shxinny · 1 year
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Montu es el netkher de la guerra, del alto Egipto y manifestación del sol abrazador, es por esta razón que también lleva el epíteto de Montu-Ra.
Su nombre significa ''Nómada'', es un dios muy antiguo, tras ser reconocido por el epíteto de Montu-Ra fue considerado cómo un netkher de la guerra, uno de sus títulos era ''Horus con el brazo fuerte''.
Tuvo varias consortes, entre ellas se encontraban Tenenet/Tyenenet, netkher de la maternidad, Rattaui/Raet-Taui, señora de las dos tierras y personificación del sol, contraparte femenina de Ra y madre de Harpra y Harpocrates, y Iunyt/Tunit, netkher de la fertilidad y el campo.
El centro del culto de Montu se situaba en Hemonthis (Tierra de Montu), Tebas, Nubia, Medamud, Karnak, lugar donde su templo yace junto al de Amen, Amant y Tod.
Su festividad se celebra el 5to día del mes de la estación de Akhet/Ajet
Fue hijo adoptivo de Amen y Mut, luego sería reemplazado por Khonsu, esto debido a que, según la mitología, Montu se percato que su importancia se vería opacada por la de sus padres, es por esta razón que decidió escapar a Hermonthis.
Los Greco-Romanos le nombraron Month y lo asociaron a Apolo/Sol y Ares/Marte.
Fue sincretizado con Her/Heru, Ra, Ra-Horakhti y Bakh, recibiendo los nombres de:
Montu-Her (Month-Horus)
Montu-Ra (Month-Ra)
Montu-Bakh (Month-Buchis/Month/Bujis)
Montu-Ra-Horakhti (Month-Ra-Horakhti)
Fue en la dinastía XI donde los faraones decidieron portar su nombre, Montuhotep/Mentuhotep (Montu está satisfecho).
Es representado cómo un hombre con cabeza de halcón o de toro, portando el disco solar, dos ureos y la corona de dos plumas. También era representado directamente cómo un halcón.
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Imagen: crimson-chains
Fuente 1: Wiki-Mitología
Fuente 2: Cairotoptours
Fuente 3: Egiptología.org
Fuente 4: Worldhistory.org
Fuente 5: Egipto Exclusivo
Fuente 6: Amigos del antiguo Egipto
Fuente 7: Egipto profundo
Fuente 8: Sobre Egipto
Fuente 9: Egyptopia
Fuente 10: Wikipedia (solo para sacar el nombre griego, no lo tomen cómo fuente seria).
Recuerden que todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh están ligadas a mi Beacons, no vemos en un próximo post ¡Adiós!
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thepixelatedcactus · 9 months
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some ocs. each with dominion over something
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baelavelaryon · 9 months
was sitting here like: man i am SO funny tonight what is up with me i'm on a roll!!! ... i'm just a bit drunk
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theworkprint · 10 months
The Curse Review: What's Meaning Without Understanding in "Pressure's Looking Good So Far"
The episode of The Curse (Showtime) “Pressure’s Looking Good So Far” opens up with a close-up of a pregnancy test being filled as the icy synths fill me with a sort of wonderment as the two lines appear. What I’m digging so far is we’re all in the dark on this titular affliction. I could see each episode posing new threats that might be the singular sentence. Asher (Nathan Fielder) meets up with…
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cevikmedya · 2 years
Deniz Çınar 11.01.1995 yılında İstanbul’da dünyaya gelmiştir. Tunceli’li bir ailenin ortanca çocuğu olan Çınar,küçük yaşlardan beri müziğe olan ilgisiyle ve yeteneğiyle öğretmenlerinin,sevdiklerinin dikkatini çekmiştir. Bugüne kadar çeşitli sektörlerde çalışan Çınar,özellikle pandemi döneminden sonra hayallerinin peşinden gitmeyi,müzik yolculuğuna devam etmeyi istemiştir. Başarılı vokal…
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shojizbae · 5 months
Gone South
Spencer Reid x Reader
This was not edited so if there’s hella typos I’ll prolly fix it later
Warnings: angst/comfort, gore, torture, attempted SA
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Things could not have gone worse.
The case had been going on for a week and a half. Everyone was exhausted. And now, you were gone. Well not gone, the team had clear visuals via the many cameras the unsub (the team knew his name, Cooper McNamara) had set up. Garcia was monitoring you from the seven angles Cooper had.
The team always takes it to heart if someone gets hurt. But, when someone got taken in. When Spencer had been taken by Tobias they felt like the world stopped spinning. Now their sun had been stolen.
That’s how the team refers to you—human sunshine. Now you were gone. There, but gone. Penelope was monitoring each feed with tears in her eyes.
“All right, mama, any luck triangulating the IP address?”
“No Derek I’m sorry it keeps rerouting to different locations.” Her voice keeps cracking and she’s doing her best not to let her tears drip onto her expensive keyboard.
“That’s okay, just keep working on it.” He grits his jaw
“Derek,” he removes his hand from the hang-up button, “you’re going to get her right? There’s no way this guy gets her.” The hope in voice is palpable
“No way mama you just keep tracking her.” He sighs and spins to the team. Rosie has his eyes on the feed as well as McNamara is hovering over you. You’re strapped to some medical tables with old leather straps.
“Reid please tell me you’ve got something.” Spencer is a wreck. Everyone could tell that he was madly in love with you but he would not make a move. Now someone could strip naked in front of him and it could not break his focus.
“I’ve been staring at this map and going over everything she’s sadi since JJ put this on the screen. I have no idea where she is.” His hair is beyond tousled form the amount of times he’s stressfully run his hands through it
“That’s fine, just keep going.” Morgan demands and joins Hotchner with the deputy
“Hotch, team’s loosing morale. We gotta go back to the drawing board.”
“That’s what I was thinking. Let’s refresh and restart the profile.” they get some shitty police precints coffe and some stale donuts to try to revamp their energy. They join Emily and JJ at a table and ask JJ to get David. She disapears and Rossi takes her place rubbing his eyes.
