#melo ball fanfic
mariposa-writes · 2 years
Good Sleep - LaMelo Ball
Summary: hate writing these, so just read and find out.
A/N: This man is the love of my life (and his brothers).
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It was hard, dating an NBA player. Not that it was Melo's fault. He tried to make things as easy as possible. He called whenever he could, making sure to at least check in on me once a day.
It wasn't like I made things any easier. I took a lot of pride in my job and it felt like a lot of the time when he was home, I was busy working.
Which is what I am currently doing. Its around midnight, when I hear the garage open, I know it's Melo. His team was supposed to get back earlier tonight, but their flight got delayed due to weather.
After a few minutes he enters our room. I moved in with him a 6 months ago, since I practically lived there full time anyways. We both also thought it would be a good way to spend more time together.
"Hey, babe." He says walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He heads into our bathroom, getting ready to shower. He hates how he feels after plane rides, always complaining about being dirty. "What are you working on?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Just work stuff." I respond, not having the time to explain. I have to have these reports ready by Monday. I'm a CFO for a major clothing company in the US. We are currently working on expanding to European countries.
Melo showers while I work and before I know it he's climbing into bed. "Babe," He whines, "when are you going to bed?"
"I don't know, soon." I answer, dismissively. He frowns, looking up at me from where he's laying.
"You work to hard. Your not even 22 and your the CFO for a major company. I worry you're gonna work yourself to death." Melo's always hated how hard I work. We've been dating since we were both 19.
I was getting ready to graduate college, when he was getting drafted into the NBA. Being born a genius helped me fast track my schooling and career.
I started interning with the company I currently work at when I was 17, the summer after my junior year. I started working with them when they were just a start up, but in the past four years they have rapidly grown and I've been a part of the process the whole way.
This company is like my baby and I'm the one that has to track everything to make sure we are achieving our goals. I never intended on working here this long, but I love the people I work with (the pay isn't bad either).
They promoted me to CFO when their old one left to work for a bigger company. What an idiot, they didn't have believe in the company and soon ours will be bigger than the one they are working for.
Three hours later and I'm still working, Melo's passed out. After he fell asleep I headed to the office he set up for me, not wanting to wake him.
I have a blanket wrapped around me, with my headphones in and a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the desk. Once I get this done, I'll be on Monday and present to our investors I will be on vacation for the next 9 days.
I haven't told Melo yet, wanting to surprise him since our schedules rarely line up.
I look up from my computer, when I see the hallway light turn on. I take my headphones out, knowing it's Melo. He walks into my office, frowning. "Babe, go to bed." He groans.
"Ok, just give me a few minutes."
"Nope, you always say that and then a few minutes turn into another hour or two and then you're only getting like 2 hours of sleep before you head into the office." He walks over and shuts my laptop, before pulling me out of the chair.
I whine and protest the whole way back to our bed, but he doesn't seem to care. He makes me lay down and tucks me in like I'm a little kid, before climbing in bed next to me.
Once he's in bed his, arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach. "Finally, I can sleep now."
"You've been asleep this whole time." I argue.
"Yea, but now I'll get good sleep. I only get good sleep when you're with me." I smile, even though he can't see me. I continue playing with his hair, before we both drift of to sleep in each other's arms.
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jaysonsfavwhore · 2 years
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a collection of all my works :)
disclaimer: all of my works/fics will be posted here or on my wattpad 'melotatumluvr' only.
titles with a '*' mean that it's a long fit and that link will take you to the story's own masterlist.
requests will have a '⭒' on them, while regular stories will be a plain tittle.
i'll try my best to keep this as updated as possible :)
𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥:
the long run* - when money, fame, and spotlight comes, LaMelo forgets about his ride or die [coming soon]
𝐣𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐦:
the favorite* -  every teacher has a favorite student, and sometimes, they have a favorite parent.
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Ya lil’ Glasses | LaMelo Ball One Shot
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,588
Summary: You and LaMelo Ball both attend UCLA for undergrad. Of course he happens to be that hype kid the class that’s loud with his friends. You both get paired up to do a project together for the class. He’s kind of mean and pokes fun and although he gets on your last nerve, you may or may not find him just a little tiny bit cute. Maybe.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, mentions of sex, female and male anatomy, orgasm control, possibly cliche, M/F.
A/N: damn forgive me it’s been a while since I’ve written smut, butttt I’m on a roll with writing lately soo that’s not stopping me. Let me know what y’all think ;) enjoyyyyy and happy reading
You cannot believe you were paired up with Melo Ball for the most important assignment of this course for the semester. Yeah, it’s UCLA but they really just let any good sports player in and you cared about your education. He did not. All he did was mess around and crack jokes
with his friends in the class. Imagine acting like that in college, couldn’t be you.
When it came down to finally finding a time to work on it together, you could not wait to get it over with.
The first time you met with him for the project was in the common hall. You both settle down in your chairs and you pull out your laptops. As soon as Melo pulled his stuff out, he hopped on his phone.
“Can we just come up with an idea and be done today?” You ask, not really in the mood to ask for his full attention.
He looked at you before clicking his phone off and licking his lips.
“Yeah sorry, sorry, I gotchu.”
You cannot help but roll your eyes. He sits there in silence for a moment and actually starts shooting out ideas. You start writing them down until you finally agree on one.
“I think that’s a pretty good start,” you say, proud you guys at least got something down.
“I think so too. What you doing after this?” He asks, running his hands over his curls.
“Track practice at 4, shower, hopefully dinner after,” you say as you close up your laptop.
“You run track? Running is gross,” he laughs.
“How you gonna say running is gross when all you do is run up and down the court?” You ask, a little too loudly, someone shushes you and you both crouch down and begin whispering.
“Basketball is more than that,” he shot back, “you wouldn’t know.”
“Oh here we go, you all say that,” you respond, flicking your wrist at him.
“You all?? What that mean?” He asks.
“As in all the basketball players,” you laugh.
“Yeah yeah, you let me know when track become a real sport,” he fires back.
“It is!” You slam your fist on the table and he smirks, as if he is happy to get you all riled up.
“Mhmmm,” he replies.
“Over this conversation,” you say, getting up and throwing your backpack over your shoulder.
“When you trying to meet next?” He asks calmly, standing up close in front of you. You were looking up at him now, him being more than a foot taller than you made you feel small.
“I’m free all afternoon Wednesday, my class ends at 12:45p.m.”
“You would know when your class ends, nerd.” He responded.
You cock a brow at his attempt at a roast.
“Shut up,” you responded.
“Wednesday at 2p.m. Your dorm. How’s that sound?” He smiles.
“That works,” you shrug. He smiled at you before walking away. You both go your separate ways.
Wednesday came around quickly. Your head hurts today, so you decided to put your glasses on instead of wearing contacts. Even though you knew that would not help you deal with Melo’s bs. He was extra unfocused today.
“How was your dayyy?” He asked as he walking into your dorm room. He looked huge walking through the door it was kind of funny actually.
“Fine, and yours?” You ask, feeling obligated to do so since he asked you first.
“It was alright, better now that we are here working on our project together bestie,” he jokes, plops himself down on your bed to make himself comfortable. You sat on your desk chair facing him.
You caught up with a couple ideas and worked on some your work, actually getting something done, for now.
You had to show each other your screens, so you awkwardly sat next to him on the bed. He sat up. The two of you now with your backs up against the wall and feet hanging off the bed. You sit in silence for a moment.
“I like ya lil glasses, can I try them on?” He asked, smiled and looking in your direction now.
“N-“ before you could answer, he already swiftly pulled them off your face and put them in his anyway. You roll you eyes.
“Do I look smart?” He asked with the cheesiest smile on his face.
“You look stupid,” you reply coldly, although you secretly kind of liked how they looked on him. They fit his face well.
“I think you’re mad they look better on me,” he replied with a scoff.
“You’re sooo annoying,” you reply. Surprisingly feeling yourself fight a smile. “Can you focus please?”
He does the opposite of focusing, eyes looking around your dorm room for a moment.
“Have you ever had sex with a guy? Are you even straight,” He asked, catching you off guard. You took full offense to his question. Not because of him questioning your sexual orientation, but rather him thinking that was his business.
“That’s a personal question,” you respond quickly.
“Seriously? You have this single dorm all to yourself. You don’t even use it to its full benefits. You know how many girls I’d be bringing over if I lived in a single,” he tossed his pencil up in the air and caught it as he spoke.
“I’m here for my sport and to learn, not everything in college is about seeing how many people you can have sex with, Melo.” You responded, typing away at your computer.
Melo slowly lifted your computer off your lap, placing it on the opposite side of him.
“Hey-“ you reach out your hand to it. The room suddenly feeling a lot smaller than it was now that his face was right next to yours and you had nothing to do to keep your hands busy.
“Have you ever even kissed a guy?” He asked, you loosen up at his tone, which oddly enough seems a bit more sincere now.
“Um, no, no actually I haven’t,” you responded quietly, looking down on your lap.
“I don’t believe that.” He responded. “Stop lyin.”
“It’s true,” you shrug, throwing your hands up in defeat.
“You’re so pretty,” he smiles, making your heart skip a beat or two, but you’re usual chatterbox brain was too nervous to agree.
“Beauty standards have nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t kissed anyone yet. I simply choose not to settle-“
He cuts you off by grabbing the back of your neck with his large hands and pulling you in for a kiss. It lasted for what felt like forever but it was only about 10 seconds. Although you were surprised, you did not want to fight it, and you even found you hands settling on top of his shoulders before he pulled away.
You stared at him for a moment, wondering what in his right mind made him want to do that.
“Anyway, I’m ready to focus now,” he smiled, got up and sat in desk chair you were sitting in first.
You sat there eyes wide, trying to process what just happened.
“Um.. yeah… yeah okay,” you say slowly.
You sat there and decided to not acknowledge what just happened as well. Trying to focus on your work, you could not help by to continue replaying that moment in your head. The kiss on repeat for a while. A couple days even. You saw him in class and he was so nonchalant about it. It started to bother you.
It took everything in you not to ask him about the kiss. Not wanting to seem desperate but at the same time what the fuck. That caught you off guard completely.
The next time you too worked together, you worked in his dorm. His roommate was in there with you guys, engaging in the occasional conversation with the two of you.
This time, you actually cared about how you looked, wearing a little make up and wearing a floral sundress that stopped midway on your thighs.
When you walked up to the door, Melo looked you up and down for a moment before letting you in. He had shorts on with no shirt. His athletic build made your cheeks turn hot and look at the ground quickly.
“Welcome in,” he gestured. You walk in and it looks just as you thought a guys dorm room would look like. A damn mess.
You watched him with his back turned as he stood by his closet of clothes, muscles taut as he pulled a new shirt over his head.
You shuffled to get your stuff of your backpack out before he caught you staring and got to work.
His roommate was cute, and you did not care that you were flirting it up with him right in front of Melo. He kissed you with no explanation. You were determined to figure out why.
“Alright, I’m heading to the gym,” his roomie stated and you smile.
“Have funn,” you reply. You watch him walk out the door, looking down at your lap to flatten your dress then look back up at Melo. His face very clearly annoyed and unamused.
“What?” You smirk, asking in an oh-so innocent tone.
“It’s nothing,” he shook his head in response.
“Oh yeah?” You ask. “You sound a little pressed.” You push, big smirk on your face as you spoke.
“I’m good,” he replied coldly.
You confidently put your hand on his shoulder and replied. “Okay,” in a sarcastic tone.
He was not fucking with that. He pulled your arm down from his shoulder and pulled you into a kiss, this being your second time feeling his lips on yours. This one was more intense. You remember thinking of his lips and how they felt from the last kiss. Feeling them again made your heart pound with excitement.
“Shut up and don’t make me admit to jealousy,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’m not giving you the satisfaction.”
His hands gripping the back of your hair and he spoke, eyes bouncing from your eyes and lips.
“Hmmm, I think you just did,” you nod your head and shrug your shoulder. He was not having your sarcastic tone. He pulled you closer to him, this time he was laying down and you were sitting top of his lap. He refused to break the kiss, hands from down your neck to your lower back.
In your mind, you were strategically making sure you were right on top of his dick. His lips felt so good to feel again. You were so lost in the heat of the moment now, as he began using his tongue in your mouth, you let out a small moan for the first time.
He let go of the kiss for a moment and smirked.
“I wanna hear your beautiful moans,” he admitted, voice deep and full of lust.
He flipped you over and now your body was underneath him on his bed. You lied down flat on your back. He hovered himself over you.
Kissing you a couple times more, before kissing his way down your neck and stopping at your breast.
“You knew what you were doing wearing this shit,” he stated sternly.
You roll your eyes, “shut up.”
“You gon stop giving me that smart mouth,” he replied, smirk on his face before making his way down further. Your heart beating even fast now. He lifted up your dress to find you only in a thong.
He quickly looked up you with a smirk on his face, shook his head and carried on. Yanking your panties off, his lip made their way to your clit like a magnet.
You moaned softly at the pleasure, in fear that someone might hear the two of you.
“What if he comes back?”
“I don’t give a fuck, he could watch,” his voice low and eyes hooded, way too focused at the task at hand to even look at you.
Licking and teasing at your folds, you feel yourself getting closer due to all the tension you had built up since you arrived to his dorm, your mind flashing the sight of him when you walked when he was just no shirt on. His dick print very clear through his shorts.
As you felt yourself getting close to the edge, he stopped, and looked up at you.
“Whyyy,” you groaned put your hands over your face in frustration.
“Because, you was talking all that shit,” he said with one finger in your folds as he rubbed it slowly.
“Please,” you said and his surprised eyes look into yours.
“Nope,” he smirked. Now you were not having it.
You reach down to his shorts and very clearly feel his hard member. You looked up at him with pleading eyes as you began to rub it slowly.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck. You and him both knew he did not want this to stop, and he was fighting with every ounce in his bones not to rip your dress off and fuck you right then and there.
But you knew how to get what you wanted.
“Then it’s my turn,” you smile, pushing him off you and getting down on your knees on the side of his twin sized bed.
Knowing you have never done this before, you were slightly worried you would not be that great at it. You moistened your mouth as you pulled his shorts down, you did not have anything to compare his size to, but you were guessing it was bigger than average.
You admired it for a moment before taking it into your mouth. You heard him suck in his teeth as you took a few licks.
“What’s the matter?” You ask innocently looking up at him through your lashes while you swirled your tongue around the tip.
He bit bottom lip threw his head back, you knew that no answer meant that shit was hitting.
“Keep doing that shit with your tongue,” he groaned quietly.
You keep going at it for a while, and stopped when you felt him starting to thrust into your mouth.
“That’s it,” he groaned as he pulled you on the bed, you watched as he began to slowly push himself inside of you, wincing at the pain, he went slow and you warmed up. He looked so good while he stroked you. You started to feel better and better. He watched you as you took all of him now and proudly.
“I told you to stop talking all that shit,” he groaned.
“I don’t regret it,” you smirk.
“You bout to,” he stated as he began to speed up the pace.
You moaned louder as he continued to thrust into you. You could not believe this moment was actually happening. Him giving into it fed into your pride.
You watching at he admired every ounce of body, gripping and tugging at your soft spots. He held your hips as he picked up the pace.
He pulled out and finished himself off on your stomach. You lay there feeling a mess, he gets a towel and you guys get yourselves together throwing the occasional smirk at each other.
“You look so pretty taking this dick,” he stated, grabbing your neck and kissing you slowly. You smiled into the kiss.
“I’ll do it again,” he confirmed, both hands holding your face as he kissed you hard, tonguing you down.
“Chillll,” you laugh. “Let’s get this damn assignment going already.”
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explicitlytheballs · 7 years
do you know any good melo or gelo fanfics on wattpad?
Melo - My brothers friend•xxy_paftjdHoops•_babyjBackcourt•Celebsloveyou Gelo - Gelo Ball •xxy_paftjdIt’s not many Gelo fanfics
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fyeahlonzoball · 7 years
So yesterday I was bored and i started reading ball brothers fanfic and mind you ion really think of them like that but shit was so good now I'm over here fangirling over a melo one wtf my life is sad
Which one
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Rose’s Captain Swan Fanfiction Treasure Trove
This mainly for my lovely friend Adira (who I JUST converted to OUAT) but might well post it for anyone who hasn’t read any of these fics. I would be surprised if they hadn’t because the majority of these have high popularity and would be what I consider classics. I love them all enough that I’ve downloaded them on my Evernote app and will reread them while I’m flying or on public transit. Anyway, these are my Top Ten favorite Captain Swan fics with my reviews/comments. Enjoy
You Play Ball Like a Girl by welllpthisishappening
Rated: M
Notable Features: Modern!AU, Boss!Killian, Slow Burn, Angst, Baseball & Killian (deadly as hell)
Author’s Description: Emma Swan had a plan. Get the story. Get the byline. Up her Twitter follower count. It was simple – she was going to take over the New York City journalism world. And she was going to do it from the sideline with a credential around her neck and a pen stuffed in her hair and a fierce determination no one was going to be able to put a dent in.It was the perfect plan.That plan just failed to factor in Killian Jones.
Rose’s Review: THIS FIC! MY GOD THIS FIC! I am in love with it and the author Laura (like full one girl crush on lovely lady. She’s just too cool and if I wasn’t engaged and she wasn’t married, I would like propose because this girl is my fanfic soulmate to the point my best friend is jealous even tho I have legit never met this woman, but that’s besides the point. I’m gonna stop embarrassing myself now. I need to shut up.) Anyway, sports centric isn’t normally a thing I go for because I’m a former athlete and the second I catch a mistake it’s an immediate turnoff, but Laura knows her shit. (Like really knows her shit. I can’t tell you how many times I cackled over her references to Melo being a selfish asshole and I love Emma and David’s rendition of the Giants/Pats rivalry! Also her reference to Derek Jeter’s walk up! OMG I promise I will stop right now but I’m so in love) However, you don’t need to love sports to love this fic, it’s just if you do it’s an added bonus. I love the development of Killian and Emma’s relationship even though the angst in this just kills me in the most delightful way. The Henry side story is honestly the best thing over and even though he’s not Emma’s son in this, the relationship between Emma, Henry and Killian really pulls at your heartstrings. I think one of the reasons I really love this fic though is how Laura handles Killian’s injury and how it affected his baseball career. It was incredibly realistic and I would know because an injury ruined my basketball career a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, so the scene where Killian is in the batting cage and hitting for the first time in a long time really hit home with me because I’ve been there. Anyway, why are you still reading this review, GO READ IT NOW! And also go read her outtake collection: Just a Bit Outside.
Breathless by AcrobatElle
Rated: E
Notable Features: Canon Divergence (Season 5), Heart Sharing, Magic, Amazing Amounts of Smut, Angst, PORN WITH FEELINGS
Author’s Description: Emma and Killian share more than just a heart.
Rose’s Review: ­To say I love smut is an understatement and I’ve been reading it long enough that I no longer have any shame in regards to it. This fic is, without a doubt, a masterclass at what we call Porn with Feelings (IT FUCKING DESTROYS ME). It’s not just smut, but emotional and creative smut which is my absolute favorite. (Dude, I legit fanned myself at Chapter 2 because it was just so smutty and hot. I almost want to beg Elle to write “that one time on the Jolly” scene because my inner perv just needs it because dom!Killian is just as much my jam as baseball!Killian is but she’s got more important things to work on. Harbor in the Tempest? GO READ IT NOW!) Also I never felt so melancholic about smut until reading the later chapters of this fic because the layers of desperation, hurt and brokenness is just so poignant that it just grips your heart. Elle in general though is just amazing at smut and everything else really (just read all of her shit. Do it. And if you’re already read her shit, read it again because she’s amazing) but this is my favorite of her work, though her Wish!Realm AU is a really, really, really close second. (Legit would have made this list if I wasn’t such a lazy bastard. I was going to rec 15 but got lazy and chopped off at 10 because I’m horrible but yeah go read Make a Wish, especially if you were not happy with Wish!Hook because I sure as hell wasn’t.)
Unbreakable by xHookedonKillianx
Rated: M
Notable Features: Canon Divergence (Season 3), Bartender!Killian, Pregnancy, Fluffy Angst, Epilogue that murders you
Author’s Description: What if Hook was able to go with Emma and Henry when they left to escape Pan’s curse? With no memory of each other or Storybrooke, Emma and Killian meet in New York as complete strangers, both with broken pasts, and both with clean slates for their future.
Rose’s Review: I feel think this fic is on every fic rec list and if it isn’t, then it should be because it’s just so well done. It’s just –whale noises- so fluffy but angsty at the same time that it really murders you in the delightful. I personally loved all the references to the monumental moments in the canon being mirrored or echoed unknowingly by Killian and Emma during their time in New York, it’s just a really cool tid bit. Honestly what I love the most about this is the Captain Cobra bonding, even more than the Captain Swan moments. The fact that Killian bonds so much with Henry to the point where they still hung out while Emma and Killian were “on a break” (I refuse to think of it as a break up and wanted to make a Friends reference because I’m lame) just murdered my soul in the best way possible. I love Henry (he’s my little munchkin so I get super annoyed when fics essentially ignore his existence. I have legit stopped reading fics before because they ignored Henry) and he is without a doubt the center of the Swan-Jones family unit in this fic. I really loved the addition of Mac as a supportive character from Killian’s past and almost wish he was featured more in the story. Also I must say this is one of the very few fics that I’ve come across where Neal isn’t a complete and utter douche canoe. This is definitely one of those fics that is like a must-read for the Captain Swanners regardless of what you think of kid!fic.
Beyond the Horizon by alexandralyman
Rated: M
Notable Features: Enchanted Forrest!AU, Pirates, Princess!Emma, Faked Married
Author’s Description: When Princess Emma's ship is captured by the Jolly Roger and Captain Killian Jones, she offers herself as a hostage for ransom if he will let the ship and the other passengers go. With Emma, Killian remembers the honour he once held dear, and Emma catches glimpses of the gentleman Killian had been. Against all odds, the pirate and the princess begin to fall for each other.
