ineffable-snowman · 2 years
Thank you for the tag, @darkwhisperings-creative!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many   people as you have WIPs. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DND campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
I’ve tried to sort my WIPs. And now you have a history of my fandoms over the years. (I will ignore the 15 year old Harry Potter fanfics. They are not WIPs, just abandoned.)
Star Wars
1. Time Travel (Anakin & Obi-Wan gen)
2. A High Prize to Pay (Obikin)
3. Bodyguard (Anakin & Obi-Wan gen)
4. 70s (Stony)
5. Alpine and Figaro save the relationship (Sambucky)
6. fake dating (Sambucky)
7. followed (Sam & Bucky gen)
Good Omens
8. arranged marriage AU
9. Be kind to each other
10. Before the Beginning
11. nanowrimo 19
BBC Merlin
12. idiot (gen)
Star Trek
13. Academy (TOS, gen)
14. Whisky (AOS, gen)
tagging (if you haven’t already done it) @swbumblebee, @mycroft-1697, @dreaminghour, @howlbrooklyn, @that-gay-jedi, @sunset-telepath, @freyjawriter24, @obliquitywrites, @holycatsandrabbits, @joyandotherstories, @melmey, @tickety-boo-af, @oyedeng, @antheiasilva
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basmathgirl · 4 years
Many thanks to @somewherefictional for tagging me, love!
Relationships: *carefully eyes hubby of several decades* I’d better say I’m married, you know, just in case. But should DT ever ask, I’m open to offers.
Break Ups: I’ve had one romantic breakup, that happened when I was 16, just before my exams. Despite his declarations, he was ashamed to be seen with me; and the saddest part is that I can completely understand why.
Kids: I have three of my own and have unofficially adopted many others (I even have grandchildren that way!)
Brothers and sisters: 1 one of each (I’m nothing but fair). 
Pets: sadly none. :(
Surgeries: a bit of embroidery after childbirth, shall we say.
Tattoos: none, since I’m still not willing to show off my body.
Countries you’ve been to: France, Belgium, Germany, Cyprus, Gran Canaria, Majorca, mainland Spain, Scotland, Wales, Finland, Denmark, and the USA (Boston, Las Vegas, New Orleans & northern Oregon, plus a trip to Mount St Helens).
Been in an airplane: yes. I’d sat in a plane a few times before I actually got the chance to fly in one. A bit late at the age of 28, but Helsinki, Finland was worth the wait. I got to sit on Concorde at Duxford and that was quite thrilling at the time.  
Been in an ambulance: Sort of. We went to an ambulance station open day and got to sit in one. 
Sing karaoke: I have only done so once, as part of a party video game where you scored points by hitting the right notes. Would have helped if I’d actually known the song, but you can’t have everything.
Ice skating: tried it the once and hated it. The people I was with were furious that I kept grabbing their arm, to stop myself falling over, so I soon gave up.
Been on a cruise: I don’t think a day trip on the Norfolk Broads, or down part of the River Rhine, counts really, so the answer is no.
Driven a motorcycle: no, since I’m still waiting for my cousin to fulfil their promise to let me try their one.
Ridden a horse: no. I sat on one once when I was about 2 or 3 years old, but nothing even close since.
Stayed in hospital: yes, on the ante natal and prenatal wards.
Favourite fruit or berries: I tend to eat raspberries or bananas the most, strangely enough, but I’m not dissing apples, kiwi fruit, strawberries or melon at all.
Favourite colours: blue and yellow; especially a greyish blue.
Last text: a reminder from Kwik Fit about my booked appointment to get a tyre changed. Racy stuff, huh!
Coffee or tea: Tea. With a splash of milk. Although in places in America I avoid their milk and drink it black or with lemon.
Favourite pie: apple pie. My mother-in-law’s version was to die for! Although I’m very fond of homemade lemon meringue pie too, when it’s allowed.
Favourite pizza: if it is Domino’s or Pizza Express then virtually anything. From Pizza Hut it is a chicken supreme.
