#mental breakdown in a kindergarten classroom
matryx7728 · 7 months
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this is some form of vent art but it’s making me laugh so i figured id post it here
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gard3nias · 2 months
08| Fuck you!
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wc: 6.10k
date: 27/07/2024
quick summary: thursday; daphne is in her physics class and she can't understand shit; she has a little mental breakdown and takes it out on her friends
mdi // masterlist // playlist
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—Now playing: Hell N Back by Bakar, Summer Walker ✫
As we talked about before, Wednesdays are meant to be gloomy and rainy while Thursdays are the polar opposite. This week, though, the weight distinguishing Thursdays wasn't as big and failed to overpower Wednesday's moody look.
The sun was there, up in the sky but behind clouds, masses of clouds which moved in packs with the wind. These packs were big enough to overshadow the sun who fought hard to pierce its rays between their gaps.
The humans inhabiting Earth were oblivious to this fight, they simply looked up and sighed, barely catching the sun's presence and preparing for rain.
The day wasn't exactly gloomy. It's Thursday, remember? But it was an unusual Thursday presenting a simultaneously warm and murky look—the sun might not have shone through the gaps but the heat was still lingering in the air, maintaining the temperature of a typical late summer morning.
Right out from the heat of town, the noise levelled down. The more you went further, the more it did.
Each school seemed to be in a box of its own or at least separated by a tall wall.
Within the fence of the kindergarten, the environment was saturated with noise, with laughs from both teachers and the little students, screams coming from crying or excited kids, and every other little noise that could help identify a kindergarten.
The elementary school wasn't so different from the latter but a bit more serious. The students were all within the walls of their classroom following the teacher.
The same went for the middle-schoolers whose classrooms though were a bit more silent with a few more serious and attentive students.
At the end of the street, upon a hill, was the most silent box, containing the high school. Here, the students' seriousness was on another level—wasn't necessarily on school but you get it. The classrooms were way more silent if not completely mute. No teacher was screaming at the top of their lungs to get the students' attention although some were obliged to interrupt their class so they could confiscate the phones of disobedient ones.
Daphne's classroom wasn't witnessing such a show at the moment. It was mildly silent, some students were talking but not loud enough to disturb others besides it was just the second hour of the day: most of them were still half asleep if not fast asleep.
Less than twenty minutes before break-time. Mr Keeley was sitting at his desk supposedly teaching a topic he'd surely include in the end-of-the-month test.
He, for sure, had the looks of a scary and serious teacher but the tone of a careless and lifeless one. Physics is already a subject that is not objectively liked so for him to have chosen to study it further means that he likes it. Yet why does his voice say otherwise? Why does he sound like he'd die the next moment? Why is everything he's saying lacking sense?
Daphne was confused. Nothing that hit her eardrums registered to anything sensible in her brain and when she tried to understand what the book said, the letters would just shuffle and form words in gibberish.
She never thought physics was this hard, this bad. In the city, she didn't struggle with it but, from the results, one could tell that it was her weak point, the soft spot that she had to keep hidden not to let the ship sink.
But now? Now it was worse. The ship didn't have a weak point anymore, it had straight-up holes and was already sinking.
Coming out of her trance of confusion, she decided to look around herself and register, at least, her surroundings.
With the lack of artificial lights, the warm gloom outside made the classroom appear dim like on a late summer evening.
Oh, how much she wished the people sitting behind her were as silent and focused as the ones in the front. She looked beside her, wondering if the chit-chattering was bothering Cleo just as much but her friend was fully invested in her iPad. They gave each other a part to do in the group project which they had to complete before their meeting today.
Cleo was behind with hers hence the lack of focus on physics—"I don't understand it anyway" was her usual remark to which Daphne rolled her eyes.
Usually, physics wasn't this bad. Was it the countryside air?
Yesterday, she spent the afternoon studying and doing homework. It rained the whole time and a weather like that set the mood for a good study time in Daphne's world. The ticking sound of rain hitting the glass windows felt like a scratch on her neurons which had two consequences: a good sleep or a good study time. Unfortunately, the ticking this time made her grow frustrated when she couldn't get the exercises right.
Mr Keeley had assigned four exercises he considered important for the test so Daphne made sure to study the theory very well and take good notes before hopping on to the practice. She didn't expect the exercises to prove that what she believed she'd understood was just a ball of confusion that would get bigger and worse the more she tried to understand what she didn't.
"Go to page thirty-four and let's analyse exercise fifteen together. Please take notes because this exercise is a very recurring type and you'll surely find it in the test." These words were enough to wake up sleeping students, snap back to reality daydreaming ones and catch the attention of those minding their business—all this because of the word 'test'.
"Please, can you write it for me? I'm almost done with this but I still need some time," Cleo pleaded and Daphne slowly nodded, knowing that regardless of paying attention, whatever she'd be writing in her notebook would still make no sense to her.
And so it was. She kept writing, word after word. Words that made sense if taken singularly but couldn't if taken together. She also highlighted some keywords which usually are important for you to remember details of the topic and yet, looking at them, Daphne could only tell you what the word meant for itself and couldn't attach it to the physics topic.
She once again falls into a trance similar to the ones in the movies when doodles start appearing and disappearing in the character's view, overlapping each other and most importantly, making some sense. In Daphne's case, the doodles weren't real doodles but ugly scribbles with a few words taken out of context. So yeah, no sense at all.
All this disappeared when she heard the word 'test' again.
"So the test will be in two weeks on the second of October and these are the topics..." The students around her were taking notes, making sure not to forget a thing Mr Keeley said but Daphne started feeling anxious. Test? What do you mean 'test'? Why? No! And before she could really have an anxiety attack, the bell rang signalling the beginning of break-time.
"That's all for today. Please study and exercise and if you have any questions don't be scared to come to ask for clarification," these words were typical of a teacher. They sounded nice, explained that the teacher was available for the students, and yet hearing them in Mr Keeley's tone made them lose that effect and him sound like he was forced to do so.
Daphne didn't give two shits though. She was determined to ask for clarification.
"Oof! I can't believe it! I'm done," Cleo celebrated, turned the device off and was ready to exit the classroom but she stopped, "Daph? What's wrong?" her friend was hunched over her notebook, eyebrows furrowed as she tried to force herself to understand. It can't be that hard, can it?
"Light... Refraction... Reflection... Diffraction..." Daphne murmured, sliding through her notebook to make sure she had all the notes and also to be able to pinpoint, that's it, pinpoint where her confusion lays but a pin-point wouldn't be enough—pin-pointing is for tiny things, her confusion isn't.
"Young's experiment... Interference... Double reflection— Cleo, I'm doomed," the respondent nodded to signal her presence and attention before she registered the words and frowned in confusion. "Doomed? What do you mean?" Daphne was strange right now. She was murmuring to herself as if possessed, expressions designed her face and changed within split seconds and her eyes wandered on the pages, running from top to bottom and left to right.
"I'm doomed, Cleo. All these notes and not one word makes sense to me." After this clarification, Cleo's worry dissolved and she softly smiled, "That's all? You have nothing to worry about, it's completely normal. First, it's physics, not common sense. Second, no one in class understands this topic. Not even Valerie so you have nothing to worry about. Don't stress over it, especially now,"
"What does that even fucking mean?!—"
"Hey, hey! Why are you raising your voice at our lovely Cleo, huh?" James interfered, leaning on her desk. He was obviously joking and exaggerating it but Daphne still glared holes in his face, moved the pencil case he was partly pressing with his thigh and left with her notebook in her hands after replying with utter silence.
"Damn. What the fuck did I say wrong?" he questioned, looking at Cleo with confused eyes. "She's just anxious and frustrated because the test is coming up and she can't understand half shit," Cleo sighed, looking over to Daphne who was now standing next to Mr Keeley.
"That's completely fucking normal. It's physics..." Nick laughed, "This topic is shit and Mr Keeley is shit, making it two shits, extra layers." Cleo chuckled but still worriedly looked at Daphne.
The expressions on her friend's face pushed her to call for the boys' attention. "Hey, look at her. I feel like she's still not understanding anything,"
"I told you. The problem is Mr Keeley". Seconds after, Daphne quickly smiled, mouthed a 'thank you' and came back to her desk. Her friends followed her with their eyes.
"He sounds like a fucking robot going through a fucking system malfunction but trying to act nonchalant about it. He explained everything the same exact fucking way he's been doing it ever since. What the fuck?" she whisper-yelled in a single breath. Her friends chuckled, in fact, the boys full-heartedly laughed while Cleo was in between joining them and worrying for Daphne whose face didn't flinch a bit—and it was a problem because Nick has one of the most contagious laughs on Earth.
"If you're that worried, you can ask for help from tutors. The seniors do it," Daphne's only reply was dropping her head on the desk, arms flushed down and a cheek swelled up as she rested the other on her notebook. "Come on Daph," Asher tried to console her by pinching her cheeks. She still didn't move and yet her friends took that as their cue to really cheer her up.
"Daphne?" they sang. Cleo robbed her hair while Nick and James attacked her with tickles. "H-hey! Guys, stop!" she finally smiled, laughed in fact, and also tickled them back. "Come on, let's get you something so you don't stop smiling".
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—Now playing: Zzz by EDEN ✫
"Okay, you've got to be honest, Daph. Group projects are really only for useless subjects that can't evaluate you with a common written test," Nick argued, one arm around Daphne's shoulder and the other hand in his pocket. On Daphne's right were Cleo and James. Asher was on Nick's left.
Nick's remark caused Daphne to roll her eyes as she thought that it wasn't necessarily true. "Be grateful we don't do group projects on subjects like chemistry or physics. They require deeper research and better preparation for the oral evaluation," she rebutted.
He could hear her thanks to the closeness because the noise from students excited to get back home was very loud. They, on the other hand, weren't heading home. They had plans: lunch together at a little restaurant and a study session at the library.
Nick's arm remained around her shoulders the whole time, even when he had to greet friends passing by or when they were trekking down the hill and into town. He was worried that Daphne was still sad about physics so he wanted to remind her that he was right here, next to her, with her, just like the rest.
Daphne didn't know this and was simply unbothered, considering it a usual thing he does to everyone in his friend group.
Soon, the chaos in town increased as students left school.
They couldn't go to El Grillo's Cuisine because the library was closer to their school than the restaurant so they opted for a little place to have a quick bite.
Exactly, the place was a little cafè that also served a full lunch. The interior was very simple and went for earthy colours, grey and smooth pavement, light brown walls and ceiling, brown chairs and tables and plants scattered evenly around.
The waiter did them the favour of joining two tables for them to eat together and once they sat down, he took their orders and left. Some ordered meat-based meals, others pasta and others rice. Daphne othered a bowl of white rice with a stew made with spinach and meat. Cleo ordered something similar but it was a Singaporean speciality.
"Now, Daph, promise me you won't get mad—"
"You didn't finish your part of the project, right?" she monotonously finished his sentence before sipping water from her cup, eyes glaring into Nick's face. "Thank god you said it first," James murmured, seeing the look on her face, one that quickly changed when she gasped realising that they both hadn't finished their parts of the project.
"You both didn't do shit? What the fuck? What are we supposed to be doing today then?"
"That's something I should be asking you, Daph. Aren't we supposed to work on the project together? At the same time? Giving these parts basically makes it an individual work," Daphne facepalmed herself. She thought it was obvious.
"You know very well it's impossible to work seriously with you two in the same room and most especially we all need to know each other's parts and not just ours that's why we need to separate it. You can't even finish the little part you have. Imagine having to read the whole shit from top to bottom," she calmly spoke because she was feeling like stress was already getting to her and didn't want to lash out at her friends. James didn't utter another word but simply apologized and promised to finish it quickly later at the library.
"I have a feeling Daph is going to beat Valerie," Nick changed the topic, a grin on his face as he spoke. "What?" Daphne cackled but she was honestly confused. Everyone agreed with Nick, bringing up their suspicions and assumptions and increasing her puzzlement.
"Yeah, you take school so seriously—"
"Duh, she's a smart ass, didn't you know?"
"Wait, wait. Why are y'all saying that all of a sudden?" she interrupted before filling her mouth with water, "Cause you're smart as fuck and the other person in class who's like you is Valerie. In fact, you're really the only one who can compete against her," Cleo robotically explained. By the tone, Daphne suspected they must have already talked about this beforehand and were just now saying it to her.
"Why would I compete against her?" Daphne's eyes bounced from one face to the other. 'These little shits have already discussed this without me', she thought to herself.
"Valerie's annoying," Asher broke the ice and Daphne's jaw slightly dropped. "What do you mean 'annoying'?" she looked over at Cleo but this one didn't look back at her or object.
"Here are your orders," the waiter said as he dropped the plates in front of the silent friends. The real one silent was Daphne though. Asher didn't look bothered. Nick and James were smirking and Cleo looked at Daphne like nothing had happened.
"But the way you talked about her on the first day of school made it sound like she was nice to be around," and silence.
"I told you that because that is literally her whole personality. Yes, she can be nice... if she likes you else she's always going to smack her academic performance in your face because she knows it's the only way she can get to someone," Cleo explained and the boys nodded in agreement.
"Did she ever say something to y'all?" Daphne asked, now taking a spoonful of rice, "Yeah, she loathes Nick and James, secretly dislikes Cleo too but wants to remain friends because Cleo's popular in school," Daphne gasped, chuckled, and laughed.
"Didn't you see her face last week when we were creating the groups for the project? She looked at us like we were pieces of shit, scared that she'd end up in the group with us. She thinks she's some kind of queen bee. Working on a project with her is freaking terrible. She pressures people because she instantly thinks that you're not good enough and starts scrutinizing you, believing that you suck and only she rocks. The fuck?"
Daphne was surprised, to say the least, but also scared, "Am I mean to y'all because of school?" she questioned worriedly, "Bullshit! Your personality isn't based on your grades. Your love for picking flowers has nothing to do with your academic performance and you've never mocked us for our performance so you're good," Daphne nodded, glad she wasn't like Valerie. "Then what do I have to do with her since y'all say I can compete against her?" She continued.
"We always thought no one would ever be able to beat her ass but God sent you our way and now we have you who can shut her up by giving her a taste of her own medicine," James messily spoke with a mouth full of food.
"Why do y'all allow her to be class president then? Cleo told me that she's been the one doing it for years now. You can't let someone like that represent the class,"
"Because she's the teachers' pet. If there are problems with any teacher, she's the only one who knows how to deal with the issue respectfully cause if it was up to me..." Cleo chuckled and the boys tagged along, picturing her as class president.
"Cleo looks all nice and bubbly but she can say the meanest shit when she's angry. You haven't heard her arguing with a teacher when they grade her wrongly," Asher explained before filling his mouth with food.
"Don't need to tell me. She just changed her hobby because when she was younger all she could do was whine. Oh god! How much I hated that?" Daphne smiled as Cleo's mouth remained open in bewilderment. "How fucking dare you? First I was just a child. Second, what the fuck, Daph?" she tried complaining but a smile kept making her fail the attempt.
"Oh, true. You two have known each other since babyhood. What about that?" Nick interfered, gaining a choked laugh from Daphne. "Babyhood?" she laughed.
"We're neighbours, dickhead. Precisely, I'm neighbours with her grandparents with whom she lives now," Nick nodded eagerly in acknowledgement before taking another big chunk of food from his plate and proceeding to talk with his mouth full, "Sorry if she now lives with her grandparents, how the fuck do you know each other?"
"Oh, you pig! You gon choke on your food," James mocked and the rest laughed. Nick simply winked at them. "I used to come here in the summer and spend the holidays with my grandparents."
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—Now playing: Spite by Omar Apollo ✫
As the day went on, the packs of clouds eventually faded away and the sun finally brightened the day.
By the time they were done eating and entered the library, it was mid-afternoon, around half past three.
Since Nick and James were present, their walk there was not silent because they couldn't hold back from making hilarious jokes and laughing loudly at them as well. All this noise had to be tamed down once they closed the library's glass door behind them.
It was a three-story building, the higher you went the more silent it became.
The bottom floor was left for special events that often included kids. The first floor was composed of rows and rows of bookshelves, the rhythm broken by the counter at the end of the room where the staff was. The second and last floor was the reading area.
They didn't even bother taking the stairs, going straight for the elevators without noticing Daphne's spinning head exploring her surroundings because it was her first time here.
In the city, there were multiple libraries and obviously Daphne went to the closest to home which had the same setting as this one with the only difference being the colours.
Underneath her feet were milk-coloured tiles while the walls were covered in different shades of light-brown and beige tones. The place was naturally well-lit thanks to the numerous windows it had.
Her friends were busy talking in whispering tones but she remained silent observing and making mental comparisons. Next to the elevators were the vending machines. She'd later realise that it was so for every floor. Once the lift arrived, they got on and pressed on the number two.
