#mention of shang tsung
cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, "Why date a punk like him" & "Panic (Mom is visiting)"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then]
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soulofamy · 3 months
oh wait another thing about this picture
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does this mean that when quan chi escaped prison that he just went straight back to the netherrealm? or is this more meant to visually tell us that the sisterhood of shadows is still under his control?
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mrstsung · 7 months
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Edit i made.
Plz for the love of all the is holy,sacred. Watch the 1995 mortal kombat movie if you haven't already.
I can't emphasize enough on how fucking sexy that shang tsung is. If you like liu kang,robin shou is the man too.
Thirsting aside, it is a great movie. Cheesy but we love it.
It's one of the things you have to see if you're new to mortal kombat. Besides the arcade era and older titles.
But if you're a shang tsimp like me.
Plz,plz,pretty plz. Watch the 95 mk movie.
Like appreciate the og himself cary hiroyuki tagawa(and watch his other movies too)
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tymbalzine · 11 months
A Really Really Long Shang Tsung Tangent
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I've mentioned it on another post but I feel like getting it out there with more explanation. This is my first sort of think piece or character analysis I'm posting publicly so bear with me lol.
The TLDR is there are villains, there are people who are bad, and there are people that could do better but have a lot of trouble doing so. Not all of them are disordered or have something afflicting their decision making. But Shang Tsung, in my mind and given all the factors, is a villain with ASPD/Anti-social personality disorder.
While ASPD can contribute to what is medically considered 'psychopathy' and 'sociopathy', and from my anecdotal experience those who experience ASPD do not shy from the words, I personally will only be referring to the disorder itself.
I also got a comment about how much of this is him being disordered and how much of is a choice. I want to make it absolutely clear, while my theory of his tendencies stand, all his actions in the game are his choices nonetheless.
I still clown on him for not being able to just grin and bear the cards dealt to him and/or make a friend because... yeah he really just should have. This ramble is me acknowledging that many villains don't fit the description of ASPD, but he's one that definitely is rife with enabled anti-social behavior.
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I think a lot about the second chance Liu Kang gave him. The parallels they gave Shang Tsung and Raiden are evident. People born in small pockets of their world, unassuming and uneventful until someone of great power (titans, no less) approach them with a task.
The difference is how they handle it. What is there to handle? Well... a lot, if you have as severe problems with empathy and collaborating with the rules of society as Shang Tsung does. His pre-game biography lists him as 'too lazy for labor' and 'too shifty for honest work', but he can work hard for the right promises as is evident in the game.
Gritting his teeth and doing the work handed to him would have been easier. While Outworld has its issues (prominently, the remnants of the royal's imperialist stand-offs and the ableism that looms in various Outworld characters' narratives), the general wellbeing of the working class doesn't seem to be one of them. But as a huckster, he's isolated, consistently having to rely on his lies, and receiving the consequences.
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To be honest, I don't think Shang Tsung didn't try. I can believe it not working out very fast, but I don't think he simply ignored that standard work is out there. He can be arrogant and bratty, but he doesn't dilute his options.
Symptoms of ASPD such as lack of empathy, ignorance to the result of his actions, and disinterest in performing standard work/social obligations are already evident, and would impede on his life whether he is a powerful sorcerer or a nobody. These impact any friendships he could have, his impulse control, and how he regards anyone up to and including himself (who he deems untrustworthy).
But we are social people that want to feel, want to be happy. Anti-social behavior isn't extreme introversion, in fact many people with ASPD are very extraverted and social. It's less about being around people and more about the reactions they're capable of while with said people.
Not all villains have a disorder, obviously. Some have motivations deemed reasonable, and some are just delightfully evil. Shang Tsung starts off very disordered and not entirely villainous, though hardly good. He was someone who couldn't do what people around him thought was so straightforward.
He's in distress over his life as a scammer, but not really how it impacts others. He's unable to connect to them and has a sense of grandeur over them, but honestly most people are doing better than he can. People, to him, are inherently isolating and alienating. He's aware this isn't normal, and can only answer to it with apathy and more lies.
Most people with ASPD don't go in for that diagnosis. They do so because of comorbidities: mood disorders like depression and bi-polar, anxiety disorders such as OCD, and other personality disorders such as BPD. I do think this would have been the case for Shang Tsung as well, if Outworld was a sort of place that would pick these things out about him, but it isn't.
Damashi's approach is so glaring to me as a result. I can make all the wet cat jokes in the world, but it is sad to me that he cannot process the consequences of his actions, only that he is forced to feel them. He expects so badly out of others that he doesn't bother giving them anything good or better from him, which gets him punished, and the cycle starts all over. That's what he figures the woman is about to do.
And that woman could have been anyone. That's already the lesson there, as she is Titan Shang Tsung in disguise. He was given the right words by someone equally manipulative and was just as vulnerable to tricks, lies, and abuse as anyone else would be in his position.
You gotta remember, if she was there just to pummel him into a pulp, he was about to let her.
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His decision to follow her is one of desperation and likely depression. Depression manifests differently to those who find themselves alienated, and do not understand people's sympathy and overt emotional responses.
From my anecdotal research, there's a set of words that come up a lot that doesn't show up on many articles or bullet points about ASPD. Numbness and boredom. It's not a normal boredom where you can occupy yourself with an activity or friends. It is a complete lapse of emotional connection and stimulation. If you aren't angry, you are bored. If you aren't bored, you are numb.
Which moves us into the topic of: sensation chasing.
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"Damashi" teaches him real sorcery, and what ensues is his development into the conniving and cruel Shang Tsung we know and dread. A true testament to Shang Tsung's wit and manipulative tendencies, along with this new position dissolving his impulse control. Now that he isn't held down by a lack of magic, he treats people like objects toward his greater goals with even less regard than he had in the first place.
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Good L-rd you are short.
People are the subject of his curiosity and how he chases off his boredom susceptibility. "Damashi" has a plan set in stone, but Shang Tsung's horrific laboratory is unrelated to "her" demands. The lab isn't just dedicated to his own research, but his sense of morbid novelty. He can already manipulate and use people - creating hybrids out of those already existing is a very "because I can" thing.
Syzoth is one of Shang Tsung's biggest victims of this. Shang Tsung exerts control of him first for his shapeshifting, but proceeds to keep him around and hang his family over his head... because he can. And because he can, he thinks it better to do so. But the more time he kept Syzoth in the cold, cruel, and dark, the more chances he was giving him to fight back or sabotage Shang Tsung - something that ends up happening.
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Shang Tsung killed Syzoth's family very early into this. Perhaps even the day the Syzoth agreed to stay in the lab. What does he get out of hiding that? Perhaps it was a sort of inside joke, a chuckle he got with each and every visit. It wasn't for control, and it wasn't to get anything out of Syzoth besides a reaction. He gave himself something by doing it this way, no matter how cruel it was to Syzoth.
There's a lot of other examples obviously about how Shang Tsung treats the people around him, but I think that one's the most important to get out of the way. This post's long enough already.
More evidence of Shang Tsung having ASPD is his primary motive: revenge against Liu Kang. Shang Tsung doesn't dare question why he couldn't fit into a normal life, he only applies new faces to the life he detested and blames them for his problems. Taking responsibility and accountability would mean processing his social faults and how to improve them... something he absolutely refused to do.
When Shang Tsung is faced with "Damashi"'s true identity, he's more angry about being manipulated and outsmarted than any of the plans falling through. He's told, to his face, he isn't the best or smartest. He was a tool, running errands while being conspired against. Instead of registering that and empathizing with the people he used before this reveal, it fuels his internalized cruelty.
When he collaborates with Liu Kang's crew, he clearly tries to suck up to Kuai Liang and even Raiden. But these are people that run on empathy. Caring about people as a whole and having faith in them doesn't mesh with Shang Tsung's view that this whole world runs on fraudulent transactions. In that moment, he fits in with the people around him just as poorly as he did while running a travel cart.
Alan Lee, the voice actor of Shang Tsung, mentions that "Damashi" approached Shang Tsung with a cheat code to life so potent that it makes Shang Tsung determined to own up to his depravity. He describes him as a "madman with pandora's box, mixed with a child to the keys to candyland." He's unpredictable, not just by standard villainy, but because nothing else has appealed to him in life.
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Now that Shang Tsung has burned nearly every bridge he had, he wants to own up to that. Because to him, the only other option is the quiet. Boredom. That numbness again. If he spent any longer in that travel cart, he may have frankly committed suicide out of the sheer droll.
He will lie, steal, and carve his way into and out of any problem as he was enabled to under Titan Shang Tsung, and in a way has initiated a new, sad reality of chasing that Titan's shadow.
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arttrampbelle · 11 months
I said what i said die mad.
Mk12 liu kang is ugly. You guys just like k pop too much. Or think every asian male has to look like a giga chad meme or white washed to hell. Or worse yet. (Talked about in vent)
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Sorry but robin shou is still handsome,staying in his lane(thank god he retired and is living life happy) and still is a better liu kang. Because guy what?! He actually is a martial artist,fighter,actor,etc. Like seriously. The shitty mk defenders of the realm liu kang had more to his character,character development,and respect.
Like mk legends liu kang and mk11(surprisingly enough. Tho it still is hamfisted and has hella favoritism ugh) isn't bad. It's still not HOW LIU KANG IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
Im not sorry. The og. Mk 1995 movie does liu kang well. Set the mold for shang tsung AND liu kang.
Vent below.
(Also fyi if you ship liu kang and shang tsung together go jump off a cliff and commit ded. Do not talk to me. BLOCK ME. your gross and fetishizing Asian men. And gay men. Kung jin is right there. Oh but that's not good enough for you?! Foh. Shang tsung legitimately hates everyone,especially liu kang. He wants him dead in every fucking universe. how tf is that "hidden feelings"?! Fucking gross. Fucking just block me man. If you want a fan ship do subscorp from mk11. Or if you're big brained. Do subsmoke. Like ffs. Tanya and mileena is right there?! Wtaf man. Leave shang out of you bullshit. And leave liu kang alone. Fans like this only add to character assassination. Again just block me if you ship shang and liu. Fucking wanna puke. Everytime i see it)
Anyways. The meme is for real liu kang fans. Not these posers,newbies,or people who just get into it for shipping two characters that FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER AND ARE LEGITIMATELY ENEMIES!!!
Hell if you like mk11 liu kang,mk legends liu kang,or any other damn liu kang other than mk12/mk1 2023 . Then you can vibe.
Same goes with shang tsung.
I hate the new shang tsung. Not the voice actor. Just everything else about him. And mostly how the fans been treating him. Its gross and disrespectful and disturbing.
Because none of you were like this with mk11 shang tsung. AT ALL. Y'ALL SHAAAAAALOW AND WEAK IF YOU DONT THINK TAGAWA'S SHANG TSUNG IS SEXY AF. But more importantly y'all weren't gross with tagawa's shang. Thank God but it's also sad you gotta treat alan Lee's shang tsung like y'all be doin.
It's disturbing.
So yeah. Gimme the real shang tsung.
Gimme the real liu kang.
Im not sorry.
