Prompt: I Never Forgot You
(Twelfth story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
Day 240
240 days. It had been 240 days since the day Aporal had last seen the love of his life. 240 days since his old self had died.
When Aporal met Julika, he didn't know what to say. She was still as beautiful as she had been months ago. Every night he had dreamed of her and seen her face in front of him. Every day, the thought of Julika had kept him going.
Even before his abduction, the young Andorian had thought about asking his girlfriend if she wanted to enter into the bond of matrimony with him. They had been a couple for so long and he had thought it was time to take their relationship one step further. A big, important step. And his feelings had only grown stronger during his imprisonment.
"Aporal." Julika's voice was no more than a soft whisper. Her eyes were wide and filled with disbelief.
Aporal did not hesitate for long. He wrapped his arms around his beloved Julika, holding her close and inhaling her soothing, wonderful scent. How long had he longed for this moment? How long had he wished to be in Julika's arms again? It had been his greatest hope. His fondest wish.
"I'm so glad to see you. I-I've missed you so much."
It was the first time. It was the first time Aporal had spoken words since his return to Andoria. He hadn't even exchanged a word with his parents. Perhaps that was the reason why they had called Julika here.
"Aporal, I–"
He could feel it. Aporal felt Julika stiffen in his arms and she slowly released herself from the embrace.
There was uncertainty in her gaze as she looked back up into Aporal's face. Carefully, she placed a hand on his cheek.
"I ... I thought you were dead. I ... I thought I'd lost you forever."
"But you didn't." Aporal placed his hand on Julika's and for the first time in a long time, he managed to force himself to smile. "I'm back. I'm alive. And I want to marry you!"
It just slipped out of his mouth. After all the horrors he had been through, he finally wanted to be happy. He wanted the life he had lost back.
But this wish was to be denied him.
Julika pulled her hand away and took a step back. She shook her head slowly.
"Aporal, I ... I can't. I–"
Even at that moment, he knew. He knew that Julika no longer belonged with him. The look in her eyes told him the truth.
"You ... you love someone else."
It was completely obvious. Julika no longer loved him. She had forgotten him. And that hurt him more than all the cruelties he had lived through.
"Aporal, I'm ... I'm sorry. I thought I had lost you and Serto–"
No. That couldn't be true. Julika ... and Serto. His girlfriend and the Andorian he had called his best friend. The Andorian whose life he had saved, only to be kidnapped by the beasts as a result.
Aporal couldn't do it. He could no longer look Julika in the eye. As he ran up the stairs to his room and barricaded himself in, he heard Julika's voice calling after him, but he never wanted to hear it again.
Julika had simply forgotten him, had gone on with her life, while Aporal had never forgotten her. But that would change from now on.
From this day on, Aporal would only think of himself. And he would always be the best.
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Prompt: Already Gone
(Eleventh story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
Day ?
When Starfleet finally came to rescue the abductees, there weren't many of them left.
Five Andorians had made it.
Five Andorians had endured the fight for survival long enough.
When the door to the training room opened and the men and women of Starfleet rushed in, Aporal and the other Andorians remained frozen in their seats. They stared blankly at their rescuers, unable to say anything.
Even when they were taken back the long way to Andoria in a ship, they remained silent.
Aporal could not believe it. He had waited so long to be rescued. He had hoped for so long that someone would come. And when it finally happened, the whole situation seemed so incredibly surreal.
When the rescued were greeted by their families with hugs and kisses, Aporal didn't really understand what was happening.
Was it perhaps a test by the beasts? Was it some kind of simulation? It couldn't be real.
And yet, it was real.
Aporal's parents were so incredibly happy to have their lost son back, but the son they had once had no longer existed. He was already gone. And he would never return.
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Prompt: Misunderstanding
(Fifth story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
"Thank you very much for the invitation, Miss Harkem. It really is a great honor to visit you in private." Nomira smiled warmly as she entered the home of the elderly Tyriok woman, for whom she had been working for almost half a year after the abrupt end of her culinary journey.
"Oh, Nomira, darling, please. Stop calling me Miss Harkem all the time. We've known each other for so many years now. Just call me Welisa."
It was actually true. They had known each other since Nomira was fourteen years old. And yet it would never have occurred to the now twenty-year-old Tyriuk to call her boss by her first name. Addressing older people in this way was something that only the closest friends and family members were allowed to do on Tyriuk IV.
But if the rumors that were spread in the kitchen of the posh restaurant were true, then perhaps Miss Harkem already counted Nomira as part of her family.
Nomira's heart skipped a beat at the thought of what she had been secretly told. Miss Harkem was apparently looking for a successor, as she was getting too old for the business at the age of 150. And Nomira's name was high on the list. Some even firmly believed that this invitation from the boss was a clear sign.
"Very well, Welisa, if you insist." Nomira nodded politely before following the beaming Miss Harkem into her dining room. The entire estate was just as pretty as Nomira had always imagined. Noble and sumptuous, furnished with expensive objects. A true dream of a house.
The young Tyriuk woman was surprised when she realized that another person was already waiting in the dining room, who was obviously not one of the employees. A tall, stately Tyriuk man with a very handsome smile.
"Oh, I didn't know that more guests were invited," Nomira said, giving her boss a questioning look. Miss Harkem immediately stepped over to the young man and placed a hand on his arm.
“This is my grandnephew Ikos. He is staying with me for a few months to learn more about our beautiful town. You have to know, Ikos thinks about moving here.”
Slowly, Nomira stepped closer to the other two Tyriuks and Ikos gave her a polite nod, before he grabbed her hand, turned it around and pressed a long kiss to the palm of it, then short kisses on each fingertip. A sign of him being a true gentleman.
Nomira just watched him do it. She knew that Ikos was quite handsome and that she was supposed to feel flattered, however, nothing inside her was touched by the gesture. It was no surprise to her. She had never been interested in any kind of emotional or sexual relationship to anyone. All she wanted were business relationships and maybe a few important friendships.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nomira. Great-aunt Welisa has already told me a lot about you," said the man and Nomira tried to return the smile.
"The pleasure is all mine."
The young Tyriuks looked at each other for a long moment before Miss Harkem clapped her hands.
"Please, please, do sit down. We want to dine together."
No sooner said than done.
A conversation quickly developed during the meal. Ikos asked Nomira all sorts of questions about her life and her cooking. He paid her many compliments and, if Nomira wasn't mistaken, he even seemed to move closer and closer to her with his chair. Something the young Tyriuk woman was not exactly comfortable with.
They were just starting with the main course when Miss Harkem suddenly said something that quickened Nomira's pulse.
"Well, dear, I've asked you here tonight for a very special reason."
Nomira had to do her best not to choke on the bite of meat she had just put in her mouth. Could it really be? Were the rumors in the kitchen really true?
"Oh, well ... what's this reason?"
Hope spread throughout Nomira's body. Was it time? Her chance at the dream of owning her own restaurant?
"You have to know that Ikos here has been looking for a Tyriuk woman with whom he wants to enter into a bond of eternal fidelity for a few years now. And ... you're just perfect for it!"
The bond of eternal fidelity. A covenant made by the Tyriuks, who loved and honored each other and wanted to provide for offspring together. A covenant that her parents, for example, had made and nurtured over the years. Something Nomira definitely did not want. Something she had absolutely no interest in. She didn't want a partner by her side. She never had. The thought of it actually made her feel very uncomfortable.
