#mercury retrograde phoenix
patgtuning11 · 4 months
Astrology Readings Arizona - Discover Your Destiny Today
With the help of our Arizona astrological readings, discover the secrets of your future. Our knowledgeable astrologers are available to help you along the way by offering you individualised advice and insights.
Envision discovering your inner abilities and realising your life's mission. With the help of our astrological readings, you can have a better understanding of your own traits, obstacles, and the special routes that fate has for you. With this priceless knowledge, you can confidently seize chances and make well-informed judgments.
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astro-tag-9 · 5 months
could you assign me a character please ? (preferably female)
sun: leo
moon: libra
rising: libra
mercury: leo
venus: leo (natal retrograde)
mars: gemini
Thank you!! 🪿Have a great day :)
❤️‍🔥Ginny Weasley❤️‍🔥
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
week of march 31st, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: let's not beat around the bush; these are not easy times for aries people. self care is critical. finding joy in the small things is critical. allowing joy and despair or any other blend of emotions to coexist is critical.
taurus: the focus upon your 12th house of hidden things intensifies like a magnifying glass catching something on fire. do not be an ant under that beam. you won't be able to see it necessarily, it's hidden after all. but you can feel that fire and act accordingly.
gemini: the eclipse is no small thing but for you, mercury retrograde is bigger. you will feel an urge to blurt things out, but do not. probably not even to your most trusted circle, unless it is a very serious matter. everything else can wait a few weeks, no?
cancerians: eclipses are always major for you. cardinal eclipses even more so. it isn't until the weekend - actually technically monday! - but you feel it already, i'm sure. mercury retrograde nearby to the eclipse point happens first. it is intense. stay home if you can. if not, keep to yourself a bit anyway. everyone will be blurting things out; let that inform you, don't be the informant.
leo: aries vibes build and build all week which ultimately is good for you in a really transcendent, perhaps also cerebral way. but you also feel the first hints of the coming eclipse which is not meant to be a comfortable time for you. still, comfort can be overrated.
virgo: so much is going on it can be overwhelming to your constitution so take it easy physically AND mentally. avoid debts or loans, other people's money, stay in your lane, etc, but also i suspect a good relationship development occurs IF everything in your partnerships has been aboveboard and authentic.
libra: relationships are always a focus for you of course, but with everything going on in aries there's no way to ignore them or let anything else take center stage for most librans. you have to maintain balance of course, but attend to what needs your attention.
scorpio: no matter how tired of pressure you become, you have more ability to thrive under it than probably any other sign. it intensifies all week, it transmutes us all and you emerge the most beautiful phoenix. doing hard things, surviving hard things, is worth it.
sagittarius: fifth house activity is fun, at minimum in a dramatic soap operatic way. fine, the eclipse is hardcore, mercury is retrograde, and chiron is still over there doing his thing. but see if you can't get a bit of a thrill out of the chaos. start over if you want.
capricorn: these cardinal times are hard on you, but the antidote is to beautify your home and make it a peaceful sanctuary. yes you might want to be out there making status and legacy for yourself, or finding a suitable partnership of one kind or another. for everything a season. but this season is for the peaceful lair you make for yourself, from which you spring forward later in full bloom.
aquarius: your local community or people close to you emotionally are probably in some chaos. your money though? your resources? all good there. avoid delusional spending, just stay a bit frugal and it all plays out very nicely for you.
pisces: something or someone you thought you could depend on - thought you HAD to depend on, maybe - it turns out is not so reliable. it may or may not be their fault. but you have to become independent. if you already are, you are called to rely upon that independence this week, fortify it, and appreciate it. there are still others to lean on. not all is lost.
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symbolicliving · 10 months
Sun in Capricorn Winter Solstice December 21, 2023 Astrology
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The Sun officially enters Capricorn on December 21, 2023 at 10:28 pm ET for the Winter Solstice.
The Sun is in Capricorn until January 20, 2024 at 9:08 am ET.
When the Sun enters Capricorn, Mercury Retrograde is close by, only a degree away. The Sun and Mercury conjunct December 22, 2023 at 1:53 pm ET.
Where there is a lack of clarity, misunderstandings, miscommunications, dishonesty or tricks of words and meanings, this is the time to look for the light to shine and reveal the truth.
