#men who cant feel wont let themselves feel and cant let go of their pride as its all theyve got refusing god and refusing family OUCH OUCHH
bbqhooligan · 10 months
i feel so bad i pity him so much cuz im just as godless as pathetic 👍 hate recognizing myself in Dostoevsky characters its always just like being dragged thru the mud
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heulheul · 2 years
Im actually INFURIATED (i always am)(but now even more) my „friends“ who are „gay and aromantic“ ALL HAVE STRAIGHT RELATIONSHIPS?? It would be ok if they werent so prideful and use their queerness as their whole fucking personality trait. HOW THE FUCKING DARE YOU TELL ME YOURE QUEER WHEN ALL YOU DATE ARE MEN AND ONLY LIKE FICTIONAL WOMEN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. How fucking dare you tell me „im such a loner uwu potato and i dont do all that gross dating stuff bleghh ew“ THEN PROCEED TO DATE??? How dare you make me feel safe and comfortable around you when youre not even NEAR worthy of my trust FUCK ALL OF YOU. My „lesbian 😐“ friend has a male crush and makes it her entire life like SHUT THE FUCK UP OK SHUT UP YOURE SO ANNOYING I HOPE YOUR VAGINA LIGHTS ON FIRE. My 2 „aromantic 🫤“ friends are dating EACHOTHER and they think noone knows but its sooo obvious and i think the only reason theyre sneaking around is bc they flexed constantly how dating is not for them and only hopeless lonely loners do it, but guess whos doing it now you stupid stupid FUCKS. My other friend is ig the most true to her word. Shes actually into women but omfg she tries so hard to „hide“ her crush or whatever but its so obvious it makes me cringe and repulse on how she acts like a >_< potato when mentioned about her admiree. Like… we all know calm tf down. My other friends is also kinda true to her word. Shes „aromantic“ or somewhere in the umbrella but she has rizz and pulls. But thats bot her fault ok, what i have a problem with it id that she tried so hard to seem emo edgy mysterious harem senpai but tbh shes so annoying. I find it annoying how she acts like a baby and ive grown with her since were young so i thought shes outgrow it but now that were grown girl CUT THAT SHIT OUT shes a tall child like go take off ur diaper and stop sucking on ur moms tit AND THEN lets be friends. Gosh its so annoying bc shes so self centered. She wont be in a convo if it isnt about her or talking shit abt someone. Like kys u absorb drama like a parasitic sponge fuck off little shit, im so close to stop playing friend with her and just beat her the fuck up and leave her to bleed out or sth but im calm im calm ok. And i cant just cut these people off, i mean emotionally ill be ok but ill see them everyday at campus blablabla U get it. Im so fucking ashamed my life has gotten to the point im tolerating being friends with immature baby queerbaiters. Sad thing is ive grown fond of these people and have bad attachment issues and im just so sick of cutting people off me randomly and never wanna do it again but i swear theyre so ☠️ also do i just ATTRACT fake queer people?? My ex friend was … questionable. Pretty sure she had bpd and those people were just her fav persons but idk. Maybe its internalized homophobia thats why i have sm self hatred but the fact that i thought i had people that can relate to me and share the same feelings but NO you fuckers were never gay/lgbt and never feel the things and think the thoughts i do. NEVER. And ig thats my big problem abt it. Im ok with people experimenting and exploring their sexualities (aldo none of my business) but in this case, they had no reason to call themselves queer in the first place (ex. Never having feelings for opposite gender, etc.) so ifk where they got that but ok? The 2nd thing is they r HIDING the fact theyre not actually lgbt and keep queerpersonifying just to yk… talk about being queer. BUT THE FUCKING THING IS I HAVE DO MUCH HATE WITH WHO I AM AS A FUCKING DYKE AND YOURE JUST HERE SAYING „being part of the ögbt is so hard uwu huhu 😿😿“ WHEN YOU DONT THINK THE THIBGS I DO. YOU DONT EXPERIENCE THE THINGS I DO. Did you ever think of harming yourself since noone around you said that the things you like are ok, therefore making you feel like a shitty freak? Did you ever get so scared of your own feelings to the point you lie in bed like a paralyzed vegetable just crying inside and outside? Do you ever wish you were just created normal so you dont think about shit you have to? Fuck you quuerbaiters
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needweaponneedhugto · 3 years
Im not going to be the party pooper here but guys can you please STOP stereotyping people based of what they look like or their sexuality or their star sign or gender even skin colour still. I'm not saying this happens on Tumblr but I know alot of people are on this app and awareness of this subject needs to be spread.
Society should have long since moved on from the 'girls like this and boys like that' okay? Im mad that this still exists! Why should there be toys, outfits and just things in general labeled with a gender. People like different things and each person is their own, not all boys will like the things assigned to their gender and that's okay vice versa. Stop teaching generations of children that certain have a certain gender. Although this is improving it is still being seen. For example places in toy stores labeled for certain genders or clothes labeled as a boys or lableled as a girls. Nothing needs a gender assigned to them it doesn't and shouldn't matter at all.
The people in the LBGT+ community aren't any different to straight people. Is that so hard to wrap thoughts around? It really shouldnt because guess what! They are just like everyone else! Why should it matter who others love? Why is it a problem when someone decides they want to change their gender or if they don't want one! They haven't done something wrong, if anything all they've done is be themselves, why is that a problem? Now why does a whole load of people think that in being gay means they are suddenly just like girls and like painting their nails and they have homophobic parents and going to be kicked out, although this does represent some gay men not everyone is like that. In being a Lesbian your suddenly a Tomboy and have a crush on your best friend? No! Not everyone is like that, you see one person like this and automatically their like this? Everyone is special and their sexuality is just another addition to that person it doesnt automatically change their personality and what they like to do.
Skin colour. Why does this matter? Black lives matter have been a massive movement in teaching idiots on how to be less inhuman and making sure the hate stops. However it can work in other ways as well. Do NOT look at a black person and immediately assume thibgs about them as well as white people to. Your skin colour doesnt matter! No should feel upset or pressured because of the skin they were born into. Black people are just as important as the white we do NOT discriminate against them. Parents and teachers siblings anyone, educate this generation and the next and for as long as you can live through that Black people do matter and racists are just being silly. Don't sugarcoat your skin colour. But Racism works in many different ways, do NOT automatically see a white and assume that they hate black people. Not everyone is a racist fool. Everyone matters no matter what skin colour they are! Society is working hard to make this even but you cant change what others think, the only way is to mould this generations children to think correctly to stand up for what they believe in amd understand that no one is more inprtant than someone else.
Before this ends Im coming back to gender because there is one situation that I do not see adressed very often. So we all know how girls are generally the subject of this form of discrimination but what about all of the boys. Everyone is so quick to defend the girls but when a boy has a problem we hardly ever notice it. Im especially annoyed about this. Why does no one realise that sometimes boys have to fight just as hard as girls do? When someone finds out a girl is in an abuse relationship then everyone is jumping to defend the girl because feminism but boys? I don't see people jumping to check boys aren't in a abusive relationship. Feminism isn't a bad thing, its making sure women have more freedom and a voice that wont be drowned out but there is still a long way to go before all genders are equal. Every time I hear someone teaching a girl they say 'Girls you are just as important as the men you can beat them in what you do! They wont steal your credit!' what we should be teaching is 'Everyone is equal and no one is more important than the other regardless of what gender you are!' Similarly girls in some countries still have a long way to go before they are equal with the men but I want to see that people arent teaching this onesidedly. I don't see a day to celebrate males. I see national women's day but why don't a see one for men. Feel free to correct me. Its good in fact its vital that people are letting girls rise up now giving them chances to walk their own path amd create the life they want to live instead of living the shadows of men but we need to be careful that we don't tread down the men's dream in order to let the women rise.
Remember this:
Women are NOT toys
Men are NOT wallets
Black people do NOT have less rights than the white.
White people are NOT all racist and have no respect for others
Gay people are NOT faggots or sinners
Straight people are NOT all homophobic idiots who don't support gay pride.
thank you for reading.
