#mer losers
spacexseven · 1 year
tuna I am. thinking about eelzai. for it is mermay and thus His Time.
imagine. you go out on the water. very cold night, very shitty boat. your engine stalls (definitely didn't get viciously tail-thwacked by a certain eel until it broke that's definitely not what happened) and you get stuck out there, and there's no one else out who will hear you call for a tow, so you're in for the night.
because hes just OH so nice amd has ZERO ulterior motives, dazai hauls his huge ass into your boat (with just how fucking long he is you're surprised he didn't sink it) and offers to let you huddle up with him for warmth! well less offers and more like immediately starts coiling around you before you can respond but you get it. while he's a naturally cold blooded creature, his human half runs pretty hot- perhaps in order to regulate his species' body temp in various underwater environments. it's hard to deny that the heat he radiates its very nice... even if he's soaking wet and his grip is too tight and he keeps licking you with he thinks you won't notice.
I have been Thinking about this for like 3 hours. need him so bad.
- 🩹
omg i really wanted to get to this before may ends and!! i made it cheers
if you're new to mer au check out some of the other stuff so you know what to expect from eelzai! yandere character.
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the reason why you're out in the cold, guided only by your tiny lamp and the moonlight is because of dazai, since he won't leave you alone in the morning. trying to traverse the waters in daytime is terribly inefficient because a giant sea creature grabs onto the side of your boat and threatens to topple you over if you don't play (and with a perfectly unassuming smile on his face too, the devil).
you beloved boat has served you for a long time now, a simple but trusty thing that has travelled many hours with you and survived many attempts at dazai's...playtime. but there's only so much tail smacking and claw digging it can take before it gives in on itself, and it just so happens that tonight's when it finally surrenders to dazai's attacks. it only takes a little shove from dazai for the engine to splutter and come to a complete stop, refusing to budge no matter how many times you kick it or plead it to start up again.
and who else shows up but dazai himself? he doesn't even have the shame to pretend to feel guilty about stranding you in the middle of nowhere with your lamp flickering out thanks to his shove, and your phone unable to call for help, and instead he looks up at you like he just so happened to come across you, like he had absolutely nothing to do with your current predicament. he straightens himself out until he's face to face with you, and then looks at your boat with a surprised expression.
"that looks bad," he says, and the surprise morphs into something more wicked, "poor you. can a little human really survive out here on their own?"
"i have a lighter," you lie, "and i will singe your eyebrows off."
he pouts and drags himself down under the dark waters before popping up again on the other side, splashing more cold water onto you, "you must be cold," he croons, clearly relishing in your troubles, "a little flame won't help."
you can't even deny it because you're shivering, even under all your layers. but you won't let him win, can't let him hold yet another victory over your head and grin at you with his too-sharp teeth and his piercing eyes, calling you a weak human once again.
but you've come prepared, and you pull out a thick blanket to wrap over yourself while you consider your options to make it out of the water, either by rowing or finding a way to start up the engine again. except, as you unfurl the wonderful piece of cloth, dazai glares at it and dives head-first, frighteningly fast, making sure to flick his tail in your direction to drench your newfound ray of hope with freezing water. you stare at it, your mind numb and your heart shattered.
"oops," he giggles from behind you, "i didn't mean to do that."
sighing, you resign yourself to your fate. if you rowed hard enough, you could forget about the cold chilling your limbs, right? and you'd have to reach shore eventually, even if it takes...a few hours. you didn't go out that far anyway. but as you rummage in your boat for your oar—the one you went out of your way to get just in case you had to smack dazai in the face whenever he got a little too handsy and eager—you feel the boat tilt backwards, and you turn to face dazai grinning at you with his hands grabbing onto the rear of the boat.
"don't worry about the cold," he, in a motion so fluid you barely see it happening, hauls himself onto the boat, causing you to stumble over and creating a perfect opportunity for dazai to lean over and grab you, ignoring your screeching as he brings you over to him, "i can keep you warm!"
and, oh—you hate it. you hate the unfamiliar sensation of a tail wrapping itself around your legs, you hate his long arms holding your upper body still and his head on your shoulder, looking up at you with faux innocence. you hate the fact that though he's dripping wet and he should be freezing cold, he's surprisingly warm, and somewhat comfortable to be contained within. you hate the way he's careful, too, because you'd have never expected him to be so delicate with the way his claws press over your skin. of course, his caution doesn't extend to stopping himself from placing a few wet kisses here and there, or playfully nipping at the skin of your neck, but it's more than you'd hoped from the same dazai that regularly threatened to eat you.
you're practically immobilized, too, gently rocking with the waves as dazai hums delightedly, but the sight of the stars against the dark sky is gorgeous and the slow movement of the water is reassuring, even with an unfamiliar weight around your body and a predator over you. your oar is long abandoned, and your engine peacefully resting, but you can't find it in yourself to be panicked when dazai's warmth is so comforting against the chill in the air and his stroking slowly lulls you to a much needed rest.
just a few moments, you tell yourself. but when you wake up, the sun has risen and dazai is long gone, but your boat is close to shore, and you know exactly who pushed you all the way here.
maybe night trips weren't that bad.
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slyvester101 · 3 months
The reds and blues as mer! (with a few exceptions)
Osprey: Dark brown, almost black, wings. Completely waterproof and meant to cut through the water, so she’s a fast swimmer. Likes doing this thing where she dives into the water and comes up flicking water up behind her. 
A really good hunter since her eyes let her track motion under the water. It’s how she met Church since she mistook him for a really big fish but instead pulled out a really cranky eel. 
She keeps him around for entertainment (and maybe because he’s cute. Sue her). Likes to surprise fish Church out of the water and take him on flights around the coast. Has taken him into the actual mainland city once or twice (It was not a date!... this time). 
Eel: long thin tail that shimmers blue like the ocean. Fast motherfucker. Can’t hunt for shit though, always over/underestimating his shots. Sharp teeth often curled up in a growl. Technically considered a deep dweller and will bite you in the face if you call him a 'mer'.
He spends most of his time hanging out in small caves/crevices, but can be lured out through a wide range of means (including but not limited to blackmail, bribes, “Tex will be there”, making him think it’s his idea, or doubting his hunting skills).
“Hates” when Tex picks him out of the water for a fly around the coast. Is surprisingly good at bartering on the mainland for the most random shit, it’s scary impressive. 
Anglerfish: is covered in rough scales ranging from sandy yellow to rock gray. Also has barnacles growing on parts of his tail and the base of his back fins (it helps camouflage him better). Instead of the single glowing bait a typical anglerfish has, Tucker is the bait, with glowing marks that can mimic a wide range of animals. Easier to see in the dark, but still visible during the day. Also considered a deep dweller, but doesn't care if you call him a 'mer'.
His tail is meant for speed and strength, very lean and angular so he can cut through the water (had to give up some speed when he added barnacles to his body). Back fins are jagged and can stretch like a cat with its hairs on end. Uses a lot of energy to swim so he can often be found lounging in the sun to recharge.
His eyes are bright aqua and reflective, shining back any light that comes into them. It freaks some people out (many people think it's cool too). Also has claws that blend into the pitch black of his arms, where the scales are much tougher. Sharp teeth.
Anglerfish: similar looking to Tucker, but y’know, still a baby with softer scales and dull claws. Practically attached to Tucker for the first few years after he was born, but will now willingly attach to any of the reds and blues (Church and Grif are usually on baby duty since they are the least likely to do something dangerous/leave the safety of the cave. Junior really likes going swimming with Caboose since he can piggyback ride and Caboose goes really fast. Simmons has no idea what to do with a child. Donut dotes on him like a wine aunt. Sarge’s first response to meeting Junior was to toss him up into the air to see if he could fly. He is no longer allowed to hold Junior.)
