#mental health journal
happykodoli · 6 months
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myjournalblog · 11 months
50 Mental Health Journaling Prompts
Here is a list of 50 mental health journaling prompts for you to do in your journal. I got most of these from Pinterest. I'd like you to write them down in your journal and do them individually at your own pace. You don't even have to do them in order. Warning some of these prompts I found may be a bit heavy.
Write down 3 things you have achieved today
Write 3 things you are grateful for
When was the last time you weren't depressed? What is different in your life then and now?
Write about the happiest time in your life
What are 3 new hobbies you'd like to try?
What parts of yourself are you unhappy with and how can you work on improving those parts?
What is a goal you are working towards?
And what are you doing to work towards said goal?
Name 1 troubling event that bothers you and what you are doing to work on letting it go?
When was the last time you did something nice for yourself?
What are your interests?
Talk about a time you helped someone you knew
Talk about the time you helped a stranger
Do you have anything you are looking forward to?
What is something you can plan, so you can look forward to it?
What is 1 habit you would like to stop?
What is 1 habit you would like to start?
What is your favorite inspirational quote?
How can you make time for your interests mentioned in prompt 11?
What would your perfect life look like?
Who are the people in your life that has had a positive influence on you?
Who are the people you find toxic and want to cut out of your life?
Who inspires you?
List 20 things that make you smile
Today I am feeling...
Who do you look up to and why?
What makes you feel most alive?
What are some things you tend to avoid and why do you tend to avoid them?
What is going on in your head right now?
What do you need to get off of your chest?
What has been bothering you lately?
I could definitely improve on...
What are your biggest sources of stress in life?
If you wrote a letter of forgiveness to someone you took for granted, what would it say?
Write what you love about life
What does your best day look like?
Make a Spotify playlist of 33 songs that make you feel good
What is your favorite memory?
What are 40 things you love about yourself?
What is 1 thing about yourself that you need to work on improving?
What makes you unique?
Write 3 positive things about yourself
Does being alone scare you?
Write about your favorite movie/tv series
Make a list of 30 of your favorite comfort characters from any type of media.
What is your biggest regret and how will you work on letting it go?
Have you drank any water today?
Have you taken a shower and/or bath today?
Write a letter to your younger self.
Write a letter to yourself 10 years into the future.
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I am Positively Fearless about __________ Today I feel __________ I need to be more gentle with myself when __________ I can nourish myself by __________ I am proud of myself for __________ Today I will not let fear __________ I feel most in my power when _________ I feel most fearless when __________
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autumnsvoice87 · 2 years
New junk\art journal pages
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So I played around with water colors and newspaper as well as printed off a template for tiny envelopes and cards. The envelopes and cards will be used to write down boundaries and needs as I discover them and explore them with my therapist. Inam really happy how this turned out. :D
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I hate that I can have a great week where I celebrate and have fun with my family, go to a city for the first time and see one of my favourite shows live, AND see two of my absolute favourite people for the first time in ages, and yet my brain is still yelling at me that my life is pointless and there's no reason for me to be here.
It feels like no matter what I do my mental health is always gonna be like this and I'm just not allowed to be happy.
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littlemxhoney · 1 year
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They actually call me LittleMx “Video Games + Mental Health” Honey 🍯
(psst. no one calls me that it would be very clunky but I LOVE anything that aligns my love of gaming with my passion for talking about mental health and wellbeing)
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Safe In Our World is an amazing mental health charity that put out this gaming mental health journal with such a lovely variety of prompts! ✨
You can still order one through Peregrine Coast Press with free shipping until 9/30 via this link. 💌
I also have one to giveaway during my journaling & full moon stream 9/29 at 8 pm CST!
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mossedrock · 1 year
Today I’m grateful for getting a boatload of notes, being able to pet the cat, and managing to stay awake in class.
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psychomorphary · 1 year
I've had two revelations tonight.
Number 1:
I subconsciously suck in my stomach. I've just realized that I do it all the time on accident. I have to actively think about NOT clenching my stomach. I looked up a little about it, and clenching your stomach can be a symptom of trauma/anxiety/other mental health problems. It can also cause other issues, like incontinence. I have incontinence, at least when it comes to sneezing or laughing too hard. I finally realized that I've been clenching my stomach on a regular basis since I was a freaking kid! Probably because of childhood trauma and never really having any emotional support. I am anxious a lot too, ever since I was a kid. I'm so traumatized that it's caused physical harm to my body; I pee when I sneeze. I'm pissed that I was fucked over like that.
I'm gonna start by trying to work on the stomach thing myself. And I'm gonna tell my therapist about it on Tuesday.