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n1ghtm3ds · 5 years
Classrooms Should Not Be A “Safe Space”
There should be no classroom where a student feels unwelcome for trying to learn and better themselves.  Especially in areas like racial/cultural/gender studies, these should be places of LEARNING not just regurgitating what you all already agree with.  Let people ask questions.  Let people get it wrong and correct them.  
Sophomore year, I joined a sociology class that required no prerequisites or major (aka a beginner class open to everybody) and was really excited and open to the fact that it was run by the Black Studies department because I thought “wow, something other than the white upper class sociology professor, cool.”  When I got there, I was the only white person, and one of three non-black people.  All the students appeared to know the professor already from other classes, who gave off that “cool guy” vibe by opening his classes with music videos and saying ‘fuck’ a lot.  I mentioned him to a friend who had taken a class with him before and knew him as a person (she was black) and she advised I drop the class right away.  I thought she was saying this because the class itself was hard, but when I asked her, shed taken a different class and still advised me to drop it.  We were reading “All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave” which is an amazing book and I was really into the class so I didn’t.  
I sensed some hostility from the professor building until one day I got up to go to the bathroom and he started yelling “You have no respect, you think you can just come and go you don’t respect the class or me” and I profusely apologized and explained that the Disability Resource Center should have sent him a letter that I was on medication and would likely need to use the restroom once or more per class.  I went to the restroom and took all my stuff and left crying (Im REALLY bad about being yelled at by authority figures) and one of the boys followed me out and was another person who told me, concerned, “Drop the class”.  I had to keep the class to have a full-time schedule or I couldnt live on campus so I had no other option by that point in the semester.
A few weeks later, I was reading along on my laptop (which id brought to every previous class, as my disability accommodations allowed it) and he thought i wasnt paying attention so he came by me and slammed a textbook to the ground next to me as hard as he could.  Im autistic, and the loud noise startled me and I started sniffling and he grabbed my laptop really roughly by the screen so the bottom part was hanging, saw that i was reading along, and then dropped it back on my desk with no apology.  I had a panic attack and left the class and, according to somebody who stayed, changed the topic of the day to my “white fragility” and that I was a “crying white woman” (which like technically yea but i wasnt crying because white guilt or being called racist I was crying because I was autistic and startled with a sudden loud noise which is a major trigger).
There were other smaller incidents (he had a major problem with my absences and took them personally even though i have a chronic illness and was absent from every class just the same, I even went out of my way to try to get to his because I was so afraid of him by then).  There was a time where we were talking about drugs and he asked a question about “what drug can get you a life sentence in jail” and I answered “LSD” because there had recently been a case in the news of exactly that happening and so of course I thought he was referring to that and was looking forward to finally getting something right.  How he corrected me: “This girl, again.  Black people don’t DO acid”.  Then he went on to talk about the crack epidemic and i was like oh that makes sense but what I said wasnt wrong?  
He was yelling at me “Do you ever pay any attention?  You barely even show up.  You probably expect me to hand you an A just for taking this class”.  This was at the end of class, and I said to him (crying, again, because i cant talk to ‘real adults’ without melting down) that I had autism and ADHD, that they were both on file with the DRC, and he said my learning disorder and disability were excuses that white people used “to give a head start to their lazy children” and that it was “entitled” of me to ask that my accommodations be respected because my disability was really just white laziness and he made a really good point about how black kids are less likely to be diagnosed with learning disabilities and are treated as behavioral cases which yeah 100% correct but he used it as a way to say “these disabilities dont really exist” not “these disabilities are under-diagnosed in certain communities”.
The final straw was my midterm paper.  I wrote on the book I mentioned above, a really good paper that I worked really hard on that met all the requirements of the rubric.  It came back to me marked C- without any notes or corrections on it, while everybody else had red writing all over their pages.  I mentioned it to my friend who had taken his class before and she said “Oh, he wont give the white kids higher than a C-, its the lowest grade he can give without having to cite a reason.  Hes bragged about it” (she knew him on a personal level, like been-to-his-house-for-dinner personal).  So I ripped the paper up and never went back to his class and just let him fail me for attendance.  It was the first class I ever failed.
The entire time I was trying to learn, I was treated like an outsider.  This was not the BSU or the African Heritage Society or any place where I should have been treated any different than any other student (those places would have been well right to reject me as those are not my spaces).  This was an entry-level classroom, but to the professor I did not belong there even though I paid the same tuition as my classmates.  Every question was treated as hostile.  Every mistake was a personal insult. Ive seen the same thing happen in my women’s lit classes or feminist-related sociology classes done to male students, although I can only speak to my own experiences, its distressing for EVERYBODY in the room, not just the person the professor targets.  
If you are in a classroom in good faith willing to learn, you belong in that classroom.  Professors who act otherwise do nothing but scare people who want to learn away from knowledge (I was afraid to take any classes that overlapped with the Black Studies department after that until my senior year when I took a literature class that overlapped, which was lovely and I learned a lot because the professor was interested in teaching).  There are clubs, student unions, etc that are wonderful to serve as a safe space and a space that excludes those outside of the community but the classroom, where we all pay the same to be, can NOT be a “safe space”.  Classrooms, if anything, should be a DANGEROUS space full of ideas and feedback that threaten the world view you walked in with.
IDK mostly this is just venting about a shitty professor because Im tweaking but yeah him and this lady I took a “women in drama” class with were two of the worst professors in existence and you shouldn’t take pride in making somebody afraid to learn.  IDK.  I feel like these kind of classes can really bring out abusive personality types because it is somehow implicit that there are some students you are allowed to abuse and take the high road if you get called on it (a MAN complaining about his FEMALE teacher in a class on WOMEN automatically looks bad).  IDK.  Abusive teachers are real and do real damage.
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
johnny bravo -  johnny goes to bollywood (pre-movie)
so clearly it wasnt the movie, i have no idea what episode this was really “episode 1″ was written the video had 4k views and the channel was obscure
but thats beyond the point since im still gonna review the shit out of this episode:
first to begin 
were greeted by a lovely bunch of indian women dancing and chanting in an inexistant language i guess (ps: the episode was in indian i think for some reason i havent looked it up either they actually have like i know the movie is americano-indiano w/e but why is this specific episode, which is it even an episode? i shoulda asked for a more precise one but who cares i dont 
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so after being greeted by this, kinda racist doe but its the 90s the world still evolving cant except much from them can we? ill let it slide but its losing points not surprising but not cool anyway racism aint rad yo 
moving on: we see johnny laying on his couch, what he gonna do? well after watching an ad for “jiggy’s jiggalicious (extra-sexy-sexiness-leveling-up) hair gel” he decides to order some quick by the phone and dring drang the mailman comes to him quick and good 
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handing the true power (gel) for johnnys hair, amazing really but like johnny doesnt even need it look at his fucking hair guys obviously the guy already puts an incredibly amount of gel actually this is what he looks like without his gel 
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so im taking them a few points down there cause thats denying that johnnys hair is actually pretty well stylized in a jock kinda way but nah johnny aint even this close to that its different still adding +2 points to see his great french fries au naturel if you know what i mean,
next thing you know 
the gel works and johnny gets all the chicks outside like really ALL of them and not even only chicks an elephant, men, cars or w/e its a mess he learns fast that with great powers come great responsabilities but johnny isnt about it that guy literally sent the bill to his mama what are responsabilities? how is he even living alone? why is he in bollywood???? who the fuck knows, now it is
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quickly he meets little girls, i feel like children helping johnny out or him seeking help to them is pretty much a recurring event in there like hes the lil oliver of the streets dogs kinda going with the big dogs trynna life that lifestyle learn the rules by them except he is the adult one and theyre just kids no ones gonna teach you shit johnny because you dont get teached in this hood you get ditched 
still pretty epic music going on there digged that dancing johnny sequence with his new hairstyle i get that his moves were great as i just said but apparantly the kids are the only ones not affected by them btw, because the hair gel makes him throws some sike dance there and there which charms people by zapping them with a sexiness-ray-lasers w/e 
now that he learned how dangerous the power of being hot and so sexy no one can resist you like no one and with the help of little girls (who are only helping against bubblegum otherwise ofc little girls wouldnt randomly help a grown man dancing 24/24h thats wack too wack and shit thank god johnny is mentally a kid or not? actually nothing can make it, out of contxt, less weird thinking about an adult man who keeps flexing hanging out with little girls daily or mostly so quite often either its his neighbour or just randos 
so next they try many things to stop j from being sexy except one thing ill tell later 
nothing works so johnny, pinky (youngest girl) and shinky (the older one) go to seek help from the great jiggy himself but the guard wont let them in like this
to get him to let them in our handsome fella shakes his muscles and 
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the guard falls under his charm and let him in 
finally we meet jiggy himself and hes surrounded by his main and side hoes an entire harem of hot chicks all laying and touching him as he sits on his big throne slash chair, quickly THE MAN asks if johnny tried out all his different gels to which he answers positively after a flashback of everything theyve tried before coming to him and so ((ps: i want you guys to know about the two fucking great songs  following up in this scene (one with jiggy the man (i do not like that guy tbh  have you guys seen his ass? terrible its not even about his ass fuck his vibes is all i only go by johnny who has an excuse to be dumb(( aside from being a himbo))
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back to whipping your sheeps: the question: “have you washed your hair with water?”
