#melone watches succession
myvirtuesuncounted · 1 year
bestie is the succession finale treating you well
no it's not, thank you for asking
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mickandmusings · 5 months
back at the bunker
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pairing: castiel x f!reader
word count: 5.1k (i got carried away sry)
summary: when y/n stays behind on a hunt, the brothers and cas figure she's safe back at the bunker, likely enjoying having a day free of her overbearing childhood friends and guardian angel boyfriend. when a phone call to dean tips them off to y/n’s kidnapping, castiel leads a ruthless hunt for the ones who took her.
based off this request! (i saw your request and ran with it.)
warnings: angsty to fluff, refusing to shorten castiel to 'cass', depictions of violence (nothing too gory), descriptions of blood and injury, angry cas, probably spn inaccuracies, unedited writing (oops)
"Relax, Cas, I'm gonna get you back to the bunker and to your girl quick enough. She's fine, probably took over the TV in my room to watch those girly movies she and Sam love."
Sam cuts his sharp look over to his brother, rolling his eyes as Dean tries to quell their friend's worry for his girlfriend back at the bunker. Castiel had been on edge since they began their trek back to the bunker. He had a lingering sense of doom he couldn't shake, not even after the success of their latest hunt. Cas knew he should trust Sam and Dean, and their judgement, they had known Y/N decades before she and Cas had met. They knew her well enough to know that she’d be fine alone in the well-guarded bunker. Taking out his phone, Cas pulled up her contact, smiling at the photo of them together attached to her profile. He started a new message to her:
Finished up the hunt. We’re all okay. Headed back to the bunker now.
Cas watched as the cursor waited for his next set of words. He hesitated briefly, trying to decide if he would say what he wanted. He and Y/N had been ‘dating’ (a word Cas hated, it didn’t accurately express their relationship in his eyes) for a little over a year, but he still hesitated when it came to expressing his emotions openly. His blue eyes read over the message again. Cas sighed, deleted the message completely, and started a new one:
We finished the hunt, we’re all unharmed. We’re headed home now. I miss you. I love you. Let me know you’re okay, Dean says I’m ‘panicking’ and being ‘dramatic.’
Cas sent the message without overthinking it this time, placing his phone back into his pocket and staring out the window again. Back at the bunker, Y/N looked up from the scene unfolding on (Dean’s) TV, turning to her phone that had just lit up with a new message. She smiled as she saw Cas’ contact, noted by the heart written behind his name. She read his message with a smile, his blunt but heartfelt sentences warming her chest in a sort of girlish glow. Her cheeks flushed pink as she began to type back. She was about to send her response to Cas when she heard the crashing noise downstairs. Her heart raced, hitting mute on the TV remote and reaching for the gun shoved in Dean’s nightstand. With silence filling the air now, she heard the talking of someone in what seemed to be the library. Her chest felt tight-they were close. The voices were unfamiliar-not Dean’s rasp, or Cas’ deep tone. How had anyone infiltrated? She’d made sure all the locks were secure, and the bunker was always under a supernatural lock. She calmed her racing breathing in a hope to hear the intruders conversation. The voices seemed masculine, rummaging about the library as if they were searching for something. Y/N peered over the side of the doorway, hoping to catch a glimpse of them without being seen. Two figures entered her eyesight-a tall, burly brunette, with biceps the size of melons. His sidekick was a scrawnier blonde who brandished an angel blade. Y/N shuddered-angels. She’d never had anything positive to say about most of them, always out to get her and the brothers. Castiel had always been an exception in her rules about angels.
Y/N diverted her attention to her phone as her shaky hands scrolled for Sam, Dean, or Cas’ contact. She heard a deep voice pipe up.
“You think she’s here still? Castiel could’ve tuned into angel radio, picked up some suspicion, moved her last minute.”
Y/N halted, her eyes widening. Her? Surely they weren’t talking about her. She feverishly opened her phone again, clicking Dean’s contact and letting it ring, praying he would answer. The other angel responded with a chuckle:
“No, she hasn’t moved. I have a feeling she’s about to be right in our grasp.”
Y/N didn’t even have time to gasp as the two angels appeared behind her, her entire sight fading to black in an instant.
In the Impala, Dean heard his ringtone sound, and he huffed as he drove with one hand and fished the device out with the other. His eyebrows raised as he looked at the name flashed across the screen.
“It’s ya girl, Cas.” Dean chuckled as he answered the phone with a snarky remark. “Alright Cinderella we’re getting your Charming there quick as poss-Y/N/N? Y/N?! HEY!”
Dean’s voice raised, concern slipping through his tone. Cas was instantly on high alert as Dean hung up the phone and stepped on the gas, making Baby push speeds far faster than the speed limit.
“Dean, what’s going on?! What did she say?!”Castiel’s voice was dangerously low, trying not to allow his nervousness seep into his words. Sam turns to his brother with a worried look painted on his face.
“She didn’t say anything, all I heard was her grunting and the sound of fighting. Someone’s attacked her. She’s in trouble, and I think I heard wings, it’s your kind, Cas.”
Cas felt anger overtake him, his protective instincts kicking in. He began dwelling on the situation at hand, mentally cursing himself. He should’ve stayed behind with her at the bunker, he could’ve protected her. What did angels want with Y/N anyway? It wasn’t like she had any information for them, Cas tried to keep her out of the angel realm as much as possible, to avoid getting her into situations like these. Perhaps he should’ve told her more, maybe she could’ve escaped.
“Cas,” Sam’s voice cut through his thoughts. “What would angels want with Y/N? She's not even on the ground with us most of the time. She doesn’t have anything for them to use.”
Castiel’s sapphire gaze was locked on the scenery passing by, speaking after Sam finished.
“She has everything. They can torture me, exile me, all but kill me and I will not fall to their whims. She is my weak spot, I would sacrifice all of man for her safety. They know that, and they’re using her to get what they want from me. What that is, I don’t know. But we will find her, and I will get her back, no matter the sacrifice.”
When Y/N came to, she quickly noted pain radiating everywhere. Her head pounded, arms aching from where she was tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. The flickering overhead light made her head spin, and she could feel the blood coming from her nose, the stinging of open cuts littering her face and body. She was dizzy and disoriented, but her adrenaline kept her awake. She was running through the mental checklist of her hunter training from years of running with the Winchester’s-be aware of all of your surroundings, don’t let your opponent catch you off guard, when in a fight, protect the head and vital organs as much as possible-she could practically hear Dean’s raspy drone rattling off the bullet points. Y/N didn’t know who had brought her here, or why, but she had every bet on Castiel’s feathered friends.
Her eyes scoured every inch of the grimy, abandoned room she was being held in. The roof leaked, the metal fixtures were creaky and rusted, likely due to years of just sitting empty. Y/N knew they had taken the gun she was holding back at the bunker, but they had most likely hadn’t stripped her of the knife in her pocket. It wouldn’t do much to protect her from angels, but it would get her out of these restraints. Through her clouded mind, she tried to think of a way to reach her pocket with tied hands, an intricate way to shuffle just enough to slip loose. Her thoughts halted when the metal door creaked open, her heart starting to hammer in her chest. It was the blonde angel, significantly more slimy-appearing than his brawny counterpart, and his shit-eating grin spread from one side of his face to the other.
“Ah, hello dear, seems you’ve finally waken!” His accent was thick, a Southern drawl that was sticky sweet despite his menacing gaze. “Sorry about all the roughhousin', but, well, you’re quite the sought after prize. Had to make sure we secured you without you slippin' from under us.” His mouth dropped from a wide grin to a slimy smirk, now far too close to Y/N for her liking.
“Now, I’ve got questions and you’ve got answers. It’s in your best interest to cooperate, sweet thing. Our little Castiel will come lookin' for you eventually, and I’m not too worried about returning his toys in proper condition.”
Y/N gulped but didn’t back down.
“What do you want?”
The blonde plasters on another slick smile.
“Castiel has wronged me, and now it’s time for his consequences. See, in the past, we could pick and prod at Castiel himself, or even one of those pesky Winchester brothers, and they’d take it, but give up nothing for us, no matter the torture. But you, oh darling, Castiel would burn the world to the ground to save little ole you. Let’s see just how much it takes for him to come runnin', shall we?”
Y/N had no time to protest before a sharp blade had sliced against the side of her face, causing her to yell out. In her hazy brain, she used her last ounce of energy to pray out to Cas, hoping he heard, and begging the universe to send Sam and Dean with him. After another blunt hit to the head, her world was black again.
Dean hardly put the Impala in park as they arrived at the abandoned warehouse they'd tracked Y/N to, gun brandished with Sam trailing behind him. Castiel had taken off on his own, angel blade and an incomprehensible fury as weapons. Dean and Sam were close on his tail, the brothers both a small bit concerned-they had never seen Castiel this angry.
The wind whipped through Castiel's coat as he all but ran through the abandoned warehouse and straight into the room where the two angels stood, Castiel's eyes blurring with anger. Dean's hand slapped his shoulder, Dean's green eyes still focused on the angels, Sam's locked on the same creatures.
"You go find her," Dean's deep timbre came to Castiel's ears. "Me and Sammy can handle these dicks."
Usually, Cas would argue, always staying behind to help Sam and Dean fight any creature, but with Y/N still hidden from him, Cas left without any remarks. Cas grew angry, his legs not carrying him through hallways of abandoned rooms fast enough.
"Y/N?!" His voice echoed off the metal fixtures, and Cas hoped it would reach the ears of the one person he was trying to find. "Y/N/N!"
Cas could have sworn his heart stopped. His brain had stopped working as he shoved a large metal door open with all of his force, his chest nearly collapsing at the sight he found behind it: Y/N, tied to a metal chair, her face swollen, one of her eyes black. Blood was dried on her temple, and blood stained the sweatshirt she was wearing. She looked exhausted, and Cas knew she probably felt worse than she looked.
"Y/N-," Cas' voice was soft and quiet, his hands coming to both sides of her face. "You're okay, I'm here, Sam and Dean are taking those angels out. We're going to get you out of here."
Cas' hands worked quickly, unwrapping the ropes tied around her arms and legs, hoping to cause her as little pain as possible. His brain was working overtime, his eyes scanning her entire frame as he worked.
"I-I'm okay, Cas. A little banged up, but I'm fine. I-I'll be okay."
"You're not okay, honey," Cas' pet names were few and far between, but always soft and meaningful, making Y/N's heart soar. "You've taken a beating, these ropes have scarred your ankles and wrists. I'm going to get you out of here."
Cas released the ropes and picked Y/N up under her arms, feeling her body weight fall on him.
"I-I'm sorry, Cas. I don't-don't think I can walk."
Cas shook his head, lifting her into his arms bridal style and pushing the door with his feet, rushing her through the building as quickly as possible.
"None of that, you're going to be fine. We're getting out of here, back to the Impala."
By the time Cas made it back to the center room, the angels had been slaughtered-their bodies lying on the floor. Dean and Sam stood in front of them, now looking at Cas.
"Is she alright?" Sam's voice echoes through the room.
"She'll be alright," Cas' voice replied. "We need to get out of here."
Dean nodded in agreement, leading the group back out to the Impala. Sam quickly swung open the back door of the car as Dean moved to start it, hoping to make a quick getaway. The Impala was silent-Y/N's head resting peacefully on Cas' chest, her eyes drooping in exhaustion. Cas' hand moved to her forehead, his grace lighting up the dark car as her cuts and bruises began to disappear. The light caught both Sam and Dean's attention as Y/N looked up at Cas and gave him a small smile before resting back into his chest.
"You alright back there, Y/N/N?" Dean's voice filled the silent car.
"Fine. Thank you, Dean. You too, Sam. I never would've made it out of there without you coming after me."
"You're family, Y/N," came Sam's voice. "We'd never leave you like that."
Y/N smiled against Cas' chest, slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep as his hand ran through her hair.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Dean worked together to put back all of the furniture that had been thrown about, putting books back into place before retiring to their own bedrooms.
Cas sat quietly on Y/N's bed, borrowing some of Sam and Dean's clothes as his coat and usual wear were in the wash. Moments later, Y/N returned, hair wet from the shower as she smiled at Cas, sitting on the bed next to him. She slid under the covers, sliding into his open arms. Y/N relaxed into Cas' embrace, kissing the underside of his jaw before falling asleep with her head tucked under his chin.
Cas' had no need for sleep, so he spent the entire night looking after her, making sure she slept soundly. Halfway through the night, he felt her begin to toss and turn, her breathing quickening, signaling as signs of a nightmare. Cas wakes her softly, shaking her shoulders as her eyes popped open, staring up at him. She said nothing before her bottom lip wobbled, fear grasping her every sense.
"Hey, hey," Cas' voice was a quiet whisper, his arms enveloping Y/N completely as her tears stained his shirt. "You're at the bunker, I'm here, Sam and Dean are down the hall. You're safe."
Y/N felt herself relax in his hold, grasping the fabric of his shirt, just to remind herself he was real, that nothing would touch her as long as he was here. Y/N felt her eyes start to close again, the emotional exhaustion of the day weighing on her. Just as she slips into a dream state, she feels Cas' faint kiss on her forehead, another act of warmth to make her comfortable. She slept soundly through the night, knowing her guardian angel was watching over her.
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justaaveragereader · 1 year
Devil In Disguise
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Pairing: Choi San x Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Genre: Smut, Dom!Reader x Sub!Choi San
Warnings⛔️: Unprotected Sex (Don’t Do That), Cream Pie, Choking, Oral (Receiving), Infidelity, Sub!San, Dom!Reader, ManEater Reader, Rough Sex, Degrading, Spanking, Pussy Whipped San, Manipulation, Now If I Missed Anything, Let Me Know👀😚!
NSFW & Warnings Under Cut - Minors DNI!!!🔞
You made men and women fall to your feet. Face of an angel, truly. Some think you floated down from heaven. To pure be dating Jung Wooyoung.
You were sitting on Wooyoungs lap as he laughed at another one of Jonghos jokes, the bass from the music slightly annoying you. Your arm thrown around the back of his neck playing with the hairs on the end of his hairline while letting your eyes shift around the room taking in your surroundings.
Wooyoungs hands dangerously drifted down to your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze causing you to slightly wince. Just as you were about to give Wooyoung a piece of your mind, everyone started to hoot and holler. The man of the hour finally entered the room, going on a alcohol run before he was even able to be at the party.
“San-Ah!” Yeosang shouted, excited to see the extra additions of alcohol more than he was to see San.
He was gorgeous, broad shoulders, pink pretty plush lips, a smile that could make a woman drop to her knees. A successful career, he was the full package. Everyone wanted a man like Choi San. You wanted a man like Choi San.
Placing the additional alcohol on a small table near the kitchen, you watch the way his arms flex as he lifts the bags. Muscles just bulging. You are smooth in the way you shift your gaze around, making sure not to spend too long ogling at the man. Your fingers continue to play in Wooyoungs hair. Your gaze shifts over to his other friends. Jeong Yunho, tall and handsome, big doe eyes, and you are sure he’s big somewhere else. You’ve caught him a couple times checking you out but he’s never seemed to notice the lingering gaze you’d have on him. Then there is Choi Jongho, strong strapping Choi Jongho, hands and thighs that could make a woman cry. You had seen him smush a melon in half with his bare hands. You wanted to suck the melon juice off of his fingers but you never teetered that line.
