“Don’t go. I miss you.”
“It’ll just be gone for a minute. I’ll get you your Tylenol and be right back.” Huffing, he finally let go of her hand. When she returned, he smiled up at her lazily before grabbing both her wrists.
“Javi…I can’t give you your medicine if you don’t let go of my hand.”
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this too. There is no plan C, Javier. Pill or this,” she said, holding up the bottle of the liquid acetaminophen.
“That tastes like shit.”
“Yeah. You’ll survive.”
“I wooooon’t,” he whined, pulling her onto his lap. He may be very sick, but he was still strong and worse, unaware of how much force he exerted. She fell with her face forward, smushing into his chest. She made a low sound of satisfaction before wrapping his arms around her and settling his chin on her head.
“‘m not your bebito. I’m your husband.”
“Yeah yeah. Then stop acting like a bebito, bebito.”
“Don’t do this to me. That thing tastes vile. Tastes like shit. Like, like horse shit mixed in with rat poison.”
“God, you drama queen,” she teased, adjusting herself on his lap to sit up properly. “It’s just 20 ml. Have some of it, drink some water to wash the taste off and go to bed. God knows you need the rest.”
“Fine. On one condition.”
“Uh huh?”
“Bit of whiskey after the medicine.”
Absolutely not.
“Of course, baby. All the whiskey you want,” she lied through her sweet smile. She did not have the energy to argue with a gigantic baby she couldn’t yell at. She’d make him have the medicine first and figure out the rest when she had to.
At the mention of whiskey, he smiled wider than the day they got married and happily let go of her wrists. She hissed at the dull pain around them, flushing when she realized just how strong he was. Yet he never used such strength on her, handling her gentler than this even when she asked for rough treatment. She’d have to ask for more the next time… she looked away from him embarrassed. The man was sick and delirious, for fuck’s sake. It wasn’t the most appropriate time to be horny.
“Tilt your head back,” she ordered and he followed immediately, exposing his neck to her. “Now open your mouth,” she said, bringing the little cup of the liquid to his lips. It went alright for the first second, but when it touched his tastebuds, he gagged and groaned.
“Uhh that was fucking disgusting!”
“That was just 10 ml. You need another 10 for the full dosage.”
“No, no, no. Please don’t do this,” he begged before sticking his tongue out as though casting out the organ for making him experience the medicine’s taste.
“Please, Javier… Just one more, okay?” She said, pouring him the other half of the dose. “Imagine you’re taking a tequila shot.”
“Then it should be on your bellybutton with salt on your tits and a lemon wedge between your lips.”
“Suuure. You couldn’t tell it was evening and not morning just half an hour back but you think you can do a body shot, huh?”
“Absolutely can. You didn’t know me in college. Plus I’ll do anything to lick your tits,” he said, his eyes looking too adorable for the things he said. Shouldn’t he be too sick to be horny?
“Alright big guy, open up” she said, tipping his chin back and forcing the rest of his medicine down his throat. He groaned and whined once more and summoned a couple demons with the sounds he produced.
“Tequila?” He asked, pouting as he fixed his puppy dog eyes on her.
“Sure. Go sit on the bed and I’ll bring you the goods,” she said, helping him get off the couch.
“Perfect. You’re the best wife, you know that?”
“I’m your only wife. You don’t have much else to compare me to, do you?”
“Fine, I’ll get more wives. Test the hypo- hypo…tenuse?” He asked, squinting.
“That’s what I said.”
“You said hypotenuse. That’s the longest side of a right angled triangle.”
“The fuck,” he said under his breath, allowing her to lead him to their bedroom. When she’d gotten him to lie down, he pulled her to himself and held her to his chest. She was yet to have dinner and there was a tv program she’d wanted to watch before bed. But with his arms around her and his lips mumbling in his sleep, she couldn’t bring herself to pull away.
It wasn’t often that she got to be wrapped up in his arms at this early hour. Why fight it when she could savor it.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Names changed.
Buckle the fuck in.
I have been wanting to tell anyone about this series of events at work. The story doesn't start with me, an ex-coworker who was a Lead and was the one who checked in Julius the dog for a month-long stay. It is well known that his owner Mario is a bit of an Eccentric old Queen. He thinks he's a vampire and other shit. Whatever. He's checking his dog in and mentions he's going to Colombia to find a husband and do cocaine.
Okay go off, if I were retired and lonely I'd probably do something similar. I know he's lonely because every time he comes in he starts the same conversation about how all his family is dead and he's single.
Clearly, he's a bit out there, but if I was a retired old gay like him I'd have some fun too. Whatever. The owner calls our partnered trainer for a few sessions. A few weeks go by and for the third training session, he's not answering. Really weird for him, but we chalk it up to him avoiding roaming fees.
Our trainer finishes his allotted training since he didn't answer to add more. She calls multiple times for 3 days, and she wants the extra money. This is very important.
We get a call from one of Julius's emergency contacts since s in South America saying that Julius is going to be staying for another 3 weeks, and now his stay is two months. Mario has to pay us the current total to prevent abandonment, Joe's friend gets the money wired and the stay is extended, he's using Facebook Messenger as his communication method. So it takes a whole day to do this Totally get it when I got back to my home country. I do the same with Whatsapp. This is normal, this is fine! We extended the stay.
Three weeks pass and we get another call from the same agent, Julius is staying one more night, and Mario's flight got canceled. Annoying since the dog is nasty and a pest (affectionate) but we extend the stay.
He comes in to pick up his dog the next day straight from the airport (not that far it's maybe 20 minutes away). He starts chatting with the Manager, Assistant Manager, and me. He's talking about drinks food, and hotel price. He keeps making a point about the currency exchange rate. USD to COP. So cheap to him. The Assistant and I eye each other we're both Latino so this is annoying.
Then he starts ranking about how he hired security to escort him through all the major cities of the country, Medellin, Cali, and Bogota. All with heavily armored guards.
Our computers start fucking up so the invoice has to be inserted manually, my Manager does it. This is when he starts talking about how dangerous it was in Colombia, how that's why he hired guards ( he had pictures, lots of them, lots and lots). Now I'm uncomfortable. Colombia isn't as dangerous as he's making it out to be, normal people live normal lives and tourism is huge!
By then I'm praying to Jesus and his baby daddy too, as he admits to drunk driving and running over a dog. Then he starts calling the locals whores? How everyone was pimping out their kids and everyone and their mother were forced into sex work because of poverty. Everyone was greedy and envious. I'm trying not to leap over the counter and beat the shit outta this guy.
Then he starts talking about how the main purpose of his trip was to go find a husband. He was proposed to by 2 guys, he showed us the rings (ugly as the man wearing them) and emphasized again how "they were all so fucking greedy". How everyone wanted to talk and be near him because he was popular and had money.
I try to veer the conversation away from that but he goes back to the shit load of drugs and sex he had. My Assistant manager leaves around here.
Now for the pièce de résistance.
He starts detailing how he got KIDNAPPED by a "family" (I'll sell my left kidney if they actually were a real family)
He was fucking ransomed for 7K USD and proceeded to explain that he was kept subdued with sex. This explains his mystery absence and random ass extension AND how his friend was the only one who could be contacted. As well as the obscene amount of money paid in full to extend Julius's stay. This guy is fucking loaded and he was showing it off so much that someone noticed he's as stupid as they come and kidnapped him.
Sweet baby Jesus. But it gets worse.
He shows us proof. He sent his guards away because he wanted to have sex with a 20-something-year-old. By now he's showing off pictures of all the men he had sex with. Accidentally showed us nudes while showing off the cocktails he drank. And turns out! That the family had a father and son and he had sex with both of them. He implied a threesome. I suddenly wished I didn't know English.
I leave because I will laugh, and yell. I start asking my ancestors instead for guidance but instead they laugh as I am forced to back up front.
So I get to hear how he wants to move to Colombia. Apparently, he's moving there as soon as he sells his house here. Which….no words.