Vent done
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mothercetrion · 1 year
While Shang Tsung does seem obsessed with Kuai Liang, I don't think it's exactly comparable to the Sonya thing in 95. Shang saw Sonya as an object, a doll, he even dressed her up.
With Kuai, he seems...more respectful. Shang sees him as a person. Dare I say he cares about him? In a way? He doesn't really put him down or objectify him.
Unlike the Sonya thing was basically a plot device to make her a damsel in distress, this one with Kuai actually adds some depth to Shang Tsung.
At least that's my take on this.
no, I absolutely agree. it's definitely a lot different than his obsession with Sonya in the past.
his offer of teaching Kuai Liang to shapeshift alone shows more depth for him than his obsession for Sonya ever did. like you said, Shang Tsung's obsession with her turns her into a damsel in distress that needs to be saved. but an offer to teach someone the ability that gives him a lot of his power over others? that's not something that Shang Tsung would do lightly (and to be honest, until I saw it myself, I considered it completely out of character).
he legitimately wants Kuai Liang on his side and seems to be willing to do anything to convince him to come along. it wasn't like that with Sonya. he even complains to Bi-Han about it in an intro. he is just adamant and refuses to give up.
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domnamewoman · 1 year
MK1 Characters Headcanon: What Are Their Kinks (Submissive Characters)
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Characters: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Smoke, Reptile, Baraka, Shang Tsung, Rain
Warnings: Dom!GN!Reader, Sub!Characters, Mentions Of Multiple Kinks, Smut, 18+
Requests Are Open
I had to do this for all of us Doms out there. Some of these are spicier than others.
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Hair Pulling/Objectification
Liu Kang likes to be reduced to nothing more than a toy for you to use as you see fit. He lives to serve you and wants you to use his body in any way that brings you pleasure. In his mind, that is his only purpose.
Tell him to lie still as you ride his abs or hump into his thigh completely ignoring his aching dick. He releases a moan as you play with his nipples, shocks of pleasure going straight to his dick with each tug and twist.
Pull his hair and his eyes roll back in pleasure, begging you to let him cum. Tighten your grip as you remind him that he is just a toy to be used for your amusement and pleasure and that if and when he cums, it will be after you have had your fill of playing with him.
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Spanking/Cock Ring
Raiden craves giving you control over his orgasm. He loves the feeling of the cock ring you placed on him being nice and snug around his dick, a constant reminder that he can’t cum unless you let him. He will do anything to earn it.
Raiden usually follows the rules. It’s only when he gets the need to be thrown over your lap and spanked that he acts out. You don’t let him down during these times, giving him exactly what he wants. He smiles as he feels the first strike of your palm make contact with his plump cheeks.
Make him count the spanks out loud with the threat of starting over if he messes up. Of course, he’ll mess up on purpose just to prolong the “punishment”. By the end, he is a moaning mess as he humps your thighs asking if he can cum. You grant him permission while you remove the cock ring and give him one final blow. He’s cumming on a shout, making a mess between your thighs.
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Kung Lao is never more turned on than he is when you have your tongue swiping against his rim. It’s so intimate and he feels so connected to you when you are pleasuring him this way. Your mouth feels heavenly as you kiss and lick at his entrance.
Kung Lao lets out a whiny moan as you pour lube directly onto his hole. His breath catches as you circle him with your finger before applying pressure and it slips in with ease. Drive him crazy by slowly working him open until he is begging you to pound him into the mattress.
Spear him on your dick (real or strap) and go to town. He likes it hard and fast. Kung Lao will wrap his legs around your hips to pull you in deeper. Angle up and hit his prostate again and again and he’s almost crying, begging you to let him cum.
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Praise/Oral (Giving)
Johnny Cage lives off of your praise. There is nothing that drives him more than you telling him how good he is being or how well he is doing. He constantly wants to prove to you that he is the best partner and deserving of your love.
One of the ways he does this is by giving you the best head of your life. Johnny would stay in between your legs forever if you only asked him to. There is no part of you that he doesn’t want in his mouth, front or back it doesn’t matter.
Using his mouth to draw moan after moan from you is the best kind of praise. He loves knowing that he is bringing you this much pleasure. Johnny would prefer if you sat on his face (once again, whether he is eating front or back he wants it all). He wants to be smothered by you as you use him to get off.
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Shibari/Temperature Play
Kenshi Takahashi is a rope bunny through and through. He loves to be tied up in intricate designs. He finds the feeling of the rope rubbing against his skin and holding him in whatever position you desire comforting.
While he is tied up, run ice cubes over his skin and watch as he shivers both from the cold and the pleasure. Light a candle and drip hot wax over his abs and thighs. Decorate him any way you want, he is your canvas.
Have two mugs, one filled with cold water and the other with warm water. Take a big drag from one and hold the water in your mouth as you perform oral on him. Switch between warm and cold and he will be cumming in no time from the swiftly changing temperatures engulfing his dick.
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Kitana loves the thrill of almost being caught. You and her will fool around in dark hallways of the palace, against a tree in the garden, anywhere that someone could possibly pass by and see if they looked hard enough.
Sit next to her at dinner and slip your hand into her panties. Circle her clit as you watch her try to keep up the conversation with the guests without faltering. Bring her close to the edge time and time again until she is sitting in a pool of her own excitement.
Lean over and whisper into her ear that she can cum only if she does it while keeping eye contact with one of the guests. Watch as she looks at Johnny and he stares back with a look of confusion. His eyes go back and forth between you two and then he smirks with realization. His knowing smirk pushes Kitana over the edge and she cums, drenching your hand.
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Mileena loves it when you tie her up, rendering her completely at your mercy. Tease her by rubbing your hands all over her body, but never the area she wants you most. Switch between a feather and a pastry wheel to lightly run over her skin increasing her sensitivity.
Mileena loves it when you use toys on her while she is tied up. Put nipple clamps on her and tug on them. Stuff a vibrator into her snuggly against her G-spot and have fun playing with the intensity. Turn it all the way up and she is pulling against the rope as waves of pleasure wash over her.
Go back to the lowest setting and work her up slowly, spending a least five minutes on each level. She will be a whimpering mess, telling you that she has been a good girl and deserves to cum. She’s right, turn it on high and grant her wish.
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Oral (Receiving)/Overstimulation
Tanya loves it when you go down on her. She feels as though it's the greatest sign of trust and vulnerability to present her body for you to ravage. Laying there as you take what you want and leave her breathless.
The feeling of your tongue circling her clit and then flattening as you rub it up and down relentlessly has her back bowing and toes curling. She cries out as you add three fingers inside of her, pumping them in and out at a fast pace. She’s cumming before she knows it, head thrown back and mouth open on a silent scream.
She actually screams when you continue your ministrations, body shaking in overstimulation. She loves nothing more than you gripping her hips and forcing her to stay still. She can do nothing but lie there and take it with no way of escape.
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Forced Submission/Degradation
Bi-Han desires to be broken and put into his place. As Grandmaster, he is used to people following his every command and giving him the utmost respect. He wants to submit to you but feels like his submission is something you have to earn.
He loves it when his partner overpowers him, but trust that he won’t go down without a fight. He truly is the brat of all brats. Tie him up and tease him for over an hour and he’ll be putty in your hands willing to do anything in order for you to let him cum.
Ask him what the Lin Kuei would think of him if they saw their leader begging to cum like the pathetic whore he is and watch as his dick twitches and leaks pre cum. Make him wait to cum until he has proved himself useful by pleasuring you. He would do anything you tell him to as long as he gets his reward at the end of it.
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Kuai Liang goes weak in the knees when you are rough with him. Push him against the wall, shove him to his knees, slap him. He welcomes it all. It only makes his dick throb and leak pre cum into his pants. He wants you to do him and do him hard.
Wrap your hand around his throat and squeeze and he’s almost cumming on the spot. His eyes roll back in pleasure as he struggles to get air into his lungs. Pinch and twist his nipples and his back is arching as he moans loudly. There is nothing better to him than the mix of pain and pleasure.
He loves it when you roughly jerk him off, not bothering to use any lube. It’s okay because he will be dripping pre cum soon enough. Squeeze his balls tightly in your fist. Suck him into your mouth without mercy. Be careful if you decide to use your teeth, he’ll cum without warning down your throat.
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Thigh Riding/Dry Humping
Tomas adores when you let him sit in your lap, fully clothed, and grind into your thigh. There is just something about the way it makes him feel like a needy little boy who can’t be bothered to get undressed, to properly use his dick that he just can’t get enough of.
He lets out a needy groan as you stare at him with nothing but love, as you run your hands up and down his sides. The feeling of his dick rubbing against the fabric of his pants has his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Grip his hips and force him to go faster and rub harder against your thigh and his moans won’t stop. He won’t stop telling you how good you make him feel and how lucky he is to be able to ride your thigh like this. Ask him if he is going to make a mess for you in his pants and all he can do is bite his lip and nod as he cums over your thigh.
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Syzoth loves letting his partner have access to him at any time of the day. That is why he is perfectly fine if you slip into bed and play with him while he is peacefully sleeping. Nothing brings him more joy than to be useful to his partner whenever they are in the mood.
He moans as he wakes up with his dick in your mouth, sucking him down skillfully. He is already close to an orgasm from all the stimulation you gave him while he was asleep. But of course, you don’t want things to end so soon, so you pull back.
Syzoth falls more in love with you as you tease him, bringing him to the edge and back down, again and again. He smiles to himself as you ignore his begging to let him cum, he doesn’t want you to. Not until he is a drooling mess.
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Overstimulation/Cum Play
Baraka isn’t satisfied unless you’ve forced at least five orgasms out of him. Lying there, covered in a layer of sweat as you tug on his overused cock makes him happier as can be. His back arches as another orgasm hits him, his body shaking uncontrollably.
He begs you not to stop even now. He pleads with you to give him another. Who are you to deny him when he begs so prettily? He growls at the sting of pins and needles in his dick as you continue pumping him, twisting your fist around his tip on every upstroke.
Run your hand over his abs and collect the cum pulling there. Let him swirl his tongue around your fingers, cleaning them from every last drop. Baraka can’t stop his body from twitching as you make this orgasm count by speeding up your strokes to an almost inhuman level. He howls, back bending almost painfully as cum shoots out of his now numb cock. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Shang Tsung loves to be broken down into nothing but a dumb, stuttering mess who can only focus on one thing, cumming. He doesn’t want to think about how to gain power or raise his position in the world, no. All he wants to think about is the pleasure you bring him.
Call him a dumb slut as you force him to reach his climax by humping against your leg like a dog. He watches as you stand over him, staring down at him with your arms crossed over your chest. He clutches onto your thigh as he grinds his dick onto your shoe.
He only goes faster, moaning as you call him a pathetic whore, no worst than a dog in heat for getting off to humping your leg. He loves it even more when you make him repeat it, humiliating himself. Spit on his face and he’s cumming harder than he ever has.
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Omorashi/Watersports (I know, fight me)
Zeffeero loves the feeling of being driven to the point of desperation. There is nowhere he would rather be than sitting between your legs being encouraged by you to drink yet another glass of water while you massage his lower belly, telling him how good he is for holding on this long.
