#mercy76 fanfic
roguefoxpaws · 6 years
Finally! After taking a much-needed break to get some ideas and make it through the holidays, I have Chapter 5 posted of my Mercy76 project I’m writing!
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the-germanic-coenus · 5 years
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Well that reference was friggin awesome
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imlostinatunnel · 7 years
Candy Canes
Casual Christmas fluff! Merry Christmas, you wonderful people you!
Jack was not a man built for stealth, but when necessary he could call upon an earlier time in his life, a time where he was trained in such techniques. His objective was just across the room. In and out, he thought to himself. No time for games.
But this was far from a game, possibly one of the most important assignments of his career. He brushed the thought away. No time for that kind of pressure when his objective was in his reach.
The lights came to life and a thin, familiar figure stood under the archway leading into the kitchen. “And just what do you think you’re doing, Mr. Grinch?”
Jack turned, meeting the stern face and posture of Angela with her arms crossed and foot tapping the floor. He waited, hoping it was a rhetorical question. Her silence and constant eye contact said otherwise. “I was just. You know. Doing kitchen stuff?”
“You were trying to sneak another candy cane, weren’t you?”
“Of course not! There are plenty of other things I do in the kitchen you know.”
Angela’s face remained unchanged.
“Fine, yes! You caught me.”
Walking toward him, Angela plucked the cane from his hand. She placed it back into the bowl he snuck it out from. “You have eaten more than your fair share of these, Jack.”
“Oh come on. I’ve only eaten three, maybe four?”
“Try sixteen. In two days. It’s my turn for a couple.”
He took a moment to process the number. “Okay, so I was a little off.”
“I’m no dentist, but too many of these can be bad for your mouth and teeth.” She unwrapped a candy cane that had a similar pattern to her holiday sweater. A majority of red with white stripes that spiraled around the cane. In Jack’s opinion, the pattern looked better on her than the candy cane. “I tend to kiss the lips attached to that mouth, you know. I’d like it to stay healthy,” she said, playfully nibbling and licking the tip of the cane.
“I’d like to think I’d know that. I was there a couple of times for it.”
Angela smirked. “At least a couple. Come on, you’re gonna help me wrap a few gifts for our friends.” She latched the hooked end of the cane onto Jack’s shirt collar and lightly pulled him out of the kitchen with her.
The bedroom was a mess. Wrapping paper was scattered all over the floor with pieces of tape mixed in. The gifts that she did manage to wrap looked to be on the verge of falling apart. Angela continued to bite down on her candy cane, only about half way through with it.
“Weren’t you a surgeon, better yet a head surgeon? I thought you were good with your hands,” Jack said.
“Hey, the cuts in the paper are cleaner than the sanitary rooms I operated in.”
Jack picked up a piece of discarded wrapping paper and un-balled it. Sure enough the cuts were clean and angled at a perfect ninety degrees. “Good lord. I can’t cut a smooth line like this to save my life.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve had to wrap anything,” she said.
“Well, I can show you a thing or two in the art of gift wrapping.”
“Oh, this is an art now?”
“Angela, you are looking at the second place finalist for speed-gift wrapping in the back in Indiana.”
“Who’s the first?”
“My mother.”
Angela giggled, reaching the hooked end of the candy cane. “I think one demonstration will do,” she said, handing him a box to wrap.
Jack opened one of the flaps to have a peek. Inside was an over-sized glass mug hidden in miniature styrofoam peanuts. He flicked the side with his finger nail and listened to the ring slowly fade away. On the thick glass, no, inside the glass held the laser-engraving of a slightly 3-D crusader in full armor, proudly holding a banner sporting their motto. Unfortunately, Jack was a bit rusty on his German. “For Reinhardt, I’m guessing?”
“Think he’ll like it?”
“I think you might want to prepare for one of his infamous bear hugs. I didn’t think these could be found anymore.”
“It took me half a year to track one down. Be gentle when wrapping it.”
“Yes, ma’am. Wrapping paper, please?”
Angela cut him a fresh sheet of paper. A perfect rectangle.
“That is still impressive,” he said. “Ok, so the rick is keeping the paper tight on the edges and keeping the creases smooth. You take these two ends and fold them like this...”
Angela swore she only blinked once, maybe twice. It looked like he flipped it over and the paper magically wrapped around the box.
“... And tah-dah! For added measure, you can tape down the sides.”
Angela crunched down on the last of her cane. “Right, any chance you can do that again at a speed visible to the human eye? Actually, why don’t I cut and you wrap?”
“Will I get a candy cane afterwards?”
“Maybe something a little sweeter than a candy cane.” She gave him a wink. “Until then, get Fareeha’s gift ready.”
“We decided that was the pirate gear set, right?”
“Yeah. Ana told me she is still going through her pirate-phase. She said she won’t stop shouting ‘Avast ye!’” She snipped the rectangle out of the roll of paper and handed it to Jack. She watched as he had it wrapped perfectly in but a few seconds. Seeing is believing, but she was still working on the believing part.
Jack and Angela sat among the wrapped gifts for their friends. Jack spun a tiny wreath between his hands. Its lights flickered in its pre-set pattern to perpetually spiral around the wreath. Angela sat against the bed, stacking some of the smaller gifts.
Jack set the wreath on her head, putting her pony-tail through the hole.
“And what’s this for?” she asked.
“Every angel should have a halo, right?”
“God, Jack. You are so cheesy.”
“Would you love me if I wasn’t?”
“Now who said I loved you?” She re-adjusted her ‘halo’.
“You did. About fifteen times a couple nights ago. I’m sure the neighbors can vouch for me. They must have heard it.”
“Oh stop it, you!” she giggled. She gave him a light shove.
“I still want my candy cane,” Jack said.
“Well you got to do one thing.” She stood up, hands on her hips. “You have to unwrap her first.” She enjoyed Jack’s pause before jumping to action. “See if you can get her to sixteen this time.”
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sapphireangelbunny · 7 years
Does anyone one know a good Mercy76 fanfic?
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captainjetrocketboy · 7 years
Cast Some Light [Mercy 76 Fanfic] Chapter 6&7
You’ll Be Alright
That’s all he could feel. His head was throbbing, so much so that he thought it would explode. His muscles were sore, and he couldn’t bring himself to stand up. He tried calling for help, against his better judgment, but he couldn’t release any words from his mouth.
The thought of her passed his mind, and gave him the energy boost he desperately needed. He once again tried pushing himself up on his shaky arms from the cold, hard floor of the practice range. He needed to be strong. For her sake.
With an audible groan, the soldier steadied himself on his two legs, unconsciously rubbing the back of his head where Reaper’s shotgun made contact. He desperately tried to assess the situation in a logical manner, but the fear and dread of what they’re going to do – or are doing – to his Angela are clouding his thoughts. Acting on a whim with no concern for his injury, 76 swiftly grabbed his rifle from the floor and began to sprint to his room. ‘You have to find her’ was the mantra that repeated in his head. He didn’t exactly know how yet, but he had to act now. He wouldn’t admit it openly, but he feared what will happen if he isn’t fast enough.
That’s all she could feel. Her head felt hazy, as if she woke up from a bad sleep. Her neck was sore, and she could feel a small scar where the dart pierced her skin.
The floor was rough, and cold as ice. The room she in was almost completely dark, only illuminated by a few construction work lights. Her body felt numb, and she couldn’t bring herself to sit up, let alone stand. When she attempted to lift herself on her arms, she let out a painful groan, falling straight down onto the hard surface.
She let out a raspy call for help, desperately hoping that someone would hear her. But she knew that wasn’t likely. She doesn’t know where she is, and she’s afraid to acknowledge that no one is around to save her. She could only hope that her soldier would somehow find a way to rescue her.
She was alone, and she could only wait for what’s to come.
Soldier 76 burst into his living quarters, and hastily began to gather supplies. Biotic emitters, pulse ammo, a spare pistol, and most importantly, his tactical mask. Bringing the visor close to his face, it quickly attached with a puff of pneumatic air. He then stuffed the ammo capsules into his leather pouches before briskly wrapping the belt around his waist. He attached the emitters to an extra bandolier, as well. Paying no mind to the evident mess that was just created, 76 exited the room and ran as fast as his legs could carry him.
He was almost to the dropship bay when his eyes caught sight of Torbjorn’s workshop in his peripherals. His mind began to formulate an idea, and he came to a sudden stop, his boots skidding on the smooth floor. Dismissing the idea that he was essentially invading the engineer’s private space, his eyes darted from pieces of scrap metal to various devices before landing on the contraption that he instantly recognized. Angela’s Caduceus staff was laid on a wooden desk, seemingly untouched. The soldier picked it up, then proceeded to insert it between his back and bandolier, where the staff stayed tightly in place.
Resuming his sprint, he wasn’t quite sure what bringing Angela’s staff would do for him. Hell, he didn’t even know if the damn thing worked. But he had this feeling that it could be potentially useful, whether as a weapon or a tool. Either way, he’s made up his mind and wouldn’t go on without it.
Entering the massive hangar where the Overwatch dropships were kept, 76 was thankful that they had more than one ship. The others were still gone, and he had assumed that they’d taken a dropship to travel to wherever their mission was. His suspicions were confirmed when he could only see one other dropship still present. He considered waiting for the rest of the team to come back –  safety in numbers and all that – but again 76 was afraid to lose precious time.
Like a mad bull, Soldier 76 hastily made his way into the only other dropship where he was met with a perplexing thought. Gazing at the holographic globe present in his sight, he could feel his heart beat furiously when the realization struck him.
He had no idea where to go.
76 was so lost in his fear that he hadn’t even considered thinking of a solid plan. Such temerarious actions were now coming back to sting him.
‘Shit! Now what? I-I don’t even know where to look for you…’ The anger the soldier was feeling made way for a heavy sorrow that weighed on his entire body. He collapsed to his knees on the floor of the dropship, then pushed his rifle to the side as tears began to steadily flow through his blue orbs. The adrenaline that surged through him was the only thing keeping the man from falling apart, but it quickly dissipated as he was met with a roadblock. Normally these kinds of emotions were kept away, never to be seen by the light of day. Terror. Misery. Heartbreak. But the absence of anyone’s presence made him think that it was okay to release some of it out.
What felt like hours passed by before a beeping sound caught the soldier’s attention. He lifted his head up to see blinking lights radiating off the globe. He recognized the familiar line that began to dance around the hologram. It was purple instead of blue, though. Eventually, it landed on a peculiar location. One that he happened to be well acquainted with.
A pin extended from the globe, as well as a name that translated to: Giza.
The engines of the dropship suddenly roared to life as the aircraft rumbled and began to hover. In any other circumstance, Soldier 76 would have questioned the convenience of the coordinates entering themselves in. But if there was even a chance that this ship was going to take him to where he needed to be, then he had no questions to ask.
The man quickly gathered himself together then sprinted up to the front seats of the ship, where he allowed the aircraft to take him away.
‘Hang in there Angela. I’m coming for you.’
Angela had no choice but to pace around in her prison. That didn’t stop her from making small observations of her environment.
‘Sand. There’s a lot of sand in this makeshift cell. Metal bars. They’re covering the two visible exits. Shafts of cold steel keeping me in here. They aren’t quite secured into the ground, but I’m not strong enough to pull them out myself.’
And she also noticed quite possibly the most out of place thing in this cell. Well, she wouldn’t say it’s a thing. Rather, it’s a person. A woman, too. She was unconscious and lied face down, and Angela wanted to check her pulse or breathing to see if she was still alive. Before she could though, a pair of clawed hands violently grasped the metal bars. The loud sound startled her, and made her jump back towards the nearest column.
“Look who’s awake. Glad to see you up.” The slow and raspy voice was instantly recognized by Angela.
“Reaper,” she spat out.
The ghastly man let out a menacing laugh. “Ah, so you remember me. Are you comfortable in there?”
She didn’t respond, and tried her hardest not to make eye contact.
“Well, don’t worry. You won’t be in there for much longer. That I can promise you, Angela.”
The mention of her name made her heart race, but she wouldn’t be able to think much else of it. From the corner of her eye, she could see the black figure pull out a gun from behind his coat. But this wasn’t your typical gun; there were three blue prongs at the front, with a big yellow circle encompassing the barrel.
Those were the last things she saw before another dart pierced her forearm. Almost immediately, she felt her eyes become heavy. Her legs quickly gave out, and she hit the rough ground face first. Her mind began to slip back into darkness, but not before she could hear the fear-inducing cackle of her captor.
The flight over to Giza was a long and agonizing one for Soldier 76. The thrusters reached their maximum speed a while ago, but time couldn’t pass any slower. Fear was constantly at the front of the man’s head, hoping that it wasn’t too late to save her. He sat at the edge of his seat, legs bouncing and hands tightly clutching the smooth but worn surface of his rifle. 76 tried to focus on the clouds in the night sky passing by the dropship’s hull to try and relax, but the concern still poked at his mind.
