#melons becoming a masochist
pyropsychiccollector · 7 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 15/15
(人◕ω◕) The fifteenth member of Natsu's harem, hidden in this academy~... Known as the "Bonus" girl. Beware of her. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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Surprise, surprise~... This is the real finale to the Natsu's harem series. The final spotlight goes to Virgo, the Maiden. (人◕ω◕) I accidentally teased this back on #5... I decided to just keep it as a surprise. 15 is a nice, round number after all. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
Shortly after Lucy joined Fairy Tail, Team Natsu accompanied her on a job to destroy a book written by Zekua Melon. At the time, Virgo was contracted with the Duke Everlue, who was in possession of the book and was responsible for the tragedy Kaby Melon's family. Natsu helped Lucy to defeat her and take back the book, which Lucy translated and returned to Kaby to reveal the truth of the book.
... Unbeknownst to Lucy, Happy had taken Virgo's key at the spirit's request to be transferred to Lucy, as she treats her spirits well. During the Eisenwald fiasco, Happy remembers to do just that~... And it's revealed that Virgo can change her form at will to her Master or Mistress's tastes. Her normal form is rather cute, slim, and perky. (人◕ω◕)
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But Virgo is... Well. (人◕ω◕) She's loyal, and does have useful abilities like digging holes and laying traps... However, Virgo in general is a bit too much for Lucy. Too kooky and eccentric. Her frequent requests for punishment are also a bit much for Lucy; she's not that kind of person, and constantly restrains Natsu from doling out punishments for her. ... Cuz she doesn't want Virgo hurt. (人◕ω◕)
Still... Virgo becomes one of Lucy's main spirits she summons, and they do become good friends. There's no denying that. By proxy, Natsu and Virgo get along pretty well whenever they interact. The "punishment kink" flies over his head, but he rolls with Virgo's perverted antics. ... To be fair, Natsu and Loke are pretty good buddies, so. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they grow closer?
Natsu and Virgo are at a slow boil throughout their shared adventures. (人◕ω◕) Natsu enjoys her antics - especially the ones that mess with Lucy - and Virgo appreciates his help in protecting her Mistress. But... they don't really get much one-on-one interactions...
... Or so everyone thinks. (人◕ω◕) It all began one day a few weeks after the incident with Loke. Lucy saw what a mess Natsu's house was, and grumbled about it, unaware Virgo heard her loud and clear. Thinking it would please her Mistress - perhaps enough for punishment - Virgo comes to the human plane on her own power to clean up Natsu and Happy's home. However, amidst her surprise cleaning, Natsu returns and is baffled by Virgo's initiative. This meeting soon becomes the first of many, as Virgo helpfully explains that spirits can visit the human plane without being summoned... They just can't be there without returning to the Spirit World to recharge. Natsu's still not wrapping his head around this human and spirit stuff, but he thinks Virgo could be doing more fun activities than just cleaning... Besides! Natsu likes his things the way they are. If Virgo goes moving stuff around and tossing crap out, he'll never know where it is. (人◕ω◕) It's chaos that only he understands, and he's just fine with that~...
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Virgo wants to know what "fun things" Natsu's talking about, though. Part of her is thrumming with glee, as when she imagines "fun", she imagines punishment. Perhaps Natsu-san is a masochist, too? Or maybe... just maybe... a domineering sadist?! (人◕ω◕)
... Alas. Natsu seems to be a different sort. When he isn't showing her how he trains, he shows her good places to get grub. And he also gives the spirit a full tour of Lucy's apartment. (人◕ω◕) ... When Lucy isn't home. (人◕ω◕)
These occasional meetings between spirit and Dragon Slayer start off slow... But pick up pace when Natsu starts picking Virgo's brain for all sorts of different knowledge and advice. Like the whole maid profession, he doesn't get why Virgo would "lower" herself when she and Lucy can just be friends. There's a ton of miscellaneous things Natsu asks her about.... But the topic that really seems to excite Virgo the most is the topic of women. What makes them tick, the skimpy clothes they wear, why some get flustered when they get felt up while others get angry... or excited... (人◕ω◕)
Of course... This is Virgo. She takes this to mean Natsu-san has found someone or is considering his "type"... She also really only understands her type. Her kinks. (人◕ω◕) So she happily gives Natsu a bunch of masochist info. Natsu should be in control, and to give punishment whenever ladies ask for it. Because for women, "pain = pleasure". ... Or at least that's Virgo's oblivious mindset. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) The Maiden knows what she wants. And perhaps if Natsu dominates Lucy, he can become her joint Master and punish her. (人◕ω◕)
These interactions go on for some time, without much of the guild being any the wiser. Sometimes Virgo shows up in the guild and hangs around Natsu, but Lucy and everyone else don't think much of it because of circumstances (aka, brawls). (人◕ω◕)
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When did friendship turn to something more?
