#medical vaccine fraud
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indianahal · 9 months
The state of Nebraska has become the first state to collect health information on its citizens to create a centralized data system.  Many are criticizing the law because it may open Nebraskans up to personal information theft, and the likelihood of "smart health cards" being ultimately used for a global ID and new digital currency CBDC.  Will the new system  actually cut health costs, prevent medical errors, and improve healthcare?  Only time will tell!  My new video report on how Nebraska is collecting centralized health data on over 5-million residents.
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khaotunng · 6 months
sending their son’s vaccination records through a game 🤝 calling your partner in fraud to say your husband, whom you scammed, needs his anxiety medication
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apricitystudies · 7 months
crimes of the elite: a deep dive
voted on here. (other editions) bold = favourite
corporate harms
behind the smiles at amazon
the long, dark shadow of bhopal (bhopal gas disaster)
how lobbying blocked european safety checks for dangerous medical implants
7-eleven revealed
who controls the world's food supply?
the true cost of tuna: marine observers dying at sea
how a big pharma company stalled a potentially lifesaving vaccine in pursuit of bigger profits
24 years after, some victims not compensated and still can't live normal lives (pfizer's nigeria vaccine trials)
the corporate crime of the century
uber broke laws, duped police and secretly lobbied governments, leak reveals (the uber files)
the baby killer (nestle infant formula scandal)
2 paths of bayer drug in 80's: riskier one steered overseas (hiv-risk contaminated blood product scandal)
global banks defy u.s. crackdowns by serving oligarchs, criminals and terrorists (fincen files)
the ultra-rich
eliminalia: a reputation laundromat for criminals
the fall of the god of cars (international fugitive carlos ghosn)
a u.s. billionaire took over a tropical island pension fund. then hundreds of millions of dollars allegedly went missing (cyprus confidential)
how the wealthiest avoid income tax (the irs files)
the haves and the have-yachts
madoff and his models (madoff ponzi scheme)
the imposter (blockchain terminal fraud)
the ultra-rich: (allegedly) stolen antiquities
crime of the centuries
stolen treasure traders
a hunt for cambodia's looted heritage leads to top museums (pandora papers)
an art crime for the ages
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trickricksblog08 · 1 year
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darkmaga-retard · 7 days
Scientists are sounding the alarm after laboratory testing found that Covid mRNA vaccines “accelerate cancer” in all those who received the shots.
Lioness of Judah Ministry
Sep 19, 2024
By Hunter Fielding September 18, 2024
Scientists are sounding the alarm after laboratory testing found that Covid mRNA vaccines “accelerate cancer” in all those who received the shots.
Back in February, U.S. Republican Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin held a roundtable discussion titled ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?’.
In attendance at that forum was an internal medicine specialist and medical doctor named Sabine Hazan, who conducts and supervises clinical trials for cutting-edge medical research, including that based on gastroenterology.
Dr. Hazan investigates Big Pharma companies for corruption, a very daring and courageous effort to help the world realize how much fraud and insidious planning Western Medicine engages in, especially the Vaccine Industrial Complex.
The key component that makes up 90% of our biological seat of immunity for fighting diseases is KILLED OFF by spike proteins from mRNA jabs that travel to the gut. Anyone who got Covid vaccinated could be catapulting cancer, IBS, autism, dementia, and catching Covid or the next pandemic of Bird Flu, Monkeypox, or whatever other gain-of-function lab-made virus Big Pharma releases into the wild.
Gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan tested the microbiomes of doctors who volunteered to be tested BEFORE and AFTER getting Covid vaccinated with spike protein prion-creating mRNA jabs and discovered that their most important gut bacteria were wiped out within 30 days to almost non-existent.
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triple-tree-ranch · 1 year
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I don't want to be an alarmist. I don't want to run around screaming "the sky is falling" all the time.
But that's who and what I am.
I'm a queer Jewish anarchist living in a red state.
And it's time to start screaming.
There WILL be another far-right coup attempt in 2024. And with 6 supreme court seats and a house speaker, it will likely succeed.