The Winter Solstice marks the point where we descend to the depths of darkness of the winter season and emerge renewed with the light getting stronger, reminding us of the phoenix rising from the ashes also symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn now. 
The Sun descends into the darkness with the shortest day of the year and as he rises with the days getting longer from here on, it is a symbol of a new birth and rebirth, with the promise of new light and hope for the future. 
This is a great time to focus on positive thinking to deal with any of the issues that have been coming up these days with Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. Awareness increases when you ask questions.
Much more about the Sun in Capricorn...
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miss--river · 2 years
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Character 🎶Songs🎶 Tag
Tagged by @bnbc and @jaymber! Thank you both so much!
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list song(s) that fit them.
🐦Phoenix Blake🔥
the rules don't say how many songs to list and i've already got a playlist for Phi that's 38 songs so far so i'll just do 5!
Cherry Pie by Warrent
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar
Mercury in Retrograde by Sturgill Simpson
Would Ya Could Ya by Colony House
Tagging: @thelonestrider @dreamskug @rindemption @chooh2 @holofishes (no pressure!)
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Thursday, September 21st 2023 Sun in Virgo ♍️🌎 Moon in Sagittarius ♐️🔥
Do you remember that song from the early 90’s that just screamed, “I’ve Got The Power”?I woke up singing it. Ha ha. It’s a great song to play on repeat today.
The trine between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn is holding strong today. The Phoenix from the ashes energy, the inner power, it’s all within you today. I really like this energy, it’s pure transformation. It’s energized, it’s assertive and it’s ready to take action.
The Moon in Sagittarius will square Mercury in Virgo which could create some arguments or tense situations but that’s the only hiccup today, just watch out for minor complications but the day gets so much better.
The Sagi Moon will sextile Mars in Libra and trine Venus in Leo which is a really fun, action oriented energy that has you feeling in the pocket, in your element and really vibing and flowing.
It’s a beautiful day energetically. I hope you’re feeling it too. Use its power to transform yourself into what you want to be. Have an amazing day! 💚✨
📸: @nicoleelysetravels
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Happy Scorpio Season & Halloween!!!
Ahhh, my favorite sign to study! I find Scorpio super fascinating because of its ability to transform from a lowly scorpion, or even crab, to a phoenix rising from the ashes (think Harry Potter). Not to mention my Mars sign is in Scorpio and my moon is almost in Scorpio (29 degrees Libra), so the whole sexuality of Scorpio intrigues me...
Scorpio and Capricorn are the most powerful signs in terms of energy. I think Scorpio is slightly more powerful because Scorpio has the potential to emotionally manipulate people.
Some powerful ppl with Scorpio placements:
Taylor Swift (Sag sun): Mars, Pluto, and an unconfirmed Scorpio rising
President Biden (Scorpio sun): Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Mars (thank god, he has a Sag rising w all that intensity, but it also makes him make a few gaffes)
Mark Zuckerberg (Sagittarius sun): Moon, and then Mars, Pluto, and Saturn are all retrograde in Scorpio...interesting
Harvey Weinstein (ew~, Pisces sun): Mars & an unconfirmed Scorpio ascendant
The Weeknd (Aquarius sun): Moon conjunct Pluto in Scorpio 0 degrees (wow, okay...that makes a lot more sense)
Mahatma Gandhi (Libra sun): Mercury, Venus, & Mars
George Washington (Aquarius sun): Mars in Scorpio
Martin Luther (founder of Lutheranism; 95 Theses of 1517, Scorpio Sun): Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Saturn in Scorpio
He denounced the practice of celibacy after breaking with the Catholic Church, lmao
Rembrandt (famous Dutch painter, Cancer sun): Moon, Mars, & Chiron
There are obviously so many more. Please let me know if you want a Part 2!
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welcome to gemini szn ♊︎
energy update from taurus to gemini szn
~ in the clouds until we come out to play; let the fun & games begin
with the sun in gemini, our focus collectively shifts away from the pleasurable earthy taurus vibes & moves toward the airy mental stimulations of gemini
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our work this month is to figure out & understand the importance of keeping balance & harmony in thinking & feeling.