The beautiful sounds he makes as his stomach starts to cramp, begging him to release the contents of his bladder. But he won’t, not until you tell him to. He feels light-headed as he rests against your front, one of your hands rubbing his stomach,  pressing into his bladder and the other shoved down his pants stroking his throbbing dick. His whimpers of, “Please,” become louder as each pass of your hand brings him closer to his climax. You finally, finally tell him to let go and all he can do is moan as his pants are drenched in a combination of his urine and cum. Let him lick your fingers clean, he’s earned it.
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freyito · 6 months
hiii first of all i just love your drabbles 🫶🫶🫶 Can i request mk1 characters reactions when their partner is hurt? yk when they found out that their s/o is in the hospital or sth. You can write for whoever you want but I would love if you include Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kenshi and Syzoth in this ❤️❤️
✭ pairing(s): liu kang, bi-han [sub zero], kuai liang [scorpion], johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, kung lao, raiden, zeffeero [rain], tomas vrbada [smoke], baraka, syztoh [reptile], havik, general shao, shang tsung, reiko (seperate) x gn reader
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✧ a/n: thank u smmmmmm anon!!! i hope this doesnt sound egotistical or anything, but i really cant get enough of people telling me they love my writing, it's really affirming and i will always appreciate it ! it's always like... woah.... really......
this is the perfect request, but i am gonna put my own little spin on this and make it pretty angsty, whoops :P super sorry this one took so long too.... ough i put my heart and soul into it. i hope i am not only tumblr user freyito to you, but an angst writer too... well most of these are angst. some are a little more fluffy and less dire... also just could not for the life of me figure out what to write for geras' so no geras in this one :(
🗒 cw: gn reader, certain character's deaths, gore/blood, depiction of death, angst, in some you are close to death, stitching without painkillers in havik's, kidnapping in shang tsung's/mention of kidnapping in rain's, not proofread
✎ wc: 6.3k
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ʙᴏʏꜱ + ᴀ ʜᴜʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
⎯Liu Kang
Not much evokes emotion in him. He is a god, he must been even with his feelings, and any shift in the balance could set so many things wrong. On the battlefield, there is no room for failure. With you, he's always been relatively neutral, he makes sure you know he loves you, and he's gentle with you. Yet, he keeps a distance. Liu Kang harbors a fear deep down, that his actions, his status, will bring you to your end. He's a sought out target, after all.
So, when those fears come true, Liu Kang can't help but feel his rage consume him. To watch Shang Tsung's claws dig deep into you, festering, plaguing your own strength. Ripping into you, decorating his hands in your warm blood. Shang Tsung had done this because of Liu Kang, he was so sure. Flames engulfed him, near incinerating the foot soldier he had been fighting. He approaches Shang Tsung, as you lay at his feet, struggling to breathe. Unforgivable. To do this to his starlight, Liu Kang will not make this mans death slow and savory, no. Within an instant, he pushes Shang Tsung's head through his own body, splitting the man in half, as well. Death is too merciful, but alas, that is not important, now.
Once the initial wave of anger washes off, adrenaline and logic set in. Liu Kang picks you up, he treats you as if you're porcelain. Just barely, as you struggle to stay conscious, you can hear him assuring you it's okay. That nothing else will happen. It is unclear whether he is saying this to you, or himself. Regardless, he leaves the battlefield quickly. He knows his comrades can handle the rest. But knowing that he is so close to losing you, as you bleed out within his arms, it is haunting. Every second counts, and he knows it. He entrusts your care to the medics at the Wu Shi academy, as much as he trusts them, he cannot bring himself to leave your side. For hours, he is still covered in your blood. His eyes do not leave your face, resting and peaceful, even with death knocking on your door.
Liu Kang is there every step of the way. When you are in recovery, he makes sure to attend every session. He brings you books, something to keep you occupied on the days where you are stuck in bed. Regrettably, he can't enjoy a lot of alone time with you, because duty calls. He'd love nothing more than to spend every waking moment with you, but he still has stuff to attend to. However, when you are cleared to leave the academy, he keeps you close. Liu Kang is afraid it will happen, the image of you bloodied and ripped up still fresh in his mind. He's only a little protective, the thought of you going back into Kombat a little rattling. But he does not stop you. Because it makes him feel better knowing that you are back on your feet.
⎯ Bi-Han
As the grandmaster's partner, Bi-Han knows that you could be caught in danger. But he does not lament this. He does not celebrate it, either. He admires that you can fight, and he loves fighting by your side. He always looks out for you, of course he does. But he cannot be by your side in a large fight, he knows you can hold your own.
It is a sharp cry that draws his attention towards you. That is all he needs. Bi-Han prides himself on being an even and logical man, but the minute he sees A Tengu assassin's knife dug deep into your ribs, he snaps. Within an instant the battlefield grows colder, and the second you blink, the assassin already has his spine ripped out and shattered. A little bit of a flashy display for a man like him, but he wastes no time in bathing in the glory of his kill. He was lucky enough that the fight was nearing an end, the last of the Tengu clan that was sent out were either retreating or being taken care of.
Off you go to the medics of the Lin Kuei, and he insists you are priority. The one thing Bi-Han was unfair with was you, near fighting with the medics to tend to your wounds. Your blood paints his hands and upper torso, and he refuses to wash it off. Not until he knows that you have priority. When the medics relent, he finally disappears to wash off. He cannot stay by your side as much as he'd like, but he's not only restricted by his title, but his emotions. He takes a couple minutes outside, to calm down his own nerves. Bi-Han does not cry, but a few shaky breaths escape him as he tries to calm himself down. His mind races with every possible outcome, ultimately landing on the worst.
But, Bi-Han's thoughts do not come to fruition. The medics have worked their magic, and you are on the path to recovery. As much as he'd love to be with you, he cannot. But, he does send you a bunch of gifts. Letters, mainly. Small incentives for you to recover quickly, but he sends in flowers frequently, as well. The days he does visit you, he is a softer man. He's especially gentle with you around your ribs. He keeps a very close eye on you during missions once you are out of recovery. He doesn't mean to seem overbearing, but his position alone paints a big ol' target on your head. This attack was the first that brought that to his attention.
⎯ Kuai Liang
Fighting alongside a pyromancer is tricky, to say the least. There's a lot of variables to account for, and aside from that, Kuai Liang can't really keep an eye on you in certain instances. This was one of them, a rather messy battle, one where he couldn't keep track of you. Not that it mattered, he knew you were strong enough to hold your own.
However, it is a stray spark that leads you to stumble back. You flinch, which drives you back into the sword of the enemy.  When Kuai sees this… the world goes silent. Water stills, flame fizzle out, swords clash and the dull clang of steel against steel quiets. Only for the water to suddenly form a raging tide, the flames to burn brighter, and the steel fades against the sound of a brilliant flame. In your fading vision, you see your partner's kusarigama impale your attacker's jaw, and pull it clean off. It is a sight he will regret later.
When the battle is over and the medics have taken you away, all Kuai Liang finds himself doing is worry. Pacing constantly, he messes up the mission report and has to have Tomas or someone else from the Shirai Ryu. He can recount things normally without a hitch, but knowing that it was him and his own ‘reckless’ use of his pyromancy with you in such close proximity makes him trip over his words, and even his thoughts. With what little free time he has, he’s pacing outside your cot, frequently checking in on the medics and the progress, until they ultimately have to push him away. Which calms him down, somewhat.
When the medics assure him that everything is fine, and that you are on the path to recovery, he’s much more relieved. He’s a lot less tense, and he’s a lot more coherent. He’s able to compose himself. Granted, he tends to sneak off (when appropriate) to check on you. He really just loves talking with you afterwards, he doesn’t want to bring up any unpleasant memories or thoughts (particularly what you saw before you blacked out), but there will always be a point where you have to talk about it. He’ll also ramp up his affection. The entire ordeal (while he knew what would come with forming the Shirai Ryu) made him realize that maybe he takes you for granted. Kuai Liang has been surrounded by death, sure, but for some reason, when it comes to those he loves… it is hard to understand that life is fleeting.
⎯ Johnny Cage
Johnny is used to deaths and his partner being hurt… on screen. He’s so used to the dramatized version, where his stage partner dies in his arms, and he wails real loud. He’s blissfully unaware that it could, in fact, happen to you in real life. He likes to think of himself as a great source of protection, believes no harm will come your way, not when you’ve got just a big, strong, handsome hunk around. And one of Earthrealm’s Defenders. As much as he’s grown, he still needs to learn a few lessons from the world.
And he’s in for a reality check. There are some unsavory characters out there, ones that aren’t too happy about his status as a whole. All he gets is a call from the hospital and a nice little greeting from officers. The only things he can make out in his newfound panic is ‘attempted murder’, and he’s REELING. He wasn’t there, he reminds himself. He doesn’t know what went down. Officers are still trying to figure it out. In his hazy and reckless state, he goes to his best friend.
Kenshi helps ease his nerves, and gives him a couple of LOGICAL ideas. Considering Shang Tsung had wormed his way into Kenshi’s life to steal Sento (and ultimately got his ass beat), he brings it up. Which leads to a whole meeting with Liu Kang, Raiden, and Kung Lao. To discuss the possible threats, and the future. Johnny cannot sit still that meeting, he’s practically bouncing off the walls, asking what this means for you. Every single question is about you, and you alone. Liu Kang dismisses him, and he practically speeds off to the hospital.
Johnny relaxes when he’s able to finally enter your room,– after a lot of arguing with the doctors about visiting hours– but his mind still spins. How could he let this slide? He should’ve been there, right? Regardless of how much blame he puts on himself, (which it was never his fault to begin with) he’s sat by your bed, sulking. From the police report, it’s clear that it was AT LEAST linked to Shang Tsung, but that’s no longer his problem. He gets you anything from the cafeteria if you ask, and he brings you flowers every. damn. day. He’s got so many gifts coming your way, that when you get discharged, you’re practically smothered by all the gifts he got you as an ‘apology’. When you ask him what he means by an apology, he doesn’t say a single word. Johnny’s very on top of your medication, he’s soooo very delicate with you, he almost condemns you to bedrest. But with enough pushback, you’re able to be up and about; but that doesn’t mean he won’t be worrying over you for quite a while. Even if Liu Kang assures him that it won’t happen again.
⎯ Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi is aware of the danger that surrounds him and his existence in general. He’s protective of you, of course. And he knows full well that you could be swept up into the mix of the Yakuza, and his work with Liu Kang and the OIA. But, you yourself had fought hard for the relationship and made it clear that you could care less about the potential dangers; even if he felt a little frazzled at all the dangers out there. All the hands that could be grabbing at you, the guns, the knives, the weapons that would be pointed at you the minute you were spotted next to him. You didn’t care.
Yet, when he gets the call that you were involved in some crime, landing you in the hospital, his mind omits all the other details. Aside from the hospital you’re at. He even skips over the fact that it was Jax calling him. Part of him wants to cry. And he probably would, if he could. But he tries to keep himself composed. Whatever he’s been occupied with is now a distant memory, other agents can take over. As calm as he looks on the outside, there’s a war raging within him. He knew this would happen. Ever since he felt feelings for you, he knew.