Cat or dog: dog, please. I’ve asked for one several times
Favourite time of the year: probably autumn. After the hectic life of summer and birthdays, it’s a time to relax in the prettiness before all the Christmas malarkey begins with a vengeance.
Met a star: no. Although I have stood near a few. The last ones were Jo Brand, Helen Mirren, and Matt Smith.
Flown a helicopter: No, and not sure I’d want to. It was bad enough going up a ski lift near Ben Nevis.
Been on TV: no.
Broken my leg: no, but I broke a bone in my foot once.
Seen a ghost: only in a dream but I have seen a wispy spirit a few times. We were convinced our old house had a ghost (I called it Jack) – it would do useful things like find lost stuff and leave them in the middle of a doorway – and my sons often spotted it when they were toddlers. It’s a bit spooky being suddenly asked: “Who is that man standing by the end of the table?”
Been sick in a taxi: no. Then again, I have rarely travelled in a taxi or been drunk.
Seen someone die: yes. There isn’t the ethereal experience when they pass you’d expect, judging by films.  
Tags: @breval, @joi-in-the-tardis, @fuckyeahfredandginger, @melmey-fanfics, @julielilac, @spirit-ella and anyone else who might fancy doing this. 
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callie-ariane · 5 years
AO3 – series vs chapters
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So, further to my earlier post about the problems I find in downloading AO3 stories which are put into a series instead of a single multi-chapter document, my thanks go to the people who have told me their own experiences and thoughts on the issue.  In case it’s useful to others, I thought I would do a round-up here:
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@cloakstone69: Yes, I can absolutely see this.  When each story is going to be fairly stand-alone, or will come to a natural stopping point, and when the author intends to add new stories in the series only as-and-when they get inspired, a series does make more sense and reduces the expectation/demand from its readers. And we’ve all experienced the disappointment of a multi-chaptered WIP where the author eventually stopped updating before the end!
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@sarahthecoat​: Oh, I’m all in favour of being able to kudos the author each time they add a new section! (I comment later about re-numbering downloads.)
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@melmey-fanfics: I didn’t know this was possible but looked into it and there are free PDF combiners available so you don’t have to buy Adobe Acrobat DC.  It wouldn’t help me at work – which is where I mostly save fic from AO3 before emailing it to Kindle – because I would be prevented from downloading the combiner, but I might try it on my home laptop.
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@emeraldscholar​: I just tried this again in case the protocols had changed.  MOBI files can’t be re-named – well, I can rename the file when I save it to my computer but when I then send it to Amazon Kindle it reverts to its original title. I tried again with a PDF version and that does keep its new title.  However, I’m reluctant to save AO3 fic as PDF because I often find that it doesn’t convert nicely, frequently running two or three words together with no spaces, and it does this enough times to be frustratingly annoying.  I might try PDF again if I want to save a series, because at least I could put a number at the front of each section for easier access when reading.
Alternatively, if I want to save a series, I might find it easier in the long run to copy/paste each section into a Word document and send that to the Kindle.
And yes, obviously it'll be lovely if AO3 eventually come up with a way of downloading an entire series, but I doubt that’s high on their list of priorities, nor should it be.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who read my whiny first world problems!
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addigni · 6 years
Hi addi, have you found a way to watch episode 4 of Patrick Melrose? I've looked for it, but haven't found anything? It us so frustrating living in a country where you cannot watch it.
hi! yes I have :) I’ve also posted the link, you can check my @addisbeesquad side/groupblog, the latest post should have the link to the fourth ep :)
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helloliriels · 3 years
You Can See Me (pt.2)
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by helloliriels (previous chapter)
“Mike?” John asked politely, coughing, “may I … ?” He nodded with his head, “a word please?”
He then looked up at Hastings and shook his hand, “Lovely to meet you!”
“Righto!” Hastings replied in a delighted and oblivious fashion, while John and Mike wandered off into a room near at hand …
“Two … people?” He asked, confused as hell! “How do you know TWO people looking for a flatmate … ? Fill me in here?”