From the looks of the bottom floor and the silence overcoming the whole building, Daphne could have never sworn that there would be so many people in the study area. The place was so packed, which was surprising since school had just started and no exams were on yet. It took them a bit of awkward walking around before they could find a spot big enough to welcome all five of them: a wide desk by the windows in one of the corners of the room.
Like she always does, Daphne sat next to the window and right beside her was James.
Before anything, Nick and James brought their devices out and immediately dived into work so they could finish quickly as promised. Cleo opened hers as well and rechecked what she hurriedly finished in class. Asher had finished his part the previous day so he decided to grab the opportunity and do some homework. Daphne did the same but with physics.
Could she need two brains to understand this topic? Not possible. She just has to read everything slowly, clarify any misunderstandings as soon as she gets them and try to interpret what she read with the help of the explanatory drawings in her book. Can't be that hard, can it?
She took her book and notebook, pencil case and agenda in a corner. The first thing she opened was her notebook where she believes the topic is explained with simple words because it contains her notes.
The first thing that popped into her view were the words 'interference and Young's experiment'. Okay, easy.
Interference... bright fringes, constructive interference... dark fringes, destructive interference. Okay. This composes the interference figure. Easy.
And yet she felt weird about it. It was the first time a topic appeared so hard for her that instead of pushing herself to overcome the difficulty, she felt like backing down.
Violently shaking the thoughts out, she put her headphones on, some soft music and took out her Post-it intending to summarize every paragraph before moving on to the next one.
After more than an hour, the pages of her book were covered in coloured Post-it containing summaries and soon she was done re-studying Young's experiment so before hopping onto the next topic, she moved to exercise and then she realised that it was where her problems lay: she couldn't connect the theory to the exercises. She could tell you what the experiment was about but wouldn't be able to solve exercises about it.
'But no backing down' she mentally encouraged herself.
In the meantime, the packs of clouds came back screaming 'Sike!' at the sun for thinking it would shine bright with no disturbance throughout the whole day.
"Now, tell me. How would studying this cathedral's architectural structure ever help me in the future?" Nick began, aggressively taking his earbuds out and bringing everyone out of their focus time except for Daphne who refused to do so.
"Don't ask me," Cleo simply responded without taking her eyes off her device. James, on the other hand, openly started a conversation with Nick agreeing that indeed subjects like this are useless and interest very few people.
"Like... can you picture me in the future drawing the architectural design of a building or worse, explaining one to a crowd of tourists? Yuck!" he exaggerated and Nick laughed.
Meanwhile, Daphne was finally a bit better. She was solving a long exercise that presented three parts. She'd calculated and solved the first one and that spurred her to proceed and now she was solving the second one, which was slowly losing sense to her.
"Y'all cannot condemn a whole subject. Art is a very important subject, a very appreciated one back in the past centuries—"
"Thank you, Asher. You said it right. In the past centuries. Who gives a fuck now?" James concluded, high-fiving Nick as if he'd just solved a difficult physics mystery. Asher simply facepalmed himself and since he had to study and had no energy to argue with them, he put his headphones back on and ignored them.
The words of Daphne's physics book and the numbers in her notebook were shuffling and making up strange words, even for Gibberish. Head in her hands, she widened her eyes as if that would allow her to understand better and stared at the problem. Zero. No sense still so she moved on to the next problem filling her hope bar up but not fully.
"You know? Art already makes some sense. The subject that doesn't at all is IRC. It's not like a catechism class or something because the teacher never talks about the bible and Christianity so..." and James nodded, listening to Nick as a judge listens to a testimony's statement.
"And yet if they did, you know, talk about Christianity, it would interest me more. The world is filled with different cultures and learning about them is magnifying,"
"And yet you believe art is useless. Cultures also manifest in that field, you know," Cleo butted in, taking her earbuds off and ready to fully invest in the conversation. Nick rolled his eyes, "Cultures ain't all about art—"
"Oh, you're so dumb,"
"Cultures have an artistic expression. An example could be the Chinese culture. It has amazing paintings and most especially, buildings," Asher coldly spoke looking at Nick as if he was stupid.
"But I think that when you're learning about a culture, you learn about their tradition, their morals, their habits which have nothing to do with what they draw, sculpture or build—"
"And that's bullshit—"
"Can y'all just shut the fuck up!?" Daphne butted in. In fact, she almost screamed but reprimanded herself because of where they were. All her friends remained frozen in silence.
"Ain't we here to study? So why the fuck are y'all talking nonstop?" her frustration getting the best of her. "Okay, I totally get that you're stressed because of physics but you gotta take a chill pill—"
"And Nick gotta seal your mouth 'cause you talk too much. You promised you'd work on your part and quickly finish it and yet here you are talking about nonsense—"
"Daphne!" Cleo exclaimed, surprised at her friend. "Okay, we get it. You're frustrated but seriously, calm down. It's not the end of the world as I told you before,"
"Y'all don't get shit because if you knew that I was frustrated you wouldn't be talking and making so much noise because I ain't the only person you're disturbing. We're in a fucking library," she fought through her tears, holding her sobs back because, in reality, she wanted to scream.
She felt like she was making a little progress with physics. She didn't finish the first exercise but still managed to solve a part of it. When she moved on to the next one, she was able to solve the first part and was now doing the second part which was a bit harder but for a moment everything started making sense. All until they started talking nonstop.
"Daph, okay. Now you're the frustrating one. You can't be lashing out at us because you can't understand a physics problem. That's not on us but all on you—" Cleo elbowed Nick in the side, seeing how her friend's face morphed in a split second.
"Oh, it's my fault, huh? My fault that I'm trying to understand something and Mr Nick can't shut his mouth up and keeps distracting me. My fault that you can't zip up your mouth? My fault that you don't take school seriously?" a bitter chuckle followed her words.
"No, Daph—"
"You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you so bad." She immediately closed her book and packed her stuff. All without looking at any of them so they wouldn't catch the tear that escaped her and ran down to her chin. All without uttering a single word so they wouldn't hear her voice and the sobs breaking it. Before taking her cardigan, she unclipped her hair so her bangs would help her cover up a bit.
"Daph. Hey," Nick tried to call back. Cleo stood up and tried to stop her, tried to convince her that they were all sorry and didn't mean to increase her frustration. Tried to tell her that they understood but they sometimes behaved childishly but she failed once she saw Daphne walk past her with her bag in her arms and her head hanging low. Cleo didn't want to give up and tried to follow her but James caught her wrist and convinced her to let her go because she evidently needed some time alone.
"You see? It's indeed impossible to study with you two in the same room. Did you even finish your parts? No. So why the fuck did you even respond to her like that?"
"Cleo, you're talking like you didn't hit back too?" James replied. "Yeah, but my tone was completely different. I genuinely wanted her to calm down because she was beating herself up for it. Y'all replied out of complete annoyance,"
"Okay, I get that she's frustrated and shit but that doesn't make me less of a human and without feelings. It's okay if I didn't like the way she yelled at us—"
"But you should have handled it better because in this case, she's the one already frustrated. You should understand that" Cleo continued and felt like her message had come across when no one replied.
She looked at the entrance where Daphne had just walked out from and felt immensely bad. Daphne had already told her about how seriously she could take school but she never thought it was this serious, to the level she'd be feeling so anxious for not understanding something when she had a ton of time before the official test.
—Now playing: Blue by Billie Eilish ✫
It's been long since she'd cried. Really never had a reason to. She'd cried maybe when reading specific scenes in books or watching others in movies but rarely out of pure sadness but she couldn't help it—perks of going back to school.
She also didn't think that she would've cried as much as she did as she left the library. She thought that the tear that rolled down before was going to be the only one but soon she found herself all wet and fighting against insisting sobs.
'This is so dramatic' she thought to herself as she cleaned her face and tried to regain composure but she couldn't stop crying. It increased her frustration as it had her looking odd in public while she walked to the bus stop.
Once she arrived, she stood away from people, and waited a few meters away, frantically cleaning the never-ending waterfall. Luckily for her, the bus didn't arrive too long after and once on, she beelined for the end of it.
Once everyone was done boarding, the bus took off and left for the next stop.
Daphne was sitting by the window with her legs against her chest and her chin on her knees. She pulled her right sleeve so she could wipe the tear but soon she started almost getting hysterical about it and after violently wiping for seemingly forever-lasting seconds, she fully burst into tears, silently sobbing and accepting her fate.
Why was she being so dramatic? She didn't know. Wished to but couldn't crack even this code. She wished to stop, to go back to her friends and tell them that she was sorry and didn't know what came over her but the tears wouldn't go away, opting to make her taste their saltiness and her curtain bags stick to her face.
Mr Keeley didn't start teaching this topic just today. He's been doing so for over a week now and yet she couldn't understand anything, literally anything which scared her to the bones.
A fault of hers was how much power she'd given to her anxiety, how much weakness she'd shown in front of it and how easily she'd succumbed to its consequences and worse was that she couldn't do anything about it but just accept it. Many were the triggers and at the top of the list was academic pressure, one that she's applying on herself on her own. Her parents couldn't care less if she performed well in school or not. Had realised that there was more to life than just good grades and wished that their daughter would do the same too.
Anxiety was a trait of her family, especially on her mother's side. Her mom was constantly scared of causing misunderstandings which led her to be overexplaining whenever she talked. Daphne wonders what could've happened to her that made her come to such a conclusion, that made her realise that overexplaining was the only way out. She wanted to know what kind of trauma was there.
This trait was shifted on her dad— you are the people you hang around with, wasn't the saying like that? He too overexplains and fears misunderstandings but his case is not as serious as her mom's because the latter's been like this for as long as Daphne could remember.
Dyanne, Daphne's sister, deals with anxiety too which comes from herself. Dyanne fears failing herself and losing the challenges she takes on. She's a stubborn person. Believes in something or someone only if she convinces herself to so one can imagine how hard it is for her parents to convince her to do certain things like taking it easy on herself. Daphne could fully state that she'd taken a bit from her older sister with the only difference being that Daphne's challenges were mainly related to school.
Daphne felt like the only way to validate herself was through being smart, filling her brain up with useful content to be well-learned thus her love for reading. Whenever she fails to reach that point, she starts doubting her abilities, having trust issues with herself and letting anxiety lead as if it would lead her on the right path. This path had deep puddles filled with her tears, indentations and protrusions similar to the wavering of her voice and impeding stones and rocks, a result of mentally torturing herself.
She knew it was the wrong path and yet she'd take Anxiety's hand and follow its lead, leaving a trail of frustration as she went, frustration that she had because of this, because of herself and her bad choices. A frustration she often takes out on innocent people, unaware of whatever brewed in her mind.
She didn't know how long she'd cried or for how long she still would. All she knew was that she'd calmed down a bit and there was no violent breathing or frantic behaviour anymore.
Maybe what allowed her to calm down were the raindrops hitting the windows, the tarmac, the roofs, the grass and everything that brought the town to life. Maybe the weather matching her mood made her not feel alone. It calmed her down so much that she fell asleep.
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Paper Rings
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: Your boyfriend surprises you with tickets to a Taylor Swift show. And then some.
Word count: 6,6K
Warning(s): modern!Elvis, kindergarten teacher!Elvis (only mentioned briefly lol but i'm soft), no covid so therefor the Lover Fest tour exists, mentions/appearance of miss Swift herself obv, fluff, use of pet names, smut; oral (m. receiving), vaginal penetration, creampie, unprotected sex, getting caught (kinda??).
Author's note: i hate this now that i've proofread it but oh well :'). enjoy luvvies <3
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Elvis had been awake since dawn, trying not to have a mental breakdown at the sound of his alarm screeching through the bedroom at the ungodly hour he had set it at the night before. It was his day off from work seeing it was Saturday, but he had a job planned for today that was so much more hellish than having to deal with screaming children at 8 in the morning on a week day.
To the toddlers in his class he was a God, he could actually handle them and they’d hang on to his every word.
But he knew people on the internet were ruthless. Especially when it came down to scoring tickets for Taylor Swift’s newly announced tour. He would much rather be doing anything else, preferred to be covered in paint by dozens of tiny hands and run back and forth whenever the kids in his classroom would call his name every five seconds. Or you know… sleep a few more hours.
But he wasn’t doing this for himself – he was doing it for you, his girlfriend of two years. Your birthday was in three months and when you nearly screamed his ear off when your favorite singer announced her tour, he knew he just had to get these tickets for you. He didn’t tell you about his plans though and made up the excuse that Jerry was celebrating his birthday on the same day Taylor performed in Memphis. Seeing Jerry’s birthday was indeed somewhere in the same month, you didn't question it.
You were pouty about it, but accepted the fact that you wouldn’t be able to see the blonde singer in the flesh this tour. You didn’t have enough money to travel to another city just for a concert, so unfortunately there wasn’t much you could do. You tried to hide your disappointment as much as you could, but Elvis saw right through you, which only made him more determined to get these tickets. He hated seeing you sad, even when you’d try to hide it from him.
He did not have to get up as early as he did since the sale wouldn’t go online until 11, but he was scared that he wouldn’t wake up in time and would have to watch his surprise for you pour down the drain. You had been staying over at your friend’s house last night, so today truly was the perfect day to do this since he knew you probably wouldn’t get home until noon.
You liked sleeping in just as much as he did.
He took a long shower to wake himself up before he fixed himself a quick breakfast, turning on his laptop that was placed on the dining table. There was literally no use to take position for the cold war he was about to step into, but he was nervous. This was the perfect gift for you and he would be damned if he would fail.
How hard could it really be? He was confident enough to admit that he could handle a couple of excited teenagers and twenty somethings over the internet.
But boy, was he wrong.
As the clock creeped closer to 11, he had Ticketmaster open on both his laptop and phone. He made a second account on the website, in hopes that would give him an advantage of getting the tickets he needed.
“What? Are you kidding me?” he mumbled to himself as he got flung right into the waiting queue as the tickets went online, not even giving him a chance to pick the tickets that he wanted. No, that he needed.
He grasped his phone from the table, quickly refreshing the page on it before he clicked on a date that was a few days later than the Memphis show in a nearby city. Once more, he was placed in the queue.
“C’mon, c’mon, please...” he begged at his laptop as he saw how slow the waiting process was going. He was pretty sure a lot of people were in the exact same position he was in right now – he didn’t care, though.
They were only slowing his process down even more.
The urge to refresh the page was big, but he didn’t. He shouldn’t. It would throw him right back at the end of the line. He was growing more impatient and even a little frustrated. He didn’t even listen to Taylor Swift himself other than when you’d blast it through the house and sure, some of her songs were good, but was it really worth waiting in front of a damned computer for this long? He had been sitting here for 20 minutes already.
If it wasn’t for you, he would’ve clicked out long ago.
Hell, he would still be sleeping.
He got up from his seat and grabbed his pack of cigarettes from the corner of the table, wanting to step out onto the balcony of your shared apartment for a smoke until he saw the page on his laptop loading and jumping to the next screen. He sat back down so fast he almost lost his balance, throwing the cigarettes back on the table as he looked at his screen.
“Fuck! No!” he exclaimed in frustration as the website let him know the Memphis show was completely sold out. He ran his hands through his hair as he groaned, flipping his screen off.
God, he looked like an idiot.
“Fuck you, Ticketmaster. Fuckin’ scammin’ assholes,”
He grabbed his phone again, letting out a laugh in disbelief as he saw the Nashville show was sold out as well. His hands were starting to get sweaty, his nerves never fading as he started looking at other dates of the tour. He didn’t care if they were far away, didn’t care about the fact that it would cost him a lot more if he’d buy tickets in a city that was across the country.
His eye landed on a few Los Angeles dates. He must’ve refreshed the page for thirty minutes, not caring that it kept telling him there weren’t any tickets available.
Sold out. Sold out. Sold out.
He still had hope, though. Still praying and wishing, begging to get some good karma back into his life.
He was a good son, a good boyfriend and a good neighbor.
He deserved these tickets.
You deserved these tickets.
He nearly screamed when he saw two tickets pop up for one of the LA shows after refreshing the page for about ten more times. He didn’t even care on what date the show was or that it was 1615 miles away from Memphis.
They were actually good seats, and expensive as hell, but he managed to get them. He figured someone must’ve waited too long before they checked out their purchase and he was glad that he waited.
One man's misery is another man's fortune.
Three months had passed and he actually managed to keep the concert a surprise for you. It worked out well, maybe even better, since the show he got tickets for was in the same month as your birthday. He planned to keep you in the dark about seeing Taylor until you’d get to the venue, but he did tell you where you two were going when he mentioned the trip he booked for a long weekend.
He told you it was for your birthday and you couldn’t be more excited. You barely left Memphis, only went to other cities in Tennessee to visit family every now and then, and you had always wanted to go to LA. You had no idea Elvis had more than one surprise up his sleeve.