Kim Hongjoong, while he was quite mysterious he was always busy, you never knew much about him besides he worked hard as a producer, he was subtle with his sex appeal but he still had some, a sex appeal you always wanted to explore. Then came the groups oldest, Park Seonghwa, innocent by day, demon by night, you and Wooyoung let him stay at your apartment for the weekend one time, his eyes shifted and shaded you so often. When Woo would leave you’d put extra sway in your hips so you could feel his stare on you. Still believing that you were too “innocent”, to “naive” to be with a man like Jung Wooyoung. If only they knew…
Then you had Kang Yeosang, you could feel his gaze on you when you were alone. You loved to lock eyes with him, it was like a game of domination, waiting to see who would break eye contact first, ten out of ten it was always him who broke it. He’d get so tense, so flustered at your gaze. It was a victory to know you had Wooyoungs best friend in a permanent state of being flustered. Last but not least you had Song Mingi, you were convinced life blessed him with that height and body to make up for the dominance he lacked in the bedroom, once while alone, in a tipsy state he hit on you, not expecting you to meet his gaze and to make him fold faster than you could fold a piece of paper, behind those bold eyes of his, was just a simple submissive man. What a pity.
You always wanted to take a dip into what Choi San would be like, his soft dimpled smile, his kind gestures. It was hard to believe him and Wooyoung were best friends. You loved Wooyoung but the “being in love” phase was long gone. Looking at it now, you were curious as to if there was ever a “love” phase for him from your end. Your friends called you a maneater and did you love it. You had a face a naive man would trust, your actions always proved otherwise.
Wooyoung loves you, yet you knew he wasn’t in love with you. He didn’t want to leave you, he knew he could do no better. Where would he find arm candy like you? He never caught on to the sexual tension between you and his friends, yea he knew they found you hot, but what he didn’t know is that you lived for their burning stare. One stare in particular, Choi San.
There he was making his way towards the friend group, your nails slightly scraping at the skin on the back of Wooyoungs neck. Big dimpled smile on display, you wanted to ruin him in more ways than one.
“Come sit by me!” Wooyoung squeaked, patting the area on the couch cushion beside him, trying his best to be heard over the loud bass. Dodging his way over people's feet, making sure not to step on anyone he happily takes a seat. Eyes crushed into beautiful crescent moons.
“Hey Y/n! Are you enjoying yourself?” He asks sitting down, two bottles of water, and a bottle of Soju for Wooyoung. You smile back politely, fingers pausing before your hand rakes down Wooyoungs chest reaching out for the other water bottle.
“You always throw a big party! I thought this was supposed to be small?” You speak through a chuckle, looking around at the house full of people, a small get together that turned into a full house. Cracking the cap off the soju Wooyoung guzzles down some of the clear liquid. Hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles in your skin, his eyes boar around the place while you see Sans eyes flicker to the gesture before letting out a small cough and looking around the room.
“It was supposed to be…but someone, I’m not going to name any names, told everyone about it.”
“The more the merrier San-Ah. Learn how to live!”
“It’s my get together yet I was on an alcohol run before it started, how is that possible?”
Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders while letting out a laugh, his hand coming to shove Sans shoulder. You could feel the love between them, between all the members. They truly were a family unit. How nice.
San could feel you staring at him, you were like a temptress. He knew deep down you were no good, yet he wanted you in various ways. He wanted you mentally, physically, emotionally, he wanted you forever.
You gaze was like fire, his skin was nothing but gasoline, you sparked him up every time you were near. Your perfume alone made him rock hard, his hands fiddle with the water bottle. Barely hearing anything that Wooyoung is saying, the soju runs its course through Woo making him more chatty than usual. Clearly getting tipsy he starts antagonizing Jongho, saying he can clearly drink him under the rug.
Letting out a small chuckle you stand up so that Wooyoung can make his way over to Jongho to continue the argument, and to show Jongho that his quote on quote “Hyung can drink him into the grave.” You and San watch the banter that goes on. Letting out a small chuckle you are staring straight but eye him up out of the corner of your eye. A smirk tugging on your lips. A hand coming up to the back of his hairline, running your nails across it, you see him break out into goosebumps. Your cool fingertips beyond enticing to him.
“Mind telling me where the bathroom is Sannie? You know I always forget.”
You can hear him gulp, you both are most likely the most sober at the party. You know where the bathroom is but you loved to play cat and mouse with him.
Nodding his head, he turns his head to throw a glance at the hallway that the bathroom is by. A smile graces your face, teeth on full display for him. You stand up, adjusting your pants just so he can have a show as you walk to Wooyoung to tell him you are going to be back, you are just headed to the restroom. To wrapped up in the drinking game all the members except San is playing, he brushes you off.
You know he’s looking, you can feel his gaze on your ass. Making your way towards the restroom that’s located in Sans room, not the one that’s located in the bathroom. Freshening up a bit, because you know you will be getting laid tonight, it’s just a matter of fact who it will be.
Just as you are going to open the bathroom door you hear sounds of movement on the other. Worried it’s two people fucking in Sans room you try to ease the door open to be surprised by it being San. Alone, in his bedroom, sporting a hard bulge in his pants. He was mouthwatering. With a firm hand he grabs himself, trying to ease some tension. Your eyes lift over to his door, seeing that it’s locked. Oh. So he did come in here for some special alone time.
You let out a small chuckle, causing San to quickly whip around, both hands now covering his thick hard on that can be easily seen through his pants. You see the flush on his face travel from his face to his neck. You wonder if his cock will be flushed the same way he is.
“Y-Y/N! I didn’t know you were here!” He squeaks out, voice layered with nerves.
You lean up against the door frame of the bathroom, arms crossing under your chest to have your tits poke out a bit more, his eyes flicker to your cleavage shamelessly, what a man.
“The other bathroom was occupied. I thought you wouldn’t mind if I used yours.” Your voice drips out, thicker than honey. You swear you see his eyes swirl with lust. Eyeing him up and down like he was candy. You could visibly see him gulp. Making your way over to where he was seated, standing in front of his open legs with his hands still covering his bulge. Your fingers lightly brush over his broad shoulders. His body does a noticeable shiver.
“My, my, my Choi San. Still as handsome as ever.” You whisper out, a clear smirk on your face, lips stretching into a grin.
San felt his knees buckle, this was wrong he shouldn’t be doing this, Wooyoung was his best friend. You were his bestfriends girlfriend, the ultimate forbidden fruit. Nodding his head at your words. His eyes glued to the floor. Trying to not grab the forbidden fruit that waves in front of his face.
“Thank you.” He slowly says, voice barely above a whisper. You can see his cock slightly twitch with each word that drops out of your mouth.
“You shouldn’t be here.” He whispers again, hands still trying to hide his jumping bulge.
Your fingers come up to play with the shirt that is being stretched by his wide shoulders. Your touch felt like fire on his ice body. He lets out a small whimper. If he made noises like that just based on your small touch, what would happen when his cock was stuffed inside you?
“I was just using the restroom Sannie, no harm in that. Unless…” you drift off at the end of your sentence. His eyes looking up at you, he swore he saw doves fly from around your head, and a light shine. They did say that the devil was once the most beautifulest angel.
“Unless what..?”
“Unless you don’t want me here, I can g-.”
“No!” He quickly speaks out, noticing your eyes grow hooded. Gaze feeling like you’ve caught a mouse in your trap. Clearing his throat he speaks up.
“I mean…what I meant was…if you needed the restroom by all means, please use it.”
Your fingers dance down his chest, nails scraping over his pecks. God, what a hunk.
“I don’t think we should be doing this…what about Wooyoung? What would he think?” He whispers out, trying to hold onto any morals he had left, you haven't even done much but yet he was withering away.
“I don’t know Sannie, you tell me. What would he think? He is your best friend, isn’t he?” You whisper out, hand now getting dangerously lower. As your fingers graze over his goosebump littered body he lets out a whimper.
“I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do. If you want me to go, I’ll go.” You lift your hands off of him, grazing a piece of his pants, your fingers feeling over his bulge. Taking a step back, his hand shoots out to grab your hips, not letting you step back any further. He’s biting his lip so much it’ll start bleeding any second. Bringing your thumb up to his lips you pull his bottom lip out. Running the pad of your thumb over it. His eyes bore up at you, unshed tears in his eyes. Was it shame/guilt making him feel this way? Or was it his undying desire for his bestfriends girlfriend?
“I want you so bad, I’ve always wanted you so bad Y/N.” He whimpers out, unshed tears now falling down his face. Your pussy clenched at the sight. You truly were making this man go against all his morals. Seonghwa did say once that San never betrays. Guess that was a lie. Everyone always has their own price.
Your fingers rake through his dark locks. Cooing at him, bringing his head to your stomach to let him cry. The light scratch at his scalp was driving him insane. Opening his legs further so you could stand in between them. You could feel his throbbing member on your own leg. God, he was blessed.
His hands start to roam your lower body, hesitating before slowly running down the side of your hips, circling back to grab two handfuls of your ass. You let out a small hum. Enjoying his strong hands on your body. His cologne flooding your nostrils now. Running your hands down to the back of his shirt you grab it, pulling his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. Stepping back as far as you could with his hands holding onto your hips. You can finally ogle at his body, he was built like a literal God.
Nails raking down his chest, leaving red angry lines on his skin. Tossing his head back, he groans out. Hands still full of your ass, he pulls you closer to him, so close you wind up knocking him back, his body hitting the mattress while you fall on top of him. One arm keeps you held up, while your other arm is braced against his chest. You grip his chin lightly, pulling him back into reality. Bringing your lips down you push your soft lip gloss coated lips against his. Licking his bottom lip you pull away, his hand shoots up to the back of your head pulling you back in, he couldn’t settle for that swift peck you gave him. He was needy, he needed you now, he needed you yesterday, he needed you when you agreed to be an item with his best friend. The kiss starts out hot, his tongue crashing against yours in a frenzy, trying to soak all of you in.
Groaning into the kiss, his hands roam all over your body, tugging at the clothes you are wearing. The way he’s pulling on them you'd assume he was trying to shred them to pieces. The kiss gets needier, teeth starting to clash, lips starting to wander to necks. Your fingers lightly tug on his hair, letting out a groan, you can feel his cock twitch at the tug. Smiling to yourself you pull back, pulling your shirt over your head. You swear you saw his eyes almost bug out. Grabbing his hands from your ass you stand up, pulling your pants along with your panties down. Foreplay in your eyes was over. You came here for one thing, and one thing only. Dick.
His eyes don’t know where to look, it’s all happening so fast, palming himself over his pants he lets out a small hiss. He’s rock hard, worried he might shoot his load if you even touch him with your naked body.
Unbuttoning his pants, cock begging to be free. He sits up, shimming his pants down, boxers still on. Doing nothing to hide his throbbing member. Your mouth moistens, oh how you want to shove his cock down your throat. Your hand runs delicately over his peck before pushing him back down so he’s laying flat on his back, sitting on his legs right before his cock so you can get a good look at all of him. His eyes bore up at you, as if you were playing God. Your nails run down the outline of his cock. Causing his whole body to shiver, grabbing your hand lightly, you look up at him amused.
“What’s wrong baby? Are you going to cum already?” You say through a pout, sarcasm thick in your voice. His chest flushed red again, beginning to pant, he nods his head quickly. Any form of verbal communication he has right now, has left the room.
You grab his cock through his boxers causing his hips to jerk up. Any other time he would’ve been embarrassed by how much a woman had affected him but the girl of his dreams was sitting on him in her bra, bare wet pussy on display for him. How could he care?
Tugging on the band of his boxers letting it snap against his skin, he lets out a moan. A smirk grows on your face. Tugging on the band, you let it snap against him again. Smirk growing by each pathetic moan he lets out. You rub the irritated skin where the band snapped against. Getting up off his legs, crawling on the side of him, tossing your leg over his chest, ass in his face, pussy on his chest. Looking back at him he’s staring at your core like it’s dessert. You push his boxers down letting his thick cock spring free, wet patches coat the boxers.
Bending over you blow on the head of his cock, earning a small whine from him. Arching your back so he has full access to your dripping cunt. You give his slit a lick, smearing his precum around. His hands jolt to your hips, trying to stabilize himself before he can even get a taste of you. Licking his lips he spreads your ass cheeks open to get a better view of your cunt. Eyes rolling back almost immediately, you were dripping.
Darting his tongue he instantly latches on to your clit. Causing you to let out a moan. His silky tongue runs along your folds, dipping into your hole, groaning at the way you taste, he sticks his tongue as far as it can go into you. Your mouth drops open, panting against his cock, trying your best to put it in your mouth but it’s hard when he's eating your pussy like it’s his last meal on earth. Just as you lock lips around the tip of him, his arms reach around to your upper body, right below your tits pulling you back to you were fully seated on his face. Your head falling back instantly. Giving your ass a harsh slap, he grabs both cheeks jiggling them while his face is buried into your cunt. Your body begins to clam up with sweat. The way he’s working your clit while thrashing his head back and forth has you ready to see another universe.
You begin bouncing on his face, causing him to groan, his neglected cock oozing with beads of pre cum. Hands still slapping your ass while keeping your cheeks spread so he could get full access to your pussy is driving you crazy. So wrapped up in the pleasure of bouncing on his face your orgasm approaches before you have time to even tell him, your back arches, fingernails digging into his thighs, surely to leave some marks. You do nothing to hide your loud moan as you reach climax. The poor people who pass by clearly know two people are in here fucking. But the thrill of them not knowing who is enticing. Slurping your juices down like he’s been deprived of fluids all his life. He fully understands why Adam and Eve ate that apple, forbidden fruit is so delicious.
Body feeling like a limp noodle you try your best to remain upright, his tongue still thrashing around your wet cunt causing you to let out small whimpers. Tossing your leg off of his chest, trying your hardest to pry him off of your pussy. Turning around so you are face to face with him, you run your thumb along his bottom lip, pulling down on it, he so easily submits to you, tongue rolling out , you spit into his mouth. You want him to feel as dirty as this situation is. You want him to bask in the delight of fucking you, yet you see him as easy. Fucking his best friends girlfriend, what a slut. As soon as you spit, it hits his tongue, letting out a moan, dick bobbing so hard you feel it brush the back of your thighs. Lining his cock up with your sopping entrance you slowly slide down his shaft. Giving your hips an experimental roll, his hands shoot down to your hips, causing them to stop.
His eyes scrunched shut, panting heavily, toes instantly in a curl position. Cooing at his disarrayed state you run your fingers down the sides of his face. You already got yours, you are being nice enough to let him get his.
“You're going to cum already baby? Is my cunt so good that one bounce in and you are going to come undone?” You chuckle. Lifting your hips slightly before slamming back down causing his whole body to jerk, his back arches off the bed. Shooting his load deep into you. His heavy panting filled the warm room. His eyes are squeezed tight, too lost in the feeling of his orgasm. Did you just turn Choi San into a minute man…?