{ someone who only over thinks eventually runs out of things to think about }
gemini is ruled by mercury & 3rd house energy is about our mindset, how we think & lastly how we translate those thoughts with others. here we usually get new understandings, are able to see both sides to stories, create new connections & propel forward with a new mindset { check what house this falls in your chart to know which area you’ll get enlightened in }
showcasing our new rock solid mentality:
while the sun was in taurus, he linked with mercury & we started building a rock solid { taurus } mentality { gemini ~ mercury }.
mercury will join the sun on June 11: with that sun conjunction, we get the opportunity to change & start a new cycle with self { sun } & with how we think & communicate { gemini } .
hi, have we met ?!:
with all these new understandings, ways of thinking & expressing our new & reborn self, it’s time to get reacquainted { post retrograde energy }.
especially after the full moon lunar eclipse in scorpio 2 weeks ago; where we really felt a sense of rebirthing / rising phoenix energy, I feel this week we really came out of the metamorphosis & social gemini sun helps us now to connect our thoughts with our throat chakra to re-introduce ourselves to the world.
no more homebody, we going out:
this month social, quality time to connect is a big theme as it’s something that’s very much essential to gemini ~ in order to step into our identity & live a fulfilling life we have to take risks, step outside, loosen up & dare to just be authentically self that’s the most exhilarating fun feeling ever !
gemini szn will feel uplifting, bring more fun & better communication with others. looking for something different should be embraced , time to step forward
🌬💎 ♊︎💙🤸🏼‍♀️
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piscesseer · 1 year
Pluto Retrograde 2023
Pluto’s backwards dance isn’t as chaotic as Mercury's, but there is still plenty for us to look out for as Pluto Retrogrades starting May 1 and stays in Retrograde until October 11, 2023. This could be an essential part of your personal transformation as you reflect on the darknesses of life so you can find your light.
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When a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky, the visual backward motion is known as a Retrograde. Pluto is beginning its Retrograde in Aquarius, but due to its backward motion will go back into Capricorn on June 12. Pluto spends nearly half the year in Retrograde, lasting five to six months. This is a huge period of time, so there is no need to freak out! Some people will feel these effects more deeply, while others may get smaller symbols and changes. You will notice patterns and subconscious signals associated with Pluto and the signs that it will be in that can help you change your life. It’s important to understand what to look for.
Pluto’s themes focus on our deepest selves, deep-rooted psychology, emotional wounds and our subconscious. Our darkest thoughts can come from here. Pluto guides us through the bleaker realities and darkness that lies in everyday life such as abuse, control, death and the result of existential crisis. It can set off power struggles, toxicity and control issues. These themes can feel very intimidating and uncomfortable to some.
This energy is necessary when making changes and evolving, and Pluto invokes transformation. Pluto breaks down structured existence. All things, even good things, people and places, must eventually meet their end. None of us escape from the grip of pain and loss as we go through life. Instead of dwelling on these things, think of Pluto as a phoenix; burning everything down to rise from the ashes and come out on the other side.
When Pluto is Retrograde, the effects are more internal, psychological and emotional. Be aware that you might feel emotional for seemingly no reason and mentally drained. Old wounds can resurface too.
During Pluto Retrograde, you are given the opportunity to dive below to the surface to get better in tune with your psychic, subconscious material. When you reflect on yourself, you will get clarity on things that aren’t working for you so you can release them and move forward as an improved version of yourself.
Authenticity could be an important theme that comes up. What is stopping you from being your authentic self? Remember Pluto is all about facing our shadowy sides. Embrace your shadow self. Embrace this by owning your deepest and darkest depths of your soul. Is fear stopping you from being who you are?
This astrological event is all about implementing change. Check your own toxic behaviors. Look at the ways you self-sabotage or get in your own way. Ask yourself what is holding you back. Ideally, you will learn how to make those adjustments and resolve your own compulsive and addictive behaviors. You must do the necessary work to transform during this time, or you can end up stuck in a rut!
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With Pluto in Aquarius for a month or so during this retrograde, weird, dark secrets could be revealed. We might see the darker sides of humanity or technology revealed. You might have trouble networking, even more so until Mercury goes direct on May 14.