“C’mon, El. We’re in Los Angeles, the city of angels,” you preached to your boyfriend as you stood by the end of the bed, which your boyfriend was currently hogging as he laid in the middle of it, in your hotel room.
“It’s only nine. We’re young, we should be out there and getting drunk!” you pointed at the window, to the bustling city below you, in hopes your point would come across better.
It was Friday night and you wanted to go out and explore the city more since the two of you arrived late last night. You had been out and about all day, but everyone knew big cities were more exciting at night. You had no idea why Elvis was refusing to go out tonight, because he had seemed just as excited about this weekend as you were.
“Baby, I’m tired. My feet are killin’ me,” he lied with a small pout, hoping you’d give in to his cuteness and crawl into bed with him. He opened his arms as he smiled sweetly at you, but you just sighed and crossed your arms as you walked over to the window to look out of it.
Such a drama queen, he thought.
“Tomorrow we’ll go out,” he told you as he kicked the blankets off of him, slipping his arms around your waist as he stood behind you. He leaned his chin on your shoulder, turning his head to kiss your jaw. “I already have a whole day planned for us, but you don’t want to waste sunlight because you have a hangover, do ya?”
You puff out a sigh again and leaned back in his embrace as you nodded. You knew he was right. You wouldn’t go home until Monday afternoon, so you still had enough time to go out and party like you usually barely did. Sundays were better for hangovers, anyways.
“Fine,” you grinned as you turned your head to look at him, stealing a kiss. “What are we doing tomorrow?”
“It’s a surprise, for your birthday. The only thing you need to worry your pretty little head about is what you’ll be wearing,”
“Casual? Formal? I need to knew these things,” you snapped your fingers at him playfully and he laughed as he grabbed your hands and brought them back down.
“Casual… chic?” he suggested with a chuckle, knowing you liked to dress up whenever you went out. “Fancy, but not too fancy. Oh, and don’t wear heels. You’ll be standing and dancing a lot,”
You raised your eyebrows at him, trying to think of what he had planned. Honestly, the only thing you could think of was a club or a bar, or something in that direction. Taylor’s show that was tomorrow never popped into your mind, because you knew it was sold out faster than you could blink.
“I like dancing so I’ll forgive you for tonight,” you joked, looking out of the window again. While you did want to go out and see more of the city right now, you weren’t actually mad at him.
As long as he was with you, you didn’t really care what the two of you were doing or where you were.
“I need a little more convincing. I think you’re still mad,” he grinned against your skin as he kissed his way down to your neck, his hands releasing yours to wander up your stomach and to your chest. You knew the words he spoke were a joke, but his actions were definitely not.
“I thought you were tired?”
He laughed softly as he walked backwards, tugging you along to the bed. He spun you around in his arms and grabbed your chin, grinning down at you.
“Never too tired for this, you know that,” he stole one more kiss before he had you on your back on the soft mattress, hovering above you before you had time to protest.
Not that you were planning to. You never told him ‘no’ and if you did, it was very rare. And getting lost in a sea of sheets with your boyfriend couldn’t compare to the nightlife Los Angeles had to offer.
You and Elvis slept until noon the next day, because after getting a noise complaint from the people in the next room, you two decided to raid the mini bar. No major hangovers slowing you down, thank God. You felt better after getting some food in you, not giving Elvis the chance to tell you ‘I told you so’.
“Why do I have to wear that? It’ll ruin my make-up,” you whined as you looked at the sleeping mask that was dangling from his fingertips. You just came out of the restaurant you had an early dinner at, because Elvis insisted you needed to eat enough for tonight’s activity, and you were starting to get nervous.
You could handle the elements of surprises but blindfolded?
Rather not.
“Babe, put ‘em on,” he told you as he took a step closer to you, placing the elastic of the mask over your head before you could protest. You gasped as you widened your eyes at him, trying to grab his hands when he pulled the mask over your eyes but he swatted them away every time. You were sure people were looking at you two as if you were complete idiots, but then again, this was LA. Nobody probably cared.
“Don’t be so stubborn and just follow me,” he whispered in your ear as he wrapped one arm around your shoulder, taking your hand in his. “You trust me, don’t ya, little?”
You shivered at his warm breath tickling at the shell of your ear and sighed softly as he kissed it. You nodded your head, slowly walking forward with his guidance. You did trust him and you doubted this surprise would be anything bad or crazy, so you really had no other choice than to put your faith in his hands.
You were quite proud of yourself for not completely freaking out or losing your shit – after walking for what seemed like forever, you were placed in an Uber with your boyfriend next to you. He was too busy talking to the driver about God knows what and you kept trying to sneak your hand up to the mask to lift it and look out the window to see where you were. Elvis noticed every time though, lacing your fingers together with his, trapping you. You huffed in annoyance, pouting as you sat there in the backseat, feeling like you were being kidnapped.
Which you were, in a way. Only willingly and with lots of reassuring kisses from Elvis.
You heart skipped a beat as the car came to a stop, nerves intensifying tenfold when Elvis helped you get out of the car and said his goodbyes to the driver. You weren’t in the right mind to do the same, squeezing his hand which earned you a deep laugh from his side. You felt him move behind you and place his hands on your shoulders, his voice right next to your ear as he spoke.
“You can take ‘em off now, Lover,”
You frowned slightly underneath the mask, thinking the pet name was weird. Formal, almost. He had never in your relationship called you that.
You didn’t need to be told twice though – as you pulled off the mask and blinked a few times to let your eyes get used to the light again, you noticed the huge banner that was plastered on the SoFi Stadium.
Taylor Swift – Lover Fest Tour
You stood there. You stood there and stared without speaking a word.
Now Elvis was getting nervous, afraid that he made a mistake. Afraid that this isn’t what you wanted. He was even starting to doubt if this was your favorite artist at all, despite the amount of records you had at home or the fact that he knew the names of every single one of Taylor’s cats because you wouldn’t shut up about the celebrity.
He even listened to her music on his way to work for the past months so he could remember the lyrics and sing along with you, not wanting to seem like a fool in a sea full of die hard fans.
But when you turned around and he saw the tears in your eyes, his nerves faded away completely. A small huff escaped his mouth as you practically jumped in his arms, squeezing the air out of his lungs with your firm embrace.
“Oh my God, I love you,” you cried in excitement.
“Only because of this?” he grinned teasingly as he looked at you when you pulled back to look at him.
“What? No! I love you, always always always,” you giggled as you grabbed his face, kissing him all over. He grabbed your hands as he laughed, looking at you.
“I love you too, little. You deserve it,” he told you, pecking your lips as he slipped his hands in yours. “You’ve been so busy with work and everythin’, I couldn’t let you miss this,”
“Thank you so much, baby. You’re the best, you know that?” you sighed happily as you squeezed his hands, stealing another kiss. “How did you even manage to get tickets? It was sold out in minutes,”
He grinned as he let go of one of your hands, swinging his arm over your shoulder to take you to the back of the queue. He raised his chin, smug smirk sitting on his face.
“You know, I got my ways,” he looked at you as you laughed, slapping his chest softly before you wrapped your arm around his waist, hugging into his side. “And you just said it, didn’t ya? I’m the best,”
You rolled your eyes, but allowed him to bathe in the size of his ego. As long as it wouldn’t drown him, you thought it was rather attractive.
“Y/N, now you’re takin’ it too far,” Elvis told you as his shoulders slumped on purpose as you pointed at a t-shirt at the merch stand. You had just bought one for yourself and Elvis was about to drag you away from the goodies until you spotted the shirts for males. He had already seen them but hoped you wouldn’t.
“Why? You’ll only have to wear it tonight!” you laughed as you wiggled your eyebrows at him, pointing out the shirt to the employee.
“Exactly, a waste of money. Let’s get a drink and find our seats,” he told you but you stopped listening. You took the shirt the girl handed to you and held it in front of him, smiling brightly as it seemed it was the right size. You turned back to the girl as you took your wallet out of your purse and Elvis sighed, knowing that he couldn’t stop you.
As he looked around, his eyes met those of another guy who was obviously here with his girlfriend. The redhead next to him was all dressed up – cat ears and glitter on her face and the whole shebang. Just like him, his girl had him dressed in a tour shirt. A baby pink and blue one.
At least you gave him a white one and you weren’t dressed up like a cat. Could be hot, but not outside of the bedroom.
He gave the guy a sympathetic nod before he turned back to you, taking the shirt you handed to him to pull it over his head.
As long as you were happy, he was too. And right now, you were all smiles as excitement basically oozed out of you. He already forgot about the shirt and didn’t give a damn about what anyone would think, not even Jerry who you were definitely sending the picture that you just took to.
You were happy that Elvis told you not to wear heels, because as soon as Taylor appeared on the stage and the show started, you were up and out of your seat to move to the music. Elvis was standing as well, arm hung lazily around your waist as he sipped on his beer, ever the supportive boyfriend.
He didn’t recognize every song but the ones that he did know, he sang along to. It warmed your heart and he could see it made you happy, especially when he’d sing the lyrics of the sweet songs to you.
You were over the moon. There was not a single worry on your mind. No work stress weighed you down and despite this not being the music he listened to, Elvis felt the same. There was something magical about concerts, about an artist connecting with their fans through music. And although some girls were dressed up all silly and too much for his taste, the vibes in the venue were perfect.
He immediately recognized the song Paper Rings and he downed his beer, throwing the empty cup on his seat. You were too occupied with cheering and singing, not noticing he took a small box out of his pocket.
“I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want, and
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams
Oh, you're the one I want,”
You turned to him to sing the lyrics to him and that’s when you noticed he was down on one knee, the ring sparkling in the lights as he held it out to you in the box. You gasped as you widened your eyes, hiding your mouth behind your hands. His actions caught the eye of the people around you as well and they were all watching in both excitement and anticipation.
You two even caught the attention of Taylor herself, since you were on the second row. Not only did you have a perfect view of her, she had one of you and your boyfriend as well.
She laughed in excitement while she sang, pointing at you and Elvis so everyone would look at you two. You hadn’t noticed the camera that was pointing into your direction as well, or the fact that you were currently on the huge screen, showing your boyfriend’s proposal to the entire stadium.
Elvis wasn’t aware either, but he didn’t care. He wouldn’t care if there were thousands of people around them, or just you and him. He loved you more than life itself and had been planning this before he even got the tickets – he knew this would garantuee him a definite yes, though.
He didn’t even have to stay the words, because you were already nodding and screaming your answer. As he slipped the ring around your finger and he stood up to kiss you, he did ask you again. Just because he wanted to hear you say it again.
“Will you marry me, little?”
You cried as you nodded, kissing his lips.
“Yes! Thousand times yes!” you yelled above the music, laughing as you wrapped your arms around his neck to hug him as tight as you possibly could.
“She said yes!” Taylor yelled excitedly into the mic as she looked at you two, clapping her hands. You nearly died as she blew you a kiss and Elvis laughed as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, smiling at Taylor before he attacked your face with kisses.
The rest of the show you and Elvis danced and your heart skipped a beat every time he sang along, his head right next to yours as you were still in his arms. You loved and appreciated him so much and you already had a few ideas of how to properly thank him.
You were ready to leave as soon as the show was over, but before you and Elvis could leave your seats, a blonde middle aged woman approached you two.
You immediately recognized her as Taylor’s mom and almost had a heart attack on the spot, though you had enough self control not to scream in her face. When she asked you two to come backstage because her daughter wanted to meet you, Elvis had to do the talking because you were starstruck.
“We would love to, mrs. Swift,” he smiled politely at her as he held onto your hand, tugging you along to follow her to the backstage area. You could barely speak and Elvis couldn’t stop laughing at you, pulling you into his side to talk in your ear.
“Please don’t scream in her face, baby. Just hold my hand and you’ll be all right, hmm?” he whispered and all you could do was nod, inhaling a deep breath through your nose to blow it back out. It did nothing to calm you down.
The three of you stopped walking as you reached Taylor’s dressing room and once the door opened and the blonde that you had been admiring from the crowd came over to you with her arms wide open, you squeezed Elvis’ hand firmly before you quickly let go and wrapped your arms around Taylor.
The singer was absolutely wonderful to you and your boyfriend. She congratulated you on your engagement, which you were still trying to wrap your head around, and she signed anything you asked her to. She signed Elvis’ shirt as well, which you were definitely going to tease him with later because he seemed rather happy about it.
His music taste was on the complete different spectrum – mostly punk and rock bands that you forgot half of the names of.
The louder, the better, he always said.
But he always accepted your taste just as you did his. Neither of you would mock each other’s music and you freely let him play whatever he wanted through the house. Perhaps it was only something simple, something normal for a couple to not be assholes to each other, but to you and Elvis it was a sort of respect. Music meant a lot to the both of you and just because he didn’t know every Taylor Swift song by heart, didn’t mean he wasn’t secretly excited to meet her face to face.
After talking some more and taking pictures, you and Elvis left the dressing room and got escorted to the exit by Taylor’s mother again. The woman seemed to be trusting of you two, or just busy, because she said goodbye before you and your boyfriend actually left the building.
The backstage area was just as huge as the venue itself and it seemed like your boyfriend had other plans than leaving. He tugged you away from the exit door and laughed softly as he placed a finger against his lips, pulling you along through the long hall ways. You squealed softly as he dipped into a room, taking you right along with him.
It was an empty green room that hadn’t been used you came to realize as Elvis turned on the lights and locked the door from the inside. If anyone had a key, which you were sure everyone that worked here did, they could open the door from the outside. Elvis didn’t give you a chance to unlock the door and walk out, pulling you into his chest as he grabbed your hands.
“Elvis! We can’t do this!” you whispered with a giggle, trying to ignore his hands that were now snaking around your waist and slipping down to squeeze your ass.
“Why? Nobody is here,” he grinned mischievously as he leaned in to kiss your lips. His lips were so plumb and soft that you couldn’t resist him. You never could.
“We don’t live in this city, anyways. What’re they gonna do? Kick us out?”
You wanted to protest once more, tell him that you and him should move this to your hotel room, but the words died on your tongue as he kissed his way down to your neck, sucking on that little sensitive spot underneath your ear. That’s when you turned to putty in his hands and he damn well knew it.
“S-someone.. m-might hear..” you managed to whisper, your words coming out stuttered. His lips and tongue against your warm skin was distracting you too much, so even though you voiced out your worries, you couldn’t get yourself to really care if someone would hear or not.
You were aware that this green room was a risky place to have sex. Especially because the artist that just performed at the stadium was still freaking present somewhere down the hall, but as he lifted you up and put you down on the couch, you were already too far gone. It wasn’t the first time you two fooled around outside the comfort of your own home, but for some reason it felt even more exciting in a place like this.
You were sure the green room had been used for worse things.
Elvis didn’t stop you when you pushed him back and got on your knees in front of him, quick fingers working on his pants. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes though and you didn’t miss it.
“Wanna make you feel good,” you told him in hushed voice, your eyes meeting his as you gave him the sweetest smile you were capable of.
“Oh? And why’s that, huh?”
He already knew the answer, he just loved hearing it.
“I was proposed to and met Taylor fucking Swift in one night,” you grinned at him as you pulled his zipper down, fingertips hooking underneath the elastic of his boxershorts. “And I like the taste of your cock,”
He lifted his hips up a little, allowing you to pull his pants and underwear down to his thighs, groaning softly as you immediately wrapped your hand around him. “Good enough for me,”
You raised an eyebrow at the smirk he wore on his face – so confident and cocky.
Once you brought your hand up to caress your thumb over the head of his cock before you brought it back down again, the cockiness was smacked right off of his face as he parted his lips, a soft moan rolling off his tongue. He tangled his fingers in your hair to keep it out of your face as you took him in your mouth.
Usually, you’d take your time when giving him head but you were aware that you didn’t have all the time in the world and you weren’t leaving this room before he fucked you.
“Shit,” he groaned softly as you looked up at him when you brought your head back up, tongue tracing the most prominent vein on his cock before you lapped it around his sensitive tip. “Do that again,” he told you as his teeth sunk into his lower lip, half lidded eyes watching you as you repeated the action. When you grinned up at him, he let out a moan and threw his head back on the couch.
He tried to be quiet, he really did, but as you got sloppier and sucking him off like it was the last time you’d ever do so, he couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. His hips were bucking up to try and follow your mouth every time you moved up and he threw his arm over his face, biting down on the short sleeve of his shirt.
“Fuckfuckfuck, s-stop,” he gasped as he felt his orgasm nearing, looking down at you as he caressed some hair out of your face when he took his fingers out of it. He was just as eager as you were and while you loved having him come undone in your mouth, you moved fast as you got up and pulled your denim skirt up, slipping your panties down.
“G-God… Hold s-still for a second,” he groaned as you sank down onto him, his hands grabbing your hips to keep you in place so he could get used to being inside of you.