Rose’s Review: Beyond the Horizon is the first Captain Swan fic I ever read and it really set the bar high. This is fic is unfinished and I am eagerly, eagerly waiting for it to reach conclusion. I don’t normally recommend fics that aren’t finished, but this is just so, so, so good that I can’t let my hang ups get in the way of recommending it for others to enjoy. I love the development of Killian and Emma in this story, and between Emma and the Jolly crew as she falls into the role as the mistress of the ship. (I legit just want to cuddle Fergus, he’s just so cute.) Anyway, I am really curious and eager to see where she takes the fic because it was my first and without a doubt one of my favorites. I have a massive need for Pirate!Captain Swan (and a massive lady boner for actual Pirate!Killian) and this is what started it.) Just –grabby hands- I want it finished so bad, but regardless this is worth a read because it’s wonderfully written and it will suck you right in. If you’re left begging for more like I was at the end of this, I encourage you to check out her outtakes collection: Interlude at Sea.
A One Time Thing (and Other Untruths) by weezly14
Rated: T
Notable Features: Modern!AU, Pregnancy, Slow Burn-ish, Mild Angst
Author’s Description: "She supposes the reason she tells him is the same reason she kept his phone number after all those weeks." Pregnancy has a way of throwing a wrench in one's plans.
Rose’s Review: Oh man, oh man, where do I start with this one because this is just a pile of angst, fluff and slow burn goodness. I totally get Emma’s headspace in this because if I ever found myself in her situation, I would probably make the same decisions she did in regards to Killian, but KILLIAN, oh man, his thoughts and feelings about becoming a dad slayed me. He just wants to be there and be with Emma so bad. This fic also has probably want I would consider to be the best characterization of Neal. I’m not a Neal fan in any sense of the word, but I’m not a fan over the top villianization (is that even a word? I’m pretty sure it isn’t but if Shakespeare and GWB can make up words, so can I!) of him. This depiction of Neal is perfect in my eyes because it’s very obvious that all of his dickishness based upon genuine fear that Killian is gonna replace him and that Emma is going to take Henry away from him, which in all honestly, as someone who worked in the Family Court system, this is a realistic and very common fear when there is a power imbalance between parents. (Not that I think that the power imbalance isn’t justified because it totally is.) If Neal lived longer in the series, I definitely think the relationship between Emma, Neal and Killian would have been exactly like this. So if you’re looking for realistic parent dynamics and Daddy!Killian feels, this is the fic for you (and even if it isn’t, read it because you won’t regret it.)
I Belong To You, You Belong to Me by phthalo
Rated: M
Notable Features: Canon Divergence (Season 5-6), Pregnancy, Time Travel characters, Bartender!Killian
Author’s Description: Three weeks after dragging your boyfriend's sorry ass out of the Underworld is not the ideal time to find out you're pregnant.It's probably also not the ideal time for Zelena's time portal to spit out some kid...a teenage boy with blonde hair and Killian's eyes.
Rose’s Review: I’m going to admit it now, I was rather dubious about this fic because of the description. I love me some baby!fic/pregnancy fic and I headcanon it all the time, but kids and time travel always stuck me funny (even in Charmed which was my fucking jam before anything else in life was) but I glanced at the kudos and the amount of comments, and thought to myself “well, if this many people like it, then there has got to be something good going on here!” And holy shit, I loved Ian. (I now officially headcanon that Emma and Killian’s eldest son is named Killian David Jones. It just needs to happen because it’s fucking perfect and there’s just too many Liams.) Ian is just a little snarky bae and I really loved the relationship between Henry and Ian. (Operation: Octopus for the win) They’re my perfect little babies. Also the amount of sass Ian sends towards Killian reminds me a lot of my own relationship with my father. (I’m such a shit to him but we’re super close and I’m legit terrified of pissing him off even though I’m fucking 23 years old. Ian also emulates that.)This fic played on a lot of my headcanons (like Captain Swan definitely banging in a field of flowers and totally escaping to bang in the Jolly) and I found Emma’s fears about Dark!Baby and her decisions around that to be completely in character. Killian is just a fucking saint (he’s not, but he definitely has the patience of one) and his understanding of Emma’s headspace in this (and in the show) is one of my favorites. All and all, this story is so massively fluffy that it makes up for all the angst that I read normally. Domestic!Captain Swan is slowly becoming my jam.
With Affection by PhiraLovesLoki
Rated: E
Notable Features: Modern!AU, Secret Admirers, Love Letters, Sassy!Emma, Lawyer!Killian
Author’s Description: Emma Swan isn’t a middle schooler. So why is she receiving notes from a secret admirer? She’s also definitely not a romantic person. So why is she writing back?
Rose’s Review: Oh…my…god…this fic. This fic is just -whale noises- fucking everything. I love it. The snark, the romance and Tink! This is my favorite characterization of Tink! Also this characterization of Emma hit so close to home with me because I legit make up nicknames for everyone in my life even people I never approach (legit everyone in my phone is under a different name. I legit call my mother Madam President Furher because she’s a hard ass and my younger brother is Moose because he’s just a giant but that’s besides the point) so the fact that Emma did that just cracked me up. This is definitely the fic where I bonded the most or felt the most connection to Emma. I love reading for this Emma’s headspace. It’s legit a joy to read. Killian is amazing as usual. I love his letters to Emma, especially the ones where he got more authentic. Walsh, though, gave me flashbacks to my own failed relationships and break ups. I literally had a break up similar to the one that Emma has with Walsh so bravo though for douche bag realism with Walsh. Both of Killian’s and Emma’s backstories are heartbreaking in this and the level of intimacy without actual intimacy (until later on of course) is just astounding. Phira is amazing writer in general and I really recommend you read all of her works, but if you had to choose one, this is the one to read. It just hits you all over the place with feels, humor and realism. Once again, why are you still reading this review, go read the damn fic!
Separate Lives by lenfaz
Rated: M
Notable Features: Canon Divergence (Season 3), Fairy Tale Characters in the Real World, Detective!Killian, Angst, 
Author’s Description: Set after 3x20 "Kansas". After saving the town one more time, Emma decided to return to New York, leaving her past behind. Three years later, she realizes that might be not have been the best decision.
Rose’s Review: I’m not sure if lenfaz reads Janet Evanovich or the Stephanie Plum novels, but legit this story was giving me some Stephanie Plum realness with Detective!Killian and BailBonds!Emma. Except this is better than Stephanie Plum because Emma is just far more bad ass and mature (though relationship-wise is very Stephanie like.) Killian as a detective was complete roguish Joe Morelli realness in the best way. I really loved the addition of Killian being adopted into an Italian family and their protectiveness of him. Laura and her family made me crack up with all the references to him getting a haircuit. (Please don’t, Killian, I love you with longer hair.) It warmed my heart in the best way. I also loved the relationship between Killian and his partner. Killian almost never has anyone in his corner (which is a HUGE point of contention for me in the show because despite Emma’s loner-ness, EVERYONE is in her corner and Killian has like zero support and nothing made that more evident that 6x15, which slayed me in the worst way possible because I fucking love Killian.) Mac, Killian’s partner, is one of my favorite OCs of all time and I loved that he calls him “sunshine.” (Dude, I need the story behind that one so if you haven’t written it, please do. I will even slip you a twenty.)
Roses in December by just_another_classic
Rated: T
Notable Features: Canon Divergence (Season 3), Kid Fic, Fluff, Daddy!Killian
Author’s Description: In a flash of rainbow light, Emma remembers.
Rose’s Review: Surprise, surprise, kid/baby!fic on my reccomendation list. Yes, I realize that only a niche amount of fans like this type of fic, but honestly this is one of the best done baby fics I have seen. I think the best thing about it is that Emma’s focus the entire time is completely on her children and not on romance, which is realistic and should be expected. Her focus is not 100% on Killian, which tends to be done and honestly those type of fics turn me off. She comes off very realistic to me and that’s what I love the most about this. What’s also really cool about this fic is the engagement with the original source material - Peter Pan and the allusions made between what’s happening in the fic and the mechanics of the original play (clever girl!) Also, the way they deal with Zelena in this fic is honestly how I felt they should have dealt with the character on the show. Not that I hate Zelena (well maybe I do..kinda…sorta…the jury is still out on that one) but I always found their approach to the situation to be strange.
Strangeness & Charm by bluestoplights
Rated: M
Notable Features: Enchanted Forrest!AU, Battle Couple!Captain Swan, Adventure, Slow Burn
Author’s Description: Killian Jones is a pirate captain down on his luck after a falling out with the Evil Queen. Emma Swan just found out she is the Savior. Their shared goals bring them on an epic quest to liberate the kingdom once and for all. It's a lot easier said than done.
Rose’s Review: Not only is this beautifully written and engaging, but I seriously want there to be like a television series based off this one. Seriously, I loved it and the pacing of it would be perfect for season one of a really epic fantasy show (which I would totally watch the shit out of it and that scrape the internet for fic or maybe even finally get off my lazy ass and write fanficfor the first time since high school.) The pacing on this thing is on point. I am completely envious because I am such a slow build up writer that I couldn’t pull off something like this in only twenty-four chapters. I loved Killian and Emma’s partnership in this and how everyone just knew they were a perfect pair…except them. What I also love about this fic is that the author really seems to understand the tone of Once Upon a Time really well and stays very true to it. Not that this is a dig on other authors who go lighter or darker, but it’s a fic that seems very in tune with it’s source material which is a very rare find. I really loved the ending of this fic but at the same time I would be super excited if the author decided to write a sequel.
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you could write abt how melo n this girl our neighbors in charlotte at his apartment and they go from saying hi to eachother to becoming best friends to dating
This is so cute I like this one🥺 bet
Send in some one shot ideas too since fanfics take a more time to make lol
Update: I want y’all to know this is happening ! Read rookie year here
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wet dream | LaMelo Ball One Shot
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,194
Summary: Where reader and Melo are best friends and she has a wet dream about him… they get comfortable talking about their past sexual experience…
A/N: I really loved the concept of this so I’m hoping my execution provides you with satisfaction. And all I gotta say is… call the horny police lmao good night.
WARNINGS. All characters involved are 18+, minors DNI. Contains sexual content, NSFW, all that shit
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Last night, you had a wet dream consisting of you and your best friend Melo… doing it.
It felt good, so good that you were definitely about to orgasm… in your dream… until it was rudely interrupted by the sound of your alarm clock. You woke up unsure of how to feel. You sure as hell knew you did not want the sex to stop.. but with Melo? The thought of it kinda gave you the ick as you had never really looked at him that way… then you thought deeper about the possibility of reliving the dream and you felt the heat rush to your-
The second alarm went off.
You were seeing Melo today and you knew you could not get that dream off your mind. The dream left you in a playful mood. So you figured, why not get him talking.
When you saw him, you looked at him completely different now thanks to that dream. You noticed more of how his lips moved when he talked, his smile, his curls, how he towered over you when you walked together... You admitted to yourself maybe you really did find him attractive but the two of you always openly talked about having relationships with other people but never going into detail about your sex lives. You just knew of each other dating and talking to other people, but that was it.
But, it had been a while since the two of you dated anyone. You had both been so busy and focused on your own careers. Maybe that’s why you had the wet dream…
Since you were feeling all types of emotions, you decided to get bold once the two of you were just chilling in his apartment after spending the day running errands together on your off day from work.
“So what’s your favorite part about sex?” You asked and Melo’s ears perked up, gazing up at you from his phone.
“Woah, where did that come from?” He asked, attempting to hide the smirk growing on his lips as he took a sip from his glass.
“Just curious,” you shrugged. “Just answer the question.”
“Well, what’s your favorite part?” He teased.
“I asked you first,” you smirked, flipping your hair behind you and crossing your legs as you spoke.
“Hmmm, I mean there’s a lot to it,” he shrugged, clicking his phone off and setting it on the table before he spoke.
You tucked your hand under your chin and leaned forward to appear interested in his next words, and you were. You eagerly waited for him to get on with his answer.
“I mean- a woman’s body just looks so good naked,” he shrugged.
You scoffed in response.
“That’s it?”
“Hey you asked, that’s my answer,” he laughed throwing his hands up. “Now what about you?” He pressed.
“Backshots,” you say simply and he starts laughing.
“That’s it?” He laughed.
“I mean-“ you stuttered, feeling the heat run to your cheeks now unsure of how to feel about his response.
“That just sounds like an answer any guy would give,” he said.
“Well, I like being slutted out,” you shrug and he cocks a brow out you instantly. “Hair pulling, when he says nasty shit in my ear… I like that shit,” you smirked while swirling around the remainder of your drink in your cup. You stared at the red liquid before taking one last sip.
“Interesting…” he trails off, adjusting his seated position on the couch before he continues.
“Well if we’re getting in the details like that… I really like when I’m giving her backshots in front of a mirror, slapping her ass and I also like pulling her hair… spitting in her mouth… choking…”
You sat there with your mouth slightly open, trying to hide the fact that you were shocked hearing your best friend speak on this topic in such a casual way. You set your empty cup down on the table.
“I mean, I could go on,” he shrugged chuckling, noticing your shocked face.
“Choking? Really?” You say clearing your throat after your voice cracked. You tried to act surprised as if the thought of getting choked by his own hands did not send shivers down your spine.
As if the thought of what happened in your wet dream had no effect on you.
“Yeah… he trails off. “And hearing her moan because of my dick, it’s really just wraps from there,” he puckered his lips and slowly picked up your glass from the table.
“Want more?” He asked.
Shittttt, you thought, mind already in other places at this point.
“Yes please,” you whispered.
You watched his tall frame as he went to the kitchen to fill up your glass. Eyes focused on pouring the liquid into the glass with his brows furrowed. He came back and sat next to you now.
“Anything you haven’t tried that you wanna try,” you asked while biting your bottom lip.
“I heard eating a girl out with ice can feel good… for her. Maybe for the guy too if he likes that typa shit,” He shrugs.
“Hmmm, I’ve never tried that either, sounds fun,” you say casually, reaching for your refilled glass, Melo grabs your hand before you can even get to it. You let out a small gasp feeling his chilled hand wrap around your wrist.
“Why so curious?” He smirked.
“Oh nothing, bestie,” you sighed, trying to act casual as your heart rate increased rapidly now.
“Aww nah nah don’t bestie me now,” he smirked. “Why you wanna know?”
“Oh-uh, I,” you stammered as his sudden confidence made your brain fuzzy now, as his hand went from your wrist to your neck, gliding his hand over your collarbone before retracting it.
“Tell me… bestie,” he mocked in your tone and you let out a small giggle, remembering he is still your best friend.
“When was the last time someone made you feel good?” He questioned.
You were at a loss for words as you looked down in shyness and your hair fell to the front of your face again.
He used his hand to sweep your hair off the front of your shoulder, leaving your neck exposed to him once more. You sat there with your head tilted, looking into his dark, lust filled eyes unable to form a single sentence.
“Hmm?” He hummed.
“I-uh,” you felt fucking stupid but your head was spinning at this point when you felt him begin planning soft kisses on your exposed neck.
“You were asking all these bold questions, you too shy now baby girl?” He whispered looking back up at you now.
“Melo I-I,”
“You what? Go on, say it,” he chuckled, bringing his thumb to your chin now to bring you face to face with his.
“I- Well uh- last night I had a dream that you and I-“ you gasped unable to hold back now as he began sucking on your neck.
“Had sex? Is that why you was asking all them questions?” He smirked and you feel yourself blush as his confidence that you were so used to seeing was making you feel all shy now.
“I-yes,” you say. Unsure why your own best friend had you stammering a fucking mess at this point.
“Hmm tell me more about that dream… what was it like?” He asked, unable to contain his smug grin at this point now.
“All I can really remember is we-we were on your bed and-“
His finger tips traced your shoulder he ran his pointer finger under the strap of your dress.
“It felt really good,” you trailed off.
“Tell me what did I do to make you feel good?” He asked, bringing his hand to the back of your neck now and pulling you closer to his face.
“We were both naked in your bed and you started off by eating me out slowly…” you said as he got up and pulled you hand.
“Let’s make it feel more real than, hm?” He asked and you got up, following him to the bedroom as he guided you through the door.
Next thing you knew, you were naked on the bed using your elbows to keep you propped up.
Melo gazed at your body with lustful eyes.
He slowly began kissing your stomach, all the way up to your lips. You were wondering all day on what they felt like. So soft and plump, just as you imagined. He made his way back down to your sweet spot and began licking you slowly. You moaned softly trying to contain how good it felt after not feeling this feeling in so long.
“Mmm, so what else happened in that dream of yours, hmm?” He asked while tracing his finger up against your inner thigh in between planting kisses and licking your pussy.
“Melo- I- I can’t,” you gasped. He began sucking on your clit now.
“Yes you can, pretty girl,” he murmured, eyes hooded now as he was so focused on the task.
“When we were fucking you had your hands around my neck… umm… and you were already naked and your tattoos looked so good… really good…”
He smirked in response as you fed his ego. He stopped what he was doing and began undressing. He took his time taking his clothes off, leaving his shirt for last. You were growing impatient now seeing the size of his member and he looked down at you with a smirk.
“You look so beautiful…”
He whispered before flipping you in your stomach and admiring your ass from this view at this moment.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” he mumbled, unable to contain his own groans as he rubbed his tip on you teasing your folds and you whimpered in response.
“Please fuck me,” you begged, desperate to feel his dick.
He slowly entered inside of you before increasing the pace. You both gasped, feeling in a complete state of ecstasy at this new feeling you were sharing with each other.
“So nasty thinking about being slutted out by your own best friend, and you didn’t even want to tell me at first?” He muttered in between strokes. “Damn shame.”
He began increasing his pace, you screamed in pleasure. He got rough with you now, just how you said you liked it. You started regretting talking all that shit, you knew you were going to be sore in the morning, but you did not care.
“Melo- please,” you gasped.
“I’m sorry- I remember you was talking ‘bout how you like being slutted out?,” he groaned while running his hand through his curls with one hand and gripping onto your waist with the other. “Is this too much for you now baby girl?”
You moaned at his filthy words. His hands reached for your neck as gave it a light enough squeeze to send the an increased waves of pleasure down to your pussy.
“Please Melo- no it’s not. I want you,”
He flipped you over, eyes scanning your body and admiring everything about you in this moment.
“Look at me, I wanna see your face when you cum on this dick,” he groaned, putting his hand on your bouncing tits now.
“Oh my God- Melo please don’t stop,” you moaned.
His focus full on your pleasure now, he rubbed your clit as he continued to quicken his thrusts into you. You looked up at him, gripping into his arms and running your hands up his abs and admiring him in this vulnerable state you had never seen him in before. This was more than a dream now, this was real life happening.
His hands explored every curve of your body. Seeing you in this new way made his heart rate increase and eyes fall soft. He admired you in every way now.
You felt a smug smirk grow on your face and Melo quickly noticed. He wrapped his hand around you neck, giving you sloppy wet tongue kisses as you began taste the lingering taste of yourself in his mouth.
You felt your orgasm build up and the release was much needed.
“Shit,” he groaned and he pulled out and nutted on your stomach, running his fingers through his now messy curls. He brought you a towel to clean up and had the biggest smile on his face, you giggled.
You sighed and fell back on the bed, already feeling the tiredness in your body.
“You really wasn’t tryna tell me about that dream huh?” He laughed. “Waited all day and shit.”
“Well,” you threw your hands up. “I was… getting there.”
“If you wanted that all this time,” he said pulling you into a deep kiss, “you shouldn’t have been so scary.. I’ve thought about it too,” he smirked.
“Well… if that’s the case then… round two?” You asked with a smirk.
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One Team, Two Players | LaMelo Ball + Jayson Tatum One Shot
Word Count: 2,570
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x Jayson Tatum x Reader
Summary: this imagine is set to take place the night of the 2022 NBA All Star Game. I’d imagine reader as kind of welll-known within their little group of players- maybe an IG model or something.
Warnings: All Characters involved are 18+ Minors DNI. Alcohol use, unprotected sex, NSFW Type beat, okay. Please don’t ever have sex unprotected with mfs who you don’t know of their body count LMAO especially NBA Players 💀💀💀
A/N: look man… all I’m saying is. I don’t even watch Euphoria but let me break down how my brain came up with this… the hot tub scene of everyone talking that was going around tiktok a couple weeks ago and seeing Melo and Jayson play on the same team at the All Star game = this one shot. Okay. That’s all I gotta say. Don’t ask me how my brain works but here we are. Plus I know there was a request for an All star game imagine so this is kinda close to that😏 also sorry if dialogue is iffy, there is a fine line between good dialogue and it getting cringe real fast lmao.
Another side note lmaooo when I write NSFW stuff I’m always like who tf am I ??? And what tf is this??? Like my mind did this this shit??💀 anyway enjoy ily 💖
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After the 2022 NBA All-Star Game, some guys from Team Durant decided to get together and rent out a huge AirBnB mansion in Cleveland for the sake of the messy celebratory activities that would go down after the game. You had only come because you were friends with Devin Booker and some of your other girl friends were here as well. Although Team Durant lost, it still was a cause for celebration for it being Melo’s first All Star Game.
Most of the guests were inside socializing while you made your way out to the hot tub. Some were inside the house while others were chilling by the pool. The night had all around good vibes, but you needed a moment for yourself to recharge your social battery.
You sat in your seat, feeling the jets hit your back as you closed your eyes for a moment enjoying the warmth of the water as the air above you was cooling down now.
Your peaceful moment was quickly interrupted by splashing and your eyes shot open as Melo and Jayson hopped into the hot tub with you now, disrupting your peace.
“Ahhh what’s good, y/n,” Jayson nudged you before sitting down beside you. He was close enough for you to smell the alcohol on his breath.
You watched Melo as he did the same, sitting on the opposite side of you, making himself comfortable but keeping the bottle of Ciroc in his hand above the bubbling hot water.
“Shots all around,” Dejounte cheered, handing all of you guys mini red solo cups and leaning over the hot tub pouring up your shots.
“Woah woah, wait, should we?” Jayson asked Melo, clearly already tipsy.
“Fuck it,” Melo shrugged, settling aside the bottle he already had in hand.
You all took the shot at the same time and you made a face. Jayson called you out on it, nudging you to take another without making a face.
“Damn, give me a second,” you laughed.
Melo grabbed his bottle and poured you your shot in the same mini cup, slightly over filling it as some of it poured into the hot tub water.