Mike looked at him dumbfounded, “what are you talking about, mate? Just Hastings?”
“But … you already introduced me to Sherlock?”
Mike had just taken a big swig of his coffee and promptly spit it out all over John’s shirt front …
“Sh-sherlock? Did you say?” Mike asked, incredulous now, eyes bulging as he stared at John, like he had just grown horns and a tail … ?
“Yeah? In the lab, back there?” John pointed in the general direction.
“YOU? Met Sherlock?” Mike was still gaping and John began to feel a little uncomfortable …
“Isn’t that why you took me into the lab?” John asked. Tired of the games.
“I took you into the lab, because I thought Hastings would be in there! When you wandered in like a kid in a candy store … I thought I’d leave you to it and go -” Here Mike paused and with a thumb to his lip, seemed to ponder his coffee “... you actually MET Sherlock? In there?”
“Yeah?? Was I not supposed to talk to him?! WHAT THE HELL?? Seemed keen to have a flatmate!? Invited me right over!”
Mike put his hand on his head and leaned against a wall. Breathing hard …
“Mike?? You okay, mate?”
Mike took a few moments to collect himself.
“I’m not sure how to tell you this, John … but …”
“If it’s alright with you, I’m gonna meet him tomorrow and see what the place is like?” John cut him off. Asking his permission facetiously, and already heading for the door …
“But-but ... John!” Mike called after him.
John ignored him.
He always did hate gossip ...
John huffed a little as he walked on, leaning on his cane. He ran into Hastings again along the way.
“Can I get back to you on the whole flatmate thing?” John asked, “really appreciate the offer, but just remembered something I have to do tomorrow … ?”
“Anytime, old sport! Drop a line? Stamford has my number!” Hastings was a regular bit of sunshine for sure, but John was already smitten by the moon …
“Thanks, old thing!” He replied, feeling a little nostalgia at the way Hastings had a tendency to talk. Like he almost belonged to another era.
John laughed on his way out the door … what an odd day!
(to be continued)
tag @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @ohlooktheresabee @chinike @rhasima @chriscalledmesweetie @totallysilvergirl @khorazir @kettykika78 @raina-at @missdeliadili @foul-milk @kquietgirl @writing5ever @train-mossman @i-call-me-clarence @asomeoneperson @luciengenic @ephemeraljimin @eplapourdissant @angrybagginshieldbakery @7-percent @smol-hufflepuffle @eurosstudyinsherlock @mrb488 @melmey @calaisreno @loveismyrevolution @heyblinken @benaddicted-linfanuel @sherlockedcarmilla @superhollykat @momma2boys @merlynn-consultingdisaster @peanitbear @2smach @masterofhounds @purplevatican @forfucksakejohn @glows-n-the-dark @pocketwatchofmycroft @iamjustreading @johnlock-rocks @cheekbones-and-coat-collars @loves-to-read-fanfic @kbandherponchoboys @whatnext2020 @mslovet @johnlockiseverywhere @wizama
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Cake, New Years
Here’s a bit from my Patreon account. I’ve just posted this to my Patreon but want to share it here with my dear ones too. Also wanna give any Art types free reign to do Art type things from my little offering. 
.... Mrs Hudson carefully sifted flour until a ragged scream from upstairs made her pause. She listened intently for the barber’s knock which the boys used to signal trouble but when the ceiling remained silent she continued. There was a bit of muffled shouting which she tried to ignore but something was off, that voice, it was John! Pausing once she had the dry ingredients sifted together she made her way cautiously upstairs. It was unlike John to lose his temper but when he did he lost it good and proper. She called a quiet YooHoo and the yelling stopped.  
Her boys were an odd contrast to themselves today. John was a thundercloud of brooding which seemed to have no effect on Sherlock’s sunny grin. “Don’t touch anything Mrs Hudson, I’ll get you some sanitiser, sorry about the noise. These bloody people, bull headed, ignorant” He swung around looking for the bottle of sanitiser he had brought home but Sherlock had risen smoothly, bottle in hand and was spraying her hands, with a delighted smile. 
