#megan morzz
millylotus · 2 years
Rise of the TMNT x Young Justice
Everything's the same but during the Krang invasion the Justice League and Young Justice are dealing with the Krangified people, and protecting the civilians with evacuations. The Team are the ones to find the boys on Coney Island, noticing Raph's phantom form, and the bright light that came from Mikey's portal to the prison dimension. Aqualad and Miss Martian decide to go over and check it out to see what's up.
The boys are disoriented and aren't really able to hide from the two. M'gann senses them when she does a cursory scan of the island. Raph and Donnie are very protective of Leo and Mikey who are both passed out and weak.
- - -
M'gann and Kaldur paused as they made eye contact with two of the four mutant turtles in front of them.
The purple one started slowly hissing barring their teeth at them raising their bo-staff, while the red one growled at them with their twin sai gripped tight.
M'gann clenched her fists, eyes shifting white prepared for a fight, Kaldur raised his hand in front of her.
'Wait Miss Martian, they're protecting someone else, see?' He said within their mind link.
M'gann squinted looking behind the giant mutant, catching a glimpse of two smaller mutants. One in blue who looked like they went through hell, and a smaller orange one curled up next to them shivering as specs of orange spread across their skin.
'Oh, alright diplomacy then?' She asked.
'Diplomacy.' He responded.
"We mean you know harm, we're with the Justice League we simply came to help." Kaldur said, projecting his voice to the turtles.
The red one slowly stopped making noise, and glanced back to their downed friends.
"We don't want any trouble from the League, but if you could get us back to the mainland, we'll be out of your hair." They said,
The purple one whipped their head to the other with a look of shock on his face. "Raph! The Fuck."
"Calm down Donnie, we can trust them a little. I mean Miss Martian and Aqualad aren't really human either, they'd understand." The newly identified Raph said.
Kaldur nodded, "That is true, we can get you across the bay no problem. Miss Martian?"
"Calling Bio-Ship now." M'gann said, at her words the Bio-Ship flew over silently, opening its doors when it landed.
M'gann walked inside Kaldur following, he glanced back at the mutants, who hadn't moved. Kaldur nodded to the ship. Raph picked up the blue turtle, while Donnie picked up the orange turtle. Kaldur smiled at them and continued inside with the turtles behind him.
The group sat in awkward silence as they crossed the bay, M'gann looked back at the turtles, the two awake and beginning to tend to the others' injuries.
M'gann took a breath"If you don't mind me asking, what were you doing over there? We saw something big and red, and a flash of light. Was that you?"
Donnie looked up at her as he wrapped the blue one's arm. "You could say that." Was all they said.
Raph sighed, "Sorry it's just we've been running on adrenaline for the past 24 hours or so, But yes that was us."
Kaldur nodded in understanding, "I do have to ask if you know who attacked New York."
Raph grimaced before responding, "An ancient colonist alien species called the Krang."
"Wait the Krang!" M'gann shouted.
"Do you know of them?" Donnie said, head whipping up to her.
"Of course, although they're more or less a myth back home. I took a mythos elective back in what humans call middle school. From the stories the Krang attacked our sister planet, Earth, first in the solar system because it had more resources useful to them. A small army went over to help, killing almost all the Krang with help from Earthlings. Then using a mix of now primitive Martian tech and Earthly magic, they trapped the remaining ones in another dimension." M'gann was a bit breathless by the end of the story.
Kaldur hummed, "I don't believe Atlantis has any of those myths, at least I don't think. I was never one for myths to begin with."
Donnie looked away pulling up his wristband, quickly starting to type out M'gann's story, for later.
"Now that I think about it, I think I've seen a few murals at Mama's hotel, of Earthlings fighting against the Krang." Raph said, finishing up the orange turtle's bandages.
"Where are the Krang now though?" Kaldur asked.
Donnie looked up, "Well there were three left that came out of the portal. We killed the smaller one by closing the portal on it and their Technodrome. The leader is back in the prison dimension, we don't know where Sister Krang is though." He grimaced at his own words, "Lemme check in with Dad real quick." he muttered.