We’ve dealt with the associating themes of Pluto in Capricorn before. Reconsider your spending or consumption habits, or look at the way you spend your work day. Reflect on toxic dynamics with those in charge of your career. Look at how you’ve been fueling the fire instead of pointing fingers. Root out your negative patterns so you can step into your power.
There’s no guarantee that you will feel the effects of this retrograde in an apparent way. Even if it’s hitting a key point in your natal chart, it’s important to remember you may notice the effects in more of a pattern or mindset, rather than an outwardly obvious way.
Pluto is slow. Don’t be afraid to take your time with the things that need change in your life.
It’s essential to stay grounded and checked in with yourself. There will be things that are out of your control, and while you cannot ignore the news or your family’s drama forever, you can take a moment for your own peace.
I’ve spoken on shadow work before, and this is a great way to navigate through these darknesses and move forward through them. Make sure you’re in a good headspace before actively tackling shadow work. These themes can put you in a dark place, especially if you have a challenging past. It bears repeating to remember that witchcraft and journaling do not replace therapy or medicine. Be sure to check in with yourself if things get to be too much. This could even be a time to start therapy and use it to heal from wounds.
You must be able to sit with yourself more than anyone else! Harness your inner power. Whether it’s by gaining clarity on what is worth spending your time and energy on or releasing yourself from misleading or toxic relationships, the challenges you face now could lead to long-lasting transformation.
Check your natal chart.
With this Retrograde happening in both Aquarius and Capricorn, find which houses are in those signs for you. Find if there are any planets there to amplify certain areas.
It’s also important to check where Pluto is in your chart.
If you need help interpreting your natal chart, inbox me!
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themagikmirror · 5 months
Watch & receive 3 easy steps that can help in creating purpose and walking in destiny. Get divine guidance on how to “BUILD A BIGGER FIRE” in 2024! This 2nd Mercury Retrograde started in Aries, but spent most of its time in Pisces, causing us to work through difficult emotions and examine the SOURCE of our passion, motivation, inspiration and strength. (reminder:)These things must come from something BIGGER, DEEPER & more POWERFUL than ourselves alone! It is then that we can rise again and again like a phoenix 🔥🪶
🪞✨Like & Follow my Facebook Page where all long form videos are uploaded & spiritual services can be booked!
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xtruss · 5 months
The 2024 Uber Lost & Found Index Reveals Bizarre Items Left behind By The Customers
— April 17, 2024 | Uber.Com | Written By Uber
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With Mercury in Retrograde, which astrologists say influences forgetfulness, we’re back with the eighth annual Uber Lost & Found Index – a snapshot of the most surprising and most popular items left behind in Ubers.
Over the last twelve months, items of clothing, luggage, headphones and wallets topped the list of most frequently forgotten belongings. But Uber riders didn’t just leave the usuals behind… in fact, folks forgot their frontal hair toupees, live turtles, trays of meat pie, tubs of surgical implants, and more. We saw a few new forgetfulness trends this year, too: Miami was the most forgetful city, red was the most lost color, 9pm and 10pm are when most folks report lost items, and January 21st was the most forgetful day.
Take a look at the full Lost & Found Index below, which includes step-by-step instructions on how to get help getting lost items back in the Uber app. Whether it’s your Beyoncé fold up fan or a whole smoked pork belly, we want to help you reunite with your prized possessions!
The 2024 Uber Lost & Found Index! The 10 Lost Commonly Forgotten Items:
Tablet or book
The 10 Most “Forgetful” Cities:
Miami, FL
Los Angeles, CA
Atlanta, GA
Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
Orlando, FL
Phoenix, AZ
Tampa Bay, FL
Denver, CO
Austin, TX
The 50 Most *Unique* Lost Items:
Frontal hair toupee
Hot sauce and a breathalyzer
I left a leaf in your car that’s much needed
Two containers with spiders in them
A Beyoncé fold up fan
A tray of meat pie
Ceramic cat
Jar of oysters
A personalized blanket with a picture of me and my dog
Small rat skeleton prop
Candle that says ‘See you in court’
A fake tooth / retainer (it’s a really small plastic piece with a fake tooth in it)
Gray tub of surgical implants
Police-grade handcuffs
My live pet animal turtle
Waist beads and a burrito steamer
I left expensive blueberries that are special that I need that the store is completely out of. There’s two packages that I absolutely need.