Nomira had to pull herself together incredibly to keep her features from slipping. A misunderstanding. It had been an incredibly stupid misunderstanding.
Only slowly did the Tyriuk woman manage to snap out of her state of shock and she shook her head.
"Well, that ... does sound like an interesting idea, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline the offer." Nomira's gaze shifted from Miss Harkem to Ikos. "I'm sure you're a very wealthy and kind Tyriuk, but a bond of eternal fidelity is out of the question for me."
The silence that fell across the table was incredibly uncomfortable. No one dared to say anything. Until Miss Harkem shook her head uncomprehendingly.
"Nomira, please. You can't just turn down an opportunity like this. You could be part of my family. You could one day own everything that belongs to me. How can you turn something like that down?"
"I am a Tyriuk woman in my own right. I don't need or want a partner by my side. I have earned everything I have through my own efforts. And I want to keep it that way."
As Nomira spoke the words, she knew that she was probably making a big mistake at that moment. But she didn't care. She remained true to her principles.
"How dare she, great-aunt? How can she spurn someone like me?" Ikos looked at Miss Harkem like a little offended child. The handsome, self-confident man seemed to have disappeared.
"Fire her! I never want you to have anything to do with her again."
Nomira looked sternly at Miss Harkem, a woman she had admired for so long and for whom she had worked throughout years of her training. Surely it would be impossible for her to fire her best cook. That would be an incredibly stupid decision.
But in the end, blood was thicker than water apparently and Nomira was wrong. When Miss Harkem actually fired her that very evening, the young woman swore to herself that she really didn't need anyone. If even the friends you trusted let you down, then you no longer had to meet them as equals. Nomira would create her own empire and then Miss Harkem would regret ever letting her go. Nomira would see to that.
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Prompt: Can’t Find The Words
(Fourth story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
Her knees were trembling as Nomira stepped in front of the tree under which her parents' remains had been buried. It was a tradition on Tyriuk IV for the mourners to remain silent for exactly five minutes, remembering the deceased, before the next of kin spoke a few words.
The first minute flew by. Nomira looked at the few people who had gathered to pay their last respects to Mr. and Mrs. Farie. They were family friends, her father's colleagues, neighbors. Even Miss Harkem had shown up. An incredible honor. Nomira looked at each of them and silently thanked them for coming. She couldn't have borne to go through this ceremony alone.
Nomira spent the second and third minutes with her eyes closed. She thought of her parents, remembering the best days of their life together. It hadn't always been easy, but her parents had always done everything in their power to give Nomira a good life under the circumstances. She owed them so much. And life had denied her the chance to ever give it back to them. It just wasn't fair.
The fourth minute seemed infinitely long to Nomira. She had opened her eyes again and looked down at the final resting place of her loved ones. How could it be? How was it possible that so little remained at the end of life? Just ashes and dust and memories. Memories that you clung to like a lifebelt. Nomira knew that she would live much longer than her parents or many other Tyriuks. And that was precisely why she wasn’t allowed to ever forget. She had to try to preserve and honor the memory of her parents for as long as she lived. It was the last thing she could do for them.
The fifth minute was over in one fell swoop and Nomira knew it was time for her to speak. She had to say something. She had to say something about the Tyriuks who had been torn from life in such a terrible way. But when she opened her mouth, the words stuck in her throat. No sound came out.
She had been preparing for this moment for so long. After Miss Tola had informed her of the accident, Nomira had immediately returned home. It had meant the end of her journey, but she hadn't cared. Nothing was more important than her parents.
All the words she had thought about since her return. All the stories she had wanted to tell. The song she had written and wanted to sing. All these things were suddenly no longer in her head. There was a resounding emptiness.
And suddenly there was this voice. A voice she hadn't heard for years. A voice that she had thought would never reach her ears again.
"When ... when we lose someone we love very much, it feels like the end of the world. Never seeing someone again, never hearing a familiar voice again, never being able to wrap your arms around someone again. These are all things you can't even imagine."
Nomira's eyes widened as she turned and saw the Tyriuk she had thought she would never see again slowly walking towards the group. Malui. Her brother. He was clad in the traditional mourning garb of the Tyriuks and his gaze did indeed reflect a deep sadness.
"But we must try to overcome these feelings of fear and sadness and emptiness and remember the good moments we shared with these loved ones. Every beautiful conversation, every laugh, every hug. We must cherish the memories and carry on in honor of them. We must be strong. Just like they would have wanted."
For a moment, Nomira just stood there, staring at her brother in disbelief. It almost seemed like a fever dream. Was he actually real? Was Malui really here?
But finally she nodded slowly, looked down at her parents' resting place and then turned to the mourners. With a trembling voice, she sang the song. The song she had written only for her beloved mother and father.
And when her voice eventually fell silent and many pairs of eyes were on her, she realized that Malui had taken her trembling hand.
Together the two of them stood in front of the small crowd and slowly but surely everyone started to leave, only leaving behind the Farie siblings.
For quite a while, Nomira and Malui simply stood next to each other in silence. They turned around and both looked at the tree, lost in thought.
Nomira felt the last tears flowing down her cheeks. She had cried so much in the past few days that there was hardly any liquid left.
"Sweet pea."
When Malui uttered the nickname he had given Nomira when she was young, the Tyriuk woman could no longer contain herself. She pulled her hand out of her brother's and gave him what was probably the strongest slap she had ever given anyone. Her long fingernails scratched across the purple skin, leaving bloody marks.
"Don't call me that. Never call me that name again," Nomira snarled, burning anger in her eyes.
Slowly, Malui's hand slid up to his injured cheek and he rubbed it gently. A sad smile formed on his lips.
"I ... had really hoped that we would meet again under different circumstances, Nomira."
Nomira just snorted at those words.
"What other circumstances? Do you really think I would have wanted to see you under different circumstances? You left us back then to live a crazy, miserable life! You left us in the lurch! And you can't imagine how much I hate you for that, Malui."
A heavy sigh escaped the older Tyriuk and he shook his head sadly.
"I had thought that you would be more mature by now. And ... that you would understand me."
Anger seethed deep inside Nomira. Understand? She would never understand! She would never understand how her brother could have made such a decision.
"I have never understood you. And I never will. And I want you to know one thing for sure, Malui. I will allow you to say goodbye to our parents here and now, but after that I never want to see you again. You will disappear from my life and leave me alone! I don't need you anymore. I am a grown woman who knows exactly what she wants in her life and you have lost your place in it."
Malui said nothing. He simply looked at Nomira in silence. And Nomira knew that this silence was the greatest torture of all for her. If he would at least protest. If he said anything, she could object and a big fight would break out.
But Malui remained silent.
And Nomira couldn't bear it. She turned away and then walked further and further away from the grave. Slowly at first, then faster and faster.
She knew that Malui would be gone the next time she returned to this place. She knew that he would obey her order. And yet, as much as her heart ached, she dared not turn around again.
Yes, she really was alone. She had no one left but herself. And that was why she would only think of herself. Forever.
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Prompt: Crying
(Third story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
She was nearing the end of her journey, about to finally reach her greatest goal, when she received the most terrible news Nomira had ever imagined in her life.
When the call from a friend of the Farie family reached the Tyriuk woman, she had just returned to her hotel room after an extremely exhausting day at work. She had slaved away for hours and just wanted to get some sleep, to rest up for the day ahead, but when the name of Miss Lonari Tola appeared on the display of her PADD, Nomira knew immediately that it could only be something important.