You chuckle before you pick yourself up and start bouncing swiftly on his cock, his toes curl in an instant. Your warm wet walls wrapped his clock with so much ease. Hugging him tight each time you shifted up. Overstimulation causing him to whimper out your name in a whiny voice. His hands drop to your ass, holding onto it for dear life. As you bounce up and down slamming your cunt onto him, you place your hands onto his chest, getting better leverage to fuck your self on him. Bringing your face down to his lips lightly brushing over his plump moist ones.
“Am I fucking you good San-Ah?” You say with a crooked smile on your face. He looks fucked out already, his eyes twinkling under the room light.
You are bouncing with determination, cracking his eyes open to get a better look at you, he sees the crazed look in your eyes. You truly are the devil.
“Oh my fucking god.” He moans out, drool starting to pour from the side of his mouth. You wrap a hand around his neck. Giving it a slight squeeze, causing him to place his feet on the bed, trying his best to thrust up into you, he couldn’t get enough of your cunt. If he could be buried into it all the time, he would. His sloppy thrust trying to meet your heavy bouncing. Each time you go down you can feel your wetness leaking down his cock, dropping down to his balls. His own inner thighs become moist with your juices.
“Whose fucking you this good baby?” You groan out against his neck, placing sloppy kisses along his collar bone. While one hand remained firm on his thick neck. It was the ultimate power move. He was beneath you, quite figuratively and literally. Making sure not to leave any marks. He wasn’t yours to claim.
“You are!” He whimpers out, hand coming down to crack against your ass. While he holds the other ass cheek, lifting you up and down so you could ride him harder and faster.
“That’s right baby…I am fucking you this good.”
You pant out into his ear, tongue darting out to lick the skin close to his ear. Your cool tongue on him pushes him over the edge. Both his hands now jack hammering you up and down his cock. You let him freely bounce you around like you are a rag doll. Not even caring if you come this second time around. You let him freely use you.
“Fuck fuck fuck!” He loudly groans out. Eyes squeezed shut, toes curling harder, his head tossed back. It’s such a shame Wooyoung asked you out first. If you had known San looked like an absolute god while cumming you would’ve turned down Wooyoungs offer to go public. His hips jerk one last time while he slams you down onto him, your cunt clenches as soon as you feel his same load shoot deep into you. Core muscles flexing because of how hard he came, finally relaxes. His body falls to a limp in an instant. You stand up slowly easing off his cock, you both let out a small hiss. As you stand onto your feet, his cum instantly starts to ooze out of you. Waddling over to the bathroom, you try to clean yourself up the best way possible. Not offering him any pillow talk or aftercare. You got what you came for.
Walking back into the bedroom you see San with his eyes still blissfully shut, cock now softening. Picking your clothes up off the floor you pulled your panties back on, your pants following behind. San sat up in bed, seeing you shuffle around to toss on your clothes.
“Where are you going?” He pants out, still in complete awestruck of the mind blowing orgasm you gave him.
You chuckle to yourself, shaking your head slightly while throwing your shoes back on.
“I’m going back to the party, Sannie. Can’t lay in bed with you all night now.” You get up correcting your smudged lip gloss and sweated out mascara. He bores his eyes into the back of your head. Feeling his heart snap into two. He didn’t know what was eating him more. Guilt, or sadness. You coo at San, making your way over to the side of the bed he was currently on. Placing both hands on his face, mushing his lips together.
“Sannie my love, did you think we were going to lay here and cuddle? What would Wooyoung think? Isn’t that what you told me before? Your best friend Wooyoung.” Your sticky lip glossed lips peck him quickly. Drawing away to fast for his liking.
“But I’m in love with you..” He squeaks out through squished cheeks. A heavy blush coating his chest and cheeks. Not even caring that you brought up Woo. You plagued his mind. You laugh loudly, the mockery vibrating off of the walls. You kiss his nose before standing up making your way to exit the bedroom.
“I’m in love with you too Sannie, in love with you just like I’m in love with Wooyoung.” You say through a chuckle.
“But sometimes love just doesn’t cut it anymore Sannie.” You say unlocking the door and twisting the knob.
“If it makes you feel better, your cock was amazing. That was ‘in love’ worthy sex right there.” As you stepped out of the room the sound of your shoes echoed through the empty hall. Not caring if anyone saw you leaving Sans room. You follow the loud music back to the living room where your boyfriend awaited you. You could feel the music carrying you.
“You doing anything to keep her by your side
Because she says she love you, love you long
Time, she’s a maneater, make you work hard,
Make you spend hard, make you want all of her
Love, she’s a maneater.
A/N: When I tell y’all the amount of times I had Maneater by Nelly Furtado on repeat should be illegal💀. This song was and still is my shiiiiittttt! I love reading about maneater women bc like periodddd! Had him pussywhipped so early on. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this one💕👏🏼!
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pixieskie · 9 months
˖˚˳⊹"i really do love you.. im sorry"˖˚˳⊹
-warnings: Angst, depress!on, su!c!dal thoughts, detachment, scars, body dysmorphia, disassociation, not proofread, chubby reader. -chars mentioned: Scaramouche -wc: 0.6k -a/n: i dont even know what to say.. Um this is .. something.. enjoy?
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as someone who felt every emotion more intense than others, it also meant feeling more sad. it should've been fine but you simply couldn't feel happy.. you have friends and family but still felt so lonely..
“helloooo” scaramouche waved his hand infront of your face to get your attention.
Suddenly looking up, you see him frowning at you. “what’re you thinking so hard about.. do you not wanna watch the movie?”
“sorry.. i just spaced out” you said embarrassed.. “just continue the movie, ill pay attention this time”.. Scara simply muttered a small ‘fine’ and resumed it.
Scaramouche is your best friend, the one you share everything with. But.. he could never understand the depth of your emotions.. The void you feel inside.. The aching loneliness that consumes you at every moment.
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“Yes lets go to the beach!! itll be perf....”
“ooh i just bought a new bikini…..”
“wont it be too sunny? ill get tanne….”
you drowned out their conversation and thought of excuses to skip… you had no other choice.. a bikini wouldn't cover your scars, stretch marks or tummy fat.. it would be on display for everyone to see your insecurities and then they'd hate you.
“guys im sorry but i have to study this weekend.. exams are close”
“again? but didnt you say the same last week…”
“oh come on! itll be so fun…”
“ugh she does the same everytime…”
Ofcourse they wouldn't understand.. They had the perfect body..
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The words were blurred as you tried to read them.. Nothing made sense to you anymore.. Your exams were near and you have to study but the words together don't make sense anymore..
Sighing, you went to splash some water on your face to wake yourself up. Looking up into the mirror, you saw failure.. Someone who cant study.. Someone who wouldnt be able to make a living..
You sat back down at your desk.. You can study and change your future right? its just a book..
But.. you cant make yourself read the words anymore.. you felt so tired..
Why cant you also be like others?.. Everyone else is so successful and perfect.. They have good grades, perfect body and happy lives..
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You sat on the edge of the roof.. This used to be your hang out spot with Scara but eventually you both stopped meeting there.
“where the fuc- YOURE HERE?” Scara dramatically sighed, huffing. “Ive been searching all over for you. Come on, ive made dinner.. you have to eat something”
You chucked softly at his caring nature and nodded silently.. “Scara?” he was about to leave but turned back to look at you “yeah?”
“I love you”
He chuckled in confusion “yeah yeah i get it, i love you too. no need to get all sentimental with me, its just dinner.”
You turned back to the sky once he left. He probably went to your kitchen to fill a plate for you..
You smiled at the thought. He was the best person you could've asked for..
And it hurts. He cared for you so much but you couldn't appreciate it..
Leaving never had to be this painful.. But a tear fell down and you closed your eyes, recounting your memories..
There were so many happy moments you never got to enjoy.. Sad moments you stayed numb.. And the huge gap in your memory.. and nobody knew how you felt because you never let them.
‘Im so tired… Im so tired..” You looked at your feet, dangling off the roof.. ‘i hate this .. i dont wanna do this.. but theres nothing else to be done’
You took a deep breath in.. “i really do love you.. im sorry”...
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tags: @rubywonu @stygianoir @unsavoy-melon @kashiiwi @babbledabble25
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
With 17 versions to buy and 8 versions combined for 160 streams per Spotify account, plus Melon and FLO streams now counting, of course Jungkook’s Seven is charting high and sweeping awards. Firstly because it’s Jungkook of course, and secondly because it’s been given every possible advantage.
My (perhaps controversial) opinions about that are below the cut.
Honestly? I really can’t feel good about any “first” or “most” or “fastest” records achieved by this single—catchy as it is—which wasn’t written or conceived by Jungkook and has nothing much personal or deeply meaningful about it. It’s a fun feel-good summer pop song, for sure, but no more groundbreaking than, say, Bad Decisions (in my opinion… I have no musical expertise.)
But I can’t feel super great about all the records and awards because this many versions immediately restocked and shipped and auto play and promoted to radio and ads and leadership hyping only this while Jungkook says he wants to be the one and only artist to conquer kpop and pop for the next thousand years… it all just doesn’t really sit right with me.
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When compared to the 10 months Jimin forewent sleep, food, and showers to have a hand in every aspect of his first (and deeply personal and symbolic) album, which was never sent to radio or restocked, got split tracks and delayed playlisting and shady articles, plus not one kudos or congratulations from leadership even after he made history for South Korea and stocks soared…
Forgive me, but it all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It is ruining the song for me.
Some things like culled streams and sales are out of the company’s control. But the things I mentioned above were all possible for Jimin’s Hot 100 #1. Even if every Tannie has total say in their projects' sales and marketing, and everyone was on board with only Jungkook getting the Hybe America "red carpet" treatment, I can’t lie and say the stark difference feels fine. It doesn't, and I confess I leave the headphones in every time Seven comes up in the playlists now.
I’m not jealous. If anything, I have a warped sense of pride that Jimin has done so fantastically well despite so many, many obstacles stacked against him. I love to champion an underdog and I’m glad I never need to doubt his success was organic. I actually feel extra admiration for how humble and hardworking he continues to be—no resting on any laurels for the It Boy. I'm so glad he is my ult-bias.
Listen to me.
I know Jungkook and Jimin are both genuinely good people. I know they are sincerely talented and hard working. I know they truly love each other. I know all members are legitimately happy for each others' success.
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I know what’s important to me may not be important to them, nor what they want for their careers. And even if I feel their company’s making shitty decisions, I know my place as a fan.
So I trust them. And I simply hang in. I hope lessons were learned for smoother, fairer future releases. Because neglecting assets makes zero business sense, and perceived favoritism can erode the group’s bonds and tear ARMY apart. It is, frankly, just plain stupid.
So I may dislike things about their solo era rollouts and I can't bring myself to sugar-coat it; but I mostly try to keep my negative thoughts to myself and find things I CAN celebrate with other fans on an open timeline.
I never want another Tannie to feel anguished and misunderstood the way Hobi did about JitB’s physicals.
Watching Jungkook’s face here on his London live when he talks about people hating him just haunts me. It guts me. I can't stand it. That kid was going through it and I don't believe he has a malicious bone in his body, so it just really upsets me seeing him like that.
There’s so, so much about this company, this industry, this culture that I just don’t understand. But I trust Park Jimin completely. As long as Park Jimin loves and supports his members, God knows, I will too.
So!! On that note...
We have Jungkook’s birthday to celebrate next week and Taehyung’s album to support the week after that. I’m going to do my best to rest up and gather some good energy for these things!
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And of course, we must congratulate our Jimin, who made history again today, and no matter what, will always set the standard. I just know he's cooking up something else for us with all these weeks of silence, and I cannot wait to go BERSERK for it whenever it drops.
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I’m not really sure I had a point to this post. It’s just that I have been mulling all this over for a long time, and finally felt well enough to sit up long enough to come online and type up my thoughts.
I guess what I mostly wanted to share with my friends here is that it’s okay to feel really disappointed and even enraged at the way some things play out over the (hopefully life-long) careers of BTS members. Don't let folks gaslight you. Call it like you see it. (Maybe keep sensitive things behind a cut or in the DMs--and of course, please change your mind if you get better insight. In the end, only the Tannies really know what's going on with the Tannies.)
But while I’m still side-eyeing the company so hard right now, I’ve decided to love and support the boys as people and artists. I'm trying to believe the best in everyone. I’m still an OT7 Jikooker.
You don’t have to agree with me, and if you need to unfollow, I understand. But I figured I should just tell you guys (especially the new followers) where I am at with all this.
Love, Roo
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Been really into gardening, so what about Nikolai and König with a gardener s/o? Would they be interested in helping out, or have a specific favorite type of plant?
(I love love LOVE rambling about plants, they're so cool once you get to know them!! I blame my mom entirely since she has a green thumb)
(Also, do you have a fav kind of flower? I personally love hydrangeas)
Plants are really cool, though! Hydrangeas are very pretty, I think I've seen some here and there! I personally adore lisianthus, though! They're absolutely gorgeous! Now I can't help but wonder if I could grow some someday when I move out, haha!
Nikolai and König with a Gardener!S/O
Nikolai: I do believe that he has a garden somewhere near his house only he knows about, where he grows vegetables. He loves having his own little garden, just that little bit of space that no one can take away from him with which he can do just about whatever is nice. He especially likes tomatoes, they’re nutritious, healthy and very delicious, as well as easy to cook. Nikolai is a pretty good cook, so he knows how to utilize tomatoes to their full potential. He has tried to grow flowers as well, though. He’s made some good success with sunflowers, in fact he still has some in his secret garden. So he absolutely knows how to take care of a garden, he finds it relaxing even and would love to help you out a bit, if you let him. Do let him plant some plants of his own, though, he loves watching them grow. Although he’s never been able to do so, he’d love to cultivate some melons at some point as well. Watermelons, cantaloupes, honey melons, he’d love to eat his own ones someday as well, especially with you. He thinks it’s so cool that you’re a gardener because, in another life where he wasn’t a soldier and or leader of a PMC, he, too, would be a gardener. Has always dreamed of having a garden with you and would love to plant some trees as well. Apple trees, cherry trees, maybe even some orange trees, as long as he gets some delicious fruit out of it, he’s down. Besides, what’s more domestic than working at your shared garden together? He’ll even plant some flowers as well. He can’t particularly surprise you well with them, but he can look at your surprised face when they first start sprouting. While he won’t pluck or cut them unless he needs to, he will cherish the moments he gets to spend with you and your shared plants. And if you’re the type of person to name your plants then I can assure you he remembers each and every single name.