‘C’mon you damn thing. Move faster!’
Suddenly, the soldier noticed the glimmer of the moon’s shine on a glossy surface. The familiar sight of the Temple was welcomed, and a brief wave of relief passed through his body. He knew immediately he had finally made it. As if he needed any more confirmation, the dropship began to slow down and descend towards the surface. The landing sequence took place right outside the stone walls of the town. Sand was blown around as the massive aircraft contacted with the desert ground. Soldier 76 sprang up from the chair he sat on and sprinted to the hatch doors. As soon as they completely opened, he bolted outside into the cold desert air.
In the near distance, an abandoned transporter truck menacingly towered over the soldier. He hastily sprinted closer towards it, noticing some surrounding construction scaffolding, as well. They were no match for the enhanced maneuvers of the man, as he easily jumped over them with no problem. Soon enough, the arches of the wall gateway passed overhead and Soldier 76 found himself in the town market, devoid of any other people.
At least, that’s what he thought until he made his way to the entrance of the Temple of Anubis. There, even under the dim light of the moon, he could see the black garbed figure of his old comrade. He stood at the top of the steps with confidence, as if he was waiting for 76 to arrive.
“Reaper,” Soldier hissed under his breath, coming to a stop. His heart pounded both from the run and the tension he could feel between them.
“Took you long enough. That dropship of yours couldn’t move any faster?” Reaper maintained the slow raspy tone, his arms crossed and head tilted upwards.
Soldier 76 didn’t have the patience to deal with this. “Cut the bullshit. I know you know why I’m here, and you are not going to get in my way.”
“Heh. Getting right into it, eh Jack? You haven’t changed a bit.”
Without warning, Reaper quickly drew an unfamiliar gun from under his coat. A dart flew out and was aimed right towards 76. It would’ve pierced into the soldier’s chest had it not been for his heightened reflexes. A helix rocket was launched as the distance between the fighting men began to close. Reaper jumped back to dodge the incoming missile, and made a near audible growl as he began to sprint backwards. 76 followed in pursuit. Soldier knew how this battle needed to end. It was only a matter of doing it that would be the hard part.
Now atop the small bridge leading into the Temple, Reaper swiftly summoned his two signature shotguns, and skidded his boots on the stone as he shifted direction. A barrage of bullets sprayed down the path, with some of them grazing 76. The soldier rolled into cover, hastily opened a biotic field and smashed it into the sandy ground. As soon as his minor injuries healed, 76 poked around the corner and fired a couple shots at the shadowy figure. He too then moved into cover.
The equal strength and tactical prowess of both former commanders would inevitably drag this fight on for an extensive amount of time. Time that 76 was afraid he didn’t have. There had to be some way to turn the tide in his favor…
Suddenly Soldier 76 realized that he might have just the thing. Angela’s staff. The thing was miraculously still strapped to his back despite all his running. Removing the staff from between his back and his bandolier, it took him a moment to figure out how to do what he wanted to do. He could hear the heavy steps of Reaper closing in. He had to act fast.
‘Okay, Jack. You’ve been in countless missions with Angela. This shouldn’t be a problem.’ 76 thought as he took out a spare handkerchief and tied it around the button that would activate the staff’s damage boosting power. Sure enough, the soldier’s ingenuity paid off as a stream of blue nanobots surged through the staff and tethered to his body. Jabbing the device upright into the sand, 76 jumped out of his cover and prepared to aim right at a charging Reaper.
“I’ve got you in my sights.” Soldier 76 wasted no time and fired a flurry of helix rockets, small bolts of electricity escaping the barrel of his gun. Reaper was caught off guard, and was knocked down by the explosive knock-back and damage of the rockets. Before Soldier could finish him off, Reaper reverted to his wraith form and flew away.
If he wasn’t still looking for Angela, Jack would have called Reyes a coward for running away again.
But right now, while he had a moment of respite, he seized the opportunity and pressed on his search. Turning around, 76 removed Angela’s Caduceus staff from the sand and untied the handkerchief. Placing it back between his bandolier, he approached the official entrance of the Temple of Anubis, where he was met with a crude makeshift prison. Glancing between the scrap pieces of metal, he instantly recognized the slouched silhouette of his lover.
“Angela!” the soldier cried as he was met with an intense feeling of relief. As he leaned his rifle on the wall behind him, a desperate 76 attempted to tear the metal scraps out of the ground.
“Jack?” Angela’s voice was low and was heavy with fatigue. “Oh, Jack!”
His sheer strength was enough to rip a couple bars out before he stumbled down the steps and to the one person he cared about most.
“My god, Angela, are you okay?” Although she wouldn’t be able to see it, tears began streaming down the man’s war torn face. “I-I was so worried about you.”
Angela was enveloped in the soldier’s warm strong arms. She wrapped hers around his neck, returning the much-welcomed embrace. “Me too. I thought this was it for me.”
“You know I wouldn’t let that happen. Not now, and not ever.”
The two just remained in silence. They had been through a lot today, and they both knew that they needed a moment of solace.
After a few minutes in each other’s arms, 76 finally spoke up. “We should get you out of here. The dropship’s right outside the town walls.”
Without saying anything, Angela acquiesced and attempted to stand.
“Can you walk? Here, let me help you.”
“W-wait, we should also take…” Before Angela could finish her sentence, she saw that there was nobody else in her cell.
“Take what, Angel?”
But, she was sure that… “N-Nothing. Let’s go…”
The two began to make their way back when a dark mist passed by their feet. “W-What was that?” Angela croaked.
76 knew exactly what it was. Or rather, who it was. Reaper returned and materialized back into his tangible form. “Stay back, Reaper. You don’t want to do this.”
The lack of a response only made 76 more apprehensive of what lengths the garbed man is willing to go to. Reaper took a step forward, shotguns in hands, and visibly clenched them in anger.
“Angela, stay here. I’ll take care of this.” The soldier helped Angela to lean on a nearby stone pillar before slowly approaching Reaper. To his annoyance, 76 realized he had left his rifle right outside Angela’s prison. He didn’t want to risk anything by going for it, so instead he drew his spare pistol and took aim at his former friend.
They stood there silent for a brief second before Soldier took the first shot. It landed directly in Reaper’s chest, but he only laughed as more black smoke encircled the figure. 76’s heart sank as he realized what Reaper intended to do.
In a blur of motion, Reaper emptied both his shotguns in a bombardment of bullets. Soldier 76 attempted to get out of the way, but was unable to before several of them entered his body.
He collapsed to the ground as he felt his conscience slip away steadily.
“NO!” 76 could barely hear Angela’s terror-filled scream as his eyelids became heavy with darkness.
“Both of your suffering isn’t over yet. I’m still coming for you, Angela!” Reaper shouted at the top of his lungs as he towered over the near dead corpse of the soldier.  “Just you wait and see!”
Before she could respond, Reaper turned back into his wraith form and disappeared into the night. Her heart was left broken, and she made haste for Jack. “Jack?! No, no, y-you can’t die now. Not like this…”
“I’m sorry Angela. I-I should have… should have seen that coming…”
“I… love you, Angela… Don’t think for a second that… that this is going to change that fact.”
Even with his visor still on, Angela knew that the man she loved had taken his last breath. And it was her fault. She wasn’t stupid. She had a feeling that this conflict between the three of them had something to do with her. If it wasn’t, then why hadn’t Reaper just killed her instead of keeping her locked up?
Her tears had been almost run dry before she realized something. Beneath the lifeless body of Jack, was something she was well familiar with.
Her Caduceus Staff.
How had she not realized this before? She blamed her previous grogginess and fatigue on that one. Removing the device from under the fallen soldier, she was thankful that he was smart enough to bring it along with him. Whether it was for this reason, she did not know completely, but was grateful nonetheless.
Grasping her staff in both hands, she raised it skyward and released a surge of restorative biotic energy.
“Heroes never die!”
The yellow glow emanated from Angela surrounded Soldier 76 as it brought life back into the man. 76 gasped as his eyes shot open. They wandered and darted, but eventually met a set of blue eyes. The corners of his mouth perked up.
“I knew you could do it, Angel.”
Angela couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh despite her tear-stained face. “Welcome back to the land of the living, my love.”
The coordinates for the Overwatch Headquarters had been set, and the dropship was on autopilot back home.
“Feeling okay?” Angela said as Jack had an arm wrapped around her shoulders.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” Jack let out an exasperated chuckle, before properly responding. “But, I’ll tell you this: I’ll never get used to that feeling.”
Angela could help but smile. Jack’s positive attitude, despite all the shit that went down, was quite contagious. “I get that a lot. You should just try not to do that often. I don’t think my heart can take it.”
“Well, let me take a listen.” He leaned down to Angela’s chest and listened intently to the beat of her healthy heart. “It sounds quite fine to me.”
“Jack, I’m serious about this.” Angela’s words greatly contrasted with her smirk and laughing.
Jack lifted his head up and made eye contact. He was awfully close to Angela’s face. “I know, and I’m sorry I made you worry, Angel. I promise to not die again.” He began to lean in for a kiss, and she met him halfway.
For a moment, she was happy. She was happy that Jack could save her. She was happy that they could have another chance at this. And yet, she had plenty of questions still. But not all of them did she want answers to. Who was that mysterious woman with her in that prison? Where had she gone? Where had Reaper gone? What did he mean by what he said?
She supposed only time will tell, but for now, all she could do was try to be happy.
“But I mean, if it does happen again, you’ll bring me back, right?”
And with Jack, she knew that being happy wouldn’t be hard.
Whoops. This wasn’t supposed to take more than a year to finish. Guess a married life will do that to you.
Anyway, here are the last two chapters combined into one for this series. Think it is as an apology gift for taking so long to do this. :P
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pviane · 7 years
WARMTH – [Mercy76]
Some month ago I opened some SFM and fanfic slots for requests.
While I was able to complete all the SFM I never got around to finish the fanfics.
The only one I managed to write down is this one for @mythicvelocity​
Her prompt was: You should do a one shot where jack lets Angela wear his 76 jacket XD I JUST LOVVEE mercy76 fluff
I hope you all enjoy this!
He was sprinting through the empty streets, jumping from cover to cover. The scouting mission was taking too long and Soldier: 76 was starting to get nervous. The ghost town of Eichenwalde was just too silent for his taste. A faint sound broke the silence and a graceful figure landed right behind him.
“Right beside y...”
He cut her short.
“Hush, Mercy!” He whispered.
“What’s wrong, Soldier: 76?” she asked, lowering her voice.
“I don’t like this silence, there’s something odd about it!” he replied, peeking behind the Omnic wreck they were using for cover.
So far, the only souls in that village were the two Overwatch agents, sent there to recon the town for a full-scale mission to retrieve Balderich’s old armor and the useful data stored in it. Soldier: 76 alone volunteered to go and for some reason Mercy insisted in joining him.
He was not happy with that. Not that he disliked her company. In his past life as Jack Morrison, he used to find any excuse to be alone with her. Those were the best moments of his day. Just having a moment with her was like being in heaven. She was his angel. That was before all went to hell. Before he had to become a renegade to find the ones responsible for the fall of Overwatch. Now her being beside him only exposed her to more danger, and he could not stomach the thought of her being hurt. Especially because of him.
“I see no dangers around here. We are alone!”
Mercy’s voice broke his concentration. He turned back at her.
“The fact that you don’t see doesn’t mean it’s not there!” he replied.
“Is you say so?” She commented, raising her eyebrow “Do you know what else I don’t see? Our ride home!”
She was right. The dropship was nowhere to be found. Lena should have brought it there by now.
“76 to Tracer. Where is our Evac? Over.”
Nothing came from the comms. The new Overwatch satellite network was working erratically in the last few weeks.
“This is Soldier: 76 to all points. We are waiting Evac at Eichenwalde, does anyone read?”
After a while a male voice responded, muffled by gunfire sounds.
“Winston here. We hear you 76. We are currently engaged in Numbing. We will pick you up once we wrap things down here. Two, three hours tops. Hang in there!”
76 grunted shutting down the intercom built into his mask.
Mercy closed in, anxious to hear news.
“Are they coming?” she asked
“Not right now. We are on our own for a couple of hours. Let us move. It’s getting dark and I believe a storm is coming.” He responded looking at the threatening black clouds hanging over the houses.
He left his cover and moved ahead down the village. Mercy was right with him, running with a surprising ease on her heeled boots, wielding her caduceus stuff at the ready.
Most of the buildings were damaged by the ferocious battle fought there during the Omnic Crisis and thirty years of neglect had left them rather unsafe. 76 wanted to find a place safe for him and Angela with a ceiling that will not come crashing down on them.
A thunder cracked, startling Mercy. They needed to find shelter fast.
The rain started to pour on them and soon intensified.