“Dave, we’re going to look at this iwht fresh eyes. Coopers has gone off the reailsand taken in an FBI agent. That’s an escalation from prostitutes and drug addicts.” Morgan reflects on when you disapeared. You were canvasings where he had picked up his last three victims. You were being your usual sunny self. giving patience to the angry locals and offering water or snacks as a subtle bribery. He turned his back for five seconds when you disapeared. He was feeling the brunt of the guilt and it was manifesting as him acting like an overly abusive boss.
“Alright, on all of the victims there was several injections in their back thigh, but toxicology was clean.” Emily looks over some of the reports.
“Did you say the back of the thigh?” Reids suddenly comes storming into the meeting room
“Yeah, why?” Morgans eyes are begging for answers
“That spot reminds me of something. Often times when a psych ward patient is acting out they will inject them with certain medications. The most common sedtive is Midazolam but most of them are comprized of natural hormones. If you inject the body with enough adrenaline they would pass out.”
“Which would explain that why it doesn’t show up on toxicolgy.” Emily concludes. Reid bounds over to the phone and calls Garcia, she picks up almost immediately
“What is it my birds of prey?”
“We need you to look into asylums and sanitariums nearby. Look for medical malpractice or lawsuits that slipped through via non compus mentus. look into owners of these hospitals that may have some allegations specifically of sexual nature.” he demands
“Anything, find my girl.” she clicks away looking through all the yucky of the nearby hospitals. They were in the middle of the midwest where everyone had secrets.
“They’re going to need a private space to inflict a much torutre without raiing suspicion.” Hotch adds
“Guys you need to get in here!” JJ calls from the computer room. The man was livestreaming you leaning over your head and heavily breathing on your face.
“Oh, you want me so bad.” He used a sultry tease but you looked disgusted. You were staring hard in his eyes. You had dirt and a bit of blood smeared on your face and your normally slicked bun had been tugged apart.
“Tell me, Ms. ‘FBI agent’,” he finger quotes and uses a mocking tone “What your name.”
“You have my badge Cooper McNamara, you know my name.” your gaze hardens more and it looks like you could spit in his face, “Tell me where we are.” you order. If you could get out you would have beat that man to a pulp but your wrists, ankles, waist and chest were bound.
“Unh unh unh, don’t get too cocky, Ms. FBI we both know who has the power here.”
“He’s a narcisist. He’s flexing his muscles on (Y/n). He wants his viewers to know that he’s strong enough to take down an FBI agent.”
“It’s more like he’s preening his feathers.” Emily offers
“Alright, my fabulous frenulum I’ve got three asylums with icky enough histories to raise suspicion in the 50 mile radius.”
“50 miles that seems extraneous.” JJ sighs
“I figured becuase this is the midwest there’s more ground to cover alos they’re not going to keep your cuckoos in the town square.” The Deputy nods in approval
“But that’s too vague so I cross referenced that with the nme Cooper McNamara and zilch. I went thorugh med school flunkies in the known area. I kept running the name and there are zip
Cooper McNamaras in this area. So I just used the last name Mcnanara and there was a doctor named Charles Mcnamara with a son named Jeffrey was in and out of juvie at the age of seventten for attempted sexual assault.”
“What’s his current adress We’ll send a team.” Reid declares
“That’s not your call,” Derek orders, “But yes, Hotch, Prentiss, you go to his house and see if there any clues as to which hospital he’s affiliated with.”
‘Cooper’ was hovering over you this time dragging a swiss armry knife slowly over your shirt
“Alright I’m going to do some bad things Ms, Agent and you’re going to be a good girl.” He’s straddling the chair and he laughs a little at you. Quickly he slices the blade across your shirt and it comes undone with the blade. Your bra is exposed as well some of your navel. The team can clearly see the red cut across your chest.
“Oh my god what is that slimeball doing to my girl.” Garcia whimpers
“Garcia she’s fine, continue your background search of the McNamara family.” Hotch reassures
mostly to himself
“So far I’ve got some ick-ick icky dirt on Charles. He had to his medical liscene in pschiatry suspened 17 years ago, when his son, Jeffrey was around ten years old.”
“Why was it suspended?”
“Medical malpractice and the excessive use of electro-shock therapy.”
“the use of ETC is almost never necesarry in fact it dos more damage than it helps.” Reid borws are in a constant furrow. Theyre drawn out of their brainstorm a ‘Cooper’ shreds the rest of your shirt open.
“I’ll hand it you,” He reaches for the cup of your bra, “you have have some tits officer.” you grunt out a ‘fuck you’ as he fondles you.
“Maybe I just will,” He sneers. He makes the fatal mistake of looking at the cameria kense and you follow his eyeline. You spot the lense and by memory locate the six others. You feel some internal relief that at least the team knows you’re alive and they’re watching you.
“you get off on rewatching this or are we live? Or maybe you’re recording?”
“Oh someones mouthy.”
“I’m just bored.” You taunt
“What is she doing?” JJ Panics
“She’s getting him to talk. Shes profiling him. She’s our profiler.” David smiles and the team too feels your humanity return. You’re not a victim. Not yet at least. You’re still their wisecracking little sunray.
“You bitch, I’ll shut you up.” He reaches for his belt and launches at you. Your first instict wa to bare your teeth shut so he can’t slip something in your mouth. Your mouth is shut tight and he relaxes.
“Good choice.” he snorts
“He doesn’t want to hurt her.” David notices “She’s way too powerful for his comfort. He knows she’s smart.”
“If he’s able to get his website to continue rerouting we should probably verify that Jeffrey McNamara has some sort of tech background” Reid metions and Garcia digs into Jeffrey’s background it shows that 5 years ago he flunked out of the local community college with a major in computer science. Finally, the IP adress lags on the same three cell towers for the fourth time and Penelope Verifies that there are two sanitariums in that radius.