König: He’s never really been into gardening. He had a small succulent as a kid once so he had something to take care of that would help him with feeling down, but it didn’t survive very long. He loved the little plant a little too much and gave it too much water every day. To this day he feels guilty about it. He named it “Luisa”. Ever since then he’s not very confident in his plant keeping abilities, thinking he has the worst green thumb imaginable. He would love to help you, don’t get me wrong, but he’s afraid of killing your plants and making you mad about it. No, he’d much rather watch you and encourage you with your endeavors. He’ll buy fertilizer, if needed, or some new seeds or saplings if you want some, but he won’t really do much with your plants, aside from moving them to the sunlight if you want him to. Although, it should be added that he could still learn how to take good care of a plant. With some guidance, and another small succulent that’s hard to kill, it’s not too late. Just show him the ropes, tell him what to do and he’ll do it. He might get nervous about having overdone it again from time to time, and will come up to you, the succulent tiny in his hands, asking you if his plant will make it. Reassure him and give him some good tips, he’ll appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. König feels very accomplished when the plant has survived over two months. As time goes on, he’ll grow more comfortable with plants and ask you if he could maybe help you water some more plants. He may still need to get a feeling for it all, but he’s very eager to help you. Again, this is all very domestic for him, so he quite likes it. Just watering some plants with you, harvesting some parsley, maybe picking some apples from the tree. He can get most fruits from the tree due to his height as well, which is great. König’s more into the practical side of gardening, so he prefers fruit and vegetables over flowers. His favorite plant would be a pumpkin, but only because he loves pumpkin seed oil.
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dearlexies · 2 months
let's just have a honest conversation now.
why y'all like enhypen? it's the music, the choreographies? the members? think about it for one minute, just one minute. what made you like them? if it's one of the above great! so you like them, and want to see them doing great, breaking records, being recognized worldwide etc. And i have to tell you, this won't happen if you do nothing. Do you guys understand that other fandoms are getting together just to stop us from winning the votations??? There are people spamming yt comments with emojis to freeze views, we were in the leading idolchamp all the time and then other fandoms got together and started spreading rumors and lies about enhypen, now they're laughing at us. If this doesn't make you sad or mad I'm sorry but you aren't really an engene you just here for the visuals or like to listen to the group and call them the "future of kpop" "4th gen leaders" when it's convenient for your ego and pride. Romance: Untold, has the potential to be their biggest comeback but we are unable to reach the goal of views and likes on YouTube!!! (20M views, and 1,5 likes which is soooo easy to do!!!)
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if you don't want stream and vote then what's your plans to make enhypen successful? bc they won't be recognized if you sit here and do nothing. just bc we won mnte doesn't mean it's over, we still have to get the 20M views on yt, we still have to win the allchart and superstarx votation, and there's the live voting on Thursday (and and if it is the same as today the chances of us winning will be very low) Not to mention that we are already out of the Spotify chart and if we keep it that way we won't re-enter.
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ENGENEs there are so many ways to contribute in the success of XO. You just have to pick which way will be easier and convenient to you.
1) Stream the MV (YT);
2) Stream XO in diff. sites (Genie, Melon, Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok etc) you don't even need to listen the music, just create a playlist and let it run
3) Pre-voting for music shows; (mnet plus, allchart and superstar x.)
4) Donations;
5) buying the album; there's a chance for us to enter in second in the billboard hot200!!!
6) Using the song's in tiktok videos; &
7) Share enhypen with friends and family
we need to be a better fan base, we need to start to be greedy for enha achievements this era, if we can't continue to thrive and strive to make them better after 4 years, I don't really know what to say anymore. We need to stop saying "we'll do better next time" and can't even reach the mv goal for the first day. the 'next time' you are talking about should be this, please know your priority.
Stream harder now! Go watch the mv! Vote on the allchart and superstarx!
don't wait for miracles that won't probably happen. core and dedicated fanbase was always a key to success.
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slackville · 2 months
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Sandy Koufax had trouble getting the great Roberto Clemente out.
Someone once asked Sandy how to get Clemente out and he quipped: “I have no idea; roll the ball to the plate?”
But even great hitters struggled against the man known as The Left Hand of God.
What made Sandy Koufax so hard to hit?
Pete Rose answered this question during an interview in which he graphically described Koufax’s curve ball and how precipitously it dropped. Rose found a melon in a basket of fruit and threw it straight down on the floor, hard. “How the hell you gonna hit that curve ball?” Rose asked the interviewer.
And it wasn’t just Rose.
"Hitting against him is like eating soup with a fork," Pittsburgh Pirates slugger Willie Stargell said.
"It drops like a chair whose legs collapse," Koufax’s catcher John Roseboro said.
"Sandy would strike me out two or three times a game. And I knew every pitch he was going to throw: fastball, breaking ball or whatever. Actually, he would let you look at it. And you still couldn't hit it!" — Willie Mays on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series
When Yogi Berra watched Koufax pitch during the 1963 World Series after having gone 25–5 in the regular season, Berra said, "I can see how he won 25 games. What I don't understand is how he lost five." Fortunately, Dodgers shortstop Maury Wills solved the mystery when he responded, “He didn't lose 5 games, we did.”
“He was truly magnificent.” — Hammerin’ Hank Aaron
In an interview, Bud Selig said the only pitcher he ever heard Hank Aaron complain about verbally was Sandy Koufax. After Koufax had out-dueled the great Warren Spahn, beating the Braves 2–1, on the departing plane trip an unhappy Aaron told Selig, “Boy, I’m glad I don’t have to face him again!” And Aaron was one of the few batters to have any success against Koufax. When asked in interviews to name the most dominant pitchers he faced, Aaron would immediately name Bob Gibson and Koufax, followed by Don Drysdale and Tom Seaver. Amusingly, Aaron said, “If you didn’t hit Drsydale, he was going to hit you!” The great home run hitter and baseball ambassador had a great sense of humor as well.
Superior hitters like Mays, Aaron, Rose, Stargell and Berra found Koufax baffling, so just imagine what it must have been like for ordinary hitters to face him.
Paul Reidl confirmed what great hitters have said about Koufax’s curve and its precipitous break: “I watched him pitch several times from behind home plate at old Forbes Field. His curveball, quite literally, fell off a table. Never seen anything like it. Batters would just flail at it.”
Pete Rose said Koufax had a “great fastball” and pointed out that he struck out over 1,000 batters in his (Rose’s) first three seasons in the NL. That’s averaging 333 strikeouts per year, back when it had never been done before. In fact, Koufax had set the NL record with 269 strikeouts in 1961, breaking a 58-year-old record set by the great Christy Mathewson. It’s easy to forget that, before Koufax, no NL pitcher had really challenged 300 strikeouts in a season. But Koufax would go on to destroy his just-set strikeout record with 306 in 1963, when he became the first unanimous winner of the Cy Young Award back when it was for both leagues, then an otherworldly 382 in 1965 when he won his second of three Cy Youngs.
“You pitch outside, you throw inside,” he liked to say" - Jane Leavy, Sandy Koufax biographer
“Show me a guy who can’t pitch inside, and I’ll show you a loser.” - Sandy Koufax
“Pitching is the art of instilling fear.” - Sandy Koufax
Unlike his partner in pitching crimes, Don Drysdale, the great Sandy Koufax didn’t have to go headhunting to instill fear. He did it with a rip-roaring four-seam fastball and a curve that broke down like it had a gravity accelerator. Those were his primary pitches, and Koufax also threw a forkball and change-up to keep batters off balance and confused about what was coming next. As if they weren’t in enough trouble already!
Ironically, Koufax became the strikeout king by abandoning his fastest pitch for a somewhat slower fastball he could control better. Here’s how it happened …
The turning point of Koufax’s career came in 1961 when catcher Norm Sherry told him to slow things down and concentrate on throwing strikes. "Sandy, you could solve your control problem if you'd just try to throw the ball easier," Sherry said. "Just get it over the plate. You've still got enough swift on it to get the hitters out." Koufax took the advice and the rest is baseball history. But the mind boggles at what he might have done with better control of his fastest fast ball.
Rose told the interviewer that he hit .175 against Koufax, and could only hope to hit his weight (202 pounds) but couldn’t even do that. This is the all-time hit king, who hit .307 against Bob Gibson, .340 against Juan Marichal, .531 against Warren Spahn, and “wore out” Don Sutton, Bob Welch and other top pitchers of his era. But the best Rose could hope for was to hit his weight against Koufax, and he couldn’t even manage that.
I became a good pitcher when I stopped trying to make them miss the ball and started trying to make them hit it.
#MLB #Baseball
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evita-shelby · 1 year
The Gala
Rated M for smut no minors 🔞
Gif by @mrs-gray
No more taglists for the Eva fics, i can't remember who was on them
Cw: for racism, a mommy/daddy kink, sexual harassment, alluded sex and a joke at Sigmund Frued's expense
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Tonight had been a success.
And even if it hadn’t, Tommy knew it wouldn’t affect things after.
“Alone at last.” Eva sighed as she shut the door behind her and locked it for good measure.
“I thought it would never end.” He said carefully removing his bowtie and tossing it as far away from him as possible.
Their first party after their time with Mosley.
It went better than expected, especially now that they no longer pretended to believe in fascism.
But better doesn’t mean the party didn’t have its unique problems.
Thomas knows the necessity of these things and yet, each time he wished he could just hide out in the stables until its over.
But he needs to show his party that he is the only one who can keep Mosley out of the spotlight the pathetic worm loves so much.
There was much staring ---Eva was used to it, counted on it even--- especially with Eva’s white satin dress that was very similar to the red one she wore for her birthday party in 1929.
“I am burning that fucking dress the moment this is over.” He warns lowly and she just gave a coy smile.
It had a low back, a deep enough neckline to show those freckles he likes so much and clung to her torso enough to show off her hourglass figure.
Looked like an angel until you saw that wicked look in her eyes.
You can see all you want, but the moment you even dreamed of touching her, they will find themselves being left to the wild pigs in the woods outside.
“I thought you might like it, amorcito.” She feigns innocence as they walk into the gallery.
“I think I deserve a reward for my good behavior, sweetheart.” He says tugging loose the bow holding the dress up.
“Who says I wanted a good boy tonight, maybe I wanted you to kill that fucker who said my melons are in season.” She asks but lets him do as he pleases.
“No more killing, Evie.” He reminds her as he slowly pushed the dress down and savoring the goosebumps he leaves on her tan skin.
“If you say so, Tommy.” She murmurs, turning her head slightly to kiss him.
“Those days are over, they’re over for good.” He says sternly, keeping her close enough to taste the champagne in her breath as he reminds her of their new rule.
Eva is no stranger to being gawked at and cause a stir.
It has been what has gotten her where they are now and she won’t change for anything.
“Will you be a good boy for mummy?” she asks knowing sex is the only thing to keep him on good behavior tonight.
Tommy has great self control, but its very fun to watch him fight every urge to throttle the men and women looking down on them when she gets him hot and bothered.
Besides, this is revenge for him denying her all week.
“Always.” He says taking the offered champagne. “Can daddy say the same about mummy?”
Eva can’t answer that as she sees an all too familiar woman arrive.
But the death grip on her crystal flute says it all.
“I really thought you were going to kill her.” Tommy likes the games they play and does absolutely nothing as she carefully removes his clothes one button at a time.
“Can you believe the audacity of that pendeja?” Eva asked tossing his shirt on the chair and slowly untucks his undershirt, smirks when the muscles on his stomach tense at her cool touch.
She’s feeling threatened since she saw her.
Its been nearly sixteen years since he’s even seen Grace and somehow, his witch of a wife thinks she is still a threat.
Grace had numbed the pain in his heart, quieted the shovels like a good dose of opium.
He had thought himself in love with her until Eva pulled him from the haze of lies and betrayals.
Eva had resurrected him, like lighting striking Frankenstein’s monster.
Taken his hand and made him walk back into the land of the living as something not quite human.
Made his blood run like fire as he came back to life, made him laugh again, made him love with a passion that threatened to burn everything in its path.
Silly witch thought he’d leave all that for a woman he didn’t even know beyond a few lonely nights.
“I thought Florence said she was dead.” He tries to think when she kisses a trail down his chest as she comes to kneel in front of him.
“I suppose she was wrong. But enough about her, Mummy’s waited all evening for this,” Eva says wanting to pretend she wasn’t jealous or close to breaking this new rule of theirs.
“You used to hate this so much, sweetheart, what changed?” he asks as she unbuckled his belt and whined when Tommy stopped her.
Making her look at him as she answers.
He doesn’t mind giving up control to her most nights, but tonight is not one of those nights.
“Gotta keep daddy on his toes, else he’ll run off with that bland blonde bitch.”
Nothing brings out the violence in her blood like Grace.
“It has been a long time, hasn’t it?” Grace says with shining eyes and having replaced her Irish accent with something resembling a posh London one.
Eva wants to pull her hair and drag her out of her damn house.
“I see you are no longer Irish, Mrs. MacMillan.” He said coolly.
“Thomas.” She says as if she were correcting him. “I am Mrs. Thomas now.”
Eva is going to kill her. New rule be damned.
“It was better of Grace MacMillan died, I had made too many enemies and my husband no longer trusted me.”
“I wonder why.” Eva muttered.
“Why are you here?” he asks his former lover who finds all trace of love or even affection for her gone.
What was she expecting, for him to want her after building their relationship up on a foundation of lies?
“I was invited, by my fiancé.” She says gesturing slightly to the handsome yet dull Lord Smallwood of Birmingham.
Eva was supposed to marry him, but then she met Tommy and no man or woman could get her to leave him after.
Not even for a title.
“We wish you joy, and hope you are as happy with him as we have been these fifteen years, Miss. Thomas.” Eva said with a smile as false as her good wishes.
“No more killing, Evie.” Thomas reminded her.
“Such a good girl for daddy,” he said spent and pulling her back up, tasting himself in her wicked mouth as she guides him to the nearest soft surface.
“Did you lock the doors?” he asks as they crash into the couch.
“Yeah, even locked the nursery door earlier so they can’t come in through it either.” She answers with an eager nod.
“Mummy deserves a reward for not killing Grace, doesn’t she?” she asks as he kisses and bites his way down her neck, her clavicle and finally her tits.
“Such self-control, Mrs. Shelby, where was it when the newlyweds showed up?”
“Ah, my dear Mr. Shelby, we missed you at the wedding!” Mosley shows up acting as if he was wanted here.
“How odd not to have received an invitation, sir. I told my dear Oswald that surely there had to be a mistake.” Diane pretended not to be offended and hoped to have them fawn and all that.
Those days were long gone.
They tried to kill him and their family.
No more killing.
But she wasn’t going to kill them, just humiliate them.
No one liked them here anyways.
“There was no mistake, Lady Diana. I thought we had been perfectly clear last we saw each other.
Shall I remind you with words, or would you prefer our security detail to do it?” Eva asked them making their guests turn to see who was at the end of her ire.
Diana cleared her throat like a lady thinking she misheard, but the sight of Isiah and Finn coming to escort them out made her step back.
“To think we thought you were civilized!” the blonde said outraged.
“We are, which is why I gave you two options, would you rather walk out of here or be carried out?” Eva repeated her question, feeling the thrill of saying those words.
“Come, darling, lets leave these savages and find better company.” Mosley said thinking his insults would hurt as they leave with their dignity in tatters.
Eva is so disappointed this didn’t last longer, she couldn’t wait to tell him he’d die alone and forgotten with his children refusing to continue his legacy.
What a shame.
“Can you believe we once fucked her?” she brings up as he rolls off her.
At some point they’d ended up on the luxurious Persian rug, not that they cared.
Even after all this time, Eva loved how ravenous they were for each other.