My girlfriend’s pregnant pills
Small box containing a gnome.
Standup paddleboard paddle
Painting from SeaWorld. It was wrapped up in a roll and I love it.
A playbill from the Spamalot show at the Kennedy Center
My robot
Benihana garlic butter
Contraceptive Plan B from Costco and a BaBylissPRO massager machine
A panic button
A spear and a furry fox tail
Taylor Swift autograph. Framed!!!!
Fart sensor
Bravo Con wristband
A #bestdayever foam sign
3 feathers
Fake butt
Poster of Hillary Clinton
Panty liner and 1000 bucks. That’s all I can remember
Some lotion or my thong
Meditation crystals
Undergarments, bread, pack of ham and mayo
Cardboard cut out panda
Street sign saying ‘She’s drunk’ and a picture frame
My father’s beard softener
Big sentimental carrying jug
Paternity test
WWE championship belt
Harry Potter wand engraved with name ‘Alexander’
Large sticker with a dancing cartoon cat that says ‘Spanky Fest’ on it
I might have left my garden fence in the trunk.
Jeep Liberty engine. Please call me
I lost my wizard woman
Three Japanese ceramic decorative cats – one gold, one black and one pink. All fist-sized.
Top 20 Forgotten Food Items:
Leftovers from Pizzeria Portofino. Soooo expensive.
A whole smoked pork belly
Cooler with meat
I left the ice cream cones in your car and was worried about it melting and making a mess
A nice cheese. Feel free to keep!
A pan of chicken spaghetti
Bucket of cookies
Benihana garlic butter
Mason jar with cilantro
Church cookies in the trunk
Green lettuce in a jar in your car
Fly ass burrito
Side of salmon
Tomatoes (Don’t need ‘em back, just a heads up so they don’t cook in your car!)
A tray of meat pie
I left my pizza in your car! I can’t believe I left it!
Bowl of meat is in your car! And i need it
I left some pasta in the back by accident. Feel free to have it! It was so yummy and I didn’t eat out of the plate. Thanks again!
Jar of oysters
Small container of valuable honey
2024 Lost & Found Trends:
Seeing Red: Lost an item and seeing red? Well, that should help, since the most popular color of lost items was red.
Keeping Cool with Crystals: Channeling your inner zen and manifesting more just got a little harder. Riders around the country lost a number of healing crystals, including purple Amethysts, green Aventurines and more.
Mini Cooper Movers: The top lost car keys were from Mini Cooper owners. They won’t be getting very far in their little cars!
What’s the WiFi: There was a significant number of wifi hotspots and mobile routers left behind this year. Is that why you dropped from the Zoom call?
Getting Sensical: It appears Uber riders are coming to their senses this year, or finding them rather. From dignity, to credibility and memory, riders reported emotional losses left behind.
Next Time, Take Your Board: Whether of sentimental value or brand spankin’ new, skateboarders forgot their #1 tool this year time and time again.
Most Forgetful Days/Times:
Remember 1/21: January 21st is the most forgetful day of the year, with the most lost items recorded.
Losing Hour: The most popular hours of the day lost items were reported were 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Not the ideal night time routine we see on TikTok, huh?
Lost Items That Peak On Certain Days:
People are most likely to forget luggage on Mondays.
People are most likely to forget headphones on Tuesdays.
People are most likely to forget wallets on Wednesdays.
People are most likely to forget jewelry on Thursdays.
People are most likely to forget phones on Fridays.
People are most likely to forget vapes on Saturdays.
People are most likely to forget clothing on Sundays.
If you’ve left something behind during a ride with Uber, look no further than this help page, which outlines the simple steps you can take to help you get a lost item returned to you.
The best way to retrieve a lost item is to call the driver – but if you leave your phone itself in an Uber, you can login
Open the Uber app and tap “Activity” on the bottom icon menu.
Select the trip on which you lost the item.
Scroll down to “Find lost item” in the Help section, and then “Contact driver about a lost item.”
Enter your phone number to call the driver.
If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet for its return to you.
If your driver doesn’t pick up, leave a detailed voicemail describing your item and the best way to contact you.
