#melanie rants
searchingwardrobes · 2 years
The morning a comment made me cry . . .
I have been wrestling with posting this for ages. On the one hand, I want to let people who follow my fanfic to know that I haven’t left. On the other, I am an INFJ, an introvert, and a highly sensitive person who never wants to feel like I’m bothering people or whining about my life. Everyone has problems, everyone is busy, am I right? But then last week, I woke up to a comment on Ao3 for a fic that I wrote years ago, and I ended up sitting at my kitchen table and crying.
It wasn’t just the comment. It was that I had just spent the last night in the house we have lived in for the last 17 years. The house each of my children came home from the hospital to. A house I honestly didn’t want to sell or leave. And it wasn’t like we were moving because we found our dream house or because a new job opportunity came up or anything like that. We sold our house because the church my husband just took a new job at has a parsonage, and that means we can live there rent free. You can’t pass that up from a financial standpoint. 
Even if the parsonage is way smaller. And darker. And filthy. And smells bad. And looks like the Byers house in Stranger Things AFTER monsters started coming out of the walls. (ie 80s but gross)
And what makes it harder is that people berate me every time I try to share how hard this is. “You can’t beat free.” I know, I know, but can’t anyone try to imagine how I’m feeling? If you were in my shoes, would it be easy? 
Anyways, so back to the comment. I’ve been doing this fanfic thing long enough that in some ways, the comment just made me roll my eyes. But it was kind of like the proverbial straw, you know? I had been trying to hold it together for days, and this mean comment pushed me over the edge. So there I was, crying at my kitchen table surrounded by moving boxes. 
To compound it all, I haven’t written much at all since November. Scratch that, more like October. This is frustrating because it’s something I love, and it also causes guilt over all my WIPs. But we decided to put the house on the market in early November, and our realtor said we needed to get it listed before Thanksgiving, so there was the frantic race of “decluttering” ie half-packing the house and a million and one little home repair projects and deep cleaning. Then the house was shown only four times, and we got an offer. Great, right? Only they wanted to move in TWO DAYS before Christmas. That was a hard no for me. So they comprised and said two days AFTER Christmas. Their offer was over the asking price, so we had to take it. 
But did I mention the parsonage isn’t livable yet? So yep, we have no home right now. (I won’t say homeless because that word means something very different and much more serious than what we’re going through.) I’ve slept in so many different places over the last week, that this morning I woke up and couldn’t remember where I was. 
Did I mention I also have three kids? 
If you’ve stuck with me so far, don’t worry, I won’t go into all the details. Just understand that our family of five (plus a dog) will soon be living in my aunt and uncle’s basement for possibly two months. While I homeschool. 
And now I feel like I’m whining again. I’m really not a whiner, I promise. I’m just trying to a) explain why I have disappeared for so long and b) why that negative Ao3 comment came at the absolute worst possible time. 
That comment was the least of my worries on that particular day, and a week later, I just don’t think it’s worth discussing. Maybe, though, this tale will help people remember to pause before they type something on the internet. Because the person you are addressing has a real life, and there is no way for you to know what they might be going through. I was actually a little happy when I saw the email because a nice comment would have been a bright spot in an otherwise tough day. Instead, it was a kick while I was already down. Comments have a lot of power for a creator. I wish they didn’t. I wish we all “just wrote for ourselves” or could brush it off easily. But writers are sensitive creatures as a rule, especially fanfic writers who are only doing it as a hobby, not for a career. So, you know, just stop and think for a sec. That’s all. And this comment served no purpose whatsoever. I wrote the fic so long ago, there’s no way I’m revising it. Ironically, the person ended the comment by saying, “Enjoying it so far, though.” Which rang totally false after their long list of what was wrong with the story. 
Side note: the comment has made me contemplate a post on writer’s tips for writing children well. I’m not just a homeschooling mom, I’m also a former teacher. People seem to seriously not realize this, but teachers have to take college courses on child and adolescent development. We are around children a lot, too, so (shock!) we actually are experts in the field. I don’t know - is that something anyone would be interested in as writers? Because you don’t have to be a parent to write kids well - @whimsicallyenchantedrose and @distant-rose are awesome at it, and they don’t have kids. So if you want tips on that, I’d love to share. It’s something I can kind of get on a soapbox about, lol. 