Stopping near a water-filled a crater behind a large Omnic tank 76 noticed a large building with banners on front, white and blue striped window blinds, and a large blue sign with weathered golden letters: BRAUEREI MITTAGSKRUG. The door was still intact so maybe it was safe enough. 76 looked at Angela, nodding in the direction of the door. She understood and both sprinted towards it. After 76 pried the door open and Mercy entered immediately, followed by her masked companion.
 The inside of the building was dark and moist. Water was pouring down from some openings in the roof. Behind the entrance there was a single, large, room. It was difficult to see what was there in the dimming light of the dusk, so both agents turned on their flashlights. Splitting up they explored the main room, scanning in all direction with their beams of light.
It was some kind of tavern or bar, as 76 imagined looking at the counter and the broken table he immediately came across on the left side. Reaching the end of the hall, he noticed a staircase and moved to check the upper level. Before climbing the stairs, however, he checked on Mercy. She was surveying the right side of the room, and was indulging on a couple of large Brew kettles. She turned to face him, as if she knew he was looking at her.
“I think this was a brewery. Look” she said pointing at the large, rusting metal containers.
“I guess so. This is a German town after all.” He commented, “Listen, I’m going to check upstairs. You stay put!”
Hearing his words Mercy’s hands clenched around her Caduceus Blaster and she crossed the hall to get at his side.
“I’m coming with you!”
“No. It’s not necessary.” He answered.
Something of her immediately caught his attention. Although she tried to hide it, she was definitely trembling from head to toe. The mechanical parts of her wings were giving a worrying rattling noise too.
She was wet and cold, or scared. Probably all of the above. He hated seeing such a strong and determined woman rattling in front of him. Sighing he reached for the zip of his jacked and undid it. Slowly he removed his suspenders, the armband with the biotic canisters and finally the jacket, which he put on Angela’s shoulders. It was a heavy leather jacket; it would have protected her form cold.
“What are you doing?” she asked, surprised by his caring gesture.
“Protecting you from hypothermia. Now wait for me, It shouldn’t take long.” He answered before moving up the stairs.
 There she was, alone and cold, with only a flashlight to cast the darkness away. Fears and thoughts crowded her mind as 76’s steps faded away.
Why this happens every time?
Why do they left her alone?
Why does she always had to fend for herself?
It did not matter why. Right now, she had to stay focused and find a solution to her problems. Light, heat and maybe food. She wandered about to search for a solution for each one.
All food there was probably spoiled she though closing in on the bar counter. That brewery must have been a very nice place before the war. So full of people drinking, eating, singing and having a good time together. She smiled, wandering about the past luster of the place, and land her hand on the counter. There was something odd about it, like the surface wasn’t completely smooth. She pointer her flashlight to the point where she felt that and found a name carved in the wood.
She smiled, remembering the old times with her old German friend. Reinhardt enjoyed Oktoberfest so much he dragged her to Stuttgart one time and convinced her to wear in a dirndl. Somehow, a photo of that occasion ended up in Strike-Commander Morrison’s hands. He was so impressed that he insisted to go with them next year. Unfortunately, he never had the chance.
“Jack” she murmured, wrapping her arms around her body.
The jacket was very warm and Angela felt a little better thanks to the heat it provided.
Of all the heroes of the new Overwatch, Soldier: 76 was the one that always had an eye on her. Even though he was always sprinting forward into the heat of battle, he was right at her side every time she requested for help. If she were under fire, he would rush at her side, deploy his biotic canisters (which he probably stole, from her supplies) and take care of the threat. It was as if deep down, behind all the bravado and the grumpiness, he was a gentle and caring soul, always caring about the others’ safety above its own.
She shook her head, regaining her senses. She needed to get her head back in the game. The small torch on her gun was not going to be enough so she continued searching for a new source of illumination. She moved away from the counter and headed towards one of the last standing tables in the beer hall. She was some equipment on it. Maybe something there could help her. Inspecting the table closer she saw some sort of electronic device. Cleaning some dirt from it, she managed to find the ON switch and pressed it. In a moment, the whole table lit up. It was a holomap of the area, with Bundeswher and Omnic position Highlighted around Stuttgart and Eichenwalde. She felt a shiver running up her spine. That was not a common brewery. It was the brewery where the Crusaders planned their last stand against the omnics. She was standing in a place where the Crusaders made history.
She could not believe it. She was excited and humbled at the same time. He had heard stories of that place; she never thought she would see it. Shyly she tucked her head in the Jacket, holding the flaps up with her hands, resting her elbows against her chest. Then she felt something strange. There was something pushing against her, right near her heart. She lifted the left flap and looked at the inside of the jacket. There was an internal pocket on the left side. Leaning on the table to shed some light on that she inserted her hand into the pocket and reached for whatever thing was in it. It was a clock. One of those silver handmade pocket clocks so popular in her country as souvenirs or special gifts. She looked at the outside decorations in the pale blue light coming from the holomap. It was very well made, must have been worth a little fortune. The cover was smooth on one side but on the lid, there was a Swiss cross and an engraved inscription.
"Helden sterben nicht!”
She had saw something like this. She had one just like that made by the most famous Clockwork shop in Zurich for a special person. It was impossible that it was the same clock, though.
Or was it.
Doubt grabbed her. Could this really be that clock? But she gave it to Him, how could 76 have it?
She slowly opened the lid. Inside the clock was working flawlessly and the golden arms moved in continuous and constant way over the white pearl quadrant. It was just like the one she ordered. Her eyes moved to the internal side of the lid, where the definitive answer would be found.
Her sight locked on the photo.
Her eyes fixed on another pair of blue eyes.
Her blue eyes.
There she was, dressed in nothing but a white silk drape, with a look of pure passion and love.
Angela remembered when she took that photo. It was in a studio. All of it, the drape, the hair, the makeup and the light had to be perfect. She wanted to be sure to look exactly as He saw her: an angel.
There was no doubt about it: it was the clock she gifted Jack Morrison for their first year together.
She wondered how it could have ended in Soldier: 76’s possession. She and Jack were the only ones that knew of its existence and in no circumstance he would voluntarily part from it.
He must have had taken from him, surely killing him in the process, she thought. Then when he looked inside he found her photo and now he had her in his sights! Could he be Jack’s murderer?
Maybe he found it on Jack’s body and he liked it (probably her photo too) and kept it for himself. He must have hidden the body too! It was never found! Now he was going to “steal” her too! Impossible, she reasoned, why would a looter dispose of a body?
Maybe, maybe, it was something else. Something she had almost lost hope for…
She snapped out of her deep thoughts, startled by the sound of the wooden floor above her. He was coming back. She quickly put the clock back in the pocket and closed the jacket. His visor appeared near the end of the stairs and 76 aimed torchlight at Mercy standing near the now glowing table.
“What’s going on here?” he asked in is gruff voice.
“Oh, this” Angela responded with excitement “It’s a map. I found out that this is The Brewery. Where Balderich von Adler and his companions planned the defense of Eichenwalde during the war! You surely heard about their heroic sacrifice.”
“Mhm” he hummed in response “come up here, I found a way to stay warm and dry!”
“Excellent” she replied moving towards the stairs “What is it?”
“You’ll see…” He answered once she reached him on the first floor.
Angela played along. She had to in order to go find the truth.
76 guided her towards a closed door on the other side of the balcony. He opened the door and a warm light came from inside. Mercy entered, followed by 76. On the opposed side of the room, adorned with pictures and hunting trophies, stood a large fireplace with a fire burning within.
“You did this?” she said pointing at the fire.
“Yes.” He answered, “I thought you could use some more heat than my old Jacket. Please, sit.”
He gently accompanied her to the fireplace and gestured her to sit in front of it.
Once she was seated, Mercy made her move. Moving her suit’s tassels to the side, she invited him to stay with her. He stood still, unsure about what to do.
“Please sit, 76! You need to heat up too!” she insisted patting the clear space beside her.
Left with no choice he sat near her, bathing in the fire’s reassuring light with her.
They stood there for a while enjoying the warm feeling emanating from the flames.
She closed in, moving her hips closer and closer to him until their bodies were in full contact.
“What are you doing?” he asked
“I’m making sure you are properly heated. You have been too much time without your jacket!”
It was now or never
“Speaking of which...” She continued reaching for the internal pocket “I found something in here.”
She took the closed clock from the pocket. Silence fell on him as the silver object was in laid in front of his visor
“It’s a nice piece of craftsmanship. It’s worth a fortune for sure and it must mean a lot to you. Why don’t you tell me its story?” she asked him with her suave voice “I insist!”
76 felt something round pointing at his side. If he had toguess, he would have said it was the barrel of her blaster.
“Listen, and listen well. I know exactly what it is. I had it made for a person that meant the world to me. Now if you are not going to tell me where you get it or I swear I’m going to do something we’ll both regret.”
He fixed his visor on her eyes and stood silent. Not a bead of sweat on him. She was tense, her jaw clenched.
“I’ll do it. TALK. Or on the count of three, I’ll pull the trigger and leave you to bleed on the floor. I’LL DO IT!”
He did not flinch. She started counting.
Not a reaction. He was making her pull the trigger.
She closed her eyes. She was going to break her most sacred rule and kill a man in cold blood.
“Don’t do it.”
Angela opened her eyes. 76 voice came out so different this time. The harshness and grumpiness of his tone were gone. His words were soft and caring, as if he didn’t want her to make a mistake. Her index moved away from the trigger. He slowly picked up the clock from her and looked at it.
“I remember when it was given to me. Every little detail has a meaning.”
He started running his gloved finger over the exterior decorations.
“The Swiss cross, the “big plus” on her flag, and German, her language, that I never bothered to learn.”
He opened it.
“Gold and white. Her favorite colors. And on the other side a photo to show me that she was truly my angel.”
He paused, overcome by memories. He turned his visor to Angela.
“She told me that day that this clock was like our love…”
“…It will never stop” She finished, looking back at him.
She let go of the blaster, which fell on the floor with a loud noise. He couldn’t know all that unless he was…
76’s other hand reached for the mask and slowly disconnected it. Once the mask was freely hovering in front of his face Mercy grabbed that hand, holding it in place. It was all happening too fast and she had to slow it down to be able to acknowledge what was happening. He let her do it.
Behind that mask and red visor, a sad face appeared beneath 76’s white locks. A scar run down between his eyes and another one cut his lips. A couple of wrinkles appeared on the sides of his deep blue eyes.
Her heart skipped a beat. No matter how scarred or weathered it could become, she would have recognized that face anywhere.
Jack Morrison.
In front of her.
He wanted to apologize, to say how sorry he was. That hiding the truth from her was his greatest mistake. And that he understood if she did not want to see him anymore.
Before he could open his mouth to speak, her arms were already around his neck, pressing her face against the side of his neck. She did not want him to talk, to excuse himself, to tell her anything. Her tears washed away any doubt about it.
He surrendered to her, as he often did before. His arms found their way behind her, crossing over that number 76 that was usually on his back.
Jack did not want to let go of her, and neither did Angela. They both tightened their grip, fearful that the other would squirm away.
They felt like there was nothing that could tear them apart now that they found each other again. The world outside disappeared. The storm, the rain, the darkness, the fire. All was of no importance now. All they wanted was to feel the love the proved each other.
That sensation they lost in all those years apart.
That Warmth.
They stayed in each other arms for long, everlasting minutes. All of a sudden, one of them broke the silence.
“You know, I used to believe that witches lived in these woods. Ridiculous, isn’t it?”
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fanfictionrequests · 7 years
I’m Home (Dad76)
Summary: An AU where Overwatch and the omnic crisis never happened, Jack suffers from PTSD after coming home from a different war. Only he is plagued by visions of a war that never happened, and of a different life than his own. Good thing he has a family to pull him back in. 
Rating: T
Pairing: Just a dad76 fic (if you squint there’s some mercy76)
Requests: Open
Jack awoke with a sudden start, a cold sweat covering his body. His heart hammered in his chest so loudly he could feel it in his head. While his senses were poised for action, the his brain was still trying to process what was around him. The first thing he realized was that he was in:
He was in bed. His head throbbed almost painfully. Dark blue eyes swiveled around the room in search of answers or a hidden foe. Though the room was clear of any apparent threats his heart still hammered in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his body. He was just in a losing battle, a losing war, and now he was in bed? A bed that seemed familiar, in a room that held nostalgia to it. Something was off, something was missing but his mind couldn't quite place it-
With a creak the door opened startling the already startled soldier further. The once incessant beating of his heart seemed to come to a sudden halt in his chest as that missing piece walked into the room.