"Wait, do the others know Leon made it?" Raph asked his brother.
Donnie blinked, looking down at the blue turtle who was probably Leon, breathing softly, "Well shit they are so gonna freak, don't wanna be there." He turned his tech band to Leon and took a picture, before sending it to someone, then quickly turning it off. That didn't stop the notification noises from quickly racketing off.
Raph raised a brow at Donnie "You should answer that."
"If I'm answering you're answering." They hissed out.
Raph froze, as the thought of having to face a probably lived father dawned on him, "Alrighty then."
- - -
They exchange contact info so they can talk more to the League about the invasion. M'gann and Kaldur drop them off at the docks at their request.
Once the Bio-Ship is out of sight, the boys are quickly tackled by Splinter, April and Junior. Who then berates the older boys a bit for not calling them about Leon's survival. But aside from that the movie goes as originally shown.
M'gann and Kaldur report back to Batman about what happened, telling them what little the turtles told them about the invasion. The League wants to meet the brothers soon, so the two call them up. They set up a meeting for two-weeks later, on top of Run of The Mill's front building.
- - -
The four hero’s stood on the rooftop two adults, Batman and Black Canary, and two teens, Miss Martian and Aqualad. They were waiting for four other people to show up for a meeting, scheduled for two minutes ago.
“They’re going to be late.” Black Canary said.
“We came early on purpose to see if they would.” Batman responded.
Miss Martian grumbled, ‘First meeting and they’re already being tested.’
Kaldur nodded, ‘As is the world of heroes.’
Then they heard the sound of movement, people making their way to the rooftop behind them.
The heroes turned around to face the oncoming group.
Three humanoids landed on the roof. Raph and Donnie had returned, Raph now wearing an eye patch over his right eye, both now having bandages wrapped around some parts of their body. The other person was a very tall sheep mutant, some taller than Raph. They were scowling a bit, but that seemed to be their resting face.
A short silence floated over the roof before the sheep mutant stepped up to Black Canary and Batman. “My name is Baron Draxum, and my sons have told me that the Justice League wants to talk on the matter of the invasion. Am I to assume you two are the superiors here.”
Batman nodded, not saying a word.
Black Canary nodded with a smile, raising her hand for the sheep mutant to shake, he did. “Yes two of the Leagues apprentices, Aqualad and Miss Martian’ motioning over to the two who waved at the three, Raph and Donnie waved back, ‘Told us about the meeting they had with your children, along with the fact that you most likely know more about the invasion than us. We were wondering if you could provide us with some more information on the attempted invasion.”
Draxum stood for a second in thought before nodding. “We can work with that. But under the circumstances, you will respect the boundaries we will set, and if not then we leave, no three count system. Understood?” He said with a raised eyebrow.
“Of course, we don’t intend to cause you or your family any harm.” Batman said, understanding their secrecy.
As the adults talked the teenagers had separated themselves from the conversation after Raph and Donnie had given a synopsis of how the Krang got out of their prison dimension. The heroes agreed that they would need to circle back to Foot Clan at a later date.
“So Raph and Donnie was it?” M’gann asked, trying to start up the conversation.
“Well my full name is Raphael, and theirs is Donatello. And thank you for helping us on Staten.” Raphael said with a toothy grin, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Lord knows we’d hate to have stayed on that trash heap any longer.” Donatello mumbled, tapping away at their wrist phone.
“If you don’t mind me asking how old are you two, you seem too young for a lack of a better word. I’m seventeen, and Miss Martian is sixteen. We've been on the same apprentice team for a little over a year now.” Kaldur said.
“Oh I’m seventeen too, and Don’s sixteen. What’s it like working with older heroes, like you do, I’ve always wanted to be like a full fledged hero.” His voice rose in excitement as he spoke.
The two quickly delved into their thoughts on hero and vigilante work, and what they did.
Donatello sighed, shaking his head fondly as he watched his brother talk about one of his main hyperfixations with Aqualad.
“Can I ask what you’re doing?” Miss Martian asked Donatello.
“Oh this, well my green ally I’m playing the wonderful game Run 3, the most interesting flash game I’d say.”