I go to the back again and work on cleaning rooms. Later when I go to the kitchen my manager is there and I make a comment about him. And here's the really fucked up bit, while he was explaining that he was both terrified and in love with his experience in Colombia my manager was like "Yeah I don't think I could go and have a time like yours" He looked her up and down, a willowy, average height blond blue-eyed white women in her 20s, and said "no way you be raped so bad" My hand went to my mouth I swore loud and she just shrugged.
This guy has a coke-fried brain, my god. Anyways, the dog just stayed with us again while he was in Colombia again, and luckily, we didn't have to deal with another checkout since he had his dog shipped over to Colombia via a company. Good luck to them both, and I hope the guy who marries him leeches him out of all his money and then some.
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lavendertales · 2 years
Silent night—Javier Peña x f!reader
summary: it’s Javier’s first time spending the holidays with his family back in Laredo, years after his mother’s passing, and it turns out to be a more difficult time to navigate than he would’ve thought. 
word count: 1.8k
A/N: this angst/comfort prompt is my @pedrostories​ Secret Santa gift for the lovely @pedrito-friskito​. Hope you like it and happy holidays! ❤️
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gif: @bestintheparsec 
Everyone who’s gotten the opportunity to be close enough to Javier knows that Christmas isn’t his favorite holiday. Not even by far.
It used to be; when he was a little boy, that is. He is no longer a boy though. Rather a man with questionable baggage and lots of scars.
However, he agreed to return to Laredo for Thanksgiving and leave a few days after New Year’s, only because his father Chucho insisted it was long overdue for spending the holiday season with the whole family. That meant a lot of food, noise, endless and incessant questions about his life, both professional and private, and Javier detested that.
As it turned out, his love for his father went beyond the irritation and pain the holiday season caused him. And Chucho wasn’t the sole reason for his visit.
You and Javier go a long way back. You’ve actually grown up together, but as life pushed you in separate directions, you’ve lost contact. Whenever he visited Chucho, you caught glimpses of him, the rugged and grumpy DEA agent that helped put an end to the Medellin and Cali cartels. You couldn’t even imagine the horrors he was seeing on a daily basis, and yet you couldn’t help but admire him from afar. Time had clearly been generous to him. But you never dared dreaming he’d ever be interested in little life you.
You never left Laredo. You were teaching kindergarten and you were so content with your life that actually being with Javier Peña never crossed your mind. He’s probably been with countless exotic beauties, and you had nothing on them.
But apparently, you were wrong.
Because now, six months later since Javier’s first and final arrival to Laredo, he and you were something of an item, going on actual dates and spending time together like a real couple, and it still managed to blow your mind. Mostly because Javier was a tough nut to crack.
You never pushed him to reveal anything he didn’t want to. You were patient and kind and curious, all at the same time, and Javier appreciated that tremendously. He was not a man of many words, but he showed you gratitude and care in plenty of other ways: buying you flowers, driving you home from work, and simply spending time with you. And you learned to know that was Javier’s love language, acts of service.
And of course, physical touch.
He didn’t hesitate in holding your hand, caressing your cheeks, holding your waist close to him and touching you in the softest, yet most surefire ways you could’ve ever imagined. Now, he respected your personal space and didn’t push you in his pursuit for intimacy, but he sure knew how to push all the right buttons and tease you just enough to have you craving more, curious as to how he would feel, how he would sound.
But it had to wait. You’ve never seen him gloomier and more distant than now.
It’s Christmas Eve, and all of his relatives are spread across the house, sharing stories, drinking eggnog or munching on food. But Javier sits by the window with his whiskey, eyes locked on the dark sky. You approach him carefully as if you were approaching a deer.
“Are you okay?” you ask, rubbing your hand gently across his back.
Javier takes another sip, still not looking at you.
“I know this is not your favorite holiday,” you coo.
“It used to be.”
“Then… what happened?”
You knew what happened. Everyone close to the Peñas knew what happened. But you still asked because you were unsure if that particular event had really impacted Javier that much to the extent of hating a holiday.
“I haven’t been home for the holidays since she died,” Javier coos, his tone grave and filled with pain.
And there is your answer.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” you ask sweetly.
Javier nods, finally facing you as he finishes his whiskey and pours himself more.
“I couldn’t come back here after she was gone,” he admits. “I’ve always had an excuse. College, work, avoiding death, you know.”
“Sure, sure.”
“Guess this was overdue though.”
“How are you feeling?”
You rub his back, watching his face closely. He is a tough nut to crack, but when you break through, there is no telling what you will find. More often than not, Javier has turned out to be a very sensitive person, but he’s been stuck in a longtime pattern of bad habits, all in order to survive.
“To be honest, it’s hitting a little harder than I thought,” he admits.
“Can I do anything to help?”
It’s then that Javier reaches for your hand, squeezing it at his chest and flashing a bittersweet smile.
“It’s enough having you here,” he says, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
The skin where his lips pressed turns red, and you try to hide it beneath your hair.
“Do you want to talk about her? About Christmas with your family when you were a kid?”
Javier falters. In the back of his mind, he doesn’t really want to. He never spoke about his mother with anyone. But he feels that the time he’s spent bottling up his emotions and intentions hasn’t done him much good. Perhaps a change would be good.
And who better to start with than with you, the most wonderful person he’s ever known?
“She always made dad dress up as Santa to share presents to all of us kids,” Javier chuckles, fondly reminiscing of all those chaotic Christmas morning with the grumpiest Santa Claus he’s ever seen. “He hated the beard and everything, but he still did it. Partially cause he was afraid of mom, I think.”
You smile.
“We open the gifts, gather around for breakfast… we asked for cookies and milk till they got tired of us and finally agreed we could all have one. Of course afterwards we’d sneak into the kitchen to have more and get caught. But mom never yelled or got upset. She was always—“
Javier stands there in silence, the images of his happy childhood so vivid before his very eyes that he might just tear up. Wouldn’t you know it, a couple of tears do sting his eyes, but they don’t roll down his stubbled cheeks.
“She was always the best,” he finishes, putting down his glass.
He finally allows the sadness that’s been simmering in his veins to tip over, thus filling his whole chest, and then his whole being. It overwhelms him, surrounds him in a cold, wet blanket almost that lies heavily on his shoulders.
You inch closer to him, enough for you to wrap your arms around his body and hug him tightly. Javier reciprocates instantly, his bigger arms around you like vines, his head on your shoulder. He’s never felt care quite like this, so sincere and pure in its very simplicity.
“Hey, if you need a break or want to go away for a little while, we can go for a walk or something,” you suggest, fingers curled in his hair.
Javier hums softly, clearly very comfortable in the hug. The thought alone makes you smile. Knowing you can bring some comfort to the inner turmoil that Javier has to go through on a daily basis is the best Christmas gift you can think of.
“I’m okay,” he tells you.
He smiles at you, forehead stuck to yours. For one moment in time, he feels like none of his relatives are around, like it’s just you and him there.
“I miss her a lot,” he adds, and you detect the pain in his voice.
“I know.”
“When she got sick, for months she’d beg me to take pictures of all the events in my life, of whatever had my interest so she could see them. I thought it was silly and told her I’d rather spend my time with her in that hospital room. Then she was gone, and there were no pictures. We didn’t even take a picture on our last Christmas together. Dad insisted, but I said no. Can’t even look at those anymore. Or take any.”
You don’t say anything to that. You simply hold him—or rather let him hold you, based on the difference in your bodies’ height and mass. You know Javier is a man fond of silence, so you grant him at least that on this tumultuous Christmas Eve.
“Thank you,” Javier says all of a sudden.
“For what?”
“For being here. Makes it all easier. More bearable.”
You smile, pecking his lips. “I’m glad I can be here for you.”
“Okay, gather ‘round, it’s picture time!”