“Alright there is St, Joan of Arc’s Penitentiary and Whitfeilder and Collins Mental Institution.” Garcia clicks away.
“Garcia isn’t there a church nearby-“
“St. Joan of Arc’s Holy Parish.” She cuts off getting a small burst of hope
“Alright cross reference that with our boys see if we could get any dirt.” Rossi orders as you stare this torturous serial killer in the eye
“I think my knife and I should have some fun with you, pig. Are your gonna squee for your boss.?”
“He doesn’t know I’m here.” Everyone freezes
“What’s she doing?” JJ begs
“What do you mean?”
“I was only asking locals if there was something they needed. I work in the low income control division of the FBI. I was on a routine check of the neighborhood to makme sure that some new medications that were sent out in the local clinic.”
“Oh so you’re one of those libtards who thinks junkiw should get freebies?” your eyes dart quickly to the blinking red light while he inspects the red tool. He flicks his swiss army knife back open and runs it tantalizingly down your chest, “Oh no tears agent? Usually they start crying by now. Don’t worry you’ll cry soon.” He sinks the blade in right by your ribs. You grit your teeth as warm blood spills down your side.
“What’s she doing? why would she egg him on?” JJ starts to break
“She’s giving us the element of surprise.” David sighs in relief
“Oooh someones a tough girl.” He teases. He slides his blade across your stomach and your muscles tense below the blade. Tears pool in your tear ducts against your wishes and a grin splits his face like the cheshire cat.
“There you go. don’t worry it’ll all be over soon.” He fakes a soothing voice
“Ding ding ding, Ive got a hit. There was an latar boy who plead secial assault twenty years ago at St. Joan of Arcs and I mangaed to dig through the St Joan Hospital emplyment record to find one Dr. Charles McNamara employed for over thrity years where he specialized in child psychology.” Garcia gulps, “He spent a weekend in jail for assaulting the preist who allegedy molested his son, Jeff. Afterwards he deovolded. He started drinking lots of alcohol and expirementing with electro shock therapy. After three years of nearly fatal expirements He lost his liscense after a one Suzanne ’Suzie’ Addams passed due to exhaustion in his office.”
Rossi’s hand held rings and he answers the phone for Hotch
“Well Dave it’s not looking good here. There’s news paper clippings with every know victim taped to his wall. Theres even some miscellanoes crime pannels logging there recent spike in missing persons cases. There’s very little furntiure at his house. He’s got bills stacked up on his counter. He’s a walking cry for help.”
“Alright any other pysical evidence? We’re going to send a team to St. Joan of Arcs Penitentiary that’s where we suspect he has (Y/n). You keep digging around and we’ll stay in touch.”
Derek orders JJ, and Reid to suit up and gather the officers. Reid already has his hand reaching for his bulletproof vest. “Rossi I want you to stay behind on the line with Garcia and Prentiss in case he escalates the torture. Due to the agrarian location of the hospital they dispatch forest rangers to canvas the woodlands. The sanitarium had been closed for upwards of five years. Reid get’s the drivers seat and starts the car before Derek can get out the door.
“Slow down man we got visuals on her.”
“One of our best Agents is in danger and we have a location. Why wouldn’t we race off to her?” He slams his palm on the drivers wheel.
“Alright well calm down man,” As he tries to soothe hsi phone rings
“He’s back Derek.” Rossi states plainly sending the link to his phone. And impressive feat for the old man, Morgan gets in hte dirvers seat and clicks the link to see the man sitting on your lap palming himself.
“You know you’re kinda pretty for a pig.” He leans forward and hold your jaw and you gnash against his hold, “Oh oh oh let’s not get violent now.” you bite his hand and he draws it back immediately, “You bitch!” he slaps you and you gasp but he quickly undoes his buckle and reaches for the fly of his jeans. He slides the leather out of the denim loopholes and folds it once and puts it in your mouth. He reaches in his pants and you thrash against your holds.
Jeffrey fishes himself out and you slam your head against the medical table. Your time your cheek and grit your jaw but he forcefully pull you square with him. The look of indigence could’ve killed several monarchies and Rossi takes a note not to piss you off as not to receive that glare. Derek puts the screen down and grits his jaw. theres a bit of gagging before the man rears backs
“You bitch! You bit me?” He screams like you betrayed him and he punches you so hard your nose starts bleeding. Tears slip out of your eyes but you don’t dare sob. He leaves the view of the camera and the team hears metal crashing around the sounds cords being plugged in. He curses and punches what sounds like a metal box. He comes back with two metal probes and a menacing smile.
“You’re gonna get it now. You know what these are?” He waves them around like they’re toys “these are the electrodes I’m going to use on you.” Reid floors it as he hears the button click on and a distant buzzing sound fills the film.
“Here,” he violently pulls his belt from his jeans, “wouldn’t want you to shatter those pearly whites.” This is the one command you will obey. You take the folded material between your teeth because if you do survive this you’d rather not waste your vacation bonus on orthodontics. And if you didn’t you at least would like to have a nice smile in the after life.
Morgan and Reid peel out of the town sirens ablazing. They try not concentrate on it as you scream around the hunk of brown leather between your teeth. Not matter how much he concentrates on the road ahead of him he count every bawl you let escape. Every time he makes a mental note. As he takes the exit that lead to the woods he sighs, seven. He pictures your sun shiny smile in the morning.
How you would skip over to his desk with an extra-sweet cup of coffee and a good joke you had heard on your weekend away to New York. Eight, he thought of how intently you had listened to him ramble about string theory on the plane ride over and how when he stopped himself to apologize you begged him to keep going.
Nine, when the case came around the table your eyes darkened with a bit of sorrow which was drowned by your hope and determination to crack it. Now you were ten, letting him practice brewing your hair in a motel just because the skill fascinated him. Man your hair was so soft and smelled to good. And you just melted under his hands as he apprehensively finger combed it.
