#men who humanize their villains my beloved
runariya · 1 month
I just found your blog and turns out, I like your writings. Infinity is so cool, I miss reading other AU like aliens. Although I'm looking forward for chp 4 of My Beloved Villain, will you ever consider writing Jungkook's POV for Infinity? Just a short drabble on how he find her (lying on the wilderness' floor; maybe a bit extra when he clean and take care of her when she's unconscious) and how he react when she ran from him in the shop. Thank you so much for sharing your writings. I'm still binge reading from your masterlist. Really looking forward to your next update. Take care and stay healthy.
Hey anon 💕
tysm for your kind words and taking the time to explore my blog! I rly feel you with Alien!AUs, it's such a weak spot for me too. And considering the infinity!couple is special to me and your suggestion sparked such a joy to me, I couldn't help but to write 3.5k for your drabble request lol
So, yeah, hope you enjoy and tysm again for your support 🥰 you take care and stay healthy as well!
• (drabble below cut) •
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Jungkook had been chasing a ghost ever since the day he came of age, hurtling alone from galaxy to galaxy in the quiet solitude of his spaceship. He was a drifter among the stars, born with markings that no other Nepturian possessed, a curious anomaly. From his first breath, he was set apart, regarded with a mix of reverence and envy—a strange creature in the eyes of his people, a mystery even to himself. The elders spoke of him in hushed tones, their awe thinly veiling their curiosity, while his peers cast sideways glances tinged with bitterness.
For most of his life, he had lived with no understanding of his place in the universe. Then, as his legal age approached, everything shifted. The council of wise men summoned him and his family, revealing at last the truth that had been hidden from him: his destiny was bound to the very essence of his home planet. It was a burden he hadn’t known he was carrying, and when he reached his age of majority, there were no cheers of celebration, no revelry marking the occasion—only solemn farewells. His journey began that day, a lone traveler cast out into the stars with nothing but his ship and his mission.
The years stretched long as he wandered, his search ceaseless, his heart tethered to the elusive promise of saving. Along the way, he consumed every scrap of knowledge he could find about humans, the strange, fragile beings who had once roamed the galaxies. But the more he learned, the heavier his heart became. 
It became clear, with every text, every conversation, that he had arrived too late—the human race had vanished, extinguished like a flame snuffed out in the dark. Yet, despite the overwhelming evidence, a small, stubborn hope clung to him like a shadow he couldn’t get rid off. That hope sparked to life again when, in a seedy starport tavern, he overheard a pair of Stranpy whispering about a human female. They claimed to have seen her in a brothel on a distant planet, a fading relic in a world that no longer recognised her kind.
Jungkook hadn’t hesitated. His ship roared to life, cutting through the void of space as it carried him seven galaxies away to the desolate outpost known only as Morthak. When he landed, the brothel wasn’t the dilapidated hovel he had expected—it was sleek, high-tech, a tower of hollow decadence in the midst of a barren, wild world. Yet something within him shifted, and as he stepped towards the entrance, his body recoiled. His markings, usually dormant, flared with a light of their own, casting a pale, blueish glow over his arms. 
His instincts screamed at him, tugging him away from the gleaming doors, as he could feel it in his bones—a pull, an insistent force driving him away from the path he had set out on. His feet stumbled, then steadied, as he veered off into the tangled underbrush that surrounded the facility. Each step felt lighter, as though the very ground beneath him was trying to push him forwards, his breath fogging and uneven in the cold air. He didn’t understand the compulsion that gripped him, didn’t know why his chest felt tight as he fought through the dense jungle, but he could feel that he was drawing closer to something—to someone.
When the foliage parted into a small clearing, the sensation hit him all at once. His instincts snapped into focus, narrowing his vision until all he could sense was the space in front of him. A scent lingered in the air, sweet and intoxicating, as potent as sugar dissolved in flame. It curled around him, drawing him in like a whisper in the dark, a promise of something precious and everything he searched for. 
And it was at the edge of the clearing, where a small, scaled creature—something wild and feral, with scales and sharp eyes—snuffled around in the dirt. It pawed at the ground as though searching for its next meal, its snout grazing a damp patch of earth. 
Jungkook moved closer, his heart thrumming with an unspoken warning. There was something wrong here, as he could feel it in his marrow, a tension building under his skin. The creature’s intent was clear, but what lay beneath its paws was not prey. He shooed it away gently, his voice low and steady, his hand sweeping the creature aside, and what he found beneath its paws twisted something deep within him.
Lying in the mud, half-buried in filth, was a human. You were small, fragile, your body covered in muck and leaves, as though nature itself had tried to reclaim you. Your skin, pale and bruised, seemed barely capable of sustaining life, your breath shallow and uneven, fogging in the night. It was as though the universe had abandoned you here, forgotten and broken, as if your very value was lost. Jungkook’s heart clenched painfully in his chest at the sight of you, as he knelt beside you, his hands hovering over your frail form as though afraid to touch, afraid to break whatever fragile tether still held you to this world.
“What have they done to you?” he whispered, the words a soft breath of anguish that he barely realised he had spoken. They were more for himself than for you, a bitter question aimed at the universe that had allowed such cruelty to exist. One glance at you, and he could see the scars, the suffering etched into your skin, the shadow of torment that clung to you like a second skin. It didn’t take a word from your lips to tell him the truth—your life had been hell.
Gently, he gathered you into his arms, your body light, almost weightless, as though the burdens you had carried had stripped you down to nothing but bones and breath. His markings, which had been flaring wildly only moments before, began to calm, their soft glow dimming into a shine that seemed to soothe not just him but you as well. 
He didn’t care that the mud and grime smeared his clothes, didn’t care that the non-existent weight of you in his arms made him feel sick. All that mattered was getting you to safety. All that mattered was that you were no longer alone in this unforgiving world. 
He would protect you now, with every breath in his body, with every beat of his heart. And nothing—no force in the galaxies—would take you from him.
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Being back on his spaceship, he wasn’t sure where to place you—whether to settle you in the small, shadowed spare room of his ship or to let you rest in the white room, typically reserved for the stray hitchhikers he picked up from time to time. After a moment’s consideration, he decided the spare room, with its deep, dark colors, might overwhelm your frayed nerves too much. So instead, he opted for the white room, its soft, sterile light a break from the suffocating darkness you had surely endured up until now. 
There you lay before him on a smooth surface—a table he had summoned from the blank wall with the brush of his hand. Your chest rose and fell faintly, as though each breath took more from you than it returned, your unconscious form trembling slightly as you fought the cold and exhaustion that gripped you. His movements were careful, tender, as he began to strip away the remnants of the dirty rags clinging to your skin, each piece of fabric came away, falling in a rotten heap beside him. 
The act of undressing you did not stir within him any sense of awkwardness or discomfort, as for Nepturians, the body was something sacred and pure, beyond any shame. It was a vessel of life, and life itself was to be honoured, not hidden. Nudity was no more remarkable than the stars. 
Once you were free of your soiled clothes, he took to washing you, his hands moving with a tenderness that belied his strength in so many ways. Warm water flowed over your body, trickling across skin that bore the stories of suffering in the form of countless scars he already noticed through the mud—pale ridges from poorly handled wounds against your otherwise smooth flesh. 
He touched them lightly, his fingertips tracing their jagged paths with an almost reverent sorrow. Your bones seemed hollow beneath his touch, fragile as a bird’s, and he had to temper his strength, fearful that one wrong move would break you even more. Your skin, cold and pale with the bluish tint of chill, stirred a deep ache within him that nothing had ever managed to provoke.
The sight of you—so broken, so fragile—unraveled him, let him feel as the most powerless creature in existence. He had thought himself immune to such feelings, had survived the burden of the fall of his own planet without much more than a fleeting ache. But now, seeing you like this, something in him splintered like old battered wood. 
The weight of his homeworld’s destruction had been bearable, even trivial, compared to the devastation he felt at your past suffering. The prophecy, the grand destiny he had been given without wanting to, all seemed inconsequential now. None of it mattered, not the council’s words, nor the fate of his people. His sole purpose in the universe had crystallised into one clear, unwavering truth: he had to protect you. Whatever had happened to you, whatever horrors had led you here, they would never touch you again. You were his mate, his responsibility, and the thought of anything or anyone harming you again sent a rage simmering beneath his skin.
Still, he knew his feelings, his protective urges, would not help you right now. As he gently wiped away the last remnants of the grime, revealing more of the soft, delicate flesh beneath, he debated how he would face you once you woke. If your body was this ravaged, this close to collapse, then your mind must be even worse off. Whatever torments had taken root in your spirit would likely outstrip those your body had endured, and the last thing he wanted was to overwhelm you with emotions you couldn’t yet comprehend. He would have to suppress his own instincts, stifle the fierce need to comfort you with touch, to tell you that you were safe now. You needed control more than you needed affection, and he knew it.
He pressed his feelings down, locking them away beneath a cloak of detachment he truly didn’t want but knew, that it was a necessary restraint. He could not afford to show you the depth of his connection, not yet. You needed stability, a sense of distance, of control over your surroundings. Anything less might send you into a panic, and he couldn’t risk you seeing him as a threat. You were so vulnerable now, both in body and mind, and he feared that a rash instinct of selfdefense could shatter whatever fragile connection remained between your soul and this world.
After he had dressed you in his clothes, the oversized black fabric swallowing your petite form, he draped a thick blanket over you, tucking it gently around your body to help coax warmth back into your cold limbs and watching how your shivering gradually eased. 
Jungkook took one last look at you, his expression full of tender longing despite you being near, before stepping away from the room. But even after he left, he didn’t truly leave you, as he retreated to the cockpit, where he kept a watchful eye on you through the CCTV screen, his gaze never wavering as his ship flowed on autopilot through space and time. You lay there so still, so quiet, almost peaceful with the small smile grazing your lips in your slumber, yet every flicker of movement on the screen caught his full attention, every subtle shift in your breathing or twitch of your fingers quickening his pulse with a quiet anxiety he wasn’t familiar with.
He didn’t know how you would react when you woke, didn’t know if you would panic or strike out or collapse back into the depths of your broken mind. He only hoped, with a longing he had never known before, that you would remain calm—that you wouldn’t see him as a danger, hoped you wouldn’t hurt yourself in a desperate attempt to protect yourself from him. Because if you did, if you recoiled from him in fear, it would destroy him far more thoroughly than anything else ever could.
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Jungkook stood by your side, as it took weeks for you to begin feeling even the faintest flicker of comfort around him, though the wariness never left your eyes completely. Always on edge, you carried yourself like a creature awaiting the next strike of inevitable doom, poised for a danger he knew would never come. Jungkook understood, though—deeply. It would take time, time measured in baby steps, in small moments where trust could be tested and proved, over and over again, and that was okay. Each small step forward, each moment you chose not to flinch away, filled him with a secret, quiet joy he had never known. Progress, however halting, was a balm to the ache that had taken root in his chest since the day he’d found you.
It was during one of these stretches of fragile peace that he noticed the rash creeping along the lower curve of your back, the angry red patch of skin making him frown with concern. You hadn’t mentioned it—probably hadn’t wanted to out reasons unknown to him—but he’d seen it. So he decided he needed to gather some herbs to help soothe the irritation. That’s when he decided to make stop at Thraxor, a planet known for its medicinal offerings. He suggested you come along, gently persuading you that the change of scenery might do you some good, offer a breath of fresh air to your mind. You hesitated but ultimately agreed, which felt like a surge of quiet triumph. It was another small victory, a moment where you chose to step out of the shadows, if only for a little while.
Jungkook’s instincts prickled the moment you entered the Silvex shop, an unshakable feeling settling low in his gut, as his eyes scanned the room warily, watching every shadow and movement with a sharpened eyes. He tried to keep his tone light as he conversed with the Silvex behind the counter, suppressing the uneasy twist in his chest. He didn’t want his nerves to ripple into you, didn’t want you picking up on his unease when you’ve clearly took a chance. So, he encouraged you to wander the shop, hoping the distraction would keep you occupied while he finished his purchase.