“Don’t fucking remind me, I want this to last all night, love.” He said with disgust as they catch their breath.
“I’m surprised we lasted so long without sneaking off for a quick fuck. Had I known that, I would’ve worn knickers.” Eva said as if she hadn’t been trying to get a rise out of him all evening.
She had grown very impatient by the time the dancing began.
Even flirted with the other young MPs to make him jealous.
But it didn’t work.
“Right about now, you’d be stealing me away for a fuck, daddy.” She whispers seductively in his ear, being especially careful not to nip his earlobe.
He has been denying her for the past ten days, Eva is at her wit’s end.
She hasn’t been this horny since she was pregnant with Florence and it was fucking killing her.
“Should’ve never let me read Freud.” He grumbles as he gently pushes her away.
The witch hadn’t liked him reading up on those particular psychological theories.
Found them rather weird until she discovered how hard it made him to hear her call him daddy while she made a joke about the Oedipus Rex and Electra complexes.
He had started calling her mummy when he was feeling particularly needy and now she’s glad no one has discovered this new game they play.
While she will never care for Freudian shit, Eva loved exploring every facet of their sex life.
Something Tommy was not as keen about as he got closer and closer to middle age.
So she commented on the gray in his hair and called him a silver fox?
That is no reason for him to turn her down this week.
“You’ve been avoiding me all week, Tommy. Is something wrong, mi vida?” she asks concerned.
“Nah, I’m fine, love. Gonna make it up to you tonight, I promise.” He shook his head slightly as he answered.
Tommy changed the topic away from it, “How are your knees, Evie?”
“Nicely healed, I thought you would’ve noticed, but even that you’ve ignored too.” She answered frustrated with him.
“Once this shit is over daddy’s gonna take care of mummy all night long.” He promised as the hand on her lower back went to her hip. “Naughty girl, why do you need all those French knickers when you aren’t even wearing them?”
“Maybe I’m tired of wearing them, Tommy.” She teases hoping to break his resolve.
After that the party went off without a hitch.
Sure the women had grown tired of their husbands and sons leering at Eva and some had started showing their true colors, and Tommy was sure to pay the boys extra if they did some minor damage to the shiny cars the men were driving, but it was a success over all.
And finally over.
“At this point I will have scars on my fucking knees, Tom.” Eva complains after with a tired laugh.
“But it was worth it, just like last time,” he points out as he holds the cold wet rag to her right knee and she does the same to her left.
“Yeah, it was.” The witch hummed in agreement. “I was thinking of getting the dress in black for Smallwood’s wedding, what do you think?”
“I cannot believe we got invited to their wedding.” He admits hoping she refuses to attend. “We’re not going, I think she’s still in love with me.”
“I know, I was just messing with you, Tom.”
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Light on the Darkside - Chapter Thirteen.
Apologies for not getting back to comments and reblogs, guys. Life is a bit fraught at the moment between my anxiety and work pressures. I'm only just about able to find the time and mental clarity to post! I love you all for leaving such beautiful comments, though, and I appreciate you for taking the time to do so :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed.
Words - 4,217
Warnings - 18+ throughout. Topics cover depression, suicide and eating disorders. Minors DNI!
“Whatever the hell you’re doing, please, don’t stop on my account.”  
He stood for a few seconds, admiring the view. God, that body. Honestly, it was a sight he’d never tire of when coming back into his flat, seeing Ella there. What he liked even more was the fact that after first arriving, she hadn’t actually left as yet. Well, that was partly untrue. The day before, they’d driven up to the huge ASDA supermarket on the other side of Nuneaton to buy food, and so Ella could purchase a few necessities that meant she didn’t have to go home. 
A five pack of knickers, a couple of new tops, another pair of jeans, socks, pyjama bottoms for lounging in, some moisturiser, a toothbrush, face wash, deodorant and body spray. With a few pieces of makeup already in her bag, but not too bothered about being seen bare faced, she was set to stay for as long as she wanted. After seven weeks without one another, they weren’t quite so content to part ways just yet.  
She’d called in with her mum and told her, April cooing and sending her into a pink cheeked mess of embarrassment, telling her to enjoy herself. Oh, she really, really was. 
Pausing from the yoga stretches, Ella jumped to her feet, giving him a big kiss as he placed the massive IKEA bag full of clean laundry down. “I like how bendy you are, innit.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, her eyebrows raising a few times in rapid succession. “I noticed that with all the creative ways you were bending me around last night.”  
He laughed, low and dirty, smacking her on the bum before heading to the kitchen area. “I will a few more times today too if you like?” 
“I like!” she grinned, standing on one leg, lifting the other behind her and reaching back to grasp her foot as she bent elegantly. It was just them on that Monday morning, Snedders off to try his best at being allowed to move back into his own abode, and Steve over in Leamington Spa, visiting his mum.  
She then flexed herself even further, James’s eyebrow raising sharply as he watched her bring her foot to touch the back of her head. He wasn’t sure a dick twitch was the appropriate response, but it was the one he had.  
“Shitting hell!”  
“A yoga body is a healthy body,” she sighed, breathing deeply before releasing her foot, repeating the same with her right leg. 
“It’s a fucking elastic band, Ells bells!”  
She laughed softly, extending further, her foot once again brought to the back of her head. “That’s what Mary used to say when she supervised my yoga time, make sure I wasn’t like, running in place or doing excessive sit ups.” 
Indeed, at her very worst with her illness, Ella had exercised to extreme excess. Jogging for six miles a day, doing hundreds of push ups and sit ups, all on roughly two hundred calories.  
Clicking the kettle on, he smiled thinly. “I miss Mary, she was so cool.” 
“Yeah, she was the best. Even when she was trying to make me eat carbohydrates and I was sitting there, screaming and crying, calling all the food minging and throwing my plate,” she spoke, her behaviour back then making her feel embarrassed in the present. She’d come far since. “Speaking of which, I want some of that melon we bought. Can you pass me a knife, please?” 
Grabbing the cantaloupe from the fruit bowl, she walked around to his side of the kitchen units, placing it on the chopping board while he moved to pull a knife from the block in the corner. Immediately, he paused, looking down at the blade. A flash of being on the bathroom floor hit him, remembering the pain, the distress, the blood.  
“James? You’ve stopped,” she spoke, her brain quickly assessing the situation. Oh, no, that wasn’t the... Oh, shit. Reaching for him, she grasped his arm, taking the knife from his hand. “Bleedin’ hell, that was the one you used, wasn’t it?” 
He nodded, eyes a little rounded, Ella opening a drawer to place it in and hide it away. He didn’t need to see it. “Baby, come on. Come here. You’re alright,” she spoke comfortingly, pulling him into her arms. Slipping a hand beneath his t shirt, she stroked his back, soft skin flecked with scabs from her nails, her other hand smoothing his hair as he wrapped himself around her, pressing his face against her neck with a groan. The comforting scent of daisies began to soothe him, just as it always had with her. 
“Really didn’t think it’d affect me like that,” he mumbled. She could have slapped Steve for being so thoughtless; to clean the blade his best friend had used to take his own life and simply return it to place, voicing that. “Nah, babe. Don’t be pissed off at him. They’re my knives and they’re worth a fortune. He wouldn’t have chucked it away without asking me. Probably just forgot, innit.” 
His heart thundered against her chest, Ella guiding him over to the sofa and sitting him down, taking the half smoked joint present in the ashtray and lighting it. With a large puff taken, she handed it to him, her hand resuming its stroke between his wide shoulder blades. “Smoke that and calm down. You’re alright, you’re past it now. It’s okay, I’m here.” 
It was the first falter she’d witnessed in him since he’d absconded to his room back at Moor Acres, Ella trying her hardest to be supportive, although she didn’t know what magic words to say in order to soften what must’ve been a traumatic flashback. True, he had the reminders there on his own arms all the time, but seeing the blade he’d used as an implement truly must’ve rocked him hard.  
Just her sitting there with him was all he needed, feeling her kiss his shoulder and rest her chin atop the thick plane of muscle, reaching for her hand and squeezing it. “Thanks, darlin’. Feel a bit better now, like.” Both she and weed were brilliant for calming anxiety, Ella perhaps having the greater edge there, James finishing the joint and stubbing it out, pulling her onto his lap as he rested back.  
She wasn’t sure she believed that, and her face must have revealed it with the soft scrutiny he picked up on. If there was any person in this world he could share with other than Michael, it was her. It was her first, in fact. “I was back there for a second, in that moment. It fucking scared the fuck out of me, Ella. I spent months chasing it, wanting to go back there and succeed, like. Nah. Just holding it again made me see how much I wanna be alive, innit. Don’t ever wanna go back to that darkness.” 
His ability to open up and express where it’d taken him to made her proud, Ella kissing his forehead before her lips met his. “I believe they call that person growth.” 
Immediately, he frowned, pointing a heavily ringed finger at her. “Don’t you quote that old witch at me.”  
Of course, he meant Dr. Beaumont. She had to concede that truly, she wasn’t for everyone. She’d eventually gotten through well with Ella, although the young woman also heavily credited people like Mary and James helping her through recovery, but for him, her methods had not been effective. 
“I think it’s a boarder term rather than a Clarice Beaumont specific,” she declared, moving off his lap and over to the kitchen. “Tea?” 
“Yeah, yeah I was doing that before my brain went splat, wasn’t I?” he hummed, rubbing his eye with the heel of his palm. “Nice one, babe. Love you.” 
It fell from his mouth without him even registering, but god, how true the sentiment was. He’d loved her for months, but declarations of such did not come easily to him, especially not when he’d been so ill upon realising it.  
Ella beamed, racing back over and jumping on him, holding his face in her hands as she smothered him in kisses. “I love you, too!” She hummed happily as they fell into a deeper kiss, James making her snicker with laughter as he pulled her knickers up and began to squeeze and lightly smack her bum.  
“Stop it!” she warned. 
“You fucking love it!” 
True, she did. He knew how to give the good smacks.  
Going back to the kitchen, she prepared the tea and used a different knife to slice herself up some melon, selecting a few more fruits too that she added to a bowl and took back to the sofa. They sat there snacking on them while watching a film, James deciding on The Silence of the Lambs since Ella had confessed she’d never seen it. 
After it had finished, she went for a bath while he sat and played guitar, Steve arriving back after half an hour of his playing. Of course, he had to let him know of the incident that had occurred regarding the knife.  
“Oh fuck,” he exclaimed quietly, his face falling. “I didn’t even think, ya know. I don’t even remember doing it, I just went on autopilot when I was cleaning up the mess. Nah, no excuse though, Jim. I should have gotten rid of it,” he spoke, moving to hug him tightly. “Sorry, man.” 
James could understand that, knowing he’d probably had to disengage his thoughts to an extent in order to get through something as horrific as cleaning his best mate’s blood from the bathroom floor. “It’s alright, but yeah, just don’t get it back out the junk drawer. I’ll go buy another set eventually.” 
His friend looked thoughtful for a minute. “Hold on. Them are proper chef knives, aren’t they?”  
“Yep,” he confirmed, “nicked, most likely. Do you remember when I bought them off that fella in the pub with the duffle full of knocked off goods?”  
He did, now it was mentioned. “Yeah, yeah! You paid like, seventy quid for ‘em and later found out they were worth about four hundred. “Nah, hang on. I have a plan.” Moving rapidly to the kitchen, he grabbed the block, took the suicide knife from the drawer and slotted it back in, leaving the flat at speed.  
James was rolling a joint when he returned, a huge, triumphant grin plastered across his face as he slapped down a wad of twenty-pound notes on the table. “He is redeemed!” he announced, grinning widely. 
“How the... shitting hell, how much cash is that, mate?” he spoke, quickly sealing the joint up and leaning to count it. “There’s three hundred quid there! How did you... how... you just walk out with ‘em and return with three hundred quid ten minutes later? Explain.” 
“Fella downstairs is a chef, ain’t he? Gave him a hundred quid discount and he ripped my hand off for ‘em!”  
Never let it be said that Steven Savage was not a brilliant negotiator.  
“Here, sellers fee,” James spoke, pulling five twenties for the pile and handing them to him. “Go on, I’m up a hundred and thirty. You have that, mate.” 
“Before I change my mind, man.” 
“Quality!” he announced, placing the cash in his wallet. “Ka-ching! Pub tonight then, yeah? Or are you planning on pounding a new hole into Ella some more?” 
James smirked, lighting the joint. “I can do that later. Suppose I better ask the missus, though.” He paused for a second. “Ella! You up for the pub tonight, babe?” 
A few seconds pause followed his boom. “Yes!” 
“Top grade reply, my darlin’,” he called. 
“Fucks sake. She’s picking up the way you talk,” Steve groaned, James laughing, passing him the joint.  
“Nah, I ain’t sitting there with you two parroting each other all night on my own, and being stuck at the face.” Pulling his Nokia from his jacket, he scrolled through the phone book, taking another puff on the joint before passing it back. “Hester! How are ya, gorgeous? Yeah, I’m alright, yeah. You up for a few drinks tonight? Yeah, yeah, I’m heading up The Gallows with Jim and Ella. Alright, see ya there at seven. Bye.” 
They waited on Ella to get ready, finding that she actually fussed much less than either were expecting, zipping her boots up and fluffing her hair before pulling on her jacket. James smiled to himself, noting that it was the first time he’d seen her in a top that revealed her body, the one she chose cropped just above her belly button. It meant her confidence was growing, that she didn’t feel the need to hide in clothes four sizes too big.  
Hester was already waiting at the bar when they arrived, hugging them all in turn, squeaking when Steve gave her leather clad bum a sharp slap.  
“Beast,” she teased, poking him with a long fingernail. 
“Just the way you like me,” he grinned, the pretty blonde turning to Ella and tucking in at her side. 
“We need some serious girl talk, darl!” she whispered, the guys asking what they wanted to drink, both giving their beverage requests before heading off to a table together. “So, seeing him again already after Saturday, hmm?” 
Ella bit the corner of her lip. “I haven’t been home yet.” 
Hester’s mouth dropped open. “Get the fuck outta here! Really?” 
“Yeah, really,” she began, sitting down, pulling her cigarettes out and offering her one. “It’s like we didn’t spend that time apart at all. I’m really enjoying it, being with him on the outside. It’s the simple things, like being able to kiss him whenever I want to without being barked at by an orderly,” 
“Or shag his freakin’ brains out!” Hester chimed excitedly, biting her tongue naughtily. 
“Oh yeah,” Ella confirmed, “there’s been plenty of that!” 
“And! How is he? Are we dealing with impressive merchandise, too?” 
Of course, she’d ask for the dirty details. “He’s fucking amazing, and yes, the merchandise is above average,” she revealed, grinning as Hester clapped and hugged her arm with a squeak. “Not like, freaky big, but oh god. Not small either!” 
“Darl! I am so happy for you!” she enthused, giving her a little shake.  
“Yeah, I’m bleedin’ happy for me too,” she chirped, looking in the direction of the bar with a happy smile. “That’s my man up there!”  
The squeaks continued. “Dude, you’re fucking with War. You have no idea how cool that is! I mean, you’re cool all on your own, such a freakin’ awesome chick, but shit! You bagged one of the biggest hotties on the scene, I swear. Girls line up for that man to be single. He’s renowned for turning girls down if he’s with someone!” 