The sanitarium is in the middle of the woods. A small commercial concrete building. There officers confirmed that there was a car out back and garcia checked the plate regitration was for a Charles Mcnamara. They quietly burst through the front doors which were ajar. Spencer lead the charge follwoing the sounds of your pained screams. He runs down a flight of staris and kicks it open. Despite his panic for his coworker Morgan was incredibly proud of Reid for kicking it open.
McNamara is straddled over you and he swings his head to see Reid. Before anything can happen Spencer shoots him in the knee and Morgan barks an order and jumps on the man. Reid bolsters his gun and darts over to you. You look a mess. Blood and possibly some other body substances on you. He slides the belt out of your mouth and you lick your lips. He sits by your side and undoes the buckles on your wrists
“Hi (Y/n),” He sighs soothingly. Your eyes are locked on his and there’s something animalistic and wounded in them.
“Spencer?” your voice is broken but there is so much hope
“Yeah I’m here,” He works the second buckle off your wrist. “You did so good.” he reassures. He undoes the strap across your chest and you sit up and rub your wrists. He takes a step back to unshackle your ankles. Once you’re free, you swing yor legs to the side of the medical chair. Spencer stands next to you and guides your arms arond his neck. You sink all your weight against his chest and he gently coaxes an arm under your knees and picks you up.
“I did good?” You start sobbing into his chest
“Yeah you did fantastic (Y/n). and your safe now, I’ve got you.”
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rosetyler42 · 1 month
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More fun with me and @lovelylivelyv 's Halloween forms, this time featuring Gorgericka and Mewberty!Star. Considering Star's experience with yadda yadda berries, I'm sure seeing Ericka petrifying someone for the first time would be a bit terrifying. A reminder of the ruthlessness hidden under Ericka's charming and cheery cruise director attitude.
About Ericka's petrifying ability: Ericka can control her gaze, so she doesn't require glasses and is safe to look at normally. Her usually red eyes glow blue as this happens, an inverse of Drac's power color. Unlike yadda yadda berries, Her gaze also only lasts a few minutes before it starts to wear off, since it was thought to be too dark if her gaze turned people to stone forever.
As for Star: She merely looks like the form she takes in Mewberty. Much like her later Butterfly form, she is still compos mentus like this, although she DOES occasionally like to pull out the "Boooooyyyy" act for fun. In addition to her usual butterfly form powers, she also has her ability to shoot purple hearted silk from the Mewberty episode.
@lovelylivelyv @black-ak9 @serial-serializednovelreader @hotelt-resurrection @geekgirles @ebevkisk @deathfangirl9 @wingingfromthezing @kittyball23 @heartsong1994 @howling-nightmare @inkiedraws @inkhyaena @inkspottie @doberart @thedopedemon @thedemonsurfer
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
so i may be deranged. that’s it i’m deranged basically this is what i want from the ending of the 60th anniversary and the introduction of ncuti gatwa’s doctor
so this is just something that has been cooking in my brain for a while, not an actual “THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BEAT FOR BEAT AND IF IT DOESNT I WILL KMS” kind of theory, with no actual evidence, so don’t take it too seriously it’s just something i would like to see :)
btw i’m going to be referring to ncuti’s doctor as 15 and tennant’s new doctor as 14
so the cliffhanger at the end of the second episode is ncuti’s 15th doctor showing up, in costume, perfectly compus-mentus, right in front of the 14th doctor.
turns out he’s actually there with ruby sunday, who’s been travelling with him for a while, as they are visibly comfortable and familiar with each other (advertising their dynamic to get people watching season 14). he is the next incarnation of the doctor, come back in time to help himself (they would have to come up with some reason to break the “don’t go back on your personal timeline” rule, but that’s not that hard lmao).
they stop the threat, save the day, chat and bicker, etc etc. i can’t say anything about how because obviously i have no clue what’s actually going on in the specials, but bottom line is 14 says goodbye to donna and co, dies, and regenerates, hence why we get ncuti in 14’s clothes looking confused.
as per usual, his memories are all fucked up, he’s confused and doesn’t really know what’s going on. ruby and the older version of 15 take him back to his tardis, and tell him to take a nap or something and chill out, before going back to their own tardis and leaving.
i think it would be really fun if ruby gave him a piece of paper with the time and place that they meet on it, creating a fun bootstrap paradox and already giving the doctor and ruby an interesting timey-wimey relationship. it would also be cool if either ruby or the older 15 tell him something really cryptic and prophetic to tease season 14.
we get a scene of ruby and older 15 back in their tardis, leaving, before cutting back to a more grounded and less confused young 15, in his tardis with all of his memories back.
now you have to bear with me here because i am a doctorrose idiot through and through but hey it’s the 60th and rtd is back so let me dream ok?
so basically young 15 is hanging out in his tardis, maybe having just gone to get whatever food he was craving or something, and then he hears a familiar voice. he turns around with a shocked and sad face, and sees rose, now many years older, standing in front of him. through her work at unit, she figured out how to do something similar to what she does in season 4 and project herself into our universe. queue absolutely gut-wrenching conversation, ending in rose saying she wants to know everything about what she has missed.
the camera pulls out and begins to spin slowly around the tardis as the two of them talk. only every time the tardis console obscures them from view, they re-emerge as a different doctor talking to rose, going back through 13, 12, 11, 10, and finally, 9, talking to a smiling young rose dressed exactly as she was the first time she met the doctor way back in 2005. cut to black everyone is sat on their sofas sobbing and throwing up the end :)
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Invocation of Mars By Ra-Hoor-Khuit, and by Elohim Gibor!
By Holy Kamael and the Seraphim I adore!
By Khem, Mentu and the Great God Hoor!