And as for my readers, I’ll tag you all so you know where the hell I’ve been. So here comes the tag list, and I’ll now shut up: 
@snowbellewells @teamhook @kmomof4 @jrob64 @xhookswenchx @thisonesatellite @welllpthisishappening @spartanguard @ohmakemeahercules @tiganasummertree @sparlecorn93 @sals86 @pirateprincessofpizza @xarandomdreamx @zaharadessert @huntressandlioness1 @jamif @undercaffinatednightmare @onceratheart18 @sparlecorn93 @sals86 @pirateprincessofpizza @xarandomdreamx @zaharadessert @huntressandlioness1  @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @svenjaliv
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thatgayash · 1 month
What gets on my fucking nerves about the new Melanie drama is how fans keep saying “but she’d never do that!” Girl, you don’t know her!! ANYONE can be a SA’R and I fucking swear Mel’s response “she didn’t say no” WAS SHITTY AS HELL
AND IF I SEE SOMEONE SAY “what was she wearing” I AM GOING TO KMS
Edit: btw I should’ve added this I was not raped, just sexually assaulted so luckily it wasn’t that bad :(
ANOTHER EDIT: I did not mean to spread misinformation 😭😭 I am still skeptical of Melanie but I’ll do some more research
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whyrobot · 1 year
“I hate all the women in this podcast! This shows that the podcast is progressive and says nothing in particular about me as a person”
Notice how I never said the podcast is progressive for having a diverse, well-rounded, and fleshed out cast, nor that I hated all the women in the podcast. I love all of the main cast of characters, that love is just expressed differently based on how their individual journeys go.
What I DID draw attention to was how good Rusty Quill was at writing complex women who had their own motivations and reasoning that the audience would not agree with or relate to. I, personally, don’t understand Daisy’s draw to cruelty and stepping on people deemed “below” her. But I CAN understand that she was actively trying to change her whole outlook on life, and that it took guts to do. I don’t understand Georgie’s loyalties and how they appear to shift with no reason. But I can understand that she has complex feelings towards her ex and wants to keep her life and new girlfriend safe. I don’t understand why Basira gets so caught up on Jon’s morals when hers took a backseat when it came to Daisy abusing people, nor do I understand why she was so quick to jump on Jon for any perceived fault or wrongdoing. But I do understand that her one last connection to her old life was her partner, and that Daisy meant so much to her. I understand that Basira was only alive this long because she was a cautious, rational person, and that she trusted her instincts to guide her, and she saved most of the casts’ lives at least once.
I didn’t even touch on Melanie’s character as I think she gets it pretty rough from most of the fanbase, even though she was being possessed by the slaughter, had her career crash down around her, was signed on as basically a prisoner, and was thrown into this crazy world of Fears and Avatars with zero warning. She then was told of a way out, and she was the only one to have the willpower and stomach to blind herself to be free.
Sasha is a much beloved character who has way too little “screen time” and I wish the narrative had been able to keep her around. She was very smart, capable, and she was a steady force driving the Archives to do their jobs.
Gertrude was the peak Mentor character trope, badass and self-sufficient to a fault. She was allowed to grow old and still be a wonderfully violent character. She wanted results, at any cost.
This is already too long, but if you think that being frustrated at characters’ choices or arguing their logic means that I hate them, then I don’t think this is going to change your mind. But it was nice to reflect on the main women of The Magnus Archives and how they interact with the main story.
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JonTim is actually the best ship i don’t care if its toxic literally every ship in tma is toxic name ONE healthy ship
this promotes the Bully x Bullied trope, even if Jon is extremely regretful of this and never truly hated Martin and was mostly himself projecting, due to Jon’s lack of emotional stability and self preservation to a Suicidal degree with Martin being extremely worried of Jon it gives a toxic standpoint of necessity on both ends where Jon is relying on Martin to pick him back up again and Martin is relying on the fact that Jon will always fall and he needs someone to help, this gets vaguely remedied in s4 - s5 but we see that their relationship has many arguments over character traits that would only change with time and therapy or maybe even wouldn’t change due to their nature.