When he finds you at the hospital, Sento left behind, he’s scared. He doesn’t know if he should be grateful that he can’t see you, or if he should lament over it. While the doctors had described your injuries as non-fatal, and that you’d recover in no time, Kenshi’s mind has already spun a horrifying image, but once the doctors have left, he can hear your soft breathing underneath all the bustle of the machines. And it soothes him. Only then does he find some peace of mind, you are safe, and the danger has passed. Somewhat. When his worry starts to dissipate, he remembers that Jax had actually called him first, not the hospital. When he calls Jax back, the first thing he says is that he’s taking time off, and Jax doesn’t protest. They discuss what happened and that it is now a government matter, and something that expands past OIA boundaries. The short version of the conversation is that someone from a different timeline had managed to worm their way into this one, and harm you. Someone with striking similarity to himself. 
Now that Kenshi has calmed down and knows you’re safe, he understands why the nurses and the law enforcement seemed tense around him. It unnerves him, to say the least. That another version of himself would hurt you. His heart, his guiding light. It’s also an entirely new threat that he hadn’t accounted for. Once discharged from the hospital, you have all of his attention. He’s oh so gentle with you, like any little touch and you’ll crack. He does every chore around the house for weeks, until you’ve fully healed. He cooks a lot (with the help of Sento), even bathes you (despite your protests). It’s his way of an apology for what happened, and not just that, but an apology for being with him. He holds immense regret over this, knowing that– even if it was another him from another timeline– he did this.
⎯ Kung Lao
Kung Lao is… protective, alright. And that often gets swept up within his cockiness. Of course, you do feel pretty safe with him. Maybe not around the hat, but you do feel safe around him. Aside from his interesting choice of weapon, he’s a great martial artist. And also just someone who’s really nice to cuddle with. He’s a Shaolin Master, of course he’s going to be a horrifying opponent.
And, there would be hell to pay if anyone hurt his love. He isn’t just all bark. Even the thought of you being hurt has him seething, he tends to overthink. There’s a lot of things that have made him realize that he may be a high value target– even if he can’t help but think he’s done nothing to get to that point. But, under Liu Kang, and just the title ‘Defender of Earthrealm’, there’s some sort of pride that lingers. Something that makes him want to challenge anyone and everyone he can, tell them to ‘bring it on’.
But not at the expense of you. The one thing bigger than his ego? His heart. So, when you stride into Wu Shi Academy,– though, limp is the better term– all cut up and bruised, barely able to speak or see, there’s a rage that burns within Lao. One that even Raiden hasn’t seen. He can’t help but run his mouth about how he’ll teach whoever the hell got to you a lesson. But he’s also despondent, he barely touches his food, he barely shows up to Madame Bo’s… and that makes her worried, until she learns about what happened to you from Raiden. Now not only does the culprit have a bastard with a really sharp hat after them, but the most badass little old lady after them, too. Madame Bo loves you like one of her own, really. She dotes on you, where she’ll normally scold the boys. You are her golden child.
Ultimately, their shared hunt leads to a dead end. Your mind is too hazy to remember anything aside from a silhouette, before getting beaten senseless. As much as Lao seems hellbent on tracking the culprit down, he ultimately gives up when you ask him. But, as you recover, he seems to be in much better spirits. He likes to curl up next to you at night (despite the monks telling him not to), just to reassure him that you’re safe. And Madame Bo arguably puts on more of a show than Lao does. She treats you with free food every day of your recovery, and when you’ve got clearance to be walking around without supervision again, she’s made a FEAST for you. While it feels all sunshine and rainbows once you’ve recovered, Kung Lao works tirelessly to get better. He blames himself, mainly for the fact that no matter what he did, he couldn’t find the one who did this to you. Even if you tell him outright that it is okay. It’s another mark on his list of failures, to him.
⎯ Raiden
When he got the amulet, Raiden didn’t exactly have it down. It took a great deal of focus and strength to hone it, more than he’s known. Sure, there have been some points where it feels like he’s got it down, like he can actually control the lightning. But before the tournament, he had a hard time controlling it, and spent many days doing his best to hone this new power. It was exhausting, and took a toll on him, both physically and mentally. He might have been trained nearly his whole life in martial arts, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate to any sort of magic.
However, it is his connections that ground him. Kung Lao, yes. But you, mainly. Normally, his training sessions with the amulet consist of him trying not to fry Lao, while you sit by and encourage him. A positive environment encourages progress, right? That’s what Raiden thinks, anyway. And all things considered, he’s doing well today. The lightning had been easily tamed, Lao hadn’t been zapped, and all was well.
While training with a staff, however, one wrong move sends a strike horrifyingly close to you. You barely register what happened, the loud bang by your right is followed by a popping feeling, like you’ve been in high altitude, a sharp pain through your eardrum, and then a dull ringing in your right ear. Raiden comes running up to you near immediately, checking over you. Your mind spins at how fast things happened, so you can’t necessarily explain clearly to him what you felt. Before you can collect yourself, Raiden is suddenly set on high-alert, and hauling you away to the medics at Wu Shi. Even Lao is a little confused as he follows after the two of you.
At the medics, you’re able to piece everything together. Ruptured eardrum, and Raiden can’t help but blame himself for it. When you’re getting checked over, Raiden is pacing outside, and Lao is trying desperately to calm him down. It had been a fear of his since the very start of his training. But as time went on and you went unharmed… it started to slip into the back of his mind. He feels horrible for letting go of that worry, for letting it happen. And when the medics let you go and tell you that it’ll heal in a couple weeks, you do your best to comfort him next to Lao. When it’s just you two, however, Raiden is a lot more calm. The adrenaline of the moment got to him earlier. Still, all he feels he can do is apologize, as much as you assure him it’s fine. Over the next couple of weeks, he’s very, very mindful of himself. He’s practically banned you from his training sessions, he makes sure to approach you from your left side or make his presence known if he’s coming up from behind you.
⎯ Zeffeero
There’s not much Rain has to worry about in his day-to-day life, even with his status as High Mage. He knows his title holds weight, but he believes that if he spends all his time worrying, something will happen sooner or later, and he’ll be more of a mess if it comes true. He’s more worried about his actual duties, coming home to you (almost) every night, and what books he will read on his days off.
That being said, he isn’t able to spend all his time with you. Which is a bummer, really. His job isn’t necessarily ‘remote’. He doesn’t worry over you too much, he knows you’re strong enough to cover for yourself. And those who are against him and the royalty should be smarter and focus their attention towards him and Sindel. Keyword, should.
So, when Zeffeero is met by the couriers during his duties, he’s confused. The only words he can make out in their frantic speech is your name, and hostage. Which snaps him out of his normally calm demeanor. But, regardless, he does his best to stay collected. He gets the couriers to explain the situation clearly, that Sindel’s detractors had chosen you out of all people to make an example. The good news is that it was dealt with just as quickly as you had been taken away, criminals don’t really get their way so easily in Sun Do, especially.
But that doesn’t mean they didn’t do a number on you. Rain immediately puts his work to the side and meets you at the infirmary. You’re pretty beat up, a couple bruises on your arms and a gash on your forehead, and the medics inform him that you’ll need to stay here for at least another week, you’ve gotten a couple of bruised ribs, as well. For the next couple of days, he is by your bedside, perfectly on time when the medics open up visiting hours. He’ll even do his work by your side, filling countless journals and going through way too many reports as he does.
⎯ Tomas Vrbada
Stealth missions require the utmost focus, especially ones of this caliber. Tomas is confident in your ability, so he doesn’t worry unnecessarily over you. But his mind can tend to wander sometimes. Still, he does his best to remain on track, stalking through the rampart. It was a simple recon mission, keep an eye on the territory. It had been left abandoned after the events of Armageddon, but there had been indications that Bi-Han was looking to start something there again. Considering the cyberization of the Lin Kuei, Kuai Liang and Tomas agreed to simply check it out, make sure nothing was being done.
And they were right to be suspicious. Either out of paranoia, or a hunch, Bi-Han had sent scouts as well. This makes the operation a lot more high-risk, both parties may be aware of each other, but have no idea where the other is. It looks as if there’s a rather hefty amount of spies in the rampart as well. As Tomas stalks through the tops of the wall, searching for anything slightly out of place, he gets the sudden feeling that he’s being watched.
Just as he raises his head, he hears the thwip of a bow string, causing him to jerk away from his position. An arrow flies past his head, a few centimeters from it, and as he follows it’s trajectory, he sees you, across the rampart. Fighting with two ninjas, doing your best to, well, stay alive. Realizing that you two are horribly outnumbered, he completely ignores the archer behind him. Utilizing his practical magic, he wastes no time disappearing and taking off. It’s not as easy as it sounds, practically throwing himself off the wall and doing what he can to make it across the rampart. As adrenaline rushes through him, his actions are near mindless, reckless, jumping over stray ballistas and rubble.  Does he know that this could put his life at risk? That it puts the mission at risk? Yes. But there’s a tiny voice inside of him that screams at him, tells him you are much more important than the mission. He got the intel anyways.
Things blur together for Tomas after that. He can’t remember exactly how he reached you, he can’t remember what he did with the two ninjas, the only thing that brings him back to the present moment is the pained breaths of yours and heaved gasps. He’d been singing some lullaby that he couldn’t remember the name of, his voice cracking here and there. His throat is raw, blood pouring from a head wound, and he can’t tell if the blood coating his arms is from you, who lay motionless (but thankfully breathing) in his arms, the ninjas, or his own. He’s barely noticed that he’s made his way to Harumi’s house. Not to Kuai Liang– to Harumi. Which, eventually, the knowledge that you’ve been hurt and that the Lin Kuei are pushing to claim territory over the Rampart. When Harumi guides the two of you to a room while she calls for the medics, all Tomas can do is blame himself. He’s spaced out the entire time, the only thing that snaps him out of his catatonic state is when they try to separate the two of you. He doesn’t let them. He doesn’t let anyone separate you from him. He’s too scared that he will lose you.
⎯ Baraka
While the restrictions on those inflicted with Tarkat have been lifted slightly, there is still some public animosity towards Tarkattens. And some of those people tend to direct their anger at those who support this decision, or those close to those afflicted with Tarkat. And unfortunately, you just so happen to be one of those people.
You aren’t entirely vocal about your relationship with Baraka, but you aren’t entirely quiet about it, either. The only reason Baraka doesn’t talk about you two is because he is afraid of what could happen to you. It doesn’t matter if the public’s opinion will turn, if there will ever be a cure, he has always been distant. He loves you, and good god, he’d do anything to even hold your hand. But he is afraid. He can’t help but be afraid of what will happen to you.
And rightfully so, when you are visiting Sun Do with Baraka. It’s a routine visit, to talk about how to integrate precautions for those with Tarkat, and how the vaccine progress is coming along. It feels like hours in a stuffy room, talking with Mileena. Eventually, you step out for a moment, to get some fresh air, and to clear your head. Unfortunately, one of the people against the aid for Tarkattens takes this as an opportunity to attack you in broad daylight.