So instead of lying down on her bed, Nomira took a seat in one of the armchairs that furnished the chic, elegant hotel room.
The young woman answered the call with trembling fingers. Something deep inside her felt terrible. A premonition? A so-called sixth sense that wanted to warn her of what was to come? Maybe.
Her heart raced and her body stiffened the moment Miss Tola's face appeared on the screen. Traces of tears could be seen on the older lady's cheeks. She had obviously cried a lot not so long ago. Nomira immediately felt her stomach turn over and her chest seemed to tighten.
"Lonari, what's wrong?"
Nomira was not weak. During her years of training, she had become a self-confident, stress-resistant person who couldn't be thrown off course so quickly. She hadn't shed a single tear in many months. Not even at the thought of Malui and his cruel betrayal of her. So why did her voice sound so quiet and trembling and brittle?
"Nomira, oh, sweetheart, I ... I don't know how to tell you. I ..." Yet again, Miss Tola seemed on the verge of tears. She shook her head slowly.
"What ... happened?" Nomira's voice threatened to break towards the end and she swallowed hard to fight the lump in her throat that was slowly forming.
"It's about your parents. They ... they were on their way back home from their evening walk when a car came around the bend too fast. The driver ... he lost control of the vehicle and hit them."
Nomira knew. The moment she heard the words, she knew how this story would end. But she could not and would not believe it.
"They could no longer be helped, Nomira. They ... they didn't make it."
If Nomira had believed that her world had collapsed the day her brother had left her, then this was the day her entire universe was pulled into a black hole and destroyed. She had never thought she would ever feel so unbelievably terrible. She had never believed that her body could be gripped by such a void. It felt as if darkness was enveloping Nomira, slowly devouring her.
As the tears streamed from her eyes and ran down her cheeks without end, Nomira just wanted to scream. She wanted to let out the grief and sorrow and helplessness in one deafening wail. But her throat was tight. Not a sound escaped her throat.
"I'm so sorry, Nomira. I'm so incredibly sorry."
She heard her friend's voice and yet she couldn't answer her. Slowly, the PADD slipped from her hands and hit the floor, and as Nomira tried to get up to pick it up again, she collapsed.
Everything she had worked for. Everything that had meant something to her was simply gone. The Tyriuks, who had given her life and given it meaning, no longer existed.
Nomira cried and sobbed, unable to calm down. At that moment, she felt like a little girl again, wanting to be held and comforted by her parents. But she knew that would never happen again. She was alone. From that moment on, she could only fight for herself.
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Okay, here we go, just like I promised. The writing project~ We’ll start with Miss Farie’s backstory (since y’all voted her No. 1 at the favorite OC poll) I really hope I’ll get around to fulfill all the prompts 💪
Prompt: You Don't Understand
(First Story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver )
If you were born into poor circumstances like Nomira Farie, there wasn't much hope or dreams on the planet Tyriuk IV.
Every day, Tyriuks spent hours toiling so that they could provide the bare necessities for their families. Every day, every last credit was saved up so that they could afford to eat and drink. Very few Tyriuks had the money to afford cars, travel or luxury goods. The Farie family was no exception. It wasn't as if they were among the poorest of the poor. Not at all. They were lucky that their father had a good job in one of the big factories where the shuttles for the rich and famous were built. Thanks to their wages, they had their own home and could grow their own crops. It was a good life according to the circumstances.
And yet Nomira, the youngest child, dreamed of a glorious future every day. She didn't want to be satisfied with what her family had. She wanted to be famous and respected like her great idols.
There were two celebrities that Nomira looked especially good to.
One of these people was the singer Nomira Zulik, after whom her mother had named the girl. Nomira Zulik was probably the most beautiful Tyriuk woman little Nomira had ever seen. And her voice was like a thousand beautiful instruments sounding at once. What's more, the singer had credits in abundance. She was rich and graceful and stunning.
But Nomira realized that she could never become a great singer. No one gave a Tyriuk woman from a poor background the chance in show business.
Which brought Nomira to her second idol: Miss Welisa Harkem. The woman was one of the most respected Tyriuks in the entire city. She ran a noble restaurant where she offered the specialty that every inhabitant of the planet only dreamed of.
Nomira had always felt an incredible fascination for this ingredient, which was so rare on the planet that it could only be acquired and distorted by the richest of the rich. Sometimes poor families were lucky and leftover meat was distributed to them on the national holiday so that they too could enjoy the wonderful treat. The majority of the population subsisted on various plants and minerals. In addition, there were medicines that provided everyone with other necessary vitamins and proteins. Most Tyriuks did not grow particularly old with their way of life. Only those who ate meat every day – a special kind of diet – could live up to 200 years and remain young and beautiful. A great wish of Nomira.
And she wanted to make this wish come true. For this reason, the girl began learning about food and the processes of cooking at a very young age. She tried out different things with the plants that were available to her. She tried baking and cooking.
And she was only too happy to present her finished works to her third idol. There was a Tyriuk who was always there for her. A person she looked up to and wanted to make incredibly proud.
Her big brother Malui.
The young man was a whole seven years older than her, but he looked after his little sister day after day. He comforted her when other children called her dreams nonsense. He started working as soon as he could to buy Nomira things she wanted. Clothes, music, even a PADD.
And Nomira wanted to do everything she could to eventually earn enough money to support both her brother and her parents. She dreamed of opening her own restaurant, which would be just as classy as Miss Harkem's. She wanted to serve her family delicacies every day. Steaks, pies, roasts – there were so many wonderful dishes that could be made from meat. And once Nomira made it to the top, her family would stay young and live forever.
But that would not happen.
It was a very special weekend and Nomira was looking forward to cooking her family an equally special meal. She had waited for hours outside Miss Harkem's restaurant and when she finally drove up in her elegant car to open her restaurant, Nomira had dared to go to her.
With trembling hands, the young Nomira handed her PADD to the restaurant owner, who was flanked by bodyguards.
"Excuse me, M-M-Miss Harkem. I-I don't want to disturb you for long, b-but may I show you my National Day recipes?"
Hope was reflected in Nomira's blue eyes, which were framed by large glasses.
The soft smile on Miss Harkem's lips as she took the PADD and looked down at it made Nomira's heart race. What would the woman say? Nomira was just some run-of-the-mill poor girl, after all. The Tyriuk girl’s throat tightened as she watched Miss Harkem nod slowly to herself.
"Very interesting." Green eyes met blue ones. "What's your name, sweetheart?"
The girl immediately straightened up, sticking out her chest.
"N-Nomira. Nomira Farie, ma'am."
The restaurant owner smiled and handed Nomira back her PADD. Slowly, the teenager's shoulders slumped and her hopeful look faded. Were the recipes that bad? Had she disappointed her idol and wasted her time?
"Nomira. A really beautiful name. So Nomira, your ideas sound very interesting and I love to see such ambitious young chefs, but have you ever cooked with meat?"
The girl shook her head sadly. She had often dreamed of it, but there hadn't been enough money.
"I see. Then let me make you a suggestion." Nomira's eyes widened when Miss Harkem suddenly put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. "My employees will deliver fresh meat to you today and you can conjure up one of these dishes for me. What do you think?"
Nomira's breath caught for a moment. Not a word would leave her mouth. Her heart was pounding so loudly that she could hear it in her head.
Then she nodded. Slowly at first, then more and more eagerly. An enthusiastic grin crossed her face.
