#melon behaviour - headcannons
i-have-weird-ships · 2 years
I'm going to do some Ghiaccio/Melone headcannons as a first post. I'm like scared to get to into it lol.
- Super clean freak! He cleans for hours until his hands are cracked and bleeding from the chemicals.
- His room is occupied by most of formaggio's cats
- Cat man
- ice skating is his one escape from life, due to a bad break in his foot his was taken from him before his stand. He was an Olympic skating
- Ghiaccio comes from a influential family in italy. It holds strict traditional ideals.
- His mother is French and he is fluent in french himself. He is a firey yet passionate man for both his nationalities
- He has two sisters and he is the middle child. His older sister has been disowned by his father
- He is on bad terms with his father. Mostly due to how Ghiaccio was raised and how his sister is treated.
- He considers Melone to be his only friend. He cares deeply for him.
- He has picked up being clean from Ghiaccio.
- He has a folder on Ghiaccio to be the perfect friend.
- His closet is a hidden spot for him when he is overwhelmed. Its filled with a bunch of random things he picked up, random movies including barbie and obscure horror films. He has plushies and pillows in it.
- He has a rough past and made his behaviour as odd as it is. When stressed he'll just rip out his hair. The stress is the reason why he made his closet his hide out. It has alot of his hair.
- Although he can be touchy with those around them. Melone is the most touchy with Ghiaccio. He compliments him alot aswell.
- Ghiaccio taught him how to ice skate.
- He adores dramas series. He just binges them continuously for weeks.
Thats all I feel like writing
Sorry for mistakes I was writing fast
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
An Introduction to my boy:
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Name: Meron Akuma
Age: 540
Species: Shinigami [Visored]
Occupation: Squad 11 - 3rd seat (Pre-Hollowfication), Wanted Criminal (Until after Aizen's defeat), External Contractor for the Gotei (Post Aizen's defeat)
Description: A male standing 5'11 tall, he has a decently muscular build, though not excessively so. He wears a low-cut black T-Shirt with a deep red leather jacket over it, alongside a pair of simple black Joggers and ankle-height boots with steel toe-caps made of a pale red leather. Most strikingly however is his deep red hair, tied loosely in a ponytail, somewhat covering a small pair of what look to be horns, a reflective black and sticking up just above the top of his head. His eyes are a gentle rose colour, and at his waist he carries a Tachi in a red sheathe decorated with small flecks of reflective glass embedded in its surface.
Sexuality: Bisexual, though it should be noted that he himself hasn't really got the vocabulary to identify that himself, so if asked it's likely he'd say something akin to "Some flavour o' gay."
Personality: Despite his rather intimidating appearance, Meron is a very laid back and relaxed person generally, being very casual in most situations (even to superiors, which can land him in hot-water sometimes). He basically never uses honourifics, again due to his casual nature, but also because of one belief he holds dear: "Respect is earned, not given freely, no matter your title or rank."
That being said: he's not rude or spiteful, generally being rather the opposite, doing his best to be kind and helpful to those me meets. He's quite protective of those he holds dear, and he also believes he has a moral obligation to help those who need it should he be able to. This us particularly true should someone be in danger, but also extends to those who are struggling with food security, housing, and other such issues.
It should be noted that someone who has truly gotten on his bad side, be that by hurting someone he holds dear or through other deplorable acts, is likely to incur his anger. While he does his best to keep himself in-check (and for the most part does a very good job) he can sometimes have issues with his anger, so should someone incur his wrath - they will know very quickly.
A brief history: While the exact circumstances of his birth are unknown, Meron is known to have spent his early life in an orphanage in Kusajishi, where he dealt with near-constant harassment from older children both for his horns (considered not only unusual, but a sign of corruption or evil by many) but also due to his habit of sticking up for other kids. The latter often got him into serious trouble, even in some cases leading to him being assaulted by adults. However, even after being seriously harmed, he recovered from his injuries rather quickly, even back then. As he grew older, his affinity for combat began to show, turning many of the beatdowns he'd endured as a child almost a complete 180 by the time he left the orphanage. It wasn't long after that - that he became something of a prominent figure locally, often helping citizens deal with loan sharks and other such violent criminals. While he was known for his durability and strength, it wasnt until he was saught out by a Shinigami trying to identify the source of an unusually high spiritual pressure that people in the area knew why.