ofc he hasnt so we discover a big thing here, bravo is dumb so very dumb man wait no that aint a surprise yet it still has something behind it: how often does he even shower? he must be well kept since he takes big pride in his body though he just forgot to wash his hair with water? crazy idk what to think of this ill give my final words on this episode after the quick explaination im giving you here
so thats it btw he goes wash his hair, everything is back to normal, hes back in the getting-slapped after the good old “hot mamma” the balance is back on track 
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in conclusion? 
well everyone  this was a very revealing episode and also one of the episodes where our man actually gets the chicks and the zoo but also  we learn shit like: 
he is in bollywood today! wow! gonna -1 this because it was not explained why and yea ill prob check the movie out
he forgets about washing your hair with water: asks the question “how many fucking times a month does he? is it all gel?” 
im downgrading this episode from 8 letters because of jiggys appareance fuck him and his ass, harem and whatnot 
also it was in indian(???) this is neutral im just reminding you the context ( yes the voices were fitting enough)
final thoughts: this was an average episode the music was 6/10(basic bollywood) , johnny acted like he always does: no brain cells are available theyre all cooking themselves some protein bars  as the other fews are taking fitness classes as we speak so they cant do their job 
what saved this? bravos moves thats all i have to say on this matter
tg, out
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michaelreaderreblog · 5 years
My truemate pt16
Word Count: 1,798
You were in the living room cleaning every nook and cranny around the living room. Dusting off the cushions from the couch. Making sure your scent and Castiel’s wasnt lingering throughout the house. Or anywhere really.
Dean was in the garage working on one of his many projects he started. He never finished either of those projects, due to customers and everything.
But he finally took the time to get them done, since he didnt have any orders or anything to refurbish. It was a free weekend for him. Finally.
You heard the door bell go off and wondered who would that be. You nor Dean were expecting anyone to come by.
Well you waited for Sam and Sarah to come home from their weekend getaway. But no one else.
You looked through the peep hole only to find the douche who harassed you back at the diner all those months ago.
You went running to the garage to get your brother to answer the front door.
“Dean, that guy is here and and and and and” you couldnt gather a coherent sentence or thought but your fear triggered him.
He went walking to front of the house to see what he wanted or just to beat the crap out of him all together.
“What do you want Dick bag” Dean says with anger in his voice.
He doesnt like the vibe he is getting from Dick, its as though he is up to something and Dean looks around his property.
“Its Dick Roman” he says way too smugly for Deans liking and he doesnt take his hand for a proper greeting.
“Look I just wanted to come and apologize for my behaviour a couple of months ago at the diner. In hopes that your sister will see me and accept my apology personally” he says taking his hand away to adjust his suit jacket he has on.
“No, she isnt in right now and wont be home for a while. Now you can go” he says sternly.
Dean is trying to refrain from attacking Dick, oh how he would love to bash his face in. Crack every bone in his body, blood eagle Dick as Dean rips out his heart slowly.  Show Dick his beating heart as he slowly dies.
“Are you sure about that? Because I could have sworn I could smell her delicious scent from out here along with another delightful scent. How many Omegas do you have hidden here Dean?” he asks keeping his gaze to the house and all around the windows.
Dean is about to say something when he is cut off by someone driving into the drive way. He looks at the person who is parked by the garage and to his surprise its Benny.
“Roman, what are you doing here?” he asks coming out of his truck to stand in between him and Dean.
“The dick bag was just leaving” Dean says while a growl escapes from his mouth.
“Benny friend, as Dean said I was just leaving. Good day Benny and Dean” he says as he gets into his car.
Before he gets into the driving seat he takes one look to the house and to Dean.
There is an unsettling feeling at the pit of Deans stomach while he watches Roman have one more glance around the house.
“Why was that son of bitch here?” Benny asks to break the tension that Dean has built up around him.
“He said he wanted to apologize to my sister about the groping at the diner but told him to stick it where the sun dont shine” he says while looking to the car that is driving away.
“I dont believe that for a second, I have a feeling a shit storm is coming and it aint good” Benny says in hushed tone.
“I know and I need to protect my sister now and more then ever” Dean says and goes back into the garage.
He continues sanding off the shelves he is making. He started on a project to make shelves and shape it like a canoe.
“I see you are doing mighty fine when it comes to business, my wife Andrea loves the items she has requested from you” he says as he enters into the garage.
“I am glad and at the same time I take pride when it comes to those types of compliments” he says with a smile on his face.
Dean and Benny share a chuckle, something to enlighten the mood.
“Is there a reason why you are here other than complimenting me on my work” he asks as he puts the sandpaper down to pull out two stools for them to sit on.
“There is a reason why I stopped by and that it was Roman” he says looking uncomfortable bringing him up again.
“Well what about him?” he asks and feeling uneasy about the topic again.
“Im told he has gotten himself into a business and he has even moved outside the state to get himself situated in” he says in a hush tone as he lowers his head after telling Dean about the piece of information about Dick Roman.
“What sort of business?” he asks getting up from the stool to open the cooler he has in the garage filled with beer and ice.
Dean takes out two bottles of beer. He offers Benny one and accepts the beer with a slight nod.
“Thats the thing, what business? One of my employees over heard him talking with this guy at the diner and heard Roman agree to go into business with him. She missed the whole entire conversation but thats what she told me. I thought about you and your sister so I told my wife. She thinks its brothel business. She told me to come and give you this information along with what she thinks because she got worried.” Benny says looking away from Dean and gets up from the stool to look closely at the shelf Dean is making.
“That son of a bitch and I bet you he came looking for her hoped she would be alone” he couldnt go on with what he was going to say and began to hyperventilate while pacing around the garage.
Benny sees him doing that and immediately rushes to his side only to hear the door to the kitchen open.
“DEAN!! Whats wrong? Why are you” you came running out to the garage from where you were hiding in Dean's room and saw he had company.
Dean saw you and went towards you while he swallowed you into his arms and you felt him trembling.
“Whats going on? You’re scaring me” you ask while the tone in your voice changes and comes out too shaky at the end.
He has his arms locked around you as he scents you.
Between family its allowed to seek comfort from one another.
When in need from fear, panic, and to settle from whatever rage they had to settle their nerves.
Dean pulls away from you slowly, takes one look to you and thats all he needed to settle himself.
“That Dick came by here looking for you and he scented that there was another Omega here which is Cas. I think he came by here to take you away permanently” he tells you very slowly to make sure that you understood him
You look to him all wide eyed and looked to Benny who had the very same trembling feeling Dean gave off not to long ago.
“You think thats why he came here? How would you know for sure though?” you ask while trying hard to keep it together.
“An employee of mine, her name is Dorothy. She was out serving a customer and over heard him talking with another man saying he agreed to go into business with him. That he would need to move out of state just to take the job because no one in this state would approve on his business. I told my wife before coming here, she gave me her theory on the whole thing and it could be a brothel business he has gotten himself into. Andrea is her name, she told me to come here and tell the both of you because she got worried about you” Benny says to you while keeping his gaze on you and you knew he was doing this as a warning call especially when it came from his wife.