“John is finally starting to see the world with more perspective Mrs Hudson.” Setting the bottle down Sherlock gave his flustered house mate the “I told You So” look he had been saving since the ranting had started. “Tea?” He offered as John pulled on a surgical mask and set the kettle boiling to sterilize a few cups and to make the tea. Leaving John be for a few minutes would give the aggravated MD some time to calm down. 
“No tea for me Love, got to get back to... “ His birthday cake. Flour on her sleeve and a dusting of cocoa from where she had been sifting everything together. “Yes, very important things’ He saw her catch his knowing grin. “Tea for me please John.” He called before the efforts in the kitchen could stop. John seldom made tea, an older sibling's privilege showing and as Mrs Hudson descended the stairs John came into the lounge carrying a tray. Biscuits and a slice each of christmas cake. He must be feeling guilty, delightful!
It would be Sherlock’s birthday in a few days and she really did want to get his cake done in good time. Clearly poor John had been subjected to a few too many people who were still in denial about Covid 19. There were a few more rumblings of John’s temper as the evening approached, it always amused her of how every one assumed that John was the more forbearing of the two, oh he certainly put up with a lot but Sherlock really did his fair share of grin and bear it too. 
@fanishjuli @mofftissfan @sarahthecoat @loveismyrevolution  @riorothbates @underestimatemethatwillbefun @anotherwellkeptsecret @benaddictedandsherlocked @johnlockismyreligion @almosttomorocco @superwholocklmt @strangeps3lyricsmuffin @chinike @sillystring111 @ben-locked @jobooksncoffee @johnlockunicorn @chained-to-the-mirror @thinkanddoodle-batch @melmey-fanfics @the-persian-slipper @melsesowieso @morgendaemmerung89 @shiplocks-of-love @pri1982 @kitten-kin @francj96 @sabrina-phynn @colourfulwatson @thejohnlockoutlet @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shoshililly @mrb488 @yaycoffee @pippn-frodo @barbsiebabe @skullinitium @boisinberryjamarama @anchored-in-high-tide
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uniasus · 4 years
Five Fav Fics
Got tagged by @copperplatebeech for this. Thanks! It’s hard to pic my fav, but mostly, I was surprised to see I even have more than 5 things I in the past year! I tend to be a bit slow.
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works! 
In The Company Of Others ( Rise of the Guardians)
Jack Frost is thrilled to be a Guardian. Mother Nature and Old Man Winter? Not so much a fan of that.
Why This Is A Fav:  I’m just so happy to have actually finished this series after starting it 2013 T.T
Bleached (Good Omens)
One by one, Crowley's feathers are turning white.
Why This Is A Fav: I’m a sucker for the domestic angst this pulled out of me.
Forever Hell’s (Good Omens)
Crowley knew if Hell found out he'd rescued Aziraphale he'd get more than a rude note. He did it anyway. 
Why This Is A Fav: I’m rather proud of this one because I was playing with a new prose style and I think it came out really well. Low-key hoping to write a sequel too.
Stronger Than Desire (Good Omens)
There was only one thing stronger than Crowley's desire to fly again - the fear that he couldn't. 
Why This Is A Fav: Honestly, this is a fic a reread recently and my own prose blew me away. I will forever love this piece.
Support (Broadchurch)
Ellie has less than a year left until she can get divorced from Joe based on abandonment. And then he sends money for Tom's 16th birthday.
Why This Is A Fav: GO made me crave Tennant so I went and watched Broadchurch and banged out this baby pretty quick. But I also love this fic because of the immense amount of support I got from the Broadchurch community on Tumblr while writing this. It’d been awhile since I felt a part of a community, and knowing this fic brought me into one will always make me happy.