The voice of Javier’s aunt Cecilia rings in your ears, and you look around panicked as everyone makes a fuss over picture time. You sneak a glance at Javier, noticing the change in his facial expression gone from fondness to discomfort, and you take his hand into yours, trying to grab him away.
“Where are we going?” he asks, dumbfounded.
“How about that walk?
Javier sports another bittersweet smile in your direction, guiding you back into the living room where everyone else is gathering.
“You said—“you begin.
“I know. But like I said, having you here makes it all bearable. And I think you’d look good in our family picture.”
Your heart flutters in your chest, your cheeks are flushed with the auburn scorch of flattery—and more.
You don’t tell him that, though. Not yet.
“What if we break up and then I’ll forever be in your family’s pictures?” you can’t help but ask.
“It’ll give me an excuse to look at our pictures. And what if we don’t break up?”
You chuckle, this time you being the one to squeeze his hand.
“Are you two ready?” Aunt Cecilia asks.
“I guess we are,” you concur.
“We are.”
Javier’s voice is confident, bulletproof, and it makes you even more secure in the knowledge that you are, in fact, in love with him.
But that’s for another time, when you can enjoy some privacy.
For now, you settle to pose for the Peña family photo, with Javier’s arm around your waist. At the very least, knowing you could help him come to terms with his mother’s absence on his favorite holiday and have a certain closure makes this moment all the more special.
It marks this as the first Christmas in Javier’s adult life.
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
For the Love of Fic: June 21
Here’s what I loved the last couple of weeks!
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🪐 = Year of Themed Creations work!
Voulez-Vous by @simpingcowboy 🪐 Year of ABBA indeed. The two things I love about this fic are the way it takes the song and puts it into fic form seamlessly...and the sensory details that put me right there in that sweaty, loud Medellin club. Oh. And the way I can almost feeeeeeel Javier’s packed jeans under my fingers. nnnnnnng
Year of Small Joys 4 - Breathtaking Sunrise by @keldabe-kriff 🪐 A simple and lovely drabble. What Ellie sees is a real sunrise. What Joel sees is an opportunity to muse on the moment, that in another life, it would be a moment of everyday peace...
Yes You May by @grogusmum 🪐 Imagine it. Maybe you just go about your Beltane way, all flowers and ribbons and branches and such. Then you get yourself all ready for the Maypole and find yourself dancing with a handsome stranger with a sly smile and a golden robe. A stranger that wants to jump fires for you...or with you.... Yes plz.
Return the Favor by @ghostofskywalker 🪐 Just on the friendlier side of enemies to ... allies for now, I love the little things that give the reader some trust in Din. From running a mission for him to being given a place to crash and an offer to tag along on some more adventures, this couple’s off to a rough start, but seem to be fitting together more and more as the story goes on. I bet the adventure’s not gonna stop with these two.
Tidal Force by @the-blind-assassin-12  A mermaid AU, but the reader is the mermaid. Specifically one on Mandalore beneath the glassed-in Sea of Sundari and forever pining for the Concordian moon. There’s a reason for that though, and it all has to do with a fairytale...and I do so love a good fairytale.
untitled (Bangathon Ezra / Spooning) by @prolix-yuy​  Really, isn’t it every girl’s dream to be yearned for by Ezra? To be lusted after by Ezra? To be woken from sleep in the hot tent you share and taken in a sweet and feral fit of need by Ezra? Kevva’s balls, this gave me the wants and the thots and the hots. Color me glad for asking...
D is for Double Penetration by @butchmandalorian 🪐 You know who’s getting the double D? It’s not you. and it’s not Dieter. There’s so much kink happening here, so much play and trust and Dieter being a flirty bi king and Max being cute because he doesn’t know how to deal with all these new wants and feels... Again. @butchmandalorian‘s dom fics always push my buttons because her characters are always loving and good to each other and the trust is real. I really don’t know who to be jealous of in this fic...I want to be all of them....
More Than Just a Pretty Face by @captainsophiestark 🪐 I don’t know much about the Bridgerton world, but I do love the regency period and I thoroughly enjoyed this meet cute with surprise revelation. These two are so cute together and it seems like they really do deserve some fun. What good is courting if you have to be stuffy and proper all the time? What good is being a sassy, talented woman without someone who can really appreciate it? Nice.
Free Food by @ironmandeficiency  It’s a love story and ahhhhhh you’re seeing Pip + Food and making assumptions. You would only be half right. Because when @ironmandeficiency says Year of Idiots they really chose a perfect one here. Full disclosure: There was a time I would have very much loved to have been Pip’s object of affection....and maybe this fanned a little flame for him....
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 1 year
Encanto OC Event Week 1: Alejandra Cordova
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Moodboard for Alejandra. 📿
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Full Name: Alejandra Graciela Salazar Cordova.
DOB: May 24th, 1920.
POB: Villavicencio, Colombia.
Likes/Hobbies: Horseback riding, hiking, rainfall, watching a sunrise, and playing with her mice. She loves making bead jewelry. She also makes lampshades, windchimes and mobiles out of glass and other trinkets.
Dislikes: Nosey, loud people, arrogance and her father leaving. Having meltdowns when very upset. She especially dislikes seeing her twin suffer from migraines.
Height: 5'1"
Hair Color/Style: Dark brown and usually in a loose braid which has loose strands flowing around her ears. Hair is naturally curly, Type 2B, mid-back and no bangs.
Eye color: Jade green.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual.
Voice: Sofia Carson.
Positive Traits: Friendly, warm, caring, creative and quiet.
Negative Traits: Easily stressed, disorganized, low self-esteem. Can be bitter.
Habits: Fiddles with her hands often and touches her left arm when nervous.
Talents: Glassblowing and excellent horseback rider.
Pets: Her horse Acosta. He's a dark brown Paso Fino. Three mice named Violetta, Rodrigo and Yareli. She's always had a couple of mice since as a teen.
Favorite Food: Empanadas.
Career: Glassblower. Tried running her own jewelry business but didn't work.
Family: Fraternal twin sister Francisca. Her dear mother, Mercedes Reyes. Pablo Salazar, her father, who left when she was 13. Paternal grandma, Perla, who passed when she was a toddler. Paternal grandpa Arturo. There's some uncles, aunts and cousins, but she wasn't close to them. Doesn't know her maternal family side, except that her mom has a little sister. Her grandma Maria had a fallout with Mercedes and forbade the family to communicate.
Backstory: Alejandra was a shy, but loving and playful child. It seemed like everyone adored her for how cute and sweet she was compared to Francisca. However, Alejandra didn't like the attention. She didn't like everyone talking to or about her. Whenever she made a mistake, it led to self-esteem issues. Thankfully, Mercedes was there to guide, encourage and love her. Francisca was close to her despite being opposites.
When her parents annulled their marriage, Alejandra took it hard. Pablo hurried off with his new love and didn't contact his daughters. Alejandra felt betrayed but missed him. After all they used to be close. Less than a year later, he suddenly invited the girls to his wedding and the whole Salazar family was in Medellin. They attended, but it went downhill. Alejandra suddenly lost it and had a meltdown before the ceremony! Next time she heard from Pablo again it was 10 months later: he announced he had a new baby daughter! To her, it felt like being replaced.
After Mercedes died, there was no word from Pablo about what happened (though he learned it far later.) With no other family and only 15, the girls were alone. They went from place to place, living on odd jobs. 5 years later, due to a bizarre and frightening situation, they were separated and feared they'd never see each other again. That was easily the worst time of Alejandra's life. She celebrated her birthday without her sister for the first time. She tried living on her own while hoping Francisca was alright. Saving the details for later, but after 6 long months, they were reunited.
During Casita's rebuilding, new changes are underway for Alejandra. She's turned 30 and has lived in Boyacá for a few years. She loves her job as a glassblower, her animals and sharing a home with Francisca. Yet she feels like she doesn't belong; like she's missing another piece of her life. She decides to make amends with Pablo. Riding Acosta she arrives to Medellin, and finds out she has 10 half siblings! When father and daughter talk, it feels awkward. They don't click like expected, and she wonders what's wrong. Despite apologizing for ruining the wedding, they both fight. She abruptly leaves as thunder and lightning hit the sky. Lost in a violent storm, Alejandra rides southwards feeling angry, confused and unloved.