“Aw shit,” he laughed. “My bad.”
You take the shot, feeling the warmth grow in your chest. They both studied your face awaiting your reaction. You sat back in your chair not giving them the satisfaction of them wanting to see you make a face.
“Awww shit, okay y/n,” Jayson chanted.
You shrugged, smiling at the pair. After how well they did after tonight’s game and seeing this all play out as how they chose to unwind after a national broadcasted game made you chuckle.
“What’s so funny, y/n?” Melo asked.
“Y’all are,” you replied while rolling your eyes.
Jayson wasn’t having your little attitude now, so he decided to tease you a bit.
“So you fucking with Devin now?” Jayson asked and you looked away, rolling your eyes.
“Shut up,” you sneered, looking the other way to peer around as you spotted Devin talking to Kendall in the distance of the yard.
They were happy and you knew they were. Having been together for over a year now. You tried your chance at Devin before he got with Kendall but it failed. You guys still remained close although it took awhile for you to get over your feelings for him.
“You’re fine as hell, y/n, if he won’t go for you I will,” Jayson shrugged, taking a sip out of his glass.
“Wow thanks, that means so much,” you reply sarcastically. Your eyes glanced over at Melo who was just sitting back processing the conversation. “He’s just my friend, I wouldn’t do Kendall like that.”
“Mmm, I’ve always thought you were so fine,” Jayson murmured, looking into your eyes now with full confidence. You weren’t buying into his act, although you know he’s insanely attractive and he was definitely loved by many, you knew he was kind of a whore.
But, if you got the chance to fuck him, you wouldn’t say no… so two could play at that game.
“You’re drunk, Jayson,” you mumbled, playfully pushing his face the other way.
“I’m good,” he chuckled, smiling sweetly at you. “I’m just being honest… you have options… Plenty of dick to go around.”
You glared at him then looked at Melo who was biting his lip and still remained silent, but refused to jump in and even attempt at defending you. You were ready to test the waters and walk away to attempt at exiting the conversation.
You got up out of your seat in the hot tub but felt one of them grab your hand.
“Y/N, stay,” Melo’s voice said. “Don’t listen to him he’s just talking shit.”
“I’m just trying to have fun and have a good night so…” you trailed off, still standing now.
Melo tugged your hand. “Go ‘head sit, it’s okay. We want you to have a good night. Jayson stop acting a damn fool, watch your mouth.”
“My fault,” he replied, lifting his hands up in defense, still with the smug grin on his face.
You were glad Melo finally spoke up, and you smiled proudly in response. They scooted closer to you now as you hesitantly sat back down and basically had to squeeze in between both their bodies in the water.
“Lemme try something,” Melo stated.
Melo hands Jayson the bottle and nods at him as if they agreed to something nonverbally. Melo uses has hand on your chin and tilts your head back slowly while Jayson poured the alcohol into your mouth. You swallowed all of it, using your hand to cover your mouth keeping any from escaping your lips.
“Aw shit,” you heard a voice from the pool say in reaction to the three of you.
You looked at the two of them, faces serious now as they had their eyes locked on your upper body, scanning their eyes from your exposed neck down to your breasts as they nearly spilled out of your bikini top, as you had not adjusted them after you had got out of the water.
They were both confident and fine as hell and they knew it. Thinking about how you would most likely not see them again after tonight, you didn’t seem to care about whatever the outcome might be. You wanted to make the best of it.
You don’t know where your sudden boldness came from but the heat of the moment and the alcohol in your system made you want both of them. With Jayson to the left of you and Melo to the right, you thought about the endless possibilities.
You looked at Jayson first, he caught on quick enough to the vibes and his lips found yours. His kissing style was very dominant, just as you suspected. His hand tugged at your hip in the water, pulling you closer. He was all about the soft lip biting in between kisses. Until you finally let go, the hunger was clear in his eyes.
You let go of the kiss then looked at Melo, devious grin already growing on his face anticipating the same thing coming for him.
You placed your hand on Melo’s shoulder. Jayson still kept his hands on your left thigh, rubbing on your smooth skin under the water before letting Melo take over. This kiss with Melo escalated quicker as he began using very much more tongue than Jayson. His hand slowly crept up as he gripped your upper thigh.
“That’s hot,” you heard another voice say from a distance and you giggled, wondering how many eyes were on the three of you at this point.
Feeling Melo’s lips and Jayson’s lips and comparing the two now made you think of all the ways you wanted to feel their lips on your body. You looked at the both of them feeling your heart rate increase as the desire you had for the two of them was growing by the minute.
At an attempt to get your lustful desires under control for a moment, You sank into your chair, closing your eyes and lowering yourself a little bit more to submerge your body into the water. You let out a small gasp as you felt kisses being planted on your neck for a moment, then they stopped.
A couple others hopped in the tub with you guys now, and the three of you decided to hop out and dry off. They stepped out first and helped you out, reaching out for your hand and having eyes connected to your breasts as they bounced as you wrung out your hair.
You all toweled off as those around you chattering drowned out the silence between the three of you. They looked at each other and nodded as if they both mutually agreed on something in their minds again. You looked up at how the two of them towered over you. Their chest were visibly still wet as the tiny beads of water shined in the darkness.
You knew this night was not quite done yet.
The three of you went inside the house and found one of the many empty rooms with neatly folded bedsheets as it had still been untouched by any other guests here tonight. The music playing from the main room slowly faded out as Melo shut the door behind him.
You fell back on the bed, watching the two of them wondering who would make the move first.
Jayson slowly pulled the string of your bikini top off as you used your hands to prop you up and you leaned back, they made their way closer to you now.
Their aroma was comforting, as they smelled like a mix of pool chlorine now and a lingering bit of both of their colognes.
Melo slid your bottoms off slowly as you adjusted yourself and laid back, he slowly lowered himself to meet face to face with your clit. As he started licking you slowly, you instantly let out a small gasp at the feeling. Your hands reached for his curls as you gripped them in between your fingers, arching your back in response.
Jayson sat beside you as he shook his shorts off his legs and he began to stroke his already hard dick, admiring the curves of your body and the look of your soft skin as you were laid out on the bed enjoying the feeling of Melo’s tongue devour you.
You turned around as you were on all fours now, as Melo began eating you out from the back while you started giving Jayson all of your attention. He rested his back against the headboard of the bed with his arm tucked behind his head. Your tongue grazed his tip and he licked his lips in response as his mouth was slightly parted now, quietly letting out soft moans.
You felt Melo adjusting himself behind you and as he did so, you slowly began quickening the pace on Jayson’s dick. He groaned softly in response, grabbing your hair as you slowly took more and more of him down your throat, he encouraged it with a gentle push.
Meanwhile Melo began slowly rubbing his tip along your folds, and you felt yourself grow wetter. As he entered all of himself into you, you moaned in response, and the vibrations of your soft moans sent waves of pleasure for Jayson.
“Fuck, y/n,” Jayson mumbled, pulling his lips between his teeth and tilting his head back admiring how good you looked taking all of him in your mouth now. You ran your free hand up his abs and grazed his chest. You glanced at the tattoos running up his legs, admiring his athletic build. His tan skin glowed even in the dim room.
Melo began quickening his pace now as he stroked into you, which led you to increase your pace on Jayson, he tugged you off of his dick and grabbed your face to kiss you again, as you continued to receive strokes from Melo, but Jayson wasn’t having it now and he wanted your pussy all to himself.
“C’mere,” Jayson demanded and you agreed without hesitation, Melo pulling himself out of you now, eyebrows furrowed feeling slightly annoyed as he wanted you to himself as well. You sat yourself on Jayson’s dick and moaned softly feeling him stretch you out in the place Melo’s dick was taking up space in, just moments before. His hands gripped on your hips now and his fingertips roughly pushed further into your skin as he couldn’t get enough of you.
You brought Melo’s tip to your mouth now, as you were already with a mouthful of spit, you licked on his tip and swirled your tongue around. His dick was longer but easier to fit in your mouth. You looked up at him through your lashes as he studied your pretty face, he smirked in response when he caught your glance.
“That shit feel good, y/n,” Melo said softly, taking his time thrusting into your mouth then quickly began abusing your throat rather than going slowly like Jayson did before him.
Riding Jayson grew more and more pleasurable as he heavily focused on making sure you felt good. He caressed your breasts from behind now, hands grazing your body as he kept his eyes on how your ass looked bouncing on his dick.
Melo’s hand gripped your throat and he forced you to look up at him, pulling his dick out of your mouth before leaning down to give you a long, wet kiss, spitting in your mouth before throat fucking you again, tears welled in your eyes as it all was growing to be too much.
It felt so good and you didn’t want to stop this moment.
Jayson was unable to hold back anymore as he pulled you off and came on your back as you leaned forward onto Melo’s dick.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Melo groaned, voice husky as he pulled himself out of your mouth and came on your face. Running his hands through his curls as he did so, you put him in your mouth one more time before he took himself out of your mouth again, unable to handle the feeling of your tongue on him again as his tip was already sensitive.
Jayson sat you on his face now, licking on your already overstimulated clit to make sure you wouldn’t walk away unsatisfied. Jayson kept going crazy, licking and sucking on your clit. Your legs shaking as you came but he kept going, way too dedicated in his role now but you weren’t complaining. You moaned louder as he increased his pace.
“Yeah yeah, we get it damn,” Melo muttered. Throwing his shirt back on.
You giggled, feeling your cheeks heat up as you processed how the heat of the moment just got the best between the three of you. They stood before you, chests moving up and down as they were trying to catch their breath.
“I told you there was plenty to go around,” Jayson finally spoke up as he shrugged. You threw the pillow that was on the bed at his face roughly before he could catch it.
The three of you laughed together. There was no way you would ever forget this night.
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jaysonsfavwhore · 2 years
The Favorite Masterlist
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description: every teacher has their favorite student, and sometimes, a favorite parent. in which jayson falls inlove with deuce’s teacher
A place where you can find every chapter to The Favorite series!!
~ Chapter 1
~ Chapter 2 [updated 06/17/22]
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rookie year • chapter 15
a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball
Word Count: 5,099
A/N: UMMM HOLY F***. I have so much to say. But y’all probably just want to get to reading so go ahead and come back to this if you’d like. Let me tell y’all I was so scared I would never finish this. The roller coaster that I’ve been through throughout these past couple weeks since I last posted is insane. 
Couple things.
1. Honestly not my favorite chapter, but it’s a good start on what is to come for the second half of the story. Idk maybe I don’t give myself enough credit lol but here we are 😩
2. I don’t want to spoil it but I’ve used two reader suggestions in the story, you’ll see 😊😊
enjoy 😊
December 14th
The plane rumbled below you as you were buckled in with Jordyn beside you. As it took off, you felt the feeling of your stomach drop as if it was left on the ground below the plane. As there was less and less turbulence, the plane ride slowly smoothed out and you were soon at 35,000 feet above the ground.
“I mean- I’ve been to a lot of places but shockingly haven’t been to Miami yet,” Jordyn smiled as she looked out the plane window.
“That’s surprising.. it feels like you’ve been everywhere,” you replied.
“True… everywhere outside of the U.S I guess,” she chuckled. “I think this should be fun.”
“Me too… but I always hear those stories about Miami making or breaking your girl groups friendship… I hope that doesn’t happen to us.”
“It’s just the two of us and we are very much mature and not crazy,” Jordyn laughed. “It’ll be okay.”
You watched as the flight attendants began making their way up the rows now. You anxiously looked out the window, feeling excited to arrive already. Although it was just a 2 hour flight, there was places to see. You were ready to make the best out of the 4 days you would be there.
“Do you think they’ll take us on a vacation with them someday?” You asked Jordyn out of curiosity, remembering the conversation you had with Melo wondering if the two of them ever talked about doing the same.
“Shit, I don’t know but that’ll be the day I’ll probably let Miles put a baby in me,” she replied.
You pursed your lips at her in response, raising your eyebrows.
“Tell me you wouldn’t let Melo do the same?” She scuffed.
“Guess it depends on where we’re at,” you laughed.
“You would make cute babies… you and Melo.”
“Stop,” you laughed. “Maybe in 5 or 10 years.”
“Shit, maybe now. Secure that bag sis.”
You glared at her before chuckling and she shrugged, drinking the juice the flight attendant just handed to her. For the remainder of the flight you peered out the window as you would soon be landing. The grass was greener. And the ocean was soon within view.
After you got off the plane and got your luggage, you found your shuttle bus and we’re on your way to your hotel. You looked out your window admiring the beautiful tropical and urban feel that Miami has. The tall city buildings were within view with the ocean in the distance it was a unique site unlike any city you have been to before.
“The Palms Hotel and Spa,” Jordyn read the paper out loud while dragging her suitcase along with her. “Well God bless these boys and their wallets.”
You arrived by night time and had the next four full days to enjoy. The two of you excitedly settled into the resort hotel room. As you put your stuff down you decided to pull out your phone and text Melo.
You: we made it!!🥳
Melo🥰🥰🥰: that’s good baby have fun ☺️ I’m happy for you.
“Sooo what should we do first?” Jordyn asked.
“There’s so much.. I don’t know where to start,” you replied.
“I’m starving, I say we get lunch then go to the beach,” she stated.
“That sounds perfect,” you replied.
After the two of you found the hotel restaurant and ate, you changed and got ready for the beach. It was just a short walk as the hotel was only steps away from the shore. As you walked there you saw the pool and all the people who were sunbathing. You relaxed in your chairs after layering in sunscreen. The sun was strong and it was the perfect day with perfect weather.
You looked over at Jordyn who was just as relaxed as you. There were a couple people out in the water in the distance. You closed your eyes for a second, embracing the moment.
“Jordyn… when we stopped talking as much were you more mad about anyone in our group in particular?” You asked her, peering through your sunglasses to look at her as she adjusted herself in the lounge chair beside you.
“Not really mad I guess more sad… I missed hanging with all of you but we were well out of high school and it just made sense. I learned that high school friendships are really just most convenient to have because you see each other everyday,” she shrugged.
“Was me being with Tristan ever the reason for you guys?” You mumbled, looking into the ocean water in the distance now.
“I mean- yeah we were all kind of upset because you didn’t make as much time for us as you used to but I get it Y/N.. I mean. For Jaz, I think it was more out of jealousy. She had never had a boyfriend…”
“And I didn’t think I ever was bragging about it in a way?” You defended. “I talked about him more to you than her or Bria…”
“Right. And Bria… Bria honestly didn’t seem to care about having anything to do with us once she got into Duke,” Jordyn laughed.
“Yeah, I know her smart self wanted to stay somewhat close to home even though she got her acceptance letters from Yale, Columbia, Princeton..”
“I know, she was always so into school I remember that. Good for her, she deserves what she always wanted,” Jordyn smiled.
“I miss them though… a lot. I miss when we were tight. We thought we were the shit too,” you laughed.
“No because you’re not wrong… we had some haters back in our day,” Jordyn laughed. “Our little clique was so cute.”
“It’s funny how none of that matters now but I love that. Life outside of high school feels so much more meaningful.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda cringe thinking about being there now…. I’m so glad we’re done,” Jordyn sighed.
“Me too.”
“I’d like to think they only wanted what was best for each of us to have… I don’t think there was beef, just a heavy fall out,” Jordyn replied, taking a sip out of her water bottle.
“Would you ever reach back out to them?” You asked her.
“Ehh, depends. I’ve thought about it… but right now it’s more like watching them from afar, congratulating them on their success, just being happy for them,” she nodded and you smiled at her for being so level-headed.
“I just feel so stupid I let a toxic relationship take over my life. Like he would get weird when I would try to make plans with you guys? That’s so wrong.. forreal.”
“It is! But you learned your lesson Y/N don’t beat yourself up about it…. Let’s talk about better things… the fact that we’re here right now, under the sun. By the ocean.”
“Agreed, I’m sorry. Didn’t want to put a damper on things with that…”
“Don’t apologize babe,” Jordyn cooed and you smiled sweetly at her.
“I’m so in love with it here,” you sighed, feeling the sun warming up your skin.
“Yeah, we’re just missing our boys…”
You sat in silence for a while, embracing the moment.
“I wonder if we posted that we’re here together…
“That the girls would comment or message us? Me too…”
“I don’t wanna stir anything up but-“
“It won’t,” she said quickly. They shouldn’t even be worried.”
“I remember a while back they said they always wanted to go on a trip, just the 4 of us.”
“Yeah, but that was high school. When we had no jobs and had to ask our parents for McDonald’s money,” Jordyn said and you chuckled.
“Yeah.. true. I miss them sometimes but I think it’s for the best.”
You picked up your phone to check it and found a text from LaMelo.
Melo🥰🥰🥰: you enjoying yourself baby?
You: yes I am ☺️ thank you again, how’s your day?
Melo🥰🥰🥰: it’s going okay. Feeling tired, might nap before the game tonight.
You: good, rest up 😊 you deserve it.
Melo🥰🥰🥰: and so do you, when you come back, I might have another surprise in the works.
You: again?🥺🥺 stoppp.
Melo🥰🥰🥰: yes but, super lowkey.
You: you bless me so much. Please tell me everything I can do for you lmaoo
Melo🥰🥰🥰: keep sucking my dick how you do I’m playing 💀💀 Well Not really 🕺🏾🕺🏾🕺🏾
You: 😂
Okay☺️💁‍♀️say less
Are you serious about another surprise?
Melo🥰🥰🥰 yes but it’s still in the early stages. Don’t worry too much. Have fun my sweet y/n😊
You smiled and your phone before putting it down, Jordyn smirked at you.
“What?” You giggled.
“You’re so in love bitchhhh,” she laughed.
“Shut uppp, I know,” you replied bringing your hands to your face.
“Any drinks for you ladies?”
“Yes please,” you smiled.
“Umm… we’re not 21 yet…” Jordyn told the guy and you glared at her.
“Well Um- I’d hate for it to go to waste..” he replied in a hushed tone. “Plus, this was already paid for by…” he squinted at the paper. “Mr. Bridges.”
You looked and Jordyn and laughed. The two of you grabbed the glasses.
“Thank you,” you both said at the same time before he walked away.
“Mr. Bridges, what a gentleman,” you smirked and Jordyn rolled her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, he’s alright,” she said while flipping her hand.
“Oh now he’s just alright?” You asked.
“Yup,” she laughed.
“Stopp, not you acting like he’s already getting on your nerves,” you laughed. “You know you’re obsessed with his ass.”
“I know… God he’s so fine. He told me he has something planned for me when we come back. I really like how he can be so sweet.”
“That’s so cute Jordyn, enjoy that shit. You’re lucky to have him.”
“I don’t think you realize how lucky you are… like so many girls wish they could be in the spot that you’re in,” she exclaimed and you shrugged.
“That’s a good point but I don’t know- yes I 100% feel lucky, but it feels natural. Like yeah he’s LaMelo Ball but he’s my Melo,” you replied.
“Girl stop I will cry right now… humble ass.”
“And you and Miles?” You asked and she started smiling, shaking her head.
“Not as in love compared to you two,” she sighed.
Your eyes fell as you looked at her.
“What… no. Don’t compare… we’re at two completely different stages. What makes you say that?” You asked her.
“We both very much have feelings for each other, we do. Sometimes I just think it’s too good to be true. I’m just trying to enjoy the moment as best as I can.”
“As you should…” you replied. “But why would it be too good to be true?”
“He’s so sweet, our sex is amazing but… a relationship is the only thing I’m not sure what will come out of this.”
“Is that what you would want?” You asked her.
“I think I’m more sad because I felt like that’s what I would’ve wanted but… who knows. Ahh, maybe I’m just over thinking it.”
“Then try enjoy the moment, love. What’s meant to be will be, I’m sure of it.”
She smiled at you. “You’re right.”
“Plus, they planned this for us, I wonder who’s idea it was,” Jordyn inquired.
“I was thinking that too. They’re so cute it makes me sick,” you chuckled.
“I know, they deserve to be here. I’m sure they’re focused though.”
“Yeah, I bet they are. Where do they play tonight?”
“Oh they’re going to get their asses whooped tonight… bless them,” she replied.
“You hardly have faith in them,” you laughed.
“Well I mean… you know how it goes. They just struggle defensively.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“I love watching them play, they look so fine on the court,” Jordyn sighed.
“I know, Hornets really have the finest players right now, you ever think about that?”
“Hell yeah,” she replied.
“So, what should we do tonight Queen?” You asked her.
“We can go out…. We can go by the water again…”
“Let’s go out… we deserve it.”
The two of you got ready, carefully putting your clothes on your warm skin after showering and laying out in the sun today. Now feeling your best in your outfits, the two of you took an Uber to downtown Miami and began walking around attempting to find the best clubs.
The night air was still warm and the city looked lit up in the dark. You and Jordyn linked each other’s arms to stay together.
When you walked into the club, you looked around. It was filled with a decent amount of people but not too crazy. You got a table with Jordyn as you looked around.
You were offered drinks at the bar and accepted them. Sipping on them slowly, your eyes scanned the sea of unfamiliar people coming and going. You wondered who you would see.
“Well… should we see how many places we can get into before they ID us?”
“Oh shit.. I didn’t even think about that,” you replied. “We’re really walking around here like we’re grown.”
“I don’t think they care.. when you’re pretty and look of age you get anything you want,” she replied.
“So that much be the daily manifestation you tell yourself,” you giggled.
“Works like a charm, how do you think I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted so much,” she shrugged and suddenly everything made sense about her for you.
“I love you bestie,” you replied.
“Ain’t that Melo’s girl?” You heard a voice say. You quickly looked at Jordyn wide-eyed. She read the look of worry on your face.
“Yeah yeah, I think that’s her!” You heard the other voice through the crowd of chatter. You carried on, taking a sip from your glass.
“Ummm. Y/N don’t freak out but… Tyler Herro and Jack Harlow might be talking about you.”
“Deadass,” she replied.
“I’m scared, I think we should go,” you whispered to Jordyn.
“What?!” She exclaimed. “Nah, nah, we don’t have to let ‘em ruin the fun. Maybe it’s a good thing!”
“Okay, but I’ve never been recognized before.. what do I do?”
“Just be your chill, normal self, you don’t need to change for nothing. Shitt, they recognized you before you did them?? That’s insane Y/N.”