By Ares, Mars, Hachiman and Mighty Thor: Mars is invoked for the coming Holy War!art:Mahaboka,m/j
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egyptologylessons · 2 years
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Cylinder Wax Seal of Montuhotep II - 11th Dynasty (2033-1982 BC) Mentuhotep II (Ancient Egyptian: (𓏠𓈖𓍿𓅱𓏛𓏏𓊪) “mntw-ḥtp” ‘Mentu is satisfied’), also known under his prenomen Nebhepetre (Ancient Egyptian: (𓇳𓎟𓊤) nb-ḥpt-rˁ, meaning ‘The Lord of the rudder of Ra’), was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh 𓉐𓉼 “pr-ˁ3” ‘Great House’, the sixth 𓏿 “sisw” ruler 𓋾𓏘𓄿𓀭 “ḥq3” of the Eleventh Dynasty. He is credited with reuniting Egypt/Kemet 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 “kmt”, thus ending the turbulent First Intermediate Period and becoming the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom. He reigned for 51-years 𓆳𓊪𓏏𓏤𓎊𓏺, according to the Turin King List. Mentuhotep II succeeded his father Intef III 𓏎𓈖𓏏𓆑) “ı͗nı͗-ı͗t.f” ‘The one whom his father has brought forth’ on the throne 𓊨𓏏𓉗 “3s.t” and was in turn succeeded by his son 𓅭 “s3” Mentuhotep III. Description: The seal is engraved from electrum (gold-silver natural mix) and contains the Horus Name of the pharaoh 𓅃𓊂𓄥𓈃𓇳𓎟𓊤 “sm3-t3wy nb-ḥpt-rˁ” ‘The Uniter of the Two Lands, The Lord of the Rudder of Ra’. The name is surrounded by protective striking cobras. Dimensions Length: 7.45 cm, Diameter : 1.75 cm Material and Technique Electrum seal Silver wire support Technique : Engraving 📸 @museelouvre 𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬 @egyptologylessons 𓋹𓊽𓋴𓆖𓎛𓇳𓎛 © 𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁 #Ancientegypt #ägypten #egyptology #egypte #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #이집트 #waxseal #cylinderseal #montuhotepii #pharaoh #cobra #engraving #horusname #louvremuseum (at Louvre Museum Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn9v3DwO509/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mchellemportfolio · 2 years
Beabadoobe @ Reading 2022 shot by Michelle Mentu
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from the English Wikipedia List of lunar features
Abila Actimmis Adlabatet Affide Afrand Afrocians Agniev Agociyer Agran Allemied Almarie Aluxurno Amede Ancenamed Anckerry Angera Anustus Anymus Arateldt Arcandiand Archidge Arecus Arger Argion Arichaire Aringe Aristers Arode Arter Aster Athey Atist Azoven...
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aquadestinyswriting · 2 years
The Hand that Wields
Summary: Meredith has been asked to set up a Stone Spike ritual to help with catching someone who has been stirring up trouble between the humans and dwarves in Toreguarde. A brief chat with Moradin follows when she fails to spot the assassin still lurking on a nearby roof.
Note: First person pov because this was something that was fully roleplayed out at the time. Creative liberties have been taken because this was before we started recording sessions and I don't recall everything that was said or done. This takes place two days after 'Cracking the Anvil'
Words: 2,137
Warnings: major character death, implied blood mention
tags: @druidx, @homesteadchronicles, @warriorbookworm, @mariahwritesstuff, @asher-orion-writes, @blind-the-winds, @freedominique
The chaos of the last couple of days has taken its toll. I’m jumping at every last damn shadow, thinking it's one of those damn Brotherhood idiots who chased me from the temple of Moradin yesterday morning. I’m not entirely happy with Elowyn’s plan to find this Captain Calico person, but it’s the best one we have, and if it’ll get the Brotherhood off the backs of the other dwarves, then all the better. 
It’s a misty morning, and cold too. I’ve not worn my new vestments in yet and they’re just a touch too stiff for my liking. Not to mention I’ve not had my usual morning Bloc yet. Darius is even less awake than I am, moaning about how damn early it is. I just hope he’s compus mentus enough to keep an eye and ear out for trouble while I get this damn Stone Spike ritual started. I freeze as soon as I step just outside the door. The stiff and still bodies of the people who had taken up guard duty around the watchhouse the previous night litter the street. Dead. Every last one. Shot right through the heart. Darius gasps in horror as he comes up behind me,
“What in the…?” he whispers, trailing off with a gulp. I shove the teenaged human back into the door,
“Go on, we need to tell Elo-”
I never get to finish my sentence. I had just finished shoving Darius back inside, turning to follow him, when pain suddenly erupts in my chest. My ears start ringing and spots cloud my vision as I tip forward. So our assassin friend hadn’t left yet. That was a bit silly of me. I barely feel my body hit the cobbles, can’t hear what Darius has yelled over the rushing sound that’s overtaken everything. I try to take a breath to yell something back to him, but I can’t. Darkness seeps in from the edges of what vision I have left. An overwhelming tiredness sets in and I close my eyes, the last thing on my mind being what a pain in the arse getting bloodstains out of linen is.
I startle awake, suddenly aware that I’m no longer lying on cold, wet cobblestones. I shut my eyes again with a hiss. The light in here is too bright. Slowly, I blink them back open, pushing myself up. I frown as I take a bleary look at my surroundings. The chairs I was lying on are a construction made of some kind of treated wood and metal, neatly welded together into a long row against a wall. There’s a small wooden and glass table sitting about a foot in front of me, littered with some kind of glossy paper booklets. All of them have pictures of unfamiliar places and people on them and words in bright, bold letters stating ‘Yours’ and ‘Hello’ at the top. In a far corner, blinking erratically with some sort of magic, is a machine of some kind. The words ‘Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate and Soup’ are emblazoned across it. There are various buttons, a hatch and some strange cups attached to one side. Next to it is a half-constructed bar, wood piled up in another corner and the back of it shrouded in darkness that I can’t see through. Where in all Creation am I?