If you've read my fic, Miracles Come in Pairs, you know this part. 😉 Alejandra encountered familiar and dangerous colleagues. (People who were responsible for tearing the twins apart.) She was relentlessly pursued through jungles and mountains...into the Encanto...where danger couldn't follow. She encounters the Madrigals, not at all once, but different points. She's surprised they're so kind and helpful to a stranger. She doesn't know anything about them or the place since Mercedes barely discussed her past. Casita's been alive again for just two days but remains still, so she's not startled. How would an outsider react to a magical house or unusual gifts? Slow introductions.
Julieta and Pepa are sure Alejandra's related to Mercedes. They look eerily alike and it sparks hope they'd reunite with their old friend. Bruno...poor man feels like he's seen a ghost. After meeting Alejandra, Bruno recalls a vision from when he was a teen. Hidden deep among all the past tablets, one he completely forgot, and nobody else saw. It's Mercedes holding a baby girl. At the time, he thought it was predicting Mercedes's new sister. Now? What if that baby is Alejandra?
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amargurafms · 1 year
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karol g + she/her + female – have you seen maria fernanda “ mafe ” jaramillo around los angeles? the twenty nine year old is usually jamming to pa que retozen by tego calderon. word around the city is that they’re enchanting, yet, they can also be vindictive, but you didn’t hear that from me. they’re currently a multi platinum recording artist and actress and are typically seen walking the streets of los angeles with their small pup lucho. when i think of them, i think of the hot pink tresses cascading down her back, the smell of chanel chance eau tendre and the usual glint of devil in her hues. let’s hope the city treats them good!
tw : mafia / crime / broken family / cartel life / death / murder.
maria fernanda " mafe " jarammilo was born on devils night ( or at lease thats what her grandmother used to say ) , born two minutes earlier than her twin brother at 3:00 am on october 31st, in medellin colombia. she was the first girl out of five boys , everyone who laid eyes on her enamored with the prized jewel of the jaramillo family. her life was anything but normal , being much more privileged than most of the people that she encountered , at a young age she didn't know much about , what it meant to be a jaramillo. she was aware that her family was well respected , never having to wait for anything , being fed from a gold spoon ( literally ) and having anything that her heart desired.when camilo was born , it was like she had her own personal little doll to play with. she adored him , with every being in her soul, protected him from her fathers righteous ways and her older brothers bullying , at the youngest jaramillo. she never thought that she could love someone as much as her little brother but as the grew older , she realized that having the last name jaramillo , wasn't all it was cracked out to be. though as she got older, she learned what would happen if anyone disrespected , anyone with the last name jaramillo, DEATH was the only revenge.
she was about twelve , when her eldest brother and her twin decided to go to business . she was in charge of making sure that everything was ready for their return, though what she didn't expect was to only welcome one brother back , the other one was gone : killed by the mexican cartels orders. since that moment everything changed , her mother decided that she didn't want the same life for her younger kids , especially not for camilo. pepa and herself , already had a taste and even though , she could level with it , violence was pepa's own vice : something that he could not quite quit . so that was it , their life in colombia had ended and miami it was. her father had some connections down here, people who still valued and idolized their family name , as crazy as it sounded.
music helped her deal with her life , it helped her sort of go to a world where their was an escape. where her life seemed just a very bad nightmare. miami was ideal but it wasn't colombia. she missed the food , she missed the people . god , she missed her ocean. on her fifteenth birthday , her mother wanted to do this big party for her. everyone who was someone , was going to show up. they were out looking through some ideas on what she wanted but nothing seemed to stick out to her , so they had one last party planner to meet with. as they were making their way to the car , mafe had forgotten her phone and decided to go back for it. it all happened in a split second , the loud BOOM echoed around her , smoke filling up her hues , the sharp noise that echoed in her ears seemed to distract her from looking for her mother. it wasn't until she looked for her that she saw the car up in flames. by the time she wanted to run and check on her mother, people were holding her back and the rest was simply a blur.
a lot of things changed for the whole family, sunday dinners had become meetings and there wasn't much life in the household. pepa and mafe decided to try their luck in the city of dreams and luckily enough , both of them were known for something more than just the cartel family. their faces changed peoples perspective of them , the twins were doing what they did best and that was putting on a show , a damn good one at that. it wasn't long til mafe met someone , this one took her for a loop. she thought that love could save her, and after just a few months they decided to marry. she thought this could save her, this could heal her but as the day came, she ran ----- she ran and never looked back. leaving the man that could have loved her, could have given her a good life but deep down she didn't need anyone to take care of her , she would do that all by herself.
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mafejaramillo · 1 year
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karol   g.   she/her.   female.      ›      spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   maria-fernanda   jaramillo   ,   most   likely   listening   to TQG   by   karol   g   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-eight    year   old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -selfish   yet   loyal  to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   cherry   blossom   hair,   the   smell   of   chanel   chance   eau   tendre   , the   diamond   choker   wrapped   around   her   neck   and   tatted   up   thighs   , followed    by    blossom   by   dior   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   the   obvious   scandal   of   mafe   leaving   her   fiancee   at   the   alter    ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   . 
tw : mafia/murder/homicide/abandonment/family loss/ crime
maria fernanda " mafe " jaramillo was born on devils night ( or at least that's what her grandmother used to say ) , born two minutes earlier than her twin brother at 3:00 am on october 31st, in medellin colombia. she was the first girl out of five boys , everyone who laid eyes on her enamored with the prized jewel of the jaramillo family. her life was anything but normal , being much more privileged than most of the people that she encountered , at a young age she didn't know much about , what it meant to be a jaramillo. she was aware that her family was well respected , never having to wait for anything , being fed from a gold spoon ( literally ) and having anything that her heart desired.when camilo was born , it was like she had her own personal little doll to play with. she adored him , with every being in her soul, protected him from her fathers righteous ways and her older brothers bullying , at the youngest jaramillo. she never thought that she could love someone as much as her little brother but as the grew older , she realized that having the last name jaramillo , wasn't all it was cracked out to be. though as she got older, she learned what would happen if anyone disrespected , anyone with the last name jaramillo, DEATH was the only revenge.
she was about twelve , when her eldest brother and her twin decided to go to business . she was in charge of making sure that everything was ready for their return, though what she didn't expect was to only welcome one brother back , the other one was gone : killed by the mexican cartels orders. since that moment everything changed , her mother decided that she didn't want the same life for her younger kids , especially not for camilo. pepa and herself , already had a taste and even though , she could level with it , violence was pepa's own vice : something that he could not quite quit . so that was it , their life in colombia had ended and miami it was. her father had some connections down here, people who still valued and idolized their family name , as crazy as it sounded.
music helped her deal with her life , it helped her sort of go to a world where their was an escape. where her life seemed just a very bad nightmare. miami was ideal but it wasn't colombia. she missed the food , she missed the people . god , she missed her ocean. on her fifteenth birthday , her mother wanted to do this big party for her. everyone who was someone , was going to show up. they were out looking through some ideas on what she wanted but nothing seemed to stick out to her , so they had one last party planner to meet with. as they were making their way to the car , mafe had forgotten her phone and decided to go back for it. it all happened in a split second , the loud BOOM echoed around her , smoke filling up her hues , the sharp noise that echoed in her ears seemed to distract her from looking for her mother. it wasn't until she looked for her that she saw the car up in flames. by the time she wanted to run and check on her mother, people were holding her back and the rest was simply a blur.
a lot of things changed for the whole family, sunday dinners had become meetings and there wasn't much life in the household. pepa and mafe decided to try their luck in the city of dreams and luckily enough , both of them were known for something more than just the cartel family. their faces changed peoples perspective of them , the twins were doing what they did best and that was putting on a show , a damn good one at that. it wasn't long til mafe met someone , this one took her for a loop. she thought that love could save her, and after just a few months they decided to marry. she thought this could save her, this could heal her but as the day came, she ran ----- she ran and never looked back. leaving the man that could have loved her, could have given her a good life but deep down she didn't need anyone to take care of her , she would do that all by herself.