Whale Shark: Big. Like, stupid big. Don’t ask to meet his family because it is all females and they are all much bigger than Caboose. Blue tail and fins with fun spots and patterns in white. 
Has to eat either very small cut food or a shit ton of plankton. Likes helping in hunts even though he’s not very good at it and doesn’t eat fish. Usually. 
Would hang out on the surface more, but he's a bit too big to fit comfortably, so he either has to pop up a bit further from shore or be very, very careful not to run into anything.
Nurse shark: long, thick gold-orange tail and fins. Surprisingly quick for his size, but prefers the old ‘sit and wait for someone to come by’ method of hunting. Can be found chilling in a cave in the depths with Simmons, often trying to convince Simmons to come take a nap with him or to go get him food since he doesn’t like hunting. 
Has the many rows of sharp teeth sharps typically have, but they are smaller and not quite as scary as Tucker’s rows of teeth. Also not the most ferocious of fish, which is disappointing to Sarge who thought having a shark on his team would give him an advantage. Unfortunately for him, Grif is a rather docile shark that eats small animals, not the big, violent stereotype land and sky dwellers like to associate with him.
If not chilling in the depths with Simmons, he’s watching Sarge trying to teach the reds how to fly from a warm spot under the water (Sarge couldn’t get him to pop out of the water if his life depended on it). 
Betta fish: bright red scales and flowy, cloth-like fins that are surprisingly durable. Able to handle low oxygen levels and versatile environments, so he’s able to hang out in the depths with Grif. 
Still territorial as most betta fish are, but less of a you come into my territory and I’ll rip you apart way and more of a if you ever separate me from my pod I will make it everyone’s problem way.
Prefers the depths to the surface, often stowed away with Grif for extended periods of time. Which is a shame given how much Simmons would love to research land and sky dwellers. Alas, he will have to make do with the books he collects in a little cove far away from any mer who may wish to bother him.
Betta Fish: similar to Simmons but pink and with bigger fins. Actually enjoys the surface but likes hanging with his friends in the depths too. 
Not territorial unless his friends are put in danger. Friends with basically anyone he comes across and personally knows a lot of Wash’s flock. Likes to chill on rocks by the coast so he can talk to others mer/avians. 
Red-billed Seagull: white—i mean red wings with black lining the edges (totally not dyed or something, what? What gave you that idea?). Feathers are a little janked up and several are always missing (he’s trying to get these good for nothing fish to fly by giving them his feathers, goddamnit). Not the best flier around.
Has bird-like feet: a classic three toed birdie with red protective bone wrapping up to his thighs. His legs are slightly thinner than the rest of his body, but otherwise just look like weird looking legs.
Can squawk like nobody's business. Please do not ask him to squawk if you want to keep your ears.
Crab: he is a spanish speaking crab. Just, a whole ass crab.
He talks a lot of shit for someone without opposable thumbs
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Loser's Bracket Propaganda Under the Cut:
Laura La Mer:
[No Loser's Bracket Propaganda Submitted]
Her design is really cute, she gets a really catchy pop song to sing, and I like that the show managed to find a good balance between the original story’s set up and a happy ending (ik disney did it too but Happily Ever After us just such a cute show)
Sayaka Miki:
[No Loser's Bracket Propaganda Submitted]
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lucraven · 4 days
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Did some henna sigils!!
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Merman Suguru needs his arms to crawl. When unburdened, he's actually fairly mobile on land and can drag himself the 50 feet or so to Y/N's house with not that much trouble. He can stay out of water for at least a couple hours, and he has the mobility (and gracefulness) comparable to a seal on land.
Problem is, when he's carrying a bunch of treasures and seashells and maybe a fish as a snack over to Y/N. With his arms full, he can hardly move and is basically reduced to trying to push the heap of gifts forward with both arms while squirming and pushing with his tail behind him. He doesn't get very far.
Y/N hears the commotion and runs outside to see him exhausted and annoyed. He's not leaving any of his stuff, dammit! Y/N suggests he carry a backpack or something next time to keep his arms free.
Mer Suguru has no idea what a backpack is.
😭😭😭😭 ANON I LOVE THIS MAN SO FUCKING MUCH YOU GUYS HAVE MADE ME OBSESSED THIS IS SO??????? this is canon mer!sugu to me he’s so stubborn and annoying but also suchhh a sweetheart…. the fish snacks 😭😭 i’m just imagining him leaving raw fish at your doorstep the way cats do with mice LMAOO ……
no but anon do you realize how ADORABLE this is he’s just trying soooo hard to carry his gifts… struggling to flop his tail…… T_T…. HE’S THE CUTESTTTT i can imagine him being so embarrassed when reader sees but also refusing their help bc who do you think he is??? ”he’s not leaving any of his stuff, dammit!” LITERALLY THIS….
and just… the mental image of mer!sugu w a backpack………. 😭😭😭😭 yeah. i fear he has bewitched me
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violentdevotion · 1 year
the bestest compliment i have ever received is from tumblr desktop when i open my laptop and u r the number 1 blog under the 'blogs like this one' section. like ME???? loser#49857948578 comparable to YOU??? like THE most beautiful gorgeous sexy and funny person of ALL TIME??? I am just so honored............
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yours is better than mine
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torgawl · 2 years
cyno saying "don't get cocky" during the card game is so funny. just admit i obliterated your ass ga(y)mer 😎
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twistedlovelines · 2 months
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(Formerly from @/luna-the-moth)
Nicknames that would fluster the TWST boys most <3 (Riddle, Deuce, Azul, Malleus) Gn! Reader, SFW
Thank you for sending this in, nonnie!
Riddle is such a romantic at heart…the classics are near and dear to his heart. Time worn they may be, they are as lovely as ever when spoken from your lips. 
(A classic! While it can be spoken with condescension, the fact that you speak it with consideration every time it passes through your lips will never cease to pause him right in his tracks.)
(He’s not used to being referred to as “sweet.” By his mother, or even by his fellow students. To know that you see him as someone “sweet,” deserving of kindness and love, , , whose heart hasn’t been fully shrouded by the thorns he has been forced to hold close to his chest , , , it makes him feel soft.) 
My Love 
(particularly if crooned into his ear. Very effective if you’re asking him for something. The possession, the devotion that comes with the nickname makes his heart beat quicker than the White Rabbit’s footsteps.)
Deuce is used to being called every nickname under the sun- mackerel, loser, minion, and countless more during his delinquent years. He’s been called “lovey” ones too, but never without sarcasm or scorn unless he was speaking to his mother. The first time you call him by a nickname (with kindness), he’s speechless.  
(Oh he’s melting as soon as he hears it. He’s used to being someone who’s more of an aggressor, and hearing himself be called baby sweeps that all away and reduces him to nothing more than a lovestruck boy. It’s such a tender, loving thing to be called and he wants to memorize the way your voice says it immediately. 
(When he first hears this, he’s confused. Puppy? Do you see him as a puppy? Something cute and harmless?? Upon clarification, he feels heat rush to his cheeks. Having you explain that it means you’re fond of him, that you want to take care of him and cherish him , , , he’s short-circuiting the second it processes. 
(Might start tearing up if you call him this during a tender moment. He’s tried so hard to be good and grow from his past self , ,, to hear that you believe he’s an angel, a being known for being pure and kind; a guardian rather than an attacker , , , it makes him feel incredibly validated and he WILL be cuddly afterwards). 