A warm breeze, bringing with it the smell of hops, iron and forgesmoke, gently wraps around me. I feel myself calm, the reminder of home and its comforts enough to ground me in a place that is so alien to me. I close my eyes to soak it in, then feel the presence of someone else sitting down next to me. The presence is powerful, but warm, inviting, comfortable and oh so familiar. My heart sinks as the realisation of where I am settles into my mind. I huff a weary sigh as I open my eyes and look over to see a familiar dwarven man wearing ornate full plate sitting next to me. He’s smiling at me under a glossy black beard, adorned with plaits and clasps. His eyes are creased as He looks at me, almost fit to burst with a kind of fatherly pride,
“Oh, ma daughter, ye’ve done so well.” He says, “Ye’ve no idea how proud I am that ye made it this far.” I smile up at Him, 
“Thank you, Lord, to hear ye say as much is deeply humbling.” I reply, “My only regret is that I ended up back in yer presence through my own carelessness.” Moradin shakes His head, clasps and other ornaments jangling at the motion,
“I can hardly call not noticing someone who didn’t want to be noticed careless.” He tells me, “Anyroad, that hardly matters. Ye’ve got a load of people in my hall that canna wait to see ye. They’ve been waiting a while.”  I consider His words, my heart lifting a little at the thought that he didn’t blame me for what had happened, but quickly sinking again as I realised that I hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye to my friends. Not to mention the fact that Darkhide was still on the loose and about to create even more havoc. And what about the problems the dwarven people living in Toreguarde were enduring with the Brotherhood? I couldn’t very well leave them to face whatever was coming without doing something about it. I slowly shake my head,
“I’m sorry, Lord, but I think they’ll need to wait a wee bit longer.” I tell Him, “I can’t, in good conscience, leave my friends to sort out everything going on by themselves. Darkhide is still a threat to everyone and everything I love.” Moradin’s expression softens as He lays a hand on my shoulder,
“And that’s why ye’re here in the Waiting Room and not already in my Hall enjoying yer well deserved rest.” He says. I’m not sure, but I think I saw a brief glint of regret in those bottomless eyes. He sighs and leans back in his seat, the wood and metal creaking in protest,
“Yer friends will probably want to get on with a Resurrection once they’ve dealt with the situation that got ye killed, and they remember that they’re in good standing with a priest that will be more than willing to do it for them.” Moradin says, adding on the latter part with a mutter. He returns His attention to me, “Normally this would mean ye’d lose a bit of power in exchange for the ability to return to the world of the livin’.” He strokes his beard, His great brow furrowing slightly, “I am, however, willin’ to return ye with all the power ye’ve gained intact, provided ye do a little something for me in return.” My heart leaps and I’m almost instantly on my knee in front of Him, head bowed,
“Whatever it is, name it.” I tell him. It doesn’t matter to me what my God wants me to do. The mere fact that He’s offering me an opportunity to carry on His work, to return to Elowyn- my friends- and to fix everything that’s gone so wrong is all that matters at this point. I feel the floor beneath me vibrate as He chuckles and the ring of metal on metal as He pats the seat next to him,
“No need fer all that, hen.” He chastises mildly, “I know who I’m dealing with.” I flush under my beard as I get back up and sit back down, looking and listening attentively while Moradin waves a hand in front of him,
“Right, so I’ve had a word with Wee Jas, and She’s agreed that Darkhide is a problem that needs to be dealt with.” Moradin fixes me with a look. It’s somewhere between pride, regret and something else that I can’t quite pinpoint. I keep quiet as He carries on, “Since Darkhide has gone so far, Wee Jas told me to tell you to bring Her his head.” I frown a little,
“Why me though?” I ask, “Or is it a case of the group in general?” Moradin shakes his head,
“No, lass. Wee Jas asked that you, specifically, do the deed if possible.” He says, “As to why it has to be you, She didn’t say. I rather get the feeling She thinks yer friends might not be up to outright killing the man, given the chance.” I look down at my hands. The Ruby Lady wasn’t wrong. Darius is so young that I doubt that he’s experienced severely hurting anyone, never mind killing them. Felix is very soft-hearted and might not be able to finish Darkhide off by himself. Elowyn is too constrained by the laws of her city and the various oaths and vows she’d likely personally take as a paladin of Justice. The only other person in our group that would outright kill Darkhide is Enezeage. But even then, he often looks to Elowyn for guidance and might well hesitate if he thinks that she might know better. While I might be reluctant to kill, there are crimes that cannot go unpunished, and there are people who are just too dangerous to be left alive. Darkhide couldn’t be contained to a cell for long, certainly not long enough to go through a full trial in the courts. My resolve hardened. I already knew Darkhide had to die in order to save Allansia from his dark schemes, having permission to do so from his erstwhile Goddess would at least save me from the headache of arguing with Elowyn about the necessity of doing so. I look up at Moradin and nod,
“I understand.” I say, “Do I need to actually bring his head anywhere or…?” I ask, suddenly aware that due to the nature of the way some Gods deal with the world that I would need some clarification. Moradin bites back a chuckle,
“No, just killing him will be enough for Her. I did ask afore She left.” I relax, one less thing to worry about then. A door creaks open on my left, a fine mist crawling in from the grey, bleak expanse on the other side. Moradin claps his hands on his knees and stands, towering over me,
“On ye go, lass, don’t want to keep yer friends waiting.” He says, gesturing to the door. I hop off my own seat, briefly turn and bow to my God, then dash out the door as fast as my legs will carry me.