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patgtuning11 · 4 months
Mercury Retrograde Alert: What Arizonans Need to Know
Mercury Retrograde was out with the new astronomy-inspired product – Arizona – the perfect companion for a smooth wedding of cosmic energies and your personality. Finely crafted and ready to be your on-the-go-shield against the many chaotic effects caused by Mercury retrograde In Arizona, this unique bracelet is inspired by the celestial bodies.
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alyjojo · 10 months
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Love Reading 🌤️- December 2023 - Aquarius
Overall energy: 6 Swords
How you will meet: Page of Wands & The Star rev
How they will treat you: The Lovers
Long-term Potential: Queen of Swords
In the preshuffle, it looks like this person was an asshole and they’ve since apologized. The whole reading is saying “it’s up to you”, like this is about you, not them. They have every card of options, messages show monogamous, so they’re just unreliable. You’ve moved away from this before, or it’s known they have a penchant for running away, a very young or immature energy coming from them. Could be a Twin coming back around, not for everyone, for most it’s someone you dated loosely, if you even dated at all. Everything is new, pages, knights, The Fool, Ace of Cups. But you know them. There could be distance between you, if not literal than definitely emotional. You don’t seem to have any hope this is gonna work out, but they’re approaching you like they do. Long term is a wish come true for you, could be this person. You’re guarded and protective over a wish come true, this person could be everything you want, and you don’t trust it, sounds too good to be true 😆 I’m sure you have a reason, again there’s an immature/indulgent energy with this person. 9 Cups is happy all by themselves, you don’t “need” anyone, that’s what long term shows. So again it’s more about you and what you want, which is the most balanced & logical place for you to make a decision from - Queen of Swords.
Messages -
Their side:
- Monogamous
- Considerate
Your side:
- Really Tall
- I love the way you look at me.
Oracles -
Their side: THE RUNNER 🏃‍♂️
- Fear of Intimacy
- Running Away
- Intensity & Letting Go
- Turmoil & Fleeting
Your side: PHOENIX 🔥
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise From Ashes
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius, Gemini & Sagittarius, air heavy 🌬️
Overall energy: 4 Cups
Current: 8 Swords
Challenge: The World
How they feel about you: Strength
How you feel about them: 3 Swords & 5 Pentacles
Outcome: 10 Wands
Strange energy. There are outside people in this situation, either letting you down or you’re letting them down, I’m getting due to things outside of your control. The strongest vibe I’m getting from you is this 4 Cups card, arms crossed like hmph “I don’t even care”, because ultimately things could’ve been worse, and you’re having to “wait it out” in some way. There’s drama at the bottom, it seems like expectations from others vs. you doing what you’re going to do (have to do?) Repeated in the current energy is you not having a choice, you’re unable to leave or unable to be somewhere. Some of you could be dealing with travel delays or cancellations, hopefully not car trouble. Mercury goes retrograde December 13th through the beginning of January.
The challenge is putting the past to rest, something involving that may pop up in your life. Around the holidays, that can be anything, your family is included with the past, nostalgia, childhood, and this can be anything from old perceptions to old friends, to stories from the past that you’re not exactly proud of nor do you want to talk about now. How that resonates will differ across the board. Conflict at the bottom again, and your oracles both seem pretty positive so this has to be outside people or issues causing drama in your life, leading to this 4 Cups behavior of apathy & discontent, you’re both irritated by this.
They see you in a very positive light, Strength only comes out when it is necessary, and they see you as an incredibly strong person that’s acting appropriately in a difficult situation. A leader of sorts, taking the initiative to do the right thing or get everyone on board. You go back and forth between cooperating with others, even if you don’t really want to, could be family with a difficult history. Trying to keep the focus on happy occasions, friendship, cooperation. They show up as a grounding sort of energy, they probably help keep you centered through this difficult time, a very stable & encouraging energy coming from them.