Azul isn't used to being called nicknames without a bit of ulterior motive...to hear you speak them honestly and without reservation is terrible for his poor heart...
(Azul is anything but casual. Calculated, purposeful, whatever you wish to call it. He’s used to calling clients “my dear,” or “my friend-” terms of endearment that are meant to sweeten and tie the deal. To hear you call him babe as if it’s simply a nickname, nothing more…it soothes any of his anxieties regarding your relationship instantly.)
(He finds himself waiting a beat too long to respond, having expected you to say his name. When you don’t, he finds himself smiling a bit too smugly than what would be deemed normal. Who wouldn’t be, after their partner referred to them by “Lovely?” It’s not until later when he’s alone that he truly lets it sink in how much the nickname means to him. Lovely. You directly called him lovely. Not just described him as Lovely but you think he himself is Lovely. Oh.) 
My Heart
(Azul has a weird fixation on hearts. Assuming that you are a person whose species has only one heart, it makes him possessive. As an octopus mer, he has three hearts. All of which belong to you, mind. But knowing that he is your sole heart, your only love…it makes him smitten.)
Malleus is used to reading terms of endearment in storybooks and fairy tales, having fantasized about hearing them fall from his lover's lips from a young age. His imagination doesn't even compare to the real thing.
Mal (Spanish meaning of the word aside)
(He’s already unused to hearing someone speak his name without any titles or fanfare- you calling him a shortened version of his name catches him off guard in the most pleasant way. It’s intimate in a way “Malleus” isn’t. It’s familiar, comfortable in the way your eyes shine when you say it, devoid of fear or apprehension.) 
(He’s possessive. You’re his first true friend and first lover. He knows you have other friends- Grim, the Adeuce trio, and so on and so forth. But to know that he is the one held closest to your heart as you are in his makes him nearly purr in delight. He’ll grin at that, a faint dusting of pink settling upon his cheeks.)
My Love
(Similar to “Dearest,” “My Love” is incredibly sweet to him. He’s read it in story books, after the knight has rescued the princess and they are to be wed. To know that he, a dragon and prince, has been deemed the love of his dear knight…he’ll want to be as close to you as physically possible for the rest of the day/night, already dreaming of how you would look in white…)
a/n: Please feel free to send in more requests, granted that you follow my rules and have looked over my masterpost! Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated <3
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Yuus Food Truck
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In which Azul loses his mind over a grilled cheese.
Content stuff: short, one sided enemies to lovers, Azul being a loser, general cringe.
Posting Reqs like this for a bit until Tumblr lets us edit asks. I had a request for Enemies to Lovers with Azul, so I came up with this.
That goddamned Prefect was the bane of Azul's existence. For the past few weeks, he has been gripping his leg in absolute rage within his office as he stares at his weekly reports. Practically frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of you.
Recently, the little Ramshackle prefect has begun a new business venture. A simple food truck on campus selling only grilled cheeses for a singular madol. That's it. He found the idea a bit funny, he'll admit, but he was far from worried.
Surely after a month it would shut down, or at the very least get so few customers it wouldn't impact his business. I mean come on, how much money are you really making from selling grilled cheeses for one dollar? You must be taking a loss!
He was wrong. So so wrong.
Not only have you somehow been profiting from your little side project, but you have taken all of his customers. He is looking over his lounge, nowhere near as full as it usually is. He grits his teeth and heads back into the VIP room. The twins should be here any minute now. 
On cue, the door creaks open, and in come those rowdy twins both with their usual smirks. Azul jerks up, staring up at Jade from his desk. His hand shook ever slightly as he gripped the feather in his hand.
“Well? Did you get it?” The mer asks, gaze steely. Floyd speaks for the both of them through mouthfuls of grilled cheese.
“Mmmhmm yeah, we got you a cheese, here you go. Mmmm.” Floyd took another bite of his as he tossed the wrapped-up grilled cheese onto the desk. 
“Hey watch the merchandise– Are you eating their food?" Azul stared at both of them. Floyd stuffing his face with the one in his hand and Jade elegantly nibbling on his own. He was shocked, betrayed by his own staff. “You guys gave them more money— ugh. I would have expected this of Floyd but you too Jade?”
“The prefect saw me ordering and put some mushrooms into mine that pair well with the cheese. Free of charge as well. How thoughtful of them. I must commend their customer service.” Jade wore a shit-eating smirk on his face as he took another bite, making a show out of it. He seemed to relish in Azul's misery.
“Free of charge?” Azul was flabbergasted. Not only were their prices ridiculously low but they were adding things for free? They might as well be handing their money away at that point.
“Right? I say they should have charged Jade for all he's worth for putting those damn things on. Yuck…” Floyd wrinkled his nose as he side eyed Jade, who just continued to eat blissfully. 
He needed to figure out just what was so good about the damn things. Gloved hands carefully lifted up the wrapped delicacy with such fragility as if it would break from a gust of wind. The wrapping was done well, nice and neat as he peeled it off to reveal what was inside.
Crisped and perfectly brown buttered white bread. It glistened in the light with its heavenly beauty. The cheese was ooey and gooey and so thick that it ran down the sides. So far the presentation was beautiful, but it was pretty damn difficult to fucked up a grilled cheese. He tried to hold back this drool from the smell alone.
Carefully, he took a bite and closed his eyes. His mouth was blasted with flavor. As he savored that magical bite, a gust of wind swept through the room, causing the curtains to dance dramatically. The cheesy aroma lingered, creating an ambiance fit for a culinary masterpiece. This grilled cheese has unlocked secrets of the universe with how much it expanded his mind. This mere sandwich has him on the brink of tears
Azul has to hold his expression. He's not gonna be impressed by some measly sandwich. He's better than that. Though he thought that maybe by tasting it he could be able to figure out what your secret ingredient was, it's clear that isn't the case… This is a simple grilled cheese. He would have to go undercover to discover your cooking secrets.
“Heyyy Prefect!” A wry voice hums near the truck, belonging to no other than Ruggie. He knocked on the side of the window and Yuu poked out their head.
Azul watched from the distance, narrowing his eyes as he hyper-focused on the conversation. He admits the front of the Ramshackle dorms was a great location. Close to the botanical garden, close to the main building, not as far as Octavinelle either, and had most of the foot traffic. It's why he had his eye on it for a second location.
“Well if it isn't my number one customer, what can I get ya, let me guess a grilled cheese?” Of course, Ruggie would be their number one customer, which makes sense given his financial state. Figures. Maybe if he introduced a dollar menu…
“You know what Ruggie, you're cool. For you, it's 50 cents. Two for one if you will.” Ruggie pauses for a moment before smiling again. “Awe really? Sweet, can't up a deal like that shyehehehe!” The hyena cackles and you get to work. The window for the truck is fully open, allowing Azul to see in.
You aren't even hiding your cooking technique?! You're just giving all your secrets away like that?! Ohh you foolish fool… This would be easier than he thought.
He must get closer, to see what sort of fuckery is at play here. However, walking up and just watching you cook work is suspicious. As much as he hates to fund this little project… sacrifices must be made… He will have to order a grilled cheese…
Ruggie slinks off, tail wagging happily as he munches on his food. This was the perfect opportunity to approach. He stood up even straighter and approached with determination hidden poorly behind his attempt at a straight face. His scowl dared to seep through but he managed to smooth it out into his sickenly sweet facade.
“Hello, dear prefect!” He watched Yuu perk up through the window as they wiped down their workspace. They glanced over at Azul, completely unaware of his evil plot. “Heya Zuzu what can I get ya?”