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Hiii if you’re still taking requests, could we have more angsty, jealous Javier? You write his character so good, i love all of it!!! Your married series was absolutely fantastic <3
Javier Peña is not a jealous man. The women he’s with have multiple partners beside him- they’re informants, sex workers, and a lot of times both. He’s no juvenile and doesn’t expect them to not do their job because he can’t share. Besides, there’s a clear transaction with these women- sex in exchange for dollar bills, intelligence in exchange for a visa.
Javier Peña is not a jealous man. At least he doesn’t think he is until he’s with her (the professor he ends up marrying). The relationship starts out casual. She’s a beautiful woman who frequents the restaurant he frequents. They do the decent mating dance of flirtation and buying each other coffee before he takes her back to her place and fucks her thoughts out of her head.
He makes it clear to her that he isn’t looking for something serious. He hasn’t told her the exact nature of her job, but she knows. She has seen the gun on him. She has seen him on a raid, tactical vest on and hand enclosed around his gun. She kicks him out, but only after giving him a kiss and telling him she’d like to do this again. They were on the same page. Until they weren’t.
He’s bad at drawing boundaries. He kissed prostitutes on the forehead, asked them about their young kids and ailing parents, let them drone on about their hopes and dreams. Sure it was important to cultivate a relationship with his informants so that when things got dangerous, they would continue to… inform. But he enjoyed it. He liked knowing the women he slept with, liked asking questions and answering their questions. It was the only human thing left in his life full of violence.
He cannot draw boundaries with her at all. He eats from her refrigerator, drinks her liquor and lies down on her lap and lets her read English literature to him. He picks her up from work sometimes and drops her back the morning after. He fixes her faulty plumbing without even being asked. He finds her carrying heavy bags of groceries and offers to drive her to her place. He takes her grocery shopping and restocks her fridge. He tells himself it’s because he eats so much of her food. Just repaying her.
He’s picking her up from work one night. It boils his blood to learn that he isn’t the only one waiting in the parking area for her. There’s another guy, a professor like her, and he walks with her to his car. He should’ve driven away as soon as he noticed her with another man. But he doesn’t. He stares hard enough to burn a hole in the dress she wore when he first slept with her. It was flattering on her figure, highlighting her best assets— her entire goddamn body. Clearly she wore this dress when she was hoping to get laid. He drives away before she could notice him. He finds someone else that night. Plenty of fish in the sea, right? Except he screams her name when he’s balls deep in Helena.
She’s at their restaurant the next morning, having breakfast and drinking coffee like she didn’t go fuck someone else just last night. He sits at his old table instead of joining her like he always did. She looks a little hurt by it, but quickly fixes her expression to smile at him. Good. Be hurt. He is aware he’s being irrational. And a pig. She was free to sleep with all of Bogotá if she wished. God knows he did. She wasn’t doing anything wrong just like he wasn’t doing anything wrong. But he’s angry at her anyway.
Work takes him to Medellin for days and when he returns, he finds himself at her doorsteps. He feels right at home in her arms, in her pussy, and he doesn’t want to let go. He doesn’t want to get up and leave even though everything in him is begging him to leave before it was too late. He struggles between the rational part of him that knows it’s best to leave and the irrational one that wants to pull her to his chest and fall asleep breathing her in. She makes the decision for him.
She’d asked in the nicest possible way to fuck right off. Well, not really. But she might as well have kicked him out. She asks for clarification “what are we doing, Javi?” There is it, he thinks. He was always clear about his intentions with women, but he’s had a few of them believe that they could “fix” him. Whatever the hell that meant. And he had to break their heart, tell them it was just sex like they’d originally agreed. But she surprises him.
She calls him out on his shit, tells him he’s giving her mixed signals with taking her grocery shopping and meeting her up at work. She tells him he can’t have it both ways. “I have a date with a colleague this Sunday. It’ll be weird if I’m with him, thinking about how sweet it was of you to take my car for an oil change. That’s not umm…it’s not fuckbuddy stuff.” It’s boyfriend stuff.
Her drawing the boundaries for him should’ve helped. But god it doesn’t. All he wants to do that week is walk into her university campus and punch that fucker who was taking his girl out on a date. It was stupid, dangerous and reprehensible. But fucking hell, he couldn’t do shit while thinking about her with another man. Would she let the guy fuck her in his car like she let him? Would she cry his name? Would she accidentally let a low Javi slip out of her pretty lips out of habit?
He stops visiting the restaurant. He doesn’t need breakfast anyway. He fucks other women, fucks his own fist, but none of them come close to the euphoria of being inside her, of kissing her and drinking her moans in just as he made her cum on his cock. Nobody comes close. It’s for the best. He cannot afford emotional entanglements. It was for her good that she pulled away when she did. This was no life for anyone and attaching herself to him would mean having to endure his shit.
He can’t stop thinking about her. He freezes in the middle of the fucking street with his gun pulled on some guy because he thinks he saw her in the distance. It’s not her, he knows that. She was in Bogotá and he was in Medellin. It’s not her. But he sees her in everything. He finds himself reading fiction, for fuck’s sake. He finds her panties stuffed into the cushions of his couch and smells it to get himself off. It was creepy as shit, but it’s the hardest he’s come since he stopped seeing her.
He drives by their restaurant and catches a glimpse of her having breakfast with that guy. At their restaurant, at their table. He’s filled with rage towards her new man, at her. How could she just take this guy to their restaurant and have breakfast at their table? Like he didn’t even fucking exist. How long had this been going on? Was it well before he saw them in the parking lot that evening? Did she bring him here whenever Javi was away in Medellin?
He brings another girl to his leather couch that night and tries not to think about how she could be at home right now, fucking her colleague in the same bed she fucked him. Did she ask him about his interests? Run her fingers through his hair? Touch his arms and tell him how strong he was? He wants to laugh at himself. Of course she didn’t do that last one. The fucker she was with had noodle arms. They wouldn’t satisfy her. He wouldn’t satisfy her. Javi knew her body in and out, knew all the right buttons to push, had her wrapped around his little finger and his cock.
Two months and he’s strong in his resolve. He still think about her, still keeps her panties tucked under his pillow like a low grade pervert, still thinks of beating the shit out of her new guy. Hell, she was probably in love with him by now. Probably a nice guy who didn’t sleep around and actually came home on time.
It’s the oddest thing that breaks him. Surveillance pictures from Escobar’s family vacation. The piece of shit has a whole wife. Keeps his mother and cousin close. Even that fucking monster had family. Doesn’t he deserve to at least take the girl he can’t get out of his head to a nice dinner? Loneliness creeps into his days and nights. No matter how many informants he beds, there’s a growing void in his chest.
Rather than drive home that night, he drives to hers. He wakes her up at an odd hour and all he can think of is whether she was in bed with the new guy when he rang the doorbell. She looked both surprised and annoyed to find him at her door. He couldn’t blame her for either of those things— he did drop off the face of the Earth and it was way past a decent hour to drop by someone’s place. He wants to hold her face in his hand and press a kiss to her lips. But he didn’t have permission for that anymore. So he just says “Dinner?”