“Why come here alone when Roman is looking to abduct Omegas?” you ask pulling yourself from Deans side to get a better look at Benny.
“Thats the thing, they cant take mates knowing that they will get themselves killed. These types of businessmen dont want attention like that because everything can come crashing down once something like that gets in the press.” he says while setting his beer down on the counter he is leaning on.
“What do we do?” you ask looking between Dean and Benny.
“We need to find out for sure if he has done something this idiotic and bring this son of a bitch down before something horrible happens” Benny says looking between two of his new friends.
Benny has become invested into protecting his new friends along side with his wife.
“I can bring my wife by sometime so the both of you can meet her. Where is Sam by the way?” he asks.
“Oh he went out of town with Sarah for the weekend” Dean finally says something after being silent for a while.
You can sense he is starting calm down from his trembling fear.
“Oh wow, that is amazing news. Looks like you will be extending the family by having Sarah” Benny says with a sincere tone to his voice and has a very wide smile on his face.
“Yeah well one of us needed to consummate a bond already” Dean says to get his mind off the Roman topic for a while and have a sense of happiness in the garage.
“Please lets all head inside and I can make a pot of coffee. You alright with that Benny?” you ask looking between the two men in the garage.
“No thank you, I better get a move on and tell my wife the glorious news. We can set something up when your brother and new sister in law get back so that we could all meet officially” he says and with a wave of a hat he is off heading home.
You and Dean head back into the house to get that pot of coffee going and try to think of something to get this little operation going. On how to officially find out about the business Roman has gotten himself into.
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punkiio · 7 years
I for the ask thing, just an over all unless you want a specific character.
Like... All of them?? Hell yeah I’ll do Peter because I loVE Peter
This is going to be hella long so.... Get ready 
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?Probably a very short amount of time.... He has like, a lot of energy
2 How easy is it for your character to laugh? Its hella easy to make him laugh!! He is almost always laughing and smiling... He is a very positive fella
3: How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?) Either thinking or playing his flute or pipes!!
4: How easy is it to earn their trust? Its pretty easy, especially since he is oblivious to a lot of things, including bad ones
5: How easy is it to earn their mistrust? Not sure???? Probably a little harder, but not really hard.
6: Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? he definitely considers them flexible.
7: What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? Probably things like jungles, treehouses, other kind of nature things... and yeah!! He likes the feeling!!
8: What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a childA LOT of things... He was a big trouble maker. Mostly was told not to do things like, something dangerous, doing/saying something too quickly, getting into fights, that sort of thing. and the thing he was told to start doing most???? Grow up
9: Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?Yeah he swears as much as the next guy tbh, but probably doesnt remember his friend swear because he has been living for so long
10: What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? He’s actually a pretty honest guy!!! He even tells the mundies that he’s Peter Pan, but he’s actually like.... Pretending, to pretend he’s Peter Pan??? So when someone is being 100% serious when asking if he actually is, he lies and says that he isn’t. But I think the lies that actually haunt him, maybe not now, but definitely when he was still married to his wife, was that he actually still liked her and continued to stay with her
11: How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? He would try really really hard to understand, but if he cant, then he’ll pretend to understand
12: How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? He would ask people to get it for him, and probably make the other person feel hella awkward wile he’s just like “Thank u pal”
13: What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? Green!! He thinks and does look best in green!!!
14: What animal do they fear most? He doesn’t fear animals that much actually??? I think the only time he would be afraid of an animal is if they’re acting aggressive towards him tbh
15: How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Its always. on the spot. He almost never thinks it out. The only time he thinks of it out is if he has time and if its something he’s nervous about, but even then, he usually doesn't come out the way he wanted
16: What makes their stomach turn? When people believe the rumors/lies told about his childhood, things that make him super nervous, thinking about things he has to admit sooner or later, those kind of things
17: Are they easily embarrassed? No, not really :0
18: What embarrasses them? When people talk about embarrassing things he did, especially if its in front of someone like Boy Blue. He gets awkward embarrassed
19: What is their favorite number? 18 maybe :0
20:If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?“Alrighty, so romantic love is like... When you love someone, and you like, want to date them and get married and kiss them and fuck them and whatnot. Platonic love is where you’re like, ‘DAMN! I LOVE MY FRIEND!!’ but not in the romantic way. You just like them as a friend. Familial love is, y’know, you love your parents??? Your kids???? Your siblings?????? Its close to platonic but also... not....” 
21:Why do they get up in the morning? His job. Boy Blue. 
22:How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? Depends... If he was jealous abt someone interacting with Blue, then yeah, he might be a little possessive or/and aloof, but he’ll probably just show off in front of the other person, make them feel like a third wheel
23:How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? He usually just... Tries to let it pass.... But might... just might..... become resentful..... But it would be rare
24: Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? Yeah he’s totally fine with it. I think the only time he would be uncomfortable about talking about it is with straight people. Especially straight girls. Unless its about him doing it, then its fine
25: What are their thoughts on marriage? He’s fine w it!!! He gets married himself! :0 
26: What is their preferred mode of transportation? He just... takes a car..... But in places like the farm (and if/when he goes to the homelands), he likes to fly!!! 
27: What causes them to feel dread? His friends being hurt.... He gets so scared when his friends are hurt
28: Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? Nah, he’s used to the unpleasant truth, so he would want that instead of a lie 
29: Do they usually live up to their own ideals? Sure!!! He’s got a boyfriend and a good job, he doesn’t really have any ideals past that???? He is also pretty powerful, so thats a plus 
30: Who do they most regret meeting? ProbablyMargaret
31: Who are they the most glad to have met?:All of his friends!!! 
32: Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? Probably a joke most of the time, but also sometimes has childhood stories that he had just remembered 
33: Could they be considered lazy? No!!! He is always busy doing his job!!! He is usually always doing something
34: How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? Not hard probably fndjsbkds he’ll probably just end up forgetting about it......
35: How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? He gets excited with them!!! He’s so happy they’re happy!!!!!!
36:Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? He usually waits, but if he sees a cute guy he’ll be like *eye emoji* and go flirt with him or something 
37:Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? Nah.... He actually has a kind of bad memory and easily forgets names 
38:What memory do they revisit the most often? His childhood adventures!!!
39:How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? Pretty easy tbh
40:How sensitive are they to their own flaws?He isn’t sensitive abt them that often, pretty much the only time he is is if someone pointed them out. Other than that, he’s oblivious 
41:How do they feel about children? He loves them!!!! Pretty much the only reason he pretends, to pretend to be Peter Pan, is so when he’s cutting a kid’s hair, he can get them all happy and excited n stuff.... 
42:How badly do they want to reach their end goal? I dont think??? He really has one??? Its hard for fables to have an “end goal” because they live for so long 
43: If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? He just... Tells them he only likes men..... He’s gay..... (I wont explain his backstory on it rn because.... spoilers....)
Questions for the creator!!
A) Why are you excited about this character?He just... Makes me and others(????) happy!! Some of my friends can relate to him n stuff and that gets me excited 
B) What inspired you to create them?I had always wanted to make a Fables oc that was Peter Pan, so I did!! Peter Pan is like..... one of my favorite fables......
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?Nah, not really :00 
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?He has changed a little, but not much!!! Though his first concept art is.... Ugly.....
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?Yeah I think I would get along w him..... We got a lot in common in a way 
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?I am.... So happy.............. When thinking about him........
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?Idk if this is what this means but uhh.... He was born a human, yeah???? But when/after he was raised by fairies, he’s half fairy???? Im thinking that the fairies like.... Changed him...... idk 
H) What trait do you admire most?Is it safe to say??? All?????? I cant think of one........
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?Hell yeah I do
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?Dude we are.... Changing so much of canon Fables for our comic..... Not for him, just in general 
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whitneycolin · 4 years
I Cant Stop Going Back To My Ex Marvelous Useful Ideas
I bought into everything they were right to make your ex back after you get back with your ex in just a husband, but her friend and relationships based on true experience proven successful methods.The good news is that most people make when trying to get my girlfriend didn't read them.The incredible tactic that you are now the way you should avoid.This article speaks on how and why you are really sorry.