Tagging some other fic writers I follow here. Completely optional to do, of course. @peaceheather @jettara @notquitebroken @melmey-fanfics @jayalaw @asknotbug
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asd-n-me · 4 years
Tag post
Tag Meme
I was tagged by @melmey-autistic or AKA  @melmey-fanfics 
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: Karma. not my real name but what I’m calling myself so far.
2. NICKNAMES: All of my nicknames pertain to my real name, however my dad calls me peanut so. Yep. 
3. ZODIAC SIGN: I assume this means your sun sign, Mine is Scorpio.
4. HEIGHT: 5′4 
5. LANGUAGES: English! I’d really love to learn another but my brain disagrees!
6. NATIONALITY: American 
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: I love spring. It’s perfect to me. Although fall is a close runner up. 
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: The stargazer lily is the best and most beautiful in my eyes. Unless i could ever find out what that genus of rose I met once that smelt like dots candy.
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: PURPLE! although my favorite shade is black :)
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Domestic? Wild? Most pleasing? Or cool? I like cheetahs, highland cows which make me exceedingly happy, raccoons, I love bears, foxes, and I quite love the gentle but giant elephant. Otters are also swell.
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s):Brian Kinney from Queer as Folk, Hyde and Red from that 70s show, Ron from Parks and Rec, Dean from supernatural, Michael from burn Notice, Scooby doo and shaggy, Damon from TVD, Louise from bobs burger, and about a dozen others.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: I average about 10hrs a night at the moment. 
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: See, I used to think of myself as a pure dog person and I didn’t understand or care for cats. But I actually started suffering the sensory issues and overwhelmed feeling from having dogs, and have come to find I have quite an affection for cats which was most unexpected. So I would say I couldn’t really choose at the moment, but I currently own more cats than dogs which is a big shock. 
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: Between 1-3 but what is truly interesting is the number of pillows I sleep with which at it’s height was 9. 13 if you count certain stuffed animals that were actually pillows. 
17. DREAM TRIP: If I wasn’t afraid of flying and change I would love to visit scotland and all her beauty, as well as Ireland, then I would visit all the spots of history across the globe which I guess is a stereotype but Greece, Egypt, Arabia, Rome, France, England, etc. I would also love to see certain spiritual sites such as Tibet, India, Japan, etc.  I assumed this question was traveling but quite honestly I could be very content just to take a trip to the country with her green fields and twisting streams. 
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED:I have tried to figure it out I really have but I do not know. It’s an added degree of complication that this blog was originally something else when I repurposed it. However I know it wasn’t established for it’s current purpose even a year ago, and it wasn’t consistent until a couple months ago really. 
19. FOLLOWERS: God bless I am currently 125 which is such a pleasing number. I am just honored and excited to have made it over 100. 
20. RANDOM FACT: I have been inside a dunk tank, I am an avid collector of many things such as scooby doo and coins, and I can drink a water bottle in roughly 5 seconds last time I was timed.  I assumed this meant a fact about me but for a fun fact about something else, A dime has 118 ridges and a quarter has 119 ridges. one ridge apart despite the 6.35 mm difference in circumference! 
I’m tagging: So i just did a tag post and I don’t want to tag the same people in case its annoying so. I really hope anyone who wants to will participate but I tag: @lesbian-bookworm  @i-cant-eat-eggs  @shesautistictoo  @chewnecklace  @lesmiserabby   @butterflyinthewell   @moonietheindigo  @autistic-millamarie  @asd-n-adhd-fox   @ifyougiveamouseatuba
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broken-lycan · 4 years
tagged by @melmey-fanfics ! thanks :D
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: on here Fenn or brokenfannibal
4. HEIGHT: 172 cm
5. LANGUAGES: English, german and a little french
6. NATIONALITY: german
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: I like tulips a lot
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: the smell of fresh rain
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: dark red, dark green and black
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: bunnies, cats, snakes, rats, mice, so many xD
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): right now mostly Lucian (underworld), Alec Hardy (broadchurch) and Crowley (good omens),
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: tea and sometimes hot chocolate
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 6- 10 hours
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: usually one but when it gets cold in winter I have a thin fleece blanket that I put under my normal one
17. DREAM TRIP: a tour of the old castles and strongholds in wales
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: either late 2013 or early 2014
19. FOLLOWERS: 950 I think?
20. RANDOM FACT: uhh... I’m decent at sewing? not hand sewing tho xD
not tagging anyone this time
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warrenkoles · 4 years
tag meme !!!