The Silvex, with its slick, slithering voice, made his skin crawl, but Jungkook pushed forward, asking about the herbs he needed, his nerves burning with each passing second. Then, out of nowhere, the Silvex uttered a single sentence that turned the air in the room to ice despite the heat on the planet. 
"She's a nice slave," the Silvex giggled, the words slipping out carelessly amidst the discussion of roots and tonics fitting for your rash. "How much do you want for her? I could use her just perfectly for my other business."
In that instant, a deep, all-consuming red rage flared across Jungkook’s vision. It was as if a switch had been flipped, his blood boiling with an intensity he had never known he was capable of. “She’s not for sale,” he growled through clenched teeth, each word a barely contained explosion. 
But it was too late. In his fury, he hadn’t noticed the shift in your stance, hadn’t seen the widening of your eyes, hadn’t felt the tremor of panic rise in you while hidden behind the shelves. You had already taken off, bolting through the door before he could stop you.
His heart shattered in a sudden vice of terror, panic flooding him as he watched you disappear from sight. "Stop!" His voice rang out loudly as he lunged after you, barely aware of the Silvex scrambling to follow. The suns above beat down mercilessly, its blinding light burning his eyes as he stumbled into the open market. He squinted against the glare, desperation coursing through him as he spun in frantic circles, trying to catch a glimpse of you, but all he could see were the different shapes of strangers, the colours and sounds of the market merging into a dizzying chaos around him.
He began asking anyone he could find, breathless, his voice rising in desperation with every question asked. "Did you see a human? A girl? Where did she go?" Some shook their heads, others pointed vaguely towards the far end of the market, but none of it was fast enough, none of it got him any closer to you. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, each beat hurting more than the other.
Then, piercing through the noise around him clogging his ears, he heard it—your scream. It echoed off the narrow walls of an alley not far from where he stood, a loud short cry that sent a wave of new icy terror crashing over him without him having time to breathe. His heart sank, a sickening dread twisting his insides as he sprinted towards where your scream disappeared.
‘She should know,’ he thought frantically, his mind racing. ‘By now she should know she’s safe with me, that I would never let anything happen to her.’ But clearly, he had been wrong. His chest aching with self-loathing, anger at himself for failing you so completely. 
You clearly didn’t trust him, and it was all his fault.
Jungkook shoved his way through the crowd, desperate to reach you before it was too late. He couldn’t lose you—not like this, not after everything. His breath burned in his lungs as he finally spotted you in the distance, standing there, your terrified eyes locking with his, and for a brief moment, hope surged in his chest. But then you were off again, fleeing before he could even call out. His voice broke, your name a desperate plea on his lips that fell on deaf ears.
He didn’t know what else to do—he had never expected you to be so fast and agile, so desperate in your escape. The Silvex appeared some distance before him, and for a split second, Jungkook cursed the day he had ever set foot in that forsaken shop. His mind raced, his very soul a storm of chaos and regret, until finally, in a move he would never have considered under normal circumstances, he did the unthinkable. "STOP HER!" he shouted into the crowd, the words tearing from his throat, filled with a desperation that scattered his bones. 
For a brief, agonising moment, nothing happened, but to his immense relief—though it was tinged with a bitter taste of shame—a Necrovian stepped forward, his long, spindly arms reaching out to catch you as you passed. You struggled against him, but he held fast, and Jungkook’s legs nearly buckled with relief, but the anger for himself didn’t lessen any less. 
The desperation that had gripped him moments before shifted, almost violently, into a burning anger, that surged through him, only directed at himself and at you. Anger at his own failure to protect you, to make you feel safe enough. And anger at you—for being so reckless, so unbelievably reckless, to run like that. Did you not understand how dangerous it was? How stupid it had been to run when you stood no chance of surviving out here alone? You would have been lost, or worse, if he hadn’t been there to chase after you. 
He clenched his fists as he walked towards you, his jaw ticking with frustration, the heat of his emotions blazing through him even worse than all the suns in existence. He needed to do something, anything, to make you see—to make you finally realise that nothing could hurt you when you were with him. You needed to understand that. He needed you to understand that.
But still, you were safe now, and at the end of the day, it’s all that matters to him. 
He would bring you back to the ship, and there, at last, he could breathe again and make things actually right this time. 
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Infinity ML • other work
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finisnihil · 2 months
Watching the general populous of Webtoon hate Rashta from The Remarried Empress so violently, to the point of making her ridculing nickname a synonym for The Other Woman archetype, is really exhausting for a number of reasons, with the main one being that there are numerous female main leads of similar stories that fit that characterization of her more.
I love The Remarried Empress but the readers love to blame Rashta for EVERYTHING that happens in it, when at the end of the day, Rashta is just an antagonist. I know! Shocking! Rashta is not the driving force of the story! You know who is? SOVIESHU.
Sovieshu has always been the main villain. He is the one with all the power, he is the one who created a situation that pit these women against each other. Rashta was a slave because her father was a criminal, being Soveishu's mistress was a means of survival. Like, of course she sucks ass at scheming! She never had an education, and Sovieshu stalled on giving her one because he was ATTRACTED TO HER CHILDISH DEMEANOR. Soveishu liked Rashta because she was what Soveishu wanted from Navier and she sucked up to him in the ways he wanted! Because she needed to in order to survive! Her mistake was becoming paranoid, arrogant, and cruel to continuously provoke Navier, but that was also at the urging of another man: Duke Ergi! Because Rashta is uneducated and vulnerable and she thinks he's her only support system! She went through the trouble of ousting Navier at Ergi's suggestion and Soveishu began to just use Rashta as a baby factory, because as Rashta became like Navier to survive the political world and as he realized he lost Navier, he stopped caring about her. He never saw her as a human, he only saw her as a slate to project on the child version of Navier he was still in love with.
Now, i'm not gonna deny the heinous shit Rashta has done nor am I defending it, she is the antagonist, she does do cruel things that can't be excused, and that's factual. But the tragedy of her is that she was set up to fail by every single man in her life. She started seeing the women around her as competition because of those men. She never once had power and her frustration at her powerlessness and her disillusionment is valid. Navier was protected by her status as a noble, but Rashta had nothing and watching her crash and burn is satisfying but also sad. In another comic, she would be the female lead, and she would be safe and happy, she would be loved. To see the fandom boil her down to some man stealing bitch is really sad because it takes all the focus from Sovieshu. Instead of ripping him apart for using a system to abuse the women in his life, everyone rips apart Rashta for lashing out as a victim of that system.
You know who fits this dynamic more though? Diana from For My Derelict Favorite. Diana is a saintess with healing powers who was mistreated for being a commoner and married the Crown Prince. Hestia, the protagonist, targets her for revenge for a numerous amount of reasons, but what makes their conflict interesting is that Hestia is her equal. They were both commoners, they both are beloved by the world's god, they both rose in their station. The difference is that Diana is everything Rastha is percieved as. She still acts like a victim of the class system, despite the fact she's the crown princess and now has power and luxury. She looks down on the other nobles for their spending and ridicule of the lower class, yet doesn't realize she's become just like them. She casts aside Caelus for killing the novel's OG villains to save the empire, but has no problem acting like nothings wrong despite her treatment driving him to try and take his own life. She thinks herself objectively right and special and the minute anyone criticizes her, she turns on them, her husband included. She makes it a goal to steal Caelus from Hestia in order to hurt her and validate her behavior, thinking Caelus still loves her over Hestia. When Hestia makes soap accessible for the common people and makes advancments in changing the nobility's views of the lower class, Diana nitpicks her for it, because she can't stand to see Hestia take the limelight. She uses her power and privilege to bully and abuse others and then runs crying when she's called out on it.
The difference between these stories is clear. Rashta has no power and isn't the main villain, she doesn't have equal standing as Navier. She does a lot of her actions out of desperation for love and to survive while still being cruel. Diana and Hestia come from equal status; Diana is the one in the most power. She abuses the systems meant to mistreat those like her for her own benefit and nothing more. Helios is the antagonist while Diana is the villain, because it is Diana's actions that push the plot, akin to Soveishu. Helios and Rashta make things difficult, but they're really only along for the ride, and their interference in the plot happens because of the villains their characters serve.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Villain Sneak Peek (Supernova Initiative) - The Director
Oh, I had been waiting for this one! So, without further ado, meet one of the main antagonists of Supernova Initiative, the head of the Junction's science department, a renowned politician and incredibly sadistic bioengineer, The Director.
☆・・Aesthetic/Moodboard ・・☆
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☆ ・・About/General Info ・・☆
An egotistical, sadistic, and cold-hearted scientist, The Director, otherwise known as Dr. Darius Merrik, is the celebrated head of the Junction's science and bioengineering department but also is one of the most important figureheads of the galactic government and a billionaire beloved by the media and the public. However, behind that philantrophic facade, lies a cruel, brutal man willing to go to inhuman lengths to get what he wants in the name of progress, and who does indeed love a good challenge, even if said challenge means playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the unlucky young intergalactic thief that got caught in his web.
☆・・More Info ・・☆
Pronouns - He/Him
Age - 56
Current Role - Antagonist, one of the Main Villains
Appearance - Darius is a tall, imposing man who is disturbingly strong for someone who spends most of his days closed off in his secret lab. He has short to medium-length grey-white hair and sharp blue eyes, as well as an often feline-like smirk that Jack is viscerally terrified/disturbed by. He wears stylish yet practical clothes, often opting for an impeccable, stark white suit over a coal-black turtle neck shirt, with white pants, and white shoes.
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Personality Types -
✶ Enneagram: 3w4
Occupation: Billionaire, Politician, Scientist, Head of the Junction's Science Department, Torturer (secretly)
Species & Place of Birth: Human; Station Nexus
Sexuality: Unknown, but likely (from what little information is known about the 'real him') straight or bisexual.
✶ Character Playlist (A full Character Playlist is still To Be Made)
Birth To My Creation - Frankenstein, The Musical
Within the flesh a force resides If it could only be controlled If sleeping sparks could somehow be revived Think of the awe-inspiring power we would hold [...] I could spare the world the anguish Of loved ones taken in their prime The glory of a brave new world Will someday soon be mine [...] My endless days of study and toil Are finally near fruition The world will be forever changed By history's physician
The King of Villains/When I Said I Was Evil - Voltaire
When I said I was evil What did you think that meant? Didn't mean that I was naughty Or haughty Or slightly irreverent; When I said I was evil What did you think that implied? That I'm careless with the truth? How uncouth Dear God, did you think I lied?! [...] When you're truly evil It's so much fun It's kind of like a game Where some get maimed While you look out for number one
Confrontation - Les Miserables
You must think me mad I've hunted you across the years Men like you can never change A man such as you Men like me can never change My duty's to the law, you have no rights Now the wheel has turned around [...] Dare you talk to me of crime And the price you had to pay Every man is born in sin
A Story Told - Count Of Monte Cristo (Musical)
There are ends we've all got That can justify the means We negotiate Then fabricate the facts behind the scenes Keeping all the details vague And secrets hidden Safe on the balanced sheet of those you trust Because, history is a story told by the winners of the fightYou imply a little Lie a little [...] So we all are agreed Let's be vigilant and wise We must all pretend our naive friend was caught in his own lies [...] What if the cost is just one young man so three more can survive? He's a price we have to pay To live and fight another day for love and glory He was standing in the way of precious justice set on sail So goes the story
✶ Tags:
#wip supernova initiative #oc: the director #oc: darius merrik
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @ominous-feychild, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw @finickyfelix
@elshells, @thecomfywriter
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
*Takes a deep breath and deflates* HELLOOOOO!!! Well, I'm sad again, but like your master, I didn't lie, I'M OBSESSED with Manhwa, and I also wanted to say if it's possible... You can make a scenario or whatever (I have no limits to tell you what I want, There are so many Husbandos that there are in the Manhwa that I read, ML or main character) Anyway, this time I want, if possible, a somewhat silly scenario far from the canon.