He was sensitive and you were just so tight and warm.
You placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning in to kiss him. He immediately slipped his tongue inside of your mouth, deepening the kiss and you didn’t move until you felt his hands moving down to your ass, squeezing the flesh in his palms. You knew it was one of his signs that he was ready for it.
You moaned into his mouth as you moved onto him, immediately at a steady pace. You were sure your ass would have his hands imprinted on them with how hard he was squeezing, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care – the slight sting mixed deliciously with your pleasure.
“F-faster baby,” he whispered as he pulled back from the kiss, leaning back as his hands moved up to your clothed breasts, squeezing them softly through the fabric of your shirt. It didn’t do much for you since you still had another top on underneath the tour shirt you bought together, but you didn’t stop him. Instead you did as he told you and moved faster, moaning shamelessly as you chased your own high.
He moved one hand down in between your bodies, fingertips having no issues with finding your clit as he started rubbing it with skilled movements. He knew just what you liked and knew that this would get you where he wanted you faster – your nails dug into his shoulders as you moaned a little louder, your eyes meeting his.
He gave you a small smile. It looked sweet and innocent, not matching the pace of his fingers and your thrusts at all.
You smiled back at him, moving your hands to his chest and right on top of Taylor’s face that was printed on his shirt.
You didn’t need an extra pair of eyes watching the small sin you were committing.
“I’m close, so close, baby,” you grunted as you clenched your fingers in his shirt, eyes fluttering shut as your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks. Thighs shaking, walls convulsing erratically around his length.
A smark remark laid heavy on his tongue, something along the lines of you ruining his autographed shirt, but he swallowed the words as he came undone not long after you did. He removed his fingers from your clit and held onto your hips, holding you still as a deep moan escaped his throat, hips stuttering up into you a little.
You ran your fingers through his hair before you collapsed on top of him, both of you catching your breath as he was going soft inside of you.
“I love you, little,” he hummed in your ear as he kissed your cheek and you slowly lifted your head off his shoulder, smiling at him as you caressed the back of his neck with your nails. The way he shivered made you giggle. “I love you more, babe,”
He was only seconds away from protesting, telling you that simply was not possible, but he was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. You both widened your eyes at each other, panic settling in your stomach as you got up as quick as you could. You pulled some tissues out of the box that stood on the small coffee table in front of the couch and cleaned some of his cum that was dripping down your thighs, shoving the tissues to the bottom of the trash can by the door.
“Someone in here?” A deep male’s voice barked from the other side of the door and you and Elvis quickly got decent. Just as you pulled your skirt down and smoothed out your hair, a key was stuck in the keyhole of the door to turn the lock but Elvis swung the door open before the person on the other side could.
A broad shouldered security guy stood in front of you, looking angry as he stared you down. “Passes,” he simply said, holding his hand out.
You grabbed Elvis’ arm and Elvis scratched the back of his head, his other hand feeling his pockets as he gave the guy an awkward smile. He was looking for something neither of you were in possession of and while he had been so confident and careless at the start of this, he was starting to panic now too.
He was pretty sure you could get arrested for something like this. And that was not how he wanted this night to end – although it would make for a funny story to tell your future children and grandchildren.
He had absolutely no idea what to do or what excuse to use, but like an angel fluttering down from Heaven itself, Taylor and entourage walked down the hall way, on their way to leave the stadium. The security guard was currently having a go at you and your boyfriend and you were close to tears until Elvis nudged your arm and nodded his head in Taylor’s direction.
“Is there a problem here?” she asked as she appeared next to the man in front of you, her question aimed more at him than at you and Elvis.
You slipped your hand in Elvis’, sucking in a deep breath of air and keeping it in your lungs. The man didn’t waste time in explaining what happened and how he assumed that you and Elvis had done… something inside the room.
Taylor wasn’t an idiot – she saw the hickey in your neck and the flush on your cheeks. The both of you also completely forgot about the hint of red lipstick that was stained on Elvis’ lips.
“That’s a serious accusation to make, isn’t it? I know these two and I’m positive that the thing you’re accusing them of is simply not true,” the singer spoke confidently as she crossed her arms, smiling as she looked at you. “I’m sure they just lost their way back here,”
You and Elvis widened your eyes, nodding your heads.
“Y-yeah, that’s it. It’s so big back here, we got lost on our way to the exit,”
“Huge place. Very cool, though! You must love your job,” Elvis squeezed your hand firmly to get you to stop talking and you immediately did, pressing your lips into a thin line.
Taylor laughed softly, nodding as the security guard started apologizing, a shade of crimson creeping up his neck.
“It’s alright. Just try not to judge people so quick, hm?” she told him, patting his shoulder as she nodded her head while starting to walk away. You could see her mother laughing softly at the two of you and Elvis quickly pulled you along, following the others out of the venue.
You talked with Taylor for a little bit, apologizing for not leaving the building after you exchanged your first goodbyes but she could only laugh about it.
You probably wouldn’t have survived if she would’ve been angry with you. Elvis was thankful that she was as nice as you always told him – he really was not looking forward to going back to the hotel with his girlfriend being completely inconsolable.
“Did you have a good time, beautiful?” Elvis asked as you both sat in the back of an Uber after you both came down from the crazy events of the evening. You leaned into him and looked up, placing a kiss on his chin as you smiled.
“The best, because you were there,” you whispered, sprawling out your fingers that were in his lap. “Anywhere I go with my fiancé is fun,”
He laughed softly as he looked down at your hand, caressing his thumb over the ring he put on you tonight. He couldn’t stop smiling, kissing your temple. “You like the ring?”
“I love it,” you told him as you looked at it, lacing your fingers with his. “But you know I’d marry you with or without a diamond,”
“Even with paper rings?” he grinned and you looked back at him, laughing softly.
You leaned in, softly pressing your lips against his.
“Especially with paper rings,”
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starglow-xx · 2 years
Big brother dazai with a little sister that's 6 years old and has to go to her first day of kindergarten
She gets so scared/sad and just starts sobbing, lucky he can stay with her on the first day in her class:)
Imagine dazai sitting in one of those lil chairs for kindergarteners and holding our hand ✋🥲so cutee.
maybe part 2? i wrote these on a whim and didn’t mean to so who knows we’ll see :3
platonic! & gn! bsd mini headcanons (dazai osamu)
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💫 imagine dazai, a 22 year old grown (allegedly) man sitting amongst a class of 20 smth 5/6 years old sipping a little juice box at snack time holding his now not so teary eyed sibling by the hand while ignoring the rapidly buzzing phone in his pocket bc you absolutely know he did not tell anyone where was was (per usual; and it wasn’t as if he wanted to go to work anyways so it’s a win-win in his book (.❛ 3 ❛.) )
💫 cue atsushi at the ada on the edge of a mental breakdown bc dazai-san you have so much paper work please don’t make him do it— and kunikida on the verge of an aneurysm bc again, dazai you have so much paperwork where the fuck are you—
💫 and all hell breaks lose when ranpo also goes missing and you can bet your ass he’s also at mini dazai’s classroom taking naps and lazying around all day as dazai (the detective one) tries to clear up with the teacher that yes, we know him, and ranpo-san is also here for emotional support and yes it will certainly not happen again (which is you know, a lie but whatever)
💫 but the one having the most fun obviously is dazai’s younger sibling bc WOAH IT’S SO COOL  that ranpo-san and onii-chan are here at school and can they come everyday??? no?? well too bad bc everyone else decided that it was ranpo-san’s turn to be the monster tomorrow and onii-chan’s the horse and u don’t wanna make them break their promise right sensei??
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a/n: hehe this was fun! i think i like doing these mini drabble thingys, they’re short and sweet, and less stressful <33
as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!
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dreamofbona · 3 years
*enhypen in kindergarten *
jungwon: *finishes all his work on time and runs in circles for the rest of class*
heeseung: *nearly has a mental breakdown because coloring inside the lines is so hard*
jay: *tries to convince the teacher to let them watch bts and vincenzo*
jake: look, this is australia *teacher has to tear him away from the world map*
sunghoon: i suck at math *proceeds to toss out his math worksheet*
sunoo: *spends forever in the bathroom, not to skip class, but because he can't stop staring at himself in the mirror* i'm too cute for this school
niki: *nearly sets the classroom on fire every day*
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thatonestarryhuman · 3 years
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Wilford Warfstache x Reader
The characters involved in this story will be William J Barnum, other wise known as Wilford Warfstache— and The District Attorney, formally known as The Viewer and Your name (Y/N). The Viewer in this story will be gender neutral, they/them. The Trigger Warnings for this story are— blood, guns, possible main character death, breakdowns, drinking/alcohol and possibly gore. This is the last warning you’ll get before entering the story, if any of the things said above make you uncomfortable it’s best to not read. You will be mentioned as ‘The Viewer’ in the story but whenever someone says your name it will be ‘Y/N’. Word Count: 1,789
The Viewer and William had known each other from childhood, they were best friends since they were little and starting kindergarten together. They were always doing something together and no one would be able to pull them apart, they were each other’s best friends as everyone else would think of them as weird and would make fun of them but that didn’t bother them much— after all they had each other. During the high school years it was much harder for the both of them, William and the Viewer— weren’t exactly the best students, they’d skip school often, they would get barely passing marks and would throw classroom pranks. They met Damien first from all the others, They met him while they were sneaking out of school, Damien was the Hall Monitor and noticed them sneaking off. He gave the two a warning slip and forced the two to go back to class— he wasn’t going to let the two skip class. During the lunch break he’d walk up to the two and tell them that it’s not good to skip school and would go on a ramble about how school was important, but at the end of the rant— he noticed they were sitting alone and he suggested that if they stop sneaking out he’d introduce them to his friends. Before William could say anything the Viewer agreed, because to be honest— they started to feel lonely and a bit bored, after all with only each other there wasn’t much to do after a while.
At first William was upset for them making the decision without asking him, but he’d go along with it after all it made the viewer happy so he wasn’t going to complain. The two of them were led to a table by Damien, at the table there was one other man and one woman. “This is my friend, Mark.” Damien introduced the male sitting at the table, who gave a bright smile and a nod. “And this is my sister, Celine.” She murmured a small hi before going back to reading a book. The Viewer smiled and waved “My name is Y/N and this is my best friend, William.” They said and introduced themself and William. The Viewer could tell this was going to be the start of a great friendship, but it would take some time to get to that place but the Viewer didn’t mind— as long as they all got along together and had fun in the end, it could take as long as it could.
The time after that went by fast to them, Williams first job as the Safari Hunter, Damien becoming a mayor, Celine and Mark getting together— with William being disappointed at that, and the Viewer becoming the District Attorney because of Damien. Williams issue was that not only did he like Celine but he also liked the Viewer, He didn’t know what to do about his little crush on Celine— He knew it was wrong but he did care, he wanted to let go of his crush but that quickly changed upon the two getting to spend time together alone. A drink turned into three and a flirt turned into a kiss, before they realized what both of them were doing it was far too late. William felt guilt and was the one who admitted what he had done to Mark, who didn’t take it very well. Mark lashed out on the two, he felt so hurt that because two of the closest people to him hurt him the most. Mark had stopped talking to anyone by that point, and was quiet for months— that was until everyone received a letter, an invitation to the party. William was surprise that he got one, he didn’t expect Mark to want him there— both the men weren’t doing well mentally after what had happened but William decided that if Mark wanted to try to be friends again then they could try, but William didn’t realize that was Marks intentions.
Everyone went to the party, except Celine as she wasn’t invited— because she technically still lived with Mark except she had went to visit family for a week. Everyone enjoyed the party, at least the beginning of it— Everyone danced, played poker and danced. The viewer passed out a little later into the night and Damien helped them to their room, he may have been drunk but he’d still be a gentle man, but as the Viewer was helped up they had noticed William pointing a gun at both the Detective and Mark, they were yelling and arguing with each other. In the morning Marks body was found and up came an investigation from the Detective, and the Viewer who was forced to be his partner, in solving the case that is. But there was one thing William would never forget, and that was you getting shot— by him, in his burst of anger at the detective keeping tabs on him and Celine. He didn’t want to shoot you, he never wanted to hurt anyone in the first place, he tried to save you and he tried his best but he wasn’t a skilled doctor and everyone left him after what had happened— leaving him alone with your body, unaware of what was going on in the mirror. He tried to bandage you, to get the bullet out, to stop the bleeding but he couldn’t and that was breaking him.
Wilford gasped awake from the dream, clenching the sheets as he sat up, breathing heavily as his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings. His hair was a mess as his wide eyes started gathering up tears, He quickly wiped them away though— getting up and dressing himself a bit more well so he wouldn’t go out in pyjamas, not that he’d care about that. He put on some shoes before leaving his house and going for a nightly stroll, He thought some fresh cold air could help him as it was what he’d usually do to calm himself even when he was young. He never liked his dreams, especially not now as all his dreams would be of his childhood and how he spent it, which would then fast forward to him shooting his best friend which always made him break down. He walked towards the park, staring at the concrete side walk that he was on, thinking of anything comforting and something he could do. His mind drifted back to the nightmare, he ran his fingers through his hair and lightly yet harshly enough to cause pain pulled on his hair, trying to focus on anything other than that.
“I’m sorry.” The tears pricked at his eyes again as he walked down the concrete path to the park. “I’m so fucking sorry.” He kept whispering himself, hoping that if they were somewhere out there that they could hear him and forgive him. He finally looked up from the concrete path and stared directly ahead, focusing on getting to the park as he held back tears. He saw a figure walking the way he has just came from, while they walked past him— he had gotten a glimpse of them, and their face. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he did, grabbing their arm and turning them to face him. The person was surprised at this and started to struggle as they thought it was an attack “Hey! Let me go!-“ They yelled before being cut off as they recognized his face, he had wide eyes as he cut them off and spoke. “Y/….N?” He asked, his tear stained face slowly curling up into a sad smile. “William?” The Viewer responded with a shocked expression, he gave a shaky nod before quickly pulling them into a hug “I’m so sorry, I’m so fucking sorry.” He weeped and sobbed into their shoulder.
They didn’t know how to react, they wrapped their arms back and gripped tightly in a comforting manner. He let out a hiccup as he sobbed quite heavily, tears pouring out of his eyes with no break “I’m so sorry— I didn’t want that to happen.” He whispered as he was sobbing into their shoulder, getting their shirt wet though the Viewer didn’t mind too much after all they’ve found their best friend after all the years for searching for him. “I didn’t think the gun was loaded, I didn’t know the gun was loaded.” He admitted as he sobbed. “It’s alright, after all, I’m here aren’t I?” The Viewer said to try and cheer him up “And we can catch up after all the years, I’ve missed you.” They admitted and he looked at them, sniffling as tears ran down his face, yet he managed to smile “Yeah.. I’ve missed you too.” He said shakily and slowly pulled away.
“You were heading towards the park right? I just came from there but we can go there and talk if you’d like?” They suggested, hoping it would cheer him up and clear his mind up a bit. He thought about it for a bit, giving them a chance to examine him— they noticed that he changed a bit in the looks, he had longer black hair, his clothing was more bright, and he had a… pink moustache. “Yeah… I’d like that, I’d like that a lot.” He gave a nod and a smile as he admitted “Shall we go then?” He put his hand out for them to link theirs with, They chuckled softly at that and linked their arm with his. “Of course, William.” They gave a nod as they started walking “Actually, I go by Wilford now.” He gave a sheepish smile, he didn’t mind his face was tear stained— he was happy they were here with him again. “Ah… Wilford.. hmm, it’s a nice name. I haven’t heard it before.” They gave a nod of approval as they walked.
”I forgot to ask… How and Why do you have your moustache pink?” “Ah, It’s a long story, Gumdrop.”
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yyxgin · 4 years
𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 || 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧
𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐘 !! @spookybias​ you are my assigned person for the winter fic exchange !! I know you said I should post the fic in an hour when I sent you the ask but jokes on me I had a mental breakdown so that didn't happen,,anyways here we are now and pls act surprised <3 (@districtninewriters)
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐚𝐮, 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐮
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈'𝐦 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞
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“What is that?” snorts your classmate Seungmin as you stride into the classroom, disgusted look on your face as you remember your first class is business, which is, dare you say, the next closest thing to death. 
“What?” you furrow your brows, confusingly looking yourself up and down to your best abilities, trying to find anything remotely close to anything your dear friend could be laughing at you about. Your shoes are there, you didn’t forget to change your pyjama pants either (yes, this did, indeed happen once and nobody will ever forget about it), you even put your best hoodie on! So what was bothering Seungmin so much?
“That coffee cup,” grins your seatmate as you plop down at the chair next to him and put the travel thermo-cup of coffee onto the wooden desk to keep you company as you try hard not to fall asleep while the teacher rambles about inflation and unemployment. 
