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highvaluemaledating · 4 years
3 Ways To Be Your Awesome, Confident Self… Even If Rejection From Women Terrifies You!
Guys, I know sometimes dealing with women is like putting your hand in a jar of live scorpions (or Cacti if you will)…
we can be a little prickly.
And even the most resilient bloke isn’t immune when he strides up to her in the bar/gym/supermarket/online to strike up a conversation…
and she goes from Cindy Crawford to Satan in 2 seconds flat (or 2 months in)…
which leaves him thinking, ‘What the F did I say?’ and can scare him from trying again.
So the way to overcome this is to be so grounded in yourself that her ‘Satan’ button isn’t aroused and you get the number (to be fair, when you see yourself as high value, you won’t tolerate women with Satan buttons anyway).
So I’ll stop rambling & get into it;
1. Drop The ‘No Confidence’ Vibe
The whole confidence thing is just a construct. It’s not real.
You don’t have to ‘act’ confident or be something you’re not…
you already ARE confident (again, a construct — but for the sake of driving home the point…).
The ‘act’ is acting like you’re not confident because of fake reasons (how’s that for a brain flip?).
Let go of believing you need to be anything other than who you are… and watch your life transform.
You’ll come back to your set point of ‘You-ness’… and you’re just being your awesome, confident self…
unattached to what she’s saying, doing or being.
She’ll feel that. And like it :)
2. Slow Down
Most of the struggle is from pressure you put on yourself.
That’s all.
So when you slow down, you calm down your nervous system & get back into alignment with yourself.
Which means being yourself.
She’ll feel that. And like it :)
3. Ignore Shit Dating Advice
The irony’s lost on me here…
just making sure I don’t give you shit dating advice myself 😳💩
Back in 2009, I was teaching pick up tactics to guys (even went to LA to learn from a pick up artist).
But it was all about ‘negging’, using lines and basically being a dick to break down insecure women (which isn’t hard) to get laid.
Fact is, lines, tactics and all that crap works…
until it comes to crunch time and you have to think for yourself again.
So when you handle your mindset, you’ll trust yourself more & be unashamedly you.
And if you master #1 & #2, you’ll have no need for #3.
She’ll feel that. And like it :)
Ains 😍
She Wants You, How To Make Her See It eBook
Download my book & bonus audio to get my secret guide to getting the woman you want as a High Value Male https://highvaluemaledating.com/she-wants-you-how-to-make-her-see-it
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