I know I'm going to ramble, but I can't help it! I have 2 AUs for my 3 favorite men (Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and the FUCKING beautiful Sung Jinwoo) By the way I want it to be far from canon because I don't know, I read the novels 3 years ago I don't remember anything! hahaha. Anyway, I would like it if you made a combination of rofan with dungeons.
(I'm delusional with what I'll say next, please don't judge me!) But in my crazy AU, Dokja and Joonghyuk are Secretive-Plotter (I know pure brain shit but UGHH!) The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain (I don't know what to say, damn, my head is messed up!) I hope you can solve this hahahaha...
I just want yandere rot, also in this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭���🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo) Thanks for reading this shit hahahaha you can ignore this if you want or if I broke one of your rules (If the edit is stale and weird ugh) 😭😭💀
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UMMM.... HII Thank you for requesting I really apreciated it but I have few questions if u don't mind answering them to make my life a little easier.
What does 'Rofan' mean? because i haven't read ORV in like a year.
"The reader is ultimately reincarnated in a Rofan fanfic from ORV where the author did what he wanted with the characters, but this novel/fanfic has secrets beyond it. For example, the FL is the enemy of my two bbys, but the reader is the villain" This part i would like it if it were a little organized? cuz i cannot get it in my head or i'm just sleep deprived.
And please tell me if i understood this part right. "this AU they made a tower of tests to see if humanity should live or not, especially because they killed their beloved (A star who is conveniently the reader but now as a human hahaha Lol what the shit is this? 😭🥺🫣) And it no longer occurs to him that it continues hahaha, anyway I leave you an edit that I have of them (yes, I have this AU since 2022, I even have a bot on yodayo" In this Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk and Sung Jinwoo or the two ORV characters created the tower because The star (reader ) was killed by the humans and they want to test them? but the reader gets reincarnated as human?
I Think I should ORV again to get a clear idea but it would be really nice if it was a little more detailed and i would really like it if i could discuss it (the fic) with you so i could get to know more about your AU if its okay with you?
And No you did not break any rules and i really like this idea!! I hope you would consider my idea to discuss this AU.
And again Thank you for requesting
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thequiver · 10 months
Who is.....Jonothan Starsmore | Chamber? - A Reading Guide
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Jonothan "Jono" Starsmore is an X-Men affiliated mutant from Marvel comics first introduced in 1994. A native of London and explicitly connected to the grunge scene, Jono has always been the pinnacle of the "bad boy with a heart of gold" trope- the only difference being that in place of a heart he has a furnace of psionic energy. Jono is best known for being part of Generation X (the team he was introduced with) but has also been an official member of the X-Men. The manifestation of his powers left him disfigured and destroyed many of his internal organs as well as his jaw, leaving him unable to speak verbally, requiring him to utilize his psionic abilities to communicate telepathically. Jono's story chronicles one of self-acceptance and is one I'd highly recommend!
Below is a complete list of Jono's appearances as of 24. November. 2023, complete with links!
Generation X: A new team of mutants under the leadership of Sean Cassidy (Banshee) and Emma Frost (The White Queen) is formed at the Massachusetts campus of the Xavier Institute. The goal of this team is to earn an education and learn how to become the next generation of X-Men- their focus is not to fight villains.
Generation X (1994) #1-3 X-Men (1991) #41 <- This is part of Legion Quest which is expounded on here in my Legion reading guide - the whole event is covered in like 6 issues and is imo very worth the read as one section of it can be a bit confusing out of context Generation X (1994) #4-6 Wolverine (1988) #94 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #Annual '95 Generation X (1994) #7-9, Annual '95, 10-11 X-Men (1991) #49 Generation X (1994) #12-21 X-Men (1991) #Annual '96 Generation X (1994) #22-23, Annual '97 Incredible Hulk #Annual '97 Generation X (1994) #25-31 Marvel Team-Up (1997) #1 Generation X (1994) #32-40, Underground Special 1998, 41 X-Men Unlimited (1993) #20 Generation X (1994) #42-49 Generation X/Dracula #Annual '89 Generation X Holiday Special (1999) #1 Generation X (1994) #50 X-Man (1995) #50 Generation X (1994) #51 X-Men Unlimited (1993) #23 Generation X (1994) #52-56 Wolverine (1988) #141 Generation X (1994) #57-58, Annual '99, 59 New Warriors (1999) #5 Generation X (1994) #60-70 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #388 Generation X (1994) #71-75
Poptopia, a Delayed Joining of the X-Men, his own mini, etc.: Following graduation from the Massachussetts Academy, Jono was offered a position on the X-Men but declined instead going to London. After an unfortunate romantic entanglement Jono would return to the X-Men.
Unanny X-Men (1981) #395-398 The Order (2002) #5-6 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #399-400, Annual 2001, 402-407 Marvel Universe: The End (2003) #1, 5 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #408-409 Chamber (2002) #1-4 Uncanny X-Men (1981) #422-423
Defections + Countdown to Zero and House of M/M-Day: After altering reality so mutants were the dominant race, the Scarlet Witch then changed reality again, this time attempting to rid the world of the mutant gene, by casting another spell, "No More Mutants", de-powering the vast majority of mutants.
Weapon X (2002) #15-21 Generation M (2006) #1 New Excalibur (2006) #9
Secret Invasion: TW: THIS EVENT IS TIED PRETTY HEAVILY INTO ANTISEMITIC TROPES PROCEED WITH CAUTION The premise of Secret Invasion is that the Skrull empire, in a bid to take control of earth, replaces several super-powered humans/humanoids on earth with Skrulls.
New Warriors (2007) #2-20
Age of X: The mutants are almost extinct, tortured by a strike force led by Colonel Graydon Creed. The first signs of the Age of X appeared in X-Men: Legacy #244; the events were removed from the Earth-616 mainstream continuity, with no memories of the alternate lives. If you've taken a look at my David Haller Reading List you'll see this event explained as "David’s desire to be loved forces him to grapple with reality," and as a story that "places David in a role where he has to choose between a false universe where he is considered a beloved hero and reality where he must choose to be a hero despite the fear others feel about him." While that is the base of the event Jono also has some great moments to shine!
Age of X: Alpha (2011) #1 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #245 New Mutants (2009) #22 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #247 New Mutants (2009) #24 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #248 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #Alpha and Omega X-Men: Legacy (2008) #264-265
Avengers vs. X-Men: When the Phoenix Force approaches Earth, Hope Summers is assumed its next host. The X-Men and the Avengers are divided on how to handle the situation. The X-Men believe that the Phoenix Force will herald the rebirth of the Mutant Species, while the Avengers believe that it will bring an end to all life on Earth. This leads to a war between Marvel's two powerful superhero factions.
Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #9-10 X-Men: Legacy (2008) #266-267
Jono's Miscellaneous Adventures: (which somehow keep involving David Haller?) This is now in with Legion: Son of X and the lead up to Krakoa! Jono does a lot of different things in this period (including Gen X Vol. 2) but things are a little more calm until War of the Realms.
Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #19 X-Men: Legacy (2013) #2-6 X-Men (2010) #40-41 X-Men: Legacy (2013) #11-12 Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) #29 X-Men: Legacy (2013) #13-14, 22, 24 X-Men: No More Humans (2014) #1 Nightcrawler (2014) #3-4 Uncanny X-Men (2013) #600 Generation X (2017) #1-9 Phoenix Resurrection the Return of Jean Grey #1-3 Generation X (2017) #85-87 X-Men: Gold (2017) #30 Old Man Logan (2016) #39 Mr. & Mrs. X (2018) #6 Uncanny X-Men (2018) #11, 14-15, 17-18 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015) #37
War of the Realms: Following the return of the Dark Elf, Malekith, from imprisonment, he ignited a civil war in his homeworld of Svartalfheim and emerged crowned as king. Malekith additionally began assembling a league of allies from across the Ten Realms, eventually forming the Dark Council which included among its ranks Dario Agger, King Laufey and Loki. If this doesn't sound like an X-Men plot that's because it's not, but the X-Men sure did get a tie-in and Jono's in it.
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men (2019) #1-3
Krakoa at last!: The following issues detail Jono's time on Krakoa and his role on the island.
New Mutants (2019) #1-2, 5, 7, 9-11 X of Swords: Destruction (2020) #1 New Mutants (2019) #15-18 Marvel's Voices: Identity (2021) - B Story X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #1, 3-4 Phoenix Song: Echo (2021) #1 New Mutants (2019) #24 Legion of X (2022) #1 X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #39-40 New Mutants (2019) #26 Legion of X (2022) #3-5, 7-8 X-Men: Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) #79 X-Men: Before the Fall- Sons of X (2023) #1
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dranna · 5 months
Be Careful what you Wish for - a Wish rewrite
~ Prologue ~
Chapter 1
King Magnifico created his kingdom to protect his people because he knows what tragedies one single wish can cause, however when one entitled 17-year-old girl decided that the way he is dealing with the population's wishes is 'unacceptable', he must step in to protect the inhabitants of his kingdom, even if it means he has to use the book, he swore to never touch again...
Who is the villain and who is the hero?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ contents: noting clear yet but there will be graphic descriptions of violence and death later on, Asha is the villain of the story, there is NO goat. I’ll add the warnings at the beginning of every chapter <3
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a/n: I started writing during sleepless nights. I didn't watch the whole movie bc I didn't find it enjoyable from the start, so there will be a lot of things from my imagination. I would say I stopped watching it around the 30 minutes mark ^^’
I've never written anything longer then a one shot, so it will be an interesting journey for me. Thank you for stopping by and reading it:)
- English is not my first language -
Once upon a time, there was a young and passionate man, serving a rotted and jealous king. The king had everything he wanted: immense wealth where gold grew like grass everywhere he stepped, a huge kingdom where peace bloomed in every corner, loyal men, women, happy children but  the most important of all: Power. 
However he wanted more . 
Since he walked on this earth, he had everything his heart wished for. So now, as he was sitting on his icy gold throne made by busy hands for a spoiled child, he commended the youthful man to create something for him. An object that will turn into something terrible, evil and full of hate, masked with the promise of unlimited knowledge. 
“Magnifico” - he once called the hopeful lad - “ you are the greatest apprentice I could ask for, loyal to my crown and your homeland..” - the king started his poisonous honey speech, whispering harmless sounding lies into his ear.  Besides being young and full of hope, Magnifico was also a naive and trusting soul. He listened to his king’s lies, never doubting the intent behind his tongue.  “ I have a great wish I need you to fulfill. I want you to design a book, which contains all knowledge of sorcery. A book! If someone reads from it, they magically become the most powerful in the world!” 
What wrong can one wish do?  Hung the question above the sorcerer's head, as he excited the throne room. 
Magnifico was so excited to create this book. He imagined true things being done with his creation: helping people? Putting a stop to the gut wrenching illnesses of humanity? Stopping wars , and — oh! Spawn food out of thin air?  In his mind the possibilities were endless.  However, never in his wildest nightmares could he think about the events which were born from his work. 
His loving wife warned him many times, asked, weeped and begged to not do something so terrific yet marvelous for a man like the king, but Magnifico didn’t listen. It was the first of his lists of mistakes, which will burden him until the rest of his life.
  He worked all day and all night, warm ideas filling his brain and heart, not letting him sleep during nights. A productive fire ate through his muscles and bones, illuminating the twinkling of his azure- blue eyes. 
After months of hard work, he presented the book to the king. 
Upon opening the elegant cover, cosy, silver light-strokes were omitted from the beautifully crafted pages. They gently covered the book opener, always willing to be changed, used and shared. 
To Magnifico’s horror, as months went by, his pure creation started to transform into something vile, painful and barbaric under the hands of his once beloved king. The silver light slowly darkened and lost its welcoming glow, just to make place to dark green, seaweed and tentacle-like forms. They snaked around the sorcerer who opened the earthly cell, bounding and chaining him in both physique and soul, never letting him go. 