Series Masterlist
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mafefms · 1 year
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excuse me did you see karol g hanging around palmwood studios? oh no, that was maria fernanda “mafe” jaramillo, the twenty-eight year old who plays charlotte o'brien on screeching queens. yeah, you know rumour has it they’re superficial and divaish, but their fans all say they’re honest and compassionate. the soundtrack to their life would probably be the hills by the weekend, and when i think of them, i think of the aroma of chanel ( eau tendre ), the diamond chocker glistening around her neck and colorful tresses, that change depending on her mood. ( cis female, she/her )
tw: mafia / murder / homicide / cartel / depression
maria fernanda " mafe " jaramillo was born on devils night ( or at lease thats what her grandmother used to say ) , born two minutes earlier than her twin brother at 10:00 pm on october 31st, in medellin colombia. she was the first girl out of five boys , everyone who laid eyes on her enamored with the prized jewel of the jaramillo family. her life was anything but normal , being much more privileged than most of the people that she encountered , at a young age she didn't know much about , what it meant to be a jaramillo. she was aware that her family was well respected , never having to wait for anything , being fed from a gold spoon ( literally ) and having anything that her heart desired.when camilo was born , it was like she had her own personal little doll to play with. she adored him , with every being in her soul, protected him from her fathers righteous ways and her older brothers bullying , at the youngest jaramillo. she never thought that she could love someone as much as her little brother but as the grew older , she realized that having the last name jaramillo , wasn't all it was cracked out to be. though as she got older, she learned what would happen if anyone disrespected , anyone with the last name jaramillo, DEATH was the only revenge.
she was about eleven , when her eldest brother and her twin decided to go to business . she was in charge of making sure that everything was ready for their return, though what she didn't expect was to only welcome one brother back , the other one was gone : killed by the mexican cartels orders. since that moment everything changed , her mother decided that she didn't want the same life for her younger kids , especially not for camilo. pepa and herself , already had a taste and even though , she could level with it , violence was pepa's own vice : something that he could not quite quit . so that was it , their life in colombia had ended and miami it was. her father had some connections down here, people who still valued and idolized their family name , as crazy as it sounded.
music helped her deal with her life , it helped her sort of go to a world where their was an escape. where her life seemed just a very bad nightmare. miami was ideal but it wasn't colombia. she missed the food , she missed the people . god , she missed her ocean. on her fifteenth birthday , her mother wanted to do this big party for her. everyone who was someone , was going to show up. they were out looking through some ideas on what she wanted but nothing seemed to stick out to her , so they had one last party planner to meet with. as they were making their way to the car , mafe had forgotten her phone and decided to go back for it. it all happened in a split second , the loud BOOM echoed around her , smoke filling up her hues , the sharp noise that echoed in her ears seemed to distract her from looking for her mother. it wasn't until she looked for her that she saw the car up in flames. by the time she wanted to run and check on her mother, people were holding her back and the rest was simply a blur.
alot of things changed for the whole family, sunday dinners had become meetings and there wasn't much life in the household. pepa and mafe decided to try their luck in the city of dreams and luckily enough , both of them were known for something more than just the cartel family. their faces changed peoples perspective of them , the twins were doing what they did best and that was putting on a show , a dam good one at that. pepa began acting in small things , while mafe was on billboards and shortly after became the face of dior. it wasn't until pepa began raving about palmwood that she decided to take a look into it , charlotte's character had her name all over it. it only took a few hours to get the callback and she was starring on palmwood, look out world :
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newstfionline · 21 days
Friday, September 6, 2024
Canadian PM Trudeau weakened after main ally unexpectedly pulls support (Reuters) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suffered an unexpected blow on Wednesday when the small party helping keep his minority Liberal government in power withdrew its automatic support, forcing him to attempt new alliances to govern. The move leaves Trudeau reliant on support from other opposition lawmakers to survive confidence votes in the lower chamber of parliament at a time when polls show he will lose badly if an election were held now. An election must be held by the end of October 2025 under Canadian law. Trudeau, 52, first took office in November 2015 but has over the last two years struggled to fend off attacks from the opposition center-right Conservatives, who blame him for high inflation and a housing crisis.
Americans who have a job are feeling secure. Not so for many who are looking for one (AP) Laid off by the music streaming service Spotify last year, Joovay Arias figured he’d land another job as a software engineer fairly soon. His previous job search, in 2019, had been a breeze. “Back then,” he said, “I had tons of recruiters reaching out to me—to the point where I had to turn them down.” Arias did find another job recently, but only after an unexpected ordeal. “I thought it was going to be something like three months,” said Arias, 39. “It turned into a year and three months.” As Arias and other jobseekers can attest, the American labor market, red-hot for the past few years, has cooled. The job market is now in an unusual place: Jobholders are mostly secure, with layoffs low, historically speaking. Yet the pace of hiring has slowed, and landing a job has become harder. “If you have a job and you’re happy with that job and you want to hold onto that job, things are pretty good right now,” said Nick Bunker, economic research director for North America at the Indeed Hiring Lab. “But if you’re out of work or you have a job and you want to switch to a new one, things aren’t as rosy as they were a couple of years ago.”
Colombian truckers block highways in main cities in protest over increases in fuel prices (AP) Thousands of Colombians were forced to walk to work on Tuesday, as truckers in major cities blocked highways to protest a recent increase in the price of diesel fuel. Truckers unions have said that plans by the government to eliminate diesel fuel subsidies would push their businesses to the brink of bankruptcy, while the administration of left-wing President Gustavo Petro argues it must phase out subsidies to cut a growing budget deficit and direct more funds to education and health. On Saturday, the government raised the price of diesel fuel to around $2.90 per gallon, an increase of 50 cents. In response, the unions have been holding protests around the country, which intensified on Tuesday, with roadblocks in the cities of Bogotá, Medellin and Cali, that have diminished the amount of food arriving at wholesale markets.
Spanish singles found a new dating strategy. It’s in the fruit aisle. (Washington Post) Bored of swiping on apps, some single people in Spain have found an analogue method of finding romance: going to a popular grocery store at 7 p.m. and positioning an exotic fruit in their trolley cart. “If you want to date, you just go Mercadona, the supermarket, grab a pineapple and put it upside down in your cart,” said Damon Fan, a 24-year-old entrepreneur and content creator living in Barcelona. “If you find someone you like, and they happen to have their pineapple, you can start to talk,” he explained in a phone interview Wednesday. The method, which spread on TikTok, has led to dozens of Spanish singletons recording their experiences on the app—some with more apparent success than others. It is also the latest sign of a global turn against dating apps, driven by swipe-fatigue and many reporting that they are finding online dating increasingly fruitless. In an email Wednesday, Mercadona confirmed that the trend was happening in its stores, but stressed that it was not part of any marketing strategy. (Overall pineapple sales were also normal for this time of this year, it added.)
The world is pumping out 57 million tons of plastic pollution a year (AP) The world creates 57 million tons of plastic pollution every year and spreads it from the deepest oceans to the highest mountaintop to the inside of people’s bodies, according to a new study that also said more than two-thirds of it comes from the Global South. It’s enough pollution each year—about 52 million metric tons—to fill New York City’s Central Park with plastic waste as high as the Empire State Building, according to researchers at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. They examined waste produced on the local level at more than 50,000 cities and towns across the world for a study in Wednesday’s journal Nature. The study examined plastic that goes into the open environment, not plastic that goes into landfills or is properly burned. For 15% of the world’s population, government fails to collect and dispose of waste, the study’s authors said—a big reason Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa produce the most plastic waste. That includes 255 million people in India, the study said.
Chinese families seeking to escape a competitive education system have found a haven in Thailand (AP) The competition started in second grade for DJ Wang’s son. Eight-year-old William was enrolled at a top elementary school in Wuhan, a provincial capital in central China. While kindergarten and first grade were relatively carefree, the homework assignments started piling up in second grade. By third grade, his son was regularly finishing his day around midnight. Wang, who traveled often to Chiang Mai in northern Thailand for his job in tourism, decided to make a switch, moving his family to the city that sits at the base of mountains. The family is among a wave of Chinese flocking to Thailand for its quality international schools and more relaxed lifestyle. While there are no records tracking how many are moving abroad for education, they join other Chinese expats leaving the country, from wealthy entrepreneurs moving to Japan to protect their wealth, to activists unhappy with the political system, to young people who want to opt out of China’s ultra-competitive work culture, at least for a while.