i was tagged by @melmey-fanfics <33 
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: wesley/wes 
2. NICKNAMES: i used to have soooooo many nicknames, turns out i was just trans & got super dysphoric being referred to as my birth name lol! 
3. ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius
4. HEIGHT: 5’6″
5. LANGUAGES: english only, i would like to learn other languages but dont really have the time or the energy to commit to it
6. NATIONALITY: american :/
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: autumn, 100%. that feeling and smell in the air......signs for halloween pop up stores that smell 100% pure polysterene plastic............and pumpkins!! 
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: i dont really know much about flowers outside of the fact that they exist and smell nice and are pretty. ive wanted to get more into gardening and help plant some things in our yards but again - time, energy, etc. i think if i had to choose i would say honeysuckles. they are my favorite flower smell and makes me think of summers as a child.
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: strong smells give me migraines, so i am very choosy about scents. i hate anything artificial smelling. i would probably say my favorite smell is Books. new books, hardcovers, paperback, old books, books that are crumbling. bibles, textbooks. printed paper smells so lovely
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: RED. all shades of red. most of the things i own are red and/or black lmfao 
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: probably dogs bc i have 2 dogs and am most comfortable with them & know the most about taking care of them. i love most other animals but dont rly know much abt them outside of me going “gasp! theyre cute so i love them!” lol
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): wesley mitchell & travis marks from common law. crowley & aziraphale from good omens. chidi anagonye from the good place. spock from star trek tos. holmes & watson primarily from the acd canon, but ive watched a loooot of adaptations and read tons of pastiches lmfao. alec hardy from broadchurch. idk i have a lot of favorites i could go on and on and on
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  it depends? i mostly drink coffee though in the mornings. but i like all these. i usually only drink hot chocolate in the winter time.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: lmaaaaaaaaoooooooo probs like. 5-7 hours on the weekdays and then 10+ on the weekends please do not judge me
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: i love them both but dogs for the above reason. i’ve never had cats bc i’m allergic and so is my dad
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: usually a comforter and i also have a weighted blanket , usually if i rly cant sleep i put use the weighted blanket which helps
17. DREAM TRIP: okinawa, japan. anywhere in the uk would be fun too, it can be very scenic and historical plus i rly like colder & rainy type climates the most idk. anywhere really ive only ever traveled within the usa. 
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: idk when exactly but it was sometime like 2016-ish or so since i originally had another blog that was from 2009 (my freshman year of high school) but when tumblr did that thing where they logged everyone out and forced us all to change our passwords via email in 2016 or so , i had to make a new one since my blog was so old that i couldnt get into the email i used back then and never thought to update. ugh it sucked so bad i was so upset about that
19. FOLLOWERS: 531
20. RANDOM FACT: i have a ba in psychology! im really proud of that. :D
i tag:  hmmmm idk whoever wants to do it i guess ? i get nervous abt tagging ppl for some reason idk lmfao
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basmathgirl · 4 years
Tag Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @raywritesthings, Thank you! :D
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: I hate giving my name in everyday life, let alone in these things so I’m going to put Basmathgirl
2. NICKNAMES: BMG, Bas, Fan (Fanny Fanackapan is the longer version), and short!Mummy
4. HEIGHT: it was 5’ 4” (1.62m) but I think I’ve shrunk
5. LANGUAGES: English and a vague smattering of French
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn, although I quite like Spring
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: If you ever buy me flowers DON’T make it lilies – I can’t stand the smell; otherwise I tend to like white or blueish flowers
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: I like vanilla smells
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: I like blue – it used to be yellow but a wasp attack put paid to that idea
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Probably dogs
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Donna Noble, Harry Potter, Elinor Dashwood, Anne Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentworth, Fitzwilliam Darcy (yes, I like Jane Austen, and Colin Firth’s photo was on my wall), Roderick Peterson, Peter Vincent, the Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Miss Marple, Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway (yes, I like cheesy BBC detective stories), Inspector Morse,  DI Alec Hardy, DI Alex Drake, DCI Gene Hunt, Malcolm Tucker, Professor Vivian Bearing (have you seen “Wit”?  Of my goodness, I sobbed and sobbed),…. and I’d better stop there, or this would become an essay.