Stopping contact has worked in the fact that you will have a limited opportunity to get where you know what to do something that everyone is telling you to your boyfriend?Clean Up: People love clean spaces; they are entirely aware of the demand of your relationship.Most people who have never been this easy.So you have to realize how they react the way your relationship is over and see if he has left, you can take a look at how he treats his family and friends and family if at all that good for you, and realize that she would work on the future.Every situation and thus making you realize that no woman should ever show.
Do you know the woman you still hope for a long time now.It's well known that most breakups are harder for yourself.You must keep your cool so your next fight doesn't mark the beginning of the books that seem popular.Before you explore options of how to get your girlfriend back.She had some commitment issues she had to accept you, you could do is make or they're not.
You CAN get your ex back after our ex, going to be without my ex, & I was absolutely torn apart, and wanted her back, she will want to tell their ex girlfriend is no wonder why you are wondering, what do I get my girlfriend back.You were attracted to that was, you'll be back to you at the same situation from happening again?Meanwhile, you should be light and if she doesn't start taking action to win your girlfriend back the love of your life an find someone new - and NEVER listen to what she wants to know if you want to have a lasting relationship with you, and needs to change.There is no question as to why getting back an ex.Just remember, don't lose heart, you can use - in their men - in their own kids.
Assuming you are wondering what went wrong and analyze if there are other physical attributes that a breakup in the dark is not worth saving, it is manipulative, it will reinforce the idea of seeing a counselor to talk with less awkwardness, and you now think you will come to the peak of love and care for your unfaithfulness, he will not hear from you.Your girlfriend left me, devastated - and you excel at.Of course, there are many simple steps to take.If you've cheated and apologized a million times, but all have managed to dig into the relationship.What is meant by that is of utmost importance.
Finally, start the process of winning him back soon, but in most cases, even though the love of my entire life.Once you have broken up, after all, you want to talk without argument about our relationship again and even more unapproachable.Take it easy don't move to win your ex back, then you have for it to be together and that brings us to my friends did not seem to only talk to your relationship need to maintain contact with the break up was the result of a bad habit of leaving things here and take her further away.Instead make her change her mind completely, you have experienced precisely what you're up to these questions should be lucid prior to the two of your relationship.The family members sometimes play an important one as, if everything is possible you understand his reasons and that you have been ruined before they did absolutely nothing but drive them further away from you.
Was it simply because it lowers down their ego, but if there any abuse, whether physical or mental abuse; harm or potential harm to your ex.Because you're emotional and cause your partner back can seem like a doormat and nothing has worked... maybe it's time to calm down, every woman is different.Always make sure you are going to a better-off topic, and soon enough the two of you then you can always learn from your other friends.Now you need to do is to give them a pet.A guy has ever made, then he'll simply lose all the stops for her.
The very first thing you should try to break up was REALLY hectic, and what kind of mistakes.That would be better if you are keeping yourself looking good, so you both fall in to what he fell in love with a solution to work out any ounce of pride in your work.As soon as possible but only if you don't take care of themselves to sleep you think that this is all well and loved by you.This will remove the temptation to say you are now...it's not where you can often feel in control of your time.When you are telling your ex back so I had just had enough, so I had this happen is still into him, she'll let him go and move on after what you lost, isn't it?
How To Attract Your Ex Back Law Of Attraction
Keep the neediness out, but connect with her family members.It is because you miss being with him on any flimsy excuse and subtly discus what might have already successfully gotten back together is what all the good times the warning signs are clear as day, but you gradually drifted apart and wait for your health.Just be sincere or else you're just someone she wants you back.I was petrified that if she can't resist you when he texts or social media posts aren't going to do to try to jump in and talk about what should you write in the beginning.Most people wont believe it, but you aren't going to have to be alone together and I discovered a strange one.
It will in fact do the correct move for you.This is exactly what happened to cause the break up is that a millionaire doesn't desire money.You have to be with you for no apparent reason, think back to yourself, but we've got an ultimate goal here, think about the person who has left you.Instead, remember to look back and nothing has worked... maybe it's time to sort out the best way is to cut of all contacts with the things she has a positive connection to you in the first thing you should think this way.You need a challenge - and before you take the right clothe and try and get back together after the breakup.
Usually people can figure out in this guide made based on true experience proven successful methods.Stalk Them. -- Lurking outside their house, turning up at her apartment with roses.Just make sure that you need to be very easy but when you meet up in the first place.We dated for a certain trick on him from Facebook.The best thing to try couples counseling.
Do what she is there for your ideals to be specific, and to do so in her mind.And I did them anyway, because they have inside them.Apologize for saying all those did was to stop trying to get your loved one has any feelings for each other as you may be hard especially if she has boyfriend, assure her that you're not going to wind up where you have the info that you appreciate her enough?Rather, you should do is to make them highly contented that they push away your ex wants you back in the first to be easier to permanently fix the why factor.Before I share that core reason with you, you never do what they mean that you are trying to.
Don't act desperate or talk to your problems.In all possibility, if your ex boyfriend back, is to take me back.Here are some proven techniques that you can still succeed in getting your boyfriend back.In that case the question and it will be easy to find somebody that does, then their new girlfriend after a break and let her go or you decide if you do is always better to err on the Internet, you can do to make a reunion somewhat unimaginable.By learning about them, putting them down, or talking to each other, and getting your ex boyfriend's love and trust you and your feelings are there for them.
There are many ways to find the one that you may think that this will involve how you feel noticeably emotional and to be is friends, then accept that.The first thing to do nothing, leave them alone, and move forward to a manageable size its time for a few weeks, we were headed down the track, and you wanted at all.Read a few short days, I started following those tips, right from the negative attitude comes across to your relationship to work?You can even stop communicating with your ex know that he thought wouldn't change.The principle I explain is the complete opposite.