“I guess you’re right but why does he know me?” You asked. “I’m tryna figure out-“
“Hey mamas,” you heard the voice say and you prayed to God they weren’t talking to you.
“Hello,” you reply slowly before processing what he called you.
“It’s Tyler baby, how you doing?”
“Oh my god-“ Jordyn slipped out and you felt yourself get red from second-hand embarrassment, but you decided to play along. Jack stood beside him, amused as he observed Tyler trying to spit game.
“Tyler who?” You asked and his smile turn to a frown. Jordyn looked at you impressed for a moment, and you crossed your arms, awaiting his response.
“Don’t play with me like that mamas you know who I am,” he stated and you looked at Jordyn trying to hide your sly grin growing but she was already laughing too hard.
“Umm, I don’t know… but it was good talking to you buddy,” you stated before walking away and Jordyn followed after you, giggling to herself.
“No way that dude is that corny,” Jordyn laughed and you joined in. “Not you hitting him with ‘buddy’.”
“Is it bad I’m kinda not surprised? That he’s corny?”
“Not really, he looks goofy as hell,” she responded and you laughed. “Plus he’s from Wisconsin.”
“Should I tell Melo?”
“Definitely,” Jordyn replied. “Stir up that pot baby.”
“Nah nah.. I shouldn’t, it’s not worth it.”
“I think you should. Maybe you’ll get him all riled up and they’ll go hard on Miami next time and Hornets would finally get a dub,” she shrugged.
“Jordyn- oh my God. We must attract NBA players… and Jack Harlow???? Because how would we randomly see Tyler Herro out of everyone else??l
“To be honest because- where’s Drake?”
“I’m saying! ‘Cause what the hell. Doesn’t he have a game to be at or something?”
“Go get your mans-“ Jordyn mumbled and you looked at her confused.
“Can I buy you a bottle?” You heard Jack ask Jordyn as they both approached you again. “We want to get y’all a table.”
“Yes, please,” Jordyn replied, melting at the gaze Jack was giving her.
You shot her a look and she calmly smiled at you. She had “go along with it” written all over her face. The four of you got into a table and you studied them carefully.
“So where are y’all from?” Jack asked.
“North Carolina,” Jordyn quickly replied. Very obviously swooning over Jack at this point, you were very much amused at her flirtatious demeanor as she tucked her hair behind her ear.
“What’s two fine young women from North Carolina doing out here in Miami?” Jack questioned.
“Just on vacation,” Jordyn replied.
“Without your man?” Tyler asked her before shooting you a look and you quickly bite your tongue.
“He’s actually playing right now,” Jordyn responded quickly.
“Playing who?”
“Cleveland… in Charlotte,” she stated.
“Ahhh so you been running around Charlotte doing the same as this one over here, hmm?” Tyler asked and you felt a bad taste in your mouth.
“Don’t worry about what we doing over there baby, worry about that footwork,” Jordyn replied and Jack chuckled before looking at Tyler.
“I like her,” Jack said while nudging Tyler who was completely unamused at this point, ready to give up on the two of you.
“I have a show tomorrow… you ladies wanna come?” Jack asked The two of you.
“Of course!” Jordyn responded quickly.
The four of you chatted and you soon eased up as the conversation grew light-hearted. It was very obvious Jack and Tyler were walking around here trying to have a good night, and Tyler was simply taking mental notes at how to be as charismatic as Jack.
Jack was clearly flirting with Jordyn and she was eating it up. When you guys parted ways, you started teasing Jordyn as you made your way back to the hotel.
“Girl, stand UP,” you laughed.
“For Jack? No, bitch I’m on my knees… I’m weak.”
You busted out laughing, shaking her shoulders.
“He knows what he’s doing.”
“I KNOW… don’t tell Miles,” she laughed, very tipsy off the liquor at this point.
“Oh I am,” you teased.
“Pleaseee don’t,” she begged.
“I’m kidding, come on let’s get you to bed.”
“Well, well, well,” you heard Jordyn say from the bathroom and you looked up at her in the mirror from the bed.
“What?” You asked.
“Look who texted me,” she stated.
“Oh my gosh, who?”
“Hope you’re living it up in Miami. I miss you and y/n,”
“From who?” You pressed.
“Bria… shockingly.”
“Hmm,” is all you say, looking down at your phone for a moment.
“She ain’t text me, so,” you responded.
She smacked her lips before walking out of the bathroom. “Really?”
“Yeah,” you shrugged. “It’s fine though.”
She smirked and quickly scrunched her nose before shaking her head and walking off.
“What?” You peered at her.
“Nothing,” she mumbled.
“Stop I know that look,” you said to her, getting up and walking towards her in the bathroom. You looked down at her make up products scattered on the sink then back up at her.
“I just had a… thought,” you stated deviously.
“Oh lord.. what kind? You have a lot of dangerous ones of those,” you replied and she laughed.
“Not always… can we flex a lil bit that we met Jack?”
“Ugh Jordyn…”
“What? Pleaseee,” she begged. “Our pictures we got last night were too cute.”
“We don’t even flex with our men, you sure you wanna do that?” You ask her with a laugh.
“I think Jaz is a fan of his… kinda wanna see if she’ll say something…”
“I feel like that won’t go as you think it will,” you replied.
“Why? You think she’ll be mad?”
“I don’t know Jordyn, hard to tell. Like I’m kinda happy about Bria reaching out but she didn’t even text me directly but mentioned me in your text…. the past is in the past. Maybe it’s best we leave it there.”
“Ehhh true… ugh what’s the harm in the picture though?”
“Good,” you smiled at her. “Have you talked to Miles?”
“Yeah, we’ve been texting, how about you and Melo?”
“Yeah I was probably going to call him in a bit.”
“What do you think he’s up to?”
“Good question… practice maybe?”
You looked down at your phone as it started vibrating as an incoming call was coming from Melo.
“Speaking of,” you smiled before you answered. “Hey Melo.”
“Hey beautiful, how’s your day going so far?”
“Good, we just had breakfast and the food was so fresh.. I love it here. How’s it going for you?”
“You’re so cute baby. And not much, it’s going okay, we lost last night…” he trailed off.
“Ohh, I saw that. I’m so sorry hun, how are you feeling?”
You look up at Jordyn who was waving her hands pressing you to get off the phone, you put him on speaker instead, smirking at her.
“I’m good, it is what it is, just gotta keep going,”
“You’re right. I can’t wait to watch you play again.”
“Y’all got any plans for tonight?”
Jordyn quickly shook her hands in response to his words, hoping you wouldn’t say anything. You glared at her instead.
“Yeah- we’re actually-“
“Heyyyy Jordyn I know you can hear me,” you heard Miles voice say and Jordyn went soft, smiling and blushing while swinging back and fourth.
“Hiiii,” she said back.
“How’d y’all know you we’re on speaker?” You chuckled.
“I have a 6th sense for my lover,” Miles said and you heard Melo laugh.
“Corny ass,” Melo stated before taking the phone back over. “Well I don’t wanna take to much do your time, I’ll text you camera girl.”
“Bye Melo,” you sang.
“Bye,” he chirped before disconnecting the line.
You attended the concert that night at the night club and had fun together. Nothing crazy happened but Jack remembered you two and spotted you in the crowd. You were glad you went, and as much as Jack pressed Jordyn to come back stage afterwards, she decided not to. For the remainder of the days of your vacation, you two talked about all the fun you had and before you knew it, it was time to fly back home.
When you got back, you were in Charlotte before Melo was, so you decided to unpack today before you procrastinated it for weeks. After doing laundry and showering, you anxiously waited for his arrival.
“You’re homeeeee,” you squeaked as Melo pulled you into his arms when he finally arrived.
“My baby girl,” he chuckled as you squeezed your body around his tightly. His warm embrace immediately brought you comfort. “How was your trip?”
“Really fun, thank you so much,” you said as you kissed him a dozen times. “I missed you though.”
“I missed you too,” he smiled. “You smell so good.”
“Thank you, I showered,” you giggled and he planted quick kisses on your neck and tickling you with his facial hair.
“You look fresh and your skin looks beautiful,” he smiled. “You’re glowing.”
“Melo… you’re so sweet,” you said in awe, looking up at him with your hands on his chest.
“I missed you so much,” he says now, voice low as he spoke and pulled you in to plant many kisses on your jawline.
“I wanted to make dinner,” you smiled at him, holding back from melting at his affection in that instant moment.
“Can I help?” He asked.
“I mean of course but- are you sure?” You giggled.
“Of course, I got this,” he said while he began to roll his hoodie sleeves up. “What we bout to make?”
“I was just going to make pasta with chicken, nothing crazy,” you smiled at him.
“Bet,” he replied, already digging in your freezer already for frozen chicken.
“Do you know how to defrost chicken?”
“Yeah, throw that bitch in the microwave,” he stated.
You laughed. “You and microwaves… I’m about to go throw yours out.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he started punching in the numbers on the microwave.
“Now you can grab the pot and get the water boiling,” you nodded.
“How much water?” He asked.
“I fill it about half way and boil that,” you replied. “Add a little salt and butter.”
“Okay,” he replied and you watched him as he filled it up, admiring how cute he looked as he was so focused on doing the task right.
“What does the butter do?”
“Shit… good question. I just always do it.”
“Chef Ramsey would be rolling in his grave at you right now,” he snickered playfully, shaking his head. “Some chef you are.”
“Hey! Shut up, you can’t even say that, he’s not even dead yet,” you replied and he laughed.
You watched him as the water started bubbling and he grew distracted by his phone for a moment.
“Don’t lose focus now,” you told him. “You need to be ready when the chicken is defrosted so you can season it.”
“My bad, I’m focused I promise,” he laughed. “What now?”
“Stir,” you encouraged him, “and add the noodles.”
He did as you told him and you admired how obedient he was without questioning it. His energy and presence in the room was strong and you realized how much you missed him while you were gone. You looked over at him before wrapping your arms around his waist. He took your sudden affection by surprise but quickly gave in as you kissed him softly.
“So I got recognized…” you began and he looked down at you with his head tilted for a moment.
“By who?” He asked.
“We were at a club and I swear on everything I heard someone say “is that Melo’s girl,” you chuckled, shaking your head before continuing.
“You went to the club?”
“I mean, yeah? When in Miami,” you shrugged.
“You not even 21 yet…”
“Guards let us In because we’re pretty, I guess,” you shrugged and Melo furrowed his brows at you.
“Kinda forgot we aren’t even of age… they let us in pretty much everywhere… they also gave us free drinks at the hotel, did you know that would happen?”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “That was Miles.”
“You could honestly still get what you wanted anywhere anyway; don’t you think?” You asked him.
He pursed his lips for a moment before responding. “I guess you right yeah. Shit I mean when he called they didn’t give a fuck who we was, they still needed a valid date of birth and ID and all that,” he laughed and you smiled at him.
“Thank you again for that,” you replied.
“Of course baby you don’t even have to thank me,” he smiled. “I’m happy that you had fun.”
“Well I have to thank you… somehow,” you smirked, giving him loving eyes. He quickly straightened his posture before he became too weak at the knees.
“After dinner,” he responded quickly.
“Well anyway, it was Jack and Tyler.”
“Who?” He asked.
“Jack Harlow and Tyler Herro,”
“…. Not that wigga Jack.”
“Melo!” You exclaimed, laughing.
“I mean- shit you know what I mean.”
“To be honest… they were trying too hard.”
“In what way,” he asked, cocking a brow and you smirked.
“They insisted on buying us drinks.”
“Did you let them?” He asked, jaw clenching now and you were tempted to tease him but you didn’t.
“Jordyn did, I didn’t… would it have been a problem if I did?” You asked honestly our of pure curiosity.
“No… I just don’t trust mufuckas… were you safe?”
“Yes, yes of course,” you reassured.
“Good,” he replied, kissing your lips quickly.
“It made me want to go on vacation with you though,” you whispered before looking up and smiling at him.
“We will baby, I promise,” he said before kissing your lips. You pulled away, studying his face for a moment.
“So you gonna tell me about the other surprises?”
“Which one?” He asked with a smirk.
“There’s more than one?”
“Nah- I mean maybe- who knows.”
“Melo!” You exclaimed, feeling slightly frustrated wondering what he could possibly be hiding from you.
“It’s good baby, be patient. I promise I’ll tell you. I like seeing you surprised.”
“Why,” you chuckled. “Do you like to see me all worked up?”
“No, not that. I love the way your eyes scrunch when you smile,” he admitted and you feel the butterflies in your stomach. “And how you pretend you don’t like surprises.”
“I’m not pretending!” You exclaimed but he rolled his eyes and kissed you.
“Yeah yeah,” he chuckled.
“I guess it keeps me on my toes but… ugh I just like to know.”
“Why’s that?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I guess I just like to know what to expect.”
“Okay then start expecting the unexpected,” he retorted.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah… like maybe I bought you an island.. or a new vibrator…. Who knows?” he shrugged and you laughed.
“Whatchu know about buying vibrators?” You chuckled. “And islands.”
“I’ll buy you the island and fuck you with the vibrator.”
“Boy what the fuck,” you say before laughing. “That sounds… tempting.”
“Stop,” he laughed. “Speaking of that… do you own one? We need to throw it out.”
You gasped in response. “That’s not your business…. Just don’t look in the top drawer of my dresser,” you joked and and he actually ran to go look.
“There’s nothing,” he yelled.
“Exactly! I was kidding…. Kinda.”
“Where is it?” He asked. ”That is my business.”
“Relaxxxx, I’m joking.”
He smacked his lips at you.
“Although I almost bought one since I wasn’t getting ate out for a long time,” you replied.
“When was this?” He asked.
“When I moved in here,” you stated.
He looked at you wide eyed, “when you was fucking with-? Oh hell nah.”
He picked you up and laid you down on the counter. “I’m going to make sure you feel good every day that you’re with me.”
Pretend it’s hot af in Miami at the time they went to visit lmao.
Suggestions I used 😊 thank y’all again:
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I LITERALLY can’t find the other one about asking for a friendship fall out story but that’s one I used too😩
@melosbabymama @ykiminlove @lilah1903 @neighboorhoodwhore @1-800anklebully @baddessbubble
71 notes · View notes
rookie year | chapter 11
a fic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,944 (record longest chapter so far!!!)
Warnings: All characters in this fic are 18+, Minors DNI, swearing, drug use, sexual explicit context, all that shiit.
A/N: a couple things…
• This is a fanfic so let’s pretend Miles doesn’t have kids lmaooo
• Some things I kinda follow with real life some I don’t, trying to say that’s without giving spoilers Lmaoo yk how it go it’s a fic.
• Songs I chose that are ‘playing in the background were top songs in 2019ish and some that I felt kinda fit the vibe so there you go
•as for the outfit she has on tonight – I really couldn’t decide what I would picture reader wearing. Nothing super fancy but maybe like a neutral-colored two-piece dress kind of thing? Idk let your imagination run wild with it😂💕
•y’all wanted to know what was going to happen so bad and I love that, but I can’t giveaway too much then it’s not fun for y’all to read if you know what’s going to happen 😂 enjoy💕
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November 23rd 2019
After Melo basically dragged you out of bed to go to breakfast with him, you sat at the table looking at the food you ordered, unsure if you should take a bite or lay your head down to take a quick nap on the table.
“Melo this looks so good, but I’m so tired,” you laughed. By the time you had gotten to bed last night, it was 3a.m.
It’s 7a.m. now.
“Shit Ion’ even be eating this early, I just wanted to do something for your birthday before tonight… then we can do something special, like tomorrow? Are you free?”
“You don’t either?” You laughed happy nonetheless that he at least wanted to spend time with you. “But yes of course I am.”
“Well, we’re gonna do something,” he stated, unintentionally slamming the table with his hand a little too hard. Two old people to the left of you looked at you sideways.
You looked at Melo and chuckled.
“You know this their prime time. They’re probably wondering what us young folk are doing up at this hour,” you mumbled.
“Rise and grind, bitch. It’s game day,” he mumbled, taking a bite out of his pancakes.
You giggled in response, shaking your head.
“Now Melo, what if they heard you say that?” You whispered.
He shrugged. “What they gon’ do? Hit me upside the head with their cane?”
As if he could not get more reckless with what he was saying, he also did not know how to keep his volume low either. You put your hand on his lips to quiet him.
“Shhh,” you playfully hushed him, even though his out of pocket comments were making you laugh.
He took your hand off his mouth and took the opportunity to gently plant a kiss on top of your hand before releasing it. You blushed in response and struggled to make eye contact with him as he proudly smiled at what he did.
You chatted about how he felt about the game tonight. You did not have that much time together this morning so the two of you attempted to eat what you could, both tired, Melo dropped you off and headed for his shoot-around practice.
You took a nap first and edited photos for your entire afternoon. You showered and had dinner as you waited for Jordyn to come over to start getting ready.
You and Jordyn had fun getting ready together. Chatting about your memories from the past and how great life is to be able to lead you up to this moment. You watched the remainder of the Celtics vs Hornets game on tv while the two of got ready for tonight.
“Girl I can’t believe I’m actually meeting him, like literally thanks to you,” Jordyn squealed. “This feels so unreal!”
“Of course girl, but don’t get all freaked out,” you laughed. “He’s a normal person too.”
She threw her head back, looking at you.
“Have you seen him dunk? That’s not normal person behavior,” she stated.
“Come on,” you laughed. “I’m serious.”
“Alright I’ll try to keep it cool.. no promises though.”
The two of you went up to Melo’s apartment.
“Girl I’m shaking,” she whispered.
“Well, shake it out!!” You laughed.
“I can’t do this,” he stopped.
“Girl what?” You laughed, grabbing her hand and dragging her closer to Melo’s door.
“What if he doesn’t even acknowledge me? Or thinks that I’m ugly??”
She was getting visibly worked up now over thinking all the negative possible outcomes.
“Stop, you look gorgeous and you’re fine as fuck. If he’s not instantly hard the moment he sees you-“
Melo’s front door flew open and Melo peeked his head out, grinning at the two of you.
“Y’all loud,” he laughed. “You coming in or what?”
You looked at Jordyn who’s face look like she had seen a ghost, you took her hand and brought her inside.
You beamed up at Melo and adored the outfit he had on. It was your first time ever seeing him with a chain on. He pulled you into a hug without saying much but giving you a loving look into your eyes instead. His arm remained rested on your shoulder as you both faced Jordyn.
You heard music blasting from the bathroom from what you had assumed was Miles still getting ready.
“Hi, I’m Jordyn, sorry I’m new to this, I’ve never met anyone famous, let alone been in there house,” she smiled.
“It’s all good, it’s good to meet you Jordyn, y/n told me you’re her only friend,” he teased and you nudged him right in the ribs.
“You’re mean,” you chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“I’m just playing,” he smirked, taking the opportunity to plant a quick kiss on your cheek as you pouted.
Jordyn’s eyebrows raised in approval in response to his actions.
Miles walked out of Melo’s bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and a toothbrush in his mouth still. His upper body fully exposed with his tattoos in plain sight.
“Aye Melo have you seen-“ he stopped in his tracks immediately when he saw Jordyn. You and Melo smirked when you noticed Jordyn who had her mouth wide open.
“Oh shit,” Miles chuckled, finally breaking the silence. “Sorry Jordyn, we weren’t suppose to meet like this.”
You looked at Jordyn who was still unable to form words.
“It’s nice to finally meet you though, I’m Miles,”he stuck his hand out and she slowly stuck hers out. He took her hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles.
“You too,” she stuttered.
“And you too camera gir- I mean y/n” he said with a devious grin while looking at Melo. Your eyes shot up at him and his cheeks were flushed as he gritted his teeth, mean-mugging the fuck out of Miles.
“Well-found it-“ he said while grabbing his cologne bottle off of the counter-top. “I’m going to finish putting clothes on,” he hollered, walking off. Jordyn still kept her eyes locked on his body all the way up until he shut the door behind him.
Jordyn shifted her eyes to you now, still looking stunned as she began fanning herself with her hands.
You looked at Melo who looked down at you and the two of you started cackling.
“That couldn’t have gone any worse, I hate you guys,” Jordyn mumbled.
“Jordyn it’s okay,” you smirked, walking over to her. “Now you can say you’ve almost seen him naked.” You teased.
She glared at you. You caressed her cheek.
“My sweet Jordyn,” you cooed.
“Fuck out my face,” she chuckled, pushing you away playfully. You smacked your lips at her.
“Don’t be mad at me!” You laughed.
She sat down on the couch and hopped on her phone. You went back over to Melo who had his arms crossed, taking in all of you and your outfit as he raked your body with his eyes.
“How’d the game go,” you inquired, not taking an eye off of his gold chain.
“Good,” he hummed. “How was your day?”
“Gooood,” you giggled.
“Oh my god-“ you heard Jordyn groan in response of the two of you. You smacked your lips in response to her sass.
“This new?” You asked him, taking the chain in your hand now and admiring the way the diamonds danced on the “1”.
“Yeah, you like it?” He asked.
“Yes,” you gasped softly. “A lot.”
“Did y/n tell you how she liked chains dangling in her face during-“
“Jordyn!” You yelled, quickly cutting her off, you felt the heat rush to your cheeks now, unable to meet your gaze with Melo who was really just adoring every ounce of your shyness at this very moment.
“I’ll remember that,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands together.
“How far is his house?” You asked, clearing your throat after attempting to change the topic.
His hand grazed up your neck as you spoke, as he flipped some of your hair behind your back, sending shivers down your spine.
“Like 20 minutes out, Miles said he’s driving separately. Jordyn you coming with us or taking the drive with your mans,” he asked smirking at her. She rolled her eyes in response.
“You know what Melo… I watched Ball in the Family. I shouldn’t be surprised by your slick mouth,” she snapped and he laughed.
“Aw hell nah, you funny Jordyn. Miles ‘bout to love your ass… Miles, hurry up!” He yelled to him.
“I’m coming, damn,” his yell back was muffled.
You guys were just waiting on Miles now. When he came out, Jordyn was drooling again. You were tempted to call her out after her slick comment but you decided to cut her some slack for now.
Jordyn and Miles chatted now, introducing themselves to each other and decided they would end up driving together.
