#melourne city
oeldacekaj · 4 years
Melbourne town
The assignment sheet  
The last year artwork for the Melbourne festival  
InSite of the town  
Melbourne is a small, attractive, appealing and historic settlement, with a vibrant and varied social mix and a strong community spirit.  
During the period c1770 – c1890 Melbourne grew from an agricultural village into a small and prosperous manufacturing town.
This Georgian market town is in South Derbyshire on the edge of The National Forest. It is about 8 miles south of Derby and 2 miles from the River Trent.  
This town has maintained its popularity as a lively, thriving village and home to 5000 inhabitants.
Melbourne means 'Mill Stream' so it is appropriate that one of the best known features is the old mill pool known as Melbourne Pool, picturesquely landscaped in 1845 for Lord Melbourne, the former Prime Minister (1779-1848).
It was said that in 1947 ‘there were more thatched cottages in Melbourne than in any village’, although sadly, many have disappeared since then.
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The Melbourne festival  
Arts Melbourne Limited, a company limited by guarantee, was set up to run Melbourne Festival On 1 January 2008.
Melbourne is centrally located between Derby, Nottingham and Leicester in the East Midlands. The postcode for Melbourne town centre is DE73 8DS.
Melbourne Festival became a trading name of Arts Melbourne Limited. The principal reason for doing this was that there are arts related activities, such as Open Exhibitions, the Gallery and Workshops which need a different approach and publicity and are outside the September Melbourne Festival period.
Melbourne festival hosts professional artists selling paintings, sculpture, furniture, print making, textiles, ceramics, design craft, drawing etc.  
Melbourne Festival aims to organise and run an annual festival of visual and performing arts in Melbourne and the surrounding district.
Melourn artists are:  
William Dexter, painter, was born there in 1808 and  
Ronald Pope, sculptor and artist.
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A quick brief, overview   
Melbourne festival happens every year, although this year they had a dramatic change of plans, the atmosphere will be quiet different and specific measures will be taken because of COVID 19.   
For example:  
Architecture Trail was cancelled  
They are still doing the Melbourne Festival Emerging Artist Award which is going to be exhibited in a gallery space, with art from different people and also from the derby college art and design students who were 2nd years last year. 
The gallery will be open for people to go in, see the art and vote for the best. Melbourne will definitely be taking measures and set rules for health and safety reasons, e.g., keeping distance, sanitizing the hands before and after going in, having a one way system and they might do an online exhibition too. All of this will take place so COVID 19 would not spread further.  
Afterall the good news is that we are still going  ahead with our 1st project, the guerrilla art. Although we need to approach this project and others more cautiously too.  
We need to know that 
Sharon is the customer of Melbourne festival and we will need to fit around whatever thy would ask us to do. 
Whatever idea they chose we would probably need to do it alone and not in pares or groups, so we need to consider the time when choosing an idea. 
We were also informed that not all of the places and buildings will be available to us, only a few properties have chosen to give permission for our wok to be placed at so it is most likely that Sharon will already have some places in mind where our work could be installed. 
Last thing last is that we need to know about the weather forecast and think about the materials we could use. 
We need to do  
We need to come up with a lot of ideas and show them to our costumer as soon as possible. 
Use tumbler to display everything important.  
One of the most liked idea from our costumer is making of different kinds of posters. The hand drawn letter forms arranged in words, statement or phrases that we could express what is in our mind from current affairs, news over the last 12 months; we need to refined those into sentences written with beautiful lettering in a form of a poster, which could be: a painted poster, printed poster, relief 3 dimensional poster etc.  
It also needs to be A1 or A2. 
Make notes in our sketchbook and journals. 
Make action plans. 
We need to deal with the formal elements: lines, shapes, colours etc.  
Answering questions about the projects from one of the sessions that i voice recored
Do we need to talk about our inspirations behind the ideas?  
We are really interested to knowing where the ideas came from, use tumbler, sketchbook, drawings, journal anything that will communicate your ideas, what you would like to put into a space. Really the costumer will be happy enough to see your ideas but it will definitely help you on selling the ideas better if you had a little brief explanation of them. 
Exactly, what is the theme about? 