Number 2:
The night is getting late, and I'm getting sad. But I'm kind of reveling in it. I've just been struggling for so long, mentally, that I'm used to being sad and stuff. It's what I know; it's MY normal. So when I started to feel sad and angsty tonight, I reveled in it, instead of trying to fight it.
I finally realized these two things, and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm glad I finally realized, but damn, I feel tired and heavy now. I guess I won't be reveling in the sadness anymore right now cuz I'm take a shower and then go to bed. I need some rest to begin to process all this...
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
I think I’m going to attempt to try journaling again… but I always get nervous cause I’m not a huge fan of my handwriting. You guys have any suggestions for cute notebooks or pen colours? Maybe even stickers to make it feel fancy! I’m not sure yet!
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Perhaps I’ll also restart my book of shadows. I don’t want to wait around for the new year to make a resolution, lol.
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write-the-night · 1 year
Do you remember writing your will when you were fifteen?
Drawers, printed sheets. I can touch death with the tips of my fingers. It's a dark, sticky feeling. The same way you imagine quicksand as a kid.
It never stops raining.
Two hours laying on one side, two hours on the other. What did I dream about? Forgive me. They spit their own original sin all over you and try to convince you the mud and blood they're sinking into was your making.
I can't think. Tomorrow. In two months. Next year. There's nothing to prove my existence. Is this the kind of permission I have been waiting for?
I can't sleep. The sky is making me short-circuit. Too many conflicting faces live in the corners and once the house is empty we're all shouting into space.
I can't, not tonight. I'm busy watching the world go on without me.
I hope the rotting things inside my veins never come out. I hope he never sees them. I pray he sees everything and loves me anyway. It's not an easy thing to feel. I love you, I'm scared. What am I supposed to do with this? It was so much easier when others didn't matter to me.
The Church's cemetery is inside my head, Artemis is inside my head, the lake, your skin, pale water, this isn't rain.
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happykodoli · 4 months
Setting boundaries isn't selfish, it's self-respect. You deserve to protect your energy and time for what truly matters. Remember, "no" is a complete sentence.
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Press Any Button to Live
TW: Disassociation; Depersonalisation
Sometimes I feel... off, like I'm not all there or here. I can move my fingers, take steps in a direction, I can think enough to know I should just do something. The best way I've described it to others is that's it feels like a Quantic Dream game. My partner isn't a fan of them because he appreciates more complex gameplay than toggle the stick to pick up the wood plank then press "X" to climb the chainlink fence. I personally like immersing myself into "playable movies" but it's certainly not fun to be in one.
Click "SQAURE" to eat. Hold "R2" while moving forward with the left stick to walk. Click "X" to live.
It's strange to know how those playable characters feel to be detached and not in control. You just know the commands given to stay alive and move along in your story but have no attachment to them.
Detachment. Depersonalisation; def. a sense of detachment or disconnection from one’s self, this can include feeling like a stranger to yourself, feeling detached from your emotions, feeling robotic or like you are on autopilot, or feeling like a part of your body does not belong to you. Disassociation. I guess that's what this non-feeling is. I still haven't found what triggers it. It's as if I walk into an invisible hit-box without knowing it.
I wish my partner was here. He can't get me out of it but he helps me feel real. Huh, typing that brought tears to my eyes. The correct keywords have been entered for this emotion.
This doesn't last forever. Yesterday my hyperactivity ran the show and tomorrow could be a whole other mood. For now, I'll just go through the motions and keep the body alive. That's enough.
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neurodivergenttales · 8 months
The ‘you’re mature for your age’ to sleeping with a bed full of plushies in your mid twenties pipeline is real
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find-collective · 1 month
·˚ ༘ * Journal Entry 005 !
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How am I feeling right now?
How was I feeling last night?
What self-care actions have I taken today?
Went shopping with family
Took a drive.
Skincare, haircare, oralcare.
Energy level: 🟤🟤⚫⚫⚫
Stress level: 🟤⚫⚫⚫⚫
Dysphoria level: 🟤🟤🟤🟤⚫
Which interaction today left the most significant impact on me?
How did I take care of myself today?
What should I talk to my therapist about in my next meeting?
I would say there was a few interactions that left an impact on me today. We went shopping today and everyone at the shop we were in seemed extremely mad or frustrated and just generally like they didn't wanna be there. There was a worker screaming at another worker for doing something wrong and everything zoned in on the yelling and I panicked.
I went to the local haircare shop and bought a new loc moisturizing spray, then went to another more general shop and bought some skincare stuff!
I need to talk about my memory issues and childhood trauma.
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The last couple of days have low key sucked and I feel like I just can't pull myself out of this low mood I've been in for like 3 weeks because everything feels awful. I know it's gonna pass because it always does but I can't see how right now.
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