moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Fearsome Foursome
Moonrise! So I had this dumb idea. This is more of a shitpost but I thought it would be funny. It would be a comic strip but I can't draw. So little drabble it is. The Poly Four. As a fandom, we need to come up with a better ship name for them. Tw: S3xual innuendos, swearing.
The bank alarm was going off as the Fearsome Four ran off, each with a bag or two of loot. They kept in close formation while they escaped, making sure nobody fell behind or got lost. The group was blocked by a cloud of blue smoke in front of them. They slowed to a stop.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night..."
Liquidator splashed to be closer to Bushroot, also putting more distance between himself and his electric companion should a fight break out. Quackerjack and Megavolt jumped close together, getting into a fighting stance.
"I am the family disappointment that doesn't bring anything to the potluck."
Bushroot looked over at Quackerjack, who was looking at him as well with an amused face. They shared a small snicker at the bad line.
"I am... Darkwing Duck!!" The short duck spread his cape in what he must have thought to be a menacing manner. He then whipped out his gas gun and pointed it at the gang. He smirked, already amused by his next line. "Hello, Fearsome Foursome!"
Liquidator rolled his eyes, about to make a comment about how mature that was, when Megavolt spoke up.
"How did you know about that?"
In an instant, all eyes were on the electric rodent. He was staring at Darkwing in genuine confusion. His brain had stalled when he heard the remark, and he'd spat out the first thing that came to his mind.
Darkwing lowered his gun and cocked his head. "Know about wha-" He cut himself off, eyes widening as he realized what Megavolt implied. "Wait what the fu-"
"BAHAHAHAHOOHOO!" Quackerjack dropped his bags and burst out laughing, falling out of his defensive position. He put his hands on his knees and failed to collect himself. "He didn't mean it literally!" he pointed out to his partner.
A zap ran up the rat's spine as he realized, flying off his hat. "Oh-"
"Megavolt!" Bushroot yelled, hiding his face in his leaves. He let the one bag he was holding fall to the ground. His face turned dark green from the chlorophyll flooding his cheeks. Little red flowers sprouted up through his hair, a mixture of marigolds, chrysanthemums, and white peonies. He groaned into his hands, muttering something about his teammate.
If Liquidator could blush, he would have. "Three out of four supervillains agree that that was very embarrassing." He slowly sank down into a puddle so that his face couldn't be seen. The two bags he was holding just sat on top of the water. Quackerjack continued to laugh his ass off, clutching his side and falling to his knees.
"How would that even work?!" Darkwing exclaimed. "One of you is water and one is a vegetable. Can Liquidator and Megavolt even touch?"
"That's not your business," Megavolt said, crossing his arms and glaring.
Darkwing threw his hands up. "Seriously, you're together? How did that happen?"
Bushroot looked up from his hands, glowering. "It's a long story that's none of your business, dammit."
Quackerjack looked up at Darkwing and wiped tears from his eyes. "You- you can at least say you called it, ha!"
Bushroot glared at his partner. "Quackerjack, this isn't funny! What about this is funny?"
"The chrysanthemums in your hair, for one-"
"Shut up," Bushroot warned, pointing a finger at him.
Quakcerjack pulled the strings of his hat in a cross. "That and this must make him feel so alone! Unless that sidekick of yours is-"
"What?!" Darkwing exclaimed. "No! Nonono! Launchpad and I are partners in crime fighting. Nothing more. He's my pilot."
"Uh-huh," Megavolt said, lifting the bag he'd been holding over his shoulder. He was blushing furiously. "I've known you for a decade. And I know you're gayer than a bucket of wings."
Liquidator rose his head, chest, and arms out of the puddle. "Did you just quote The Prom?"
Megavolt nodded. "Yeah."
The masked mallard stuttered. "I am not gay! I have a girlfriend!"
"Is it your sidekick?" Quackerjack asked.
Liquidator rose up all the way and flowed over to Megavolt, putting a careful arm around his shoulder. His other hand gestured grandly to the hero. "That, my dears, is a genuine homosexual in denial!"