Originally the theme is about 'commotion in the ocean', although our clients have been really open minded and interested on to seeing any kinds of ideas that will be about the current affairs, especially since a lot has happened and changed throughout this year e.g., the blm movement, corona virus, climate change, global leadership, anything that you would like to express. These ideas and themes can be used for the Derby Well project too. 
What are our limits, when it comes to choosing the place where our posters and artwork will go? 
Melbourne is big and last year several people agreed on us to use their buildings, the outside or/and the inside of the buildings to display our art work. This year because of the global pandemic not many people have offered up these opportunities, however there were some shop owners that offered us their shop fronts and there will be some outdoor spaces around town too. That is why Sharon ended up choosing the poster ideas because of how easily it could be displayed and how powerfully it could communicate a message across to the audience.  
She is the one who knows about the offered places where our art could be displayed at. Sharon is also talking about reducing the amount of locations, where instead of having our work spread across the city, we could bomb a whole window full of posters, and do this for all the available places and shop windows in the city. So overall Sharon would love if the poster ideas would happen and if there is something eye catching from your other ideas that might be perfect when installed in specific locations like the bus stop or hanged from building to building she will definitely inform us. So don’t worry because everyone will have a piece of their work into the festival and on their cv.   
Do they both, the Derby Well and Melbourne festival prefer the typographical poster ideas? 
Yes. There were a handful of you that were sending ideas over the summer and over everything that was send they really liked the ideas of the posters too, so there will be  continuation of posters around Derby as well. 
Tumbler, why are we using it, what do we post? 
Tumblr has been used every year by us, also the UAL really likes it when it comes to assessing your work in the end of the year. I think now days, because of the pandemic, Tumblr and other online platforms are the best when it comes to doing your work as a group of designers and artists, without endangering other people, it also allows us to quickly asses and give feedback and is a grate platform for you to show the world what you do as a designer and/or an artist.  
You do need to be careful not to duplicate what is on your book or on your journal, instead you can use it as a blog, a magazine, or a fanzine. And you should definitely put what your work is about, the context, what the brief is asking you to make, communicate what's on your mind, put some of your ideas and in the end you should definitely share your final outcome with us. You can talk about how its finished , your output as a creative person, write texts and share images, whatever you see fit.    
My response
This project will allow me to understand, regenerate ideas and look more into our ocean and the different species that live there. It will also allow us to show the audience how important these waters are to humanity, how they affect climate change and how we are slowly killing the life in the ocean and soon ourselves.The ocean plays a big role in our lives because it produces over half of the world’s oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere, it also helps regulate temperatures as the oceans absorbs the sun’s heat, transfers it to the atmosphere and then distributing it around the world, acting like a heater in the winter and an air conditioner in the summer. There are a lot of natural products from marine/ocean plants and animals which we use in medicinal products, including ingredients that help fight cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease 
After doing some research around the ocean, I came across a large number of endangered species; whether they were nearly getting extinct because people killed them for parts, for food, or killed them with illegal fishing equipment, or some were forced to leave their habitats because of the amount of people invading their spaces, that was simply an alarming information. The disgusting  amount of pollution we are caucusing and the damaging waste we bring to the ocean due to the harmful activities we do, disgusts me, overall, the conclusion is that we are suffocating our oceans and not just them put our whole planet and later on in life all of these activities will kill the human race too. 
The task we were given fits perfectly with the 'commotion in the ocean' theme because guerrilla art is allowing us to make work about the recurring issues that are happening around the world and affecting our oceans, we can make a strong statement, speak up, raise awareness and educate people on this topic.This will also enable us to focus on the changes we can make and how we can encourage people to think about their actions and how they should do something to reduce pollution, global warming, overfishing etc. 
While exploring this topic I will try to remain relevant to the audience, because our art will be installed around the Melbourne town which will be seen by a large and varied audience, including children, families, elderly etc., I need to make it suitable, appropriate and understandable for all ages, I also hope it delivers the same message to everyone and to stay in topic. To make sure that happens I have to focus, make contextual research, evaluate, analyze, have plenty of secondary and primary pictures, experiment, think about the right materials and make sure to plan ahead. This will be helpful for my future projects too. 
 My PowerPoint with ideas for Melbourne festival  
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thecwolf-blog · 11 years
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Hikaru Melbourne City
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