"Yes, ma'am! I'll be happy to do that!"
Miss Harkem smiled.
"Very nice. How big is your family, Nomira?"
"There are four of us. I have my parents and a brother, Miss Harkem."
Nomira was filled with pride at the thought of how she would tell her loved ones that she was allowed to cook for the great Miss Welisa Harkem. But the lady's next words only filled her with even more joy.
"Very well. Then we'll provide enough meat for you to cook for me and your family. After all, it's our national holiday. If this isn't the right day for good deeds, what is?"
Nomira thanked her idol again and again, having to restrain herself from hugging her effusively.
This would be the best day of her entire life.
"Please take good care of my creation. I want it to reach Miss Harkem in one piece, yes?"
The restaurant staff who had delivered the meat to Nomira accepted the wrapped food with a nod.
"We will."
"I'm sure Miss Harkem will get back to you if she likes it."
It didn't sound as if the big man thought his boss might actually like the dish, but Nomira didn't care. All that mattered was that she had cooked a nice meal with a big, juicy piece of meat for the first time in her life.
The restaurant staff drove away and Nomira was finally able to enter the dining room and get everything ready for dinner. She had told her parents and Malui not to come into the kitchen or dining room until she called them.
Nomira's heart overflowed with happiness as she looked at the table set before her. The wonderful aroma of the marinated, roasted meat caught her nose and the young girl's mouth immediately began to water. This was going to be the best holiday ever.
"You can come in!"
When the door opened and her family entered the room, Nomira's chest swelled. Surprised looks fell on the dining table. Tears welled up in her mother's eyes and a hand slid to her mouth.
"What-" Nomira's father also seemed unable to believe his eyes.
"Surprise! I present to you the Nomira special menu."
"But ... what ... how..." Mrs. Farie shook her head in disbelief.
Nomira's words almost tumbled over each other as she recounted what exactly had happened. How she had met Miss Harkem and how she had said that she could cook something.
"Oh Nomira, my wonderful angel. What a lovely surprise." Mrs. Farie wrapped her arms around her daughter and Mr. Farie also patted the youngest proudly on the shoulder.
"A true child prodigy."
Only one remained standing on the spot. The Tyriuk whom Nomira had wanted to impress the most. The person she wanted the most praise from.
When Mrs. Farie let go of her daughter and she could finally look at her brother, he just shook his head.
"Oh, sweet pea. I ... do you even know what you've cooked?"
"Malui," Mr. Farie said in a stern tone. He gave his son a hard look.
"What? Surely she must know the truth! She must know where this oh-so-great meat comes from."
Nomira couldn't help but flinch at her brother's angry voice. She tilted her head in confusion. She was fourteen years old. Of course she knew where meat came from. Her classmates had told her that early enough and teased her for believing that meat grew on trees.
Slowly, Nomira took a step forward.
"Malui, I know. I know where meat comes from. Creatures from outer space, from other worlds, that are weaker than our race are collected and slaughtered according to their species. Each creature tastes different and is special. Each of them helps us to stay young and beautiful forever."
She had read enough about it. She had studied it a lot. It was nothing unusual for her.
Malui only shook his head. His gaze was sad and serious. Slowly, he stepped up to Nomira and grabbed her by the shoulders.
"These creatures you're talking about are living beings. They think and feel. They have friends and families just like us. It is not right what is being done to them. We don't need meat to survive."
There was something in Malui's gaze that Nomira had never seen before. It was something that made her heart break.
Malui was ... disappointed.
"But ... Of course we need it! We need it to grow old. We need it to never get ugly! Every one of us should eat meat every day. We are more important than any other living being!"
That's exactly why Nomira wanted to become just like Miss Harkem! To give her family what they deserved. To become rich and be able to experience the incredible pleasure of meat every day.
"You don't understand, sweet pea. You're not old enough to see how wrong and cruel it all is."
Nomira felt sadness and anger welling up inside her. How could her brother say something like that? How could he treat her like a little child when she was almost an adult? Tears filled her eyes and she gritted her teeth.
"The way our kind lives is not good. There are other ways of living."
"Stop it! Stop saying things like that!" Nomira could no longer contain her anger. She took a step back and pushed Malui away from her.
"Malui! Your sister is doing everything she can to give us the chance of a better life one day! How dare you not appreciate that!" Mrs. Farie gave her son a disapproving look.
"How can I appreciate something that causes others suffering? That's not possible for me." Malui shook his head before looking back at his little sister. "I really hope you understand some day. And I hope you see that there are better, more peaceful ways to live."
Nomira felt the hot tears making their way out of her eyes. She could not and would not understand why her brother was talking such nonsense.
Did he really want to die young? Did he want to age and slowly shrivel up like her grandparents before they died? That couldn't possibly be his wish.
"I was planning to tell you today anyway and now it seems more appropriate than ever. I have found a group that shares my views on the consumption of meat. We will set out together to find a place where we can live peacefully. A place that is better than this planet."
And in that moment when she heard those fatal words, Nomira's world collapsed.
Her brother, who had always been there for her. Her brother, whom she loved so much. Her brother who had been one of her idols. He would leave her. Abandoned to rot somewhere just because he didn't understand that meat was a wonderful commodity.
"Then you can pack your bags right now and get out of here. I never want to see you in my house again." Mr. Farie's gaze was cool and furious at the same time. He, too, could not believe that his son would voluntarily make such a decision.
"Fine. If that's how you feel, then that's what I'll do."
The last look her brother gave Nomira was filled with sadness and bitterness. A look that the young Tyriuk woman would never forget. A look that would forever be engraved in her soul.
And even the call from Miss Harkem and the news that she was delighted with Nomira's cooking skills and offered her a place as an apprentice as soon as she was old enough didn't help to make the day any better.
A big dream of Nomira's had finally come true. But what good was all that if she couldn't share it with her big brother?
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hummingbird-of-light · 4 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 11 (@juneofdoom)
A/N: Today we'll start with Arc 2: The AU-Arc! Chapters 11 - 20 will all be alternate universes. Enjoy~
11. “We’re out of time.”                          
| Bleeding Out | Collapse | Flatline |
James T. Kirk was eight years old when he saw a spaceship crash into the planet Earth. It was a dark night when he was admiring the stars and dreaming of what life as an astronaut might be like. Exploring space and foreign worlds. Maybe even meet some amazing aliens! It was the big goal he had set himself when he grew up. To become an astronaut like his father.
His eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw a star fall from the sky and land directly in a field belonging to his family's farm.
At first the little boy hardly realized what he had witnessed, but eventually he got moving and hurried down the stairs and out of the house in his pajamas and slippers.
The field was not too far away from the house and little James reached it quickly, making his way through the tall ears of corn.
When he reached his destination, completely out of breath, he could hardly believe what he saw. Directly in front of him was a metal capsule, about the same size as him. It seemed technically far superior to anything the boy knew.
When the capsule opened with a hiss and something appeared inside, James' eyes widened a little more. That was just ... unbelievable! Beaming from ear to ear, he stepped closer and examined what he saw.
A boy! About his age. He actually looked just like a human, but the ears were pointed and the skin looked slightly different.
A lot of people would have run away, but James wasn't afraid of the creature. It was a child! Just like him! A child from outer space! An alien!
The human boy could hardly believe his luck. He was the first person in the world to see an alien! What an incredible discovery!
And when the alien child opened his dark brown eyes and their gazes met, James knew that they would be connected forever.