Natsu and Virgo go without contact for that whole year the guild is disbanded... And with everything that comes after Fairy Tail is brought back together, they don't have much time to catch up and bond like they used to.
... However. (人◕ω◕) After the war, Virgo goes right back to her old habits... and she discovers she really did miss Natsu a lot. (人◕ω◕) So much so... she asks Natsu to punish her, just to see what it would feel like. ... And it's everything and so much more than she ever wanted from Lucy-sama. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) All Natsu does is strike a flaming hand to her bikini-clad bum over his knee a few times... But that's more than enough to bring Virgo to orgasmic pleasure. (人◕ω◕) Moreover, she finds out that cuddling with Natsu in his lap is downright cozy. And he has absolutely no problems with her thrusting his head into her bosom. Virgo is very pervertedly pleased. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
After such a stimulating reunion.... Virgo drags Natsu to talk too Lucy, hoping to bring them together... And, well. That doesn't work out. Natsu's not interested in Lucy in that way, he's got a fair amount of others who might kill him for that... And while Lucy's a bit crestfallen over it, she sees that Virgo's rather attached to Natsu, and allows him to hold onto Virgo's key. ... Even if he's not a Celestial Spirit Wizard. Since Virgo can summon herself, there's not really an issue. ... She just won't be able to stay for super long periods without threatening her wellbeing... But~... The Spirit King eventually hammers out a new, different deal between Virgo and Natsu, bonding them on a very personal level. (人◕ω◕) Virgo's able to access Natsu's reserves to linger for longer in the human plane, and their connection allows both of them to know if the other is in danger...
... Of course, Virgo celebrates their new union by bonding them on the most intimate level... (人◕ω◕) ... Certain parties are upset to hear about this, but to be fair, the Spirit King and the other Zodiac Spirits are a tad freaked out when Virgo winds up pregnant, as there's never been a precedent of a human mating with a spirit... But she manages the pregnancy just fine, and the baby girl's happy and healthy. (人◕ω◕) ... Natsu, though... He was very busy after he knocked up Virgo.
Very, very busy. (人◕ω◕)
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91062854-ka · 1 year
Sayuri Komori [Voiced by: Suzuko Mimori (Japanese)/Tia Ballard (English)]
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Kanji: 枚 子守
Rōmaji: Komori Sayuri 
Also Known as: 
Meron (Melons) (by Ayato) 
Genki-chan (Feisty-chan) (by Laito)
Kobut (Piglet) (by Reiji)
Kachiku (Livestock) (by Ruki)
Bunny (Banī) (by Yuma)
Neko-chan (Cat) (by Kou) 
Eve (by Azusa and Karlheinz)
Cordelia (when being controlled)
Age: 17
Status: Alive
Physical and Vital Statistics
Human (currently)
Vampire (in the future)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Gender: Female
Height: 158 cm (5'2")
Weight: 45 kg (99lbs)
Blood Type: O
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Pink (Green as Cordelia)
2nd year High School
Personal Status
Seiji Komori (adoptive father)
Yui Komori (older twin sister) 
Hobbies: Playing her guitar
Favorite Food: Fried fish and chicken with salad
Sayuri is the younger twin sister of Yui Komori. When their father moved abroad for work, Sayuri is forced to live with six vampires with Yui.
School uniform:
Above, but she wears leggings in her uniform.
Casual wear:
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Sayuri is independent, sarcastic and friendly. She is a stubborn and rebellious young woman who learns to stand up for herself and those she cares about, especially her twin sister, Yui. She talks back against anyone who mistreats her and her sister and doesn't allow anyone use her so easily due to how she and Yui were treated back in the schools they tended. As she lives with the vampires, she slowly starts to become a masochist, though she denies it. Like Yui, Sayuri is also a strong believer of God, but she also believes anything can exist in life, including the existence of vampires.