While at a glance they might seem like a powerhouse in some aspects, We get to explore more of their toxic side in the show. in s2 - 3 we have the knowledge that daisy is undoubtedly an unjust cop, and we know basira is ignorant and yet aware, letting daisy do what she wanted because she viewed her stronger/braver. when daisy “died” basira had to toughen up herself, leading to her only viewing people based on worth and use. when daisy comes back, she sees that she is “useless” but because of her dwellings of love she doesn’t give up on her and defends her relentlessly. i can only imagine the backhanded compliments. in s5 daisy is a literal monster.
What The Girlfriends?
Melanie has always had a temper problem, melanie was arrogant at best aggressive at worst. she was resorted to violence and yelling. georgie cannot experience fear, while this might not be a bad thing in most cases, it can lead to her not understanding or disregarding other people’s fear. including melanie’s own of people’s fear of melanie. while it may seem silly, fear is generally something you need to keep yourself on edge, or aware of bad things. georgie and melanie handle the apocalypse situation well. and it’s a Very good thing melanie hadn’t kept the bullet, and had gone to therapy.
i have more examples but you get my point,
this is not me Hating literally every ship. i like jmart, all of these are technically canon. but all of them have flaws. flaws that could generally be solved if any of them invested in couples therapy. and i have heard people argue about jontim being toxic so…ya. get this toxic yaoi some therapy and they’ll probably be fine.
please draw jon and tim gay and also write them and write music with them pls please pslplspsl
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vmpirevnom · 2 months
It's always "Believe all victims" until it's your favorite music artist...
Caring more about someone who doesn't know you exist rather than the victim is insane. "But I love Melanie so much! She's my comfort person!” shut up. If she wasn't a celebrity you'd be defending the victim, I just know it.
"She should have taken it to court!" You know how many abuse victims don't take their case to court because of emotional trauma?
Besides, Melanie has money and that makes it difficult. Timothy was already harassed for speaking out. A court case would add to it.
The "proof" that Timothy admitted to lying is all edited by chronically online fans that can't handle the truth and want to make up lies.
"She's doing this because Melanie is popular right now." She said in her video that talking about it in 2017 ruined her life. If she was lying, she wouldn't have talked about it again.
And with Melanie getting popular, it’s easier for people to see.
Oh and also Melanie said “she didn’t say no” which is what rapists sometimes say to gaslight the victim. Just because she didn’t say “no” doesn’t mean there was consent or there wasn’t coercion involved.
I support Timothy 1000%
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uzi-x33 · 2 months
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what I feel this suicidal maniac would listen to tw opinion as a Dazai kinnie:33
✩sushi soucy- only one song tho, “I deserve to bleed” it fits him since he canonically does/did sh (I have a rant on it)
✩Alex g- so many of his songs have suicidal/self h-rm themes to them he would love Alex g😭‼️‼️
✩mitski- he’s so so so mitski core chat, same reason as Alex g, also with possible themes of ed. Though that can be up for interpretation<3 band new city is literally him tho!!!
✩rebzyyx- the suicide and sh themes of his music fit him so well, along with general themes of mental illness. that’s the same w most of these artists
✩Melanie Martinez- she has songs that south on very Important issues, like suicide, bulimia (ed), and other things
✩Taylor swift- literally adding this one just because of soukoku, and bc every Taylor song fits w soukoku 😭😭 ex: “cardigan” is a hugeee example that fits so well w soukoku
✩mindless self indulgence- (a little note I don’t support the lead singers actions nd im separating art from artist<3) specifically i feel 15 soukoku would love msi, mainly chuuya, getting Dazai into the band^_^ but ig thats a personal hc
Uhh yeah that’s it chat<33 Tnx for reading my random rant‼️😋😋💪
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demonsandpieohmy · 2 years
One of the reasons Kathleen is so terrifying is that her “kids die, it’s just fate” speech is such an anti-vaxxer Christian determinism point of view and we all know people like that who hide behind the “nice midwestern lady” mask. Especially when directed at a black child whose family couldn’t afford medical treatment.