The first thing I’m aware of is muffled voices, then slowly I’m aware of the hard, cold iron on my back and the soft light of glowstones above me. I groan, my head aches, but I squint my eyes open, only to have several faces try to crowd themselves around me. I wince as the relieved shouts and yells of my friends assault my ears,
“Will all of ye, shut it?!” I yelp, trying to not have the everything happening all at once overwhelm me. The faces retreat as Starhammer shoos everyone away,
“Right, you lot, give her some space. Right, welcome back to the world of the livin’ lass.” The old priest says, helping me sit up and shoving a tankard of beer into my hands in the same motion. I blink away the bleariness in my vision and look around at the relived expressions on my friends’ faces. Well, they’re almost all relieved. Enezeage, much like he did when Elowyn was Resurrected by the old kobold priest ages ago, simply snorts, nods and stays a respectable distance away. Darius and Felix are the first to assault me with hugs, one around my shoulders, the other around my waist, both sobbing loudly,
“I’m sorry! I should have gone first!”
“I was so worried you wouldn’t come back!” Starhammer huffs a sigh, drags the two boys off my body and plonks them down next to Enezeage. I finally manage to take a swig of the beer I was handed and look over to Elowyn. Hey eyes are red, but she’s smiling as she comes over and leans on the anvil I’m sitting on. Aurianna leaps off her shoulder and rubs against me, purring madly,
“Glad to know you wanted to come back.” she says, voice a little raw, “Don’t go scaring me- us- like that again.” she adds. I smirk back at her,
“I’ll bear that in mind the next time someone wants to shoot an arrow through my heart.” I retort. I look down at my vestments, ready to moan about how they’re basically brand new and already ruined when there’s a pounding on the front door of the temple. I suppose I’d better finish my beer before the world forces itself back on me again.
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gorteaus · 2 years
An Examination of the Royal Guard's Prefixes
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Prefacing this for those unaware, the prefixes for Menthuthuyoupi, Shaiapouf and Neferpitou find their root in the names of ancient Egyptian gods. I ininitially had no intention of making this post, but figured a brief revisitation couldn’t hurt.
Halfway through writing the final portion for this post though, I’d run across a similar evaluation regarding royal guard nomenclature made roughly two years back. I was virtually almost finished with my own interpretation by the time I did so, however, and was already fairly satisfied with what I wrote. After a quick read-through, I figured my version varied enough from the original that I still felt pretty confident about sticking this one up on my blog as well.
More below the cut if you’re a big fan of lengthy posts.
Should you find a paragraph of quoted text with an asterisk next to it and no source, know that it’s been cited from the same webpage/document as the one before it.
From the current guards in the lineup, Youpi stands as the easiest ant to parse in similarities to his namesake. Therefore, I’ll start my post with him.
Menthuthuyoupi - Montu, God of War Montu (Mentu, Monthu, Mentju, Montju, Menthu, Ment, Month, Mont, Minuthi) was a solar hawk god and a god of war.
In comparison to the other guard, connecting Youpi’s general character to the essence of his respective Egyptian god isn’t exactly difficult to bridge when you consider him as perhaps the prominent and foremost guard within the invasion. Between Youpi, Pitou and Pouf, he possesses the longest battle sequence of all guards and likewise faces the greatest number of enemies in battle. Hopping from opponent to opponent, he engages Morel, Shoot, Knuckle, and even at one point, Killua (if you’d like to be generous about it). Youpi as the god of war simply works because we get to see the invasion mold him in a way we just don’t get with the other guard. It's a very deliberate choice that a fight, of all things, kickstarts his growth and progression as a previously dormant character with dormant abilities. Having lived a life formerly sheltered from genuine conflict, it is Youpi, not Pitou, not Pouf that we see become alive and animate in the midst of the first battle of his life. The process of triumphing over his struggle stands as one of the few moments since his character introduction that we actually see him genuinely enjoy something- reborn in fire as Rage Incarnate, he chases after his enemies with a grin.
Speaking of fire-!
A very ancient god, Montu was originally a manifestation of the scorching effect of Ra, the sun – and as such often appeared under the epithet Montu-Ra. The destructiveness of this characteristic led to him gaining characteristics of a warrior, and eventually becoming a widely revered war-god. (source)(just to shamelessly cite wikipedia here)* A manifestation of the sun (heat, fire, warmth, etc.) with specifically destructive power? Sounds wholly familiar.
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As expected. The explosive capability of a warrior is all there, but Montu is a god of war. It might stand then, that he'd have weapons associated with his likeness, and that he does:
"In Egyptian art, Montu was depicted as a falcon-headed or bull-headed man, with his head surmounted by the solar disk (because of his conceptual link with Ra) and two feathers. The falcon was a symbol of the sky and the bull was a symbol of strength and war. He could also wield various weapons, such as a curved sword, a spear, bow and arrows, or knives…" *
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Togashi’s not particularly sneaky about it.
And while Youpi’s Rage Incarnate form may not exactly manifest as a bull, both he and the Egyptian god’s tendency to favor four-legged, hoofed ungulates isn’t entirely lost on me.
Neferpitou - Nefertem, God of the Lotus Nefertem (/ˈnɛfərˌtɛm/; possibly "beautiful one who closes" or "one who does not close"; also spelled Nefertum or Nefer-temu) was, in Egyptian mythology, originally a lotus flower at the creation of the world, who had arisen from the primal waters.
“Nefertem is not a deity of agricultural fertility; he is specifically associated with flowers…” (source)
And within Pitou’s first in-manga introduction, we see him adorned with…?
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[ not exactly a lotus. but i suppose that works too! ]
Vague association to the flower thinly made, the intent for Togashi to have Neferpitou of all ants, take on the likeness of the Egyptian god lotus didn’t at all click for me until I did a tad more research and began to conceptualize these symbols (specifically in relation to ancient Egypt) in other ways.
Flowers (and herbs) in general, actually possess a wider range of use beyond beauty and scent. It turns out that there was yet another motif associated with Nefertem, as the son of Ptah:
“...he also became patron of the cosmetic and healing arts derived from flowers.” (source) And as we're all aware, Doctor Blythe is often renowned for a specific ability.