You walked ahead with Jordyn and as Miles stayed back talking to Melo as he locked his door.
“They look rich, and fine as fuck,” Jordyn whispered to you.
“Daddies,” you replied jokingly in a whispered tone.
“What?” They both asked, having caught up to the two of you now inquiring on your topic of conversation.
Damn they moved quick.
“Nothing,” you both said in unison falling into fits of giggles.
When you got in the car with Melo, you felt an extra sense of confidence and a sense of ease. You also were anticipating what it would be like showing up with Melo and meeting the rest of the team, if they were all going to be there.
You were silent for most of the drive. You finally looked up at Melo.
“You good?” He asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“You over there all quiet, what’s on your mind?” He asked, reaching out for your hand and interlocking your fingers with his. Your heart began beating faster as you looked at your hands together and back up at his face.
He sensed your tension, and released your hand.
“My fault, y/n,” he muttered.
“No, no, Melo it’s okay, it’s not that,” you reassured as you took his hand back into your grasp again. “I guess I’m just kind of nervous.”
“That’s okay..I promise no one is going to ask you for a 1v1,” he replied and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
“No no, not that- I mean shit I would definitely get my ankles broken but- I guess I’m just wondering if you’re okay? That I’m coming with you.”
“Of course camera girl. They were going to meet you sometime soon anyway,” he shrugged. “It’ll be alright. I’m happy you’re coming with me,” he smiled, squeezing your hand.
“Thank you Melo… I’m kind of shy sometimes. Sorry in advance.”
“Don’t be sorry y/n I love that about you.”
You looked at him and smiled, scanning his side profile as he drove.
“And I’m sorry what was that Jordyn said about liking chains-“
“Melo,” you warned him playfully.
“My fault, my fault,” he chuckled. “You’re so cute when you’re all shy. We can talk about those kinds of things if you want, I don’t mind,” he murmured.
“Oh my god-“ you cringed at your own shyness and at this topic. “Why you say it like that?”
He laughs in response. “Last time you said something about “tongue game kinda crazy”?? Where’s that energy at now?”
“Look,” you began. “It’s different, she called me out on it and I wasn’t ready for it.”
“Shit don’t act innocent, you were coming at her for how she was looking at Miles,” he chuckled and you glared at him.
“Who’s side are you on here?” You asked in a playfully angry tone.
“Yours, always,” he smiled.
“Mhm, as you should be,” you whispered.
Without saying a word he brought his hand to your face and squeezed your cheeks. You quickly gripped his wrist.
“My makeup,” you whined.
“Girl, I’ll ruin that shit,” he mumbled.
You bit your lip, looking at him with eye brows raised. He smirked at you once before bring his eyes back on the road in front of him again.
Melo pulled his car up behind Miles. There were already plenty of cars parked up in his driveway and on the street.
When you walked in, Hot by Young Thug was playing through the speakers. Cups and drinks were poured up and handed to you immediately. There were so many new faces around you. The house was beautiful and huge. With very little furniture inside, it looked modern, rich and boujee as fuck.
Melo observed your face as you scanned everything around you. As he said what’s up to the other players, he introduced you to them. It became a common occurrence for them to have a reaction of looking you up and down and grinning at Melo in approval.
You would look up at Melo as he talked to them and occasionally yell a couple words over the music when they asked you what your name was and how you were doing. Sometimes they would talk to each other in an even lower tone and you could not hear them at all. Frustrated, you would squint your eyes at Melo, he remained with a smug look.
“This your girl?” Kelly asked.
Finally, you thought. At least somebody questioned it. You anticipated Melo’s answer but once again, you could barely hear his response, and this time he turned his head when he spoke closer to Kelly’s ear so you could not even try to read his lips.
You tried to gauge the possibility of what Melo said based off of Kelly’s response.
Nonetheless, you were kind of disappointed when all he said was, “nice to meet you,” while flashing you a sweet smile.
You forced a smile back.
“You too, Kelly, your house is beautiful,” you replied.
“Thank you, help yourself to anything!” He nudged before going back to his conversation with Melo.
You looked up at Melo and his eyes were on you now as he spoke with Kelly. You walked off to go venture out and socialize but Melo grabbed your hand.
“Where you going?” He asked.
“To find Jordyn,” you replied, continuing to walk off into the other rooms.
You eventually came across the table with more drinks and bottles laid out. You found yourself another drink and also found Jordyn.
“Hey queen,” you nudged. “How’s it going?”
“Good girl but I’m so nervous, he smells so good and I feel like I’m sweating,” she huffed while fanning herself. “Do I smell?”
“No,” you laughed, bringing her hands down for her. “You look amazing and I’m sure he’s having fun with you.”
“Hey camera girl,” Miles popped up from behind you and handed Jordyn her drink. It was funny hearing someone else besides Melo refer to you as that. “Where’d Melo go?”
“Talking to Kelly,” you sighed. “So I came to find my girl.”
“She’s taken care of,” Miles smiled warmly, looking at Jordyn to scan her face with his eyes. “You meet everyone yet?”
“Almost, I think,” you shrugged.
Miles greeted someone and you had Jordyn to yourself for a moment. You huddled her over to a corner.
“Kelly asked Melo if I was his girl,” you whispered.
“And what’d he say?” She gasped.
“I don’t know, that’s the problem. He whispered something to him but I didn’t hear,” you replied.
“Oh y/n I’m sure he didn’t say anything bad. If he brought you here there’s definitely no shame in how he feels having you around, especially with the whole team here,” she shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.
“True,” you smirked, then quickly changed the topic.
“How was the drive here?” You asked.
“First of all I never been in a car that nice,” Jordyn laughed. “But it was nice. He’s really cool.”
You grinned from ear to ear. “Love that.”
“But don’t sweat it- about Melo I mean. I can see how he looks at you…” she trailed off, and you felt yourself blush. “Definitely a little something something going on there.”
You playfully nudge her shoulder, “my god.”
“You drinking?” She asked.
“Little bit, not going to get to crazy with it. You?”
Miles comes back around handing her a shot.
“I’ve already taken 2 shots…” she mumbled, downing it after she spoke.
“Girl, slow down, don’t do too much,” you reckoned.
“I know, mom,” she teased. “Have fun,” she encouraged. “Mix and mingle. You’ll never know who you’ll meet around here…” she squinted her eyes, referring to everyone. “Clearly.”
Miles had her attention again, so you turned to explore some more and get yourself another drink. Before you could get something for yourself. You wander a bit, scanning some of the faces of the girls here talking to some of the Celtics guys.
“Y/n!! Take a shot with me,” Terry nodded, popping up in front of you while handing you the mini red solo cup and pouring it up for you.
“Welcome gang, it’s good to have you here,” he said, clinking his mini solo cup on yours.
“Thank you Terry,” you chuckled before downing your shot.
“Melo said sum’ bout a 1v1?” He asked with a smirk and your bring your hand to your forehead.
“Aw hell nah,” you chuckled.
“I’m just messing with you y/n, it’s good to meet you,”
“You too, Terry,” you replied.
You lost track of Melo at this point after he was not in the same room you found him anymore. You made your way to a room that had less bodies.
Playing Games by Summer Walker began playing on the speakers at a quieter volume now. You checked your phone once before slipping it back into your pocket.
“Hey,” you heard a voice behind you say, catching you off guard when he placed his hand on your shoulders you let out an inaudible gasp. You turned your body around to face him.
“Hi,” you grinned, recognizing him and being immediately side tracked by his pretty face.
“Jayson,” he smirked while putting his hand on his chest to introduce himself.
His smile was sweet. He had his beard fully grown out with his glasses sitting on his nose, fresh fade and some jeans and a flannel on.
“I know who you are,” you nudged him playfully. “Nice to meet you Jayson, I’m y/n.”
“I just wanted to come over here to say you are so beautiful, who’d you come here with?” He asked with a smile.
“LaMelo, my friend Jordyn and Miles,” you replied casually while taking a sip from your drink.
He chuckled and looks down before looking back up at you.
“What?” You questioned him, cocking a brow at his demeanor.
“Where he at,” he asked, shaking his head, smug grin on his face.
“Umm, that’s a good question,” you say before nervously looking down at your phone then back up at him. His radiant confidence was definitely hard for you to take in. “I was just looking for him actually.”
You were unaware that Melo was watching the two of you now, and he took a step back when he caught a glimpse of Jayson smiling at you.
“He prolly around there somewhere… you having fun?” He asked, his tone was calm and his overall vibe was relaxed.
“Yeah, it’s nice… Big house,” you nodded, looking around.
“Yeah, it’s the lifestyle,” he shrugged. “What do you do?” He asked, taking a step closer to you now as you were unable to see anyone or anything behind him now as his shoulder was way past your height.
“I’m a photographer.”
“Really? okaay, that’s what’s up,” he replied nodding his head. “What kind of pictures you take?”
“Portraits, wedding shoots, stuff like that,” you reply, sipping on your drink.
“Have you ever thought about being one of the NBA photographers?”
“You know, I haven’t thought about doing that, but I’m looking to own my own studio eventually, keeping my options open though, you never know,” you shrugged.
“Look at you,” he chuckled, nudging you in the arm.
“Yeah,” you shrug, catching yourself on how close he was to you, you subconsciously took a step back before looking back up at him.
His words were cut short when your arm was squeezed by a hand. Jayson’s face fell when he realized it was Melo trying to get your attention.
“Hey, Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec,” he asked but barely giving you and option to say no, he swung his arm around you and you walked away only a few feet away from where Jayson was still standing.
“Melo, I was about to get a new client,” you said jokingly as he pulled your arm into the other room, you finally looked up at his face to realize he was not amused whatsoever.
“Don’t talk to him or associate with him. He a hoe.”
“Melo I was just having a conversation-“
“Yeah, Melo, we were just chatting, nothing to worry about my boy,” Jayson smirked while patting his hand on Melo’s shoulder
You could see the veins popping out on Melo’s neck now.
“Oh nah nah yeah it’s cool lemme just go talk to your baby momma then, how’s she doing? She know you here?” Melo asked and you wished he just bit his tongue at this point. You bit your lip, afraid as to what Jayson would fire back with.
Jayson took a step back before responding. Marcus quickly popped up behind him putting his arm around his shoulders. To your surprise, he kept his composure.
“You good, Jay?” Marcus asked him.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded. “Good game tonight, LaMelo.”
“Yeah, for sure,” Melo nodded and Jayson walked away.
You stood looking at Melo wide-eyed.
“What?” Melo asked.
“What… was that?” You asked him.
“Remember when… a… certain person said “NBA players do not take bitches seriously?” Melo asked, eyes bouncing between both of your eyes.
“Yes? But what does that have to do-“
“He’s an example of that shit, don’t talk to him,” he stated.
“But Melo that wasn’t even where the conversation was going?” You replied cocking a brow at him.
“I don’t give a fuck what that man was saying, I know where his head was at,” he scuffed.
“Melo I… wait,” you stopped yourself as a smug look grew on your face. Looking like spongebob when he found out squidward likes krabby patties.
“What?” He snapped.
“Were you feeling some type of way because Mr. handsome Boston Celtics Jayson Tatum was trying to have a conversation with me?” You asked, batting your lashes at him, unable to contain the sense of pride you were feeling. Definitely pushing your limits at this point.
“I ain’t say all that…” he replied, turning his head to the side as you could see his cheeks began turning pink. “Now why you gotta say it like that? You think he cute?”
“Well-“ you shrugged, still unable to wipe the grin off your face.
“Aw hell nah,” he started.
“Melo,” you say in a hushed tone now, using both your hands to bring his face to meet yours. “I’m kidding.”
He remained silent but looked into your eyes.
“I don’t have eyes for anyone else,” you whispered.
“Then who you have eyes for?? Because you sure was giggling, giving him heart eyes and shit,” he responded with a scuff while rolling his eyes.
You chuckled at his word choice.
“Melo… are you jealous?”
“I-“ he scuffed, ready to give up on giving any sort of explanation.
“Hey- Y/N- oh shit sorry did I interrupt something?”
You look at Melo who was still visibly upset, refusing to make eye contact with Kelly. You looked back at Kelly and forced a smile.
“Not at all, hun,” you replied and Melo rolled his eyes. “What’s up?”
“Um- I think you need to come see this,” he mumbled, pointing towards the kitchen.
The three of you made your way to the kitchen where Come Get Her by Rae Sremmurd was playing. Hardly surprised by the site but rather more amused, Jordyn was dancing on top of the table singing along to the lyrics.
This bitch, you thought.
You looked at Melo.
“Imma go get Miles,” is all Melo said before swiftly slipping out of the small Group of people that was forming.
“Yeah,” you say before attempting to get Jordan off yourself you stuck your hand out for her.
“Okay- hey Jordyn please come down,”
“AHHH Y/N come up here and dance with meeee….
“No babe, you’re drunk and In heels, please come down,” you yelled to her.
“Whattt? I can’t hear you? SOMEBODY COME GET HER SHE’S DRINKING ALL THE LIQUOR,” she sang.
“You sure are,” you chuckled. “Please come down.”
“Nooooo!- oh my-“
“Alright, come on pretty girl,” Miles grunted as he reached up to grab her.
“Oh my gosh, Miles you’re so strong,” Jordan giggled as he used both arms wrapped around her to pick her up off of her feet and brought her to the ground. He took her hand and helped her walk out of the room.
You had your hand on your mouth with the urge to laugh with a side of secondhand embarrassment from your best friends antics. You looked up at Melo who seemed to still be in shock at the situation that played out. He looked down at you, holding back a grin.
“I think we should probably go,” you sighed. “‘Specially after that.”
“Yeah…” Melo trailed off.
You studied his face for a moment before shifting your eyes to Miles who had Jordyn on the couch beside him. You and Melo walked over to them.
“Thank you Miles, we can drive her if you want, I’m bringing her home with me anyway, sorry about that,” you chuckled.
“It’s all good. I was with her but I just stepped away for one second to go to the bathroom and I guess that’s when she hopped on the table,” Miles replied while shaking his head.
“That’s right,” Jordyn nodded.
“Let’s take you home,” you told her, helping her get up to her feet. Miles takes over for you anyway, and took Melo’s keys to help her into Melo’s backseat. As Melo was saying goodbye to some of the guys in the house still, you were up against the car admiring Miles as he sat with Jordyn, keeping the conversation going entertained by her drunk personality.
“She’s so cute,” Miles whispered to you before giving you a friendly hug goodbye.
“She has my number… I don’t know if she’ll remember in the morning,” he laughed. “But she can text me.”
When Melo finally got back to his car for you guys to leave, he did not say much before he started driving.
“So, um anyway…” you finally began, breaking the silence.
“We can talk about it later y/n,” Melo muttered.
“Or now? Please,” you pressed. “I don’t want you to be upset… Jayson approached me first.”
“I know, I know y/n I did too much, I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault I was upset,” he replied.
“You talked to Jayson? Tatum?” Jordyn perked up, holding herself up with your seat behind you.
“Yeah, well he came up to me,” you stated in your defense.
“Did they fight? Did I miss the fight?? Awww man y/n if two fine ass men fought over me, I would’ve just asked for a threesome,” she slurred while throwing herself back into her seat when Melo stopped at the red light.
Melo rolled his eyes, completely unamused but trying to watch his own attitude this time around.
“Jordyn,” you chuckled. “you’re drunk please be careful, sit back at put your seatbelt on.”
“I’m not that messed up, y/n.”
“And don’t you throw up in my back seat girl,” Melo demanded, purposely deepening his voice.
“I appreciate you pulling me out of that Melo. I promise he wasn’t doing too much or making me uncomfortable, it’s okay,” you told him, putting your hand on his arm.
He remained silent, eyes on the road with his jaw clenched.
“I-I guess I was…” he mumbled.
“Huh?” You asked, smirking now.
“Don’t make me say it again,” he muttered, rolling his eyes.
“I wanna hear it,” you whispered, looking out the window.
Melo finally pulled up into the parking garage.
“I was jealous okay, damn. I didn’t like what I saw… his lil punk ass talking to what’s mine and shit,” he muttered.
“Don’t trip, Melo,” you chuckled. “ Forreal. I like you.”
He playfully gasps, “really?”
“Oh don’t get all cocky now pretending like you already knew-“
“Well then why didn’t you tell me-“
“I didn’t think I had to say it,” you exclaimed.
“Well clearly-“
“Can y’all please kiss already? GOD DAMN,” Jordyn yelled, slamming her hands on her lap.
Melo chuckled, looking down at his lap. You felt yourself heat up in response to her comment.
“Come on Jordyn, let’s get you changed and in bed,” you said, looking back at her.
“Hold on, hold on maybe she’s onto something,” Melo smirked at you, licking his lips and you meet his gaze with nervous eyes.
“With her in the backseat just watching us?” You asked with a laugh.
“I’ll look away,” she laughed. “Now kith.”
You made eye contact with him again from your seat, his eyes scanned your lips.
“Melo, why you going so fast?” Jordyn asked.
“We literally aren’t moving,” you replied.
“Ugh guys I think I’m gonna-“
“Get the fuck out my car, GET THE FUCK OUT MY CAR!”
Taglist: @baddessbubble ​ @lilah1903 @ykiminlove @neighboorhoodwhore
Also big credit to this ask for the inspiration for this chapter 💕
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97 notes · View notes
rookie year | chapter 8
• a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball •
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4,357
Warnings: All characters in this fic are 18+. Minors DNI. Swearing, mentions of drug use, all that shittt.
A/N: early post supriseeee, it’s Tuesday but I’m on a roll and had this chapter done so fuck it. this chapter really just makes my heart flutter, pure fluff. I am love sick, truly, enjoy. let me know how you liked it and how it made you feel :)
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October 30th 2021
You finally were getting to see Melo today after not seeing him for what felt like forever. Ever since last week when you and Tristan broke up, he checked up on you when he had the chance by texting you and making sure you were doing okay.
He truly took your request seriously of sending you pictures of something cool, funny or random that he saw. It became almost an everyday thing where he would either send a plate of his food, a random picture of his face and tried to justify it because he said you specifically asked to send “something cool.”
He would also send a picture of maybe just a random statue or landmark. He started sending more views after you once told him that beautiful views were you favorite thing. He knew those little random messages made you smile and that is how those text messages grew to be a special way to connect even being hundreds of miles apart from each other.
Each day felt less and less painful since the break up. You were taking the time to work on yourself. You had not received a single call or text from Tristan. You have been on edge about it ever since, wondering if he would reach out to you to say anything else before he leaves for good.
Until now.
Tristan: My beautiful darling Y/N who I’ll miss very much. I’m sorry things had to end this way. I understand if you never want to talk to me again. Just know I always loved you and didn’t want things to end this way. I didn’t want them to end at all. I didn’t tell you my plan was the military because I didn’t want you to think badly of me. I guess that doesn’t make sense. All I know is I’ll always love you. No one will ever love you like I did. I wish you the best. I leave for boot camp on the first of November.
You scuff in frustration. It almost makes you want to laugh. Staring at your phone rereading it wondering how you put up with the toxicity for so long. You slipped your phone in your back pocket got out of your car, grabbing your coffee and purse.
You shut the door behind you and looked up startled and in shock, there stood Melo with his arms open.
“Oh my gosh,” you exclaimed running up to hug him.
“Heyy,” he chuckled while squeezing you tight. You let go of the hug and looked up at him, his eyes were low and he was cheesing extra hard.
You smirked and him.
“Hmm, I see what you were up to,” you teased.
“Whatttt?” He asked in a high pitched tone, trying not to laugh.
“Hmmm,” you hummed, reaching up to hold his cheeks, turning his face side to side to look into his red eyes, visibly high. He grabbed both your hands and brought them down to your sides.
“Don’t worry bout it,” he teased.
“Okay,” you huffed. “I’m just mad you didn’t ask me to join.”
“Awww, you smoke though?” He asked and the two of you began walking.
“No, yes, well I’ve done it a couple times it’s been a while,” you shrugged.
“I don’t want to corrupt you camera girl, you’re too pure for this world,” he stated while the two of you got to his car.
“I’m not that pure,” you argued and he looked at you sideways.
“Hmmm, oh really?” He stated getting his car started.
“Whatchu like to do for fun?” He asked you.
“Well- I… I guess I work a lot.. and I consider work fun. So that’s a good question,” you shrugged.
“It’s okay, you getting the grind in. Let’s have some fun today though. You deserve it after all that… how you been feeling?”
You gave him directions on where to go as you spoke on the things you had not talked about with each other through text.
“Well, I was doing better without any contact with him but then he… texted me today and it just kinda refueled some anger,” you replied.
“Awww shit,” Melo stated.
“Yeah… I’ll uh- show you when we get there but besides that. How are you feeling?”
“Great now that I’m with you,” he stated and you smiled.
“Stopppp. I mean I’m honored,” you giggled. “But are you doing okay physically and mentally?”
“Yeah I mean, I’m proud of myself and how I’ve been doing this season. I just have love for the game, not much too it,” he shrugged.
“I love how you talk about it like it’s not a big deal,” you stated.
“I mean my love for the game is pretty natural,” he shrugged. “Nun’ crazy.”
“Don’t downplay it, you’re amazing,” you nudged him.
“Camera girl you gasssin’… I love to hear it though keep going,” he smirked.
“Nah that’s enough we don’t need that big head getting any bigger,” you teased.
When you got to the restaurant it was pretty empty. You wanted to go to this small Chinese Restaurant near your hometown that you always used to go to.
“So spill the tea,” Melo said while leaning back in his seat. “What happened with ‘ol wanna be military boy?”
“Well… I actually haven’t heard from him, so I was doing great but then today…” you say pulling out your phone and pulling up the text from Tristan. You hand it over to Melo and he furrowed his brows while he read it.
“First of all, why are his messages green? Wit’ his broke ass,” he said while he continued to read it and you could not help but laugh a little.
You scan his face while he reads it, he shakes his head while handing your phone back to you.
“That’s…” he trailed off. “a toxic response. Talking bout some ‘No one will ever love you like I did,’ go to hell,” he mumbled and you laugh again.
“Yeah I don’t think I want to pay any mind... It feels like one big lie. I just know it is,” You shrugged.
“Wait so… how exactly did the conversation start though? Like the day it happened?” he asked.