M’gann laughed lightly, “I’ve heard of flash games, but I thought they were destroyed?”
“Yes but the moment I heard, I backed up all my favorites and then some. Let me show you some.”
The two started talking about old nostalgic games from American kids' childhoods.
“The children seem to be getting along.” Batman said, turning the trio’s attention to the teens talking to each other amiably.
“Yes, they tend to be social.” Draxum said gently, smiling at his sons.
“I’m sorry but how long have your sons been fighting as vigilantes?” Black Canary asked.
Draxum smiled with pride, “A little over two years now, although their first few months were mainly just sneaking out of the house.”
Black Canary nodded, “Do you want them to keep this up?”
“They are naturally very active, they’ll have to put that energy somewhere, running around and fighting is good for them. And they genuinely enjoy what they’re doing, helping people. I’d say yes, although they’ll need more classical training, Raphael was the only one to go out of his way to do so for a while, can’t just rely on talent.” He deduced.
The two nodded before sharing a glance, then Black Canary spoke up, “Would you be partial to allow them to train with the League, or the apprentice team? They would be happy to have new allies.”
Draxum pursed his lips, he knew this topic may arise. Lou and him had even talked about it some, of course the boys didn’t know that, they hadn’t wanted to get their hopes up too early. “I’ll have to talk with their father, and them, but it could be a possibility. We did make something for you to communicate with us though. Donatello come here and explain the phone please.” He called over to the teen.
Quickly Donatello’s attention was drawn to his father, he walked over a bounce in their step and pulled out an old looking phone/walkie-talkie. “This is a T-talkie, basically a personalized walkie-talkie with its own frequency that I myself found and isolated. Connecting to my very own satellite that at the moment is only really able to go around North America.’ He handed the dark green walkie-talkie to the heroes, with a flourish, ‘Tell me how it works when you use it somewhere else.” Their eyes shone with excitement.
Draxum smiled at his son, “I’m sure it will work perfectly Donatello.”
Donatello smiled widely at him.
Black Canary smiled at the duo, “Thank you Donatello for the T-talkie,’ She turned back to Draxum, ‘We will be sure to get in contact with you again.”
The other three had drifted back to the center of the roof.
“Alright, Miss Martian, Aqualad it’s time to go.” Batman said.
The heroes said their goodbyes and left the rooftop.
“Well that went well.” Raph said proudly.
Draxum nodded, “Now let's get back to the lair before the others destroy it.”
- - -
Mikey and Leon are disappointed that they couldn’t go with the other three to finally meet the heroes.
That’s when Draxum drops the bomb that Black Canary and Batman had suggested the kids could work with Young Justice.
The boys are really excited and are begging Splinter and Draxum to let them do it. The parents send them to bed, so they can talk about it. Draxum is for it, saying that it would do the boys good, and Splinter is on the fence because he doesn’t like the idea of the kids being exposed to so many people. They decide to leave it till they can talk to the League about it tomorrow.
- - -
Red Tornado sat on the couch in the living room in Mt.Justice, quietly reading a book Kid Flash had lent him. ‘The Great Gatsby’ They found it more interesting than they thought they would be.
The sound of a communicator sounded off next to them, he glanced down and saw the T-talkie that Black Canary and Batman had left with them. Setting the book down they picked up the walkie-talkie from the couch and answered.
“Hello?” They asked into the phone.
“Am I to assume you are a colleague of the people I met with yesterday?” A deep voice asked from the phone.
“It depends, are you the father that met with Blake Campbell and Brady Martin?” They were careful with their words like always, he knew that Draxum was most likely the person calling, but you could never know.
“Yes I am, and I’d like to talk about the sports team that they elected my children to join.”
“Of course, Ms.Campbell is here at the moment I’ll go get her.” Red Tornado got up and sent a message to Black Canary that Baron Draxum had called. She responded quickly saying she’d be there soon.
“My name is Reamonn Turner They/He, I am one of the team’s caretakers.” They said,
The Zeta tube went off in the distance, too low for Draxum to possibly hear.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Xir, I’m Barry Draxum He/Him.”