Luckily, you don’t have to suffer much. A couple of kicks and hits that have left a couple of bruises, but the Constabulary was able to pull them off you quickly. The commotion brings Mileena and Baraka out, which leaves you feeling a little flustered. Needless to say, the talks for that day are cut short, and Baraka spends his time worrying about you. He asks you to stay in Sun Do for a while, that he can handle the talks himself now.
⎯ Syzoth
Syzoth’s biggest fear is Shang Tsung. Even after all is said and done, the fear still lingers. With his past, he can’t help but worry, especially about you. He wants to imagine a future with you, and he’s more than content with the days you two spend together, but he will never be able to shake the idea of his happiness being ripped from him again. While he is still all cuddly with you, there is something always gnawing at him. An eternal dread.
And his fears come true, in some way. He had to leave home for a couple of days, out on official business. It was nothing major, nothing that would pull him from you for longer than a week. Integrating yourself along with Zatterans was a challenge alright, something you didn’t mind facing. Syzoth had said it was a good way to get them used to humans, to earthrealmers.
However, when he comes back home, he is greeted by you, with a black eye, and multiple, bandaged, gashes down your arms. You smile at him warmly, despite your injuries, which have had at least two days to heal. He’s stunned, and after a moment of silence, he’s all over you, asking question after question. Despite what he asks, he knows what the Zatterans have done to you.
He tells himself he should’ve known, as they had killed those with his mutation, he should’ve known that they would’ve treated you the same. You can’t give him exact details, you can’t even give him a description. It happened all too fast, and you were helpless in the moment. He spends the next week by your side, never leaving, unless it was for food, or necessities. When you two are out, he’s very diligent about his surroundings, and those around them. Most of the Zaterrans express their apologies to you, even if it wasn’t them, which makes Syzoth even more wary about who he should be keeping an eye on.  
⎯ Havik
Danger comes with the territory of dating Havik. Yeah, he keeps you close, but he’s wanted. And he’s well aware, he tends to get himself in fights quite often. If you wanna participate? Hells yeah, he’s all in. But if you’d rather sit back, hide away, anything like that, he doesn’t mind. Even if he prefers a more active partner on the battlefield. Just because he’s got his anarchic ways and enjoys a little bloodbath every now and then, doesn’t mean he’s thrown care and (at least) sympathy into the wind. Granted, it’s hard to coax that reaction out of him.
But, it’s different with you. His heart; quite literally. He’d do anything for you, he’s (almost) as obedient as a dog. But when he gets to watch you in kombat… it’s a treat. He’s like actually drooling. He’s got a twisted sort of smile on his face when you slash through enemies. Sometimes just the thought of it makes him blush. He’s a little fucked up, actually! But for a being who thrives on chaos, that’s the norm.
When it comes to you being injured, if it’s just a little nick, (which is categorized very loosely; can be deep cuts, slashes, not just a scrape) he doesn’t find any reason to retaliate against your assailant. Havik is proud to have a lover that can take care of things themselves, but that doesn’t mean he won’t leap at the chance to tear someone limb from limb. Especially if you’re wounded near fatally. That’s when any semblance of humanity leaves him. He’s brutal, horribly so, and for once, you have to turn your head away.
When the fight’s done, Havik returns to you, covered in blood and viscera. He made it quick, as much as he would’ve enjoyed making it slow and painful, he knows that time is of the essence. Given his situation, he can’t really take you anywhere. So a little impromptu ‘healing’ session is underway. Some alcohol (that’s 100% not stolen) and some pressure to make sure the bleeding stops and that you don’t get an infection. After, he’s got to stitch up the wound. As he does so, he’s murmuring praises,– a rare thing from him, really– doing his best to make this as painless as possible.
⎯ General Shao
There is no greater place than the battlefield to Shao. It is something he grew up on, and to be fighting side by side with his beloved, it fills him with pride. Of course, he knows the dangers, he knows there’s a target on his back, but he could care less. He almost revels in it. Yes, he’ll worry about you, but he also knows that you can handle yourself.
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t above teaching those who choose to hurt you a lesson. He’s sensible, he’s strong, and he’s just a little, teensy weensy bit protective of you. Of course, you can handle fights on your own. But it’s when the enemies got you in a tough spot, managed to daze you, anything like that. That’s when Shao lets hell break loose.
A sword pierces through your arm, and while it’s not fatal, the minute Shao sees it, he’s raging. A bloody warpath follows him as he marches towards the assailant, the opponent he had been fighting long forgotten. He can’t gloss over an injury like that, he is unsure if they had cut through the brachial artery. So he makes it quick, practically splitting them in two as you watch. The battle continues to rage on, but all Shao can do is huff and encourage you to make an escape,– mainly because he’s afraid you might bleed to death– even if you don’t want to.
At the end of it all, you oblige, retreating and making it to the field medics. You are glad to hear that they did not cut through your brachial artery, and that you won’t bleed to death. But the gash in your arm still needs treatment. You’re stuck in that tent for quite a bit, mourning the loss of a good fight. That is, until Shao interrupts. He’s barely pulled back the tarp of the entrance, and he’s already looking for you. And when he spots you, lying down with a defeated look, bored as hell, he’s at your side within an instant. He needs to know the damage, if it’ll take you out of combat, etc etc. He quietly worries over you, which is quite charming in its own way.
⎯ Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung is no pushover. He may be despised, he may have been outcast, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stand there and take it. Especially when it comes to you. He’s a bit of a drama queen, sure, but he’s charming. Even after everything, it seems like people won’t forgive him. They aren’t wrong to leave him unforgiven, either.
But, their anger should be pointed towards him. So when he receives a letter for ransom via courier, he’s rightfully pissed. How dare they take his sunshine away from him, all because of what he’s done. What he’s done. And to try and rip him off, as well. You aren’t worth a mere 50,000 koins! You’re worth at least 5mil! Needless to say, he’s fuming.
What’s he going to do? Ask the Constabulary to help? No! He’s more than capable of handling it himself. A little dirt on his hands never hurt anybody. Time is short, so he rushes over the details. A couple sleepless nights spent scouting, collecting any sort of information, and he’s off to a shabby little shack in the wastes. The audacity of these people to not only take you from him, demand 50k koins, but also keep you in some run-down place! As much as he’s nitpicking what they’ve done to you, he’s doing it to calm himself down. Yeah, he’s got this in the bag, but any one taking his love from him, especially with malicious intent, makes him scarier than his most evil counterparts.
It is there where Shang Tsung finds out the kidnappers haven’t necessarily… prepared. Only two captors, and they’re dealt with easily. Torn into like meat, left to rot. He disregards their state, food for the vultures and whichever desperate soul wanders past. You’re a mess, head down, mind hazy, legs weak. He treats you like a knight saving his darling, picking you up bridal style. He coos at you, whispering things like ‘you’re alright’, and ‘I’m here now’ as he takes you away.
⎯ Reiko
It’s a calm evening, paired with a little sparring. As Reiko watches you train an over-ambitious rookie, he seems lost in thought. Why? It’s unsure. It feels like he’s simply lost his grip lately, he feels that he hasn’t been doing well in combat, and has actually regressed with his progress. Seeing you humble the soldier over and over again somehow reminds him of this, telling himself he needs to catch up on his training, build on his weaknesses.
It’s a subtle snap that brings him back to reality. It seems the trainee had enough of your teaching, and didn’t quite enjoy the lessons you were drilling– punching– into them. They’ve managed to pin you down, thanks to a very direct, very heated punch to the face. They’ve got you in a headlock, spouting nonsense at you like you’ve greatly offended them. You groan, so close to yelling out uncle. But, you’ve gotta admit, you like their fire. Even if it severely clouds their judgment.
Reiko is quick to pull them off of you, grabbing them by the nape as if they were a dog. It’s a little bit of a struggle, mainly the trainee squirming and protesting like a child who’s been denied candy. It’s shameful for him, but the very thought of the runt taking advantage of the moment to hurt you makes him believe they are unbefitting of a soldier. And it makes him a little pissed. He’s lecturing them, doing his best to hold back some very choice words. All the while you’re nursing your possibly broken nose, trying to get Reiko to let up on them. Eventually, you just shoo them away, and then give Reiko his own lecture. They’re your student, so they’ll get your discipline.
He’s not the best at consoling you, especially over something that he’s deemed ‘minor’. A quick ‘are you okay?’ and a nod is all he really gives you. But, after you’ve ended the training session early, and confirmed that your nose isn’t broken, Reiko picks up the opportunity to hone in his skills. Given the fact that you still had time left in your schedule, you take up his offer.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
TW: dark themes, toxic relationship, physical aggression, afab anatomy, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, yandere themes, smut, nsfw.
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。˚☽˚。⋆ SHANG TSUNG : You two met when he went to collect a debt from one of your neighbors in the small village where you lived with your family, he would ask if your neighbor was there, since he didn't answer the door, you would talk distractedly taking care of some flowers that I didn't know for sure, oh my, the wizard was already madly in love with you, he would ask for some water and then ask your name and then kiss the back of your hand leaving with some men. From then on, his life would be a real hell. He would research everything about you and your family, he would be the type who would first try to win you over like a normal person, but soon he would see that you didn't seem very interested in her, soon leading him to a plan B. - He would start threatening the owner of renting your house immediately increasing the monthly payment, leaving you and your family in complete despair, however, he appeared as a "great savior" giving the house to your family again, with one caveat, you would have to go out to dinner with he. Shang Tsung was very seductive, he would pick you up at home, dressed in beautiful gold and red royal attire, loose hair and extremely expensive perfume, he would know how to convince you to stay with him, telling you how lucky you were that he had bought your house, in no time you would be in his hands and with sweet words and some wine, he would be between your legs at the end of the night, fucking you hard and slapping your face.
You two start dating immediately, and it becomes hell in your life, Shang wouldn't let you go home anymore, you would practically live with him in his castle, all his henchmen from exoterra weren't even allowed to breathe near you, much less let you go out without him around. He would be busy with business but he would leave you beautiful and locked up in another shared house between the two of you - don't take him the wrong way, but he wouldn't feel comfortable leaving you in a house full of likely exits to run away and never come back to him again. -
He is well controlled, Shang really knows that you won't leave him, because in addition to having developed emotional dependence on you on purpose, he could kill your beloved family at any moment - perhaps he even did this before, so you could only have him, but just maybe- But every jealous crisis he has you will be fucked by her until you can no longer walk, he will sink into you without any mercy for your poor pussy, talking while he puts his dick in you with all his strength that you are a dirty slut who wants to give that pussy to anyone, and that only he can have your body and heart, whether you want it or not.
You wouldn't, like never, if you even dared to mention that you wanted to end the relationship you would see a family member of yours killed, by your boyfriend while he smiled insanely and asked if he heard what you meant to say correctly. He would also never break up with you, for him you are the only one in his life and will always be and if you try to run away he will find you and make your life hell, first of all you wouldn't even leave the exoterra, he literally has contact with You wouldn't even be able to get a ride to go as far as possible from exo terra and if you did, it would be one of contacts to pick you back up. You would soon realize that it wasn't the right way and you would panic seeing Shang Tsung just ahead waving happily to the driver. You would try to scream and then cry but there was nothing else you could do in that situation, he would take you home and soon he would have him by your side and kissing your neck, of course, with your wrist held by a pair of handcuffs on your wrist. At the head of the bed, he would lay his head on you, hugging you while your tears flowed : "-My love, you will never leave here, you will die here, whether you want it or not."