"Mercy, no, Angela-" He stammered holding the limp body closer. A shaking hand came up to brush away the bangs from her face, "I told you to get out of here. That it was dangerous." His voice was cracking, his whole body shaking, his heart feeling as though it had been torn in half because it's other half lay limp in his arms. There wasn't a light quite as bright as her, no smile could hope to compare to her smile, there was no one more generous, nor as beautiful. She was an angel who willingly flew into a hell like battlefield. All she wanted was to save lives, to live in peace yet she still fought this war alongside him. Despite being able to resurrect the dead, there was no one to resurrect her-
Yet there she stood before him, looming in the doorway almost as startled as he was. "Jack. Dear, are you okay?" Her voice was so sweet he was certain he was dreaming, "I was just coming to wake you. You slept in awfully late. Breakfast is waiting in the kitchen." All he could do was swallow thickly and try to decipher what had happened. He was so certain she had been dead, yet she stood before him alive and beautiful. "Jack." The bed dipped as she sat next to him, eyes narrowing into the cool concerned stare of any practicing doctor. "Did you have another one of those nightmares?" One of her hands came up to touch his cheek before slipping down to rest on top of one of his hands, a glittering gold ring on her delicate finger caught his eye, "You didn't take your medicine last night did you?" There was more than doctorly concern in her eyes, she gave him a small sigh deciding to drop the subject, "We can talk about this later, breakfast is getting cold-" She stood up and moved towards the doorway, his hand missing the feeling of hers but the matching gold ring adorning his finger somehow made him feel better.
"We're married." His mind was in disbelief but his heart didn't care, he was married to the woman of his dreams. She was alive and well. All she cared about was his well-being yet he was still brooding on what had to have been an awful nightmare. Still, the old soldier within him didn't want to accept this dream as reality just yet...
"Oh!" Angela turned on her heel, struck by a sudden thought causing Jack to snap out of his own musings. Her lovely pink lips created a near perfect "O", her countenance painted with such excitement that it had his utmost attention. "Gabriel called. He wanted to know if him and the kids can still come over?"
"Gabriel Reyes? The kids?"
Gabriel Reyes
His once most trusted friend, a man that Jack would have died for. Gabriel Reyes had tried to make Jack do just that: Die. All Gabe wanted was to be Commander of Overwatch and when that didn't happen…. They damn near killed each other. As far as the world was concerned they did. From the ashes and rubble of Overwatch came two monsters that were once heroes together. Yet now they were at each other's throats. Soldier 76 a lone super soldier, and a monstrosity simply known as Reaper. Neither could die, not without killing the other first-
"Yes. Do you know any other Gabriel's? You think you would remember the man who saved your life in the war." That comment alone was enough to have Jack's jaw drop but the next nearly had him choking, "Gabe was going to come visit with Jesse and Sombra since we haven't seen their family in a while." Jesse? Sombra? Jack was trying to wrap his head around that when suddenly Mercy, no Angela, or rather his wife had switched right back into concerned doctor mode.
"Are you feeling okay Jack? You're a little pale. They don't have to come over today if you're feeling unwell."
"...No, no! It's fine they can come over."
"Hmmmm…. If you say so. Go splash some water on your face dear."
That was a good idea. Maybe a bit of cold water would help him wake from this curiously pleasant dream, or at least help him understand just what reality he had stepped into. Getting out of bed Jack moved toward the bathroom, flipping the light on only to be taken aback a few moments later. Their bathroom was nice, nothing spectacular but like most there was a large mirror adorning the wall. The mirror itself was nothing to be concerned about but the man reflected was. Reflected in the mirror was Jack but also…. Not Jack….At least not the Jack he was used to seeing in the mirror.
He was an old worn down soldier. Most would describe him as grumpy and gruff. His hair had gone white, wrinkles forming on his forehead from years of scowling. Most prominent was the scars that littered his face. Remnants of his battle with Gabriel, the one that had almost killed him, not this strange Gabriel that had apparently saved his life. That was supposed to be what he looked like… But the man reflected in the mirror was not him… Yet it was him?
Reflected in the mirror was Jack Morrison, the golden boy. The strike-commander of Overwatch rather than the worn Soldier 76. His hair was still blonde and had not yet started receding though there were some gray hairs beginning to show. His face had no scars and only the faint beginning of wrinkles. Instinctively he knew he wasn't quite as young as he was when he took over Overwatch but he wasn't exactly old either… At least late thirties...? Maybe early forties but that was pushing it... Splashing the cool water on his face did little to help with his muddled head. "Damnit…" He couldn't wrap his head around the situation at hand, everything was so perfect it had to have been a dream. Deciding that hiding in the bathroom and staring at his reflection wasn't going to get him answers, nor would it help stop the growling of his stomach Jack had no choice but to leave.
With the scent of breakfast to guide him, Jack left his room and entered the hallway. Pictures adorned the wall. They immediately caught his attention. A wedding photo of him and Angela? A few photos over was them cradling a newborn. Memories captured by camera adorned the walls and they helped piece together a perfect life that he couldn't quite remember. There were so many of them on the wall he wanted to look at each and every photo and cherish it but he couldn't. Someone else was demanding his attention:
"Dad!" Came a chipper voice, that immediately had him turning his head. Before he could react arms were thrown about him and he was wrapped in a tight embrace. For a moment all he saw was a head of spiky brown hair but he didn't have to see her face to know who she was. That still didn't stop him from being in shock when he saw the face of Tracer… No, Lena staring up at him. "What's that look for dad? Surprised I'm home so early? I wanted to surprise you and mum after my last track competition." She laughed releasing him from her embrace, "It was a tough one but I'm sure I'll qualify for the Olympics this time around." His mind flickered back to the photos, to a young girl holding up gold medals for track and field competitions… Lena was going to the olympics?
"I'm back… I-I don't know for how long." Her voice was panicked, body faint and already slipping to another timeline. She was too young, they never should have sent her in that plane. She was the best pilot they had, she had a bright future ahead of her… Would she be cursed to always slip through time? "C-Commander please tell Emily that I love her… And I'm sorry if I can't make it back home…" Lena Oxton their chipper pilot, was crying… It broke his heart to see her this way, and their best scientists were trying to fix her problem but what could their solution possibly be?
There was no chronal accelerator visible upon this Lena, she seemed to be healthy, more than just healthy. His mind tried to wrap around how and why but he supposed he didn't need one. He almost wanted to warn her against being a pilot but at the moment she seemed to have her heart set on the olympics, which she told him chipperly as she lead him to the dining room. "I was thinking about what you were saying dad." Solider 76 had once yelled at Tracer for jokingly calling him dad, but right now all Jack felt was warmth swell in his chest, "I think that the training with the weights might be to excessive, I don't want to strain any muscles especially right now before the next big competition." All Jack could do was nod unsure of what conversation she was referencing but her logic seemed fine, "Thanks Dad! Thanks for always pushing my so hard, I don't think I would have made it here without you pushing me so much. Although cool it on coming to every meet. It's embarrassing when you're cheering the loudest at practice dad!" As they turned to enter the kitchen, the smell of breakfast making him salivate, another familiar voice chimed in.
"Aw C'mon Sonic! Dad just wants to be supportive!" Warm, happy, and charismatic he knew who's voice that was as well. Sitting in their dining room, one arm curled over his chair and shooting his sister a smile was… Lucio? Headphones were looped around his neck, and he was dressed in soccer gear. He wasn't wearing his roller blades or any of the stolen gear from Viskhar. Nor did he seem like he was international superstar but judging from the music that pumped through his headphones, Jack would't doubt it if this Lucio was destined for fame as well.
"Listen! Aw c'mon Soldier!" He laughed holding up his headphones towards the gruff old man, "It is the sound of my country, of my people. Of the struggles and hardships we faced. I want you to hear it." With a sigh Soldier 76 took the headphones. "You asked me why a popstar would fight?" Lucio began, eyes staring out in the distance, "I don't want to be just a popstar. I want to make a change. I don't want others to suffer anymore." He was hopeful, more of a hero than Soldier 76 ever was. He knew hardships and pushed through them...
Jack watched as Lena and Lucio playfully bickered, taking his seat at the head of the table out of instinct. He heard Angela laugh, finally taking notice of her at the stove, but his attention was once more drawn to the two bickering siblings. Somehow he found himself smiling.
"Don't be silly Dad comes to all your games and cheers just as loud. You totally get embarrassed."
"Only when he's hassling me to be better than Sombra." Lucio laughed before playfully giving his father a kick under the table, "I mean c'mon dad we're not even in the same division. She plays women's soccer. Can't she be the best at women's soccer, and I'll be the best at men's?"
"Your father just gets to be a little competitive with Uncle Gabe." Angela chimed in as she neared the table with a hefty plate of scrambled eggs, "But-" She gave him a teasing glare, "Last I checked someone promised me that he'd stop being so competitive with our children…" Jack scratched at the back of his head in response to her words. He didn't need to have memories to know that he was probably being too competitive with Gabe… The two were always butting heads in Overwatch…"But I'm sure he'll stop now right?" Again she gave him a smile that hinted at the world of pain he'd be receiving if he didn't… Her features eventually softened as a sudden thought struck her, "Dear, could you go wake up Hana?"
"She was up late playing games again." Lucio groaned, "I could hear her from my room."
"Like you're one to talk! I could hear your music in my sleep."
"All I'm hearing is a bunch of children up way past their bedtimes."
"Sooooorrrry Mum." Both Lucio and Lena apologized together lest the incur the fabled wrath of their mother. Their dad could be scary when angry, but he was always a little scary anyways. Having their sweet, patient mother get angry? It was like watching an angel turn into a devil. Their mother gave them a smile, and turned that same smile to Jack as if telling him to get on with it.
Slowly he stood up, taking one last look at the trio before him. Half afraid that if he left this room his make-believe dream family would be torn away from him. That he'd be thrown back to the real world where he had lost so many, where they all had suffered more than they deserved. With his last look at them he turned and went back down the hallway. He didn't truly know where he was going but his body lead him in the right direction. Now that Lena wasn't there he took his time to look at every picture on the wall. Of the day Lena was born, of her first day of school, her first competition she won, her prom date with Emily, and of her graduation. He looked at the day they brought Lucio home, of his first time rollerblading, of his first goal in soccer, of his face on christmas when they bought him his first pair of headphones. Then there was the pictures of little Hana, of her as a baby, her chasing after young Lucio and Lena, her with her favorite stuffed animal, and of her getting her first video game system. The family pictures of all of them together brought a tear to his eye, even the ones with Gabe, Jesse and Sombra included in the pictures.
Eventually, pictures gave way to bedroom doors that told just as much of a story as the photographs had. The first door had Lena's name on it and a variety of pictures, and of places she wanted to visit. The next was Lucio's, band stickers plastered all over the door, cute stickers of frogs, and music could be faintly heard coming from within the room. The last door at the end was Hana's decorated in pink and purple stickers, cute rabbits adorning the door. Carefully, he entered, the inside of the room dark compared to the rest of the house. Hana liked to keep her room dark because the sun bothered her eyes after a long night of gaming, the Hana in Overwatch was the same way. From his spot in the doorway he could barely make out her sleeping form. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could clearly see her features. Slowly so as not to disturb her sleep, he knelt next to the bed to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"Are you sure life isn't a game Soldier 76?" She infuriated him more than any other recruit ever had before. She was cocky and young, just like how he used to be. Barely eighteen she had no business fighting in a war. She should be going to school and making friends, not piloting a mech and getting shot at. It didn't help that she was reckless… Just like him. Headstrong just like him. He tried to look out for her, to teach her so that she didn't end up like him. He looked at all of the young heroes as children, wanting to guide them so they didn't make the same mistakes as him but… Hana was… the daughter he never had or would have. She was like him and not like him. Which made it all the more heart-wrenching to see her get hurt. To hold her hand as she struggled not to cry. To lie to her and tell her that she'd be fine, that they'd get help. In that painful moment he watched his little hero turn back into a little girl that had no business fighting a war, his war, his fault-
"Dad what are you doing?" Her voice was groggy and sleep filled, dark eyes just barely starting to open, "Are you crying?" Sleep gave way to concern as she sat up. When the tears had started falling Jack couldn't say for sure but it was embarrassing. Furiously he rubbed at his eyes to hide the evidence of his weakness. "Dad did you not take your pills?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, "Geez you should take better care of yourself. You always tell me to stop gaming so much and you can't even remember to take your medicine!" Before he could stop her she pulled him into a hug, "Don't worry Dad, the war's over. You don't have to fight anymore. No one else wants to say anything Mom, Lena, Luce but… You're home now Dad. I don't know what you saw in the war but you're with us now, you're home…." She repeated again, and suddenly she was rubbing at her eyes too. Like Father like daughter.
She released him from her embrace rather quickly, before slipping out of bed. "Don't even dream about telling mom or the others about that. I'll never hear the end of it." She huffed, pushing him out of her room, "I'll come to breakfast in a minute." She was embarrassed, not usually one to express such emotions. She preferred to tease and joke, and to infuriate others. Consoling, comforting, and crying wasn't exactly a Hana thing. In that aspect Jack was the same, he wasn't one for sensitive emotions. Sparing him one last glance, Hana rushed off already yelling at the others to save her some food.