Zuzu? That's awfully bold… whatever eyes on the prize… 
“I'd like one grilled cheese please if I may…” Hell yes. Smooth operator. He's so good at this.
“Mkay, coming right up.” Azul leans in closer as you get to work, memorizing everything you do… You just make a grilled cheese… Nothing special. It's just simple bread and cheese you cook in butter. How the hell? Was it the oven perhaps? Did you somehow know of his intentions and we're trying to conceal it?? Ugh, whatever maybe he can sucker you into another deal.
“... You know Prefect, if you just raised the price a bit you'd be bringing in more profits.” 
You shrugged as you pressed down your creation with your spatula to make it sizzle more. “Yeah, I know how money works.” Azul paused and blinked.
“So why don't you do it?” You shrug again. “It's funny.” Azul was perplexed, bamboozled, perhaps even smeckledorfed perchance. You were doing this for fun?! Starting a business for fun. Not for profit which would be beneficial given your situation, but for fun.
“Fun? Really? But prefect– wouldn't you– shouldn't you consider raising the prices even slightly? I mean after all Crowley hasn't been paying you well and if anything—”
“I should shoot you for the mere suggestion of raising the grilled cheese prices. The price is firm. It's never going up even by a cent. Hell, I'm so offended I may lower it.” You pulled the cheese off the grill and started to pack it up, swaddling it with such delicacy and love reserved for newborns.
Azul's mouth hung open for a bit before closing it. “Are you serious? Prefect— Yuu at this point I'm not even mad about the competition I'm– hrk!”  
“You need to relax a little Azul, for your own sake.” You shoved the grilled cheese out the window a bit more forcefully than you intended, making the unwrapped part hit Azul's glasses. The melty butter left grease marks on them, and through the blurriness, he could see your expression. His heart skipped a beat and sucked in a breath. Oh no.
He was in love.
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jackbaphomet · 1 year
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Bully the Mob Boss!Eclipse, he's a loser~
Featuring Cryptid, Mer, Chief and Hunter.
@naffeclipse 's boys
Cryptid and Mer boys design by @themeeplord
Original meme by an ask (sorry i literally can't find your username p-p)
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sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
Remember when I said I’d make some informational posts about the Cryptid au? Well, here’s some lore! I originally wanted to talk more about Wind. But I can’t talk about Wind without also talking about Legend! So buckle up while I tell you about an old, old war.
Legend is Mer. Wind is an original species that I call Aquili. On my character sheets, before I came up with the name, I called him a Sea Monster. But then I thought about it for two more seconds and realized that in a world where monsters are in fact real, tangible things that are always evil and are constantly being fought, doesn’t calling someone a monster sound a little derogatory? And then that SPIRALED.
So throughout Hyrule’s history, there have been many creatures that make their homes in the sea. Among these are the Zora, an amphibious group that make their homes on land but close to water; the Aquili, an amphibious group that make their homes underwater but close to the surface; and the Mer, an entirely aquatic group that live 100% underwater. They rarely interacted with each other, peacefully keeping to themselves until an influx of monsters started driving them out of their homes.
The spike in monster population took place just before the events Ocarina of Time. The Zora were least affected affected because their homes were on land, but the Mer and Aquili struggled. They fought back the monsters as they invaded their territories, and eventually, the threat of the monsters led them to cross each others borders. And suddenly, they had a turf war on their hands. They simply didn’t have enough space to coexist while the monsters lurked. And so they fought.
The timeline splits. Legend and Wind both know different conflicts, but neither end well. In Legend’s era, the war is won. The Mer were victorious, they drove the Aquili away and lowered their numbers enough that they aren’t a threat anymore. The term “Sea Monster” is Mer propaganda, meant to villainize the Aquili and turn any sympathizers away. The war might have been won centuries ago, but the Aquili are still out there, still scraping by, weakened but never defeated. Legend has been taught all his life to fear them. He’s been taught to call them monsters and to fight them on sight. He’s been taught that there’s a reason that the Mer were able to win, and he must live up to that standard.
Legend was attacked when he was young. He was chased out of his territory by an Aquili scavenger, forced above the surface to escape. Except it’s law in Mer controlled areas that so much as breaking the surface tension of the water is grounds for banishment. Since Mer are completely aquatic, it’s dangerous for them to go on land. Plus, Aquili, being amphibious, go above the surface on occasion. Anyone following them is seen as a traitor. Unfortunately, even though Legend was only a child and only trying to escape a very dangerous situation, the law was strict. He had no loophole. He was banished, forced to take refuge in the surface kingdom of Hyrule. And that experience did not help him see Aquili in a kinder light.
Wind, on the other hand, had an entirely different perspective on the war. In his era, the war never really ended. There were no victors, no losers. When Hyrule flooded, the war just sort of… fizzled out. Of course, with the extra ocean comes even more, even bigger monsters for the Mer and Aquili to try to manage. There are still skirmishes between the groups. A lot of fighting around borders. Occasional battles and invasions. The conflict, while it might not be as intense as the war in Legend’s era, is still very much ongoing.
Except… there’s this little place in Wind’s era. A little island where Aquili and Mer alike seek refuge. A common ground, an area of peace. Outset Island is populated entirely by both Mer and Aquili who wanted an escape from the war. The ones who gave up on holding any territory underwater and settled on land. There, everyone’s welcome. Wind’s parents left him there with his little sister and his grandmother to save them from the constant fighting. But they believed in their cause, and so they left to reclaim their territory- their home. They never returned.
Wind sees the war as something that’s far away. He lives in a bubble of peace. He’s friends with Mer. He doesn’t have these prejudices. He knows not to venture too far into the ocean (hence why he sails on a ship instead of swimming everywhere), but other than that, he doesn’t have to worry about it.
When Legend and Wind meet, immediately their cultural differences are made very, very clear. Legend is cold to the young boy (colder than usual, that is) and no one can figure out why. Wind’s such a little bundle of energy! His laughter is infectious and his enthusiasm is contagious. Why does Legend avoid him so much?
I had this idea in my head that Wind’s so far separated from his culture, he doesn’t even know that he’s called ‘Aquili.’ All he’s heard from everyone in his life is ‘Sea Monster.’ On Outset, the Aquili called themselves that with pride as if they were never anything else, so Wind never saw any issue with that.
So one day, when talking to the rest of the Chain, Wind calls himself a Sea Monster. And Legend LOOSES IT.
Suddenly, Legend rushes over and pulls Wind into his arms and just hugs him as tightly as he can. Because this child should not be saying such things about himself. Legend’s been dealing with his own prejudice this whole time, but hearing it come from Wind’s own mouth actually breaks him. He cannot pretend anymore. He cannot separate himself from the conflict, he cannot use the blanket description of ‘Monster’ for all of the Aquili, he cannot blame the child in his arms for the desperate soul that chased him from his home.
“You’re not a monster,” he’d whisper into Wind’s shoulder. “Don’t ever say that. You’re not a monster.”
Wind’s just confused because he didn’t say he was a monster. “I called myself a Sea Monster. There’s a differen… oh”
And Legend has to watch the light leave his eyes as Wind realizes what he’s been calling himself… what everyone he knows has been calling themselves… is so fundamentally wrong.
It’s Legend who tells Wind about his heritage. As much as he can think of that isn’t propaganda. (Which… isn’t much). Legend tells Wind that he’s called Aquili, he tells Wind about the Aquili that he knew in his era. He hates that he knows so little.
And then they start to bond. Wind is definitely in shock about the whole thing, maybe a bit of denial. Legend just feels so sorry for being so harsh towards him in the past. But they go swimming together, they catch and eat seafood together. Each of them are learning from each other. They heal.