For many investors and intellectuals leaving China, it’s Japan—not the US—that’s the bigger draw (AP) One by one, the students, lawyers and others filed into a classroom in a central Tokyo university for a lecture by a Chinese journalist on Taiwan and democracy—taboo topics that can’t be discussed publicly back home in China. “Taiwan’s modern-day democracy took struggle and bloodshed, there’s no question about that,” said Jia Jia, a columnist and guest lecturer at the University of Tokyo who was briefly detained in China eight years ago on suspicion of penning a call for China’s top leader to resign. He is one of tens of thousands of intellectuals, investors and other Chinese who have relocated to Japan in recent years, part of a larger exodus of people from China. Their backgrounds vary widely, and they’re leaving for all sorts of reasons. Chinese migrants are flowing to all corners of the world, from workers seeking to start businesses of their own in Mexico to burned-out students heading to Thailand. Those choosing Japan tend to be well-off or highly educated, drawn to the country’s ease of living, rich culture and immigration policies that favor highly skilled professionals, with less of the sharp anti-immigrant backlash sometimes seen in Western countries. It’s tough to enter the U.S. these days. Tens of thousands of Chinese were arrested at the U.S.-Mexico border over the past year, and Chinese students have been grilled at customs as trade frictions fan suspicions of possible industrial espionage.
Israeli strikes kill 5 in occupied West Bank, Palestinian officials say (AP) Palestinian health officials say Israeli strikes in the occupied West Bank killed five people, including the son of a prominent jailed militant. Israel has been carrying out large-scale raids in the territory over the past week that it says are aimed at dismantling militant groups and preventing attacks. The Palestinians fear a widening of the war in Gaza. The strikes overnight in the northern West Bank town of Tubas killed five people.
Gazans Grapple With Prospect of Israeli Presence Postwar (NYT) Cease-fire talks in Gaza have stalled again, in part over Israel’s demand to retain a military presence in the territory, which Hamas and Egypt oppose. But the view among some Gazans on that point is less clear-cut. Their lives have been devastated after almost a year of war and they say they find the idea of Israeli soldiers staying on—and of the checkpoints becoming permanent—disturbing. But if that helps bring an end to the war, it is a price they are willing to pay. Other Gazans expressed serious misgivings about allowing an Israeli military presence in Gaza, and some opposed it outright. “Of course I do not accept the presence of checkpoints on our return to the north,” said Mohammad Qadoura, 40, who was displaced from his home in Gaza City. “But if this would lead to the end of the war, I would reluctantly agree.”
China’s Xi pledges over $50 billion in financial aid to Africa to deepen ties (CNBC) Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced that he would allocate $50 billion in financing to Africa over the next three years. Xi Jinping also promised to “create at least one million jobs for Africa” and said China “is ready to deepen cooperation with African countries.” The announcement took place at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation currently happening in Beijing, where more than 50 African leaders are securing agreements regarding industry, natural resources, energy and infrastructure.
Collapse after collapse—why Lagos buildings keep crashing down (BBC) A building has collapsed in Nigeria’s megacity, Lagos, once every two weeks on average so far this year. Whereas the commercial cost can be calculated, a figure can never be put on the value of the lives lost underneath the rubble. The gaps among the buildings, replaced by piles of debris, represent a failure of governance as well as giving rise to allegations of contractors trying to cut corners to save money. There are regulations, there are maintenance schedules, there are inspectors—but the system does not work. Those responsible are never held to account, and so nothing ever changes. Lagos, dubbed by one expert who spoke to the BBC as “the building-collapse capital of Nigeria”, has seen at least 90 buildings falling down in the last 12 years, leaving more than 350 people dead, according to the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria.
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kingdompressnews · 2 months
Harry C. Powell, Jr. Lic. Real Estate Broker
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Harry C. Powell , Jr. began his career in Real Estate in the 1960’s. He was President of the largest community development in Southwest Florida, known as Lehigh Corporation. He was responsible for handling all aspects of community development, County, State and Federal regulatory agency liaison, accounting, collections, timeshare, association management prior to and after turnover. As a community developer, Mr. Powell was responsible for multi-millions in land and home sales. He believes in developing a relationship “where a handshake means a lasting friendship.” He was responsible for developing affordable land and housing. As a leader in Real Estate, Management, and Timesharing, Mr. Powell is well-known by all for his tutelage and involvement in many varied projects. His personal mission and vision statement is to create or manage a project to the satisfaction of the owners and customers. Mr. Powell continues to maintain his integrity and principles in his own company, Landex.
In 1981 Mr. Powell created Landex Corporation which was ranked 50th in the top 100 of Fortune 500 businesses throughout for over 10 years. Landex Corp. specialized in Timeshare management and telemarketing. Today we are proud to celebrate over 50 years of experience and success in Association Management and the Real Estate Market!
Our team collectively manages of 14 Residential, Commercial, Timeshare, and Vacation Plan Associations through parent company Landex Resorts International, Inc.. This includes managing assets for approximately 2,700 owners, with a total property value of $62,000,000, overseeing aggregate annual budgets in excess of $6,700,000. In addition, our team produces an average of $2,100,000 in rental revenue annually for our owners, through Landex Realty, Inc.
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Robyn Rocco, P.A. holds a degree in Business and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. Prior to her career at Landex she worked for a commercial design firm, whose clients included Mayo Clinic and Disney World. She is currently serving as the Corporate Office Manager of Landex Realty, Inc, in addition to being the Vice President of Landex Resorts International, Inc. (parent Community Association Management company). As licensed Florida Real Estate Agent and Community Association Manager, Robyn presently oversees management’s overall direction, coordination, and, evaluation of day to day operations. Robyn has proved instrumental in earning Dover House Resort a Florida Green Lodging Designation through the Florida Green Building Coalition and Environmental Protection Agency. She is a member of the National Realtor’s Association, the Community
Association Institute, and the United States Green Building Coalition. With fifteen years of education and service industry experience Robyn is dedicated to providing every client with the very best solutions for their Real Estate needs.
Leonardo Dahbur Is a graduate from Florida International University with a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration in Real Estate. A licensed Florida Real Estate agent and Community Association Manager, Leonardo began his career leasing and selling condos for Swire Realty in downtown Miami. He spent time abroad accruing real estate for fortune 100 companies establishing regional headquarters in Medellin, Columbia. Back in the states he managed a Real Estate Investment Trust on behalf of a privately owned real estate investment portfolio with nearly $2.5BN in holdings; directly managing a high profile Class B retail Plaza, consisting of approximately 500,000 sq. ft. of retail space. As Executive Team Member for the Marriott Group he acted as Outlet Director managing the food and beverage department of a 4 star 4 diamond Resort with seven outlets. This role found him simultaneously managing a 150 seat fine dining restaurant; a poolside restaurant with 80 seats; a 20,000 sq. ft. banquet/meeting space; a tikki Bar; a Starbucks coffee shop; an upscale wine lounge, room service operations for the resort; and a pizzeria for casual dining. Joining the Landex family in 2012 as General Manager for our Timeshare and Vacation Plan properties, he has become instrumental in expanding our market share of vacation rentals in our east coast operations. His experience and expertise make him an innovative and adaptive leader, a true asset to our team.
Contact Us : 
Address - Florida
Phone - (239) 280-5554
Website - The Kingdom Press
Blog - Harry C. Powell, Jr. Lic. Real Estate Broker
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smunalianzaliberal · 4 months
La Libertad
Liberals Make Emotional Appeal to Citizens; PLP Set to Win Upcoming Elections Amidst Liberal-Conservative Conflict 
30 October 1950 
The offensive during the election ceasefire period that has cornered the Liberal Cabinet in Puerto Carreno, now being referred to by many as the September Massacre, still sees the Liberals fiercely defending their capital against the gradually growing Colombian Army. Despite having the first shot during ceasefire periods, and going on to violate various rules-of-engagement in a desperate bid to surprise the Liberals, the Conservatives have denied all allegations launched against them in their recently televised speech. In fact, graffiti of the word “MURDERERS” was spray painted across the Conservative headquarters in Medellin by unknown activists. 