It turned out that the alien boy was called Spock and came from a distant planet called Vulcan. He had been sent to Earth to investigate humans and their technological progress after the human space base had been found. Vulcan was in radio contact with a certain George Kirk. James' father! He had made such a great discovery!
When James told his mother about what had happened in the field and asked if Spock could stay with them, she said yes. And with Spock as a roommate, she just seemed so much happier to Jim than before. He knew that his mother had been very sad since his father had gone into space because they didn't know when he would come back. But knowing that her husband had made such a big discovery, even she could no longer be sad.
Only James' big brother Sam still seemed as sullen and sad as before. He ignored Spock, wanted nothing to do with the alien and eventually moved in with their grandparents.
James never understood it, but he wasn't alone. He had Spock.
James – Spock called him 'Jim' because he found it difficult to pronounce his normal name – and Spock quickly became best friends.
They spent every day and every night together. Whenever Jim had a problem, he talked to Spock, who helped him with his cool and logical way of thinking.
Apart from Jim's mother, no one knew about Spock. To protect the Vulcan, they had decided to hide him away at home. Only sometimes was he allowed into town, a cap on his head to hide his pointed ears. It worked. No one paid too much attention to him.
When James turned 18, he and Spock moved into their own apartment. Jim's Uncle Frank, who had returned to Iowa after spending several years in Europe doing who knew what, took over the farm, said that he would look after his sister and kicked the young man out.
It didn't matter. After all, Jim and Spock could visit Winona at any time. But first James had to concentrate on his studies. He would become an astronaut like his father. He had sworn to himself that he would.
And he did.
It was to be his first mission. He had been chosen to fly to the space station and conduct research there.
Jim was filled with pride as he put on his spacesuit and looked in the mirror with a grin on his face. At last he was going into space! At last he would see his father again!
He turned and looked at Spock. The Vulcan, who had been with him for most of his life, was looking at him, serious as ever. He glanced at the clock.
"We're out of time, Jim. I need to go."
Jim just smiled. Spock had already told him that he couldn't go in the rocket, but that he would be picked up by his own people.
"I know, Spock. I can hardly wait to finally fly to the stars and see my father. Then we can finally strengthen and cultivate our contact and friendship with the Vulcans together."
Spock also smiled. A rare sight. But somehow ... his smile seemed sad. He shook his head.
"I don't think we'll see each other again, Jim. The humans ... will destroy me."
All at once, Jim's smile turned to shock and his face dropped. He opened his mouth, shaking his head in disbelief.
"W-what? But ... the people down here don't know anything about you! Besides, you're not a threat! Why would they do anything to you?"
Spock sighed heavily. He slowly approached Jim, placed a hand on his cheek and stroked it.
"Because they found the right medicine to help you, Jim."
Jim just stared at the Vulcan. Tears filled his eyes and for the first time in many years he felt a terrible feeling. Fear.
"Jim," Spock closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking firmly at the human. "I am not real. None of this is real. You are not going into space. You are not an astronaut either. You are in a mental institution. When you turned 18, your uncle sent you and your mother there."
No ... Jim's breathing quickened and he gasped for air. That wasn't true!
"When you were a child, you created me. A mind construct to deal with what you couldn't handle on your own."
Jim shook his head again. He just didn't understand any of this! What was Spock talking about?
"Jim ... your father isn't in space. The rocket never reached its destination. Your father ... is dead."
Slowly the tears began to flow and Jim felt paralyzed.
Everything he had experienced with Spock in the last few years. Everything he had dreamed of and worked towards ... had not been real?
It had simply been his imagination.
Slowly, the young man fell to his knees. His heart seemed to burst into a thousand pieces. Too many thoughts were running through his head. Thoughts of Spock. Thoughts of his father. Thoughts of everything they had been through.
And when he heard Spock say his goodbye, hugging him one last time, Jim simply collapsed. It was too much for him to take.
If reality was a place without Spock, then he wished to never wake up again.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 14 (@juneofdoom)
14. “What were you thinking?”                 
| Surrender | Human Shield | Outmatched |
"Spock, McCoy, Uhura, Giotto! You form Team Bravo and head east! Team Alpha, consisting of Sulu, Chapel, Chekov and myself, will head west."
Cadet Pavel Chekov listened carefully to his captain's words and quickly saluted as the man called his name and gave the order.
The USS Enterprise had been called to a rescue mission on a small Caribbean island. They were to find a kidnapped scientist who was being held captive by a group of rebels.
One team had already set off north from the coast, but had been unable to find anything. Now it was up to the remaining teams.
Chekov's heart was beating like crazy. It was his first away mission as a cadet. So far he had always stayed on board as a trainee navigator, but this time Captain Kirk had told him to come along. It filled him with incredible pride to be part of such an important mission.
"Let's go. We'll stay in radio contact. Be careful," Captain Kirk gave the final instructions before they all set off into the rainforest.
The crew members quietly made their way through the jungle. Chekov kept his eyes wide open and his ears pricked up, turning his head back and forth. He flinched a little at every sound and gripped his drawn weapon a little tighter.
"Take it easy, cadet. Caution is good, but if you tense up too much, it can quickly backfire."
Surprised, Chekov looked over his shoulder and looked into the face of Lt. Hikaru Sulu. The helmsman gave him a gentle smile and Chekov immediately blushed a little. He was extremely embarrassed that Sulu of all people had noticed how nervous he was. He admired the Asian very much and wanted to make a particularly good impression on him.
"D-da," Chekov replied in his native tongue, but quickly shook his head and corrected himself. "I-I mean aye, Lieutenant."
His colleague just patted him on the shoulder and then nodded in the direction of the captain and the medic Chapel, who were already a little further ahead of them. Chekov must have unconsciously slowed down a little. He and Sulu quickly caught up with the others again.
"Everything all right, Mr. Chekov?" Kirk cast a quick glance over his shoulder and Chekov nodded quickly.
"Aye, Captain. I'm ... just a little excited," he admitted, knowing that his superior officer had surely sensed it already. The man gave him an encouraging smile.
"I felt the same way on my first mission, Cadet. But I'm sure that feeling will subside with time."
Although Chekov could hardly imagine that the courageous, self-confident captain could ever have been as excited as he was, he was still grateful for the encouraging words.
They continued on their way in silence and all was quiet for a long time until Kirk suddenly raised a hand and brought everyone to a halt. He slowly took a few steps forward before cursing loudly.
"Fuck! Everybody take cover!" he shouted loudly and before the startled Chekov could react, Sulu had already knocked him to the ground.
A loud bang sounded and the young cadet hardly knew what hit him as smoke enveloped him and the others. He let out a few Russian curses. A smoke bomb!
The young man's ears rang from the blast. As if through absorbent cotton, he heard Kirk call for reinforcements and suddenly several shots rang out.
Chekov's breath caught and his heart literally threatened to explode as he helplessly turned his head back and forth, searching for the enemy attackers. He could barely make out anything through the smoke.
He lay prone on the ground, crawled over to the nearest tree to get up and use it for cover and finally he managed to spot something. Something that made his blood run cold.
Lt. Sulu was standing nearby, shooting at some enemies, but he didn't notice the enemy aiming at him from behind.
Chekov reacted without thinking. He rushed forward and placed himself between Sulu and the attacker like a shield while firing wildly at the bad guy.
It all happened far too quickly. Two shots hit Chekov, one in the shoulder and one in the chest, and he let out a cry of pain as he went down.