Jack stayed still for a moment contemplating her words. Memories of a war and memories of this perfect life crashed in his head. Which was real? No it wasn't a matter of which was real. He knew which one to be true. Those other memories, they were stressed induced hallucinations of a war that never happened, his worst fears come to life because he couldn't handle the actual war he fought in. It was time he come to face reality:
"I'm home."
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abahwrites · 8 years
Your Wedding Ring - Part 1
inspired by 311 - Love Song (original by The Cure) and @illeity ‘s Fallout 4 comic strip
28th October 2077, two days before Halloween’s Eve. Angela Ziegler, a Swiss nanobiologist who at that time married to Jack Morrison, former United States Army soldier, had just bought their new home in Sanctuary Hills, along with their Mr Handy, Codsworth. They lived happily, and Angela just gave birth to their child, Shaun, several months earlier. As usual, Jack is working on the garage to repair their car for a future trip to other parts of the city or as well as went to another state for leisure. After taking a short bath, Angela went to Shaun’s room to greet her newborn baby, with Codsworth beside her. After a quick meet and greet for the day, Codsworth went to the kitchen and brew Angela’s Robusta coffee, as soon as she sips her cup of coffee, Jack welcomed her with dirty and sweaty hands. Jack gave her a kiss on the cheeks, wash his hands and get some clean towels. Then followed her to watch their favourite morning show together on the couch. A copy of Grognak the Barbarian seen on the kitchen table, it is Angela’s favourite comic.
A Vault-Tec representative knocked the door and offered Angela to live in a vault, to prevent their family from the nuclear apocalypse that sooner or later will likely to happen. Angela agreed to the representative and then close the door immediately to shut him off and never to visit their house ever again. Shortly after, Codsworth told Angela that Shaun is crying and he couldn’t handle it with proper maternal affection, Jack stayed on the couch and said to Angela that he’ll soon join her in Shaun’s room. Angela played with Shaun, and soon he began to laugh as she tickles him on the waist, Jack comes into the bedroom to tell Angela that he already fixed the crib yesterday and telling Angela to gave it a go. Jack knows Halloween is just around the corner and ask Angela for future plans of their cherished time, but instead of taking a walk in the park, Angela prefers to decorate their house with Halloween decorations and focusing more on Shaun and neighbour’s children whose likely to get some candy from Angela.
The cherished time seems a distant memory for Angela and Jack as soon as they heard Codsworth shouting from across the living room about the potential nuclear detonation that will strike Boston in no time. Without packing their belongings, they run for the vault with several other residents, few are seen trying to pack their luggage into their cars and went to the other part of the country to make sure they’ll make it in time. The gate between Angela and Jack’s death is guarded by several soldiers and an officer who had the Vault-Tec resident list for Vault 111, a lot of Sanctuary Hill residents are prohibited from entering the Vault, even the representative that Angela saw earlier. The officer letting them in and they run for the platform… to only see the nuclear already hit Massachusetts.
And the platform lowered just in time.
The potential residents are still shaky from the nuclear detonation that almost took their lives, few of them are experiencing trauma and couldn’t continue further into the vault for a while. Jack and Angela finally lined up in a queue to get their new clothes and to see their brand new home, the Vault 111. As soon as they get their new jumpsuit, they followed the Vault-Tec doctor to a Cryo chamber, which he stated that to “cleanse” them from the radiation in before they continue further into the vault.
It was a lie.
As they lined up to enter their cryo pods, Angela comforted Shaun and telling her baby that she’ll be closed, exactly in front of Jack’s room. She took a deep breath as she waits for the pod to shut the outer door and they were frozen. Angela knows nothing about space and time, and especially for how long she slept inside the pod. She’s awakened by a sound of a mysterious man accompanied by one or two scientists that approached Jack’s Cryo pod, they opened it to steal Shaun from Jack, he fought back but to only get himself shot. Angela’s eyes are widened, and she took several deep breaths to hold herself together. They said that Angela would be their “backup” if Shaun’s pure, unexposed to radiation DNA failed to meet their requirements. The mysterious man re-activate the cryo process and froze Angela for the second time, without Jack accompanying her.
An alarm is set off, and the cryogen process is permanently shut down, and Angela has enough time to get out from the pod as soon as she wakes up. Her legs still stiff and wobbly, but she tried so hard to open Jack’s cryo pod. The door took a long time to open, and Angela already cried to the point where giving up is just up ahead. She hugged her frozen husband and took the wedding ring, swore that she’ll find their child back and lived happily ever after without him, a life that Angela always wants in a world where… violence is every day’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As she walks through the empty halls, Angela noticed that cockroaches are mutated into a bigger one, she took a police baton as her weapon and began to smash it to bits, even it’s in small numbers, but that took her life faster than a bullet. As soon as she reaches the Overseer desk, she found a 10mm pistol along with 72 rounds of spare ammunition, and equip it immediately to deal with the cockroaches more efficiently and also faster. She managed to get herself a Pip-Boy, the personal portable computer that will show her natural needs and serve as digital inventory for her and opened the vault door, it takes more than five minutes to get the door opened and to deliver her back to the Sanctuary Hills… or what’s left of it.
Ah! Finally, the Fallout x Overwatch fic that I’ve been working on since last February finally released! This fic is taking way longer to write than I expected at first, but it’s better late than never. Originally for the mercy76 week, day 6: Alternate Universe. Sorry, it’s not Fallout: New Vegas as I stated before, but here you go. This series will likely narrative-only.
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eostre94 · 8 years
[Fanfic] Laid to Rest
Fandom: Overwatch
Characters: Jack Morrison/Soldier 76, Angela Ziegler/Mercy
Pairing: Mercy 76 (Jack x Angela)
Concepts: RoleReversed! AU for Mercy and Soldier 76 in which it was the former who "died" and came back as the vigilante Nemesis. The latter would be under the code SC - 76.
Preface: Greetings everyone! It's been quite a while since I wrote something like this, since I have been very busy with stuff happening (ie. LoA in Med School, seeking help, trying to now find work, etc.). I just hope to anyone who wants to read it to enjoy really. If you happen to like it, feel free to tell me. Comments/reviews/PMs? will be greatly appreciated (criticisms will be fine as well as long as it is fully meant to be constructive, let's all be nice here)
P.S.: I still want to say big thanks to the people who brought like Mercy76 around for me to enjoy being hopefully a part of! Big shoutout to people like @ynartistic, @xavirne, @angelicsoldier who made amazing fanart and fanfic that I wanted to contribute in the way I can. Hope to also meet more people! I also hope to put some more time into writing in general now!
It was dark for 2PM in the afternoon. Way too dark and cloudy for a supposedly nice Tuesday out. If I can recall, the weather omnic from the local news said that there would be a storm coming around Friday. I guess even today, with some much advancements in, weather reports can still get it wrong.
Tugging at my overcoat's collar more, careful not to ruin the thing I held onto, I continued my walk to where I needed to be. It was nice for the former higher ups to keep hush about where all the things were laid to rest. It was also nice that a lot of supporters still allowed the place to be kept nice and well. It was the same for those who remained to be here without welling up in anger and or sadness.
I continued my walk around the place, thankful that there weren't many people around the place. It was always a hassle when people noticed who I am. It was nice at first to be remembered as "The Poster Boy" for what was once loved. Then be hated, destroyed and now after so long, to have resurfaced. I shudder at the thought that history might repeat itself again, but I am confident at the new path the recall. Hoping it will lead a path much different from before.
'Not that I was of any fucking help.'
I groaned in my head for letting that bit of self-depreciation blurt out in me, not that there wasn't any truth to it. Being here right now in this place is a testament to what had happened.
This place that held so many memories and now is a place of remembering those memories.
A memorial.
A memorial of what was once the Swiss Headquarters of Overwatch.
The memorial for the members that fell when it fell with them.
When she fell with them.
I had to stop for a bit from my steady pace along the way, trying to make sure I don't well up in tears. I even look down to see the thing I was holding on my left that made me miss her more.
'Some soldier you are.' My thoughts tease back at me when I try to wipe any excess moisture on my eyes. I take take a steady breath, feeling the slight chill that signals rain coming sooner than later.
"I better hurry up and see her before I get the brunt of the storm." I muttered to myself. I decided to make a hasty pace along the other parts of the long walk in the memorial. I did not even stop by to pay tribute to monument that engraved various members who fell.
I made an internal nod to these people who died for their cause, but I needed to reach a specific statue in mind.
One that was dedicated to the humanitarian views of Overwatch.
One who fought for the right in the organization to focus more on helping the needs of others. A goal on humanitarianism rather than more on the militaristic views.
The one they used to call the Angel of Overwatch.
"Angela." I whisper it out her name once I finally reached where she laid to rest, or at least where she was last seen.
A beautiful row of white and yellow flowers were lined it lead up to a marvelous statue of clean cut gray marble. The statue was like Michaelangelo's La Pieta. It had an unnamed Overwatch soldier cradled by the angelic beauty herself. Her features still showed grace as her hair was in the usual ponytail, accompanied by her halo. Her suit accentuated her lithe body and her wings were very detailed and real. It would have seemed the statue would very much have taken flight with the fallen comrade. Her right hand caressed the soldier's nape to lift it up while her left held the thigh. Her bio-tech staff held as well upright, to illustrate the action she was known best for.
The power to heal and protect. To very much bring those close to death's clutches back to life. A gift that spoke volumes upon volumes to how amazing of a woman she was.
I walk close enough to see the pedestal the statue was placed, embedded in it was a golden metal plaque that wrote:
"Angela Ziegler, M.D.
Code name: Mercy
Born: XX/XX/2039
Death: XX/XX/2070
Truly an Angel amongst Men.
'Heroes Never Die' - Mercy"
Her famous words engraved next to an engraving of her signature next to it. As I walked towards the plaque, my gloved hand traced the neat and cursive strokes of her signature. I imagined that she was saying those words she always does that quite literally brings life.
"Heroes . . . Never Die." I muttered under my breath, as though her words would have brought her back.
Taking a step or two back, I marveled at the tall statue more up close, how it had captured her image down to her calm smile. Major respect to the sculptors who made this statue. It was so well done, that it was always a lot harder to confront her resting place every time I go to see her.
I steadied my breath and began.
"Hey Angel." I stated out, hopeful that it was not loud enough for anyone to hear, despite being somewhat empty. The slight tinge of a cool breeze acknowledged my greeting, prompting me to continue. The scenery was starting to become more dark-gray.
"It's been a while since I last came here. I have been busy." Trying to keep this awkward one-sided conversation going, I tried to keep going. Thinking like she was still here listening which would pretty much be as awkward as before.
It was a good 5 or so minutes of random idle chatting when I finally felt the chill of the air become more prominent. I huddled in my overcoat more, and realized I was still holding onto her gift while I tried to ramble on.
"I brought you these. I hope you enjoy them . . . wherever you are now." I placed the beautiful piece next to where I usually placed them whenever I had the time to visit. I am thankful the cleaners of the memorial in having kept the area clean from any dried ones from before. Sitting down in front of her statue, I tried to find myself comfortable.
"I hope you love them. I know you like these flowers, apart from the ones the people planted in front of your resting place." I look back the row of flowers of white, orange and yellow only to look back at the rather large an elaborate bouquet.
"They're called Gladiolus. They reminded me of like those tiger lilies from before and I thought you'd like them. More so since I remember how you'd always tease me for not knowing flowers." Chuckling from remembering how she would chuckle at me from the instances I bought her flowers saying the incorrect name, to which she would laugh her beautiful hearty laugh.
I remember how she would laugh with a slight snort when she finds something hilarious. How she would shake her head slowly but have that smile still grace her face when she sees an embarrassing moment happen to me and my antics. How she would have a radiant yet unkempt glow in her face when she wakes up after our nights together, something that drew me in more and more to her. How she would scrunch her face in concentration when she patches my wound, partly due to being angry with me for wounded, despite knowing my job description. The little things that she does that makes her more and more amazing.
Remembering them all makes me yearn for her so much more, even after 5 or years of being 'dead' I still miss her. I find myself comfortable in sitting in front of your statue, not even giving a flying heck if the storm rolled in right now and drenched us in its cold unforgiving deluge. I wouldn't care anymore because while they said that time heals all wounds, it still hurts knowing I caused the fall of Overwatch, I caused the tensions to happen between Gabe and I, and that I caused the love of my life to die when I should have died during the end.
"It shouldn't have been you, Angela. It's been around 6 years and I still can never forgive myself for having killed you." I looked back up to the angel in the statue, thinking it's still her, looking down upon but not in anger since I know she would have hated hearing me say that.