You felt the heat run to your cheeks as you looked down at the table remembering it all.
“Well..” you start.
“Oh shit…” he replies.
“When we got home after getting my kitten, I opened up my laptop and I still had the pictures I was editing of you up. He was pissed and started going off talking bout some “why did you give him a photoshoot again” like it’s not my job… then he was claiming shit like we did plenty of photoshoots… this this and that and like I spend all my time with you.”
“What the hell, does he know we only did two?” He questioned while sipping his water.
“Yeah,” you sighed throwing your hand up in defeat.
“Wooow,” he dragged while raising his brows.
“Yeah so.. he was definitely jealous,” you stated crossing your arms.
“Damn,” he muttered, face scrunched up while he looked to the side with a smug grin on his face.
“LaMelo…” you stated firmly, squinting your eyes at him catching onto his pride getting the best of him in that moment.
“Sorry, my fault, my fault,” he brought his hand on his mouth to cover it, straightened his posture and rubbed his goatee as you continued.
“Then he said something along the lines of ‘ that’s slutty behavior and if I was trying to get with you without him knowing... He also said and I quote “‘NBA players do not take bitches seriously’,”
Melo crossed his arms now with a serious tone, “What the fuck?”
“Yeah… it was ugly.”
“We not all like that, I’m kinda pissed he said that, not kinda but really and more of the fact that he was extremely disrespectful to you. Ion’ give a fuck what that man thinks about me. I know who I am.”
“Yeah to be honest the more I look back the more I realized how mentally unstable he would act,” you sighed. “So I refuse to believe any sort of opinion he has.”
The waitress brought out your meals and the two of you began eating. You realized how at peace you felt at this very moment. You cherished it and felt grateful to be in Melo’s presence as it had felt like a while.
“Anyway, thinking about it now I’m glad I was strong enough to end things after that, I felt weak for so long. I feel like I’m getting my power back.”
He nodded in response.
“I can tell. It looks like you’re glowing,” he stated casually while taking a bite.
Your eyes soften at him.
“That’s so sweet,” you smiled. “Thanks for noticing that.”
“You’re welcome,” he grinned as if his compliment to you was nothing new.
With him sitting right in front of you, you took the moment to observe his features.
“It looks like your curls are getting longer,” you said while smiling down at your plate.
“Really?” He asked while pulling down on one of them and bringing it to be visible to his eyesight. He let it go and it recoiled back to its normal size. You smiled at the sight.
“Yes,” you giggled.
“I might cut it.”
“No don’t-“ you reply quickly.
“Why?” he smirked.
“I like them long,” you say softly.
“Ahh I just meant trimming then down a bit,” he stated.
“How much?” You questioned.
He laughed, and you admired his smile when he did, “I don’t know maybe you can be there when I’m sitting in my barber chair and let him know when to stop,” he advised.
“I absolutely would,” you shrugged.
You finish up eating and Melo pays. You thank him about 100 times and he said it’s really not a problem. You were appreciative of it but still insisted he would not overdo it.
He stopped you when you got to his car.
“Y/N say thank you one more time,” he laughed. “I’m forreal don’t be mad about me paying, I’m going to keep doing it and you’re not going to stop me,” he stated and you were taken aback by his firmness.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, damn Y/N, you wanna check my bank account so you know I ain’t lying?” He laughed.
“Well… I am curious as to what a couple million look like- wait no no no stop Melo,” you threw your hands up.
“What?” He asked, leaning against his car tilting his chin up exposing his neck to you as he looked down as you were deep in thought.
You thought about how you were concerned of the possibility that he would ever think you just wanted to hang out with him for his money. You thought about how you wanted to tell him you appreciated his genuine friendship and yeah it was cool that he had a lot of money but that was not why you enjoyed spending time with him. You wondered if all the people in his life were actually genuine. A life of being wealthy and famous is something that could quite possibly be the hardest when it comes to knowing who is really there for you. You put these thoughts aside, maybe you were just overthinking it all.
“Um- uh – thank you,” is what you finally mustered up to say and he picked you up with both arms, carrying you bridal style to the passenger seat before setting you in.
“That’s it,” he groans and suddenly you are in fits of laughter, feeling butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
He sets you into his passenger seat and looks into your eyes. You feel yourself shy away from his intense gaze.
“Look at me,” he says and you meet his eyes again, having a hard time not giggling.
“I’m going to keep paying because I want to, not even tryna brag like that but I want you to know, that’s how this is ‘bout to work,” he stated, using his pointer finger to motion the air between you and him.
“..and that sounds amazing and I really appreciate it I just don’t want you to ever think that I’m around you just for your money.”
“Camera girl-“ he backed up chuckling and slapped his hands on his legs.
“What?” You asked, concerned.
“I never thought of you that way. Ever. You’re honestly the realist person I’ve ever met,” he said and you felt a tinge of sadness wondering if your thoughts were true and if people really did use him for his money.
You looked up at him and smiled, using your hand to tap his drivers seat.
“Come in,” you whispered. “It’s chilly.”
He makes his way around the car and sits in the driver seat, starting the engine.
The two of you sit in silence for a bit attempting to warm up. His car felt familiar and cozy now. You burrow your face into your jacket.
“This town is cute, it’s little.” he says.
“Yeahh I’m convinced the locals are wondering what the hell a Lamborghini is doing here,” you replied and he laughed.
“You grew up close to here?” He asked.
“Yeah my childhood home isn’t far from here, it’s like less than 10 minutes away.”
“I’m tryna go meet Moms,” he joked and furrowed your brows at him in response.
“She’s married and I still have my dad in my life,” you chuckled.
“Oh nah nah I ain’t mean it like that,” he laughed. “Camera girl you think I’m into MILF’s or something?”
You laughed. “Shittt, I don’t know what you’re into.”
He studied your face for a moment after what you said and you finally looked up at him again.
“What?” You asked.
“Oh shit, I just remembered,” he stated while reaching for his phone. He pulled up his messages and you craned your neck to get a look but he noticed you watching so he hid his phone from you.
“Ah ah ah no peaking I’m ‘bout to send it,” he mumbled.
You rolled your eyes, “fineee.”
You awaited his message while he got it pulled up and hit send. You sat back in your seat and watched as he focused way too hard on trying to send one text. Like every brain cell he had was really focused on that one task.
You looked at your phone once it finally vibrated.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: you’re a vip to me 💕 1 Attachment
You looked up and him as he smirked looking at you, waiting for your reaction. You opened the image. It was a QR Code for a VIP court side ticket for a Hornets v. Heat game.
“Oh my God Melo, really? Courtside?”
“Yeah, it’s no biggie you know just had to pull a couple strings,” he shrugged.
“Forreal?” You asked.
“Nah I’m just playing, we get tickets for free but, the dude did kinda look at me funny when I told him I only needed one.”
“Awww, well is it weird that I’ll be there alone?” You asked him.
“Nah, not at all. Matter fact I’ll be right there with you… technically,” he laughed. “And you can bring your camera too, if you want.”
“Melo… this is so sweet. Seriously.” You admired the ticket on your phone than took a moment to process everything around you.
“It’s no biggie really. I want you to have fun and enjoy it.. even if you’re not sitting with anyone it’s really just a fun time to be there,” he shrugged. “You’ll see, it’s different being so close versus sitting far up. Whole new type of experience.”
Melo was treating you like a friend of his own now, and this all started just because you did a photoshoot for him. He looked at you and concern grew on his face due to your silence.
“…But I’m just your photographer,” you mumbled.
“Nooooo, don’t say that. You’re more than that camera girl, you’re special and you mean a lot to me,” he admits. “I’m grateful that I met you.”
You look at him in awe for his sweet words. His eyes bouncing around admiring every aspect of your face awaiting your response.
“Thank you Melo,” you smiled. “That means more than you know..”
You thought about how Tristan barely said such kind words like this to you. You winced at the thought and you quickly adjusted yourself in your seat to face him.
“I have to say… I’m excited. I’ve been keeping up more now.. with games and stuff,” you perked up.
“Oh yeah? Who’s your favorite team?” He asked with a smirk.
“Hmmm, lemme think about it,” you replied, pretending to be deep in thought.
He playfully pushed your leg with his free hand.
“Now, you tryna do something like go buy some pumpkins or something?” He asked and you laughed. “I mean, Halloween is tomorrow,” he shrugged.
“Damn that’s true, I kinda forgot… haunted house?”
“Let’s do it,” he shrugged.
The two of you spent a second researching which one you should go to. Unknowingly to you, he admired you for a moment as you were sitting in his passenger seat scrolling on your phone, happy to be in your presence.
You decided on one and he started driving. It was pretty in the cut and lowkey in another smaller town. You almost wondered it if was safe as you drove up to it and it looked like an actual house.
“Ummm,” you stated as you got out the car and adjusted yourself. Melo looked at you as you were wide-eyed and laughed.
“What? You can’t get scared now camera girl, it was your idea,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, I don’t know now,” you chuckled nervously.
“Come on, you’re a big girl,” he teased. “We’re here and committed now, so we have to.”
“Okay,” you whispered, not keeping an eye off of the building in front of you. You were hesitant now.
And for what? Yeah it had been a while since you went to a haunted house, but, it’s not real… right?
The two of you walked into the building and were greeted by a girl at the front desk with a Halloween themed make-up design on her face.
Melo bought your tickets and sent you a grin when he handed his card to her. You guys entered through the door to start going through the haunted house. Before you entered the first dark hallway, you stopped in your tracks.
“Ummm-“ you say a little louder and a little more nervous sounding this time.
“Nope,” Melo cut you off and grabbed your hand and gave you a tug. You had no choice, you had to go all in now.
The beginning was not super bad. It was dark, but there were some strobe lights. There were some people in costumes that jumped out at you.
Melo looked down at you with an amused expression on his face, still holding your hand through this point.
“This is.. okay,” you stated.
“Seee, I told you,” he lightly squeezed your hand before letting go of it. “C’mon.”
There was so much. You screamed a couple of times and Melo laughed. You started to loosen up and let the anxiety go. Everything was fake… until you saw the man with a chainsaw.
That shit was looking a little too real.
You did not know what the end was but the flashing white lights made everything around you appear daunting as it moved and then stopped and moved again as new things would move and appear closer to you, you felt like you were going to get jumped scared at any moment.
You had your eyes closed now and refused to look at anything in front of you. You reached out for Melo’s arm and linked yours around his in hopes that he would be able to guide you through the rest with him still having his eyes open.
“I can’t see,” you stated.
“Open your eyes then shorty,” he teased, nudging you.
You opened them. It was bright now. The room was completely white. There was no one around you. You could not tell what was going to happen next. You looked up at him. His face was relaxed and yours was clearly stressed but you forced a smile. He grabbed your hand again and suddenly, the room went pitch dark. You grab onto Melo’s arm again.
“Please step forward,” a voice echoed through the speaker.
You both took steps forward, small steps at that.
“A little more,” the voice stated.
“A little moreeeeeee….. stop.” the voice echoed and you both laughed after shuffling your feet, unable to see how far you had even moved up.
“What’s so funny?” An actual person voice asked now and you felt their presence right front of you and for the first time you felt and heard Melo have a reaction when he gasped and jumped back.
“Shit,” he laughed.
The lights turned on and a clown dripping in blood stood in front of you and you about lost it. Clowns freaked you out.
“Fuck that,” you yelled. The clown was in both of your faces now, knife in hand.
“You gotta be one crazy mother-“
The lights turned off again and you were both in each other’s embrace now when you nearly jumped into Melo’s arms.
The lights were suddenly on again. The clown was gone.
You both jogged your way out of there now that you noticed the white door handle connected to the wall.
You both went through and reached the end of the haunted house, back at the beginning as you were greeted by the girl with the makeup again.
“Have fun?” She smirked, tilting her head.
“No, maybe, yes, I don’t know,” you gasped realizing you were just trying to catch your breath.
“Have a good night,” she waved and went back on her phone.
You both walked out of the building. It was dusk now. You made your way back to his car and you both were too stunned to speak until you made it to the car.
“That was…. Definitely something,” you finally say, still feeling out of breath.
“You were so scared,” he chuckled. “For whattt?”
“Shut uppp…” you say covering your face in embarrassment. “Looook, that shit was crazy!”
“Yeah, it honestly was, shit kinda threw me off in that last room I damn near shitted,” he admitted and you laughed.
“I’m fucking deaddd,” you say as you got back into the car. The two of you sat for a moment.
You thought about what the two of you just experienced together and it made you laugh even more.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you say.
“You so cute when you laugh,” he grinned.
“Stopp,” you blushed. “Thank you… and you’re cute when you pretend like you’re not scared,” you teased.
“I wasn’t!!” He chuckled. “Shit was mid.”
“Mhmmm, sure,” you nodded.
He looked at you and playfully pushed your head.
“Where we going camera girl? Home now?” He asked.
The way he said home made your heart swell.
“We can,” you shrugged. “This has been fun… I kinda don’t want the night to end.”
“Me neither… wanna get ice cream?”
“Fuck it,” you shrugged.
Your last stop of the day was stopping by a local ice cream store. When you both got your cones he drove you back home and the two of you were silent, too focused on making sure your ice cream did not melt onto your laps and on his seats.
You licked your cone, watching as he had one hand on his steering wheel and the other hand wrapped around his cone. You watched as he licked the melting drops dripping off side of the cone.
You caught yourself nearly drooling at his tongue swirling on that cone and you laughed at yourself mentally.
He caught you staring.
“Whatchu looking at?” He chuckled.
“Tongue game kinda crazy,” you mumbled jokingly, in hopes he would not actually hear you. But he did.
He chuckled in response.
“You a freak camera girl,” he shook his head playfully. “What’s your mind in the gutter for?”
You studied his face for a moment, admiring the way his curls fell, swooning over his smile all day. His soft brown eyes looking into yours when he spoke to you. Feeling his hand in your own today and him being so protective over you. His intensity and the way he carried himself in full confidence. How could your mind not be in the gutter?
You giggled and lied, “Oh no reason.”
“Mhmm,” he smirked. “Don’t lie to me.”
“You’re nice to look at,” you shrug, “don’t let it get to your head though.”
“It already did,” he chuckled.
He pulled into the apartment complex now. You both for out of the car and walked together, making your way up the elevator per usual.
“Did you have fun?” He asked you.
“Of course, I always have fun with you,” you smiled up at him. The elevator stopped on your floor and the two of you walked to your door, standing up against the outside of it before entering your apartment.
The two of you gazing at each other in admiration but both were too scared to admit it.
“Well I’m happy you did,” he nudged you before pulling you into a hug.
When you released the hug, you remained close to him, looking up at him. It was cute how much he had to tilt his head down to remain in eye contact with you.
Two children came running down the hall, and you released your grip from him, watching as they flew past you.
“I’ll be back here these next couple of days but I’ll see you at the game.. and hopefully after if you’re free,” he shrugged.
“Can’t waittt, thank you again,” you sing while unlocking your door.
“I’ll see you then,” he grinned, grabbing your hand for a moment and squeezing it before walking away.
“See youuu, LaMelo,” you waved.
taglist: message me if you’d like to be added😊
@ykiminlove @baddessbubble @neighboorhoodwhore
107 notes · View notes
rookie year | chapter 7
a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 3,313 
Warnings: All characters in this story are 18+. Minors DNI. 
A/N: Long awaited!! So of course, let me know how you like it! Also, I kind of have a mental image of what I think Tristan would look like, but by the way he acts, I am curious as to how you guys picture him lmaoo, Let me know!!
A couple of you were excited for an update so enjoyyy :) 
Extended Warnings: Mentions of sex, swearing, sexism. 
Tuesday, October 22nd 2019
Since your last shoot with Melo, you had been busy with many other shoots and sending out photos you had finished editing within the weeks span. You were getting faster and better at photoshopping now. It’s helped you get your income up and save more money.
You also had not seen Melo since the shoot. He has been so busy with basketball and you were busy as well, finally getting around to editing his photos.
The two of you went back and fourth over text after the shoot about him paying you. You insisted that he should not after his extremely large payment the first time around. He would not take that as an answer. He was being playful with it now because every day since then, he sent you $10.00 with his signature emojis attached to it.
You: Melo!!!!!
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: I’m not arguing
Apple Pay: $10 
Take it
$5 get you a coffee today too.😊
You: Melo seriously, you didn’t have to.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: you work hard on what you’re passionate about every single day. You deserve it.
You: 🥺🥺🥺
I can’t say no to that
Zero self control
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: then don’t say no😊😊
You: you’ll see your photos soon I’m almost done 😊
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: don’t sweat it, no rush.
You: thanks for understanding and thanks for your support😊 good luck tonight!
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: thank youuu camera girl 🕺🏾💕
Oddly enough, you and actually began gaining more interest in basketball. You began keeping up with Charlotte Hornets games and watching them when you had the chance.
Meanwhile, Tristan told you last week he was planning a surprise for you today and after begging him for days to tell you what it is, he still would not tell you. You accepted your fate and waited, truly not having any idea what he was doing for you.
You got ready for him to pick you up and when he finally did, you were still side eyeing him, unsure of what the surprise was as he swore you were getting closer and closer to the destination.
“Okay we’re almost here, close your eyes.” He demanded.
“Right now right now?”
“Yes! Quick, do it,” he laughed.
“Okay fine,” you yell back while quickly using both hands to cover up your face.
A couple minutes went by and you began to tap your foot, wanting so desperately to just see.
“Okay… open them now,” he says.
You uncover your eyes to see you were parked in front of the Humane Society of Charlotte.
“You’re kidding-wait.”
“No, Let’s go get your kitten.”
“Oh my God Tristan-“
You rush out of the car and rush to go through the doors. Nothing mattered anymore except getting your hands on a furry friend.
There were so many animals. You made you way to the cat section. You admired the cats of all ages. They were all in tiny compartments with nothing but water and a bed set out for them. It was sad knowing they were all there for different reasons. Knowing that all of them might not have a chance at a forever home.
You looked at Tristan with tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“Don’t cry,” he chuckled.
“But look at them,” you whined while poking your lip out. There were cats of all different ages and breeds. You continued to scan all of your options.
You spotted a black cat that was in her compartment all alone. You approached her and put your hand on the glass. She began nudging her head on up against the glass on her side as if her head was actually touching your hand.
“She’s 8 months, fully vaccinated and microchipped, she was just turned in due to the owner finding out she was allergic,” the worker stated as she approached you and crossed her arms. “Her name is Lucky but often times people rename the animals they bring home and that’s okay too. We’re just happy to see them find a home.”
“What… that’s so sad,” you replied, palm still up against the glass.
“Wanna meet her?” She asked.
“Yes please!”
Tristan admired the interaction. The worker took you to the area where you could interact with the animals in a safe space.
You watched as she brought her out. You reached your hands out to grab her and she immediately hung onto your chest. She stayed there and did not let go. You felt the vibrations of her purrs.
“Oh my gosh, she’s purring,” you cried.
“She’s the biggest sweetheart,” the worker said. I’ll leave you two to make a decision.”
She swiftly walked away and you played with Lucky. She chased after the feather wand toy you held out for her.
“Take a picture,” you said handing Tristan your phone. “I need to remember this moment.”
He snapped the picture for you as you smiled, holding Lucky in your arms.
“You think she’s the one?” Tristan asked handing your phone back to you.
“Oh yeah, don’t you know? You don’t choose the cat, the cat chooses you,” you replied and he laughs.
“You’re the expert. She’s all yours. Happy early birthday baby,” Tristan stated.
“You’re kidding,” you respond, still in shock at the fact that you did not think looking at kittens would be on the agenda for what Tristan had planned for today. “But my birthday isn’t until next month?”
“Little early, but,” he shrugs. “Timing was just right.”
After signing some papers and receiving a paper with a helpful list of things to buy for your new baby, you and Tristan headed to the pet store for supplies.
You brought Lucky inside, proudly showing her the way to the cat section. A place that you had visited multiple times before when you knew you would eventually get your own cat. After grabbing a cart, you rushed to the aisle and started plopping in everything you know you needed in the cart.
“She’s getting spoiled,” you exclaimed. “I want that one!” You say while pointing to the cat tower with many compartments and ways to climb.
You threw as many things in the cart as you could for Lucky to live her best life possible. You did not care how much you spent, you wanted her to be as comfortable as possible adjusting to your apartment.
On the drive home you remembered the conversation you had with Melo about needing to talk to Tristan. This was such a nice gesture of him, you wondered if you should just hold off and forget about it.
When you got home, Tristan helped you bring all the new cat stuff up into your apartment. Before you let her roam free and sniff around, you set up her litter box, water bowl and set her bed next to yours.
“Well, looks like we gotta put this parts together,” Tristan said while looking at the instructions that came in the box of the cat tower.
“Let’s get into it then,” you smiled before letting Lucky out of the carrier you brought her home in. She approached her surroundings with caution and the two of you admired her as she sniffed everything.
You wanted to play so music while you started putting it together. You opened up your laptop without realizing Tristan was over your shoulder. You realized you still had photoshop open with one of the pictures of Melo that you were editing.
“Are you serious,” he scuffs.
“What?” You ask.
“Are those from the same shoot or…”
“No, I had a second shoot with him a couple weeks ago,” you stated.
“You’re kidding,” he laughs. “Really?”
“Um… yeah?”
“I just don’t see why you needed to do two photoshoots with him,” he stated while crossing his arms.
You looked at him with a blank expression on your face.
“I can’t believe you gave him another photoshoot,”
“Tristan it’s literally my job,” you finally say.
“Yeah but-“
“Literally don’t get why you have a problem with this. This is what I do for a living. Are you genuinely angry because I’m working with another man? Literally if that’s the problem just say that dude.”
He was silent for a moment.
“Hello?” You yelled, fed up not caring about how your tone was coming across at this point.
“I’m going to the military,” he blurted without meeting your gaze. His eyes were glued to the floor.
Chills immediately ran down your spine.
“W-what?” You stammered.
“I’m going to the military. I’m going to be a Marine and I’m leaving to boot camp in California. That’s the reason I gave you an early birthday gift. I’ll be gone on your birthday. I’m leaving for boot camp early November. How can I trust that you’ll be loyal when I’m gone if you’re not even loyal while I’m actually here,” his tone was so cold his energy transferred the frozen feeling to your body. Your fingertips were chilled and your heart was pounding and filled with anger.