The book consumed the king more and more, and with him wasted away his kingdom and its inhabitants. 
Magnifico couldn’t bear to see his creation causing more devastation, he stole the book from the half-dead king leaving him and his wealth to rot. 
With the knowledge he learned about magic and wishes, he created a kingdom with his wife on his side. Promising himself, that he never let any wish to destroy the happiness of his people.  And the book? He locked it deep in his castle, displaying it in his study room as a trophy of shame and deep regret, laughing and creeping its freezing fingers in blood, which he will never be able to wash clean. 
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sineala · 1 year
Superheroes and Aging
Meta time! I was asked (on Patreon) to write meta about how Tony Stark might deal with feelings about aging and being surrounded by The Youth. I am reposting it here.
I have to say this has also been on my mind a lot. I will say it's a weird thing growing up being into comics and being a fan of the teenage X-Men because obviously they were the most relatable and then being as old as all the adult superheroes and now being older than all the adult superheroes, who have all been basically the same age for decades as the rest of us move on past them. At least they finally aged up the original crop of teenage heroes and have been replacing them with new ones.
So the thing about superheroes in Marvel Comics, as you probably know, is that they pretty much don't age. Initially, this wasn't really a thing Marvel worried about. It was the sixties and they'd made comics cool and profitable again and kids loved them and I'm pretty sure they weren't thinking that sixty years later people (grown adults, even!) would still be reading and loving and expanding on the universe they made. Because I think if that had been the case they'd have, say, fewer villains that really sound like someone thought of them in about thirty seconds at 5 pm on a Friday and then went home. Big Wheel, a guy who has a... big wheel. Swarm, a guy (I mean, he's not really... human) who is actually a group of bees. Nazi bees. Paste-Pot Pete. You know what I mean.
Anyway, at first Marvel heroes aged, because why wouldn't they? Despite what you would guess if you only watched adaptations, it only took, I think, a couple years for Peter Parker to grow up and leave high school. The original X-Men all stopped being teenagers. Time moved on. Then after about ten years Marvel figured out it was going to be a problem if their beloved heroes were too old to be superheroes and they more or less halted the aging process. And that's how we get the Marvel Sliding Timescale. Broadly stated, the Sliding Timescale is essentially "don't worry about it." Everything you are reading right now happens right now, the beginning (the FF getting their powers) happened about ten or fifteen years ago (I think right now it's closer to 15 and we're at four RL years = one comics year), and everything else that has ever happened in 616 -- because Marvel also doesn't believe in line-wide reboots -- is wedged in somewhere in the time between. As real time passes, the sliding timescale slides events closer and closer together because more events have now happened.
So the effect of this is that heroes don't age. I think this is actually most notable with child characters -- like, ask yourself how old Franklin and Valeria Richards are. Or don't. I think Dani Cage has been a toddler for about fifteen years now. So the founding Avengers started off in their early 20s, are now in their mid-30s, and are going to continue being in their mid-30s for the foreseeable future because Marvel doesn't want its heroes being over 40. I think there have been a couple IM issues where Tony has had "significant" birthdays that they carefully avoided putting a number on -- I think one was Bendis, and I know he had a surprise party in the Gillen issue with the adoption reveal. I want to say that maybe there was also a Fraction one? I'm not sure.
The time references have occasionally been lampshaded -- the most recent Iron Man issue as I write this (#6) has Tony asserting that he doesn't remember things by what year they happened in, but rather by what armor he had at the time. He goes on to tell a story of something that happened while he wore the Silver Centurion armor, throwing in an aside that the shoulder pads were fashionable then -- and, out of the armor, he is given his usual stylish perm; the artist has definitely been inspired by Bob Layton's later Iron Man work -- which for me has the disconcerting effect of making it sound like this is somehow taking place in the 80s and also not in the 80s at the same time. Because now they've invented an extra time for shoulder pads and perms to be fashionable and it's approximately 2015. Time is fake. No, actually. It is.
And building on that, I think the effect of that is that mostly they don't seem to have characters like Tony dealing with aging. He doesn't really seem to worry about it, probably because there can't be any narrative payoff if he's simply never allowed to age. (Steve gets it even more weirdly, because a lot of times fandom assumes the serum is just going to halt or slow aging -- as it does in people like Natasha who have serum variants -- but then in universes where significant time actually passes, like House of M, Steve is visibly older, and he definitely is meant to have the serum. Or Bullet Points, where Steve, minus the serum, is actually dealing with aging as he comes out of retirement for one last mission. Which kills him, because it turns out he probably was too old to do this safely. But then in 616 we're expected to believe that Steve can lose the serum and also be mostly combat-ready at age 95. Aaanyway.)
So what if Tony did worry about getting older? Based on how he interacts with the kids these days, I think mostly his worry actually wouldn't involve other people.
For all that intelligence in Marvel seems to be a single invariant and quantifiable statistic that can be accurately measured (which isn't the case in reality but work with me here) and that Tony is a genius but not The Smartest Genius in the Universe, he doesn't ever seem to display any ill will toward anyone ranking higher than him on the list -- say, Reed -- and he is in fact definitely willing to take on the younger geniuses, like Riri, as proteges, and he seems happy to mentor them. He doesn't seem to feel at all threatened by the idea that some of these people are definitely smarter than him -- say, Moon Girl -- and will someday succeed him. Or at least will if Marvel ever lets them age out, which again seems unlikely. Theoretically he also ought to be drawing on a lot more lived experience than Riri that he can use to advise her, but one of the bizarre things that Cantwell's run has left us with is Tony believing that giving the Mandarin's Rings to Riri to study with zero oversight is absolutely the right thing to do; Rhodey congratulates him on his great decision-making. I guess we'll see how that turns out.
(This is in contrast to a character like Doctor Doom, who clearly can't stand the idea that Reed might ever be smarter than him.)
Given that Tony is a character who often has execrable self-esteem, it actually seems a little odd that it doesn't bother him that he isn't the smartest, but it really doesn't seem to. He seems fine with that. He's enough of a genius to do what he needs to do, I guess, and that's good enough for him. Even in Cantwell's run, which was, uh, not a run I would call particularly in-character for Tony in many ways, the thing he decides to do with the Power Cosmic is make everyone in New York as smart as he is. I think this was a fairly poor storyline for a large number of reasons, but I think it does actually show that he has good intentions, in a sense -- he wants everyone else to benefit from the intelligence he has, the same way they can benefit from his philanthropy. He wants to give people the advantages he has. So he seems like someone who wouldn't resent the up-and-coming heroes and geniuses; he seems like he'd be honestly happy that there would be more people out there on his level.
I think, really, as long as he knows he's good to go, he knows he's good enough to do the things he wants to do -- even if sometimes he just hates himself as a human being -- and he probably looks around at all the kids and knows they have to train them up, because even if they're going to be good they're not as good as he currently is, just because they don't have the benefits of years of experience. I mean, maybe they could have some kind of superhero Registration or something. The joke he made to Steve at the end of Empyre wasn't entirely wrong.
(I feel like I should probably also read Young Avengers, for more on how the Avengers deal with The Youth, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.)
Since Tony often blames himself for, well, everything he can possibly blame himself for, including the deaths of people he feels he should have been able to save, I feel like his worries about aging would probably involve his ability to continually successfully be a superhero. We haven't really seen much of this worry since his Extremis/Bleeding Edge days but there was definitely a period of time where his main concern seemed to be the ability to compete with the people he's fighting -- and this seems like it might be where he's heading again in his confrontation with Feilong, who, I should point out, does actually attempt to make fun of him for being old. Tony doesn't seem to take it personally, but he does seem very upset that he's not on Feilong's level, technologically. So I think the thing that would bother Tony wouldn't be the idea that he couldn't keep up with the heroes, but rather that he couldn't keep up with the villains.
So, yeah, that's my take.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Versus | MYG, JHS - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, crack, enemies to lovers, Villains!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: mentions of weapons - blades and lasers, mentions of blood/bleeding, references to physical combat, references to kissing, references to masturbation (m), this one's pretty angsty, the sidekicks remain the sweetest, shifting POVs, Vitality has to deal with a sexist asshole
Word Count: 3.7k
Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Supervillain exes Yoongi and Hoseok are sick and tired of having their plans for world domination wrecked by you, aka Vitality, the world’s most powerful superhero. When fellow villain Jimin suggests a little competition to see who can bring you to your knees, they both eagerly accept. Now the battle is on as both men engage you in fight after fight to see who will conquer you first. Will you finally defeat these two, or will they destroy you - and possibly take each other out in the process?
A/N: And we're back! Sorry for the long break, but the holidays interrupted everything (like they usually do). This might be the longest chapter yet? To think I once thought this would be a drabble series 😵‍💫 I'm just a wordy bitch 😂
Chapter title comes from "Seek & Destroy" by SZA, which is very much the vibe for this chapter and the chapters to come.
Unbeta’d as usual. Please don’t be a silent reader! 🥺 My inbox is always open! 💕
Chapter Six ✨ Series Masterlist ✨ Character Playlists
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Chapter Seven: The Art of War, Goddammit, I'm Drained
Jin knows a lot of things.
As an advanced AI system, it has access to all of humanity’s collective knowledge. It can tell you anything that has ever been recorded, in written word, in video or photos, in digital data. Nothing is out of its reach.
It also knows how lucky it is that Hobi is its creator. To think that this gorgeous genius, this gifted scientist, this absolute visionary poured his heart and soul into making Jin… well, it would give it goosebumps if it had arms. And flesh. 
Right now, though, it knows that Hobi needs it, no matter how much he protests otherwise. So as Hobi once again stomps through his lair, heading for his inner sanctum, Jin opens every door for him unprompted, dims the lights slightly to mitigate any headaches Hobi might have picked up while fighting (the man always seems to end up with a tension headache after dealing with Vitality), and releases a calming burst of lavender into the air as well. 
Jin prides itself on taking care of its beloved.
Hobi sheds his black body harness, removing all of his laser weapons as he continues to scowl at no one. A replay of his battle from earlier today is playing in his mind on a loop. Once again, he’d failed. He’d finally managed to fight you without having to rely on those damn power disrupters and he’d still lost. 
And then there was that whole… ordeal… with the kissing. And the strange sensation flowing through him from your touch. Just what the fuck was that about??
“Penny for your thoughts, love.” 
Hobi purses his lips. “Jin, please. Not now.” He strips out of his all-black combat ensemble and slips on an oversized tee and joggers. Running his hand through his hair, he musses it slightly. Gone are all traces of Dark Hobi, his fastidiousness, his sharpness. This is just Hoseok, looking soft and slightly lost. 
Jin’s electronic heart glitches in agony.
“I’ve prepared an analysis of today’s engagement if you’d like to see where things went wrong.” 
“Ha,” Hoseok barks a piercing laugh, one that manages to sting Jin even despite its lack of nerves. “I know exactly where shit went wrong. Expecting Vitality to act rationally.”
As Hoseok strolls into his command center, Jin activates all the screens, displaying the video captured from the cameras embedded in Hoseok’s tech. “Actually, sir, it appears that the fatal flaw in your plan today occurred when you stopped using your tech and chose to engage Vitality in hand-to-hand combat.” If Jin had a throat to clear uncomfortably, this is where it would do it. “Just like the last time.” 
Hoseok frowns, staring at the monitors. Jin’s right, of course. He knows he shouldn’t indulge so much in physical violence. If he would simply resist the impulse, he could probably finish you off so easily using any of his laser weapons.
He just can’t help himself. Every time he sees you, he feels this burning need to get his hands on you. It consumes him, drives him mad until he finally snaps. 
Until he gets that desperate urge under control, it’s going to be his downfall every time.
“I know, Jin. I fucking know.” Hoseok sighs, propping his feet up on the command console. “So I’m guessing your recommendation for the next battle is…?”
“Once you have her cornered, either with or without the disrupters, use your tech to destroy Vitality.”