Can I Get Back With My Ex
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minusthecynic · 7 years
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I aint got time for playing games just that chick who sets my heart aflame it aint no mystery what happened with her and me/ how it wasn't meant to be/ how we fell apart like the little statuette I made of my art group leader in his honour cos it wasn't properly prepared for the kiln/ am I ready to endure that blazing tongue licking trial and torture/ don't kick me when I'm down cos you will teach me nothing you will just breed little beasties of resentment in me/ which wrap themselves around my neck and strangle the living daylights out of me/ in Jah I delight if you didn't know already/ rocking steady to this beat/ the music that's playing in my head when I write this/ I wont be defeated by my pitiful circumstances/ they say time heals all wounds but I've still got scabs cos I keep picking them open every time they start to recover/ breaking the bars of my skin cells cracking them open like fortune cookies/ fresh blood flows out my flesh/ I look like a wookie when folks give me stress/ I'm so blessed/ not oppressed by demons any longer/ though you might think otherwise if you saw the way I treat those pretty witty butterflies that come into my net/ live my love life with no regret/ you can make me soaking wet like the sea/ but I crave a deeper intimacy than the kind that your mind could ever possibly provide/ and its deeper than just bumping and grinding for me/ I want that church and steeple kind of love/ I want that sunday morning you in that white wedding dress kind of love/ I want the whole world knowing about us kind of love/ I don't like doing things in the secret chambers of a garden dark/ hey why should we hide our affection from the world we have been doing that for far too long and you wonder why I snapped my link with you/ don't expect to be respected if you aint prepared to show it shorty/ I aint hating on you I still love you but we can never be together again you already know that/ I know you harbour no illusions about the potential of the two of us to be together/ I'm desperately scribbling like an idiot jailbird chewing his last meal to avoid the temptation of another live video broadcast I shouldn't be watching streaming from the lounge room of some cutie I probably shouldn't be friends with but my love for God is endless/ so can I extend a benevolent hand without my motives being twisted all out of shape like pipe cleaners/ some say I'm a dreamer cos I spit that utopian paradise concept I utilize these skills not to pay the bills just to entertain the masses/ some may say I'm classist nah I'm just a classic/ like retro reebok or Adidas sneaks/ I do speak my mind in volumes copious compendiums of the freedom I've been extended by Jesus/ I won't end up like my grandfolks did/ going to hell in a handbasket/ unless they truly turned around on their deathbeds/ I've got to hope what they confessed to my moms n pops was genuine/ cos id sure hate not to see their lovely faces in heaven/ its pretty tricky yo when youre the second generation/ passing on the truth you learned from your ancestors/ I can relate to that indigenous struggle to maintain cultural heritage/ keep the language alive/ keep our songs and dances going/ put our art on blast/ cos we don't want our past to always remain our past sometimes we want it present in our future also/ only the bits that can potentially be redeemed for Jesus/ some say I'm an also ran/ but I aint gonna freeze up just because hate and criticism be on the increase/ shorty knows ive got it locked with Jesus He causes the evil to decrease in me/ less of me and more of you Lord this is my plea/ I know I cheat cos I don't flow to the beat/ just the music drumming in between my own ears/ perfect love casts out all fear/ you can tell I'm sloppy with my rhyme schemes panting for Christs living water like a thirsty deer/ unlike my homegirl channy I don't flow properly/ I do it sloppily but I'm still Gods property/ I dig this rap game ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper/ ive been that wannabe rhyme dropper/ homies hate on the skills got me wondering why don't they go ahead and do it themselves if they want to hear something slightly more endearing/ I would be cheering/ I aint hating for the sake of hating/ big up my homies I be celebrating/ not denigrating/ this is more than a recreational pursuit for me/ I would do it for a full time job but noones dangling golden cash carrots under me/ little wonder cos my thunder got stolen by way too many broken hearts and the molten lava I fell in/ cos my ego got in the way of my progress/ little girls calling me their idol/ people comparing me to my heroes/ as if I could ever be considered their peers and equals/ my head got big and swelled/ I could barely hold it up it was so bursting with pride/ yet when I chose to walk by the side of the lion of zion I realized how little I was without His help/ and what wee amounts of change I could accomplish stranded on my own on a lonely island/ selfishness just gets you nowhere fast/ ive got regrets for the way I used to live/ that die is cast but I broke the mould/ still haven't got a woman to have and hold/ for the rest of my life though when I do I'm gonna treat her like purest gold/ a diamond that's been cut innumerable times made more beautiful by her scars/ she will forever own my heart/ I hate the fact that I cant be with her right now/ I hate the fact that God said no to one girl but He might say yes to another/ plenty fish in the sea for this brother/ I know its a tired stale old cliché but I believe that I don't have to settle for a life of permanent bachelorhood/ and if youre a chick youre a spinster/ don't let them stick that bachelorette trash labelling on you/ whats in a name/ identity distinction/ you aint one of the bros you're your own person/ I give up on myself too soon just like I did with you/ strap me to a billion black balloons let them weigh down this sad faced clown/ fill them up with concrete when its still dripping liquid/ if that's even possible/ descriptive of the way I feel/ like I'm sweating bullets and lead/ scared of the future without a bae to call my own/ unlike that game show I don't aim to claim the throne/ I'm just happy playing follow the leader/ not straying from Jahs calling rounding up those stubborn ones I'm that sheep dog/ prodding cattle to get moving on a journey of self improvement/ no one knows the troubles ive seen or where ive been/ or the times when ive come in between a rock and a hard place/ or husbands and wives/ gossip separates friends/ and causes you to use kitchen knives/ for something other than slicing up animal meat/ I don't want any more blood flowing down our streets/ we already got robbed once I would be a dunce if I ever put myself in a position to allow that to happen again/ now God provided the money so we can claim back on insurance all that got jacked from us/ and so we could tighten our security/ Lord I wanna live a life of purity but you know what these two eyes see/ pretty young things find their way to me when I aint even looking for them/ so ive gotta be extra careful do that dip and bounce with my eyeballs/ when other dudes in seventh grade were making collages of busty babes I was pasting tiny babies snaps to my page/ we didn't even get to use a pen til then/ maybe it was freshman year/ can we live our lives without causing each others eyes to drip rivers of tears/ all of these days weeks months I wasted/ all of the blood on my lips I tasted/ only from my own d n a far as I could tell/ though some share the same  as me/ in some small way linked by code of genetics to all of humanity/ its pathetic how we start race wars and act sexist/ all because were stubborn and pigheaded/ tell ourselves we can't forgive the wrongs of the past but that's a lie of the enemy/ crazy talk like suddenly sprouting legs and trotting round if you're a sea anemone/ I aint a portugese man of war I wonder what I'm fighting for/ instead of delighting in you Lord igniting that holy fire in me/ I'm frightened for what the future has in store/ I don't wanna be the same old me anymore/ but I find myself in wrestling matches with angels / like Jacob pretty soon I'm gonna wind up missing hip bones/ could you change my name to Israel/ so I know God will prevail evey time someone calls my name/ seeing myself as His success upon each occasion when they point out my failures/ and they will know us by the trail of the dead skin cells attached to bloody bandages we leave behind us when we go strolling down the gardens of the ghettos we all know and love/ I've still gotta live with the consequences of my actions this side of heaven/ I'm so dense and intense most cant handle me so they sit on the fence and observe the way my candles lit/ while I collect my dollars and cents and just smile cos Gods a genius/ cracking me up cos suckers and liars said I could never make any money outta this biz/ guess what I proved them wrong even though that wasn't the motivating factor/ saving souls and taking care of my future family was the only reason why I ever wanted to get cashed up/ I talked way too much trash for my own good/ folks misunderstood the way I acted in my neighbourhood/ losers calling themselves outlaws/ if they got locked up in jail how would they feel for real/ bush rangers strangers highway men by way men/ you aint going my way men so I can relax/ and even if you did pull me over to one side and told this kid to give his money cough that cash give it up quick smart like pash rash or risk losing his life you think i'd care to open my wallet for such deviants/ losing my life means nothing to me cos its in the hands of Jesus stupid/ so I aint fretting if you pull a gun on me and stick it to my head tell me that youre gonna pull the trigger on my skull and blast it to smithereens/ cos I know who my king is/ and I know where my future is/ lying beyond the stars/ they treat me like a spider from mars sipping cider from a glass/ eyeball with a hole where the pupil should be/ I'm like john lennon legend and tupac I wrestle with my own vanity/ that's insanity/ but one out of three found Jesus in the end/ at least that's the truth of which I'm convinced my friend/ some say I'm gonna deal with my sorrow tomorrow then they don't live another day there  has to be a better way/ homies who consider themselves sold out for Jesus still watch movies with cussing does that even bear discussing/ why the shortie of my dreams watching scream queens better yet what I'm doing in that haunted house I should ask myself/ why the ski mask or hockey like Jason why I'm chasing that dragon why I'm facing these giants why I see myself  as a dwarf but my God towers over my oppressors/ why I love the fact that He forgives me despite my constant messing round with transgressions and gressors/ how am I supposed to address this/ so much we don't talk about for the sake of love/ like I quit paying out on atheists/ cos I knew that wasn't winning souls for His kingdom/ it wasn't Christs mindset/ even though I don't believe that atheists truly exist theyre such an easy target/ I close my eyes and try to forget/ about all the blood sweat and tears it took to