The young cadet did not know whether one of his bullets had also hit his opponent. He could only hope so.
Panting, he squeezed his eyes shut, somehow trying to block out the searing pain. It hurt so damn much!
"Chekov! Man down, man down!" Sulu's panicked voice rang out and Chekov tried to open his eyes to look at the lieutenant, but his lids were just too heavy.
He felt a whole lot of blood leaving his body, struggled against the unbearable pain, but eventually the young man lost consciousness.
It didn't matter. All that mattered was that Sulu was all right.
"Cadet Chekov, hey. Pavel."
When Chekov's eyes fluttered open, he didn't know where he was at first. The surroundings seemed incredibly familiar, but it took him a moment to recognize it as the Enterprise's sickbay.
Groaning, Chekov turned his head to the side and was surprised to see Lt. Sulu.
"Wh-what ... happened?" he asked, exhausted, and his counterpart smiled weakly.
"You took two bullets for me, Cadet."
Chekov squinted his eyes in confusion, but then he remembered what had happened. An ambush! He had thrown himself in front of Lt. Sulu and protected him.
"I'm ... still alive?"
Sulu laughed tiredly when he heard Chekov's question.
"Obviously. Fortunately, you were wearing body armor, so only the shot to the shoulder was dangerous. Chapel managed to stop the bleeding, but we're still on our way to the nearest island with a hospital." Sulu sighed. "What were you thinking?"
Chekov's cheeks turned red. He avoided the helmsman's gaze.
"I ... wanted to protect you, Lieutenant. And ... to be honest, I wasn't thinking much at all," he admitted.
Sulu's gentle smile returned and he squeezed Chekov's hand, which he had obviously been holding the whole time.
"Thank you, Pavel. But ... that was exceedingly stupid. Don't ever do that again, will you?"
Chekov had to smile now, too. He nodded.
"Understood, sir."
They talked for a while about how the mission had ended and how the captured scientist had been rescued before Sulu said that Chekov should get more rest.
What an exciting first away mission!
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 26 (@juneofdoom)
26. “Don’t lie to me.”                              
| Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
"Don't lie to me."
Leonard McCoy gave his best friend the hardest glare he had ever given him before. He knew it. He knew that Jim was keeping something from him. Something very important. And it filled his heart with so much rage.
The blond flinched at the doctor's angry voice. There were tears in his eyes.
"Bones." Jim swallowed hardly. "It's Chapel."
McCoy's heart seemed to skip a beat. He slowly shook his head.
"She's dead."
"No." McCoy's voice was barely audible.
Not Christine! Not when McCoy should've been the one to go on the mission.
"I'm sorry."
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Prompt: I Am Scared
(Twenty-sixth story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
[Personal Log]
I hope this recording device works properly. I ... have been held captive b-by a gang of pirates for more than two weeks now. They have taken all our possessions from me and the others.
Under the circumstances, I suppose I am fine. I am unharmed. I ... am given protein pills and water.
Yesterday someone came into my cell who is not one of the pirates. I don't know what species this creature belongs to, but I suspect it's a male one. He ... he looked at me like I am some ... some sort of animal. I don't know who he is or what he has to do with the pirates, but he asked me if I had a wish.
I ... I said that I want to go back home. I told him that I want to see my family. My mother and father.
But all I got in the end was this device. My only material wish. Something I can use to document my story.
I don't know when the man will come back. I don't know what he wants from me.
But ... I am scared. I am afraid of what will be done to me. I just hope and pray that this will not be my last recording.
Eraiu out.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 20 (@juneofdoom)
20. “I can handle it.”                               
| Scrape | Panic Attack | Neglect |
Mr. Keenser already knew when he boarded the submarine that it would be his last mission. He was no longer the youngest and slowly but surely he just wanted to retire and leave the exploration of the deep sea to the younger men and women.
He had worked as an engineer and marine biologist for so many years. He had discovered the most beautiful reefs and the strangest creatures, explored so many miles of the sheer endless expanse of the seas. It had been a wonderful time and he had enjoyed every day.
But his bones were not getting any younger and as he descended the ladder into the submarine, he realized that he had become very old indeed. He was so much slower than he had been a few years ago.
"Are you sure you want to join us on this exploration tour, sir?" a young Russian man with blond curls asked him. The name of the youngest crew member was Pavel Chekov.
"I can handle it, boy," Keenser grumbled back. He wasn't really a man of big words, but on his last mission he wanted to at least try to talk a little more.
"Don't worry about Mr. Keenser, laddie. I've worked alongside him for many years now and he's the fittest old geezer I ken."
A middle-aged Scotsman patted Keenser on the shoulder with a grin as he reached the bottom of the ladder and joined the rest of the crew.
Keenser said nothing. He knew Montgomery Scott and his manner all too well.
In addition to the three men, there were two other members present who were already taking care of the initial adjustments to the systems. Hikaru Sulu and James T. Kirk. With them, the crew was complete.
The hatch of the submarine was quickly closed and the small group set off into the depths of the water.
It wasn't long before they came across the first fish and other sea creatures. Even though Keenser had seen some representatives of this species so often, they still fascinated him again and again.
There was just so much to see and even if a small part of the deep sea had already been explored and mapped, there was a much larger part that was still waiting to be discovered. But Keenser would no longer be one of the men and women who would make these great discoveries. And that made him extremely wistful.
"What's that up ahead? Can you see it too?" asked Sulu, who was maneuvering the submarine, snapping Keenser out of his thoughts.
Everyone looked in the direction in which the young Asian was pointing.
Keenser could hear Chekov next to him draw in a sharp breath. And he also sensed an equally anxious feeling.
A huge monster was swimming just a few miles away from them. It resembled an octopus, but was much bigger. Sharp teeth protruded from a large mouth. It was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
"I'll record it with the cameras. Can you circle it from a safe distance?" Kirk asked, staring at the creature as if spellbound.
Sulu nodded and slowly the submarine moved through the dark water.
Keenser didn't know what had triggered it – a wrong move, a noise, too bright a light – but suddenly the creature rushed straight towards them.
"Retreat!" the elder quickly ordered, but the small submarine did not manage to escape the giant creature. Tentacles closed around the hull and the men tried everything to free the submarine from the monster's grip, but they failed miserably.
There was only one way out of this situation. The escape pods!
"Hurry! We've got to get out of here!" Kirk shouted as the alarm systems activated. The monster began to crush the hull of the submarine!
The men rushed to the escape pods and Keenser was just about to climb into one when he heard swearing.
He looked to the side and realized that Scott was standing in front of one of the pods, shaking his head frantically.
"The escape pod is broken!" he shouted in shock and Keenser swallowed hard. He knew there was only one thing he could do.
"Get in," he ordered, pointing his head towards the escape pod he had just been about to get into.
Scott gave him a shocked look.
"But, Mr. Keenser, that –"
"Get in!"
The Scotsman was slow to follow the order. Tears were in his eyes as Keenser nodded to him once more.
"Thank you, sir," Scott breathed and Keenser knew he was doing the right thing.