"I hope wherever you are, you are happy; that's all I can now hope for and while I don't believe in an afterlife, but maybe . . . just maybe, I'll get to see you again." The breeze picks up more as slight moisture form droplets which signal the start of dark stormy days. I look up to the sky and see that the dark cloud have finally rolled in, welcoming me with light rain that will only be the first wave before the storm kicks in.
"I . . . I have to go now. The storm's coming soon and I am probably going to have to leave the country as well since I have to continue helping out in the new Overwatch. The one I've told you about a couple of times? Yeah." The rain started to drop harder than before, telling me to wrap this up. Picking myself up from where I sat down, I continued to look at the statue as it was still her.
"I'll see you soon okay, Angel? I promise you that." I started to feel tears form in my eyes again, trying to hold it in before I finally say what I needed to say to her again.
"I-i . . . I love you so very much Angela. I hope you can hear me say them." I felt the nearby trees and shrubs rustle, but I didn't bother to look since it's probably the wind picking up and or some animal trying to hide now from the weather, nor did I care anymore as tears starting rolling down my eyes, not giving a care anymore who was watching a grown man, a soldier nonetheless, cry his heart out. Wiping my eyes from any tears, I started to walk away, hoping though that the bouquet will be fine. Probably not, and it was probably a stupid idea for me to leave them there when a storm is practically approaching, but in the end, it's not going to be there the next time I have time to meet with her again.
Walking back to my vehicle was a good 5 or 10 minute walk since frankly I wanted to savor my time in the memorial, even when the gust was getting stronger and the droplets were becoming heavier. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. As long as there's still things Overwatch can do to make the world better, then I have to put my service again.
As I finally reached my vehicle, the breeze mitigated a bit and the rain wasn't as heavy which meant that it was a momentary calmness before the second wave. A calm before the storm as one would say. I looked straight up to expect a slight rain droplet or a patch of light shining through the dark gray clouds, but what I somewhat saw was something completely different.
I could have sworn I saw a silhouette in the sky that looked like a large black bird, or rather something that looked like it had arms along with wings. It was hard to decipher it rushing past in the dark sky, coupled with the fact that the darkness of the clouds made it even harder to even see if it was even a black bird at all. What was the strangest of them all as what fell on my nose as it sped past from where the memorial was.
I felt the texture of what fell on my nose, seeing it as colorful in my nasal visual field. It felt like a big velvety paper confetti, colored in bright off pink. Taking it off my face for better observation, I was even more perplexed by the thing that fell on my nose.
It was a flower petal.
A pink gladiolus flower petal.
Looking up back to see where that flying thing flew, I could barely make out anything in the sky as it started darkening once again, signaling the end of the calm and the start of the real beginning of the storm. As I start the engine of my vehicle, I still look at the petal now at my dashboard. I am starting to have weird ideas that are way too exhausting to entertain at the moment. All I know is that she heard me.
My Angel heard me, wherever she is.
Everything has been strange.
Well, if you count the things happening to my life one can make a notion that it is strange. Dead but not really dead. Working in the shadows to heal people, but have no longer much qualms about taking down those who wish to harm others. Once a physician to stop wars throw at us, now turned to an adversary with the sole mission to cut the bud before more terror happens. Skilled with now both medical technology and the blade, I find myself wondering why life couldn't throw me a bone and not make even going to a place not be something that ties my past together with a neat bow.
Case in point, finding myself along the memorial which was once the Swiss Headquarters of Overwatch.
Second case in point, having to hide and be silent as I see someone walk towards the famous statue of my 'final resting place' with what appeared to be a large bouquet. That someone was greeting my and rambling as though I was there listening to him talk. Interesting how I was also getting interested in what he was rambling on about in this one-sided conversation.
Final case in point, said someone was my former lover who brought me a beautiful and large bouquet of pink lilie-
"They're called Gladiolus. -"
Sorry, a beautiful and large bouquet of Gladiolus flowers perched upon my statue. I see him comfortable sitting in front of it, marveling at the statue that depicted me in a way that was me, but no longer me.
"It shouldn't have been you, Angela. It's been around 6 years and I still can never forgive myself for having killed you." I hear him state it as though it was fact. I almost found myself wanting to glide towards him and prove him wrong, but I know that would jeopardize everything I have worked hard on.
"I hope wherever you are, you are happy; that's all I can now hope for and while I don't believe in an afterlife, but maybe-"
'Maybe what, Jack?' I find that voice within me ask in hope. It was a voice I haven't found in myself for so long. It was the voice of Angela, the woman who was still very much alive and very much in love with the man in front of me.
". . . just maybe, I'll get to see you again."
"Oh Jack . . . if that were only that simple." I mumbled to myself, finding my heart to still beat in ecstasy to see the man who should have moved on after my 'death' 6 years ago, still love me and want to see me again.
The wind started picking up once again, accompanied now with slight moisture and droplets; it was practically telling us that it had to be wrapped up soon. I find him get up from his spot, telling 'me' that he needed to go soon. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as he said that, knowing that this was the situation we both now live in: The living who still loves the dead and the 'dead' wanting to stay hidden away from the living, but still very much alive for vengeance.
I almost lost my grip at the tree and shrubs I was leaning onto, almost ruining my position for him to have noticed, thanking the heavens he must have mistaken it for the wind picking up. It would have been completely unjustifiable when in battle, but what he said before he finally left just threw my seriousness out the metaphorical window.
"I-i . . . I love you so very much Angela. I hope you can hear me say them."
'I love you.'
'. . . hope you can hear me say them.'
It was almost like those words now in my head taunt me with how he just said those words, almost as though he knew I was there all along and wanted to throw this charade we were playing. But it wasn't the case since I see his figure walk away from the statue.
Brisk walking my way to my monument, I found myself drawn to his bouquet. It wasn't like I didn't know he hasn't visited before with flowers, but this might be the first time I catch him in the act. Oh how fate can be a cruel and make my life even more strange.
I take the bouquet with me, but not before flying up to be at eye-level with the statue of my former self. The way the sculpted my face well that it even had the same expression I used to have when I would heal a person with my skills in peace. A peace that for some reason no longer resonates for me.
'Angela Ziegler is dead. Only Nemesis remains.'
The last thought finally brought me back to my conviction and resolve. I am who I am now because of what happened here. I cannot for the life of me back down now.
"I must fulfill my goal. Even if it means making necessary sacrifices." I whispered to myself in somewhat comfort. Looking back up to the sky I see that there is a brief calmness before the breeze and rain continue, to which I should take that as my signal to finally leave this place.
I jettison my way out of the memorial site, bouquet held tight with my right hand as I fly away from it all, back to where I need to pack my equipment and continue my goal. To fly away from my former life. To fly away from the name Dr. Angela Ziegler. To fly away from Overwatch's Mercy.
I can do all of that.
I felt slight moisture pool under my eye, thinking at first it was rain droplets once again, but I know that my visor will have prevented weather from hitting my eyes. I know it's my tears from the last thought I had but I don't want to acknowledge it enough to finally think of the answer for it like the others.
"To let go and fly away from the man I love." I mumble to myself as I continue flying away past the road that connects the memorial, and a parking lot for the visitors. Just thinking about the visitors of the memorial brought me back to him again, and what he said before he left.
"I hope you can hear me say them."
Thinking back to those words, and I am letting that inner voice within me answer it, since I know I can't even begin to think of it right now.
'I did hear you Jack Morrison.'
'I heard you loud and clear.'
The last one was enough to even get me smile at the thought as I continue flying past everything, eventually nearing my hide-away.
"Your Angel still heard you."
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roguefoxpaws · 6 years
Posting the link to my Overwatch fanfiction over on AO3! Warning: It’s all Mercy76 trash, just like me.
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z076 · 8 years
Have Faith (Part Four)
First / Second / Third / Fourth / Fifth
Okay so I’m kinda excited for this part. I’m feeling better from last week and felt like I was able to write better. It’s a little longer than my normal ones, but enjoy. @xavirne , @imlostinatunnel , and @abahwrites , thank you guys for all of your support and you all inspire me greatly to write.
Also, yay for hitting 30 followers! I’m getting more and more everyday; know that I appreciate each and every one of you. I’m grateful for the support and feedback you give me. Next part will be up next week.
They landed after a few hours in a completely different landscape. Oak trees, real mountains, streams and snow… It was something that more so reminded him of home. Home was rolling plains, but this would be the closest he would ever get to that again. Jack liked to imagine the area could be extremely populated with wildlife. Even though he was supposed to keep up the strong façade of his, deep down he was still a caring farm boy at heart and loved animals. They moved through rusted abandoned structures, from what appeared to be as old as the Omnic Crisis; mountains that were so rigorous that it made even Ana lose her breath; woods that oozed life with every step that they took. They scavenged day in and day out and took whatever they could find. Old rusted tin cans, bits of string, rations (that were probably far past their expiration date, but they tried to eat them anyway), a switchblade, sticks, and old crumpled-up posters of propaganda, which would do nicely in the fire. The nights were cold and sometimes even a little snowy, but they stayed motivated. They knew what was waiting for them at the end of their journey. On one of their last nights, Jack had set up a fire when Ana asked, “Jack?” “Yeah?” “Do you think Fareeha will still love me?” “Of course she will.” — This was the last day. They were supposed to get to the makeshift base with a chance of the agents being there. Supposed to. The faster they approached, the more he second guessed himself. He panicked as they entered an open clearing but tried to conceal it from Ana. But the base was very real. It existed, and it was right in front of them. He frantically scanned the oaks for enemies or other agents. Ana broke out into a sprint for the base and Jack followed closely behind. It was too late. The moment the bullet cut through Ana’s head was when his life fell apart. His past, present, and future crumbled before him. Ana had always been there to support him. Been a better friend than Gabriel in many ways before the explosion. And here they were. The blood went everywhere. Blood was nothing new to Jack. But the bullet had shattered her mask, shattered her chances at a good life, shattered his own dignity. Jack wanted to imagine that she was at peace now. This is what she had wanted after all. To see her daughter and make her old friend happy again. He had to do this for himself and in Ana’s memory now. He attempted to move her body to behind a hill. A bullet hit his thigh from afar and he screamed out in agony. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t carry Ana, he couldn’t do anything but focus on the pain. His pant leg soaked and dripping with blood clung to his leg. Another bullet sunk deep into his shoulder, right where Gabriel had shot him months before. It hurt even more than the previous shot but he persisted. He dragged Ana and limped away. He managed to drag himself and Ana’s body past the hill and hunkered down, bullets raining past him every now and then. The sounds of gunshots ringed out across the clearing, and then, silence. He broke down in wet sobs which fogged up the entirety of his mask, but he didn’t care. “Please… I can’t do this alone…” He knew it was useless. He thought about Fareeha. He thought about how he would have to tell her this. He thought about Angela, and how she’ll - Oh. He was still bleeding. Shit. It wasn’t stopping. I can’t die now. I’m so close. The blood kept flowing out of his wounds like raging rivers. No! His existence felt light, dizzy, slipping farther and farther away. The biotic canister was close, but his strength was disappearing from him faster. Maybe he’d be happy like Ana knowing he had tried. A brilliant display of lights from above brought hope to his fading self. It helped to keep him conscious for a few seconds longer, but then darkness was taking its hold. Angela… “Now is not your time…” — “Now, Angela, you still need to take care of him. Regardless of who he is.” The man was recovering in the infirmary. They had taken all of his weapons and armor, left him a shell of what he was. Winston insisted that leaving his mask on for privacy was the right thing to do. Angela disagreed. She tried her best to be reasonable about the situation, but she didn’t know how to feel about the stranger in their home. She had an uneasy feeling about him and would rather be in her office than watching over him. “I know, Winston. I took an oath…” She sighed in slight frustration, “He might have just given us away to the enemies. Or maybe he is the enemy. What if he tries to kill us?” On the camera, the man stirred. “It’s about time we talked with him, Angela.”
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the-germanic-coenus · 5 years
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Into the Fatherland the ISIS army march
Soldiers stand side by side to stop the Jihad charge!
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imlostinatunnel · 7 years
One Servant for Another [Mercy76 Halloween Themed]
Numbness spread through the ex-soldier’s body. Paired against any of her servants, he had proven that he stood a chance, but not against the Witch of the Wilds herself. All he could do was follow her with his eyes and breathe as she circled him, a petrified victim. The fallen forest leaves of autumn pushed themselves out of her way, making a small trail behind her with her broom-staff floating parallel next to her.
He recalled the stories he had heard of her. They painted her as a hideous creature of the night, bent on tormenting those who cross her with the darkest of magic. Those who told the stories had never laid their eyes on her because, in his opinion, they got everything right except for the hideousness. No other image the ex-soldier knew could compare with the Witch in front of him. Though comparing her to anything was at the back of his mind. He faced more important issues.
“So you’re the man that has brought death on two of my servants. Is that right, Jack Morrison?” The Witch tsked. “Very barbaric of you.”