Okay that was long. I have many more thoughts about this! Like what the war looked like in Lorule, what it means for Legend and Ravio. But I’ve rambled long enough haha! I’ll make a post about that later if you’re interested, but for now, thank you for reading haha!
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mochiimadness · 1 year
hi 👋🏽 can I please request some hcs for Leo & Donnie (individually) with an S/O who’s a sea monster (like from the movie Luca)??
Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy ^^
I love sea monster characters sm
Rise! Leo and Donnie (separately!) with a sea monster S/O!
Neon Leon
Leo thinks your sea monster form is amazing!
Especially if you have hair
You're telling him not only can you have wonderful locks-
It also turns into frills/scales?!
He will always stare in awe during your transformations
Or as he says
"Trans-mer-ations- eh, eh??? Get it? Like a mer-"
We get it, Leo.
Makes a ton of sea related puns
"Huh, something seems fishy here, and I don't mean you, S/O." *Wink*
If you like the puns, good for you! He'll make a ton!
If you don't, he legally cannot stop in accordance to the laws of the universe, sorry.
Just kidding!
He will stop if the jokes make you uncomfortable, don't worry ^^
He's also amazed at just how much faster you are in the water
Your tail looks beautiful but it packs a punch!
Leo leaps back when you slam your tail into an incoming angry yokai
They go flying
Literally gets sent past multiple buildings
And you??
You just turn back around with a smile like it was nothing
"How- you just- Woah!"
You've rendered him speechless, congrats!
He's thoroughly impressed.
Although he doesn't absolutely love the water,
He still enjoys it!
He likes to go swimming with you
And since he's a turtle, he can stay underwater with you for quite a while!
While underwater, he loves to do the red eared slider flutter motion
This means he'll gently tap his hands to the sides of your face
It's his way of saying he loves and appreciates you!
You two will also have mini competitions to see who could do the most tricks in the water
You usually win these,
Using your tail to help propel yourself into high flips
Kind of like a dolphin!
Leo still puts up a good fight though!
You both have a whale of a time
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Don Tron
When Donnie first met you he double- no, triple checked his scanners because he couldn't believe his eyes
You're an actual sea monster!?
This is a scientific breakthrough!
He's absolutely fascinated with you
With you permission,
He takes down notes and runs tests on you
"How do your scales disappear? Are they still there but just a different color?? Where does your tail go????"
While you may not have all the answers, you still do your best to help ^^
He genuinely thinks your sea monster form is cool!
He's not that surprised at your strength
But he still finds it amazing
You just tipped over an entire boat like it was nothing!
"That deserves at least 80 cool points."
He actually has a tally of how many cool/scary/rad points everyone has
As a soft shelled turtle,
He feels at home in the water
Absolutely loves to go swimming with you
It's one of his favorite past times!
While he may not have a strong tail like you,
He's actually able to keep up decently well with you!
You both often have races and set up under water obstacle courses
You two compete so often, it's actually become a sort of challenge in the lair
The fam will place bets on who will win this time
Donnie does construct some water proof tech to help out,
And in return you get to pull out all the stops and swim without needing to hold back
"Loser has to buy pizza for a month!"
"Oh you're on!"
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the super long wait!
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merakiui · 2 years
who else in twst has a breeding kink 🥵?? I think the twins ofc because breeding instincts but doesn't that also mean the beastmen? It's so hot when the normal human cast have a breeding kink though like Neige having a breeding kink hits different
>:) I will list them below.
Deuce - please hear me out with this one. He wants to be good for his mother. He's trying to clean up his act and he's so loyal and devoted. Very polite!! Always respecting women (even if he has trouble talking to them). And wouldn't the best gift to his hard-working mother be to let her know she'll be a grandmother?! <3 wouldn't it be so nice to knock you up nice and good so he can take care of you and start a nice, happy family? Deuce thinks about it often and it becomes more appealing as the days pass.
Trey - need I say more? Trey is so AAAAAAAAAAAA OTL and he deserves a cute, pregnant wifey who he can make lots of pregnancy-safe sweets for!!!!!! I think it's the inner father in him. He's so responsible, so parental, so very husband material. I think he doesn't even realize he has a breeding kink until it dawns on him at the very last minute and suddenly everything makes sense.
Leona - it's the beastman instinct to mate, but I also just think there's a very carnal part of Leona who would love to always fill you to the brim with his cum!!! He wants to see how much you can take and how many times he has to fuck you before you're finally pregnant weeks later. Besides, if he's always knocking you up his brother can stop nagging him about marriage and mates and keeping the royal bloodline extant.
Jack - also beastman instincts, but wolves mate for life and this is the exact bond Jack wants. He only needs one true, lifelong love who he can stuff full of cum. He's very responsible and logical, so I don't think he would want a big family (there's also the toll many pregnancies will have on you and he wants to make sure you will always be okay). But it's very tempting to knot you and cum inside every time the two of you have sex.
Ruggie - beastman instincts, but also Ruggie just loves the idea of foregoing protection and just knocking you up in the most carnal ways. You would look so cute with your round belly and the clothes that hardly fit, and he'd have so much fun putting everything on Leona's tab to buy maternity wear for you. And then with the breeding kink comes the lactation kink. Ruggie will be first in line for that when the time comes. <3
Azul - massive breeding kink for the most massive loser in twst!!!!!!! <3 every spring he gets really weird and fidgety and he's so awkward around you. I like to think the mer instincts are heightened when the weather is warmer and stickier because,,,,, warm weather is perfect for mating in the sea and most merfolk like to mate during the spring and sometimes in early summer. He is not the most focused when spring rolls around because all it takes is a whiff of your scent and he wants so badly to fuck you full. T_T the horny grip is so debilitating that he's actually really snappy and easily irritated (and it's usually because he's plagued with the filthiest dreams that feel so real and he's always suffering because when he wakes up it's in an empty bed with an erection that you should be handling, not him!!!!)
Jade & Floyd - these two...... the eels....... orz the horniest eels in the sea omg!!! it does not matter what month or season it is. every day is breeding season for them. Jade can exercise more control because he likes to be a "polite gentleman." Floyd thinks Jade's cock-blocking himself with his stuffy, snobby gentleman act, but oh well!!! More Shrimpy for him. <3 they want a big, big family. I also just think they like seeing you pregnant all the time. Big fans of lactation, these two, and even bigger fans of pregnancy sex. They also love cumming inside hehe. They probably have a box of condoms stored somewhere in their room, but why use them when the entire point is to knock you up? And even if you don't want them to cum inside, you won't be able to verbalize it when you're screaming your throat raw from back-to-back orgasms. T_T that, and Jade's fingers are in your mouth to play with your tongue. Jade and Floyd are so annoying because when the pregnancy test comes back positive and you're ready to beat them into the ground they give you this look 🥺 accompanied with "but don't you want to be a mommy?" reckless eels... ;;;;
Kalim - also another one who wants a huge family because he loves the energy and the excitement of big families. He comes from a large family himself and his father is always enabling his every desire. Kalim follows his heart (and his dick) and both are saying he needs to give you lots of cum so you can have many, many kids! His parents should not be surprised when he visits home for a break and you're pregnant (again).