“Tristan Frank Williams you have got to be fucking with me right now.”
“I’m not,” he laughs manically now.
“Why the FUCK would you not tell me that was your plan? Why the fuck do you think because I’m doing my job and my client is a guy means I’m automatically unfaithful?” You yelled, vision blurred with anger.
“Don’t act like ever since he’s been around all you care about is making time for him and his stupid pictures. Matter fact, that’s slutty behavior. You tryna get with him under my nose and think I won’t notice? NBA players do not take bitches seriously,” he laughed.
“Tristan what the hell. You’re literally making NO sense right now. I-“ you scuffed in disbelief at his nasty words. So angry that you struggled to form a sentence.
“No. This is not okay. The problem is when you started to think you could talk to me disrespectfully and gaslight me. I’ve literally done two photoshoots with him Tristan. TWO. That doesn’t mean I’m having sex with him what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Yeah yeah you always say it’s gaslighting.”
“You’ve been the problem Tristan. All along! It’s been you! I’ve done nothing wrong,” you scoffed. Unable to spit out anymore words. You were in pure frustration at this point. Your new kitten started meowing loudly, looking up at the two of you.
“You’re scaring her,” he mumbled.
“I’m tired of you shifting the blame no matter what the situation is,” you stating lowering your tone now while you scooped Lucky up into your arms. “Get the fuck out of my house,” you stated.
“Really?” He laughed. “You want me to leave? After ever single thing I did for you today?”
“Yes, I mean that shit. Leave,” you grumbled.
“Tell me that one more time and mean it, I’m never coming back,” he shrugged, still unable to wipe the smug grin off his face almost as if he were proud to get you worked up, proud to be the reason that you were upset, not even attempting to fight for himself to right his wrongs.
You placed Lucky on your bed so she was further from you two now.
“Get the fuck out of my house, right now. I’m not fucking playing, and leave the key,” your voice thundering across the apartment at this point.
He looks at you sideways for a moment.
“That quick? Yeah you never loved me,” he laughed, grabbing the key from his pocket and tossing it on the ground.
He storms out, slamming the front door shut.
Your kitten meowed once more as she was back to standing by your side on the floor, having escaped from her spot on the bed that you placed her on. You look down at her. Tears in your eyes as you picked her back up and snuggled her in your arms.
“You’re so sweet,” you whispered to her as you felt her fur in between your fingers.
Tears streamed down your face as you snuggled her up for a while, she fell asleep in your arms purring.
You cuddled your new baby in one hand and used your spare hand to pick up your phone. You wondered who you should reach out to for support.
You scroll through your contacts and find someone who you had not had a conversation with within a couple months. An old close friend who meant a lot to you but since it had been a while since you spoke, you were not sure if now was the best time to text.
You: Hey Jordyn. I know it’s been a while but I hope you’re doing well. Miss you so much hope we can chat soon.
It did not take long for you to receive a reply and when you did, you did not regret it.
Jordyn💝💛: Y/N are you kidding! Please I don’t even mind how long it’s been. I love you. I miss you. Sorry I am definitely just as guilty for not reaching out as well. But, it’s 3a.m. in Rome and it’s been a long night 😂 text you in the morning? Well, my morning 😂
You looked at the time here. 9:00p.m.
You: yesssss please anytime love😊 glad to hear your living it up and traveling.
Jordyn💝💛: I have been. Oh it’s been a dream y/n. I can’t wait to hear how your life has been too. It’s been way too long. Talk to you in the morning. Well, for you it might be night but I’m sure we’ll just text each other 😂
You: it’s okay 😂 get some rest 😊😊 gn🌙🌙
You bring your hand to your eyes again. Texting your mom sounded like a scary move and a conversation of “I told you so” that you were not ready to have at this time. Even though you knew she would be on your side. She was definitely asleep by this time of night anyway.
You realized that the only one you really had left to go to was Melo.
You thought hard about it for a moment. Not wanting to prove what anything Tristan said right. But Tristan’s words were damaging. He does not know Melo like you do. Nothing Tristan said mattered now. His words hurt but you knew they were not true. You knew you were loyal and deserving of someone who loved and cared for you.
You looked at your phone now, beginning to type what came to mind.
You: Hey Melo. I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life lately. I really appreciate our bond.
You delete the message.
You: Hey Melo, Tristan and I are done and I don’t know how to feel. I feel sad about it but I am also kinda relieved. Am I a bad person for that?
You delete it again.
You: Hey LaMelo. I really wish you were here right now, I need some support. My heart was just broken. Haha at least I got a new kitten.
God no, you thought. Delete, delete, delete.
One more time.
You: Hey, hope your game went well tonight😊😊
You searched up the final scores for the games tonight.
Hornets vs. Warriors
The Warriors beat the Hornets 113 to 87.
Well, I guess it wasn’t a good night for him either, you thought.
Your kitten was up and walking around now. You studied her as she made tiny steps around your apartment.
“You must be hungry, baby girl,” you cooed.
She looked up at you and meowed as if she understood what you asked.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you replied to her with a giggle.
You got up and prepared some wet food for her. She went in on her little bowl as soon as you set it down for her.
You set her new toys and bed on the floor. You watched her every move as she spent moments playing then moments later completely ignoring her new bed and hopping on yours for a nap.
You decided to take a nice shower to wind down for the night. As the thought repeatedly rewinded in your head that Tristan was gone. How could he not even tell you his plan was military? Not once did he mention it. The thought sickened you and you tried to let it pass, letting the hot water build up steam in the cold bathroom and bring relief to your puffy eyes.
Taking quiet possibly the longest shower of your life, taking your time to get clean. You got out and lied on the bed, looking at your phone.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: hey y/n. Not the best game. We lost tonight.
You: I’m so sorry to hear. How you holding up?
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: It’ll be okay. Just have to go harder next time.
You: I know you will 😊
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: how about you tho? How’s your night going?
You: haha… welll… funny you ask
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: what’s the matter?
You: it’s okay, I don’t have to vent at this very moment we can always talk about it later, you probably have a lot on your mind already right now.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: tell meee, what happened?
You: you sure?
You stroked Lucky’s fur as you awaited his response.
Your phone began vibrating with an incoming call.
“Hello?” You asked without being able to contain your sniffles and voice cracking.
“Hey y/n what’s wrong?” He asked, the concern very clear in his voice.
“Um,” you began. “You want to hear the good news or bad news first?” You ask with a weak laugh, trying to make light of the situation.
“Oh camera girl you sound so sad,” he replied. “What’s the bad?”
“Well Tristan and I broke up and it was pretty ugly.”
“Oh Y/N I’m so sorry..” he trailed off. “Are you okay?”
“Honestly I don’t know. It hurts right now, he was so mean.”
“Damn I feel bad. I really I wish could be there for you right now,” he sighed.
“Thank you Melo, I appreciate it. Thanks for even calling to check up on me.”
“‘Course. If I could I would be there you know I would.”
“Thanks… I wish you were…” you admitted.
“Soon.. But what’s the good news though? If you ready to talk about it,” he chuckled.
“I got a cat… he bought her for me. Well, adopted I guess but paid for her stuff, It’s an early birthday present.”
“Oh early? When’s your birthday?”
“November 22nd.”
“Oh that’s coming up… why’d he give it to you before?”
“He… he told me he’s going to the military.”
“Holy shit.”
“And you didn’t know?” He stammered.
“Not a clue.”
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Fucked up,” you finish his words for him.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. When I come back we can go somewhere special. Anywhere you want- to help you feel better,” he states.
“That’s so sweet of you Melo, thank you,” you reply with a sniffle.
“Take some time off you deserve it, I really hope you’re okay.”
“I will be… not at this second though. This feels hard.”
“Are you okay being alone right now?”
“No,” you say feeling the tears coming back on.
“Oh shit that was not a good question to ask, I’m so sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s okay,” you say with tears and a laugh. “I’m a big girl I need to learn how to work through it.”
“You will. It’ll be okay, I promise,” he reassured. “Just know, if I didn’t have basketball going on, then I would be flying out to be there with you right now,” he stated.
“Thank you, Melo,” you giggled. “Thank you for putting a smile on my face and helping me cheer up a bit.”
“Of course camera girl, get some rest.”
“Thanks, I’m gonna try.”
“Good night Y/N.”
“Night Melo. Thank you again.”
The line disconnected. You sat in silence
Read Chapter 8 Here
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@ykiminlove @baddessbubble 
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rookie year | chapter 6
• a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball •
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word count: 4,123
Warnings: All characters in the story are 18+
A/N: lots of dialogue in this chapter and it’s longer than my usual chapters. Ik he had the yellow lambo probably way after this in real life but like I said 😏roll with it😏 I’m working on trying to add detail and not sounding repetitive. I really hope you enjoy and please give me feedback if you’d like, tell me all the feels. And like the post if you really did like it!! Means more than you know. Send thoughts to my ask. I love that shit, thank you for reading and as always, enjoy PLEASE LIKE AND REBLOG😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thursday, September 19th 2019
You woke up only minutes before your alarm today. Memories from last night and the game flooded your brain. You rubbed your eyes slowly before getting up to get ready for the day.
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: Awwww shit, good morning Y/N
You: Lmaoo good morning 😏 how you feeling today?
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Like shit
Before you even got the chance to reply, you had an incoming call.
You swiped to answer it.
“Good morning Melo,” you chirped at him as your hands were preoccupied with making your bed.
“Damn camera girl you sound happy as fuck talking ‘bout some ‘good morning’,” he groans.
“Well,” you giggled. “It is 8a.m.”
“I know I know,” he replied. “I’m getting gone soon I just wanted to call you and say I’m sorry about last night,” he sighs.
“Don’t be…” you say quickly. “I mean, it feels like we’ve been apologizing to each other a lot…” you trailed off.
“Yeah, you for sure right about that but I mean it,” he stated. “Whatever I said and whatever Miles maybe said- I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay Melo,” you snickered. “It was kinda funny actually you said something ‘bout-“
“Oh shit no no you’re good,” he cut you off quickly. “I don’t think I want to know.” He huffed.
“Okayyy,” you laugh.
“Hmmm maybe…”
“Mm nope can’t take it back,” you smirked.
“I’mma get it out of you.. I feel like I said some outta pocket shit. It’s coming back to me now.” He sighed.
“Something like that,” you shrugged.
“Loook, I’m flying out today, but how’s your schedule looking October 8th, I come back the day before that.”
“Love that you have a date in mind already,” that sounds good and works for me!”
“Alright y/n, I’ll see you when I get back then,”
“You’ll be gone up until then?”
“Yeah pretty much, lots of games out in different states.”
“Awww wow,” you replied unable to hide a a tinge of sadness that you felt knowing you would not see his face around the apartment building for a bit.. “Safe travels! Hope you have a ton of fun.”
“Thank you camera girl, see you when I get back,”
“Sounds like you’ll miss me more than I’ll miss you,” you teased.
“Ouch, I’m hurt,” he laughs.
“I’m messing, have funnn and send me pictures if you see something cool,” you requested.
“Alright bet, bye.”
Tuesday, October 8th 2019
You were definitely excited to see Melo and you missed his energy. He had texted you here and there since today to see what you were up to but mostly he was busy with his mind on basketball.
His dedication inspired you to grind hard these next couple of weeks before the fall weather was really going to start coming in. You have been brainstorming ideas on what you would do for shoots if it got too cold outside. You had an idea of setting up a mini indoor set for Christmas shoots but that was a project for November the latest.
You had also been hitting the gym with Tristan more. He was dedicating his early mornings for 1-2 hour workouts so you figured why not start going as well when you could. That has been your main form of quality time since he was busy picking up extra hours at work.
Today Tristan had a long 12 hour shift so he was hitting the gym way earlier than you wanted to. So you had the morning to yourself and finished up packing your camera bag essentials. You heard a knock at the door, you instantly froze.
Walking up to the door and looking through the hole, you see Melo standing there casually on his phone, you open the door slowly, face scrunched up trying to hide the smirk on your face.
“What’s up girl,” he smiled pulling you into a long hug. His cologne filled your nostrils and you held yourself back from rolling your eyes to the back of your head out of pure enjoyment.
“Hey, sorry I wasn’t expecting you to come in, my apartment is a mess-“ you stammered.
“Nah you should see mine. This looks perfect compared to it,” he laughs.
He makes his way over to your bed and sprawls out, with his legs hanging off, you study him from this point of view and your mind goes other places before you spoke. “Soooo tell me how’d traveling go,” you beamed at him. “Fun but my body hurts,” he sighed. “This shit a new level of tiring but I really love every minute of it.” “That’s good, maybe you should get a full body massage,” you teased, grabbing the last couple of things you needed before packing up your purse and bag. “I should…” he trails off looking at you before biting his bottom lip. “You ready?”
“Always am,” you replied, swinging your bag on your shoulder.
“How do you feel about an indoor shoot today?”
“That’s fine I’ll just need to bring my bags with my light equipment and all that,” you replied.
“Need help carrying anything?” He asked while getting up off the bed and adjusting himself.
“I think I got it-“ and before you could finish he grabs the bag from your hand.
“Lemme drive us this time,” he states firmly.
You look at him and cock a brow, his kindness was truly refreshing but you did not know why you were surprised by it coming from him at this point.
“Okay,” you shrugged. “Fine by me.”
He smiles at you, using his spare hand to twist a piece of your hair between his fingers before he motioned you to carry on.
“Lead the way, ladies first,” he gestured.
The two of you exited out of your apartment and you locked the door behind you, making your way to the elevator. There were a couple other people in there as well. Two old people and a mother and her kids.
You did not realIze how small the elevator was until you were forced into the corner with Melo squeezed up beside him… all the way down the parking garage floor. You looked up at him, the silence was loud and you could tell he was holding back a laugh. You had to look down in order to not bust out laughing. You felt him rest his forearm on your shoulder as you were smiling down at your feet. The elevator finally reached the parking garage and everyone piled out.
“Now you have to lead the way,” you giggled. You walk beside him, watching as he turns the corner and you see his car. “Which one you tryna take?” He asks. “Oh, which one?? Wow Melo you really got it like that,” you tease and he shakes his head with a smile. “Ummm you’re the Uber driver, up to you?” You stammered, “And you’re the special passenger,” he cheesed and you laugh, shaking your head. “Well, yellow is my favorite color so I guess that one,” you point at his Lamborghini SUV.
“Because it’s your favorite color?” He asked with a laugh. “That’s the reason?” Yeah…” you say while admiring its neon color for a moment, then look back up at him with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. “What?” You asked, feeling the blood rush to yours cheeks after noticing he was staring at you. “Not because it’s a luxury car but because it’s yellow?” He asked again and you laugh this time. “Yes?? Hey you asked me to pick and that’s my reason.” You laughed throwing your hands up. He chuckled while shaking his head. You playfully shake your head at him in a “and what about it?” matter but he stayed quiet. Unlocking the car, the two of you get in, you adjust your seat and settle in, hopping on your phone to check your Instagram. You watch from the corner of your eye as he starts the car. You had to admit, the interior was beautiful. “Wow,” you say, admiring all of the lights inside as the car turned on. “Shit nice as fuck right?” He laughs. “Very,” you reply. He backs out and the two of you are out of the parking garage and out on the road. “Where we going?” You ask.
“There’s this place I know it’s just pretty much a big space. There’s random things in there I think we can work with,”
“Okay, that works,” you shrug.
Keeping the small talk going on the way there, he told you about the games he had and the different cities he was in. When you got there, you set up in the space. It was a good spot but you were grateful you brought your light equipment, it would have been too dark.
Before you got started, he asked you to make sure he looked good. You fought back from rolling your eyes when he said,
“Never mind I always look good,” and smirked.
You began taking photos but the two of you kept the conversations going you did not take as many shots as you thought you would. He was in an extra goofy mood and you could not stop laughing at the faces you he was making.
“Melo stopp,” you whined but he was proud to bring a smile on your face.
“You seriously want them to all look like this?” You asked him walking over to him and showing him one with the goofiest face he had made.
“Nah nah nah I’m sorry I’ll stop, forreal,” he throws his hands up.
“I’m glad you’re having fun though…” you laughed. “But I want you to like at least one or two of them.”
“I will regardless since they were taken by you camera girl,” he stated and you blushed and looked down.
“And speaking of having fun… did you actually enjoy the game?”
“Of course I did. I actually had a lot of fun,” you smiled at him.
“And ya boy?….”
“Hahah well, funny that you say that…”
“What,” he muttered, furrowing his brows now and crossing his arms.
“Yeah he uh- almost didn’t want to go with me,” you mumbled and he looks at you closer to better hear what you said.
“What?” He questioned.
“Yeah he asked if I really wanted to go then basically said his friend Aaron would love to go to the game too,” you mocked the last part of the sentence if the way Tristan said it to you.
“No those tickets were for the two of you, I’ll fight him on that,” Melo stated firmly and you quickly hushed him as if Tristan were in ear shot.
“I know, It’s okay though, Melo. I am grateful regardless.” You insisted and his eyes soften in response.
“You wanna come to another one?” He asked.
“Yes please,” you smiled.
“Okay,” he smiles, doing his signature ruffle of his hair with his hands in his curls. “I gotchu.”
“That curl is so perfect,” you tell him and he looks at you with a small smirk.
“Does it look okay?” He asked, touching it himself and misaligning it on his forehead.
“Wait don’t touch it, here,” you motioned him with your pointer finger to get closer. He has to bend down at his knees to meet eye level with you. You felt his strong gaze looking into your eyes as your fingers reached to twisted out the curl a couple of times. Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks, you avoided looking directly in his eyes.
“There,” you say.
“Look good?” He asks.
You nod slowly, finally gaining the courage to look into his eyes. You studied his face for a moment. Taking in all of his features. His lips slightly parted as the corner of his mouth formed a small grin. You realized the two of you were standing only inches apart.
“Yes,” you finally say, your brain struggling to form anymore words before quickly pulling away and backing up from him. “You ready?” You asked. “Mhmm,” he hums in response. He did his thing and you truly admired him in all of his Melo Ball glory. You snapped so many pictures your head was almost spinning. He was so energetic and ready for them and that excited you. “You’re doing so well,” you put the camera down and let it along around your neck. “Wanna take a break?” You ask. “I think I need some water.” His face grew in concern, “Oh yeah for sure, you okay though?” “Yeah yes I’m fine, sometimes I just get lightheaded,” you reassured him. “Well did you eat?” “Breakfast,” “At what time?” “I don’t even remember,” you shrugged. “Nah we gotta get you something to eat then,” he mumbled in a low tone and you chuckled. “Okayyy, we can. Let me finish my water first,” you say as you lean back in your chair. Melo watches you for a moment then gets up and starts dribbling around some more. You watch him as he dribbled the ball in between his legs. “So when did you know you wanted to play basketball?” You questioned him. “Pretty much all my life,” he shrugs. “My pops got us all into it pretty young. Always talking ‘bout how he wanted all of us to play for the Lakers.” “Well, I see his dream ended up turning out a little differently,” you responded. “Yeah well I mean, I don’t know if you knew but Zo played for the Lakers last season. But I think he’s happy now. It’s his life and his dream. Lavar Ball is just Lavar Ball,” he jokes. “Your dad?” You ask. “Yeah,” he chuckled. “I’m surprised you had never heard of him. He always doing something talking his shit,” he chuckled. “And what about your mom?” You ask. “She had a stroke in 2017, she’s getting kinda better. Everyday is different. She’s strong, I believe she’ll pull through though,” he stated and cleared his throat. “Aww I’m so sorry to hear that,” you sighed. “Yeah but I’ve said a lot though,” he chuckled. “What about you camera girl?” He questioned. “What about me,” you ask. “Well I hear your lil country accent come out here and there,” he smirked. “Where you born here?” You felt your cheeks get warm. “Yes,” you giggled. “Born and raised in Concord, North Carolina. It’s kind of a small town. I guess, compared to Charlotte.” “You like it here?” He asked. “It’s all I’ve ever known but I don’t mind it,” you shrug. “What about you Mr. Chino Hills?” You ask. “Did I tell you I was from there,” he asked while cocking a brow and your cheeks remain warm still. “Uhhh that or maybe I saw that on the Internet somewhere,” you mumbled.
“Oh you did your research camera girl?” He smirked, sitting down beside you now.
“No no not like that, nothing crazy,” you admit. “Okay now I feel like that came off weird, I’m sorry,” you say, looking down at your shoes.
“Stop all that apologizing Y/N, literally. You have such a big heart,” he objected, bringing his hand to your chin and lifting your face up ever so slightly before taking his hand back.
“Oh stop,” you say, barely audible with your nerves wracking up all the way to your throat.
“And how long have you been into photography?”
“Since I was 12, actually. My mom bought me my first camera even when we were at our so I really appreciate her for supporting my goals and dreams,” you beam and he smiles in response.
“Look at you making your dreams come to life. You ever think you’d be working with someone famous?” He teased.
“Hell no,” you laugh. “And I still haven’t, I’m dreaming of that day to come true soon,” you trail off with a smirk and he bursts out laughing.
“Stop playing with me,” he laughs while pushing your shoulder. “You funny camera girl.”
You admired his glow as he laughed. His smile was so cute, you rolled your eyes.
“You tryna do something after this?” He asks, more serious tone now. “Like get food,” he adds with his brows furred and a grin on his face.
“To be honest yes,” you admitted. “I’m starving.”
“Whatchu want? My treat,” he states.
“Awww Melo I can’t let you do that,” you objected.
“Well I’m letting me do it,” he says while putting his hand on his chest and nodding his head. You watched his he sling your bag over his shoulder like it was his own. His kindness winning you over for the hundredth time today.
“Fineee, I can’t deny food so you win,” you purse your lips. “Surprise me though because I don’t know what I want.”
“You want something quick? Or you tryna sit down and do all that,”
You squint your eyes at him for a moment.
“That’s up to you,” you say, thinking about all the possible people that would see the two of you in posted up at a restaurant together and wondered if that would stir some shit up.
“Don’t say that ‘cause I’ll say Chick-fil-A sound good to me,” he shrugs.