。˚☽˚。⋆ BI HAN : Please never have a relationship with this man, seriously darling, Bi Han is the type of man that you can't even breathe someone else's air and he will have a jealous crisis taking you both home - this man's crises are always happen with the two of you out - he wouldn't be shy and say that you were wearing too short clothes to go out and that's why you were at home - not because he was jealous because you simply smiled at the waiter after he gave you a drink - and After arriving home, the two of you would have extremely violent sex on Bi Han's part, he would record fucking your pussy from behind while pulling your hair - regardless of whether your hair was short or not, he is 6'1 tall, meaning he would reach your head calm down - and right after cumming inside you, his cum warmed your entrance recording the cum dripping from your pussy. He would also be extremely controlling with things related to your work, forget leaving the house after dating him, you only go out with him or if you are accompanied by a man he trusts from the Lin Kuei - Mainly Sektor - if he knows you left alone he would have an outbreak when he got home - let's say maybe, but just, maybe, he put a tracker on you, with the help of Sektor, specifically on your cell phone or maybe on yourself, this man is sick - and this outbreak it would generate an outcry from him, and you would only hear it silently, crying quietly, since the last time you raised your voice to him you left the mark of his hand on your face for 3 days. He's the type to punish you physically, he thinks you'll learn better from pain. Things like hitting you if you dare to raise your voice to him have become normal in his life, he also faithfully believes that hitting you is not wrong and will never apologize for the opposite, he will pretend nothing happened and have breakfast with you like a happy couple. Unlike the others on the list, there is no way not to notice the red flags in the relationship, you went into this knowing how problematic Bi Han was and thought you could change him in some way, you were mortally mistaken. If you tried to escape from your house he would find you in hell, the entire Lin Kuei would come after you, and deaths would happen because your dear boyfriend knows that you couldn't bear to see civilians dying because of you. Soon the grand master would see you come out of a small house in the village that you were hiding with your hands up, there were people looking at you shocked by everything and others dead on the ground as you passed, obviously all the witnesses would be neutralized. Bi Han hugged you tightly, placing kisses on your head as he carried you in his arms. "-I told you my love, you will never run away from me, you are my soulmate, have you forgotten? If you try to do something like that again, I swear I will slowly kill every person you love in this life."
。˚☽˚。⋆ JOHNNY CAGE: This man is a Labrador type, he is a cute man but when he wants to he can turn your life into hell. You met Johnny in one of his films, and he soon became very passionate and in a record amount of time you began to have a relationship, in the beginning it was always normal and respectful, but he has already shown some strange signs, like always asking what you smiled so much writing on your cell phone - which was ironic since he was always glued to his cell phone - which would generate a mini fight between the two of you with Johnny saying that he was afraid of losing you, that he couldn't live without you and that he would do anything To have you by his side, he's the type who will apologize for raising his voice in a fight but will try to justify why he did it. The man will go slowly, showing several red flags, such as expelling his friends from the house that was shared, saying that he had had enough of the noise and that he needed to rest from unlike your friends leaving a horrible atmosphere in the room. You looked at your boyfriend in disbelief as he opened the door and each of your friends came out awkwardly smiling in your direction, the argument between you would be heated with him calling you a slut in the process which would make the older man apologize soon after while you If you locked yourself in the bathroom, you would only make up when you left the room and saw Cage silently crying while looking at your photos. He really has problems with trust, he loves you and trusts you, but he can't say the same about his friends and the world in general, even with you being in his life for many years, he doesn't trust himself, you two would end up fucking with Johnny Cage beneath you talking about how he couldn't see his life without you, while you rode him and kissed him, the man's hips went in desperate rhythm as he saw the goddess that was you moaning on his dick, and oh my he could never lose you.
。˚☽˚。⋆ KUAI LIANG : Kuai Liang is literally on the same level as Bi Han, seriously, maybe even worse. This man would lay eyes on you for the first time and soon become obsessed, in this context you would be a support soldier in the mission against Perseus, everything was supposed to be normal but you soon find yourself cornered by Kuai and his sick thoughts. The man wouldn't give you a choice, either you stay with him or you die, simple as that. He would first try to win you over by normal methods, like bringing flowers or inviting you to dinner and if you accepted, you would fall into his web of control. This relationship would be a prison, you couldn't leave this man's side and if you did it without authorization you would be punished, he would love to punish you with humiliation, making you suck his dick under the table while there is a very important meeting with the Lin Kuei or just you depriving you of wearing clothes at home, he would always, literally always, fuck you, the bastard knew how to break your mind, he knew how to have sex that made you cry while you trembled on his thick cock. During sex he would praise you saying how good you are for taking his dick so well in your pussy, you were already not feeling very well with everything that was happening, so a Stockholm syndrome bond was formed with the man, rightfully so. to you crying every time Kuai deprived you of contact. Well, I think that with all this there's no need to say how jealous he is, you're just his, it could have happened that a man who tried to buy you a drink turned up dead in some alley, he's not the type to hit you , but, he will do much worse things. You will never escape, forget that dear, he will put you in a house far away from everything and everyone with the security system high and to avoid the risk of an escape, so you just let the man take control of your life. Kuai Liang would arrive home and see you on the porch, sitting in a beautiful white flowy dress that showed off your cleavage all dressed up, you looked sadly at the forest landscape around you, life had already left your eyes, you were a soulless doll, Kuai's broken doll, he sat next to you, slowly placing you on his lap while running his hand through your soft hair, you were broken, Kuai Liang knew, but there was no going back.
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: It's bad enough there is three Shang Tsungs + BONUS
Author Note: Continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, “Why date a punk like him”, “Panic (Mom is visiting)”, “Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)”, “Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)”, “Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)”, “There is never a god around when you need one”, “ A mother knows best, p.1”, “ A mother knows best, p.2”, "Good at multitasking“ & "One moron to save"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)] [Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)] [Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)] [Stop closing your eyes!] [There is never a god around when you need one] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 1 - upset Tomas] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 2 - Control your anger] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 3 - the perfect solution] [A mother knows best, p.1] [A mother knows best, p.2] [Good at multitasking] [One moron to save] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 4 - BUT ARE YOU SURE?]
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soulofamy · 5 months
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting
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obsessedwrhys · 4 months
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Bi-Han with a Sun Goddess!Reader
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ᯓ★ fluff, angst at the end, reader is fem!!
Boy oh boy were you two an unexpected match. One was full of grace while the other's full of temper.
Though, despite your differences, your relationship was surprisingly well.
How he fell for you was a story itself, it all started when you had offered to help Liu Kang and his friends to fight against Shang Tsung. When you were given a place to stay at the Lin Kuei's headquarters, that's how you met the man.
He was the first to introduce himself but from his tone you could tell he was forced to offer the hospitality towards you.
During the wait for Liu Kang's orders, you explored the place and had stumble upon Bi-Han when he was training his men. You were bored so you decided to join.
From there was how you slowly started to know him.
Starting by having a friendly duel to having brunch at the garden. He was surprisingly not as scary as he appears to be.
It was probably your patience and elegance that made him fall hard for you.
He can't explain it but there was this aura about you that just seemed to be drawing him in.
So when he confessed to you after he had invited you over for a formal dinner. That was when things took a huge turn.
When everyone found out you two were together, it blew nearly everyone's mind, especially Johnny's. Like how did that happen?
"What do you even see in him?"
"He makes me laugh"
P.S, Bi-Han hates how you and Johnny are very buddy with each other.
There was this one time Johnny had bought you an attire from his earth and had intended to bring you as a plus one to his movie premiere but obviously Bi-Han was quick to snatch you away.
Just imagine him dragging you gently by the waist while looking over his shoulder to glare at Johnny. You on the other hand was unaware of his jealousy since you were confused why he needed your help on watering the pond (?)
Honestly Bi-Han wouldn't be too showy with affection. Sure he loves you, but he also loves his image. Though if you were ever to initiate PDA, he'd be fine with small things like kisses and hugs. Just don't embarrass him in front of his men. He won't be ever live it down.
Did I mention how soft he gets behind closed doors?
Once it's just you two he can finally drop his cold demeanor.
100% canon he's a small spoon type of guy.
Like just run your hands through his loose hair and massage his scalp. HE.WILL.MELT!!!
He'd definitely talk in a whisper tone to you when you guys are cuddling. Not to mention he always have this soft smile on his face.
"I missed you the entire day..."
"Hm... Your hair looks cute when it's messy..."
"Stop... don't look at me like that... quit pouting..."
He also enjoys taking baths together. Nothing extreme of course. He just enjoys the feel of your skin 'cause it helps him to relax.
He calls you sunshine. I wonder why 🤔
Jokes aside, he also calls you other cliché things like baby and love.
Another funny thing, he enjoys it when you choose to mess with him. He doesn't get mad but instead finds your attempts intriguing.
An example of a scenario was when you had decided to put makeup on him. Your excuse being that you wanted to try a new type of style but he knew those were just white lies.
Once you were done, you just couldn't control your laughter. He doesn't even crack a smile but just stares at you with a blank expression before turning to see his reflection on the mirror.
Did you just put clown makeup on him? He sighs but secretly inside, he finds your laughter quite contagious. It takes all his strength not to smile.
"You are an adult yet you behave like a child"
"PAAHAHAHA I AM—NOT— NOT A CHILD!!" You'd struggle to say through your laughter as he turns to stare at you once again with a unimpressed look, the clown makeup still on him making it even more funny to you.
OKAY NOW HEAR ME OUT. He definitely gives you compliments buuuut since he's too embarrassed to just say it outright, he likes to say it in his native language. He's just more comfortable in his mother tongue.
Just imagine him caressing your cheek as he admires you. Nothing but love in his gaze. It was like you were the single most beautiful thing in this world to him.
"你到底知道你有多可愛嗎? (Do you even understand/know how cute you are?)" He'd say in a breathy tone as though your beauty took his breath away.
Now to your powers, when he first saw you in action, it left him astonished. A sun goddess? Just when he thought he had seen it all... you never cease to surprise him.
That's why it comes naturally that he would challenge you in a friendly battle which you accepted without hesitation.
It was definitely a massive fight, even some of his men were rounding around or peeking from nearby to get a glimpse of the fight.
You were fast yet so smart with your moves. He had to admit that it had him captivated. Sadly the fight ended in a tie since Scorpion had to come in to stop it when things were beginning to get out of hand.
Without realising, you guys had accidentally damage some of the furniture and such. Ever since then, Bi-Han has been looking forward to competing against you again.
After that you were also considered his equal which is already an achievement itself.
Rarely anyone gets that high of a praise.
When in a relationship, his curiosity would peak and he would ask questions about your powers and your backstory.
While telling him your family reputation and the origin of where you got your abilities, he would be listening closely.
You taught yourself how to control and enhance your skills? He likes you even more.