That was very much who James was as a person, Ella knew well. “And you’re shagging another, so yes, my friend. We have done well for ourselves.”  
Hester nodded, offering her hand. “Put it there!” Ella shook her hand, the pair descending into giggles. They composed themselves by the time James and Steve arrived with them, the former resting a hand upon Ella’s thigh after he sat down, giving her a wink.  
Hester’s words stuck in her thoughts a little, but she truly didn’t notice the validity of them until she glanced around the bar, seeing the way female eyes especially all roved towards their table. It didn’t matter at all to her, that her boyfriend had status as a musician very much coming into prominence, but certainly, her spot seemed to be a much coveted one.  
Finally, after years of being a bullied loser, an antisocial, miserable anorexic, she was now one of the cool girls. It wasn’t of her own merit, though, merely through the man she was with. Or, so she thought.  
On the way to the toilet, she passed by the bar, overhearing a couple of women talking between themselves as they looked her up and down. 
“Well, of course he’d be with someone like her! She fucking looks like a model.” 
Slowing down, she changed her path to the cigarette machine instead, her curiosity piqued. She needed a new pack anyway.  
“No, she’s too cute looking to be a model, but that body. I’d kill for legs like that. And she gets to wrap them around War.” 
“I know! It’s so unfair! Why not me?” the first girl wailed, laughing with her friend, Ella picking up her Marlboro Lights and popping them into her pocket, continuing to the toilet. She’d be lying if such wasn’t a shot in the arm for her, to hear other women especially be complimentary. On her way back again, she caught the eye of them, smiling, receiving the same back before returning to the table.  
Suddenly, she understood how women like Hester must feel all the time. Her friend was effortlessly cool, with her long, dark and blonde streaked curls, her gorgeous boobs and effortless style. It felt strange, but nice. Sadly, it was not to last, though.  
“Ahh,” Hester exclaimed after they left the bar at 9pm, about to move on somewhere else. It could get a bit much for the guys, being on their own territory and thus getting pestered by fans for autographs or pictures. Sniffing the air, she began looking around, trying to trace the source. “Where’s that smell coming from? Is that the new curry house?” 
“Yeah, I went with Dan and Snedders a few weeks ago. Fucking lovely,” Steve confirmed, pointing across the street. “Shall we go?”  
Everyone agreed, although inside, Ella felt her hear beginning to pound nervously. It had been a long, long time since she’d eaten at a restaurant. Eating around James wasn’t an issue, Steve or Hester either. But being in a place where other people were? Gulp. Maybe it would be quiet, though, being a Monday night.  
No such luck, she found upon entering, seeing a rugby team in there still celebrating their obvious win with their various cohorts. Oh, god. Sitting down, Steve ordered a round of drinks while they studied the menus, Ella feeling her mouth drying up rapidly. She didn’t know the calorie content of the food, although she was getting a lot better with not counting every single thing she consumed.  
Where to begin, knowing that it was a fairly large meal, too. It had been years since eating a curry because of the high fat content, panic starting to creep over her, biting her lips together to try and hide the fact she was trembling. It was noticed, though.  
“I probably should have asked you if you were alright with this before we piled over here. Sorry,” James whispered at her side. “Just choose something small, like a side dish if you don’t feel up to anything bigger. No one’s judging you, babe.” 
A side dish. Yes. But what the hell to have? The Indian names of the dishes all began to blur, her heart thundering, palms sweating. Why did it have to be like this? 
“Give me a sec. It’s hot, I need a bit of air.” She was out of her seat and marching for the door in seconds, Steve and Hester looking to James.  
“Yeah, she’s having a bit of a food panic, innit,” he confirmed, Hester’s face saddening, Steve looking confused. He still didn’t really get it, but then he didn’t truly know Ella very well. He didn’t have the understanding that certain foods or situations could spark anxiety, especially after they’d sat together that morning sharing a large plate of Marmite-slathered toast.  
“The poor darl,” Hester cooed softly, James standing. 
“Give us a minute, she might need to just go straight home if she’s too anxious and all that. If she does come back in, though, don’t make a fuss, yeah?” Leaving the curry house, he turned to find her sitting on the steps of the bank flanking the building, wiping her eyes as she smoked a cigarette and trembled.  
“To use one of yours and Steve’s favourite words for Snedders, I feel like such a fucking flid right now,” she sniffed, James coming to crouch before her. “I wish it wasn’t so scary, but my brain just panics and I get myself all stressed!” 
“Okay, take a few deep breaths,” he began, resting his hands to her thighs and stroking them. “What’s the scariest right now? The different food, or the fact you’re not eating somewhere familiar?” 
God, he was so intuitive with her. “Both. Sorry, I’m like, not trying to be difficult, but both!” 
“No one thinks you’re being difficult, least of all me.” Leaning to kiss her, he then continued. “Alright, well a group of pissed up rugby players ain’t gonna be paying attention to anything other than shovelling in curry like it’s their last meal, so that’s something. And the different food, I suppose you can count that as another milestone, innit? Eating something different would be an achievement.”  
He was right. “And I wouldn’t look like a freak for having something small?” 
“Nah, nobody gives a shit what you eat. Except for you. Don’t even matter if you can’t finish it, at least you gave it a go, yeah? There’s no orderlies watching over you, you’re just a person whose out with her boyfriend and friends, nobody expecting anything of you either,” he continued, his words beginning to calm her down. He always had a knack for it, deescalating her spirals.  
Taking another drag on her cigarette, she contemplated a while longer. It would definitely be something she could speak of in triumph when she went to see Mandy, her new therapist she’d been referred to by Dr. Beaumont for continued treatment outside of the facility. “Okay. Let’s go back in.” 
He smiled, kissing her head. “Proud of you, little.” They returned inside, Ella picking up her pint and chugging a huge amount back, lifting the menu again and studying. Although she’d been told not to make a fuss, Hester really wanted to do something to make it better for her friend if she could. Being a vegetarian, it narrowed down her choices, too.  
“Ella, I really can’t decide,” she began, leaning to point at the vegetarian options on the page before her. “Do I go with the lentil daahl, or the spinach and paneer? Or, I could have the veggie bhuna. Arrgh, help!” 
James smiled, watching it. In including Ella’s input over her own choice and cleverly detailing the dish ingredients, Hester was not only giving her information she could easily process, she was making it all a little less frightening for her.  
Ella noticed that they were available as side dishes, feeling herself beginning to calm further. “I think I’m going to get the spinach and paneer, so you can try some of mine if you like?” 
“Then I’ll get the daahl, and you can try some of that!” With decisions made, the waiter came over, scribbling down their choices first, then Steve’s. 
“Chicken phal, boiled rice and a keema naan please, mate,” James spoke lastly, the waiter eyeing him carefully. 
“Sir, this is the hottest dish on the menu. Forgive me, but are you quite sure?” 
“He’s got a cast iron stomach, my friend,” Steve chirped, nodding towards James with a grin. “Spicy things don’t affect him at all. He can eat a raw chili pepper and not even flinch.” 
James confirmed, while Ella and Hester looked at him in disbelief. “It’s true.” 
The waiter scribbled the order down. “One moment, guys.” He headed for the kitchens, returning a few seconds later with a small, white plate in his grasp, a whole red chili atop it. “This I must witness for myself, sir.” 
He expected him to take it and moderately nibble off a piece, his eyebrows raising when James took the chili by the stalk and bit the entire thing from the top. He waited, knowing there had to be some kind of reaction as he crunched through it, James shrugging.  
“That’s really tasty, I like it,” he spoke. The waiter was stunned. 
“Oh my god!” Hester cried, pointing. “You aren’t even flinching!” 
“Mm,” he hummed, washing it down with a mouthful of Coke, deciding not to drink any alcohol at all that night. “I like spicy food, never been bothered by it.”  
The waiter left them too it, muttering ‘crazy white man’ in his native Urdu as he headed back to the kitchens, Hester still in a state of shock at witnessing him do it. 
“Just make sure you brush your teeth before you go near Ella’s lady bits later!” she spoke, the girl herself snorting into her pint glass as she took a sip. 
“Yeah, I ain’t in the market for burning her flaps off.” James spoke, everyone descending into hysterics. Looking at her, he winked, covering her hand with his, glad to see her looking much more relaxed.  
They’d both succumbed a little to what ailed them that day, what they were now gladly on a road to recovery with, and both times the other had been exactly what they’d needed to restore a calm balance. How good they truly were for one another.  
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> After the loss the Gnosis - Scaramouche falls unconscious to a coma like dream within his subconscious. There he comes across someone he never expected to see again...
-> Mentions of 3.2 Archon Quest releted stuff! Reader has no gender - they/them pronouns used! Mentions of death! Angsty with a happy ending! Nahida makes an appearance <3
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How long ago had he fallen asleep at this point? It felt like years, but it was likely weeks by now. The last thing he remembered was loosing the Gnosis of his creator and falling from his robotic form. The fall almost felt like it was happening in slow motion while everything flashed before his eyes, but he felt completely numb to do anything to stop himself. Loosing the Gnosis felt like his heart was torn from his chest and he was forced to simply watch before he eventually fell and hit the ground. He woke up after some time, but everything around him was blindingly white. For some time he thought he was actually dead.
That was until Buer entered his consciousness to tell him otherwise, that he was simply asleep or in a coma like state and his body simply refused to awaken. She visited from time to time, often to talk and tell him about the progress Sumeru had made after everything was resolved. To him it felt like she was rubbing her success in his face, but she seemed innocent enough to be excused - as if she was genuinely trying to make him somehow feel better about everything...
Scaramouche's consciousness was rather boring and white all around with literally nothing around except for him, though sometimes scenes or memories of his past would come to life before his eyes. Not many of them were happy one's, but the one's that were happy happened with you. It always brought a bitter smile on his face and made his chest ache uncomfortably - as if he had a heart that was being squeezed everytime he heard your voice or saw your face. The memory of loosing you and being betrayed by those he trusted were the most common one's. Sometimes they would play on repeat driving him nearly insane!
There was no escaping them either... No matter where he looked he would always see them and no matter how much he closed his eyes shut he could still hear them - even blocking his ears didn't help as this was his own mind. At first it was simply annoying or anger inducing, but the more he had to watch the more they broke him. Having to relieve your death and his lowest moments again and again was damaging to say the least. The dendro Archon's presence could be rather soothing during then, as she would pat his back and even dry his tears if he let her. Why she showed such kindness to him of all was astounding to him and foolish. But considering how she supposedly punisged the Sage's it wasn't that surprising...
After pacing around the nothingness for some time he noticed some lush green grass ahead. It had to be either another memory of his or Buer's presence, but either way it seemed better than nothing. The closer he got to it the more confused he became as Nahida was nowhere in sight. If she was here she would have made herself known by now. But this was not a memory of his either... A house big enough to house a couple came into view, but he didn't remember ever seeing such a house - he would surely remember as it had some subtle details that he rather liked. Behind it stood fields of some crops that stretched as far as he could see. He turned to see a hill with a large lavender melon tree and next to it stood a silhouette of a person.
The longer he stared the more he recognized then. For a moment he felt like wasn't in control of his own body as his legs began running towards the hill as fast as he physically was able to. He almost tripped multiple times on the way up the hill. He kept telling himself it couldn't be you as this wasn't a memory he had shared with you - he never got the chance to share this kind of memory with you... This was only a dream, a dream you once shared. But he couldn't listen to reason as his heartbeat drummed in his ears loud enough to completely drown out his rational thoughs.
The sun was beginning to set in the horizon as he reached the top. He had to lean half of his weight against the sturdy tree with beautifully ripe lavender melons, as he tried catching his breath. A gentle breeze flew past you both as your hair moved along it, the breeze helpped him cool down. The more he stared at you the more harder the simple task of breathing became, even if he could only see the back of your head. Slowly you turned around to face him with that smile of yours that made his chest tingle and butterflies dance in his stomach - as if this was the first time he had seen you. He simply stared with wide eyes and a mouth agape with heavy breaths coming out him.
“Hello, Kuni.” Your eyes shone like the stars as you stared back at him, just oike you did when alive. It had been so long since he'd heard you call him that...
“How are you here? We never met at a place like this...” You seemed to react to his words - the memories of you did not as they were simoly memories.
“I'm not sure either. But I promised you I'd never leave you, seems I didn't lie after all. I've been with you throughout everything...” You laughed but your smile dropped slightly.
“I...” He was at a loss to what to say next.
You turned away to look back at the large setting sun in the distance, it's light highlighted you and made you appear more like the angel you were. Scaramouche wanted to grip your shoulders and turn you to face him again. Please don't look away - please keep looking at me if you're real! He walked closer to stand by your side and looked at your face again. He wanted to see every detail he had committed to memory long ago and those he didn't to do so.
“The sun is setting. We don't have much time, so please hear what I have to say.” Tears painted your eyes glossy.
“What do you mean?” The panic in his voice was clear as glass.
“Just what I said... Once the sun has finally set, your dream will come to an end and you will finally wake up.” He stared at you in complete disbelief.
His eyes dared to briefly glance away from you to look at the setting sun as panic began settling in his bones. He would lose you again? Had once truly not been enough by loosing you once and being betrayed multiple times? He gripped your shoulders tightly enough to bruise as tears settled in his eyes too, you didn't do anything despite his grip hurting - you couldn't blame him for his reaction. His whole body began shaking from fear or anger, but you stood calm with a smile still on your lips.
“No... No, please don't!” He pleaded hopelessly.
“You have held onto that pain for long enough, Kuni. It's never easy, but it's time to let go and move on. Let go of me and move on from the horrible past you've gone through, you deserve to be happy.” You said softly.
Your hand cupped his pale porcelain like skin, as your thumb rubbed soothing circle's against it. Scaramouche closed his eyes and leaned against your smooth palm, a few stray tears managed to fall down his cheeks and a small sob escaped his mouth. The last time he touched your skin it was cold and lifeless like you - he missed this warth that not only came from your skin, but the feeling of comfort it sent through his whole being. You kept smiling despite your own tears falling down.
“So please... Go and live. Live a happy and fulfilling life we always dreamed of.” Your smile was so bright and loving it hurt.
“I... Don't know how.” He managed to stutter out.
“You are not alone, Kuni. As long as you are willing to open your heart, even a little. Then I promise you someone will be there to guide you.”
“Can I trust this promise?” He was trying to sound humorous, but his heart still ached for you.
“Trust in yourself and those who will open their hearts for you in return.” You cradled his face with both of your hands.
He didn't respond to you, as he wasn't sure what he should say in return to your words. He didn't want to live that life without you and either way he wasn't sure he could. Kunikuzushi had died a long time ago and Scaramouche was not a good person... But was he either of them anymore? Without the Gnosis Scaramouche or the Balladeer had no reason to exist anymore - but who exactly was he now? The sun was close to dissapearing completely as the sky grew darker and the stars began appearing in the sky, it wouldn't be long now.
“Please, don't leave...” He whispered, but before you could answer he pulled you to him and placed his lips on yours.