You finally realise what he’s getting on, grinning, but trying to act unbothered nonetheless. “What about it?” you ask.
“Why does it have ‘world’s greatest grandpa’ on it and why are you bringing it to class?” he laughs, pointing to the white letters fancily sitting on the light brown travel mug, face scrunched up in disbelief mixed with amusement.
“Oh, well, Jeongin gave it to me,” you explain matter-of-factly, “which is, pretty much, the answer to your first question, I believe.” you nod.
“Not only the first one, trust me,” rolls his eyes Seungmin, seeing your annoyed look.
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, the second question was why are you bringing it to class and the answer still stays the same - Jeongin. He gave it to you, so you’re now carrying it around all the time,” he teases you, knowing damn well what it does to you when he jokes around about your supposed feelings for your best friend.
“And? He’s my best friend. He gave it to me like a year ago and I’ve been using it ever since, it’s practical,” you shrug, ignoring the way you feel yourself blushing a little at the comment.
“Practical, uh-huh, I get it,” smirks Seungmin, “you sure you’re not carrying around because you miss him?” 
You look at him, look so cold it could freeze him to the chair. “Of course I miss him. He’s my best friend. But that’s not why I’m carrying this around and if you don’t stop making fun of me, I’ll make sure the coffee inside of this ends up in your lap instead.”
Seungmin only shakes his head, his stupid grin growing wider and wider by the minute. “I’m not teasing you. You just took it that way,” he exclaims, “which, pretty much, speaks for itself, if you ask me-”
You daringly take the cup into your hand, playfully hovering the coffee above his lap, making your seat-mate jolt away from you quickly to save himself from a horrible burn on his private area. “Yah, be careful!”
“I warned you,” you shrug, taking a sip from the coffee, seeing the boy move back next to you once you don’t seem as dangerous.
“When is he coming back, anyway?” asks Seungmin, lifting his eyebrows. “So I know when to pack my bags and move to the desk behind you again.”
You playfully roll your eyes. Seungmin has been your seat-mate for the time being, when Jeongin went on his student exchange program to Japan three months ago. He was lucky enough to be chosen and you were happy for him, you really were, but Seungmin was right. You missed your best friend like crazy. And on Friday, he is finally coming back. 
“In two days,” you peep, feeling the blush creeping back onto your cheeks.
“So that’s why you cancelled our plans for Friday!” exclaims Seungmin, grinning.
“And? I see your stupid face every day, Jeongin’s finally coming back after two months and you just expect me to spend the day with you?” you huff, pointing to his figure sitting next to you.
“Oh my god, you really are that whipped for him-”
“I still have enough coffee here to burn your peepee,” you innocently smile, showing him the light-brown gift you got from your best friend a year ago, seeing Seungmin sigh and throw his hands up in defeat. 
“Okay, okay,” he tells you, once again rolling his eyes at your antics, “just make sure not to kiss him once you finally see him-”
“Kim Seungmin I swear to god-”
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“I got you a gift,” mumbles Jeongin in between munching on his ramen, mouth full and cheeks puffed out. If it was anyone else, you’d call them out for being disgusting and talking with an open mouth, but it was Yang Jeongin we’re talking about. He was absolutely adorable doing so. You two are currently at his favorite restaurant after you met him at the airport, cheesily throwing yourself into his arms as soon as you saw him, talking the day away as he tells you all about his trip to Japan, hanging on his every word. 
“You didn’t have to,” you shake your head at him, seeing him roll his eyes. 
“It’s nothing big, trust me, I’m still broke,” he giggles, “did you really expect me to go to Japan for three months and not get you anything? That would be rude.”
“But you already got me so many snacks!” you pout, trying to pursue him. 
“Oh, we’ll eat those together so that doesn’t even count anyway,” he giggles, waving his hand.
It’s not that you don’t want that gift. It’s just the fact that you were one hundred percent sure you will be a blushing mess while receiving it. And you don’t really want your best friend to find out about your little crush on him, do you?
Now, hear me out. As much as you would like to tell Seungmin that you were not falling for your best friend, you would be lying. You don’t even know when it happened, to be honest. 
You’ve known Jeongin since the two of you were kids. He bravely introduced himself to you in kindergarten and even though you were too shy to talk to anyone there, he was your king in the shining armour when another girl kicked down your sand castle in the playground. That itself proves to your three year old self that the dimpled boy could be trusted and so you were best friends ever since. 
You watched him grow up right in front of your eyes. From the little boy with eyes as a fox to the young man he was now, broad shoulders and a charming smile always sitting on top of his lips. His eyes stayed the same, though, the hint of mischiefness behind them swooning you over every time you looked at him. You don’t notice it right away, but if you really take a step back, it was impossible for you to not fall in love with the boy.
The first time you really took the possibility of your feelings being something more than just a friendship was right at the moment he left. You walked him to the airport, squeezing his body tightly, feeling the warmth radiating from him and smiling widely just so you don’t cry. You felt pathetic for the tears in your eyes, batting them away swiftly by blinking abruptly, not wanting your best friend to see in fear of being teased again. 
Once you pulled away from the hug, his eyes were focused on yours, his hands softly holding you by the shoulders, sighing. “Behave while I’m away, okay?” he grinned.
“Of course, captain,” you giggled, saluting, pursing your lips together to stop them from quivering.
“Are those tears in your eyes?” asked Jeongin, teasing you, snickering when you felt the said tears finally escape from your eyes onto your cheeks, his thumbs wiping them away as you felt the cold metal of the ring on his pinkie on your cheek. “Stop crying, you dummy. I’ll be back in three months. That’s not that long, is it?” 
“It’s not,” you nodded, laughing softly.
“So why are you crying?” he asked with a gentle tone in his voice that surprised you, expecting to be teased again.
“I’ll miss you,” you shrugged. 
“I’ll miss you too,” he shook his head, laughing, “stop crying. I’ll call you every day.” 
You just nodded, seeing his flight appear on the informative sign above his head, signaling the fact that he had to leave soon. “You should go. Don’t want to miss the flight, do you?”
“Okay,” he nodded and moved closer to you, hugging you one last time. You almost expected him to pull away quickly and run to the gate, when he swiftly leaned in and pecked your forehead. 
You watched him run away after that, giggling as he turned around and waved at you in the process, tugging your lips into a smile. Yes. This was the first time you realised you were foolishly in love with your best friend. Because when he pecked your forehead and the stupid butterflies decided to make their way into your stomach, you also realised one thing - and that is, you wished he kissed you on the lips instead.
“Y/n? Are you even listening?” asks Jeongin, waving his hand in front of your face to bring you back into reality.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure,” you nod, trying to sound like you didn’t just spend a solid few minutes daydreaming about his face. You notice how different he looks with blue hair, remembering something about his japanese friend Riki dying it for him like the second week after he landed in Tokyo. It looked so much better in person. It suited him.
“So, as I was saying,” he starts, reaching for something in his bag, “the gift.”
“No,” you shake your head, “I don’t want it.”
“Y/n, don’t be stupid. I’ve known you for my whole life and I am perfectly certain you like getting gifts so shut up already and let me give you a gift.” rolls his eyes Jeongin, putting the black box onto the table in front of you, waiting for you to take it.
You look at it with daring eyes, contemplating the choice for a bit before you take the box into your hands and hesitantly open it. Inside, you see a beautiful bracelet, cute just like your best friend, the pretty teal color shining into your eyes as you scan the lettered beads on the it and- oh. 
“Why is there ‘best mum’ written on it?” you ask, biting down on your lip to keep yourself from bursting out in laughter.
“Okay, hear me out. Me and Riki went to this one cute japanese store and it had those cutesy bracelets there and I really wanted to get you one, but they had none with your name on it and all the friendship ones were sold out already, so I took the next best choice!” he argues, seeing your amused face.
“That’s exactly what you said about the ‘world’s greatest grandpa’ coffee cup as well!” you giggle, facepalming in the process, but taking the bracelet and putting it around your hand nonetheless. You smile at the sight of it. Of course you liked it. You didn’t even care about the obnoxiously wrong sign on it, in fact, you kind of love it just for the sheer fact of those little gifts being kind of your thing now. 
“You still like it, so…” he laughs at you, seeing you play around with the beads of the bracelet, examining it.
“Of course I do, Jeongin,” you shake your head in disbelief, “of course I do.”
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“What will Jeongin give you for Valentine’s day today?” asks you Seungmin, grinning from ear to ear at the sight of your frustrated face.
“Nothing?” you glare at him, “since he’s not my boyfriend, you know,” you scoff.
“Awh, is our little y/n-ie sad?” the boy teases you as you shut your locker in his face obnoxiously loud so he knows it’s time for him to finally shut his mouth for a moment. 
“I’m not. And you know that.” you grunt, rolling your eyes.
“Uh-huh, so if I told you Yang Jeongin is just talking to another girl with a rose in his hand, you wouldn’t care the slightest bit-”
“Where?!” you jolt, turning around furiously, looking for the blue head in the hallway, but noticing nothing. Just then you realise Seungmin is watching you with a playful smirk on his lips, enjoying the view of your panicked expression.
“I was just joking, chill. But speaking of our little Innie, he’s just walked in from behind the corner, so I’ll leave you two to it-”
“Bye!” screams Seungmin and disappears into the boy’s bathroom so you can’t follow his tall figure inside. What does he even think about himself? Leaving you with your crush alone on Valentine's day? It wasn’t like you were absolutely terrified of someone walking up to the boy and asking him to be their Valentine, you swear!! It was just… the slightest hint of hope that maybe, he will be the one to ask you this year that is scaring you.
Oh, what a fool you were.
“Y/n!” you hear someone call you, knowing damn well it was your best friend. You wait for him to catch up to you, smiling at his face. He looks even better than usual with his hair parted in the middle, you can even tell he put some effort into picking out his outfit today. He looks nice, yet you fear that fact, because that must mean he wants to look nice for some reason - someone, in particular, and that is not good, considering it was Valentine’s day.
“Hey,” you smile at him, “all dressed up today. Trying to impress somebody?” you bitterly laugh, seeing him blush a little.
“Well, do you think it'll work?” he sighs, looking down to his feet. It wasn’t like Jeongin to act so shy around you. What was going on?
“So, who are you trying to impress, then?” you smile, trying to look unbothered.
“I brought you something!” suddenly bursts out Jeongin, seeing your surprised face as he doesn’t answer your question. 
“What?” you ask, confused.
“Umm, wait-” he says, rummaging through his backpack, taking out a baked pastry in the shape of a big heart you recognise as a gingerbread, “here. I got this for you.”
You hesitantly take the gingerbread into your hands, seeing how it’s decorated with pretty flowers drawn in colored frosting, a big sign on top of it written in cursive making you blush just at the sight of it. 
‘Lovely girlfriend’, there says, making you bitterly giggle. 
“Let me guess. They didn’t have any best friend ones in the store,” you scoff, knowing damn well that was the reason for the sign on top of the gingerbread, not even sure if they bake ones with best friends signs on them in the first place.
“They did, actually,” he sheepishly mumbles, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
“Then why- why didn’t you just take that one?” you ask, feeling your blush growing deeper and deeper.
“Well, umm-” he musters up to awkwardly mutter, “well, you see, I was wondering if maybe you could make that statement on the gingerbread true, you know?” he asks, seeing you freeze.
You feel like something hit you over your head, you feel like you are dreaming. Because this surely cannot be happening right now, right?
“If not, I can just eat that one and buy you a ‘best friends forever’ one instead, it’s all good, you know, but you could just let me know now so I-”
You cut him off, eagerly throwing yourself into his arms, giggling to yourself. His body relaxes in the instance, his hands gripping your hips as he holds you close, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes,” you nod, pulling away from him so you can look him in the eye.
His eyes are smiling back at you, a shy gaze sent your way as he bites down on his lip before leaning in and softly kissing your forehead again, just like that day at the airport. When he pulls away, he sees you staring at him with stars in your eyes, making him the happiest person on this whole entire planet, cursing himself for not buying the pretty necklace with ‘my love’ written on it back in Japan instead.
But as he sees you gazing onto him, his eyes fall down onto your lips subconsciously, inviting you to take the first step now, standing on your tip-toes to lock your lips in a sweet peck.
And right then and there, you realise he has always been the sweetest gift of them all.
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GENNY❣❣❣once again, sUrPrIsE hihi umm okay,,well i hope you like this 😎 i am glad i could finally write about jeongin some more,,also i am so glad i got you as my assigned person because ENGENE TWINS !! you are actually my first engene friend djdk yes i did say friend because we are legally friends now i dont make the rules. thanks for answering my random ass questions and for screaming about enhypen with me <33 you are a really cool and wholesome bean and i hope we can continue being friends hihi ily
— your 🎄 anon, Bar <3
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headspace-hotel · 4 years
On that note, I highly dislike posts (even by people who should know better) implying that regular exercise, physical activity in the classroom, better accomodation, alternatives to traditional education, etc. will necessarily “cure” or “fix” adhd to a significant degree
Like I think there’s this unspoken urge with adhd to reduce it down to a difference that we are failing to accommodate societally and if the classroom and daily life was made friendlier to adhd, it wouldn’t be a disability. But that’s just...not right.
I was homeschooled from kindergarten through graduation. I had the ability to start school at noon instead of 8am, get out of my chair and pace, to fidget, to take breaks when I wanted, to get outside and exercise if I needed to—but I still HAD adhd, and I still fundamentally Couldn’t work on school for 5+ hours per day. Not once during my whole unmedicated high school experience did I do work for all of the courses I was taking in a single day for two days consecutively. I tried my absolute hardest to actually fulfill the academic requirements I was supposed to be meeting for a week once and ended up having an instant breakdown when my mom asked if I had been studying for the ACT.
I wish ADHD was measured by its effect on the person’s wellbeing rather than their performance. Because I COULD perform, and my first therapist refused to even evaluate me because of my test scores. But I was suffering. I was so stressed, all the time. Usually I did math and reading for something and if I did more I would be so mentally exhausted I knew I wouldn’t be able to do art or write or anything that evening. I knew allllll the coping skills, but I was constantly suffering as I did them. Many of the courses I took at home are incompletely finished or took me like 2-3 years to get through, and for the classes I took outside home much of the work was done a day before the deadline while in crying hysterics. A lot of my gap year was spent plugging all the gaps I failed to complete as a senior. For almost a year after graduating I couldn’t scroll through studyblrs because notebooks and highlighters and stuff filled me with dread. My mental health was SO BAD because of school and I almost couldn’t have been accommodated better.
Like, discussions about how academic success shouldn’t be necessary to succeed in life are valid, but I want to be academically successful. I like learning. Before I was medicated I doubted I would ever be able to go to college. “It should be okay if you’re not cut out for a college education!” wouldn’t have helped me. And honestly, even if I never went to college my adhd would still impede my ability to function in day to day life. It hurts my ability to pursue goals I make for myself. I procrastinate things I ENJOY doing because of my adhd.
I’m honestly a little sick of medication for adhd being seen as like...a symptom of a societal failure on our part, because if the classroom Properly Adapted to people’s differences everything would be okay, or if adhd people were just Allowed to go to trade school or not get a post highschool education everything would be okay.
And it’s like. I don’t biologically belong to an Electrician Caste because I have ADHD. We’re not bees. I don’t need to accept that academia isn’t what I’m “meant to” do because of my Can’t Sit Still Disorder. I like to learn. I want to learn. And my meds allow me to succeed at doing that. There’s nothing wrong with that.
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dotdotdottie · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet || Dot & Rio
Timing: Recent
Location: UMaine Campus
Tagging: @dotdotdottie & @3starsquinn
Description: Dot finds her knew favorite student <3
Although Orion didn’t have much of a break since he took classes over the summer, his body was still trying to readjust to the normal Fall classes getting started again. Before a few months ago, Rio had never worked a day in his life. Now between classes starting up, having a job at the funeral home and still trying to get the Scribrary archived, Rio found himself more exhausted than usual. But things were different this time. It wasn’t going to be like his freshman year of college where he wore himself into the ground and had a minor mental breakdown. He was determined to keep his head above water. Even if the surface right now was a general education English class that Rio found himself constantly yawning in. As his mind would begin to wander, his hunter hearing started straying from the professor’s voice and around the classroom. He could hear the music from people’s phones as they ignored a lecture, the light snoring from a kid in the back of the class, and then the sounds of a few kids laughing, probably at someone else’s expense. Rio spotted the three, glancing over at the TA and talking about something Rio couldn’t quite make out because his hearing decided it was much more interested in another student’s podcast that just started on their headphones a few seats up. Rio sighed and rubbed at his eyes, trying to refocus on the professor. None of that was his business anyways.