You have daddy issues? Say less.
Whatever it is, he'll just listen to you with his brows slightly raised as you have his complete interest.
Since you're the only one he feels like he can share his problems to, he would definitely share his frustration concerning his father's beliefs about the Lin Kuei.
You would try to help him through it but even with your endless love and care. His betrayal would be inevitable.
When you learned of his betrayal through his brothers, it left you completely shattered.
How could he do this?
Did he not even consider the harm he could do when he did that?
Did you never cross his mind?
All of these thoughts haunted you.
And so did his consequences did to him.
His thirst for power and control consumed him to the fact that he had failed to realise he had lost you in the process.
Countless nights of staring at the wall as he loses sleep...
Until one day he decided to go and set out to find you. When he did, he hid himself in the shadows while watching you pack your stuff.
You were leaving to Japan with his brothers.
The dark circles around your eyes and the glow you always had on you was gone.
His actions had entirely ruined you...
Once he was sure it was just you and nobody else, he would step out of the bushes and choose to approach you. A dumb but desperate move.
The second your eyes settled on him. There was no warmth... but rage in your eyes.
Without a second thought you would initiate a fight against the man who was once your lover.
Due to your still aching heart, you would fight with tears in your eyes as your emotions got the better of you, something Bi-Han easily caught notice of.
After exchanging blows and countering them, Bi-Han would manage to hold you in his embrace which you struggled against but soon you would give in to the warmth of his body. The feeling you've longed for ever since he was gone.
"Please... don't leave..." He'd plea, afraid that he might never see you again.
"I never left... you did..." You'd say, then gently removing his arms around you which he let's you without resisting.
"You left me... like I was nothing to you..." You looked at him, staring at the way his face was unreadable but you could see the glimpse of hopeless in his eyes.
"I'm just glad this time I get to say goodbye" You'd then reach out to hold the side of his face... before turning to leave with your belongings.
He doesn't stop nor chases after you but rather just stands there and watch as you go.
The heartbreaking realisation that he was no longer the reason for you to stay.. but to run away.
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behindthesoul · 11 months
MK Men As Parents
Thanks to @mortal-kombat-shitposts and Tommy from the Discord server for giving me this idea <3
Characters: Liu Kang, Syzoth, Shang Tsung, Bi-Han
Note: gender neutral, mentions of periods in Syzoth’s part, not proofread
Liu Kang
Chill parent.
He makes time for his kid whenever he can, but he’s busy with being the defender of Earthrealm. I can see his kid mostly being raised by the monks at the Wu Shi Academy.
He trains his kid to the best of his ability, not wanting them to be defenseless in case of an emergency.
I don’t think they would go to Outworld much. Sindel wouldn’t even know Liu had a kid til they’re older.
Liu is very wise and gives the best advice. He’s there to calm his kid down should they ever get angry or upset. He expects his child to be truthful and always come to him if something’s wrong.
I can imagine his kid learning of his god status pretty early on, but not knowing of his past role as Keeper of Time until he’s forced to reveal it. Depending on their personality, this could cause some tension between them.
Assuming Syzoth’s child also has his ability to take a human form, he would drill it into their head that they are not a freak. Their human and Zaterran form are both beautiful to him.
Parenting is a unique challenge for Syzoth. While he easily handles the Zaterran aspects of raising a child, he finds it more challenging to comprehend human things such as periods, puberty, and tantrums.
Syzoth finds himself missing his family more and more each day. He feels bad his child won’t have much family to grow up around. I think because of this, Syzoth is a bit protective. He’s already lost so much, he can’t bear to lose the best thing in his life.
He’s nowhere near overbearing, but there are moments where he watches his kid like a hawk.
Shang Tsung
I can imagine Shang being a single parent, doing his best to raise a child in his shack. He spends most of the day out in towns, selling his fake cures. He trusts his child to be able to take care of themselves while he’s gone.
He’s a devoted father doing all he can to keep his child happy. He wants them to be smart, frequently having them reading above age-level and doing math problems most kids their age can’t comprehend.
Once Shang’s benefactor gives him his big break? Shang spoils the shit out of his child. Giving them the life they’ve always deserved. These are the days Shang’s child sees him smile the most. Gone are the days of tirelessly selling fraudulent medicine. It’s time to live lavish!
Not the most emotionally available parent.
He’s not the type to show any emotion that isn’t anger, and he doesn’t know how to deal with others’ feelings. He tries his best, but he may not react to every situation the way his child needs him to.
He’s a strict father; a product of being the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. His child has a lot of eyes on them, so they will be ruthlessly trained to be the best of the best.
He is a father first before he is a grandmaster. But, if he feels the need to put his foot down, his child will hear “obey your Grandmaster!”
He’ll never admit to it, but Bi-Han does spoil his child. Not as much as other characters would, though.
His strictness will only work for so long! If his child catches him on a good day, he may or may not let them skip training by feigning illness. If someone brings it up he’ll just say, “my child shows great dedication to the Lin Kuei. They have not missed a day of training.”
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Hey, hi! I really liked your work about the harem! It's very interesting, in my opinion. And can I find out the continuation of this whole story, when the reader chooses some nondescript extra as his love?
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“Okay. Let’s refocus our efforts, men. Y/N has a partner which mean we need to figure out how to get rid of them first. *Then*…we can finish killing each other in the tournament.”
A/N: I didn’t really want to continue the story because I was kinda lost on what to do with it but I thought this little Drabble would be funny. Thank you soooo muchhhhhhh💞
Warnings: obsessive and aggressive behavior
Requests: always open
When your partner came to visit you in the outworld, all eyes were on them. The way they had confidently strutted over and kissed you with a chill, “Hey baby. I missed you so much”, sent them into orbit.
I’m sorry you have a what—?
So you mean to tell them that you already had someone and basically all of this infighting was for nothing?!? It was never going to be one of them?
you’re such a jokester. You did this to rile things up and make them jealous. So playful, you are.
Johnny of course was the first to go up to y'all and start his bullsh*t
“Y/N, this is absolutely hilarious. Was the attention I gave you not enough? You don’t have to try to make me jealous with this…punk. I would’ve gladly given you more if you just asked.”
Umm no Johnny this is actually your lover..
Kano was the next to bite
“Haha doll, that’s a real good one! There’s no way you’d want someone like ‘at. Tell you what, why don’t you come make some jokes over there with me..I’m a real good tickla’.”
Oh.. they are in reeeaaal bad denial
“Hey—let’s give Y/N some space. She’s allowed to have privacy and a personal relationship of her choosing—“
Luckily Fujin is the voice of reason and compassion
“—-even if they are so…unexpectedly unique.”
You had one job 😩
They definitely were still trying to process this whole situation. For the rest of the night all the men were whispering amongst each other and sending weird looks over their way. There was no way that was actually your partner. This was just all some ruse. They’ll be gone by the morning.
Nope. They weren’t and you were as affectionate and clingy as ever. You were just so smitten over them that it couldn’t have been fake. Every question about you, your lover could flawlessly answer and recall stories only someone close to you could.
They even showed pictures of you two together through the years on different occasions and at family gatherings…so either this was the greatest actor/stunt ever or you really was taken.
The guys loathe them so bad..
Not only did they take their beloved darling away from them but how could someone so average claim your heart so easily?
All of them felt like they were far better than them, like come on you have assassins, celebrities, monks, kahns and more at your disposal but you chose…them? What about them could possibly be better than what is right in front of you?
I can imagine the mk harem frequently going up to your partner and sizing them up. Like it’s so funny watching them pop out their chest and flex in order to seem more superior.
Oh and all the things I mentioned previously about the being super creepy and desperate…it’s cranked up to ten now.
They’ll purposely do..questionable things in front of your partner to get them upset and insecure. Especially the younger guys.
They’re all huge show offs during training sessions and can’t help but to be a little too comfortable with you.
Will steal garments (hoodies..ect) from your closet and then return them to your partner to make it seem like you were spending time with him.
We all know that Kano, Erron, Kabal, and Johnny have no filter. They’ll put things into your lover’s head to make them worried. These men love to talk big game and boast about anything they can. Sometimes they’re just flat out crass about their feelings towards you.
Shang tsung flants his wealth and constantly is gifting you money, clothes and other luxury goods…your lover could never afford it.
“I like to make sure that Y/N is well taken care of. All of her old stuff was hindering her beauty. I hope you don’t mind the initiative that I’ve taken…I figured it’d help you out since you possibly couldn’t have access to the aristocracy that I do.”
*has tried tricking your partner into drinking pure acid*
Raiden and Fujin are great at pretending they like your partner and wanna welcome them but are soooo shady.
“I appreciate you inviting me into your temple. It’s so cool that you both can control the weather. Wish I could do that.”
“Yes, it is quite a shame. It’s one of the many things that Y/N loves. We frequently make thunderous skies and wind storms for her whenever she’s feeling a bit down.”
“ Dont worry, though. I’m sure Y/N enjoys the fact that you can make her laugh and whatever other talents you possess.”
Backhanded insults, threats, hazing and rough housing are frequent.
By the way, you cannot leave your partner alone…like at alll. Like take that poor thing into the bathroom with you because they are constantly watching and waiting for any moment to pounce on them.
This is the first time in months these men are bonding over something since you came along…the mutual disdain for your partner is so powerful.
They really need to do something about this relationship and a plan will be devised soon.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kotal Khan, Erron and Shang Tsung, Kabal and Baraka all want to just flat out want them brutally killed in some kind of public execution so you’ll learn that having a lover outside of any of them is completely unacceptable.
Fujin, Night Wolf, Raiden, Jax and Liu Kang all want to try to…passionately pursue and manipulate..you out of the relationship. They don’t really want your partner to be harmed in any way.
Kung Lao and Johnny Cage think it would be hilarious to haniously humiliate them AND jump them so they’ll be left not only traumatized but filled with hatred for you.
The only reason why they haven’t gone through with any of these plans is because they can’t come to an agreement on which method is better.
I can’t imagine your partner being like “hey…I think they want me dead..”
“Oh that’s non sense, honey. They are a bit strange but I promise you that they are the sweetest to me.”
“They’re literally are into you and hate me for being with your partner. I heard them talking about getting rid of me.”
“Sure a few of them may have a crush on me but I promise you they like you! They’re just guys being guys.”
Yeah they are NOT safe in the slightest. You are owned by the harem, not by this nobody. I really hope they’ll learn how to fight very soon or dump you because your s/o is going to go missing soon. And they’ll make it look like an accident.
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arttrampbelle · 2 years
Cw: vent
Ok srsly done with fans at this point.
Anyone who think shang tsung gives a damn about mileena as a "father" when in actuality he gives not one single damn.
You obviously don't know mk lore.
He was forced by shao kahn to make mileena. He wanted nothing to do with her.
He looks at her like a science experiment. Not a person. A thing he was forced to make.
Shao kahn made shang make her in the image he wants.
If you think milly has any shred of love for shang tsung you are dumb. Plain and simple.
If you wanna have shang tsung be a dad. Make up your own oc instead of projecting onto a character that wants nothing to do with shang tsung.
There are many ways to make shang tsung sympathetic.