It is unknown who are Sayuri and Yui's parents are, but one thing is for sure is that after Laito pushed Cordelia from the balcony, Richter found her dying. She asked him to cut out her heart and implant it into another body. He did as she asked and implanted it into Yui, an abandoned girl who had the ideal body for Cordelia's heart. However as soon as he implanted it into Yui, her body begins to glow and split in half, morphing two children, and thus, Yui and Sayuri were born. He then handed the twins to the vampire hunter, Seiji Komori, to avoid "Cordelia" from being taken away by his brother, Karlheinz. Seiji, who was also a priest, owned a church and raised Yui and Sayuri since then as his daughters. Seiji never told the twins he was not their biological father and instead, told that their mother had died when they were children.
Because Cordelia was the daughter of the Demon King, her blood had a power flowing within. Since her heart has been split and the two hearts are inside of Yui and Sayuri, they are power blood banks for the vampires. All the brothers note that the twin sisters' blood is of the "finest quality." In addition, their chests will hurt when "Cordelia" reacts to something. However even though the twins have the same heart of a vampire and they're both human, it's only a matter of time until Cordelia chooses one of them and either Yui or Sayuri will turn into vampires. When they were 17, their father told them he was moving abroad for work, and they were sent to Japan. The brothers tell them they were given up as a sacrifice.
Yui is Sayuri's older twin sister. Ever since they were children, Yui and Sayuri were very close, and they love each other very much, and they can tell how the other feel.
After finding out the truth about Cordelia and what she did, Sayuri began to hate and despise her. She couldn't kill herself or her sister, but she also could not let Cordelia control Yui, so she offered to take her place and let Cordelia take control of her body. However, after being insulted by Reiji and seeing Shu being injured from the stab on his shoulder by Richter, Sayuri gained control over her body and shoved the silver knife Subaru gave her to her heart.
After turning into a vampire, Sayuri has inhuman strength as well as increased speed (less than a pure born vampire), increased vision and hearing, and smell. She also has fast healing though it is slower than a pure blood.
She appears to be capable of teleporting from nowhere in an instant.
Sayuri has the ability to move anything or anyone she wants with her mind. Reiji told her if she does not master it, she could end up destroy the mansion since her power is connected to her emotions.
Having Cordelia's heart inside her, it is possible that Sayuri, or even Yui, might possess all of the basic/passive abilities of a First Blood after she became a vampire, but it is unknown for sure.
Sayuri is good at hand-to-hand combat and can also use knives very efficiently, wielding it with high precision, she was taught by Subaru after her transformation into a vampire.
Being a former human, Sayuri is quite used to things like daylight and human food. 
• Sayuri's name means "small lily".
• Sayuri can play the guitar and sing very well. 
• Sayuri owns a pair of wireless purple cat ear headphones, so she always wears them around her neck when she's not listening to music.
• Sayuri doesn't have a favorite music genre, she'll listen to anything as long as she likes it.
• Sayuri is a little bit of a tomboy, so she prefers to wear leggings, short or pants than skirts. But if she does wear skirts, she wears leggings or shorts underneath since it makes her uncomfortable if boys try to check her out.
• Unlike Yui, Sayuri knows how to swim.
• Sayuri has always been interested in supernatural creatures, so she would read books about them.
• Like her sister, Sayuri knows how to cook.
• Sayuri's favorite colors are blue and purple.
• Sayuri calls Ayato "Oreo-sama" or "Tomato head" in order to annoy him, before they became nicknames for him.
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Things Unus Annus has taught us
31. “Unus Annus” DOES NOT mean “One Butt.” It means “One Year” in Latin.