It was his last mission. He had known it from the start. The water seeped through the bursting seams, but that was the least of Keenser's worries. Panic gripped his heart and his breathing fastened. Never before in his life had he been so scared. Never before had his beloved sea been so cruel and deadly. The last thing he saw through the glass was the monster's huge opening maw before it swallowed the submarine and its last passenger.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
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Round 2: Twenty-fifth (and therefore last) story for @badthingshappenbingo ~ (Thanks for the card! It was once again a pleasure writing ✍️)
Title: Hide And Seek
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Original Female Character
Relationship(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Rating: G
Words: 497
Prompt: Hand Gagging
Warnings: /
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ Hide And Seek ~
Breathing frantically, Robert "Robbie" Scott ran through the woods that were as familiar to him as the back of his hand. How many times had he been out here? How many times had he run along these paths? But this time everything was different.
He didn't have much time. At any moment she would come for him. At any moment he would be hunted down and caught if he didn't find a place to hide quickly enough.
His heart skipped a beat when he heard her call. He had to hurry! He had to find a hole in a tree as quickly as possible or climb one of the trees or –
A startled scream escaped the young Scotsman when a hand suddenly reached out of a bush right next to him and he was pulled into the middle of the bushes.
He wanted to scream further and call for help, but he didn't get the chance because the same hand that had pulled him into the bushes quickly pressed down on his mouth and silenced him.
"Shhh! Be quiet, a bhràthair!"
That voice.
Robbie, who was now sitting on his knees on the ground, turned his head to see who was sitting behind him, covering his mouth.
It was his brother. The older Scotsman kept his eyes fixed on the path Robbie had been walking on until a moment ago. His eyes were wide with fear.
Robbie made a few muffled sounds and Scotty's hand tightened on it.
"Shh!" he hissed again and it wasn't until Robbie himself heard the approaching footsteps that he became as quiet as a mouse.
"Come out, come out, wherever ye are," a female voice rang out, in a singsong.
Robbie's blood froze in his veins and he closed his eyes. He couldn't let her find them! Therefore he had to be quiet.
His heart was pounding in his throat as the footsteps came closer and closer.
"I'll find ye. Ye cannae get away from me."
Robbie pressed himself as close to Scotty as he could. He just wanted to know that his big brother was with him. And Scotty only held him tighter.
The two brothers sat trembling in their hiding place and it was only when the footsteps slowly moved away from them that they both dared to relax a little.
Scotty finally dropped his hand and Robbie sighed with relief. They had made it. They were safe for now!
Smiling, the two looked at each other and sent a silent prayer to the heavens, however, suddenly someone jumped through the bushes and grabbed them both by their shoulders.
Scotty and Robbie both cried out in shock, while their friend Margory laughed triumphantly.
"Ha, ha, ha! I'm just the best at this game!"
Scotty just sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
"At least we tried."
"Aye. Thanks for yer help, Monty. Ye tried to save me."
Robbie wrapped his arms around his big brother and he hugged him tightly.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
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Round 2: Twenty-fourth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: A Traitor's Punishment
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott, Original Female Character
Relationship(s): /
Rating: M
Words: 975
Prompt: Mouth Stitched Shut
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Torture, Blood & Injury, Kidnapping, Major Character Injury
A/N: Prequel to "To Hope"
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ A Traitor's Punishment ~
Robert "Robbie" Scott no longer knew how long he had been held captive in this room. He couldn't remember how long he had been persecuted and punished for something he hadn't done.
They accused him of stealing information about Section 31 and planning to sell it. They said that he was a traitor and that he had to pay for it.
Robbie laughed humorlessly, tears in his eyes, while he just shook his head.
He hadn't done anything. He hadn't stolen any information. But he couldn't deny that he would have loved to.
These people should be punished. The members of the Section who committed crimes on a daily basis in order to achieve the Federation's goals. People who had no scruples and did not stop at blackmail and torture. Someone should expose them publicly and put an end to it all.
They had forced Robbie to work for the organization when they had discovered his potential as a technician by threatening to harm his son Chris. He had had no choice but to comply.
The door opened for what felt like the hundredth time and Robbie sighed in exhaustion when he saw who entered the room.
The pretty, slender woman was in charge of one of the groups in Section 31, and Robbie had been put under her command. She was a truly horrible, unscrupulous person. And she really enjoyed torturing people.
"Good morning, Robert? How are we feeling today?" Her voice dripped with scorn and she smiled wickedly at Robbie as she stepped in front of the chair he was tied to.
He said nothing. If he answered anything, he would surely get a punch in the gut. On the other hand... even if he remained silent, Alexandra would certainly hurt him. But why should he waste the rest of his strength talking? It wouldn't get him out of this situation either way.
"I thought I'd like to try something new with you today. This constant beating, waterboarding and all that other stuff is getting really boring." Alexandra put the suitcase she was carrying on a nearby table and opened it.
Robbie couldn't see what she was taking out of it at first, but the glint in her eyes told him that it was certainly something very painful.
"Look at this, Robert. Isn't it beautiful?" Slowly, Alexandra turned around and showed Robbie something he had only ever seen in books.
A needle.
"It's crazy to think that it used to take people hours to repair clothes with something like this. I'm really glad that it's quicker and easier today." Alexandra took something else out of the suitcase. A long piece of thread. "But I've discovered that this old sewing kit can also be good for something completely different."
Robbie watched as the woman carefully threaded the thread through the needle and then tied a knot at one end. He felt sick to his stomach as he imagined what she could do with it.
"As we've established, you haven't revealed the stolen information to anyone yet, so... let's make sure you never will."
Alexandra grinned maliciously as she grabbed Robbie's hair with one hand and pulled his head back briskly. He tried to move his head as best he could, but the hours of torture over the previous days had weakened him beyond belief. He had no strength to fight back.
When the needle pierced his lower lip for the first time, the Scotsman let out an agonized whimper. Tears flowed from his eyes and he gave Alexandra a pleading look. But she paid no attention to him.
With a satisfied smile, she kept her eyes fixed on the needle, making sure that every stitch was in place.
Robbie felt hot blood flowing from his lips, both into his mouth and onto his chin. Alexandra made every effort to ensure that each stitch hurt and she worked very slowly.
"Perfect! I should have been a surgeon in the dark ages," she finally announced proudly.
Robbie sobbed quietly to himself. He would have liked to scream and curse, but that was no longer possible.
He lowered his chin exhaustedly towards his chest as his tormentor let go of his head and he tried to breathe through his nose. After all the crying, however, it wasn't easy.
Alexandra seemed to notice. The smile on her lips widened even more and she turned her head to the side thoughtfully.
"Then again..."
Robbie's eyes widened in shock when Alexandra suddenly held his nose. His heart and pulse raced from the sudden lack of oxygen. He couldn't breathe through his nose or mouth.
Panicked, he made unintelligible noises and somehow tried to move his head to free his nose, but he wasn't strong enough.
So he squinted his eyes desperately and did what he knew Alexandra had imagined he would do.
He tore his mouth open. Hellish pain shot through his whole body as his lips tore open and he screamed as loud as he could when air finally flowed through his lungs again. He coughed and sobbed and cried pitifully.
But Alexandra just laughed.
"Wonderful! A really great method of torture. What do you think of a second round, Robert?" She waved the needle around and the Scotsman just shook his head helplessly.
Not again. He didn't want to have to endure this pain again. He didn't want to –
Alexandra's communicator beeped and she pulled it out to see who had sent her a message. With a broad grin, she put the device back in her pocket.
"Unfortunately, we don't have time for another round. We have a visitor coming soon. It looks like you might still have a chance of surviving, Robert."
With these words, Alexandra strolled out of the room and left Robbie to his thoughts and pain. But she would be back very soon.