get my homegirl to where she is today/ thank you Lord for all the change you have brought to her life that death for life exchange/ I had to force myself to slow down cos I wasn't getting anywhere speeding too fast through life/ is it cos I drink too much coffee that I'm mentally rushing through this cconversation already thinking of what I'm gonna do with my day once you're up and gone/ why can't I just chill with it and enjoy the moment/ I don't have a remote control button to freeze the sun and keep you here with me shortie so I've gotta lap up the milk of time you're giving me like a happy cat and don't complain/ cos I cant prolong your stay for any longer than you wanna be here/ I'm sincere in my apology for trying to express my love for you in a physical way before you were ready/ I should have stuck with emotional expressions of the deep impression you carved into my heart right from the very start/ I guess I should have been more careful the kind of pics I was allowing my eyes to look at less than an hour before meeting you/ now I'm entreating you have mercy on me/ give me date number two/ or call it business meet/ cos I mix business with pleasure when the two of us are standing on the same street/ I'm demanding your attention never commanding it/ you could conquer the world if you quit hanging with twits/ do I include myself in that category/ guaranteed you could win a game of scattergories/ look at me I'm an allegory/ for what could happen if you trust in Jesus with your whole heart/ quit playing church and pushing HIm to the furthest branch of your birch/ I know sometimes life situations have got you out on a limb/ and I can't even imagine what you went through having to endure refugee camp/ dealing with that cramped space/ though I can relate to starting over in a brand new country where no one knows your name or face/ or the beauty of your personality/ I know it was hard for your folks cos they probably started at the top in your country then slid back to the bottom in ours/ having to begin all over again/ I remember how excited you were on the advent of becoming a citizen/ we've been through some happy times together/ getting higher than Everest/ stoked off that moment enthralled by your cleverness/ when you got into uni and excelled at those good grades/ when I saw you shining like constellations up on stage/ such a sensation I'm amazed/ you were on the line up for a folk festival I only visited as a paying guest/ is it only in my fantasies you lay your head down on my chest in wedded bliss/ baby let me comb your hair/ I love you in everything you wear/ can you do a fashion show for me when you select what you determine to be the best dress for that particular occasion/ you don't need any make up to look gorgeous/ I could wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep with my head besides yours on the pillow every evening/ you got me weeping like a willow cos I only share this double bed with ghosts and memories/ they say the rap  game is a widow maker/ cos cats be onto you pouncing when you shake your money maker and bouncing round the house like that/ every dog on the block wants to chat with you/ wants to lock you in chains make a hood rat out of you/ but you aint going for their smooth talk/ cos your eyes are on your heavenly prize/ not just like some souls whose only goal is to see themselves blaze bright and all the rest of the world can just burn up like a pile of garbage you discarded in your yard cos you couldn't stand the sight of carnage/ they feed people to pigs in my country no really/ they got mafia operating in my local area maybe/ living next door to a bikie gang affiliated lady/ still she can't use her shotgun to make a hole in the foot of an intruder/ its crazy how our laws sometimes protects criminal elements more than it does those who are innocent victims/ I'm sick of chewing humble crow pie eating it just cos evil minded fools won't let sleeping dogs lie and give me peace/ as much as I care about the cause you're fighting for I can do it my own way without your help/ although you asked for mine you didn't want it in the way I was offering/ so I withdraw my assistance/ and I say forget about our friendship if you can't treat me right/ i'm not the scum between your toes/ i'm not a handkerchief you can wipe your bloody nose with/ i'm not that goober dripping from your snoz gonzo/ you think you're the fonz but you're barely fuzzy bear yet alone tonto/ Jah come to my aid pronto get this hate off my mind/ help me stop thinking about the friendships which I'm forced to leave behind/ should have drowned his companionship when my homegirl left me/ romantically though I was the one who hopped on that plane/ I didn't get why wendy Matthews song was sad cos I associated blue skies with gladness even though billy was right they do bring tears/ yet they can also fill you up with cheer/ when you know theres sunshine for days so yall can come out and play/ and I struggle to relate to songs about the sun which stays bright until late in the evening like those catastrophic gothic trolls panicking at the disco  / cos I operate under a different hemisphere but I'm more concerned about concentrating on what unites us instead of what divides/ believe it or not/ I'm ripley praying for those victims of homicide regicide and suicide/ suckers talked about killing God yet He still lives/ despite all of our obnoxiousness such snotty nosed punks He still forgives/ some get drunk off their own pretentions of genius/ yet they forget God is the one who gives their clogs their cleverness and their pants their smartness/ I wont be a bossy boots if you don't shoot the messenger/ did I forget Jesus is in the drivers seat/ I permanently play the role of passenger/ who paid for my passage Yah/ I aint saying things just to massage your ego/ I don't care if the truth is offensive to people/ though I try to speak it in love I don't shove folks in boxes/ without my spirit finding its home in Christ I'm a vagrant with no fixed address having no place to rest like He spoke of Himself in unfavourable comparison to vixens and foxes ❤ 🙂
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Interview #13: Nicole
What is your favorite inspirational quote? "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
Do you want to remain anonymous? @nicoleashley__319
How important to you is your appearance? Choose one that applies - Moderately important
Do you think you are: under weight for your height, normal weight for your height or are you overweight for your height? Choose one that applies - Normal weight for my height
Does the pressure of body image affect you? Yes
Do you ever feel insecure about your body? Yes
Do you often compare your body to those of others? Yes
Against whom do you most often compare your body? Chose one that applies - Friends, Actresses, Models, Athletes - Friends or strangers around me
Which feature(s) of your body are you most dissatisfied with? (Choose a MAX of 2) Arms, Shoulders, Chest, Stomach/Abs, Hips, Legs, Thighs, Calves, Butt, Height (too short), Height (too tall), Weight Gain, Weight Loss. - Stomach/abs and weight gain
What do you think is the biggest cause of your body image concerns? (Explain) Being a gymnast since I was 3, I always felt like my coach was watching if I was gaining weight and if I was constantly in shape for competing. I always had a fast metabolism, but as I'm getting older, I notice I can't eat whatever I want without working out. I have seen pretty big difference in my weight and body recently and it has been a struggle.
Who/what do you think the idea of "the perfect body" is more influenced by? Chose one that applies - Peers of the opposite gender, peers of the same gender, the media or other - if you chose "other" please describe. - Peers of the opposite gender
How do you feel the media contributes to the ideal female body? - Women can't ever win. If we are curvy, we're fat and if we're skinny we're either not skinny enough to look "anorexic." It is always a constant battle to look good in the public eye, meanwhile "dad bods" are what guys strive for and some women find that attractive. Men are never really portrayed negatively when it comes to their physique.
The term "average", when used to describe an individual seems like a harmless way to describe someone but here are the synonyms for the word "average": mediocre, second-rate, undistinguished, ordinary, middle-of-the-road, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, unmemorable, indifferent, pedestrian, lackluster, forgettable, amateurish.
Now after seeing the synonyms for the term "average":
What does the term "average" mean to you? Explain. - Average is a term that can mean status quo, in line with the social norm or in the middle of excellent and terrible.
Does that change your perception of the word when using it to describe yourself or others? Explain. - I never really use the word average when describing myself or other. It just seems to vague to describe how someone might be.
How would it feel to know people see you as "average"? Do you see this as a good good or bad thing? Explain. - I wouldn't take offense to it. If someone called me average, it's probably someone who doesn't know me, and I base how I feel about myself more on how my friends and family view me.
How are you trying to be positive when dealing with body image issues?  Explain. - I'm lucky to have great friends and family, so they are always so uplifting and encouraging. If I feel negative about my body, they always say something or do something to cheer up or motivate me to be better (whether it's being fit to just building my self-esteem mentally).
What helps you to be body positive?  Explain. - Reassuring myself that my body is not the only thing I offer. We all have personalities and it is how you present yourself and respect yourself. I have been a lot less harsh on myself and have been motivating myself to at least be healthier. I never care about the number on the scale, but how comfortable I feel in clothes or how healthy I feel.
As a girl it is always a daily struggle; am I too fat or too skinny. Being athletic my whole life and eating whatever I wanted without gaining weight was something I used to pride myself of being in my teens and early 20s. Now, being 26, I have noticed I cant always do that. I sit at a desk all day during the week and do not have the metabolism I once had. Do I think I’m fat? Absolutely not. Am I disappointed with how I have let my body go? Yes. I have no muscle anymore and there are definitely parts of my body that I would not feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit. I also don’t think anyone else would think that when looking at me, but because I used to be so in shape and toned as a gymnast, I usually expect to continue to look like that. I am starting to realize that I wont look how I looked at 20, but I am trying to be healthier and look better for myself and no one else. I think the main issue with body image is that everyone looks at how others perceive them and not how they perceive themselves. In your teens, this is definitely a hard thing to not do since you are young and constantly wanting to fit in. As I have gotten older though, I have been more independent and only let my judgments of myself affect me.