2. Make the most of the time you have left, because you only have one life.
3. Sex toys can be used for cooking!
4. The Disclaimer Song~!
5. Don’t tell Amy!!!
6. Amy’s word is law, and her eyes are blessed and holy.
7. Amy is SCP-11325
8. Telling Mark how much he inspires people makes him sweat through his eyes.
9. Chica is a foodie!
10. Spencer and Henry are picky eaters.
11. Bohdy~! He’s almost a year old!
12. ~“Hey now, don’t try this at home.”~
13. Mark is the tired, grumpy father with an over-energetic kid.
14. Eef loses braincells when he knows the camera is about to come on.
15. Amy’s bugwatch was donated to children.
16. New cryptids were made!
17. A watermelon broke them both, thus giving rise to “The Melon Man.”
18. Ethan became a man and helped build a house for Chica.
19. Ethan is an elegant swimmer, and a patient teacher.
20. He also put the “fear of broken bows” (bones) in Mark, while teaching him gymnastics.
21. “tHe MeLon maKeS ThE MaN!!!”
22. Ethan broke Mark, thus creating “Hee Hoo.”
23. Being a good boyfriend doesn’t mean taking abuse from your partner.
24. Artistic reference for men in suits making dynamic poses!!!
25. Goat Yoga!
27. Eef can use echolocation!
28. Mark is the brains of the two.
29. Ethan becomes PURE, UNBRIDLED RAGE without Mark.
30. They learned boundaries with each other.
31. Nudity. Poor Amy...
32. Mark is (not) a masochist. He’s a sadist.
33. Ethan is the masochist.
34. Ethan surprised his own trainer and WENT EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!! With coke.
35. You can make content with just about anything.
36. Ethan becomes a mutated-processed-meat tycoon, becoming a kind in the industry, as well as a tyrant.
37. Momiplier outclasses Mark and Ethan in unfiltered, comedy gold.
38. An incubus had tried seducing Momiplier and Grannyplier. Grannyplier scared him away with death and water!
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mavzoon · 4 years
Jealous Ghiaccio x masochistic fem/reader smut
“OH MY GOD MAV IS POSTING AGAIN???” Yes. I have risen from my slumber.
So, remember when I did those Chia x masochistic reader Headcanons and said I was gonna write a fic about it? I finally hecking did it, although the S/M part ended up being quite minimal in this. (Pls tell me if I have any other fics I’ve said I wanted to write and never did. I have the memory of a goldfish.)
Trigger warnings: Rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, quickie, mild sadism/masochism, some bondage (readers hand get pinned on the wall), not exactly public sex but y’all are loud and other people definitely hear it. Ice mans stand is also used.
Word count: 1163
Cut for length
You trembled with excitement as you and Ghiaccio said your goodbyes to the rest of La Squadra. You fumbled with the keys to your hotel room, being barely able to contain yourself. A tiny part of you was worried that Ghiaccio would be genuinely upset with you flirting with Melone throughout the night. What made it all even tenser was the fact that he was silent. Usually, he would’ve been cursing by this point.
You opened the door and went in. You were about to turn to Ghiaccio and apologise when he kicked the door shut and pushed you against the wall, pulling you into a rough kiss. You yelped as he bit your bottom lip, damn-near drawing blood. 
“Shut up,” he snarled, biting your lip again. “You don’t get to complain after acting like a slut for an entire evening.”
You moaned into the kiss. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”
Ghiaccio placed a hand on your throat and squeezed. “You really don’t know when to quit, do you?”
You smirked and placed a hand on his growing bulge. “Oh? But you seem to like it.”
Ghiaccio growled, yanked your pants down along with your panties and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, chuckling as your exposed pussy was pressed against his groin. 
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up,” Chiaccio hissed as he left a row of bites down your neck. 
“Or what?”
He pulled back, his eyes burning into yours, making you shiver. “Or I’ll make you scream so loud that everyone in this fucking hotel can hear you.”
Your cheeks flushed crimson. “B-but, that would mean that the others-”
“Oh, but you seemed so eager to let Melone see you acting like a little whore. Is it just that… You’re embarrassed by how easily I can make you scream?”
You shook your head. “N-no, I’m not that loud…”
The smile on Ghiaccio’s face made you instantly regret your words.
“Oh really? In that case, you wouldn’t mind if I took you right here and now…”  
You bit your lip and looked away, your pride not letting you admit defeat.
Ghiaccio chuckled and unbuckled his jeans, still holding you up with one hand. He kicked his pants off and leaned closer to bite your neck once more, his warm, hard cock brushing against your bottom.