Your feelings are pretty complicated, there’s an energy of 3, and outside people have been all over this already. You’re the one that’s upset, sad, feeling left out in the cold or tossed aside like no one cares, you could be forced to miss something and are made to feel like shit about it, other people could be starting drama and you’re the one leaving it behind because no thanks. You’re having to abandon something, even just plans, but you’re holding on to your person, who is coming up as King of Pentacles. They keep your head on straight when you want to scream it looks like, could be an earth sign. This could also be the problem person for some, a boss, authority figure, someone that’s not giving you time off or sending you to Alaska the week of a holiday, you could feel they’re a negative or stingy asshole, they could have some negative perceptions of life generally or act in a way that just puts you off - 9 Wands rev at the bottom shows you’re exhausted. Whether from work, holding it all together, or this person’s bs, if it’s a specific person. This can also relate to things breaking, not working out, needing repairs, some kind of financial crisis going on - out of your control. Scrambling for control, that’s what I’m hearing. Where there is none? In some cases. Relax 😌
Outcome through mid-January is feeling the pressure, it’s a heavy burden on your shoulders relating to 10 Cups. It looks like you’re cutting someone off, if there’s a particular person on some bs, you’re done dealing with them. Most of you are just trying to make the best of a bad situation. You have talking as an Oracle, and the lack of talking as your outcome due to Justice, you could be removing yourself from the group chat or something, declining meeting invites or quietly letting someone know they can fk off, you’re ultimately overwhelmed and exhausted with whatever this is, you can’t keep dealing with it, and you have your partner’s support. It’s also possible to “rise above” this and come to some sort of fair agreement, if you/they haven’t been talking or didn’t care before, maybe they are now. Justice will play out in this situation one way or another, it depends on you, there will be balance, even if that’s cutting out the problem, or a person. This may also show karmic or legal Justice, if this person is someone at work or again - out of your control. Let Spirit handle it.
Messages -
Their side:
- No Hard Feelings
- Makes You Laugh 😆
Your side:
- You mean the world to me! 🌎
- You are my best friend.
Oracles -
Their side: GROUNDING 🪨
- Stability & Security
- Performance
- Growth & Endurance
Your side: TALKING 🗣️
- Interested
- Awaiting Messages
- Text, Calls, Email
- Talking More
Signs you may be dealing with:
Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo & Libra, heavy earth 🌳
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of june 11th, 2023
aries: a quiet week... unless, perhaps, you are prone to gossip. then you get a juicy one, or else you become the subject of it. maybe that suits you, though. sometimes it is good that people should talk.
taurus: in terms of your resources it is a great week, value of all kinds is flowing. the key is to not hoard, the key is to flow. in otherwise it is a broadly auspicious yet somewhat confusing period, as you begin to slip more out of your element for a while and with plenty of power dynamics shifting.
gemini: the quality of the time is very mercurial, very fluid without being watery, and it suits you well if you're really out there in the world using it. but it won't do to be sat too still and quiet, even if someone is trying to shut you up.
cancerians: this week's new moon is a dark night of the soul and/or a refresh new start as though you've been reincarnated like a phoenix. certainly these are not mutually exclusive. all that happens is for you more than it is to you. set honest intentions, and believe in miracles if that's what it will take.
leo: if the last couple weeks were rough, even in only certain ways, it should ease off this week. temporarily and slightly, but probably a welcome reprieve. take the opportunity to live as venusian as possible.
virgo: for virgoans on the fence about whether their stronger ruling planet is mercury or if it is ceres, this is a great week to check. ceres-ruled virgos should have a pretty easy time, with maybe a little relationship turbulence. mercury-ruled virgos would have a more hectic prognosis, not inherently bad but with many ups and downs.
libra: a new moon in gemini this week is a good opportunity to set intentions around your education, spirituality, and/or foreign or long distance travel. meanwhile it's a less-great time for romance and intimacy.
scorpio: the tones are less plutonic than they have been, so many around you will think things are going back to "normal" but you know that there is no such thing. if there ever was it's gone forever now. and maybe that frazzles your nerves or maybe it doesn't, but you're born to thrive in these circumstances either way.
sagittarius: your week is big mutable vibes, which at least will be easy for you to relate to. the new moon in gemini is a fresh start in your partnerships/relationships. which is sometimes good and sometimes not - depends on how you've been doing there!
capricorn: it's a week of tectonic mutability, much of which involves your ruling planet saturn. toothaches and joint pains are likely in your forecast, and then a new moon in gemini provides an opportunity to reset any habits that don't serve you, or personality traits you would like to tweak.
aquarius: everything that happens to you now is like a little tap on the shoulder. it's subtle enough that, if you are a bit distracted, you might not notice it. but it all means something, so it is good to try to listen.
pisces: saturn takes a little retrograde in your sign, but not before it is squared by mercury. it's hard to focus. actually maybe everything is hard. in many ways you are not of this world, but these things pull you back down onto it. give yourself little mini-escapes, so that you do not feel buried alive.