"I'm not gay!"
"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Quackerjack teased. He pulled a match out of nowhere and struck it on the street. He threw it at Darkwing and snagged up one of his bags. "Let's go!"
Darkwing's cape caught on fire. He shrieked and tried to take it off to stomp out, only succeeding in tripping himself. The rest of the villains grabbed their bags and ran out of the area, down an alleyway. They came upon an empty parking lot where Megavolt had left his car. They were quick to jump in, dropping the loot on the floor in the back. Megavolt got in the driver's seat and Quackerjack leaped in shotgun. Bushroot wound up behind the jester, Liquidator sitting in his own seat behind the driver's. It was covered in plastic wrap so he didn't short out the whole car. There was a moment of silence from them as Megavolt started the car and began high-tailing it out.
Liquidator looked over at Bushroot, smiling a bit. "Marigolds?"
The plant-duck plucked a couple of the flowers from his hair. They were an annoying trait he'd developed. When feeling extremely emotional, he'd blossom flowers. It was embarrassing, and often a dead giveaway his boyfriends used to read him. "Yeah, what of it?"
Megavolt glanced at him in the mirror, snickering. "What are the white ones? Peonies?"
Bushroot glared, crossing his arms and looking out the window. "Liq, tell Megavolt I'm not going to talk to him after he outed us to Darkwing Duck!"
"It was an accident!"
Bud rolled his eyes at his lovers. "It's not like we're entirely subtle about it. Especially Megavolt and Quackerjack."
Quackerjack looked at him in the rear-view mirror. "We gave him a crisis to even it out. Fair play. Besides, we got away with the loot."
"Yeah, when you set him on fire," Bushroot said bitterly.
Megavolt glanced at his jester. "Isn't that your second account of arson?"
"Second. Third. Fourth. Not sure at this point," the clown admitted.
Bushroot groaned and rubbed the bridge of his beak with his hand. "Sweet Gaia, what is your problem?"
"Us," Liquidator answered smugly.
"They're our problem," Bushroot quipped.
"Come on. You're not gonna stay mad at him, are you Reggie?" Quackerjack asked, turning around to look at the plant-duck.
Bushroot turned so he was looking out the window and not at his boyfriends. He kept his vines crossed in contempt.
Megavolt looked back at him, frowning. "Aw. I'm sorry, my precious orchid."
Megavolt's new nickname for him made Bushroot reconsider his anger. He sighed and turned back a bit to look at them. "Fine. We'll talk about this when we get home."
Quackerjack grinned in satisfaction and turned back to face forward. "Good! Hey, can we get takeout on the way home?"
Liquidator nodded, smiling at the jester. "Of course. That sounds like a lovely idea."
Megavolt made a sudden jerk to the steering wheel, turning a corner to go to a different destination in that case. "Sounds great. Come to think of it, it sounds really good. I might not have eaten today."
"It's almost midnight, babe," Liquidator noted aloud.
"I know. I had some orange juice this morning."
"I guess chow mein or something sounds tasty right now," Bushroot said. It wasn't often he actually ate, being able to photosynthesize. But hey, tasting was still an ability he had. Might as well use it.
That's it. Bad ending. This ended up way longer than it was supposed to. It was supposed to be just Megavolt outing them but hey. Fluff. So I'd rate this as suggestive crack fluff. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbages, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life! Moonset!
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duckydemise · 2 years
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archester-creations · 4 years
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Megaliquiroot 'cause sometimes it's fun to just cater to me
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amerzh · 4 years
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Getting my glow on for this qeeks @girlmeetsbrush challenge tie in with @glowupbbc Mega throw back to my days at Eden Ibiza when parties were long into the morning and sleep was something you never needed 😆 what happened to my stamina? 😅 Shadows @morphebrushes Foundation and highlight @maccosmeticsuk Top @cyberdog #nofilterhere #instaglowon #GlasgowMUA #Ibizavibes #missingEden #neongal #getyourglowon #MACPROmua #maccosmetics #megaroots #lockdownlooks #girlmeetsbrush #amerzbeautybasics #weeklychallenge #dancedallnight #wherestheparty #purplelashes #homemadelashes #glitterlashes https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVT3_ZgAiF/?igshid=ftt5i4cjv4f1
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Random Bushroot Headcanons
Bushroot is touch-starved, so he’ll be shocked by contact but never objects.