This lead to his enrollment in the Shinigami Academy, where he quickly picked up the art of the blade as well as Hakuda, though he had little interest in Kidō and did struggle somewhat with Hohō. His skill with a sword and unnaturally high quickly got him picked up by the 11th devision with whom he did some smaller missions before graduating, and soon his graduation he quickly worked his way up the ranks. It was during this time that he ended up discovering his love for cooking, with the vast majority of his squadmates not knowing the first thing about making themselves a meal, he decided to pick up their slack in what spare time he had, and soon found that it was rather enjoyable.
It was also in his time with the 11th decision in which he finally gave himself a surname. "Akuma" was chosen specifically because of its meaning, the way he'd been mistreated as a child because of his horns.
Beyond that, his time in the Gotei was relatively standard compared to many people like him. He did make some friends, and after eventually becoming the 3rd seat for squad 11 he did garner some attention from his Captain, though he had no intention of challenging him. Aside from not wanting the responsibility of being a captain, he also knew better than to challange Kenpatchi Zaraki. Still, he was known relatively well among the Gotei as a powerful and hard working Shinigami.
That is, until the night of the Hollowfication incident, but I'm sure you can gather what happened there for yourself.
After that, he spends his time as the rest of the Visoreds did, eventually coming to assist in Fake Katakura Town where he tries (and very much fails) to take out Aizen, though not before having taken out numerous Gillians and assisting with the fight against Stark.
Its after Aizen's defeat, when the rest of the Visoreds return to their posts in the Gotei, that the next major change in his life occurs. While he cant say he holds a grudge against the Gotei, he (perhaps understandably) found that he wasnt able to just go back as if nothing had ever happened. Between having been hunted for so long, and realising the freedom he could have in the human world, he made a deal with the Gotei: he would continue to purify Hollows and Konso Wholes as a Shinigami would, but would do so as he encountered them in his own travels. With a Gigai that suppressed his spiritual power (just in-case) and a Soul Pager that would show him the locations of nearby Hollows, he set off into the world to explore and learn about humans, knowing that should things get bad back in Soul Society, one of the Visoreds would contact him.
At this point, I would go into the TYBW, but quite honestly it's been quite a while since I read the final arc, and while I remember the gist of things, I cant say my memory is perfect (or even that great tbh), so I'll update this section when I've re-read it (still re-reading the Soul Society arc atm).
Zampakuto Name: Gādian (Gaurdian)
Sealed description: A relatively standard Tachi with a black handle wrap and a golden Tsuba, pommel, and Habaki. Its blade is a pale metallic red, which he has used before to trick opponents into thinking the blade a greater threat than it is (implying it's in its Shikai release and such).
Shikai Release Command: Brace, Gādian!
Shikai Description: A large black spiked Pavaise with red highlights in its design and the point being a sharpened (albeit still very thin) blade.
Shikai abilities: Any kinetic energy that hits the flat of the shield is absorbed, stopping any physical attack that strikes its surface. This energy is stored within the Shikai, and is represented by the glow of the red markings on the shield's face. The greater the glow, the greater the amount of energy stored within the shield. While there is not a known limit on how much energy can be stored within Gādian at once, the glow of the markings can reach the point to which visibility is reduced to 0 for both Meron and his foes, so he generally tries not to let it reach that point.
He is also able to release energy stored within the shield in one of two ways: the first is through the spike, using the energy to increase the force of his blows or even to attack at medium range with bursts of raw kinetic energy. The second is a short-range pulse from the flat of the shield, serving as a sort of momentary force-field. During the TYBW, Meron spends time training with his Shikai to gain greater control over the energy after it has been released, being able to change its direction and such, if only to an extent.
When he seals his Zampakuto, any kinetic energy still within Gādian, the leftover energy is removed from its primary store and goes to the secondary store, which the Shikai cannot access.
Bankai name: Gādiankirā No Tani (Valley of the Gaurdian Killer)
Bankai description: A dueling shield of above average size with two hooked blades facing opposite ways on each "corner" and a large bladed spike on either end. The inside surface of the shield is translucent, though from the face it is opaque.
Bankai abilities: Aside from having a much larger surface area with which to absorb attacks, a greater lever with which to generate force, and the general boost to power that all Bankai grant - Gādiankirā No Tani allows Meron to tap into the Secondary Store of kinetic energy that the Shikai cannot, with the glow from the shield's markings being reduced significantly per unit energy. While the Bankai is active, the amount of energy within the secondary store rises, doubling every five seconds should no absorption or release take place during that time. Gādiankirā No Tani also allows Meron to release energy from its entire edge instead of only from the one point, allowing for a greater variety of angles of attack as well as a more versatile array of options for attacks. His post-TYBW control over released energy does also apply to his Bankai, though it does obviously occur on a larger scale.