Dinah walked into the living room, and waved at Red Tornado. He nodded back.
“A pleasure.”
They handed the phone over to Dinah who took it with a nod.
“Hello Draxum, it’s good to hear from you so soon after our meeting.” She said,
“Yes to you as well. I’d like to talk about my son's involvement in this team. Their other father is here as well.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Black Canary’ – An old accented voice said – ‘My name is Splinter.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Splinter. Now what exactly are you concerned about?” Dinah thought the boys had mentioned a mother to M’gann and Kaldur so she hadn’t expected another parent. But who was she to judge, she and Ollie had a semi-open relationship themselves.
- - -
So they talk through some things, specifically the Hamato’s privacy about their lives and mutation. Where the boys would be going to meet with the team. How long they would stay at Mt.Justice. Dinah assures them that the League won't dig too deep into their mutations much.
Splinter explains that two of them are still rather weak and won’t be leaving home for some time to heal, about two weeks or so. Dinah understands and they schedule to meet in two weeks when the children are fully healed so they can meet the Team at Mt.Justice.
The Team gets a heads up a few days before the meeting that a few vigilantes from NYC will be coming over for an introduction.
- - -
The Team sat around the living room waiting for the possible new additions to their team.
Artemis and Kaldur were sitting on the couch watching as M’gann, Dick, and Conner were playing uno. With M’gann absolutely sweeping the floor with the other two. Wally was pacing around the room, messing with things and stimming with nervousness and some excitement.
Their mentors were standing near the digital command center quietly talking to each other.
The teens were all connected through their mind link chatting.
`Okay so is anyone else just like generally suspicious of the newbies’ Wally asked flopping down on the couch by Artemis.
‘Donnie and Raph aren't that bad’ M’gann placated
Conner rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything.
‘Keep forgetting you two met them already.’ Robin said to Kaldur and M’gann.
M’gann shrugged, ‘I mean you guys could have come with us after the invasion.’
Wally groaned, flopping onto Artemis’ lap, who flicked his nose in annoyance. He gave her a cheeky smile, Artemis rolled her eyes at him.
Kid looked over at M’gann, ‘Well yeah but I didn’t want to run over water then alright, besides the League had us helping out that band of Brownie Troops and their crazy leader.’
‘They were certainly interesting.’ Dick said, smiling as he hit M’gann with a +4, who then squawked in offense, Dick smiled mischievously. ‘Shoulda seen that coming M’orzz.’
‘Oh you are on Grayson.’ She said with a wicked grin.
Conner sighed and put his cards at the bottom of the drawing deck, and looked up at Kaldur, ‘What exactly are they like, M’gann said Donnie was into tech or something.’
Kaldur tilted his head in thought, ‘I didn’t talk much with Donatello, Raph spoke to me more. He said he and his siblings had been acting as vigilantes for about two years now. He’s very passionate about doing what he does, very strong morals.’
Conner nodded with a hum.
“Get ready they’re on their way.” Superman said.
The Team got up and walked around the couch, going to stand by their respective mentors around the room.
The sound of the Zeta Tube went off. ‘A-58 Baron Draxum, B-41 Orange, B-38 Red, B-39 Violet, B-40 Blue.’
‘Looks like they’re already part of the team.’ Artemis projected lightly.
The first to come into view was a tall goat mutant wearing a teal hanbok. He held himself high and looked around the room quizzically. Then a much shorter turtle mutant bounded down the hallway to the goat man’s side, along with three others walking not far behind.
“Hi I’m Mikey or Orange – They chirped – It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all!” Mikey smiled wide at the assortment of heroes and apprentices.
Wally smiled, dashing over to Mikey “Hi MIkey I’m Kid Flash nice to meet ya.”
And first contact was made.
