emperornune · 3 years
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youthwanttruth · 3 years
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What if the MEDIA announced this and that the Lierus isn’t as bad as they thought and easily curable? Why won’t they? #medialiars #depression #lyingmedia #timetounite #unity #endthemedia #depressing https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiorUUnono/?igshid=1s3wd1xdg9omg
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heirophantnune · 4 years
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Hello Ladies
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richardsarko · 4 years
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Scientific Language Does Not Make a Science • Follow @richardson_delisme Dressing up a belief system in the trappings of science by using scientistic language and jargon, as in "creation-science," means nothing without evidence, experimental testing, and corroboration. Because science has such a powerful mystique in our society, those who wish to gain respectability but do not have evidence try to do an end run around the missing evidence by looking and sounding "scientific." Here is a classic example from a New Age column in the Santa Monica News: "This planet has been slumbering for eons and with the inception of higher energy frequencies is about to awaken in terms of consciousness and spirituality. Masters of limitation and masters of divination use the same creative force to manifest their realities, however, one moves in a downward spiral and the latter moves in an upward spiral, each increasing the resonant vibration inherent in them." How's that again? I have no idea what this means, but it has the language components of a physics experiment: "higher energy frequencies," "downward and upward spirals," and "resonant vibration." Yet these phrases mean nothing because they have no precise and operational definitions. How do you measure a planet's higher energy frequencies or the resonant vibration of masters of divination? For that matter, what is a master of divination? in Why People Believe Weird Things Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer . . . . . . . . . #pseudoscience #flatearth #spaceisfake #nasalies #firmament #indoctrination #earthisflat #nocurve #gravityisahoax #alltheworldsastage #spacefarce #globehoax #deception #mindcontroll #nasaliars #strongdelusion #globedelusion #masonicpseudoscience #researchflatearth #hoax #actorbasedreality #medialiars #wakeupsheeple #hegeliandialectic #deceivers #liars #stoppseudosciencecampaign #kamit #homeopathy #richardsondelisme https://www.instagram.com/p/CL9dyCHDE1k/?igshid=149cuqy68q0d2
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emperornune · 3 years
The powers of the creator god.....
a) makes you do sloppy actions.
b) make you use curse words.
c) keep you from talking.
d) make you horney.
e) waste your time with nothing.
f) cast ilusions.
g) change sounds.
h) lies easily.
i) back-stabbs evil.
can make you feel anxious
put you in a hurry
give you amnesia
organize chanse meetings
folows you everywhere
keeps track of you
remembers everything quietly
watches everything you do
has power you can never have.
Elohim uses Powers,
loud good music
loud creepy music
strange perverted music
alows funky wrong demon music
has a bad sense of humor;
goofy, ethnic, & dry dark lhp music
The Creator has used Powers,
loss of concentration
awareness blocks to perception
spelling errors
wrong use of a cofee machine
sexual interjection during sex
brainwashing use of language
murder stories
child rape stories
electrocution voices
brain slowing
bad jokes.
Deity Powers,
selective amnesia 5+ basic + varieties
speech streaming
word poping
idea realignments
focus grabing
panic all kinds of short long panic
matter popping
minor teleportation
temporal distortions
memory blocks
fear pills
social engineering
a) can make you do sloppy actions.
b) make you use curse words.
c) keep you from talking.
d) make you horney.
e) waste your time with nothing.
f) cast ilusions.
g) change sounds.
h) lies easily.
i) back-stabbs evil.
Yahweh has used Powers,
slopy nervous system
typoe's, mispeled words
butchered English gramar
mistaken behaviors stubed toes
interupted plans
disapointing mechanical operations
mesed up clothes
ensuring poor improper planing
thought stoping
thought rearanging
bad ideas. @USCCB
God can cause,
erectile dysfunction
altered vision
panic hurried anxiety
hot flashes
itchy skin
mimic radio transistor signals
strange noises
The Deity has used Powers,
stomach buterflies
nervous panic feelings
lme naratives
visual obfuscations & ilusions
bad food choices
interupted chanse encounters.
Alowed human person's to try and become a deity with futile uninteligent side-show tricks, embarasing themselves.
Work with me now.
The God is a Liar.
We can save the Earth from all human & Deity related problems.
We can begin a life awakening for humankind on our planet. 
It is the sciense known as the Hundredth Monkey bio-convergense.
Reject the Dirty God.
a. controls people.
b. speech streaming overides.
c. slightly evil & interfering.
d. causes stubbed toes.
e. makes acidents hapen.
