#melancholy nightmares
rissiuniverse · 2 months
Dream: hey anyway how’s it going
Killer: my son keeps blocking me on Facebook……… ugh… ever since we had that argument because i left him behi—
Killer: :( i fucked up big time
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osleeplessflowero · 8 months
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// y'all have had too much fluff. let me ruin it rq ❤️Reader's pronouns are They/Them, and their Soul type is up to you. 🧡 Angst Warning 💛 This is connected to my Multiverse Traveler!Reader x Nightmare oneshot, "Chasing". 💚 NOT associated with Flowerfell!! I like to think of this particular flower disease as a bit different than that since it's my own take and I don't ship Frans which is what the original AU was 💙 enjoy the pain :)
A portal abruptly opens and shuts, then it happens again. And again. And again. Nightmare shifts through them with relative ease, travelling alone through universe after universe.
He's alone again, looking for something- no, someone in particular. Those beneath him couldn't help but wonder why he kept going out alone these days, but they weren't complaining too much. Just means less work for them in the end, right?
What Nightmare hadn't told them, is that he is indeed looking for his Soulmate, a human who managed to sneak their way into his heart. Sliding past all of the negative sludge and managing to get through to him, leaving him breathless. The two of you had come up with a game of sorts, Nightmare travelling between universes in order to find the true you, the one who'd found him before. But considering everyone here has separate variations depending on the timeline..that's easier said than done.
While rushing through, he comes to a stop when he reaches an almost completely destroyed realm. All that remains of it is a simple cliff and a sunset view, flowers covering the ground and swaying gently in the breeze. A figure sits, dangling their legs off of the edge. He approaches..mainly out of mere curiosity, wondering who it could possibly be. Who knows? Maybe he could use their pain for a quick boost.
He walks over slowly, stopping immediately when the figure turns their head to him with a small smile. It's..it's you? No. It's not the true you. This is another variation. Flowers cover parts of your body, your arms, legs, torso..and even your eyes, blocking your view and blinding your vision. They're your favorite kind..he remembers you telling him that. It's some kind of magic disease, what was it called?.. Right- Bloom's Disease, that's what it was. A virus that would slowly wear the victim down until they were reduced to petals..
..This is distracting him from his goal. But yet, he can't bring himself to leave "your" side.
"Hello." You greet, completely unaware as to who this stranger is. "..Greetings." Was all he said before sitting down beside you, his tendrils relaxing and lying down behind him. He looks over your state, you seem to be pretty happy despite not being able to see anything..he doesn't really understand that.
"I briefly remember how it looked." He raises a browbone. "The sun." Oh. "Is it still pretty?"
He looks up at the view before you, taking in a deep breath of the faintly remaining air.
"..It's beautiful." "I'm glad. I always loved looking at the sunset. It makes the sky all pretty.." "..Like one big watercolor painting?" "How did you know I'd say that?" "..A hunch, I suppose."
There's a short pause. ..He really should be getting back, but..he doesn't want to leave you here either. Just a little longer, he thinks. Then he'll go.
"Who are you?" "..Someone you know very well in another time." "I see. I'd have liked to meet you in this time. You seem nice." "I'm far from the word, dear." He smiles a little, looking over you.
"..Thanks for taking the time to sit with me. It gets lonely out here." "..Of course."
You lean your head on his shoulder, something he normally would protest against, but..he'll allow it this time.
"..There was a big explosion..something happened, and then I couldn't hear anyone anymore. ..I suppose now it's only me. ..I can't see anything, nor can I even hardly move..so I suppose I'll just stay here, watching the sunset I can conjure up in my mind."
He..decides not to tell you a majority of this universe had been completely destroyed, likely by Error while he was going on a rampage.
"..You have a very sad air to you." "That's something that tends to be attached to me. Does that bother you?" "Not really. I have that sort of feeling around me, too." "We have something in common." "Yeah.."
He hesitates, before putting his arm around you. You smile a little, nuzzling your cheek against his coat.
"..I know I..probably don't have a lot of time left. I couldn't even get up if I wanted to." "..Are you afraid?" "..A little bit. Anyone would be if they knew they were going to die, wouldn't they?"
Nightmare averts his eyelight for a moment, before looking back to you.
"I suppose they would."
"..What's your name?" "..Nightmare." "An unusual name, I'd admit."
He smiles a little, remembering how you'd said the same thing when you met the first time.
"I suppose it is, isn't it?" "I like it though. It has a nice ring to it-" You cut yourself off, coughing out flower petals and letting them fall into the abyss before you. He holds you close, making sure you don't fall off as well. A look of pity crosses his face.
"Sorry. I've always been a mood killer, haha." You laugh tiredly. "..Don't worry about it. I am myself." "Another thing we've got in common, huh?"
You move to lean on his shoulder again and he places his hand over yours, gently holding it beneath his own bigger one.
"Hey.." "Yes?" He looks over at you with a soft eyelight. "You said you know me in another time..what am I like?" "Well.. there are a lot of ways I could describe you..I still don't have the perfect one, just yet. Such a colorful person..someone I still have to get to know, once I find them." "Surely there's some word you could think of.."
He lets out a hum of acknowledgement, taking a second to think.
"..Nightmare?" "I'm here. I'm only thinking." He reassures you, squeezing your hand lightly.
"I suppose the word I'd use is.." His face shifts into a fond smile. "Wonderful."