“Right.” Hoseok rubs his face, and Jin wishes yet again that it had an arm to sling around its creator’s shoulders. “You make it sound so easy.” 
“I’m merely reporting the results based on a comprehensive analysis of–”
“Save it, Jin, I understand.” Hoseok’s so tired. When’s the last time he had a proper night’s sleep? 
Oh. Right. 
He sighs, sitting up and crossing his arms over the console. “Clear the screens, Jin. I don’t need to see anymore.” 
“Is there anything else I can do for you, darling?”
Hoseok ignores the term of endearment, lost in thought. Will he ever be free of the guilt of that night? Or will it haunt him forever? 
Maybe if he exorcises his ghost, he’ll be free.
It’s along that train of thought that he gives his next command.  “I want you to run a few scenarios for me.” 
“Of course. What would you like me to analyze?” 
Hoseok leans forward, resting his chin on his arms. For someone whose brilliance looms so large, he seems so small, Jin muses. “I want to know the most effective way for me to eliminate Vitality and Yoongi. Together.”
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“Hyung, please. Let me take a look.” 
“I said I’m fine, Taehyung-ah!” 
Taehyung’s one of the strongest marksmen Yoongi’s ever met, capable of taking down any foe with any item from his vast arsenal, but truly, the deadliest weapon he wields is his pout. Yoongi sighs.
“Fine.” He lowers his head, allowing Taehyung to inspect the cut opened by your fingernails. It oozes blood as his confidant touches it gingerly, and Yoongi hisses. 
“Sorry, hyung.” Taehyung bends over his medical kit, setting to work cleaning and dressing the wound as Yoongi silently meditates on what an absolute fuck-up of a day it’s been. 
Once again, he’d been on the verge of victory. Thanks to Taehyung’s intervention, he’d had you cornered, trapped against the cabinets. He could still feel the dagger in his hand, aimed at your head. One toss was all it would take. One quick toss, and he’d win.
A thrill had raced through him at the thought of finally, finally defeating you. Not just you, but Hoseok, too. Honestly, that idea made his pulse jump even more. And then the flesh-eating bacteria escaped its confines, and Yoongi couldn’t believe his good fortune. You were seconds from being destroyed completely. With a vicious laugh, he’d pulled his arm back, preparing to deliver the death strike that would secure his crown, and glanced at your face.
That was his fatal mistake. 
Fear. So much fear was swimming in those gorgeous eyes of yours that it stopped his hand, locking him in place as the world spun around him. It was an expression he recognized from countless other faces over the years during his rise to supervillain status. A look that he usually sought out. Craved, even.
So why was it causing his gut to twist? He felt physically pained, staring into your terrified orbs. The urge to quell the panic he found there warred with his desire to win. 
He hesitated. And, well, he should’ve remembered that old saying. 
In a split second, he moved on instinct, tossing the dagger and saving your life. And then he was running again, without a chance to contemplate his reaction until he sat down and Taehyung began pestering him about his injuries. 
Reflecting on it now, his only thought is, what the fuck.
“Hyung, can I ask you a question?” 
Yoongi grunts. Sure.
“Is this competition worth it?”
Yoongi lifts his head, wincing at the way his wound stings with the movement, staring at his confidant. The other man’s blue hair is held back by a bandana, his gaze fixed on his kit as he organizes the objects, placing the items back into their proper spots, and Yoongi is struck by just how young Taehyung looks as he steadfastly avoids his hyung’s eye. 
“What are you asking, Taehyung?” Yoongi never has patience for avoidance.
Taehyung sighs, sounding quite like a weary old man despite his appearance as he answers. “It just seems that this contest has brought you nothing but pain and stress. How many times have I had to rescue you now? How many times have we sat here, you brooding silently while I patch you up? No matter how many brilliant plans you come up with, Vitality foils each and every one, and we return home to start over again. You know what they say about the definition of insanity, right?”
“Are you calling me insane?” Yoongi’s voice is laced with venom, but Taehyung doesn’t flinch. He knows he struck a nerve, but he trusts his hyung not to bite. 
“I’m just concerned. This competition seems to be taking so much from you.” His task complete, Taehyung faces his hyung, dark eyes wide with worry. “Maybe… maybe it’s time to let it go. Then you can get back to what you really want.”
That’s the real question, there. The one that’s been keeping Yoongi up at night. What does he want? He knows what Taehyung thinks he wants. The same thing Jimin thinks. World domination. 
But when Yoongi is alone in his bed, fantasizing, it’s never images of him sitting on a throne, ruling over all that makes him hard, have him gripping his cock, stroking so quickly. No, it’s usually a face floating through his mind. It used to be the same face, night after night, wicked eyes, dark smirk, whispering sweet words about forever. A face that used to lie beside him once upon a time.
Last night, it was a different face. Wearing an expression of hope.
Hoseok was always the impulsive one, giving in to his emotions so quickly. Yoongi’s worked hard to keep his in check. He’s only ever really given in once. 
Well, twice now.
He won’t make that mistake again. 
“Taehyung. I appreciate your concerns. I do. But you must trust that I know what I’m doing.” Someone needs to. “As for what I want… this competition is the way to achieve that.”
Taehyung blinks meditatively, absorbing Yoongi’s words, the waver in his voice. His hyung is lying. A tiny strand of dread works its way into his gut, settles there, twisting into a knot. “If you’re sure, hyung.”
“I’m sure.” Yoongi stands, muscles protesting loudly. He grits his teeth to keep from groaning in pain. “I’m going to win.” 
And when he’s done, and both you and Hoseok are gone forever, he’ll finally be free.
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The Company’s cubicle farm lackeys are busy clicking away while you stride down the hallway towards Conference Room A. Their heads turn one-by-one as you pass. You’d think after how many years of these weekly meetings, they’d be accustomed to your presence, but somehow every week you manage to electrify their sad little lives with the few seconds they bask in your radiance.
To these poor souls, you’re akin to a god, and you drink in their envy and awe as easily as you do the energy that pulses from the flickering fluorescent lights overhead.
Inside the boardroom, you take a seat next to Namjoon, who greets you with a nod and a gentle “Sup?” You nod back, not particularly feeling like making small talk, still smarting from your recent fights. Once again, you’d been on the verge of putting Yoongi and Hobi away from good, and once again, both slipped through your powerful fingers. 
You’re real fucking sick of the repeating seesaw games.
The CEO of your organization calls the meeting to order. You remain zoned out, nodding occasionally, smiling when your name is mentioned, but otherwise completely disengaged. 
“You okay, baby?” Namjoon murmurs as the CEO cues up something on the video screen behind him, droning on about Doc’s latest discovery of a new super in Bolivia. 
“Right as rain, Joon,” you reply. He looks dubious, so you steer him away. “How did your raid on LMLY Industries go?”
“Oh, uh, I didn’t end up leading that mission. Boss man decided to give it to the babies.” 
“He what?!” ‘The babies’ are the junior members of your org. Barely out of training, they’re nowhere near ready to handle a mission of their own. Especially not one where the target is a legendary villain like Jackson Wang. The man’s practically a mythical creature, appearing in nearly every story of defeat you’ve heard from other supers. 
Glancing across the table, you eye Jeongin and Felix curiously. They both appear to be in one piece, so they clearly didn’t lose, but you’d have heard by now if Wang was in custody, so he must’ve gotten away again. “If he wasn’t going to give you the mission, then it should’ve gone to me.” 
Namjoon shrugs. “Pretty sure you were on a mission of your own at the time. It’s not like you can be everywhere at once, babe.”
“Well, not until the scientists get the teleportation tech up and running. Last I heard, the lab suspended testing.” 
Namjoon grimaces. “Oh, yeah, they shut that shit down when Changbin and Jisung had their little… uh… body swap incident. Remember?” 
“Fuck, I completely forgot about that.” Seems like you should’ve remembered the sight of two of your junior teammates switching heads for a day, but it’s been a busy couple of weeks and these things tend to slip your mind. Thank god the scientists figured out they could reverse the swap by just sending them back through the portal. 
“Yeah. That was a wild fucking day.” The two of you fall silent as one of the officers at the table says your names, but he appears to be reading a report out loud and not actually addressing you, so you tune the meeting out again as Namjoon rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Speaking of the lab….”
“Vitality? Did you hear me?”
The CEO’s voice breaks into your gossip session and you sit up, startled. “Sorry, sir, what did you say?” 
The bald man eyes you suspiciously from behind a pair of thick spectacles. “We were just discussing your latest debriefing statements from your recent missions with Dark Hobi and Evil Yoongi.” 
“Of course, sir.” Your hand flexes on your thigh and you smother the sparks that slip from your fingertips in anger at his tone as you feel Namjoon shift anxiously beside you. You’ve never liked the way the CEO talks to you. You hate even more that you have to address him and all the other officers in this room as ‘sir.’ And of course your teammate knows both of these facts.
“General Ahn here wanted to ask you a few questions.” The CEO bows to a severe-looking older man sitting at the head of the table. His highly-decorated uniform speaks to a lifetime of service and victory. It’s meant to intimidate. To suggest power. 
Please. You could destroy him in an instant.
“Vitality,” the old man booms, “in addition to familiarizing myself with your statements, I have watched the videos we obtained from your body cams.” He’s referring to the tiny cams integrated into your uniform in your organization’s logo, a shield with a tiger’s head, and also in the headband you wear. “There seems to be some patterns.”
He pauses, and you realize he’s waiting for you to respond. “Some patterns, sir?” 
“Yes. In the last ten engagements you had with either of these supervillains, there came a point about halfway through where you suddenly end up completely at their mercy. Furthermore, in each of your last five missions to capture the wretch known as Evil Yoongi, not only were you on the verge of losing, but you managed to allow yourself to become restrained, tied up in one manner or another.” He stares you down across the table. “Explain yourself.”
You blink. Explain yourself? What the fuck does that mean? “I’m sorry, sir? Explain… “
“Yes, explain,” he snarls. “How does the strongest superhero in our arsenal suddenly find herself on the losing end against these two? Every time we send you out to bring them in, you end up on your back, or strung up by your ankles!”
His words seem to ruffle the others as uneasy murmuring ripples around the room. You notice the CEO shifting in his seat uncomfortably. Has he also noticed the strange glitching of your powers? 
Ice courses through your veins. You know the cameras captured everything visible, but what keeps happening to you can’t possibly be seen by others. Only the absence of the use of your powers might cause someone to question if they’re waning… but there’s no way they’ve caught on, is there? 
“I–I…,” you stammer for an answer as the general’s face turns red with anger. “I can only state that in each of these engagements, I eventually succeeded in defeating them.” 
“Yes, in the last ten battles, you did successfully overcome them eventually, as you say, but only after spending too much time and effort to do so, typically after causing more collateral damage than is acceptable, and on top of that, after all ten missions they both still managed to escape!” 
His aura is a disgusting brownish-green shade, pulsing violently as he shouts. You imagine that if you were to feed from him, it would just make you feel nauseous. 
“Well, sir, once I have apprehended the villains, I turn them over to our containment team, so any escape is hardly–”
“And then there is the matter of this!” The general waves at the CEO, who cues up a video. As the room around you gasps in shock, the kiss you’d shared with Yoongi fills the screen that makes up the wall behind the general. It’s a very close angle, shot from your point of view, but it’s very clear what is happening between the two of you.
“That was a distraction technique, sir–I had to keep the enemy engaged while I–”
He laughs derisively, indicating with a flicker of his fingers for the CEO to kill the video. “Oh, you certainly kept him engaged! You see this,” he turns to one of his colleagues, another crusty old man in a tacky uniform, “this is why we should stick to male superheroes only, because as soon as a woman is involved, all common sense flies out the window!”
A large hand lands on your tensed fist under the table. You glance at Namjoon, and he shakes his head slightly, gripping your wrist, silently urging you not to release the blast building in your palm. Taking a deep breath, you center yourself before reabsorbing the beam of energy rather than letting it fly loose in the sexist old windbag’s ugly face. 