He was frowned upon by his family, classmates, and coworkers his whole life. The Fearsome Four are the first to show him friendship. Other than Spike of course.
We know he has a higher kill count than Negaduck. I headcanon most of these were accidents and he has no clue that he does.
He seems like he doesn’t have a backbone, but when someone hurts a person, or flytrap, he cares about, he goes X-games mode. People get thrown across rooms, mean words are said, and occasionally someone dies. When this happens, the rest of the F4 are terrified and suddenly understand how he has the highest kill-count.
He’s the most emotional out of the group, and doubles as a therapist.
Reggie has mastered herbal healing techniques, so the others tend to go to the greenhouse after a fight.
This man has unpacked trauma from living though his own death.
He will outlive everyone except for Liquidator.
The only way to kill him includes taking away his ability to regenerate (i.e. burning, complete cut off of oxygen, no sunlight at all for a long time, no water, etc.)
He will die a virgin.
But he’s a bi disaster.
(Tw: Abuse) Negaduck found a way to interrupt his regeneration, so he can actually injure Bushroot when he’s mad at him.
Quackerjack likes him because they’re both the emotional ones and the only ones capable of saying the ‘f’ word… ‘friends.’
PlayThyme is the right brain pair.
Megavolt likes him because they’re both sciency, and they play tug-o-war with each other’s sanity.
PowerPlant, or Megaroot, is a right-brain/left-brain couple.
Liquidator is fond of him for his collectedness, and they balance one another.
Liquiroot, or FloodedForest, is a left-brain/right-brain couple.
He is more sane than Megavolt and Quackerjack, but still out of it and will have random crazed moments.
He and Liquidator have mastered silent communication. They use it to agree on how they deal with their loco teammates.
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Random Megavolt Headcanons
Megavolt had good parents, but they weren’t very involved. Which is why he got so badly bullied.
Elmo had a thing for Drake way back in highschool. They were friends at some point. Thanks to his bad memory, he only really remembers a guy he knew.
On that subject, GAY-
He would steal one of Gyro’s Lil’ Bulbs and call it his child.
He had those little circuit experiment things as a kid. They were his fixation for a long time.
He was darker in Clash Reunion because he had fur but he burned it off.
MV has tics. It could be a side effect of his powers or not but his powers definitely made it more intense.
He has trouble remembering who he is and gets anxiety attacks wondering about his past.
He doesn’t remember clear details about his childhood, only things like the circuits and what his house was like.
(Tw: Abuse) When Negaduck is furious with him, he’ll purposely short him out or burn him with shocks.
He has scars from his worst short-outs.
When he’s had sugar or caffeine, he’s extra zappy and twitchy. When he’s had alcohol he gets really slow and doesn’t shock easily.
Quackerjack likes him because he’s easy to annoy, equally insane, and treats him like an equal.
Quackervolt is a left-brain/right-brains insane ship.
Bushroot likes him because he’s friendly when he wants to be. Also Megavolt has the aggression he never will so they can pull each other in.
Megaroot is the left-brain/right-brain mad scientist couple.
Liquidator thinks he’s funny. Mostly, opposites attract. Not only electricity and water, but also their personalities.
Liquivolt is the left brain couple.
He’s been sent to the electric chair twice, so I think he’s guilty of manslaughter. You know what they say: “It’s the volts that jolt, and the mills that kill.” He probably used mills once and accidentally killed a couple cops. DW was asked to bring him in for that.
(Tw: A little angsty) When Megs was sent to the chair the first time, he was panicking and thought he’d die. He thought of where he’d be if he hadn’t gotten these powers or used them for good. But when he survived, it only fried his brain a little more and he forgot his near-redemption. He laughed and mocked the officers. The second time, he was unafraid and laughed the whole time.