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Successful connection made to Neferpitou’s ability to mend, though there was still another matter that I found myself grappling with in regards to Pitou’s relation to the god of the lotus however, and that was why Nefertem of the lotus specifically? (There is, after all, another god that bears more prominent ties to the role of healer). I understood of course, that not everything within a reference had to be accurate to a character- it was entirely within Togashi’s realm to make that vague association, and it was likely Pitou’s character loosely inspired him to take up that prefix or vice versa. The god of aromatics and sweet scents in particular, still seemed a bit thematically off, I thought. I wasn't sure how this would relate to his character.
…Until it occurred to me that aromatics and the uses of flowers and scents themselves had varied functions, and that perfumes, oils, and other fragrances would have played a key role in certain processes… namely in burial/funerary rites/preservation of bodies. And lo and behold…
"..they also adored and exonerated aromatics and strongly associated them with divinity and preserving the soul in the afterlife." (source)*
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"aromatics were essential to the mummification process as well…" *
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The function of the flower finds itself perfectly reflected in Neferpitou’s dual nature, from his healing factor down to the initial ability of Doctor Blythe: the ability and obsession with preserving and maintaining corpses.
All things considered, an apt correlation.
Shaiapouf - Shai, God of Fate and Destiny Shai (also spelt Sai, occasionally Shay, and in Greek, Psais) was the deification of the concept of fate in Egyptian mythology… His name reflects his function, as it means (that which is) ordained.
A brief look into the concepts Shai embodies:
des·ti·ny /ˈdestinē/ noun noun: destiny; plural noun: destinies the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. “she was unable to control her own destiny"
fate /fāt/ noun 1. the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. "fate decided his course for him"
I believe it's important that as we analyze the royal guard’s prefixes from the vantage point of Egyptian deities, these concepts should also be examined in that cultural context as well. In regards to fate/destiny within ancient Egypt, it was believed that an individual was surrounded or assisted by powers that affected his destiny in many ways. The ancient Egyptian term for fate was derived from a word meaning "ordain" or "fix" and referred generally to the action of a deity.
More on that:
“(Shay; in Greek Psais or Psois, from addition of the definite article) Shai’s name comes from the word sha, to ordain, order, assign, settle, or decide.” (source)
So from the get-up, Pouf's likeness has been derived from deity that essentially deals in absolute control over one’s life.
…See where I’m going with this?
“Shai was originally the deity who "decreed" what should happen to a man…” (source)
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Shaiapouf as a character, is catalyzed by the unique compulsion to fit Meruem into a predetermined box, so much so that he invariably takes matters into his own hands despite being keenly aware of the fact that doing so would overstep the boundaries within his own hierarchy. Furthermore, I point out that none of the other royal guards are characterized by this obsession- it is Pouf alone who fights to corral Meruem’s destiny to the point of his bitter death, and this lies very much in theme for a god with the power and authority to control the fate of man. He’s determined to see to it that Meruem fulfills his fate as ruler over all life, adhering closely to a role and a destiny assigned to him before he’d even so much as ripped his way past his mother’s womb.
I’d also like to say, this whole theme excellently fits into Pouf’s nen type falling under Manipulation.
Connection made. But wait, I say, There’s more.
There are, unsurprisingly, multitudes within this theme alone. For further context, Shai exists as a deity, but is in itself, the abstraction of fate, and a decree set upon man. My reasons for highlighting such follow, wherein I present a sample of text I stumbled across during my search, a snippet of which practically bashed me over the head with an iron mallet:
“…in a hymn to Amun (Leyden I, 350, III, 17) it is said that Amun “gives more than that which is fated [shayt] to him whom he loves.” (source)*
In further context, Amun, god of the sun, is the central and foremost god within the Egyptian pantheon. The paragraph this is sourced from goes onto interpret the meaning of ‘that which is fated’ within the hym. It concludes that such is likely a reference to one’s lifespan, but could be widely attributed, once again, to the concept of fate in general and what is to be expected of an individual, with gods capable of offering the unexpected and exceptional.
“The unexpected and the expected alike refer to the potential which lies in the personality or character. Character is destiny…" *
"It is said in the “Instructions of Ptah-hotep” that “He whom the God loves, hears, but he whom the God hates hears not.” What the sage means is that the Gods grant to those they love the capacity to learn and hence to improve their character, while failure to work upon oneself brings about its punishment all on its own." *
At the risk of straying a bit here: Fate is a power pre-determined at birth and assigned to man in ancient Egyptian society, but there are exceptions to just about anything. Fate is not so overpowering as to be inescapable- the possibility for divergence lies within self-determination and the character- or essentially, the personality of an individual.
If that sounds familiar, that's because it's essentially the basis for Meruem’s character arc.
It is particularly because of the changes he undergoes throughout the caa and the growth fostered within his personality that he’s able to reject the fate set out for him. Meruem develops away from the vision of what he is meant to be, whilst Pouf can ultimately only struggle, in vain, to stop him.
Though I understand this reads as a fairly rushed(?) collection, I conclude the post here. While it required much of my time, the creation of this post was a fun and insightful journey into Egyptian mythology, and it's always entertaining to see how much detail Togashi lends to HxH, even within the formation of antagonists only relegated to a singular arc.
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theworkprint · 10 months
In Showtime's The Curse, the "Land of Enchantment" is an Oasis By Design
From the very jump of the Showtime x A24 collab The Curse, we go a bit claustrophobic, looking into the window of Fernando (Christopher D. Calderon), an ex-gangbanger and his cancer-stricken mother. Asher (Nathan Fielder) and Whitney (Emma Stone) Siegel are a couple filming the pilot of their HGTV series. Even with their joyous reveal of ‘giving’ Fernando a job at the new local coffee shop, I’m…
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aratheon · 2 years
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Meet Pharaoh Mentu-em-ankh, the blood ruler of Behpis prior to being overthrown by Achoris, the Dragon Pharaoh. Mentu-em-ankh got his name due to his vampiric nature. He demanded living sacrifices in which he'd drink their blood, staining his lips and teeth. His people feared him and revered him as a god. Follow to learn more about Aratheon in future posts. 
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