A slight sense of warmth was given back to Jack’s face. Only enough to be heard. “Where did you get my name?”
“That is always the question,” she sighed. “Your name came from an old friend of yours a little more than a century ago. It is confusing how a mortal like yourself remains so, hmm, preserved for such a time.” The Witch paused her circle, almost completing it. “Unless you knew a certain Alchemist.” She moved closer to Jack’s front. “Her attempt to replicate my power through science looks like an accomplished success, after all these years.” She rubbed a scar that spread from his forehead to his cheek. “But it seems that she has not perfected it yet. A shame, really.”
“Her alchemy will always be purer than your dark arts,” Jack said. “Unlike you, she never had to give up her soul. Her science remains untainted.”
“Morrison, you poor outcast of a soldier. To perform any art, one needs a soul. Mine is still with me, only I let it exist in this world and in realms beyond you and your Alchemist’s understanding.” The Witch enjoyed the wonder and slight bit of fear on the soldier’s face.
Their shadows grew longer as the sun set.
“Come. You have a friend who would like to meet you before his time is up.” The Witch wrapped her fingers around her staff. The staff’s tip flashed a light green before holding a luminous orb in place at its end.
Jack felt his body loosen along with his sense of free will. His body was not his to control, and fighting the unknown forces only shot pain through his bones and muscles. As much as he tried to resist, he could only follow the Witch deeper into the forest.
It only grew darker as the Witch and Jack hiked closer to the heart of the forest. The orange leaves that covered the forest floor were replaced with an ankle-high mist that engulfed his feet like water with every step Jack took, but none of it dared to touch the Witch as it parted before her.
Jack’s legs grew weak from the painful resistance he put up, but the Witch refused to break their pace. They continued further until the last sources of light were rays from the moon, or the orb on the Witch’s staff controlling Jack’s will.
The two breached a small clearing void of both the mist that covered the rest of the forest floor, and the branches above that made the night darker. The center held giant rocks that were in their million-year journey of emerging from the ground. They stood waist-high to Jack, were he not bent over from the pain in his legs. The moon high above them was only half full, though it was enough to let the trees and rocks cast their short shadows into the clearing.
The Witch tapped the bottom of her staff to the forest floor. The green orb at the end flashed once, then disappeared.
Jack fell to his knees, his legs to weak and sore to hold him up. “Where are we?”
“Ah ah. We’ll get there. First, your friend.” The Witch snapped her fingers twice.
A twisted fire appeared on the rocks until it reached the height of a man. It exploded into smoke, and slowly the smoke faded to reveal what Jack only knew as the Reaper. A lost soul with only a carved pumpkin for a head and the clothes people claimed he died in. Such clothes had been burned beyond recognition. The Reaper stepped down and towered over Jack until he knelt to his level, letting him see the raging fire inside the carved face of the pumpkin. “Hello, Morrison.” With every syllable, the flame inside twitched.
Jack’s heart raced. The heat from the Reaper forced sweat down his forehead. The voice was unrecognizable to Jack, but the tone carried a sense of familiarity to him. “What are you?”
The Reaper pulled back and launched a blow across Jack’s face, leaving burn marks where his fist connected, and sent him to the ground on his side. The blood Jack spat out was satisfying for the Reaper.
Jack was forced upright by the Reaper, whose touch on Jack’s clothing only left more burn marks. He looked to the Reaper. The Reaper drew back and launched another blow. Jack’s nose now bled and more blood left his mouth. He recognized the technique of the punch. It belonged to an ally of his, an old friend he helplessly watched die in the flames of a burning village. Jack heaved himself up level with the Reaper. “Anything else to say?”
The Reaper drew back once again.
“Enough.” the Witch ordered. “It is unwise to damage him too much while I still own you.”
The Reaper hesitated. He lowered his arm and stood up, towering over Jack once again. He moved behind the Witch.
“How does closure feel?” the Witch asked.
“Peaceful.” the Reaper said.
“Good. Take that with you on your way, my servant.” The Witch held the sides of the pumpkin. “The bonds are broken. You have served me well. You are free.”
The fire in the Reaper’s pumpkin head dimmed until the inside was pitch black. His clothes fell to a pile on the forest floor, leaving only the pumpkin in the Witch’s hands. As she turned towards Jack, the pumpkin began to rot in her hands. She dropped the imploding pumpkin to the forest floor beside her. She moved in front of Jack and placed her staff to his cheek the Reaper had marked.
Jack’s face tingled. When the Witch removed her staff the pain the Reaper left was gone. Jack felt where his scars were, only there were none. He knew the powers of chaos the witch held, but he never guessed that she could repair the wounds not even the Alchemist could heal.
“Just one more thing,” the Witch said. The green orb reappeared at the end of her staff in a flash of light.
Jack felt his will drain once again and the sore pain shot up his legs as he was forced up.
“I only need one thing,” she said.
The witch forced Jack into a kiss. He felt both his heat and his life leave him, being drained by the Witch’s kiss. His struggling subsided the longer she held him to her. It was rather pleasant the longer it went on. Soon her eyes opened again and she removed her lips from his. He watched the last of his soul whirl in her eyes as it disappeared into her pupils. In his reflection from her eyes was a pale-faced man, whose eyes were darker than a night on a new moon save for his irises which held a bright red, just like the blood he spat to the ground. The green orb was gone from her staff, and his legs supported themselves and him. The pain was gone, along with every other pain he had felt.
“Your soul now belongs to me, my servant,” said the Witch. “My immortal soldier.”
I’ve got more fics here!
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neutral-good · 8 years
Written for Mercy76week Day 2: Support.
Also on ao3.
Jack Morrison had attended many ceremonies like this—one too many he would always say—but the same feeling of helplessness and loss never went away. He did his best to remain solemn, to remain collected because that was what he was trained to do under these circumstances. Because that was what was expected of him as Strike-Commander.
And so he did as was expected, shaking hands and offering condolences to the relatives of the men and women who had lost their lives for the cause. That in itself was no easy task but he managed despite the hardship.Though he would be lying if he said that was the hardest part about it.
No, the hardest part was the funeral itself. Watching as the deceased were lowered into the ground. A wave of helplessness always rushed over him doing these times and thoughts along the vein of "What could we have done differently? Was there any way to prevent this?" plagued his mind. But he steadied himself, as that was what was expected of him.
His comrades—his friends—those who survived their fallen allies, stood on either side of him, Reinhardt to his immediate left and Dr. Ziegler to his right. It came as no surprise to see Reinhardt as steely-eyed as himself at that moment. He had been there since the beginning, after all. As tragic as it may have sounded, the larger man was used to this as well. What did come as a surprise to Jack was Angela's composure.
It had only been a short while since she joined the ranks of Overwatch and it was the first time she was attending a ceremony such as this with the rest of the team. She had always projected herself as an empathetic person, able to relate to those around her with such ease, that he honestly expected her to be hit the hardest among them all. And yet she stood tall, not only now by his side, but throughout the entire event. Perhaps he didn't give her enough credit.
Jack had just returned his attention to the funeral when he felt the briefest of touches brush against his hand. He didn't react, not immediately, when that light touch was replaced by the weight of Angela's hand.
He looked at her once more through the side of his eye and only then did he notice the tiniest of cracks in her calm facade. The deep intake of her breath, the discreet blinking back of tears, the tentative bite of her lower lip—all small actions one would not notice if they weren't paying attention.
Though his earlier musings were proven right, Jack took no pleasure in learning that she too was hurting. He wasn't certain whether she had lost someone she had become close to or anything like that, but he knew that a loss was a loss, regardless of the mourner's relationship to the deceased. Instead, even if it was not expected of him, he let her rest her hand in his, giving it the gentlest of squeezes.
The action was enough for Angela to meet his gaze from the corner of her own eye. He offered her a small reassuring smile, hoping it's enough to give her some ease. She nodded her thanks in return before breaking eye contact.
The two remained that way until the ceremony, and though the atmosphere was that of a somber one, Jack was more than happy to offer a shoulder to lean against. Or a hand to hold on to.
This was originally intended for Day 1 of Mercy76 week but it wound up fitting the theme for Day 2 better than I originally expected.
I will try to churn out new fics for the rest of the week which will depend on my work schedule but fingers crossed.
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dodadum · 8 years
Mercy76 week - Day 1 “Firsts”
I just realised that this old draft kinda fits with the theme of day 1! First "date" and first kiss. I hope you enjoy my first published Mercy76 fic! (I am super nervous about posting this hahaha)
(Btw, the song I quote is The Devil by Michael Mott performed by Sierra Boggess. Go listen to it! It’s a great song ❤)
Jack, you really don’t have to do this..“ Angela groaned as Jack pushed her along with him out of the building. She could admit that she had been locked inside her office for a bit too long, but she had things to do! Jack couldn’t just barge into her office and force her with him outside. Not that she didn’t like it, she enjoyed having someone care about her own health for once.
“Oh yes I do! Angela you’ve been glued to that desk for three days now, you need to get some fresh air.” Jack said in a very scolding manner, but laughed it off. They exited the building and walked out into the chilly November weather. It wasn’t snowing, but it was still quite cold. Angela immediately felt her cheeks redden from the cold, as she was used to the heating in her office.
“Where are we even going?” Angela asked, tightening her scarf around her. She asked, a little irritated as she thought about all the work she still had to do when she got back. This had only delayed her research even further.
“It’s a surprise. And would you stop thinking about work? I can tell just by the look on your face that you’re thinking of that big heap of papers on your desk. Can you please try and relax? Just for today? For me?” Jack smiled and looked down at her with his puppy-dog eyes. Angela sighed and pouted her lips.
“I might try.” The corners of her mouth turned up into a soft smile.
“Alright, we’re here! You don’t even know it yet, Angie, but this is gonna be your new favourite restaurant.”
They rounded a corner and Jack pointed at a medium-sized building with a tiny sign in front of it that read “Maurice’s Angel Bistro”. Angela snickered and Jack glared down at her.
“What’s the deal? Are you mocking me for my taste in food?”
“No, no..” Angela laughed. “You do know that I know Maurice, right?”
Jack’s jaw fell to the ground.
“You know THE Maurice? How?!”
“I thought that’s why you brought me here.. He and I met while I was studying for a year in France and after meeting me he decided to branch his restaurant into Switzerland. I’ve been a loyal customer ever since. He’s like family! But we haven’t spoken at all since I joined Overwatch, so I doubt he’ll recognise me..” Angela gave a half-hearted smile and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. They stepped inside and the warm atmosphere was like a shock from the cold air outside. Before they were even barely inside they heard heavy footsteps quickly approaching them. Angela felt a pair of thick arms around her as she was swept into the air.
“Angela! Mon ange!” The man named Maurice exclaimed with a large smile. Angela smiled back with a laugh as Maurice put her back on the floor.
“Hello Maurice, it’s been way too long.”
“Indeed it has, mon cheri. You should know better and call every now and then!”
Jack could barely hear the man trough his thick French accent. He chuckled as Angela was put back down on the ground. That’s when Maurice looked at him.
“My my, isn’t it Jack Morrison, the poster boy of Overwatch itself? What are you doing with my angel out like this?” Maurice raised a brow and leaned in close to him. He was a very tall man, and easily overshadowed Jack.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that Monsieur! I’m just treating Angela dinner.”
“That’s a shame, she’s a very good girl you know.” Maurice whispered to him and grinned with a chuckle. Jack blushed.
“Come on, l’ll get you two a table before I go back into the kitchen.” Maurice led Jack and Angela to a table by a window, a little separated from the rest, and left them with some menus as he went back to the kitchen as he said he would.
Jack noticed there was someone up on the stage playing piano music and an empty mic standing in the middle of the stage. Perhaps it was open mic night?
“Maurice can be a bit overwhelming the first time you meet him, but I promise he’s a good man once you get to know him.” Angela said as she looked up from her menu.
“Oh, that was nothing. He seems nice.” Jack chuckled and closed his menu, having already decided on his dish. “Pick whatever you want, by the way. My treat.”
Angela wanted to resist and urge him that she could pay for herself, but knew she would be starting an already lost argument. She smiled in response and looked back into the menu.
“I’ve never been here on an open-mic night before. You think anyone will sing?” Jack asked as he looked back at the stage, making him miss Angela’s eyes widening with an expression similar to fear.
Not today. Any day but today, she thought to herself.
“I-I don’t know, no one has ever sung when I’ve been here!”
She tried to laugh away her nervousness but failed horribly.
Not long after they had been seated Maurice returned with a expensive-looking bottle of wine which he poured up in two glasses and placed them in front of Angela and Jack. They made their orders and Maurice took the menus. That’s when he glanced at Angela with a smirk.
Angela shook her head furiously.