With the courts packed, no military coup is required. An electoral coup utilizing the courts can, has, and likely will happen in the US. They have been preparing for this.
If this far-right coup is successful, we are looking at a ramping up of the already in-progress genocide which begins with queer people but will likely ramp up against the Latino community specifically, Jews, and other marginalized communities.
What can we do?
Well, the things that can be done at this point I can't say online. The short answer is, a full-blown people's revolution. Which is unlikely.
Joining activist groups already working on this will help, joining or founding mutual aid networks is vital, organizing and involving yourself in your local queer community in person, not just online, and getting involved in activism that way. Fighting and involving yourself in local politics - school boards, sheriffs, city council - can help keep your city safe. If this means running, backing candidates, or showing up to every school board meeting making sure these assholes don't win their censorship fights, do it.
National elections obviously matter, but regardless of who wins this election, the far-right is in position to steal it and overthrow the government anyway. It's very likely they will at least try, and probably succeed. They spent years packing the courts for this moment.
As long as our current supreme court members are alive and in office, we are in immense danger.
In the meantime, just about everyone in our communities needs to have a plan in place to get the fuck out of AT LEAST their conservative state, IDEALLY the country.
Flee the country
It can takes months to renew a passport, if you will need to in the next few years, do it now. US passports are self-ID, make the best choice for your safety, whatever that is.
Countries that offer the longest tourist visas (temporary, but get you in fast and some can be as many as 180 days)
See if you can transfer to another country at your workplace, if that's a thing you can do.
Make sure you are fully vaccinated as required by the places you are considering fleeing. Some countries require more/different vaccines than the US.
If leaving the country will be impossible, make connections with people in blue states and try to get there, or prepare to stand your ground and defend yourself and your community. I know most of my fellow Appalachians will be standing our ground. They can pry Appalachia from our dead queer hands. They can try.
Can't leave? Hide or Fight.
Stock up on your medications. Trans femmes have an easier time with this, you can have your cis women friends get a script for spiro via a dermatologist "for hormonal acne", and older women in your circle can easily get estrogen scripts "for menopause". These are also available online more readily, but be careful. Trans mascs may need to have cis men in their lives get t scripts, or take a lower dose of what's prescribed, then when your bloodwork is low, get a higher script than what you need and stockpile. This is medication fraud, and a crime. T is a controlled substance. But do what you gotta do.
Stock up on birth control methods, plan b, and abortion pills if you need them. These will likely be banned. You can get a long-term implant now, or get an additional birth control prescription via an online pharmacy, in addition to the one you are already using to create a stockpile.
Get medical training. Stop The Bleed is available online, for everyone, for free. EMT basic is widely available and relatively affordable.
Get armed, if you can. This especially applies to people running rural queer communes, as is popular in my region. We've all read Parable of the Talents (I hope), they will come for you. Arm, train, and fortify. Develop connections outside your commune who will worry about you if you suddenly go out of contact. You're not safe because you're rural and growing your own food. When they come, you want to at least take them with you.
Save, download, stockpile queer literature, queer websites, and resources that may be destroyed. A lot of people download the entirety of wikipedia. Scrubbing queer content from society will start once the far-right have taken over. That process has already begun on a smaller scale.
Join preexisting activist groups already working against these people, regardless of whether they are specifically queer-focused or not. Building in-person, offline connections will be vital. Information control will be the norm. Online organizing may become impossible.
If necessary and possible, scrub your online information, go deep in the closet, and wait it out. This is impossible for most of us, but it was a valid strategy for a lot of queer people and other minorities during the Holocaust. A lot of people survived by pretending to be something they weren't and simply waiting it out, obfuscating and working against the fascists when they could, and surviving to tell the story. Not everyone is a revolutionary. This often involved lesbian couples marrying gay men. Temporary detransition, and simply laying low. Fascist states fall eventually.