Rook - it's Rook. I feel like that explains it. ^^;;;
Malleus - fae instincts and there's the need to produce an heir. But beyond that Malleus just really wants to see you pregnant. He thinks you would look so soft and sweet and pretty!!!! Always horny gripping, but you'll never know because he appears so serious. And since he is such a powerful mage, magic can easily waive most effects of pregnancy so he can make it so that it won't be so strenuous on your body. That means many more pregnancies to come!!! :) you cannot mention pregnancy around Lilia because he enables Malleus's horny grip. orz
Lilia - he really wants to raise another child again. It's so wonderful and so rewarding. Do not let his age fool you. He is always horny. Lots of stamina. Loves cumming inside each time. And he always smiles when you ask what he'll do if you get pregnant. Obviously he'll care for the little one! You needn't worry so much. He has experience, so you can trust him. <3
Silver - please hear me out again. >_< Silver's only sex education lessons came from Lilia and it was probably just Lilia showing Silver animals mating in the woods. T_T so Silver just assumes it's like that for humans and that they have breeding seasons, too. He probably fucks like an animal in heat as well. orz I like to think Lilia never told him about protection, so Silver's lived his life thinking the only way was to either cum inside or pull out and the former is so much more enjoyable. Silver also likes how connected the two of you will be when he knocks you up. He wants to be a good father and he also wants to give Lilia grandchildren, so you are getting pounded into the bed from sunrise to sunset!!!!!!
Rollo - I think he wants to have children with you because you're less likely to leave him, but also because you will be completely reliant on him when you're pregnant and he's heard pregnancy hormones can be quite exciting. A higher sex drive means more opportunities to help you see how perfect a domestic life is. But also there is a very twisted part of him that just loves cumming inside each time even after he's promised he'll be sure to get you a morning-after pill as soon as he pulls out. He's a liar!!!! And he loves to comfort you when the tests come back positive, stroking his hand up and down your back and whispering little assurances about how he knows you'll be the best mother.
Neige - He's taken care of the dwarfs and they're practically his family. Even though big families can be difficult, he'll work hard! Neige loves seeing you pregnant. He loves the idea of having you as his pregnant housewife and filling the home with many kids. But beyond that he just adores how cock-drunk you get and he likes cumming inside because he thinks it's so romantic. And how can he possibly deny you when you're begging him to fill you up? Anything for his one true sweetheart!!
Che'nya - beastman instinct, but I like to think Che'nya is also really horny. And he's always so sneaky! He loves to fuck you when he's invisible hehe. He'll be evasive when you ask the air if he's wearing protection. Maybeeee. Maybeeee not. Who can really say? Che'nya wants to give you an entire litter, so make sure to take all of his cum! He's always so satisfied after each session, humming so cheerily while cum's dripping from your hole. He'll finger it back in; can't waste a single drop, after all. But even if you do, there's plenty more where that came from.
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
The comments about Poseidon impregnating Percy with eggs kind of reminded me of the movie Ponyo
I'm imagining the following: Poseidon decides to impregnate Percy in mer form, she now has an adorable and swollen belly full of dozens of eggs (in the same way as a normal fish, let's imagine he impregnated her with just a few dozen already This is her first pregnancy and it doesn't help that she's SO small)
She looks so cute pregnant, with her swollen belly and swimming so slowly due to the weight she is carrying, she gets tired easily so when she is not lying in bed Poseidon is without fail next to her holding or carrying her so that she, it's so It's cute that he has to slow down to match Parcy's slow swim
Do you know how pregnant women walk much slower and with their legs generally spread like a penguin? Well that's our Percy on land and when she's in the water she swims as slow as a manatee
(I totally didn't think of this after seeing a video of a pregnant mom humorously complaining about how her husband and daughter walk too far ahead of her leaving her behind only for her daughter to turn around and say it's because mommy is walking like a obese penguin, children's honesty is hilarious and cruel)
Now comes the film Ponyo:
No filme, Ponyo tem várias irmãs que são um pouco parecidas com girinos e todas ficam em uma cúpula que parece um berçário.
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That's where I imagine Percy and Poseidon's children would stay, this man will definitely order a magical nursery to be built (it would be impossible to keep track of almost 100 puppies if they were all scattered around the corners of the castle, the best alternative is to keep them all together in the same place), I know it looks like a fish tank like I confess I found it quite ironic to keep "fish" babies in an aquarium the same way you keep a human baby in a crib
Since she gave birth to the eggs, Percy spends most of her time in the nursery (aquarium) interacting with her babies, feeding, singing and cuddling and when the children are not (stuck) in the nursery they are playing and swimming in the shoal style with Percy while Poseidon lovingly watches
Do you remember that scene from the carriage ride where some fish swim through Poseidon's hair? Well, that's exactly how I imagine the little tadpoles (Percy's affectionate nickname) interacting with their father
Imagine só o gigante Poseidon sentado em seu trono gigantesco enquanto seus bebês correm pelos seus cabelos, brincam de deslizar em seu rabo, agarram-se em seus dedos enormes e brincam com as pontas dos tentáculos do monstro marinho abaixo do trono, talvez Percy esteja sentado em seu ombro vendo os babys brincarem ou talvez ela esteja deitada no seu colo enorme dormindo enquanto segura alguns babys sonolentos que já se cansaram de brincar
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Gosto de pensar que Percy (embora ela negue) tem um favoritismo em relação ao primeiro filhote que saiu do ovo, ela definitivamente a nomeou pessoalmente (ou talvez quem a nomeou tenha sido Poseidon, tenho certeza que no passado sendo nomeado por seu pai era uma honra e prova de reconhecimento paterno, especialmente se o bebê fosse "infelizmente" uma menina então ele ficaria ainda mais irritado ao saber que ela preferiu trocar o nome de uma divindade escolhido pessoalmente por um nome humano)
In this case I feel like the roles would be kind of reversed with Percy being in the role of Ponyo's father (a lovable tired loser who just wants to get his baby daughter back who ran away from home) and Poseidon being in the role of Ponyo's mother ( a beautiful and elegant deity, but our merciful and gentle Poseidon has nothing hahaha)
I can see Ponyo running away from home in search of adventure in the same way that in the film, Percy would secretly go in search of her (she doesn't want to warn Poseidon because she knows he won't show mercy to humans who are with her daughter, even that they are innocent and are helping her daughter), she managed to bring her daughter back home and tries to explain why they should stay at sea (because Poseidon is the most overprotective and possessive husband and father there is) but Just like in the film, Ponyo, with the help of her sisters, manages to escape and ends up spilling a potion that temporarily transforms her sisters into huge fish that cause a flood (so far the script remains reasonably the same)
It is at this moment that Poseidon is warned about the problems that his daughter is causing for his daughter-wife, first he has to fix things by turning the fish back into babies, then he has to organize the mess that the ponyo caused to the run away (maybe she accidentally released some sea monsters), his daughter-wife is desperate because all the babies have escaped from the nursery so he has to calm her down by promising to get all the babies back unharmed and finally he has to punish Ponyo ( and her sisters for helping her escape, we all know that the only daughter he accepts that causes trouble is Percy, rebellion in his other children is not tolerated, the only exception to his rule of total perfection is Percy therefore your other children must behave like proper gods)
Poseidon ficaria indignado ao saber todos os detalhes da fuga de Ponyo, saber que sua filha mais velha (depois de Percy) fugiu para viver no mundo humano é absolutamente nojento, quando ele chegar lá com certeza ficaria ofendido pela forma como Ponyo foi tratado inicialmente como um peixe comum e também a mera ideia de uma de suas filhas interagindo e aprendendo costumes bobos com um humano é nauseante
Ao contrário de sua contraparte no filme, ele não daria a Ponyo a oportunidade de se transformar em humano e muito menos estaria disposto a abrir mão de sua paternidade e entregar o título e os deveres de mãe de Ponyo a este humano (a simples ideia de remover o poder de Percy o título de mãe é mais do que ofensivo, quem esse humano pensa que ela é para agir de maneira tão maternal com sua filha!? Ela está tentando roubar o lugar de sua esposa como figura materna? Todos os envolvidos nessa bagunça deveriam ser punidos com a morte )
in fact I think he would even severely punish Ponyo for disobeying and causing her mother so much stress, he would also definitely force her to watch the humans she loves so much die by drowning (a punishment for her betrayal, how dare she run away from her home where she is pampered and protected!? Percy certainly spoiled this child too much to get to the point where she spits on all the love and dedication she received and goes after a human family, Percy will have to beg a lot for Poseidon not to crush the Ponyo between his fingers in his giant form, I feel like he would see the whole situation as a very serious insult and not as the result of a reckless child wanting to explore)
I feel like it would be a very sad ending for Ponyo since she would have to witness her father kills the boy she loves (Sosuke) his mother (Lisa) and the whole town all because of her, her mother is probably upset with her and will also be punished despite not being at fault, her father is seriously considering killing her (although I think Percy would beg for a punishment that doesn't result in death, she would offer anything to soften whatever punishment Poseidon chooses since Ponyo is still just a baby, she is just 5 years old), the her sisters were punished for helping her and any prospect of future freedom just disappeared as they are now permanently incarcerated in the castle (they will only come out when Poseidon decides that they should marry some nobleman of his choosing), she has just learned why the father is called the tyrant of the tides
And finally our Percy would also be punished for not being able to control the children as a proper mother should be able to do, she is sad that her daughter had such a traumatic experience
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I found this image while searching for images of Ponyo, I thought it was SO CUTE, I confess that I prefer to imagine that all the eggs are girls similar to Percy with hair that varies from light to dark brown but after seeing this image I'm not opposed to one small tadpole identical to Poseidon
NO SERIOUSLY YOU GOT POSEIDON'S FATHERLY SKILLS DOWN TO A TEE 😭😭😭 this is exactly what he would be like with his kids (aside from his dearest daughter-wife of course!).