Miscellaneous Bullet Points
The turtles are nice, if a bit eccentric yeah but what teenager isn’t. The Heroes beside Kaldur, Miss Martian, Black Canary, and Batman, needed some time to wrap their heads around extremely anthropomorphic mutant turtles and a goat,
So like dynamic wise I think Raph would get along with Kaldur and Artemis, they just seem like they’d all be buds
Do random shit they probs shouldn’t and bringing out the chaotic gremlins in each other
I think Donnie would get along with Megan, tism recognizes tism really and they’d have the same taste in music
They’d bake together, because I think Donnie bakes pastries b/c it’s so difficult and they like to one up people with their skills, but Megan would be just as good as them, and they would bond over that
Conner is mildly jealous but not like really insecure about it
On the topic of Conner he and Leo get along swimmingly, like Leo and Robin tried to but they could not start their own mirror image. So Leo gravitated to Conner and they are bastards together often
Reckless boneheads who go all out on eachother in a kinda “Do it you won’t, pussy” way, it’s ridiculous
Mikey gets most along with Wally and Dick the most, Dick in the sense that they’re both the youngests and smallest and like to cause some chaos, Wally in the sense that they have pretty similar personalities and actually like to hang out together, unlike Rob and Leo
Instead of Megan being white and solely based on the Hello Megan actress, she also takes inspiration from J’onn’s human form. Along with having watched like all the Lou Jitsu movies she could find back home on Mars, so she kinda looks like Lou too
I just feel like white Megan makes no sense considering she’s living with her uncle and I know they’d get shit for it from humans
Megan ends up showing the turtles Lou Jitsu, and when they find out the turts are already obsessed they all geek out together over Lou Jitsu, they end up introducing her to more Jupiter Jim, who’d she’d only seen like once or twice in crossover movies
Anyway the turts don’t need a lot of training but they do need low stakes practice, just learning how to hold back when they’re going up against people who don’t bounce back like Yokai and mutants do
Training for them kinda goes like how Conner’s training went, lots of frustration but they got it eventually
Draxum gets roped into being a den mother for a bit during a school break or something, the cave wasn’t on fire persay but a lot of furniture was new, and not for the reason of just feeling a new style
Around that time is when the team finds out the turts were built with war in mind they get a bit weird, but Conner’s whole situation having already happened, they get over it pretty quickly
Dick starts looking into Lou Jitsu and his disappearance one day, when he overhears Donnie and Megan talking about it
He doesn’t find alot but he gets a couple consistent threads, with Big Mama being involved, it probably being a kidnapping, and Lou maybe being alive for awhile after
Eventually the boys get to invite Splinter, April and Caseyx2 to the mountain
April and Casey quickly befriend Artemis and Wally, I can just see them being ridiculous and loud together
Junior would be more shy and stuff but Megan would notice and seek him out and introduce him to Conner, and they all become buds, Junior really likes Wolf so much
Megan and Dick actually notice how much Splinter acts like Lou Jitsu in some way
They both end up connecting the dots, Dick wants to grill Splinter on what happened, and Megan goes all fangirl and is so happy to finally meet one of her idols, one who she assumed was dead already
This idea slash prompt is completely up for grabs with credit or something. I just don’t have the energy to like write something big about this crossover, even though it’s so fucking cool.
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for weeks now, def would like to hear other people’s ideas on a crossover between YJ and ROTTMNT.
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hello-m-gann · 1 month
Snack idea for you
Carbonated water and powdered milk
I'm sorry but......you are evil....my mouth does not like this! I hate this! :(
I tried to get the others to try it because i was excited
Wally tried it, he did not like it, that's how bad it is, he'll eat a lot of stuff but not this!
Robin refused
Conner also tried it....he wasn't happy about it
Artemis also refused
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sugawara--san · 8 months
what i would give to watch young justice again for the first time
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elms-art-gallery · 2 years
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doodles i did instead of paying attention in class. i think m’gann should be more alien just in general.
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Besties 💕
And yes, M’gann is floating in order to be taller than Artemis
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as promised, the more inhuman Miss Martian
While J’onn tends towards a more structured, deterministic Manhunter form influenced by their role in the Green Caste as a peacekeeper and investigator, M’gann embraces the Hyperclan’s philosophy of the White Caste not as lowly laborers, but as infinitely capable jacks of all trades, fluid and beautiful in opposition to the strict rules and caste system upheld by the Greens but ultimately determined by the Yellow Religious Caste and the Saturnians (once the Red Ruling Caste or Crimson Kings, but since fled to a distant moon to escape Mars’ final fate)
Once the Hyperclan escaped to Earth, M’gann fully split ties with them and their new leader, Apex; a mutual enemy of M’gann and their partner, Lara.