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rigberts · 12 days
On the could be/could get away with being a serial killer political compass Shinobu is absolutely up there in the could be/could get away with it corner with Douma of all people
Oh absolutely. im turning her around in my head like a disco ball. Like in my head, Douma is a master manipulator that can easily create a cult atmosphere where even if it's extremely obvious he killed someone, he could just say "whoops, looks like he had a heart attack and also is missing all his skin for some reason", and everyone would simply bury the body for him. Shinobu, on the other hand, would devote a fair amount of energy to seeming normal, but, also have a lot of fun turning crime scenes into these crazy mysteries where her poisons have all sorts of bizarre effects (rashes, foaming at the mouth, truth serum, delayed effect, hallucinations) but are totally untraceable. So even as fellow serial killers, she would look down on douma for being so careless about the aftermath, as it would really only take one successful whistleblower to discover everything.
Also, in kimetsu gakuen, its confirmed that shinobu is in the pharmaceutical research club, so im imagining that gotouge saw her probably as a doctor that creates life saving drugs for people in need, but...
The pharmaceuticals industry is full of the absolute shittiest people alive. Researchers prey on poor, incarcerated, and disabled people to do clinical drug trials, and often falsify their results, with disastrous consequences (see: the mmr vaccines cause autism study that plagues us today). Patent owners for life saving medications can jack up the price at will, signing death warrants purely out of greed. Even the dealings between pharmaceutical sales reps and doctors they want to prescribe the drugs are shady, with under the table deals being struck to get the commission money of making a sale, or so doctors can sell free samples of medication to patients for insurance fraud purposes.
What I'm saying is, i have like thirty percent of a fic that is half serial killer femme fatale shinobu poisoning powerful people for revenge, and half an amateur journalism piece on white collar crime in Big Pharma.
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ms-hells-bells · 1 year
fuck insurance companies.
for over 10 years, rather than individually screening each insurance claim, like they are supposed to, cigna has been using an algorithm that automatically denies claims that have key words and conditions put on a 'don't cover' blacklist, then gets their doctors just just click a button that rubberstamps 50 at a time, saying (internally, this was uncovered by propublica and whistleblowers) that customers can 'just appeal' and it 'saves billions for us'.
the issue is that there is no solid 'blacklist' for conditions with health insurance, so many things are grey areas, and in fact, a lot of things on their automatic denial list are in fact things that they DO cover most of the time according to their own policies. and they chuck new procedures onto the blacklist PURELY TO SAVE MONEY, not by actual definition of medical necessity. when discussing whether to put a nerve test onto the blacklist, they purely talked about the millions it would save them, and so did so.
cigna is not the only one, it turns out that most insurance companies, at least in the united states, use similar algorithms. and further uncovered is major billion dollar fraud by these insurance companies, where under the medicare advantage programme, a programme where the federal government pays insurance companies for people who enroll with them via MAP, and the sicker the patient, the higher amount the government pays to the insurer. and so, the insurance companies would add fake conditions onto the files of random patients in order to get more money from the government. here's just some examples
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overbilling fraud is costing taxpayers more than entire sector costs
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gee, i wonder why conspiracies about the medical system are so prevalent in the united states. i'm pro medicine, but when people see this, it's easy to understand how scientifically uneducated people claim that vaccines are just fake shit peddled to make money.
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
"bUt cAnT wE tEsT oN hUmAnS" drives me nuts. New medicine/treatments/vaccines/surgeries/etc. can cause SO many issues. Like, have these people never seen those commercials going "If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma" or "If you or a loved one were diagnosed with this cancer after using this weed killer" or the "Hey your baby powder might have fucking asbestos in it"???
I mean fuck even after things have been ~officially tested~ I still wait a year or more before trying a new medication/vaccine/procedure/whatever and just let all the other guinea pigs test it out and see what happens to them first because sometimes! Things are missed! Or ignored!
There's literally a Wikipedia article on the largest pharmaceutical settlements for things like failure to disclose safety data, kickbacks and fraud.
It's the same when a new video game/console/phone/car comes out! Let everyone else go first and find all of the bugs/problems/see if the car explodes or the breaks stop working.
To be clear though, hesitancy about vaccines has been a detriment of society with little basis in fact. Everyone was panicking about the covid vaccine like "it's NEW and EXPERIMENTAL!" No...mRNA vaccines have been tested on mice since the 90's. And the panic about the lyme disease vaccine prevented us from potentially eradicating that disease among humans, and now it's mutated beyond the point where a vaccine could ever be effective. I trust vaccines, they don't fuck around with all the hurdles somebody has to go through before any of that gets to the consumer level.