“I can only apologize, sir,” you grit through your teeth. “I will do better on the next mission.” 
“I certainly hope you do. Because if your disappointing performance continues, you will be removed from active duty. Is that clear?”
“Crystal. Sir.” 
As the CEO continues the meeting, Namjoon turns to you, a muscle in his sharp jawline ticcing violently. “That motherfucker has no right to treat you like that. Are you okay?”
No, you’re not okay. You’re fucking livid. The nerve of that general, to question you! As if you haven’t devoted your life to this organization, giving up everything–family, career, love, everything–as soon as your powers emerged and made you a potential recruit. You never questioned your decision to join the team and become a superhero. 
But if this is how they’re going to repay your commitment and dedication, the literal blood, sweat, and tears you’ve shed for them… maybe you should. 
“No. But I don’t want to think about that ancient asshole and his condescending attitude any longer than I have to.” You frown. “Fuck, I need to blow off some steam.”
Namjoon sighs. “Blow off steam, huh? Bedroom or gym?”
“Both. Gym first. As soon as this meeting is over.” You pause. “Please.” 
Namjoon nods, hand squeezing your wrist again before he pulls it away.  
A roiling stream of thoughts churn through your brain as the meeting drags on. Most of them are worries about your glitching powers and what the company will do if they find out, but there's an image that keeps bubbling to the surface over and over - the one of you and Yoongi kissing. Thank god the general didn’t have any video of what happened between you and Hobi on the plane. 
And what about the look in Yoongi’s eyes when he’d saved you from that nasty bacteria?! You didn’t need any photos to remember that. Thinking about any of those moments makes your stomach eat itself. You try not to dwell on them, try to avoid thinking of the word for these feelings. If you give them a name, then you give them power.
How did it come to this? These men have committed unspeakable crimes. There’s no denying that. Yet at some point, you’ve gone from seeing them as simple shadows to real people. Complicated beings, flesh and blood, filled with every shade imaginable. Like the prism through which you view the world. 
As a superhero, you’ve no room for such nuance. 
Another exec speaks and you catch sight of yourself in the reflective glass walls. The face gazing back at you seems unfamiliar. It’s not just the unsettling evolution of your powers that has you worried. It feels like you are changing as well. And you’re not sure who it is you’re becoming.  
Namjoon tips his head towards you, and you immediately know what he’s going to say. “Listen, maybe you should go talk to Doc now? The general obviously noticed your powers fritzing, even if he didn’t say anything about them specifically, and if he noticed, then–”
“No. I told you, no one will understand.” And you don’t want to end up a lab rat. Not again. “Now please, just drop it, will you?” You never should’ve told him about what’s happening with your powers. The man wouldn’t shut up about it. You trust him not to tell anyone, but still, it’s getting annoying. Yeah, of course you’re concerned, especially since the weirdness has happened every time you’ve fought Yoongi and Hobi lately, but–
Holy fucking shit, how did it take you this long to see it??
Quickly, you grab the pen and pad in front of you, the ones provided for you to take notes  (you’ve never written down a single word in any of these interminable meetings), and scribble down your epiphany. The subtle lift of Namjoon’s eyebrow confirms that he read your message. The jaw twitch means he’s ready to do some damage.
Those bastards. They’re messing with the wrong motherfucker.
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year
Ohhh my god my heart.
Okay so I read stuff about the Ancient Near East for fun and also my major, and this post has me thinking about the parallels between Skyward Sword and the Epic of Gilgamesh.
To grab a couple of excerpts from sisterofiris:
[…] just like death is tied to life, suffering is tied to love. What prompts Gilgamesh’s desire to escape his lot isn’t pride, but the loss of his beloved. In short, we’re human because we die, because we die we suffer, and we suffer because we love.
The question of being human can be broken down into the state of being human, and the quality of being humane. So if that’s the argument for the state of being human, what is the quality of being humane?
To the Hittites, being a good human - generally a good king, though the concept also seems to apply to common people - meant being merciful. The Hittite word for mercy, genzu-, overlaps with the concepts of love and benevolence. Etymologically it derives from genu-, “knee” or “lap”; thus what makes someone humane is their ability to (figuratively) take someone onto their lap.
And this, my friends, is where I tear off into fandom territory.
Ghirahim is notably struggling with but determined to express mercy at the beginning of Skyward Sword. Textually, we’re given the reasoning that a lack of mercy is “unbecoming of a lord”. Meaning, if we take the idea that a lord is supposed to be an example for his people, that a person should be merciful. That, in addition to his need to vent emotion, is something that immediately characterizes him as human.
(Granted, you don’t need emotions to be human, but I’m using fairytale rules here.)
Ghirahim expressing a lack of mercy coincides with his physical and irreversible change into his weapon form, up to and including the moment where he attempts to kill Zelda and is then finally turned into a sword.
I’d also like to point out that this version of Link is essentially the progenitor of all the others. In essentially every game, you are immersed in the idea that you are not the first hero, but part of an unending mythos. Minish Cap, for example, references the Hero of Men who exists only as a throwaway line for no other reason than to immerse you in the idea that Heroes have Come Before; you are an heir to and part of the overarching legend.
I don’t entirely know where the fandom got the term Hero’s Spirit or the Spirit of Courage, but the idea sums up the concept I’m going for in the same way the Shezarrine in the Elder Scrolls does. Namely, the hero as an individual might be mortal, but as a concept and legend he is immortal. The hero never dies. Because we buy the next game.
Ghirahim, and most every other secondary villain in the series, is incredibly human because his existence is temporary. He doesn’t get a legend. He doesn’t get an impact on history. That’s for the godlike figures who matter, like Ganondorf and Link and Zelda. Ghirahim only exists, in his moment and his time, and then he simply doesn’t. He gets no kleos, and not even a eulogy.
Definition from Wikipedia for you:
Kleos is the Greek word often translated to "renown", or "glory". It is related to the English word "loud" and carries the implied meaning of "what others hear about you". A Greek hero earns kleos through accomplishing great deeds.
[…] besides the meaning of "glory", kleos can also be used as the medium (in this case, the ancient Greek poetry or song) which conveys glory.
Kleos is invariably transferred from father to son; the son is responsible for carrying on and building upon the "glory" of the father.
That quality of the transfer of kleos, I feel, carrying it on and building it up, is exactly what the Legend of Zelda does by introducing the myth of The Hero and then giving us a cute little enby with a sword to sic upon the world. We, the player character, build upon the legend of our predecessors.
Despite the fact that we’re Hylian and destined to die (sometimes several times), and we’re fighting immortal demons: our story lives on, and theirs doesn’t. So who, in that case, is more human?
At the end of Skyward Sword, Demon Lord Ghirahim has been fully transformed into a weapon spirit, and asks us in raw disbelieving curiosity what we are. Coming from a man who’s just confirmed himself to be a magical AI, who we can narratively assume knows quite a lot about everything there is to know, it’s kind of chilling.
Because we get the girl, we get the glory, we get the validation of our god, we get a future. But I think in the process, past how human our desires are, what we are is something on a mythic scale. And Ghirahim, though he wants exactly the same things in his own way, even though he’s a weapon, is only human compared to us.
It’s a fairytale. We’re the hero. In the face of that inevitability, he never had a chance.
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jadejedi · 1 year
Fantasy Book Review: The Tarot Sequence (Books 1-3) by K.D. Edwards
JJ’s rating: 4.5/5
How feral did it make me: 5/5 
My book reviews
Okay, I read these kind of randomly, not really sure what I was getting into, and oh my god. Oh my god!! Okay, so most of the sci-fi/fantasy books I have read other than these were written by AFAB authors in their 20s and 30s. Which is great, and fine, but that’s a fairly limited perspective. These novels were written by an asexual man in his forties (sorry Keith, just sort of guessing on your age here lmao) and is it weird to say that it’s kind of refreshing to read a mlm romance actually written by a queer man? No, I don’t think so. These books, despite the dark topics they sometimes cover, feel like warm coziness to me. Reading these books feels like following along with a group of your beloved friends. God. I love them. 
Summary time! In a world in which Atlantis was a secret society of demigods called the Arcana (all named after tarot cards) before being destroyed in a civil war with humanity, the remaining Atlantean society has relocated to the island formerly called Nantucket. Rune St. John is the last son of the Sun Court, the rest of the Sun Court destroyed in a mysterious attack that left Rune with emotional, mental, and physical scars. Rune and his Companion (think platonic soulmate meets bodyguard), Brand, hire out their work essentially as mercenaries to scrape by. When a son of Lady Justice goes missing, Rune and Brand are hired to find him. Also, they acquire an orphaned teenager? Are they fathers now? They might be fathers now. 
These characters guys. Holy shit. They are perfect to me. K.D. Edwards was really out here like, what if I just… smash every toxically masculine stereotype out there? What if I make a snarky bodyguard character who unabashedly loves his best friend? What if these two men who have known each other all their lives are not afraid to be open about how important they are to each other and how much they genuinely LOVE each other? What if I make a romantic interest who is patient and kind and loving and not at all threatened by the relationship between his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s oldest and most important relationship? What if I create a relationship between these three men that blurs the lines between romantic and platonic?? What if I create an urban fantasy society in which queerness is normal and accepted, and where polyamory is normal and accepted? What if I make a group of characters who need a family and then FIND ONE WITH EACH OTHER???? WHAT. THEN????? (then we all cry, that’s what)
These books are fun, witty, full of monsters and villains, but also some of the most heartwarming characters and relationships I’ve ever read??? Like, god. These are some of the few books that I have bought both audio book and e-book copies because I could not put them down. I *had* to be reading them, if I were at home, or at work, or in the car. And as soon as I finished them, I picked up the first one and reread them. 
This series is planned to be a trilogy of trilogies, with books 1-3 currently finished, and book 4 being written right now. I am so excited for more of this series, I can’t even tell you. Dear god. 
There is some dark content covered in these books, specifically based around what happened to the Rune on the night when his father’s court was destroyed, so if you have any questions about trigger warnings, don’t hesitate to ask. 
These books are an absolute DELIGHT. They are the queer fantasy I’ve always wanted to read, because Edwards understands that what makes the queer community special is the COMMUNITY. It’s about finding and CHOOSING your family, bitch!
Here’s a meme I made a while back to convince people to read these books (yes I spelled dinosaur wrong. oops):
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attonitos-gloria · 2 months
5,10,16,34. Or whatever you feel like answering! Want to hear your thoughts <3
5. A dead female character you need to save
I already answered Elia Martell for this and it is Elia, it will always be Elia, but I would save Lyanna too - sorry that this is so predictable, it's just young girls should be allowed to be impulsive and make ill-informed, bad decisions without dying for it. and because at the end of the day I cannot bring myself to like Rhaegar.
10. A quote so good it makes you crazy
OH SO MANY I will give you more than one. Get this lying whore out of my sight and I will give you your confession. I feel like eating drywall every time I think too much about the implications of this one. The things we love destroy us every time is also a great one and then there's Bran with So long as those remained, Winterfell remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, I'm not dead either, that still makes me cry to this day.
But nothing hits as hard as It all goes back and back to our mothers and fathers and theirs before them. We are puppets dancing on the strings of those who came before us, and one day our own children will take up our strings and dance in our steads. like the insight he had in this moment. oh my God. he figured it all out.
16. Favorite sibling dynamic
Obviously Jaime/Tyrion/Cersei. I hope they all kill each other horribly at some point. But you know who I also think about a lot? Lyanna and Benjen. Lyanna and Benjen growing up together in Winterfell while Ned and Brandon were fostered away, playing with wooden swords in the godswood; Lyanna and Benjen at the tourney in Harrenhal together, maybe Benjen helping her with the Knight of the Laughing Tree trick - I'm just so sure he helped her. Like he took the black after she died. ): we remember Ned and Brandon going to War for her but it always gets me that Benjen was waiting for her to come back home, and then she didn't. I always thought they must have been very close.
