#melds. melds
milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles clings onto Ganke so often bc he loves him so much and Ganke eventually gets used to it and expects it, but is NOT ready for when Hobie starts clinging onto him and climbing on him. He just wants to be included but he’s 6 foot too many so Ganke has to fight for his life the first time that happens lol. and when the two of them try to cling onto Ganke at the same time, he starts wearing peppermint cologne so it’s too annoying for them to climb on him
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tapakah0 · 6 months
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gejnialnie · 7 months
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hi I don't think this duo gets enough love, so here are my fave screenshots of Raph and Leo mirroring each other! :D
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look at this frame! don't their poses look similar, even though they're in totally different places?? well, there's a simple reason for it! we can see raph in the driver seat, his left hand on the wheel, while the other one's searching for someting, it's symbolising his active role as leader, while leo stands alongside him, his left hand on a handhold while he gestures with the other, showing him being less active and more of a passive presence, but he's ready on his feet, it's symbolising his potential as raph's co-leader but also him not yet being ready, still gripping the safety rails instead of the driving wheel-
(nah i'm kidding- like, was it just artists drawing similar poses in one scene? oh yeah most definitively! will that stop me from over-analysing? nope! :D this basically wrote itself!)
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wickcipher · 2 years
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I know I say this a lot about Donnie, but... demon possession!
Based on this post
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shit-talker · 8 months
The 141 have a ridiculous run of inside jokes that is continuosly ruining their lives, such as;
1.) If someone says, "You love it really," to you, you immediately have to agree with them, no matter what the circumstances. Otherwise, you lose the ability to do it back. This has resulted in many weird fake confessions, including one time in which Soap got fed up with people making your mom jokes at him and went on a rant about it. Ghost glanced at him in front of a room full of cadets and just went, "You love it really, though," and Soap almost died as he sadly nodded and replied, "Yeah, I do."
2.) If something even remotely sexual sounding is said about you, you must always say, "You're damn right I do/am/will," back. This backfired once when they were in a defreif and Price said something about Gaz "coming through the back door" and Gaz, without think, winked and replied "You're damn right I did," In front of everyone and got in trouble for mild insubordination. (The others almost died laughing as he realised what he'd done, who he'd done it to, and who he'd done it in front of (aka Price's bosses))
3.) When talking about Roach, they will always act like he's died. He hasn't, but none of them can stop the joke, and it always makes all of them crack up, even Roach. This once caused major panic, as once when Ghost was discussing their latest mission with Laswell, he said, "It was fine because Roach - God rest his soul -" and Laswell had about two minutes where she thinks Roach has dropped dead and she didn't fucking know.
4.) They will always make up bad stories for how they met Ghost, if anyone ever asks. It doesn't matter what the truth is, or who they're speaking to, when asked, all three of them will reply with some made up, overly dramatic or down right boring story on how they met. These stories ranged from Ghost, saving them from a shark attack (Gaz), Ghost selling them assorted drugs as a teenager (Roach), and most devastatingly is when Soap told a distant relative of his that he met Ghost after "finding him with my older brother, behind his wifes back" he does not have an older brother, and so there is no wife.
5.) They always reference the "Malibu incident." None of them have ever been to Malibu. Nothing bad has ever happened there, but now they've created a whole conspiracy in the British Army about a coverup that happened in Malibu. Price knows about this one and finds it endlessly funny, so he goes along with it, never directly mentioning it but refusing to deny it when someone asks. If anyone ever asks about the details of it, they just give a deadpanned look as if the other person should already know and say; "Don't make me say it." There are rumours. Like, a lot of rumours.
6.) Roach claps every time someone says, "I'll be there for you" because once he clapped at the wrong time during the friends intro and had been paying the price ever since. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes you'll just hear him clapping - not even in the tune to the friends theme. Just random clapping. If any of the others hear it, they almost always reply with "That's a fuckin' joke" in a really disappointed tone. It's confused a lot of people.
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ladysqueakinpip · 9 months
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what started as the desire to draw The Donnies in their Iconic Purple Jackets just devolved into Donnie's Bizarre Adventures
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laddersmp3 · 4 days
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Phil slutty halloween costume promise or threat
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overseer-picard · 11 months
Okay everyone, say it with me: mind melds are intimate, which does not inherently mean sexual.
This has been a PSA from the PASWW (people against sex with whales) Foundation
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spacecassee · 2 months
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So…this is as far as I got with this comic idea last year before life happened. Not sure if it’s worth picking back up again atp because it’s been so long 🥴, but! I wanted to at least have it uploaded with the rest.
Previous parts here
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magicicephoenix · 10 months
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i think they are a bit like brothers
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
I might have noticed this late but did anyone else notice during the Mama Train fight after Leo and Raph mind meld the second time-
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When they were executing Raph's plan, that one split second when they look to each other-
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Leo has Raph's eyes, and Raph has Leo's.
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firedragon1321 · 9 months
Call OG Star Trek corny all you want. Because yeah. But it's also like-
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"Here is a rock slug. It is literally different from Earth life on the molecular level. It is killing people. It's obviously played by a stagehand wearing a rug. Except it's not an it. It's a she. She's a mother, and she's lived here far longer than man has lived on her native planet. She lives alone with eggs that haven't hatched, which the miners thing are just worthless rocks. Her mission is one of love as well as vengeance. She feels anger and pain and joy. She doesn't have a voice but she can be felt. Through understanding her, both her species and mankind can benefit. Through understanding, we can achieve peace."
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orphiclovers · 4 months
Everyone knows Kim Dokja's 'I am Yoo Joonghyuk' moments but let's also talk about Yoo Joonghyuk's 'I am Kim Dokja' moment
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and Kim Dokja's 'I am Han Sooyoung' moment.
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If you're wondering about Han Sooyoung worry not. Han Sooyoung of the 1863rd round says 'I'm Kim Dokja'
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while Han Sooyoung of the 3rd round says 'I'm Yoo Joonghyuk'.
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I couldn't find a Yoo Joonghyuk 'I'm Han Sooyoung' moment but don't worry it's real in my mind
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checkadii · 3 months
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Meryl kissers how are we feeling
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charlie-artlie · 4 months
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i love the completely baseless assumption that first aid has a thing for helicopters, its so good sometimes i forget its not canon
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok way too early in the morning for a weekend . His hair is frizzy. It’s somehow hot and wet. He’s being eaten alive by mosquitoes while sitting in a folding chair in a field.
When he pans the camera over a little more, you see Nancy sitting next to him in her own folding chair (her’s has cup holders). Eddie’s just like, “POV: when your same gendered spouse randomly joins a co-ed summer soccer league.”
And then him and Nancy wince at the same time because Steve and Robin somehow kicked each other instead of the ball.
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