Almost shockingly, the Liberals also announced intentions to air a speech live as well, appealing to citizens of Colombia and responding to the latest situation. Represented by Felipe Antonio Lopez, he made a heartfelt speech declaring the Liberals unwavering dedication to the citizens even on the brink of defeat. Below is a short excerpt of the speech: 
“Do not lose your faith in the Liberal party, we are doing our very best to help you. We are doing our best to ensure that you have access to good food and livelihood despite the recent conflict with the conservatives. They are the one who have breached your ceasefire and attacked and destroyed your homes in the recently otherwise peaceful cities of Meta and Vaupes. Despite our upcoming elections, they have failed to adhere to the ceasefire, causing great damage and grief among the people and the families of Colombia.” 
While shedding tears as he described the debauchery of the September Massacre, Lopez made a desperate bid to the citizens of Colombia, calling for them to remain supportive of the Liberal party as they take their last stand. This emotional speech has received massive support from many Colombians, and citizens throughout have had a public outcry regarding this issue.  In addition, reports of soldiers blindly firing into unarmed crowds, running over retreating Liberal militiamen with vehicles and sexually assaulting civilians have shocked the entirety of Colombia to the barbaric nature of the Conservative party. Thus, civil unrest has begun to rise in the newly-freed/invaded/occupied regions, and even in traditionally pro-Conservative Western departments, and many protests, though currently mostly non-violent, have called for the persecution of the Conservative generals for ordering the September Massacre during ceasefire periods. 
In a recent UN statement, the United States condemned the Conservative faction for their “attack on democracy” and “senseless slaughter of citizens”. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union adopted a more neutralist approach, only calling for an “end to the decades of conflict”. Regardless, the UN has raised some intentions to provide humanitarian aid, though nothing has been directly introduced yet. 
Tentatively, the defense of Puerto Carreno looks to be the greatest priority for the Liberal Cabinet, whilst the Conservatives rapidly lose their legitimacy as the PLP begins to fill in their positions in abandoned departments. 
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The defense of Puerto Carreno sees lines of defenses being held up by Liberals. Green marks the camps of Conservative troops nearest to the city, blue marks the defense lines of the Liberals. The red cross marks a military encampment by the Liberals, while the green cross marks the Liberal headquarters, where the LAM are currently located at.
Meanwhile, election polls currently see the populist People’s Liberation Party winning by a massive lead. The PLP have recently established soup kitchens for refugees and the starving alike in Northern departments, providing free food for many. In addition, they have begun training smaller security divisions in the largely forgotten port capitals, such as Barranquilla and Santa Marta. These security divisions have taken to restoring law and order, arresting many criminals and helping rebuild damaged infrastructure. As there happened to be an internal disagreement between many police administrations in different departments, leaving them extremely disorganized, the presence of peacekeepers provided by the PLP was welcomed wholeheartedly by the citizens. Preliminary polls have shown the PLP with 70%, while the CLP-CNP alliance holds 25% and the PCC the remaining 5%. Northern Colombian departments, mostly held as industrial areas, now flock to support the PLP. In addition, the wealthier Southern departments see many landowners also supporting the PLP following the destruction caused by the Conservatives. At this current rate, it appears that the PLP would be primed to win the upcoming elections by a majority, and potentially even a supermajority, providing great threat to the future stability of the CLP-CNP alliance and the PCC. 
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Zones marked in green are those with a PLP majority support, zones marked in red are those with Liberal-Nationalist Alliance majority support, zone marked in blue is that which supports the Conservatives.
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smunconservadors · 4 months
La Libertad
Liberals Make Emotional Appeal to Citizens; PLP Set to Win Upcoming Elections Amidst Liberal-Conservative Conflict 
30 October 1950 
The offensive during the election ceasefire period that has cornered the Liberal Cabinet in Puerto Carreno, now being referred to by many as the September Massacre, still sees the Liberals fiercely defending their capital against the gradually growing Colombian Army. Despite having the first shot during ceasefire periods, and going on to violate various rules-of-engagement in a desperate bid to surprise the Liberals, the Conservatives have denied all allegations launched against them in their recently televised speech. In fact, graffiti of the word “MURDERERS” was spray painted across the Conservative headquarters in Medellin by unknown activists. 
Almost shockingly, the Liberals also announced intentions to air a speech live as well, appealing to citizens of Colombia and responding to the latest situation. Represented by Felipe Antonio Lopez, he made a heartfelt speech declaring the Liberals unwavering dedication to the citizens even on the brink of defeat. Below is a short excerpt of the speech: 
“Do not lose your faith in the Liberal party, we are doing our very best to help you. We are doing our best to ensure that you have access to good food and livelihood despite the recent conflict with the conservatives. They are the one who have breached your ceasefire and attacked and destroyed your homes in the recently otherwise peaceful cities of Meta and Vaupes. Despite our upcoming elections, they have failed to adhere to the ceasefire, causing great damage and grief among the people and the families of Colombia.” 
While shedding tears as he described the debauchery of the September Massacre, Lopez made a desperate bid to the citizens of Colombia, calling for them to remain supportive of the Liberal party as they take their last stand. This emotional speech has received massive support from many Colombians, and citizens throughout have had a public outcry regarding this issue.  In addition, reports of soldiers blindly firing into unarmed crowds, running over retreating Liberal militiamen with vehicles and sexually assaulting civilians have shocked the entirety of Colombia to the barbaric nature of the Conservative party. Thus, civil unrest has begun to rise in the newly-freed/invaded/occupied regions, and even in traditionally pro-Conservative Western departments, and many protests, though currently mostly non-violent, have called for the persecution of the Conservative generals for ordering the September Massacre during ceasefire periods. 
In a recent UN statement, the United States condemned the Conservative faction for their “attack on democracy” and “senseless slaughter of citizens”. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union adopted a more neutralist approach, only calling for an “end to the decades of conflict”. Regardless, the UN has raised some intentions to provide humanitarian aid, though nothing has been directly introduced yet. 
Tentatively, the defense of Puerto Carreno looks to be the greatest priority for the Liberal Cabinet, whilst the Conservatives rapidly lose their legitimacy as the PLP begins to fill in their positions in abandoned departments. 
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The defense of Puerto Carreno sees lines of defenses being held up by Liberals. Green marks the camps of Conservative troops nearest to the city, blue marks the defense lines of the Liberals. The red cross marks a military encampment by the Liberals, while the green cross marks the Liberal headquarters, where the LAM are currently located at.
Meanwhile, election polls currently see the populist People’s Liberation Party winning by a massive lead. The PLP have recently established soup kitchens for refugees and the starving alike in Northern departments, providing free food for many. In addition, they have begun training smaller security divisions in the largely forgotten port capitals, such as Barranquilla and Santa Marta. These security divisions have taken to restoring law and order, arresting many criminals and helping rebuild damaged infrastructure. As there happened to be an internal disagreement between many police administrations in different departments, leaving them extremely disorganized, the presence of peacekeepers provided by the PLP was welcomed wholeheartedly by the citizens. Preliminary polls have shown the PLP with 70%, while the CLP-CNP alliance holds 25% and the PCC the remaining 5%. Northern Colombian departments, mostly held as industrial areas, now flock to support the PLP. In addition, the wealthier Southern departments see many landowners also supporting the PLP following the destruction caused by the Conservatives. At this current rate, it appears that the PLP would be primed to win the upcoming elections by a majority, and potentially even a supermajority, providing great threat to the future stability of the CLP-CNP alliance and the PCC. 
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Zones marked in green are those with a PLP majority support, zones marked in red are those with Liberal-Nationalist Alliance majority support, zone marked in blue is that which supports the Conservatives.
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