For other medications I generally trust the medical review process, but you're correct in that things can be unreliable if they aren't tested on a wide variety of bodies because of things like medical misogyny and ableism. Medical professionals are shocked when a medication has unexpected side effects for people who menstruate, like...did this never come up during trials? Oh, no, it didn't, because they didn't bother testing anyone beyond healthy ages 20-40 cis men.
It's also standard to only use male mice/cats/dogs/primates for most medication tests - I work with inverts and didn't know this was a thing until I went to a conference for the broader neuroscience community. Basically, female rats/mammals present "issues" for medical testing because of their reproductive hormone cycles ...... and so does half of the human population.
It's a complicated issue but yeah, it's not going to make things any safer by eliminating animal testing outright.
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sincerelyyellingback · 5 months
My childhood vaccine records are false??? (Not clickbait)
My record (as well as both of my sisters') say that we all got a flu shot in 2014. This is not true. My whole family stopped receiving the flu shot after it made me sick in 2008. Now, I have no idea how accurate the rest of my vaccine record is. Is it a crime that the record was altered? I know that doctors receive financial incentives for getting patients to take vaccines. I feel like that makes this fraud. And what if false information in my medical records puts my life in danger someday? It more than likely won't, because I've largely stopped seeing doctors. But there must be some kind of action I can take to right this situation.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Kristina Collins didn’t know her photo was being used on Telegram. Over the past few months, an Instagram picture of Collins, a Texas-based doctor and dermatologist, has been used by scammers on the chat app to try to persuade people to buy false proof that they have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and other diseases.
“The last thing you want as a physician is for your identity to be used to promote misinformation,” Collins tells WIRED, adding that many doctors use social media specifically to make sure people have access to accurate health information. “When people are able to take that likeness and use it for bad purposes, whether it’s fraud, whether it’s misinformation, I think it’s really scary.”
The Telegram channel impersonating Collins wasn’t alone. Researchers at Logically, a UK-based disinformation detection company, have uncovered a network of around 60 Telegram channels selling Covid-19 vaccination certificates and other proof of vaccination documents, and claiming to sell various medicines. In 25 of the channels, administrators used a “Dr.” prefix in their username, with 13 of the channels using the real-world names and/or photographs of legitimate medical professionals.
The network has been operating since at least June 2022, with more than a thousand accounts on X posting links that push people toward the Telegram channels selling “vaccine passes,” according to Chris Proops and Maisie Draper, Logically researchers who investigated the activity. Overall, they say, the social media operation has reached more than 3 million people with over 62,000 posts, and cryptocurrency accounts linked to the efforts have processed $286,000.
The scam is the latest in a long line of Covid-19 and health-related misinformation and disinformation, which has broadly attempted to capitalize on conspiracy theories and some people’s concerns about vaccinations. It highlights how scammers can abuse social media platforms, particularly those with loose stances on moderation, and potentially erode trust in medical systems.
“They're directing people, anti-vaxxers primarily, on X to then move to Telegram and subscribe to the around 50 Telegram channels that they have,” Draper says. The researchers identified around 20 “campaigns” on the Elon Musk–owned social media platform that were pushing people toward Telegram channels. The first was in June 2022 and the most recent at the start of December.
Draper and Proops say the efforts used repeated messaging, often replying to “verified” accounts on X that are linked to anti-vaccination sentiments, and consistently mentioned conspiracy theories such as the “great reset.”
“A lot of it is playing on anti-vaxxers’ vulnerabilities to being paranoid about things like the next pandemic, or other kinds of vaccines, like the measles vaccine,” Draper says.
The Telegram channels, where administrators impersonate doctors, also follow similar patterns to one another. Many of the channels have names related to Covid-19 vaccinations, and they claim to sell pandemic-related travel passes, allowing people to enter the UK, US, Canada, and other countries. They can sell the passes for around $250 to $500 each, with payments often being requested in bitcoin. Photos of the documents they claim to sell look similar to the official versions of the documents.