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  Generally speaking, I’d always go for a tea (I try to keep chai or Earl Grey as a special treat) but in fast food places I’d opt for a hot chocolate as the safest option.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: I’m at that age where a bathroom break in the middle of the night is essential, so getting a full 8 hours is a rarity.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: I’ve had limited dealings with cats so I’m more of a dog person. My favourite jokey quote is: “People look at me and think ‘dog’.”
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: I don’t sleep with a blanket; at all. We use duvets.
17. DREAM TRIP: At the moment I am desperate to go back to Scotland – we tried watching the whole Mallaig steam trip on TV (the Jacobite Line) but it ain’t the same as actually being there.
19. FOLLOWERS: 1567.  I suspect a high percentage of this figure is pornbots, so I’ll miss them when they eventually unfollow me….
20. RANDOM FACT: Seeing a clip from the recently ‘free to watch’ “Jesus Christ Superstar” reminded me that I’d seen it on the second night it originally opened in London. The ticket was acquired because, for a few months, I shared the same agent as Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
I’m tagging: @bedeliadumaurierblog, @badxwolfxrising, @blueyedthiefling, @drtonks @myrklin, @useless-fangirl-does-fan-art, @horseonthespaceship,  @24601error-prisonernotfound, @faceball-95, @mindibindi, @let-your-chaos-explode, @melmey-fanfics, @shego1142, @captainjackspoilers, @joi-in-the-tardis, @cookie-moi, @antiantemeridian, @danasnobledonna, @thewirealbatross, @storamogul, 
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addigni · 7 years
So, for sleepover weekend - it is evening in Germany, I am still sick with a cold and now I am thinking about whether to watch old episodes of Magnum (I am old enough that Magnum is a childhood memory) or the last episodes of Doctor Who of the last season. Any advice?
oh no i hope you get well soon D:
hmmm i like capaldi so i pick dw xD
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a-darling-thing · 7 years
Happy Birthday. I hope you have a nice day. ( and by the way, I love your little Christmas ficlets)
Ahh, thank you so much! 😊
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With thanks to my Patreons I have set up my 1st ever fund request through paypal! In a week or so I’ll have the money in my account! I cannot explain how excited I am! 
If you would like to support me that would be fantastic. I currently have two 3$ and one 5$ patron so these will definitely be tiers once I figure out how to set those up! (could any existant Patreonner Plz help, there is a 1K fic of your choice in it for you!)
This withdraw is going toward my sewing addiction and a fun day for my mom for her 59th Birthday. 
@fanishjuli @mofftissfan @sarahthecoat @loveismyrevolution  @riorothbates @underestimatemethatwillbefun @anotherwellkeptsecret @benaddictedandsherlocked @johnlockismyreligion @almosttomorocco @superwholocklmt @strangeps3lyricsmuffin @chinike @sillystring111 @ben-locked @jobooksncoffee @johnlockunicorn @chained-to-the-mirror @thinkanddoodle-batch @melmey-fanfics @the-persian-slipper @melsesowieso @morgendaemmerung89 @shiplocks-of-love @pri1982 @kitten-kin @francj96 @sabrina-phynn @colourfulwatson @thejohnlockoutlet @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shoshililly @mrb488 @yaycoffee @pippn-frodo @barbsiebabe @skullinitium @boisinberryjamarama @anchored-in-high-tide
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wurwurz · 6 years
I was tagged by @melmey-fanfics. Thank you, let’s play the game.