How to Win :
1. drink cold Aquafina.
2. Be self aware of everything you say.
3. Write down good notes.
The God Deity :
A. meses with humans daily.
B. is making your life very hard.
C. can make you pee or vomit.
D. causes selective amnesia.
E. typoes - mispeaking.
F. reduces your perfection with manual overides.
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emperornune · 3 years
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emperornune · 3 years
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World Book Day
Friday April 22nd
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emperornune · 4 years
How to be normal:
1. Move slowly.
2. Stay calm.
3. Know what you are going to say in advance.
4. Write out your day every morning, in no more than one page of college ruled lined paper.
5. Each morning you wake up write down a comitment declaration to change your life for the best.
... "I, Michael Polite, am not going to give up on humanity so long as there is one inocent person on Earth besides myself. I am ordering myself today, to make my mind find new ways to teach others how to evolve into beautiful, brilliant, advanced human beings come hell or high water. I am in love with understanding what is wrong. I will face everyone in the wisdom of the book of 'Proverbs' as I love to do, for the betterment of all life, for all time, no matter what. Today I seek to comune with every person who chooses a beautiful world just like I do."
6. Be polite at all times.
7. Stop smoozing the God, He does not need it.
8. Respect the beauty of life & inocence more than yourself.
9. Be strong and independent.
10. Study Moral Law for Absolute Power, Love, Peace, & Joy.
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emperornune · 3 years
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emperornune · 3 years
San Francisco is crumbling. The City is starting to crumble to pieces soon. A WARNING ! @ymcasf @sfspca @SFMayorsOffice @KCBSKCALDesk I am a United States Army Military Policeman who lived in San Francisco from 1995 to 2000. ⛔You have a PROBLEM. (radio signals make it worse)
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emperornune · 3 years
Drugs &
high frequency signal soundwaves
fill the streets.
To numb humanbeings so that we do not freak out about mortality.
You can feel the radio frequencies by putting ear plugs in both ears.
These numbing quiet sounds and drug medications and street junk drugs make it worse.
Fairy tales about a Heaven after-life make it way worse.
And that is why so many people are wearing the color black.
Just say no to drugs & no to high frequencies...
So you can awaken & mature...
...and start to actualy be happy and enjoy life good naturaly. I know how. Meditation and moral purity unlock the Beauty & Joy of Life.
Start today...
...for you are sleeping, and, do not realy enjoy being alive! 💔☹,(🍌) #BlackLivesMatter [ capuchin 'marmoset' monkies have a secret to share with all of you, to use your big brains for ascended living on Earth ]
#TruthAlwaysMatters✡ I am here for you and will honestly answer all good questions. I have the science instructions that will tell you what to do and learn to awaken in enlightened experience to truly be alive and strong full of Joy and pleasure. @americamag
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emperornune · 3 years
The Day the Earth Stood Still
A) Crimes of Planet Earth:
1. child pornography
2. government employee mass theft rings
3. violence on communicator technologies
4. mass produced & govt allowed speed drugs
5. doctor supplied narcotics industry
6. massive drug enslavement of people
7. brain-washing by churches & corporations
8. child prostition
9. teenager's as sex slave prostitutes for the rich or famous, Very bad, evil people are taking advantage of the young, just to get their rocks off in young bodies.
10. Barbarians & monsters!
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emperornune · 3 years
The Deity, our Creator God;
has shrunk your brains, like a dog collar,
for you are criticaly imature about old age, dying, and death. Elohim has put blinders on your brain to diaper your mind from getting all traumatic about old age, dying and death.
You have been lobotamized.
Radio wave technology also lobotamizes the human brain. The God sneaks in further detailed lobotamy redactions in brain access and usage to those individuals and groups who would in fact throw a constant fit over aging, dying, and death.
Then of course you drink alcohol over it.
sinful = imoral
sin = doing wrong things and trying to love it or moke it be the good it is not
*do you get it?
You have no power to change the root science of life.
Live against the science of Moral Law and YOU WILL SUFFER !
Causes of anger and aditional misery overall in life,
•sinful living
•a sarcastic negative view of life
•indiference to the sufering of other people.
•lying and deceit; as well as tolerance for deceptions of any kind, and failure to opose these lies.
☆disconected frm nature!
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emperornune · 3 years
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emperornune · 3 years
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emperornune · 4 years
Doing positive behaviors
1) Look around you.
2) Feel your body.
3) What is wrong with the world.
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