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
The Scars Between Us
Moonrise! I have more ideas for the Fearsome Four than anything else so here we go. Tw: Abuse, mention of scars, angst, alcohol, Negaduck is bad enough but I might have made it worse, maybe PowerPlant because I can.
The Fearsome Five entered their hideout, all of them except Liquidator winded from the narrow escape. Negaduck wasn’t breathing hard, he was seething. He was huffing and puffing in rage. As the rest of the group caught their breath, they stared at Megavolt. The rat met Bushroot’s eyes and was shocked at the concern heavy in them. He gulped and stiffened, hearing Negaduck start speaking.
“Megavolt,” he said in a mock-friendly tone. The electric villain looked at him, hope flickering somewhere in his mind, but it was extinguished too quickly. Negaduck’s face curled in fury and his voice became fire. “In my office, this instant!”
Quackerjack looked at his teammate, wishing he had the guts to help him out. But they all knew Megavolt was taking the fall. In their attempt to rob the museum of a traveling artifact, the Five had had a run-in with Darkwing Duck. In the midst of the fight, Darkwing had tricked Megavolt into setting off the sprinkler system. Megavolt had shorted out, spasming and convulsing out of control. Yes, it hurt and he still had a headache, but that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was that he’d hit Negaduck as he shorted out, electrocuting him and allowing Darkwing to take the artifact. He was in for it.
The office door was locked, and Megavolt stared at his boss. “You insolent moron!” Negaduck shouted, clocking him on the nose. “Do you know what that little slip up cost me?!” He picked up a gun from the desk and fired it at Megavolt, who ducked just in time for it to blow the outer wall.
If it had been anyone else, Megavolt would have rolled his eyes and said to get some other decoration. How valuable could that vase have been? It was some glazed pottery from Europe- or was it from Asia? Whatever! There were others, why couldn’t he go steal another? But this was Negaduck, so he quickly searched his brain for an answer that would calm the other. If not, he could at least not anger him more. He wasn’t quick enough to find an answer. He ducked as another bullet was shot, and it barely missed him. “I was going to sell that for loot you’ve never seen!” he fumed. “Your powers are the problem. You have no control! No discipline! No brains to use them! It seems like I ought to remind you of that and fix it, doesn’t it?”
Negaduck opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of some sort. It was probably beer or something. Megavolt grimaced. He couldn’t stand alcohol. Not only was it bitter, but it messed with his powers, so he couldn’t zap anything. Or maybe it made him less absorbent of shocks? The point was it didn’t help. Negaduck poured two glasses and forced one into Megavolt’s hand. “Have a drink, Megavolt.”
Megavolt swallowed. When did his throat become dry? He tried to act more casual about it than he felt. “Actually, I’m not a fan of-”
“It’s rude to reject a drink, you know,” Negaduck snarled, cocking a gun and pointing it at the rat’s face. Megavolt took the drink down as quickly as he could. If he was going to mess up his powers, he could at least not taste it. “There, that wasn’t so hard.” He finished off his glass and took a huge swig right from the bottle. He set it down, wiping his beak on his sleeve. “Take your gloves off, Megs.” That was an odd request, but he did it anyway. It wasn’t like he had the power to refuse. Better to get it over with and not make it any worse. He’d learned that the hard way, and he had scars to jog his patchy memory. Negaduck pulled something else out of the drawer but didn’t let Megavolt see what it was. “You wanna know how shorting out felt to me?”
Megavolt was literally kicked out of the office some time later, stumbling to the floor. He immediately saw the other three standing around the warehouse. Bushroot gasped at the sight of him, rushing over. “What on Earth happened?” he asked.
Megavolt put up his hands and shook his head. Bushroot paused in trying to help the other up. “I don’t know what the shocks are doing right now. I’d rather not have fried vegetables for dinner.”