However, the vast majority of countries no longer require proof of vaccination to enter them and haven’t done so for long periods of time—for instance, the UK removed travel restrictions in 2022. “Over time, we started seeing a trend change where it wasn't just Covid passes,” Proops says. The Telegram channels have offered tuberculosis test results, meningitis vaccine results, and documentation around hepatitis A and B, tetanus, polio, and more, he says.
The researchers say they believe doctors are being impersonated to give the scammers a veneer of legitimacy. The Logically researchers contacted several doctors who were not aware their identities were being used. One doctor, they say, had not heard of Telegram. Collins says she was not aware of her image being used in this way until she was contacted by Logically and WIRED. She added that her image had also been used on a scam Instagram account.
Since the researchers started monitoring the X accounts and Telegram channels last year, many of the accounts and channels have been removed by the social media companies; however, around half of the Telegram channels are still active. Neither Telegram nor X responded to WIRED’s request for comment on the accounts or whether Telegram was aware of the impersonation of doctors taking place.
A WIRED review of the Telegram channels still active shows regular posts from administrators and other members. Some of the channels have only a few hundred members; others have a few thousand. The administrators of some channels have been inactive for several months. Within the channels is a slurry of well-worn and debunked conspiracy theories.
One still-active channel claims itself as a “coalition of doctors” who can get people “genuinely registered documentation” for those traveling to the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and 15 EU countries. The owner of the channel uses the name of a legitimate US-based plastic surgeon who has around 50,000 followers on social media, and a photograph of another doctor. Draper says that within the communities, people “are sharing photographs of side effects of the vaccine and fearmongering about the future impacts of lockdowns.”
The channels also claim to sell the drug ivermectin, which the US Food and Drug Administration said should not be used to treat or prevent Covid-19 in 2021. One of the channels lists half a dozen different kinds of medicines it claims to be able to provide. One claims it is selling weight loss drug Ozempic, while another tells people to not get a flu shot.
“The landscape of misinformation actors is abundant,” says Aliaksandr Herasimenka, a researcher of political communication at the Oxford Internet Institute who has studied misinformation on Telegram and vaccine and health misinformation. Herasimenka, who was not involved in the Logically research, says he has not seen doctors being impersonated on Telegram regularly, but that those behind misinformation and disinformation can use a variety of tactics. He says misinformation efforts can often be run for political or social goals, while those using it to make money can be often overlooked. “There are so many people who try to make money using misinformation, they would use any opportunity to profit,” Herasimenka says.
There is no evidence indicating that the Telegram channels offer legitimate goods, and it isn’t possible to verify whether anyone purchasing items from them receives anything. Some channels have posts from “customers” who claim to have purchased items from the Telegram groups. One account, which claims it ordered a vaccine certificate and drugs to the US, shared a photo of the back of an envelope claiming they received their order. Other posts use generic photos of drugs or vaccine certificates to claim items were delivered.
The Logically researchers say the likelihood that the false documents have been sent to people is “relatively low,” and their main motivation is likely financial. Proops says that while the documents the groups claim to be selling are not of much use now, the networks could be used in different ways in the future. The continued use of the channels and spreading of anti-vaccination messages could also undermine trust in health systems around the world, Proops says.
Collins, the doctor who had her image stolen, says she is concerned that it will become easier for scammers or people looking to undermine health care professionals to do so as image generation with artificial intelligence becomes more available. “As AI gets even better, they can go beyond just taking your picture off of a website, and actually potentially make a video of you talking,” Collins says. This will make it “really hard for an average person to sort out if this is a fake account or not.”
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What's your hottest take (that would get you killed in a theocratic hellhole)?
(I don’t know how long this was in here for) (also I had to google theocratic)
Where to beginnnnn
I have so many
Gonna list a few
This turned into things that will piss of conservatives
Children shouldn’t be by default taught to believe in god
The church should have no where near as much power as it does
If you don’t want to go to church you shouldn’t be forced to
If you can afford 14 million dollars for two Super Bowl ads, you’re not helping enough people
If you can’t give medical assistance because of your religion (eg, not being able to give an abortion), you should not be in the medical field
Judging people for their beliefs or non beliefs is ridiculous
You should go read the bible front to back before you go around quoting it to people.