Hollow mask: A bone white mask with the appearance of a western-style dragon's skull, with small black highlights. It also manifests around the outside of his horns almost as-if using them to anchor itself.
Hollowfication abilities: Once he had stablised, Meron ended up persuing the development of his Hollow abilities to a greater extent than most of the Visoreds. This means that while his mask-time is not the greatest of the group (1 hour) he did manage to tap just that little bit further into the use of Hollow techniques. His proficiency with the Cero is not to be dismissed, with him being able to launch them quickly as well as being able to fire them from his Zampakuto. He's particularly known for firing a Cero from the top of his shield, using it to propel himself forwards as he charges with the spike facing forwards. He has also managed to learn to use the Bala, though he isnt able to fire them as quickly after another as Hollows that can use the technique. He compensates for this in his use of them, using a burst of Kinetic energy from his Zampakuto to accelerate the blast far past it's normal limitations.
Kidow: During his time as a member of the Gotei, he largely ignored Kidow, preferring to use his Zampakuto and physical strength. However, during the time in which the Visoreds were wanted criminals, he was able to see great utility of Kidow thanks to Hachigen, peeking his curiosity in spellcasting. After approaching the ex-lieutenant of the Kidow Corps with about his curiosity, Hachi offered to assist him in learning to utilise it. As a result of this, his Kidow proficiency is at a level that would be acceptable for a Captain, though certainly not extraordinary. Out of the three schools, he's most proficient with Hadō, though he can use some low to mid level Bakudō.
Something else of note, he and Hachigen were worked together (with Meron mainly being one to test the other's theories) to create Shitsuyōna Chikara: a Kidow spell that burns through the caster's Reiatsu to increase their physical and sensory capabilities. This technique can be used with varying levels of potency, giving anything from a slight amplification to an utterly unprecedented burst of power, though both its potency and duration contribute to overall cost of use. Extensive use or use of its highest level can also put significant strain on the body, to the extent that the user will need to take a good few days to recover before engaging in any form of physical activity again. In terms of multipliers, the highest it has reached is a 10x multiplier, though it's possible that should someone more proficient with Kidow learn the technique (not including Hachigen, who likely wouldnt bother with such a risky technique, especially when it emphesises close combat) they might be able to push it further still.
Strength: 8/10
Defence: 10/10
Movement Speed: 3/10
Combat Speed: 9/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Spiritual Pressure: 8/10
Hadō: 5/10
Bakudō: 4/10
Kaidō: 0.5/10
Zanjutsu: 10/10
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mavzoon · 4 years
JJBA blowjob headcannons
(I’m so thirsty for these men oh god)
This includes Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, Melone, Jotaro, Risotto, Rohan, Doppio and Polnareff
(Cut for length)
Bruno wouldn’t expect you to go down on him but don’t worry! You just have to assure him that you want to do it
This man will be gentle and careful
He would be quite vocal, after all, he has to let you know you’re doing well. 
“That’s it amore, you’re doing such a good job~”
Complimenting Bruno and looking up at him with those lovely eyes is the quickest way to have him blushing.
Bruno is extremely selfless, so he would lose his mind if you take him all the way in.
Once he does let himself relax into the pleasure, you’ll be in for a treat. Bruno is used to being a leader and caring for others and so being on the receiving end of things is the best kind of comfort for him. 
If he sees your throat bulging from his cock, he’s going to be both extremely turned on and concerned. 
He wouldn’t mind being a bit rougher with you as long as it’s something you’re absolutely into.
Bruno wouldn’t really mind where he comes, as long as you’re comfortable with it. That being said, if you let him cum in your mouth, expect him to go down on you because he can’t just let that kind of intimacy be left unrewarded. 
Expect a lot of cuddling and affection afterwards. Need water? Bruno will bring you water. A cleanup towel? Bruno will clean you up with one while whispering how good you were.
Mista wouldn’t hesitate for even a second in fact, he’d probably be the one to ask for one. You wanna give him a blowjob? He’s gonna be unzipping his pants in less than five seconds. 
He will be absolutely shameless with his noises. Expect everyone in the near vicinity to hear what’s going on.
He would hold onto your hair and maybe tug a bit, but not too much to actually hurt. 
Mista would waste no time relaxing. He’d let himself bask in your warmth the moment your lips touch his cock. 
Mista would be the type of guy to babble his heart out.
“Oh fuck, your mouth feels so good, cara/caro! S-shit.”
He couldn’t help bucking into your mouth if you took him all the way in. 
Your throat bulging from his cock is a definite confidence boost.