Im sick of fans thinking mileena needs anyone to be her.
She has tanya if anyone. And if im being honest,its about time she made amends with kitana. You know. Her sister who she was CLONED AFTER?!
Thats her real family.
Not fucking shang tsung.
I love my man.
But no.
Sorry not sorry. I will die on this hill.
Leave mileena tf alone. Stop trying to put a round peg in a sqaure hole where it doesn't fit.
Im done with these fans. Fr.
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
i love ur fics sm, thank you for keeping this (somewhat inactive) fandom fed 😭🩷
could i request a fic with johnny cage (my literal husband) where the reader is generally a shy/reserved person who prefers to stay home, but goes to all of johnny’s events to support him. at one of his events, reader sees a woman getting too comfortable with johnny and she gets jealous and the reader becomes clingy/passive aggressive around the other woman, but when confronted/asked, she won’t admit that she’s jealous. i know u mainly write for 18+ so if you want it to lead to smut, that’s fine!
(sorry if its too long/specific feel free to ignore!)
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A/N : thank you! Hope you like this. Also for little bit on context, for the ending of armageddon, it was you that stopped Titan Shang Tsung.
WARNINGS : MINORS DONT INTERACT. Nothing major but mentions of Johnny being “hard” and talk about sex
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After the events of armageddon, you had actually became best friends with none other than Johnny Cage. It was interesting to say the least since the two of you were polar opposites but hey, your friendship was good.
Johnny became a big hit director and his movie “Mortal Kombat” was out at the premiere. So, of course he invited you to be his plus one.
Now, you weren’t very much of the party go-er. If anything you’d prefer to stay at home and lay in your bed for eternity but your best friend Johnny wouldn’t let you become a couch potato.
Not only that but you felt like you had an obligation to him as his best friend to go with him to his biggest night yet. And so, you did.
In the movie, there was a character named “Athena” that was written based on you. Johnny said you were gonna love her but you were a little nervous.
You were getting ready at Johnny’s mansion just because it was easier since he had a limo to take you to the big night.
You were in his guest bedroom, getting all dolled up. Your dress was a long dark green dress that reached to your feet. You were finishing up the last touches.
The door was already opened but Johnny walked up and gave it a knock anyway. “You almost ready? The limo is-“ He stopped his sentence when he had seen you. You were absolutely stunning to him. “Wow.”
You looked back at him. Then you started to get worried with your appearance and you looked back at the mirror. “Oh no. Does this not look good?”
“No, no. You look hot.”
When you saw Johnny pulling out his phone, you immediately shook your head and tried to hide your face with your hands. “Stop.”
Johnny ignored you and recorded you anyway. “Come on. The world’s gotta know I got the hottest best friend in the world.” Johnny came up behind you and placed his hand on your lower back. You instinctively dropped your hands.
You sighed some before shoving him away. “Alright. You got your shot. Now, go away. Forever.”
“You know you like me.” Johnny gave you a playful kiss on the cheek before he stopped recording. He started to walk out the room. “Hurry up. You get ready like a girl.”
“Maybe because I am a girl. Crazy thought I know.”
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Johnny knew you’d be nervous walking the red carpet with him so he made sure to keep you close at all times. He also always had his hand placed on your lower back.
Your nerves had died down just a little. Johnny made the experience all the more joyful with his humor. He made you laugh.
The truth was, you liked Johnny. A lot but you’d believe he’d never go with a girl like you. I mean he’s literally a hot shot movie director now.
It was time to watch the movie. You were excited to see it and how Johnny saw you. Again, the nerves came back.
Through out the movie, your double, Athena, was described to be a shy and reserved individual but a really good martial artist.
In real life, you were the mentor for Raiden, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Johnny and helped them train for months.
You had laughed because you caught on that the character that was suppose to be playing “Johnny” was getting his ass kicked by your character. (As it had happened in real life.)
Johnny had made sure to watch your reactions to the movie and he smiled every time you laughed. It made him feel good that you liked it.
What you didn’t expect was at the end of the movie. Your character, Athena had defeated the powerful sorcerer and stopped evil through out all realms. Your character was viewed as the hero.
You were shocked. Johnny viewed you out to be a hero?
When it was done, Johnny was mingling with the crowd just trying to ask questions about the movie and what not.
That’s when you saw him talking to a woman. At first, you didn’t think anything of the conversation but then she gripped Johnny’s arm and began to laughed.
Something inside of you did a double take. What made you even more mad? Johnny was laughing with her and accepting her touch.
You shouldn’t be upset. You and Johnny weren’t dating. Not even in the slightest.
Oh but it did. It did very much.
So much so you did something that was not in your shy nature.
You walked over to Johnny and the woman. Your arm snuck around Johnny’s right arm. He looked to see it was you and smiled. “Hey (Y/N)-“
He was cut off by you grabbing the back of his neck and bringing him down to your lips. Johnny stood there, a little shocked but made sure to snap himself out of it. He kissed you back.
The woman scoffed as you made out with each other right in front of her. The kiss was starting to turn so sloppy that you two were tongue kissing.
When you thought you made your point- you pulled away and turned to look back at her. “You’re still here?” You questioned her, annoyed.
The woman waved you two off and walked away. Johnny was blinking his eyes. Completely confused. “Not that I didn’t enjoy every minute of that but what in the actual fuck just happened?”
It was like you yourself had snapped out of it. You shook your head and tried to walk away. “I don’t know but peace out-“
When you tried to walk away, Johnny grabbed your arm so you were forced to stand there. “Oh no. You’re not getting away that easy.”
You sighed a little, snatching your arm back. “I’m saving the world by one skank at a time. You should be thanking me. She probably had diseases.”
Johnny couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve had my ‘skank’ shots. I think I’d be alright.”
“Oh so you wanted to go out with her?”
“What in the world are you going on about?” Johnny then now understood. He snickered a little, shaking his head at himself for not realizing sooner.
You gave him a look. “What? What’s so funny? I’d like to know.”
He jabbed you in the shoulder playfully. “You like me.”
You tried to act like the idea of you ever possibly liking Johnny Cage was the most disgusting idea ever to know. “What? Me? Like you? No way. We’re friends.”
“Uh huh…” Johnny trailed off, smiling and not convinced.
You placed your hands on your hips at his tone. “I’m serious. I can’t even see myself being with you in like any scenario.”
“Right…so just to be clear-you tongue kiss all your friends like that?”
You couldn’t even defend yourself it felt like because in reality he was right. “Never in a million years. Like you’re so annoying.”
“And a player and conceited and the worst person on the planet and-“
Johnny didn’t let you finish your rant. He cupped the back of your neck and pulled you up to kiss him.
As much as your brain told you not you, your heart was doing cartwheels. You had to. You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Johnny’s left hand went to your hip. He pulled you in closer so he closed the distance between you two. He licked your bottom lip and nibbled on it slightly, making you let out a moan.
He chuckled against the kiss and he pulled away. “So you don’t like me?”
“No.” You said and then walked away from him, causing him to shake his head.
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Back at home, you were back at Johnny’s guest room. The plan was always for you to spend the night after the premiere but now it felt awkward.
You were in your PJs. You were making the bed but frustratingly so. You could not get the sheets to lay on equal sides.
A knock was at your door. The door was already opened and you looked to see Johnny there in his own PJs. They were cartoon PJs with pajama pants and a t-shirt. You should’ve expected he’d wear something like that.
“You’re a kick ass martial artist but don’t know how to make a bed?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “We did not have these kinds of beds growing up thank you very much.”
Johnny snickered. “Let me help you.” He walked into the room and grabbed the sheet from you. He then started to lay it on the bed.
You felt anxiety creep in. You twiddled with your fingers. You couldn’t look at him. “I’m sorry I interrupted you with that girl.”
“You mean your sorry that you cockblocked me?” When Johnny saw your expression, he chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. Kissing you was worth more than that anyways.” He said and started to put the second sheet on.
All the flirting Johnny ever did was now getting to you and you officially couldn’t take it anymore. “Why do you do that? Why do you always flirt with me?”
Johnny finished placing the sheet on the bed. He looked up to you and sighed. “(Y/N)-“
“And then the movie. Why did you write me like that? Why did you write me that I was the hero? Why do you do things like that?”
Johnny took a step towards you and grabbed your hand. “Because that’s how I see you. (Y/N), you’re the most badass girl I know.”
You took your hand away from him. “I’m not.” You turned so your back was facing him. “I have anxiety, I don’t like to talk to people, I get nervous even by the slightest bit of social interaction. What about any of that is ‘badass’?”
Johnny rubbed on your back and shoulders to try and relieve the tension that was built up in you. “Nothing you said has anything to do with being badass. You’re amazing and you do deserve it.”
“Why are you always so nice to me?”
“You know why.” Johnny forced you to face him. He cupped your face and wiped away all of your frustrated tears. “You know I like you, doll.”
You sniffled a little. Then brought your own hand to your face to wipe away the tears. Finally, you admit it. “I like you too.” You pushed him away slightly. “But I don’t think I can do this with you. We’re both on…different levels. You like to go fast all the time and I’m always slow in the background.”
Johnny grabbed both your hands. He set you and himself down on the bed. “Then I’ll be in the background with you. I’ll go slow. Slow as a turtle.” You chuckled a little at his analogy. He lifted your chin up so you were facing him. “Nothings gotta change.”
“Yeah. We’ll still be best friends. I’ll still mess with you and you’ll still eat all my food. The only difference is a title. Oh and also really great sex.” You swatted his arm a little at the last thing and he laughed. “Come on, (Y/N). One shot- that’s all I’m asking.”
You thought about it for a moment. You did really like Johnny. He was more than a best friend to you. He always made you feel good about yourself. And that’s something you cherished about him.
“Alright. One shot.”
“You won’t regret it, babe…probably.” You shook your head at him. The two of you stared in each other’s eyes. Then flickered to your guy’s lips. “Is it okay if I kiss you? Remember I’m moving as slow as a turtle for you.”
You laughed slightly. Instead of answering him, you kissed him. Johnny kissed back, placing his hand at the back of your neck.
The kiss was passionate. Like you two were starving for each other. Of course, Johnny was the best kisser you’d ever had but you would never admit that to him. It would only inflate his ego more.
The kiss started to get heated. Your hand felt up on his chest and your lips went to his neck to kiss on it.
Johnny moaned at the kisses on his neck before snapping himself out of it. He pulled away and stood up from the bed. “Nope.” You looked at him offended. “Promised you slow and that’s what you’re gonna get.”
Wow, he was actually taking this slow thing seriously. “Well, can I sleep in the same bed as you or is that going too fast for you, Cage?”
“Nah. That’s perfect speed.” Johnny helped you stand up from the bed. “Just don’t do no funny business because I’m already hard-“
You didn’t believe him but you looked down and he was in fact, hard. You gasped out in surprise and slapped his chest. “Johnny!”
“What? You’re the one making out with me and giving me neck kisses.”
You shook your head slightly and went with him to his bedroom. Guess you and Johnny were gonna try this out.
“Did I ever tell you how amazing your ass looked in those shorts?”
“Shut up, Johnny.”
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