“Then let’s gooooo before I pass out,” you sigh.
He helps you up and is nice enough to help you pack your things in your bag. He asked where things went and gently placed your light equipment in the bags following your vocal instructions.
The two of you head out to his car. It was later in the evening now and dusk was approaching. You were surprised you had not heard from Tristan all day.
You placed your belongings in his backseat. Feeling more comfortable now, you reclined your seat, putting your hand over your head.
“You feeling any better yet?” He asked while placing his sunglasses on.
“Lil bit. Sorry we had to cut it short I usually don’t get like this,” you mumbled.
“Ah no worries. But if you throw up in my car we gon’ have to tussle.” He states while clicking his seatbelt on.
“It’s always beat my ass this or tussle that, you violent for what?” You laughed.
“I just wanna see you riled up. You so calm,” he laughs.
“Is that a bad thing,” you asked, looking at him now while he drove.
“Not at all.. I just wish you would realize… things.” He said.
“Like what?” You asked.
“Like.. well.” He stopped speaking for a moment while he hit the gas when the light turned green.
You sat up now, looking at him sideways.
“Like what?” You repeated yourself.
“Like I don’t know..” he trialed off. “Like what you want to order from Chick-fil-A?”
“That’s not what you were about to say… but a number 1 meal with a sweet tea/lemonade mix and Polynesian Sauce please.”
“Okay,” he laughs.
“Now what were you bout to say?” You egged him on.
“It’s.. it might sound kinda bad coming out of my mouth so I’m not sure if I want to say it,” he stated.
You pulled up into the Chick-fil-A parking lot and he got into the drive-thru line.
“You might as well just say it because my anxiety already up,” you shrug.
“I just kinda wish you’d realize you deserve better,” he hesitated. “In… different parts.. of your life.”
You sit in silence for a moment until he makes eye contact with you again.
“You mean like my relationship?” You ask flatly.
He nods in response and you sigh.
“Yeah… yeah no you’re right I know.”
“You deserve better, the best type of treatment actually,” he nods.
He rolls down his window to order. You looked down at your phone. The guy taking his order recognized him and you mentally kicked yourself and looked out of your window.
“Nice to meet you man,” Melo waved.
You got to the window and Melo paid. They asked for a picture but he politely decline.
“I’m sorry my friend here isn’t feeling too good, if you don’t mind we are kind of in a hurry,” he says and the workers completely understand and were just happy to meet him.
Melo pulls off and you put your straw in your drink, quickly taking a sip. You decided to be nice and put his straw in his drink too.
“Aww you didn’t have to do that,” you state. “I feel bad.”
“Don’t it’s okay, I can always come back and meet him again another time.”
You look at him and smiled, then looked down into the bag to grab your food from out of it.
“I don’t know why but it’s starting to feel like Tristan is getting distant with me,” you sighed.
“Really? What’s he been up to?” Melo asked taking a bite out of a fry.
“All he really does lately is workout and work. He comes by to spend the night here and there but ever since we went to the game… he seems distracted.”
“That’s not right… you ask him ‘bout it?”
“To be honest no… I’m worried it will start an argument,” you admitted.
Melo ate as you spoke, nodding his head.
“It sound like he doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings,” he replied.
“Yeah.. that’s what it’s feeling like. I dunno what to do,” you shrug and continue to eat.
“I think you should try to talk to him I guess see what he has to say.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “You’re right.”
“Always am,” he smirked and you nudge his arm.
“Wait, you kinda wild for trying to eat in the car, do you mind if we do?” You asked.
“Nah it’s fine, I get it cleaned a lot- for free anyway,” he stated.
“Wow look at you,” you pursed your lips at him.
“Yeah..” he chuckled.
The two of you ate in silence for a moment.
“Do you even feel happy being with him?” He asked, causing you to go silent for a couple more moments.
“I’m sorry- that’s too many questions.” He stammered before you could get a word out. “You ready to go back home?” he asked.
“I don’t know anymore,” you quickly say.
“About going home?” He asked.
“No,” you laughed. “Well I mean yeah we can head back, I just mean I don’t know… I wish he would try harder to show appreciation towards me,” you say.
“Like I said, you deserve the best.” He stated while reaching down to grab his drink while driving. “Ew,” he says.
“What?” You questioned.
“I think I drank yours on accident my fault. You like this?” He laughed.
“Yes,” you replied while snatching the cup out his hand. “Watch it,” you warned with a smirk.
“My fault I didn’t do it on purpose,” he laughed.
“Don’t hate on it,” you stated.
“Loook we are homeee,” he sang while pulling into the parking garage.
He pulled into his spot and before he took his seatbelt off he stopped to look at you for a moment.
“How you feeling?”
“Better, thanks for asking,” you smiled.
“‘Course” he nods his head.
“….and thanks for making sure I was fed.”
“Can’t have you out here passing out and shit,” he shrugs while grabbing your back.
“How sweet of you,” you teased.
The two of you walk to the elevator and you make your way up.
“That was kinda funny how it was full earlier,” you say and he laughs with the memory coming to his mind.
“It never is,” you both say in unison and laugh.
When it reaches to your floor Melo walks you to the door and helps you bring in your stuff.
“Thank you for today… and everything.” He states quickly, placing your stuff down on your table.
“Of course, I had fun,” you nodded.
“I probably won’t see you for a bit, I’m flying out again to travel. But I’ll be back soon. I’ll let you know when I-“
You cut him off with a hug and his arms wrap around your back.
“I’ll miss you,” you say into his hoodie. You hear his laugh rumble through his chest. “Be safe.”
You released the hug but his hand stays on your back.
“Hmmm what’d you say about someone missing someone more last time when we were on the phone?” He teased and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut up,” you say playfully. “I like having your energy around. It keeps me inspired,” you admitted to him and he smiled graciously.
“I’ll miss you too,” stated while pulling you into another hug before letting go again.
You walk him to the door and you say your see you laters. You shut the door and let out a huge sigh. You realized you really liked having Melo around. A lot. Like a lot a lot.
Chapter 7
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rookie year | chapter 5
• a lamelo ball fanfic by hiphop-rap-and-basketball •
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word count: 3,460+
A/N: Let’s just pretend that preseason just ended and it’s the actual season now. And let’s pretend like I know wtf I’m writing about when it comes to basketball. This chapter was a lil challenging 🤣 I told y’all I didn’t know shit 💀💀😅 , Ik in real life they play against certain teams from certain parts of the country but yeah💀 this my story and this is how it’s going LMAO enjoy loves I actually like this chapter but I really like every chapter I’ve written so far 😂 and like I said dates aren’t super significant I just wanted to add them to make a better understanding of a timeline, anyway carry on 😌
Wednesday, September 18th 2019
You were looking forward to this day ever since Melo gave you and Tristan the tickets last week. You made sure your schedule was all cleared up for the evening so you had enough time to get ready for the game.
You oddly felt some pressure about how you looked. I mean, yeah Melo knows who you are but that does not mean all eyes are on you. It was a basketball game but nonetheless you still wanted to feel good about what you had on and how you did your make up.
You spent the early morning editing photos. You had finally got Melo’s photos edited and finished so you sent them all to him. You awaited his response. While doing so, you got ready for the shoot you had today.
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: oh my god these look amazing camera girl.
You feel a grin grow on your lips.
You: I’m so happy you love them!😊
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: I really do. Can I tag you if I post them?
You were unsure how you felt about him openly giving you credit. It kind of scared you knowing if he tagged you it might bring an influx of followers you may not be ready for.
You: it’s okay, you don’t have to. you’ve shown enough appreciation and I’m really grateful for it. Thank you Melo.
You decide to double text.
You: I’m so excited for tonight, I’ve been looking forward to it. Feels good to have a reason to get out of the house and do something fun for me for once. Well, for us.
You await his response. Feeling a tad bit like you shared too much information, you avoid looking at your phone for a while. It was the honest truth. It was hard to get Tristan out of the house most days when he was too tired from work.
You prepared lunch before you head out or your shoot. The shoot you had planned today was a couple shoot scheduled for two hours. It gave you just enough time to get back, shower and change before the game and edit some of their picture before Tristan came to pick you up.
During this shoot, you enjoyed your time with this couple as they were kind enough to share their story on how they got together. The two of them being gender fluid and using they/them pronouns, they shared with you how they went through so many struggles before coming to terms with their identity. By the end of your shoot, their story had you in tears. Their love was so very real and it obviously showed strongly in the photos.
“Well thank you two so much for your time. Thank you for sharing with me your love story,” nodded at them both as you spoke.
“Why of course,” one of them stated. “Are you in a relationship?” They asked.
The question caught you off guard and you looked to the ground.
“Yes, yes I am. It’s been a bit rocky lately but I hope we’re working through it,” you shrugged.
“Well they better be treating you like the Queen you are. You deserve to be recognized for your beauty and kindness,” they smiled.
“Oh stop I’ve cried enough are you kidding? Thank you so much,” you exclaimed and they both erupt in laughter.
They go on their way and you do to. You had an exciting evening to look forward to.
You finally checked your phone.
Melo 🕺🏾🛸💯: Are you Fr? I’m glad you’re excited. I’ll have to play even harder now to make it worth your while 🤣 camera girl how you out here taking pictures of everyone but not going nowhere? Nah nah nah you got places to see!!!
Tristan 😊❤️: Pick you up at 6pm? The game starts at 7pm
You looked at the clock, it was 4pm. You had just enough time to hurry tf up! Move girl!
You rushed home and got straight into the shower, scrubbing your body with a sugar scrub, shaving and then using body wash. Washing your hair and rushing to make sure your entire body was clean. You huffed when you got out, wishing you had at least shaved in the morning to save you the effort right now. You checked the clock and luckily you were doing good on time.
After your shower you used the same scent for your lotion and perfume. Putting the outfit on Melo said was the best. You kept your make up look pretty smooth and natural the way you liked it. It had been a while since you had worn make up since you stopped worrying about it on shoots because your foundation would always rub off onto your camera screen when you were shooting.
Finally feeling content with your look, you looked at the time.
Just in time, thank heavens. Gathering your purse together. You looked at your camera bag for a moment. It felt funny to leave the house without it. Nonetheless, you were so excited to be going out and doing something fun.
Tristan😊❤️: Here
You locked up your apartment and headed down the elevator. Alone on the trip down, you thought about how you had been alone in the elevator with Melo a couple times at this point. You thought about how he was in a locker room in a huge arena surrounded by so many people about to play an NBA game.
You made your way out of the elevator and found your boyfriend pulled up in his car, you opened the door and sat in the front seat, settling in and clicking on your seatbelt.
“Hey,” you greet him by giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“Woah hello, you smell really nice,” he complimented.
“Thank you,” you grin. “You excited?”
“Hell yeah, let’s get it.”
The drive there was smooth. Getting closer to fall in North Carolina meant dusk would be approaching sooner. Approaching the huge arena made it feel even more unreal. After struggling to get in the busy parking garage, you both got out of the car ready to make your way in the stadium. You looked Tristan up and down for a moment, admiring his outfit.
“You look good,” you say quietly.
He smiles, “thanks, you like the new shoes? Nothing crazy,” he smirks and you roll your eyes.
“And how many does that make now in the collection? 50?” You reply.
“Actually, 55,” he retorts proudly and you snort.
“Oh my gosh, let’s go you hooligan,” you laugh and the two of you are off and into getting your tickets checked and your pat down going into the arena. Your heart rate increased as the excitement was starting to kick in. You felt it was kinda cool knowing Melo gave you the tickets and no one had an idea about it
“You want a snack?” Tristan asked.
“Hell yeah,” you reply. “I want some nachos.”
“Ol hungry ass,” he smacked his lips.
“Shut upppp,” you drag. “You got them for me? I’m about to go find our seats.”
“Noooo, wait for me,” he says.
“That’s what I thought,” you smirk.
You got your nachos and happily munched on some while you made your way down to your seats. You were both in awe at the atmosphere. The energy in the stadium was insane and the game was just about to start.
You looked around, taking in how many people were around you. It was definitely over a thousand. You took your phone out and snapped a couple of pictures. You happily ate your snack and sipped on your drink.
Court side seats were really only a couple rows ahead of you. You were very close.
The silence between Tristan and you was drowned out by the people around you chatting with one another. The crowd immediately was silenced when the lights shut off. Then suddenly the stadium was 10 times louder.
The players were introduced as they came running out. You watched as each one of them walked onto the court as you listened out for their names being listed.
When Melo’s name was announced, you yelled an inaudible cheer while lifting the drink you had in your hand up in the air before taking a sip.
They did their warm-up drills and soon began. The lights were back on and you could see clearly now. You watched intensely, as this was all so new to you.
“This is way too good,” Tristan exclaimed. “I love this.”
You looked at him and smiled then looked back on the court.
You could not help but keep your eyes on Melo the whole time. Besides the fact that he was really the only player you knew, he was also really good. You could immediately see how focused he was. It made getting into the game more interesting for you.
“Damn, I gotta use the bathroom,” Tristan states and you laugh.
“Already? You should’ve went before the game started, you’ll miss it.” you tease.
“I know I know, I’ll be right back,” he stated and gets up quickly, swiftly making his way past the other people’s knees in the row.
You sat by yourself now, still watching the game intensely. The refs called a foul, and the game stopped for a moment, Melo stood close to you and you felt your heart rate increase, wondering if he would see you or if he even knew where you guys were sitting.
You watch as his eyes go from the refs to finding you, a smile grew on his face as he noticed you then it quickly faded when he cocked a brow and nodded his head at you sitting alone.
“Bathroom,” you mouth the words and he nods his head and mouth the words “oh,” before quickly turning his attention back to the game.
It only took seconds after for about 3 people in front of you to turn their head to look back at Melo acknowledging you. You had to think fast, so you quickly turned your head to look back as well, acting as if you too were wondering who he was talking to in the crowd of hundreds behind you.
You turn your head back around and see everyone focused on the game again. You laugh to yourself, taking a bite from your nachos.
With your legs crossed now and eyes on the game, you keep your focus strong as the points start racking up.
You notice Melo acknowledge a player on the opposite team. He’s tall as well with similar features as Melo. You wonder if that is his brother. The two of them both appear on the big screen.
“We have a sibling rivalry here today, Lonzo and Melo Ball going head to head tonight. Let’s see who takes in the win.”
Well, that answers that.
Your removed from your thoughts when your boyfriend comes back, drink and hotdog in his hand. You watch as he settles in.
“Got hungry, what’d I miss?”
“Couple home runs were made, that’s about it,” you joked, horrible at that.
“You’re hilarious,” he rolls his eyes.
Your attention went back to the game. As it went on and on, you watched as Melo scored in a variety of different ways. Free throws, 3 pointers, and.. yeah that was about all you knew he was doing.
“Okay I need to learn more,” you nudge Tristan. So what about if they score inside or outside of the 3 point line?”
“There’s 2 pointer, three pointers and the free throw line, girl I thought you did you research?” He laughs and you feel the heat run to your cheeks.
“Look… I was busy,” you trail off thinking about how the only research you did was looking and Melo’s Instagram again. Then maybe it was a little bit of research.. just a lil bit.
He shakes his head with a smile and remains silent.
Watching Melo play quickly became your favorite thing. You could not help but notice the way his curls bounced when he ran, the way his arms flexed when he went for a shot, him smiling at his other teammates, the beads of sweat that began forming on his forehead.
“Hey, you alright?” Tristan asked, snapping you out of your daydreams.
“Yeah, why?” You yell back as the crowd roared.
“You look out of it,” he half grins with a look of concern on his face.
“Hell nah I’m having a great time, I can’t believe we’re here.”
“Me neither..” he trails off, looking up and around above him.
Nearing halftime, the arena started clearing up as everyone headed for the exits and you decided to take a bathroom break. The two girls in front of you in-line both wore Jerseys that had ‘Ball’ as the last name on the back. Both with the number 2, one being for Melo’s jersey and the other for Lonzo’s.
“…He looks extra fine today,” the girl in Lonzo’s jersey began before heading into the stall.
“Melo’s cuter!” The other one declared, crossing her arms over her chest. Clearly not caring who heard her, some of the other ladies washing their hands chuckled, and you felt yourself joining them with a giggle.
“I agree,” a girl whispered, walking passed her with a smirk on her face.
You brought your finger tips to your mouth, holding back the biggest grin and holding back from saying,
Me too.
Nearing the end of the game, Tristan grew restless. Going on his phone looking at other scores from the other NBA games that were live at this moment.
“How you looking at other scores when there’s game right in front of you?” You asked.
“Just how it goes,” he shrugs.
“I guess,” you shrugged while flicking your hair over your shoulder.
The game was close but the Hornets took the win with a score of 112-110. You wished you could speak with Melo after the game and tell him how you really enjoyed your time and watching him play. You were feeling so alive afterwards. But of course he was busy doing NBA player things so you decided you would wait to text him later.
It was 11pm by the time you were able to get out of the stadium parking garage, you both settled on fast food since everything was closing by now.
“What do you want to eat?” Tristan asked.
“I guess McDonald’s is is our only option now,” you laugh.
He shrugs, “I guess that works.”
“Did you have fun?” He asked.
“Yeah, did you?” You say.
“Yeah, I’d love to another game soon,” he says.
“Me too,” you agreed.
He remained silent for the rest of the ride afterwards. While the two of you ate in his car he scrolled through his phone until it was time to take you back home.
When he dropped you off, he gave you a quick peck on the lips goodbye without saying much. You sensed his energy was off but you had no desire to question it. When he got into his quiet mood you just figured it was him needed alone time after a long day so you just respected it.
You made it up to your apartment, walking into the darkness and plopping yourself on your couch, you pulled out your phone.
You: Great game tonight. Heard some girls in the bathroom talking about you and your brother . One of them said Lonzo was cuter. I agreed with her 🤷‍♀️
And thank you 🕺🏾🛸💕
But I know you lying 🤣🤣🤣
You: Not at all. I even told her.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Nah nah nah 🤣🤣🤣
I’m the best looking Ball brother everybody know that
You: yeah?? Who’s everybody?
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: I might have to beat your ass camera girl🤣🤣
You: 🤣🤣 you wouldn’t
You got ready for bed even though you were still beaming with energy from the game.
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: You looked beautiful tonight.
You: Stoppp, you saw me?? When?? Thank you 😊
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: Maybe I did, you’re welcome 😊 thank you again for coming to the game. Let’s do another photoshoot soon.
Your heart rate increased with excitement, grateful as you were wondering if the two of you would work together again.
You: Just say the word! I’m more than happy to work around you. You know that.
You felt just an ounce of guilt rereading the conversation and realizing how flirty it came off. You gave your phone a rest for an hour or so while you tidied up before laying down for bed for the night.
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: did y’all do anything after the game?
You: nothing crazy just went to get McDonald’s lmao.
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: stop playing
You: I wish I was lmao
Melo 🛸🕺🏾💯: I would have taken you outtttt
I’m sorry im a lil drink rn
If I was Tristan
You giggled at his text.
You: Drunk??!! Oooo LaMelo Ball I’m telling 😧
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Nooo please don’t
I’ll cash app you $100
Or Apple Pay
Please don’t tell my mama
You: Melo I’m kidding 🤣🤣
But I’ll take that $100
Apple Pay $100
Apple Pay $100
Hell no Melo I was totally kidding
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Apple Pay $1000 Take itttt Oh shit I added and extra zero in there, oh well 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤪🤪🤣
You: Apple Pay $1000 Melo I’m deadass don’t 😂
Melo🛸🕺🏾💯: Apple Pay $1000 Don’t play with me I’ll send one million
You dial his number, slightly concerned with his antics.
“Heyyyy camera girl,” you hear him slur.
“Melo,” you blurted.
He does not respond but you hear music and chatter in the background and hear him greeting someone.
“Melo!” You say a little louder this time.
“Oh shit my bad, what’s up girl,” he says and his voice so relaxed you could not help but giggle.
“You don’t have to send me money. Seriously, I’m sorry for even joking about it,” you reply quickly.
His tone eased and sounding more concerned now.
“Oh Y/N why would you think you have to apologize for that? Seriously that’s my fault I was doing to much. I’m sorrry I’m kinda drinking right now-“
There goes that feeling when he said your name again.
“Well what’s drunk Melo up too?” You giggled.
“Hanging out with a couple of my dudes and some guys from the team…but hey I’m flying out of state tomorrow.. when you tryna do another shoot?”
We love a persistent man, you thought.
“Well, when do you get back?” You asked him while crossing your arms.
“Not until this upcoming Monday…” he trailed off.
“Well, you let me know what works best for you,” you say.
He pauses for a moment.
“You so cute,” he snickers.
“Melo!” You yell with a laugh and quickly bring your hand to your mouth. You felt the blood quickly rush to your face.
“You looked soooo good tonight, tell yo man Tris-“
Your eyes widened in pure fear.
“MELO!! Who you talking too-“ you heard a guy voice say right into your ear. Melo’s voice grew further before he could finish his statement. You assumed the guy the phone now.
“Oh hell-“ you start.
“Hello?” You heard the guys voice greet you calmly now.
“Umm, hi,” you reply shyly.
“Hey, don’t listen to him he’s had enough to drink. What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked.
“Depends who’s asking..?” You trail off.
“It’s Miles, look I’m sure you’re a sweet girl sorry for the troubles this young man is causing-“
“Give me my mufuckin’ phone-“ you hear Melo say and you can’t help but let out a another laugh. Oh how fun it seems it would to be hanging out with them right now.
“Hey camera girl you don’t have to tell him shit – I’m so sorry lemme call you back when I’m not faded- okay?”
“Camera girl?” You hear Miles voice question in the background.
“Don’t worry bout it,” Melo snaps at Miles.
“Okay,” you say while shaking your head. “Bye Melo,”
No way this shit was happening. Your phone vibrated immediately after the call ended.
Tristan 😊❤️ Good night darling 😊
“Nah I need a minute to take this shit in hold up,” you say out loud to yourself before you could even think about typing up a response to Tristan.
You walked out onto your patio and breathed in the fresh fall air. Admiring the view before laughing at yourself.
Life is a funny thing. Not even a month into living in your new apartment and your life was bringing you things you had never imagined would be happening to you.
Read Chapter 6 Here
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