Mista would love to come on your face. The sight of your plush lips and cute cheeks covered with his cum is heavenly in his eyes.
Mista would be a smiling mess of happiness and euphoria afterwards.
Abbachio reaction would be mixed. On the other hand, you would look breathtaking taking his cock down your throat, but then again, he couldn’t stop himself from wondering if he deserved to feel your lips around him. 
He would gently hold your head while you take his cock into your mouth. 
It may take him a while to relax but once he does there is no coming back.
Abbachio is addicted.
Your mouth and lips are so soft and oh dear god that tongue! The warmth of your mouth would be like ecstasy to him.
He is in cloud nine once he relaxes into pleasure.
He does try to keep his voice down at first, but it always ends up coming out in the end. 
His dirty talk is either soft or full-on nasty. There is no in-between. 
“Mmm, you feel so warm and good, tesoro… God, what did I do to deserve you?” “Fuck, c’mon, you can take more than that. Be a good girl for me, won’t you, tesoro?”
He’d massage your throat if you took him that deep. The sight would make him moan and buck his hips closer.
Abbacchio would want to be gentle with you at first, but he would be totally down to facefuck you later on when you’ve gotten used to him.
He would love for you to swallow his cum.
Expect a lot of cuddles and kisses afterwards. 
The kinky melon will be the one to bring it up first.
He will be confident from start to finish.
His hands will be tugging your hair and controlling your pace.
Melone wouldn’t bother trying to stay quiet. To him, it doesn’t matter if people can hear, in fact, he’d like to let others see how well you’re taking him.
His cannot for the love of god shut up and his dirty talk is FILTHY.
“Di Molto! You’re sucking my cock so well! You must’ve had a lot of practice, eh slut?” 
Taking his entire cock in your mouth will only heighten his usually cocky and lecherous behaviour. 
“Fuck, you took it all, huh? You must’ve been really desperate…”
He’d pet your cheek affectionately. 
“My poor, poor little cock hungry slut, the wait must have felt been terrible!”
Melone would use your mouth until you could hardly breathe.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you never feel hungry again!”
Melone doesn’t care where he cums. Seeing you swallow his cum is hot, your face is beautiful when coated with it and your chest looks absolutely delicious when covered with it. 
The dirty talking will not end after he cums.
“Aw, poor baby… Your mouth must feel so lonely now that I’m not filling it.”
Melone is a horny bastard and one blowjob will not be enough.
Joot would approach you first if he wanted a blowjob, being the straightforward person that he is.
As per usual, he would try to remain calm and collected, though he would definitely let out a few moans and grunts here and there (especially when nearing his release)
He would rest his hands on your head and tug your hair in rougher sessions.
Jotaro doesn’t expect you to be able to take his entire cock, but if you do, oh lord. He will be particularly loud. The sight of his cock stretching your throat is just so good.
He would refuse at first to fuck your throat, but don’t be disappointed! He is just concerned that you won’t be able to take it.
His dirty talk would be a minimal mix of curse words most of the time. He can, however, throw in proper dirty talk if he is especially pent up.
“Fuck, just keep doing that, shit…”
He’d prefer to cum in your mouth since it’s the least messy option. 
Jotaro couldn’t help but show his softer side afterwards. 
Risotto doesn’t care who brings it up first, but he won’t adamantly press you to give him a blowjob.
He likes the power trip of it but will be cautious because he knows he’s bigger than most. 
He would try to stay quiet during the ordeal but can’t help letting out deep and husky moans and groans when you take him particularly deep.
He would be very gentle and careful at first, not wanting to accidentally hurt you but if you prove you can take him, you’re in for one hell of a ride.
He’d pull your hair and make you take him as deep as possible while muttering praises or degradations depending on his mood.
“Vita mia, your mouth feels so good on my cock! Hng, you were made for this.” 
“Is that all you can take? tsk, pathetic”
He’d tilt your head while you still have his cock in your mouth so you’d look at him with tears in your eyes from the unbelievable weight of his cock in your mouth.
“Surely a slut like you can take more, so come on, prove that all your training hasn’t gone to waste.”
The deep rumble of his voice is bound to drive you on to take him further than you thought possible.
A visible bulge will show once you’ve taken Risotto’s cock all the way in. He will be genuinely surprised if you manage to fit his entire cock in your mouth. He will always be taken aback by the sight. He will be mildly concerned for your wellbeing but it will also fuel the possessive side of him.
He’d love to fuck your mouth, but don’t worry! Most of the time he’d be able to control himself as to not go too roughly. 