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pepperchipper · 2 years
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kittymeowmrow · 6 months
“M’gann did this!!” “M’gann did that!!!” I DONT CARE. I DONT FUCKING CARW
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runlikethewynd · 2 years
M'gann M'orzz 💋💐
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And here's M'gann from Conner's POV!
If you notice, I changed the bouquet. The bouquet of flowers here is different from the one in the episode because I simply didn't like it because it didn't seem wedding-y (?) so yeah... I drew the bouquet last and I was lazy by the end of it so you can pretty much see the laziness there haha 😅. I was like "Ah screw it! As long as M'gann and her wedding dress is beautiful, it's good enough for me." 😤
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shoot-i-messed-up · 1 year
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Not a yj 00s comics enjoyer or a yj cartoon enjoyer but a secret third thing (gay for certain characters)
My fave doodles:
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please ignore the screencap sketches in the corner, it only lives on in my dreams bc Artemis and punk Kon would have THE funniest and therefore best dynamic and u cannot convince me otherwise. We were robbed
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hello-m-gann · 1 month
Does anyone have good snack recommendations? :D
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dcfanforever · 1 year
Young Justice season 1 spoilers after the cut!
(in case anyone's as behind as I am)
I haven't even gotten to it yet, but I'm not ready for Wally to die!! 😭😭😭😭
Also, random note, I thought aqualad's name was Kaldur'ahn at first. With an "n" rather than an "m"!!
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hamartiannn · 1 year
-Some- DC Characters Age Headcanons! -in my world at least, so they are older-
Bruce Wayne: 54
Selina Kyle: 52
Richard Grayson: 37
Barbara Gordon: 37
Jason Todd: 31
Tim Drake: 27
Cassandra Cain: 27
Stephanie Brown: 27
Damian Wayne: 19
Rachel Roth: 30
Garfield Logan: 30
Wally West and Artemis Crock: 36
Johnathan Kent: 17
Connor Kent and Megan Morzz: 35 -legally-
Roy Harper: 37
Lian Harper: 14
Mari Grayson: 3
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snaileer · 3 years
YJ/DP Crossover Part 2
One day, Phantom walks into the kitchen and the back of his hair has gone black. At his behest, the team dismisses it, they are still at least a little worried, but they’re willing to trust Phantom. He would know, right?
Until Phantom starts to get progressively more exhausted, sleeping more and getting more tired after fights.
When he sleeps, no one can wake him up for hours.
At one point, Wally says, “he sleeps like the dead these days,”
Robin worries about how true that might be.
Phantom’s lost his color, streaks of black run up his hair, his glow is barely visible in the daytime and honestly, even his face is starting to look thinner, paler, more…. dead.
He doesn’t think Phantom notices it, or at least doesn’t think there’s something wrong with it.
When Phantom starts to really lose control of his intangibility, Batman tries to bench him. He’s been periodically dropping things and getting stuck halfway through walls for the last couple days.
Phantom comes along on the next mission anyways.
It’s a little bit of a disaster, so honestly, Robin doesn’t think he minds.
The giant octopus flings green goo at the team again. Maybe it’s supposed to be ink?
Either way, everyone jumps out of the way.
Everyone except Phantom; who had his leg stuck in the pavement below, yanking fruitlessly at it.
He gets absolutely smothered by the mass of ink. Wally takes a picture and starts laughing, Robin does too, until the ink starts to disappear.
It takes a second to realize it’s getting absorbed, that Phantom is absorbing it.
Had he misjudged it? Was it some sort of poison? Something absorbed through the skin? Except- the goo glows against Phantom’s suit, Phantom’s own glow getting brighter.
Everything about Phantom seems to get more… alive. It’s a contradiction. But Phantom seems more ghostly and alive than he’d been in weeks.