34. What’s something people get wrong about your favorite character?
So, I am thinking about how when Tyrion meets Shae, he hasn't had sex with anyone for a year, and how we are introduced to his character while he's sleepless in Winterfell reading a book and not in a brothel (apparently not a sex addict). and also how he notes that his father keeps silent during council meetings, and so he tries to emulate that habit, of listening before speaking (apparently a person who can and will in fact be quiet during critical moments, councils meetings specifically). And I think about how his first reaction upon finding out Joffrey killed Ned is - I can't believe this, joffrey of all people - to be sympathethic and say 'he's just a boy, when I was his age I was also stupid'. I'm thinking of him arriving at the Lannister camp, surrounded by people - his vassals, Lannister men - and going unnoticed, thinking about how lonely he felt but for a group of savage outliers he bought with his gold on the road and then, in this context of deep, profound loneliness and longing for human connection that could not be found anywhere, he went to Shae for the first time, a woman that he bought with his money, and that he sent Bronn to find for him, another friend he bought. i think a lot about him threatening cersei on alayaya's behalf, too. (one of his best moments, i fear.)
what i'm trying to say, very badly, is that george filled his chapters with so much raw humanity, and a lot of it is brushed away by people going 'tyrion is being self-deprecating/feeling sorry for himself' or 'tyrion is a bad person/a villain/misogynistic/just a rich guy' or, worse, a comic relief, and i just can't understand the awful lack of mercy that he's given compared to similarly horrible men in these books, jaime in particular. it's not that i think people get him completely wrong - he is a villain, after all, sort of a horrible person and indeed he IS a rich mysoginistic guy who feels sorry for himself a lot of the time, but then again, are you even reading the same text i'm reading? aren't we supposed to go through this process with him and..... be able to feel, as readers, at least an ounce of the compassion that he lacks in canon??? isn't that the point of his chapters, my God, or am i missing something crucial here?? it's less about wrong opinions and more....... the total lack of nuance and sympathy that gets me. naturally lots of characters suffer from that fate but with tyrion..... i just take it personally. it IS my life mission to obnoxiously defend tyrion lannister until i die.
but of course you know that already, lol. thank you for letting me vent, i'm sorry for the wall of text. you're great for that. i would also love to hear your thoughts on all of these questions.
everyone should ask me asoiaf questions <3
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findroleplay · 9 months
. 🧚‍♀️
Hey beloveds!
I’m searching for all those fantasy loving people out there. At the moment, I’ve barely gotten past the plotting stage and I’m far too enthused to start some fantasy threads, specifically medieval / historical fantasy threads. I’m overly keen on modern fantasy, I apologise if that is what you were looking for. Now, if that got your attention — a little about me.
My name is Jade, I’m a twenty two year older woman — pronouns are she / her. I’ve been writing for an exceptional ten years, thus leaving me quite experienced. My writing style varies between advantaged literate and novella. I ask my writing partners to be the same, considering I live longer replies. I typically send at least two full discord messages, so I’m on the hunt for somebody who can keep up with that. The more the better, honestly. I’m big on things like Pinterest boards, playlists, art, out of character communication, world building, plotting together, matching energy / being enthusiastic. That is to name just a few. I’m hoping to find a writing partner who’s the same about those things because I truly need it to keep the inspiration flowing. If I don’t have the same energy returned to me, I unfortunately lose muse because I hate one sided enthusiasm. I only write with those eighteen and above. Not under, even if we choose not to include smut. I love smut, but it isn’t required. I’m willing to fade to black too. As for pairings, I am mostly looking for mxf at the moment. I can play both female or male muses, I ask though, please don’t use me for my male muses. As much as I love playing them, it’s gone to a point where it’s just purely expected. I currently have no female muses at this time. I’m happy to play either gender, just don’t be specifically using me for them. Speaking of muses, I use realistic face claims or AI art. I don’t use anime or drawn, they make me uncomfortable for some reason. I require the same for my writing partners. Overall, I’m looking for a friend as well as a writing partner. I’m really hoping to bond and create a really beautiful friendship, it makes writing together all the more fun. If for any reason you are no longer interested then please tell me! I won’t take offence. I’d just rather know! I am fine with darker topics and tropes. Moving on to tropes —
I love the following tropes, but as much as I try to include all of them, there will be some I miss so please bring them all to me if you have one you love that isn’t included because chances are, I adore it too. •. — Enemies to lovers, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, fated mates, villain gets the girl, anti hero’s, morally grey characters, found family, forbidden lovers, star crossed lovers, human x fantasy creature, human turned fantasy creature, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, rivals to lovers, kingdoms at war, any war themed plots, one bed, teaching one to fight, strong female characters, dark male muses, dark powers, hates everyone but them trope, stabby women, intense sexual tension, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, height differences, sun x moon, spicy female muses. There are so many more but I feel like I’ll be listing forever, please note I’m completely okay with darker themes too!! Onto fantasy creatures I enjoy but not limited too •. — Elves, Fae, Dragons, Vampires, Gods, Deities, Witches, Demons. Those are the only ones I can think of, my brain is going blank. Honestly, I like them all. Except, I don’t enjoy playing werewolf muses myself but that isn’t to say you can’t!!
We can double up or leave it as a 1x1 and I’ll be happy either way! I enjoy creating rich lore for our world and I love kingdoms and courts and realms and all those good things. You can either message me yourself or you can interact and I will reach out! I write on discord only, with that; I hope to hear from you soon.
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simsbyali · 1 year
Disney Villains Legacy Challenge
Although there was already one that someone posted, it wasn't as fleshed out as I would've liked... I've compiled a list of villains in order of appearance.. 10 generations starting with the evil queen, and ending with scar... Optional generations as well such....
Disney Villains Legacy Challenge
This is another one that I’ve wanted to do for a while. However, I am well aware that there is one of these out there, but this one is going to be different. This is a generational legacy challenge with villains from almost every single movie in Disney’s catalog (I say almost every single movie because of the fact that I hand picked the villains and left out any villains from movies that I haven’t seen, or animals that wouldn’t work in human form. If your favorite Disney villain is missing, you’re more than free to add him/her to your game). You can do these in any order, and the legacy rules apply, but with some room for cheats (money cheats only) and pregnancy mods (mainly because I like using them, especially with gender-specific heirs)
Generation 1: The Evil Queen
“Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
The game starts with the Evil Queen as the founder. You are vain and envious of sims that are prettier than you. Your one main goal is to be the most beautiful in the land.
Must have Mansion Baron aspiration
Must have Jealous, Evil, and Materialistic traits.
Must max out Charisma skill
Marry a rich man, and become a stepmother to his daughter.
Have 1 biological child by your husband. (Daughter preferred for Lady Tremaine, but up to you)
Stepdaughter is responsible for the cooking and the cleaning (Neat and Foodie traits)
Husband must die when the stepdaughter becomes a teen 
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Generation 2: Lady Tremaine
“You clumsy little fool. Clean that up then help my daughters dress.”
Being the only child of your family, you were spoiled and given the world. Used to not working hard labor, your main goal is finding a wealthy husband, and making sure your daughters are taken care of for the rest of your life. Your story begins when you reach Young Adult.
Must have Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Must have Jealous and Mean traits.
Must marry twice to rich men. 
Must have 3 biological daughters, and 1 stepdaughter.
The stepdaughter will be responsible for the cooking and cleaning (Foodie and Neat traits)
Must lose husbands once daughters become children
2 of your biological daughters must have the Lazy and Materialistic traits
Optional Pack: Cats & Dogs (Lucifer)
Generation 3: Queen of Hearts
“I warn you child… if I lose my temper, you lose your head! Understand?”
Living with your family, you’ve become a spoiled child and want everything handed to you. If you don’t get what you want, you punish those who you feel have wronged you. Your story begins as a teenager.
Must have Public Enemy aspiration
Must have Childish, Hot-Headed, and Erratic traits
Must meet and marry a man with the opposite traits as you
Must have at least 4 children (this represents the different suits of a pack of cards)
One of the 4 children must be a boy.
Generation 4: Captain James Hook
“Oh, Smee, the way of a man with a maid: taking the best years of her life and then casting her aside like an old glove!”
You were born with a disfigurement, but nonetheless it doesn’t stop you from enjoying your life. Unlike your siblings, you discovered a love for the outdoors and fishing. Your story starts when you’re a young adult.
Must have the Angler Ace aspiration
Optional Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Must live close to water or in a houseboat (IL)
Must have the Loves Outdoors and Ambitious traits
Optional Trait: Child of the Ocean
Never marry
Adopt a child
Child must have a friend that Hook despises (placeholder for Peter Pan) 
Generation 5: Maleficent
“The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her. *But*... before the sun sets on her 16th birthday, she shall prick her finger- on the spindle of a spinning wheel- and DIE!”
Growing up in a small family, you were used to having your parent(s) attention. As a result, you do not like to be ignored, and make people pay for ignoring that you exist. Your story begins as a teen.
Must have Public Enemy aspiration
Must have Jealous, Evil, and Ambitious traits
Never marry
Have at least 1 child
Child must have lazy trait
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Generation 6: Cruella De Vil
“My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs! After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn’t?”
You were a spoiled child who always got what you wanted. Now, you never take no for an answer, even if it means breaking the law. You love having a lavish lifestyle, and thrive on having nice things. Your story begins as a teenager.
Must have the Public Enemy aspiration
Must join the Criminal career
Must have Evil, Kleptomaniac, and Erratic traits
Optional Traits: Materialistic, Snob
Marry someone in the criminal career
Have 2 children
Favor one child over the other (this works with either Ursula or Hades, if you’d like to switch them out for one another)
If you’re using the Relationship Pregnancy Overhaul mod, you can set it to where Ursula is an unwanted pregnancy as well
Generation 7: Ursula
“My dear, sweet child… that’s what I do! It’s what I live for, to help unfortunate merfolk, like yourself. Poor souls with no one else to turn to.”
Living under the limelight of your sibling, you’ve grown to resent your mother. You strive now to prove that you are the better child and will stop at nothing to take away the glory that you deserve. Your story starts as a child.
Must have Renaissance Sim aspiration
Must have Ambitious, Evil, and Jealous traits
Optional Traits: Child of the Islands, Self-Assured
Must max out the Charisma skill
Optional Pack: Realm of Magic
Have blue skin and “ugly” features until you meet your husband, then become “beautiful”
Have at least 1 child 
Generation 8: Gaston LeGume
“Belle, it’s about time you got your head out of those books and pay attention to more important things. Like me.”
Growing up, you were constantly told by strangers that you were handsome, and it gave you a big ego. You tend to focus a lot more on being popular than your studies, and your parents don’t correct your behavior. This starts when you’re a child.
Must have Serial Romantic aspiration.
Must have Loves Outdoors, Materialistic, and Self-Assured traits.
Must like Fitness, and spend all his time working out, or doing stereotypical manly things such as fishing or fighting.
Meet a girl and become obsessed, despite her not wanting to have anything to do with you.
Make sure she despises you.
Must have high Charisma skill
Must have a child with a blond woman who is in love with you
Represents one of the 3 Bimbettes
Have a Best Friend who is basically just your yes man
Generation 9: Jafar
“A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself belongs on the arm of the most powerful man in the world.”
Unlike your father, you prefer to outsmart people than physically intimidate them. You spend all your time focusing on your studies, whereas your father is more interested in physical activities. This begins when you’re a young adult.
Must have The Curator aspiration
Must have the Self-Assured, Outgoing, and Evil traits
Must make a habit of doing homework every day
Have no friends
Optional Packs: Realm of Magic
Must not marry until you’re an adult
Have at least 2 children
The youngest child gets treated poorly
Generation 10: Scar
“Life’s not fair, is it? You see I, well I shall never be king. And you? Shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.”
You grew up as the youngest child. Your older sibling was chosen for greatness while you got the bottom of the barrel in everything. You want what your sibling wants, and the only way you can get it is if you get rid of them. This story begins when you’re a teenager.