Risotto, much line Melone, would love to cum pretty much anywhere. He does have a soft spot for you swallowing his cum as he sees it as deeply intimate (and it has the chance to make him want a second round).
Risotto is the king of aftercare. He WILL bring you water. Though he is a busy man, he will always take time to cuddle you afterwards. 
This cocky bastard will probably bring it up first. 
Rohan absolutely loves blowjobs and seeing you on your knees for him is like a delicious treat to his arrogance. 
He would love to draw you with your mouth full of his cock.
He would try to hide most of his more “pathetic” noises and instead opt to dirty talking. 
“Just look at how you’re taking my cock. You love being on your knees for me, eh? Oi, don’t pull away, just keep sucking my cock like a good girl.”
Rohan would either just sit back, relax and have you suck his cock or he’d fuck your face with no mercy.
He’d most likely tug your hair or cross his hands behind his head.
If you take him all the way in, he’d taunt you after moaning desperately. 
“Fuck, you took it all in? If I’d known you wanted my cock in your mouth this badly, we’d have done this sooner!”
Rohan wants to see his cum coat you, be it your face or your chest. However, if he was feeling jealous, he’d want to watch you swallow his cum.
He would become incredibly relaxed afterwards. You should expect a few kisses and praises. 
Your sweet little Doppio is going to be on cloud nine. 
He wouldn’t approach you first thinking that it’d be rude, but he will absolutely not turn down a blowjob.
He’s going to be tense with excitement and nervousness as you take his cock out. 
He’s going to let out a string of high pitched yelps when you first take him into your mouth. 
You’re sorely mistaken if you think he’s going to quiet down as time goes on. He’ll be moaning and whimpering from start to finish no matter how many times you go down on him. 
His dirty talk is sweet
“Oh, Gods amore! You’re so good at this. Hng, I love you so much! Sei la mia vita!” (you are my life)
Doppio has no idea where to put his hands, so he’ll most likely just be clutching them together unless you give him a little direction. He also loves to stroke your cheeks lovingly.
Doppio will let you take the lead and would be super shy if you asked him to fuck your throat. He is, however, likely to buck into your mouth when you swirl your tongue. 
He’d most likely come in your mouth because he doesn’t want to mess up your pretty face with his cum.
He’s going to want to cuddle and scatter small kisses all over you afterwards
He would bring it up gently (although he does prefer being the one to go down on you)
Pol is going to be confident from start to finish.
He’ll try to keep quiet enough as to not have you two caught (unless he is in a mood to let the world know how well you’re doing). He will be moaning and occasionally grunting as you go down on him because he wants you to see how good you’re making him feel.
He will be caressing your face and hair through the process.
Polnareff will dirty talk almost constantly. 
“Oh Gods! Your mouth feels so good! Je t’aime de tout mon coeur.” (I love you with all my heart)
He doesn’t expect you to take him in all the way, he’s just happy to have your pretty mouth all over his cock. If you do take his entire cock, he will praise the hell out of you.
“Mmm, you took it all, huh? Such a good girl… You’re doing so well, ma chérie!”
Polnareff tries to be as gentle as possible, but he wouldn’t turn you down if you wanted him to be rougher. 
He doesn’t really care where he ends up coming. He does really enjoy seeing your chest coated with his cum though.
He will pamper you afterwards (and probably return the favour and go down on you). 
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one-fruity-gaurdian · 3 years
Tag dump!
Also I'll go over verses, while we're here:
sure is a melon - general
This is for general stuff, whether it be for threads not happening in a specific time-period, or for IC answering of asks, or loads of other things. You'll probably see this one a lot.
melon in the field - past
This is for anything relating to Meron when he was in Kusajishi, before he became a member of the Gotei. This version of Meron doesnt have the training or equipment of a Shinigami, and tends to be a little more pessimistic.
bronze melon - 3rd seat
This tag is for anything happening while Meron is a member of the Gotei, which will most likely take place while he's the third seat for the 11th devision, but will include things from his prior activity in the Gotei as well.
illigal melon - post hollowfication
Pretty self-explainitory, this one is for the time between the Visoreds stabilising and the end of the Fake Katakura Town arc.
rolling free - after Aizen
Again, pretty self-explainitory: this is for the time between Aizen's defeat and the Thousand Year Blood War.
bankain't - TYBW
As in sure the people who've read the final arc would have figured, this one is for threads that take place during the Thousand Year Blood War.
melon to the future - 10 years later
A tag for anything happening after the 10 year time skip.
melon salad - crossover
This'll be used for any crossover threads, with the second world used for each thread being tagged as necessary.
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