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makeyouminemp3 · 2 years
im screeching
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justagirlluckyme · 2 months
My thoughts on the Melanie Martinez and Timothy Heller situation as a fan since 2016/2017
When I first become a fan of Melanie Martinez I was around 8-9 years old and incredibly impressionable. I was too young to understand the gravity of the situation and when I saw people like Crow (formally known as Piper Sweeney) defending Melanie I immediately believed it. Looking back, his arguments were incredibly flawed and his main point was “I’m a victim as well and I didn’t react that way to my trauma so Timothy must be lying.” As well as a fake instagram story where Timothy allegedly admitted to lying due to her mental health issues. There’s so much more to the Crow, Melanie, and Timothy situation but that’s for another discussion.
Another common argument I’ve seen is that Timothy must be lying since she doesn’t fit the perfect victim role. She lacks vulnerability, believability, and respectability. The reason many people believe this is because of many racist and fascist posts she’s made below 👇
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Got screenshot from TikTok
Naturally, people find it hard to respect or believe someone like this. But, you can be an awful person and a victim of abuse. Obviously, I will never defend Timothy for these posts as they go against every belief I hold as a human being (hopefully everyone’s beliefs), but someone being flawed and not fitting your perfect blameless victim mentality doesn’t mean you can’t be abused. Again, I don’t like or would ever associate with her but she’s still able to be a victim.
When the allegations were first introduced in 2017 I believe, this was Melanie’s response:
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The biggest portion people take out of this is “she never said no to what we chose to do together.” The phrasing of this was very very icky to me. It almost felt like a confession because “not saying no” is clearly not consent. Then again, the part where she says “what we chose to do together” part made it seem as if it was a mutual agreement. But, the phrasing was poor so it’s hard to say. Later, Melanie released the song Piggyback on SoundCloud and to me it was in poor taste. She only released it on SoundCloud because “she didn’t want to profit off of 🍇 allegations.” But it felt very unnecessary. Essentially, it felt like a diss track.
Many people say, “why are we brining this to TikTok and not settling this in a court case?” According to the Washington post, “Just 5.7 percent of incidents end in arrest, 0.7 percent result in a felony conviction and 0.6 percent result in incarceration” Now, imagine those odds against a millionaire celebrity with seemingly no proof other than each others words. There’s not much incentive to want to settle things legally. Though I agree, it may have been better to settle things privately but I understand her wanting to be believed.
Another thing I’ve seen against Timothy is she got the dates of the sleepover wrong when asked about it. Regardless of the dates, both Melanie and Timothy agreed the encounter occurred so it really doesn’t seem important when it happened.
“Why would Timothy stay friends with Melanie after it happened and dress up as her?” Everyone responds to trauma differently. It’s not uncommon to stay in relationships with abusers and if you’ve ever listened to other victims stories, it’s actually quite common. Of course, not everyone is going to react the same way and it feels unfair to say “well if I was in that situation I would never do that!” But the truth is, you don’t know. I’ve never been abused in that way so I have no idea how I would react. Everyone responds differently.
I’ve seen many people say “I hope these allegations aren’t true because I’m seeing her live soon!” Or “I’ve spent so much money on merch this better not be true!” And to that I say, this isn’t about you. This isn’t about you or me or anyone else other than Melanie and Timothy. Yes, I’ve bought Mel merch in the past but I feel the money I’ve potentially wasted is not relevant right now. Yes, this is very disappointing as Melanie’s music and art has essentially raised me, but there’s a much bigger problem than things like that.
There’s so much misinformation being spread by both parties defenders it’s hard to say which proof is true or not. At this point, I’m just waiting for Melanie’s response to all this. As of right now, only Melanie and Timothy truly know what happened that night. Unless some new proof comes out, it’s likely we’ll never know the truth. Everything I stated above is just my thoughts on it all. I feel the need to reiterate this, in no way do I endorse or support timothy for all the horrid things she’s said and done! This is a very sticky situation. She has a poor character and if the 🍇 allegations are true, Melanie does as well. All I know is I’d rather believe a potential victim rather than a potential 🍇ist.