You smile at that, some tears making their way out from beneath the flowers, making them bloom a little more and causing you to wince.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his tone and expression worried. "S-Sorry, it's.. it's just nice to think about. A timeline where I'm not doomed by these. One where someone likes me. Someone cares about me."
A tear pricks at the corner of his eyesocket, gently falling down his face. ..He hasn't cried in a while. It feels..strange.
He leans down, moving your hair slightly and pressing his teeth to your forehead, a small kiss to comfort you. You smile a little more, before you feel a few of his tears hit your face.
"Nightmare? Why are you crying?" "I'm sorry." "Whatever for?" You speak softly, sitting up and facing the direction you can hear his voice from. "That no one could be there. That you've..had to suffer, alone. I know that feeling better than anyone else. You don't..deserve that. Not you. Never you."
You reach up your hand until you're sure you're touching his face, resting it on his cheek. He leans his head into your touch, turning his face so he can gently kiss your palm. You wipe away his tears with your thumb, smiling weakly up at him.
"Don't cry for my sake. I'll be alright. ..At least..I got to meet you, right?"
You lean back a little, holding out your arms. He realizes what you're doing, hesitating slightly due to your fragile state before giving you a hug.
"There you are.. doesn't that feel a little better?" "..Yes." "Good. I wouldn't want you crying on my behalf."
It's quiet for a little bit.
"Hey, Nightmare?" "Yes?" "When you see me again..the other me, I mean. Can you do something for me?" "What is it?" "Give me a big smile. One I haven't seen before." "..I don't know if I can." "You could try, couldn't you?" "..I suppose I could."
He stares at the flowers that had surrounded where you were sitting, frowning at them.
"I'm..feeling a little sleepy. Can I sleep here for a little bit?" "Of course you can, dearest. However long you need to.." His voice breaks a little as he speaks, shaky. "Thank you.." You bury your face in his shoulder as he listens to your soft breathing.
A few minutes pass..with nothing but you, him, and the permanent sunset before you.
"Dearest?.." He whispers to you.
..There's no response.
He backs up to look at your face, seeing a smile still placed there.. your body going limp. His eyelight shrinks almost immediately as he realizes.. you're gone. ..Tears begin overflowing again as he hugs you tightly to his body, his shaky breaths now the only sound there.
The flowers on your body emit a faint glow before they surround you, shifting your form. He backs up a little, watching as the flowers begin to float into the air..your figure no longer present. He reaches out to grab one before all of them have left mere petals behind, staring at it fondly.
He doesn't know how much time passes as he looks at the sunset once more, before finally forcing himself to leave as the remaining parts of the realm begin to break and disappear.
..He really needs to find you.
Putting the flower in one of his pockets, he opens another portal..and continues his chase.
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marejadilla · 1 month
Peter Gabriel, “Mercy Street”,Track Nº5, album “So”, 1986 “So”, Its the fifth solo album by the British singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel. “... Anne, with her father is out in the boat Riding the water Riding the waves on the sea...“ “Peter Gabriel was inspired to write his song “Mercy Street” reading a poem called,“45 Mercy Street” by American poet Anne Sexton.” "... She - like many girls living under a nightmare - hopes that her father's arms will rescue her from horror and melancholy, to take her safely in a boat to the sea of ​​serenity."
— Eduardo Porretti In this writing, Eduardo Porretti captures a delicate act of beauty: the song with which the English musician Peter Gabriel pays tribute to the pain of the American poet Anne Sexton.
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amidalashandmaidens · 3 months
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I'm always gonna be a little mad they don't keep her P-30 scars...
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Girl if I could write, I'd explore Jill's psychology post-5 so fuckin much man.
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Ms. Lost in nightmares herself
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p0vertyyy-goddess · 5 months
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Har haeuh suzm haruhi su ma haruhi suzumiya obsession be returning with a vengeance...
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dreamys-mess · 10 months
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eermm,,, Mel Mel my babey,,,
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persephonediary · 2 years
Even if she be not harmed, her heart may fail her in so much and so many horrors; and hereafter she may suffer—both in waking, from her nerves, and in sleep, from her dreams.
Dracula, Bram Stoker
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Anyway where can i watch biosphere? Totally unrelated to the male pregnancy, of course. Obviously. I mean like. Haha. What
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akiangsl · 2 years
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creamaccino · 4 months
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star-sara · 2 years
Aquí dos rediseños de mis nenes Melness y Brightness uwu
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Ame sus nuevos diseños, es que son tan- AHHH hermosos 😔❤️💐✨
Bye bye mis pequeñas almas~❤️
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Thank you everyone who kindly explained Li Susu’s surprise baby. So glad we have clarified she was pregnant for a century and will eventually be owed nearly two millennia of child support.
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edgeofttonight · 2 years
I’m back, but I’m not
Sup friends of the past this is Paige or ladyfafa or stupid asshole that left this blog to make a new one and got popular being a leafy stan for a few years, if you wanna keep up with me and my bullshit my current blog is @melancholy-nightmares 
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chikette9 · 2 years
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Choly's hobby
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clownicgal · 3 months
I want to try coining, specifically for underrated characters/series. This is my first so please give me advice!
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A flagged coined of Feliex from Hots For Hell
Like I said, I'm new at this so I have no Idea on how to word this properly...
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sibblank · 6 months
I love having upsetting dreams, there's really no escape from your own brain's torture, even in your sleep
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