Rules : 15 questions 15 mutuals
Okay... 1st question, what are mutuals ??
1 Are you named after anyone? Yup, Marilyn because Monroe. Thank you, mom, who avoided John because John Wayne for my brother.
2 When was the last time you cried? A few days ago when I’ve tried listening to a song that I know I cannot listen to anymore without crying. My father has died 3 years ago and To Make My Father Proud (by Michael Jackson) is the only song that drives me to tears now.
3 Do you have any kids? Nope, and I’ve never felt like I wanted to become a mother. The planet counts way too many humans already...
4 Do you use sarcasm a lot? I have invented sarcasm, honey.
5 What’s the first thing you notice about people? The Cumberbum ? The Hiddlebum ? Oh, you meant people. This is less interesting... Okay, so the eyes, the smile, the hands, general behaviour, good manners, the sense of humour, the culture and a nice bum. I also tend to notice little details people cannot see which is not obvious to believe because of what I’ve typed previously. I see and I observe, Sherlock !
6 What’s your eye color? Grey but with a tiny bit of green when I wake up.
7 Scary movies or happy endings? Horror movies. Happy endings ? Bah, I roll my eyes each time the pretty main male role ends up falling in love with the pretty young female role. Have mercy, where’s the rope ?
8 Any special talents? Still trying to figure this out. I am a great physiognomist, whish is completely useless unless I work for the FBI someday ? And I am a great movie critic (never watch a movie with me or you would only hear my comments). Real talents ? I can’t even get my dog to come to me when I ask him to !
9 Where were you born? France, en Lorraine ! Oui, là où ça caille et où c’est super moche.
10 Do you have any hobbies? Photoshopping, giffing, blogging. God it’s all virtual. Okay, I’ve started to play tennis ages ago (teacher called me boom boom Marilyn because I played like Boris Becker, heee).
11 Do you have any pets? I’ve always had pets. I have grown up with poodles, and also had hamsters, a chinchilla, a guinea pig, mice, turtles. I have a chihuahua (I had two but my angel died earlier this year) and he is very very very stupid. I figured out that all chihuahuas have a huge brain that actually doesn’t work. They have no expression. They are the anti Cumberbatch creatures.
12 What’s sports do you play/have played? Is farniente a sport ? Or playing video games ? I guess nope. Well, I played tennis and this is it.
13 How tall are you? 1,62 meters, which shall be 5′3′’ Google says.
14 What’s your favorite subject in school? Philosophy, english, german.
15 What’s your dream job? Not working at all ? I guess it’s no answer. Doing Benedict Cumberbatch’s makeup ? Won’t happen. Styling Tom Hiddleston’s hair ? Wil not happen either. Working for the cinema ? Cesar Millan’s job ?
Won’t tag anyone because I’ve already tagged bloggers I love in other things of that kind and I don’t want to bother anymore. Play the game if you want to @everyoneoutthere.
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bi-john-watson · 6 years
Thank you for tagging me @silver99johnlocked and @johnlockunicorn!!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions.
Relationship status: single
Top 3 ships: I have a lot of ships but currently I would say...
1 Johnlock
2 Romione
3 Merthur
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song: I actually don’t know the name of the song I last heard. I was listening to the radio today and I didn’t know the song I heard the last.
Last movie: I watched Fantastic Beasts: the Crimes of Grindelwald Friday. I did like it although I heard some people didn’t.
Currently reading: I’m reading Leah on the Offbeat From Becky Albertelli. I really like it so far.
TAG TIME: @johnlocked-in-portland, @melmey-fanfics, @aeveris, @elldotsee, @eternaljohnlock, @greenkitchentile, @johnnytik, @sarahthecoat, @221b-brett and all my other followers can do this to if they like!
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