If you are an active Melanie supporter and defender I want you to ask yourself this: if Melanie wasn’t famous, you never listened to her music, never bought her merch, never attended a concert of hers, would you be defending her? Don’t let your belief bias cloud your judgement. If she was an average person with these allegations EVERYONE would be on Timothy’s side. “But I know Mel and her music shows her morals, she would never!” You don’t know her at all. You have no relationship with her and if you truly believe you do it’s parasocial.
This is just my 2 cents on the situation. I tried to be as mature and respectful as possible.
I apologize if there’s any typos. I’m writing this at 2 am as I had many opinions I wanted to share as a long time Mel fan. As of right now, I probably won’t stream her music. People say “seperate the art from the artist” but I find that difficult when my streams directly go to her pockets.
If you read this, thank you! If you have any thoughts to share or points I missed feel free to comment. I will be heading to bed now, goodnight :)
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varicspidey · 1 month
saw sum1 who posted sumthing on the melanie sa allegations and oh my god people are DUMB. it was like "yeah believe timothy who talks about it on the internet instead of going to court! 🤡" UDGUYEIFGU OHHHH MY FUCKING GOD. I AM TRYING NOT 2 LOSE IT. due 2 the circumstances that it happened many years ago and they're both women and yk. melanie martinez has more people 2 back her up and the fact that court is expensive THERE REALLY IS NO POINT IN BRINGING IT 2 COURT.
timothy's point isn't 2 get money from melanie martinez, but 2 WARN people that she's a bad person... it's really not always about bringing it 2 court. it still happened. i'd rather believe a possible liar over a possible rapist. also, the fact that people are saying that she's lying makes it worse bcuz you people are exactly the reason why no one wants 2 open up about their abuse or assault or if there's sumthing bad going on. shame on you i hope you people fucking rot in hell.
"d-don't believe everything on the internet!!!" this is a human. another human like us. if she's lying, she's a sicko yeah but i'd feel much more foolish 2 h8 a victim and find out i was supporting a rapist. also melanie martinez basically confirmed it when she said "she never said no" because silence does not mean consent, if sum1 doesn't say anything does not mean go ahead i loooove this! no. always. fucking. ask. for. consent. jesus FUCKING CHRIST THESE PEOPLE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL.
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littl3-princesss · 24 days
I ordered a pretty strawberry shirt on sise M and it didn’t fit me like I thought even when I have always been M (except last year when I was S) and I wanna km$ so bad, I need tips to quickly loose weight and purg3 quickly.
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winterwrxter · 4 months
Today, I, as a 100% perfectly functioning member of society, believe that is time for me to reveal all of my current Melanie Martinez bracelets that I have created thus far because I am not in fact insane nor obsessed with her songs thank you and good night. :]
(holy moly not me posting something not osc related-)
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Bracelets in order: Drama Club, Death, Void, Tunnel Vision, Faerie Soiree, Light Shower, Spider Web, Leeches, Battle of the Larynx, Moon Cycle, Nymphology, Evil, Womb, Powder, Pluto. I'm currently waiting for some more beads to come in so I can make about 37 more bracelets before I go to her concert on the 6th <333
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judyalvqrez · 1 month
I don’t know what’s been happening with the Alan Wake tv show AMC is supposed to be developing, but if it ever does move forward, they should absolutely keep David Harewood as Mr. Door. I’m of the opinion that the games and whatever this tv show will be should be two separate entities, but having Mr. Door as the only constant between both universes just feels right.
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
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Istg if anyone says "ugh, now I don't like Melanie martinez.... 😒" I'm going to touch you
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 5 months
defending jon and acknowledging that basira and melanie treated him poorly is not misogyny btw
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achinghcarts · 1 month
when melanie la barrie held dónal's hand and chuckled and squeezed his arm and told him, with a shaky voice, "dónal finn - my boy." it was all over for me.
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