The longer Dot had to TA for classes like this, the more often she thought about just quitting her degree. She didn’t want to teach these bratty kids who didn’t seem to get that they had to work to actually get a good grade in the class. Instead they thought bothering her into changing their grades would work. Hell fucking no. Dot had worked her fucking ass off in college to graduate summa cum laude and if she could do it as a double major with a minor, these fucking assholes could do the work. She was finishing grading some quizzes when the Three Dumbassteers slinked their way over. She glanced up with a dull expression,“No I am not changing your grade, Mark. Maybe if you stopped talking in class you would do better.” Whatever the ratty freshman quipped back at her, she ignored. As the three students continued to pester her, Dot pointed at a student nearby who had just rubbed his eyes, keeping her voice low so as to not interrupt anyone trying to focus,“Do you see him bothering me over grades? No? Great, be like him. I like him. He is good and not annoying me!”
Minding his business was exactly what Orion had planned on doing before the TA was pointing over in his direction. “ Rio perked up immediately, his face flushing a bright red as all four of them looked over at him. Rio smiled nervously, holding up his hand in a small, motionless wave. The three scowled at him and Rio felt his face burning in embarrassment. The TA was right, it wasn’t like Rio was trying to pester her for help with grades. He had been doing fine with the exams and papers. As long as they did the readings the material wasn’t extremely difficult. At least Rio didn’t think so. Despite the embarrassment from being put on the spot, he wasn’t going to claim that the compliment from the TA wasn’t flattering. “Oh uh- Thanks. I mean… I’m sure if you all just got a little bit ahead on the readings it’d be easier to follow along, yeah?” Rio suggested, trying to remain as neutral as possible. Apparently, it didn’t seem to impress the three too much whose scowls only deepened. Since they already weren’t fans of Rio, why not try to side with the one who actually seemed to like him. “Hey uh- I mean if she even considered that she could potentially lose her position. That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think?”
Aw, what a cutie, he was embarrassed that she called him out. Dot loved when people got embarrassed from something she did. It was honestly just so much fun. She could marry this kid for even suggesting that other people do the reading. “You’re my new favorite.” She turned to the other three,“If you did the readings you probably wouldn’t even need to pay attention in class, so you could sit there and do whatever.” She wouldn’t even be annoyed if that's what they did as long as they had the grades to get away with that. There were some people in class Dot would never bother because of how well they were doing, even if they slept the whole time. “I could if they thought I was doing what you’re asking me to,” She confirmed, giving the three her best disappointed look. The three grumbled about it not being fair before sulking back to their seats. Dot turned to Rio again,“Let me buy you a coffee after class for that.”
New favorite? Orion felt a wave of flattery and embarrassment wash over him. He wasn’t exactly new to the idea. In high school, it didn’t take much to be a teacher’s favorite. Rio was quiet and turned his work in on time and that basically made him a lot of the teacher’s star pupil. But here in college, it had rendered him practically invisible. The three student’s weren’t happy about the TA’s decision and they complained about her while shooting dirty looks at Rio. He hoped that didn’t come back to haunt him. Those guys looked like the typical frat tools that Rio had always tried to purposefully avoid, but he was pretty sure that they weren’t part of Adam’s. Adam’s frat seemed way too chill to worry about asking teachers for grade raises and silently threatening fellow students. “Uh- really?” Rio found himself asking when she offered to buy him coffee, “You don’t have to. Like, you don’t owe me anything.” Though he didn’t hate the idea. Not that Rio drank coffee, but he could get a hot chocolate. “I just can’t believe they actually expected you to change their grades, y’know? Does that happen a lot?”
Maybe Dot would get rid of one of them if they asked her again. They looked healthy enough to be tasty, but she was trying not to eat her students. It was a little too close to home she supposed and she really couldn’t deal with how sad the rest of the class would get. It just wouldn’t be good for her skin. Other people’s sadness made her breakout. “Eh, I want to.” If he questioned it again though, she wasn’t sure how tempted she would be to go through with it. She nodded as she circled another wrong answer. “Yep. All the time actually. They think I get it because I’m around your age. I never asked anyone to help my grade.”
Perhaps it was because Orion never connected with many people in school that made the idea that someone wanted to grab coffee with him so completely unbelievable. For the most part, the friends that he had made had mostly been through forced encounters that grew into friendship. Blanche and the club plus acting class. Winston with anime night and sleep walking into the Scribrary. He had been stranded in a house with Layla overnight to escape a vampire. But this was different. A stranger that had casually suggested grabbing a coffee after class. Was this how normal people made friends? “Right. Yeah of course. I’d love to then.” He wasn’t convinced he wouldn’t be awkward as heck, but he wanted to take that risk. “Right. I can’t tell if I’m surprised or not.” Just based on his high school experience, Rio remembered the types that were constantly buddying up with the more motivated people in class to get “help” with assignments. Plus the teacher’s engrossed by school sports that always let things slide by. Maybe he had hope that people that got to college might be a bit more enthusiastic about learning. “But oh well I guess. Honestly, I think it’s kind of funny how confident they looked walking up to you. Made their deflation just a tiny bit more satisfying.” Rio allowed himself to try for a joke partnered with a small grin.
“After class then. There’s a place close by we can walk to.” Dot really should be finish grading after class, before her own class, but her brain was going to melt out of her head if she didn’t take a break. Her motivation for school had been waning too much for this. Everyday she was more and more tempted to drop out and tell everyone else to fuck off. Dealing with students all the time didn’t make her anymore excited, which she knew was a bad sign considering she was on track to be a teacher. She should have taken people’s advice and go for kindergarten instead of high school. “They have no idea I could eat them alive,” She smiled to herself, more than a little pleased by her joke. No one knew how dangerous she really was and she did get some giddy joy from it.
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dawnbutterfly · 5 years
This one I wrote around the same time as the Adoption Timeline fics. Even though I wrote it before them, the Adoption fics were the ones that Keeper ultimately convinced me to post, which is why I didn’t post this one at the time, because it would make it kind of weird. 
With that context out of the way, enjoy my hurt/comfort NK x Butters ship fic that takes place intermittently in the episode “Safe Space”.
“And that's why we called you down here. Eric said you're so focused, you'd probably have no problem getting through it.” PC Principal said. Grant said nothing, as usual, but a smirk crept onto his face, and he held back a snort. “Something funny? I could easily give you detention instead.” PC Principal said. Grant covered his mouth, but more snickering snorts escaped, and he broke out laughing. He hopped off his chair, walking towards the door without looking back. “Oh, I'll see you in detention for the next three weeks, mister!” PC Principal shouted. Grant waved goodbye without looking back, and shut the door behind him. ⁂ Grant ran through the hallway, worried. He could hear Butters' shouting from three classrooms down, something about a man coming to get him. He was half ready to pull out a weapon to defend him with. As he ran past one of the Kindergarten classrooms, which were for some odd reason located on the second floor, he caught a glimpse of Kyle and Stan. He skidded to a halt, just in time to see Butters. He was naked, his eyes wild, his hair a mess. And the instant he came into Grant's view, he turned around, and jumped right through the window. Grant stood, paralyzed with horror, as his eyes slowly widened to match his feeling. A rising scream escaped his throat, startling the kids in the classroom, as he ripped himself from his stasis and took off towards the stairs at a dangerous, stumbling pace. “New Kid!” Kyle called out, following behind him at a safer stride. “Oh god! Oh god! Please no!” Grant screamed as he nearly tumbled down the flight of stairs, grasping onto any handhold he could find so he could fling himself around turns without slowing. He burst out the front doors of the school, running over to Butters' side. “Butters!? Butters, are you conscious!? Tell me you're conscious! Oh god, please tell me you're not…!” Grant yelled, horror and nearly belligerent worry coating his voice. He clutched at his head, trying to organize his extremely disheveled thoughts. His eyes snapped open and he whipped out his phone, dialing 911, just as Kyle and company came running out the door after him. “911, what is your emergency?” The operator asked. “South Park Elementary! My best friend just jumped out of the second story window!” Grant half-shouted, nearly hysterical. “He's bleeding badly from his head, and he's got glass embedded in his body!” “H-He's unconscious right now! I-I-I can't tell how bad his other injuries might be, I don't want to move him in case his neck is broken…!” He continued, forcing himself into an analytical state to keep from going into shock. “Please! Send somebody to help him! Please save him!” “EMT's are on their way, stay on the line please, young man.” The operator said routinely, yet softly. “How old is the injured person?” She asked. “Ten… We're classmates…” Grant said. “You're right not to move him. If there's an adult there, have them help, but otherwise just make sure nobody else moves him until the ambulance arrives.” The operator instructed. “R-Right…” Grant said shakily, nearly hyperventilating from stress. “Young man… your friend is going to be okay. Take a deep breath.” The operator said, shifting gears. Grant did as instructed, and took several deep breaths, trying to compose himself. “You've done very well in this situation, even better than some adults I've talked to. I'm sure your friend will be fine.” She said again. “I-I hope so…” Grant said, still shaken. “I-If he… I-I don't know what I'd…” “I'm sorry to ask, but do you know why he jumped?” The operator asked. “It will help us treat him later on in the hospital.” Grant almost choked out a sob at the word 'hospital'. “I-I don't know the details. I heard him shouting something about a man coming to get him, and by the time I found him, he jumped.” He said. “He's… he's naked right now. I think he might have been hallucinating…” He finished quietly. “He was, dude.” Kyle said from behind him, making him jump and turn around. “PC Principal had him running like thirty people's social media accounts, and filtering out their negative comments. He's been at it non-stop for like a week now.” Kyle continued. Grant's eyes narrowed, and he clenched his fist so hard the color drained out of it. “Him…” He growled through clenched teeth. “He put Butters on that…?” “I'm sorry, young man?” The operator asked. Grant snapped out of his fury. There would be time for that later. “Sorry. My friend just told me that he suffered a work-stress related mental breakdown.” Grant said clinically. “Thank you, young man.” The operator said. Grant heard the sirens as the ambulance drew close. “The ambulance is here…” He said into the phone. “Very good. Please, get a safe distance away and let the paramedics do their job.” The operator said. “Right…” Grant said, standing up as the ambulance parked right in front of the school and a couple of people got out with their equipment. “Thank you…” He said quietly, hanging up the phone. The ambulance soon took Butters away, heading towards Hell's Pass Hospital, and Grant was left with his other friends, sitting on the steps of the school. Grant had started shaking, the adrenaline having worn off, leaving him in a nearly shell-shocked state. “Hey, dude… are you alright?” Kyle asked cautiously. “Do I look alright!?” Grant asked harshly. “My Butters just threw himself out a window!” Stan raised an eyebrow, almost smirking. “'My Butters'?” He asked in an amused tone. Grant blushed at realizing what he'd said. “'My best friend'! Shut up!” He said, embarrassed. “Dude, you almost threw yourself, screaming, down a flight of stairs for him.” Kyle said. “It's pretty obvious.” “Yeah, and it's not like there's anything wrong with it…” Kenny mumbled through his parka. Grant sighed, burying his face in his hands, more from stress and exhaustion than from embarrassment. “Ugh, not the right time, guys…” He said through his hands. “I just… he's my best friend… the first friend I made when I moved here…” “I-I should have been more aware of what was happening with him. I should have stopped this from-” He started, but was interrupted by Kyle pulling his shoulder to face him. “You are not responsible for this!” He said sternly. “This is on PC Principal, and all of the people who couldn't handle negative twitter comments on their own. Not you.” Grant took a deep breath, shuddering. Kyle's eyes softened. “But, if you really want to be more involved, and make sure you know when something like this happens, there is a way.” Kyle said. Grant looked up to him. “How?” He asked. Kyle just kept looking at him, and let Grant realize on his own. This time, Grant did bury his face in his hands from embarrassment. ⁂ Grant sat by Butters' side in his hospital room. They'd managed to stabilize him, but he was in pretty bad shape. Still, he'd managed to convince them to let him in. It was so easy for him to persuade people… Suddenly, the door to the room opened. Grant looked up to see a group of people all pile into the room. Among them, he saw PC Principal. His eyes filled with fury as he stood up. “You!” He almost shouted, then instantly covered his mouth with his hand, looking over at Butters. He turned back to the group. “What are you doing here!? Come to try to finish the job!?” He hissed. “New Kid…” PC Principal said, agitated, but much more subdued than usual. “What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in detention.” “Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't make it on account of my friend taking a swan-dive out the second story window.” Grant growled. PC Principal looked at the ground. “And who are you all? The gaggle of weak-willed cry-babies who drove him to this?” He asked. The group all looked like they wanted to cry. “Hey! There is no need for that!” PC Principal said, still trying to keep himself reigned in. “You're right. This whole thing happened because you made him look through so much of that kind of negativity.” Grant said coldly. “Hey, he didn't have to do it! He could have taken the detention like you!” PC Principal said. “In every city I've ever lived in, that's been known as 'extortion', and comes with up to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in jail.” Grant said, shutting PC Principal up. “But hey, I've got good news: I'll take the job!” Grant said with sarcastic enthusiasm. “If you wanted me to do it so badly, you could have just said so! You didn't have to try to kill my cru-” Grant caught himself, stopping. Several of the group bit their lips, all of their eyes shifting to extreme regret and pity as they took the meaning of his halted words. “You didn't have to try to kill my best friend.” “I-I'm sorry…” Demi said. “We just… we couldn't handle it all anymore…” “So you put all of it on a fourth grader!?” Grant shot back. Demi opened her mouth, but closed it again, looking at the floor. “What's the point of even being on social media if you can't handle the social part!?” “We just… wanted a safe space…” Seagal said. “There's no such thing as a 'safe space'!” Grant said, making the group look at him strangely. “The world is a cruel place, and somebody has to deal with it. For everyone who wants to be coddled and shielded from it, somebody else has to be that shield, and suffer in their stead.” “How is it fair that you get to sit there in an echo-chamber, listening to nothing but hollow reinforcement, while somebody else suffers for you!?” He asked. Nobody could answer. “You sound just like Reality…” Vin Diesel said. “I've been through reality!” Grant said. “Do you have any idea how many times I've had to move? To just uproot from my life, from all of my friends, and run away because of…” He stopped, the group looking on, wondering what a 9 year old would need to flee from. Grant sighed, slumping back down into his chair. “Why do you adults get to be weak, while children like me and Butters have to be strong…” He asked absently, not looking at the group. “Get out. Just… just get out…” He mumbled. The group looked at each other uncomfortably, but all slowly made their way out. Grant looked over at Butters, still unconscious. He began to cry. ⁂ Butters slowly opened his eyes. His whole body hurt, and he saw that there was some kind of mask over his nose and mouth. He couldn't remember what happened. “Oh, dude! He's awake!” A voice came from beside him. He turned his head slightly to see Kyle, Stan, and Kenny in the room with him. It hurt to do so. “Oh… hey fellas…” He managed to say, his voice raspy. “How do you feel, dude?” Kyle asked. “Like I fell off a building…” Butters said. “Well… I mean, you kind of did.” Stan said. “W…What…?” Butters asked, eyes widening a little. Even that hurt. “You don't remember?” Kyle asked. “You went totally nuts and jumped out a second story window.” Kenny said. “I-I don't remember…” Butters said, worried. “It's alright dude. The stress just got to you is all.” Kyle said. “The doctors said that you're going to be fine.” “That's good… thanks for making sure I got to the hospital, fellas…” Butters said. “Actually… that was the New Kid.” Stan said. Butters' eyes widened again. “R-Really?” He asked. “Yeah, dude. He's the one who called the ambulance, and he stayed with you practically every second since you got here.” Kyle said. “W-Well where is he now?” Butters asked. Stan and Kyle looked at each other uncomfortably. “He wanted to be here when you woke up, but…” Kyle trailed off. “He said he couldn't stand seeing you like this anymore.” Stan finished. “Looks like twenty hours of watching his best friend unconscious in a hospital bed was too much, even for him…” “Wow, he must really care about his friends…” Butters said with a tiny laugh. “I think…  I think it's more you specifically.” Kyle said. “What do you mean?” Butters asked. Stan and Kyle exchanged glances again. “Look, New Kid didn't want us telling you anything, but…” Stan said. Butters looked at them, confused… ⁂ Grant paced back and forth slowly in front of the door to Butters room. Kyle had told him that Butters had finally woken up, and he rushed over to the hospital. But once there, he became anxious about entering. He'd walked out on Butters, only for him to wake up not an hour after he left. He knew the others had told him as much. Not only that, but he was afraid to see Butters awake and in pain. He stopped pacing, taking a deep breath. He held it, and opened the door. Butters looked up, smiling weakly when he saw Grant's face. “W-Well hey there, friend…” He said, his voice still a little scratchy. Grant walked over, stopping at the edge of Butters' bed. “How do you feel? Are you in any pain?” He asked uneasily. “A little. But they have me on a lot of pain medicine, so it's alright.” Butters said weakly. “That's good…” Grant said, placing his hand on the bed next to Butters absently. Suddenly, Butters weakly took Grant's hand, making him look up in shock. A slight blush crept onto his face. “Something on your mind?” Butters asked with a small laugh. “N-No…” Grant said, looking away. “You sure?” Butters asked again. “The way you're acting is a little… curious.” Grant turned back, raising an eyebrow. “Curious?” He asked. Butters just stared at him, as Grant's eyes slowly shifted from inquisitiveness to dull annoyance. “How much did they tell you?” He asked. Butters chuckled weakly. “Enough…” Grant sighed. “I might kick those guys' asses later…” He mumbled. “Did you really throw yourself down the stairs for me?” Butters asked. Grant grinned, blushing. “More or less.” He said. He sat down, not letting go of Butters' hand. He leaned back, blowing out his tension. “So, you're really…” Butters started. “'Bi-curious'? No curiosity about it.” Grant said, closing his eyes. “I usually try not to get too attached, in case the government finds me again and I have to move…” He grinned again, looking over at Butters. “But I couldn't help it. You're just too cute⹈” This time, Butters was the one to blush. “I've got crushes on a few other people in town, but with you…” He said, trailing off. “You're always so nice to me, no matter what. True, genuine kindness.” He said. “You're probably the kindest, closest friend I've ever had…” “When I saw you throw yourself out that window, my heart damn near stopped.” He said. “I thought I'd lost you… oh god, if I'd lost you…” Butters squeezed his hand lightly, causing him to look over. “I'm alright, alright?” He said with a small smile. Grant nodded, then sighed, turning to face forward again. “I know you probably don't feel the same way. Even if you did, you have a girlfriend, even if she's all the way in Canada…” He turned back to Butters with a smile. “I'm just glad you're alright…” He said. Butters closed his eyes. “You're right, I can't say I have those kinds of feelings towards you. I wouldn't want to cheat on Charlotte either…” He said. He opened his eyes, smiling. “But I still think you're pretty great. And I'm still your best friend, right?” Grant nodded. “Of course you are, and I wouldn't want an unrequited crush to come between that.” He said with a smile. “Why I didn't tell you before…” He mumbled. His face went serious. “But, since you're my best friend, you have to tell me when things like this are happening to you.” He said sternly. “I know you, so I know you don't want to burden others, but you can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone…” Butters squeezed his hand again. “Alright, I promise…” He said. Grant smiled softly, satisfied. “Good…” He said. His face brightened. “Now, I think you could use some rest.” He said, finally letting go of Butters' hand. Butters nodded weakly. Grant himself then yawned, to the amused smile of Butters. “Sounds like you've been up too long too…” Butters said. Grant grinned sheepishly. “I'll be back tomorrow, if that's alright.” He said. Butters smiled. “That'd be nice. Hospitals are less boring with a friend.” ⁂
Now just as a post-fic disclaimer, I do not personally agree with Grant on the topic of safe spaces. But, to be fair, his crush did just jump off a building because of those people, and how they achieved their “safe space” was all wrong anyway. :p
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therealmaggiemedia · 3 years
The Maggie Simpson Show E1808 The New Teacher
The kids have arrived only to find no teacher.