His arms wrapped around you tightly as he desperately kissed you like a starving man... Your lips were as soft as he remembered and tasted like the delicious lavender melons that grew near your home in Inazuma. He never noticed how much he craved to taste them off of your lips again. He was desperately trying to make the moment last forever and commit your taste into his mind forever - you couldn't dissapear if he held you tightly enough, right? But the feeling of your warm body and plump lips began dissapearing slowly, but he refused to let go or open his eyes until you were completely gone from his arms.
He sat up quickly and began looking around him frantically, but you were nowhere in sight. His body tingled and burned from the sudden movement, his body hadn't yet completely healed after his fall and sudden movements were not helping. He was finally awake and out of his head, just like had you said. But you weren't. You were still gone and long dead... But somehow it didn't hurt as much to admit it now then it did before he woke up, had your conversation truly had such an effect on him? Your words rang in his head on repeat, until he was snapped out of his thoughts by Nahida herself entering his room. She waved with a polite smile as she hopped on the chair next to his bed.
“You've finally woken up! How are you feeling?” She was the same as she was when she entered his head.
“I'm... fine.” He looked away from her to try and gather his thoughts and come to terms with everything.
“You were asleep for quite some time, are you hungry?” She leaned over to try to make eye contact with him.
“I said I'm fine! What are you my mother?” He scoffed as if he knew what it was like to have one.
“Ehehe, no! I was just worried you wouldn't wake up at all and I'm happy you did.” Her smile only grew.
“Why?” He frowned his brows.
“Why? Hmm... I'm not entirely sure yet. Perhaps I'm just not ready to give up on you.” She giggled.
Scaramouche just stared at her as your words once again ran through his head. Open his heart to her so she can guide him? Is that what you meant? He thought both of you to be foolish, but what did he have to loose at this point? He was without a Gnosis and thus without power or worth. He simply nodded in acknowledgement before turning away awkwardly to stare at the dull wall in front of him.
“Are you going to tell me about them?"” She suddenly asked.
“What? Who?” He turned back to her in confusion.
“The person in your dream? The one you love?” She said innocently with curious eyes.
“No.” The tips of his ears turned slightly red from embarrassment. She could probably read his mind to learn all about you if she wished.
“I see.” Nahida simply answered and did not pry anymore.
The tiny Archon hopped down from her chair and motioned for him to follow. He looked hesitant but got up slowly to follow after her as she left the room. He didn't know what she had in mind, but he followed her regardless. He couldn't help but stop at the doorway and turned back to look at the bed he had previously laid on. His mind drifted back to you... Your face, your eyes, your smile and your voice. Your words. He didn't know how to do as you asked, but he would - no matter what. One day after he had paid for the consequences of his actions. When he had finally atoned for his crimes in Sumeru and against the Archon.
“Are you coming?” She looked up at him with a smile that looked much like yours.
Even if it was just for you, he would do it. It didn't matter how long it would take him, but he would fufil your final wish; your once shared dream. He would have eons to do so. He hadn't believed in dreams or happy endings in a long time - he still didn't, but this was for you. You were the only person he couldn't yet let go off and the only person who filled the hole in his chest were his heart was supposed to reside. A hole he had tried to fill with the Gnosis he was once created for.
“Yes.” He simply replied.
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A/N: Good luck to anyone pulling for Wanderer! I hope you win your 50/50's (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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raggydraws · 10 months
This Reminds me of College
Surya and Tabatha attempting to teach themselves Merikih to varying degrees of success Tags: Surya & Farmer, Potentially OOC, Tabatha has ADHD and is HYPERFOCUSED on Merfolk, Surya and Tabby are best friends, Author doesn't write often please be nice, HC: Surya knows about the Merfolk because that lab is small and there's no way he doesn't, an attempt at Indonesian words, Gen Fic, Surya and Tabby are both smart individuals but hanging out with your friends can and will kill brain cells for the lols, No Beta we die like Pufferfish, Merikih is italicized
If Dr. Jiang had tried to keep the existence of merfolk from Surya; she hadn’t tried very hard. Given the fact he’d been standing right behind her, also looking through the monitor eyes of Kibble, when Tabatha had stumbled upon two of them didn’t help.
Of course he immediately swore himself to secrecy about them, Dr. Jiang, er, Ling as she insisted, hadn’t even gotten the chance to argue why they shouldn’t go blathering about it to the whole island. It just made sense not to. Her entire research basis, the solar pillars and the super corals, hells, the oil spill itself and the presence of the monstrous company that caused it in his new home alone kept his mouth shut.
Talk and innocent people would probably die. Morbid.
Plus it would’ve really put a dent into the bet about Dr. Ling he had going with Tabatha.
The farmer in question had also resurfaced and crossed town in record time to come yell their own arguments about keeping a closed lid on the existence of merfolk. How they had done so when Surya had seen them get winded walking upstairs would forever be a mystery to him.
But they’d all gotten through it, swore themselves to never speak of it again, especially if this were a one off thing, although Dr. Ling took Tabatha’s diving suit in for an upgrade in the off chance this wasn't a fluke. 
Which eventually led to Surya standing on his friend’s porch with a pot of lodeh and his old college textbook on dead languages. He let himself look over their garden plots as he waited for the brunet to answer the door, marveling at how much automation they’d managed to set up in such little time. Six plots with small, albeit makeshift, sprinklers with two much larger plots that Tabatha likely had to water by hand themselves, all with little budding plants just waiting to grow and be harvested. Surya was impressed, remembering his Paman Joko mentioning that their neighbor had either already had a hand in farming or at the least had gardened quite a bit before moving here. He mentally took note of the plot with young melon vines just beginning to sprout, wondering if he could convince Tabatha to part with one or two once they were fully ripe, before the door to the cabin swung open.
“Surya! Welcome, welcome, come in watch your step-” Tabatha ushered him inside with a bright smile, quickly shutting the door behind him. “Sorry, don’t want all the cold air getting out.”
“Oh, did your walls not get re-insulated when Bibi and Paman gutted the place?” Surya asked, setting his pot of lodeh onto the rickety fold out table set up in their small living space.
“Oh no I’m sure they did, it’s just a habit from living in shitty Pokyo apartments.” 
Tabatha locked the door, likely another habit from previously living in a crowded metropolitan area, and joined him at the table with an eager grin.
“Thanks for bringing food by the way, I would’ve made something but,” They gesture sheepishly and vaguely to their barebones cabin. “I still don’t have a lot to work with at the moment.”
“Of course, it’s no trouble. Hopefully Bibi can get a kitchen set up for you soon.”
“Fingers crossed.”
The two sat down to eat, exchanging pleasantries and talking about their days apart. Tabatha only volunteered part time at the lab, carving out time for cleaning sights around coral reefs between their farm and also getting used to their new community. Surya would go days without seeing the tall brunet, only for them to show up to the lab soaking wet and with enough kelp to power a small generator, and the two would easily slip back into jokes and banter before disappearing from sight again. It was safe to say that Tabatha was one of the two friends that he had, and he was honestly all the more glad to have them. Soon enough they finished their dinner and tucked away any leftovers in whatever tubberware Tabatha had laying around, finally moving onto the actual reason Surya had come over in the first place.
Teaching themselves a presumably dead language, because Dr. Ling refused to do so.
Because it would be useful! Because you never knew what could happen and what if Surya needed to dive with Tabatha one day and didn’t have a built-in translator? What if the merfolk came to them? It totally wasn't because this was the most unbelievable thing that's ever happened to anyone, ever. Or the fact that Dr. Ling knew way more than she was letting on but wouldn’t tell them.
And it definitely wasn’t because Surya was a man of science and Tabatha was riddled with ADHD and this was their new, shared hyperfixation. 
It wasn’t.
Neither of them knew what the language was actually called yet, and Surya hesitated to dub it “Atlantis” due to their location, which spurred Tabatha into giving a surprisingly informed rant about how Atlantis was actually more likely to be based on a mix of a volcanic event in the Mediterranean and Plato spouting bullshit than a real civilization that fell below the waves. It reminded him that Tabatha was a lot more smart than they let on, somewhat downplaying their intelligence for the sake of their self imposed title of ‘Lab Thembo’.
Tabatha retrieved the regulator mask of their diving suit, strapping it into place as Surya began flipping through his old textbook and getting out a fresh, blank notebook. They wouldn’t be able to write down any actual words or an alphabet, as all the pictures they did have of the language were on Kibble’s hard drive and the little robot was sitting in the lab at the moment. But they would write down similar vowels or repeating patterns and also have it for the excuse that this was for science and not shits n giggles, should Dr. Ling happen to stumble upon it.
“Alright, you ready Suri?” Tabatha asked, fitting the regulator over their mouth as Surya gave them the go ahead. The brunet breathed deeply, making sure the gear didn’t interrupt their airways while not attached to any tanks before speaking as clearly as they could.
“Can you hear me?” Their voice cycled through the speaker with a warm crackle, and Surya frowned in disappointment.
“Loud and clear…in English.”
Tabatha grimaced in confusion and removed the regulator, eyebrows lifting into their hairline once they realized that they had forgotten to turn the translator on. Flipping the slider to ‘ON’ the brunet put their gear back into place and Surya eagerly waited to hear the elusive language of real life merfolk.
“What about now?”
The words were strung together in a lilting, rhythmic pattern and it made Surya pause, blinking in surprise at how pretty it sounded. It also almost sounded familiar somehow, his first thought being something akin to Latin or even his own native language. It definitely was different enough for him not to pick it up right away but close enough that it pinged in his brain as something he should recognize.
“Oh wow.” 
“Is it working, Surya?” 
“No idea what you just said!” He cheered, practically beaming as he scribbled down their first new findings. Tabatha cheered as well, their voice coming out of the translator as a bright, elongated tone akin to a lofty held note in a song. 
They sat on Tabatha’s floor for what felt like hours, simply babbling sing-song like words back and forth between themselves. At some point the young man found himself sprawled across the wood floor to stretch out his legs, while Tabatha happily rambled on about something he couldn’t understand, only the occasional word standing out as it went untranslated. Surya recorded some of the basic sentences, sending them to Tabatha’s phone for the two to practice later when the mask started hurting for the brunet to continue wearing. They shook their head after peeling it off, huffing in annoyance as fluffy brown hair fell into their eyes. Surya snorted.
“I need a damn haircut.” Tabatha said, blowing a raspberry at Surya while simultaneously spitting hair out of their mouth. Their eyes then widened for a second, scrambling to their feet in haste and practically running over to their wardrobe. Surya lifted himself off the floor, leaning back on his hands with a laugh at his friend.
“Dude, what are you doing?”
“I got an idea!” They exclaimed, pulling the rest of the diving suit from the sparsely occupied dresser. “Did you bring a swimsuit or anything?”
“Uh, no?” Now sitting cross-legged and watching with a bit of worry as Tabatha ran into their tiny bathroom. “Why?” The plan had just been to see if they could glean anything from the translator and hang out while doing so. The thought of needing his swimming trunks or his own diving suit hadn’t crossed his mind once.
“You’ll see!” Came the muffled reply from the bathroom. A minute or two passed and Surya used the time to pick up the small mess of paper and pens they’d made on the floor. “Alright get in here! Bring the mask too!”
“Uh,” Surya lifted himself from the floor, scooping up the regulator as he did and reluctantly walked over to the bathroom door. “Are you decent?” He felt silly for asking and sillier for the probably obvious flush creeping up his neck.
This was probably why his Bibi Dinda and Paman Joko kept throwing him ‘looks’ every time he went to hang out with Tabatha. The farmer had no time or formality with social cues or implications. It was impulses and ‘I’ll deal with it later’ all the way down with this one.
The door opened and Tabatha’s head poked out from the threshold with a wry grin.
“No, I'm completely naked Suri.” They deadpanned as they spread out an obviously full covered arm from the doorway. Surya threw his hands up in mock surrender.
“Hey, I’m trying to be a gentleman here.” 
“Be a gentleman somewhere else we don’t have time for that,” Tabatha grabbed the mask from him and disappeared back into the bathroom. “Now. Get. In. Here.”
Surya rolled his eyes fondly and stepped into the bathroom.
He burst out laughing immediately.
Tabatha stood in their small, honestly kind of sad, shower in their full diving suit, sans air tanks, with their hand on the faucet. Surya immediately knew what they were going to do. He’d seen an old college roommate do the same thing to clean his diving suit after accidentally swimming into a cloud of algae.
Tabatha’s eyes crinkled with a tell-tell sign of them grinning, as well as they could, with the regulator covering their mouth and turned the faucet on.
Surya couldn’t fucking breathe.
“W-wha-what are you doing??” He managed to gasp out between bursts of laughter, wiping the tears forming in his eyes at the sight before him. Tabatha shrugged, answering in that sing-song language again that now sounded a little like they were gargling with the shower head on. Surya gasped for air, intermittently broken up by short fits of giggles as he tried to calm himself down. The brunet turned the faucet off and pulled the regulator away from their face, spitting out any stray water that had found its way past the haphazardly put-on mechanism.
“So,” They asked after giving Surya another moment to gasp down air. “Did that sound any different?”
“Is THAT what you were doing?”
“Duh!” The brunet gasped, absentmindedly tossing a hand out and covering Surya’s feet in water. “I remember it sounding different when I was fully submerged.”
“So you got into your shower to test that?”
“...I might’ve only just now remembered that I have a pond…”
“Oh my goddess Tabby,” Surya looked down forlornly at his now wet socks. “Is that why you asked if I brought my swim trunks?”
“And you immediately got into your shower??”
Surya was very lucky he was near the door when he started laughing again as Tabatha flung as much water at him as they could. After calming down again and much apologies, the two gathered up some gear and wandered outside to the closest pond on Tabatha's property. The summer evening was warm enough to be comfortable even without a proper wetsuit on, but Surya still lamented that his socks were now uncomfortably squishy. Tabatha offered to hang them out to dry and he declined, deciding that if he stepped on something hard then that was just how it had to be.
With towels, water-proof recording gear, an old pair of swim trunks Tabatha let him barrow and the brunet all put shoving their diver’s goggles over his head, the two sat on the small wooden platform that hung over the nearest pond. Even though it was attached to one of the many streams that ran through Coral Island, they determined that current wouldn’t be strong enough to pull himself or Tabatha in and therefore deemed it safe enough for a little free diving. 
Surya let Tabatha fall backwards into the pond first and followed suit when a thumbs up broke the surface. The water was cool against his skin and the pond, while small, was big enough and deep enough that the two of them could stand with only having to squat a little bit. He sat for a moment to enjoy it before Tabatha called over to him with the sing-song language.
“Hello! Fancy seeing you here~” Their eyes crinkled, smiling under the mask as Surya recognized the ‘Hello’ but not the rest.
“Hello!” He replied back clumsily, water filling his mouth briefly. The language carried through the water just as well, if not better, than it did in the air and still with the same pretty, melodic tone. They both resurfaced briefly, Surya to spit the water out of his mouth and Tabatha mostly to gather more air and ask if he was alright before they submerged again.