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trippybelle1 · 6 years
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A lot of of very intense energy & transformation for those of us with Mercury in Scorpio. ♏️🔮🖤 Stay strong y’all & remember Venus is still Retrograde!
One a good note this is what to expect out of Scorpio Season! Expect Passion, sensuality, talent, creativity, emotional revelations, unexpected motivation, bliss, peace, time with loved one and miracles and breakthroughs.
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jenniferstit · 2 years
Who Are You Becoming? PAC
with the first round of eclipses closing out, i thought it would be nice to do a pac reading abt transformation. the last 6 weeks have been pretty heavy for everyone energetically, esp with mercury also going into retrograde. but with the first post-eclipse new moon on may 30 and mercury going direct shortly after on june 2, things will be feeling a lot lighter. this reading is timeless, but the information may highlight what you were experiencing during the eclipses… and what changes to look forward to for the next 6 months up to a year.
pick a phoenix:
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Pile One:
this group is full of go-getters. you are becoming someone is who fully dedicated to their mission. there’s a 2H/10H energy here… finances and career are your primary focus and you’re in relentless pursuit of manifesting your dream career. i feel that your career is closely tied to your soul purpose, which is why you feel a such sense of urgency. unlike most, your goals are clear & you are not afraid to put in the necessary work. you’re being called to change your perception. every time you try something and it doesn’t work out, remember that you’re one step closer towards figuring out what DOES work. manifesting a dream is a process… a process filled with failure, missteps and do-overs. but the lesson is that you learn to pivot each time and perfect whatever it is that you do. figuring out what works for you is what’s most important here, don’t subscribe to anything else. you are becoming someone who moves on with ease… sticky situations of the past (esp matters of the heart) don’t become attached to your sense of self. you apply the wisdom you gained from these situations and you keep moving. your sense of self-worth is more fortified than ever before, you move with a graceful confidence that is easily felt by others. only you can see your greatest potential and that’s something that excites you, because you can’t wait for the rest of the world to catch up.
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Pile Two:
this is my strong & independent group. you are becoming someone fiercely dedicated to personal development. you detest the stereotype that you need a romantic partnership in order to feel whole or, even more simply, for life to be exciting. you’ve been plagued with inconsistency inside relationships, which has caused you to see relationships for what they really are. connections of any kind are not idyllic, they are a constant commitment, the quality of said commitment being a reflection of the individuals inside it. you can’t have a quality relationship with everyone… you realize that now. you’re understanding that you can be choosy with whom you love, no one is entitled to your affection or care… not even if they show a tremendous amount of interest. you understand now that high interest is not an indicator of a stable relationship, neither is compatibility to be frank. you’ve let relationships in the past impact your ability to show up for yourself, specifically when it comes to work/career, but that’s over now. you are determined to take control of your own destiny and that confident determination is exactly what is taking you to precisely where you want to be.
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Pile Three:
you are becoming an expert at using your discernment. you can see how things will transpire before they happen which is why you know where to invest your energy. you are embodying empress/queen of wands energy. you are becoming someone who sits and waits (attracts) as opposed to someone who chases. loa or manifestation could be relevant or important to you at this time. you plant your seeds, continuously water them, and then watch them grow. in the past you were someone who over-identified with struggle culture and a capitalistic “grind mentality.” but you’ve moved on from that bc you realized that anything worth having shouldn’t cause you so much distress, anxiety, & panic. some things really just take time and hard work is not always a reflection of effort (i.e. working smarter not harder). others notice this about you too. you have a strong creative energy that impresses people. people really believe that you will do exactly what you set out to do. it’s both inspiring and enraging. your creative energy is envied by others around you, so make sure you are protected. your belief system is arguably the most powerful thing about you bc you have such a high degree of self-trust and/or confidence (i’m hearing “for your age,” some of you could be younger like teens-20s)…. some people never even get where you already are in their entire lifetimes. keep ascending.
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want more readings? tiktok: @yinz_yang ☯️
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