I wonder where Mr Johnson is?
I do not know!
Then a man wearing an army uniform arrives.
Aten Hut!
Nobody knows what it means.
Anyway I am your new teacher Mr Sharpe!
He writes his name on the blackboard.
And I would like to get to know all of you starting with your names go!
Maggie Simpson!
Gerald Samson!
Maria Rozzotto!
Ling Behavior!
Emma Mary Alice Kensington the third!
Judith Robertson!
Lilly Hargreaves!
William Bartholomew!
Alright that’s everyone now let me look at the lesson plan!
He reads the lesson plan
Footprint Patterns, Playing in the sandbox, Not in my class!
Mr Sharpe!, this is a Kindergarten and this is what we do in this class and you have to follow the lesson plan!
Oh I see we have a troublemaker here I’ll show you what I do with troublemakers sit in this chair!
Maggie sits on a leather chair Mr Sharpe got from the teacher’s desk.
Remove your shoes!
Maggie does what she is told.
Mr Sharpe gives her a foot message.
(IN SONG) I love rubbing Children’s feet I just don’t know why!
The Simpsons are having dinner at the table Maggie is telling them what her new teacher did.
And then he asked me to sit in the teacher;’s chair then he gave me a foot massage but I don’t know why he did that but it felt good!
This new teacher does he have a rusty voice and red hair?
Yes he does!
He reminds me of someone I knew in the Army camp I once went to!
Well he does wear an army uniform!
I’m sure he is a qualified teacher!
If you do have any trouble with him just tell Principal Skinner!
and hopefully his ass will be canned!
I’ll see what he does tomorrow!
They continue eating.
The kids have arrived at the classroom only to find an army assault course everything that was in the classroom has been taken out.
What the hell is this?
I don’t know Maggie!, but whatever it is count me out!
Then Mr Sharpe greets them.
Today I thought we’d do an army assault course!
Maggie heads towards it but Mr Sharpe stops her.
Maggie!, while everyone else is doing the assault course  you get to sit in this chair and eat a whole Chocolate cake!
He gives a big cake the rest of the class start doing the assault course Maggie eats the cake until she is very full.
I don’t feel well!
Maggie exits the room feeling sick.
Maggie is standing at the sink washing her hands and washing her face.
Stupid Sharpe making me throw up!
Then Judith enters the room
Maggie!, Don’t worry I don’t blame you I blame that teacher!
Where’s Michelle today I haven’t seen her all week!
I don’t know but I’m sure she’s alright!
Maggie is standing in front of his desk facing him she is complaining about Mr Sharpe.
Principal Skinner! Its not in my nature to complain about such things but Mr Sharpe has turned the Kindergarten into an army assault course and he made me consume a whole chocolate cake!
Simpson!, I am quite sure Mr Sharpe hasn’t turned the Kindergarten class into an army assault course!
But he has and-
I’ll be having a word with Mr Sharpe about the chocolate cake you consumed its just not good for anyone!
Maggie exits the room.
Mr Sharpe is not looking too happy.
Alright it seems that someone in this class likes telling on people I wonder who that could be!
They all look at each other.
Since you don’t want to confess everyone will share the punishment, and that punishment is 50 laps around the playground.
They all run around the playground.
I  should not be doing this with my leg!
Maggie decides to stop for a rest but Mr Sharpe wonders why Maggie has stopped running.
Simpson! On your feet!
Maggie runs.
the kids are now feeling very warn out and are trying to catch their breath.
You know what I think?, I think its very unfair!
Got to agree Maggie!,it is!
Yes it is sorry if I’ve been quiet I’ve been thinking of things!
Then Mr Sharpe walks over to them.
Now you have been running time for showers!
But we don’t have towels sir!
Guess what?
He gives them each a towel.
Maggie and the girls have had their shower and are sitting on the bench wearing towels and having a discussion.
We have to do something about Mr Sharpe!
Why Bother Mr Johnson is back next week!
Well we live in hope!
Guys come on we have to make sure he never harms anyone else!
Okay Maggie what do you have in mind?
Maggie whispers something to Judith.
The kids are now wearing their normal clothes Maggie is now putting her plan into action.
Judith fill this bucket with Water!
Judith does as Maggie asks Maggie climbs as high as she can and puts the bucket on top of the door.
When he opens the door he’ll get wet!
Lets hope it works!
If it doesn’t I have other ideas!
Then they hear him coming so they decide to hide Mr Sharpe opens the classroom door and a bucket of water falls on top of him.
Whoever did this is in big trouble!
I do have one more idea but involves me having a mental Breakdown you know a meltdown!
Okay lets go in the classroom!
Mr Sharpe is sitting at the desk while the kids talk to each other.
You going to do it Maggie!
Yes I am!
Maggie stands up.
( MENTAL BREAKDOWN) Oh no its happening! ( SCREAMS)
Mr Sharpe looks at Maggie
(YELLING) Simpson!, Explain yourself!
Explain this ass!
She throws pencils at him then a lot of paint.
I can’t take this I’m getting out of here!
He runs out of the classroom screaming
Maggie!, well done!
Yeah you got rid of him shame you had to have a meltdown!
I didn’t I was acting!
Well it worked you got rid of him!
Maggie smiles
Maggie is in bed wearing her PJ’s
In this weeks episode you saw me have a meltdown if any of you are Autistic keep calm and avoid Meltdowns, See you in the next one!
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olliethealright · 4 years
Three Steps From Home - Novel Update #2
Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to do my second update on Three Steps From Home. This should be the last update with more than 1-2 chapters, after this I’ll be pretty much caught up to what I’m writing now. This update will cover chapters 5-8, and together, these chapters add up to 4361 words. Warning, this is going to be long because I like these chapters, sorry lol. 
Disclaimer: These are all my original thoughts and words, please do not steal them.
Trigger warning: Mental illness, mentions of suicide and self harm, homophobia, conversion therapy
chapter five - rest stop monsters - 1571 words 
theme song - the village - warbel 
This chapter is maybe the most chaotic in the book. We get the first taste of Jude being a bit unhinged and unreliable as a narrator. 
summary: Jude’s mother threatens to send him to conversion therapy, which causes a massive fight between the two. Jude packs a backpack and hits the road, making it a few miles on foot before he breaks down and calls Aaron from a rest stop.
Jude’s mother trying to send him to conversion therapy:
Mother clicked the TV off so hard, the rubber button got stuck in the plastic base. Her knuckles crackled as she shifted, turning the hard, unblinking stare of concentration usually reserved for priests on me. The reverence she used when looking at someone who spun God’s words like steel ribbons was gone, replaced by the look of someone who has found a dead thing in their house
“Father John and I have been talking,” she said, choosing her words carefully. Nothing good ever started with that phrase. “We’ve been talking, and we think you’re beyond our help. Beyond… normal help.”
No shit. I had been ‘beyond help’ since I was a kid, it was a miracle it had taken her so long to come to the same conclusion I had. “Okay… so what now?”
I knew the answer before I formed the words, but I wanted to hear her say it anyway. I wanted it to sting, I wanted a reason to blow up in her face. She fed my fire, she would watch as it burned me.  
Jude having a breakdown at a rest stop:
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I brought my knees in closer to myself and shivered, my chest collapsed in on itself and my lungs emptied. The rest stop monsters closed in; I didn’t look at them. The minutes I spent waiting for you felt like hours.
By the time you pulled into the parking lot in your used blue pickup, I was half asleep, the start of a nasty cold already coursing through my blood. You parked next to me and got out, silhouetted against your headlights so you looked like someone else.
chapter six - Duo of Trespassers - 1266 words
theme song - mars - YUNGBLUD
Chapter five is definitely kind of a downer, but don’t worry, this book likes to play with your emotions so chapter six is weirdly... upbeat? This one is kind of hard to me to describe because the mood is very back and forth. It takes place the morning after chapter five. 
Summary: Jude wakes up at Aaron’s apartment, and they are now on a mission to break into Jude’s mother’s house and steal his stuff. 
Aaron talking about his past and then changing his mind and saying nothing:
“Good idea. When I moved out, my folks…” you trailed off, but it was enough to make me turn around. You had talked about your family just enough for me to know that you had one, and you probably weren’t adopted, although even that was foggy for me. Whenever I asked about them, you clammed up, changed the subject, complimented my eyes or the new sticker I had put on my laptop. I had stopped asking.
You waved me off like it was no big deal, but something about you had shifted already. You moved like a sparrow, ready to take flight at any second. You had paled a shade, your hands wouldn’t stop moving; adjusting the string at the waist of your shorts, then to your hood, putting it up, back down again, raking your fingers through your hair as if you were trying to pull it out by the chunk.
“It doesn’t matter,” you lied to my raised eyebrows. “Today’s about your bullshit, not mine. Now let’s get moving before we lose our nerve.”
“Aaron…” I should have stopped thinking about myself then, should have told you to go to work while I sorted my shit out, should have grabbed your hands and demanded you tell me something real about your life before I met you, but I didn’t. My tunnel vision didn’t include your distress, it barely included mine.
Jude and Aaron breaking into Jude’s old house:
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My mother’s car was thankfully absent from the driveway when we pulled up. I slouched down in my seat and scoured the street for snoopy neighbors, determining after nearly five minutes that there weren’t any.
You boosted me through the same window I had used to leave the night before, left wide open, as if she had wanted me to return so she could trap me inside. Your fingers were freezing as I pulled you in after me, a duo of trespassers in a room that was still mine.
seven - high on nothing - 1011 words
theme song - peanut butter waffles - ryan caraveo
Summary: This chapter takes place three weeks after the events of the previous chapter. Jude gets a call from his mother for the first time since they fought and he moved out, and agrees to take Aaron to meet her over brunch. Aaron spends the rest of the chapter assuring Jude that he isn’t afraid of Jude’s mother, and he does want to meet her. Essentially, the whole chapter is Jude having an emo moment and Aaron eating his spaghetti and begging Jude not to worry.
Beginning paragraph: 
It was three weeks before my mother finally called me. Three weeks of being high with glee when I remembered she wasn’t waiting for me when I got home, ready to tear into me like a bear tears into its prey. Three weeks of feeling like I was looking into the chasm where her anger bubbled just under out of sight, ready to swallow me whole if I got too close to the edge.
Jude speaking with his mother on the phone:
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“Jude?” she finally said, her pronunciation just a little off. My mother didn’t speak the language of apologies, but she stumbled through one that night. Her voice was hard as a brick wall, she was going against her better judgement, some part of her probably regretting it already. I let her talk.
She didn’t ask me to move back in, she didn’t ask me to change, she didn’t even ask me to go to church with her, which must have been a first. Instead, through gritted teeth, she said the words I never expected to hear from her. “Will you at least bring… him around the house? If you’re going to be dating, I deserve to meet him, at the very least.”
More of Jude being afraid of his mother...
I rolled my eyes and tried not to think about what my mother would say when she met you, how she would probably go after how you dressed first, and then the slight crookedness to your nose that I always thought made you more beautiful. Next, it would be: ‘does he even speak Spanish?’ And after that would come the obligatory: ‘I loved a white boy once, and do you know what it got me? An ungrateful son like you and a high mortgage.’  Then, she would pick you apart by the personality trait, by the star sign; tear you up and leave you in a heap on the floor.
 Jude explaining to Aaron why he’s afraid to see his mother
“My mother is… well you’ve heard the stories. My mother isn’t nice, she’s kind of a nightmare, actually. She doesn’t have a kind bone in her body, and she hates sinners more than anything. And she’ll probably insult everything about you. She’ll definitely try to shame me into marrying a Guatemalan girl from the next town over and having ten Christian kids and sending them to church school and having a dysfunctional family that looks perfect from the outside and then dying sad and alone.”
chapter eight - black and white - 505 words
theme song - untitled - EDEN (yes I've used this song before, but it’s one of the theme songs of the whole book and also its so pretty lol)
This is the shortest chapter in the book, and it’s definitely way underwritten, so I’ll be coming back to it. 
Summary: Aaron takes Jude to a drive in movie the night before their brunch with Jude’s mother to cheer him up. Aaron falls asleep, Jude drives home and reflects on his life.
Jude and Aaron being cute on the way to the movie:
You taught me words of the french you had learned in school as you drove, laughing when my pronunciation sounded more like ‘sad Spanish’. Eventually, I crossed my arms and spent the next ten minutes speaking only my mother tongue, which came back to me faster than I would have imagined after avoiding the language for years.
“Not bad, not bad,” you admitted when I finally got bored and switched back to english. “I mean, it doesn’t beat my secondary school French, but you’re getting there.”
I laughed and rolled my eyes. I had learned Spanish and English at the same time, and until elementary school, I mixed them like they were one. I was smart enough to know the difference as the words rolled off my tongue, but not smart enough to understand that not everyone spoke that way. It took my kindergarten teacher kneeling in front of me on the second day of school and explaining that his classroom was for english only for me to realize that I was different.
Aaron falling asleep at the end: (I had a picture for this one but it got corrupted so RIP)
I’m not sure exactly when you fell asleep, it was somewhere between the last (and only) good jump scare, when you swore like a sailor and then laughed until there were tears in your eyes, and the end of the movie. 
Half the cars had already packed up and left before I slid your head onto one of the pillows and pulled a blanket to your chin. You shifted in your sleep, but didn’t wake. I shoved all the blankets into the passenger seat and then shook you just enough so one bleary blue eye opened. You were stretched out in the backseat, asleep before I could say anything.
Okay, there it is! I hope you enjoyed this update, because I had a really good time making it! As always, feel free to message me if you have any questions! Thank you for reading if you made it this far.
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Sandglass of Time
I would like to contribute to the @mydayimagines September task (with autumn as my chosen prompt) and the @day6writers Myth event with this little piece of mine. The whole universe is based on my imagination. Hope you like it though! <3
2814 // angst, drama, slice of life // gods of the seasons AU // OT5 
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Park Sungjin always liked autumn the best. He couldn’t quite put a finger on the reason why, he just felt most comfortable during autumn.