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Prompt: Hold On A Little Longer
(Second story for Angstember 2024 by @ivystoryweaver)
"Farie! When will the damn order be ready?"
When she heard the chef's loud voice, Nomira couldn't help but flinch. Her glasses almost slipped off her nose and with a quick flick of her wrist she pushed them back into place before she finished garnishing the next plate and quickly pushed it to the others.
"Ready, sir!"
Sweat trickled down Nomira's forehead. This workplace was simply awful. The boss was an unpleasant fellow who bullied his employees to no end. If she had known that she would end up in places like this, the young Tyriuk would never have embarked on this journey.
It had seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime. When Nomira had finally been employed in Miss Harkem's restaurant at the age of 16 and began her training as a master chef, she had been called a natural on her planet. Within two years, she had managed to work her way up in the kitchen and had become one of the best employees. But it wasn't enough for Nomira.
When she was offered the chance to go on a journey through the galaxy, shortly after her master's examination, to learn different cooking techniques on various planets and improve her skills even further, the young Nomira immediately accepted. She didn't just want to be as good as Miss Harkem. She wanted to be the best.
Part of her knew that it would have been enough. She could easily have been one of the best cooks on Tyriuk IV. But there was a deep hope in her that maybe – just maybe – she would find her brother on visits to different planets.
For several months after her brother's departure, Nomira had received messages from him. Messages in which he had tried to dissuade her from her dream. Messages in which he had tried to convince her of his ideas and ideals.
But she didn't want it. She didn't want to live a miserable life like him. She wanted to be rich and free and carefree. She wanted to give her parents everything they deserved. And for this very reason, she eventually broke off contact with Malui and decided to live her own life. And yet ... If only she could see him one more time ...
"Faster, you stupid weaklings! There are more orders!"
That voice. Nomira gritted her pointed teeth angrily.
She had worked in so many unpleasant places and experienced so many bad things, but the chef on Ragulo V was the pinnacle. A lanky, ugly guy with six arms who believed that no one was as good as him. No one could please him. He paid his staff poorly and fired good employees again and again.
Nomira would have loved to say something, to give him a piece of her mind, but she knew that would be the end of the program for her. And she wanted to see it through. For her family. And for herself. She wanted to be the best of the best.
Just a little longer. She just had to hold on a little longer. But that was easier said than done.
When the bastard of a chef turned to Nomira's sauce and tasted it, he immediately turned up his ugly snout and spit onto the ground.
"Ugh! That tastes awful! I thought you were good! I expect better!"
Pointed teeth rubbed together. If Nomira wasn't careful, she would suffer permanent damage from this constant grinding of teeth. She nodded silently, but continued with the garnishing of the plates assigned to her.
However, a hard blow with a spoon on her beautiful long fingers stopped her and she suppressed a pained noise.
"Then redo the sauce! My goodness, do I need to explain everything to you!"
Another nod. Nomira would follow the orders silently. Better jobs would follow. She was quite sure of that.
Shouting, beatings, insults – she would get through it all.
And one day, when she had her own restaurant and was the most famous Tyriuk woman on the entire planet, she would show everyone that no one had the right to treat her that way.
"Faster! Work, work, work!"
As the chef turned his back on Nomira, she couldn't help but tighten her grip on the knife which she picked up to cut a few herbs.
As soon as she owned her own restaurant, one species was quite sure to appear on the menu. Even it would only be for a day or two.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
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Round 2: Twenty-first story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: And The World Collapsed
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott
Relationship(s): Robert "Robbie" Scott/Leah McCoy, Robert "Robbie" Scott & Chris Scott
Rating: T
Words: 684
Prompt: Pinned Down by Wreckage
Warnings: Earthquake, Buried Alive, Angst, Major Character Injury
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ And The World Collapsed ~
When Robert "Robbie" Scott opened his eyes and tried to look around, he didn't know what had happened at first. It was pitch black and all he could remember was that he had been at work.
Robbie felt the familiar floor beneath him of a room that had once been his office. His office, where he had developed new projects and advanced technological progress on a daily basis. His office, which had been lovingly decorated with mementos and photos from his native Scotland. His office, which was now in absolute chaos and destruction.
An earthquake! Right. There had been an earthquake. Robbie had just managed to get up from his chair and he had tried to crawl under the desk, but he hadn't quite made it.
He coughed weakly. His body felt so incredibly heavy. As if a weight was pressing down on him. He carefully moved his arms and felt his dark surroundings. To his horror, the Scotsman realized that part of him was buried under debris from the fallen ceiling. He had only managed to get his head, arms and upper torso to safety in time.
He let out a low Gaelic curse and shook his head in despair. Not only was he buried alive in the confines of his office, but he was pinned to the floor by wreckage.
With great effort, Robbie tried to free himself somehow, but every movement caused him incredible pain and he eventually gave up. Why waste precious energy when he wasn't going to get very far anyway?
He closed his eyes and tried to imagine how long it would take for the injured and buried victims to be rescued. How many parts of the city had been affected by the earthquake? How severe was the damage? How many rescue workers were deployed?
Robbie knew that it was partly possible to beam victims out of their hiding places and shelters, which had been the reason why he himself had tried to get his body to safety under the desk, but if the body was not exposed, it was a big problem.
If they tried to beam Robbie out of his position, they would most likely beam debris with him, which was too great a danger.
So the Scotsman could only wait and hope that the rescue would proceed quickly and that he would be found very soon.
His thoughts wandered to Leah and Robbie swallowed hard. His girlfriend must have had her hands full tending to the injured who had been taken to hospital.
His heart seemed to stop for a moment when he thought about the unlikely possibility that even the very earthquake-proof hospital might have been damaged. What if Leah was injured? What if she herself was one of the victims?
"Nae... nae, she's fine," the Scotsman quietly muttered to himself, trying to chase away the dark thoughts. Leah had to be fine! She was safe at the hospital. She was doing her job, saving people's lives.
However, the thought of his girlfriend being injured or buried like him wasn't easy to push from Robbies thoughts. It lingered in his mind for minutes, hours, mixing with another fear.
What about his son? Was Chris okay? How safe was his working place? God, he couldn't lose his son! His only child!
Tears filled his eyes as Robbie gritted his teeth in despair. If only there was a way to contact his loved ones...
He thought of his communicator. It was in his pocket. If only he could reach it to check if it was still working.
Once again Robbie gathered all his strength and tried to move. He could feel the debris on top of him moving a little bit and for a short moment, he actually had hope. Maybe he could get his legs free. Maybe he could reach his comm. Maybe –
When the ground started to shake again, Robbie let out a loud cry of pain as more and more debris crushed him under its weight. One second the pain was unbearable, the next one it was gone. And so was Robbie's consciousness.
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hummingbird-of-light · 3 months
June of Doom 2024 Day 28
A/N: Sequel to Prompt 7
28. “Say something.”                              
| Numb | Cold Shoulder | Gag |
"Ny, hey. Please talk to me."
Nyota Uhura heard the familiar voice reaching her ears, but she didn't open her mouth. She stayed numb, staring at the white wall.
"Say something."
He wasn't real. It wasn't Jim talking to her. He was just a hallucination those aliens had created.
She only had herself. There was no one else to talk to.
Uhura heard the captain's sigh. She felt his hand squeezing her shoulder, but she didn't believe it to be real.
"Let's get you back aboard the ship."
Slowly, a pair of strong arms gently lifted her off the ground.
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