“Normally I’d prep you, but you’ve been nothing but a dirty fucking whore,” he angled his cock to your entrance. “So, you’ll just have to take it.”
He didn’t give you a warning as he thrust his cock into your dripping pussy, filling you with one hard stroke. You yelped but were quick to bite down the noises you were so desperate to make. 
“See? I’ve barely started, and you’re already squealing like a bitch in heat. Go on, there’s no point acting modest.” He pulled out and thrust back in, slamming you down his cock as he held you up. 
“Scream for me,” Ghiaccio’s voice was almost gentle.
You brought your hand to cover your mouth.
“Don’t you dare,” Ghiaccio hissed. He grabbed your hands and slammed them over your head, keeping them there with an unwavering grip. At that moment, you were reminded of the fact that despite his appearance, Ghiaccio was strong. 
He set a furious pace, making your body jolt up with each thrust. You could only bite your lip as you tried not to cry out despite Ghiaccio hitting your sweet spot with every practised thrust. 
Seeing that you weren’t going to break anytime soon, Ghiaccio thought of a new plan. He let go of your wrist. Before you could pull them down, A string of ice pinned them back to the wall. Your eyes widened, and you shook your head to stifle a whimper. 
Ghiaccio trailed his free hand down your neck, his fingers ice-cold against your skin. You squealed as he slid his hand under your shirt, caressing your sides. He smirked.
“C-come on! That’s cheating!” You whined. 
“Oh?” Ghiaccio chuckled. “Do you really think you’re in the position to be complaining?” He pulled your bra down and pinched your nipple, his fingers coated with a thin layer of ice. You couldn’t help but moan from the feeling. 
With each thrust, Ghiaccio’s abdomen brushed against your clit, sending you closer to your orgasm. With one particularly deep thrust, his cock brushed against your cervix, making you damn near howl. Through the blinding hot pleasure, you realised that the others must have heard that.
Ghiaccio bit your bottom lip, smirking. “That’s it. Scream for me like the slut you are.” 
For the briefest of seconds, you tried to stay quiet, tried to bite your lip but only whimpered and moaned and the feeling of Ghiaccio pinching your nipples and slamming you down onto his cock. 
With each thrust, he was brushing against your g-spot, sending flashes of searing hot pleasure through you. Ghiaccio leaned in and kissed your neck before biting down, drawing a little blood. 
He slammed his lips to yours. You could taste the briefest hint of blood on his lips. The look in his eyes was damn-near feral. You felt him shudder each time you let out a breathless whimper.
At that moment, you decided that it didn’t matter if the others heard you. All you wanted was to see Ghiaccio come undone by the sound of your voice. You threw your head back and let out the moans you’d been stifling. 
“F-fuck,” Ghiaccio hissed, burying his face against your neck, his breath against your skin making you shiver. 
“God, Ghiaccio! Your cock feels so good! D-don’t stop!” You whined, wiggling your hips against his. 
He trembled against you, his pace becoming more uneven with each vicious thrust. The ice he had pinned your hands up with was also weakening. You smirked.
“Are you close? Hmm?” You pushed your chest up, your breast bouncing lightly. 
Ghiaccio growled. In the blink of an eye, he cut open your shirt and bra with a sharp icicle, freeing your breasts. He leaned down, catching one of your nipples into his mouth and biting down slightly while pinching the other one with his ice-covered fingers. 
You came with a loud shriek, your legs trembling around Ghiaccio’s waist, pulling him closer. He let go of your bruised nipple and licked along the wound he’d made on your neck before, biting down just under your ear, snarling profanities. 
Ghiaccio’s hips stuttered as he came, his hot cum splattering against your walls. He held you in place, pulling you into a heated kiss. You kissed him, your movements as clumsy as if it was your first time, whimpering into his mouth all the while. 
The ice that was holding your hands melted away. Without wasting a second, you wrapped your hands around Ghiaccio, brushing a stray hair away from his flushed face. 
“That was nice,” you whispered, voice hoarse. 
Ghiaccio smirked, the underlying softness behind it not going unnoticed by you.