He staggered to his feet, cradling his arms in each other. He looked like a wreck. His gloves weren’t on him anymore, and he was sparking all over. He fell down at the scarred wooden table, sitting in the nearest chair. Quackerjack cartwheeled over to him and leaned his elbows on the table, chin in hands. “You look like you lost Negaduck’s favorite game?”
“Do we ever win it?” Megavolt said, with only a shred of humor. He slowly rolled up his sleeve, his hand shaking and twitching as he did so.
Bushroot sat next to him, watching as he rolled up his sleeve and staring in disbelief. Megavolt had plenty of darker scars on his arms. Patterned like spreading frost. Most of them were really old marks from shorting out. What worried Bushroot were the new ones. The red marks from his short-out earlier would blend in with the others. What really got his attention were the raw burns around his arms. “Megavolt, how did that happen?”
Megavolt rolled up his other sleeve, showing the same pattern of scars. “He had some sort of modified taser. I couldn’t absorb it because I was tipsy.”
Quackerjack put a hand on his shoulder, and instantly regretted it, getting shocked by all the energy around him. He gave a dry cough, stepping back. “I thought you couldn’t do that if you got drunk.”
“Well he gave me something to counter it,” Megavolt explained. “I think it was caffeinated.”
Bushroot hummed concernedly at his friend. “I should take you back to my greenhouse. I have some aloe plants and I’m sure they wouldn’t mind helping out.”
Megavolt nodded, standing up. “Sure.” His legs buckled under him, and Bushroot quickly reacted by trying to catch him, but ended up getting his arm zapped. “I told you not to help me! I’ve got it!” Megavolt retorted, pulling himself up on the table.
Bushroot shook his arm as it healed itself. “Okay. Fine.” There was the sound of shattering glass from one of the rooms, then a bang and some muffled yelling. “We should go before the boss decides anyone else is to blame.”
At the greenhouse, Bushroot was carefully applying aloe to Megavolt’s burns, ignoring when he’d hiss in pain or try and pull away. “Would you quit struggling? That’s only going to hurt more.”
“I’m going to shock you if you’re not careful!”
Bushroot sighed. “I’m being as gentle as possible.” He let go of Megavolt’s hand. “There, I’m done.”
Liquidator and Quackerjack weren’t even there anymore, having gone back to their own hideouts, likely plotting something against Negaduck that they’d never actually do. That left the mad scientists alone together. There was a silence for a bit until Megavolt looked at the other. “Thanks, I guess.”
“Of course,” Bushroot said, setting the pots of aloe plants back where they’d been. “Anything for a friend.”
When had they become friends? Were they friends? Had Bushroot just said that? “Uh- Friends? More like fiends.”
Bushroot sighed and looked over at him. “We’re on the same side, aren’t we?”
“Sure. But that’s about it. Friends are supposed to have something in common, aren’t they?” Megavolt pointed out. “Besides, I don’t do sentiment.”
Bushroot looked down. “Sure, right, me neither.” That wasn’t true. He was the most emotional of the group. He was the one who did crime out of loneliness and despracy. “But for the sake of discussion, we have plenty in common.”
“Ha! Like what?” Megavolt asked. “Being afraid of Negaduck?”
“Exactly!” Bushroot said, throwing out his hands. “And we’re misunderstood geniuses.”
Megavolt snickered. “You’re not wrong about that last part. But friends? I don’t know about that.” He took a breath and steadied himself on his feet. “I need to get back to the lighthouse. I wouldn’t want my bulbs getting lonely.”
Bushroot sighed. Every time he tried to have a normal conversation with one of them, they obliviously brushed it off. “Yeah, okay. I know what you mean. Daisy doesn’t like being alone either.”
“See you next heist,” Megavolt said.
Once he’d left, Bushroot sighed. Friends. Was that really so hard to achieve? He thought they were friends. Teammates, then? That was it? Looking around, Bushroot noticed all the plants he had with him, Spike sleeping in the corner. At least he had them. He picked up his watering can, looking at the pots around him. “Alright, everyone. Who wants a drink?”
I know this is crappy. I’ll post something with a plot soon. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbages, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!Moonset!
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