The season represented rebirth for him. He adored watching the carpet of the colourful leaves that resembled a whole colour palette because not even two had the same shade. He adored watching the sunset above the ever-growing Seoul skyscrapers that looked like giant monsters amidst the green parks filled with the lovely chirping of birds and the smell of untouched nature. He adored the taste of the freshly roasted coffee that he always purchased on his way to work accompanied by a pumpkin-spiced cookie. He adored the warmth of hot chocolate that was never complete without marshmallows and a movie night. He adored the touch of his girlfriend, it was tender like silk yet fragile like glass.
It was the season when he met the love of his life and it was the time when he really started living his life. After the accident, he started to appreciate every single one of his days, he really lived like it was his last.
Thanks to autumn, a part of him died but another part of him awakened.
 Yoon Dowoon hated nothing more than autumn, so of course he was chosen to become the god of Autumn.
He always hated the cold morning and hot afternoon combo. The weather was so changeful in Korea that he didn’t even bother to bring a jacket with him, not even after he was told that gods could still feel the same way as humans. They could feel the warmth and the cold, yet they couldn’t freeze to death, nor get burnt by the sun. They were immortals, so their bruises and injuries healed right away. They didn’t age, they stayed forever young, and for some, it may have been a blessing but he disliked his curly, black curls and childish face so bad that he wanted to strangle Younghyun whenever he called him cute. Luckily, unless the gods wanted to, they couldn’t be seen by humans, so he didn’t have to go through the same when it came to people other than the gods of seasons.
He always hated how it darkened sooner in autumn and how the falling leaves made a mess on the pathways. The city buzzed again with running people who tried to catch their train, with toddlers who started their first year at kindergarten and with students who didn’t want to go back to school.
He hated how he couldn’t do anything to cheer those kids up, even though he tried his best. He made some leaves fall onto the ground with a wipe of his hand, so that youngsters could find beauty in their colour, yet they seemed indifferent to what was happening around them. He played with classroom doors, opening and then closing them like he was trying to be a creepy dude from a horror movie, but nobody could care less about the doors.
He hated how he had the less tools to make people fall in love with autumn because any other gods could do better.
Jae, the god of Winter, was a playful one. He adored playing snowball with little kids, creating blizzards and coming up with ice tubes. He could light a fireplace if he wished or warm up a cold mug. He was just as festive as the parties during New Year’s Eve and sentimental as those late-night conversations during Christmas time. Not to mention that he was sweet as a piece of a warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie and no one liked to bake more than he did. From time to time, he even made an attempt to offer some cookies to the other gods but they always had an excuse to say no to him. Wonpil had his spring rolls, Younghyun always found a new ice cream flavour that he wanted to try while Dowoon never went anywhere without his life-saving Earl Grey tea.
Wonpil, the god of Spring, was a tender one. He was the one behind all those gorgeous flowers growing and the cherry trees saying goodbye to their blossoms. He could warm up the morning with a flick of his hand and make everything bloom wherever he went. He was refreshing like a bowl of veggie soup and soothing like a trip in the forests. He was just as beautiful as falling stars on the clear, spring skies, small wonder why people enjoyed gazing at the stars during his season.
Younghyun, the god of Summer, was a pretty wild one. He was really a hot tissue, small wonder why he adored walking in his favourite Hawaiian shirts and colourful shorts. He was full of energy like a fruit bowl and unpredictable like a sudden downpour in the middle of a hot summer night. He was always restless like sunny beaches filled with excited surfers but nobody could deny that he was just as full of surprises as a sightseeing tour in a hidden city in the middle of Europe.
Frankly, Dowoon had no idea what he was like. Was he like the oh so beautiful sunrise after a stormy autumn afternoon? Was he like a crowded school yard filled with the hustle-bustle of the youngsters? Was he scary like a Halloween night or boring like the greyish skies of November? Was he dull like weekdays or sparkling like the atmosphere of Chuseok?
He didn’t know but he knew that he had plenty of time to find it out for himself. He was immortal after all. What could he possibly do rather than finding out who he was?
 Kang Younghyun felt a bit odd wearing his knitted jumper for the first time after those long, hazy, crazy days of summer.
He may be biased but he reckoned that summer was the best season of all. He absolutely hated wearing warm clothes, so he wasn’t really happy when Dowoon decided to bring a sudden cold front.
“Oh well, he’s just a kid after all,” he mumbled to himself as he looked at the race of the raindrops on the window. Jaehyung was also beside him but kept quiet. It was rare that he stopped talking but what had happened left a huge impact on everyone.
Whenever one season came to an end and another arrived, it was time for a little rest. Younghyun always had this longing feeling when summer was over, he wished that it lasted longer. He never counted days as he really lived in the moment, so when his time was over, a hollow pang invaded in his chest. He didn’t feel like he wanted to conquer the world anymore. He felt more at ease, his heart wasn’t beating so loudly. He was calm again.
Even though he loved nothing more than being the god of Summer, watching the sunsets first thing in the morning and staying up long after the sunrise, he also needed time to recharge his batteries. The life of a god wasn’t as easy as one would think. He was basically in charge of the weather, the nature and people’s moods at the same time. He could be everywhere and anywhere anytime in any form. He could be seen if he wanted to or he could hide and watch the humans enjoy the waves licking the sand off their feet, his eyes adoringly gazing at those honest and joyful smiles. There wasn’t any better music for his ears than the laughter of the kids who chased after one another in the garden, enjoying the first rays of sunshine after a summer rain.
To keep the story short, there was definitely a huge weight on his shoulders and despite the fact that he seemed like he was having the time of his life, he didn’t have an easy job. Especially not this year when he had to prepare Dowoon for his season.
“You can’t blame him,” Jaehyung tore off his gaze from the city that was soaked up in rain and turned to face Younghyun. “It’s his first time. I was just like him when I started.”
“You don’t have to tell me. I remember like it was yesterday,” the god of Summer giggled and looked at the sandy-haired young man beside him. He looked back at him with a smile, or to be precise a trace of a smile. Even the always carefree Jaehyung was uncharacteristically reserved and calm after the past events.
The gods of the seasons had been through a lot together as they were there since humans existed. No matter what happened, the four of them could overcome anything.
However, as one pearl fell out of the jewellery box and ended up in broken little pieces on the floor, all the other three were forever scarred.
 Park Jaehyung was said to be the god who was the least like a god.
While it’s true that he didn’t take his job seriously (who would take snowball fights and drunk people on New Year’s Eve seriously?), it didn’t mean that he didn’t care. He cared. A lot actually. Deep down, hidden under the sarcastic jokes, behind the big rounded glasses and hiding in wide smiles, he cared about the humans, the world and the other gods beside him. He cared about everything and anything but he found a different way to show it.
When it was his first time as the god of Winter, he was someone with little to no experience, therefore he was really afraid that he would mess up something. He was constantly worrying, stressing out and he burned out easily. Only after several seasons did it finally dawn on him that he either enjoyed what he was doing or obsessed over his flaws. He couldn’t do both at the same time. So he chose the first option and didn’t even want to look back since then. He had learned a lot during the journey, he had stumbled many times but he had also got up so many times.
Never once did he forget about caring. If it weren’t for his big heart, Younghyun wouldn’t have overcome his first mental breakdown. Jaehyung was there for him when he had an existential crisis and to make matters worse, his tears created a flood in Busan and letting out his emotions took innocent lives. Even though none of them expected Jaehyung to wake up from his dream and help out a wandering soul, he was there for Younghyun.
Since then, he didn’t even go to sleep once his season came to an end. He sat in a dusty warehouse and reflected on the previous months. Occasionally, he met up with the guys when he didn’t miss the opportunity to tease them.
Nevertheless, this autumn was different. Even humans felt that something was off but they blamed it on the global warming. They couldn’t possibly no what was going on behind the scenes. The weather was so changeable, sometimes Younghyun had to assist while Wonpil was already there because Dowoon couldn’t bear the weight of being the god of Autumn. He couldn’t be blamed though.
“I wish he hadn’t become a god under such circumstances,” Jaehyung took a seat beside Younghyun who was quite an amusing sight with his knitted jumper. He didn’t usually wear warm clothes but as the season changed, so did the weather and the atmosphere of their conversations. Even if it wasn’t usually that cold during autumn, the pain and misery in Dowoon’s heart spread through the world like an invisible virus.
“The worst is that he wasn’t there when it happened. He doesn’t even know him,” Younghyun let out an agitated sigh as his eyes followed the line of the little raindrops on the window. Jaehyung had a hard time believing that it was the some guy who was happily munching on one banana after another, innocently and childishly making approving noises as he was eating. The last month definitely changed him. It changed everyone.
“And Sungjin doesn’t know him either.”
 Kim Wonpil looked like he couldn’t lose his temper easily.
As the god of Spring, he was usually a light-hearted and tender creature. He didn’t like arguments as he tried his best to focus on the growth and rebirth of the world and not the wars that could start up any minute. Spring was the season of hope, new chances and beginnings. It was also the season of light. After the sometimes long and not-so-gentle winter (the severity depended on Jaehyung’s mood swings), he was there to heal the wounds, warm the humans’ hearts and show them a road full of flowers instead of thorns.
However, what had happened to Sungjin was unbearable, especially for him. On top of being the gods of seasons, Sungjin was the one who was the closest to him. Frankly, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they didn’t even talk a lot. In the beginning, Jaehyung liked to sleep through the other seasons and not until December arrived, did he actually wake up. This way, he didn’t even interact with them, let alone make friends with them.
On the other hand, Wonpil and Sungjin were always like a tree and its leaf; they couldn’t be without the other. Jaehyung and Younghyun were the seasons of total opposites while Sungjin and Wonpil were more like the bridge parts. They connected the two ends, they weren’t too cold, nor too hot. They represented rebirth and death, resignation and fighting spirit. Without them, the sudden change between summer and winter could even take lives. Even though their presence seemed insignificant, they had an important role.
Wonpil liked and respected Jaehyung and Younghyun as well but Sungjin was different. He was more like the type to whom he could talk. The god of Spring felt most comfortable around the god of Autumn. As peculiar as it sounds, it was the truth.
Small wonder why his pain was twofold when he learned that Sungjin had to give up his immortality. All the gods knew that he met a human and fell in love with her. The only thing that they didn’t know was that the girl shouldn’t have figured out who he was because that was why he had to start a human life. As a human, Sungjin couldn’t see them unless the gods themselves wanted to.
Wonpil wanted to see his friend after what had happened and tell him about the new kid. Sungjin was immediately replaced by Dowoon because they couldn’t waste another day. The clock was ticking, it was already September and the world was left without the god of Autumn – only for mere minutes though.
He wanted to talk to him casually like they used to do. However, he wasn’t prepared for Sungjin’s reaction.
“I’m sorry. You must have mistaken me for someone else. I’m certain we’ve never met before,” Sungjin told him with an apologetic smile, his big doe eyes shining with honesty. He looked like he really didn’t know who he was.
“You really don’t remember?” Wonpil’s jaw dropped while his heart sunk. He couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. He didn’t want to think about the consequences.
“No, sorry,” Sungjin shook his head. “How do you know me?” he inquired as he eyed the god from top to bottom, probably aware of that otherworldly aura that every god possessed.
Something in his guts told him that it was over. Sungjin’s life as a god was over - he didn’t remember any of it. Wonpil was too naïve to think that the universe would let him keep his memories when he was sent back to humans and no human should know about the existence of the gods of the seasons. Yes, they could be seen; Jaehyung could play with little kids, Younghyun could surf along some cool dudes, Dowoon could steal chocolate croissants from a counter and Wonpil could sit down and talk with a homeless man.
However, people didn’t believe in them, they were too preoccupied with their lives and problems, they didn’t have time to think about supernatural creatures. So a secret like Sungjin’s would definitely leave an impact on the balance of the world.
“Oh, don’t mind me! It’s my bad, I remember now. We definitely don’t know each other.”
The words left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. He couldn’t believe that he had just lied to his best friend. His best friend who was now a human and didn’t remember him. How was he supposed to bring hope and light to the world when he felt like everything was grey and gloomy? How was he supposed to move on when he didn’t know how to deal with the loss of his friend?
Because that was the case. Sungjin didn’t die but it felt like he did. And a part of Wonpil died with him, too.
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kiribirb · 7 years
boy howdy I was tagged by @gwynnabun to do this 20 facts about me freakign hi guys it’s me
1. ok uhh where to start,, so ah I’ve been an artist,, more like a cartoonist for about 5 years now woahwoahwoah and I’m pretty happy with my art style, and how far I’ve come
2. Throughout the years I guess I’ve cycled through a lot of different tastes in music, but it all really boils down to the more obscure artists. I really enjoy alternative rock like Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Gorillaz,, but I also thoroughly enjoy obscure indie artists like Bibio, Miniature Tigers, Mother Mother, Two Door Cinema Club, Phoenix, and a lot of others
3. Math has always been my absolute least favorite subject. I can remember sitting clueless in the back of the classroom in kindergarten wondering what the hell we were doing while all the other kids zoomed through their worksheets so easily
4. Considering my horrifying math skills, I’m not gonna let that stop me from pursuing a career in astronomy. I’m gonna work hard, get myself ahead in math and hopefully, one day, be able to work for NASA. Something about space in general is just so fascinating and I am very enthusiastic to help discover what is now unknown out there. I think anything is possible!!
5. Another BIG dream of mine!! I hope to one day start my own band with my brother and maybe even perform live,, we’re both very interested in music and we wanna start making our own music sometime very soon!! + I just bought my first electric guitar; a Les Paul recently and I think im ready 2 rock out
6. I have natural ringlet curls. My hair was recently grown out down to my waist in natural, dirty blonde curls BUT!! I just had them cut up right below my ear,, so.. short hair now!! I kinda look like Noomi Rapace in Prometheus without bangs and slightly less attractive, but heyyy im happier now!! short hair is fun
7. I’m a huge fan of the Alien franchise;; the first one I had ever seen was Alien: Covenant and the whole rest of the week, I binge watched the entire series!! freaking!!! 6 movies in like 4 days!! and i enjoyed every last bit of it. Aliens was prbly my favorite out of all of em’
8. David 8 is my desktop background on my school laptop
9. I am an absolute pacifist; I believe that nothing can be achieved through turmoil and constant fighting. Instead we can make agreements, and solve things properly and maturely without any kind of abuse.
10. I come off as rude and standoff-ish //which is mostly due to my resting bitch-face// but i absolutely love people, and I would be absolutely overjoyed if one of you could just drop by and say hello!! For real, dudes, we can be friends.
11. I take situations as they are and look at the situation from both sides, which is why i’m so understanding!! There really is no shame in taking an interest into a certain person or thing, so if you’re gonna talk/vent/fangirl about anything, I AM THE PLACE TO GO!!!! I am so supportive, I’m literally gonna carry you the whole way through
12. I’m a huge coffee fanatic. I love all kinds of coffee;; dark roast, blonde roast, medium roast, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! I’m not picky at all, man. Coffee is coffee, and all coffee is absolutely fantastic
13. If you’re feeling down about something, or you’re insecure abt something, or just need a safe space to have a mental breakdown, again, I AM THE PLACE TO GO!!!!! I promise you, I’m gonna be there and I’m gonna support you, whoever you are. So what if we haven’t talked much. Just go on, introduce yourself, and tell me whatsup!! I’ll give you a shoulder to cry on, and even advice if at all needed, trust me, I’ve been through hell and back myself
14. my favorite dog breeds are shiba inu and samoyed, but alas, I am allergic
15. The albums I currently own are, Torches by Foster the People, Supermodel by Foster the People, Vessel by Twenty One Pilots, Bankrupt! by Phoenix, Have You Heard The Struts E.P. by The Struts (it’s autographed too hehe), Gorillaz by Gorillaz, Demon Days by Gorillaz, and Humanz by Gorillaz on Vinyl!!
16. My inbox is always open, ALWAYS!! please please PLEASE drop by and say hello, or give me an ask!! I’ve started bringing my laptop to school so I will most likely be around all day MST
17. I love cats,, with all my art, but alas,, i am allergic
18. My favorite book is The Pearl by John Steinbeck 
19. I have two ongoing comics I am working on, one of which is called ‘Trouble Makers’ which is about two western outlaws doing stupid stuff and the other, ‘Paint it Red’ about this young teen that buys a guitar and an angry ghost man comes out of it
20. My drawing requests are always open!! Please, if there’s anything I can draw for you at all, drop by and just ask!! I’d be more than happy to draw for you :”))))
uhh I tag: HA NO ONE ;; i mean,, yeah do it if yuo want to okayyay thanks for reading :”))))))
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