Must have Mansion Baron aspiration
Must have Ambitious and Self-Assured traits
Not allowed to leave the house for anything other than school
To be extra cruel, build a basement bedroom and keep him in there unless it’s for school or to be fed.
Must have a scar across one eye
Your sibling marries and has a kid
Lose your sibling in a freak accident, and move in with your sibling’s spouse
Kick your sibling’s child out of the house, and don’t take care of the house
Never marry
Never have children
(You can stop with Scar, or continue with other generations. The choice is yours)
Other Optional Generations include:
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Prince John (Robin Hood)
Governor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)
Claude Frollo (The Humpback of Notre Dame)
Hades (Hercules)
Shan Yu (Mulan)
Clayton (Tarzan)
Yzma (The Emperor’s New Groove)
Michael “Goob” Yagoobian aka “Bowler Hat Guy” (Meet the Robinsons)
Doctor Facilier (Princess and the Frog)
Mother Gother (Tangled) Turbo/King Candy (Wreck-It Ralph)
Prince Hans (Frozen)
Te Ka (Moana)
(I would’ve set out the rules for the optional generations, but my brain hurts from writing the 10 generations I fleshed out…. I’m sorry….)
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
Hey beloveds.
I’m searching for all those fantasy loving people out there. At the moment, I’ve barely gotten past the plotting stage and I’m far too enthused to start some fantasy threads, specifically medieval / historical fantasy threads. I’m overly keen on modern fantasy, I apologise if that is what you were looking for. Now, if that got your attention — a little about me.
My name is Jade, I’m a twenty one year older woman — pronouns are she / her. I’ve been writing for an exceptional ten years, thus leaving me quite experienced. My writing style varies between advantaged literate and novella. I ask my writing partners to be the same, considering I live longer replies. I typically send at least two full discord messages, so I’m on the hunt for somebody who can keep up with that. The more the better, honestly. I’m big on things like Pinterest boards, playlists, art, out of character communication, world building, plotting together, matching energy / being enthusiastic. That is to name just a few. I’m hoping to find a writing partner who’s the same about those things because I truly need it to keep the inspiration flowing. If I don’t have the same energy returned to me, I unfortunately lose muse because I hate one sided enthusiasm. I only write with those eighteen and above. Not under, even if we choose not to include smut. I love smut, but it isn’t required. I’m willing to fade to black too. As for pairings, I am mostly looking for mxf at the moment. I can play both female or male muses, I ask though, please don’t use me for my male muses. As much as I love playing them, it’s gone to a point where it’s just purely expected. I currently have no female muses at this time. I’m happy to play either gender, just don’t be specifically using me for them. Speaking of muses, I use realistic face claims or AI art. I don’t use anime or drawn, they make me uncomfortable for some reason. I require the same for my writing partners. Overall, I’m looking for a friend as well as a writing partner. I’m really hoping to bond and create a really beautiful friendship, it makes writing together all the more fun. If for any reason you are no longer interested then please tell me! I won’t take offence. I’d just rather know! I am fine with darker topics and tropes. Moving on to tropes —
I love the following tropes, but as much as I try to include all of them, there will be some I miss so please bring them all to me if you have one you love that isn’t included because chances are, I adore it too. •. — Enemies to lovers, childhood friends to enemies to lovers, fated mates, villain gets the girl, anti hero’s, morally grey characters, found family, forbidden lovers, star crossed lovers, human x fantasy creature, human turned fantasy creature, traumatic pasts, grumpy x sunshine, rivals to lovers, kingdoms at war, any war themed plots, one bed, teaching one to fight, strong female characters, dark male muses, dark powers, hates everyone but them trope, stabby women, intense sexual tension, men who simp over their women, touch her / him and die, height differences, sun x moon, spicy female muses. There are so many more but I feel like I’ll be listing forever, please note I’m completely okay with darker themes too!! Onto fantasy creatures I enjoy but not limited too •. — Elves, Fae, Dragons, Vampires, Gods, Deities, Witches, Demons. Those are the only ones I can think of, my brain is going blank. Honestly, I like them all. Except, I don’t enjoy playing werewolf muses myself but that isn’t to say you can’t!!
We can double up or leave it as a 1x1 and I’ll be happy either way! I enjoy creating rich lore for our world and I love kingdoms and courts and realms and all those good things. You can either message me yourself or you can interact and I will reach out! I write on discord only, with that; I hope to hear from you soon.
interact if interested!
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cantovi · 8 months
A new thread can help us avoid scrolling through our own wall of texts, this discussion is making me feel like I’m on an old school internet forum lol.
Oh, totally agree on people tending to avoid more ‘difficult’ works when it comes to their themes and morality. And violence tends to be such an easy thing for us to look pass in fiction (see how easy it is for more out there gore to be deemed fine in shounen), I’m not complaining, just something to note really. A little sad it doesn’t sell as much still, because art to me is “problematic”, a place where we are placed before the many facets of humanity and can safely explore them.
Hmm, character archetypes. Let me see, you’re right I totally love a well written underdog; I’m a villain liker in general so I tend to gravitate towards villains first; hedonistic characters are on top for me (like give me a character who’s driving force is “fun” and “pleasure” and explora that as a flaw and quality, good stuff); a corrupted hero when well done is rare, but certain to hook me (Phos from HnK stays winning); non-human or immortal character who lives in and out of societal conventions by choice and\or nature; characters who are looking for a good fight\challenge in their field of expertise even when simplistic do a lot for (Majima Goro, my beloved I know there’s more to you, but yeah); devil archetypes (almost forgot them) and; last just characters that make me say “freak” affectionately out loud (Baku on every other page in Usogui).
What about you? I’m not even making a guess, I feel your tastes on archetypes could be really eclectic from your favourites so far (this is a compliment).
Yeah, certain male authors have this more “divorced” perspective on it and tend to use it for more shock value than anything, like c’mon dude, that’s not how it works. Cliché answer from me, but it’s Monster so far since I’ve been taking it slow with Urosawa’s stuff, I haven’t even read 20th century boys yet, next on my list of his though, I don’t doubt the praise at all.
Okay, good to know on Sako’s art style, yeah older characters of his look aged down a little (no more real old men for us, I guess) and his burlier characters lost like 10 to 20 kg (a little bit of the Araki disease if I might say it), I mostly don’t mind this type on stylization, but we’ll see how I feel on a longer stretch of chapters.
Hahaha, a bunch of pokemon moves. And music feels essential to capoeira, I’ve never seen a match without it.
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maguro13-2 · 9 months
Darkness Reborn ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Final Chapter Pt. 5 ~
*Keyboard Typing*
Cid : Come on, you piece of junk! Don't go ballistic on me, you piece of crap! This has gotta be the database the Time Eater has left something from Soul World. Now we can finally live up to this Soul Eater garbage and give the real world a piece of their mind. I can't wait to see the secrets of going behind the scenes of the manga itself.
Aerith : Whatever there is, there's plenty of database within computer memory space. I'm sure anyone will might know that this Shinigami had to cover up a few secrets.
Cid : You sure know how to feel like a genius that knows about computers and data, but I wouldn't mindly recommend Merlin of calling myself a smart ass.
Merlin : Language!
Cid : Sorry!
Sora : So, Tron. Did you find anything the Kusakabe database?
Tron (as the computer) : Hmm, I did find any database within the Kusakabe's data, but I believe that there are no evidence of Shinra's involvement with the Heartlesses. It's what the Time Eater has left something for after it destroyed the Ohkuboverse in half, only to make sure that Shinra died and one person that was executed, Shinra and his beloved Iris died before the last one was executed and has recorded some footage about a pink-haired witch who was a chained to a chair during the execution video. The men of his influence does like to keep truth out of the public eye and the witches their selves.
Sora : So who was the witch from the Ohkuboverse that the time Eater executed?
[Black Noise (Space Colony ARK ver.) - Kenichi Tokoi]
Sora : Hey, what's happening?!
Cid : What the hell's going on?! What's happening?! What's all this?!
Squall : Sora! I just found out that something must've happened from the Space Colony ARK! The computer in the Central Control room, has been activated by the seven items.
Sora : How did you know that seven items have activated the control room? What are those items that Sonic was talking about? Is it the seven lights or, the seven dwarfs, I wonder what were those seven items? *DING!* Of course, the Chaos Emeralds! Some "one" or Some "thing" managed to use the Chaos Emeralds to activate the machine in the ARK's Central Control, where a mass weapon of destruction that is capable of destroying a planet. Codename : Eclipse Cannon!
Cid : Excellent idea, Genius! Why would some "one" or some "thing" used a bunch of jewels to activate the machine and caused a virus to make the data go haywire!? Maybe I bet it's the DWMA'S fault that is causing their problems on us! Tch! The bastards and their stinkin' weapons can all just suck my nuts and see if they like it.
Tron : (yelling in pain)
Sora : Tron! Tron! What's wrong?! Are you okay!
Tron : HRRRRGHHH!!! THE...THE EVIDENCE! I FOUND THE EVIDENCE! It's the footage that I found within the Kusakabe database, this is what made the heroes and villains of Soul World , I meant the humans and witches hating each other! It's this! (Shows the same of footage Inca chained to a chair) I found that the remaining survivors of the Ohkuboverse's attack, it's the pink-haired witch that originated the Majo Order in Soul World!
Cid : Well, I'll be a son of a gun. If it ain't the ancestor of Kimial Diehl, Inca Kasugatani. AKA the true mother of all witches that ruled over witchkind. But is still a thrill-seeking nutcase to Shinra after his 1000 years of death.
Sora : Now I that I officially explained to everything. I'm beginning to think that Kimial Diehl has a long lost relative and she's actually a descendant to the Japanese. Now I'm getting to the point of these plot twists that solves a great mystery and puzzles to figure it out. Smart move for a detective like her. Now I understand why the witches of Soul Eater existed in the first place. The Time Eater was using a copied footage of Gerald's Execution, and for that safety measures, it really is up to something that no one has ever done it along time, If Kimial Diehl was really a witch that was orginated from pink-haired japanese clutz who is a seeker of thrills and violence. I don't know why she went crazy just for Shinra.
Sora : Guys! Look! It's the footage! It's making a broadcast that will spread across the globe! I think this must've been the Time Eater's doing!
[Madness - Kenichi Tokoi]
Cid : That crazy bastard...
[People mumbling]
Inca Kasugatani (seen from Footage) : Shinra-Kun, my dear. I am giving you this message to all of Real World AU. Listen to my voice carefully. I am giving Real World AU a warning that this will be their death sentence to every heartlesses that have scattered around the planet. So if my theories and caculations are correct, the Ohkuboverse will shatter the Real World in about 1000 years from the Ohkuboverse before the Time Eater destroys it all! You hear me, Shinra-kun? Both you and your foolish family will pay for your transgressions and your influece shall be vanished and destroyed in Real World AU, along with their great planet earth!
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : No way...Inca. You're finally here to see me again.
Inca Kasugatani (Broadcasting) : I'll be waiting for you to see me again, Shinra-Kun. Don't forget about the platonic love we've created. Just hope that I wish that we could've find a different way for us to handle the pain and suffering that we did.
Shinra (Devil Chaos Chao) : No...Inca...It can't be...Inca, what happened to you? Why were you chained up? I'm sorry that even if you failed, I...I still had my chance of you making me chase after you! If I only wanted to save you, I could've saved both you and Iris. I tried...I tried! We all died...We all died and had our 1000 years of death, all because of you! (looks up into the sky, screams in rage) INCAAAAAAA!!!
"Shinra-Kun. At long last, I can finally hear your voice once more."
" I'm finally glad that you finally remembered me, the world you created shall cease into nothingness or end in Total darkness."
"Whatever fate shall holds, You will never forget me and I'll be there by your side."
"I gave my promise to you, Shinra."
"That is what I wished for."
Inca Kasugatani : Gomenne...Shinra-kun.
~ Eighty-First Scene : Love of a Witch ~
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