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edgewaterfarmcsa · 5 years
Eggplant - Lettuce - Onion - Melon - Corn - Tomatoes (Heirloom, Red, Cherries) - 
Cukes - Parsley - Purple Pepper - Cayenne Pepper
For the past couple of years, we’ve been pretty committed to having the field crew take proper breaks at proper hours.  For example, Rather than stopping for lunch after the full pick is over- around 3pm, we make sure to call it around noon.  This might not come as a shock to anyone reading this, as it is basic humanitarianism 101, however I spent the majority of my 20’s eating lunch at 3pm after starting at 6 or 7am.  I think a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that farming is partly masochistic… still applies.  
Anyhow, it has been years since the crew took a late lunch, but today there was just too many tomatoes and the picking was too damn good.  The crew didn’t come back from the field until well after 3. As a result, there are stacks on stacks of crates filled with tomatoes with MASSIVE industrial grade fans blowing turbine winds to ward off any fruit flies that dare try to land.  It’s a pretty impressive show. All this said, for those of you (like me) who have a deep love for roasted cherry tomatoes, plum tomatoes, all tomatoes, now would be the time to order your canners, your flats of cherries, etc… for roasting, saucing, salsa-ing, preserving.  The number at the farmstand to place your order is: 603-298-5764
Also I want to mention the white residue on your cherry tomatoes is from sanidate.  Sanidate is the combination of two compounds; Hydrogen peroxide and Acetic Acid. The two chemicals combine to form a new compound, Peracetic acid.  We run this product, sanidate, through our pack-shed wash line. We do this in order to insure that our crops arrive to your plates with 0 traces of pathogens (e.coli, salmonella, listeria, etc…).  No, we are not pooping on our crops, running them through sanidate, and calling it a day- but this way, we can protect ourselves and the community that eats our food if, say a deer or bird uses our fields as its bathroom.  Also, sanidate is becoming the standard in most packsheds across the country being used by organic and commercial growers alike. Bottomline, this stuff is super safe. And it breaks down to air and water while drying.  HOWEVER, we are seeing that it leaves a little residue behind- if this bothers you, by all means, be safer than safe and wash your veggies!!  And if it doesn’t bother you, well, bottoms up!   
1-4 T. Tahini
2 T. Olive Oil
Salt to taste
On the grill or in the broiler, cook eggplant until it looks like a deflated tire.  Don’t worry if you get some charred bits, those add flavor.
While the eggplant cools, combine lemon juice, garlic, tahini, and olive oil in a food processor (immersion blender will work as well).  Blend away!
Pull stem off of eggplant, and add to the food processor continuing to blend.  
Add salt and garnish as desired (perhaps with flat leaf parsley?!)
Serve with veggies, crackers, pita, falafel, the list goes on…  
Grilled Eggplant, Tomato and Parsley Salad
1 medium eggplant (1 pound), halved lengthwise and sliced crosswise 1/2 inch thick
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
Halved grape tomatoes
Coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley
Fresh lemon juice
Light a grill or preheat a grill pan. Brush the eggplant slices on both sides with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill the eggplant over moderate heat for about 6 minutes, turning once, until lightly charred and tender. Transfer the eggplant to a bowl. Add tomatoes, parsley and lemon juice, season with salt and pepper and toss.
Slow-Roasted Tomatoes 
I know what you’re going to say: “You want me to turn on my oven in the middle of the summer for three freakin’ hours? Are you insane?” And all I can say is, well, yes, but also the oven is so low that I swear it won’t heat up your apartment (house) in any noticeable or annoying way.
Cherry, grape or small Roma tomatoes
Whole gloves of garlic, unpeeled
Olive oil
Herbs such as thyme or rosemary (optional)
Preheat oven to 225°F. Halve each cherry or grape tomato crosswise, or Roma tomato lengthwise and arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet along with the cloves of garlic. Drizzle with olive oil, just enough to make the tomatoes glisten. Sprinkle herbs on, if you are using them, and salt and pepper, though go easily on these because the finished product will be so flavorful you’ll need very little to help it along.
Bake the tomatoes in the oven for about 3 hours. You want the tomatoes to be shriveled and dry, but with a little juice left inside–this could take more or less time depending on the size of your tomatoes.
Either use them right away or let them cool, cover them with some extra olive oil and keep them in the fridge for the best summer condiment, ever. And for snacking.
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