you even managed to accurately describe what he would be like with daughters 😭😭 like the part where you said "they will only come out when Poseidon decides that they should marry some nobleman of his choosing" IT IS 100000% WHAT POSEIDON WOULD DO 💀💀
and the fact that he was soooo offended for percy's sake when ponyo!daughter wanted to live as a human with a human family??? that's so him 💀💀
his inability to show mercy to even his own young children, the oldest being like five 💀💀💀 percy would be downright BEGGING him to spare their daughters she'd be like "please they're only children!!! they dont know any better, they're just kids!!!!" because its true! the sisters are just lil kids who wanna help their big sister out and ponyo!daughter is just a curious and naive child who thinks she's in love (when its mostly just a crush) but these poor girls learned the hard way how much their dad:
HATES disobedience
HATES humans
poor girls. daughter or son, none of poseidon's children are gonna have it easy. percy is quite literally the only exception 🥲
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Ahhhh I’m the anon that was converted into a Sugu stan hello!!🥺 Oh my goodness thank you so so much for your darling response it made me feel so giddy and happy to know that it met you well!🥺 Thank you so so much for taking the time to respond to everything, I was having such a lovely time reading through your response!😭😭 Your Sugu is just so lovely and wife coded and any day where I can’t hold his hand is agony and suffering😔
And not to ping pong from topic to topic but oml mer! thoughts😳 I dont think this would necessarily align with what you may have in mind for your Sugu fic, but I am such a goblin for the trope of childhood friends human and mer that have a chance/meaningful encounter in their youth only to reunite later in life and let the story go from there that is??? Good food😳
And slightly piggybacking off of that ^^^ imagine a young reader strolling along the beach and exploring much farther out than what their fam/guardians/ whomever would appreciate, and lo and behold they see this poor looking creature washed up and tangled in fishers net along the beach. Stepping closer it dawns on them that this is a mer, and judging by the state it’s in, weak and sluggish movement, shallow breathing, it doesn’t have much of a fighting chance if it isn’t freed ASAP. So they take a pocket knife or a sharp shell or something and gets to work and starts sawing through the net and things get ROUGH. Suddenly springing to life out of a last ditch defense mer!Sugu just starts flailing and hissing, swiping with nails/claws and baring fangs with frenzied anger, managing to make a clean cut somewhere on the reader, be it on their upper cheek or their hand or forearm.
All the while reader is doing their best to say soothing words and convey that everything will be okay. Eventually Suguru is freed and more or less scurries back into the water, but before diving underneath the water he takes a moment and stills, taking a good long look back at the human child knocked flat on their butt, sitting on the sand staring right back, who couldn’t have been any older than him. Then he thinks of his elders, the ones who had told him to avoid humans above all else because humans never bring anything good to their kind. Before the reader can scramble to their feet or say anything else sugu swims away and that’s that. Years pass and any thought of the encounter can more or less be brushed aside as a hazy summer childhood memory where the readers imagination just got a bit too lively. Merpeople exist, but really and truly, what are the chances of the reader having such a unique encounter? It is a memory coded as fantasy.
I have no more thoughts but okay just imagine😳 reader returns to that beach years later and somehow meets with Sugu again, and as cheesy or unrealistic as it sounds they both have a moment where it just clicks that despite it all they have met before. Suguru remembers a kind human child, his one man scuffle as an act of defense and scraping his hero. He recognizes that long healed graze of a claw, he knows who this is.
Okay that was a doozy but I promise! From here on out everything will be much more bite size and to the point ^^;
I have a question, in the world you’re writing, do you think there’s any type of magic or sorcery? If so, do any mer have the ability to harness and use it? Furthermore, would Sugu be able to, and if so, what are the extent of his powers? It’s just a fun thought considering so many mer! in media do have at least some type of it, and the idea of a mer!Sugu having some type of power is😳 incheresting😳 (also entirely unrelated but I’ve been thinking about mer! themed nicknames and the only one I can remember off the top of my head is ‘Sweetshark’ being a play off of ‘Sweetheart’. Who said that neways)
Oh! And another thought! Say that the Reader maybe catches a nasty cold or is just generally feeling under the weather and can’t visit Sugu like they normally do, how is Suguru holding up? Does he just assume that they up and left him, the one human he’s decided to open his heart up to? Or is he more concerned about their safety, wondering where they are and if they’re okay? What is his reaction when they finally return?
And not to change the topic out of nowhere but!! Oh my goodness yes!!! Being in a fandom that has so much smut, it’s so very comforting and nice to have a sfw corner to vibe and chat in! (Not that there is ever anything wrong with writing or enjoying smut ofc!) Thinking of these characters and how they would treat an aroace reader is so so comforting and it really warms my heart! stsg would be so sweet and patient!🥺 (And don’t worry! You weren’t being pushy or assuming anything, as someone who does fall on the aroace spectrum it is endlessly refreshing to see these ideas and how these characters would handle and treat someone like that! They’re the ultimate sweeties and would be so good to anyone, but for someone who is aroace?? Idk it just works so so well!🥺)
And! Thank you so so much I would be honored to go by a lil anon tag, I just get shy and sometimes don’t really send things in ^^; So if that isn’t any trouble and it would be okay/ if it isn’t taken, would it be possible to go by 🍓 anon? Or if that’s taken, maybe 🍎 anon? <:) Regardless, thank you so so much for your time and all of your kind words and thoughts, they mean they absolute world and then some to me!🥺 I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night!🥺
HELLOOOOO 🍓 ANON……. the perfect emoji for someone so sweet !! <333
pls i can’t thank u enough for sending me such a heartfelt ask, it rlly did warm my heart sooo so much :’3 AND I’M SOOO OVERJOYED THAT U THINK MY SUGU IS WIFECODED??? that’s all i want him to be tbh …. he’s a girlfriend he’s a Mother he’s a wife <3333 etc etc. u get it !!!