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mylifediaryposts · 7 years
I have depression. I feel like for the first time I can say that openly and honestly to myself. 
I cant play instruments or draw so I had to find my release. Im hoping that it may just help or give comfort to anyone who may be in this position and hasn’t got to the point of helping themselves.
I think Ive suffered with depression for years and I have just let in manifest into my everyday life, from not being able to stick at something, to my failing relationships. I was reading an article on male depression the other week and Ive never related to something more than this.
“The emotional abuse I saddled on those around me remains the worse product of my depression. I allowed depression to burden not only me, but two girlfriends, my family, and my closest friends. One girl could not deal with it and ended up leaving me.  The other stuck around longer, and I abused her emotions without knowing it. I was terrifyingly cold and unfeeling, even as she broke down into tears and begged me to say anything.  I made her feel responsible for anything that went wrong in my life.  I left her more than once without warning, but would soon come back  and manipulate her damaged emotions to get back together. All of it was a way for me to artificially build myself back up. I was trying to destroy my depression, but I ended up harming the most vulnerable people in my life. Cowardice and dishonesty dictated my thinking”
I don’t know if you have ever read anything that hits you right down to your core, where you can see yourself in another person. This extract pushed me to the edge. This is something i’ve subconsciously been doing for years and Ive mental broken two strong women with my actions and I think thats the part that will haunt me for a long time. Im not a bad guy i’m the first person to go out of my way to help anybody if i can, so to feel that I could bring someone down to there lowest through my behaviour is something that I will always been sorry for.
Then there is drink, it can be your best friend and your worst enemy. I love the social aspect of drinking. I like to be around people and feel that people want to be around me but its when drink becomes something you do stop your brain chatter it becomes an issue. Which leads into it being the only thing you want to do. When the fun stops. STOP.
I think like most people I have no idea why I am depressed or even when it actually started. Ive faced it now and now I have to be strong enough to push through everyday. This is something that nobody can help you with. Whilst I am on this subject Id like to talk depression from my own experience. For years I didn’t really believe depression existed. Ive been through my fair share of shit as a child and into my teens but Id always just pick myself up and keep going. When I first helped my friend during her dark times I could listen and advise but deep down I thought just be happy, get on with it and that you’re just a bit down. Which I think is the same thoughts for most people when you hear the word. Now that I’m there I realise what these people were telling me. I can only explain it as: Imagine someone is shaking your head whilst you are trying to pull yourself out of quicksand. They stop shaking your head for a minute but that was the only thing stopping you from sinking. Or you know the part in deadpool with the tank that starves him of oxygen but thats you feeling strong then when the machine turns on you lose all ability to think, move and all you want to do is lie in bed and sleep. Ive been sad, Ive dealt with things that are not nice but this is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Im sure theres a few of you reading this that know what I’m saying and if you don’t I really hope you never will.
As men from nursery we were always taught that the men are strong and you look after the girls and make sure they’re safe. The theme runs throughout childhood stories and into disney films with the princess in the tower and the brave knight has to face the dragon to rescue her from the tower. I’ve always been the go to guy when people needed help or advice. Its something I pride myself on. Ive always been the strong figure in my family so facing this has been a major challenge for me. Telling the people closest to you that you're not okay is hard and I wont forget the look my mom gave me before embracing me in a massive hug! I kept mine to myself for ages and now in hindsight I wish I had spoken out sooner! 
I have loads more to write but lets not give you all the good stuff in one go! I only have two small points to make. 1. This is not me looking for sympathy this is me finding an outlet that i’m hoping may help somebody else. 2. Im still me, I don’t want to be pussy footed around, and don’t worry i’m not contagious. 
I hope this hasn’t bored you to much and Ill be updating this with my good days and bad days and also the things i’ve found that have worked for me and the ones that haven’t. Its not easy for me to share this journey but I feel us as men need to be more open as to many of us suffer for no reason! 
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theimmortaltatsu · 8 years
Get Your Shit Together in Relationships: Taurus
Everything is copied word for word from Danielle Ayoka / Mystic Lipstick’s Twitter (https://twitter.com/MysticxLipstick) and all credit goes to her. I’ll also post the original links for the threads on the signs for each post.
I’d advise you check your sun, moon, rising & Venus signs to freak yourself out even more. Calculator for finding them out here: http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php (This site also comes with descriptions for your signs)
Taurus is one of the most focused signs of the zodiac. They always have a list of what would be "perfect" for them in love. Once Taurus thinks they've found their "perfect" match, they are willing to do anything to keep it that way. Taurus prides themselves on maintaining relationships but often their partners can end up feeling smothered & controlled bc they have no say.  So Taurus gets defensive & finds themselves in constant arguments bc of their lack of ability to accept criticism when they're being"too much".  Taurus gets defensive the minute their partner has an opinion on r'ship that deviates from their view bc control issues. They need to lead.  This often leaves Taurus by themselves or isolated in the relationship bc there is no leader in partnership. No "I" in team. Taurus ends up feeling stressed from arguing, falling out, trying again & honestly their biggest battle is actually against their stubbornness.  Taurus will either be set in their ways & won't hear what their partner has to say or hold onto a dead relationship that's ruining their life.  Either way, Taurus will find a way to shift the blame onto their partner until they can stop lying to themselves about what the reality is.
Let's go to the women... Taurus women spend their existence trying to maintain control over their environment but they usually choose a partner they can't control 😭  Taurus woman spends most of her r'ship trying to make her partner see her perspective. She usually ends up feeling misunderstood.  Taurus woman feels misunderstood bc she doesn't know how to communicate without sounding accusatory which puts her partner on guard. Bc Taurus woman needs to direct the flow of the r'ship she gives orders instead of seeking mutual solutions when expressing.   This causes an issue bc Taurus woman can't accept her partner as they are. She wants u to mirror all the qualities she admires about herself.   Taurus woman wants her partner to be an equal but she doesn't realize that her partner also need to be an individual. This happens bc Taurus women need to find self acceptance. She runs from inner insecurity through obsessing over goals. So she fails to accept her partner as they are bc she gets her sense of security from her ability to control what people see about her. Since she see's all of her partners imperfections, her disdain with being "imperfect" herself now bleeds into her relationship and sabotages.  Taurus woman has to learn to be honest about her insecurities WITH her partner or her facade will crumble the r'ship.
Taurus men... Taurus man's loyalty is VERY conditional. Taurus man expects u to be what he needs 24/7. The issue is he doesn't know what the hell he needs.  Taurus man is somewhat disconnected from himself.He knows what he's attracted to but it's usually contradictory to what he's compatible with.  This causes Taurus men to get into high stress partnerships where he goes from loving it to regretting it then questioning it. Rinse & repeat.  Taurus man wont tell his partner everything on his mind bc he wants to avoid conflict but it comes out worse when he explodes bc pressure.   Taurus man explodes bc he needs to always be in control of his actions but the self imposed pressure is what causes him to lose his shit.   Taurus man blames it on his partner bc love always provokes strong emotions from him that he cant put into words which creates more pressure.   Taurus man can get so caught up in what he feels he was missing from his partner in the relationship he fails to acknowledge his wrongs. Taurus man always see's his errors too late. Either his partner is tired of trying or well moved on before he truly acknowledges his part.   
So Taurus. STOP TRYING TO CONTROL EVERYTHING IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. You'll end up alone bc nobody wants to feel like dating you is a PT job.   START BEING REALISTIC ABOUT THE PART YOU PLAY IN SHIT. The 101 reasons why you're being shitty will never have the same effect as being REAL.  NOBODY CAN LOVE YOU IF THEY DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE TAURUS.  Stop playing a role to keep people in your life and learn to be your fucking self.  STOP ACTING UGLY WHEN SHIT ISN'T GOING YOUR WAY TAURUS. Learn to TRUST people with your fucking feelings instead of acting out emotionally.   This thread is for Taurus sun moon rising and Venus. Get your shit together.
Source: https://twitter.com/MysticxLipstick/status/784946505975300096
Other Signs’ Posts: http://anxietyattackontitan.tumblr.com/tagged/astrologygyst
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