“No, Maurice I am not going up there! I haven’t…”
“Nonsense! Pierre is here, he remembers your song well! Couldn’t you do it, just for this old fool? S'il vous plaît? For old times’ sake!” Maurice batted his eyelashes which made Angela laugh. Jack was staring at the two, wondering what in the world was going on.
Maurice then suddenly grabbed Angela’s arm and pulled her out of her seat.
“I’m very sorry, Monsieur Jack, but I am going to have to steal your angel for one moment. You will see her again soon, I promise.” Maurice winked and hurried with Angela towards the stage.
“I’m sorry, Jack!” Angela called back to him with a nervous smile before she was rushed away. Jack just chuckled, still very confused about the whole situation.
Jack watched Angela get put onto the stage and sat down on a bar-stool type of chair by the mic. The man by the piano finished his piece and looked at Angela, awaiting her call. She looked very nervous. Somehow Jack’s eyes met hers despite the distance between them and Jack gave her a reassuring smile. It seemed to calm her down as she smiled back and looked at the man by the piano who started playing soft notes. Then she started singing.
“Oh, the devil has a secret… And he’ll keep it as long as he can… He will mask his face any time or place, but beneath is one hell of a man.”
Jack was absolutely baffled and mesmerised by her voice. He could never have imagined that she could sing, especially like that. His heart seemed to flutter just listening to her.
“But when he calls out my name, I submit to his game… I remember the night when he followed my light as he came face to face with my flame…”
Jack never wanted that magical moment to end, but as the song drew to a close he cheered and clapped loudly along with the rest of the audience. Angela bowed with a wide and bright smile on her face before she made her way down from the stage back to their table. As she saw his gaping mouth she couldn’t help but laugh.
“Should I take that as a positive response?”
“Angela, that was absolutely amazing! I had no idea you could sing like that.” Jack gave her the most genuine smile he could as they sat back down and their food arrived. During their dinner, Angela couldn’t help but glance up at Jack’s few times, who looked very handsome in the candle light. She caught Jack’s glance a few times as well, thinking she had been caught when it in fact she caught him staring at her.
They said goodbye to Maurice on the way out of the restaurant to brace the great outdoors. It had already gotten dark and the only light now came from the moon and the dim streetlights. It had also started snowing, which left the both of them shocked. But it served as a reason for Angela to stay close to Jack so they could both be warm.
“Well, here we are.” Angela said as they closed up on her apartment building. She stayed close to him, wrapped around his arm all the way to the door.
“I had a great time at least, filled with lots of surprises.” Jack chuckled and looked down at her.
“I had a lovely time as well. Thank you for dragging me out here, Jack.” She smiled up at him. She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek but Jack’s head turned at the last second, by accident or not she’ll never know, and their lips met with a weird mix of cold air and warm breaths. What surprised them both was that neither of them pulled away at first, they simply stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Jack’s arm wrapped around her back and held her close, even when they parted. They both had a deep blush on their cheeks. Then they started laughing. Her laugh was one the most beautiful things he’d ever heard in his life, tied with her singing.
“Goodnight, Jack.” Angela smiled and kissed him on the cheek this time before slipping out of his grip and walking into her apartment building. She waved goodbye before she was completely gone. Jack’s heart felt like it was beating a thousand beats per minute and he grinned to himself as he made his way to the bus stop.
He just kissed Angela.
This had surely been the best day of his life.
Thanks for reading ❤
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pviane · 7 years
#76 Fan
This is a birthday fanfiction for my little D.Va: @stellania-0401
Enjoy your present!!!
생일 축하해 
After many attempts, Winston finally persuaded the world famous D.Va to join his new reformed Overwatch. Her presence in the team was a great boost in morale and fighting capabilities, as well as good publicity! Everyone in the team loved her as no one could resist her cheerful personality and cute looks. No one but a grumpy old man they called Soldier: 76. His lack of interest in her intrigued the Korean mech pilot and she started to annoy the masked vigilante any chance she got. When he finally snapped at her, she revealed her desire to know him more. After some insistence on Hana’s part, he agreed to spend some time training together. However, he did not go easy on her and during one of such training session she hurt her hand so badly 76 was forced to take her to Mercy for treatment.
“Hana, what happened this time?” the Swiss doctor asked Hana when she arrived.
“Oh, it’s nothing, really! Just a training injury!” she answered.
“You should be more careful! And 76 should not push you so hard!” Mercy commented.
“Can you wait outside? It won’t take long!” she told 76 just before shutting the door behind her, leaving him outside.
“Now tell me what happened!” Mercy asked with her usual motherly tone, sitting down on the table next to Hana.
“I told you it was nothing serious…” she replied snorting.
“Hana Song…. What happened?” Angela insisted pitting her fists against her flanks and staring down at her.
“Ugh! Fine, Mom! I misplaced my hand during an ejection practice and it got hurt when I was jettisoned out! It was a dumb move! I’m so embarrassed he saw me fuck up like that!”
Mercy smiled at her and started applying some biotic ointment on the wounded hand.
“You seem to love 76, don’t you?”
“Yes! When you get to know him is not that bad! He has this fatherly aura around him!”
“Oh, I have to take your word for it! He barely even looks at me!” Angela replied. She paused wondering why that mysterious man acted so strange around her all the time.
“Oh no matter!” Mercy continued, “Let me take some self-hardening bandages! We don’t want that hand to heal bad now, won’t we?”
The doctor stood up from the table and went to the cupboards to look for bandages. In her search, she inadvertently hit her note block, making it fall on the ground. Among the various piece of papers that scattered on the floor one in particular attracted Hana’s attention. She quickly jumped down the table and grabbed it before Mercy was able to collect it.
“Hellooo Handsome!” she exclaimed after a short whistle.
On that piece of paper, there was a black and white sketch of an attractive man. Judging by the shading, his hair and eyes were light and the smirk and the look on his face was so… captivating…
Raising her eyes from the drawing, Hana could see Mercy extending her hand to her. The expression on Angela’s face was a mixture of rage and embarrassment. Upon seeing the doctor’s impatience Hana smirked
“I this… important to you?” she mocked her
“No… I mean, Ya! Give it back!”
“I am not going to do that until you told me what it is!”
“HANA” Mercy shouted, her face becoming deep red.
 Outside the door Soldier: 76 heard Mercy’s cry and readied himself to intervene. Hearing no further commotion, he leaned against the door so he could hear the discussion between the two women more clearly.
 “Ok, Ok! Jeez, this picture must be very important!” Hana said, returning the piece of paper to its owner.
“It is...” Mercy replied, pausing some moments to contemplate the person in the sketch.
“He must have been important!” D.Va corrected herself
“Ya, he was!” Angela replied absent-mined, absorbed by the eyes she herself drew.
D.Va closed in.
“Can I… ask you who he was?”
Mercy dried a tear before it could fall from her eyes.
“The world knew him as Strike Commander Morrison, hero of the Omnic Crisis, leader of Overwatch, Champion of peace and hero to all…” she recounted “…but to me he was simply Jack… and he was my world”
Hana’s eyes widened
“You mean you and Jack Morrison, the Jack Morrison, were a thing?”
Angela simply nodded, sending D.Va into a fit of joy.
“AAAAAAAAH! This is TOO GOOD!” Hana cried holding her palms against the side of her head and swinging it left and right “My ship was REAL!!!!”
Her last words were met with confusion by Mercy
“Ship? What is that?” she asked
“Oh, a ship? Well… It’s when you think two people or characters are in a… romantic relationship even if that is not confirmed or even not possible…” D.Va responded, embarrassed.
“Isn’t it a bit childish?”
“I was twelve! Of course it was! But it felt so good thinking you two were a couple! And I was right too!”
Outside the door, Soldier: 76 chuckled at this last exchange
Mercy smiled again at Hana while bandaging her hand.
“Yeah you were! It’s sweet you thought of us together! May I ask why?”
“Only if you tell me the story of that picture after!”
“Deal! Why did you “shipped” me and Jack?”
“First of all it was not only me! An entire fandom shipped you! We called you 솔메르 in Korea. It means SolMer, because he was a Soldier and you Mercy!”
“Clever!” Mercy commented
“I followed a blog where people submitted content about you! Photos, news… but also fan made stuff like fanfictions and drawings. I was the 76th to follow the blog!”
“Oh, my! I never realized me or Jack could inspire such things! And so many fans!”
“Come on! You two looked amazing together at public events! And how could someone not make fan content about you! You go into battle dressed like an angel!”
“Point taken!” Mercy admitted
“Now you tell your part!” Hana requested
“Very well! It was a long time ago…Mein Gott, it feels like ages now! I was a young doctor that just joined Overwatch and I was hopelessly lost for the most handsome man on the planet. I knew him while working together and we developed a nice cooperation inside Overwatch but I felt like having no hope with a man much older than me and I believed he was out of my reach. So I expressed my feelings though drawings. I could spent entire hours doodling him. I was sketching this particular picture during one of those endless sessions when Jack himself popped on my door!”
“Uh Oh!” D.Va commented, even more interested in the story
“I was startled and tried to hide the fact that I was drawing. I quickly dropped the drawing pen I was holding and stood up in front of the table, facing him. He was carrying a passed-out Jesse McCree and was asking for my help. It was not the first time McCree drunk on duty and it was not uncommon to find him on my table unconscious. For that reason, I suggested Jack to punish him and he agreed with me. He asked me to find a needle, the biggest one I had.”
“I have fear of needles!”
“Jesse was terrified by them too! That’s why I enjoyed the idea of giving him the biggest scare of his life!”
“Mercy! I didn’t know our Angel could be a devil too!”
“He deserved it, trust me. Anyhow, while I was distracted by the needle, Jack discovered there was that drawing of him on my table and took it. I was barely able to see him with that piece of paper in his hands before he run outside blabbing about some urgent meeting with the UN that just popped up. I was SO embarrassed!”
“Why?” D.Va asked, “It’s a nice picture!”
“The point is: he had no idea of my fixation with him! I kept it as a secret for the fear of being rejected and now he was running away with one of my works! I was so paralyzed I could not even slap Jesse when he woke up in that same moment stating the obvious.”
“What did he said?” Hana asked
“He slurred ‘he stole your drawing’. I could see that, dumpkof!” Mercy answered pinching her nose in frustration. She was still angry with the Cowboy after all those years.
“And then? What happened? How did you get it back? I NEED TO KNOW!” D.Va begged.
“Well, after a while I caught him alone” Mercy resumed her tale “and demanded my drawing back. He agreed to return it to me, on one condition: a kiss.”
D.Va’s mouth opened wide in surprise
“Yes, a kiss. A simple kiss on his cheek. I was initially shy about the idea and I feared he might take advantage of it and stole a kiss on my lips. However, when I agreed he let me plant a kiss on his cheek and simply gave the sketch back. I was surprised by his honesty and when he asked me out for a break together some days later I was more than happy to go.”
“Ohhh” D.Va commented in awe “so that’s how it all started!”
“Yes. Over time our relationship deepened and we became much more than co-workers and friends. We became lovers. And one year later, on that day, I gifted him a much more refined version of that original drawing, which I still keep with myself as you saw.”
On the other side of the door Soldier: 76 backed up a little. He opened the zip on his Jacked and reached for something inside. He extracted a folded piece of paper and started opening it, careful not to tear the old thing. Pausing for a moment, he stared at the picture inside. The person in it looked back at him with his blue eyes. Jack Morrison’s blue eyes. The same eyes that were watering behind the visor right now.
After a brief pause, Hana asked one last question.
“So, after that it all ended with that… incident right?” she said looking down with sad eyes.
“Yes. However, in a way it never ends. You do not love a man like the way I loved him and simply stop. He is still inside me, in my memories, in my heart…
Hana kept her head down, trying to hide the fact that she was crying. Mercy noticed the shiny drops falling form her cheeks and cupped her face in her hands.
“You know, it may sound silly, but sometimes I hope he is still alive somewhere. A part of me cannot believe he is really dead.” She told D.Va.
“That would be nice!” the Korean girl replied wiping her tears “If only it was true!”
In that moment, the two heard knocking on the door. Angela stood up and went to open the door.
76 was still on the other side, waiting.
“Is she all right?” he asked without looking directly at the doctor
“Oh, she is a tough girl, she will be fine!”
Hana stood up and walked towards them. Without looking up or saying a word, she passed between them. Soldier: 76 rested a hand on her shoulder and she stopped.
“What’s wrong, soldier?” he asked
“Nothing…. Just that my favorite story will never have a happy ending.” She replied before resuming her slow walk down the hallway. 76 could clearly hear her sobbing and that was breaking his old heart. Looking down, he sucked up the pain.
“Never say never!” he whispered.
Then he raised his head and looked straight into Mercy’s eyes.
There you have it! A quick story where D.Va was actually a Mercy76 shipper :P
The drawing story is inspired by a wonderful comic by @ufficiosulretro
So if you want to see Mercy’s drawing, go see it on the original page!
I hope you all liked it!
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