AND OHHHH 🍓 ANON ………….. this entire ask was just a goldmine of ideas….. would u believe me if i said i was planning for the suguru fic to follow that plotline almost exactly 😭😭😭 not exactly a childhood encounter au, but something very very similar!!! basically the same function……. and when reader and sugu meet for the first time i was also imagining him being hissy and defensive and reader cutting the net w a switchblade from their pocket, murmuring sweet reassurances to him…. WE’RE SOOO IN SYNC it’s the mer!sugu hivemind fr!! i adore ur take on this au, any variation of the childhood friends trope is a favorite of mine :33 and the scar is so genius too!! i think the idea of meeting a mermaid during one of your childhood summers is just theee loveliest concept ever 🥺🥺
BUTTT OKOK… onto ur questions!! they were soooo fun to think abt and answer, tysm for asking!! it rlly helps me when it comes to figuring out mer!sugu’s character, merfolk lore, etcetc :>
I have a question, in the world you’re writing, do you think there’s any type of magic or sorcery? If so, do any mer have the ability to harness and use it? Furthermore, would Sugu be able to, and if so, what are the extent of his powers?
GREATTT QUESTION…. this is something i’ve thought abt before when answering another ask!! basically, i imagine the mermaids in this au as being kind of sinister and siren-like, with an ability similar to hypnosis!! when they speak and sing, they can lure humans into a false sense of security, beckon them closer, dull their senses… etc etc. that’s basically all though!! i do also think they’d be very powerful and ferocious…. i have another piece of lore planned but i haven’t completely figured it out yet !! what i will say is that these mermaids are almost kinda. werewolf like 😭😭 in the sense that they change with the cycles of the moon !! :33
oh and and !! obv suguru is one of the more powerful mermaids….. definitely overwhelmingly good at using his voice, and also just very physically strong and heavy. you are NOT making it out of an encounter alive lol. (his only weakness is his tender heart <33)…
AAAA AND THE MER PETNAMES PAGDJSHJS… SOOO CUTE ….. SWEETSHARK ….. 😭😭😭 i NEED reader to call suguru that. i think they would also call him their little fishy <333 maybe he’d get back at them by calling them his little silly seal ……… sigh . their dynamic is so cute to me 😔😔
Oh! And another thought! Say that the Reader maybe catches a nasty cold or is just generally feeling under the weather and can’t visit Sugu like they normally do, how is Suguru holding up? Does he just assume that they up and left him, the one human he’s decided to open his heart up to? Or is he more concerned about their safety, wondering where they are and if they’re okay? What is his reaction when they finally return?
I LOVEEEEE THIS IDEA SO MUCH and my answer also ties in to some other anon asks hehe :33 in this au mermaids can move on land, but obv it’s risky and depending on the terrain it’s pretty tough….. reader lives very close to the beach and mer!sugu is super flexible, so i think that in this scenario he waits for a while, gets impatient, gets grumpy, and THEN gets worried. he’s trying so hard to act like he doesn’t care but we all know reader is his special little human :((( so after a while he’s like. what if they got hurt? what if they collapsed from lack of nutrients??? (for some reason i picture mer!sugu fixating a lot on reader’s eating habits… making sure they’re always well fed….. it’s part of the mermaid courting process i think)
…. so he ends up flopping his way over to their little house, carrying a bunch of raw fish and herbs <333 all worried and grumpy bc they left him hanging and he was forced to realize that he actually enjoys their company a Lot. which is very embarrassing for him. but as soon as he sees them all delirious and weak he probably tries his best to take care of them 🥺🥺 he’s not good at it LOL but he does have some experience …. and he’s very soft for them. can’t bear to be too snarky when they’re in pain or distress :((( he’s a sweetheart… a sweetshark even……….. lulls them to sleep with his voice and watches over them until they’re better. 🥺
ohhhh 🍓 anon this was so fun ……. tysm for sending ur thoughts my way and for being so sweet!!! u made me think a bunch abt this au and i appreciate it sm <333 ANDDDD FELLOW ASPEC HEHE it’s so good to have u here!!! stsg really would be so patient and kind…….. 🥺🥺 i might’ve said it before but i really am so glad the concept can bring u some comfort!! it does the same to me too :’3
ALSO before i forget….. pls don’t ever feel worried abt being shy / sending stuff in !!! there’s never, and i mean absolutely never, any pressure to!!! i’m the kind of person who can randomly disappear every now and then too so i totally get it 😭😭 the anon tag is just so that i recognize u (and bc it’s cute hehe).. but pls know that you never ever have to send anything in unless you want to!! doesn’t matter if it’s now or in a month or in a couple years. so pls don’t worry abt it at all <33 !!
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butcherlarry · 9 months
Weekly Fic Rec 46
I'll be out of state/traveling for the next two weeks for the holidays, so this will be my last fic rec list of the year. Fear not! I'll start up again 1/7/2024. It will probably be a long one since I'll have more down time to read some fics (hooray!). I might also post a link or two to some favorite fics I read during my vacation, and maybe a photo or two as well.
how to confess your love, as written by clark kent by scarletazure - Superbat, complete. Clark writes a WikiHow about how to confess your love to your best friend, who just so happens to be Bruce.
Naps are overrated, anyway by ionia - Superbat, complete. Photographic evidence is taken of Superman and Batman taking a nap together. Shenanigan ensue.
to lick your heart and taste your health by redlightofkryptonite (redlightofdawn) - Superbat, wip. Omegaverse Superbat, but only Kryptonians have a secondary gender.
Gotham Nights, Metropolis Days by tiredd_writer - Superbat, wip. An identity porn fic where Batman and Superman work on a case together, but the don't know each other's secret identities :))))))))
all i need is you by twoheadedmoon - Superbat, complete. A lovely smutty fic with service top Clark and dominant bottom Bruce.
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic! More secrets are revealed about Connor's past. Much feelings are had.
Everything Will Be Just Fine by lonelynpc - Batfam, wip. More of Goth Dad Battinson. Clark sees goth dad in action at a gala.
let the light in by TheResurrectionist - Bruce Wayne & Oliver Queen, complete. Some bonding time between two of the only humans on the JL.
Manor-Dad lets me drive the Batmobile by lostletters (loosingletters) - Batfam, wip. Part of the Bruce Wayne: Billionaire, Father, Dating Batman series. When Dick found the Cave, instead of discovering that Bruce is Batman, he thought they were dating instead. Bruce never corrected him, hoping Dick would eventually figure it out. He did not and neither did any of the other children Bruce adopted. My favorite parts are when the kids ask Batman if they can do something, he says no, and then the kids say that Bruce said they could (and vice versa). Those little shits (affectionate).
(Love) Triangles Have Multiple Centers by frozenpotions - Superbat, wip. I am in love with this identity porn fic. In this update, there is a (kinda) gala involved, flirting, misunderstandings, understandings, more misunderstandings, Clark's giant dinner jacket, Lois, and a surprise :)
slow dancing in the dark by scarletazure - Superbat, wip. Another fic I am completely in love with. Bruce and Clark get amnesia, sleep together, get their memories back, and start not-dating, because taking about your feelings is for losers. I vibrate with excitement everytime I see an update for this fic in my inbox.
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