“Oh yeah! Now that’s what I’m talking about! Let’s party Ectopus!” The Moment all the goo is dissolved Phantom shoots up to the giant green octopod they’d been fighting.
No one had been able to land a good hit, until Phantom flew into it with a massive uppercut.
Breaks start to form as the octopus tears into several smaller creatures. All identical, all green, glowing /flying/- what had Phantom called them?- ectopuses?
What even was Robin’s life?
He stands to help Phantom fight, only to be stopped abruptly by a strong tattooed arm.
“I do not believe this one is our fight, Robin,” Aqualad looks up at the fight, “Nor are we needed.”
He’s right, by the time the rest of the team has gathered back together and started watching, it’s already over.
Phantom has collected a decent number of person sized green octopuses clumped into a pile.
“Phantom!” Aqualad calls to him.
Phantom looks at them with a very confused expression but floats closer, “Why am I- What was I-Where-Wait, who are you guys?”
The question strikes something cold and sharp across Robin’s chest. He can tell it does the same for the others.
“Do you not-“
“Hey, quit playin’ around man, that’s not cool!” Wally shouts, looking irritated. Robin doesn’t think he’s joking. He thinks Wally knows that too.
“I don’t-“ Something blinks in Phantom’s eyes. Literally. The green flickers to a pale blue for barely a second before it’s gone. “I have to get home. Have to get back to the portal. Can’t leave it unattended.” Phantom turns abruptly and zooms off in a straight direction.
“Kid Flash!” Aqualad shouts,
“On it!” Wally is gone, yellow sparks following the white blur in the distance.
The remaining three scramble into the Bioship, M’gann has it up and flying in seconds.
They catch up to Wally on the outskirts of Wisconsin, already a couple states away, but Wally barely looks winded. He runs up to them as they exit, words flying out at a million miles an hour.
The most Robin gets from it is, Wally was chasing him and he was heading in a straight line until he suddenly slammed to stop, like he’d hit a wall. Except there was no wall and now Phantom was laying unconscious on some old dairy farm
“Mention that first KF!”
“Sorry! You said tell you the whole thing!”
“Perhaps we should help our friend instead of arguing over how long it takes to help him?” Aqualad brushes between the two hero teens with a disapproving look.
They come upon Phantom in the field, a beacon for miles with the bright toxic green glow emanating from him.
He looks more like a ghost than ever.
Robin is terrified that if he tries to shake his shoulder, his hand is will go right through again.
Superboy has no such qualms. The moment they touch, Phantom sucks in a giant gasp and the light flashes brighter.
When it dies down, Phantom is sitting there, propped up on his elbows, stifling a yawn like he’d just taken a nap right there in the dirt.
Well, I guess, technically he did, but it’s the prospect of the thing!
“What’s up guys?”
The nonchalant look on Phantom’s face makes a vein twitch in Aqualad’s eye, Robin can just barely see it jerk in his peripheral vision.
“Are you okay?” Superboy asks gruffly. Phantom tilts his head all the back to look up at him standing above, only to immediately twist around and fly above him.
“Okay? I feel great! Best I’ve felt in weeks!” Phantoms floats gently in front of them and looks around, “huh, maybe I should nap in dirt fields more often. What are we doing here anyways?”
“That’s what we wanted to ask you!” Wally throws his hands up in the air. Then he slumps and pulls his cowl back, “This is always how it-“
“Red hair.”
“What?” Kid flash looks up confusedly, this is a weird time to insult him, especially coming from white top over there.
“Red hair,” phantom is staring intently at Wally’s head, “she has-had, which do I use if I’m the one that’s dead? But she had red hair.”
“Who, Phantom?” The team shares a look.
“My sister.”
Part 3: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/668622075092680704/please-finish-the-danny-phantom-and-young-justice
Part 1: https://snaileer.tumblr.com/post/661211386227064832/yjdp-crossover
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koryharper · 4 years
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Icons For My Favorite SHIPS Series:
Ms. Martian (M'gann M'orzz) / Superboy (Connor Kent)
“Would you please stop fidgeting?”
“You are so making this up to me later.“
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Quick M’gann to work through my renewed Araki fixation.
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