Once again they swapped words back and forth, practicing simple ‘hellos’ and ‘goodbyes’, ‘how are you’ ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’ until they could repeat the words without having to think about strange rising and falling of the vowels. Eventually they resurfaced for the last time, as the sun began to fully set and their muscles ached from keeping themselves in place under the water. But they continued without the translator, practicing their tone and pronunciation without the safety net of Dr. Ling’s mysterious handiwork. By the time the two saw fit to finally towel themselves dry and head back to Tabatha’s cabin, it was late and Surya felt fairly confident in his barebones basics of the merfolk language.
“Did you wanna take the rest of the lodeh home with you?”
“No, that's for you! I don’t want my friend starving before they get a kitchen.” 
Tabatha huffed a small laugh, wrapping their arms around his middle and squeezing him tightly, butting their head gently against his shoulder. Surya returned the hug, patting them on the back before stepping away and heading towards his Bibi’s and Paman’s home in the forest. He’d return home later than intended with still damp hair, wet socks and borrowed board shorts, staving off Archie’s questions for the next morning and rolling his eyes at another one of his Bibi’s ‘looks’ before heading to his room and collapsing into bed.
He dreams of song-like languages and fish-tailed people below the waves.
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aaeds · 2 years
I have to say it. 
As someone who works with data, logistics and metrics for a living I really don’t like Netflix’s recipe for success.  Putting multi-season shows up against new releases does a disservice to new shows - pushing them down the list and potentially out of sight especially as they are counted not as a show, but as a season of a show on the top 10 on metrics websites. This is particularly annoying if your new release coincides with something like Stranger things - it can’t compete. 
Uncertain ‘deadlines’ and a measure of success for a show based on completion is arbitrary and focuses on a select group of individuals who are willing to sit through 8-10 hours of television in a day or two which is an unhealthy expectation. People get busy, they want to wait for their SO, they want to read the books first, or a number of things. 
Personally with several shows like 1899 I started but couldn’t finish because I got extremely ill and was unable to follow the flow. I was shocked to hear it got cancelled. I’d love a backlog of shows to watch but episode 8 of Lockwood broke my heart. So much of it was a mix of Book 5 and earlier throwing readers a bone and hoping for the best. Lockwood could become big, with a better budget and one or two more episodes to make things less rushed and more impactful - it’s got so much praise from so many sources with actors and writers pushing for folks to give it a go.  And shows like these are good, and they can get better with time and patience.
I’m convinced at this point Netflix is chasing its next Stranger Things and nothing else and I’m afraid that’ll be Wednesday. When those numbers become the basis for your KPI expectations you’re setting up multiple studios for failure. You’re not looking for a reason for your completion rates you’re rolling over them.   Because in the end these shows, cancelled or no, remain in your graveyard of a catalogue.
I feel like at some point you have to stop greenlighting new shows and look at your existing catalogue and data and see whether or not there is something worth renewing. With all the bad press they’re getting I would rather not have an adaptation of anything at all. 
Also I think genre and age range shows should be measured differently. 
Fucking coco melon was in the top ten for how many months? And now Wednesday for some reason is moving up in the list. It’s stopped feeling like a gauge for interesting content and more like a public hit list of Netflix’ next cash cow. 
I loved Stranger Things, but I’m starting to think it was a mistake. 
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them?
oh woops! i forgot to get to these individual anonymous ones as i meant to copy-paste them in and forgot in the time i spent answering, sorry sorry!! it was this one and 5 others (which were already answered) so i'll pick five others from the list!
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them? || none so far, not even to the occasional poisonous substance. low spice tolerance though, and she gets the hiccups instantly from fizzy drinks, if that counts for anything
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun? || delightful!!! very fun!! this is extremely waddle dee core, jumping into a pile of crunchy leaves!! sometimes if you're really lucky kirby will come along and bluster you around in them!
🥧 [PIE] What's the longest journey your OC has gone on? What was it for? Did they succeed? || it was really, really, really really she's been out to sacred square with Meta Knight for research and study purposes. she's not super well travelled on Popstar yet, and her feet are pretty small so it's hard to get most places on her own. plus she doesn't like to go too far without company, and she doesn't really get to tag along on the Bigger Adventures. as for the success... well, meta knight didn't seem super satisfied, but starstruck had a nice time! they had to fly so it was automatically a huuuuuge success in her mind
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why? || i put her into schrödinger's box 🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place? || all over the place in dream land, actually! and popstar as a whole! it's a beautiful country on a beautiful planet; she loves to be there! she thrills to see all kinds of weather, all times of day, all sorts of locations. some of her favourites are the grassy knolls of cookie country on a clear night to watch the stars, the parapets of castle dedede at sunset when the spiral rivers turn gold, and the sand dunes of orange ocean right when the first light breaks and the dark indigo sky goes that little-bit icy yellow. she hasn't been to rainbow resort yet, but i think she'd go absolutely crazy for it! 🍻 [BEER CHEERS] Is your OC typically on the louder or quieter side? || she talks a lot (when she's comfortable) but not super loudly. once she learned to use her own voice she was also encouraged to use "the inside one" and never looked back
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igot-sarang-ggg · 2 years
hi! May I ask? I don't know English very well, so I'm sorry, it's not my native language. Can I get a fanfic with risotto x f!a reader who shows herself very coolly and arrogantly on assignments. but she begins to literally melt when she is hugged. I hope I asked clearly😅
Thank you for your request! Your English is really good. Thanks again submitting a request! Hope you like it!
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Supercilious (Risotto x Reader)
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Small Summary: You're the type of person that tries too hard during missions and thinks that you're the best. Even if you mess up in a mission you blame it on others rather then taking responsibilities for it. Your first mission on your own and it doesn't go the way you thought it would. After coming back Risotto calls you into his office (don't want to spoil to much)
Small mentions: SPOILERS, a bit fluff, spell check is out the window, strong language, mention of blood and murder..
P.S Your outfit is a vest and tie
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Today I had a solo mission for the first time, I guess the boss finally saw my true potential. I tracked the man down and went to his house. My phone started buzzing I ignored it and kept moving forward to assassinate him. I climbed up to his window and sent my stand to investigate the area. There were three cameras in place and I know where their blind spots were. My phone buzzed again, I hung up and made my way in putting on my mask. And killed the man.
I was now taking care of the body when I got a call from Melone. "Yeah, what is it?" He called so many times. I removed my bloody gloves and used my stand to get rid of the evidence. "Risotto's looking for you, when are you coming back?" I sighed looking around the room there was a small camera on a desk recording everything, I didn't notice that camera was there, "Might be awhile, I'm being watched by cameras right now, is Ghiaccio there?"
"Shit, how did you not notice that earlier? Are you wearing your mask to cover your face?" He shouted through the phone, "Just shut the fuck and put Ghiaccio on the phone before I send my stand to kill you!" I could hear him swallow through the phone. As long as I know my enemy's Coordinates are through Longitude and Latitude I'm able to find them and kill them. "He's already on it Y/n, his looking for the locations."
My phone buzzed. Ghiaccio sent me the coordinates, "Thanks you see you guys in a bit." Closing my eyes I pictured the world's globe in front of me looking for their locations and sent my stand after the ones watching. Five men were killed, and I destroyed their computers along with the camera that was watching.
Once I made it back to our Hideout I removed my mask and sat down next to Pesci, "How was your mission big sis?" Pesci asked, I didn't say anything instead side glared at him, "You better be careful with her Pesci... It looks like the mission wasn't successful." Formaggio said.
"It was. It's just that dumb-ass Melone kept calling me while I was on the mission and made me lose focus on scanning the room. Speaking of which... Where is that bitch?" I undid my tie and unbuttoned my shirt a bit, "He went out with Illuso. After he was done talking to you." Pesci said. "I see..." He ran away before I could see him.
That's right, he mentioned Risotto wanted to speak with me. I got up and walked over to Risotto's office, I knocked. "Come in," I entered the room closing the door behind me, "You wanted to see me, boss?" He looked at me from head to toe focusing his eyes on my undone tie and buttons, "Sorry, I just finished a mission and forgot to fix my outfit."
He walked over to me and adjusted the buttons and popped my collar up, his fingers lightly touching my skin giving me goosebumps, "Y/n you and I have been assigned to a mission." He lowered the collar down and tightened the tie. "When are we leaving?" I asked. He placed his hand on my chin making me look at him; his thumb was now on my lips.
Why can't I move? Risotto wasn't using his stand.
"Soon." He said. There was then a knock on the door, "Come in." Risotto said as we remained in the same spot. "Here's the paperwork you asked for." Prosciutto walked in placed the pile of paper on his desk and then walked out.
Before I could even process anything Risotto was now embracing me, his arms were wrapped around my waist and his head was placed on my shoulder... what is this?! WHY IS HE DOING THIS?! "He-Hey Risotto are you okay?! What's going on?!" I tried fighting him off but he wouldn't budge, "Dude! LET GO!" I shouted.
His grip around me tightened, "Relax..." He said in a calm voice, "This is a hug," I loosened my stance I could feel my legs going weak, "I'm not trying to hurt you, this is more of a thing that's done in friendship. So relax." This is a hug? Why do I feel myself going weak from his touch?
"Let go of me Risotto! We have a mission to do!" I kept fighting against his grip. Why am I going weak... no, stop you're stronger than that. "You've never experienced a hug have you?" I didn't say anything, "Since you're new here you need to know that we treat each other like family. That includes hugging. We only do it 'cause Pesci had insisted we do so." He pulled away and a smirk was on his face.
"You're face is red my dear Y/n." I could feel my face burning up at that point, "I guess you like the hug, am I correct?" Is he teasing me? "Can we just Focus on the mission?"
"Sure whatever you say." If he wasn't our leader I would have killed or punched him for doing that...
But, why do I want more?
"I have the Coordinates, here. And here is a picture of the guy we're looking for." He handed me the paper I manifested my stand reading what was on the paper out loud and then closing my eyes as I repeated the coordinates. "Do you see anything?" He asked, "No nothing." I continued repeating the coordinates out loud to myself. I could hear him walking in the room but I wasn't sure where he was going or what he was doing. I kept my eyes closed soon feeling two arms wrap themselves around my waist. I tried staying focused on the mission and finding our target.
"Relax and focus on looking for the guy." He placed his head on my shoulder and pressed my body closer to his. I didn't mind it this time. My leader was showing affection to me and I'd never had a hug from anyone before. "I found him."
"Good, go for the kill." His voice sounding menacing, I quickly went for the kill and beheaded the man. "It's done.." I called back my stand and looked over at Risotto. "Good job." He said he let go of me. "Was it necessary to hug me while I was looking for his location?" I asked. Risotto shrugged, "It wasn't, just wanted to see how you would react."
I sighed and looked down, "Can... Can I have another hug?" I didn't want to look at his face, but the next thing I knew he had arms wrapped around me. I closed my eyes and could feel myself melting in his embrace. I'm just glad that Risotto's the only one that gets to see me in this way.
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Request for One-shot are open!
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Obligatory Donatello × Yokai Reader bonus bit:
The next time the soft-shelled turtle saw you, was once again at a bar at a party. He had to admit he was surprised, you weren't the biggest fan of Big Mama, why on earth were you at one of her shindigs...? I mean, he was here for intel, but still. You mentioned at the last you wouldn't be caught dead dancing at a party Big Mama was at. String instruments played a song he idly recognized as a cover.
He had the faintest feeling of dejá vu as he slid in to the seat next to you. "Ah, hello there my fine feline friend. How are you doing, dear Night Eyes?"
You didn't look at him, didn't speak back. You didn't smile- your neutral, but somewhat grouchy look staying the same. Your tail was a tell though, flicking irritably.
"Is this...because I haven't texted you...?"
Your ear flicked and you took a sip of your drink. Pomegranate juice and cactus fruit. He could see slices of some kind of pepper in it though.
"I'm...sorry. I uh, didn't know what to say to you."
He longed for those quasars to sear into his eyes once more. Who knew the cold shoulder would burn like frostbite in his chest...?
No matter, he could smooth it over. Right? Easy!
The bartender came over and took his order without prompting. Mint, lime, cucumber and honeydew, a mock melon mohito. The fox yokai turned to start making it, grabbing the ingredients and walking to the back counter, back to the two of you.
Donatello had plans to talk evenly with you, smoothly explaining how he had been busy (lie, but not fully), his brothers were being a nuisance (lie, unrelated), and how he had simply just wanted to wait for the right time (lie, he was scared to say something wrong). Instead, the mutant found his mouth failed him, and he felt like a passenger in his own brain as he actuvely made a fool of himself, babbling about how your grace and handsomeness haunted his every waking moment in the best and worst ways.
Your eyes narrowed, and never moved from the bartender, glaring daggers at the kitsune.
...He found his words died in his mouth, and he sighed. Soon, a green drink was placed in front of him on a napkin. The turtle mutant reached for it.
Two things happened in quick succession.
One was Donatello noticed your tail SPLIT behind your back, two appendages appearing when there was once one, whipping violently as a ghostly flame appeared the tips. He remembered the research he did for the last gala, your family history being stitched with bakeneko and nekomata as well as big cat yokai.
The second was that the left tail, the one closest to him, suddenly plunged its firey tip into his drink, effectively ruining it as the liquids bubbled and steamed unpleasantly. Donatello became frustrated, looking over at you angrily.
"Listen, you can't just ignore me and then mess-"
"Make it again," you interrupted his scolding, a warning growl in your voice. Not for him, no.
The kitsune.
She bristled, and looked like she was about to say something, when he noticed he could hear faint crackling, like the snapping pops of campfire deep in your chest. Smoke wafted from your nose, and he could see what looked like small fissures in your mouth that began glowing red, orange, yellow, white hot. Something thick and viscous pooled from the molten cracks.
"I said, remake it. Now. In front of us."
Donatello watched, at a loss for words as his drink was remade, new glass, new everything. Your tail slowly retracted from his drink, and you began lapping at the tip, cleaning the fur before fusing two back to one. The mockhito was placed before him, and the violet clad ninja watched as the foxy yokai slunk off to the other end of the bar, obviously upset.
There was an awkward silence for exactly 250 seconds as the terrapin nursed his juice.
Stiffening, Donatello looked at you. You seemed sheepish, looking down as a claw circled the rim of your own drink. "Pardon?"
"Any mixologist worth their salt makes their drinks in front of you unless they're hiding something. She put a neurotoxin in your drink. Most poisons are broken up-"
"By heat, which is why you...boiled my drink..." The middle brother swallowed nervously. "How do you know what that tastes like..?"
"My family has enemies. I've tastes my fair share of poison. I have fire magic, so poisoning me is hard." You snickered before giving him a sad smile. "I was worried I scared you off, Othello von Ryan."
"I'm sorry. I..I..."
Those starburst eyes locked with his own. "You should get your brothers and leave. Someone's aware of your presence."
"Thank you. I'll text you, I promise."
You gave him a wry look before turning back to your drink. Your voice followed him out the door as he and his brothers escaped whatever plan might have been against them.
("The list of eligibles grows shorter, dearheart. My leash is tightening.")
Knowing ON SIGHT that the Kitsune was up to No Good.. good on Night Eyes!
And the end quote.. WHOOH. Sounds like an Issue on the horizon for our dear Night Eyes and Othello..
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