This weird obsession with virginity and body count having a merit on your desirability by a partner is horrible
If a high level member of the church is found guilty of child abuse or assault the church should be shut down until investigations have been held to ensure it is a safe place
Bringing god into politics should be illegal
Making people swear on the bible in court holds no sway if you believe the bible is mumbo jumbo
Vaccination works and it doesn’t cause autism
Telling random people that Jesus loves them is like telling them Hercules loves them
If god really is all good than the people he made in his likeness should be all good
Not once in the bible does it mention how hell got there
Christianity is built on centuries of oppression, war and fraud
Believing everything in the bible even though one of the books says that it was three wise men and another says three Shepards
It has been translated and retranslated and changed so many times there are undoubtedly many things that would not have been there
Claiming you’re so anti communist when one of the major signs of communism is a dictatorial leader that no one can vote out, by trying to keep trump in office you are essentially allowing this to happen
Taylor swift didn’t ruin football, nor is she a ploy to keep Biden in office, you’re just threatened by a strong powerful woman
I would rather have a spider crawl over my face than be forced to be a “trad wife”
Abortion is healthcare
Being proud of yourself is not a bad thing
Lust is a normal human feeling
Having to prove you’re worthy of heaven is bullshit
Anyone being forgiven for any sin is bullshit
I would rather leave my child with two gay men than two priests
Religion is outdated
“The universe can’t have come from nothing” but yet god came from nothing?
Mandatory religion classes up until year 12 is weird bc all I can do in the church is be a nun
Appreciate the ask
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fishmech · 10 months
yall are aware that people who claim there is no immunity gained after being infected by covid are lying to you based off bad studies from over 3 years ago right?
like it's not good.the preferred method for gaining immunity is getting updated vaccines. but it's objectively untrue that it does nothing for immunity.
people who say that sort of shit are actively spreading medical lies just the same as overt antivaxxers and other frauds do.
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hillaryisaboss · 2 years
Dear Roseanne Barr (former feminist & LGBTQ icon):
You claim your children are “libtards” for caring about gender & pronouns. But my question is: why do you care that they care? How does any of it harm or impact your life? Many children play with both toy dolls, Barbie’s, and yes — even toy guns. Gender is a social construct. Why are you so triggered by your children caring about such issues? Again: how does any of it impact your life? Kids should be free to be who they are from Day 1.
As for your claims about vaccines: do you want the measles, mumps, & polio back? Don’t step on a rusty nail! Tetanus shots hurt.
Your gun rhetoric is dangerous & proves you haven’t been paying attention to what is happening in American schools. More die in schools than in the American military.
You may hate Hillary, but her & Bill gave us the Family & Medical Leave Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, reduced gun violence, raised MINIMUM WAGE 70%, lifted 7 million people out of poverty, freed those in Northern Ireland, protected millions more acres of land, and funded the arts, education, & HIV/AIDS research.
Donald (your false prophet con-man) gave you a job at his bankrupt casino in the 1990s, while using immigrant & slave labor to build his casinos. Are you proud of working with a man that ripped off hard working tax-payers? Meanwhile, Don-the-Con used fraud to cheat the tax code. Sorry Roseanne, he isn’t your guy & you are now in a cult.
Roseanne Conner needed to die because the Real Roseanne went so far left she looped full-circle to the right. Internet propaganda is smart & effective. It turned a once progressive icon into a MAGA cultist. Sad but true.
I’ll forever watch the 1990s Clinton Era Roseanne show. However, Roseanne Barr is a cautionary tale of the effectiveness of 21st century propaganda. Scary!
I’m sorry you lost your show. I don’t think you are racist. Nor should you be censored. But we, the fans, are also in mourning, too: we lost a champion to internet propaganda.
Trump is in it for himself. You are a pawn for the true fascists that want to ban abortion nationwide — a huge betrayal of women & their human rights.
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